#this role is such courtney core
winterxgardener · 6 months
To lighten the mood a bit, something I’ve been thinking about recently is that when/if Ian and Anthony “retire” I could 100% see (really want) Courtney and Shayne taking the lead of Smosh.
The main channel could turn into sketches they write and act in. They could further expand into different avenues/ventures in addition to Pit and Games for Smosh and it could be really special.
Smosh at its core is built on two best friends and the reigns would be in the best hands if the two other best friends Courtney and Shayne take over.
(I’m sorry Damien but with all your VO roles I don’t see it being as good of a fit for you besides continuing to be amazing as cast)
Having them in a leadership team for SMOSH would be epic because both of them are emphatic, logical, creative, and good with communication.
I posted the link to a TikTok before, stating that the heart and soul of SMOSH are Courtney and Shayne. Probably I am biased since I am their fan, but I can't imagine SMOSH without them. Again, this is my opinion.
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grigori77 · 2 years
Celebrating International Women's Day this year, once again I'm giving a shout-out to some of the amazing ladies, both real and fictional, that I really admire, both new on the scene and since my formative years. They all live rent free in my head and I think they're awesome!
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COURTNEY LaPLANTE, the incredible frontwoman from up-and-coming new metalcore band Spiritbox, who are ALL pretty amazing, but she is in a whole different league. The way she can switch from beautifully husky, gently angelic clean vocals to bloody terrifying feral demon dirty vocals AND BACK at the drop of a hat is truly astounding ...
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VIOLA DAVIS, one of my favourite actresses working in Hollywood today, an undeniable queen and now a bonafide BADASS too thanks to her recent starring role as Naniska, the General of the Agojie, the legendary Dahomie Amazons, in The Woman King. These days she's PROBABLY best known as THE BADDEST BITCH in all of the DCEU, ARGUS director Amanda Waller, but these are just two of a whole CAREER of incredible performances for which she's rightly become a true A-lister ...
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ELLEN RIPLEY, as played by the equally awesome Sigourney Weaver in the Alien movies. Quite simply THE GREATEST cinematic female lead protagonist OF ALL TIME, Ripley is about as definitive as strong female lead protgnonists get, the scourge of terrifying hostile aliens throughout the galaxy ...
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POWER, from the acclaimed new anime series Chainsaw Man. I know, I know, she could SO EASILY have just been another classic teenage boy's wet dream anime girl, but half-demon fiend Power, like many of the show's female characters, is definitely a significant step away from the cliched norms, a total, undeniable force of (super)nature, unapologetic deluded self-promoter and thoroughly adorable chaos gremlin, who's quickly becoming one of my very favourite anime characters.
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RINKO KIKUCHI, probably my VERY FAVOURITE Japanese actress EVER, thanks in no small part to her DEFINITIVE turn as Jaeger pilot Mako Mori in Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim, although I first discovered her as gloriously idiosyncratic demolitions expert Bang Bang in Rian Johnson's criminally overlooked The Brothers Bloom. Also rightly known for her acclaimed turn in Babel, we most recently saw her in typically fine form in Michael Mann's agreeably edgy new true crime series Tokyo Vice ...
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KRISTEN STEWART. Yeah, I know, some folk are STILL likely to be rolling their eyes at this choice, but ever since Panic Room I've ALWAYS thought she was something special, EVEN when she was doing Twilight. Okay, so it's taken her A LONG TIME to shake the godawful spectre of Bella Swan, but she's DEFINITELY pulled it off by now, playing some truly AMAZING characters in a bunch of really great movies, most notably Underwater (see above), the criminally maligned and unjustly ignored Charlie's Angels reboot and her incredible recent turn as the late Diana, Princes of Wales, in Spencer.
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DELENN, as played by Mira Furlan (Lost), the ambassador of the alien race, the Minbari, in one of my very favourite TV shows of all time, Babylon 5. From humble (albeit also EXTREMELY mysterious) beginnings, Delenn went on to (rightly) become THE main female lead in the show, carrying the weight of one hell of a sprawling, epic sci-fi saga plot on her more-than-able shoulders.
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KATY O'BRIAN. Basicallythe core inspiration (at least in a roundabout way) for the lead character in my ongoing online fantasy novel series Never Split the Party, Kesla Shoon, Katy is 100% what I love in a genuine physically powerful woman - tough as nails, sexy as hell and, paradoxically, an absolute sweetheart. I first stumbled across her as George, the very best character in Syfy's guilty pleasure TV series Z Nation, but she's finally REALLY getting the attention she's long deserved, already earning fast fan-favourite status as Jentorra in Ant Man & the Wasp: Quantumania.
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ZOE SALDANA. Ever since she started to come up in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, she's been steadily growing herself one hell of a reputation playing a succession of strong, frequently badass women in cinema, most notably in The Losers, James Cameron's Avatar movies and OF COURSE as Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy.
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SOFIA BOUTELLA. Ever since I first saw her busting some truly incredible moves in those glorious "Keep Up" Nike ads from the mid 00s, I have always been SUCH a big fan of this incredible dancer-turned-actress. She first REALLY captured our attention in the first Kingsman movie, but she's shone ever brighter since in the likes of Star Trek Beyond, Atomic Blonde, Climax and Hotel Artemis. Personally I CANNOT WAIT to see what she does with THE LEAD ROLE in Zack Snyder's incoming new sci-fi epic Rebel Moon ...
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ALISON MOYET. One of my favourite female vocalists when I was growing up, I recently rediscovered her music when I started one of my music fan deep-dives through her entire back catalogue, and I'm absolutely LOVING IT. Starting out in the frustratingly short-lived early 80s electro pop group Yazoo with Erasure's Vince Clarke, she truly came to fame with her dynamite solo debut album Alf, as well as a killer cover of That Ole Devil Called love, but she's been going strong ever since thanks to one of the greatest voices around.
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ANNIE LENNOX, formerly of The Tourists and The Eurythmics. Another one of the 80s all-time great frontwomen, Annie is a statuesque Scottish goddess who is rightly best known for her SECOND tour of duty with multi-talented musician Dave Stewart, but went on to have an equally astounding career as a solo singer-songwriter with a string of masterful records from the 90s right up to the present. Add to that her undeniable ICON status in the LGBTQIA+ community and you've got a bonafide androgynous goddess on your hands ...
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GRACE JONES. Ever since she played Zula in Conan the Destroyer, Mayday in A View to a Kill and one seriously STRANGE vampire in Vamp, I've been a fan of this Jamaican model/actress/singer and undeniable fashion ICON. She continues to be a wonderfully weird and truly unique individual with her own unapologetically challenging style to this very day, and I love her for it.
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DEBORAH CHOW. A fantastic up-and-coming Canadian filmmaker, who made a modest splash with her feature film The High Cost of Living before cutting her teeth on a series of impressive TV directing gigs on the likes of Copper, Reign and Mr Robot before truly coming into her own on The Mandalorian, which directly led to her helming THE ENTIRETY of 2022's rightly acclaimed Obi Wan Kenobi series. I'm really looking forward to whatever she does next.
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CHARLIZE THERON. If there's one actress I've become a fan of mainly through her playing GENUINELY UNSTOPPABLE kickass women, it's Ms. Theron. The South African-born actress looks ABSOLUTELY AMAZING when she's stalking down a catwalk in her Dior ads, but as far as I'm concerned she looks HER VERY BEST when she's taking roomfuls of men apart with her bare hands in Atomic Blonde or a big fucking axe in The Old Guard, which will soon get a sequel I for one CANNOT WAIT FOR ...
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MARISHA RAY, ASHLEY JOHNSON & LAURA BAILEY, the Ladies of Critical Role. Sure, there have been other women who've come and gone in a variety of excellent guest slot roles through the years the live-play TTRPG webcast series has been going (from Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Ashly Burch, Sumalee Montano, Mica Burton and Aimee Carrero to, of course, the legendary Aabria Iyengar), but these three have always been the core, the heart and the undeniable BACKBONE of this amazing ongoing D&D adventure, and long may they all continue to reign ...
