#this photo is literally so girlfriend... it makes being a jets fan a little more bearable. still burns tho
jrueships · 1 year
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mimisempai · 3 years
Every time I look at you, I fall in love again
As he gazes at his sleeping lover, Loki remembers the moments where he fell in love with Mobius.OrFive times when Loki's heart pounded in a special way and once when it pounded in a familiar way.
Tumblr request : a 5+1 - it could be about moments in their relationship where Loki falls more in love w/ Mobius
2084 words - Rating G
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For once, Loki woke up this morning before Mobius.
Leaning on his hand, he took the opportunity to watch his beloved while he slept.
As he gazed at the sleeping features of his lover, he was once again taken aback by the strength of his feelings.
Loki had little or no experience with love, so he had nothing to compare to what he was experiencing with Mobius right now.
No one had made him feel the way the man made him feel.
It was as if Mobius had wrapped his roots around Loki's heart little by little but without imprisoning him.
Mobius' love had set him free.
In return, Loki's feelings had taken root in Mobius' constancy.
Sometimes Loki liked to think about how his feelings had developed, because it had all happened so quickly that he had never been able to enjoy those stolen first moments.
It would be hard for Loki to say exactly when he had begun to notice that his relationship with Mobius was different from any relationship he had had before, but what he was sure of was that no one had ever been able to see through him as quickly as Mobius.
"I don't like to talk."
"But you do like to lie, which you just did. Because we both know you love to talk. Talkie-talkie."
Honestly, at that moment, Loki thought fondly, if he hadn't been so angry at being found out, he would have laughed.
As a matter of fact, it had become a fond memory for them. Whenever Loki would go into one of his grandiloquent tirades, Mobius would simply make this little gesture with his hand and would mouth "Talkie Talkie"
" You don't know anything about me.
"Maybe I'd like to learn."
It was probably at that moment that Mobius had begun to touch something in Loki that no one had ever touched. The fact that anyone would even bother to genuinely learn about him was in itself new. Except for his mother and Thor, most people had always assumed the worst of him.
"Honestly, I'm actually a fan. Yeah. And I guess I'm wondering why does someone with so much range just wanna rule?
Mobius had been the first to make him question himself.
Of course, at the time, he was not at all receptive to what Mobius' words really meant.
It had taken him some time to admit the truth.
The moment he had admitted it, the naked truth, without any more artifice, he had been ready to receive the final blow, the ratification of his vileness, but no, nothing like that.
"Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear."
"'A desperate play for control.' You do know yourself."
"A villain."
"That's not how I see it."
That's not how I see it.
At that moment, Loki's heart had pounded for the first time.
The man in front of him had seen all the lowliness that Loki was capable of and yet he did not see him as a villain.
From the first hours of their meeting, he had made it impossible for Loki not to love him and from then on, his feelings had grown exponentially.
As he walked down the path of his memories, Loki continued to gaze at Mobius as he slept. A small miracle in itself for Loki.
Knowing who Loki was, Mobius slept in his presence. The perfect image of absolute trust.
Loki sometimes still had trouble feeling worthy of such trust.
Seeing him sleeping like that, he thought of the day when he himself had first fallen asleep in this way with Mobius.
The day he fell a little more in love with Mobius.
It started with Mobius taking the blame for the failure of their first mission together, when it was all Loki's fault. They could have just pruned him, but no, Mobius had pleaded his case to Ravonna.
Then Loki had presented his theory to Mobius, admittedly with a rather shaky metaphor, even ruining one of his lover's favorite dishes.
"Well, here's a fun theory. You lure me out into the field, and then you stab me in the back. And that's a theory I don't wanna test."
"I'd never stab anyone in the back. That's such a boring form of betrayal."
"Loki, I've studied almost every moment of your entire life. You've literally stabbed people in the back, like, 50 times."
"Well, I'd never do it again, because it got old."
Mobius laughed and chose to follow Loki's theory, even though Loki had given him no reason to believe in him until now. Even though his theory was based on almost nothing, Mobius had chosen to believe Loki.
