#this run was fun one though! pretty scary that like i didn't get rid of both my ringworms into like well into map 2 though
silverameco · 6 months
Summer Camp AU - @wolfstarmicrofic - 839 words
Bullshit. That's what it fucking was. Utter fucking bullshit. He had a plan. A simple one too, with only two steps to follow.
1) Coming home from boarding school for the summer
2) Taking off to James' the next day
Except he didn't anticipate that his mother would send him to some stupid summer camp before James could pick him up. All that because "maybe they will teach you some manners, unlike that heathen friend of yours". Sure, he and James got in a lot of trouble at school, but still. That wasn't fair. And with no phone too !
Now here he was, stuck in the middle of the woods with a bunch of kids younger than 12, with no way to contact James, bored out of his mind. He was 16 ! He should have been able to spend his summer the way he wanted. And it was definitely not building shitty wood cabins with some mean instructors yelling at him. Apparently being the oldest meant he had to help the kids. He wasn't a damn carpenter, for god's sake.
The only one who seemed to be around his age was a broody looking boy whose weird name he didn't remember. He was always aside from the group, reading or even smoking, even though it wasn't allowed. Sirius was a little bit annoyed by that because he was never getting yelled at for it. He supposed the instructors were a little bit scared of him and didn't want to bother. He could look quite scary, with the scar running accross his face and his tall figure. Sirius must have been scared of him. Maybe that was why he didn't dare talk to him until the third day. Maybe that was why he couldn't hold his gaze everytime their eyes met.
But on the third day, Sirius had enough. That boy was only a teenage boy like him after all. So he managed to avoid the attention of the instructors and approached him as he was reading, sitting under a tree.
"So, are you a really useless instructor or do your parents hate you too ?" he said while he sat beside him.
To Sirius' surprise, the boy smiled as he met his eyes. Oh, he thought. He's not scary at all. He's adorable. He pushed the thought away.
"Well I suppose my dad wanted to get rid of me. I'm Remus, by the way."
"That's a weird name, Remus."
"Weirder than being named after a star ?"
Sirius' mind blanked.
"Wha- How did you- ?"
At that, Remus just laughed. And oh, he should stop laughing. Sirius couldn't bear such a pretty sound.
"Some of us actually remember the others' names, Sirius", he smiled.
Sirius ignored the flutter in his chest at hearing his name in that warm voice, and he smirked, "do you know everyone's name, then, Remus ?"
Remus blushed. "Nah, just yours."
For the first time since he arrived in this stupid camp, Sirius felt his lips stir in a genuine smile. Okay then, Remus seemed fun.
They stayed under the tree for almost an hour, mostly chatting about their shared misfortune being here, and sharing a smoke. Stealing glances the other's way too. Surprisingly, nobody disturbed them until the outdoor activity ended and they had to go back to the camp for dinner. They sat together while they ate some very untasty food. Sirius spent his dinner trying to convince Remus that his parents sent him to this camp because he was a true rebel. But Remus kept laughing and looking at him with something like fond disbelief. So Sirius kept insisting. Maybe because he was stubborn and proud. Maybe because he wanted to hear that laugh again.
Overall, Sirius went to bed with a smile, thinking he made a real friend. Maybe that camp wouldn't be so bad, after all. But an hour after bed time, as everyone was already asleep, he heard a whisper shaking him away from his thoughts.
"Sirius, are you sleeping ?"
"Remus ?! What are you doing ?"
"Shh, don't wake them up !"
He sat up in his bed. He could barely make out Remus' amber eyes in the dark. Everyone else was asleep in the big dormitory.
"Couldn't sleep. There's a lake, not far. Thought maybe you'd want to go for a swim."
"Right now ?!"
Remus moved a bit and his face was suddendly bathed in the moonlight seeping through the thin curtains. Sirius could see him better. Mostly, he could see his cheeky smile.
"Come on, Sirius, what happened to being a true rebel ?"
He was standing near Sirius' bed, extending a waiting palm towards him. His smile was equal parts sweet and teasing. Mesmerized, Sirius took the offered hand. He hoped the night was hiding his blushing cheeks. As they sneaked out of the building and into the night, they never let go of each other's hand. Sirius thought that maybe, this summer camp wasn't utter bullshit. Maybe it would be really fucking amazing. 
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yantalia545 · 1 year
Yandere Italy, Germany, and Japan with a nation darling that proposes to be in a political marriage with them, but the boys rejected them ( at the time maybe the boys weren't yandere for them ). Fast forward 2 years later and the darling is in a happy and very beneficial marriage with the country they hate the most. What is their reaction to all of this and what would they do????
So sorry this took so long. I couldn't get Germany's part right for so long.
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He didn't understand what was going on when you first asked him to marry you. Which was why he turned you down in a panic at first. However, as time when on, he should have kicked himself over the terrible mistake he'd made that day. If Italy could go back to that day then he'd take everything back, because, by the time he realized his feelings for you, you were already married to someone else. Britain for that matter...
THE BRITAIN. As in the scary, lying, and just downright no good for you Britain!
Italy can't stand this. HE WON'T! But how can he do that when even just the mentioning of that horrid monster's name has Italy running for the hills. By doing the one thing he knows to do; Cling to you and cry about how horrible Britain is.
"You can't possibly think that England is a good husband for you! He's so scary and you're so nice! There's no way you're happy with him!" Italy will cry to you. No matter the place or who's watching he will cling to you until either Germany, Britain, or Romano drag him off you. When Britain tries to tell him off though, Italy turns up the tears and uses it as further evidence of why you need to leave him pronto.
Italy isn't much of a fighter or a strategist, so there's not much more he will do but try to up his romance game by leaving you various gifts and making a few portraits of you. He'll keep pursuing you in hopes that one day you'll wake up and realize that England is a terrible person/ husband and that he's far better for you. After all, you did ask him first.
Pretty soon, Italy is trying to insert himself in any aspect of your life that he can. Just as long as Britan isn't there to scare him away. You're going shopping? Let him come with you, it's not as fun going alone. Hungry? Don't eat cheap food! It's not good for you. Let Italy share the meal that he prepared just for you. You're having a hard time with your paperwork today? It's too nice out anyways to be stuck inside. Let's go do something fun!
How did he even know about that last one...
Italy will gradually start showing up more and more and become increasingly more difficult to get rid of on your own. Honestly, he's become a little suffocating. If you try to tell Italy off yourself, he'll cry and cause an embarrassing scene for you. How can you be so cruel to someone who just wants to make you happy? If you try to stick around England more just to scare Italy off then Italy will have no choice but to ask favors from some sketchy people he knows to help him out. Italy had quite a life before being in the mafia and such.
The best part is, no one would suspect a thing from him. Italy is too sweet and wimpy to do anything so horrible such as kidnapping. And besides, he didn't even lay a finger on you so it's not like there's much to trace back to him anyways.
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He doesn't think much of your proposal at first. Ludwig is an efficient thinker and saw your question from a political standpoint rather than what relations he had with you. Your country wasn't even that big either (not even a global supper power), so it didn't have much to offer him. He'll turn you down at that point. Ludwig already has a lot on his place from demanding bosses and taking care of Italy. He won't have the time or energy to look after someone else.
However, when he sees you two years later he couldn't help but feel like an absolute fool. Here he is, watching from the sidelines as you become an absolute superpower all on your own in a way he's never seen before. The way you gained so much power and success in such a short amount of time was like none other--Albert terrifying.
Germany can't help but find your independent energy to be an absolute turn-on for him. It's so admirable to see what you've become after you picked yourself up from a developing nation to a top nation like him. You were nothing like what he thought you were like the day he rejected you.
Germany was so sure that day that you were nothing more than a weak nation looking to leach off of a more developed nation in hopes of refurbishing your own, but oh no. Boy was he shown how wrong he was about you. Or maybe his rejection was what pushed you to go this far? You've become the fiercest woman that Germany has ever seen and he can't help but feel as if he has some sort of ownership over making you be this way. It'll help him build the fantasy that he still has a chance with you.
Germany won't realize how foolish he was for thinking he still had a chance with you until he confronts you one day. The poor fool not only got turned down flat but also realized that you were in a committed relationship with France of all people. The way you called your proposal to him just those few years ago as, "Nothing more than a mind-slip. Nothing special", added greater sting to Germnay's rejection; and a turn-on.
That won't stop him though. In Germany's eyes, you've become the perfect woman in his eyes and the kind of woman he won't be able to find again. He already saw France as a womanizer, but that only doubles when Germany learns of your relationship with France.
