#this was literally the only picture that stupid wig looked good in LOL
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Kassandra of Sparta, Eagle Bearer ✨
So, how did I do this Halloween? 🥹
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floydsmuse · 6 months
Meggy, might I present some thoughts about Bob Floyd and his family?? Be warned, kitchen shenanigans can and will ensue and I promise I will have some new Calvin thoughts/thots coming soon (lol).
Bob, his dad, Joe Floyd, and his brothers all have this hilarious dynamic where they give each other the worst amount of shit possible. Bob is a total sweetheart with his mom, you and his sisters, but with the men in the family? All bets are off.
Michael, his oldest brother is a police officer who's seen some seriously crazy shit on the job. It was the morning after your wedding when Bob woke up a little hungover with his hair sticking up at weird angles and looking like utter hell and the first words out of Michael were "oh my God you look scarier than that crackhead I arrested two weeks ago." (lol).
Sean is a firefighter who has also seen some crazy shit on the job. Funniest call he ever got was a fire at a house on a college campus and he was on the radio, manning the hose coming from the truck when a drunken frat boy jumped buck-naked from the top window and landed on top of the firetruck (lol).
Liam is a physical therapist who works with disabled veterans which is how he met his wife. Liam's wife lost part of her leg when she was in Afghanistan but the two of them have run together in marathons all over the US, including Boston. Alot of the prize money that Liam and his wife have won has gone to helping disabled military and first responders.
Then there's Eugene. Eugene's a bit of a dork but he's unbelievably street smart when it comes to running a business. And when it comes to his brothers giving him shit?? He's got a tongue sharper than a razor (lol).
"Hey Eugene, nice wig what's it made of?"
When they're all with Mom or Meemaw, these boys are sweet as pie, but if it's Dad and Papa??? DO NOT.....I REPEAT........DO NOT LEAVE THESE ALIEN ASSHATS ALONE FOR MORE THAN FIVE MINUTES!!!!!
It all started with Thanksgiving kitchen shenanigans. You were out with Bob's Mom, Irene, and Marty, his Meemaw, getting last minute groceries when Irene's phone suddenly blew up with pictures of Bob, Joe and the boys engaging in some pretty stupid kitchen shenanigans. Beer was involved and Joe ended up accidentally slicing his finger to which Irene could only groan, "I'm gonna fuckin kill them when we get home" (lol).
Getting the tree for Christmas was no easy feat either. At the tree lot they had found the perfect tree, nice and full, tall and just absolutely gorgeous. Joe looked around at the boys and was like "did either of you numbskulls bring a saw?" The looks on their faces said it all and it left them having to literally dig the tree out of the ground, roots and all and drive home with it strapped to the top of the truck. When they got home, they drew straws to see who was gonna have to cut the stump and needless to say Bob ended up having to do it. He ended up coming out in a Jason mask from Halloween and scared the shit out of the neighbors (lol, if you've ever seen National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, you'll get the reference, if not it's all good).
Joe's also had a rather colorful Navy piloting career and goes by many nicknames (Foul Mouth Floyd is always a favorite, because the man has no filter, lol) but none are more well known than his callsign, "Rabbit". Mav and Ice used to be members in his unit and were dumbfounded that he and Irene had as many kiddos as they did with Bob being the youngest (eight total and Joe was the seventh of thirteen, the men in the family clearly have out of control breeding kinks and Bob clearly inherited that gene, lol).
Meggy there's so much more I could add to this but I just can't for I am in the silliest of moods and this just randomly waltzed in like it owned the place (lol).
Mary! yes absolutely! please indulge me with some much needed Bob thoughts 🥰 i can’t wait to read these & future Calvin ones too :))
~ haha aw! Bobby being the sweetest to you, his mama & sisters doesn’t surprise me in the slightest! i picture him always going out of his way for all of you & could see the women in his life being a top priority for him :,) also Bob having a completely different dynamic with the men vs the women in his family is so funny to me & just makes sense!!
~ ooh! i love these little backgrounds for each of Bob’s brothers! the part with Bob on his wedding day & Michael telling him he looks scarier than one of the crackheads he saw on duty is hilarious & made me laugh out loud! 😭
"Hey Eugene, nice wig what's it made of?"
~ this part !! haha! i love that they joke around with each other & i couldn’t even imagine all of the unhinged & crazy stuff that has gone on between all of them, especially when they were growing up🤣 not the kitchen shenanigans!!! ahh i’m just trying to picture this scenario in my head & it’s just great! Irene being done with the boys is such a mood!!
~ aww the part with the Christmas tree😅 not them forgetting a saw & having to fight over who’s gonna cut the stump!! poor Bobby losing the draw & having to do it himself! but the reference to Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is awesome! i love it! foul mouth Floyd!! that’s so good haha! that’s a perfect nickname for someone who doesn’t have a filter!! rabbit being Joe’s callsign & him having been in the same unit as Mav & Ice is great too!! the breeding kink! yesss!🫠 Bob’s breeding kink goes crazy, i just know it! he loves seeing you all full of him & carrying around his baby within your swollen belly. my god!!! i’m unwell thinking about this right now !!
Mary thank you for these wonderful Bob thoughts! i’m sorry i didn’t contribute much, but these were perfect & they made me laugh! i loved reading them! merry christmas eve my love❤️💚
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gabzlovesu · 2 years
here’s what happened...
