#this sucks but i'm tired asdfghjkl
one-vivid-judgment · 6 months
ASDFGHJKL! Thanks for doing that last ask! I still feel ashamed but I'm in need of part 2: what if it's the guys (Sawashiro, Takabe, Yamai, Tomizawa, Ebina) who walked in on their s/o touching herself and moaning their names? (>/////<) Many thanks!
Listen, I have so many requests but I'm back on this series so soon because IT'S HOT OKAY 😭😭 Yamai and Tomi specifically, I need you carnally. Y'all are valid as fuck, I know I've said this before but I wanted to remind you anyway.
Jo Sawashiro
Sawashiro didn’t expect to one day be leaving the yakuza, much less with only one eye left. He also didn’t expect you to manage to talk him into going to an actual doctor to check his wounds—but oh well, he likes headstrong women, so really, that’s only another point in your favor.
With his constant hospital visits though, that means Jo sometimes isn’t home for hours at a time. It doesn’t surprise you; his wounds were severe, Ebina really fucked him up and you hope the bastard rots. In any case, him leaving you alone for so long means that, sometimes, you get needy when he’s not around. Meaning that, since he’ll probably be tired when he comes back, you need to take care of yourself. You wouldn’t want Jo to overexert himself just to make you come, after all.
It’s when you’re lying in bed, having fished your old vibrator from the nightstand and slamming it inside, moaning shamelessly and all but screaming Jo’s name so loud the neighbors surely heard you. You peek at the doorway upon hearing something like a floorboard creaking under someone’s weight—and see, it’s not common to see Jo Sawashiro completely speechless, but you may have found just the way.
“Fuck, would you... I can help you with that—Let me help you with that.”
Mamoru Takabe
You knew Takabe was dedicated to his job when you started dating him. In fact, that’s kinda what attracted you to him at first: devoted, attentive man like him? You didn’t stand a chance. But, as it were, that trait of his can also be a flaw sometimes; mainly, when Takabe stays at Seiryu HQ way past midnight to get work done or help his boys with whatever business they are up to. Thankfully, that doesn’t happen too often. When it does though, Takabe’s absence is very noticeable.
Tonight is one of those nights where Takabe stays at HQ till the wee hours and comes home late. Of course it had to be today, when you’ve been horny out of your mind since you woke up. A quickie in the morning wouldn’t have solved that, you know it wouldn’t have, that’s why you didn’t ask for one before he left. You kind of regret that when the clock strikes twelve and Mamoru still isn’t home. Well, time for plan B: taking matters into your own hands.
You leave the bedroom door wide open, in case Takabe comes home. Might as well give him a show—you haven’t had sex in how long now? All because of his stupid job... But now it’s not the time for that. Now it’s time to let your imagination run wild, maybe think about everything you know Takabe would do to you if he were home—scenarios that might come true sooner rather than later, you realize when his name spills from your lips and you hear someone chuckling from the other side of the room.
“I’ve neglected you lately, haven’t I? I’m sorry, that was rude of me. Let me make it up to you, yeah?”
Yutaka Yamai
Yamai is a lot of things. A selfish lover is definitely not one of those. You can have the highest sex drive in the world and he’ll be more than happy to give you what you want. He gets a kick out of indulging you, in a way. Still, he’s the leader of his own syndicate; he can’t just let his guys run amok, can he? There’s got to be some order. Meaning he can’t always indulge you, even if he wants to.
Today has been a long day. Work fucking sucked, the food sucked, everything sucked and all you need is Yamai to fuck your brains out until you don’t know your name anymore. Which fucking sucks again, since he’s been dragged into some other mess on the other side of town and God knows when he’ll come back. The pillow still kinda smells like him though...
Humping the pillow is not usually your go to, but fuck, does it smell like Yamai. Just as cold as he is, too. No wonder you start moaning his name sooner rather than later. You can almost picture him just standing there, watching in amusement as you desperately breathe in his scent straight from the pillow you’re humping—maybe because he is there. Standing there, watching in amusement as you desperately breathe in his scent straight from the pillow you’re humping.
