#this was for zhongli's bday actually
hihkoo · 2 years
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Sleepy little dragon!
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pachimation · 1 year
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IT’S👏VENTI’S 👏BIRTHDAY 👏 therefore i am forcing you all to look at this beautiful old man and beautiful his friends celebrate his cringefail birthday
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xx-justsomeguy-xx · 9 months
somehow it feels very fitting that i share a bday with beidou and my mom shares a bday with zhongli
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otomiyaa · 4 months
TGI Tournament
Cynonari | Chili | Wrioney | Kavetham
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A/N: HAPPY BDAY FABIIII @lovelynim !!! Busy day so a little late, but it's still your birthday hoho. I combined some of your fav pairings into this random fic, hope you enjooooy :3
Summary: Aether launches his first own international Genius Invokation TCG tournament and is surprised when things get a different turn than expected. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.9K
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Genius Invokation TCG wasn't just a game. The more time Aether spent traveling around Teyvat, the more he discovered about it. He had come to the realization that this special card game was actually what connected all nations to each other the most.
Not visions, archons, beliefs, cultures or customs: it was one single card game they all had in common. The rules were the same across all of Teyvat.
Sure one person owned better cards than the other and some players were more invested, skilful and passionate, but in the end, the game was also all about chance.
With this game, a young boy like Timmie could beat the mightiest archon if the odds were in his favor. An everyday farmer could beat the smartest Akademiya scholar if he believed in himself. A beginner, like Aether himself not long ago, could beat someone as obsessed and skilled as Cyno.
He smiled proudly. Aether admired all that, and so thanks to his growing love for the game, the day had officially come: the first 'Traveler's Genius Invokation TCG Tournament', hosted by him, with assistance of Paimon, Diona and Amber, right here in Mondstadt at the Cat's Tail!
They equipped the place with smaller tables to fit in more, and decorated it with flags and decorations from all nations. Because, it wasn't just a Mondstadt event. It was international!
Aether had used his own network to invite various friends, not only from Mondstadt but also from other nations, to play in this international tournament. And he felt so gleeful to have gathered such a nice group of people who valued their friendship and also loved playing the game!
"I can't believe so many came from all over the world!" Paimon squeaked, watching how crowded the Cat's Tail was. Aether was truly surprised too. When he sent the invitation, he didn't expect them to travel all the way to Mondstadt.
"Mondstadt economy is booming thanks to us. Next time we should ask them to pay ー" Aether's reaction to Paimon's sassy comment was blowing into her face, and she whined in response.
"Welcome, everyone! To the first edition of the Traveler's Genius Invokation TCG Tournament, in short, TGI Tournament, " he called out to the crowd. Sadly not everyone could come, but there sure were some surprising faces!
Most surprising were Wriothesley and Alhaitham. How were they able to drop their busy work to come all this way? Glancing at Lyney and Kaveh next to them, grinning triumphantly, he vaguely got a clue...
"We made a tournament chart, you can view it on the board. We will start the first round shortly!" Paimon announced next. The crowd gathered around the board, and excited and also enthusiastic yells could be heard.
And so, after a few more minutes of excited discussions and preparations, the tournament started, with quite the interesting first round, which resulted in even more interesting winners, and various words were exchanged.
Cyno VS Kaeya
Albedo VS Tighnari
Rosaria VS Kazuha
Childe VS Diluc
Fischl VS Lyney
Sucrose VS Bennett
Venti VS Wriothesley
Eula VS Mika
Mona VS Kaveh
Xiao VS Noelle
Zhongli VS Lisa
Alhaitham VS Jean
"Bennett? You won? You're not that unlucky after all!"
"S-S-Sucrose just w-went too easy on me...!"
"What's this, what's this? You lost, Diluc?"
"Shut up, Kaeya. You lost too."
"Eula, did you let Mika win on purpose?"
"I did no such thing."
"Hey.. Is it me or did Mondstadt get owned pretty hard?"
"Maybe a little."
"Guys, do you know why no ladies are left in the next round? Because after all, it's a tourna-MEN-t."
Aether chuckled to see all the reactions to the first tournament round, and he walked over to Amber and Diona who were busy working on the chart and scores.
"So I guess it's time for round two soon, then?" Aether said, and he glanced at the new pairs.
"Oh. This is interesting," Aether said, seeing the pairs they made especially since Amber and Diona didn't know everyone that well which actually contributed to the fairness. It needed to be completely random.
Diona nodded and misunderstood what Aether meant with interesting: "Ah yes I know. It's bad for Mondstadt we put the only two left on one table. But you see, Bennett said that-"
Amber interrupted Diona and quickly waved her hands. "I-it's just better this way!"
Aether grinned and nodded. Either one of the two, probably Bennett, was too shy to play against people they weren't too familiar with, or they just wanted to play together. Which was fine of course.
Either way, the next line-up was mostly interesting because for some magical reason they happened to put at least 4 couples together, and not many people knew about their relationship, let alone Amber and Diona!
"That must be a coincidence," Paimon whispered the obvious as she looked over Aether's shoulder, and he nodded.
So, round two:
Cyno VS Tighnari
Kazuha VS Xiao
Childe VS Zhongli
Wriothesley VS Lyney
Bennett VS Mika
Alhaitham VS Kaveh
Amused, he watched how the pairs sat at a table together. Bennett and Mika started playing their game quite cheerfully. Kazuha and Xiao were the ultimate combination for a quiet, calculated and intelligent game of cards without many works spoken.
But those other pairs....
"If I win this, you'll have to listen to at least ten of my jokes without running," Cyno said as he rolled the dice.
"You're going to claim such a big prize after just the second round?" was Tighnari's sassy response.
"Finally. I thought you were never going to play against me again after that last massacre~" Childe sang.
Zhongli did not seem amused. "Stop talking. It's your turn."
"Look at us, traveling all this way for me to beat your ass like I can do at home."
"Don't be so confident, jail guy. I have polished my skills since our last game."
Aether gulped to hear this remark from Wriothesley towards Lyney, but then giggled to hear Lyney's new nickname for the confident Duke.
Alhaitham and Kaveh were having a hilarious staring contest, barely looking away from each other as they played card after card.
"I win. I win again. Oh, I win." Alhaitham was clearly winning and liked to rub it in with live commentary.
"If you say it once again I will kick your ass," Kaveh grunted.
"Are those guys close?" Diona asked as she noticed the interesting dynamics, and she cocked her head.