Don't you realize that France is only going to use you and throw you to the side like all the other girls he's been with? Germany believes that France doesn't deserve you. You're too good for some cheap charmer like him. You may be witted and self-efficient, but you're still just a person. You don't even realize you're being blinded by his prince-charming act just so he can get you to let your guard down.
Germany knows he doesn't stand a chance in wooing you when he's competing against one of the most romantic nations in the world, but he does have other tricks at his disposal. He has one of the biggest export of traded goods and he'll show it off more in hopes of you seeing that you'll receive better treatment with him than you do with France. Germany will slowly work at leading you over to him one small deal at a time to not raise suspicion and risk you backing out so soon.
If you take the bait and leave France then good, your economics might even be raised to greater heights than before, but if not, or if France intervenes with his plans then Germany can always threaten war. He's beaten France once, he's confident he could do it again.
He knows the threatening war will be risky should you follow through with his threat, but he's confident that he could still take you on and win. Germany is a little nervous that facing you in war will damage that fierce demeanor he's so swooned by, but it's a risk he'll have to take in order to obtain you once again.
After all, you did harbor feelings back when you proposed to him just a few years ago, maybe he can rekindle that spark.
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When you first proposed to him he didn't know what to think. The two of you had been rather close friends for such a long time but he never once thought of you romantically. For you to ask him something like this so suddenly threw him off-guard.
Kiku will withdraw from you for some time after that. He just can't get his feelings in order. He did like being around you. You could always manage to bring a calming aura whenever you would visit that he just couldn't find with anyone else. And as someone who just wants to be left alone most of the time, this is a big thing, but love?
When Kiku does come back again in a few years, It'd feel as if he got hit by a passing train when he finds out about your relationship with Russia.
Russia is a sketchy man; The worst country you could have tied yourself to in his mind. Japan has had confrontations with Russia in the past and has seen just how menacing he can truly be. He can't help but be haunted by the terrors Russia has caused him in the past. Out of concern for your safety, Kiku will approach you for the first time in years. He'll tell you all the horrible things Russia had done and how he's only going to hurt you.
How hypocritical. Here Japan is trying to lecture you on how Russia will only leave you when you're no longer useful to him when Japan was the one to abandon you in the first place. You'll get all worked up over the matter and even make a scene for those around you; embarrassing him.
Despite you reacting harshly to him, Japan will still try to do what it can to look out for you. Even if it's from a distance. He'll watch over you and wait for Russia to act up so at least he could help you out of it before you completely crumbled.
It starts off with watching you at meetings and checking in on your news networks every so often. After a while of not seeing any changes in you besides how sweet and tender you seem to be toward Russia, Japan will take to stalking social media pages and even following you around whenever he can. Without or without jealousy brewing in his heart as Kiku sees all the things he missed out on in your few years without him.
He's not being creepy, Japan will justify. He knows Russia is deceiving you. Japan is convinced that every act of affection that he sees Russia give you, is just him sinking its teeth into you more and more.
From here, Japan's obsession with looking over you will only rise exponentially. Kiku will quickly find himself looking over you and still find nothing on Russia planning something sinister against you. He has even taken up watching over cameras he hid in your shared house with Russia and still nothing! It won't be too long before he won't be able to hold back anymore. He knows Russia is hiding something that he just can't find. He's sure of it.
For your own safety, Japan will one day wait for you to be alone before swiftly kidnapping you. Bringing you back to his home where he knows you'll be safe.
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I am curious and want to know more on CV Lunar. They look so cool
Alright, I'll be explaining the original version though, not the AU version of her that's on the frost prince askblog, both to avoid sharing any not-public plot points and just cause it's much easier to explain her original version since I'm the only one who writes for this version, while the other version is written by my friend with my input
CV Lunar is my SB OC that I made back in February 2022, along with her brother Solar. "CV" just stands for Crystalverse, a quick way to distinguish my Lunar from any other Lunars that might be talked about (ie SAMS Lunar) especially if they're in the same universe. CV doesn't really distinguish the AU, just that it's my Lunar.
She's the second daycare attendant, made to help Solar after Solar started struggling to run the daycare alone (both because of number of kids and because he was somewhat disliked due to his less than calming appearance). She was the first of the DCAs actually designed for the job and did it very well. She was pretty well liked by everyone, kids, parents, staff, everyone saw her as a genuinely kind person.
For the most part she was a kind person. To everyone but her brother. She found it fun to hurt Solar, and would constantly find excuses to do so. As well as just turn people against him, she painted him as a scary figure to the kids, so even kids who didn't mind him before would fear him, then Lunar would yell at him and hit him for scaring the kids. As well as just creating 'rules' that were contradictory as an excuse to hurt him. She has also stolen a remote for Solar's internal shocker from Parts and Service, and would use that against him as well.
The abuse went on for a long time, until the wire incident. Solar was on the wire and stepped off the stage, and Lunar took the opportunity to cut the wire to try and finally get rid of him. Solar crashed to the ground, landing on his back and getting severely damaged enough to power down.
After this Solar got repaired, there were some interactions between Lunar and Solar, and Lunar ultimately got decommissioned for what happened.
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angeliana2023 · 6 months
Old Concept Chapter 2
Now, I know what you're thinking. What does the chapter title mean? Didn't my late mother's dreams come to life, also? Well, this chapter will explain it all. And it doesn't have a happy meaning. You see, something strange happened when I got my powers. They were unstable. See, my mother had control over her daydreams. My mother's powers could differentiate from when she was daydreaming in her head for fun or wanted the dreams to come out. My powers couldn't do that for some reason. Everything I would think of would happen! My parents had to keep me from violent movies, so nothing terrible would happen. I was pretty content because that meant if I wanted it to rain flower petals, it would! It was as if I already had the power of the Etherial Gem, even though I wouldn't inherit it until I was 18.
I guess that's why Hitler wanted to get rid of me. I was insanely powerful. Now, this is where the problem lies. I was a scaredy cat. Whenever I saw a spider, I couldn't help but imagine it in giant size. So, I would have to fight giant spiders and stuff. Claudia and the others helped me fight them at first. See, I'm not going to go too deep into those days. I'm just going to cut to the chase.
One dark and stormy night, I was in the mansion's library. I was 12 years old and up past curfew. I had decided to conjure some medieval royalty and nobility into the room, to have a quiet conversation with them. You know, pick their brains. I picked up the kid's history book and realized something. I'd already talked with them before. I wanted to try something new. With these powers, everyone I read about comes to life. I'd conversed with every former president, famous scientist, and more.
But I wanted to go where I hadn't gone before, which was the WWII section. See, Claudia had always forbidden me to read about that. "When you're older." She would always say. She said she didn't want soldiers and fighters tearing up the place. I didn't know the truth as to why she forbade me to read it. I decided to open the book to the middle. When I saw him, I knew I had made a mistake. It was a picture of a man in an army-like outfit. But it wasn't the outfit that made him scary.
It was his eyes.
It was his soulless, evil eyes.
He stared into my soul with a look of anger on his face.
I thought to myself. I'm going to be brave. I'll try not to let whoever this monster is out. Tonight will be the night I learn to control my powers!
So, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I read on. And what I read shocked me to my very core. How could one man be this cruel? I thought. I started to get scared. I slammed the book shut and put it back onto the shelf before I could overthink and let Hitler out. I decided to bring some other books to my room and try to forget the horrors I had read.
But fate had different plans in store for me.
I heard the library door creak open behind me. Without turning back, I swiftly ducked under a reading table. I prayed whoever had come in was Klaus, Claudia, or one of the others. But it wasn't. I peeked from under the table and saw a pair of military-like boots. Oh, no. No, no, no. It was Hitler. I was breathing so loudly that I knew he could hear me. And he did. He turned around and saw me under the table. I darted out from under and tried to run away.
"KOMM HIERHER ZURÜCK!*" I didn't know much German and couldn't understand him then. I do now that I'm older, so that's why there are translations at the end of every chapter. I ran and ran and ran. I didn't know the truth but knew I had unleashed a monster.
I was so scared. I had given Hitler more power because of my fear. But then, it dawned on me. If I had given him power using fear, I could take it away by doing one thing: By not fearing him! I turned around and faced my worst nightmare. "You don't scare me! You'll pay for all the people you killed in the past!" I said, with determination, disgust, and fearlessness on my face. Even though I tried to appear fearless, Hitler could still sense the terror behind my eyes.
He calmly and slowly walked over to me with his signature evil look. "I know you fear me, princess. And, unfortunately for you, but fortunately for me, that fear will be your undoing!" Hitler said calmly but with anger in his voice.
