#this picture became me having too much fun with hair tbh i really enjoy drawing jin ling's hair
benevolenterrancy · 1 year
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He’s not going to cry. Neither of them should be crying, preferably, but it definitely can’t be both, because that way only leads to disaster.
I just finished reading Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller and it completely suckerpunched me with uncle-nephew feels so have an emotional Jin Ling with Wei Wuxian
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ineedmoredragons · 3 years
Tag Game
@einsesk tagged me, thank you! Again, sorry this is late. :)
1. Why did you choose your url?
I would draw tons of dragons as a kid when I became obsessed with them after watching the movie, Dragon Slayer (A movie I was probably too young to have seen tbh. The movie rental store from my childhood was a very carefree environment). Though I don’t draw dragons much anymore these days (unless my own kid makes a request), I still enjoy various media with dragons, like BioWare’s Dragon Age video game series.
2. Any side blogs?
Not anymore. This one has become my main and only blog.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Since the beginning of this site, but I abandoned my old original blog years ago after my hiatus.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Nope. I have no system here.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I made this one originally for gaming stuff. After my hiatus (which happened when my art and my friends art was being flagged and removed sadly) I started using this as my main blog when I wanted to retire from my old one. My old blog is/was filled with Phantom of the Opera stuff and fanart I made. I had a lot of paintings of Erik and Christine on there. Many removed however. Not sure why. Nothing was explicit.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
My icon is my art of Raya Underhill from Control. I’ve had three icons over the years and all have been my art. First was my oc from Dragon Age. Second, was my pencil drawing of Casper Darling. And now, Raya. Been on a Control theme lately.
7. Why did you choose your header?
I recently just changed it from a picture from Dragon Slayer (that I had on the blog since the beginning) to my fanart of a long haired Casper Darling I made awhile ago. Wanted some change.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
One of my fanart pieces of Jesse Faden and Emily Pope from Control. The one where they look to be floating/falling while embracing each other. I’m really proud of that one. Took me awhile to finish it. :)
9. How many mutuals do you have?
A good few. :)
10. How many followers do you have?
Under 100.
11. How many people do you follow?
Over 100. I think many blogs I did follow have been abandoned though.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Not sure. Does my gushing of Casper Darling count?
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
I check it on breaks if not too busy and when I’m making meals for myself and the kid. Sometimes I check it at night after putting the kid to bed, but I mostly use that time to draw, play games, or try to catch up on shows if I’m not too exhausted.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I actually don’t see many of those posts. I don’t have anything against them though.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes! I’m just always late in replying.
17. Do you like ask games?
Yep, they can be fun.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Hmm…? Idk. Maybe an old artist friend I had back in the early days of tumblr. They left when the site started to delete their work without warning. Not many older fan artists stayed during that time period. That’s why I took a hiatus for several years. Got very sad about the whole thing.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I tag anyone who would like to do this! :)
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with you [chapter four]
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Summary: Clementine pops the question, Louis has nightmares, Violet can’t let go of the past, Mitch doesn’t know how to handle gross feelings, Ruby’s a goddamn sweetheart, Willy doesn’t ever remember to knock, Aasim can’t dance, and James is here, too.
Nothing like a wedding to bring this family together.
Note: tbh working on this story at night is the only thing holding my sanity together while I’m taking care of my grams. But also this chapter was a huge pain in the ass to fix and I’m 0.02 seconds away from punching a hole in the wall. But it’s fine because it’s finished and I ran all the way home just to quickly post this. 
Anyway, thank you for reading and your constant support. It truly means a lot to me. I hope you enjoy ch4. ❤️
Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4
Read on: AO3
The page remains blank.
No matter how much Violet wills the pen to move on its own, to put all thoughts both known and unconscious to paper, it remains beside the open notebook. As outrageous as it sounds, a small part of her hopes one day the pen will magically come to life and solve all of her problems with its problem-solving ink. Then everything will be okay. 
Though she has a feeling the walkers will go extinct before her pen develops a sentient personality or therapeutic skills. 
And she’ll be dead by then, so it wouldn’t matter anyway. 
“It helps if you pick up the pen,” Aasim said, not bothering to look up from his own work. “Just saying.”
She knows even by his deadpan tone that he’s trying to joke with her, even if he’s not good at it. Laying bait for her to bite back with a sarcastic remark of her own. 
“But then I’d actually have to write something down.”
“Oh no,” Aasim smirks, paying her a brief glance. “Effort.”
That cracks a small smile out of her, and for a fleeting moment, they’re smiling at each other as if that’s a normal thing. It’s hard to maintain that connection, so damn hard, so Violet hides her smile from him by turning away to look towards the gates.
The very same gates that Clementine, AJ, and Rosie pass through. Back from patrol, if she overheard correctly. Even from a distance, Violet can see the delighted grin Clementine wears, a grin only matched by AJ’s. Far brighter than Violet’s. 
AJ hugs her tightly before breaking away and bolting towards Louis, James, and Tenn. Clementine remains, though, arms folded over her chest as she watches the group of boys with such fondness that it damn near makes Violet want to scream.
Shit, just…. Shit . 