"They... They are all from the same nations," Aether explained with a stiff smile.
"Eep! Did we mess up?" Amber squeaked.
"No that's fine. I like it this way," Aether said, smirking to see more funny situations unfold.
He was just gazing at the quiet game between Kazuha and Xiao when a funny noise could be heard from another table.
"Childe, stop."
Aether stared. What was... "Hmm, why?" Childe said, followed by the same funny sound.
"Dohohon't!" Seeing Childe reach under the table, there was no doubt he was tickling Zhongli's leg.
"Do nohohot distrahahact mehehe!"
"So you admit. This is distracting you."
Aether smirked. How childish. "Chihilde!"
Not many people present seemed to know how rare it was to hear Zhongli's laughter, and as it was getting louder, he could see Venti walk over there. He had been spectating the game between Kazuha and Xiao, but now joined in with teasing Zhongli.
"What's going on here?" he chirped.
"Hehe's c-cheheating!"
"How's this cheating, then? Old man?" Zhongli's laughter increased when Venti tickled his sides, and the concentration and focus that had been very strong in the first round, now crumbled.
"I'll tell them to stop," Diona said, walking over there, but the moment she was gone, Aether heard another laugh. He turned his head and saw the one laughing was... Cyno!
"Huh?" Paimon had been too busy serving drinks to the participants who lost the first round, so she hadn't noticed the funny mess at Zhongli's table. However she came to look the moment Cyno could be heard barking near them.
"Nahaahahari! Don't dohoho thahat! Thihihighn-aahaha!"
"That's right. I'm tickling your thigh."
"Nohohot fuhuhunny!"
"You dare tell me my joke isn't funny?"
Whatever the reason, Tighnari must've been inspired by the tickly mess at the other table. Right at that moment, Aether heard a loud noise. Lyney just banged his head against the table from underneath. Huh?
"WRIAh- nohoho! Don't you dahahare- why ahahare you- gahhh!"
"For a magician, that was petty and embarrassing. You dropped the dice on purpose when they didn't give you the result you wanted. You know I won't let you get away with cheats, kitten."
Aether blushed when he overheard the exchange. These two weren't subtle at all. He watched how Wriothesley tickled Lyney who had crawled under the table to pick up the dice, but Wriothesley was tickling his sides and ribs relentlessly, trapping him under the table and punishing him for his apparent attempt to cheat.
"Why did it turn out like this?" Amber sighed when Diona returned to their side as well.
"They're not stopping," she complained, hehe, poor girl. Only Aether seemed to be amused by the little chaos. Childe had even jumped up and teased and tickled Zhongli with the help of Venti.
Aether noticed Bennett and Mika had stopped playing for a moment and watched the tickly chaos with smiles on their faces.
Kazuha and Xiao were still playing as if nothing was happening.
Ah, he then remembered he hadn't checked on Kaveh and Alhaitham who were tucked away with their table in the corner, surrounded by various Mondstadt people who were watching their game. He could hardly see them, but sounded like they didn't let the others bother them.
A loud cry made him look away from the busy table again to see Wriothesley throw his head back as he laughed loudly.
"Ahahalright! Alrihihight alreheheady! L-lehehet's continuehehe!" he laughed, and Lyney was still under the table but there was no doubt he was tickling Wriothesley's knees and thighs from under there.
"You started it, Wrio. Besides, I wouldn't have dropped the dice if you weren't distracting me on purpose. And then you accuse me of cheating?"
Aether had no idea who was in the right, but he decided to not interrupt them and walked around, ending up at Zhongli's table.
He tapped Venti's shoulder who was still tickling him together with Childe. "Let's not disturb their game," he said. Venti whined.
"Why? We're having fun."
"At least keep it in between them," Aether disagreed, dragging Venti away, but it didn't stop Childe from simply abandoning his own seat and wriggling himself onto Zhongli's lap, just to tickle him uncontrollably. There was no game to speak of anymore, except a tickle game.
Looked like their duel of Genius Invokation TCG was already abandoned.
"Disqualified," Diona said as she stood next to them, but the Harbinger merely responded with a cheerful peace sign.
"Did you hear that Zhongli? We're disqualified."
"Stohohop thihihis instahahant!" Poor Zhongli. Luckily he didn't need to be too embarrassed since by now, the duos not having a silly tickle fight at their table were in the minority.
Wriothesley and Lyney were next, but there wasn't much left of their game anyway. Besides the dice, also some cards had fallen off due to the struggle under the table.
"I think they are still trying to play," Amber said, pointing at Cyno and Tighnari. Despite getting tickled, Cyno was playing card after card, and Tighnari was laughing too, so it looked like they were having a tickle fight under the table while playing the game.
"Stop that, or, disqualified," Diona told them. It seemed to work at first, but the moment she left, Aether could see they started again. Hehe, how cute and silly.
At this point everyone was just laughing and messing around. "There goes our tournament!" Amber whined.
"You'll pay for that!" Cyno and Tighnari had now left their table as Cyno chased Tighnari to the other side of the room. Aether saw that their game was totally messed up, cards and dice scattered over the table and floor.
"Disqualified after all," Diona muttered next to him, shaking her head in disappointment. Tighnari fled into the crowd around Alhaitham and Kaveh's table, trying to hide behind the usually cool and aloof Alhaitham, but it didn't stop Cyno from chasing after him, hands formed into claws.
"Guhuhuys hehehelp!"
"I'll get you for ruining our game!" Everyone backed away and squealed and cheered in surprise when Tighnari was thrown over Kaveh and Alhaitham's table, sending cards falling and flying, and Aether covered his own face in defeat.
"Game over," he said, trying to hide his smile while Diona fumed angrily.
"Such bad manners!" she cried. Tighnari was laughing and flailing as he was tickled by Cyno, and Kaveh and Alhaitham merely got up and went to get a drink, giving up without a complaint.
"You must be glad about this. I was winning," Kaveh said proudly. Alhaitham rolled his eyes.
"How can you say that when I was about to obliterate your final card?"
"I had a strategy."
"A strategy for loss, indeed."
Aether finally stood on top of a table in the middle and clapped. "Alright you guys! That's enough!" His voice wasn't loud enough to interrupt the tickle chaos, so Paimon took her megaphone and yelled instead.
"STOOOOOOOP!" All laughter stopped abruptly. Diona also climbed on the table and crossed her arms.
"Is there anyone who is still playing?!" she yelled. Bennett shyly raised a single finger.