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fraeuleintaka · 2 months
Character Introduction (Investigations 2): Verity Gavèlle
This is the 40th post in the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Countdown: 41 days left until release!
Today's topic: Verity Gavèlle Character Introduction!
Coming to the new characters from Investigations 2, we start off with the main rival: Justine Courtney (Verity Gavèlle).
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Similar to Investigations 1 with Shi-Long, an Interpol agent, Investigations 2 gets creative with its main rival. Justine is a judge and so inherently has more power than Miles as a prosecutor which keeps the difference in power level between the protagonist and rival from the main series, just applying it a little differently. A really nice move to keep it interesting.
Justine is unlike any previous judge we've seen in the series, she doesn't stay on the sidelines and just watches, she gets involved with the investigation of cases which her introduction also directly states. Why she does this now in particular is left open as a mystery, it's only hinted at having something to do with Miles. Very fitting because her exact role and motivations are something the player has to find out over the course of the story and it's a nice bit of intrigue.
Her introduction delves a lot more into her personal beliefs and personality, she considers the law absolute and unflexible, an opinion Miles also used to have but re-evaluated since then. Justine isn't quite like Miles used to be before his redemption, though she does have a distinct holier-than-thou attitude that's somewhat familiar and her views on the law are a great opportunity to test Miles' convictions on his chosen path and challenge how far he's willing to go to follow them. In that way she's another perfect rival for Miles to face, and befriend in the end, similar to Shi-Long from Investigations 1 (who continues having development and importance in Investigations 2, there is that question of the source of his hatred of prosecutors after all...).
Personality-wise Justine is described as elegant (undeniable) and having a saintly smile that hides how merciless she is when bringing down justice on criminals. I love the metaphorical reference to her mighty gavel, it creates a wonderful mental image. It also hits the core of her personality without giving too much of her depth away. She's friendly and polite on the surface but when it counts she's as strict and relentless as they come. These traits in particular create wonderful interactions with Miles as he shares them to a degree so they work well as contrasts and mirrors of each other at the same time. It also makes Justine stand out from Franziska, the only other female rival the series had thus far (a crime imo), who is much more openly aggressive. Justine's calmness combined with her viciousness, when needed, make her a fearsome opponent in a new and fresh way.
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Justine's full character artwork is amazing! The way her long dress and her cape flow around her gives it this wonderfully ethereal quality which fits her perfectly. She holds her gavel in her hand, like she's pondering over something, and a slight smile on her face, saintly maybe but definitely ready to strike at any time. Her chosen chibi sprite animation is her extending and hitting the floor with her gavel. I love that animation! It's a great way to transfer the main series staple desk slam to the crime scene where there are usually no desks to slam on. They got creative instead and came up with truly unique and awesome ways for our rivals to make their points with the necessary force behind them. (Shi-Long's equivalent is a dramatic stomping of his foot. He doesn't use it as often but it's epic when he does it and similar enough that I count it.) Justine's extending gavel is one of my favourite "gimmicks" of any character, it's wonderfully ridiculous like only AA does it but not too over-the-top while at the same time being properly intimidating and impressive to watch. She even leaves little imprints in the floor sometimes with how hard she swings her gavel! And the HD graphics make her only look more badass (and cute)! The details in her movement! Love it!
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Ranking characters by how likely they are to become a finalist
22 - Max - He literally gave up the opportunity to ever compete again.
21&20 - Patrick and Kitty - They're busy with the aftermath.
19 - Courtney - I doubt that they would be considered for the role of a returnee seeing as the 2 characters they have beef with are in the peanut gallery.
18 - Mclovin - Has been confirmed to be going home early and i doubt that he will come back. He lacks a spine and will fold under the pressure if tasked to start drama. He only got to the finale last season because everyone was worried about the actually threatening characters.
17 - Ass - May come back to start drama. People will easily see through that tho.
16 - Michela - Sorry queen but I doubt you'll win again :(
15 - Mal - Same as Ass but the characters are less likely to suspect her. They just think shes weird. I do think she is the most likely to return tho.
14 - Austin - I just can't visualise him winning, especially going up against absolutely amazing contestants like Bonnie, Scruffy and Scary.
13 - Julia - Would come back to start up drama the same way Mal and Ass would; However, she has one thing the other 2 don't. A Lover An Ally. Also, she will be much more helpfulin challenges as her skills with technology and logical mind will become much more useful in this sort of setting while her average strength and durability are much less of a downside.
12 - Scruffy - Hot take: Their amazing skills will make them a massive target post merge; In addition, their great strength and godlike durability will be less likely to dominate in this sort of setting. They'll definitely get to the merge tho.
11 - Frollo - Only this high because of the smaller cast. I doubt that he'll win as I feel like 13 episodes is to short for the massive character arc he needs.
10 - Joner - Can do a lot of developing and growing with the whole Michela and Mclovin. Might also have a lot of film knowledge.
9 - Staci - An extremely flexible character. She can be a surprise villain, just a funky lil guy here to cause problems or a friend to support the other characters. They can use their engineering skills to help in challenges, friendly personality and geeky charm to make allies and gain votes if the finale is just like action. Her implied fear of blood may hold them back tho.
8 - O - Now having a supportive friend in Fren and fewer fear or action oriented challenges, I feel like he has a very solid chance to win. He's very kind so he might do a Mclovin/Owen and Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing into the finale.
7 - Shamod - A solid all-round contestant. Not much to say tbh.
6 - Scary - So much can be done with them.
5 - Peter - Beth vibes.
4 - Bonnie - Controversial, but I feel like Caesar is much more suited for this season and a season with both of them as winners may have a much lower stakes finale - even more meh than all stars imo. He will get into the merge but then be eliminated to trigger Caesar's growth.
3 - Fren - He's Smart. He slays. He has awful taste in men. He's kind. He loves films and theatre. He has a strong friendship with O. He's fucking green. He is musically talented. He has probably made several music videos.
2 - Kelly - I believe in them. They definitely have watched many films and they strike me as one of those popular femmes that are very talented in many areas. Legally Blonde core.
1 - Caesar - This is his season.
oh very well reasoned ranking, I will say (not confirmed) but I do think Joner will keep up the trend of not putting finalists in the finals again (once again not confirmed, just vibes0
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atrial-ofhorror-if · 2 years
Hello hello! I had more questions because i was messing around with the demo again and i was curious about the MC's backgrounds and whether they'll be integral down the line, or whether they're more just for flavor text for some interesting dialogue?
MC's background options are really horrible events that seemed to change their life, but there's no mention of it other than the introduction at the start with the demon. like the drowned cousins, or the murdered family etc
for instance, my canon playthrough is with an MC with the childhood friend who was murdered, and finding her body because her ghost told them to find it. and then later further in the game, my MC talks about the ghosts appearing 'suddenly' with no mention of lily at all. i guess in my headcanon at least, lily's death changed MC and they never really got over her death. she still haunts them, so to speak.
my same question applies to ex courtney and even partner in crime courtney. will they be make later appearances down the line? Dead courtney is of course...dead. but i was wondering how much of a problem ex courtney was gonna be, because they feel pretty important
Hey whisper, sorry for the late response again but you asked me another good question I had to think about. And then I forgot about answering it because of work and some long forgotten invoices that our fiscal department just "happened" to find 🥲🥲🥲
But eitherway, onto the answers!
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The backgrounds are definitely important and NOT for flavor. Your choices that you make, especially when we get further into the game and your MC finally being able to confront the spirits that haunt you, will play a fairly large role in the game. A main takeaway for everyone in regards to the backgrounds is that the ghosts that haunt/harrass you in the beginning of the game have been taken by wraith. Whether it's your mother's spirit, Lily's mother, or the waterlogged spirit.
Now it's interesting that you headcanon your MC still being affected by Lily's death, cause she does show up in this upcoming update and it's going to be... ALOT for MC. But I think the main takeaway is that the spirits that visit MC, at least now, don't have a choice in the matter of showing up to them. When Lily's body was found, her spirit was able to move on. It SHOULD have been the same for her mother.. but something is keeping her on this plane.