But I didn't let up. All of the stuff I'd read about facing your fears said one similar thing: Analyze the amount of irrationality in your fear. I decided to analyze the situation: A dictator who had been dead for decades was standing before me. Even though he was a disturbingly vile, disgusting human being, I decided to focus on how strange of an anachronism this was.
"Hitler, you don't exist anymore. You're just a figment of my imagination!" I said.
"No. Don't say that!" It was working! Hitler tried denying I was winning against him, but it worked anyway!
I grinned with determination. "Yes, that's right! Go back into my mind, where you belong! Better yet, stay out of my mind!" I didn't want to even think about this horrible man.
Hitler grinned because he knew that my plan's one fatal flaw. "Yes, I'll go back into your mind, but you'll never be able to forget me! You'll keep fearing me more and more until you won't be able to keep me at bay! And then, I'll come back stronger than ever! I'll finish the world domination I first started, but I won't stop there! I'll become the supreme ruler of this entire universe!" Hitler yelled triumphantly. He let out an extremely deranged, power-mad laugh before vanishing back into my mind.
Well, my plan worked in a way. At least I was on the road to being able to bring things back into my mind. Now all that's left is making them unable to escape. I just stood there. I knew I'd done something stupid. I ran upstairs to Claudia and Jamal's room and banged on their door. I heard them get out of bed and run to the door. Claudia opened it. She wore a pink nightgown and had her hair in a pink tie.
"What's wrong, sweetie? Did you have a bad dream?" My house was huge, and the bedrooms were far from the library, so they didn't hear the commotion downstairs.
I burst into tears and hugged my adopted mother. I knew I was adopted, but they told me a half-truth from a young age. They told me my parents died when I was a baby. That much was true concerning my mother, but they led me to believe I was mortal. They played my powers off as I had accidentally been cursed by the same witch who killed my parents, turning my hair pink. Yeah, I agree with that. These powers have 'cursed' written all over them. Everyone knew Lily, so to keep me from figuring out the source of my magic, they fabricated a section of Etherian history about a witch named Arosia, who stole the Etherial Gem and cursed me with unstable powers.
"Loretta, what's wrong? Did you accidentally let something scary out of your mind?" Claudia wiped a tear from my face. "Whatever it is, we'll deal with it together, ok?" I just cried harder. I felt so guilty. Now, if he escaped my mind again, many people would die.
"He's back... He's back, and I let him out..." That was all I could say.
Claudia, still hugging me, twitched with fear. Somehow she knew to whom I was referring. "Dear, could you stay here for a second? Your dad and I have something to discuss.
"Ok..." I agreed. I didn't want to be left alone but kept outside the room.
The two of them shut the door. I looked through the keyhole because I needed some answers. "What should we do? I didn't want this day to come until she was at least 15! That's when most kids learn about it!" Claudia frantically whispered.
"Claudia, we could've kept her from learning about him forever. You know that girl loves reading. She was probably up at the library again." Jamal explained.
"But I didn't want to 'keep her from learning about him forever!' I just wanted to wait a little longer! Her powers are still so unstable!" Claudia said.
Jamal put his hand on Claudia's shoulder. "Look. I know what you wish. You wish we lived in a world where you didn't have to tell her about Hitler's involvement in her life. We all do. I've thought about it probably 100 times over the years. But it's time to face the truth." Jamal said, sympathy in both his face and voice.
Not knowing I was watching and listening, Claudia dropped the bombshell. "Look, all this time of monster hunting's given this kid guts. And sometimes that's not a good thing. I'm scared she'll purposely let Hitler, Himmler, and Goeth escape to take her revenge on them."
It was all over then. I burst through the door. "My mother's death? You told me a witch killed my parents!" I was furious. I knew they had been lying this entire time!
"Loretta. I-I-" Claudia stuttered.
Jamal looked at her. "Dear. We have to tell her the truth."
Claudia walked over to me. "Loretta, I'm sorry for lying to you. I'll tell you everything right now." She told me everything about my past. About the party, my mother's death, and Hitler.
"Wait... W-why did you never tell me about this My-my mother is LILISANDRA LEE?" I asked. I felt betrayed. I felt lied to, and I felt like I could never trust anyone ever again!
"I didn't want you to have this burden at such a young age. I wanted to wait until it was necessary to tell you. That's why we elected to reveal everything to you as soon as you learned about WWII in school.
"But you didn't have to lie to me! You could've told me about my real mom but left the part about Hitler out!" I said.
"Loretta, I'm sorry. We only kept the truth from you to protect you from Hitler!" Claudia was visibly guilty. I was the one who should've been guilty, not her. She wasn't the one who let a megalomaniac madman back into the world!
"I-I'm scared. I know Hitler feeds off fear, but I don't know what to do!" I said.
"Listen, Loretta. We'll help you every step of the way." Claudia said. After that, I tried falling asleep, but all I could think of was Hitler, his atrocities, and his evil gaze. I finally stopped tossing and turning and got up to around the mansion. That always helped me sleep.
As I was walking, something strange started happening. I started having these flashes of memory, like a light switch flicking on and off right in front of me. I saw gowns swirling around in a waltz; I heard laughter and saw a grand lawn with pink clouds in the skies above. The memory turned dark, however, because I saw the shattering of the ballroom windows and the entrance of Hitler. It makes me sick to even write his name.
I remember when mom handed me to Claudia and her running through various vast, pink hallways with baby me in her arms. And then, that's where it happened. My mother's sacrifice. "Dearest Loretta. We're about to be separated but know this. Be brave and strong, and someday you'll bring light to this kingdom once more." Tears started streaming down the queen's face. "I love you, my child, and I'll never truly leave you. When you leave this world, I'll take you to Heaven in my arms." I saw my mother's face. I couldn't believe it. I remembered my mother.
I remember being handed back to Claudia and her turning around and running away. I heard a gunshot and a thud, and that's all I remember. I decided, as the stubborn idiot I was, to do the unthinkable. I got out my laptop and typed Himmler into Google. You're right; I did just what my parents didn't want me to. I decided to put my powers to good use and fight them myself! When I read about that horrible Nazi, I was just as horrified, if not more, as when I looked up Hitler. All of a sudden, I heard a voice behind me. I slowly turned around. It was Heinrich Himmler! He was wearing a Nazi uniform and cap and tiny, round glasses.
"Hello, Loretta." Heinrich calmly said. I stood my ground. I didn't want to show him my fear.
"Stay right there," I said. I wanted to get rid of both Nazi monsters at the same time. So, I searched Goeth. When I got to his Wikipedia article, I couldn't even finish it. That man was so horrible. By then, I had realized how big of a mistake I had made. I heard another voice behind me.
"Do you realize what you've unleashed?" I turned around. It was Amon Goeth. I froze in fear. I knew how dangerous this man was from what I read on Wikipedia. That's when I realized I couldn't face them. Amon and Heinrich both had military training and guns with them. I hadn't learned to use my powers in intense combat yet. I only knew simple timeline splitting.
"Look. You're ghosts: Figments of my imagination. Realiteans have no power to come back from the dead; only Etherians and Fictonians do.
Amon laughed. "That's just what we are! Since you're the lost Etherian princess, you have the power to make things appear from your mind! We are known as Realitean-Etherians. Versions of real people that people think up in their minds. The real Himmler and Goeth are rotting in the ground as we speak. But since you've brought us from your mind, we're as real as we want to be! And no reassuring words or pep talks can make you stop being afraid of us!" Amon explained.
He was right. That was my one mistake. I hadn't thought about it that way. But I had a plan. I would seal them in my mind and let them go once I was powerful enough to defeat them. "I don't care what you say, but I won't let you wreak havoc on this world any longer!" This time, I was really going to put my powers to good use. I'd underestimated them this time, but never again! I closed my eyes. I focused, and focused, and focused with all of my might. I opened my eyes, and they were gone.
I was so relieved! I sighed with relief, turned those wretched Wikipedia articles off, and went to bed.
That was my first encounter with the Nazis. I struggled to keep those three at bay for years after that. They didn't break out until I was 19, but next, I'll tell you about the incident when they almost did. I don't even know how I managed to keep them at bay through this, but somehow, I did. I was 15 and in history class. No one likes learning about wars. No one. But, to be completely honest with you, even though it was violent and unpleasant, I was dreading moving on from WWI because I knew WWII was next. When we turned the pages, I almost gave up. I trembled with fear as Hitler stared into my soul. Sweat started pouring down my body, and I was shaking so much I thought I might pass out.
