#this took longer than I thought to write omg we hate bad health in this house
starlitheaven · 4 years
♡𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨’𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮♡
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Headcanons surrounding his favorite gift from you. This is so self-indulgent I can’t even pretend lol. Originally sent this as an ask to the lovely @saintchrollo, but I just have so many thoughts on how this goes + headcanons surrounding it, that I wanted to elaborate! 
One of the main reasons you both worked well in a relationship was that you were both autonomous people. 
He obviously had “work” (early in the relationship you had a feeling it was something sketchy but didn’t bother questioning it. Once you find out, you have a hard time calling it work lmao) and you were a full time student 
Although you two didn’t see each other very often, as he was gone for weeks or even over a month at times, you talked as often as you could. He didn’t seem to be much of a texter, but he absolutely adored whenever you sent him pictures of yourself. Especially when you wore clothes with the money he sends you (but he somehow doesn’t think of himself as a sugar daddy yet you do lmao)
(He’s mortified when he finds out you briefly had his contact name as “Sugar Daddy” with a money and heart emoji)
oh, and phone calls. One in the morning, and one at night. Those seem to be more important to him. Phone sex happens at either one, though.
Anyway, no matter how long he’s gone for, he always brings you back flowers. He’ll sometimes bring you all sorts of gifts or trinkets, but the flowers are always a must. 
He doesn’t make a big deal of them, he just likes coming back to you with flowers. He’ll simply say something like “Your dining table could use some, that’s all.”
This also gives him a reason to gift you vintage hand cut crystal vases, not bothering to tell you exactly how he got them or how valuable they are. He tries not to cringe when he’s away and you text him a photo of one shattered on your kitchen floor with a simple “i accidentally dropped it, sorry lovely :(“
You soon become so used to having beautiful flower arrangements in your dining room table. After a long and trying day, you come home with sagged shoulders and set your bag down on the table. The sight of the beautiful flowers (that time it was a pink strawflower arrangement) makes you think of the smell of his cologne when you had greeted him back, flowers in hand, with a long hug and kiss to his jaw.
They begin to bring you comfort. It reminds you of his affection, and how romantic he is without meaning to be. Sometimes it feels like all he does is give, give, give. 
For someone who’s the opposite of materialistic, Chrollo likes to give you small gifts, clothes, flowers, compliments (these are endless). It feels like so much compared to what you’re able to give him. 
Then again, one of the reasons you don’t know what to gift him aside books is that he doesn’t reveal much about himself. You’ve never met anyone who was as private and reserved as he is, and was so nonchalant about it. You knew that he’s revealed more to you than he planned to, and he loves how much of yourself you give him.
To him, everything about you is the greatest gift of all. You feel this when he lays himself on top of you, resting his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat as you tell him stories about your life and play with his hair. 
So you decide to show him how much you love what he does for you.
Every time he returns to you and brings you flowers, you save one of each and press them into a book. Deciding on a book to use is overwhelming considering how many he loves or how many remind you of him.
You decide on an unassuming book, but the most intimate. You remember him telling you about how he’d come across things as a child: from dumps of trash. Books were always his favorite, and he read every legible book he could find. 
Most were nonfiction with a variety of subjects, some biographies of people he didn’t know, and some fiction. One of his first favorite books was an old children’s book. 
It was about a boy who went on an adventure to see the world and meet new people. As a child, it was fascinating for him to read about places with clean and clear water, crisp fresh air, and blue skies. The boy never had to resort to eating dirt or from the trash to fill and empty stomach. 
When Chrollo had first told you this, he said it so casually. As if he was simply intrigued by something so different from his own life. Though you knew it must have meant something to him and how he felt as a child if he’s still fond of such a book. 
So, after some time, you pressed enough flowers into a copy of that book and gifted it to him on your anniversary. 
He clearly never expected something like that, especially after seeing the book title and recognizing the flowers. His gratitude, his touches, the mindblowingly romantic sex, and the way he began to slowly open up more was the closest to an I love you that you’d get from him. 
One of the things about your lover, though, is that he is always a step ahead. This man is always ready to one up anyone. 
He begins to start searching for rare (sometimes endangered but you don’t know this) flowers to gift back to you. He knows that you’ll be upset if you learned any of them went extinct from this, so he only takes one of each. He presses them into a book of love poems (in the original print but you don’t know this either!! He knows how overwhelmed you’d be at having so many coveted items) and writes small descriptions of them on small post-its. 
When he gifts this to you, you just know you may never be able to win with him on this. 
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mcwriting · 4 years
The Marriage Project (1)
Omg I can’t believe it’s taken me THIS long to post this. I wrote this chapter probably in like April or May and it freaks me out to finally post but here it is!
My slow burn (American) High School AU with Tom Holland!
All the general info for this series is on the story masterlist, but I’ll list warnings and word counts on every chapter. Chapters will be much longer than my typical 2000 or less babies
Warnings: This will become a mature story in the future (no smut; more info on masterlist). Some profanity in this chapter
Word Count: 4140 (I told you!)
% approximately the 2nd week of August %
Ah, senior year. One last year of high school, one last year of seeing the people you’ve grown up with every day.
You’ve been told it’s easy. The best year ever. And yeah, maybe it will be. It’s not like you’re taking too many hard classes or overloading yourself with extracurriculars, aside from volleyball, soccer, the National Honors Society, and quiz bowl.
(Okay maybe it was a little much, but you loved it anyways)
The only real problem was the certified thorn in your side, Tom Holland. 
He’d essentially been your mortal enemy since the sixth grade when he beat your mile time by only a few seconds. 
Now, it’s not that he was a bully or anything, he was just so insufferable to be around. And yes, everyone always says boys pick on girls when they like them, but rest assured that wasn’t the case. You’d both always hated each other, nothing more. 
You were always competing, and because of that ended up in the same place a lot.
He was in all your honors classes, in NHS, played boys soccer, and did quiz bowl. The only thing you had to yourself was volleyball except, oh wait, his younger brother’s girlfriend was on the team and Tom was his ride home every day.
All these thoughts raced through your head as you walked in on the first day, sitting down in AP calculus as soon as you finished up at your locker. 
Everyone did the “how was your summer?” and “long time no see!” as students filed in. Eventually walked in Tom, and you shot each other a glare as he sat down right next to you.
Everyone around you groaned. They all knew you two were forces to be reckoned with and probably dreaded spending another year listening to the two of you bicker everyday.
Though you were often in close proximity, you never really talked much, except to argue. Rarely did you agree unless it was on basic facts, and even then was it hard to admit sometimes.
Because of this, you typically resigned yourselves to only speaking when it came to grades so you could keep a mental tally of who was in the lead. You were both in the running for valedictorian at the end of the year, and you were not about to let Tom win.
The week was almost over and things had gone smoothly for the most part. 
Sure, you and Tom had had a couple of spats, but nothing that wasn’t handled quickly. 
He’d been to all of your volleyball games so far, even the summer ones, which meant he was forced to watch you dominate the court as both a setter and right side hitter.
It was a nice little satisfaction. 