“Hey,” Aasim reaches over, tapping on the blank page of her journal with his own worn-out pen to grab her attention. “Lucy had her babies this morning. Seven of them. Well, eight, but one of them didn’t make it.”
Violet tears her glare away from Clementine to instead glare at Aasim. 
“Who the hell is Lucy?”
“One of the pregnant rabbits, remember? Not the one that had babies last week, the other one.”
“We’re still naming them?” Violet asks. Aasim made it very clear that no names were to be used when they started up the rabbit farm by the greenhouse. 
“They’re food, not pets. No names. No attachments.” 
That didn’t last long.
“ I didn’t name her,” Aasim corrects. “Willy did, even though I’ve told him again and again not to. Now when it comes time for us to put Lucy down, he’s not going to talk to me for another two weeks, as if I’m the only one at fault. Remember Albert?”
“Ah, Prince Albert,” Violet nods. “He sure was delicious.”
Everyone agreed that the lovely Prince Albert was one of the handsomest rabbits they had with his snow white fur offset by brown feet and ears. They also agreed that he made one of the best rabbit stews Omar’s ever created. 
Including Willy. That is until Omar offered him one of Prince Albert’s lucky feet and Willy realized just who he had consumed. 
The boy didn’t speak to Aasim or Omar for a week, but Violet believes that he still carries around one of Prince Albert’s feet for good luck, despite everything. 
“Yeah, anyway, did you want to come with me to check on them? Ruby’s out there now. Maybe you could stay with her and help out?”
Violet scoffs. 
“Look, I’ll take your night shift, too,” Aasim adds. “That way you don’t spend all day out there and then have to do a night shift.” 
“I like having the night shift.”
“Every night?”
“Well,” Aasim taps his pen against the table, thinking loudly to himself. “I’m giving you the night off anyway. Ruby would appreciate your company.”
Oh, would she, now…?
It’s not that Violet minds Ruby. She’s the only girl Violet has left to talk to at this place- the only girl she’s willing to talk to, actually. 
Violet would say that she enjoys evenings spent with Ruby… most of the time. 
The problem with talking to or spending time with Ruby is she’s a lot. Not in the same way Louis is, but more in an overbearing mother sort of way. Always asking her how she’s feeling, asking about her day, if there’s anything she can do to help Violet out or if she wants to do this or that. She’s far too pushy sometimes, especially when it comes to shit she doesn’t understand. 
“Clem’s tryin’, Vi.”
As if Ruby has all the answers to make her happy. She always makes it sound so damn easy. 
“Why can’t ya just talk to each other?”
The problem is that Ruby tries to take care of everyone so that she doesn’t have to think about how to make herself happy. Why focus on your problems when you can bury your pains and wishes beneath fairy tales and other people’s problems?
At least, that’s Violet’s assumption. 
Maybe Ruby is happy. 
Maybe Violet just wishes she wasn’t. 
Fucking hell. 
Just when she thought she couldn’t be any more fucked...
“My company or yours?” Violet mumbles, finally picking up her pen, putting it to paper. 
“What? My company- oh, I see.” Aasim rolls his eyes, dropping his pen in the book before shutting it. “Ha ha, very funny. I get it.”
Violet nearly rolls her eyes, too. Speaking of those who don’t bother with their own shit-
“I was thinking that it’d be good for you to go out there and help her, that’s all,” Aasim says, tucking his notebook under his arm and standing from the table. He means to walk away on that annoying note but hesitates. Then, lowering his voice to one of disquiet, he says, “I’m worried about you. So is everyone else.”
“I’m fine, Aasim.”
“...Right,” he sighs heavily. “Please go help Ruby with the rabbits. I’m only going to be there for a little bit before heading out to check the traps with Louis, and she could really use the help. Please?”
Aasim lingers, shifting his weight as he gives her a chance to say something more, a chance she refuses. 
“Thank you.”
With that, he’s walking away, leaving her by herself to finish a doodle of a pen with curly hair and fire for eyes with a speech bubble. 
“Why are ya still here?”
“Is my neck supposed to feel this stiff?”
“Yes. It’s a sign of a good, unmoving model.”
“Well, good to hear that my career is off to a good start.”
Louis is still sitting there at the table, cracking jokes and trying his best not to move while James and Tenn draw. James points to various parts of Louis’ face before motioning to Tenn’s paper, something that brings a grin to Clementine’s face. 
“Don’t worry, Clem,” says AJ as he hugs her. “I won’t say anything. Can I go draw now?”
“Have fun, kiddo.”
She can safely leave AJ to catch up on art lessons with James. He promised her he wouldn’t breathe a word of this to anyone- even Tenn- until she had everything all planned out.
Now that Mitch has the measurements, the ring is- hopefully- being taken care of, so all that leaves is how she plans on doing this. Several lingering thoughts follow her as she spends most of the day helping around the school, doing usual repairs to the gate and their walls. 
She would’ve checked on Lucy and the other rabbits, but Aasim warned her that Violet was there with Ruby and Louis. She almost pushed him aside and went in anyway, but damn it, she knows better by this point. 
Instead, she and AJ help Omar clean out the fire pit and gather fresh wood, briefly considering letting him in on her intentions. Omar’s a trustworthy friend and while she appreciates his opinion, she decides against telling anyone else until she has the ring. She’s found that battling her eagerness to be growing more difficult with every passing day. 