If it helps Lily isn't mad at MC. She could never be mad at them. They were her safe haven, even up until the moment that she was killed and came back. Especially when her father caved to the spirit 👀👀
Now there are 2 ways in which I plan to implement the MCs background, 2 of which I have no problem letting you guys know about. However the other 2, I'm still thinking about how to best implement:
Curses/Gifts: Based upon your background your MC will gain an ability that helps them through the "game" and any real-life haunting instances. Currently, "You shouldn't have seen that" and "I've got friends on the other side" have their gifts coded/written out for this next update. "Waterlogged Fellows" probably won't show up until a little later based on that ability. The curses are something that MC can experience as we get further into the game. Cause technically, the current demo is just the prologue still. The first episode is what we can consider the first chapter.
Spoiler: This won't show up til later but when the demi-gorgon is recalling your regrets and your past, it's for a reason. That and the core choices you make within the different games you get sent into will determine "something special" that MC will find out.
Now the regrets, with special attention to Courtney, are important to an extent. All Courtneys, sans the dead Courtney, will show up later in the game and will be a big problem. For ex-Courtney, they are dangerous not just because they have delusions of grandeur and desire for MC but because of... reasons. If y'all get the special choice further in the game, go ahead and let Yue or Faizan kill them immediately and save yourself the trouble 🥴🥴🥴
Dead Courtney is kind of special because I have it plotted out as being more of a battle within yourself if you choose to still feel guilty. And MC will find that they've caught the attention of some... aheminterestingahem people. Partially, Jin is the reason this happens if you guys have met them earlier on in the fair.
Whew, that was a lot 😅🥴 But I hoped it answered your question! If you have any more let me know~ 🤎🤎
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3rddimension · 1 year
Ok, I tried to rewatch the Smosh Agree to Disagree/new studio tour from twitch on yt, but couldn't.
It just says unavailable, if anyone has the clip or has access to it on twitch, maybe you can clip it? Regardless, the question of missing old Smosh came up and I think Shayne answered the question perfectly.
What he said was along the lines of, That it is ok to miss the old Smosh and things from your past because you have a longing for fonder times. Rose tinted glasses and all, it isn't necessarily the content, it usually is the fact that life was simpler back when we were kids and we didn't have so much responsibility.
My guy's degree, sure does come in handy😉
I understand the frustration with the main channel right now, but you can't please everyone. Trust me, I'm one of many who are annoyed as all hell that some people finally got what they wanted (Classic Smosh) and quit complaining, just to have the tables turned, now there is something new to complain about.
Tbh, I feel like majority of Smosh fans are ride or die, through the Defy shutdown until now, good and bad. While some just jumped ship after Anthony left, especially during the Smosh homelessness period, and came out of the woodwork just to jump on the bandwagon when Ian and Anthony bought Smosh back.
Me personally, I feel like it is easy to weed out these outliers/trolls. I want anyone and everyone to enjoy Smosh, but it has to be genuine, and if it is, you have to be able to have open ended discussions with all types of criticism.
So, when it comes down to people leaving, especially 3/4s of the 2019 core, I'd rather get a root canal! Yet, that is me being selfish and I need to be a grown up and realize that if it happens, it happens.
If I was a betting man, i wouldn't expect it anytime soon. Like you said, give the main channel until the end of the year/early next year, and see where the subscription model stands. If it is still the same and "old smosh", (funerals, interview exes, Smoffice) aren't back, than we might need to reconvene on this topic.
I think when it comes to Shayne and Courtney, I could see them sticking around until the 10yr mark, imo. It is such a milestone, why wouldn't they? With Damien he joined around 2017, so he would have to wait a little while longer for that, but he has his voice acting roles, so I believe he's fine.
If they aren't being creatively fulfilled, than I get the reason to leave, but from the outside looking in, it seems like it won't be anytime soon.
Last part, I promise! I might sound a little selfish with this take but, if Shayne and Courtney did leave, either around the same time or if only one left, maybe they would feel more comfortable sharing their relationship with the public, e.g. socials or Courtney's yt channel.
It's actually in Shourtney stream comp btw. Around 7:27!
Also agreed on all of this.
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the-type-a · 2 years
Courtney doesn’t game, but let’s say she eventually starts as a hobby which is a bad idea because she gets so immersed in it 💀
•She plays Animal Crossing and is definitely the type to have SPECIFIC villagers on her island, if they don’t fit the aesthetic gtfo
•She’ll spend HOURS perfecting her island, only to demolish it because she ends up hating it
•She falls into the whole Mayor role pretty easily, and definitely cries when her villagers throw her a birthday party 🥳
•Don’t open her sims game, she’s tasted what it’s like to be a god and went mad with power.
•She makes a family of her and Duncan and he doesn’t know, when he breaks up with her, she kills him in the game, nobody but her knows lol
•Minecraft, she definitely builds aesthetic cottage core builds, I think I sent a whole ask based on Minecraft before so this is all ima say on this lol
•She’s DEFINITELY a rager and toxic as hell playing FPS games, if she gets into a fight, she hits back with insults that would make her abuela cry lmao
•because of that she can’t play FPS too much.
•She secretly LOVES GTA, because she can commit crime without actually committing it, she’s the type to run over a group of people & get into full on wars with other players. She doesn’t care for the missions or levelling up, she just plays for the chaos.
•other times she drives around normally and just listens to the radio or spends thousands on customizing her character lol
•She can’t play horror games, at ALL.
•Duncan definitely dares her to play one and her not wanting to back down tries it, cue screaming and her being mad at Duncan while he records and laughs✨
•She likes puzzle games like LOZ, gets her mind thinking and she can fall into her nerdette fantasies✨
Animal Crossing and Sims are sf addicting!
I had downloaded SimCity at one point and it consumed me. Those citizens got on my nerves though, always setting their own houses on fire and I had to deal with the consequences 🙄
Lmao she definitely would kill Duncan off. More than once.
Courtney playing GTA would be pretty funny. Listening to the radio is lowkey so fun though, sometimes they have some bops 👀
Duncan would absolutely trick her into playing a scary game. She’d be so into whatever it is and then something pops up or everything gets dark and she’s just like wtf wtf wtf wtf. Can you imagine if it’s virtual reality?!? Omfg she’d be fighting with the air 💀
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dorianepin · 1 year
i really enjoy micah’s work and i also think courtney generally does a great job of running the stars twitter in a way where the chirping is appropriate and relevant and i like that she cares a lot about accessibility and not doing needlessly flashy things so briefly witnessing ... whatever was going down with them and the miro debate was so embarrassing ahsdlfhsh i’m glad she deleted the tweet though. as much as i love the team and truly believe in the mental resilience of our core i don’t understand why stars fans can be so sensitive to the idea that miro might not have had the best game relative to his usual output because none of that undermines the fact that he offers so many other invaluable attributes that benefit the team in countless fashion. sometimes i feel crazy because i want to say things like “everyone on this team is so emotionally dependent on one another” and i don’t know whether it’s truly a compliment or a critique or just an objective observation with no moral value, and then it also doesn’t necessarily feel fair because — it implies that they can’t play for one another and are too enmeshed to experience protracted success in the face of adversity. the thing is i don’t really know what to call the way jake was clearly rattled after seeing miro bleed out 2 feet away from him on a goal against but i also think jake is an elite goaltender not because he’ll be on a shutout bid every night but because he responds to failure so well and consistently, but then when we say response do we mean in a single period, game, over the course of a series? does that distinction matter when the margins get so slim? so in the end none of these evaluations really feel properly summative. i also don’t really believe in “clutch” as a true goaltender intangible because to me it’s the same bs hindsight evaluation as saying “wow he must want that one back” to a bad goal and as easy as it is to isolate big saves as being momentum breakers in a vacuum it rarely holds that well in a prolonged context.
god i need to stop posting but i feel insane about so many things. i was so exhausted by bhawks discourse because i wish people knew how to discuss an organization critically without utilizing someone’s trauma to make sarcastic jokes that in the end offer absolutely zero levity....... it’s not worth getting into but it’s fine. i get that it’s difficult to navigate one’s perception of organizational power dynamics when the “profitable asset” is a 17 y/o kid and that determining where our own expectations of moral responsibility lie is an impossible exercise but as always my online philosophy is that a little sensitivity can go a long way.
