#this uber driver has the same perfume as the guy i'm talking to
heavenknowsffs · 7 months
Hot men all use the same perfume istg
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 6 years
Winter Rain
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I'd like to thank @xerxezra for the encouragement. I really needed it, and to the Enya song in which the title and fic is based on. I'm still working on the fic to go with a fanart of mine, but until then feel free to check out my other fics which can be found on my Fanfic Masterpost or Ao3 links which are in my description under my header.
In this fic the reader deals with a change in plans.
City streets were passing by, underneath stormy skies. No, there were no neon signs but there were cargo trains rolling by on the tracks parallel to the main road. Hmm, wasn't that an Enya song? Perhaps it was.
Funny that you were thinking of new age songs when none were playing on the radio, though you wouldn't have minded if any music was on; it would've made a difference. Enya's songs in themselves reminded you of that one teacher in elementary school who wore that cherry brooch you liked and drowned herself in a bottle of perfume. Your teacher, whatever her name, was halfway pleasant, but always wore a blouse which was a size too big and thus you always saw more of her then you cared to whenever she leaned over a desk to assist another student. Another Enya song, Only Time, reminded you of that one book you tried to read around that time with the questionable cover. Of course, neither of these things had anything to do with the drive home, but it was a passing nostalgia you couldn't pass up.
Wiry, naked trees were scattered along the way; none of them of much consequence except to the fragments of your imagination, where they were dancers in a wintery, mournful ballet. For his part, Rick was unaware of these random thoughts, for you had not mentioned them, but you did wonder about something else when you took a glance at the time and found you two were getting home a little faster than usual. “Rick, do you prefer driving? Or is flying in your spaceship easier?”
“I-I think each one is great in its own way,” he answered, keeping his eyes on the road. “but th-the fastest way to travel is by using my portal gun.”
“So it is. Hmm, makes me wonder what the Flash would have to say about that.” you commented as rain pitter-pattered against the passenger side window. “I bet he'd have a few things to say if you can catch him.”
“Gee, I don't know. I'll ugh - I'll have to ask him the next time I'm in his Earth dimension.”
Sometimes you didn't know if he was being serious or simply joking, though you tended to believe him, especially since it only added to your natural wonder. Your curiosity was a quality which tickled him immensely, but whether he could withstand it while driving was not something you were about to test. Outside, straight ahead, the roads looked all the same, although, to the discerning eye, one would notice the cracks here and there, and the splattered paint on the curb closest to city hall and the fire station. And while the roads were neither empty or full, you would say they were in want of life and perhaps a good shoveling, but with whatever technology hidden in the nooks and crannies of his station wagon, you two drove on the icy roads with ease. It was cold outside, but you weren't cold; Rick made sure of that by giving you the heated seat and a quilt to drape over yourself.
You were, however slightly bored because Zeta-7 hadn't been talking all that much this evening. He had been in a mood and you thought it could've had something to do with the phone call he received while you two were at the craft shop but he didn't say. It hadn't made him any less sweet, but he seemed distant in a familiar way that you were sure you had experienced some time ago. Perhaps he was fearful, he would have reason; contemplative as always; afraid, to an almost unhealthy degree, but risking a chance to placate him, you joked. “Are you trying something new? Is it a seduction tactic, cause I'm certainly intrigued.”
“Wh-what?” he blushed, as he turned the corner to head towards your street.
“Aren't you trying the broodish thing all cool guys do in those cheap romance novels? You know, the kind they sell at the drugstore?” you giggled, turning up the heat in the car to fit your preference.
“Gosh, n-n-no. I ugh - I-I don't think I'm cool enough t-t-to do that.”
“Really? Well, I think if you wanted to you could, though I doubt you'd try it unless convinced it would work. Not sure how effective it would be on me, but this isn't about me. What's going on with you,” you questioned with a serious, but gentle candor. “you haven't said much tonight.”
“I ugh - I have a few things on my mind is all, but it's going t-to be okay. I'm sorry if I alarmed you.”
“Not too much, I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Are you?”
Stopping in front of your home, he admitted with a sudden disheartenment. “I don't know. Sometimes it's - it's hard to know especially if you hear bad news but I th-think I will be. Eventually.”
One of his watches was flashing, and it made you wonder if it meant what you thought it meant. While you couldn't read the line of code which passed over its digital face, you thought you'd seen a similar line of code before. “Are you going to have to go? Is that what's bothering you? I know you promised that we'd paint together tonight, but you won't be able to will you?”
“No, I'm - I'm sorry. I had asked for the whole week off, but this - it's from my supervisor. I can't ignore it. I have to go in. I-I really wish I didn't have to.”
“Oh Rick, if you had to go, why didn't you tell me earlier? I would've understood.”
“You were having such a-a great time picking out supplies that I didn't - I couldn't bring myself to crush your excitement. Now th-that I think about it, I don't know if this was any better, but I-I asked that I'd be able to bring you home first so that I wouldn't have to worry about leaving you there without a-a word.”