Especially because you’d watched him throw some horrendous passes in the preseason football game last week that led to a loss by one touchdown. (Okay, he’d had some good passes too, but they were lucky shots).
You settled into your seat in senior home economics Friday before lunch. The class was your school’s attempt at teaching some life skills for rising adults. For the most part however, it was a glorified cooking and sewing class. You didn’t mind per say, since you could cook up a pre-snack lunch sometimes.
Most of your friends were in there, including your best friend Alexis, whom you hadn’t seen all morning.
You, Alexis, and two other girls stood around a mixing bowl with the ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies since it was a Friday, which Mrs. Flynn called “dessert day.”
“Oh! Before I forget,” your teacher, Mrs. Flynn, started getting everyone’s attention. “This year we’re doing something new for this class! Next week I’ll have you all split into pairs for a semester long marriage project! I will be drawing names out of a hat, so don’t get too comfortable yet. Anyways, be thinking on what kinds of careers you might want and things of that nature! Okay, now get back to your desserts!”
The whole room broke out into chatter the last part of the hour-and-a-half class, people speculating who might end up with who and what jobs they’ll get.
“Oh my God, wouldn’t it be funny if y/n got Tom?” Alexis stated as you stirred chocolate chips into the dough. The other girls laughed as you just snorted.
“Yeah, I’d rather lick the inside of the microwave than be paired up with him for a semester,” you replied, earning more laughter from your friends.
You assumed Tom’s friends were saying the same however, because when you looked over to see how bad their dough looked, he was rolling his eyes as his group pointed in your direction.
The next week came and went, and it was once again Friday. Or, as Mrs. Flynn was calling it, Wedding Day.
Every time she’d pull a couple’s name, she was going to make you both come to the front of the class and exchange plastic wedding rings and sign a fake marriage license.
Everyone chattered excitedly as she tore up the strips with your names and mixed them around. Finally the time came for her to start the drawing.
“Okay, friends. First up we have...” she drew the first name. “Katherine and... drumroll please?” 
The class drummed their hands over their thighs.
“Chris! Come on down folks, let’s get this marriage on!”
She “married” the first couple, and then continued to draw. You had to admit that you were a little nervous, but still eager to see who you’d get.
Two couples later, she pulled Tom’s name.
You shot him an eyebrow raise to which he returned a discreet middle finger. You rolled your eyes as you prepared a drumroll for Mrs. Flynn.
“And his lucky partner is... y/n!”
“What!” you both exclaimed simultaneously.
Almost the entire class burst into laughter.
“Mrs. Flynn, this has to be a mistake,” you said.
“Yeah, can’t we have a redraw?” Tom asked. 
You hated that he was agreeing with you.
“Nope! You get who you get and you don’t throw a fit! And if it doesn’t work out in a few weeks we can discuss divorce plans.”
“How about annulments,” you stated dryly, earning a chuckle from her.
“That… kinda depends on if you have kids,” she trailed awkwardly before perking back up. “Now come on down! They always say your first marriage is the most memorable!”
“Who has ever said that?” Tom asked.
“You know. They. Now just get up here and do the ring thing!” she commanded.
You both sulked up to the front of the room.
“Okay, now stand here facing each other and hold hands.”
“Do we have to?” Tom whined.
“Yes, now do it and it’ll be over with faster.”
He groaned, rolled his eyes, and grabbed your hands, holding them loosely.
“May I have the rings please!” Mrs. Flynn asked Caroline, the girl whose desk was closest that she’d asked to be designated ring bearer. She handed over the basket to let you both choose from the mix.
You took a silver colored ring with a faux white diamond in the shape of a star. Tom chose one with an oval “ruby.” You couldn’t help but notice how every single person was on edge watching the two of you.
“Okay now Tom, repeat after me. I, Tom Holland, take thee, y/n y/l/n, to be my wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”
He mumbled through the vow, avoiding eye contact, and slipped your star ring onto your finger. You were surprised at how gentle he was, carefully caressing your hand and making sure the ring faced straight up once it was on your finger.
You, too, said the lines and placed the ring onto his left hand.
“Alright. It is with the power vested in me by this very school that I am proud to now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now air kiss!”
You took a deep sigh and pretended to kiss each other's cheeks. 
“Class, I’d like to introduce you all to Mr. and Mrs. Holland!”
They began to cheer and clap and laugh when you interjected.
“Uh, no. It’s Mr. and Mrs. y/l/n.”
Tom began to argue with you when Mrs. Flynn stopped you both.
“Alright fine, we’ll do a combined name. How’s the y/l/n-Holland family sound?” she asked, writing your names on the fake marriage certificate.
With reluctance, Tom agreed to having your name first and you both signed the paper.
Finally you were able to sit back down where your friends were waiting.
“So what was that about licking the microwave?” Alexis asked.
“Oh shut up.”
After your volleyball game (another win!), you and Alexis conversed over cheese fries at your favorite diner.
“Still not ready to talk about today?” she asked. You shook your head.
Alexis had been paired up with Caroline. They were both straight, but you had both been friends with her since freshman year and they got along well.
Today had just been the marriages, and next week you’d be learning more about your family dynamics.
“I’m just so pissed at him. This afternoon in senior art he told all the guys in there that he was going to make it as hard as possible for me. I mean jokes on him, he’s going to want to get an A too, but he was just so smug about it. He also strung his stupid ring on that necklace he’s always wearing. What’s that all about?”
“I mean you’re still wearing your ring. But yeah, that is a little weird.”
“I’m wearing mine because compared to some of the others, the star is actually cute.”
“True. I got unlucky with the selection,” Alexis admitted, digging hers out of her purse to show you a big square blue gem.
“I just wish there was a way to get back at him after all these years. I mean, we’ve been at each other’s throats for almost six years but nothing has ever seemed to really hit hard. This is the last year I’ve got to really make it count.”
Alexis gave you a look, one you knew to be quite mischievous. 
“You know what’s the best way to get revenge on a guy?” Alexis asked.
“Uh, no, but by the look you’re giving me it seems to fall under Carrie Underwood ’before he cheats’ directive.”
“No, dumbass. You make his family fall in love with you.”
It took a second to process what she said before you could give a decent reply.
“You’re kidding right? His family already knows who I am because of all the stuff we’re in together. They probably also know about our rivalry. I mean, he’s told his brothers to never become friends with me.”
“And you know that, how?”
“The libero is Sam’s girlfriend. She’s been spilling tea for me for the past year.”
There was a break in the conversation as the waiter brought your meals out. Once he was gone, you spoke up again.
“Look, do you really think that would work? I mean sure I’d get under his skin, but it doesn’t really constitute revenge, does it?”
“Look at it this way,” Alexis put down her burger so she could splay her hands out in front of her. “If you can get on everyone else's good side, they’ll all talk about how much they love you and he’ll be forced to listen. If he really hates you, it’ll drive him crazy.”
You thought on it for a minute as you chomped on a chicken tender. 
“Alright, I’m in. If it doesn’t end up working, I still have all of next semester to mess with him anyways. Now if I can just figure out how to really get to know his family…”
By the time Monday rolled around, you and Alexis had done some more scheming, but your plan wouldn’t even begin to be put in action until your volleyball games Wednesday and Friday, when you’d try to talk to Sam.