Then they returned from Pompeii and something happened that had never happened to Loki, he had fallen asleep. Loki, who was distrustful of everything and nothing, had simply fallen asleep in the presence of someone he hardly knew. As if his heart had understood before his mind that he had nothing to fear from Mobius.
When Mobius had woken him up, Loki's heart had pounded for the second time, and it wasn't fright that had caused it, but the realization that Loki was falling in love and falling deeply.
As he looked up from his contemplation of Mobius, Loki's gaze fell on the photo that lay on his nightstand. A memory of their first vacations, when Mobius had finally realized his dream. In the middle of the paradisiacal decor of an island in Midgard, Loki had taken this photo of Mobius piloting -at last- a jetski. So much joy on his face.
Another thing that made Loki fall in love a little more: the passion of his lover for some small insignificant things.
Josta, salad, jet-ski...
"You know, some things... Actually, most things in history are kinda dumb, and everything gets ruined eventually. But in the early 1990s, for a brief, shining moment, there was a beautiful union of form and function, which we call the jet ski, and a reasonable man cannot differ."
"You ever been on one?"
"No... No. I think a TVA agent showing up on a jet ski on the Sacred Timeline, that would create a branch for sure."
"Oh it'd be fun, though."
"Yeah, it'd be really fun."
"So, why read about them?"
"It just helps remind me of what we're fighting for."
The expression Mobius had had at that moment, when he had said something like that with such candor had made Loki fall even more.
And his heart had pounded for the third time.
While he had sensed that what would happen next would destroy what Mobius believed in, Loki had not been able to stop himself from wanting to protect him and his happiness, and to hope that one day he would be able to realize his dream.
With his eyes on the photo commemorating a very real memory, he felt a sense of satisfaction, because his lover had been able to realize this dream and Loki had been there to witness it.
"Loki... Don't go..."
Loki's eyes returned from the picture to his lover, whose features were now tense, probably from a nightmare.
"I'm here love, I'm not leaving. I'm staying with you."
Saying this, Loki gently strokes Mobius' cheek and his expression immediately relaxes. After a few seconds,he was sleeping peacefully again.
Loki didn't need to read Mobius' mind to know what he had dreamed.
He had known that he had taken a huge risk when he had decided to follow Sylvie and he had known that the reunion with Mobius would not be easy.
After all, he had betrayed him. But of all the acts of betrayal that Loki had been guilty of, this was the one that had cost him the most. Because of the feelings he was beginning to have for Mobius.
But what he hadn't imagined was that Mobius would almost turn into a jealous lover, even though at that point they didn't have that kind of relationship at all.
Loki had been incredibly surprised that it wasn't Loki's betrayal that had hurt Mobius the most, but the fact that he had made a connection with Sylvie.
"Come on. Look at your eyes. You like her."
"You like her. Does she like you?"
"Both of you were just swooning over each other."
"It's breaking my reality right now. What an incredible seismic narcissist. You fell for yourself."
"I'm supposed to believe your terrorist girlfriend"
"What, your female self that you have some demented crush on…"
Loki's heart had pounded for the fourth time when he realized what it could mean. He had fallen a little more at the thought of Mobius, at the thought that the man might be jealous, at the thought of what it might mean about Mobius' feelings for him.
Then there had been that moment of grace, the exact moment when Loki had known that he was definitely in love with Mobius.
For the first time, when everything was against him, someone had chosen to believe in him. That someone was Mobius.
Even though he was clearly angry with Loki, he still listened to him and chose to believe him.
Despite Loki's attempts at manipulation, betrayals, and mistakes, Mobius renewed his faith in him and spoke those words that were imprinted in Loki's head.
"You could be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good. I mean, just in case anyone ever told you different."
Loki's throat tightened as he was overwhelmed by the emotion of the memory.
Mobius had no idea how many wounds he had healed in Loki at that moment.
After what Loki had done, where Odin and Thor had not forgiven him, not only had Mobius forgiven him but even more amazingly, he had shown that he believed that Loki was capable of being good, of doing good.