it’s easy to angst about the Narratives but i really do think bedard was raised just fine and as much as he has the ingrained confidence crucial to problem-solving elite-player temperament every article ever written about him just drives home over and over again that he’s not cocky in a destructive fashion and doesn’t take success as a given and is only as good as the work he tells himself he has to put in. but he also isn’t meek like mcdavid was in his draft year, but he’s still been interview-trained and understands his role within the media circus, but he wasn’t raised in the whirlwind of the gta minor league scene... i don’t know it’s just a fascinating junction of increased player autonomy and gen z social media scrutiny.
this is such a useless thing to be mad about but i do hate that the hawks have several prospects i like now. from a detached prospective viewpoint of his rookie year performance it’s like well the calder definitely isn’t a sure thing because that roster is DECIMATED and i have no idea what moves they’ll make in the off-season. i keep saying i wouldn’t be surprised if domi went back and i actually do wonder whether the canucks will deal some players to them and then ... whatever idk. but i think i’m just experiencing a disconnect where i don’t believe anyone is truly looking at the personnel the blackhawks have signed and going “well he has to score 40 goals in his rookie season or else he’s a bust!” like is that really a sentiment people will have? really??? maybe they will but perhaps naively i expect a modicum of calibrated rationality.
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twnstr · 2 months
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tw for sasaeng related deaths.
✶ ──── more commonly known as just twinstar, the company was originally founded by two sisters for the purpose of elevating hidden talents to showcase to the world. after their tumultuous run in the entertainment industry, taking the world by storm in both acting and fashion, the sisters would build an agency in hopes of finding a specific kind of talent. those with dirtied hands and grit, those with the drive to prove themselves even if it stained their hands in the progress. they were looking for talent that represented the values they held at their cores, instilled into them by an unforgiving mother from a young age: WORK HARD NOW, WASH YOUR BLOODIED HANDS LATER.
taking off the ground in 2011, twinstar officially opened its doors to curious eyes as a talent agency. news outlets were quick to descend on the then meager startup, projecting loses unlike any other. the sisters were too ambitious, even with their influence in the world. word of mouth would only get them so far. and yet, with unwavering belief in sticking to their core values, twinstar would release their first star into the world within the next few years.
the first act that broke major commercial success for the growing agency was korean-american actress COURTNEY SOO, landing her breakthrough role in the blockbuster film THE WOLF OF WALL STREET alongside leonardo dicaprio in 2013. pushing both her name and the agency overseas from its base in seoul, the world tuned in to see COURTNEY grace the scene alongside the rest of the cast. and it only went uphill from there. soon nicknamed seoul’s sweetheart, her fame would only skyrocket from there.
following in her footsteps would come supermodel EDEN SOE—captivating audiences after going viral on twitter in 2014 for attending a fashion show after party hanging off the arm of one of the internet’s beaus. a classic marketing strategy done well, it wasn’t long until she was invited to walk for small brands, working her way up until she would go viral again for opening the spring/summer show for gucci in 2016.
after establishing their modeling and acting subsidiaries, in 2017 twinstar announced plans to delve into the music industry at their annual end of year celebration. with notable names in the crowd, it wasn’t long until social media began speculating the direction the agency turned entertainment hub would follow. and after fast paced auditions and rigorous training, twinstar introduced TEENSTAR to an highly anticipating audience early 2018.
teenstar’s run was one met with high scrutiny from media outlets and netizens alike, debuting a four member girl group with a fun and refreshing pop sound. paired with the newest fashion and alluring personalities, the quartet steadily began to climb charts both at home and overseas—not without constant attention and controversy, though. rivaling groups like LOONA and IZ*ONE, teenstar exceeded all expectations regardless of they were loved or hated.
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fantasia. ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏৲ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ one half of the company’s beginnings, fantasia was established by PARK HWAYEON to bring in a new age of acting talent. notorious for its high quality auditions and harsh mentors, nothing but stellar reviews have been left in the wake of each actor underneath the label. and with ushering in new faces comes the opportunity for diversifying the field, promising a wide range of talent across all genres. with its newfound success, fantasia began pocketing connections with other companies like netflix and a24, aiming to spread their influence around the world. their most famous faces include COURTNEY SOO and ALANI LOUISE SUTTON.
hwayoung model management. ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏৲ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ currently number four on forbes’ most influential model agencies list, hwayoung model management—hmm—is considered one of the top options in south korea. founded by PARK HWAYOUNG and co-managed by her spouse KANG SUBIN, whose comments are always sought by fashion press. hmm has previously previously housed the likes of JEONG NARI and EDEN SOE. the label also took part in an award-winning seven-part documentary series called FINDING STARDOM back in 2016 as a behind the scenes partnership with netflix. it was one of the most watched series of that year and received critical acclaim.
toska records. ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏৲ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ established in 2017, toska records was founded with the purpose of making waves in the music industry with all their accumulated knowledge. the twins’ father being an acclaimed producer for many first generation artists, they already had one foot in the door. although they would only debut one group, TEENSTAR took the world by storm when they first broke into the scene in 2018. four girls, one sound, and one dream. and despite their two and a half year run, TEENSTAR’s legacy still lives on through their dedicated fans. the girls would set a major standard for music production and performance, leading their generation in synchronization and stage presence.
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pilotheather · 4 months
another insane depression kms spiral. to the low stakes live blog we must....
ep 5 - time heist
ok so picking up here again
i dontthinkt his is a fair assessment per se cuz i was really out of it when i left off and im never good at picking stuff back up but
again i loooveee the premise. i love the set-up. its SUPERRR GOOD. and i do love the characters and literally EVERYTHING here its just brooo.....
it needs more time. this should have been a two parter. way too rushed. i think these extras could have been rlly memorable if they had that time to develop. otherwise theyre just sorta standard aliens with A Trait. anyways
still fun. bit silly.
i feel weird cuz like i feel like a lot of these eps so far ive kinda not connected to them and im wondering if thats just cuz inever aaw thme live and on rewatches im always either out of it, or slightly burnt out by the time i get to them (i hate s7 it exhausts me)
ajnways end of ep again would have loved this. wish it was a 2 parter tho cuz it could have genuinely elevated itself to suchhhh highs
ep 6 - the caretaker
ok so this ep basic premise its obvs more abt the dannster & a general character piece.
but speaking of oh my god. can we get someone else in the writing room. maybe its intentional? i feel like it's... just weirder if it is. but the doctor repeatedly calling him that just always feels insanely fucking racist. help
its even worse than with mickey. sorry i did post that reddit post before right. dw just hates black men i think. its a bit mental.
anyway i like danny. i think im liking him more on the second rewatch. like ok he's a little bootboy. but i think i forgot a lot of his like Actual Personality cuz im not as well versed in this era. and can i say. hes actually a delight to me. hes lame as shit. i love it when a boyfriend is lame as shit. so good. but hes also kinda dope as fuck
like he did a flip. is no one talking about how he did a flip
anyway i like this ep its fun and ive always liked this direction with clara.
ep 7- kill the moon
ngl i laughed when i saw this coming up
i like the role courtney plays, but i dont like a lot of the execution. i think teens/kids are a really hard thing to have in tv/movies for a load of different reasons. and tbh here its not just the actresses fault - shes doing fine with the stuff given, really - but i feel like the dialogue can have a tendency to be um... lacking. and they end up being dumb as fuck but also sometimes a deus ex machina weirdo. its like just write a person bro.
also why i didnt like the kid in Boom! most recently. like can we get a few more quarters in her? she's gonna repeat the same sentiment again for us all. i can see the arguments for why she was like that- but whatever not for this post
this fuckng episode man im laughing stupid as fucking shit concept help me and i love the stupid as shit concepts
the moons an egg. give your head a fucking wobble, christ alive. help me god. help me please. its so funny. its like it could wokrk. theres bits of this episode i like. i like the concept of getting the entirety of mankind to vote on their phones for moon abortion. sorry its funny. but the moons an egg. help me. its getting heavier. YOU LIAR.