You sat down in home ec, where today you’d be picking careers. The catch, however, was that your family unit would have a set income, so each couple had to decide how it would be split up.
“Y/l/n-Holland family, you’ll be making $200k a year,” Mrs. Flynn announced, handing you the slip of paper. “Get together and decide who’s getting what jobs.”
“At least we’ll be rich,” you thought as Tom plopped into the seat next to you unhappily.
“So I’ll be the doctor and you’ll be the trophy wife, right?” he asked immediately.
“Hah, good one. I think we all know that I’m the smarter one here and wayyyy more likely to get into med school than you. And don’t call me trophy wife. I mean, what, you think I’m hot now? Can’t wait to tell everyone that little number.”
His ears turned beet red and he balled a fist.
“I don’t think you’re hot, except maybe hot shit. It’s a figure of speech.” he spat.
“Oh get over yourself. I know I’m hot anyways. Let’s just both pick jobs that earn $100k so we can be equal. How’s that sound?” 
He played with the plastic ring on his necklace as you looked up jobs on the computer. After a half hour of searching, Tom and you decided that to be fully equal, you’d both take the same job as physician’s assistants.
“Just so you know, I’ll never actually be anyone’s assistant,” he said.
“Oh yeah? Ten years time if you’re lucky I’ll hire you as mine.”
He rolled his eyes. 
“Hey everyone, since class is almost over, we’re gonna wait to draw how many kids you’ll have and other financial things Wednesday. See you then!” Mrs. Flynn called out as students packed their things.
“We have to have kids, too?” Tom asked incredulously.
“Good thing it’s fake. I’d hate to see you as a parent,” you shot smugly, earning another middle finger from him that left you laughing.
Wednesday came kids, and thankfully all you got were twin girls, age 9. The project didn’t make you carry around flour babies or anything like that, you just had to account for them in your weekly budgets. 
There goes the annulment plan, though.
Each week, Mrs. Flynn would be drawing something new for you all that would either be good or bad for your budgets, and it was up to you to figure out what to with the funding, or lack thereof. You also had to come up with a story each week that explained why money was put somewhere or what your “family” did that week. 
 She would also be doing progress checks, so you couldn’t wait until the end of the semester to do all the work. By the end, each couple would have to give a presentation over what they did and learned.
“Okay, so we each get to name one. That’s pretty equal,” you stated, thinking up baby names.
“Well I like Elizabeth,” he almost immediately replied, writing it down on one of the “birth certificates” you’d been handed by Mrs. Flynn.
“That’s… surprisingly good. I’ll go with Francesca. What about middle names? I like Rose.”
“Hm. How about Opal? Then they’ll have the same number of letters in their names.”
You were surprised at how much though he put into this, but let it go as you wrote your child’s name down.
“By the way, we need to plan time to get together and write a budget and find a house this weekend. I have a volleyball game Friday so how about Saturday?”
“I have football practice Saturday.”
“Well yeah but only until like 10 right? We could just meet at like 1. We’re doing construction at my house right now so could we do it at yours?” 
You spoke sweetly in an attempt to receive a yes and put your plan into motion. Tom sighed and thought about it.
“I mean I guess. But you’re only going to be there to work on the project and then leave right?”
“Uh, duh. The less time with you the better.”
Tom and Sam weren’t at the volleyball game Wednesday, so you had to wait until Friday’s.
Friday was muffin day in home ec, so you thankfully didn’t have to talk to Tom. Instead, you and Alexis discussed the plan of getting Tom’s family on your side as you mixed up batter.
Later that afternoon, you watched from afar as Sam and his girlfriend, Julia, sat on the bleachers speaking. It was still an hour until game time and coach had asked you to round up the girls for stretching.
“Hey, Jules!” you called, jogging over to where she was. “Oh, hey Sam!” He looked at you like you were crazy before responding.
“Uh, hey y/n.” He gave a slight head nod.
“Anyways, coach wants us to start warming up. Wanna be my partner today?” 
“Um yeah. Sure. See ya later babe,” she said, giving Sam a quick peck on the cheek before standing up to follow you.
After another win, you were helping take down the net and noticed Julia once again talking to Sam while Tom stood a few feet away looking bored. 
“Hey, could you wrap up the net? I need to do something real quick,” you said to another teammate as you headed over.
“Hey, Jules! Solid digs today! You were making my job way too easy,” you joked.
You could see from the corner of your eye Tom look up at you in annoyance.
“Ahaha thanks girl. But I can’t take all the credit. You were on fire tonight. What was that like 15 aces? And your hits? Incredible,” she replied.
“Yeah, you were amazing tonight,” Sam added. 
“Ohhhkay we can stop the compliment parade on y/n now. We need to go anyways, Sam, mom wants us home,” Tom interjected, putting an arm out in front of his brother, who was rolling his eyes.
“Alright fine. We still on for dinner tomorrow?” Sam asked his girlfriend. She nodded and they exchanged a quick hug and kiss.
“I’ll see you tomorrow too, Tom,” you said. “I’ll bring my laptop.” 
Sam looked at him in confusion.
“Yeah whatever,” was all Tom could say to you as you strutted off to the locker room.
You stood nervously on the front porch of Tom’s suburban home. You had texted him when you parked but now dreaded actually going inside. 
After shifting back and forth for a minute, you finally rang the doorbell. 
It was only a few seconds later that the door opened, revealing Sam’s twin Harry. He looked confused.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” 
“Hey Harry. Tom and I are supposed to be working on a school project today and he said to come over at this time so...” You awkwardly shifted your backpack straps and looked down.
“Tom! Someone’s here to see you!” he yelled out, making you snort.
He appeared shirtless in the doorway and looked at you blankly.
“Oh. It’s just you.”
“Just me? What did you just forget that we have to work on our project today,” you replied, holding up your left hand to point to the plastic ring on it.
“You’re still wearing that? Why?”
“Firstly, the little star is cute. And secondly, you don’t have a lot of room to speak, Tom. Yours is still on your necklace,” you pointed to the chain around his neck, to which he instinctively reached up and grabbed the ring, twisting it between his fingers. 
“Touche. Now come on, let’s just get this over with.” He opened the door wider and let you in, locking it behind you. 
As he led you down a hall covered in photos towards the stairs, his mom stepped out, almost running into her son.
“Oh, sorry.” she looked at you, “Y/n? What are you doing here? It’s nice to see you.”
“Nice to see you too, Mrs. Holland. Tom and I have to work on our home ec project and we couldn’t do it at my house.”
“Oh dear just call me Nikki. And I do remember him mentioning something about a project. Are you the one he’s married to? I never thought I’d see the day.”
Tom tensed up and clenched his jaw while you gave a light chuckle, holding up your left hand again.
“I hate to say it, but yeah. You’ll probably be seeing a lot more of me throughout the semester.”
“Well you kids have fun. And Tom, honey, would it kill you to put on a shirt?”
He went red again and you had to stifle your laughter.
“I was just on my way to do that, mom. Come on y/n,” he mumbled, grabbing your wrist and dragging you up the stairs.