All my classmates were staring at me, but not teasingly or anything. They were concerned. The teacher spoke up. "Loretta, it's ok. It's completely justified to be frightened of that man." Hoo, boy. My teacher was a kind lady but didn't even know half of my plight. 'frightened' was probably the biggest understatement I'd ever heard.
I decided to press on. I wouldn't let those heartless Nazis escape. I was so dedicated to keeping the three of them at bay that I had to retake the test three times because I had to keep my mind on preventing them from escaping. I managed to get top of my class in the war in Europe part of the test because of my research when I was 12, after those failed attempts. The war in the Pacific was a different story. It was hard because I had never learned that section and had to memorize everything for the first time. I didn't have the perks of knowing about it for three years prior. It was easier because the Nazis were gone. I felt so relieved.
And I haven't told you about the other historical figures who joined me! Benito Mussolini and Hirohito tried to join Hitler and the Nazis within my mind, but Klaus and Claudia had them arrested and placed in jail. They weren't as dangerous as Hitler but were still evil. Now, here's where it gets cool. I gained three new allies! Yep, that's right! The Big Three themselves joined forces with me! Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin became my bodyguards. Roosevelt is like a cool uncle or grandparent. I like talking with him about bravery because of his famous quote about fear. His situation's pretty sad with his polio, and I've always sympathized with him. But he doesn't let that stop him from being awesome! Next is Churchill, who is so cool. I listened to some of his WWII speeches on Youtube; they wereinspiring words and just what I needed to hear!
Then there's Stalin. Short answer: I don't like the guy. Not then, and not now. He's almost as bad as Hitler, but not to the same level of derangement. Here are my thoughts on Joseph Stalin: I don't like him, but I like that he helped fight psycho-maniac Hitler. I tolerated him because Hitler needed to be defeated. Yeah. While Winston and Franklin were like family to me, Stalin was a jerk. He'd try and rule the roost, and whenever I confronted him about it and told him to stop being such a jerk, he'd pull an 'at least I'm protecting you from Hitler! I could give you to him right now!' cards. And, the problem was, he would use that to try and justify being a d bag.
Yeah, I became an almost instant celebrity. Kids on 1st name basis with historical world leaders get invited to lots more parties than others. Yeah, I remember my history teachers going gaga over me, too! It got easier to keep the Nazis at bay because I had other historical figures on my mind. Anyway, I heard my parents talking about Hirohito and Mussolini one day. Those two were more dangerous than we'd originally thought; apparently, Mussolini had been talking about getting Hitler to break them out of jail once he and the others escaped my mind. But that happens later. Let me focus on the big one.
You're right. The moment those jerks finally escaped my mind! It will be where the story takes off. My family and I were vacationing at an Etherian resort. Etherian resorts are hotels in the daydream paradise itself and are so cool! Since your group's the only one there, you can go ham and play hide-and-seek throughout the place, and all of the rooms, without anyone getting mad. Anyway, let me get to the point. I was playing with 'The Horde,' which were the personalities of my mom's old friend Kevin. Hedwig, only nine years old, didn't truly grasp the situation with the Nazis yet: He was only about 2 when they first attacked. He decided to play a scary prank on me, and that's when they escaped.
I was running around the hotel when suddenly the lights turned off. I was in pitch darkness. At the time, I didn't know who had done it. All of a sudden, every second light turned on, casting a strange, eerie glow. "He-hello?" I asked, voice shaking. I heard the sound of someone running. It was Kevin, but at the time, I didn't know. "Who's there?" I asked. That's when my mind began to wonder. What if it's a monster or something? Or worse, what if it's Hitler? My eyes widened. Oh, good going, Loretta! Why did you even think about him?
"It feels so good to be free!" I could recognize that terrifying voice anywhere. I slowly turned around.
There they were.
Adolf, Heinrich, and Amon were standing behind me.
"Now that you've set us free, my Reich will be greater than all those years ago!" Hitler had an insane, deranged look in his eyes. That was my sign to start running. I ran as fast as I could, not looking back. Those horrible men gave chase, and I could hear them running after me. I had to find my family. Just then, I remembered my combat training. I rounded on Hitler and blasted him with a concussive light pink blast. Oh, I forgot to mention. My powers are pink, while my mom's are darker.
Hitler got blasted back, and Amon attacked next. "You'll pay for that!" He pulled out a shotgun and fired at me! I ran away, ducking as I went. He fired more and more bullets at me. I ducked again. One of the bullets shattered a wall light where my head would've been just a half second earlier. Sparks flew everywhere. I screamed with fright. I'd never been more scared for my life. The faster I ran, the harder my heart pumped. I had to get to the others. I prayed he would run out of bullets before I got to them.
Prayer answered! After the next bullet, I heard him try to pull the trigger. All it made was a clicking sound. He growled in frustration and threw the gun down.
Hitler on the other hand spotted something hanging from the wall up ahead. It was a fire axe in a glass case! Hitler ran to it, punched through the glass, and pulled the axe out: Though he broke a solid glass case, his hands were unscathed. I didn't know what to do. By fearing him, I was making them more powerful and dangerous, but I didn't know how to stop fearing him!
Hitler, looking more deranged than ever, swung the axe right at my head. I swerved to avoid the axe, and it stuck in the wall. While Hitler struggled to get it unstuck, I took the opportunity to run. Heinrich ran after me next. Oh, god, please not this psycho... I thought. Heinrich ran towards me.
"You don't know what you're doing... By staying alive, you're depriving this world of the ruler it needs." All three of these guys were nuts. Their ideals were insane!
I turned around and gave Heinrich a piece of my mind. "NO! I will never agree with your ideology, and I'll die on that hill!"
Heinrich gave me a sinister look. "Then you will die!" He unleashed a blast of dark magic at me! It collided with me, and I fell to the floor. I got the wind knocked right out of me. Oh, God, this is painful... Shit, everything hurts... Note to self: magic blasts aren't fun.
I managed to get my bearings straight, and I stood up, still shaky.
Heinrich walked closer. "In my lifetime, I was an extreme believer in black magic. I've given Hitler's closest allies powers just like mine, but mine will always be the most lethal. What I'm about to use against you is but a fraction of it!" Heinrich started floating in the air. I backed away. Even though I had powers, they could never compete against theirs! Heinrich's pupils turned black, with no light reflecting from them. Now, that was genuinely scary. He outstretched his arms, preparing a blast of pure black magic, that would surely end my life. Without thinking, I thrust my hand out. A blinding, dazzling, pink blast of light was unleashed from me, colliding with all three of them. It also got Heinrich out of his black magic-fueled trance! I was especially grateful for that!
All three Nazis lay on the ground, groaning in pain, completely and utterly shocked at what I had done, I looked at my hands, and thought, Wow... Was that-was that... me?
Just then, I heard someone running. It was Winston and the others! I had guessed they didn't know I was in trouble, because Etherian resorts are loud, to begin with. Seriously, even people goofing off sounds louder and more urgent than that situation. We did tell people to keep it down after that because no one came to my aid in a real situation.
"Lady Loretta! Are you alright?" Winston asked. He spotted the Nazis. "YOU!" He ran towards Hitler and grabbed him by the ear. "I've been waiting years to get ahold of you!" Winston punched Adolf right in the face with his other hand. Still, in pain, Amon stood up and tried to attack Winston. Win just turned around and punched him, also. Heinrich stood up and tried to activate his powers, but he was still too weak.
That floored me. Wow, did little old me really take out the 'most powerful black magic user in the Reich? I thought, mockingly. I smirked. This story would be pretty short if I could just learn to use that powerful of magic on command! But alas, it didn't work that way... Instead, this happened.
"You haven't seen the last of us! My fourth Reich will prevail, and none of you can stop me! I was ignorant back then! I won't rule for a mere thousand years, I'll rule FOR ALL ETERNITY!" Hitler screamed, before vanishing into thin air. The others vanished, also. Oh crap, where did they go? I thought. All of us stood there, unsure what to do...
Now, this is where it gets crazy. In the next chapter, Hitler will assemble his new and expanded army. We'll also call upon some old friends, and get some new allies... Some of those new allies are from a certain video game you all know and love... Oh, one more thing. The next chapter is where the narrative starts to 'flow' more. There won't be any more long time skips, so you'll see more of the characters talking to each other than of me explaining stuff. Yeah, if something really important comes along, I'll explain it to you, because this story is really complex, and hard to put on paper. Thinking about it was easy, but now that I'm writing it down, I feel like my head's about to explode. So, stay tuned.