"I won..." he said shyly. Mika scratched the back of his head and shrugged.
"Bennett is really lucky today," he said.
"Anyone else?" Amber asked kindly, looking around. Kazuha also raised his hand.
"I won," he announced sweetly. Woah. Aether saw the indifferent look on Xiao's face and giggled. He felt sorry for him. Xiao was the only one who didn't get a proper invitation, but he simply summoned him by calling his name and dragged him into this.
"Sorry," he mouthed in his direction, to apologize for the chaos, and he was pleased to see a gentle nod in response. Xiao didn't seem to blame him for losing control over the tournament.
"Good! Well then," Paimon said, and she pointed towards the board where Diona made the final adjustments. Exactly two people were left for the finale which ended up taking place sooner than planned.
Cyno VS Tighnari
Kazuha VS Xiao
Childe VS Zhongli
Wriothesley VS Lyney
Bennett VS Mika
Alhaitham VS Kaveh
While the final table was prepared for Kazuha and Bennett's duel, Paimon passed by the other duos to scold them.
"I can't believe all of you just turned it into a tickle fight! YOU started it!" she yelled at Childe, poking his chest and making him giggle.
"Sorry not sorry. Maybe next time we can have a tickle tournament instead," he said, probing Zhongli's side playfully.
"Don't give the Traveler ideas," Paimon sighed. Aether was already smirking. Don't, indeed. The idea of a tickle tournament sounded quite interesting.
"Well then! Last round!" Diona and Amber looked exhausted as the final round finally started. This time everyone was gathered around Bennett and Kazuha's table, with some people getting drinks and giggling at the funny turn of events.
Walking around the room to check on everyone and clean up some of the mess, Aether then saw an interesting display, and shuffled closer to watch and listen.
"D-dohohon't! You bohohoth ahaahare-eepp!" To his surprise, Kaveh had cornered Alhaitham in an abandoned spot behind the crowd and was tickling him now.
Alhaitham was also a rare one to witness laughing, so Aether couldn't help but chuckle at the remarkable sight.
"Y-you g-gaahha q-quihihit ihihit! Y-you're suhuhuch a sohohore loseheher!" Despite laughing, Alhaitham didn't seem amused, but Kaveh wouldn't let him go.
"Sore loser, me? I wasn't losing though." Kaveh looked smug, and Alhaitham appeared very flustered to get tickled in public like this. Not that anyone except Aether was noticing them now. And- woah.
He gulped to see Alhaitham lose his cool. He managed to break free from Kaveh's grasp, grabbed his collar and dragged him outside. Oh. Aether had a feeling that they were returning to their hotel room and that Kaveh was going to get a taste of Alhaitham's revenge in private.
"What are you spacing out for? The finale is almost ending! Come, quick!" Paimon suddenly squeaked, making him jump. Aether quickly returned to the table, making his way through the crowd, and was just in time to witness a unique sight.
Bennett won.
"Congratulations," Kazuha said, shaking his hand formally. Before Aether could say anything, Kaeya already dashed forward and lifted Bennett up.
"We have a winner! Woohoo!" Amber and Diona cheered as everyone applauded. Who would have thought. Bennett, the unlucky guy, but lucky today.
Aether nodded proudly and stepped forward. "Bennett! This is for you." He handed him the trophy he had crafted specially for this event, and Bennett took it with sparkling eyes.
Seeing him so happy, Aether thought that the fact that many other pairs ended up getting disqualified, shortening the tournament enormously, might have contributed to Bennett's luck. He absolutely deserved the win.
Seeing the smiles on Diona and Amber's faces, and the proud Mondstadt people, Aether was glad they also weren't too upset that their tournament turned into a little chaos.
"Let's do this again next year!"
Aether nodded proudly. "We will," he said, although he had to admit the thought of a Tickle Tournament was now paving its way into his mind first. He wondered if he could get anyone to participate...
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seelestia · 2 years
So…after ripping my heart out with that multi fic…can I request a fluffy one with them celebrating s/O bday? As it was my bday recently I’d love to know what they’d do.
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SUMMARY. a birthday gift from your lover already bests any other gifts that hopes to rival.
CHARACTERS. xiao, venti, kazuha, heizou, zhongli, albedo, gorou, itto, scaramouche, ayato, childe, diluc, thoma, kaeya.
GENRE. fluff, crack-ish, a smidgen of angst (childe + diluc), established relationship.
CW. use of pet names (ayato + kaeya), mentions of food (heizou + itto + gorou), implied desire for marriage (childe + diluc).
THOUGHTS. this was sent in july, so happy belated birthday to you, anon 🎉 since october is my birthday month, so i thought posting this now is fitting! hehe, take this and a bandage as a birthday present from me <3
✰ masterlist.
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A quiet day spent away from his duties and by your side. XIAO knows he cannot throw you a merry celebration, so the only gift he can offer you is his presence. Even if he doesn't admit it, the Yaksha always notices the brief flicker of loneliness in your eyes whenever he leaves to tend to his duties. Yes, he doesn't understand why mortals celebrate these occasions but he knows that today is a special day — your special day — so, fine, he'll do it. Whether it be strolls through Liyue Harbor or a table for two with Almond Tofu on it, Xiao will try for you.
An invitation to spontaneous travels. "Let's let the wind lead, shall we? Hehe," is what VENTI tells you. You pointedly ask him if it's because he doesn't actually have a plan in mind, but he only pokes out his tongue at you playfully. Now, where would you like to go? Somewhere in Mondstadt? Or perhaps, Liyue? He'd love to brag about you to that old blockhead (read: Zhongli). To him, anywhere is fine as long as you're happy! And at the end of the day, Venti will let you rest your head on his lap as he strums a tune on his lyre that he dedicates to you.
Cuddles under the night sky, finding patterns amongst the stars. As the lover of a certain wandering samurai aboard the Crux, your birthday was celebrated flamboyantly with a toast raised to you by Beidou herself. But in KAZUHA's humble opinion, he prefers this more; when the moon is at its peak and only the echoes of the ocean waves remain, when the crew is long asleep except for you and him. Kazuha relishes in your smile that is as peaceful as the moon above as he traces patterns onto your skin. In the back of his mind, he can't help but thank the world for allowing him to cross paths with you.