Zeta-7 hated to break his promises, and you hated the feeling of a broken promise, but as he switched the car off, and you two walked towards your porch, you admitted. “I would've figured it out and got home somehow. I mean there's enough Uber drivers in this town, and one of them would've driven me home, but I'm glad that at least I had this time with you. Please be careful and visit me whenever. You know you can.”
Instead of comforting him as your easy resignation usually would, he balled his fists and hit them against the railing; hateful of his own inadequacies. You had to admit that when he got upset, it caught you off guard, but it also reminded you that he still was very much a Rick, albeit a softer one. “Th-this wasn't supposed to happen. I-I don't understand why it always comes to this. We were - I had so many things planned out for us and th-”
You hugged him from behind, interrupting what he was going to say. “There will always be next time. Calm down,” you cooed, “it's all going to be okay. It's not the end of the world and I'm not upset by it.”
“But I don't - I don't want t-to keep doing this to you. I promised.”
“I know, but it's not like you do this on purpose. You see, this is what happens when a girl like me dates a guy like you. Expect the unexpected, and maybe a few space worms every once in a while if I eat a sandwich from a gas station on a comet somewhere. These things happen.”
“I wish it - it didn't. Lately,” he confessed, his voice taking on its softer quality. “I've been thinking a-about when I'd like to retire. Maybe I finally should.”
“Whatever you want to do, I'm okay with it. As long as it makes you happy, but only if you do it without regret. You would know best of course.”
“I-I certainly hope so.”
You two stood there in silence for a moment, but you heard a beeping noise emanate from under his sleeve. “I d-don't want to say goodbye, but I'll miss you m-mi corazón.”
When he wasn't around, your home felt emptier,
though you refrained from saying so, and because you didn't want to add to his guilt you simply said. “I'll miss you too.”
“Th-there's a chance I won't see you in a few days. At least it will feel th-that way for me.”
“You can always call me, and if you can't then I'll see you when I see you. You know where I'll be.”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “somewhere I-I'm not.”
“Don't say that. You're always on my mind, and I'd like to think you're always with me, in one way or another. There's no way I couldn't think of you.”
He turned around to face you, his eyes appearing twice as expressive through his glasses. Zeta-7 studied you and brushed his thumb across the back of your hand. “Siempre estás c-conmigo, and because of - of that, I'm never truly l-lonely.”
“Oh Rick, I love you.”
As easily as it was to adore him with your entire being, so it was to break his heart. Whether it had been a lack of love or an abundance of heartache in his life thus far which shook him to his bones, a replenishing of spirit was always in order. You weren't tall, you never had been, but stepping on the tips of your toes, you pressed a kiss on his cheek that never failed to floor him, and marvel as though it were from a fairy queen; one comprised of stardust and moonbeams. “This means you belong to me. Got it cutie? No one else has dibs except for me, so don't look so surprised. You're mine.”
Like a tease, the weather picked up and the strong gust which followed made you shiver, which alarmed him and prevented his reply. You were trying to tough it out because he could be gone at any moment. And must've sensed this, for against your control you shivered once more, but he pulled off his own scarf to wrap around your neck. “It's going t-t-to get colder,” he said protectively. “so please don't forget to wrap yourself up tonight. I um - I placed a-a few thick blankets in your closet just in case. Why d-don't you go inside?”
“Because I can bear it for a little bit longer. Thank you,” you smiled sweetly up at him, despite losing feeling in your cheeks. “but I doubt I'll try to leave my house for the next few days. I'll look after this for you. Hopefully, it's going to be warmer where you're going.”
“I-I can't say, it's…”
“Classified information.” you finished.
“Gosh, I-I-I guess you know th-the drill by now. Smart girl.”
“Maybe. I don't know much, but I know you, and that you can't tell me certain things because you don't want whichever information to be held against me. At least I'm learning. Either way,” you softened, buttoning the top button on his jacket. “please be careful.”
“I-I will. Can I um - can I-I give you a kiss?”
“Do you even have to ask?”
Though of course, he would ask as though your disappointment would disqualify his validity to partake of your affection. He bent down to try to kiss you goodbye, his glasses fogging up at the closeness between you two, but a portal opened right behind him and the guard Rick's on the other side pulled him through. And like that, he was gone again; without a choice; without a goodbye. Your arms which had been around his waist a moment ago, you brought down to rest at your sides, and you too clenched your fists in quick frustration but found yourself halfway exhausted by the cold temperatures and suddenness of it all.
His scarf felt warm and soft about your neck and smelled like him; of vanilla, and of whatever his house smelled like. You thought of the painting that you two would not do tonight, and how you were once again alone. That seemed to magnify it all, intensify the fact that you might've always been alone and destined to remain as such. It used to make you cry when you realized that he could be taken from you at any moment, but you had gotten used to it, or at least you thought you did. Only a few hours ago, you two were at a café, discussing painting techniques and how with a little practice you too could paint that little tree you liked that was growing in the corner of your yard; his enthusiasm was contagious, and you were pumped because you really wanted to show him you had been practicing.
If once again someone cried, then it was you because he couldn't cry where he was going; he wouldn't dare to and repress it for as long as he could help it; if only you were as strong.