So much so that she also considers asking about the progress on said ring when she finds Mitch and James near the library’s entrance, speaking in hushed whispers that she couldn’t make out. All talk stopped when she approached them, and began again when Mitch became snappy with her before dragging James away. 
Odd, and not boding well for her, but she firmly believes that if there were any issues she should know about, Mitch would tell her.
When the sky finally turns a lovely mixture of pink and orange, AJ gives her a hug goodnight before making his way over to Tenn’s room for another sleepover. 
Before retiring to her dorm for the night, Clementine pokes her head into the music room to find it empty. A slight disappointment falls over her as she hoped Louis would be up for some piano lessons, but that dissipates when she finds Louis kneeling on AJ’s desk with a roll of duct tape hanging from his mouth when she walks in, a stack of drawings placed beside him. He’s taping up one of the portraits of himself on the wall.
“Ey!” He waves at her before spitting the tape out. “Look at these!” He hops off the desk and points at the one he just hung up. “That’s the one James drew. Charming, isn’t it?”
The amount of detail in the portrait is startling, a fully shaded-in head portrait of Louis that seemingly stares right at her. Even the little details, like his freckles and the scar on his chin, are noticeable.
“It’s way weirder than I thought it’d be,” he says, “having someone stare and dissect every part of your face. Did you know I have a very angular jawline?” He tilts his head up to prove his point. “And James said I have a nice eye shape.”
“He did do you justice,” she says, still admiring the picture. “Very handsome.”
His chuckle comes out loud and anxious, not having expected her to say that. 
“Hah, yeah, except,” then Louis pushes his jacket back to place his hands on his hips, “uhm, do you think my nose is big?”
“James said I have a wider nose. He drew it bigger than it actually is, right?”  
“You have a very cute nose.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
Clementine giggles. “Your nose is perfectly fine, Louis.”
He eyes the portrait, still uncertain, only to then gasp as if just remembering something. 
“Oh, wait though, ready for this?” He searches through the pile before plucking the one he wants out. “ This is the one Tenn drew.” He proudly holds it up.
She can’t say she’s not impressed. It’s nowhere near as proportional or advanced as James’, but Clementine can see the effort and charm within the lines. Definitely Tenn’s work.
“Wow,” Clementine smirks, nudging him. “I see it now. James is right, you do have a big nose.”
“ Hey ,” Louis reaches up and playfully pinches her nose, “big talk from little button nose over here.” Louis sticks Tenn’s portrait on the wall, next to James’. “There! We’re getting quite the art gallery.”
“One’s missing, though.” Clementine grabs Louis’ picture of Rosie off the desk and tapes it up with the others.
“Seriously?” he asks sheepishly.
“Oh yeah. We’re never taking that one down.”
Louis continues to look through the rest of the drawings. He hums to himself lightly, a tune she recognizes. He sticks more drawings on the wall; ones that AJ drew of him and Tenn, one he drew of Disco Broccoli.
He pauses when he comes across the one of AJ, Clementine, and him. The one with the beach ball. He smiles fondly at it before sticking it up there with the rest.
She sits on AJ’s bed, leaning against the frame to close her eyes and listen to his cheerful humming. 
One of the few things she loves in this world is the comfort she has when he’s around. 
It’s a comfort she never thought she’d find again. Before Ericson, she and AJ never had time for comfortable peace. When it was just them, there was always that lurking feeling, that bitterness, that lingered in her thoughts. 
Now, they have a place they call home. 
Clementine can’t imagine where they would’ve ended up had she not crashed the car. They’d still be out in the world, scavenging every little bit they could to survive. They never would’ve met the people she now considered family.
She and Louis would’ve never met, where she and AJ never met anyone at Ericson. 
That’s a really shitty thing to think about.
Finding this place, their home, was the best thing that happened to them. Meeting everyone here- Louis, Violet, Mitch, Ruby, Aasim, everyone - has done so much for them. For years, she worried about her and AJ, about always being on the road in a car that constantly ran on fumes, about running across assholes who wanted to hurt them, about the dead finally getting the best of them. Nowhere to go, no direction. A neverending search. 
 She sneaks a glance at Louis. He has no idea. 
He finishes up, shoving the duct tape in a drawer. Leaning against the desk with arms crossed over his chest, he looks at her with a tired grin, but says nothing. 
She raises a brow. 
He shrugs.
It’s like the weariness of their previous night has caught up to him, like something triggered a sinking reality that weighs him down. The shadows along his face from the setting light do nothing to hide the sadness betraying his eyes.
She slowly approaches him and reaches out to grab his hand, tugging him closer to her.
“Hey,” she murmurs.
“You feeling any better?”
“Of course.”
“Really?” Clementine locks their fingers together. “It’s been a long time since you’ve had one that bad.”
He keeps his stare focused on their hands. “...It wasn’t that bad.”
“It was about that woman, wasn’t it?”
He says nothing, but she can see the answer clear in his eyes.
Yes, Clem, you know it was. It always is.
The first and only living person Louis ever personally killed, and it was purely accidental. It frustrates her that it still haunts him, and even more so that it’ll always haunt him. Even when he expressed the relief of “having it in him” to protect those he loves, there’s always a suffocating weight that comes with the first. If anyone knew that, it’s Clementine. 