“Well, shit, ain’t you a pretty sight. You don’t mind if I stay and watch the rest of the show, do you?”
Eric Tomizawa
Tomi is a taxi driver. Meaning that, again, he’s out and about more than he’d probably like. You understand though—a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do to put food on the table. He wants a family, after all, and money’s not gonna materialize out of thin air, is it? Oh, and also, when he comes home with all the pent up stress, he fucks you hard, says the filthiest shit, too.
Honestly though, he’s given you way too much material to fantasize about when you are all alone. Like that one time he went off about how he’d keep you as his personal cockwarmer during work hours, pushing your head down as far as it’d go and making you choke on his cock. And yeah, the thought sounds hotter than it has any right to be—and it’s all Tomi’s fault for getting those ideas into your head, cause now you’re all hot and bothered and he’s not there to do anything about it.
So, you’re going at it, one of Tomi’s shirts that you’ve fished from the closet pressed to your nose and so so close. And you moan his name, and that’s when you hear something drop and stop. And poor Tomi looks so flustered, so confused but also so into what he sees, you kinda want to jump him and eat him right up.
“Oooh shit. You can’t—You can’t do this to me, I’m not that strong, I... God, you’re so fucking wet. Did I do that?”
Masataka Ebina
Ebina does what he wants, when he wants. If you want to have sex while he’s busy at the office, he’ll skip out of work for an hour or two to go take care of you. If you are his girl, he’s spoiling you rotten, with gifts and with actions.
Thing is, you do find it amusing to be bratty every once in a while. He doesn’t like disobedience, and if you are, he’ll teach you a proper lesson. That’s what makes it so much fun to tease him. You don’t have to masturbate if you’re with him, but you still do—mostly because you want him to catch you and punish you. It’s all very deliberate, really.
He knows how much of a brat you are. That’s why it doesn’t faze him when he finds the bedroom door wide open, your legs spread wide in the bed, naked and moaning his name like your life depends on it. Which, maybe it does—he’ll have to bend you over his knee first.
“Whoever would’ve guessed my darling was such a slut. Was waiting five minutes really too much for you? Desperate little whore...”
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milfbro · 8 months
what are your thoughts on poor things?
i sent previous ask. just saw the post nvm!
asdfghjkl I'm gonna answer anyway
I really liked it! I have a lot of thoughts about it swirling around my head
I went into the tag looking for gifs and found 2 critical posts, one of them I thought was just shallow but one was someone who read the book and had an interesting perspective. But as someone who read up a bit on the book and didn't get any interest in it at all, I'm not taking this post into consideration
and one thing you should know about me is that I love Barbarella. I really really love it. I find the idea of a woman in a crazy setting suddenly awaking to her capacity for sexual pleasure and going on like a spree exploring that really fun
(similarly to Querelle where you have a man exploring the possibilities of a bunch of gay sex and murder and a little incest until he understands what it's truly like to love a man, and Poor Things directly references Querelle soooooo much)
But in the case of Barbarella obviously it was crafted not for you to feel empathy toward her, but to just kinda watch Jane Fonda stumble around in slutty outfits and trip on herself and have things happen to her and at her but mostly not have a lot of agency
Meanwhile Poor Things is very similar to Barbarella but you are constantly invited to be in her head, and she is confident and assertive in deciding to explore her feelings. She wants to experience the fullness of the world, she wants to know pleasure and pain and depression and joy and philosophise and discuss art and experiment on animals for her own sadistic fun and obviously everything is this heightened creepy looking fantasy and yes it's all tied to sex and I love sex. Sex is the driving force of this narrative and thank god because I was getting very tired of watching so many movies where everyone is pretty and no one is horny like stock photos
something else I thought about was the obvious Frankenstein similarity, but instead of following the story from the POV of the creator who sucks we see the creature managing to come into her own and experience life on purpose and her relatioship with the creator barely matters.