A game of finding notes leading you to your awaiting partner. Don't be shocked when you wake up to find a mysterious note with a familiar handwriting that is awfully similar to a certain detective's. When you arrive at the location the clues point to after walking around for almost an hour, you are greeted by the cheeky grin on HEIZOU's face. "You've arrived, my assistant! How was the journey here? Exciting? Fun?" But sight of the picnic basket in his hand catches your attention first. He laughs, "What, you don't expect me to prepare a reward for you? I'm not that cruel, y'know," pressing a playful kiss to the corner of your lips. "Katsu Sandwiches made by yours truly!" Heizou tells you this very, very proudly.
A specialized tea set made with you and him in mind. Sitting across from you on a table at Third-Round Knockout with a cup of tea in his hand, ZHONGLI doesn't think he has ever felt so incomplete without such routine. He wonders if you feel the same? But rather than asking, he decides to present you with a gift on this special day. A teacup embedded with pieces of Cor Lapis, a teacup adorned with gems that resemble your eye color, and a teapot inspired by both designs; and by the way your eyes lighten, he assumes it is safe to say that your answer is "yes". Good, he spent some time saving up Mora for this occasion. (Hm, you're laughing, did he make a joke?)
A bouquet of charmed flowers to remind you of him, always. The cold of Dragonspine is a persistent plague that hauls people away, so the Chief Alchemist doesn't expect you to brave the cold merely for him. Yet, ALBEDO also begins to miss seeing the smile on your face before his very eyes. Amidst his longing for you, he crafted you a bouquet of Cecilias using his knowledge on alchemy. But this one isn't like the others, no, this bouquet is made to last longer. Albedo hopes you'd smile every time you look at it — and he hopes you know, that whenever he comes down from his lab to Mondstadt, you will always be his first destination.
Slices of cakes in various flavors. Before you scold him for the excessiveness, just know that he was trying to pick out the perfect flavor for you — but, but his indecisiveness got in the way! This one, that one, GOROU was already dizzy just from seeing the array of selections. He didn't want to disappoint you, so he picked the most fail-safe (and expensive) plan which is to buy a slice of each flavor. Hence, why you looked at him as if he grew two heads when he came home with not one, but many cake boxes in his arms. Can you blame him for being overly considerate, though? At least, the two of you can share!
A (mini) feast hosted by the Arataki Gang in your name. Of course, what better way to celebrate than a merry feast? Especially when it's for the most amazing and coolest person (you share that title with him, he insists) on Teyvat! ITTO's enthusiasm is so beyond the roof he spilled the news about the surprise party the gang planned for you before the date even came ("Well, it's not much of a surprise now," Shinobu shakes her head). But as long as you get to enjoy some Roasted Lavender Melons with Itto and the rest of the gang while they sing their own version of the local birthday song for you, you're more than satisfied.
Anything you asked for that day. What do you expect? Of course, he didn't prepare a gift. Why should he? It is stupid to celebrate such a meaningless date, anyway. And yet, as headstrong as he is, SCARAMOUCHE still relents (something he absolutely blames your annoying puppy eyes for) and allows you only one wish. You want a gift? So, pick one. He'll grant it, but expect a few grumbles here and there. (Why bother preparing a surprise when you can just directly ask the person what they want? You lowlives are so weird.)
A candle-lit dinner with his hand placed on top of yours. If he were to be honest, AYATO has been looking forward to this for a long time. Some ponder whether it's because he gets to take a break from work or to spend some alone time with you — well, who says it can't be both? But there is one thing you have to say; "I can't hold chopsticks without my dominant hand," you whine, gesturing to said hand that is trapped in Ayato's grasp like a cage. He chuckles innocently, "Oh, you offend me, dear. You act as if I can't feed you myself." Somehow, you can't help but feel like Ayato is spoiling you more than usual. Well, it is only a fitting treatment for the star of today, don't you think? Now, let him do the honors of pampering you.
A stuffed toy version of the 11th Harbinger himself. Call him smug, but CHILDE thinks he looks quite cute as a doll. Besides, Teucer also has one named Mr. Cyclops, so wouldn't it be nice to have matching stuffed toys with your future little brother-in-law, no? Hehe. In truth, Ajax hopes this toy would fill in his absence for a while when 'work' summons him. He wants you to remember him for all the smiles he showed you, not for the sins he committed nor the blood he shed — but hey, no more sad stuff on this day! And you know what? Maybe, he'll order a stuffed toy version of you too... Aha, a good present idea for next year! Oh, you heard that? Hehe.
Matching lockets that have his initial and yours etched on them. You don't think you could ever forget; the look in DILUC's eyes, the subtleness of his fingers as he places the locket around your neck. The metal feels cold against your skin, but his hand that reaches up to cup your cheek makes up for it in warmth. "Happy birthday," he utters with a smile so gentle that you melt into him. In the back of his mind, Diluc wishes he could just go down on one knee and present to you the wedding band he has kept on his person for months now. But not now, when there is so much to take care of, when he barely has time to come home these days — for now, these lockets will have to do. Until then, he hopes you can wait for him... Will you?
A day where your loving boyfriend reminds you why he is a retainer. No, no, no work for you on your birthday! Household chores? Let him. Errands? He'll do it! If THOMA is already well-known for how accommodating he is, then double that for today. It's for you, after all! Even his own employer, Ayato chuckles amusedly after saying something along the lines of "lovebirds". Well, in Thoma's humble defense, he is only treating you as how you deserve to be treated. Don't worry, he won't overexert himself... You're so cute when you worry but if it's for you, exhaustion is nothing to him and he means it.