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skull-storm-daily · 2 years
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5/28/2022 (mantis deck)
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averlym · 3 years
hello omg this reply is so late i'm so sorry but
beiguang??????? beloveds?????? omg omg omg your fic is like. god-tier i love it omg omg the feels. the imagery. the metaphors fhdfhdfdhfdf
“i dislike losing what is mine,” she repeats, voice softer, “but i do not mind, once in a while, losing to you.”
aaaaaa????????? it's literally. i. screaming crying they are SO sweet i just. aAA ‘i am yours but also my own person’ BEST SHIP DYNAMICS HONESTLY
crying screaming the feels it's so tooth-rottingly fluffy omg
bro i would love to play liyue millenial. i want to play liyue millenial so badly you have no idea it's like. i need to play it. mihoyo drop the board game omg i would give them all my money for liyue millenial
it's like. it's my dream chess game. because i absolutely suck at chess and monopoly (omg ningguang basically invented monopoly didn't she) but games that mirror society?? are so beloved??
like. oh you checkmated my king but while you weren't looking the pawns overthrew the monarchy and live under a republic now. nice try. 5d chess vibes.
modern ning dominates 5 dimensional chess you can't change my mind
adgshjdsfhj but also. chess where halfway through the rules swap and suddenly the pawns are the most important part because viva la revolution. you have a set timer and when before half the time runs out, you have to grab the king. otherwise, when the halfway mark is reached the rules flip, the monarchy falls, and if someone has no more pawns, they lose. if both players have pawns the most important objective now is to remove all pawns before their revolution breaches country borders.
(my sister refuses to play chess with me because a) she's better than me and b) i keep instigating a prison break and she gets mad)
beiguang is dignified fluff idk how else to put it they exude knowledgeable 大姐energy even though beidou is the more approachable one. big sister/ cool aunt vibes.
also yes!!! liyue millennial!!! i imagine like the pieces ninguang owns are like handcrafted wooded works of art in their own right and it's terrifying but also so cool and pretty :OOO
modern ningguang would be so good at any kind of strategy game i think. the real question here would probably be zhongli because is he going to do scary good because of mr god of war and contracts rex lapis??? or is he going to fail spectacularly because of mr funeral consultant with as much common sense as he has mora (none. the answer is none.)
i am so so terrible at chess but also that sounds hilariously fun. bestie! the chaos of that is so genius. also also, how do country borders work in chess?? i'm just imagining all the black squares are black territory and all the white squares are white territory. after the pawns take control, do all the other pieces except the king attempt to work against them? do the pawns turn against the nobles on their side attempting to get rid of them? do the nobles regardless of black or white work together as a whole to reinstate a king? (a pawn makes its way across the board, confused, and turns into a queen. it's queen, equally confused, just accepts the new queen as a spouse. alternatively, enemies to friends to lovers arc as they vie for queenship, with the new queen as leader of the revolution. no one else knows which queen is which because they look exactly the same, leading to some identity theft shenanigans. i'm overly invested in this subplot.)
speaking of games that mirror society i have never played it but dnd sounds quite fun
... jean related ficling under the cut? hurt/comfort vibes?? lowkey a character study?? here u go anyways? (i have written three fics in the past year and here is the last one)
a/n: au where signora is a bit more violent and venti protects mondstadt from her and saves his gnosis-but gets badly injured during the fight and dissipates into wind (he's recovering! elsewhere! it's just... thousand year naps where you come back mean that your mortal human friends have lost you for the remaining less than a century of their lives and you're essentially, well, dead.)
basically, the gnosis falls into jean's hands. temporary anemo archon/ acting grandmaster jean gunhildr adapts.
jean, in the aftermath of becoming an archon.
vision holders, allogenes- they possess the power to ascend to celestia and become gods, like venessa's legend. but archons have no need for visions. as anemo archon, venti's vision was a fake glass ball, gifted to him by the anemo archon. himself.
when jean became an archon, as the gnosis became part of her, her eyes and hair glowed. her vision did not.
there is a funeral for venti the bard, held under the windrise tree, after all has been said and done. customary as it is to pass visions to family for safekeeping, the wind has no blood relatives, and a gray vision lies dull in the ground as they cover it with dirt, the body having dissipated into wind. the traveller lays some cecilias nearby, while jean places dandelions beside the grave. at her waist, a glass ball glows the same colour as the flowers.
buried that day is the anemo archon, and the gift he once gave her. what do you lose when you attain godhood? a vision. a gift from a god, now gone. a friend.
craving some semblance of normalcy, jean resumes her position as acting grandmaster, and just sort of lets the worship of the anemo archon continue as if it wasn't her.
perhaps this denial is unhealthy. jean buries herself in too much work to care. venti lost himself in songs and wine. she loses herself in helping the people of mondstadt. her people now.
in the disaster that strikes mondstadt, the statue is broken. jean remains the one that the citizens look to for advice, and following said advice, they rebuild the statue as it was before. resting under the hood with the traveller, perched on the reconstructed shoulders of barbatos, jean learns of the nameless bard. of how the shape venti took was to honour his friend.
maybe, in the quiet of her room, jean stands in front of a mirror with twin braids. the traveller showed her how to do them, murmuring something about getting to braid blond hair again. jean looks in the mirror, makes herself shorter, considers dying her hair dark until teal ends are the only bright parts left. then, she leaves for her office in her usual form, orders for rebuilding the statue of barbatos on the tip of her tongue.
she cannot, will not take the shape of venti and his long-dead friend, so she will just have to make sure their legacy carries on in a different way. in the water that surrounds the statue, jean glimpses her reflection, and she feels both guilty and relieved.
she chooses to leave the statues of the seven in the shape of venti. when she visits windrise, she sits by the statue and his grave and thinks about simpler times.
by the time the statue is built, mondstadt has settled down, and people are once again attempting to climb up the statue to blow dandelion seeds. jean doesn't mind, actually kind of likes the hopes and dreams of her people floating through her winds. it's a direct feedback loop to better take care of the citizens of mondstadt, probably better than the sheafs of paperwork reviews she sometimes has to go through.
the thing about being an archon is human needs are a bit less necessary now, so jean often finds herself fulfilling these dandelion wishes instead of sleeping.
this doesn't go unnoticed by the knights- one morning the wind floats fluffy seeds by her desk, and the dandelion knight stops writing to listen. amber's voice earnestly wishes that "jean remembers to take care of herself", and this becomes a daily occurrence, with kaeya's teasing, lisa's flirtatious threats, and klee's childish lisp flying on dandelion seeds. a smile in barbara's voice, and even an occasional reminder from a certain darknight hero. every morning, the winds whisper this into her ears, and jean loves her friends so so much, loves this city so much, that she sometimes forgets the anxiety that came when venti pushed his gnosis into her hands.
at night, when the city is asleep, jean sits in the palms of the statue, feeling held and feeling small and pondering immortality. how mortal venti was, how immortal he was. the absentee god who led their city to freedom, a wind spirit who took the shape of his lost friend, and- the bard who sung in front of his statue, who mimicked paimon, who tried to scam diluc of wine and would accept payment in apples. so very human.
jean feels a quiet sort of sadness, reconciling the image of the anemo archon who gave her her vision and the happy-go-lucky bard who was her friend. sitting in the palms of this statue is the closest thing she'll ever have to being near venti again. she looks up at the giant face, and then looks down below to where a young bard would have been strumming his lyre.
if the traveller notices the anemo archon using the winds to carry her high enough to hug the statue of the seven at windrise, it's never mentioned to jean.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, im gonna start combing the two separate submissions again cause its getting too short to have them separate I think?
1: His possession messed with memories Ranbob had before, so memories of school friends or playing with Ran were distant to erased. Though after Dreams possession it was also harder to make and keep memories. But thankfully as Ranbob was recovering from Dream and got futher away making memories came eaiser to him, though he'll never get back the memories he lost. 
3: Oh he would very quickly grow to regret his decision, but it would be funny. And Benjamin would later admit that while it was annoying and stressful, it was also fun and he was very happy to have his two families meet and generally get along. 
8: Everyone is just in shocked silence before Cletus just goes "YEAHHHHHHHHHH!" Oddly happy that Ranboo committed so much arson. Oh definitely, after all the outcasts of society where put there. Of course people would make such negative rumors about Mizu and treat the people as the scum of the earth. Though this also means, people don't know what happened in Mizu, and anyone who knows, view it in a more happy and a "Their finally gone" type of way, then viewing it as the tragedy it was. 