You turned and waved at Nikki one last time as she called up behind him,
“And make sure to keep the door open!”
He was totally embarrassed by that, and made it a point to shut the door behind him once you made it to his room. Finally you could let out a hearty laugh at his expense as he dug through his drawers and pulled out a simple black t-shirt.
“Finally. I was getting tired of looking at your man boobs,” you quipped, looking around the room.
“Ha ha. Good one,” he shot back dryly. 
You were surprised at what his room looked like, though you didn’t know what you’d expected. It was very neat with sleek grey walls. His blue and grey bedding was made up with decorative pillows laid out. On his desk were a few random school papers and a computer, and one shelf held some Spider-Man paraphernalia while another contained medals and ribbons and trophies. 
You dropped your backpack to the ground and pointed up at one figurine.
“Hey, that’s pretty cool,” you said sincerely.
“Yeah, I’m sure you think so,” he replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
“Uh, no. I’m serious. It’s actually really dope.” 
He looked taken aback at your compliment, and even to you it felt weird to be saying that out loud about Tom of all people.
“Oh. Well uh. Thanks. Spider-Man was my favorite growing up. But let’s just get to work.”
After an hour of sitting on his carpet searching for a house and arguing over general money allocations,
“Yes Tom, tampons actually cost like $7 for 30 of them and most girls need at least one box a month. And that’s just one factor of personal hygiene. Do you even condition your hair?”
“I’ll have you know my hair is well moisturized. I just don’t ever have to pay for it.”
You finally came to an agreement on the week’s budget. 
Packing up your things, you looked up at Tom who was now sitting on the side of his bed scrolling through social media.
“So next week. Your first game of the season, yeah?” you said, remembering that September was already almost here. 
“Oh yeah. You coming? I’d hate for you to see just how incredible I am.”
“Psh whatever. I saw your throws at preseason. But yeah, I’ll probably just rinse off after my volleyball game and head to the field. Gotta see what cuties they’ve got on the other team.”
“Ugh gross. You know you’ll regret saying that when half the school is swooning over me in the stands.”
“The only thing you’d ever see me swoon from is dehydration. And that’s a pretty weak excuse already.”
You stood and Tom got up to lead you back out.
“Oh, I think I know the way. You don’t have to take me.”
“Yeah I do. Gotta keep my eyes on those grubby little fingers of yours. Who knows what you’d do unsupervised.”
Before you reached the door, Nikki spotted you from the living room.
“Done so soon? Wow, good job guys. Come back any time y/n!”
“Thanks, Nikki,” you called back to her, then turned to Tom. “So same time next week? We can do it at my place if you want.”
“Nah let’s just do it here. I’m always exhausted the day after a game and I don’t really want to get up.”
Okay then
“Well, see ya Monday then. Bye.”
You were halfway down the sidewalk when Tom called out, “Be safe,” before shutting the door. You stopped in your tracks in shock, but eventually got into your car.
What really mattered, though, was that you were already on Nikki’s good side.
1 down, 4 to go.
Yay! It’s finished! I really hope you guys enjoy this new series because I’m so excited to share it with you all! Once again, future chapters will have some mature content (s*xual harassment and mentions of assault; underaged alcohol consumption) but those chapters will be explicitly labeled with warnings.
Anyways, thanks for reading and please send an ask or message if you’d like to join my story or permanent tag list!
Tag List: @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl,
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ad1thi · 3 years
6, 7, 9? I'm curious!
6. Name three stories you found easy to write.
I’m picking from my ao3 just because I really don’t want to be going through my tumblr writing tag, but probably:
1. the things we tell ourselves in the dark - this entire fic was written, edited and posted within the span of an hour because i wrote it literally the minute i finished this emh episode. it was my first stevetony fic in a while, and im really happy w the reception i got
2. in sickness and in health - similar to the things we tell ourselves in the dark, i wrote this immediately after i finished this h50 episode and the entire thing was written in one sitting. it was actually initially only supposed to be on tumblr, but it became so much longer than i thought it would be, and im super proud of it
3. (a currently unpublished samtony fic that is approx 5k and i wrote the entire thing today sitting in starbucks and im super proud of it and i’ll link it here when it’s published!!)
7. Name three stories you found difficult to write.
In no particular order:
1. just friends (?):  i was never expecting to finish this fic. like ever. i’d even taken it down from ao3 because i just never saw myself finishing it. it’s actually still wild to me that this fic is finished. ive been writing fic since i was 13, and this is my first completed multi-chapter. how wild is that.
2. 1000 lives (for you): my worst fear when writing multi-chapter fics is that i’ll lose steam or lose my initial train of thought, and i think both my betas @omg-just-peachy and @redsridinghood can attest to how much work i put into this fic, and how careful i was that everything fell into place and i tied everything up properly. the final chapter went through three (??) revisions before we were all completely happy, and just because im so unaccustomed to long fics and tend to prefer small drabbles within 1000 words, this was a big challenge for me.
3. one kiss (is all it takes): i think if i had a fic that “defined me”, it would be my greek gods AU, and i had SO many plans for this that i felt super bad when i lost all interest in this. of all my fics, this is probably one of the very few fics that i wrote for my readers rather than myself, because i had literally no interest in this AU but i felt like i owed some sort of closure for the people who’d been reading this from the start. the AU only three instalments long, and this particular instalment is only like 2k - but im not exaggerating when i said it took me a whole ass year to write that 2k. another testament to why multi-chaptered fics of any kind terrify me
9. What do your fic bookmarks say about you? 
(eyes my 2186 bookmarks surreptitiously) that it is a damn miracle i am managing to complete law school with the grades that i have because i spend way too much time on ao3. and that my 13-year old self who swore by canon ships and hated any other type of pairing would not recognise me at all (and also that i probably should’ve realised i was queer SO MUCH sooner with the amount i project on my comfort characters)
fanfiction asks
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lala-pipo · 4 years
(1/18) *peeks from behind the wall* I hope I am still welcomed here hahaha cricket anon is here! <3 I am very sorry for making you worry last time O.O, for sure no matter what happens to the story, I'm going to be right there to read it! Huehuehue, I literally was not lying when I mentioned that this story is bringing me lots of joy this year :3 Cricket anon is fine now! hahaha my last work place was really bad, kind of black-company-level-bad, and it really took a toll on my mental health…
Dear cricket nony, I already answered one of your non-anonymous asks privately because I was so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of email notifications I got from tumblr and Ao3 that I had to thank you right away, but I still want to do it publically because even after days I’m still overwhelmed that you took so much time to write me a whole essay. I’m still all soft and wobbly and squishy on the inside. Your notifications really made my day, week, probably month – so thanks so much again. It really means so much T___T
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(2) so, I kind of took two months? break from social media and just literally try and figure out my life lol basically quarter-life crisis also happening, but yeah slowly getting better now! I hope you are doing fine as well, sending you lots of hugs and love ~^^~ Firstly though!! I wanted to say sorry too that it took a while for me to reply hahaha… BUT!! Let me tell you omg during my rest of 8 weeks, I have managed to re-read ALL. SEVEN. CHAPTERS!! So many things to share!!
