#this song matches pretty well with mike and wills relationship at this point
chirpsythismorning · 2 years
When Blue Meets Yellow In the West: A Series Long Theory - Part 2
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Back Off: Jake x Reader
A/N: I have writer’s block for part two of the twin’s fight sooo enjoy this one shot until then :)
Your management teams had decided it was a good idea for your band to collaborate with Greta Van Fleet. At first, you all had agreed until it became apparent that you and Jake would never get along. The first week went by pretty well as you all worked on lyrics and different songs, giving each other feedback. When you made a suggestion about a riff Jake was working on, he rolled his eyes and ignored you entirely. You didn’t let it bother you and tried to let it roll off your back, but the thought the Jake wasn’t impressed by your talent or valued your input bothered you a bit. 
At the start of the next week, your band recorded an EP track to see how you liked it. After you had finished, all of you sat down to talk through what could be done to improve it and make it award worthy. The constructive process was going well until Sam complimented your riff. Before you could offer your thanks, Jake let out a small sarcastic laugh before leaning back. 
“What,” you said with a touch of venom as you narrowed your eyes at him. Not being one to back down from a challenge he returned the glare and licked his lips before speaking. 
“Nothing,” Jake said with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders before stretching his arms along the back of the couch he was sitting on, Josh on his left and Danny to his right. Your band mates shared looks of confusion with the other boys at the stare down they were all witnessing. 
“Nothing,” you questioned with a lift of your brow matching his energy. 
“Yeah. That riff? Made me feel nothing. That was just music on a page.”
Stunned silence filled the room and everyone’s mouths dropped open at the sudden and rude comment. Your mind started racing.
That riff wasn’t there until you had all performed today. In fact, it was a completely organic composition. You didn’t know how to write a riff and you couldn’t even read fucking sheet music. You only knew how to play. 
Before you could stop yourself, you were on your feet and so was Jake. Both of you were yelling at each other and really giving each other hell. Finally, the rest of the group got you separated, but the damage had already been done. 
The fighting didn’t stop as a whole, but after Danny lost his shit, the yelling eventually did. You both still found the time to be sarcastic assholes and refused to work together unless absolutely forced. On the rare occasions you two didn’t try to kill each other, whatever you came up with was pretty cool, but those moments were short lived. After about a month of the group collaboration, your management teams informed all of you that they had lined up an interview and stressed the importance of it. 
“We know some of you...don’t see eye to eye,” your manager, Kara, said carefully while everyone looked directly at you and Jake,”but you’re going to be in partners for this interview and we’re grouping you based on instrument.”
“See, vocals are an instrument Sam,” Josh taunted while his youngest brother rolled his eyes. 
You and Jake shared a pained look at the thought of having to sit near each other. 
“Do we have to get along during the interview,” you asked as you flipped your hair over your shoulder. 
“Yes. You do. So, Josh and Kaylie will go first on Friday. Sammi and Sammy will go next. Then, Danny and Elise. We’ll finish up with y/n and Jake. The interviews should only be 5-10 minutes, so please refrain from killing each other,” Mike, the other manager said. You and Jake shared another look; one that clearly said there were no promises. 
The week flew by and next thing you knew, you were sitting in a hair and makeup chair getting finishing touches done. All of your other friends had finished and based off their laughter, it seemed to have went really well. Apparently, your Sammi and Greta Van Fleet’s Sammy were pure chaos which didn’t surprise any of you. It must have had something to do with the name you supposed. 
Once you had finished up, you made your way to the chair next to Jake who was waiting on you and apparently trying hard to not look impatient. When he saw you, his eyes widened a bit before he motioned to your seat. Once you had gotten comfortable, he sat down.
“Sorry,” you said to him quietly. This was actually the first time you two had sat next to each other and you could smell his cologne and shampoo. He was an ass to you, but you couldn’t deny that he was attractive. But his attitude? Atrocious. 
You fidgeted slightly in your seat to get comfortable for the interview. Suddenly, you both heard the countdown to cue you in and you both began to smile and do the intro. 
“Hi! I’m y/f/n y/l/n!”
“And I’m Jake Kiszka!”
“This is our Rockin and Rolling Interview,” you two chorused together. Apparently, you two could be a dynamic duo when you tried hard enough. 
