#is causing them to feel like the other has no feelings
felassan · 12 hours
Cliff notes on the new info on Dragon Age: The Veilguard in today’s issue of Game Informer (magazine hub link):
Edit/update: I tided up this post. ^^
In CC you can customize things like shoulder width, chest size, glute size, hip width, how bloodshot your eyes are, nose crookedness, and more
There are hundreds of sliders for body proportions
CC detail: “Features like skin hue, tone, melanin”
There is nudity in DA:TV, “which I learned firsthand while customizing my Rook” in CC
Rook’s backstory also affects “reputation standing”, along with the other previously-known things like in-game dialogue etc
Lords of Fortune are pirate-themed, “piratic”
Rook ascends because of competency, not because of a magical McGuffin, contrasting with the 'destiny-has-chosen you’ angle DA:I has for the Inquisitor
Rook is here because they chose to be, “and that speaks to the kind of character that we’ve built. Someone needs to stop this, and Rook says, ‘I guess that’s me'”
The 4 voices we can choose for Rook each have a pitch shifter in CC
The game starts inside the bar (as previously detailed in other coverage)
In some dialogue wheels there is a “romantically inclined ‘emotional’ response” option. These are the replies that will build relationships with characters, romantic and platonic alike, but you can ignore them if you want to. Giving a companion the cold shoulder might nudge them into another companion’s embrace however
Bellara’s surname is Lutara
In the streets of Minrathous (in the opening segment of the game), there is a wide, winding pathway with a pub which has a dozen NPCs in it (is this The Swan tavern?)
The devs used the DA:TV CC to make each in-world NPC, except for specific characters like companions
There is smart use of verticality, scaling and wayfinding in the gameplay
If you play as e.g. a qunari Rook, the camera adjusts to ensure larger characters like them loom over those below. The camera also adjusts appropriately for dwarves to demonstrate their smaller stature
Neve Gallus is described as being capable
The Venatori Cultists we fight in the opening segment of the game are seizing the chaos caused by the demons unleashed by Solas’ ritual to try and take the opportunity to take over the city
As you traverse deeper and deeper into Solas’ hideout, more of his murals appear on the walls, and things 'get more elven'. Rhodes says “this is because you’re symbolically going back in time, as Minrathous is a city built by mages on the bones of what was originally the home of the elves”
At the heart of Solas’ hideout is his personal eluvian
Demons are fully redesigned in this game, on their original premise as creatures of feeling that live and die off the emotions around them. “As such, they are just a floating nervous system, pushed into this world from the Fade, rapidly assembled into bodies out of whatever scraps they find”
In the opening, we stop Solas’ ritual and save the world. “For now” anyways. Rook passes out moments later and wakes up in a dream-like landscape to the voice of Solas. He explains that a few drops of Rook’s blood interacted with the ritual, connecting them to the Fade forever. (I guess this is why they said in the Discord Q&A on June 14th that Rook has good reasons to want to avoid blood magic)
He also says that he was attempting to move Elgar’nan and Ghilan’nain (confirming who the two Evil Gods are) to a new prison, because the one he had previously constructed was failing. Unfortunately, Solas is trapped in the Fade by our doing, and the two gods are now free. “It’s up to Rook to stop them”, thus setting the stage for our adventure
Rook wakes up after this with Harding and Neve “in the lair of the Dread Wolf himself”, a special magical realm in the Fade called The Lighthouse. It’s a towering structure centered amongst various floating islands. This is where the team bonds, grows, and prepares for its adventures. It becomes more functional and homier as you do. “Already, though, it’s a beautifully distraught headquarters for the Veilguard, although they aren’t quite referring to themselves as that just yet”.
Because it was Solas’ home base, it's gaudy, with his fresco murals adorning various walls, greenery hanging from above, and hues of purple and touches of gold everywhere. Since it’s in the Fade, which is a realm of dreams that responds to your world state and emotion, the Lighthouse “reflects the chaos and disrepair of the Thedas you were in moments ago”
Clock symbols over dialogue icons signal optional dialogue options
At this point you can head over to Neve, engage in dialogue, and try and flirt with her
There is a dining hall in the Lighthouse. A plate, cutlery and a drinking chalice are at the end of a massive table. Matt Rhodes says that this is a funny and sad look at Solas’ isolated existence, and an example of the detail BioWare’s art team has put into DA:TV. “It’s like when you go to a friend’s house and see their bedroom for the first time; you get to learn more about them”
There is also a library, which is the central area of the The Lighthouse. It’s here that the party will often regroup and prepare for what’s next
The team decides that it must reach the ritual site back in Arlathan Forest. Corinne Busche said that the writer was "missing unique dialogue options here because I’m qunari; an elf would have more to say about the Fade due to their connection to it. The same goes for my backstory earlier in Minrathous. If I had picked the Shadow Dragons background, Neve would have recognized me immediately, with unique dialogue”
The team decide their next move. They go to Solas’ eluvian and back through to the ritual site in Arlathan Forest. However, it’s not fully functional without Solas, and while it returns them to the Forest, it’s not exactly where they want to go. Then a demon-infested suit of mechanized armor known as a Sentinel attacks them, and two NPCs appear to save you: the Veil Jumpers Strife and Irelin. Harding recognizes them, which you would expect if you read the comic Dragon Age: The Missing. They are experts in ancient elven magic. A cutscene ensues and we learn that Strife and Irelin need help finding Bellara Lutara. This cutscene is long and has multiple dialogue options.
“There’s a heavy emphasis on storytelling and dialogue, and it feels deep and meaty, like a good fantasy novel. BioWare doesn’t shy away from minutes-long cutscenes”
For Rook, this story is about what does it mean to be a leader? We define their leadership style with our choices. “From the sound of it, my team will react to my chosen leadership style in how my relationships play out.” This is demonstrated within the game’s dialogue and a special relationship meter on each character’s companion screen
Bellara is deep within Arlathan Forest, and following the events of the prologue, something is up here. Three rings of massive rocks fly through the air, protecting what appears to be a central fortress. Demon Sentinels plague the surrounding lands.
In gameplay/combat, players complete every swing in real time. Special care was taken in development for animation swing-through and cancelling. We can dash, parry, charge moves, and a completely revamped healing system that allows us to use potions at our discretion by hitting right on the d-pad. You can combo attacks and even ‘bookmark’ combos with a quick dash, which means that you can pause a combo’s status with a dash to safety and continue the rest of the combo afterward
Abilities can be used to customize your kit. They can be used on the fly as long as you account for cooldowns
When you pause and pull up the ability Wheel, it highlights you and your companions’ skills. There you can choose abilities, queue them, target specific enemies, and strategize with synergies and combos
Each character plays the same in that you execute light and heavy attacks with the same buttons, use abilities with the same buttons, and interact with the combo wheel in the same way, regardless of which class you select
Sword and shield warriors can hip-fire or aim their shield and throw it like Captain America
Warriors can parry incoming attacks which can stagger enemies. Rogues have a larger parry window. The mage the writer played couldn’t parry at all. Instead they throw up a shield that blocks incoming attacks automatically, so long as you have the mana to maintain it
On the start/pause screen: it has the map, journal, character sheets, skill tree, and a library for lore information. You can use it to cross-compare equipment and equip new gear for Rook and their companions, build weapon loadouts for quick change-ups mid-combat, and customize you and your party’s abilities and builds via an easy-to-understand skill tree. There aren’t in-depth minutiae, just "real numbers". For example, an unlocked trait might increase damage by 25 percent against armor, but that’s as in-depth as the numbers get. Passive abilities unlock jump attacks and guarantee critical hit opportunities, while abilities add moves like a Wall of Fire to your arsenal if you’re a mage. As you spec out this skill tree, which is 100 percent bespoke to each class, you’ll work closer to unlocking a spec, complete with a unique ultimate ability
“Sentinels and legions of darkspawn”
Combat is flashy and quick, with different types of health bars. Greenish-blue represents a barrier, which is taken down most effectively with ranged attacks
The game is gorgeous, with sprinkles, droplets, and splashes of magic in each attack a mage unleashes
The game looks amazing on consoles both in fidelity and performance modes
The mission to find Bellara is called “In Entropy’s Grasp”. You find her. She is the first companion you recruit (as Neve auto-joins). If your background is Veil Jumper, you get unique dialogue here with Bellara. She explains that everyone there is all trapped in a Veil Bubble, and there’s no way out once you pass through it. Despite the dire situation, she is bubbly, witty, and charming. She is spunky and effervescent
Companions are the faces of their factions, and in this case with Bellara, their entire area of the world. She is our window into Arlathan Forest. She is described as a sweetheart and a nerd for ancient elven artifacts, which is why she’s dressed more like an academic than a combatant. Her special arm gauntlet is useful both for tinkering with her environment and taking down enemies. While Neve uses ice magic and can slow time with a special ability, Bellara specializes in electricity, and she can also use magic to heal you. Her electric magic is effective against Sentinels. “However, without Bellara, we could also equip a rune that converts my ice magic, for a brief duration, into electricity to counter the Sentinels”
If you don’t direct your companions in combat, they are fully independent and will attack on their own
You progress at this point through the Forest, encountering more and more darkspawn. Bellara says that they have never been this far before because the underground Deep Roads, which they usually escape from, aren’t nearby. However, with “blighted” (BLIGHTED!) elven gods roaming the world, and thanks to the Blight’s radiation-like spread, it’s a much bigger threat in DA:TV than any prior DA game
The Forest has elven ruins, dense greenery and disgusting Blight tentacles and pustules
The style of the game is more high fantasy than anything in the series thus far and almost reminiscent of the whimsy of Fable. Matt Rhodes says that this is the result of the game’s newfound dose of magic: “The use of magic has been an evolution as the series has gone on. It’s something we’ve been planning for a while because Solas has been planning all this for a while. In the past, you could hint at cooler magical things in the corner because you couldn’t actually go there, but now we actually can, and it’s fun to showcase that.” The Forest’s whimsy will starkly contrast to the game’s other areas. The devs promise some grim locations and even grimmer story moments because, without that contrast, everything falls flat. Corinne says it’s like a “thread of optimism” pulled through otherworldly chaos ravaging Thedas. At this point in the game, Bellara’s personality is that thread
We can advance our bonds with our companions on their own personal quests and by including them in our party on main quests. Every Relationship Level you rank up, shown on their character sheet, nets you a skill point to spend on them. “The choices you make, what you say to companions, how you help them, and more all matter to their development as characters and party members”. Each companion has access to 5 abilities.
Each companion has issues, problems, and personal quests to complete. “Bellara has her own story arc that runs parallel to and informs the story path you’re on” (They’ve said that all of the companions have this too in previous promo material)
You progress deeper into the forest and Bellara spots a floating fortress and thinks that the artifact needed to destroy the Veil Bubble is in there. To reach it, we must remove the floating rock rings, and Bellara’s unique ability, Tinker, can do just that by interacting with a piece of ancient elven technology nearby. Rook can acquire abilities like Tinker later to complete such tasks in instances where Bellara, for example, isn’t in the party
Bellara has to activate three of these in the Forest to reach the castle. Each one you activate brings forth a bunch of Sentinels, demons, and darkspawn to defeat
You can create Arcane Bombs on enemies. It does high damage after being hit by a heavy attack
It sounds like mage characters can charge heavy attacks on their magical staffs. “then switch to magical daggers in a second loadout accessed with a quick tap of down on the d-pad to unleash some quick attacks”
Some enemies are “Frenzied”, meaning that they hit harder, move faster, and have more health
After a few more combat sections, including against a Frenzied sentinel, we reach the center of the temple. In there is an artifact called the Nadas Dirthalen. Bellara knows that this means “the inevitability of knowledge”. Before we can progress, a darkspawn ogre boss attacks, hitting hard with unblockable, red-coded attacks and a massive shield that you need to take down first. It is weak to fire
After defeating it (it’s a climactic arena fight), Bellara uses a special crystal to power the artifact and remove it from the pedestal, which destroys the Veil Bubble. Then, the Nadas Dirthalen comes alive as an Archive Spirit, but because the crystal used to power it breaks, we learn little about this spirit before it disappears. Bellara thinks that she can fix it (fixing broken stuff is her thing), so the group heads back to the Veil Jumper camp. The writer’s demo then ended.