(It's also beautiful and the script is really good. Sometimes movies with great themes that look pretty will just be boring and miss the mark -neon demon- but this one didn't, it was good) (at the end of the day it's not really about any of that. I like movies that I like. The Velocipastor has none of those things and yet it's an unironically great movie. So. Rationalize all I want I really liked it and I want to watch again. And this movie made a great case for the fuckability of Mark Ruffalo, a man I had never in my life thought of in a sexual way whatsoever. He was as sexual as gray paint)
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ch0king · 4 years
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𝒂𝒊𝒌𝒐  𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒌𝒂  from  oyasumi  punpun    ,    penned  by  𝒅𝒐𝒍𝒍.
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rosyjimiin-archive · 7 years
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{Social media AU where Jungkook is a famous model/youtuber and Jimin is an upcoming singer/dancer. They somehow end up living together and also become fake boyfriends}
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
wow i feel like whenever i dare to be care free for even a second, life hits me back
i failed the exam again lmao. i thought i did fine? but apparently not. one more chance or i have to repeat that course and i cannot afford that oof
i truly am the greatest man no competition. it sucks to be bad at the things you love for real but what can i say; once a failure always a failure
but anyway- getou brainrot persists. what if, after he rescued the girls, he showed up at your doorstep not really knowing where else to take them. so of course you take them in, give them a bath and for the first time in their lives they are able to sleep properly without being terrified.
and then for the added angst, you and getou have time to talk. one more night to spend together. his last night as an unwanted man. he knows you will remain somewhat neutral on the matter, you always do. you will always help him should he ask but for you to abandon everything, he would have to serve you the world on a silver platter; its only logical its only the best you deserve. but not this world; its far too rotten for the likes of you, no, a better, improved world where you and him can finally stand together and live.
with the girls. maybe with some own kids later. but all of that is in a future that has yet to be carved out- and he is willing to do anything for it.
getou has sooo many bad fics its wild. 99% is some degrading hard daddy dom shiet and i am not here for it. istg i will take getou away from this rabid fandom this man is made for hurt, comfort and twisted fanatic love yet most fics u could literally exchange his name for any other characters and it wouldn’t make a difference. he sure as hell aint a daddy except for the one i am making him smh
man that sucks. like sucks major ass :( Here's to fingers crossed though that since you failed it you can focus on the things you missed. I'm rooting for you babe!
getou, who for a better words, has utter lack of childcare knowledge. Doesn't know what to do with them. The impulse to save them in the moment wears off. Reality of what he did sets in. Not willing to take it back because in his eyes he saved two things greater than just utter monkeys who did that to the girls. But now he has two kids that he frankly doesn't even know what to feed them yet alone anything else.
the only person he really knows to turn to, and with two girls on top of that, is you. He's not asking you to solve things or forgive him. He did what he did and would do it again. You both know that about him. So when the girls are washed up, hair brushed out and bellies full with warm blankets around them for the first time in lord knows how long. Getou and you sit. Tea steeping too long between the two of you. Children asleep. And peaceful quietness in your apartment. At that moment you both experience deja vu for something that has never happened before. Yet it feels like you've repeated this exact scenario before.
reaching out and rubbing Getou's knuckles. He's too quiet. But what do you say after spilling that much blood? Neither of you know what to do or what to say. Dwindling hours when the girls will have to be woken up and Getou will disappear for lord knows how long. You'll pretend you didn't see him or hear from him just to give him a head start to safety. Fake surprise when the reports of the massacre come in. Act it all out like the perfect unknowing sorcerer when it comes down to it so you keep your place within the work space you carved out for yourself. Wanting to hear Getou ask you to come with him. But knowing he'll never ask you that because the world really is just an awful rotten place to live in. sorry lemme channel my period sads whoops
he sure as hell aint a daddy except for the one i am making him smh - ASDFGHJKL PREACH IT
but no seriously im so tired of fanon personalities. Like, for everyone. I'm so tired of shitty takes on well written characters and the copy and paste of every single fic in every single fandom. Holy shit pls is this just the same two people writing everything bc Getou, Hanma, Baji, all of them, all the same thing. 😩 No wonder people keep claiming people are stealing works when 90% of the things are exactly the same 😩
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
Hey, it me, a dumb sleeby bitch. I know you're not taking requests. So I'm gonna leave this at your doorstep and if you ever want to do it, go for it. No pressure. But pls if you ever have time and motivation, could you give me some cute sleepy headcanons for any of our very good cowboys? Thanks in advance and I love you and everything you do. You're amazing.