That kind of guilt, no matter how irrational, never stops. 
Louis closes his eyes and leans forward to press his forehead to hers.
“Her name was Dorian.”
“I know.” He pulls back, forcing a smile. “I know.” 
His gaze falls on her nose. He pinches it again. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it right now. Is that okay?”
“Yeah,” she smiles sincerely. “Just… want to make sure you’re alright.”
“You don’t have to worry about me so much, Clem. There are more important ways to spend your time.”
More important? 
She supposes that’s a good way to put it. 
“Y’know, I was thinking about what you said this morning,” Clementine smiles. “AJ’s having another sleepover with Tenn tonight, so we have the whole room to ourselves.” 
Louis raises a brow, a slow smirk spreading across his lips. 
“Wanna build a pillow fort?”
“You read my mind.”
Without any hesitation, she kisses him. It’s a quick, soft, comforting peck that catches him off guard.
Another kiss to his lips, and then another. Clementine holds onto the nape of his neck and moves to his chin, his cheek, placing soft, intimate kisses against his warm skin. 
He looks at her with lidded eyes before his hands caress her cheeks, his thumb brushing just below her eye.
He kisses her, eager for every press of her mouth. He doesn’t stop kissing her, even when she tightens her grip on his jacket and pulls him back with her. The desk hits her hip and he’s quick to lift her up onto the surface, almost knocking over her venus fly trap plant.  
A pleased sigh escapes her lungs as she desperately moves to his jaw, down his neck. Her hands move beneath his jacket, trailing down to the hem of his shirt before bunching the material up. His skin is warm. His breathing is quick, shallow.  
“Clem! Clem!”
Louis yanks back, their lips parting quickly with a loud smack as she nearly topples over from the force of him ripping away. 
The bedroom door slams open and in barges Willy. 
She’s disoriented, lightheaded, blinking rapidly and frantically searching for any sign of danger. All she finds is Louis, who’s now over at AJ’s desk, humming incredibly loud, and Willy hurrying in with a triumphant smile.
“Clem, guess wha-!” The second he sees Louis, he stops and gasps. “Oh no!”
“Oh, look, darling!” Louis stops pretending to look at the pictures and glares at the young boy. “It’s Willy, the boy who doesn’t know how to knock! Nice of you to pop in unannounced this late in the evening !”
Willy’s face flushes a scarlet red as his gaze darts between the two, falling down to Louis’ shirt, which remains lifted to reveal part of his stomach. 
Louis yanks the material down, fake coughing.  
Willy’s face is reminiscent of a fresh tomato at this point. It seems that even he got the sense of what was happening before he ran in. 
Clementine slips down from the desk and tries to casually straighten out her own jacket and adjust her hat with an unfazed face, even though she’s positive that her skin is blotchy and red, too. 
“I’m sorry!” Willy blurts out, covering his eyes. “I didn’t see anything! I’ll knock next time! I swear!”
“Uh-huh,” Louis frowns. “Said that last time, didn’t you?”
Now she’s not sure who’s redder, her or Willy.
“Willy, what do you want?’ Clementine sighs. She composes herself and approaches the boy.
His eyes went to Louis before meeting hers. That’s all she needs.
“Is it Mitch?” 
Willy nods.
Clementine’s heart flutters. Choosing her words carefully, she asks, “Is he done?”
Willy nods once more. 
“Done with what?” Louis asks. 
“Watch,” Clementine interrupts. “I completely forgot that I have watch.”
“Seriously?” Louis asks, confused. “Wait, I thought Ruby had watch tonight.”
“I switched her,” she lies, moving towards Willy and adding, “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Willy leaves without another word, staring down at the floor. Clementine holds back an annoyed sigh. The previous mood is completely gone and now she’s made a mess of lies that she’s gotta detangle before Louis gets suspicious. 
Damn it, Willy. 
Couldn’t have waited until morning. 
Louis gives a thoughtful frown. 
“I’m a little worried about him,” he says, “about Mitch, I mean.”
“Oh, uh, really?”
"Something weird’s going on with him,” Louis nods. “He’s been down in the basement every day for the past week and- ...Well, I went to check on him this morning before breakfast.”
Panic shoots through her stomach and into her heart.
Louis pauses, unsure if he should continue. 
“And?” Clementine presses.
 “...Well, when I tried going down the stairs, I think- well, it was probably nothing. I probably didn’t see what I thought I saw because I could’ve sworn I saw James down there, too-”
Clementine’s stomach drops.
“-and I don’t know what they were doing but before I could even get down the stairs, Mitch threw a shoe at me.”
“A shoe?”
Oh, goddamn it, Mitch-
“Yeah, right at my face! He about hit me in my big nose!”
Clementine rolls her eyes. “Again with the nose thing?”
“I’ve accepted its abnormally monstrous size,” he says. “Anyway, then I saw him again on my way to the greenhouse and he wouldn’t even look at me. Not that he’s one for conversation or anything, but it’s like… I don’t know. It felt weird. I don’t know what he’s doing down in the basement or what they’re doing if that really was James I saw. I’m not sure I want to know.”