A romantic impromptu dance underneath the moonlight. The streets are quiet at this time of night, but KAEYA's footsteps echo as he performs a formal bow. He flashes you a grin and holds out his hand, "Dance with me, my love?" You hesitate for a moment and the Calvary Captain laughs, "Come on, no one is watching. Considering it's your birthday, it'd be the utmost honor if you accidentally step on my shoes." Flatterer, you want to shake your head at him — but the way Kaeya gazes at you afterwards invites a smile to your lips instead. Somehow, you know that his words are deeper than just mere flattery. You finally place your hand in his and you swear, this impromptu dance has already made you forget any other gifts you received today.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
✰ TAGLIST: @meimeimeirin @tsuk4sa-yug1 @hcikazu @catcze @semi-orangeapple @yuuki4646 @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @dearcalis @leon-to-sayaka @coquettemaiden — [ bolded names are unable to be tagged + register here to be a part of my taglist! ]
© SEELESTIA, oct 2022. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
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zhongrin · 9 months
ー 𝓰ℴ𝓁𝒹ℯ𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝓇ℯ𝒶𝒹𝓈
a little bonus for ⎡∞ / 𝟔 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 ⁺⎦, a zhongli 2023 birthday event
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© zhongrin | 2024  ✼  no repost・translations・plagiarism of any kind・ai data mining. rebloggers get a free cup of tea ♡
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𖧷 a/n ┈ IT'S FINISHED HSLDFJKSLDJ ough i think this might be the most i've written in a whole month for the past few months. maybe. probably. ah, anyway, to conclude this series, i prepped a little thing ー i don't think most of people noticed a lot of them, but i sprinkled little details here and there in the fics and the images eheh... so yes this is an explanation post that no one asked but I WANTED TO MAKE ANYWAY SHUSH /silly
𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒻𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓊 ❬ masterlist ❭ 𐫱 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 ❬ taglist ❭
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to clarify, yes, all the chapters in the series are sneak peeks of the numerous lives you've lived with zhongli (actual timeline not exactly in order as the chapters' releases). if you saw the masterlist, you might have noticed that the general tag said 'reincarnation!au' ;))
p.s. i think anyone who knows my selfship 'zhongrin' really well must have already noticed this, but yes the whole series is so zhongrin-coded bc i am an overindulgent shit but 1) it's hubby's bday and 2) it's my blog - so i'd like to think i get a free pass ✨ /smacked
𖧷 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬
ー day 1: morax giving you pebbles / stones just like how you offered him one to befriend him [day 2]
ー day 4: fresh yellow hibiscus is the same flower your past self put inside a vase in your restaurant [day 3]
ー day 5: mention of golden hair ornament which you gave him [day 1]
ー day 6: dragon biting behavior defined as marking possessions / territories [day 2]
ー day 7: how his favorite slow-cooked bamboo shoots soup recipe originally comes from you [day 3] + marigolds being your choice of flowers [day 4]
𖧷 "𝓏𝒽𝑜𝓃𝑔𝓁𝒾"
all the first letters (which is in a different font if you've noticed) in the series' works makes up "zhongli" (except the last one is basically just a heart emoji, hence 'love'). also, there are hidden letters in all the different headers' banners :3
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𖧷 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬
in the masterlist, if you put the dividers between the chapters together, it shows as this symbol:
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which is basically zhongli's signature patterns in his clothing, accessories, hairclip, etc. and why i named the series as ♾️/6000+, which also fits with the whole 'i will spend an infinity with you out of my current 6000+ years of life' concept portrayed in the whole series 😌
i wonder which references did you manage to pick up on? hehe <3
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Sobbing and crying just saw your post of us sounding like a Sim, and I am DYING.
What if it went the other way? They can understand us, but we can't understand them!
Us : hey so what the fuck is happening why tf am I in genshin impact
Them : OMG ASKSKSKSKS FEDERRRALL MEERKK TREEESO! (Omg it's the divine God I'm shittinh myself oml) or whatever idk)
Us: excuse me what the fuck did you just say about my mother? (US mishearing or maybe the words are randomized? Who knows)
Everyone just being confused and frustrated on why you can't understand them. Is it because they aren't worshipping you enough? Maybe some friendship level BS where obly those who are lvl 10 can understand u or smth? Who knows, certainly not the Creator.
I highkey am thinking about writing smth for this now but having it be for like each archons reaction or smthin but who knows. I just wanna see a bunch of divine beings confused outta their mind in like whatever cities square and it turning into a "holy game of charades"
Also happy early birthday ajdjdjkdkdkdk
(づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ here have a hug for your patience- sorry karma!! :')
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LMAO this inuyasha gif- obviously everyone else guessing what ur doing and the 2 others r like ppl like Venti or Kaeya who r just fucking with ppl by joining you lol
Oh no.
Oh god (you??) no.
What if you had the highest friendship with little d**ks like Scaramouche.
He’d be like, “Eh, I don’t feel like translating today.” 💀
Also I’m rolling with the idea that 
perfect understanding = lvl 10,
Most words 7-9
Some words 5-6
Kinda ?? they get 2 words per sentence or smth 3-4
Basically nothing 1-2
Anyway ornery bitches like Scara/Xiao/Alhaitham/Rosaria/Diluc (all for diff reasons like diluc/xiao would just be overwhelmed and dont like ppl that much lol, whereas haitham doesnt give a fuck lmao) would kinda suck to have as translators
They pull something like “oh well the god of gods said I could have the last slice of cake/an extra glass of wine hehe”
For different reasons these people would also be ROUGH translators: FISCHL OH NO- , Zhongli, Albedo (he simply would omit “unnecessary details”, cyno, ITTO PLEASE, Raiden (puppet) bc shed take stuff too far/too literally u would never be able to communicate jokes, Razor (im sorry bbyboy), Shenhe
You may or may not get another title of a jokester god bc of these SILLY charades 💀
The people u have higher levels of friendship with giving hints LMAO
“Uhhh….. Oh! Oh! Greatest Lord wishes to see a dance performance!” 
Nahida’s sweet voice rings out in Yujing Terrace, her tiny hand waving in the air like an elementary student who’s really excited to answer. …Which isn’t that far off honestly.
“Hmm, I disagree Buer, I believe the Hundun Emperor is saying they wish to take a bath perhaps. I am also attempting to use context, as it has been a long day for them.” Zhongli is in his classic “majestic thinking gentleman” pose, and you’d admire it more if it weren’t for the fact that they don’t seem to be getting what you’re saying.
You hadn’t yet found someone with a higher friendship level than 2 or 3 (hey, don’t blame yourself, you really have to put effort into friendship levels to get them anywhere and you were still busy screwing around in Sumeru when you got spirited away).
So needless to say, most people were getting “the, me, I, you, etc.” rather than the actual important keywords you needed them to, hence the godly charade game now.
As you “hold” something, you throw your hands up in the air, still keeping your hands wrapped around nothing. You think if somebody told you last week that you’d be playing charades with the archons in Genshin Impact so you could actually communicate with them… well you don’t know what you would have done. Maybe just gave them a really awkward laugh.
“Oh! Are you asking for a weapon? Akitsu Mikami, my emperor, we or our nations will surely provide protection from any harm that might befall you. Hm, I suppose we should offer something anyway… I wouldn’t want to displease them…” Ei mutters to herself, having taken over her puppet once more for the occasion.
She and Buer, still retaining their authority status, had asked for the area to be cleared in order to try and get closer to communicating with the Divine First, or you.