i would literally write a fucking book for you-- i have told you this so many already asdfghjkl
but ya want some of the good boahs and some cute sleepy headcanons? BOI I AM IN!
also, before i continue-- CALL YERSELF DUMB BITCH AGAIN AND I WILL gently KICK YER ASS and hug you to death because ya ain't dumb or else i am more dumber than a fucking rock you sweet, talented smort, beautiful fecker!
okay, i calmed down now... onto the headcanons! btw, multiple characters because ya didn't specify who you want in this headcanon and because i knew yer beautiful ass would like more than one boah
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Arthur Morgan
• first off, best boah right here
• second off, this bitch won't admit he is sleepy even if his life depends on it
• is it pride???
• probably...
• definitely
• i dont know, i see Arthur as one to not really say anything he feels because he doesn't want to be a bother or thinks he'll be a dead weight
• because life as an outlaw? it ain't really the best life
• so, when there are jobs that takes a few days and he volunteers to take watch, Arthur won't admit he is tired and would continue on be on guard no matter how many times he is asked to get his ass some rest
• it'll be a pain in the ass if you aren't patient enough or very worried about him
• because knowing Arthur, he'll just suck it up
• so, if he is sleepy, his [Name] is on his ass immediately
• "you need rest"
• "don't need nothin"
• he IS stubborn as fuck
• and also incredibly more sassier when he is sleepy
• it honestly sometimes annoy [Name]
• "Arthur, you look like you're goin to pass out-- jesus christ! just rest already!"
• Arthur is too stubborn for his own good
• and it sometimes lead to some arguments really
• but [Name] will be the first to give up when he just sees Arthur and sighs
• [Name] will sit by his side and just talk about stuff
• trying to make Arthur relax and at ease
• he'll be sassy at first but will ease up and comment genuinely
• Arthur will then unconsciously place his head on his [Name]'s shoulder as the [Hair color] haired man's voice drowns his thoughts with stories of the past (either his or [Name]'s past)
• before you know it, Arthur "sleep is for the dead" Morgan is fucking asleep
• [Name] notices how quiet Arthur and will turn his head to see the outlaw asleep
• [Name] just smiles at Arthur and place his head on Arthur's and let a content sigh as he close his eyes
• they'll be fine sleeping for a bit
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John Marston
• best greasy dumbass raccoon looking ass bitch
• but-- ahem
• like Arthur, John will be stubborn at first
• it's pride and John doesn't want to get babied really
• he already gets that enough from the rest of the gang since he is a real life predatory bait and gets mauled by a lot of animals
• honestly, this man has the shittiest luck
• but also lucky in some way...?
• but yeah... ANYWAYS
• when John gets tired, he is functioning with no braincells (like he doesn't already)
• [Name] is honestly tired with it
• just fucking glaring the shit outta that greasy raccoon boi
• then maybe...just maybe, you can get him to rest his greasy ass
• John will be a bit of a whiny bitch to be honest
• like, he'll whine he ain't sleepy
• but as if it was on cue, he'll yawn
• John looking a bit embarrassed and [Name] looking at him with that "really?" look
• [Name] ain't dealing with yer bullshit raccoon boi
• i can definitely see [Name] restraining John from running away and carry the guy to his tent and slam his in the cot and glare and order John to stay and sleep like a damn dog
• John would be honestly pissed because DAMN IT [NAME]! YA HAVE TO DO THAT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE?!? ARTHUR AND SEAN AIN'T GOING TO LIVE THIS DOWN (because those two are bastards... lovable bastards though asdfgghjkl)
• but also turned on but pfft-- he won't admit that
• but yeah, [Name] just sitting on the side of his bed and will not leave until he makes sure John rest
• "you ain't leavin, are you?"