The design of the game is not open world. The devs describe it as a “hub-and-spoke” design where the needs of the story are served by the level design. A version of DA:I’s Crossroads return (the network of teleporting eluvians) and this is how players will traverse across northern Thedas. “Instead of a connected open world, players will travel from eluvian to eluvian to different stretches of this part of the continent”. e.g. Minrathous, tropical beaches, Arlathan Forest, “to grim and gothic areas and elsewhere”. Some of these areas are large and full of secrets and treasures. Others are smaller and more focused on linear storytelling. Arlathan Forest is an example of this, but it still has optional paths and offshoots to explore for loot, healing potion refreshes, and other things.
Each location has a minimap, though linear levels like In Entropy’s Grasp won’t have the 'fog of war' that disappears as you explore like in some of the game’s bigger locations
The game has the largest number of diverse biomes in DA history
The Thedas of DA:TV “lives in the uncertainty”. “the mystery of its narrative”, “the implications of its lore”
The writer is surprised by BioWare’s command over the notoriously difficult Frostbite engine, and by how much narrative thought the dev team poured into these characters, even for BioWare.
[source: the Game Informer pages from Issue 367 - the cover story from June 18th (link), two]
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golden-cherry · 2 days
deal - cl16 (32/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Some things are better left unsaid.
Warnings: 18+ (mentions of previous smut), angst
Word Count: 2.7k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: sorry for making you wait for so long! please don't kill me. feedback is appreciated!
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You feel Charles' fingers on the back of your neck as they press gently into your skin. Your forehead rests against his bare shoulder while your arms are wrapped loosely around his waist. You hold onto him, trying to get your breathing under control as your thoughts jump wildly through your head. 
In your entire life, nothing has ever felt as good as the last half hour. Like an echo, you can still feel the warmth coursing through your body as Charles helped you jump over the cliff. His hungry gaze is etched in your memory, as is the feel of his skin against yours. 
You breathe in and out deeply and Charles presses you closer to him, even though it's barely possible. As you remove your head from his shoulder, his hand slides from the nape of your neck down your back, where it joins his other hand resting slightly above your butt. 
As you look at him, he smiles lovingly. "Hi." 
There's a warm sparkle in his green eyes and you'd love to lose yourself in them and drown. He moves you a little on his leg to make it more comfortable for both of you, but you're a little sensitive between your legs so you close your eyes and scrunch up your face. 
"Are you okay?" he asks softly, brushing a strand of hair out of your face before placing his hand on your cheek. You snuggle against it and enjoy the warmth. 
Charles' hands lift you up a little so that you can wrap your legs around his hips. As you sit astride him and he pulls you close to him, you feel his hard-on pressing against your crotch. As if dazed by the sensation, you open your eyes and realize that your faces are so close that the tips of your noses are almost touching. 
"I'm sorry," he apologizes softly, a blush rising to his cheeks. "Just let me -" he begins the sentence and makes an effort to push you off him, but your hands, which were still on his hips a moment ago, settle on his shoulders and hold him tight. He looks at you, a little confused, but you can only smile. 
"It's okay," you answer him. The thought that you're the reason for his condition causes the warmth that has been running through your whole body to build up between your legs again. Ashamed that you would like to jump him, this time to do more than just rub yourself over his thigh, you hang your head so you don't have to look at him. 
Charles puts his lips to your forehead. "We should go to sleep," he murmurs against your skin. "It's getting late."
Sleeping is the last thing you want to do. You want to close the gap between you and kiss him until you can't breathe. You want to feel his hands moving between your legs, his fingers pushing your shorts aside and touching you where you pulse for him and you need him the most. You want his lips on your neck, his bare skin on yours. You want to lie under him, his whole weight on you, while he makes you his own and you burn for him like the sun. 
"We should," you reluctantly agree with him, but neither of you makes any effort to break away from the other. Instead, you stay in each other's embrace, enjoying the warmth and security you give each other. You rest your cheek against his shoulder so that the tip of your nose nudges his neck and inhale his scent, which you can't seem to get enough of. 
Charles nuzzles his cheek against yours. "Are you tired?" 
You shake your head slightly. "No. Are you?"
"No," he breathes. His fingertips slip tentatively under your shirt, where they gently draw small circles on your bare skin. They travel up your back, over your side, until they stop at the swell of your breast. "There are so many things I'd rather be doing." His confession makes your blood race and you move as close to him as you can, but as your lips graze the soft skin on his neck, he takes his hands off your ribs. "But we have big plans tomorrow. And we need to be fully rested for that." 
As he pulls his hands out from under your shirt and gently pushes you off his lap, you suddenly feel cold. "What do you have planned?" you ask him, a little crestfallen, as he creates some distance between you and lies down on his side of the bed. You silently spread the blanket over you and try to restore the warmth that had enveloped you until a moment ago. But nothing compares to Charles' warmth. 
"You'll see," he smiles, resting his head on his forearm behind him. "But I think you'll like it."
You raise your eyebrow but don't respond any further, lying down instead. The distance between you both bothers you - more than you'd like to admit - but after what just happened and the conversation this morning, you don't know where you both stand. 
"I shouldn't have let it get this far," Charles said in the morning. "We're friends and the last thing I want is to lose you over this."
"Nothing changes," he promised you in the night . "We'll stay friends. I promise."
So why can't you shake the feeling that there's this insurmountable distance between you? An ocean of unspoken things that no one dares to talk about. But even if you dared, you wouldn't know what to say. 
There's no denying that you two are friends. You've both proven that to each other more than once. And, like him, you don't want to lose him as a friend under any circumstances, you're too fond of his friendship for that. 
But you can't deny that there's something else between you. Something more. More than friendship, more than roommates. You seem to be completely at the mercy of the attraction he exudes. You are powerless when it comes to Charles. But you don't know what exactly it is that draws you to him like an invisible string. 
This feeling is new to you. Not once in your relationship with Raphael did you feel the same way about someone as you do now about the man with whom you share your bed and the depths of your soul. And although this new feeling scares you, you want more. More of the feeling. More of Charles. 
You want everything with him. 
"What are you thinking about?" Charles asks after you've snuggled up in your comforter and are now staring at it. 
You can't tell him exactly what's going on in your head. You can't tell him that you miss his lips on your neck, the way his fingertips dug into your ass when you came on his thigh. You can't tell him that you long to feel him between your legs and watch him let himself go. 
And you certainly can't tell him that you want more from him than the friendship he's offering you. Because that's all you're going to get from him. But that's okay - you'll take whatever he gives you. Even if the little spark of hope inside you craves more than nightly cuddles and gentle smiles exchanged across his mother's dining table.
Especially because what you just did is definitely not something normal friends do.
You shrug your shoulders. "Christmas."
Charles turns to you. "Christmas? Why Christmas?"
You curl your lips into a thin line. Why Christmas? "'Cause it's two days away and I haven't got you a present yet." 
Charles reaches out and grabs your hand and when you place it in his without thinking about it, as if it were instinct, he pulls you close without much effort. He rests your head on his chest and wraps one arm around your middle as his hand draws circles on your back again. "I don't want a gift from you."
His warmth, which you missed a moment ago, envelops you like a warm blanket and you press closer to him without another thought. "Why not? Friends give each other presents." You place your hand on his bare chest and feel his heartbeat under your fingertips. 
"Because I don't want to." His tone is warm but firm, as if he leaves no room for discussion. 
"Why not?" you ask him, wanting to look at him but leaving your head in place. "I'd like to give you a present. For everything you've done for me."
His grip on you tightens. "When will you understand that I don't want anything in return from you? That all I want from you is your friendship?"
His heartbeat under your hand feels strange as your own stands still. 
There's a huge difference between telling yourself something to protect yourself and hearing it spoken. And that the man whose thigh you just came on, who let you sleep on him, who reaches out to touch you at every opportunity, is saying what you fear - not even the warmth of his body can stop the cold shiver that runs down your spine. 
"Are you cold?" Charles asks, wrapping you tighter in the comforter. But that doesn't stop your body from shivering. 
"It's okay," you reply and move away from him to put some distance between you. All of a sudden, it doesn't feel right to snuggle up to him. It doesn't feel right to lie next to him and want him more than is good for you, knowing that he doesn't want anything more from you than friendship. "I'm not actually tired yet," you lie and open the comforter. "I'm going to stay in the living room and watch some Netflix so you can get some sleep."
As you get up from the bed, Charles sits up too. "You can watch TV here too. I don't mind." 
You reach for a sweater lying on the floor in front of the bed and pull it over your head. Charles's smell hits your nose and you briefly regret putting it on. "That's okay. You go to sleep. I'll join you later." 
As you reach for your cell phone, which is lying next to your pillow, Charles puts his hand on yours. "Mon amour, what -" 
"Good night, Charles," you interrupt him with a smile and withdraw your hand. "Sleep well. I'll see you in the morning." Without looking back, you leave the bedroom and pull the door shut behind you. 
As you sit on the couch in the living room, you don't quite know what to feel. 
From the beginning, there was this connection between you that you couldn't put your finger on until you called it friendship. And even that didn't do justice to how you felt about him. There was a reason why you wanted to build that wall around your heart, brick by brick. After Raphael, you wanted to protect yourself, and Charles had managed to bring the wall down again. 
And you allowed it to happen without putting up much of a fight. 
You didn't defend yourself against his "mon amour", against his closeness, his skin on yours. You didn't resist the feeling that spread through you thanks to him because you enjoyed it. 
This new feeling that you didn't know until you met Charles. This warmth that pulses through your veins when he touches you. This feeling of home that you feel when you are close to him.
Suddenly you understand what he meant by "being touched intimately". 
You miss his fingers on your ribs, his lips on your forehead, his hand on your thigh. You miss him in the places that are only visible to him and that are only meant for him. Your neck, your nape, the curve between your legs and the arch of your bottom. Your calf, the one he grabbed in the car when you met up with Kika and Pierre. 
It feels as if he's cut into your skin, invaded you and taken up residence in your soul, burned himself into it, and changed the chemistry inside you. As if you were only breathing for him and as if your heart was only beating for him. 
You lean your head back and cross your arms in front of your face.
Your head screams at you that this feeling is not right, that it is not reasonable to feel so strongly for someone. That it's not normal to long for someone so strongly that it burns through your veins like heat and sets your heart on fire. 
When you hear footsteps in the hallway, you take your arms away from your face. Your gaze lands on Charles, who is standing anxiously in the doorway, stepping from one foot to the other. 
"I'm sorry," he whispers barely audibly. His mouth curls into a thin line and he scratches the back of his neck. "I - I went too far. I thought you -" He takes a deep breath and exhales before looking at you. "Friends don't do things like that. I'll - you go back to bed. I'll sleep on the couch." 
No. No, no, no, no. 
As you open your mouth to stop him from talking, to stop him from going on and saying the thing you're most afraid of, he raises his hand. "Don't worry. The couch is much more comfortable than the one in the other apartment. I'll be fine for the few days until my new bed arrives. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me."
You almost jump up from the couch and want to push him against the wall and tell him that's the last of the feelings you'd want to feel around him, but as you stand in front of him, nothing comes out of your mouth. You feel tears in the corners of your eyes and hope he can't see them. 
But he does. Hesitantly, he lifts his hand and brings it to your cheek to wipe away the one tear rolling down your skin. His touch burns like fire and you have to hold yourself back from clinging to him. "I'm sorry you feel that way. That was never my intention. Please believe that." He swallows before removing his hand from your cheek. "All I wanted was your friendship. And that's where we should go back to. Shouldn't we, mon ami?"
Without waiting for your answer, he goes back into the bedroom and reappears a short time later with his bedding in his arms. He spreads his things out on the sofa while you can only watch him. When he seems satisfied with his work, he turns back to you. A broken smile adorns his face and there's a shine in his eyes that you can't put your finger on. 