“I’m sure it was nothing.”
“Probably… I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone shout ‘no!’ and ‘out!’ that many times in a ten-second time frame before hurling shoes at me. It was pretty terrifying.”
“Mitch is…” Clementine’s at a loss. While she’s thankful for Mitch’s ability to think on his feet so quickly, she wasn’t sure if she approved of the shoe method. “...Hard to understand sometimes, and he and James are friends so it’s not that weird that they’re hanging out together.”
Louis considers this, though she can tell he’s not completely convinced. 
“...Do you think they’re… I mean, it’s none of my business but if there was something going on between them-”
Oh boy.
Louis then shakes his head, changing his mind. 
“Y’know what? I’m sure it was nothing.”
She sighs. So much for not making Louis suspicious of anything. Then again, maybe this is her fault. She did tell James that Mitch was working on fixing the ring, and she should’ve known that would lead to him trying to help. 
“He’s working on a project,” she says lamely. “He probably wants a second opinion on it from James. ”
“A bomb project? I didn’t think James was a fan of explosions.”
“Firecrackers work as a great distraction for the walkers,” says Clementine, which isn’t a total lie. Mitch brought up the suggestion to James a while ago. They spent a long time discussing the idea if she remembers correctly. 
Well, better not let sweet Ruby know,” Louis says. “She’s still got a personal grudge towards Mitch’s bombs ever since that thing in the greenhouse, you know.”
“Oh, I’m aware,” she smirks. “ ‘A bomb? I will whip his ass!’ ”
Her Ruby impression gets a chuckle out of him. “Hope he knows a shoe won’t be enough to stop her. If anything, that’s just provoking the beast.”
“He’ll have to learn that for himself,” she smiles. Clementine approaches him again, fixing the collar of his jacket and apologizing, “Sorry I can't stay and help you build an amazing, comfortable pillow fort. Will you be okay?”
“Don’t worry about me, darling.” He grabs her hand and kisses her cheek. “We can always build a pillow fort another night, or, uhm, finish what we started. Maybe I’ll go tickle the ivories for a while before bed, so if I don’t see you before your finished or if I’m not awake, goodnight and stay warm.”
She gives him a long kiss goodbye before she leaves. 
One the door’s shut, she takes a moment to take a deep breath. 
Her face still feels warm after all the excitement. She’s still a little annoyed at the interruption, but if she’s right about what Willy was trying to imply, then she has to hurry. She can only hope that Mitch found a way to fix the ring.
The wait is starting to make her anxious.
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espship18 · 5 years
Kpop ship for quentin anon
Howdy doody everyone! hah, we’re getting creative with intros now lol. Today, I have a ship for an anon who goes by quentin. If you are reading this quentin, 1) hello! and 2) I hope you enjoy <3 PS, I missed y’all :( 
Based off of your request, I gathered these facts about you; 
You are 5′6 and have brown hair and hazel eyes
You’re kind of introverted
But you like to let loose and have fun 
You’re friendly 
You have a monotone/expressionless expression not a bad thing!
You take no bs and always stands up for what’s right 
You love to laugh and you can be loud sometimes
You also love making others laugh
Your interests/hobbies are: drawing, writing, and dancing 
In your request you have been asked to be shipped with Day6, Got7, NCT, and VIXX! Let’s go shippin(I’m so sorry lol) 
Day6: Jae
The first thought I had for you and Jae was the famous ‘American Gothic’ painting by Grant Wood. Visually, you’d both have that expressionless look on your faces but in reality, you’re actually a happy sunshine couple. As I was thinking about how you two met, I thought you starting out as roommates would be so cute and clever. You would be new in the city, and the only apartment you could afford was Jae’s and he needed a roommate. The pieces all fit together perfectly. Based on first impressions, seeing all his amps and guitars and other musical items would be a little over-whelming, but he would assure you that you would never need to mess with anything or help him- he’s a big boy. Band practice would be a little hit and miss, sometimes they would be there, sometimes they wouldn’t, then if they were, you would leave so you can get a piece of mind. The first six months of living together would be awkward and you wouldn’t talk much. However, one rainy day when both your and Jae’s plans got canceled, you would start to bond, and you two would develop a relationship. As you two would get to know each other, you two would see each others humors, and you’d see the best and worst in each other. You both would be so blunt with each other in the funniest ways, you would never take comments seriously. Slowly, as time would go on, your friendship would slowly transform into romantic feelings. Jae would be very soft for you, and you admired Jae in a way you could never fully explain, so eventually you two said you were together. You fit together like two peas in a pod and when you became official, it was very liberating. Your friends and Jae’s friends weren’t surprised, since you two fit together so well, it was a matter of time before they called it- they were all happy for you regardless. You two would also be a very domestic couple btw. Hear me out, cause this’ll sound crazy but, Jae is the best worst housewife ever. When Jae would try to do household stuff he would fail but if he wouldn’t try he would succeed. He wouldn’t be the best at cooking, but would be a really good baker. That means a lot of sugar which means a lot of random decisions, like teaching you how to play guitar. There would be a lot of screaming singing followed by that by the way. Pillow talk would be huge for your two as well! Lastly, I would like to talk PDA/affection. A LOT of hand holding. He would love the softness of your hands. He also would love to droop his arm over your shoulder, then you would hold it, you would look so comfortable, and adorable, like the king and queen you are.