• "i aint leavin till i see yer ass sleep, Marston"
• yikes, getting called his by his last name? usually his [Name] does that when he is annoyed or angry at time
• that when John know he ain't getting out of this
• "aight... fine! i'll sleep! happy?"
• "very"
• to be honest, John feels happy when [Name] does that
• it's because this is how his [Name]'s care for him and it is sweet
• a bit annoying but sweet
• John sleeps and [Name] softly sighs and place a soft kiss on John's forehead and leaves the tent to do his work
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Leonard "Lenny" Summers
• pure child
• pure child who can never do anything wrong
• just, this fucking boah is pure child who can never do anything wrong and y'all can fight me is ya say he aint
• Lenny is adorable when he is sleepy
• just utterly adorable as fuck and his [Name] just smiles at how cute he is
• like, Lenny is reading a book under a tree and the day was just a lovely day despite it being so fucking boring
• Lenny planned to read but as the calm breeze pass by him, it didn't take long for Lenny to be yawning and his eyelids dropping but the young man is trying so hard to fight the sleep off and stay awake
• honestly, [Name] saw Lenny sleepy but being too stubborn to admit defeat with sleep will try to stay awake
• [Name] is just amused by it and found it adorable
• always adorable with Lenny
• but anyways, Lenny would be one of the submissive out of everyone if you ask him to go to sleep when he is tired
• will literally not fight back on it because his mind shuts down from the sleepiness
• honestly? will act like a baby
• because he is a baby and [Name] loves him so much and spoils him
• "come on Lenny, let's get ya to yer cot"
• "hmmm, [Name]? can you carry me there... please?"
• just adorable akdbjqjdjsjfjjsjd
• me baby
• Lenny is just a good boah
• like, he gives up rather quickly because he knew his [Name] is looking out for him and besides, if he says yes? he gets cuddles
• so yeah, that's good for him
• Lenny gets warm cuddles and sleeps well in the arms of his [Name] who holds him very close and just being soft boahs
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Sean MacGuire
• loud and dumb irish bastard who stole me heart
• i adore him asdfghjkl
• Sean is a whiny loud ass bitch when he is sleepy
• he acts like he seems drunk
• and it is both hilarious and tiresome for [Name] because he is the one dealing with this shit
• i can see Sean just clinging to his [Name] and yelling on the top of his lungs on how tired he was
• and his [Name] rubbing his temple and tell Sean to get to bed then
• "[Name]! there ye are ye beautiful fecker! i have been looking all over fer ye"
• "and why is that?"
• "i'm sleepyyy"
• "then rest Sean"
• "but i dont want to!"
• honestly acts like a kid
• a loud ass bratty kid...
• it's not even cute
• kinda
• okay, [Name] finds it adorable but he ain't telling no one shit because he already suffers from a sleepy Sean who acts like a drunk toddler
• he doesn't want to deal with everyone teasing him on being soft with his drunk toddler lover
• but yeah
• like John, i can definitely see [Name] try to restrain this dumb bastard
• probably had to hoagtie Sean if i had to be honest
• which may or may not have the sleepy minded Sean blurt out something that made [Name] exasperatedly sigh and a bit flustered
• because-- goD DAMN IT SEAN! stop being a thirsting bastard for a bit and get some sleep?!?
• "Sean, keep this up and I'm goin to hoagtie you..."
• "that's a bit kinky [Name]-- but yer boy is always happy to please ye--"
• "oh my lords-- Sean!"