"Good night, mon ami. I'll see you in the morning."
Without answering, you flee from the living room and close the bedroom door behind you. You quickly hide under the comforter, which smells of Charles, and feel a heavy pressure building up in your chest, taking your breath away. Tears stream down your cheeks, soaking your pillow, which is far too soft, and you just hope that this rotten feeling will finally end. 
All you can think about is Charles. 
Charles, who introduced you to his mother. Charles, who makes you laugh even when you don't feel like it. Charles, who would drop everything for you to make you feel better. Charles, who is your home. 
Even though you don't want to admit it, even though you fight it because it hurts too much to admit it, it's as clear as day and so obvious that you wonder how you could have been so blind until now. 
You never wanted just Charles' friendship. You wanted him from the very beginning. From the moment he suddenly appeared in your apartment and the moment you let him as a stranger sleep on your couch. Just like he sleeps on the couch in the living room now. But now he feels further away than he did back then, which breaks your heart even more.
You love him. And there's no going back.
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yanderenightmare · 1 day
can iI ask for a part 2 of jjk man as mythical creatures? With kento and any other jjk men u want
TW: implied noncon, yandere, the supernatural, blood, slavery and racism toward nymphs?
gn reader + with fem clothing (princess dress, fairy costume)
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Nanami Kento Priest
A crusader who thinks mythic creatures are a plague on humanity—dirty, sacrilegious pests who accumulate in the godless hours of the night. You all need to be purged, and he aims to be the one to do it.
Oh, but then he stumbles upon you.
It could easily have been done in one fell swipe, but it simply wasn’t fair.
You’re a little pixie, pulling but innocent little pranks for a giggle. He just doesn’t see the sense in killing something so… so baby. It’s not like you were causing too much trouble. It’s not like you really had the capacity to, being the size of a mouse.
No, he’d rather put you in a little cage—keep you like an exotic bird. Then, you’ll no longer be free to do any harm, and, most importantly, you’ll be kept out of harm’s way. You’ll just be his little pet.
He feeds you crumbs and berries from the tip of his finger, beholding you with those slim, watchful eyes. 
He buys you accessories meant for dolls, watching you as you undress and put on little princess dresses and fairy costumes. He can understand why girls enjoy such toys now as he plays with you, decorating your cage like a dollhouse. A princess bed, a round breakfast table, cute little chairs to go with it, a vanity, a fake kitchen with a fake fridge, and fake little kitchen appliances. It’s adorable.
When you act out, he brings you a glass display of pinned butterflies and moths and tells you he’ll make a display of you and your pretty wings, too, if you don’t behave.
Which is why, when he opens the cage—a slim chain keeping you grounded with a heavy anklet that barely allows you to fly—you don’t dare struggle. Even as he places you side by side with his massive manhood—taller than you and so fat you can’t even reach around it in an embrace.
Fushiguro Megumi Vampire
He is the angsty, depressing type who refuses to drink blood from the vein—only from procured blood bags he keeps in the fridge. It’s his way of remaining part of his humanity, following strict morals and rules despite it all making him feel miserable.
In his coffin he dreams of sucking it fresh—of feeling its red warmth run wastefully down his neck and chest—of ripping bodies open, several dozens—basking in the rich metallic scent, drown himself in it. But when he wakes, he’s throwing up—chanting no, no, no, no while rocking back and forth.
He never smiles, keeps his fangs hidden—lets him pretend he isn’t one of them. And it almost worked. He could sustain it, he could manage the cravings—but then he met you.
And now, all he dreams about is you—you with his lovebites all over you.
He’s able to suppress it for a while, but the beast within has been denied for so long you never stood a chance. It’s disgusting—the thrill it gives him when you invite him inside. He feels his fangs grow sharper in his mouth. Just a little nibble, he tells himself—just a little taste doesn’t hurt.
Oh, but it does. When he plants his teeth in your neck and sucks until you go pale and limp in his arms. And yet, for some sick reason, the wails of his name coming from your throat only seem to give him pleasure—makes the blood taste sweeter, makes everything feel so right.
But he does feel bad once you wake—having shed human nature in your sleep, now exactly like him.
Zenin Naoya Elf
Elven royalty who’s lived far longer than most—some even say he and his family have been around since the dawn of their species, making them genesis—purest of pure.
You’re rather new, only a couple hundred years old—a child. And you’re not even a full elf but a halfbreed with filthy nymph blood running through your veins, mingling with the richer elven ichor of his lineage.
It’s nothing but obscene.
You’re shorter than they are, softer than they are, with bigger, rounder eyes reminiscent of a doe. You’re clumsy like one, too—not like them. And your skin’s different—it doesn’t seem as cold but warm. And though your very existence should disgust him—bring literal bile to his throat—he can’t seem to stop wanting to take you as his new bride. 
But he would never do that. Stars don’t marry moons. That would be too scandalous…
When he strips you of your elven rights and deems you not worthy, you expect to be banished. When he tells you that you are to be his slave instead, you expect to clean floors and polish jewelry.
You don’t expect to find yourself in his bed.
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P1: Satoru, Toji, Sukuna
♡ JUJUTSU KAISEN masterlist
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kurooh · 2 days
Slightly going insane over this but Hawks cumming just from his wings being touched?????? Like overstim going crazy
☆ 18+ content, gn!reader, overstim, kinda sub! keigo
stop cause i’m about to tweak over this.. anything involving keigo and his wings is such a treat to read/write about !!
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“o-oh fuck, i can’t cum anymore, angel,” keigo groans, his entire body trembling against the plush duvet beneath him.
“you can, and you will.” with one hand, you grip the base of his cock, your other hand taking hold of the middle. using the cum he’d shot out a few minutes ago as lube, you twist your hands up and down his cock, building a quick pace that has his back arching off the bed.
you sit on your knees beside him, observing the way his chest flushes at your movements, the crease that appears in his brow when you add a little more pressure on his tip when your hands move upwards.
“ah! it’s too much, fuck—” keigo’s eyes roll back, the protests dying on his lips when your hands only move faster.
“you’re gonna cum hard for me again, kei.”
the demand has him whining, thrusting his hips upwards feebly, has tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. tufts of his soft hair spread out around his head on the pillows below, lifting when he shoved a hand through his hair in search of something to grip on to.
“angel, i-i wanna cum in your pussy—ughhh,” keigo’s throat bobs as he groans shakily, his breath catching at the end of his sentence. he’s disappointed that much of his cum has ended up on his thighs, pelvis, or abs.
“next time,” you whisper, hands slowing as his cock begins to thicken and tense in your grip. he almost screams in frustration when your sticky hands fall away altogether, and you wipe them on his already messy thigh.
“what’re you doing?” he tugs his bottom lip between his teeth when you gesture for him to sit up, and quickly move behind him, towards his trembling wings.
“wanna try something new,” is all you say as your fingers reach towards crimson feathers. touching the especially sensitive spots on his wings always made him shudder with pleasure when cuddling, so what would happen if you touched them now?
his golden eyes widen in panic when he feels your fingers press deep into the soft, small feathers covering the area where his wings connect to his back. after emitting a strangled whine, he flaps his wings in a desperate attempt to get them away from you.
“kei, i’m just gonna touch them.”
“no, they’re too sensitive, i—” you reach towards the tips of his wings and squeeze gently, massaging with your fingertips in circles. it’s like he’s a whole new person now; he’s gasping with undeniable pleasure, mumbling for you to not stop, to be a little rougher.
keigo’s wings slowly extend in each direction, twitching as your hands sink into the feathers and start to scratch just right. “don’t you dare stop,” his demand is ragged, “r-right there, yes!” his wings begin to flutter violently when you start alternating between massaging and scratching.
you crane your neck, looking over his shoulder when his voice suddenly cracks. “oh god, oh fuck, i’m gonna cum, i’m gonna fucking cum, ah!—”
you watch his cock explode, cum shooting upwards a few times, then landing on his stomach. sweating and whining, he rides out his high with gentle kisses from you against his neck, his cock spurting out the last of his load. cum runs down his cock in thick rivulets, and his chest heaves. his entire body is twitching, his cock nearly swollen with overstimulation. he half expects you to cruelly start sucking his cock, draining his already empty balls more and more.
“hey, are you okay, kei?” your hands rub circles into the middle of his back comfortingly, and he leans back against you with a ragged exhale.
“i’m tired as hell,” he turns a little bit, resting on his side with his head on your chest.
“didn’t know you could cum that hard from me touching your wings,” you hum, and he glares up at you.
“yeah, well.. i didn’t want you to find out, ‘cause now you’re gonna use it against me,” keigo grumbles, his wings tucked tightly against his back.
“only once in a while, kei. can’t have you cum that hard and not swallow it all.”
pink dusts his cheeks as he laughs, turning away with a little grin on his face.
“sounds like a deal.”
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signanothername · 2 days
Why do you like Killer?
