#this problem will have its place
reflexicon · 6 months
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Maybe exaggerated the height dif but it makes for a fun pic
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hamletthedane · 1 year
Love that Oppenheimer is a deeply disturbing horror movie about a man forced to accept that he is, in a person, the representative manifestation of mankind’s evil in committing one of the greatest horrors of human history - LITERALLY acting as the modern Prometheus, tormented by his sins for the remainder of time. Knowing that he will never be pitied and his actions will forever be utterly unforgivable because the blood of genocide and the potential of total human annihilation will eternally drip from his hands.
But also the simultaneous indictment by the film that to blame a single person for the Manhattan Project is to refuse to accept your own capacity for great evil if the ends ever seem to justify the means, and the culpability of every member of a species that lets itself create something so unspeakably terrible.
Hate that twitter’s take on such a nuanced and brilliantly handled examination of those issues is “movie bad because protagonist not evil enough.”
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electoons · 6 months
I love the college of winterhold. everyone there is casually deranged and there's like an alarming number of students and staff who threaten you immediately when they meet you. it's always one of the first questlines I do. which makes it even funnier when you get made the arch-mage of the college. I'm level 12 and got through this questline knowing exactly 3 spells. what do you mean you want me to lead the college. this school CANNOT be an accredited institution
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maudiemoods · 24 days
Megaplex was AWESOME and I WILL be going again next year (hopefully) and possibly with a silly suit!! Depends on if I can make it!!
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I really like my alien kitty BUT I love chaos so i mashes him and I together into a furry so YAY this is what I plan on making!!!
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Legislative agenda:
Limit car headlight brightness to an amount recommended by eye doctors and traffic safety experts
Replace all prison lights with light posts that have caps
Cap all stadium lighting
Replace all public streetlights with warm colored lights
Limit brightness of all outdoor LED's (likely to a similar amount of lumens as the car headlights were limited to)
Create biannual event where city owned lights, including streetlights, and all businesses over 50 employees MUST turn their lights off for a dark sky night
maybe: Require all unoccupied parking lots turn off their lights 10PM-5AM
Proposed benefits:
Boost interest in the sciences and arts
Mental health
Physical health (eye disorders and reduction of sleep disorders)
Increased productivity of workers due to reduction of sleep disorders
The human experience
Eco friendly (Benefits animals)
Eco friendly (saves energy)
Criminals target dark parking lots
Criminals can't target dark parking lots if they're all equally dark
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cubbihue · 1 day
What would Peri’s power level be if he didn’t have his inhibitor/stabilizer wand and just went apeshit?
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While Cosmo deals with too much magic in his body, Peri suffers from a slightly different issue. Cosmo has the greatest amount of magic in Fairy World. Peri is incapable of regulating his magic.
Peri cannot, not then as a child and not now in the present, control his magic. Without his inhibitor, he can easily destroy an entire realm- just as he nearly destroyed Earth as a baby. This fact has not changed, although it is less plausible today than back then.
Peri's taken extra measures in the present-day to ensure it cannot happen.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [You Are Here]
Instability [4/11]: [Start] > [Previous] > [You Are Here]
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ai-kan1 · 1 month
AI! Hi, hello!!
For the ask game, how about Juno in playful land??