I’m so sorry to hear that your last workplace took such a toll on your mental health and I really hope that you are going to get better. I cross all my fingers for you and send you good vibes only. Please don’t feel pressured to comment at all. I mean everyone loves receiving comments, but it shouldn’t feel like a chore. So if you feel like sharing your thoughts I’m always glad to read them, but if you don’t feel like sharing them, please don’t feel bad about it. <3
(3) However, since my comments were a grand total of 4,000 words lol, I inserted them in AO3 under "cricket anon" in every chapter! :3 You might get confused as you read them because I take notes as I read the chapter lol hahaha I hope my comments might bring some joy <3 Ahh! By the way! These anon messages are partly not anon since anon asks are limited to 10 per hour? I didn’t know that! :( But since I accidentally have revealed myself to you lol I think it should be okay!
I’ll also try to answer your comments on Ao3 in the upcoming days because (if I remember correctly) you had some questions and I hope I can answer some of them. ^^ But I’m impressed that you went through all the chapters again. We’ve reached 150k now, which is quite fascinating to me because there are still quite a few chapters left. I wonder how long the story will be in the end *hides* I didn’t know that either! I’ve been on tumblr for so long and yet this 10 ask limit is new information for me, but it makes sense in some way – if I think about spam accounts or people going around spreading hate or something.
(4) Also, I think I’m going to make my snorts reactions straight onto AO3 from now on, rather than spamming your ask box with 10+ anon messages hahaha but I’ll still come here to share you my overall reactions and analyzations huehuehue and also to possibly warn you about the length of the comment lol something I noticed, from chapter 1 to chapter 7, the comment got longer lol more things to discuss about, I guess!? But yeah!! Let me reply to your reply to my previous ask here!!
LMAO I admire your dedication. Do whatever is most comfortable to you, I will be happy either way ^^ I think it makes sense that someone can comment more on later chapters because the painted picture gets fuller and fuller with details, there is more information about the different characters, the storyline is more developed and so on… ^^
(5) Is the sad scene in chapter 6, you were referring to the conversation that Jong-Taem were having, and then Jong tried to diffuse it into another lighthearted banter, and Taem is just. tired. of. Jong avoiding the conversation? and despite all that, Taem still let Jong come into his room and cuddle to sleep? idk... I find that scene really heartbreaking :( or maybe it was another scene?
For me it was the shower scene tbh. I don’t know, but it always struck something inside of me (is it weird that I’m saying this although I’ve written it?) There is something very fragile about Jonghyun in that scene and Taemin does feel a little helpless and is so caught up in his own thoughts, in his own needs, what he wants (and doesn’t get from Jonghyun) and yeah – it always makes me go :( but yes, the follow up scene is sad as well because you sit there and think – you two are just so damn dumb, which is something most people, who read this story so far – seem to think constantly, because yeah, they are very dumb – each in their own way. ^^
(6) I think I mentioned in the AO3 comment somewhere that even I started to feel like Taem can just leave Jong because Jong is not trying to understand Taem, I mean, nothing to do with his mood swings or his claim that Taem will get bored of him, just that he isn't trying to see things from Taem's perspective whereas Taem is trying! so! hard! and he even tried to ignore the fact that Jong avoid the vital conversations for like the 10th time already :(
Feelings are a very difficult topic – and while chapters 1-9 are very focused on what Taemin does, thinks, wants, needs, wishes etc. the focus does shift a little over to Jonghyun starting from chapter 10. So the reader does get an inside of why Jonghyun might have acted the way he did. If his behavior makes sense is up to the reader (and Taemin as well) to decide – but I think it shines a little more light onto Jonghyun, who the reader doesn’t know much about – feeling wise –, although he’s one of the main characters of the story. ^^ It’s the onion layers that get peeled one by one. ^^
(7) Yeah, re-reading this definitely showed me muCH MORE parallelism in Jong-Key and Taem-Jong dynamics. Even with Taem's mood in a sense? Like how Jong used to be really upset when Key has a new friend, and then suddenly okay when they do sexy times. Before, I only noticed the puppy-love-ness parallel, but then there is more to it, like I said, Taem's mood affected by Jong a lot, just like Jong's by Key, and also the way Jong claims that Key doesn't understand his feelings,
(8) well, it applies to Jong not really wanting to understand Taem's feeling? by just brushing it off as Taem will get bored of him or Taem doesn't know what he is talking about. I mean as a reader, I am also not sure, if it’s either Jong doesn't care or he is scared to show himself or both or maybe there is another reason? Hahaha ^^;;
This is true and done on purpose. ^^ This knowledge doesn’t play a key (haha) part in the storyline, but it is there to show how blinded one can get by one’s own feelings. After adapting to his new life in a dorm Taemin sees through Jonghyun and Kibum’s relationship quite well, but later when it’s about his own relation to Jonghyun he’s completely blindsided and doesn’t see how unhealthy it is at first – him going back and back and back over and over again in the hope that Jonghyun’s behavior towards him might change.
(9) You mentioned that there will be more Jongtae drought, and honestly, I think they need it? I think some space for them to think about things and you know do other things and talk to other people about other things lol maybe it will clear up their heads hopefully? Ahh!! You said the beginning of chapter 5 is for your own sanity lol I totally understand ;), it was a very sweet scene, soft, and kind of endearing compared to what is coming in the next chapters TnT
It depends on how we describe the drought. The hard cut was done in chapter 8. I went in like a warrior and just cut all the strings, not showing any mercy. ^^” I don’t want to spoiler anything, but yeah – the hard drought will continue throughout chapter 9 – soft drought from chapter 10 …… till ….. *closes mouth* 6v6 
Working on chapter 8 made me write two lovey-dovey JongTae oneshots because I couldn’t stand seeing them fight in my own fanfic, in front of my salad. T_T so yeah, the beginning of chapter 5 was for my sanity. While writing chapter 8 I also realized again while I never really write angst, fights – anything dramatic really, because I’m a very chill person in real life, and I like my fanfics to be very chill as well – so writing this was completely out of my comfort zone. For others it’s writing smut for me it’s writing angst lmao. I usually want to wrap up all the characters in fluffy blankets and make them tea, and yet here I am – letting Taemin suffer for so many chapters. I’m a monster T_T
(10) Yeahhh, about the fact that we don't see Key so much since it is in Taemin's point of view, and also the fact that our (the audience)'s perception of Key is very much influenced by how Taem sees Key, right? I think I even mentioned somewhere in the comments, that in a way, a Rashomon effect is present as the readers read the story right, since they are all on accounts of Taem's witnessing, but then also maybe I am just reading too much into this lol
It would be the Rashomon effect if I wrote the same fic out of Jonghyun’s perspective and Minho’s as well for example. In this case Taemin is just a very unreliable narrator and we don’t (well I do :’D) but the reader doesn’t know what’s really going on, if everything Taemin is experiencing is true or if it should be taken with a grain of salt. Considering that everyone in the dorm, except for Taemin, gets along well with Kibum, we might want to believe that Kibum isn’t the bad guy Taemin wants to make him out to be. ^^
(11) Honestly, I could hear my English Lit teacher saying "maybe that is not the author's intention" hahaha xD Yes yes yes!! more chapters for Taem's development!! I am ready for it!! I mean the end of chapter 7 marked the sign of the broken vase, and paired with the JongTae drought, I am looking forward to the next part of the story!! Some character development at this point is perfect I think!! And also!! About the advices, I think I commented a few times on some of the chapters.