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Charles Smith
• stronk hunt boah
• he is just so beautiful-- im gonna cry asdfgghjkl
• Charles won't admit it outloud when he is sleepy
• he is usually reserved and quiet anyways so his [Name] has to pick up some signals when Charles is sleepy
• but Charles won't be so stubborn about it though
• like, he is kinda like Lenny, a bit submissive and giving in on his [Name]'s words if the man tells him to sleep
• well, if [Name] finds out he is sleepy that is
• when this boah is sleepy, he usually sits in a somewhere in a shade and looks at the sky
• preferably under a tree and away from camp for a bit because honestly, the camp is just too noisy at times
• so yeah
• [Name] will notice him not doing anything and just cloud watching and will sit by him
• Charles would send him a small smile and a nod
• the two would just be quiet and after sometime, Charles would lay his head on [Name]'s lap as the [Hair color] haired man braids his hair and then undoing it again, repeatedly doing the action for a bit
• it honestly soothes Charles a lot
• just his [Name] playing with his hair which he is the only who can
• it was nice and with him already be sleepy, Charles would be lull to sleep
• and with that, Cahrles is softly snoring in his [Name]'s lap as the [Hair color] haired man undoes the braid again and then look at Charles' sleeping face fondly then look at the view in front of him with a gentle smile
• it doesn't take long for [Name] to sleep too with that
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Javier Escuella
• a man after me own heart
• honestly, this man is just gorgeous asdfghjkl
• Javier would probably be the only one who ACTUALLY goes to his tent and sleep in his cot
• maybe drag [Name] there because the mexican just want a nice cuddle you know?
• honestly, sleepy Javier is adorable to his [Name]
• Javier's mind just shuts down and he forgets how to speak in english and mumbles in spanish until he falls asleep
• i can also see Javier being one to plop himself down on his [Name]'s lap when the guy is sitting somewhere (below a tree or on a seat) because when is sleepy-- he loses his braincells and all functioning
• Javier just searches for his [Name] and throws himself because one, his boah can carry him alright anyways and two, he just loves too
• his [Name] is honestly amused because Javier won't be like this when he is functioning well
• well, not all the time
• but yeah
• [Name] thinks it's cute and will hug his lover
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star--anon · 2 years
i'm glad i randomly managed to guess one of your favorite flowers asdfghjkl
lmao i'm prewriting this in a google doc because tumblr asks are glitching and it won't let me delete anything I type
:D I'm glad that you're doing well salkhfkdsj your thoughts are so random they never fail to amaze me every time lobster plushies would be a very cute to just randomly find around someones house now that I think about it
(also don't worry about math I suck at it too-- I heard somewhere that apparently artists are specifically worse at math than other people? idk maybe that's true)
also yes, lee wilbur supremacy in this house
also you can play the violin??? holy shit you're so cool
I have very random but also apparently very predictable favorites, it seems ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also damn that's a glitch? I thought that was just my own computer having problems, lol I had to physically highlight the stuff I wanted to delete and do command + x ._.
also I hope you is doing well too. you haveth my axe to deal with anything that is making you not do well if you need also hey look, what a coincidence my thoughts amaze me too :D
also lobster plushies are important and vital to the human health, both physical and mental
I believe lee!Wilbur supremacy *cult chanting noises* Nah but in full honesty, I think I have a soft spot for tired, stressed out big brothers with chaotic little brothers they need to constantly protect, as well as a semi-shit dad and some random dude that thinks genocide is okay
Because almost all my ideas are of said big brothers- ᜊࡇᜊ
also violin is great :D I end up enjoying most of my classes, playing violin is incredibly enjoyable, and the pieces I'm given are often very fun or very pretty. But for some reason i still dread violin class and i have no clue why.
I've actually never considered it cool before lol thank you-
I did it 'cause Mother Star™ wanted me to. I wanted to do cello. Mostly because in concerts sometimes you'll see the violins standing, but the cello players get to sit down. I hate standing...