At that moment, Loki's heart did not pound once, but thousands of times, at full speed.  Because of the joy and love that filled it.
The sudden disappearance of Mobius just afterwards had been all the more cruel. Because at that moment, they didn't know about the Void and Loki had thought Mobius was lost forever. He had been devastated.
He couldn't help but touch Mobius' face, gently so as not to wake him, then he whispered softly, "You too Mobius, do not ever leave me."
They had found each other again.
When he first saw Mobius after he thought he had lost him, it only confirmed Loki's feelings for Mobius.
The way his heart had pounded at the sight of the one he loved was impossible to ignore.
So when they had to part once again, Loki had not been able to resist the pull of his heart, and instead of grabbing Mobius' hand, he had taken the man in his arms.
Loki had held Mobius in his arms many times since that moment, but he would never forget the feeling of that first hug. The feeling that the universe was in place. That he was where he belonged, that he was home.  He had expressed without words all that he felt and Mobius had answered him in the same way. They had to part again, but this time the bond between them was undeniable and unbreakable.
They had to go through a lot to finally enjoy their love, without the sword of Damocles, without the threat of the end of the world, or of a multiversal war over their heads, but they had made it. They were here now.
With each passing day, Loki fell a little more in love.
The Midgardian saying, I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow, had become his.
Because every time he looked at Mobius and realized the love they shared, he felt like it was stronger.
Mobius moved in his sleep, making the sheet slide off his shoulder.
Loki could not resist and leaned over to kiss the bare shoulder. Mobius woke up and turned to face Loki with a sleepy smile on his lips.
"Hey there handsome," Mobius whispered to Loki, gently kissing Loki's cheek. Loki's heart fluttered in a familiar way now, at such gentleness and at the adoration he read in his lover's eyes.
"Hey love," whispered Loki.
Mobius kissed him, his lips pressing lazily against Loki's. Loki smiled and kissed him back, happy.
Together they enjoyed the delights of a perfect, quiet morning.
All other one-shots of this series here : X
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
MATCHING PJs, Dance Battles & Quality Family Time Were All The Makings Of A FAB Christmas ’19 – Here’s How Celebs Celebrated!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! See how celebs celebrated Christmas ’19 when you go inside…
Christmas ’19 was all about family and fun. Celebs and their kiddies got all dressed up (or dressed down) in matching pajamas to see what Santa brought them this year. And it looks like everyone made the Nice list.
Ciara & Russell Wilson, reunited LaLa & Carmelo Anthony, Gabrielle Union & Dwyane Wade, Steph & Ayesha Curry along with their kids were all decked out in cute PJs this Christmas SZN.
The Wades decided they wanted to be warm this XMAS, so they jetted to Maui for the holidays. Swipe below to see their videos:
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                  Christmas with The Wades in Maui! #YBFLiving #YBFHolidays #YBFFamily
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Dec 25, 2019 at 2:56pm PST
  The Wilsons turned all the way up to Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You":
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                      A post shared by Ciara (@ciara) on Dec 25, 2019 at 11:58am PST
  Every time Christmas rolls around, Will Smith and his family never disappoint. This year, there was a karaoke competition and the Oscar nominated actor showed off some hip action and flexed his vocals. “How Santa Got His Groove Back,” he captioned a video of himself and his daughter Willow Smith that his wife/Red Table Talk host Jada Pinkett Smith recorded.
Get your laugh on below:
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                  How Santa Got His Groove Back : @jadapinkettsmith
A post shared by Will Smith (@willsmith) on Dec 26, 2019 at 12:25pm PST
Oh yeah, Willow and her boyfriend Tyler Cole are still going strong, spending the holidays together:
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                  BIG SHREDZ//<MERRY DRIPMAS>
A post shared by ∴ WILLOW ∴ (@willowsmith) on Dec 25, 2019 at 1:22pm PST
  New dad again Chris Brown loaded his daughter, Royalty Brown, with CASH!
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                  Dads the best!