*Cracks knuckles* get ready
I don’t like Killer, I fucking LOVE HIM
He’s my number 1 fave au sans and has been for a very long time
Now to be clear, I’m talking about canon Killer here, i have mixed feelings about some fanon interpretations, some are good and i genuinely love them, others not so much
That being said, let’s actually talk about why i love my beautiful amazing wonderful son <3333
(All art used in this post is by Killer’s creator: Rahafwabas)
The very first hook for me is his very concept, the mere idea of a sans basically agreeing to go on a killing spree after so many genocide runs is just *chef’s kiss*
Killer knew it was wrong, he knew he shouldn’t, yet he did
Killer doomed himself by his choice, he could’ve stayed as “sans” but he chose to accept Chara’s offer, yet his choice came to be after he saw no point in refusing anymore (important addition and a correction here)
The canon comics had Killer saying that he’s the way he is cause he gave up, he said “you won, you’re the reason I’m like this”, he’s been on so many genocide runs that he felt a little part of him die each run, only to give up and go on said killing spree
It’s interesting how the player is a big part of Killer’s story, cause whether Chara was involved or not, the player is the root cause of his suffering
But what i love the most is that regardless of his backstory or reasons, Killer’s actions led to their inevitable consequences, and it forever changed him
The biggest change? His very soul, it went from a normal monster soul to his signature target soul, infused with Determination, something that supposedly hurts monsters, it’s almost like his soul was infected with it, and you can see how it physically affects him with the black liquid that constantly comes out his eyes, nose and mouth, and even at times, that sludge is too much that he chokes on it
And the amusing yet tragic parallel? Killer aimed to “feel something new” by his genocide runs, only to end up not feeling anything at all, at least at his default stage 2
Which brings me to the concept of his soul’s stages
I love Killer’s stages so so much, it’s such a beautiful unique and wonderful concept
Killer’s individual stages are sooooo intriguing to me, it shows Killer in a different light each time depending on which stage he’s in, stage 1 is the closest he is to being “sans”, the closest to he used to be, he can feel emotions and is generally back to his more lazy bones attitude, as well as his ability to actually show sympathy, and feel the pain he’s always in, but what’s interesting is that regardless of the fact he’s the closest to his old self in this stage, it’s still so clear that Killer isn’t really “sans” anymore, that no matter what, he truly had changed in a way that can never be reversed, a point of no return, even when Color saves him, cause his new habits? His fears? His pain? His trauma? They can never be taken away, Killer has to live with the scars of what he experienced
Stage 2 is who he’d become, he can’t feel anything at this stage, emotions nonexistent, and his nonchalant behavior towards himself and others is most apparent here, a parallel I like to think of is that Killer’s inability to feel anything at all is almost like prolonged sensory deprivation, when you’re deprived of sensory input/ simulation for long periods, your brain needs compensate, and so it does its job, Killer’s soul prevents him from feeling so he resorts to other methods (usually very self destructive) to compensate for his lack of emotional capacity
I also really really love how that especially during stage 2, Killer isn’t trustworthy, cause in stage 1 you can actually trust him to an extent, in stage 2 Killer’s actions, behaviors and mindset are completely unpredictable, but not because he’s random, cause he’s actually extremely calculated, yet regardless, his carelessness when it comes to his own life and other people’s lives is dialed to an 11 here, so he could either choose to kill/attack or simply stay and listen
we even get an actual in depth look at how Killer’s mind works in one of the canon comics, in which Killer contemplates whether to attack Dream or not as he listens to his own stages in his head, one of which tells him to Kill Dream, while the other tells Killer to talk to Dream first
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How Killer comes to a final decision on whether he attacks or not is something I believe his calculated mind makes depending on the situation and the pros/cons of what act he chooses, Killer is pretty smart, he knows when to let his trigger happy self out and when to settle down
Stage 3 or the “crazy stage” is the stage in which he’d attack anyone in his way whether friend or foe, we unfortunately don’t have much canon info regarding this stage, but that ain’t gonna stop me from analyzing the shit outta it (and talk about how i perceive it)
I like to think of this stage as the combination between stage 1 and 2, yet it’s almost like his soul can’t truly decide on which stage to settle on and by extension founding stage 3 as a separate stage by itself, Killer becomes extremely unstable at this stage, his soul moves rapidly and it’s obvious he’s in pain cause of it, whether that pain is just emotional or both physical and emotional isn’t really clear, yet i’d like to believe it’s both, and i feel like Killer’s capacity to attack anyone at this stage is related to that pain, and something I really love to believe is that Killer can’t calm down enough to settle back to stage 1 or 2 unless he either wears himself out by fighting someone, or he’s left alone to his own demons long enough to pull himself together, if he were to be forcefully restrained during this stage, it would only serve to make it worse and prolong the time he stays that way (cough something i may or may not have made a quick comic about but never shared as always vjvjvjj)
Not to mention, one of the canonical responses Killer gives when asked if he’s ok at stage 3 seems to make Killer alternate between answers he wants to give between saying he’s “fine” and “i don’t know” which makes sense, Killer isn’t stable at all, it’s almost like his stage 1 self and stage 2 self are fighting over who gets to talk (stage 2 seems more dominant)
Yet the fact Killer is able to answer and comprehend his surroundings enough at this stage is very intriguing to me, cause it shows how much Killer is able to handle/endure (which is A LOT cause damn) and not only that, but it also gives us a very clear difference between this stage and stage 4
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As for stage 4?? Woooh boi, it’s the stage I like to call “plunging into darkness”
We also don’t have much canon info about this stage, but one of the things i find interesting is the fact Killer deliberately keeps it a secret from everyone, when he tells Color about his stages, he only tells him up to stage 3, never bringing up stage 4, only for Chara to sneer at Killer that he shouldn’t keep it from his new BFF
It’s obvious Killer himself is very uncomfortable with the subject of stage 4, it’s apparent that it’s a stage that he rarely gets to, but it still bothers him enough to not want to even mention it, which makes sense, cause the comic we had of stage 4 shows that Killer gets to that stage when he’s reminded of all the murders he committed, and unsurprisingly, when he’s reminded of his brother, as what triggered this stage is actually a memory of Papyrus telling Sans to “see a puzzle”, only to be followed by memories of screams of anger, fear, and hatred of those he killed immediately afterwards, stage 4 is heavily related to his trauma
Not to mention it’s clear that when Killer gets to stage 4 he blacks out, he’s completely unaware of anything he does during this stage, and is only left to deal with the aftermath when he gets back to his senses, the fact it’s also a stage that seems to be “getting worse” is something that Killer definitely seems to hate
It sometimes makes me think whether Killer had gotten into trouble cause he killed someone Nightmare wanted alive while at this stage, cause with how he keeps it a secret, I’d assume Nightmare would be unaware of it for a while (comic idea perhaps >:) )
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But y’know what’s better than talking about the stages?? Talking about Killer’s personality, behaviors and trauma
Killer can’t distinguish between what’s real or not, and it’s obvious he sometimes sees the world in the third person, as in he’s not completely there at times, not to mention the amount of voices he hears in his head, from his stages talking to him to hallucinations of Chara, Frisk and Papyrus, and oooh boi does he hate these hallucinations, the past obviously haunts Killer and it’s something he tries running away from constantly, yet he can never truly run from it when it follows him everywhere
Killer has a smile on his face most the time, but his attitude changes especially when Chara is mentioned, or when he’s reminded of his past in any way, he literally avoids food that reminds of his past life as “sans”, he freezes up at certain phrases such as “best friend” (something i also made a comic about that i never shared chchhchc)
He just absolutely hates to be reminded of the person he used to be, of all the things he used to have, cause in truth? They were all taken away from him by his own hands, only to be then forced to work under Nightmare, who only ensures that he never finds peace of mind
And the sad part? Killer let’s all those things hurt him, he lets Nightmare have his way with him, he lets Chara torment him, cause he thinks he deserves it, and most importantly, he deluded himself into believing that this is what he wants because it’s what everyone else wants, because it’s what the player wants
Killer even sometimes tries to force himself not to feel anything, cause come on, since when does he feel anything at all?
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Killer, to put it bluntly, hates himself, and he thinks that his suffering is the Karma of what he’s done, and even at one point, he was going to erase himself out of existence cause he believed that’s what he deserved, as in Killer thought of himself as unworthy when it comes to Papyrus, that his brother doesn’t need him, that his brother is better off without him, hell he even tells Color that he needs to kill him if he ever reaches stage 3, it’s an obvious “ i want someone to put me outta my misery” attitude
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Killer feels hopeless, and so he lets himself suffer thinking he can’t ever find peace or hope again
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Yet the interesting part? You’d never know that Killer hates himself unless you’re a being of emotions (Nightmare and Dream) or someone who’s perceptive enough to notice Killer’s self-loathing like Color, that’s how good of an actor Killer can be, you’d think he’s a cold emotionaless killer but the truth only shines to those who actually can see through his act
Killer just has that amazing character depth and his story is genuinely so unique and beautiful, cause you in his story you can find details of other details within the details vhvhvjvj
All that? Mixed with really adorable little things like his love for cats, his silly attitude, his nonchalance with Nightmare, his capacity to be social with whoever, and his friendship with color? That is why I love Killer Anon <33333
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rosyhoneydew · 2 days
"Buck, Tommy, hey! There's room over here, we'll scoot down!"
Evan bounds over to the booth, sliding in easily next to Eddie. Tommy's quick to follow, finding his seat next to Evan, but taking care to keep a small gap between them. 
In the weeks that the two of them have been together, it’s been kind of amazing to watch Evan dive headfirst into their relationship. Tommy has zero doubts about the two of them, but he does know that these moments can still feel a little scary in their novelty, and he meant it when he said he didn’t want to pressure Evan. 
He's aware that the 118 aren't anything like the guys he worked with when he was there. He's also aware, however, that no matter how close you are with your friends, your family, no matter how well they take it when you come out, it’s different, showing affection to another man so openly in front of them for the first time. 
At least, it wasn’t easy for him when he finally brought his ex, Mark, along to Harbor's holiday party. They were only together maybe 4 months before it was clear they wouldn’t work out, and Tommy's not convinced that it didn't have anything to do with how he'd tense up any time he felt his boyfriend's hand around his waist. He needed some time. He doesn't blame Mark for anything, of course, but he really likes Evan, so he's going to do whatever he can not to scare him off.
"You guys must work some crazy calls in Air Ops, huh Tommy?" Ravi asks, a while later. They've been trying to keep the shoptalk to a minimum, not everyone's partner is a first responder, but they seem to keep finding themselves back here.
Tommy opens his mouth to respond, but Evan is speaking before he has the chance.
"Ravi, you have no idea. The other day he flew out to PV, right? And his team had to rappel down and get this hiker into a basket. It was crazy! It's super hard to get close to those cliffs 'cause they crumble so easy, you know? They kept showing footage of it on the news." And Evan's a couple of beers deep but Tommy is certainly not expecting the confident way he slings his arm around Tommy's shoulders, effectively killing any space that was still between them, or the way he turns to Tommy, lowers his voice, and adds, "It was so hot."
He's pretty sure that last part was only meant for him to hear, but, well, Evan's not really known for his discretion. Hen snorts and Tommy's pretty sure she's laughing at whatever dumbstruck, lovesick face he's wearing.
"Cool!" Tommy hears Ravi say, through the thrumming in his ears.
It doesn't stop there. Evan keeps a hand on him all night. When Tommy goes to the bar to get their next round, Evan kisses him on the cheek, and when he returns to the table, his hand finds Tommy’s thigh. And more than once he feels his face burning hot at the sensation of Evan's eyes on him.
He’s brazen in the way he looks at Tommy, leans in to mutter comments in his ear, and orients his whole body to face Tommy. He’s pretty sure they’re being a little rude, neither of them fully tuned in to any conversation being held tonight, but he's silently grateful for the way their friends give them a little grace. He only spots a few good-natured eye-rolls despite the way they’re clinging to each other. Though, he has a feeling they’re only going to get away with this once. 
They stay a little while longer, finishing up a few bar snacks and listening to some of the wilder 911 calls Maddie had fielded that week before everyone starts to make their way back home. Tommy’s barely buckled himself in before Evan’s hand reaches for him again. He’s flushed, clearly buzzed, but his head seems to still be on straight. It lolls to the side as he looks at Tommy. 
“Did you have fun?” His boyfriend asks. 
Tommy smiles, lifting their joined hands, and kisses Evan’s knuckles. “Yeah,” he says, “I did.” 
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 days
Hello, I love all your aus. I selfishly want to ask for more of Danny's Grill. Pretty please.
Danny added cilantro to the tacos before closing the lid on the carryout box. He glances behind him to see Alvin handing out toys to the kids at the window.
Alvin smiles sweetly at a little girl who stands on her tiptoes to point at the red truck inside Alvin's toy chest. His crush hands her some stickers to build her race track, and Danny's heart leaps at the sweet image.
Little toy cars, dolls, or fidget toys were a real hit with the crime alley children—most didn't have a chance for new toys—and Alvin seemed to glow whenever he gave a new child a toy.
It was his idea on the second night of them going around. Usually, people don't get small gifts when getting food from a food truck, but a few nights ago, Alvin had asked if he could go with Danny on his rounds.
He wanted to tell him no at first since Red Hood had yet to find his pimp, but one look at those sea watercolor eyes had him folding faster than wet paper. He had placed Alvin as the cashier, a grin never leaving his face as Danny listened to the other charm all the customers that wandered over.
It was an oddly domestic setup they had going on.
Danny, with his random menu of food, and Alvin, with his bright smile and charming deposition. After a full day and a bit of night selling food, the two would head home to relax in the oversized baths and spend a lazy afternoon.
All of Danny's chores were done by ghosts who occasionally came by to support them. Other times, they were there to serve Danny. He didn't feel comfortable with having someone waiting on him hand and foot, but he did like treating Alvin with the best service he could offer.
Since Alvin moved in, Danny has been proud to notice his eye bags had decreased, his skin had cleared, and the tension always resting on his shoulders had vanished. He also put on some weight, which upset Alvin a little, but Danny thought it was nice to see him healing.
He worried he was getting attached to Alvin. Danny knew he had fallen in love with Alvin, as much as he wished he hadn't, but he couldn't help it.
Alvin was everything he ever wanted in a partner and more. It was complicated to remind himself that eventually, Alivn would be safe enough to leave his home. It was shameful to admit he was glad that Red Hood was taking a while to find the assholes who hurt his friend.
"Here you are." He tells the teenager with them. "Three orders of tacos de barbacoa."
The teen's nose wrinkles. "Your Spanish sucks."
"I tell him the same thing all the time. But at least he can make really great tacos." Alvin winks as the teenager's smirk grows. The little kids with him laugh happily, and the group of five wanders away.
One little boy is showing off his new car while the little girl grabs the hand the teenager offers her. Alvin watches them until they retreat back into the apartment building from which they came.