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Got7: Jinyoung
Much like my last ship went, there will be a lowkey theme to this ship: domestication. I don't know why I’ve been into themes recently, but it’s here. You two would be a soft couple that would love to admire one another. You two would also be an artsy couple. Rooting from a college type of au, Jinyoung’s art would be photography while your art would be writing, writing to your hearts content. Being the artsy couple you are, you two would spend so much quality time together! You two would also have your fair share of going out and being active and staying at the apartment together. Staying home isn’t always a bad thing either. You two are still equally as giggly and peppy with each other, so you two never have a dull moment and there are smiles and sunshine all around. I want to touch on quiet time real quick because I love the thought of it. Quiet time would include a lot of snuggles. Any kind of snuggles you can think of where you’re either laying on top of each other, or he’s snuggled to you, or you’re snuggled to him, SNUGGLES. Quiet time also includes you two working on your interests. While Jinyoung is on his laptop editing some pictures for his portfolio, you are right by him, jotting down the thoughts in your head, coming up with new ideas, or continuing another idea- the world is your oyster. Moving right along is date night. Park Jinyoung on date night is the best boyfriend material ever. If you’re at home, he sets up fairy lights all over the apartment, he cooks, and he gets a little dressed up. He wants to look clean for you, and just imagine forehead Jinyoung in this scenario #yesmama. Also, a little thing Jinyoung would love to do is slow dance with you. Then when you two go out, you got to so many different places- basically til you get tired and want to take a nap lol. Personally, Jinyoung would like to take you to your favorite places such as to eat or do an activity with. He would LOVE going out for karaoke, so of course you two would go out and do the stuff he enjoys too. You also have an amazing food taste, so who could argue with that, right? A lot of dinner topics include deep talks about what you want to accomplish separately and together, and you also love to talk about your futures together, a fan favorite. Then when you would get home, some major pillow talk sessions. These sessions would be more playful like small debates over how to toilet paper roll should go, a lot of giggles and smiles. Lastly more PDA. Gentle hands holding yours, he would handle you like you were made of glass. So many forehead kisses, and the sweetest eye smiles you’ll ever see.
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NCT: Jaehyun
You and Jaehyun yet again scream such a soft puppy like love aesthetic and it’s hard not to uwu over it. Jaehyun is your sunshine while you are his flower, like, you to need each other. Jaehyun would be absolutely head over heels in love with you tbh, like this bub is going to FALL. You two are that type of couple that is a get and go type of couple, and the world is your oyster. Traveling would be your thing, Jaehyun would want to take you everywhere he possibly could. With his occupation being a huge help in your wishes to travel, you would get to tag along on trips and such, and you and Jaehyun would travel anytime he got free time tbh. And this is super cute, listen up. So, you two would keep EVERYTHING you would get from traveling. Whether it’s plane/bus tickets, post cards, souvenirs, and of course your pictures, everything gets saved. Everything that can be put in a scrap book goes in a scrap book. It would be super cute if you two would have little books dedicated to every trip, and you’d keep them nicely organized on a ship by date or by location. Keeping those scrap books are great for always reliving the memories you two shared. Then, if you two aren’t out and about traveling or on a date, Sunday’s are your golden days- specifically if they’re rainy or it’s winter. Those Sunday’s are your time to relax and cuddle, and you also take those Sunday’s to work on your scrap books! Jae is also the type of boyfriend that loves to take great interest in your interests. Another one of those Sunday’s include making cute little stories together. Jae would love to collab on little stories with you! Again, those rainy days are full of endless possibilities, so, if you or Jae have an idea, you best believe that you two are coming up with a full out plot and characters, and even getting as far as getting a chapter or two written down. And a lot of the time, those little stories get tossed into a notebook, and it’s always fun to forget about it then come back at a later time and find it again. Moving on, you and Jae wouldn’t necessarily have date nights. You two spend so much time together, that every time you’re together is like date night. Of course Jae will take you out on special occasions like anniversaries or birthdays, but making homemade pizza or take out it the best way for you two to go. And omg so many game nights! Card games are your shit, and tbh, UNO would get crazy. Lastly PDA wise, Jae is all about that hand holding and cheek and lip kisses. He also loves to hug you, all the time, so prepared to have a koala bear attached to you.  