“Ha! What idiot would try to hurt the All-Parent in their home, unless they wish to get thrown?” Venti cheekily says, as you don’t understand him, but judging by Zhongli’s clenched jaw, Ei’s sigh, and Nahida’s giggle, you can guess.
You give your own sad sigh… it’s already been 3 hours. 😭
How hard is charades for 4 archons??
Well… apparently very hard.
You put your face in your hands, and you hear the (retired) archons start to debate something, you can tell it’s getting a little passive-aggressive between Venti and Zhongli by their tone alone. 
…Okay, now it’s just aggressive.
The archons eventually give their attention back to you so you can go back to your charades lol
You tried opening your mouth and closing it, very obvious, they can’t go wrong. 
…Turns out they can. 
Somehow you find yourself with a hot tea brewed by the geo archon. 
(Venti attempted to offer you Dandelion Wine, or Osmanthus Wine even, and only god, well you now, knows where he pulled them from. Ei swatted his head, he looked so offended, and his cheeks were all puffed up, heh.)
Giving up, you just try to motion for them to stay still, your hands gesturing like trying to calm a wild animal.
They give you questioning looks, and you begin to walk off, they all seem to immediately start discussing something with each other. All of the gods look very conflicted, and after a minute of you getting further away (yes, you’re almost home free, Xiangling here you come! ) Nahida skips to catch up with you.
She gives you a beaming smile, and you can’t bring yourself to not return it. She's so much cuter in real life, even the official art didn't do her justice.
You make your way towards the restaurant, finally.
And apparently you’re happier than you thought to smell the savory scents flowing out of the kitchen because your stomach growls loudly.
You’re too hungry to even attempt to stop it, no one will care, except Nahida’s eyes go wide. She begins to sputter, and flail her hands desperately trying to charade an apology at you.
…you were just trying to tell them you were hungry. 💀
Ask box open again! :] 🎊
✨️Hope you guys got smth out of this rough draft✨️ ♡
:D hope u guys have had a good weekend!
My senior art exhibit is april 6th so wish me luck and prayers (from any religion im not picky pls)
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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chococustard · 9 months
Your Genshin kids are adorable! I love the Priscilla/Yuying/Claire friendship you alluded to in the last art dump (poor Diluc… your daughter just has an instinct for divine beings)
But on the topic of poor Diluc, how do their parents react to the friendship? Diluc and Wriothesley seem like they would be good friends since they have a lot in common but everyone else basically represents every faction in the game.
You got Neuvillette, a dragon sovereign seeking to judge the archons for their crimes; Zhongli, an archon who presumably destroyed Khaenri'ah 500 years ago; Kaeya, a Khaenri'ah spy who is a descendant of the man who founded the abyss order; and Childe, a fatui harbinger who fell into the abyss.
Would they try and keep it together for the sake of their kids? (I love the idea that the three girls are there going :3 while their parents are glaring daggers at each other) Would they find some sort of common ground? Would they recognize each other immediately but think the others don’t know so they come up with increasingly ridiculous ways to hide it? How did Wriothesley and Neuvillette react to the incident with Claire and Yuying? (Can you tell I like the angst?)
hi hi!! thank you so much im glad you like them!!! bc we have limited knowledge atm there's a lot of questions posed that cannot be answered and considering how new fontaine is idk anything for sure //shakes hoyo
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they try to keep cordial for the kids tm or at least not to be bad influences in front of them. extra notes under the cut:)
diluc met nv first when he brought claire to fontaine for a business trip and she just, drags in a half dragon to him yelling "i made a new friend!:D" then he met nv and he knew. just knew, these people ain't human. found out they're dragons. "great," he sighed once more.
kae plays his quartermaster persona to a t. when he first meets wriolette he puts on the charm. nv only knows him for via the knights and wrio rarely goes above ground. so like, they're cool with him. mostly. they both do questionable shit that nv can't personally approve of but hey. they ain't his problem. (on that note i like to think he'd be good friends with jean:)) (does nv know about kaeya's khaenrian blood? does he know about khaenri'ah in general? i dont have him)
kaeya and wrio has this, kind of friendship that's like, there's a tension there. they're both people with reputations, but also, like that tm. they're cordial and they get along but there's. SOMETHING.
meanwhile diluc meeting wrio? he's ELATED. man has good taste in tea. they spar sometimes. FINALLY, SOMEONE NORMAL.
wrio is happy in general his baby is making friends meanwhile nv is: to claire: good child:) to yuying, the daughter of one of the usurpers: hmmmm :| (he knows the child did nothing wrong and she's a good kid in general) contrast to diluc he actually LIKES childe. for one he helped with the narwhal thing, and the fatui helped during the crisis and childe himself never did anything bad personally so they're chill. he will sometimes humor his requests to fight if he's free. then decks him. the adeptus power up juice doesn't help much rip. the girls like to play with his hair.
zhongli knows kaeya's khaenrian. kaeya at some point finds out zhongli is rex lapis. they. they have to keep it together. one of them is under nda. outside of that, there's a reason kaeya is liked by the old timers of mond.
zhongli and nv:
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nv finds out eventually. and for the sake of his daughter, dont worry about it. they'd bond over old people things probably. nv should meet yanfei and they should be friends if anything cause zl is a menace and they'd be passive aggressive w each other. (i need info but it would be so funny for their kids to go my dads stronger! and make them fight each)
via claire, AGAIN, she invites her bestie yy and the new friend from fontaine to her bday party cause SURE WHY THE FUCK NOT. and those 2 non humans meet and GASP, you're just like me!
post accident tm, what do you even say to that. how do you even react to that
early on in yuying and claire's friendship, on a windy summer day, diluc slowly gets used to having to be cordial with a harbinger. a harbinger who who married a god. someone who will live longer than him. he spoke to childe, as they watch their daughters laugh and run through the grapevines, "one day, when i'm no longer around, please look after my daughter."
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chiyoso · 11 months
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yes, there was absolutely no need to make this, but i wanted to, just to show how deep my love is for the writing fandom, and those who i've encountered along the way.
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i. 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐘𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 — @teapartyspilled
SFW, R-18; Genshin Impact Writer.
♡ letter ! nat, i don't know how many times i've said this, but that day, the day where i read your alhaitham oneshot, you truly, truly had inspired me that time, back then i was still in contemplation to return to playing genshin, i wasn't that much of an alhaitham nerd even, but that- that fic, it seriously broadened my views towards writing and fanfiction by so, so much. you literally opened a whole new world for me, inspired me to the point where i began pursuing writing too, i cannot stress that enough, and with that, thank you, thank you and thank you. i hope you're doing okay nat with how life is going for you, ILY, stay safe.