That’s all, love ya bye✨🩵
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Hii Cecee!! and of coursee, heres his Playful drip! He is already based on Pinocchio so I decided to use Monstro as his insp! I just think Pinocchio guy dressed as something that's considered kind of a villain is fun contrast! Especially when Ace is Figaro insp, Kalim is Cleo insp and Ortho obviously is the Pinocchio one, who are considered good guys (villain and good guy mixup if it makes sense haha)
Ask Game
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dyketubbo · 8 months
forgive me if i lose tubbo character analysis points (rolls eyes heavily) over this or something but i honestly dont think the date was very ooc or that the frubbo romance is going to be played as something that makes qtubbo better. obviously qtubbo gained a lot of trust issues and lost a lot of hope in others + started to strongly believe that love only hurts after purgatory and the funeral. and hes an extremely defeatist guy at heart
but he also makes exceptions because no matter how much he tries to disconnect himself he still cares so so much about others. he has such a weird fucked up view of love and justifies seeing sunny as an exception by saying they wont hurt each other because their love is unconditional and yet he also claims empanada isnt safe when bagi is around because the eye workers will use that connection to their advantage And Yet he constantly looks after and takes care of sunny anyways. even though hes already mourning her before theyve even died. even though by his own logic it may be safer for sunny to not be with him
and like.. he says dont get attached empathy makes you weak but he tries to ruin fit & pacs date so they dont abandon him. he still jokes around with them and has happy moments with them bc ultimately theyre his friends and even if they dont Really understand what hes going through or what would help him they want to be there for him and make him happy and they Do make him happy. bc qtubbo doesnt spend all of his time with his friends whining and groaning about how theyre going to leave him some day and despite being suicidal and defeatist and at times a fucking jerk that isnt his whole personality
depressed people Have happy days. they have ups and peaks in their life and yeah actually many of them do manage to have nice relationships and theres a lot of depressed people out there who are fully capable of just. not being complete downers to be around all the time (cough a lot of comedians have depression cough). if anything i would argue it isnt just in character but realistic for qtubbo to be able to just. have a normal date where hes a bit of a loser and manages to get through an actual confession
and its not like hes going all in oh we're dating and we're going to get married now bc he doesnt even consider themselves boyfriends and he turns down sunny claiming fred as another parent. he just had a happy day and it boosted his mood a little. i dont think fred is really on his list of trusted people and in fact i feel like him just being very silly and awkward during the date is a Part of him not fully trusting fred or wanting to be super serious around/with her. i think to qtubbo fred symbolizes sure some pain from the whole funeral situation but also still a lot of happier simpler times and ultimately a time where tubbo was happier and openly hopeful
if anything, tubbos relationship with fred is another form of escapism for him. of course it isnt going to make him better. he literally brought fred to him and sunnys island where they plan to live far away from everyone to avoid their problems. its all a fantasy for him, and one that he isnt even allowing himself to fully jump into but will joke about and dance around the subject of nonetheless
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roseworth · 2 months
grabs you by the shoulders and screams alex's death WAS misogynistic!!!! comparing it to uncle ben's death doesnt change that!!!!!!! the intention was for it to be an uncle ben death but the execution of it made it misogynistic because it was cruel and unnecessary!!!!!!!!!!
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transmaverique · 2 months
amab and afab, if they were used as shorthand for the actual full phrases that they signify, with emphasis on the "assigned" part, and an understanding that they are enforcements of normative (ie, dyadic and cisgender and binary) sex, would be like. really useful. but people took the terms and started using them as shorthand FOR normative sex instead of the ENFORCEMENT OF normative sex. so when other trans people (almost always dyadic trans people) ask for your agab they are almost always asking for your Original Genital Situation. your starting point, so to say. and the reason FOR asking is also almost always bc they are trying to also enforce a certain kind of normativity within queer spaces (which is stupid bc being queer is inherently non-normative but here we are). like, you cant be a lesbian if you're ftm, bc you ARE m, so if you ARE a lesbian, then that means you're lying about some aspect of your identity. does that make sense?
it is always always always incredibly.... i do not trust dyadic trans people that use cagab terms, even moreso than i do not trust dyadic trans people that just use agab terms. agab is also coopted intersex language, but the "coercive" part of cagab SPECIFICALLY refers to medical "intervention" of intersex characteristics, such as "corrective" surgeries and hrt. i am deeply fucking suspicious of any dyadic trans person that uses those terms exactly the same as described above, even moreso if they do so bc "all gender is coercive".
like. yeah. that's true. but you use these terms to erase and overtake intersex discussions on the medical abuse of intersex infants. and i cant help but wonder why you would feel the need to do that.