The interviewer started asking various questions about stage outfits, hair and makeup, new albums and tour dates which were pretty typical interview topics. You and Jake played your parts and were both equally surprised at your shared sense of humor. You were enjoying yourself when the prying questions started. 
When the interview started, you didn’t really notice that weird glimmer in the male interviewer’s eyes or the way he stared at your exposed legs or where the hem of your shorts hit on your thighs. Jake had noticed that a lot of the questions were directed more towards you and he figured it was just to help your band get out there more. More importantly, none of the others had mention weird vibes or the guy being a creep, but you couldn’t deny that you were inexplicably uncomfortable. 
“So, y/n, what is it like being single and working with the guys,” the interviewer asked. Your back went ramrod straight as you realized you were cruising in dangerous territory. Jake glanced at you out of the corner of his eye.
“What does her relationship status have to do with anything,” Jake asked with his eyes narrowed slightly in confusion and the beginning stages of irritability. The next few questions were about zodiac sign compatibility and other flirtatious avenues of discussion and you were finally 100% sure that he was making you uncomfortable. At one point he had asked for how many people you had slept with. 
“I’m sorry, but I’m not comfortable answering such personal questions. I think I’m-,” you began to say as you stood up to place the microphone down. Before you could even fully raise out of your set, the interviewer had grabbed you by your arm and yanked your body towards his. You let out a yelp as a warm muscular body wedged itself between you and the weird ass interviewer. 
Jake placed a protective hand on your stomach and pushed you back gently putting more space between you and who he perceived as a threat. Without thinking, you put your hand in the middle of his back, right on his spine as you scooted further behind him. 
“Back off,” Jake growled out with a scowl. Before the guy could respond, Jake spun to face you, placing his hand in the small of your back before leading you away. You were shaking and tears pricked at your lower lash line, but you willed yourself not to cry. 
When you two had made it back to the makeup room where you had all gotten ready, everyone jumped up when they say the look on both of your faces. Kara and Mike tried to ask questions as you grabbed your things, clearly ignoring them. 
“We’re leaving right now and that interview had better not fucking air,” Jake practically yelled as he fumed. You two could hear the male interviewer approaching the room you all were in and Jake turned to face the door quickly, blocking you from his view. 
“Get him away from her or I’m going to rock his fucking shit. We’re leaving. Now.”
Nobody else held up your mad dash for the SUV outside waiting and already running. Once you were safely secure between, Jake and Josh in the middle row you put your head in your hands while questions flew your way. 
“What happened?!”
“Y/n, are you okay?”
“Why were you going to deck him, Jake,” Danny finally questioned and everyone sat in stunned silence that Jake had threatened to hurt someone over you. You were still shaken up and felt a sense of relief when Jake took over telling the story.
All you could really think about was his hand in the small of your back and hot he looked pissed. Even more than that, the first feelings of fondness for Jake danced in your stomach. It felt a lot like butterflies.
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“I Love You” Will Still Sound the Same
Rachel Berry hosts New Directions reunions every year in McKinley's auditorium, which include a singing competition.
Years after McKinley was turned into an all art school with many competing glee clubs, the former New Directions still got together. Rachel Berry often planned these get-togethers. They were able to indulge themselves in the better memories of high school. Although Kurt Hummel considered his experience to be more negative than positive, he was standing in his father’s house in his childhood bedroom buttoning up his shirt getting ready to relive those four years.
Lima never really changed from year to year. Burt and Carole were happy to have the company of their favorite sons (Blaine often corrects them to “son-in-law” but it was always in vain). There weren’t many holidays celebrated in Ohio anymore, except Christmas and New Years. Some years, the Fourth of July made the list. Still, Kurt and Blaine tried to visit every other month if their schedules allowed it.
“Baby is down for the count,” Blaine announces, entering Kurt’s bedroom.
“Can you believe your parents offered to take the twins to the movies?”
“And your parents wanted to get up every hour with a newborn?”
Kurt smiles as Blaine’s hand brush over his shoulders. McKinley’s auditorium was probably all set up for their annual New Directions reunion party. Students from all the years since Kurt’s graduation came to Rachel’s gathering each June. It was a different mix of people but everyone seemed to stick to their own age groups. At least, they did until the competition started.
Everyone wanted the bragging rights that came with first place. It didn’t matter who was in your group so long as each member was willing to pull their weight. This year Kurt convinced Blaine to limited their number to a duet.