Alvin leans back with a loving sigh. "Adorable little beasts"
"What made them beastly?" Danny asks, amused, as the other points to the little tray of cookie bags sitting on the window table.
"The little girl stole two bags. The older one definitely saw but he acted like he didn't."
"That's why you gave them more cookies?" Danny asked, remembering that Alvin had grabbed the to-go bag and sneakily placed the treats inside while Danny cooked.
"Sure. You don't mind if I give out free food, and it would be mean to have them all share two bags when there are five of them." Alvin leans back cracking his neck. "I come from a big family too. Trust me when I say that causes living room wars"
Danny hastily looks away, trying to cover up his reaction to Alvin's crooked grin. While trying to hide his blushing face, Danny catches a glimpse of a figure on the rooftop watching them.
He waves at the vigilante. He noticed the other following him a few nights ago, and despite the bat-themed hero never recognizing him, Danny still picked up a bottle of soda and a box of food to gesture at him.
He doesn't think he has time for a dinner break, but it would be rude not to offer a meal when he can.
Batman's white lenses narrow for a fraction of a second before he steps back into the shadows disappearing from sight.
He's not hungry then. Okay.
"Danny," Alvin calls from further inside the food truck. "We are almost out of food. Want to call it a night?"
"Sure, I don't mind. Do you want to do anything later?"
Alvin thinks it over before announcing, "I want to go into the pool later. Will you join me?"
I would do anything for you. Danny thinks but only says "Of course. I need a good spa day too. I'm thinking of doing a pedicure."
Alvin smiles at him, and it's brighter than any sun could ever be. With practice, the two dance around each other, doing the clean-up and closing duties to get the truck ready for travel.
Alvin falls into the places that Danny steps out of, giving Danny warm looks that make Danny slightly hot under the collar, but it makes him wish he could keep Alvin forever.
In ten minutes, they are closed up and driving out of Crime Alley on their way back to their mansion. Danny is making the last turn out of Gotham, with Alvin sitting in the passenger seat scrolling on his phone when he feels someone land on his roof.
Seeing that his food truck has become an extension of his haunt, Danny can tell who it is the second they touch his vehicle.
When he remembers his early offer, he wonders what the man could want going for a ride. Was the hero finally going to take him up on it? That's wonderful!
"Hey Alvin, I need to do a quick stop," he tells the other while pulling into a 24-hour gas station. Alvin waves his hand, not once glancing up from his phone. Danny suddenly feels the urge to press a kiss against his cheek, but that would be creepy.
So he settles for a quick pat on his shoulders before he slips out of his seat and grabs the leftover pre-prepared meals. He also holds a water bottle just in case the bat is parched. He swiftly steps outside, tilting back to lock his gaze on Batman.
"Here you go," Danny says, holding up the food. "It's still warm."
Batman's eyes widen, then narrow. "No."
"Are you not here for food?"
Danny waits a moment, but no explanation on why he was riding on his truck comes he clears his throat. "Is there anything I can help you with then?"
"What are your intentions with Tim?"
Who the hell is Tim?
Oh! Wait, he meant Tim from Second Street. Danny had sold him some food and realized the old man couldn't get back on his porch, so he built him a ramp.
Danny spoke to him only during that interaction, but if Old Man Tim was involved in a crime, it was better to act like he wasn't aware.
"Just trying to make him happy is all sir." He says carefully watching for any reaction. The best lies are ones built on truths.
Batman's face stays the same, but in one quick motion, he leaps from the truck and shoots off his grabbing hook. He's gone in seconds, rushing off into the night as Danny watches him go.
He doesn't know why but he gets the strange sense he just passed a test of some kind.
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neptxn3 · 1 day
Astrology Notes III
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪₊‧°
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Disclaimer, these are observations I have made through personal experience and thorough research, observations also vary depending on other natal placements involved
doesn’t resonate ≠ untrue 
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♅ Pluto in the 10th house has a tendency to come across as very overbearing in the workplace. This is having a routinely structure you want to have done precisely every day, so this makes you ask your coworker if they want you to do the coffee run for a meeting, staying past closing time to make sure everything is in place, doing 10x as much work as your coworkers because you like things in a certain order.
it also causes coworkers to think of you as someone who’s willing to step over them in order to appear as this solid leader who is better than them ( and often times this does manifest in the native) but mostly it is subconscious.
It honestly reminds of the devil wears Prada where Andrea gets so good at guessing what Miranda’s expectations are that she goes over the top in order to please her and it gets to the point she manages to snag the trip to Paris that has always been given to Emily in the singular year she’s worked at the magazine. Andrea being Pluto person who unknowingly becomes the ‘better’ assistant.
♅ There’s a natural discomfort when one has the Moon placed in the first house, especially if placed in signs like Aquarius or Capricorn due to the fact that their emotions are put on display which is a forced vulnerability. 
I actually find fire placements (not typically Sagittarius) who actually find enjoyment in their faces being easily read? One because fire placements are less inclined to hide their feelings, and two because they can be a bit impatient to get their point across 
♅ Virgo placements are kinda funny in the sense that they’re not necessarily clean freaks, they won’t go out of their way to clean someone’s room because it’s dirty, but they are obviously very precise with their own mess, they don’t like being messy themselves you know? It’s not seen as a second nature to clean but rather an obligation for them because they need clean spaces in order to be productive with an active Mercury influence. 
I actually find it very common for Virgo placements to have an “organized mess” too. They know where they left their green paperclip in their messy rooms (it’s under the left desk leg). 
♅ Taurus placements , fixed signs in general, but especially Taurus placements grow up with a specific set of beliefs and morals that they follow through and through. It’s because of their fixed nature that they will refuse to change, in fact Taurus placements consider their perspective to be so correct, if afflicted, Taurus placements can be the hardest to evolve in your chart. 
♅ cancer risings tend to attract very dangerous men/women due to Scorpio being in their 5th house, this is actually why cancers fall under the sweet damsel in distress who dates the big bad boys in romantic tropes a lot lol but yes they actively seek people who have a dark reputation or damaged past as lovers
♅ People with Mars in the 12th house are often accused of being unmotivated and lazy by people in their life but it actually stems from the fact that mars is uncomfortable being in a house that’s connected to the unconscious mind while craving the open expression of anger and ambition mars naturally is. I actually find they overthink their actions. You can remind a person with mars in the 12th house to take out the trash before bed because the garbage collectors come tomorrow and they will spend the whole day cleaning the house, drain their energy and say “I’ll just wake up early and do it tomorrow” but they never do 😭 They confuse themselves!! 
it’s also interesting to note a person with a 12th house prominence that includes mars will be defensive about their said actions. “Take out the trash” “I was already planning on doing it but now I don’t want to”. I include 12th house prominence because a mars in the 12th also has stealthy actions and thoughts 🤫
♅ People with their 4th house ruler in the 7th house will have emotional withdrawals if their routine does not involve socializing with others. You’ll typically see this in people who choose to search for roommates during college, move in with close friends to “save on rent” or choose to never move out of their parents home ( I support this in this economy lol)
you’ll also see this in people who are serial daters, not to say that their relationships don’t impact them greatly, but they feel a requirement to express their feelings with others. 
Could make great therapists too actually
♅ Mercury square saturn people need precise instructions whenever they do something. Mercury can be very sporadic in square aspects because their communication is being misconstrued the same way a radios antennae need to be arranged in a certain way  in order to get signal. With Saturn representing structure, they prefer very detailed instructions on pretty much anything. You need them to get a wrench? It’s on the left? Top, middle, or bottom? And what color is it? Is it in the back or front of the cabinet? 
Also, Mercury square Saturn/Sun people, we’re you the kids who’s dad yelled at them for holding the flashlight the wrong way when fixing something? 
♅ I find it very funny when Aquarius placements are dubbed the people who change the world with their innovative ideas because you will connect that to them actively trying to improve society but it’s actually because they just want life to be easier to navigate for themselves. They’re the type to invent flying cars, not for the next Industrial Revolution that will forever change man once again, but because they want a cheaper way to save on overseas travel 😭. Don’t get the wrong idea, a lot of them realize their potential and eventually use their ideas for good, but it usually starts off as very personal and self serving. 
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Hey! May I make a request for Dazai? I would love to see him a flustered mess just because someone is taking care of him? Kind of like a mommy kink but somehow deeper? I don’t know, but I love your writing! Thank you for loving subs!!! 💚💚💚
Ahhh, thank you my dear, I’m glad you enjoy my works <33 since you didn’t specify on what exactly, I’ll only write the tension/ foreplay part
Dom!reader x sub!dazai - reader is gender neutral
Warning: teasing, a little body worship (from reader), praise kink (?), use of pet names
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“Hey… no need to treat me like a princess alright?”
Dazai chuckled nervously, hiding his eagerness behind a calculated smile. He thought the two of you were finally getting into the mood, so he jumped onto the bed, waiting for you to devour him. Instead of getting what he expected, you started collecting the nearby pillows and putting them beneath him. One beneath his head, his neck and his waist. You tried your best to make it comfortable for the male, smiling gently as you reassured him, “I know you are strong, sweetie, I just want to treat you right.”
His arms wrapped around your neck, pulling you closer while you kissed his face. First the tip of his nose, then his cheeks. Each time you did so, he clenched his eyes, blushing slightly when he noticed your hands around his body. Dazai couldn’t resist the chance to tease you, scoffing in amusement, “Hah, you were acting so gentle but you are a pervert in reality, aren’t you?” He could feel your fingertips trace the outlines of his body, each nook and cranny has been caressed by your light touch. It tickled him, it made him feel tingles bloom wherever your skin made contact. As if fireworks exploded inside him, encouraging him to plead you for more.
“If it makes you happy, you can call me that.” You responded to his remarks, not letting it bother you as you kissed his neck. The feeling of your lips brushing along his jaw all the way to his Adam’s apple ended with him breathing heavily, fingers intertwined with his own ones, holding onto you as if you could disappear in any moment. “Stop it with the games, you’re making me impatient.” Dazai snarked again, now glaring at you through lustful eyes. You can’t just rile him up and do nothing, can you?
Instead of obeying his little tantrum there, you rested your hands on his hips for a moment. Rubbing your cheek against his tummy and kissing his bellybutton. He stared at you with needy eyes, almost on the verge of begging you to do more. Then you licked that area, causing him to jump and trash around slightly. “Hu-hmm? Ahhh, stop it with the teasing!” How mad he sounded, but it was so adorable in your eyes. He was like a defiant cat.
You grinned at him, then answered with, “just lay back and enjoy, I’ll take care of it baby, I’ll make you feel good~” it wasn’t a promise, it was a statement. Just that alone was enough to shut him up. His eyes trembled in anticipation, awaiting what you had to offer with curiosity and excitement. “I.. haha..I hope you will then.” Slowly he was running out of words, not knowing what to say in opposition to your smart counters.
After getting his consent, your hands trailed lower, now holding his thighs and squeezing them. “Such a pretty boy for me.” Then you raised them and clasped them over your shoulder. “Hah?! Wait- that, this position is.. ughh!!” Poor baby didn’t even have time to adjust and think and you were already manhandling him however you wanted. It has gotten difficult to continually wrap his arms around your neck, so he let them fall flat onto the bed. Now they served a different purpose, this time clenching the sheets as his face flushed into a bright crimson.
The mating press huh...? But the both of you were still clothed. How embarrassing. Dazai pressed his lips tightly shut, sweat forming on his forehead at the realisation. You on the other hand seems to be enjoying yourself, one hand now slowly peeling off his disheveled clothes. “Try to stay still, I’ll take care of you alright?” Again, you smiled at him, bringing forth a sense of comfort. He has noticed this for a while now, you kept doing everything on your own, ending with him not having to do anything. It was a strange feeling. Sure, he enjoyed lazing around, but actually having someone who took everything off his shoulder was new.