(12) I didn't notice that before! And after you pointed it out, I think I made some comments on Minho's, Key's, and Onew's advices to Taem and definitely, based on how the events unfolded, we could argue that the advice was bad - in a way though, I can't seem to tell (yet, maybe?) if the advice giver was genuinely trying to help or do they have ulterior motives? hmmm but either way, I like how you placed a lot of thoughts in the story, even on things such as advice.
(13) Because for sure, in reality, people tend to give bad advices, and act on bad advices. It is true that most fics tend to focus only on the good advice and then the story ends happily ever after. Real life is most definitely not like that :3 your "slice of life" tag is holding up to its name ;) Thank you so much for your hard work!! You added 10,000 words for chapter 7?? omg… huhuhu (insert a bowing LINE sticker)... yeah, for sure, the way the story unfolds in my head,
(14) probably is different to other readers, right? And for sure, very different to you, the author! There are probably a lot more instances, scenes, implications, interpretations? that we as readers are unaware of! Thank you so much for all your hard work TnT, as readers, having more context into the story does give much more clarity on the flow of the story and the feelings of the characters, etc. Thank you for all your hard work! (bow bow bow)
That was something @hwarang-number commented on as well while betaing the story. What if Minho has ulterior motives?!?!?!?!? In Minho’s case it does make sense to give out bad advice to lure in the innocent lamb haha but for example what would Jinki’s or Kibum’s ulterior motives be? Sometimes people want to give out good advice, but in the end it just turns out to be bad advice – unintentionally – humans are just humans after all – and none of us is all knowing, we all perceive things differently, and what might work for one person might not work for the other. I did add 10k to chapter 7 and 25k to chapter 8 – because chapter 8 felt like the most incomplete out of all the chapters in this story. 
I think I’ve mentioned it before but hwarang_number is super attentive while reading and figured most things out that I’ve implied – even smaller details which I thought might get lost in the chapters – which I’m still impressed by, but I also said before that everyone reads stories differently, and some aspects that might not be important to me as the author of the story might be important for the readers and the other way around. For the past chapters I just tried to fill in the gaps that might confuse readers unnecessarily. In the original draft of chapter 8 Taemin is doing the deeds with Minho far more spontaneously because he’s so frustrated with Jonghyun – it made sense like that as well – but I think his frustration got more depth through the added scenes. :)
(15) Ah!! By the way!! Please don't feel like you are forced to reply to all of my messages! Having you read them already makes me happy! I don't want to make it feel like an obligation to you because... well omg my comments like super loooooong hahaha ^^;; And yeah!! Take your time with the next chapter by the way!! I am rooting for the development of the story no matter how it will go :3 I will be waiting for the next update (though no pressure, just want to put it there haha)
Dear cricket nony, if you write me 50 message I will still try to answer all of them ㅎㅅㅎ I might just take a little longer. I hope you will like chapter 8 as well, despite the drought ^^
(16) Next time, this cricket anon will bring some more noise ~ I hope your real-life stuff works out well too :D Once again, thank you for answering all of my messages, and for writing this awesomely written fanfiction! While I wait for the next chapter, I think I'm going to re-read songs of siren hehehe :3 Please stay safe!
Please do! Song of Sirens is definitely a story I would have loved to treat like “Dorm Life” in a sense that it would have turned out better if I had worked on it longer, but I’m still a fan of the big brain energy I had running through my veins when I came up with the mythological aspect of the story…lmao So I hope you will enjoy re-reading it. ^^ Chapter 8 is longer than Song of Sirens (just as a side note haha)
(17) Ah!! I forgot to mention!! After I re-read it, my most favorite literary device that you used in this fanfiction (lol this commentary is beginning to sound like a Literature essay) is the Biblical Allusions? I am not sure if this was your intention, but the juxtapositions of Bible verses or reference to God, in Taemin’s thought reminds me heavily of Taemin’s songs, particularly Heaven? It be a sexy time song if you look at the lyrics, but the composition is that of a choir church song
(18) I find the contrast chilling, and maybe you were trying to invoke that feeling to the readers? Orrr maybe I am perhaps, indeed, reading too much into this hahaha ^^;; but really! I really enjoy reading your fanfictions and coming up with analyzations, it’s very fun, and the fact that I can discuss or ask you questions about it is just makes it even more fun – since in Literature classes we can’t actually ask the author of their true intentions right hahaha okay!! I am done :3 Thank you!! <3
It was my intention and still is, so I’m glad you picked up on that. ^^ I always wanted to write a fanfic in which Taemin’s religion plays a role – even if it’s just on the side – I always make some references to Dante’s circles of Hell (when Taemin is being dramatic again) or I also made a reference to Hieronymus Bosch’s painting The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things in chapter 8. (I’m a big fan of his work – that dude was wild – the way he painted blows my mind every time I look at one of his paintings). So yes, dramatic Taemin talking about religion and throwing around with biblical references is my brain being wild. ^^ 
I would say that ‘Dorm Life’ is not a really deep story, but I did put a lot of thought into it to not make it your regular smut/romance fanfic. I mean it took time, still does – but I’m glad when people, like you dear cricket nony, appreciate it. So thank you so much for your kind words and sending me all your thoughts and interpretations. <3 I hope you will have a lovely December – please stay healthy and please take good care of yourself. <3
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years
Vincent And The Doctor - Doctor Who blog (People Like This Episode?)
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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Oh I hate talking about these kinds of stories! The ones that receive critical acclaim and are adored by fans because of how deep and meaningful they supposedly are, and then I have to come along and explain why those episodes are nothing but pretentious, patronising bollocks.
Okay. Two disclaimers. I’m not very fond of Doctor Who’s celebrity historical episodes because they’re usually just an excuse for the writers to wank themselves silly to a famous historical person as opposed to telling a compelling story (see The Unicorn And The Wasp and Victory of The Daleks), and I’m not a big fan of Richard Curtis. I do like Blackadder for the most part, but his other stuff I just don’t care for. (I don’t even like The Vicar of Dibley very much, which is positively sacrilegious I know). If you’re into either, fair enough. They’re just not to my taste. But the thing to bear in mind is my hatred for Vincent And The Doctor goes beyond personal taste issues. Not only do I think this episode is monumentally crap, I also found it to be extremely insulting, and I’ll explain why in a bit.
In the previous episode Rory was erased from existence, which means Amy can no longer remember him, although she still feels occasionally sad without knowing why. To cheer Amy up, the Doctor takes her to an art gallery to look at Vincent Van Gogh’s painting. This surprised me ever so slightly. I honestly didn’t think Amy would be the type to be into all this artsy fartsy stuff, but that’s only because we’re 10 episodes in and I still don’t actually know anything about her. Think about it. What have we actually learned about her? How has she grown since the first episode? First person to come up with a satisfactory answer wins a fiver. 