#iirc it was also common to tirf ideology and the baeddel group#< notoriously intersexist group#to say nothing of any other tirf beliefs#both of these misuses of agab and cagab come from the same source#but it is . deeply disconcerting with cagab#bc its like. that is such a lesser known term in the greater dyadic trans community#you would HAVE to have known what it originally meant#either YOU are misusing it INTENTIONALLY#or someone TAUGHT you to misuse it INTENTIONALLY#people that are cruel and bigoted always want to believe theyre good people#so its hard to convince them when they are being bigoted#esp as marginalized people#and especially as a marginalized people that is particularly affected by the same enforcement of normative sex#the more i learned about this the more i learned abt intersexism in trans spaces#the more i notice it. its so fucking pervasive#and like u should care abt intersexism on its own but its like#no surprise that the ppl misusing cagab terms usually are transandrophobic (as the discourse du jour) and exorsexist#these things go together and reinforce each other#anyways it sucks bc ill see a BEAUTIFULLY written analysis of transmisogyny but so often there will be#like one thing. two things maybe.#and ill go to ops blog search a few keywords and lo and behold#they are transphobic. they are intersexist. they are racist. they are aphobic.#all forms of exclusionist politic in the queer community just lead into each other ad infinitum#nauseating... and#i will read the theory of people who disgust me or who are fundamentally wrong abt other ppls experiences bc i think they still have#valuable things to say but i am SO FUCKING TIRED of running into the same goddamn problem EVERY fucking time#i think its just the posts that get circulated the most that are like that#bc i think the majority of people dont actively seek out and learn abt new queer theory as it rolls in#or other ppls experiences in general#so they dont learnt to recognize the red flags or even realize why its bad in the first place
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reflexicon · 6 months
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Messy doodle of my gal Chiaki, who I’m writing a fic about!
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every-sanji · 23 days
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albatris · 4 months
my mental health n paranoia are finally consistently managed enough that I'm considering top surgery!!!!!!
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nintendont2502 · 3 days
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my favourite part of that dumbass anti woke list that came out a while ago is that it directly acknowledges that multiple characters (INCLUDING the player characters) in undertale and deltarune are nonbinary and use they/them - which is more than half of the fucking fans of the game do
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alchemicaladarna · 7 months
I'll never stop gushing about this because I don't think people realize just how cool it was to see Quackity, Roier, Bad, and Yangdding all hanging out last night (this morning?? Lol)
Being in the fandom for nearly a year, you get used to people speaking different languages and sometimes using the translator. And there are times when people just speak English when together instead because sometimes the translator doesn't pick up certain parts of the conversation, but last night, we just witnessed 4 people relying on the translator completely.
A Korean speaker, an English speaker, and two Spanish speakers having fluent conversations in their native languages. And these conversations just flow so naturally that my sleep deprived ass didn't even fully register that they were speaking different languages.
The QSMP is truly revolutionary. I've seen people say it's like reverse Tower of Babel, but in Minecraft; and that's not an overstatement at all.
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syni-gin-ryn · 1 month
This thought's still cooking, but I think Tomas (Thomas?) Astruc's a good case study on both why being too attached to your character concepts and self-inserts are bad for writing.
I'm not going to really touch on whether or not Chloe deserved a redemption arc, but I do feel confident in saying that Tomas's disdain for her character (and people who found her enjoyable/redeemable) did have a noticeable negative impact on the writing and theme. He couldn't stand the fact that not everyone despised her (and some gasp! liked her), and so turned her into the most grating character possible... to the detriment of literally everything else.
The same could be said for Marinette, though that also ties into my second point. Marinette isn't Tomas's self-insert, she's his self-insert's daughter. Because she's his fictional child, she can never really have any kind of deep flaws - and any deep flaws she does have you're totally imagining and making up! Derision is the prime example for this. Her behavior towards Adrien can't be creepy, that's his daughter original character! So he writes an entire episode that's, imao, kinda demeaning to explain away this "supposed" character flaw.
Had he been more detached from his writing, I think he could have seen these things coming from a mile away. But because he's so deeply entrenched in his own concept, he sort of blinds himself, and when he can't deny them anymore, he has to prove that he's right by handwaving them away.
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