Suddenly he avoided your gaze, legs shaking as they tangled behind your neck. “Hm? What’s this, are you alright darling?” He jolt, yelping a little as he replied, “I-I’m fine. Just, all the blood has been flowing into my brain you know.” Well well, he was quick to think of good responses, you had to give him that. “I see..” you said, then you stroked his hair. “As long as you are liking this, i did say I’ll make you feel good.” A giggle followed soon after you finished your sentence. “Ah.. yea.” Damn it, why was communicating getting more difficult by the second? He was so embarrassed for no reason! All you did was being close to him, touch his hair and body, as well as whisper some sweet words… why was he already such a mess?
Of course his flustered appearance didn’t escape your sharp eyes. You leaned down again and kissed his lips, catching him off guard. It was only a small peck, but the brunette looked like he was about to explode. Even he was wondering what was wrong with him. Normally he wasn’t like this! He was acting like such a fool right now, as if he was still a virgin~ Oh but by no means you minded. Goodness, you adored this cute side of his. Ah.. there was no helping yourself, he was too adorable for you to hold back. So you uttered in an almost suspiciously sweet voice, “I’ll treat you so well today dazai, to the point you’ll need me to take care of you again tomorrow~”
Luckily he didn’t need to use his legs, otherwise he would have stumbled and crashed down. Because he just knew his knees were going weak in that moment.
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deathbxnny · 2 days
hehe I'm here another time with a platonic pairing~
Once again with a fem, little sister child! reader but this time it's not a specific scenario like my recent request for Aventurine, just headcanons with Argenti (never seen you write for my man? Idk if you write him, feel free to ignore him or add another character if you don't ♡) Jing Yuan and Dr. Ratio?
Hey there, dear moot!! This is such a cute idea, and I'd LOVE to write for Argenti, so thank you for including him!!<3
Content: Reader is a child, fluff, unserious, big brother characters, platonic relationships, slight angst, sfw
Reader is afab here!!
((Not proofread))
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Argenti saw you as a blessing from Idrila, something he was very vocal about to everyone and especially his little sister. He spoils you greatly and has an inability to say no to you. However, he often still wonders if it is right to bring you along on his journey through the cosmos in search of his lost Aeon. He knows it's dangerous and most likely could cause his death one day... but he still can't find himself leaving you behind.
Since he is such a strict believer of Idrila, you ofcourse begin to mimic his devotion in your behavior, something that means way more than words could describe to him. His heart swells with pride when he sees you recite the prayers and praises or dress the way he does. It makes his worries and doubts melt away.
With that said, you truly have him wrapped around your little fingers, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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His expectations for you were high and perhaps even stressful at times. He wanted you to be the best, to exceed him in ways not even he ever could. Ratio believed that what he was doing was for your own good, for your own perfect future... which, however, unfortunately meant that he often times forgot that you were still simply a child. This, in turn, just means that he'll self-reflect often and try and give you more breaks in-between classes and studying whenever you need them.
With that said, he is a busy professor and scholar, which often leads him to not be home as much as you want him to. He tries his best to find some time to spend with you however when he is home, although that's usually spent either reading books or listening to long lectures from him. He thinks that that is great bonding time for the both of you.
Ratio may not be very vocal or open about his love for his little sister, but it's obvious with how much he cares for your well-being and future, even when he can come off as mean or harsh at times. He wants you to have a good life without him one day and will make sure you're prepared for it.
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Jing Yuan adores you greatly and doesn't shy away from spoiling you with anything you want. He often gets accused of perhaps spoiling you even a little too much from Fu Xuan, but he simply waves it off with no concern. You deserve way more than he can offer you, after all.
With that said, Yanqing is indeed your designated babysitter, much to the boy's annoyance at times. On one hand, it's because Jing Yuan trusts him way more than anyone else with you... and on the other, he knows that the blonde will learn to behave himself and slow down better with you around. Or so he thinks, at first. Once you're old enough to become best of friends with him, the days of your mischievous pranks on the general start, mainly out of spite.
Jing Yuan finds it cute and amusing until he's dowsed in water as you both run away laughing hysterically. Maybe Fu Xuan was right...
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Alrightttt... I hope this was okay, dear moot!! Thank you again for the request!!<33
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talkbycolor · 3 days
MC's kindergarden . . . ↷
Yanderes as toddlers AU
GN!Reader as a teacher who doesnt get paid enough for this.
CW: just a bunch of weird kids wanting to marry their teacher, keep scrolling
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Sunny Day Jack.
the golden child, the angel of the classroom, he is a little devil in disguise, getting his classmates into trouble so that his teacher thinks he is the best
he looks like a mini teacher, he teaches colors to his classmates and shares everything (except the teacher)
uses guilt to convince his teacher, but with that little face and red cheeks, who wouldn't fall for it?
a very intelligent child but he is selfish, he learned to steal cookies from the kitchen and has not told anyone
he gives part of his lunch to his teacher, he likes to eat and sit next to him, he is the child who gives bouquets of flowers picked from the playground (MC already scolded him so he should look for other places to get flowers)
MC doesn't usually scold him often since he manipulates and makes kicked puppy eyes to get his way, a mini bastard
John Doe.
probably autistic and socially anxious child, very attached to MC, they must always accompany him to go to the bathroom, he eats in the classroom during recess time while MC teacher accompanies him
this is the child you have to make sure doesn't go through the trash or eat the crayons
he is actually a very sweet boy, MC usually combs his hair before school so it doesn't bother him, for some reason Doe always has it tangled and dirty
he can't count to 10 with his hands, poor thing
cat-like affection, gives insects or interesting things he found on the playground to his teacher
when the children play house, he is the mascot
Alan Orion.
boy obsessed with outer space, his lunch box and clothes are full of planets and stars
wants to impress MC with his knowledge about space, he usually tells them facts about galaxies and constellations during classes
MC of course would notice certain marks on Alan's little body, he would feel protective of the child (llamen al dif)
he steals things from his classmates, he was already scolded several times by MC
animal lover, once brought a moth he found on the playground into the classroom and Doe ate it, he cried for thirty minutes while MC comforted him
when he plays with puppets he pretends that one puppet is him and the other is MC, usually his games are of them getting married and living in the forest
Peter Dunbar.
a very sociable child simply because he is indifferent to all other people other than MC, he enjoys causing mischief to his classmates who play with MC
MC has to make sure Peter doesn't bite his fingers or scratch his face, a habit he has while concentrating
Peter looks like a bald rat when it's very hot weather, which MC finds funny, but they still puts sunscreen on him so the boy doesn't get sun-burned
even though there are many things that Peter doesn't like, like swimming, fruits or singing, he would do it for MC, adding the biggest embarrassment of his life by doing group dance with his classmates but happy to see his favorite teacher smiling
he would bring sweet lunches to share with his teacher, lying by saying that it is too much and he can't eat it all by himself (Peter loves sweet lunches but he loves his teacher more)
probably draws him and MC on the board with lots of hearts around them, causing the other kids in the classroom to start crying because they want to be the only ones for MC
a cutie with his teacher, a bastard with everyone else, he knows how to maintain that image very well to fool MC
he sneaks into the staff room to see you, very attentive, isn't he? sometimes he leaves small gifts on your table
fights with Peter every time he tries to get him in trouble with the teacher, he must maintain his good boy reputation for you to love him!
the last time a girl confessed to him, Ren pushed her into the mud of the playground and made her cry, unfortunately the girl told MC and Ren also cried, not because of the scolding but because he didn't want MC to think that he was bad
once he saw you outside of class time, you were at the supermarket and he panicked because he had fake tattoos that he put on (they came in the packaging of the gum he ate)
MC would come to think that Ren lives in a super religious way since he always draws angels. Ren doesn't draw angels, he draws an angel (you)
another little manipulator but this one cries every time he tricks MC and gets hugs illicitly (little baby)
he is a very hardworking child in class when it is time to do manual work, he likes to make small paper flowers for his teacher
the baby gets very sad every time he is left out of school projects, he doesn't know why no one seems to like him. surprisingly, he managed to get along fairly well with John Doe until he noticed his interest in MC
usually wraps his tail around MC's leg whenever he feels nervous or sick, that has been an indicator for MC to lull the child
kid who is a cotton candy fan, Peter pushed him while they were playing on the playground and his candy fell to the ground (he cried for 40 minutes)
kitten boy starts purring when MC praises his work
Keith and Tenebris.
as for them, I decided that they were twins in this AU (tenebris still has his blue skin and strange smile), they don't seem to get along very well and have a marked rivalry because they both want MC for themselves
Keith usually hates being in the classroom because his classmates are very noisy, MC has tried to help him with the overstimulation so that it is not an uncomfortable experience, since then Keith loves going to kindergarten
Tenebris does not get along with most of his classmates (if not all), he came close to befriending John Doe and Mycheal because they know what it's like to be treated differently because of how they look, but Doe scared him off by showing him a pair of beetles he found on the playground and Mycheal…well, just by being a liar
Keith is a very dedicated child, he likes to take care of the flowers in the playground with the help of MC, his teacher usually reads books about facts about flowers and apparently Keith is one of the few who pays attention (he cries every time that Jack plucks flowers from the garden to give them to MC)
Tenebris uses a toy guitar from the classroom to serenade his favorite teacher, that always kills MC with cuteness (Tenebris gets angry because it's not a real guitar)
when there are school trips, Keith always takes his teacher's hand and tries to pull them to see everything he finds interesting with them, whether it's a flower or a heart-shaped cloud
Tenebris always takes advantage when playing with swords with his classmates to satisfy his violent need to hurt everyone who likes MC, the game ends up turning into a real battle and Tenebris is scolded
Solivan Brugmansia.
at first glance, MC thought that the boy was always upset and didn't like him being around, but Sol just doesn't know what to do like when he's around his favorite teacher
the quiet child in the classroom, prefers to do his work alone, always takes the opportunity to draw MC with chalk on the playground
the boy is obviously obsessed (and not in a fun way) with his teacher, his parents came to the classroom angry because Sol had his sketchbooks full of sketches of you
you are the only person he allows to hold his stuffed animal, he leaves it with you whenever he goes to the bathroom and asks you to play with it, you don't think it's strange that Sol has a stuffed horse, children have strange toys all the time
Sol is clearly a target for bullying, you know it, you see it, so you have to constantly check that he is not hurt (Peter put gum in his hair once and he cried a lot)
SURPRISINGLY, he is one of the few children who has REAL friends, he has Hyugo, a classmate from another class, Hyugo knows about his crush on MC and is not very secretive, Sol has to cover his mouth or push him to the sandbox to make him shut up
puppy love, usually chases other children on all fours and licks snot from his own nose
barks every time someone gets too close to MC but in the end the scolding is always worth it since MC teacher strokes his head when he doesn't promise it won't happen again (it will happen again)
he will believe anything you tell him, he is quite gullible with the things that MC says, if his teacher tells him that he can't dig holes in the playground because giant insects will come out of there that will eat everyone, Damon believes it
sweet tooth, loves chocolate, MC has to be careful with what his students eat, Damon often hides chocolate bars in his pockets and that always ends in MC confiscating the chocolates
Damon has a friend in another class who he calls DG, he is his best friend and again Damon is one of the few kids with real friends in your class, DG knows that Damon likes you but unlike Hyugo he is more secretive
when there are school dances, Damon gives his all, always trying hard, not only because he loves to dance but he also loves when his favorite teacher applauds and praises him
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miupow · 2 days
which txt members do u think would b the most into foreplay and whod be impatient cuz theyre desperate lol ㅜㅜ
hehe omg… i’m finally getting around to answering old asks :33 • cw // NSFW, MDNI!
yeonjun -> he always makes sure that you cum at least once on his fingers and once on his tongue before he even begins to stick his dick in. and even then he just drags his fat hot shaft up and down your pussy lips, slaps his dripping red cockhead against your puffy clit until you sob out for mercy. and maybe, if you’ve been a really good girl, he’ll finally give you what you want.