It’s almost as if she’s suddenly obsessed with Vincent Van Gogh not because that’s part of her character but because the plot requires her to be. Also, since Rory was erased by the light shining out of Moffat’s crack (teehee), Amy seems to have been reduced to a wide-eyed, innocent little bunny rabbit in this episode. I can’t help but feel sorry for Karen Gillan. She’s a good actor, but Moffat rarely gives her any good material to work with.
Anyway the Doctor spots some weird creature in one of the paintings and decides to travel back to 1890 to meet Vincent Van Gogh, played by Tony Curran who admittedly does a marvellous job with the material he’s been given, although the less said about his awful pantomime-esque performance when he’s required to fight the invisible monster, the better. Here’s the problem with celebrity historicals, and I mentioned this in my review of The Unicorn And The Wasp. Usually these episodes are only entertaining to those who are interested in the historical celebrity. To everyone else, it’s just monumentally dull. I’ve never been that interested in Agatha Christie, so having to listen to the Doctor constantly talk about what a great writer she is made me feel a little bit nauseous. I’ve seen Van Gogh’s paintings. They’re okay. I’m not that much of an art lover, so I can’t really comment further, but to listen to the Doctor and Amy talking, you’d think Van Gogh was the reincarnation of Christ. It all feels utterly self indulgent. Like with Agatha Christie and Winston Churchill in their respective episodes, there’s no effort to actually explore what his life was like or anything. Instead we’re given this romanticised version of him that Richard Curtis can spend 45 minutes pouring his admiration over. It’s fine if you like Van Gogh, but spare a thought for the uncultured swines like myself who have to suffer through this too.
‘Oh look! There’s all his famous paintings! And they’re still wet! Oh no! Don’t put the coffee pot down on them! You’ll leave a stain! How can you not see how utterly perfect and amazing you are Van Gogh?! OMG! Look at his bedroom! Just like the painting! (Even though the bedroom wasn’t actually in that town. Also have you noticed that they built the bedroom to look exactly like the painting to the point where the proportions look really weird when the Doctor walks around in it?). Oh did you hear that? He doesn’t like sunflowers! How hilarious! And he fancies Amy! How sweet! Go PondGogh!’ And so on for another 40 excruciating minutes.
For the record, I don’t buy Van Gogh and Amy’s feelings for each other even for a second considering that they’ve only known each other for a day. Plus the whole thing feels less romantic when you remember that Van Gogh most probably had syphilis at the time.
But wait. This is Doctor Who, isn’t it? Better shove a monster in for no reason. What do we have this week? The Krafayis. An invisible monster that only Van Gogh can see and resembles a giant, mutant CGI turkey. Not exactly one of Doctor Who’s best monsters, now is it? So how’s the Doctor planning to see it? With some tech of course. But not something sensible like a pair of goggles or something. No. Instead he uses this awkward looking harness thing with a rear view mirror attached so that the only chance you can see the Krafayis is if it’s standing right behind you. What a stupid idea!
But as I said, this is all a taste issue. If you like it, good for you. I’m glad someone does. Where I absolutely draw the line however is when Richard Curtis starts giving us his patronising views on the blind and the mentally ill.
Yes the big twist is that the Krafayis is blind, and in one fell swoop it goes from being a savage creature of hate to being a cuddly little bundle of joy in its condescending death scene. They also perpetuate the age old myth that blind people have excellent hearing (which is not true by the way. it’s a lie created by the sighted to make themselves feel better). Oh and the reason why only Van Gogh can see him? Because he’s mentally ill and therefore can see things other people can’t. 
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How anyone can find this episode to be anything other than insufferable I don’t know.
There’s been a lot of debate as to what kind of mental illness Van Gogh may have had, but Curtis decides to go for bipolar with a touch of synesthesia. This is very dark and sensitive territory for Doctor Who, but with careful handling it could potentially be emotionally rewarding, spreading awareness to important issues surrounding mental health. This is not the case here. Curtis’ portrayal of mentally ill people consists of nothing but patronising and insulting cliches. He’s bipolar, which means he’s fine now even though he was sad a few minutes ago. Being mentally ill makes you a genius. Being manic makes you a loveable eccentric. Having mental health problems allows you to see the wonders of the world in a way ‘normal’ people can only dream of.
For those of you who don’t know, I suffer from manic depression. Do you see now why I might have a bit of a problem with this? Yes there’s a correlation between those with mental health problems and those who enter creative fields like art and writing, often because art and writing are an excellent way to express ourselves and to make sense of the world around us. I myself am a writer and have had a lot of time to refine my craft. Spending nearly three years stuck at home whilst recovering from alcohol addiction gives you a lot of free time to do such things. But I absolutely resent the idea that artists, writers and other creative people are good at what they do because of their mental illnesses, as though it’s some special gift bestowed upon us by the Art Gods. People who think that are either ignorant, pretentious or stupid, and I would be more than happy to give those pricks my mental illness so they can see what it’s fucking like to be me. I can assure you it isn’t pleasant.
But wait! It gets worse!
It’s tragic that Van Gogh never knew just how successful he would become, right? if only we could tell him or show him how famous and well regarded he would be. That in my opinion is all the more reason not to do it here, but Curtis just can’t help himself at this point. The Doctor and Amy take Van Gogh to the art gallery in the future, they all stand on this turntable thing as Van Gogh cries while Bill Nighy talks about how not only is Van Gogh the greatest artist who ever lived, but is also the greatest, most awesomest person ever born in the entire universe, all while some awful pop ballad plays in the background to drown us in slush.
Good God, this is fucking awful! Who the hell thought this would be a good idea?! Talk about over-egging the pudding.
And then, big shock, Van Gogh kills himself. Amy is surprised because she thought showing him the future might inspire him to keep working. Me? I’m not in the least bit surprised. He gets taken into a blue box that’s bigger on the inside than the outside and travels to the future where he sees all the success and fame he will never get to experience in his lifetime. That’s more likely to cause his suicide than prevent it, if you think about it. And I HATE the Doctor’s speech about how life is split into good things and bad things. What is he, a fucking primary school teacher now? Depression is a little bit more complicated than that. But then again this is written by the same fucking moron who believes being mentally ill makes you a badass painter, so I guess I shouldn’t be too shocked.
Richard Curtis clearly thinks he’s written a sensitive and sympathetic tribute to a renowned artist who tragically took his own life due to mental health problems. I think Curtis royally fucked up with a paper-thin story that’s both patronising and insulting. And remember I have mental health problems, so according to Richard Curtis, I’m a genius. So basically if you disagree with me... you’re wrong :)
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tori10rambles · 8 years
Secret Ending 1 Time! I'm a bit overwhelmed. Secret Ending 2 coming later on before I go to bed, probably.
Doing this by episode instead of character for once.
also, please note that anything I write concerning mental health, mental illness and therapy is done based on my own (limited) experience with such things. As such, these opinions may sound limited and condescending due to my own biases. Nothing is meant to offend.
  Episode 1
Rika and V are SERIOUSLY codependent, it sounds like.
Jumin's plans for the RFA are A++.