“I can’t believe you don’t want to win this year,” Blaine says.
“We won last year, let someone else take on the challenge.” Kurt slips into his suit jacket, which he leaves unbuttoned. “I just want to sing a silly love song with my bushy hair husband.”
Kurt catches Blaine’s blush in the mirror’s reflection as Blaine straightens his bowtie.
“Let’s go!”
They bid Burt and Carole goodbyes and Kurt can’t help but give them more instructions for baby care. Blaine has to pull him to the car.
Mckinley’s front doors are wide open with balloons tied to the door handles. Once inside, Kurt spots Sam and Puck by the food. As they approach them, Blaine is drawn into their argument about Star Wars, which Kurt immediately tunes out.
“How goes the show, Hummel?” Santana asks, bumping his hip.
“Grows increasingly difficult to leave Blaine with the twins and a newborn every night and twice on the weekends.”
“Britt feels that way too about accepting dancing gigs. I told her to go on tour but she refuses because of, well, you know…” Kurt's eyes fall to Santana’s rounded belly. “Even local gigs, she won’t do.”
“It’ll be harder when the baby’s here. Trust me,” Tina chimes in. “Mike almost didn’t want to come tonight because of our little ones at home.”
“Isn’t Izzy seven now?” Santana asks.
Tina looks pointedly at her. “Yes, which is exactly my point. She’s fine with his mom.”
“Baby talk?’ Blaine asks, having finished making his Star Wars opinions.
“What else?” Kurt kisses his cheek.
No more baby talk is added when Rachel comes over to the group.
“So, what is everyone singing tonight?” Rachel asks. “Or better question, who’s singing with who?”
“None of your business, Berry. I won’t let you steal my song again,” Santana says, with a quick turn back to her bride.
Brittany is sitting with Artie and Jake, Puckerman’s little brother.
“Let’s join a table,” Blaine suggests, adding a roll to his dinner plate.
The couple ends up sitting with Mike, Tina, and Mercedes. Rachel’s menu includes vegan, vegetarian, and meat options, unlike previous years when she had decided to only supply vegan snacks. After the threats of skipping the following year’s reunion, she added more variety.
“Rachel is trying to get a leg up by asking people to spill their song choices,” Blaine warns.
“Shocker,” Mike replies.
“She always does this,” Tina continues. “I’m sure whatever she decided on will be great.”
“Are we bashing Rachel ‘cause I have some thoughts,” Quinn says pulling out a chair. “We may be out of high school but she still manages to get under my skin sometimes.”
Puck takes the seat next to her and Sam chooses the one beside Mercedes. She was mostly joking, Quinn and Rachel had patched up their relationships years ago. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much more time for talking as Rachel had taken to the stage to announce their first group performance of the night.
“Heard a rumor that you chose to duet with hubby here, bold choice,” Kitty says, pulling an extra chair to their table.
“We’re all about bold choices,” Blaine smiles at her.
Several group performances start out the night and one marvelous solo before Rachel is practically beaming on the stage. Kurt knows her ‘showface’ as Jesse St. James would call it means Rachel is actually friends with the next performer or performers.
“Okay!” Rachel says. “Two of my very good friends are up next, Kurt and Blaine Anderson-Hummel.”
Blaine leads Kurt up to the stage. There are already two microphones set up, Blaine walks to the one farthest from the stairs and Kurt hands the sheet music to the live band.
“I love you,” Blaine tells his husband.
“Oh honey, I love you too.” Then the music begins playing, Kurt sings the first half of the verse.
“Could you see yourself
Growing old with me,
Watchin’ my head turn to grey?”
With a smile thrown Blaine’s way, the other boy picks up the second half.
“Could you live with me
In my mistakes,
And the ones I have yet to make?”
The audience seems to like the slower song choice. It’s a simple duet and the meaning matches the pairing. During the chorus, the boys take the microphones off of the stands in order to stand toe to toe. Not facing the audience at all, Kurt and Blaine sing in sync.
“So when our eyes have seen their better days
And our hearing starts to fade
Put your arms ‘round my neck, and your heart on my chest
‘I Love You’ will still sound the same
‘I Love You’ will still sound the same”
There’s plenty of applause when the couple finishes. They join hand and take a bow before moving off the stage back to their seats.