the whole lights thing too. like would this not only work on that side of the world. who is turning on and off the lights in the cities. whos doing this. help me
its so funny cuz the end of this is also very good its like theres a core to this that i really do fucking love i love claras blow up here and the way this is like the crescendo to everything thats been building up but help me you could have just . spent 10 minutes making it make sense. LOVE AND LIGHT
ep 8 - mummy on the orient express
yesss i like this episdoe (he says barely remembering this episdoe)
danny is so real. its crazy to me people call him whiny. he is literally the most reasonable man in existence. hes chill as fuck all things considered.
again my point abt ppl saying him and mickey are the worst. was mickey initially a great boyfriend, nah, he sucked and it was a lame relationship between two struggling not even 20 somethings. sorry. then rose went missing for a year and he AS HE SAYS was like prime suspect #1 and saw some insane shit that rocked his gourd. he was a pretty reasonable guy for someone that got eaten by a rubbish bin is what im trying to say.
hell yeah. we have the expert on the scary mummy omens thank you for giving us the exposition dump on the mummy
perkins is so pookie bear
whatever the fuck is going on with 12 and clara is insanity. its pure insanity.
the scary mummy awakens
you are NOT a mystery shopper >:(
help me god he says. i have ptsd. and the mummy is coming for me.
this is completely aside. clara looks utterly delicious in her fucking outfit. i think im going to
i actually did forget the resolution to this episode and it hits just right i shant lie.
OKAY end of ep. i fucking loved the middle i remember i loved it but i think the set up was a little slow going. my kind of fucking vibe all over.
can we keep perkins
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nave159 · 7 months
The Role of a Beauty Photographer in Shaping Visual Narratives
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In the world of photography, there exists a realm where imagination meets reality, where every frame tells a story waiting to be heard. As a fervent advocate for the power of visual storytelling, I, Courtney, have dedicated my craft to the mesmerizing artistry of beauty photography. From the subtle nuances of expression to the interplay of light and shadow, each photograph serves as a testament to the boundless creativity and ingenuity of the human spirit.
My journey into becoming a beauty photographer began with a humble curiosity and a burning passion to explore the world through a different lens. From the bustling streets of metropolitan cities to the tranquil landscapes of nature's embrace, I found myself captivated by the myriad forms of beauty that surrounded me. It was this innate curiosity that propelled me towards a path of discovery, leading me to uncover the transformative power of photography as a medium for storytelling.
At its core, beauty photography is about more than just capturing aesthetically pleasing images; it's about distilling the essence of beauty in its purest form. Whether it's the graceful curve of a model's silhouette or the ethereal glow of natural light, each element is meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of wonder and awe in the viewer. It's about capturing those fleeting moments of magic and preserving them for eternity, allowing others to experience the world through a new perspective.
One of the defining characteristics of my approach as a beauty photographer lies in my commitment to authenticity and diversity. In a world that often imposes narrow standards of beauty, I believe in celebrating the unique qualities that make each individual truly remarkable. Whether it's showcasing the raw, unfiltered beauty of a subject or challenging societal norms through provocative imagery, my goal is to empower others to embrace their true selves and celebrate their individuality.
Color and composition play a pivotal role in shaping the visual narrative of my work as a beauty photographer. From the bold, vibrant hues of a fashion editorial to the soft, muted tones of a portrait, each image is carefully crafted to evoke a specific mood or emotion. It's about creating a visual language that transcends words, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in a world of endless possibilities and imagination.
In the ever-evolving landscape of photography, innovation is key to staying ahead of the curve. Whether it's experimenting with new techniques or embracing emerging technologies, I am constantly pushing the boundaries of my craft to create compelling, thought-provoking imagery. It's about challenging myself to see the world through fresh eyes and uncovering new ways to capture the beauty that surrounds us.
Beyond the realm of aesthetics, the heart of my work as a beauty photographer lies in the power of storytelling. Each image serves as a chapter in a larger narrative, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery. Whether it's capturing the raw vulnerability of a portrait or the aspirational allure of a fashion editorial, my goal is to ignite the imagination and inspire meaningful conversations through the language of imagery.
So, it's safe to say that the artistry of a beauty photographer extends far beyond the confines of the studio; it's a calling rooted in a deep-seated passion for capturing the essence of beauty in all its forms. Through my lens, I strive to redefine the boundaries of perception and invite viewers to see the world through a lens of boundless creativity and wonder. As I continue on my journey, I am committed to harnessing the transformative power of visual storytelling to shape narratives that resonate with the hearts and minds of viewers around the world.
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spoilertv · 7 months
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jules-has-notes · 9 months
collaboration spotlight — Disney Sessions — Aladdin
After their joyful collaboration with the touring cast of Newsies in the spring, VoicePlay were invited to create some more arrangements as part of the Disney On Broadway 20th anniversary celebration. This time they teamed up with the stage cast of Aladdin.
Join the boys for a behind the scenes sneak peek into their writing process and a marathon filming day in New York's theater district, then watch the resulting videos below.
Some of the best villains are deceptive, even seductive, and more than a few lull their victims into complacency with song. Although Jafar's villain song was mostly an inversion of the hero song, the actor who played him for thirty years can certainly bring the perfectly tuned menace with the best of them.
title: Villains medley
performer: Jonathan Freeman
original songs / performers: [0:10] "Prince Ali (Reprise)" by Jonathan Freeman as Jafar in Aladdin; [0:44] "Poor Unfortunate Souls" by Pat Carroll as Ursula in The Little Mermaid; [1:18] "Cruella de Vil" by Bill Lee as Roger Radcliffe in 101 Dalmatians; [1:34] "Oogie Boogie's Song" by Ken Page as Oogie Boogie in The Nightmare Before Christmas; [2:12] "Prince Ali (Reprise)" coda
written by: "Prince Ali (Reprise)" by Alan Menken & Tim Rice; "Poor Unfortunate Souls" by Howard Ashman & Alan Menken; "Cruella De Vil" by George Bruns & Mel Leven; "Oogie Boogie’s Song" by Danny Elfman
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci
release date: 22 October 2015
My favorite bits:
Jonathan sounding just as fabulous and sinister as he did when I was a kid
the gentle call-and-response interjections from the backup singers "Suprise!" "Oh no!"
the singers getting offended at the trombone taking the melody for one bar
Jonathan Freeman was the voice of Jafar in the original 1992 animated movie, and the only member of the voice cast to return for the Aladdin stage adaptation. He stayed with the show from its 2011 off-Broadway workshop in Seattle through its 2014 Broadway debut, and stayed until his retirement in January 2022.
VoicePlay had done their own full version of "Cruella de Vil" at the beginning of the year as part of the promotion for the Blu-ray release of 101 Dalmatians.
The guys included most of these songs in their own "Aca Top 10 — Disney Villains" medley a few years later.
After playing a pair of strangers who meet and fall in love every night, these two talented folks got a chance to sing in the voices of an established couple looking further into the future.
title: Thinking Out Loud
performers: Courtney Reed & Adam Jacobs
original performer: Ed Sheeran
written by: Ed Sheeran & Amy Wadge
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci
release date: 5 November 2015
My favorite bits:
turning the song into a balanced duet so that both people involved have a voice in the narration
the relaxed jazzy tempo giving the lyrics a less urgent, more comfortable feel
Courtney booping Adam's nose
the harmonized riffing on ♫ "baby no-o-o-ow" ♫ in the bridge
Adam and Courtney originated their roles of Aladdin and Jasmine in the stage adaptation, begining with the off-Broadway workshop in Seattle and continuing to Broadway.