♡ recs; iconic lyney angst/pt 2. Scaramouche Angst Series (heh made me hate scara for a bit, Alhaitham oneshot that kickstarted it all for me.
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ii. 𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐄 — @ainescribe / @lychniis
SFW, R-18; Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail Writer.
♡ letter ! AINE. One of my first few supporters who supported my first work (Cynosure's Ascendance), wrote so much sweet things to me in my time of need, and also a fucking AMAZING writer. how the fffuuuck did you even manage find me??? SHIT like, i was no one, i was new to tumblr, and then somehow you managed to find the very first fic i wrote where my inexperience was VISIBLE to everyone, even to you—whose fics left me mind fucking blown from how skillful, poetic and your words can be. Fuck Aine, thank you for your continuous support to me, even if i haven't been so damn interacted, ilysm ilysm ILY.
♡ recs; This made me cry (i love you neuvi, zhongli). THIS made me cry harder. THIS STOPPED THE TEARS. THIS was so fucking impactful for me (zhongli oneshot).
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iii. 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 — @wanderingconstellations
SFW, R-18; Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail Writer.
♡ letter ! YUAAAA MY CRUSH. MY WANDERER. HEHE. YUA YUA YUA was one of many smut writers that kickstarted my obsessions towards Wanderer/Scaramouche, AND the one who made me think “Mmm... maybe I can write smut for Scara next time,” so YEAH. YOU'RE A WHOLE ASS INSPIRATION TO ME TOO!!!! Let's not forget your sweet ass asks and interactions with me, making me all blush n' all that. I've been noticing your absence lately too, I hope everything outside tumblr is okay, and I wish for limitless opportunities of positive choices to you!!! (I miss you and I hope you're really enjoying the banner I made for you <3)
♡ recs; Threesome with Wanderer & Scaramouche that keeps satisfying me til' now. Breeding w/Scaramouche after he consoles you (My ask). Manipulating Bully!Scara (My ask). Lyney HC THAT MADE ME BLUSH SO HARD.
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iv. 𝐅𝐔𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐃𝐁𝐘𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎 — @fueledbysano
SFW, R-18; Tokyo Revengers, JJK, AoT, Bluelock Writer.
♡ letter ! i plead guilty, your honor. i haven't interacted with you as much, but i really, really genuinely loved reading your tokyo revenger works robyn. you're actually one of the reasons that made me explore more of my writing styles, hence the creation of my hsr fic 'the mara's will' - i created it just perhaps a few days or weeks after reading your if/then series, you inspired and impacted me a FUCK TON TOO. you're also the main reason why i started to take things a bit more seriously and realistically in a writing aspect, given the message you telling me about the words power hold? yeah, that message changed me. thank you for existing and being a writer, robyn. <3
♡ recs; her if/then mikey series. i had a long ass manila mikey-crush phase because of this HNNH. THIS manila mikey bday oneshot hit fucking home.
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v. 𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐙 — @antimatterz
SFW; Honkai Star Rail Writer.
♡ letter ! HIII!!! hi enyoo!! i haven't interacted with you a lot, but as a reader (AND FAN) of your works, i seriously SERIOUSLY love the way you write, as well as the poetic goodness you bring in your works!!! your specialty? bringing so, so much comfort with a set story. i was in a state of spiraling depression and was going through a rough breakup when i read your fics, it was after the blade banner too, (the start of my blade obsession cough) so reading your self aware AUs, genuinely impacted me so much at the time, hence inspiring me to make that one jing yuan self aware au comfort fic. you're one of those impactful writers, please remember that! thank you ily <3
♡ recs; all of their self aware hsr AUs (heh) they're all SO comforting it hurts. AND her normal fics, i envy your poetics so much hnn. THIS SELF AWARE BLADE ONE IS MY FAVORITE OUT OF ALL.
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vi. 𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐖𝐙𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐙 — @meowzfordayz
SFW, R-18; Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, MHA Writer.
♡ letter ! fuuuck i haven't interacted with you in awhile too, BUT PLEASE ALLOW ME TO PRAISE YOUR WORK IMMENSELY. i also... couldn't find your tanjiro poetry fic, i wanted to include it in too hnngh. okay but PLEASE KNOW YOUR WRITING IS SO- IT LEAVES ME SO SATISFIED SO MUCHHH!!! i don't know how to word it, but its just... your writing genuinely leaves me full of emotion depending on the genre, like you know how you eat good ass food, your mouth wants more but you can't cause you've been well fed? YEAH THAT, but with emotions. I FUCKING WANT MORE FROM YOUUUUU RAHHH, another explanation is like- the warmth is addictive??? the bubbly, gushy feelings after reading your fic- its so addictive, its why i suddenly yk, come bursting your notifs at random times PFF sorry!!!
♡ recs; my emergency req (sanemi) fuck i was such in a low place at the time. THIS ONE WAS SO FUCKING HEART WARMING AND i just ADORE his characterization here RAHHHH. your honor, if i were to die, let it be near my man sanemi shinazugawa, ty. POETRY W/TANJIRO.
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vii. 𝐕𝟑𝐋𝐕𝟑𝐓𝐅𝟎𝐗 — @v3lv3tf0x
SFW, R-18; Writer for a lot of fandoms heheh.
♡ letter ! fuck, you're kinda proving to be my no. 1 most interactive mutual pfft, i've seen you hover eagerly around my blog, always quick to gnaw at my updates, reblogs, all that—WHICH I FIND HEAVILY ENDEARING AND YOUR SUPPORT BRINGS NOTHING BUT GIDDY, ACCOMPANIED WITH DELIGHT. that and you are so damn underrated its insane, no matter what, you are an amazing writer, and i hope numbers won't stray you off from that opinion of mine. genuinely, when you sent off that gojo drabble of a depressive reader pov, shit, did i mention i had a crying spree at the end? i first felt happy finishing the fic because it was inspired by my words, then the dread settled in, the shittiness of my situation, cried a fuckton, then after i calmed down, i went something along the lines of “fuck, shit, that was a good ass crying session” THEN i asked for an alternative good end (since i'm not the type to push people away) FUCK IM RAMBLING OMFG NOT AGAIN
♡ recs; at my time of need, you put out such a HEAVILY comforting satoru fic- or drabble, either way, this one is close to my heart. here's the alternate end to the 1st link nnh.