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VIXX: Hakyeon 
When I think of you and Hakyeon, you two would be the perfect wild and mild couple. Joking and cracking jokes is always a must by the way. You two have interesting senses of humor so, you two always are playfully picking on each other and being playfully sarcastic to each other. Part of that playful sarcastic antics you two would do is being overly-sensitive with each other. I know that sounds weird but hear me out. It’s super cute when you two pick at each other. Hakyeon would like to pick at your quirks- mostly because your quirks is what makes you unique and your quirks is also one of the many reasons why he loves you. When you playfully roll your eyes as he picks, Hakyeon would just smile at you and he would say “I love you”. It’s actually super soft at the end of the day tbh. And overall, Hakyeon is very considerate of you. Hakyeon is also a very protective boyfriend, and he will always make sure you know that as well. And he isn’t sorry about it either and you don’t mind it either, it helps you feel safe and wanted. Dancing together is your everything by the way. From Hakyeon teaching you a new dance to even learning new dance styles together, you two dance so much. Filming your dances together is also always a thing, you have a camera that is specifically for dancing. And it’s always fun to go back and watch those videos and seeing how much progress you’ve made since you started learning a specific dance. Also, you two are the king and queen of practice room antics. Teasing each other, pinching each others tushies(to be specific) is only the beginning. And of course, anytime you get to dance with Hakyeon’s fellow group members, you all stay in the practice for literally hours just dancing and goofing off. Learning the choreo and the boys love to pick at you, and then if you’re doing the choreo better than one of the members, you can see a roast fest in your future. Moving onto date night, date night is always a surprise with Hakyeon. Double or triple dates with your friends, or cute little pop-up dates like carnivals or little shopping trips- curtesy by your lovely boyfriend. Spoiling you is one of his specialties, he loves it so much. You’re his number one, so of course he would want to treat you like a number one. And, you are also as protective of him like he is to you. And tbh, Hakyeon would love that you are protective over him, you’re his little fire cracker. Lastly, PDA. He’s very hands on, he loves to have a hand holding something, he loves to know that you are around him. Back hugs, and forehead kisses, especially quick pecks, it’s a cute little detail enough to make an impact, because it would leave you in a flush. 
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adventuresloane · 6 years
Lup, Raven Queen, Barry, Ango and totally Ren. ;) maybe sloane also! For the HC meme❤️
(for this meme)
Kat this is……SO many oh my lord. I’m gonna put most of theseunder a cut!!!  You’re a doll tho thanksfor all the asks.
A) What I think realistically: I love the idea that,contrary to popular belief, she’s the younger twin! When they were kids, Taakowould always be the one who had to get her out of the trouble she got herselfinto. Taako’s always been a bit more pragmatic, but Lup just couldn’t standdisrespect towards her or her brother and would always address it. She stood upto people and probably bit off more than she could chew a number of times,meaning Taako had to help her out of a tight spot.
B) What is fucking hilarious to me: Lup at one point had apretty major crisis in her life because she loves to cook for people anddesperately wanted to show her affection for Barry by cooking for him, but.This man has lived off late-night hot pockets out of his laboratory microwavefor years. He doesn’t have a palette. One time she overheard him call ketchupspicy and she just kind of stared at the wall for five minutes. She spent manyan evening slaving over recipe books to try to find SOMETHING decent that thisuncultured man would actually enjoy.
C) What is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict onfriends: She’s got…a number of lingering issues after her release from theumbrella. There’s a lot of talk about how she develops claustrophobia, andwhile I think that’s certainly true, I think another thing that leaves hershaken is the utter darkness inside the staff. Before she was able to get herpowers back to create fire, the darkness in there must have been absolute andchilling. Imagine how long she lay there entirely blind and unable to make outanything. I don’t think she can sleep with the lights off anymore. She alwaysat least leaves the hall light on outside the bedroom, but even that’s notenough much of the time, and she often plays with a little fireball in herhands until she can’t keep her eyes open anymore, so that she knows there’sstill light where she is.
D) What would never work with canon but the canon is shit soI believe it anyway: Griffin says that the Legato performance was the firsttime the rest of the IPRE crew realized that Barry and Lup were in love butcome the fuck on. These guys??? They’re so incredibly obvious and crazy foreach other. Even if they didn’t tell their family explicitly EVERYONE knew forYEARS.
Raven Queen
A) Every raven in Faerun is at her beck and call. The birdshave a bit of magic to them inherently and find it easy to slip from plane toplane. She’ll dispatch them to carry messages or keep an eye on things for herand report back. She VERY rarely comes to the mortal planes, but you can alwaystell when she’s on her way. Thousands of ravens circle together tightly in thesky, their iridescent wings shining, and from the almost blinding andotherworldly shimmer a portal forms through which she comes.
B) Has motherly instincts towards Kravitz but no concept ofwhat being a parent to a former mortal actually entails. At what age does onestop picking up mortal children? 35? Her idea of mother-son bonding is enactinga blood oath. She’s trying her best.
C) Kravitz became her “ward” of sorts when he begged andprayed to her for months on end to spare his sick mother and take his lifeinstead—he made a brave trade and she respected him for it, hence his positionas a reaper.
D) She grants Magnus a “limited” amount of extra time livinghappily with Julia in the afterlife but honestly do you think she’ll ever makethem stop living in that little cabin? Heck, do you really think she’s going tokeep their friends from leaving the sea of souls to visit them whenever???She’s willing to turn a blind eye to their little party for the rest ofeternity.
A) He is just……so visibly huggable tbh. You look at him andyou’re like, “That’s a man who’d be good to just hug for a little while. Chubbysoft belly. Just a teddy bear of a man.
B) The boy is a classic academic research scientist, whichis to say a damn mess. He’ll periodically crop his hair short but then won’tbother to get it cut again for months on end because he’s too busy, so it growsout all wild and looks a mess. He has one (1) mug he keeps on his desk and likenever washes because it’s always filled with coffee anyway. Shows up to work ina stained T-shirt because it’s not like anyone’s paying attention to him whenhe’s locked up in his lab all day anyway. Grody science man.