Some performances can never be replicated, but a talented actor can make any role their own. James Monroe Iglehart didn't try to emulate Robin Williams. He took a fresh approach to the stage version of Genie while maintaining the character's core exuberence. This arrangement celebrates the best of both.
title: Genie's "Friend Like Me" remix
performer: James Monroe Iglehart
original performer: Robin Williams as the Genie in Aladdin (1992)
written by: Howard Ashman & Alan Menken
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci; original rap by James Monroe Iglehart
release date: 12 November 2015
My favorite bits:
the added syncopation on ♫ "brand of magic that never fails" ♫
James spitting bars
the conversational tone between James and the backup singers
going from a sustained high note to a low descending riff
James Monroe Iglehart originated the role of Genie in the off-Broadway workshop and Broadway production of Aladdin, and won a 2014 Tony Award for best featured actor in a musical. He left the show in 2017 to take over the role of Lafayette/Jefferson in Hamilton.
During filming, Layne didn't get to hear the direct audio feed, so he missed James's rap verse. When they got backstage, he took a chance to lay down a beat, and it paid off in the form of a private performance. It makes perfect sense that James is a member of Freestyle Love Supreme, along with several of his Hamilton costars.
A version of "Friend Like Me" was one of the earliest videos VoicePlay made for their own YouTube channel.
You can't go wrong with a Sinatra tune for a jazzy cabaret setting. The thematic parallel between this classic invitation to adventure and "A Whole New World" was too good to reisist.
title: Come Fly With Me
performer: Adam Jacobs
original performer: Frank Sinatra
written by: composed by Jimmy Van Heusen, lyrics by Sammy Cahn
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci
release date: 19 November 2015
My favorite bits:
Adam's silky smooth timbre
♫ "he'll toot…" ♫ 🎺 ::toot:: 🎺 ♫ "…his flute for you" ♫
the lovely dance break with Courtney
his shoulder shake on ♫ "the angels cheer" ♫
After they left the New York production of Aladdin, Adam and Courtney both reprised their roles in the touring company. They later reunited again on the Broadway Princess Party tour.
Geoff was pretty excited about this particular song.
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tips-from-john · 1 year
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Welcome to this comprehensive video review of Neotonics, the revolutionary health supplement specifically designed to address the root cause of skin problems and premature aging. In this Neotonics review, we will provide you with the latest and most pertinent information regarding this skin supplement, including its functioning, ingredients, potential side effects, and whether it is worth considering for purchase.
📌 What is Neotonics?
Neotonics is an innovative health supplement tailored to tackle the underlying factors responsible for skin problems and premature aging. Extensive scientific research has revealed that the process of cell turnover plays a crucial role in aging skin. This process involves the replacement of old skin cells with new ones, ultimately leading to a youthful, firm, and radiant complexion.
📌 How does Neotonics Work?
Neotonics operates by targeting the core cause of skin issues and premature aging, which is intricately linked to gut health. The process of cell turnover, vital for maintaining youthful and firm skin, is significantly influenced by the gut and its microbiome. As the gut ages, its ability to regulate cell turnover diminishes, thereby accelerating the aging of the skin.
📌 What are the Key Ingredients in Neotonics?
The efficacy of Neotonics is attributed to its nutrient-rich ingredients, which synergistically work to balance the gut microbiome, boost skin health, and stimulate collagen production. Let's delve into the key ingredients found in Neotonics: Babchi, Dandelion, Fennel, Fenugreek, Inulin, Lemon Balm, Organic Ceylon Ginger, Organic Lions Mane, Slippery Elm Bark, and Bacillus Coagulans.
📌 Benefits of Using Neotonics
Neotonics offers a plethora of benefits, including:
Utilizing natural ingredients with clinically proven benefits for gut and skin health.
Renewing and rejuvenating the skin, restoring a youthful glow.
Enhancing collagen production and promoting the health of connective tissues and skin.
Supporting a healthy gut through prebiotics and probiotics.
Protecting the skin from damage and maintaining its moisture and hydration.
Boosting beneficial bacteria for overall gut health.
Providing antioxidant protection at a cellular level, reducing damage.
Tightening the skin, reducing pore appearance, and diminishing fine lines and wrinkles.
Reducing skin irritation and the risk of infections.
Supplying essential nutrients for improved gut and skin health.
📌 Conclusion About Neotonics
In conclusion, Neotonics stands as a cutting-edge health supplement that directly targets the root cause of skin problems and premature aging by addressing gut health. Through a carefully curated blend of natural, clinically-proven ingredients, Neotonics effectively restores and maintains a healthy gut microbiome, resulting in significant enhancements in skin health and appearance.
📌 Neotonics Guarantee – Where to Buy Neotonics
You have the opportunity to test Neotonics for a period of 60 days. If you do not observe desired results or if you are unsatisfied for any reason, you can claim a full refund – making your purchase completely risk-free. Neotonics is exclusively available on the official website. Take advantage of this special offer today by clicking the link below to secure your discount!
Key Moments Of This Review
00:00 - NeoTonics Review Intro
01:00 - NeoTonics Official Website
01:29 - What is NeoTonics?
01:53 - NeoTonics Skin
05:05 - NeoTonics Customer Real Results
02:30 - NeoTonics Benefits
02:41 - NeoTonics Ingredients
03:06 - NeoTonics Formula
03:22 - NeoTonics FDA Approved?
03:31 - NeoTonics Reviews Conclusion
03:43 - NeoTonics Guarantee
The post Neotonics was first published on Courtney Channel.
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asktoobzee · 1 year
How to Watch Scream VI… and is it Worth Watching?
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After landing in theaters on March 10, the latest installment of Wes Craven’s Scream movie franchise is now on streaming. We gave Scream VI a full 2 hours of our time to tell you where you can watch it and — perhaps more importantly — if it’s worth your time.
Spoiler Alert:
Before you read further, we assume you’ve seen all or most Screams 1 through 5. If you haven’t, just be warned that there are some (major) spoilers regarding the earlier movies. But don’t worry, there are NOT any major spoilers about Scream VI.
Do you need to watch Scream 5 before watching Scream VI?
You don’t absolutely need to watch Scream (as the 5th movie is officially titled) before watching Scream VI, because you could probably still enjoy it enough as a slasher. However, we strongly recommend watching it, because there are a lot of callbacks to it throughout the movie. (So much so, that you’ll have a fairly good idea about what happened in “Scream 5” just from watching “Scream 6”.)
Another reason to watch it first is that the movie’s main characters (and their backstories) are introduced in the previous film. And one of the franchise’s regular characters is also killed off.
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Who is in Scream VI?
Three characters appeared in all of the first 5 films: Sidney, Gale, and Dewey. They were like the Holy Trinity of Ghostface Slayers. However, only one of them returns for Scream VI.
Neve Campbell chose not to reprise her role, making this the first Scream movie without Sidney Prescott. But we figure she’ll be back one day – maybe for Scream X. Dewey, due to his heroism and an unfortunately timed text message, was mortally unable to return. 
Therefore, Courtney Cox became the only person to appear on the screen in all six Scream movies. (Roger L. Jackson has voiced Ghostface in all six films.)
Also returning, are the “Core 4” characters from the last movie: sisters Sam and Tara and twins Chad and Mindy. A couple of others return as well, but if you haven’t seen the movie poster, we won’t spoil the surprise.
Other notable actors include Dermot Mulroney, Josh Segarra, and Henry Czerny. And in a stroke of genius casting, there’s also Samara Weaving, who starred as the titular character in the horror black comedy The Babysitter and its sequel, The Babysitter: Killer Queen. We’ll give you one guess as to her role in the latest Scream movie.
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Is Scream VI worth watching?
Paying homage to its roots while updating to reflect the current zeitgeist (as all Screams do), the movie starts with a pretty blonde answering the phone. But instead of a babysitter in a kitchen, she’s a college prof in a bar – trying to connect with her Tinder Flirtr date. And anyone who’s seen a Scream movie knows where this hookup is heading.
After an opening scene that adds some new twists, we discover that similar to Scream 2, our heroines have moved away to college. And this time they’re in NYC, à la Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan – but this movie’s actually good.
There’s still the film buff who explains sequels and prequels and requels, laying out the rules of the “franchise”, where films are only made to boost an IP and even the main characters are expendable. 
No one is safe. Legacy characters? Cannon fodder at this point. Usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia.