“Not trying to win for a second year?” Santana asks.
Kurt shakes his head. “Always knew I was a winner but I’m not a needy winner.”
With an eye roll, Santana turns her attention back to the stage as Rachel announces the next group. Blaine leans over to whisper to Kurt while Rachel talks more than is necessary, “It will, you know.”
“What will?” Kurt replies, confused.
“Every time I hear it, a shiver runs down my spine and my heart pounds just like it did the first time I told you in the Lima Bean. Sometimes when you tuck the kids into bed and you kiss their foreheads and murmur ‘I love you’ my palms get sweaty and my legs tremble. I think I always knew I wanted to grow old with you. There was a time where I just didn’t want to admit to myself how in love with you I was and how it would never fade.”
“You do know, we’re always married. You got me forever,” Kurt says with a fresh blush on his cheeks. “There was also a time where you claimed to be terrible at romance but that speech was pretty damn romantic.”
“I love you.”
Blaine takes Kurt’s hand and rests their joined hands on the table.
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violetren · 7 years
Well it happened. They started playing christmas songs at work. Only half way through november.
So like any sane rational person I tried to distract myself thinking about writing ideas. I had no luck with ideas for my original work that I’m using for nanowrimo, so I moved onto ideas for fics pretty fast. I came up up with two distractions.
The first one made me flash back to when I was 15 so violently that I almost wished I had caved and started singing along to the christmas songs.
A Supergirl, Supercorp, Puella Magi Madoka Magica AU
The Second idea was much less angsty and far more fun.
A Supergirl Waitress AU as in Waitress the musical. Could work for most pairings tbh but in this case I was thinking of Supercorp.
If you’re curious I’ll explain the thinking behind both under the readmore. Both explanations will assume some knowledge of the originals the AU’s are based on.
Just know that even if I kinda want to write these, I doubt I’ll get around to it until way into next year if at all. I have nanowrimo going on now, supersanta in december, and I still want to finish a whole bunch of other stuff such as You Set It On Fire, and Mind Reader Lena AU.
First up.
Puella Magi Supergirl Magica. Alternatively, Angst City Bitches.
Lena as Homura, Kara as Madoka, Cat as Mami, Alex and Sayaka, Maggie as Kyoko and of course who better for Mon-El to be than Kyubey?
Honestly it scared me how well that one fell into place. Warning for character deaths. Alex and Cat die. I don’t remember if Kara’s last wish brings em back later, I’m pretty sure it does but for a while there they are dead. From a technical standpoint Kara kinda dies too.
Lena is lonely, smart, and willing to go above and beyond for the one singular friend who actually bothers to show her basic human kindness. Perfect candiate for the one who repeats the timeline over and over again trying to save Kara.
Because Kara would start as human in this AU we don’t have to kill her parents, she just gets to have a nice normal life, which makes her even more of a puppy personified then she already is. Her herioc heart that just wants to help everyone is very Madoka. Even if we were to kill her folks anyway but have her be raised by the Kents. The point is, Kara is a sweet heart who would totally end up with her ultimate wish being for Witches not o be a thing, even at great person cost.
Alex. The girl who wants the people she loves to be happy even if it means she isn’t. Instead of some violin boy, we have Eliza being depressed as fuck after Jeremiah died. She wishes him back as her contract to becoming a magical girl and it helps her mother but neither of them really pay much attention to her. Her wish brought him back to help her mother so that’s his focus, and in return Eliza is only functioning again because he’s back so he is hers. The feeling of getting abandoned ultimately leads to her getting witchified.
Cat is her witty, perceptive, mother hen even when trying not to be self, and just as with season 2 of Supergirl keeping her around would have kept so many of their problems from happening, which is why just as with how she was only there for the start of s2, she’s only around for the start of the story before the whole getting beheaded thing.
Maggie gets kicked out of hime just the same as in supergirl, only this time she didn’t have an aunt to turn to, and ends up starving and dying just like Kyoko, which is why desperate to survive she made a deal with Mon-El.
And of course Kyubey/Mon-el. The one who follows Kara around, lies to her about his intentions until she’s too involved to back out, lets himself into her house uninvited, and is blatantly using her up for his own ends. There could not be a better candidate for Kyubey, I mean. Was I describing Mon-El in season 2 or how Kyubey treats Madoka in PMMM? You just don’t know!