Spoons is a card game technically. A group of people sit in a group and everyone gets 4 cards, and you keep discarding at least 1 card of yours to the person on your left, who then does the same to their person on their left, the last person in the group puts a card into a discard pile. The goal is to get 4 of the same cards, and once someone gets 4 of the same cards, that person goes and grabs a spoon in a pile in front of them (let's say there's 5 players, theres only going to be 4 spoons cause there's always a spoon less than the people playing), once they grab one anyone can grab a spoon. And the person who doesn't get a spoon gets a S added to them, once Spoons is spelled the person gets out of the game, and a spoon gets removed to continue the game. Basically for flowers its played the exact same way but with flowers in the middle expect for spoons.
11: I just imagine Dream sulking in a corner as you yell at him and him going like "well I didn't know…" as he kicks a stone. And he wasnt sure what it was, but quickly jumped on the idea that maybe it was the fact that Ran was still alive somewhere, and that that's causing Ranbob to willingly let himself become weak and defy him. Causing Dream to become angrier at Ran and punish Ranbob harder. 
3: During the brothers fight in the storm, and after everyone runs off to find Ranbob, Ran is left alone. And he decides to just wander off into the storm, not protecting himself from the rain so he does get burnt. The whole time he's lost deep in thought and isn't really paying attention. He continues to wander for a whole day unfollowed (because after the Gladiators and Fishermen came back to the cave after finding Ranbob they are in no rush to find Ran and decide to look for him after the storm passes, which takes a full day) and at some point Raq finds him wandering. Which Raq then uses Rans distraction to his advantage and attacks him. At first only really the gladiators where concerned when they found Ran gone. But once they found him blinded and terrified everyone felt awful and a looming sense of guilt. And everyone continued to feel that way, even after they got the antidote and Ran started to see again.
4: They would just leave Ranbob alone and check in on him every now and again. But generally let him deal with it himself. They'd feel guilty leaving him alone, but they also know that they can't really do anything for him as their not prepared or briefed on how to help him in this situation. 
10: Oh definitely, even with Ran blinded they would've been kicked out immediately for fighting, without even a second glance. Dont forget, Ran still cares for his brother. And maybe, losing his sight made him face the side of him that wanted to become family again with Ranbob, maybe it brought enough to light that he just can't ignore it anymore. Mostly only negative potions can be permanent, like posion, blinding, wither, and nausea (I know the last like 3/2 are effects but they've also found a way to make effects into potions.). You already know what a antidote for blindness would be. A antidote for wither would be, a ghast tear (actually a basic ingredient for almost every antidote), blaze powder, and glistening melon to make a overpowered healing potion. Antidote for posion would be ghast tear, swiftness (so it acts fast to get rid of the posion), and the 3rd ingredient depends on what kind of posion it  was (posion that has a side effect of constricting or filling the lungs with water? Pufferfish and Turtle shell for last ingredients. Posion that has weakness? Blaze powder, and glistening melon) And antidote for nausea would be ghast tear, and potion of slowness to allow the person to slowly feel better, so their nausea doesn't hit them all at once before disappearing, which can cause them to throw up or have side effects. 
13: Thats exactly what they did. 
14: Jackie will 100% attempt to fight God and no one can stop him. :) (to be honest im not sure yet, I know I want to do more with Raq and have the idea that maybe he could be the person that finds Dream and gets him out of Mizu, but that's pretty often used in stories and I want to try to think of something more unique. Maybe I'll have it so Raq actually manages to capture the brothers or at least one of them and uses them as blackmail?)
15: When Ranbob was a child and Ran was just a baby Ranbob would often take Ran out of his crib and take him to go watch the fish swim by. When Ran was old enough he'd follow Ranbob everywhere, even a few times he managed to sneak into Ranbobs class room and almost wasn't caught. Ran got extremely clingy one day and managed to gather his haunting all up into his arms and carried them around, even though he was obviously struggling. And Ranbob used to complain about his teachers and idiotic classmates whenever he got home, which is funny when you consider Ran was very impressiable at the time and Ran started mimicking Ranbob, leading to him cursing, much to Ranbobs dismay. 
And im curious, do you have any questions that I havent answered? Or do you have any ideas for anything? I'd love to hear whatever you have to say about anything honestly!
Course! I dont have much lore wise other than they go to Kelalen and when they hear Dream is still around they decide to stay back to help fight him. But the idea I have is that Karl is just kinda hanging with everyone I listed, talking about allies or treaties when his time traveling clock/watch starts to go off, and he panics, but sadly in his haste to stop it he makes it worse and it grabs everyone, where they end up in the future. After hours of confusion and explaining they calm down. When 2 days later they find the Gladiator and Fishermen group, at first Karl is strongly against going to then for help, but everyone basically ignores him and go to ask for help. Hours of explanation and proof giving later the GF (Gladiator and Fishermen, got tired of writing it out) group sadly tells them that they cant really help. Until Ran (who was previously gone searching the surrounding area and making sure it was safe) appears high up on a tree (cause I just can't get the image of Ran on a tree and looking comfortable and confident as hell out of my head), and says that maybe Kelalen can help, if not going to Foolish may be a good alternative. Isaac, and Grievous are extremely against going back (at this time a 2 months have past since they left Kelalen)n saying it could be dangerous but Ran just aboustely shoots them down, along with Watson and Jackie agreeing with Ran, and Karls group agreeing to it. They head off to Kelalen. And Jackie is extremely excited at the potential of going to see Foolish finally. And it'd probably be like a sub au where the brothers au is the main backbone for it but at a certain point it separates from the au and becomes its own.
1: Okay, ouch. Can you imagine if Ran brought one of those memories up, and just had Ranbob look confused, or horrified, depending on how quick he realizes what happened? How would Ran react to that realization, both before and after he forgives Ranbob?
3: If nothing else, everyone got some laughs from it-even Benjamin, once his friends were far, far away from his family and not able to teach them more chaos. 
8: Cletus, why are you so happy? Do you just enjoy knowing chaos existed back then? Are you an arsonist? What’s up with you? 
Also, wow. Not cool, other city people, that’s very mean.
Spoons sounds like it’s interesting, I might try it sometime. Did the group just have those cards on them? What other games did they have?
11: Good, put Dream back in the corner, I’m gonna be yelling more. Because, seriously dude? I know you probably exist solely out of spite, but c’mon. Admittedly, from a certain point of view, it could be considered amusing that your first thought was that Ranbob was making himself weaker out of defiance/spite but like. From a more responsible and mature viewpoint, that’s incredibly stupid, and I-just. Buddy, hate to tell you, but I’m pretty sure that’d just be a you thing. Besides you were in Ranbob’s head, didn’t he think Ran was dead? It doesn’t even make sense. Good lord, I’m half-tempted to get the broom and chase you around like you’re a particularly unruly barn cat. 
3: First of all, that sounds really scary for Ran. Second of all, are we getting an overprotective arc?
4: Kind of sad, but understandable, they’re dealing with the situation as best they can.
10: Even if the group was provoked by the townspeople? Potions sound really cool, wish I could make those in real life, tbh.
13: W-what do you mean ‘that’s exactly what they did’? Anon, is your friend, like, a legit gremlin? I’m spooked. 
14: Foolish takes one look at Jackie, wearing a smile that exactly matched Tubbo’s when he was about to cause chaos, and immediately nopes out of that. He knows that face, and he will not be getting tangled into a fight with a goblin child today, no sir. I’m sure Jackie tries regardless though. (Also, that sounds like that goes horribly, do we get an overprotective ender-sibling, for whoever gets captured or used as blackmail, if that’s what you do?)
15: I love all of these so much, oh my gosh. Baby Ran seeing the fishes and following his big brother around. Poor Ranbob’s face when his baby brother cursed one day, Ran trying to carry all of his haunting. I’m in tears, honestly. 
Umm...I can’t think of anything right now, to be honest. If I ever do have a question or idea though, I’ll through it on the Brothers AU tag for you to check out, I guess. 
Oh, this sounds really cool. The part about them just ignoring their local time traveler when they’ve just time traveled particularly amuses me, as does Jackie wanting to see Foolish-I feel like Foolish may be a little more than terrified to see both Tubbo and Jackie back, honestly. Why was Ran willing to help them so much? What did they do to offer proof? How did Ranbob react once they proved who they were? How does all the group get along? Are they Ranboo’s haunting, and if so, if Ranboo gets close with his descendants, does he merge his hauntings with theirs? How does the time group feel about the Brothers fighting, and Ranbob’s possession?