It just needs to be bigger, badder, and the opposite of last time. And that certainly comes true here. The gore factor is cranked up a notch, so if Scream 3 (the tamest in the series) is your favorite in the franchise, this may not be for you. It’s not Hostel, but it’s a bloody far cry from Scary Movie.
Let’s be blunt. If you enjoyed Scream “5”, the answer is undoubtedly yes. If you like slashers, the answer is also yes. And if you’re even asking this question, the answer is most likely still yes.
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Where to stream Scream VI
For now, you can only stream Scream VI on Paramount+.
It is not available to rent yet, but you can buy it for around $20 at the usual places: Apple TV, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube, Redbox, Vudu, and more. 
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Where to watch all Scream movies online
Scream (1996)
Director Wes Craven and screenwriter Kevin Williamson essentially revived the horror movie genre in 1996 with Scream. It openly mocked the genre’s clichés, but embraced them just as hard, injecting life into a tired and dying genre that had become a straight-to-video boneyard.
After hauling in $173 million at the box office on a $15 million budget, the movie has since found a place on many Best of lists, including Bravo’s 100 Scariest Movie Moments and Empire’s 500 Greatest Movies of All Time.
You can stream the original Scream on:
It’s also available for rent for around $4 on plenty of platforms, like Apple TV, Amazon, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
Scream 2 (1997)
Sidney, Gale, and Dewey are back just a year later! And the first Stab movie is already in theaters. Also back – of course – is the next iteration of Ghostface, who follows Sidney to college in Ohio. 
Faced with production problems and plot leaks, Scream 2 still did nearly as well at the box office, taking in just $680k less than the first one. It’s the highest-rated sequel in the series on Rotten Tomatoes, and many consider it the best film in the franchise.
The impressive cast is like a Who’s Who? of the 90s, with Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jamie Kennedy, Heather Graham, Joshua Jackson, Omar Epps, Tori Spelling, and Rebecca Gayheart. Liev Schreiber also returns, along with Timothy Olyphant and Jada Pinkett Smith, a quarter-century before The Slap Heard Around the World.
You can stream Scream 2 on:
Hoopla (with ads)
Pluto TV (with ads)
It’s also available for rent for around $3 to $4 on platforms like the Microsoft Store, Apple TV, Amazon, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
Scream 3 (2000)
Three years after the events of the previous film, Scream 3 has Sidney living far away from Woodsboro, hoping to never see Ghostface again. But of course, she gets called back into action. As do Gale and Dewy. But this time they’re in Hollywood, where they’re filming Stab 3, the latest installment of the meta film series that’s a constant throughout the real-life franchise.
Hot on the heels of the Columbine Massacre, this installment leans more heavily on comedic elements than violence and horror, an approach that Scream VI definitely did not take. This makes Scream 3, in our opinion, the weakest film in the series.
You can stream Scream 3 on:
Hoopla (with ads)
Pluto TV (with ads)
It’s also available for rent for around $3 to $4 on platforms like the Microsoft Store, Apple TV, Amazon, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
Scream 4 (2011)
Officially stylized as SCRE4M, the 4th in the series was better than the previous film, but it still felt like the cow was running out of milk. The 3 mainstay characters – Sidney, Gale, and Dewey – are back, and it’s the 15th anniversary of the Woodsboro murders. 
On tour to promote her self-help book, Sidney swings through Woodsboro for a reunion with old friends. And there’s no way Ghostface is going to miss it!
You can stream Scream 4 on:
It’s also available for rent for around $4 on plenty of platforms, like Apple TV, Amazon, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
Scream (2022)
With another 11-year gap between Scream movies, the 5th installment indicated it was rebooting the franchise by titling itself simply Scream. However, it wasn’t a complete scorched-earth reboot as Sidney, Gale, and Dewey were all present and accounted for. But it did introduce new, younger heroines for Sidney to pass the torch to.
You can stream Scream exclusively on:
It’s also available for rent for around $3 to $4 on platforms like the Microsoft Store, Apple TV, Amazon, Flix Fling, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
Scream VI (2023)
We’ve already given the rundown on what Scream VI is about and where you can stream it, but we’re adding it here for those of you who prefer to jump to the end.
You can stream Scream VI exclusively on:
It is not available to rent yet, but you can buy it for around $20 at the usual places: Apple TV, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube, Redbox, Vudu, and more.
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watusichris · 3 years
Betty Davis Was a Big Freak
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Written for the late lamented Music Aficionado in 2016, and republished on the day of Ms. Davis’ death, 2/9/22. ********** To this day, the name Betty Davis – Betty with a “y,” that is – remains best known to connoisseurs of Miles Davis minutiae and ‘70s funk obsessives. While it’s true that Betty played an important off-stage role in the career of the jazz trumpeter, to whom she was married for just a year, and she undoubtedly made some of the best hardcore funk records of her era, she deserves to be recognized beyond the relatively narrow provinces of the jazzbo and the crate-digger.
Uncompromising, intelligent, brazen, aggressive, and not incidentally gorgeous, sexually provocative, and a fashion plate always ahead of the curve, Betty was a prophetic figure. Spawned by the explosion of music, fashion, and alternative culture of the late ‘60s, and by concurrent leaps in black consciousness and feminism, she was a take-no-prisoners singer and writer who presented herself as something new, rich, and strange with her self-titled debut album in 1973.
There were some badass contemporaries working the soul and funk trenches– gutter-tongued diva Millie Jackson and one-time James Brown paramour Yvonne Fair leap to mind immediately – but they seemed to be adapting tropes previously worked by male singers in the genres. Betty still sounds like something new: a tough, smart, demanding woman who reveled in pleasure and insisted on satisfaction, unafraid to claim what she wanted.
Despite the fact that she was associated with some high-profile male musician friends and lovers – beyond Davis, the roll call included Hugh Masekela, Jimi Hendrix, Sly Stone, Mike Carabello, Eric Clapton, and Robert Palmer – she was no groupie or bed-hopping climber. Possessed of her own self-defining vision, she was producing her own records and leading a tight, flexible little band by the end of her brief run.
In 1976, after completing four splendid albums (only three of which were released at the time), she disappeared, not only from the music business but from the public eye entirely. What happened? It’s an old story that many women in the industry will recognize: Her record company didn’t know what to do with her, and wanted her to tone down her act. Betty Davis wasn’t having any of that, thank you, and she hit the damn road.
She was born Betty Mabry in Durham, NC, in 1945. She grew up country, and was exposed to down-home, get-down music early. On the title track of her second album, They Say I’m Different, she runs down the artists who served as inspirations: Big Mama Thornton, John Lee Hooker, Lightnin’ Hopkins, Howlin’ Wolf, Albert King, Chuck Berry. The blues, in one form or another, is the backbone of her style.
Her family relocated to Pittsburgh when she was young, but at 16 she left home for the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. There she was hurtled into the roiling cultural vortex of the Village. She took up modeling, working for the toney Wilhelmina agency, and began running with a posse of similarly disposed, equally beautiful women who called themselves the “Electric Ladies.” Sound familiar? One of her closest cohorts was Devon Wilson, for many years a notorious consort of Jimi Hendrix known for her freewheeling, outré sex- and drug-saturated lifestyle.
Mabry began to try her hand at singing, and cut a few self-penned singles. They were in an old-school mold in terms of structure, but her very first 45 hints at things to come. “Get Ready For Betty,” a 1964 track released by Don Costa (discoverer of Paul Anka and Trini Lopez and a key arranger for Frank Sinatra), is stodgy early-‘60s NYC R&B to its core, but its message is pointed: “Get out my way, girl, ‘cause I’m comin’ to take your man.”
She also made a stolid romantic duet ballad with singer Roy Arlington and, produced by cult soul man Lou Courtney, a homage to the Cellar, the New York club where she DJed. But she didn’t start reaching the upper echelon of the music biz until one of her songs, a hymn to Harlem called “Uptown,” was cut by the Chambers Brothers for their smash 1968 album The Time Has Come, which also included the psychedelic soul workout “Time Has Come Today.”