A post shared by Royalty Brown Official (@missroyaltybrown) on Dec 24, 2019 at 1:39pm PST
  "The Real" co-host Tamera Mowry Housley, her husband Adam Housley and their kiddies - Aden & Ariah - wished everyone a Merry Christmas:
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                  #MerryChristmas guys!! Wishing you all a beautiful day #holidays #family @thehousleylife @adamhousley #thehousleylife
A post shared by tameramowrytwo (@tameramowrytwo) on Dec 25, 2019 at 10:08am PST
  Lil Nas X celebrated Christmas '19 with his pops and his MTV Moon Man:
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                  gave my dad my moon man! happy holidays! (ITS NOT HIS PRESENT)
A post shared by Lil Nas X (@lilnasx) on Dec 24, 2019 at 7:17am PST
  Zhuri James melted our hearts when she started singing Beyonce's "Brown Skin Girls" after opening up one of her dolls:
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                      A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Dec 25, 2019 at 6:23pm PST
  By the way, Zhuri James has an Instagram & YouTube channel coming in 2020 thanks to dad LeBron James & mom Savannah James. Get the deets HERE.
Sadly, this was Megan Thee Stallion's first Christmas without her mother and great grandmother. She hopped on Instagram to remind her Hotties to uplift one another.
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                  We love you Meg! Via @theestallion
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Dec 25, 2019 at 6:50pm PST
  "Power" star/singer Rotimi and his girlfriend Vanessa Mdee were all wrapped up in love on Christmas Day...literally:
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                  Merry Christmas from The Buttascotch’s
A post shared by Rotimi (@rotimi) on Dec 25, 2019 at 10:55am PST
  "Power" star Naturi Naughton and her daughter Zuri spent the holiday with family:
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                  Wishing you all happiness, joy and peace this holiday season! Cherish those you love not just on Christmas but the whole year through! #MerryChristmas #BabyZ #mymommyanddaddy #NaughtonChristmas #soblessed
A post shared by Naturi Naughton (@naturi4real) on Dec 26, 2019 at 8:52am PST
  Joie Chavis shared a Christmas shoot she did with her daughter Shai Moss (whom she shares with rapper/actor Bow Wow) and Hendrix Wilburn (whom she shares with rapper Future):
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                  Merry Christmas y’all : @patty.othon
A post shared by Joy. (@joiechavis) on Dec 25, 2019 at 10:17am PST
  Steve Harvey's wife Marjorie Harvey had WAY too much fun with the kids' toys:
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                  Why am I having this much fun on the kids toys
A post shared by Marjorie Harvey (@marjorie_harvey) on Dec 25, 2019 at 1:00pm PST
Singing sisters/"Grown-ish" stars Chloe x Halle served up a light Christmas twerk for the holiday season:
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                  HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
A post shared by chloe x halle (@chloexhalle) on Dec 25, 2019 at 1:04pm PST
    "BlackLightning" actress Nafessa Williams had fun with her sisters and her nephew at 3 in the morning Christmas Day:
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                  We still going up at my house! Litty Christmas 3:23am Safe to say I earned it! [Btw, my sister been on the phone with her boyfriend ALL day, she’s holding the phone while doing this video, MAJOR boo love] #Woah
A post shared by Nafessa Williams (@nafessawilliams) on Dec 26, 2019 at 12:23am PST
  Ludacris & Eudoxie's daughters gave away Christmas gifts in Gabon, Africa:
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                  @unspokenangels Christmas in Gabon. My little helpers spent the day giving presents and also learning new dance moves. They had many questions about the orphanages we gifted to and wanted to know why the children didn’t have parents... #childrenarethefuture #leadingbyexample #love #caring #unspokenangels
A post shared by Eudoxie (Eh-dox-ee) Bridges (@eudoxie) on Dec 26, 2019 at 4:03pm PST
    T.I. and Tiny's daughter Heiress Harris served up laughs on Christmas:
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                  The obsession is changing a bit still a big @itsjojosiwa fan but to add to that she loves @ryansworld & these eggs he got!! Anywho this kid was made for this thing we call entertainment!! @realnickroses u better get into now 20/20 Happy Holidays #PrincessHeiressDiana #RyanWorldsEggs #Christmas2019
A post shared by Majorgirl (@majorgirl) on Dec 26, 2019 at 10:03am PST
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                  Another amazing Christmas with my big family!! @majorpharris & @troubleman31 was out all night being Santa Clause.. I’m more than Thankful for all of my Love #OurXmasEveTradition
A post shared by Majorgirl (@majorgirl) on Dec 25, 2019 at 11:36am PST
  John Legend, Chrissy Teigen and their kiddies celebrated Christmas in Wyoming:
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                      A post shared by John Legend (@johnlegend) on Dec 25, 2019 at 11:55am PST
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                  The snow is very bright in Wyoming
A post shared by John Legend (@johnlegend) on Dec 25, 2019 at 2:16pm PST
    Kevin Hart, his wife Eniko Hart, and his kids Heaven & Hendrix spent Christmas at a Lakers game:
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                  #Harts #HolidayHarts #MerryChristmas
A post shared by Kevin Hart (@kevinhart4real) on Dec 25, 2019 at 7:55pm PST
  Kev got sat on by Lakers baller Anthony Davis:
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                  Look out @kevinhart4real!!
A post shared by NBA (@nba) on Dec 25, 2019 at 6:50pm PST
  Hilar! By the way, Kev's upcoming docu-series "Don't F*ck This Up" will be available to stream tomorrow on Netflix.
City Girls' rapper Yung Miami's daughter Summer served up all the kiddie Christmas cuteness:
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A post shared by Caresha .. (@yungmiami305) on Dec 25, 2019 at 7:48pm PST
  Rev. Jesse Jackson spent Christmas posting bonds for a handful of inmates at Cook County Jail in Chicago so they could spend the holiday with their loved ones. Here's a clip of Rev. Jackson walking with the newly released inmates below:
    Here's Jesse Jackson walking out hand-in-hand with three of the men he bailed out of jail on Christmas. Two were in on marijuana charges and the third had a DUI, all unable to pay the $500 needed to get out. pic.twitter.com/rbShPAIzw5
— Nader Issa (@NaderDIssa) December 26, 2019
      And there's tons more! Swipe through our gallery below to see what all your faves were up to this Christmas SZN!
  Photos: Ciara's IG/LaLa's IG/Gabby's IG/Ayesha's IG
  CHRISTMAS 2019 With Your YBF Faves!
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/12/26/matching-pjs-seflies-quality-family-time-were-all-the-makings-of-a-fab-christmas-%E2%80%9919-%E2%80%93-he
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beccafcknhood · 7 years
Japan (Shawn Mendes)
Hey! I’ve been inspired to write this fluff by the Instagram Shawn uploaded, plus I’ve always wanted to go to Japan, so here it is, I hope you like it :) Only thing I have to say, that Shawn’s girlfirend here’s 18!
Word count: 1.1k
Warning: none, just too much fluff
I tossed and turned myself to the point, that it became morning, and the sunrays – instead of warming my body – pointed right to my face, making me grumpy in a matter of seconds. I covered my face with my right arm, inhaling the dry air, then stretching my limbs. After I hid my face into the huge, white pillow it became quite obvious, that it wasn’t my usual one, judging only by the size of it. It took me a good two minutes to realize, I wasn’t in my own flat, neither in my country.
Then I heard the quiet, angelic voice coming from the shower, and I suddenly had a picture of where the hell I must be. To be honest, I should never have had any doubts about my current situation, not only because I’ve spent more than twenty – four hours in the air, but because I’ve been waiting for this trip for months. Well, not exactly a trip, more likely a promotional tour for Shawn’s album, Illuminate, but still a trip for me.
I rolled to my other side, not being able to get up just yet. Of course, it seemed like Shawn and jet – lag had completely different plans with me. I realized this when Shawn pulled the covers off of my slightly underdressed body, letting the cold air to come in contact with my skin.
‘Mendes!!’ I screamed when he jumped on the bed, but he just continued to be his five – year – old self.