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lonelyvomit · 2 years
Just wanted to say thank you🖤 was in a bad place yesterday after I slept trough my doctor appointment, and did not wanna call them but ended up calling them today because of you 🖤🖤
ayyyy hell yeah love 🖤 proud of you, phone calls fucking suck 😩😩
also I'm currently trying not to make this a you 🤝 me (sleeping through medical appointments) cus I have a physical in hour and a half but I'm fucking tired asdfghjkl
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hooned · 8 years
Oh, thank you for saying that. I'm sure I'll get used to this haircut quickly. I'm feeling tired too because of all the homework that makes me lose sleep! College is not treating me well. The classes aren't hard but they're time consuming. I can't get all of the classes I need so it's putting me behind on my schedule to transfer. I was also wondering, did you have any biases in exo before bbh? Mine's Jongin and always has been. Suho is a total bias wrecker for me though. ~Softie Anon 🐣
COLLEGE SUCKS. IT DRAINS THE LIFE OUT OF EVERYONE. IM BARELY LIVING IM JUST AN EMPTY SHELL. LOLOLOL I hope better days will come to both of us bby. School has been really tiring too nowadays like after the prelims everything just went BAM BOOM BOOM on us. I’m just here for the smiles that exo and bbh gives me 💖💖 he’s the only thing that gets me through my days lolololol ;;
also OMG actually my very first bias was jongin too!! (sshh dont tell baek) like during the first two weeks of me trying to get to know exo better. his dance moves and flawless grace just pulled me in which is why i will forever be thankful for jongin because if it wasnt for him, i wouldnt delve myself more into exo and i wouldnt be THIS happy asdfghjkl
(byun baek snatched me from his arms along the way with his bright smiles and beautiful beautiful voice but that is a story of another time hihihi)
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
i am still crying about the hunter fic, i was not expecting to feel this many emotions and re-read it like 10 times. mwah mwah chefs kiss i absolutely l o v e d it.
and a second one?? are you spoiling me???
also i am afraid i got covid or am in the progress of getting it. one test came back positive, the other negative but i am starting to show symptoms, particularly coughing which is just sooo annoying because it prevents me from sleeping properly despite being super tired. but otherwise i feel great tbh. got another booster shot about a month ago so i am not too worried there either. really just a nuisance ugh.
am thinking about throwing together a little writing event to keep me busy while i am suffering through quarantine with my two other roommates. dunno what exactly but i need to be wrapped up in a blanket and be fed with chicken soup while i cuddle with my favs. just for the extra comfort at the moment smh.
also i found this super cute/funny Getou/Reader art that has me screaming bc that’s definitely how he would want to go out XD
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and also this art ugh its so cute i need more of my favs being dads tbh its what they deserve
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i just hope everything will be fine with so much going on bleh. i hope you have a good day though!
I'm glad you liked it I word vomited most of that before I even finished my cup of coffee this morning 🥺 I had to wrap that poor thing up in something warm and soft after what Dana Terrace is putting him through 😭 and hopefully a second part, I'm getting it done now after I also get done harassing my wife asdfghjkl
shit that is gonna suck. My wife didn't have covid but she's got killer allergies that basically after a month haven't left her. And the cough really fucked everything up. Here's to my fingers being crossed though that a lot of people who got the boosters and stuff it was gone in less than a week like a normal plain cold. I'm thinking about you wishing it goes away fast for you 💖💖💖
keep seeing match ups, collabs, the works but god my motivation to do anything but be self serving is seriously lacking. Even at almost 800 followers I'm just like ehhhhhh this is my hell hole I don't wanna do anything for anyone else but myself. Though I'll admit a prompt event has been digging at my mind, angst, fluff, smut, idc really but I gotta agree in terms of a prompt event kinda thing I'd be up for that kinda fun
am I- am I just reading Getou being a simp even if he's getting his ass handed to him?? Yes this. This is the Getou I stan. Gimme this man
sob crying over anytime there's artwork of him with the girls. Fuck weird uncle Gojo and deadbeat Toji and eh father figure Nanami. Getou got and raised two girls. Now that's the sexiest fucking thing on earth and all murder is forgiven for good parenting. If that man wants more kids, who am I to say no to a successful hot father
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