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viii. 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐘𝐑𝐘𝐒𝐌 — @vampyrsm
SFW, R-18; Jujutsu Kaisen, MHA, Obey Me Writer.
♡ letter ! its like im writing to a celebrity who doesn't know my existence, but you do. fffuuuuuckkk can i just say how much of a SKILLFUL WRITER you are????? the research you have to do for cor unum, perhaps even greek mythology to your other fics- you put so much calculative thought into your work and word building its INSANE. i aspire to write like you (tough aspiration considering my consistent burnout) BUT EITHER WAY, you're so admirable, i love how you handle gorey, realistic topics, and even if its just fanfiction? the realism is just so scrumptious, you're one of many major inspirations why i've decided to try and handle sensitive topics like cor unum too! and with whatever you're going through- prevail.
just like how sukuna would.
♡ recs; cor unum. cor unum. cor fucking unum. did i mention cor unum? this is a series i fucking wait for EAGERLY in each update (sukuna x you). greek mythology x bakugo is hot as hell HNNGHHFF.
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more tba.
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hoonietual · 2 years
no one asked but i hc that dec 31 isnt zhonglis actual bday bc hes over 6000 years and couldnt be bothered to remember his actual birthday. he says his bday is dec 31 bc he likes the energy of the harbour on new years eve. he likes all the things that make it such a colourful and vibrant time of the year. it represents new beginnings. this life as a mortal is in a way a new beginning to him, so he decided that his birthday will be the night where everyone is gearing up to welcome a new year.
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soleillunne · 1 year
asking for your selfship headcanons bc we can never have enough of alyzuha and xiaolyssa content in the world <3
also this is a mix of alyzuha and xiaolyssa :> also theyre all over the place
i have trouble sleeping so kazuha lays down w me and whispers to me and does the thing where you like draw shapes on smos back until i fall asleep to help me
also he wakes up before me but i always wake up before breakfast is ready bc idk i cant sleep for that long for some reason
as for xiao: he doesnt sleep that often bc of nightmares but he always lays w me (us?? id die if it was kazuha x alyssa x xiao)
i would rather die than be near bugs of any shape of form so both kazuha and xiao take care of them before i even notice (slight flashback to that one time i told vi changsheng would eat bugs for her lmao)
also in both cases i fall first and they fall harder bc heart eyes have you seen them
expanding on the fireworks hc which is here , kazuha would take me to a secluded area and would just watch the stars w me and maybe we would whisper to eachother and just talk all night
also as mentioned in vi's selfships series like twice i think (i keep going back to those theyre so cute) i make bracelets for us three!! theyre all custom made and like different from eachother but also when you look at them you can understand theyre a set if that makes sense
xiao gives us (i decided to go with xiao x alyssa x kazuha shh) like um blessed stone thibsg I FORGOT WHAT THEY WERE CALLED that like alert him when we're in danger so he can come fight w us before we can even call for him bc he worries :(
kazuha tries to teach me japanese at some point (since i think each nation has a language of its own and teyvats language is like a worldwide language as an extra) AND HE FAILS BC I CANT UNDERTSAND IT but i get upset bc i think hes disappointed in me and i try so hard to learn it on my own so i can impress and suprise him one day
xiao: "what language you speak doesn't matter as long as you're mine" USDBFHGIUJOH DIES
kazuha confesses first to me but i confess first to xiao
OKAY SO I WROTE THIS IN A POST OF MINE AND IT WAS EXTREMELY BASED OFF OF ME BUT!! me and zhongli def have tea on afternoons at least once a week where we talk about xiao
similarly i will talk about kazuha to beidou (and she'll try to embarrass him)
special occasions (like birthdays, anniversaries etc.) are spent w just us three and nothing else. like we dont run errands or any of that we just spend time together (kazuha wrote me a haiku on my bday - as his voiceline goes- once and i started crying lmao)
all of us prefer handmade gifts over bought ones so gifts are very pretty but also they all mean sth to us!!
kazuha lets me play with his hair and xiao plays with mine its like those pics where multiple people braid their hair at the same time if youve seen it before HIS HAIR IS SO SOFT ASBDJFKGLH
kazuhas handwriting is pretty if you can read cursive but xiaos is unintelligable so mine is the only handwriting that you can actually read lmao
we have two cats. because i love cats and i have two of them (OH MAYBE WE'LL HAVE 3 BC TOMOS CAT OMG)
kazuha cooks, i bake and xiao sits on the counter looking pretty as he taste tests the food
when im in pain™ they both hold me and kiss me all day to make me feel better :")
alyzuha is friends to lovers and xiaolyssa is reincarnation au (detailed verison here) but also xiaolyssa has insane friends to lovers with angst potential (it has angst potential in general but i dont like thinking abt it bc it makes me sad lmao)
thats all i got at the top of my head rn
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hihkoo · 2 years
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so...that one childe pose huh
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dandelion-wings · 2 years
Combination of your reblog of the rattail post and Noelle's bday has me thinkin. Is Noelle's braid part of a long bit of hair like sucrose or zhongli? Whats your thoughts on why so many mondstaters (Kaeya, sucrose, thoma) have a tail like that?
Looking at Noelle's model, I can't actually see where it comes from--the volume of hair at the back doesn't make it likely that it's tucked up from there, and the sides are lying too flat for it to be gathered from them. Honestly I would guess it's part of her headdress, and either a length of hair she cut off to add to it or just chosen to match her own hair color.
As for why so many Mondstadters have a tail like that, it's probably just a local style! People dress and style their hair according to trends, after all, and it may be a trend that was popular with their general generation of youth in Mondstadt that we just don't see on NPCs because of the standardized models. You also have both Rosaria and Diluc with those longer sidelocks (and Albedo, technically, since let down those braided lengths from the sides would be longer than the rest, though I don't think Albedo follows trends and probably just found it the most practical balance of "out of the way" and "low-maintenance"), so I'd guess that some variation on "one bit of longer hair" is just... popular with the Mondstadt Youths.
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Whoops i actually forgot zhongli's bday is in like a few days
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valberryjuice · 9 months
i actually got emotional receiving zhongli's bday letter he means sm to me i love this old man so much hes everything
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zhongrin · 2 years
HELP YOUR ZHONGLI CHATROOM BIRTHDAY NOTICE 😭😭 the way today is actually by bday LMAO
ahhhh happy birthday! but also i'm so sorry waugh-
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