He looked so carefree, and to tell the truth, I was more than happy to accept his childish behavior if it meant, that he’d be this content and relaxed. But still, I refused him, letting me play with his emotion for just a little longer, not allowing his cuteness to get to me. He tried everything though, from pulling me to his naked torso, peppering my face and bare shoulders with kisses to trying to be all cute, but when he seriously looked at me, directly into my eyes I gave in, softly smiling up at him. I slowly caressed his flushed cheeks, then brushed through his curly, still a bit wet locks with my fingers.
He looked so young, but then I remembered, he was still only 18, and for a few more months I was 18 as well. We were two 18 – olds together in Japan, laying in one of Tokyo’s fanciest hotels, looking at each other lovingly. Wow.
I was taken back to the reality, when Shawn kissed me sweetly but passionately, resting his lips on mine for another moment, then rolling beside me and pulling me into his embrace, kissing the top of my head.
‘I’m so grateful for you being here with me’ he mumbled close to my ear.
‘You know I happily obliged when you asked me to come. I always wanted to visit Japan.’
After another few minutes – maybe twenty, but let’s just say a few – I decided to end this lazy morning, and get on with my usual morning routine. I listened to Patience as I did a very minimal makeup, and curled my hair. I left the rather small bathroom, to find Shawn talking to his phone, then showing the view from our room to the fans. As he finished recording the video to Instagram or Snapchat he turns to me and gives me an adorable smile.
He has this day off, so we decide, to go on a walk around in Tokyo, and visit as many interesting sights and places as it’s possible. We walk around hand in hand, trying to seem as ordinary as we can, but with him being highly popular in Japan as well, I find it pretty hard. We can’t even reach our first destination without being stopped at least a hundred times. At first, it’s hard to remain totally relaxed, but then I see the smile on the fan’s and Shawn’s face and that’s more than enough to make me happy and offer to be the one who takes a photo of everyone with Shawn.
Our first stop’s the extremely crowded Takeshita street, then we stop and have lunch in Calbee. After that, we go to Ueno Park and walk around for quite some time.
‘Do you want some ice – cream?’ He asks.
‘Is that really a question Shawn?’ I laugh at him, standing on my tiptoes to be able to kiss him on his cheek. He smiles widely with his perfect teeth, pulling me to his side by my waist. We always paid attention, not to show too much PDA, but sometimes we were more affectionate towards each other, just like this time. It was hard to resist kissing him when I felt incredibly happy and so in love. 
We ask someone to take a photo of us in front of the Toshogu Shrine, then we continue to walk, and end up by the lake, where we rent one of those paddle boats. The pink one, much to Shawn’s dismay. He whines about the color until I shut him up with a slightly longer kiss. Then we start to paddle and scream like little kids. The fun doesn’t end when I run out of breath and Shawn makes fun of my lack of strength and I lightly hit his shoulder. He tells me a joke about some ducks, and it literally isn’t funny at all, but I still laugh at Shawn’s dorkiness.
I’m kind of sad when we have to paddle back and leave the boat behind, but when Shawn tells me we can go and find a shop, where they sell Gudetama, my mood improves straight off. This’s how I end up with some fluffy pocket scarf and a phone case.
‘I think, I’m never gonna understand, why you like…this’
‘I never asked you’ I gave him a judgy look, putting my newly bought treasure in my backpack.
‘But you love this woman, don’t you Shawny?’ I smile at him sweetly, batting my eyelashes.
‘I sadly can’t deny that’
‘Sadly??’ I say, playing the role of the ‘overreacting girlfriend’.
‘Oh God, baby, stop.’ He chuckles, intertwining our fingers.
We arrive at our hotel right after it gets dark and we don’t have much energy left, so we just chill in the hot tub, that’s part of our balcony, and talk about the upcoming events. I cuddle into Shawn, as I listen to his soothing voice, and enjoy his touch on my thighs and waist. I plant a kiss on his left shoulder, feeling more content than ever, thinking about the day we spent together, and how Japan’s always going to be one of my happy places after all.
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