Oh, winter rain, how could it relate? It knew little except its natural way; of falling upon the earth; of life; of beginnings; of letting go; of uncertainty. Yet, it wasn't the rains fault; it does not know and could not know; if only. It was cold, and you were cold, with the only part of you that was really warm being where his scarf was.
Thinking of what lied in store for him made you want him back all the more so that you could hold him, and make him feel safe. You wanted him back now because it seemed so unfair that they'd take him when he didn't want to go, but you couldn't bring him back; not even for his sake; being against your power just like the rain. For now, all you could do was only open the front door to your home and step in as the last train passed by; not knowing when the next will come.
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xanadontit · 6 years
My sister has an amazing penchant for picking the wrong guy. If she had to choose between "Average Guy #1" and "Criminal" she'd choose criminal because "no way would Average Guy #1 go for a gal like me!". Honestly, ever since I was a just a teen, I can remember her boyfriends vividly - there was the guy who tried to steal my parent's car; the guy who was sure that the middle east wasn't real and would have a panic attack when anyone said otherwise; there was the activist who wound-up charged with multiple rapes; there was the "doctor" who wasn't a doctor at all but a janitor. There was the international business mogul who traveled a lot but was actually an uber driver with a wife. And there was the "Importer/Exporter" who always had fancy gifts - all of it stolen. Random set of watches, vitamins, bedding, gourmet food that was in distribution boxes, random car parts and electronics. He went "underground" and she never heard from him again. Safe to say, if my sister is dating you, there's a problem. Get help.
And of course, I am now somehow mediator-designate for my family's Thanksgiving.
I met my sister's most recent boyfriend about a month ago. He was certainly surprising. He was dressed like a 12 year old girl. Baseball cap with with rim folded upwards, with an ironic t-shirt mocking a YouTube celebrity, pants that were 4 or 5 sizes too small (and girl's jeans) with enough decorative jewelry for two women. He was also drowning in women's perfume - the same one my GF uses (she had to stop using it, it was too creepy). I thought this was my sister's way of coming out to us until he said his name, let's call him "Ralph" and made a joke about how we were the "only dudes at the table." My older sister who was there at the time looked at me with a befuddled expression.
Ralph is a very open person - he also had no compunction about hitting on me during our dinner (in front of his GF/my sister and my family) and his European "peck on the cheek" came preposterously close to becoming a French kiss. I can still taste his chapstick. Ugh. All he could ask me was about where I go to grad school and why I don't go to [insert various gay bar/club]. He can't understand that taking two trains and walking a few blocks for a beer isn't something I'm going to do. He is handsy and kept touching me, I realize what women must go through with handsy dudes. It's really unpleasant.The guy is another in a long line of creeps who've marked my sister as someone with incredibly low self-esteem who'll look the other way about minor details like "being a criminal" or "being gay". Ralph all but stuck his tongue down my throat - he even held the back of my head when he kissed me goodbye. To this day I can't believe she didn't think it weird.
EVERY single time we go through this, we have to go through the same damn routine: Someone raises an issue about her current BF. She says we're being exclusionary and mean. We tell her we've yet to be wrong and outline the facts of the case. She cries, goes no-contact for a month or two and then comes slinking back when what we said was true. Then she pretends nothing was said and we're all expected to pretend all is well. Here's the thing, some of her boyfriends were involved in violent affairs and we don't want her hurt. I also don't want her hurt in this instance but for different reasons. If we say nothing, she would eventually marry these people - the guy who tried to steal my father's car proposed to her and she said yes AFTER it came to light he had tried to steal a car. He thought if they were engaged that she wouldn't be able to testify - they didn't need her to. They had evidence of dozens of other crimes and he was locked up. HE dumped HER from inside PRISON. After that, we realized she'd marry these people if we don't say something.
My main problem is, my sister and I are close - we were buddies growing up and inseparable until she left at 18. I always looked up to her and she was my protector and my first and best friend. It's fallen on me to talk to her about her relationships. I had to break it to her that one guy tried to steal my father's car. I had to break it to her that her last BF was giving us stolen goods (I fortunately had evidence). I no longer want to be the guy who has to talk to her about this. I'm tired of the same rigamarole. I love my sister, I really do - she will be in my wedding when I get married and will always be a part of my life, but I can't deal with her boyfriends. I can't deal with another Thanksgiving where the whole family sits in awkward silence. My GF does not speak to her family and she's adopted mine as hers, so she can't wait for Turkey and fam time. I'm just dreading it.
What do I do in this situation? I want the best for my sister and I want to make sure she's safe but I'm tired of being thrust into the middle of an absolute shitshow, especially when I just want to eat turkey and drink gravy.
tl;dr sister always selects the worst boyfriends. Then it falls on me to tell her why they're scumbags, deal with the fallout and console her when its true. Her boyfriends have been total zilches and the most recent guy is very obviously gay and unashamed to make a pass at a man - including her younger brother. Tired of the same shit and don't know what to do.
1.) The descriptions of the exes are amazing.
2.) I feel pretty great about my exes.
3.) The advice on this is actually really fascinating and something we talked about with Niece: infantilizing someone and also telling them “You make AWFUL choices!” as a means of “snapping them out it” leads to this cycle of falling for creeps.
Anyway! Enjoy!
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