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violetjedisylveon · 3 years
For Freyu O'asisk
Hope this isn't too many, lol😅
💖Platonic. Yes with her family, she was very affectionate with them. She has a platonic sisterish relationship going on with Omega, she does show her affection for her when she can.Platonically she is open about her feelings. Romantic? The relation between her and Alask was romantic at one point but became much more casual. She's not too open about her emotions and keeps things like romance more to herself unless she's feeling like sharing(or drunk tbh). Freyu got a little more hesitant with relations so she and Alask went to being friends after but they've always been good friends.
🍊 Food. Her favorite food is sweets, she has a big sweet tooth and really likes deserts. She also likes food that's spicy or food with strong flavors. She's a Mandalorian and their cooking involves strong flavors and she associates those with good things. She strongly dislikes food that is bland, she'll eat bland if she has too but she will not like it, she refuses bitter stuff and hates it with a burning passion.
📙She likes stuff that allows her to get away and not adress her problems. She likes to read about animals in fiction and non-fiction. She likes reading books or seeing stuff from both sides of conflicts. She also likes to watch animals and fun stuff. She does not like politics, the politics where she's from are super efficient and effective and the rest of the Galaxy's politics are garbage compared to it.
⭐ Herself. She's done some things that won't be elaborated on yet, more specifically her lack of control over herself. Also loss of someone close to her, she's had some very bad experiences with losing people she really cares about so she's a little hesitant about relationships. Her reaction depends on the level of fear she gets, usually she forces it down and ignores it, when it's really bad(usually during her flashback episodes) she kinda shuts down and tries to get rid of it. People do find her scary, especially patrons at Cid's becauae she is very easy to tick off whether she's drunk or not. She's also a Mandalorian and they're generally pretty scary. Also Rampart because she smashed his face.
💛Her control of her emotions is complicated. Sometimes its good, she can force the emotions down and be fine on the outside, other times it's not so good and she gets really upset(angry) which usually means violence or running away and just crying alome until the emotions go away. The reason for this is because she didn't get the chance to learn how to talk about her feelings without using the Force to talk. She is concerned about her lack of control because it has caused problems many times.
🍏Chora. No elaboration. Death(of others). Lot's of trauma. Anything that really reminds her of her family that she doesn't like, ex, subconsciously linking one of her brothers to one of the batchers, not Omega though. She does have PTSD and emotional issues in general. Her reaction is generally freezing up before flashbacks then trying to get away so nothing happens to anyone else or anger followed by violence then regret. Her reactions vary.
🍐Freyu's mentality is a bit of both, she tries to be positive but has a lot of negativity. She can be cynical and is good at examining situations when she wants to. Her choices are usually based on emotions and her Force senses.
🌀Freyu was born on Massanii(a planet I made up) and she is from one of the smaller towns out in the plains. She does not still live im her childhood home because the Empire wrecked it. She's really only lived on Massanii and she loves it there, yeah it rains a lot and it can get cold but she's a Pantoran, those things don't bother her much.
🔮Star gazing. She loves looking at the night sky. It depends on who she's with for hand holding or cuddling, I wouldn't say she absolutely cuddles except for her pets, but she will let some people near her. She's both a morning and late night person, she had to get up early and go to bed late, she power naps like a pro.
🌷She probably wouldn't change anything, she likes herself and the way she looks, she does have some scars but she kinda likes those/their reminders of stuff important to her. She really doesn't care what she looks like, it's the least concerning thing for her.
This was fun! Thanks for asking @starwarstbbfan!
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hq-cuties-pls · 7 years
Can I request Asahi Azumane and Kuroo Tetsurou scenarios (separate) in which they get to know their s/o through the internet chat? After a loooong time they decided to meet and see how their relationship would develop irl. They didn't send a single pic to each other so this first meeting... Can be interesting. (Bonus: S/o is vv shy and a little bit scared of touch but didn't told them about it.)
I used Recovery of an MMO Junkie as a huge influence on these. I loved writing them, though! They were super fun!! Enjoy~Admin Emma
Breaking his leg was by far the dumbest thing Asahi had ever done. He would regret getting that damn motorcycle until the day he died, especially where a mild crash with it resulted in him being totally hung up in bed for at least six weeks, possibly more. He spent a solid day and a half after getting out of the hospital pouting. He was bored, damn it, and he could only handle so much of Daichi and Suga’s company before they either had to leave or he was ready to bodily throw them out, broken bones be damned. If Suga made one more Evel Knievel reference, Asahi might have to forget he was a nice person.
After he pouted, he got to work on his homework and his studies. His time in the hospital put him a bit behind schedule, and this way he could get caught up and then some. Maybe even get ahead, or do some extra credit. It really seemed to work out perfectly; he was a slow studier, and his mild attention issues often got the better of him, so it could be a great way to kill a lot of time.
Except that he lasted about four days before his brain felt fried and he just couldn’t take it anymore.
After getting caught up on his reading, watching as many trashy dramas on Netflix that he could handle (it wasn’t many), checking out that anime Suga’s… person kept recommending (he made it to episode three), and killing a few pages in his sketchbook, he hadn’t managed to make time go any faster. He was still hung up in bed. He could get up to go to the bathroom and that was about it. He was ready to climb the walls, or maybe just crawl out of his own skin.
About two weeks into his sentence, Daichi recommended an MMO he’d been playing with his girlfriend. It had really appealing character designs and a high skill floor, so it seemed the perfect solution. He made his character as pretty and bishonen-esque as he could just for shits and giggles… the farthest thing from himself that he could. He named his character Vaughn because he’d watched most of Vision of Escaflowne while he’d waited for the game to install and he was obsessed. He took up the starting quest and started exploring.
Within an hour, he had a chat notification pop up.
Nina: Hi there! Are you trying the Devil Dungeon Event?
Asahi was skeptical at first, because he didn’t see which avatar had pinged him, but then he saw someone doing some sort of pre-animated wave emote. He waved back before responding.
Vaughn: Yeah, I was thinking about it. Still have to grind, though.
Nina: Actually, our tank sort of bailed on us. My group could run you to 20 really fast and then we could do it together.
Asahi was still skeptical–he’d heard about scams like these–but he really did want to try the event, and on his own it would definitely end before he could even attempt it. He figured he’d just bail as soon as they started asking for personal information or money or something.
Needless to say, things went a lot quicker with three higher-level characters helping him out and outfitting him. He was invited into their group chat and he learned they were especially funny, but Nina-san was very nice. She seemed to just keep the group together, seeing as the two DPS players were ridiculous humans. They played and grinded through levels and chatted until Asahi looked up and he’d been playing for eight hours. They’d done the dungeon twice and walked away with several loot boxes he couldn’t wait to open.
Nina: Goodness, I didn’t realize it was so late. Thanks for helping us out, Vaughn-san.
Vaughn: Don’t mention it. It was fun.
Nina: Would you like to game with us again sometime? You’re really good. Is this your first character?
Vaughn: In this game, yeah.
Nina: That’s surprising! But the guild is taking part in a raid tomorrow night after we all get off work and school and stuff. What time’s good for you?
Asahi scowled, though not at Nina. He’d just started to forget that he was literally stuck in bed.
Vaughn: Aahh… I’m sort of free whenever. I can’t get out of bed for another month or so.
Nina: OMG are you sick!?
Vaughn: Broken leg. Crashed my motorcycle.
There was such a long pause–so long, Asahi was afraid Nina had disconnected–but she came back eventually.
Nina: That’s so cool! Well, the motorcycle thing… not the broken leg thing.
Vaughn: I appreciate that.
Nina: Anyway, we’re hoping to get started no later than 7:00 or so, so DM me whenever you log on, kay?
With that, she was gone. Asahi should have been tired, given how late it was, but he was strangely exhilarated. Despite the fact he’d just spoken to her in snippets about the game and they’d each given perfunctory details about their lives, he felt connected to Nina in a way. Maybe it was the barrier of the screen… that he could talk to her. He’d never been able to talk to girls like this in real life.
Assuming Nina is a girl. She could be anyone. She could be Daichi for all you know!
Asahi shook his head to banish his intrusive (if sensible) thoughts. He snapped his laptop closed, not bothering to shut it down. He couldn’t get to sleep–he was too giddy–and he had trouble pinning down why.
Over the course of the next few weeks–between doctor’s’ appointments, PT and slowly-but-surely returning to classes and eventually, practices–he kept logging on every day to play at least a quest or two with his guild, but mostly to talk to Nina. She (and he was convinced she was a she) seemed to like talking to him. Sometimes, after the entire guild logged out and it was late and they didn’t have any more quests to do, they’d just go to a private area and talk about nothing. He learned all about her, and she learned all about him. She was ecstatic when she found out they lived close enough to each other.
After a long time, he finally figured out why it was so hard to say goodnight every night; he was in love. It wasn’t long after he made this realization that Nina and him had… the conversation.