taehyun -> tyun is the fingering king; he loves to play with your pussy, make you fall apart while you’re bent over his lap or on all fours, split open on his thick, calloused fingers. obsessed with making you squirt on his fingers too, thinks it’s so cute~ will make you cum and cum until you do, til you’re shaking <3 and then he’ll fuck you rough and nasty, coke can cock stretching your oversensitive wet pussy out just how you like it :3
kai -> kai is always battling with himself, torn between giving in to mindless pleasure and focusing on pleasing you— he just wants to please you, make you feel as good as you make him feel <3 and he’s so attentive!! always playing with you so gentle and sweet, stretches you out proper for his big fat cock cause he would never want to hurt you~ but he loses all composure when he finally gets to feel your cunt swallowing up his cock so well, pussy so tight but so wet, the slide so good he whimpers so pathetic.. now his minds all empty and pussy drunk, can’t focus on anything other than how good it feels and how badly he wants to cum.
soobin -> soobin’s gotta make sure your little tight hole is ready for him, and mutual masturbation is his favorite way to prepare you for his cock… his thumb rubbing tight against your clit through your panties as you fist his big long cock til it’s throbbing, his balls heavy and aching for release— and until you’ve soaked through your panties, gotten whiny and desperate grinding against his nice long fingers, begging him to put them inside and fill you up <3 and the stretch of his monster cock’s dizzying, red hot, but you love it so much as soobin groans n moans so deep in his chest as he bottoms out, kisses your cervix and threatens to nearly push through <3
beomgyu -> when beomgyus needy he’s needy, so horny he can’t even think straight, so hard it hurts when he’s dragging you off somewhere secluded to fuck your brains out. he just wants to fuck, not play around,,, “i can’t wait any longer, i have to be inside of you!” <3 but even has selfish as he can be when he fucks, he will always make sure you cum too… multiple times if he can help it :3
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boiohboii · 2 hours
The Twitter Marriage
(Oscar Piastri x fem!driver!reader)
Yn Ln has had a crush on fellow driver Oscar Piastri since their f2 days but she never and will never tell him.... at least not to his face
In which Aston Martin driver needed the alcohol to confess her feelings
N.B: rushed a bit cause of finals, but I hope you like it. Also, doesn't follow any timeline tbh. NOTHING IN THIS IS ADDS UP IN REGARDS OF DATES AND CHARACTERS AND STUFF, IT IS JUST FOR FUN.
WARNINGS: REALLY BAD PICK UP LINES, SOME SWEAR WORDS. Probably some spelling mistakes as well. Short fic.
faceclaim: sabrina carpenter
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Liked by ynmyworld, f1memes, charliethesinglemom and 168,920 others
Keepingupw/f1: Aston Martin driver, Yn Ln, tweets as she celebrates her p3 in Monaco.... it seems like she has something to say to fellow driver, Oscar Piastri.
username: the entire grid is just having fun with that joke.
username: miss ma'am, STAND UP!!
username: what do you mean stand up? SHE FOLDED LIKE A CHAIR
username: understandably so tbf
username: no but her offering to make Spain Oscar's home race LIKE CARLOS ISN'T LOOKING FOR THAT MAN'S BLOOD.
username: so foul of her 💀
username: her tagging him is insane
username: pr is gonna have a headache tomorrow
username: the fact that she's tweeting this shit while in a club, WHERE OSCAR IS A FEW METERS AWAY FROM HER
username: you know she's out of it when she starts using twitter.
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Liked by F1_updates_live, ynmyqueen, oscaroopastryy and 184,710 others
Keepingupw/f1: yn ln on her way back to the hotel last night after celebrating her Monaco podium.
username: she got wasted omg
username: now those tweets make sense
username: where did she even get the shoe box from
username: and where did her shoes go, papers fell out of that thing
username: so are you guys gonna post the video or?
username: what video?
username: there's a video going on twitter where these pics are taken from she was so drunk, she was actually dancing in the middle of Monaco (go queen, live your best life) and then the papers fell out of the box and she immediately went down to pick them up and put them back but then after she was halfway through she kept looking at the ground then at the box and then at her feet, you can see her pouting as she kept putting away the little papers in the box again
username: shut upp!!! I need that video! IT IS A LIFE SAVING MATTER ATP
username: yn ln is gonna be the death of me
yn ln has shared a story
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text: when you wake up to a video of drunk you on the streets of Monaco and some tweets that should've gone with you to the grave
yn ln has shared a story
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text: self pity and cringe time over, back to our regular schedule of slaying
Sebastian Vettel has shared a story
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text: someone tell her that staying with me till the Spanish GP isn't going to make people forget that she exists
yn ln has replied to your story: your kids love me! AND SO DOES HANNA
yn ln has replied to your story: also, please take pity on me, I can't face him again, ever, I will just retire, I can't do this
yn ln has replied to your story: why are you ignoring meeeee!!! Not you too, Oscar is already doing thaaaat, I wanna turn into a worm, I'd die quicker if I was a worm, I wouldn't have to go through this much embarrassment if I was a worm
Sebastian Vettel replied to your message: are you drunk right now?
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Liked by pierregasly, wtf1, oscaroopastryy and 268,715 others
Keepingupw/f1: we bring you part 2 of the osyn saga
username: i love this family
username: yn is such a pr nightmare
username: the ACTUAL child of fernando
username: wait, now that you reminded me, I need to update the family tree
username: post the updated family tree you coward
username: anyone who doesn't watch f1 will 100% believe that Charles and Nicole are Oscar's parents
username: hey, don't disrespect charles' heartfelt adoption like that
username: this sport is so fucking unserious
username: I refuse to believe that this is real
Sebastian Vettel has shared a story
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Text: huh..... it's not so bad having her here
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Liked by OscarPiastri, Charles_leclerc, Arthur_leclerc and 918,037 others
yn ln: let her cook now 🧡
username: yn.... yn..... YN.... WHAT ARE YOU COOKING YN
username: it has started, I can feel it in my bones
username: so she's with Oscar now, good to know (screaming into my pillow as I type)
username: oh so if I wear orange I'm dating Lando now, nice to know ig
username: fuck off away from my replies, I wanna have fun
username: yn pls don't, I can't lose you, you were the only wife left standing
username: if I see that australian's face anywhere on this account I will start biting ankles
username: ok Leo, geez, no need to terrorise your sister-in-law
username: I can't believe she was simping on main for a boy that goes 'wut'
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Liked by Ynln, pierregasly, Arthur_leclerc and 890,627 others
Oscar Piastri: let him cook 💚
username: nope, no, nuuh, I see nothing
username: other partner's team colors, matching captions, liking the posts..... yup, they're officially dating
username: we lost her to a mini kimi raikkonen
username: I see that as a win tbh
username: kimi was and is the IT girl of the grid
username: how dare you forget about our very own Britney Spears.... nico you will always be missed
username: you can't prove that they're dating from just that
username: oh boy, the delulu is strong with this one
Oscar Piastri and Yn Ln shared a post
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Liked by Charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 903,815 others
Yn ln & Oscar Piastri: I said let them cook 💚🧡
username: MY PARENTS
username: This is why women shouldn't be in f1, wtf is wrong with Oscar? Why would he date yn? And what is this hand placement? Where can I get a yn? Or an oscar?
username: slowly deleting my paragraph
username: had us the first half, ngl
username: yn hide oscar really well during the Spain GP, we leave his safety in your hands
username: THE CURLS OMG
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moonchild9350 · 2 days
His Deviant Girl
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Summary: Chan teaches you if you do wrong, you must get punished.
Pairing: idol soft dom Chan x fab reader
Genre: smut- 18+ please MDNI
Word Count: 1553
Warnings: masturbation, fingering, squirting, edging, daddy kink, use of term baby girl, dirty talk
Note: idk man, just a look into the inner workings of my mind haha. Mean and unbothered Chan has me in a chokehold right now.
Likes, reblogs, and comments appreciated:) If you'd like to be added to the taglist, please let me know (age must be in bio or pinned to be added)
This is not how Chan is in reality, this is solely for fun.
Please do not copy, translate, modify, use, or repost this work elsewhere without my permission ©moonchild9350 (2024)
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Chan was late coming home. This wasn’t a new occurrence, but tonight you wished he was here. You needed some help from your boyfriend.
You came to his dorm right before he was due home, but as the minutes which turned to hours passed, you became antsy, checking in with Chan to see when he would be home. He told you soon and to wait for him, and you wanted to wait, you were his good girl, but your desperation got the better of you.
That’s how you ended up on Chan’s bed, the door to his room closed. You were naked, fingers dragging up and down your belly, shivers running up and down your spine at the light touch. You let out a sigh, the need growing stronger. You brushed your fingers over your nipples, the mounds becoming more hard and erect with each touch, before pinching one of the nipples, the pain causing your to moan out softly.
You slid your hands down, down, down, until you reached your thighs, the light touch feeling like heaven. Gliding your fingers to your mound, you gently stroked a finger through your folds, a whine falling from your lips, trying to stay quiet. You dipped your fingers through your folds again and again, gathering the slick that was beginning to leak from your pussy. With another swipe from your entrance, you brushed your fingers against your clit, before circling your finger once, twice against the bud.
You swiped once more at your clit before bringing your fingers back to your entrance, sliding one finger in, then two, pumping them in and out of your pussy lazily. You closed your eyes and relaxed against the pillow, letting the pleasure spread throughout your body as you pumped your fingers in and out of your walls, trying to keep silent. You brought your other hand down to your pussy, taking two fingers to circle your clit once more, your other hand never breaking rhythm as you fucked yourself with your fingers.
You felt your orgasm approaching, as you rocked your hips up and down, up and down, the pleasure mounting. You wished it were Chan’s fingers making you feel good, your mind running rampant with how he would touch you, kiss you, and help you reach your release.
With another circle of your clit, you were about to let go, before the door to Chan’s room swung open, the man himself entering the room and slamming the door behind him. He looked at you, lust in your eyes but also pain as you felt your orgasm slip away. Chan tsked and shook his head, looking slightly annoyed.
“Now baby girl, are you supposed to be touching yourself?”
You whimpered out as Chan walked over and slapped your hands away from your pussy. He laid next to you, looking you in the eye, his eyebrow raised, waiting for your response.
“Well? I’m waiting.”
You shook your head no, letting out a whimper, “No Channie.”
“No who? Wanna try that again?”
“No daddy,” you responded, squirming around, looking for friction. You went to sit up, but Chan pushed you back down before spreading your legs open again.
“You need to be punished baby girl. You know I’m the only one who can touch this pussy, but you just couldn't wait” he said. “Now keep those legs spread open just like that. No touching, keep those hands at your side. I have some work to do.”
Chan proceeded to grab his laptop and opened it to get started on work. He turned on his stereo, music softly playing in the background. You watched him work, as he typed away on his computer, not looking at you or giving you attention. You let out a whine at the feeling of more arousal leaking out of your pussy, wanting to bring your hands down to where you needed them most. Just one touch, you thought, just one, as you slowly reached down to touch your clit. Chan caught you at the last minute, slapping your hand away once more.
“What did I say hmm? Did I say you can touch?”
Letting out a wail, you whispered no, bringing your hands back down to your side. You sat like that for who knows how long, the sheets below you a mess at this point. You clenched your pussy around nothing, trying to get any relief from your plight.
Finally Chan closed his laptop and set it on the bedside table. You looked over at him, tears forming in your eyes, your lip quivering, and in need of his attention. Chan laid on his side to face you, giving you a smirk.
“Have you learned your lesson?” Chan asked.
You quickly nodded your head, “yes daddy, I…I leaned my lesson,” you replied, a little hiccup falling from your mouth.
“Hmm, daddy had to punish you because this is my pussy and only mine to touch.”
You hummed in response, “It’s yours daddy, your pussy. Please, please need your fingers,” you begged.
Chan lifted his arm and brought it to your thigh, brushing his hand up and down your leg. He slowly made his way to your core, ghosting his fingers against your mound, little whimpers falling from your lips.
Finally, he dragged two of his fingers through your folds before bringing them to your clit, rubbing gentle circles. You let out a moan at the feeling of his hands, gently rocking your hips upwards. Slowly, he dragged his fingers down your folds again before inserting his fingers into your entrance, sliding them between your wet walls.