Meowy is fucking savage, even when it's not meant to be . I love it so much.
is2g, I hope MC knows how to use a gun.
I want to say I'm surprised by how much Saeran hates Saeyoung, but all things considered, I am not.
...How often has Saeran dreamt of Saeyoung dying? Wait. I don't want to know.
I feel like Saeran and Vanderwood would actually get along better than Vanderwood and Saeyoung? If only because they'd have fun bitching about Saeyoung
So... Vanderwood feels like Saeyoung was being reckless with his life while he was under their supervision?
Personal loyalty is TOTALLY Saeyoung's fatal flaw jfc.
Although, I love how Saeyoung managed to manipulate Vanderwood.
And yeah, serious!Saeyoung is hella attractive.
We totally owe you one, Vanderwood.
The things Saeyoung does for his twin... knocking him out I mean
DID YOU ACTUALLY GET SHOT!? If I didn't already hate that damn agency, I certainly do now
Oh thank god he’s okay for now
lololol, we're not married.
...I am not surprised that Saeran just called us into his cult, but I'm strangely hurt? Why? I don't understand why this hurts.
V!? WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK. WHY. WHAT. My brain. It hurts. You know, along with my feelings.
Episode 2
Rika and V's first meeting is surprisingly cute. And V is surprisingly smooth.
I really wanna know where the hell they get V from Jihyun Kim.
Wait, so you're blinded, but your first priority is still Rika? That's some serious love/loyalty there.
Thank you Vanerwood, for asking the real questions here.
Who is this fucking Savior!?
Wait, what did Saeran do to their mom? I feel like that was an implied "Saeran had her killed"
Episode 3
Therapy? What therapy?
isn't therapy is designed to make you face the parts of you you don't accept? because you need to accept the flawed parts of yourself so you can try to make them better?
...you have a HORRIBLE therapist, Rika. You know, unless you're lying. I wouldn't be surprised if you were lying to get out of therapy.
So Rika's depressed and has anxiety AT LEAST. Well, no wonder the RFA is full of damaged souls, if Rika brought them all togethr. Like calls to like after all.
I realize you want to know more, V, but that's such a rude way of asking. And it sounds less like you care about her and more like you care about her suffering specifically.
Pretending doesn't help anyone!
Forgiveness is not for the other person though! It's for you! So the person you forgive no longer has a hold on your life. Why waste time on those people and how they hurt you? You're worth more than that.
V... that is... that sounds like you're romanticizing her pain jfc. Even Rika noticed.
So, on top of the anxiety and depression, there's suicidal ideations. And V is basically NOT EQUIPPED for this.
Jesus, these two are twisted.
If this is love, I want no part of it.
I feel like Rika's the real sun here, which warms and gives life, but can also burn anything that touches it.
You know, given her "love" for V, and how he claims to be her sun, I am not surprised she named a goddamn cult after him. who else in this fucking game has mint green eyes? Saeran does, but I'm 110% sure that's contacts.
MC IS SO FUCKING PASSIVE OMG. Although, her taking the wheel last episode was awesome
Thank god the RFA has our backs.
So... Saeran is basically Natasha Romanoff in the Winter Soldier, but with less benign intentions.
Rika, for all that you claim to love V... this is not convincing me of that "fact."
Also, if I needed more evidence that Saeran's being manipulated, this conversation is it.
Episode 4
yes, negligence is a crime, but honestly, the direction your putting that fact in is scaring the shit out of me
Oh thank god that V recognizes those thoughts of Rika's sound more like a dictatorship.
Wow Rika... if you think V doesn't have any fears and that he doesn't understand, you are DEFINITELY not in the right relationship.
Rika... saving people who don't want to be saved doesn't help. Just makes them more likely to rebel. And now I'm getting CACW!Captain America vibes from her
You are about as stable as the San Andreas fault line, Rika.
V, PLEASE DO MORE TO CONVINCE RIKA TO STOP. although you obviously fail.
...V sounds like a masochist.
So... V is doing this to protect the RFA? And omf, yeah, V is DEFINITELY where Saeyoung got his self sacrificing tendencies from
Saeran is about as free from pain as I am from confusion at the moment. That is to say, he's a fucking wreck.
Yeah, I'm pretty fucking sure you don't love V. Just what he can do for you.
RIKA DID EVERYTHING WRONG. EVERYTHING IS RIKA'S FAULT. or just about. Although I do blame V as well.
I understand that bae wants to kill V for this, and honestly, that he's more upset about Saeran than himself, but there's no way I'm letting him kill someone for it
I love (not the sarcasm) how V's entire idea for saving everyone is so dependent on Rika going back to her previous self. Which... will never happen. You can't go back. Only forward.
Yes, let's get out of here first before we try to kill/blame each other.
Episode 5
RIKA BLINDED HIM!? WHAT THE EVER LOVING... I mean, I guess she's just trying to get him to put his money where his mouth is. But that's just cruel. also, this is the moment he should have realized he wasn't enough to help her, and that maybe this is an unhealthy relationship
Jumin Han and bodyguards to the rescue, I hope?
Meowy to the rescue! Also, Tomatohead programmed a cat that fetched them tomatoes. That is actually kind of hilarious, if it weren't for the situation they're in.
Episode 6
You know, if I had any doubts this was a goddamn cult, the opening scene shattered all of them.
Yup, Rika just manipulated and used Saeran. I am not surprised.
Saeran... despite all the bullshit he's done, I feel bad for him now.
Ayyyyy, she even admitted it's goddamn brainwashing.
Saeyoung... I knew you'd do that.
Goddamnit, get up! you're not dying on us!
...Where the fuck did Saeran hide a goddamn gun?
The opposing thoughts of smol!Saeran and MintEye!Saeran are jarring. Also really depressing.
Medicine of salvation? more like brainwashing drugs. You've already said it out loud once.
Ahahaha... I am not surprised Saeran blamed V? I am somehow ALSO not  surprised V got shot? Just... really sad, because he's a kind of a tragic character.
Hindsight's a bitch, ain't it V?
Episode 7
Yo... so she actually DOES still love him? I mean, if she's going into shock with him dying and all that?
Hey look, it's Jumin's guards. took em long enough
So yeah, that was probably assisted suicide on V's part? Like, I can't see him being willing to live while Rika treated him like crap and basically was going to kill him anyway?
Also, the fact that she now has aphasia actually calms me a bit, because she can't manipulate people with her words anymore unless she's like, typing or something.
But why are Zen and Yoosung being kept out of the loop? I'm confused, since the RFA is all about trust and everything now.
yeah, if Saeran isn't getting ALL THE FUCKING THERAPY, i'd be having WORDS with everyone. Quite loudly.
lololol I was right, Zen was shocked by Vanderwood.
Also, Vanderwood with OCD is probably a result of picking up after our favorite mess.
the messenger should be truthful, but this group is just really bad at doing so
I hope Saeyoung takes his own advice and tries to live a selfish life now
I am not satisfied with Rika being free, even if she’s mute. But I’m glad Saeran was saved, and sad that V is now dead. But goddamn, no one should have let V and Rika stay together. They’re... really bad for each other honestly. That was not a healthy relationship.
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