Nina: So, you’ve been logging on a lot less lately. I take it your doctors are letting you back out there?
Vaughn: Yeah, I’m mostly free. Doctor Nishimi isn’t thrilled that I’m back at practice, but I don’t have much of a choice. I’m on scholarship and my leave of absence has already been extended.
Nina: You can’t overdo it! If you hurt yourself even worse, you won’t be able to play at all!
Vaughn: Don’t worry, one of my teammates had a friend with a bad knee back in high school. He’s making sure I take it easy.
Nina: Look, I know we’re both busy and all, but… Vaughn I think I might… could we meet sometime? Soon?
Asahi froze. Hadn’t he wanted this to happen? Wasn’t this end game? Or… well, would it be weird? There was a distinct possibility–the only thing he knew for sure about Nina was her love of this game (and any loot box that guaranteed something extra pink and extra adorable). But that wasn’t it… and he knew it.
He knew that if he met her, she’d have to see him. In all his 188 cm glory, with his fucking man-bun (which he still hadn’t gotten rid of, for some reason) and goatee and too-wide shoulders and his scary face… and she’d reject him. And he didn’t want Nina–his Nina–to reject him. Not when it was so good.
Despite all his fears and trepidations, though, he did want to meet her. He wanted to see Nina for real. And go on a date and buy her coffee and call her by her real name. So he agreed to meet on their next day off.
Which was the next day.
He was looking for a pink cardigan, which sounded just… too cute. He shouldn’t have been surprised, given Nina’s enthusiasm for all things cute and pink in the game. He swallowed hard, debating if he should get decaf today so as to not act completely spastic when he finally met her. He tugged on his wine-colored sweater, trying to not put too much pressure on his left leg, and waited. He didn’t want to be too overt scanning the crowd, in case Nina was there and thought he was a molester or something. Then he’d go to jail and Nina would think he stood her up, which just… wouldn’t be good.
“Um.. excuse me.”
Your small voice at his elbow nearly made him jump, but it was worth the fright, because you were wearing a pink cardigan. His eyes widened at the bright smile. You were so cute!
You grinned even wider, a precious pink blush across the tops of your cheeks; “Actually, my name is ____. You must be Vaughn, then.”
“Asahi,” he corrected. “Azumane Asahi.”
“Well, then, Azumane Asahi, should we get a table? This place has amazing crepes, and their coffee is actually really good given the price.”
He smiled, a bubble of pressure releasing from his chest. He followed you to a shaded table under the kitschy awning, ready to get to know you for real.
Kuroo had a dilemma. A quandary, if you would. A predicament. It was the shittiest predicament ever, and he was pretty sure that if he brought up his predicament to Yaku he’d get his balls ripped off for being “ungrateful” but it really wasn’t that simple. See, his dilemma was just this; he liked two people.
Now, to people who’ve never gone through such a trial, it wouldn’t be so bad. Liking two people and all. And some people could take advantage of the fact, especially given how young he was and how prevalent casual dating was. But people weren’t Kuroo. People weren’t the serial monogamist who looked like some sort of casual-sex God (apparently… Kuroo still found that high school reputation highly unsettling) but was in reality a giant cuddle spoon full of shmoop and love.
The other problem was he didn’t exactly know the other person he knew. He gamed with them from time to time, when he got a free hour or so, but they communicated mostly via Skype’s chat function. He’d never even seen their picture. He didn’t even know their real name. But they were an awesome person–they put up with his sense of humor, they could keep up with him, they didn’t seem to mind listening to him pour his anxieties all over them at 2:30 in the morning when school was hard and grad school applications were piling up and what the fuck even is a statement of purpose? And they just… listened. And it felt so nice to just be heard.
And then… well, and then there was you. He didn’t have quite as intimate of a relationship with you as he did with his online friend, but he still liked you. You and him had similar classes, similar taste in music and movies, even similar senses of humor. There were times when he’d tell his online friend a joke only for you to nearly parrot it at him the very next time you saw each other. Most of all, though, you were sweet and caring and beautiful… and for that matter real. Like, he knew you were real. And that was the problem.
His online friend had never seen him, so they got to know him separately of his reputation and his appearance. He could really be himself, whereas sometimes with others–even you–he always felt like he was putting up a front. It wasn’t any fault of yours, it was just an old habit that was hard to break. It was hard showing everything to someone and having them reject it… he knew from experience.
He didn’t know what to do about any of this, but he knew that if it was keeping him up at night he should probably solve it soon. The problem was that there were three people he typically went to when it came to this sort of thing, except Bokuto was at this hyper-intense training camp with the rest of the National team hopefuls, Kenma was caught between research for his undergrad thesis and applications to grad school, and, well… the other person was Nao-chan…
He huffed under his breath, opening his laptop and tapping it impatiently to get it to load faster. He pulled up Skype; Nao-chan’s icon had the little yellow bubble next to their name that showed they were away. Kuroo decided to message them anyway and hope they’d get back to him when they got back.
Kuro-kun: I have a conundrum. Can you talk?
Kuroo smirked at his own name. It was his handle in the game he played with Nao-chan. It wasn’t exactly creative, but too much of his mental energy went to school and maintaining his volleyball scholarship to come up with fancy names for his MMO characters. He went to get his bag to maybe work on some studies, thinking that Nao-chan probably wouldn’t be at their computer for a long time.
Instead, the little indicator lit up with a new message.
Nao-chan: Sure thing, Kuro-kun. The doctor is in. Tell  me about your mother.
Kuroo laughed; Nao-chan could always get him to laugh. They were a lot like you that way.
Kuro-kun: Very funny, Doctor. It’s stupid, but… well, it’s kind of serious.
Nao-chan: Are you dying?
Kuro-kun: Not any more than most people. No, it’s more of a moral quandary.
Nao-chan: Oya oya? Now this I have to hear.
Kuro-kun: I know it’s weird hearing this from me, but could you be serious for a second?
Nao-chan: Sorry, sorry. Bad habit. Seriously, Kuro-kun, you know you can tell me anything. Talk to me
The little heart emoji made this so much harder, but he didn’t want to tell Nao-chan that.
Kuro-kun: See, it’s like this. There’s this girl in like… half my classes. And she’s smart and pretty and she’s really nice. She likes the same music and books and stuff as me, and we have a lot in common and she likes my friends…
Nao-chan: She sounds perfect
Kuro-kun: That’s sort of the problem. I mean, it would be easy to just… pretend that she was the only one. But the problem is I like someone else.
Nao-chan: More than her?
Kuro-kun: Not more or less… just different. See, I can be honest with this person. I’ve told them things I don’t tell anyone. I’ve let them see a side of me I don’t let anyone else see. But I’ve never even seen their face. Maybe if I knew what they looked like… if we talked face to face, it would be easier. Then this other person would be confirmed real and… I sound like a raving lunatic, don’t I?
Nao-chan: Kuro-kun…
Kuro-kun: It’s you, Nao-chan. I like you. I like you a lot. I don’t.. I don’t want this to end. I want to get to know you better and see you and… all that other gross coupley stuff that couples do. Like get coffee and talk about our day without euphemisms. I want to see your smile and hear your laugh and I want to talk to a person when I talk instead of just typing it out. I totally understand if you’re not comfortable. Those are just my feelings.
There was a long pause. A heartbreakingly long pause. Nao-chan went horrifically silent. It was long enough that Kuroo sat and questioned every decision in his life that had lead this moment. He paced around his apartment twice, fed his cat, got a snack, boiled water for tea, and had a very minor panic attack in the time it took for them to respond.
Their response wasn’t something he could have ever anticipated.
Nao-chan: Do you have your webcam set up? If so, don’t respond. Just… start a video call with me.
Kuroo didn’t question it. He immediately hit the little video button, not caring that his laptop was probably in a place where he looked like shit on camera, and his apartment was a mess, and he was pretty sure he was wearing Bokuto’s Spyair sweatshirt, which sent so many wrong messages…
Then, his screen filled with a face. Your face. Your… your perfect, beautiful smiling face. You looked just as surprised as he was, but that gorgeous look of shock and awe was something he wanted to see over and over and over again.
“Hey there, Kuro-kun,” you said, somehow sounding so much better now that he knew who you were. “Nice name, by the way. Did you spend a whole ten seconds thinking about it?”
He couldn’t even defend himself from your teasing. He was too busy trying to not embarrass himself by breaking down into the most ridiculous tears any grown ass man had ever produced. He didn’t have to choose… he could have it all.
When did he get so lucky?
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