C) Next to Taako, he’s the one who takes the longest toforgive Lucretia, and I sort of think he never completely gets over what shedid. Unlike everyone else in the IPRE crew, he was deliberately isolated fromthe rest of his family AND HE WAS AWARE OF IT. That’s fucked up, and he learnedto hate Lucretia for awhile, and that’s not the kind of thing that can beerased as soon as Story & Song is over. He can barely look her in the eyefor awhile.
D) He does NOT have a mullet do not to my boy dirty likethis.
A) All this debate over Magnus or Taako or Lucretia orwhoever the fuck adopts Angus post-S&S? Screw that noise. It’s not like anyof the adult figures in his life AREN’T walking disasters as individuals—it’sonly together that they’re sort of capable of functioning. That’s why he haslike twenty parents and splits his time between like five different houses,inside each of which he has his own room and where he is welcome at all hoursof the day and night. That kid is living the dream.
B) Absolutely drops f-bombs on purpose knowing that it willscandalize the adults he talks to. This boy is a delight and has never doneanything wrong but he is NOT the innocent little one everyone thinks! Sneakyboy!
C) Gotta be honest, I don’t have the heart to actuallyimagine Angus having any suffering inflicted upon him, BUT I do like the ideaof Taako being lowkey terrified every time he goes off on his own/tries toconduct an investigation that has a chance of being dangerous. He tries not toshow it and definitely plays it cool when Angus comes back safe every time, buthe’s got so very few people he feels really connected to and he doesn’t want tolose one of them (again).
D) Controversial, but he remains a shrimpy nerdboy foreverand does not get to be buffer than Magnus sorry.
A) Hot take: she’s a soft butch. My evidence? I know a bunchof butches named Ren and also she just gives off those Lesbian Vibes. Butch Ren2k19.
B) She is…small. Just so short, even by the standards ofelves, which are on average smaller than humans. It might be partly because she’sa Drow, since I personally headcanon that they don’t grow quite as big, buteven then she’s just. A little creacher. She has to use a spoon to knock downthings from shelves that everyone else in the tavern can easily reach. Cassidyjokingly uses her head as an armrest.
C) Her family is definitely still around and definitely wereoutside of Refuge when the barrier was created around the town and they justhad no way whatsoever of contacting her. They aged while time didn’t touch her.
D) This is more in opposition to D&D lore than to theTAZ canon, but I personally don’t like to think that Ren ever faced anyprejudice for being a dark elf. The whole idea of the Drow being cursed and 99%of them being evil is, imo, very tired (not to mention racist), so I just don’twant that being a part of her story. I think maybe Underdark elves have a bitof a reputation in the surface realms for being kind of staid and dour, so inthat way Ren defies some conventions by being her bubbly self. But aside fromthat, she never had an issue with anyone thinking less of her or hating her forbeing a Drow.
And fuck it, I know I did Sloane already but I have gothbirb headcanons coming out of my ass so I’ll do her again.
A) Tbh I like to think that her alias is something she put alot of thought into and something she identifies really strongly with. Like,ravens are obviously just objectively cool and fit the goth aesthetic she’sgoing for, but also I think growing up in Goldcliff (which I picture as beingjust like the American Southwest) she had a lot of experience observing themand felt kind of a kinship with them (and probably fed them to get them tofollow her around tbh). In some folklore, ravens are considered shapeshifterson account of how the sun reflects off their wings and makes them look likethey’re changing shape. I think that by assuming the persona of the Raven, shebecomes something more than what she appears to be, and it’s a bit of escapismfor her. (Also, ravens are known to be family-oriented and mate for life sothat proves fitting later on…)
B) It kinda breaks my heart whenever people draw her (orhalf-elves in general) with shorter/smaller ears than full-blooded elves,because in my head hers are long and twitchy! She’s pretty good at hiding howshe feels and not giving away too much with her body language, so her ears don’tnecessarily move around a ton to express how she’s feeling, but they doinvoluntarily react to sound, e.g. perking up when she hears a sudden noise.Hurley finds this adorable and exploits it to no end—like snapping her fingersnext to one of Sloane’s ears and then the other to make them pique alternatelyuntil Sloane finally gets fed up.
C) This is kind of more of a headcanon for half-elves ingeneral, but I remember seeing a post awhile back that said something along thelines of “D&D cryptid: a half-elf with a good relationship with theirfamily.” It was funny, but it did get me thinking: what’s a good narrativejustification for this? One of the answers, I think, is that half-elves grow ata rate that must be completely bewildering for their elven parents. They reachmaturity at around 20, compared to a full-blooded elf becoming an adult ataround 100. There’s probably a lot of potential for friction there as elvenparents are unable to handle or understand their kids as they mature soquickly. Plus, most half-elves don’t outlive their elf parents, and knowing you’remore than likely going to bury your kid one day has got to be hard. I think allof this was sort of the situation for Sloane growing up, and it was the sourceof a lot of the isolation she felt as a child.
D) She has big biker energy and actually prefers motorcyclesto battlewagons and that’s the tea.
LAWD this was a lot. Hope you like them!!!
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