After a few pumps, Chan curled his fingers upward, rubbing against your sweet spot. He sped up his pace, squelching sounds from how wet your pussy was spreading throughout the room. Chan did not let up, keeping a steady rhythm. You rocked your hips with each thrust, feeling the coil in your belly tighten. You subconsciously brought your finger down to your clit, giving it a few tweaks.
Chan stopped abruptly, withdrawing his fingers from you.
"No, no, no, daddy why!" you wailed, your orgasm fading away again.
"You never learn do you baby girl. You must not want daddy to play with your pussy."
You shook your head, more tears forming in your eyes. You reached out to touch his arm, a silent plea in your eyes. Chan ignored you, grabbing his laptop once more to get some work done. Chan was punishing you and you knew it, but you just couldn't help yourself.
You laid there, legs spread wide, arms at your side, looking at Chan, hoping he would turn his head to see what a good girl you were being, but of course he didn't.
More time passed before Chan sighed, turning to you, "Are you gonna let daddy play with this pussy? Will you behave now?"
You nodded your head, spreading your legs even wider.
Chan brought his fingers back down to your pussy, fingers slipping from the slick smeared all over your pussy. He pushed two fingers once more into your entrance, pumping them in and out before adding a third. You sighed at the stretch, happy that his fingers were back between your legs.
He dragged his fingers against your walls, curling them up to find your sweet spot once more. Chan rubbed and rubbed against your sweet spot, pressing into it a few times, your hips bucking up at feeling. He brought his fingers to your clit, rubbing the bud. Slick was leaking out of your pussy, causing a mess, so wet, squelching sounds could once more be heard each time Chan's finger's dragged through your heat. He sped up the pace again, steady moans falling from your lips, the pitch of your moans increasing, your orgasm approaching.
“Daddy’s making this pussy wet hm? Whose pussy it is baby girl?”
You only let out a groan, not able to form a coherent sentence.
“What was that?” Chan teased.
“Mghh yours…ah..yours daddy. All yours!” You managed to say.
“Yes baby girl, all daddy’s. Do you wanna cum, I can tell you’re close baby. Daddy can always tell.”
“Let me cum! I’ll be a good girl, “ you whimpered, your orgasm was close, just a few more pumps and…
“Cum baby girl, yes that’s it, let it all out,” Chan said, watching as you came, your release gushing out onto his hands and into the sheets. He watched as your thighs spasmed, toes curling, as he continued to press into your sweet spot, helping you ride out your high.
Feeling your orgasm subside, you let out the breath you were holding, your eyes closing briefly before turning to look at Chan. You watched as he withdrew his fingers from your pussy, bringing them to his lips, licking your arousal clean off his fingers.
He withdrew his fingers from his lips with a pop, reaching over to brush the hair out of your face.
“I hope you learned your lesson, let’s not let it happen again ok?”
“Yes daddy,” you responded, giving Chan a weak smile.
He smiled back at you. “Now let’s get you cleaned up,” he said getting up from the bed.
You nodded ok, thinking your plan worked better than expected. You were Chan’s deviant baby girl after all.
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Taglist: @jehhskz @jeonginsleftcheek @thesilvernight0wl
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latenightdaydreams · 3 days
When I watched this clip, 'the attack of triplets' made me laugh so hard and reminded me of Konig immediately. I can't stop thinking about Konig and reader after she gave him triplets. 😩😩
I feel like your writing skills are improved, all your writing recently is so smooth and easy to imagine the scene. And the circumstances are so real too!!! Keep going, I love you sm🎀🎀
You're the sweetest🩷 I always appreciate your support🥰 I decided to turn it into a little Father's Day fluff!
Father's Day (fem)
All fluff!
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, adoption, fluff
1.0k word count
When König first met you, he had no desire to be a father. Growing up, his own father was abusive and distant. It’s always been a fear of his that he would turn out like him if he has his own. Then he met you. A single mom of a four-year-old daughter. It’s as if everything he thought he wanted suddenly changed.
Becoming a dad to your daughter, Sara, was like second nature. Even though he’s a massive scary man, Sara was never scared of him. Early in the relationship, he brought you a more reliable car and an apartment in a nicer area. While you weren’t his wife yet, but he knew you would be someday.
He was right because only one year later, the two of you got married. After only two months of being married, you missed a period. At your first ultrasound appointment, you were given the surprise of your life. One, two, three sacks. Three.
König nearly fainted looking at the image of three babies in your uterus. From that day on, he would brag to everyone and anyone. His first time getting a woman pregnant and it’s with triplets? That just proves how powerful his sperm is, right?
Today is Father’s Day morning. In the kitchen Sara, now nine, helps you cook breakfast for König. The triplets, two boys named John and James and one girl named Jessica, run around the kitchen screaming and trying to hit each other with plastic swords. They’re three years old and absolutely crazy.
“Hey, James, John, Jessica, why don’t you go get Daddy? Go tell him food is ready.” With mischievous little giggles, the three set off to wake König from his slumber.
Asleep peacefully in bed, König dreams of retirement on the beach when he feels a hard whack on his head. He slowly wakes up when another comes down hard. König can hear the sounds of their giggles, causing him to smile. He opens one eye and looks at Jessica, the one that’s been hitting him. She looks just like König, blondish hair and pale skin.
One more hit before König roars like a wild beast, causing all the kids to scream and scatter. His arm wraps around little Jessica that was the closest and brought her to him, pretending to eat her belly.
“Nom, nom, nom! Yummy children!” He yells as Jessica kicks her feet, giggling.
James and John run from the room laughing and yelling, “Daddy's a monster!” They shout, running to the kitchen.
König places Jessica on his shoulders as he crouches down and rushes after the boys. Jessica points forward at her brothers. “Get them!”
“Daddy will get all of you!”
As you continue to make pancakes and Sara sets the table, you can hear the commotion heading your way. Sara looks back at you with wide eyes as we hear König and Jessica’s evil laughs. James and John come running into the kitchen and hide behind Sara.
“Daddys a monster!” They repeat excitedly. “He ate Jessie!”
“Ahhhhh! I’ve found you!” König stomps, running into the kitchen. He rushes and grabs the boys while Jessica holds on to his head.
König freezes and looks at the table set, the red flowers in a vase, the smell of good food in the air. His gaze lands on the cards lined up on the kitchen counter too. A warm smile rushes over his face as he gently puts the boys down and then Jessica. He walks to Sara with a big smile and hugs her, kissing her forehead. She’s his first baby, who made him a dad, of course he has to thank her first.
“I love you, Blume.”
“I love you too, Dad.” Sara smiles and hugs him back.
Once he pulls away, he walks to you next. A flirty smile on his lips as he gazes down at you. A messy bun and stained pajamas, yet you look like an angel still. His large arms wrap around your body and squeeze you, the true reason he’s a dad. The woman who showed him it’s okay to feel vulnerable. You’re his whole world.
“I love you, Schatz.” König whispers as he leans down to kiss your lips tenderly. “Thank you for everything. My kids, this home, helping me heal, everything.” He picks you up in a deeper kiss.
“Ew.” Sara turns away rolling her eyes making you both laugh.
König sets you back down on your feet. “Thank you for breakfast.”
He takes a seat at the table; James comes over and crawls on to his lap as you sit the other two in their booster seats at the table. Sara leaves for a moment and comes back. She stands watching as König cuts up pancakes for the little ones. He senses her standing there.
“Ja, Blume?” He turns to look at her to see she’s holding a folder in her hand. “What’s this?”
“Um, I guess it’s something that’s been a long time coming.” Sara walks forward and hands it to him.
König opens it to see adoption paper work inside. Instantly tears begin to flood his tear line, making his vision blurry. He has no words as he looks down trying to choke back tears.
Jessica looks at König and points. “Daddy, don’t cry.”
James looks up at König and pats his face, causing König to cry. He stands with James in his arm and used the other to squeeze Sara in a big hug. Tears stream down the usually stoic and cold Austrian man’s face.
“I’ll be your dad.” He whispers to Sara. His silent tears turn to sobs as you place your hand on his back and caress him.
König never imagined his life turning soft. He never saw himself as a step dad or dad, now here he is. He’s been blessed for some reason with a beautiful wife and amazing children. There isn’t a day that doesn’t pass without him thanking which ever god sent you all to him.
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yuyuwritesss · 16 hours
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Pairing : Simon "Ghost" Riley × Reader.
Summary: you and Simon get acquainted on the subway.
Cw : smut, public sex, reader is pent up.
Chronically tired, sexually frustrated and working nights. Could it get any worse for you?
Luckily you get off just in time to catch the first subway of the day, saving you some bucks and lessening your burden.
Incidentally that's around the same time Simon, home from deployment but still used to the early hours, finishes his morning training at a boxing gym he frequented as a teenager which he no longer lives close to now and has to commute back from, muscles aching from his training and morning run.
It has become a habit for you and Simon to ride the sub together, sitting away from each other. With him keeping an eye on you while you doze off.
You're usually the only two people on it up until the end of your commute, with you getting off a few stations before he does, his eyes watching you jolt out of your light, restless sleep at the sound of the automated voice announcing your station's name, and you're out of the door in seconds, but not before throwing him a glance.
The masked, hulking stranger who usually makes his way into your dreams, an hour later when you've gone to sleep in your bed, turning them into wet fantasies of being taken by him in the sub, filth whispered into your ear. An orgasm, which has been out of reach for months due to low energy and stress induced mental blocks, finally ripped out of you.
You always feel his gaze on you when he thinks you're sleeping. You wear your prettiest pencil skirts and tights to give him something to look at but you're still too reluctant to actually strike up a conversation.
Which turns out to be unnecessary when one morning, he chooses to sit right next to you, boxing you in between his hard body and the window, no words spoken.
You don't look at him at first but a large, warm hand on your thigh causes you to turn your head toward him, his brown orbs already on you, gauging your reaction.
He lightly squeezes your thigh in silent question, causing you to freeze and your eyes to widen. You slowly face ahead, the realization settling in that you could finally turn your dreams into reality and release some of your painfully pent up frustration.
Just as he began to withdraw his hand, an apology for causing discomfort bubbling up,  your arm hooked around his and you slowly leaned your head against his strong shoulder. Feeling you relax against him, he returns his hand to where it previously was, and slowly starts running it up your thigh, going under your skirt and pulling it up, your legs spreading to allow him access.
When he reaches your crotch, his other hand is brought over to rip a hole in your tights enough to push your underwear aside, soliciting a gasp  at both ruining your tights and the sensation of his fingers sliding over your folds.
"Shh, I'll make it up to you, doll.", his deep voice sends warmth coursing through you, your hold tightening around his arm.
He gently spreads your wet folds before scooping out some of your wetness with his index and middle finger. He then rubs your clit, getting it wet and prepared enough for the stimulation to come. His hand cups your sex, his calloused forefingers squeezing your clit between them, then he begins moving his hand in a circular motion, leaving you gasping in his shoulder as the pleasure slowly builds up.
Your hands claw at his hard bicep, the fabric of his hoodie pulled taut under your hand. You feel his cheek against the top of your head.
"You like that ?"
You barely hear him as you feel your release approaching, with his hand going faster causing your breath to hitch and soft mewls to spill out of your lips.
"You gonna come for me ?" You quickly nod against his shoulder, your hair ruffling and your other hand gripping his arm, hugging it to your chest even tighter to increase the pressure on your clit.
He nudges his nose between your ear and his shoulder and whispers "cum.", wringing it out of you, sharp waves of pleasure pulling you under and nearly suffocating you with how intense it is to feel yourself come undone again after months of denied pleasure.
He slows his movements down as your clit continues its spasms between his fingers.
"That's a good girl." He gives your clit one last pat, startling you.
Then after readjusting your underwear pulls the leg on the other side to him and leans down, softly speaking by the crown of your head.
"We just missed your station. Come home with me?"
And you, made dumb by your orgasm and wanting more, nod against him for what surely wouldn't be the last time that morning.
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