Of course to make it slightly less painful than the original work, I would suggest Lena using some time travel bullshit to make a new wish of her own at the same time Kara makes her ultimate wish, so that she and Kara get to be together after Kara fixes everything.
So yeah that was the horrible no good, war flashback indusing idea, which was actually kinda cool in a painful way. Now to the nice, fun idea.
Second up
The Supergirl Waitress AU Supercorp edition.
Kara (Jenna) is unhappily married to abusive asshat “Mike” (Earl), when she unexpectedly falls pregnant she starts having and affair with her doctor Lena (Dr Pomatter) who is in an emotionally dead relationship with Veronica Sinclair (Docs Wife). In my version Lena leaves her Veronica to be with Kara rather than Kara ending their affair because being a mother an the other woman is too complicated.
The rest of cast can pretty well be whoever, but he’s my first pass at a line up, some personalities may not match up, but hopefully you’ll see how the roles could work.
Winn is Becky, having an affair with James who is Cal. (Suggested off screen spouses are Siobhan for Winn and Lucy for James, but really use whoever, or don’t bother to have them as an affair at all, just say they wanted to keep it on the DL)
Alex -I haven’t had a date in 2 years, and never realised I was gay until I was 30- Danvers as Dawn the girl who has never been in a relationship before.
Who gets Ogie is kind of a toss up, like I get Maggie would fit here just fine, but I kinda like the idea of Sam as Ogie better.
Cat as Diner owner Joe. Or J’onn. But I like the idea of Cat better. J’onn can just have his own new role as weekend cook, or regular customer, or general manager when Cat is out of town. Idk.
Jess is Nurse Norma and entirely over Lena and Kara thinking they’re in any way subtle. At least she gets pie.
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munroes · 7 years
HC + emily
ooh boy,  do i have a lot to unpack re: our favourite stubborn emily davis.   a little preface that this will get long,  and is entirely based on my own ideas   +    headcanons of them,  so although founded on canon evidence,  they can and likely will differ from other interpretations   !
mike and emily as a dynamic are hugely important to me because they’re clearly a very centric relationship in the game.    in many ways,  they’re direct parallels of one another.   i’m pretty sure they’re the only two characters to share two introduction traits,  being intelligent and persuasive.   they’re both morally questionable in more ways than one   (   see: them cheating on their individual partners,  mike being a complete jerk,  emily being a complete bitch,  etc.   )   and both pretty similar in terms of generally being arrogant and self-centred.
i’d also like to quickly note that when they’re initially introduced,  they’re mike’s   /   emily’s ex respectively,  as opposed to matt’s girlfriend and jess’ boyfriend.   there’s a lot of ongoing tension still evident in-game,  and i’ll get to that much later in this response.
however,  they also act as complete foils to one another.   where mike is a little more lenient,  emily is downright stubborn.   when mike wants them to get the fuck off the mountain,  emily wants to hide out until dawn   (   ha   )   and wait for emergency services to arrive.   mike prefers to avoid conflict,  surprisingly taking on the role of mediator on more than one occasion,  while emily is quick to bring out the venom with jess,  seemingly without remorse.   this is most evident in fights with jess and matt respectively,  where emily won’t hesitate to escalate the situation,  while mike initially attempts to diffuse it.
let’s talk about them pre-game.   i’m of the idea that their aforementioned likeness is what brought them together in the first place.   they’re both smart students who care way too much about reputations,  and are both looking for the same thing,  regardless of if love is included in the mix.   i personally don’t think mike was looking for more than a social standing within his relationship,  but whether emily had feelings for mike or was hoping to pursue something is honestly down to other people’s interpretation.
i see them as very much a power couple pre-game,  flaunting one another off at parties,  taking over social media,  arguing a lot mostly due to emily’s stubbornness and mike’s joker personality and flirting.   but i don’t think this was really an issue pre-game,  only adding to a kind of back-and-forth inside joke between the two that only they knew.   they were similar but apart,  and it worked for them,  in a weird   ‘   we’ll stick together and be mean to everyone else around us   ‘   kind of way.