The Chambers association probably secured a singles deal for her at Columbia Records, and her first session for the major label was produced by her former live-in boyfriend, South African trumpeter Masekela, in October 1968. By that time, she had split with him: A month earlier, she had married a far more famous horn player, Miles Davis, whom she had met in 1967. Davis and his regular producer Teo Macero would head her second session for Columbia in May 1969.
Those two dates were released for the first time as The Columbia Years 1968-1969 earlier this month by Light in the Attic, the independent label that has restored Betty’s entire catalog to print over the last decade. While devoted fans can be grateful that the work is finally seeing the light of day, it does not make for easy listening, for it was clearly made by people groping in the dark.
Betty’s artistic persona was at that point completely unformed, and so her male Svengalis did their best to mold the clay in their hands, with feeble results. Masekela evidently completed just three tracks, two of which, “It’s My Life” and “Live, Love, Learn,” were issued as a flop single. The homiletic song titles give the game away; the music, straight-up commercial soul backed by a large group (which included Wilton Felder and Wayne Henderson of the Jazz Crusaders and Masekela), has nothing original to say.
The date with Miles is a bigger waste, if a more spectacular one. The personnel couldn’t have been more glittering: Hendrix sidemen Billy Cox and Mitch Mitchell; ex-Detroit Wheels guitarist Jim McCarty; bassist Harvey Brooks, studio familiar of Bob Dylan and former member of the Electric Flag; and Davis’ then-current or future band mates Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, John McLaughlin, and Larry Young.
But nothing jells. The material is either weak (Betty’s directionless original “Hangin’ Out” is the best of a bad lot) or incongruous (lumbering covers of Cream’s “Politician” and Creedence’s “Born On the Bayou”). Worse, the jazzers are unable to lay down anything resembling a solid soul-rock foundation, and even reliable timekeeper Mitchell blows the groove on more than one occasion. Miles gets impatient with his spouse at one point, rasping over the talk-back, “Sing it just like that, with the gum in your mouth and all, bitch.”
Apparently intended as demos, the failed tracks were consigned to the tape library. By late ’69, Miles and Betty’s marriage was history. She left her mark on his music: She appeared on the cover of his cover of his 1968 album Filles de Kilimanjaro and inspired its extended track “Mademoiselle Mabry” (based on the chords that opens Hendrix’s “The Wind Cries Mary”) and “Back Seat Betty” from his 1981 comeback album The Man With the Horn.
Moreover, she moved him toward the flash style that would dominate his music through the mid-‘70s, by exposing him to the slamming music of Hendrix and Sly and exchanging his continental suits for psychedelic pimp togs. Would we know Bitches Brew, On the Corner, and Agharta without Betty Davis? Maybe, maybe not.
For her part, Betty remained in the wings for a while. She collaborated on demos for the Commodores; in London, she modeled, worked on songs for Marc Bolan of T. Rex, and declined a production offer from her then-paramour Clapton. Drifting back to New York, she met Santana percussionist Carabello. They became involved romantically, and in 1972 she relocated to the San Francisco Bay area, where Carabello’s local connections led to the formation of a stellar band to back her on a debut album.
One reads the credits for Betty Davis in awe. The rhythm section was the Family Stone’s dissident, puissant rhythm section, bassist Larry Graham and drummer Greg Errico (who also produced). Original Santana guitarist Neal Schon, future Mandrill axe man Doug Rodrigues, founding Graham Central Station organist Hershall Kennedy, and keyboardist and ace Jerry Garcia collaborator Merl Saunders filled out the instrumentation. The Pointer Sisters, Sylvester, and Kathi McDonald were among a large platoon of backup vocalists.
Issued in 1973 by Just Sunshine Records, an independent label owned by Woodstock Festival promoter Michael Lang (who also released a set by another unique woman, folk singer-guitarist Karen Dalton), Betty Davis was one hell of a coming-out party. Since her abortive Columbia dates, she had developed a unique vocal attack that could leap from a velvety croon to a Tina Turner-like shriek in a nanosecond. The stomping funk of the studio band backed her up to the hilt.
Like Turner, she was one Bold Soul Sister. The lust-filled opening invitation “If I’m in Luck I Might Get Picked Up” announces that a new game was afoot. The statement of romantic/sexual independence “Anti Love Song,” the lovers’ chess match “Your Man My Man,” and the self-explanatory “Game is My Middle Name” offer up a startling, hard-edged new model of a hard-funking female vocalist.
The album’s most affecting track may be “Steppin in Her I. Miller Shoes,” Davis’ level-headed elegy for her sybaritic friend Devon Wilson, who sailed out a window at the Chelsea Hotel in 1971. “She coulda been anything that she wanted…Instead she chose to be nothing,” Davis sings, implying that route wouldn’t be one she would take herself.
“If I’m in Luck” grazed the lower reaches of the R&B singles chart and the album failed to reach the LP rolls at all, but Davis was undaunted. For 1974’s They Say I’m Different, she took the producer’s reins, which she would hold for the rest of her career. While the backup lineup is less glitzy (though Saunders, Pete Escovedo, and Buddy Miles, on guitar no less, appear), the support is still sizzling; crackling drums and burbling clavinet put over a set of songs that may have been even stronger than those heard on her debut.
No one who hears “He Was a Big Freak” is likely to ever forget it; it’s a startling dissection of a masochistic relationship -- inspired by Jimi Hendrix, and not, as many have assumed, by Miles Davis (“Everyone knows that Miles is a sadist,” Betty remarked later). Almost as notable are “Don’t Call Her No Tramp,” a prescient condemnation of what we now call slut-shaming, and the autobiographical title track, with slicing slide guitar work by Cordell Dudley.
Different and its attendant singles tanked, but Betty managed to maintain her profile with live gigs noteworthy for their uninhibited bawdiness, on-stage abandon, and the star’s Egyptian-princess-from-outer-space wardrobe sense. By early 1974 she had assembled a hot, lean road band that included her cousins Nickey Neal and Larry Johnson on drums and bass, respectively, plus keyboardist Fred Mills and guitarist Carlos Morales. This lineup would back her on her last two albums.
The end of Just Sunshine’s distribution deal liberated Davis, who, at the suggestion of then-boyfriend Robert Palmer, inked with Palmer’s label Island Records. The company released Nasty Gal in 1975, and it may be Davis’ best-executed work. The pared-down backing lets the songs shine, and there are good ones here: The shameless title song, the vituperative blast at the critics “Dedicated to the Press,” and the out-front ultimatum for sexual satisfaction “Feelins” get right up in the listener’s face. The most surprising track is the ballad “You and I,” an unexpected songwriting reunion with Miles, orchestrated by the trumpeter’s famed arranger Gil Evans.
It’s a tremendous album, and Betty supported it with live shows that ate the funk competition alive. A bootleg of an especially out-there set recorded at a festival on the French Riviera in 1976 literally climaxes with Nasty Gal’s “The Lone Ranger,” an in-the-saddle heavy breather that Davis wraps up by feigning a loud orgasm.
One should remember that at this particular juncture, Madonna was studying dance at the University of Michigan.
But Nasty Gal faded with hardly a trace, and Davis’ relationship with Island swiftly became fractious. It’s easy to see why the label declined to issue her final album, originally called Crashin’ From Passion and ultimately released, after years as a bootleg, by Light in the Attic in 2009 as Is It Love or Desire. The collection, which leans heavily on songs about sex, doping, and heavy drinking, includes “Stars Starve, You Know,” an outright condemnation of the games record companies play:
They said if I wanted to make some money I’d have to change my style Put a paper bag over my face Sing soft and wear tight fitting gowns
They don’t like the way I’m lookin’ So it’s hard for my agent to get me bookin’s Unless I cover up my legs and drop my pen And commit one of those commercial sins…
Oh hey hey Island
And that was all she wrote. Until writers began to seek her out in the new millennium as her records became available again, Betty Davis was an invisible woman, one who had blazed a trail that other talents, such as Prince and Madonna, would blaze more profitably after her. She was definitively ahead of her time.
Asked by one writer what she had done since leaving music, Davis, who turns 71 on July 26, responded with the most tragic thing one can imagine any artist saying: “Nothing really.”
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