then the prank happens.   and it’s their differences that drive a wedge between them once the twins go missing.   i don’t think the prank’s execution itself was an issue to emily   (   although i do think mike found hannah attractive and possibly cared for her to some extent   )   because she was equally amused as the others until shit went down.   i see afterwards being the issue,  with a variance in coping mechanisms between them.
emily withdraws into herself,  becomes even bitchier,  putting up an icy barrier between herself and those close to her.   mike has the complete opposite response,  and seeks to surround himself with people in an effort to find a distraction   —   his involvement in the prank was major,  and he holds a lot of guilt on the situation from the moment hannah gets upset.
this is where him and jess get close.   i won’t touch on it too in-depth,  since this is re: emily,  but it is important to set straight.   mike and jess share the experience of being shut out by emily,  girlfriend and best friend respectively,  and i see them as sharing similar coping mechanisms.   while jess is ditzy and self-conscious,  she’s a party girl at heart,  and it’s that energy that mike needs to be around.   they hook up,  it’s awful,  emily finds out,  you know the story.
emily gets with matt:  a more or less vindictive rebound on her behalf,  as i see matt and mike being on the same football team.   not super close or anything,  but enough for emily to try and leave a mark.   it doesn’t really work too well,  since,  unlike emily,  mike isn’t exactly one to hold a grudge.   but he does care for her   (   romantically or not   )   and there’s always the possibility of her thawing out a little again,  and jess isn’t really similar to him in many other ways.   so they start getting in touch.
i see mike and emily talking again before the game’s events.   i also interpret emily’s confession of cheating on matt with mike as genuine,  and think that on a standpoint purely based on their personalities and general attitudes towards things,  they’re pretty much made for each other.   they click in a very abnormal way,  and while mildly dysfunctional,  there’s a level of understanding shared between them.
mike knows emily on a personal level   (   you always get like this   )   and despite still being intimate with her,  doesn’t try to sabotage her relationship with matt,  even trying to lighten the mood between them.   emily,  on the other hand,  clearly feels betrayed by jess,   and their fight is what pretty much leads me to believe that emily developed feelings for mike somewhere along the way,  as well as her complete change in demeanour when mike threatens to shoot her.   which brings me to my next point.
i don’t think mike would shoot emily.   he’s intelligent,  for crying out loud.   while circumstances can account for pretty much everyone’s minds to be a little scrambled in the situation   (   and i can see him initially aiming the gun at her   )   i think he’d eventually choose to wait it out and see.   his cheating on emily is by no means a reflection on him being willing to kill her,  and thus the path i follow in-game is the one where he chooses not to shoot her.
post-game, i see them reconciling.   i don’t think romance is something mike is really capable of,  especially post-game,  so nothing like that,  but i do think they’re bonded by something greater than their original connection now,  and dependent on who else dies,  may only really have each other to console.   the most i can really see is them cuddling together at night,  steadying one another’s nightmares,  but it’s not really a romantic or sexual thing anymore,  so much as a comfort that they can provide given their history.
i don’t rly like ending things on an angsty note so   !   cute lil headcanons for them in general:
one day when em’s giving mike an exceptional cold shoulder,  he buys her a lil dog.
em asks mike to look after her earrings one day when she goes swimming with jess at the beach.   mike loses them,  and goes on a frantic search online with jess to replace them before emily can throw a fit.
em watches his football games,  and he puts his helmet on her at the end of the match.
em picks up a lot of dumb sayings from him that stick long after they break up   (   see: holy cannoli   )
their social medias are pretty much consumed by one another:   emily deletes all the pictures when they break up.   mike leaves them up.
mike knows all emily’s little quirks: her fave coffee,  where she gets her nails done, her lipgloss brand,  her phone password,  her class schedule,  her handwriting,  he’s observant re: little things.
mike uses recycled pick-up lines on emily: she notices,  he gets slapped.
mike likes to change the lyrics of the song valerie to emily when she’s ignoring him: his tactic is annoy her until she gives in.   it usually works.
em’s Big on marking her territory: red lipstick on his cheek is pretty much a must-have for parties.
a Mood for them is mike lying on his front reading while em massages his back.
alternatively,  they curl up on the couch to watch movies: she throws popcorn in his mouth,  maybe hits him in the eye.
they stay at mike’s most days.
em likes to hint for stuff she wants mike to buy for her: if he doesn’t catch on,  she gets pissed off.   needless to say,  he learns fast.
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