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we celebrated valentine's day on saturday because i wasn't sure what my schedule for monday was gonna look like — nursing school doesn't stop for nobody yall and i can't afford to get behind. i had to study for an exam on sunday and the restaurant wasn't gonna be open that day, so we settled for the latest reservation we could get at char on saturday, which was 12:00.
ok say boom, friday night i washed my hair and prepped it for my wig and stuff, but ya girl was in distress because i didn't finish until like 1 or 2 in the morning and my hair was still a little damp. so i'm like, i'll just get up in the morning to put it on.
saturday morning i get up at 8 and to lay my wig — almost burning myself in the process — and do my makeup. and look...i'm no pro but i did wtf i had to do! i was on crunch time with only 3 hours to get ready and i mf did that! i literally did not get dressed up until the last minute and i was scared that we weren't going to make our brunch reservation. here's my otufit ig, i literally don't know how to take pictures so don't say nothing:
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i tell him to pull up to my dorm because i'm getting dressed and it will only take a few minutes to get myself together and the resturant was just down the street. AS SOON AS I GET DRESSED I REALIZE I DON'T HAVE MY WINTER COAT! but being the bad bitch that i am i was just gonna suck it up and go out in the 30 degree weather and just grab my coat from the car. that would be fine right? NOPE! i fucking forgot that my sister took the car to work that morning so i wouldn't be able to get my jacket. when my bf pulled up i literally sprinted to the car with his gift in my arms looking like a skank 😭 but yall would do it too for a check!
we made it in time, we get our table with no wait at all. cool. and i just know people are staring at me for being dressed like this when its freezing outside, idgaf tho and they need to worry about they food. we had the stupid chocolate milk debate at the table lmaooooo. anyways, i got the shrimp and grits and he got the chicken and biscuits (ya know some real southern shit purrr). now exaplain to me why my shit was expensive and i got like a cup of grits and 5 pieces of shrimp and this man had hella food for less. i was cheated yall, but he did share some of his food with me hehe 🥰 we got desert also, which was alright but the options were limited and i'm a picky eater lol. here's my food:
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he takes me back to my place so i can change into some comfy clothes and clean up my room before i go to his apartment. and we made a quick stop by walgreens on the way to his place.... iykyk.
so we walk up the stairs and he like pauses before he opens the door, and i'm just like, you good bro?? BUT IT TURNS OUT HE HAD ROSE PETALS LEADING TO HIS ROOM WHERE THEY WERE ALL OVER THE FLOOR AND ON THE BED IN A HEART SHAPE WITH CHOCOLATES AND A BIG SQUISHMALLOW!!! he knows i loves squishmallows, they're so cutee aaghhhhh. he also said that he will take me to get a mani pedi wenever i want; he didn't want to make an appointment in advance because he knows nursing school has my schedule all fucked up. then he opened my gift which was a basket full of candy, a card, the new pokemon game that he wanted so bad, and a nike gift card.
and ummm this is the nsfw part so go away if your not 18+ or you don't want to read it. so we started making out and shit and my clothes just disappeared like idk what happened yall 🤷🏽‍♀️ he at my coochie, as he should, and then broke my back while folding me in half like a lawn chair. there were some slipups, like a rose petal got stuck in my butt crack and i didn't even know lmfao, and i said "you gonna fuck me like a slut?" and he didn't respond how i wanted him too and i was embarazzed (he's so vanilla yall, we're working on that tho). then this man said — and i quote— "squirt all over my dick" EXCUSE ME??!!! WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT BECAUSE I AINT NEVER HEARD YOU SAY THAT BEFORE OMGGGGG...but i did it tho sskksks.
when we were finish we really just laid around and had a chill day after that, we don't have to be doing much to enjoy each other's company. i watched him play the pokemon game for a little bit before watching tiktoks on my phone. eventually he fell asleep (that coochie knocked him out 😮‍💨) i was fighting off sleep but i stayed up to study a little for my exam. we eventually went on a food run with his friends that night an then went to sleep. i did unfortunately loose my BRAND FREAKING NEW set of lashes that i had put on that day :(
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
Thoughts in the new biracial live action adaptation of Bart in The Flash CW?
I don't sure if a 26 years old actor is the best election for Bart's, but we'll see.
I honestly just went “Ah. Bart”, and didn’t give it too much thought.
I think it’s stupid because they aren’t casting it for who would be good for Bart, unless in the audition he really showed he could do it or he was just like him in something else, they’re just casting someone that could potentially pass for the adult version of the kid of the actors that play Barry and love interest who’s name I can’t remember cause I haven’t watched the show in years and never read many of the comics.
Like I don’t care if he’s biracial, that part makes sense. But I really really doubt it’s going to feel much like Bart. But if I’m wrong on that, I’ll gladly be wrong.
(Like this isn’t going to be like the last black Bart, that was evil on Earth 3. I have no idea why they made evil Bart black, that’s just--really uncozy.)
Just can’t picture Bart feeling much like Bart. Probably only called Bart cause their grandson’s name is Bart or what ever Bart’s relationship is supposed to be (I can’t really remember, I’m super tired today lol).
I’m always up for giving something a shot most of the time, but I can’t help but get the vibes that the people behind the Flash are just grasping at straws for attention since the shows apparent decline in quality following the first (or sometimes the second in some opinions) season. It’s not exactly a very relevant show anymore, and hangs on through brand recognition and popularity of that brand.
One of the reasons as well, why I’m content with the casting of Tim in Titans, even though I obviously don’t completely like it, is because the actor at least has a strong resemblance to Tim in his origin story. The Tim that all Tim’s should be based on. Obviously comics Tim is white and astonishingly small, but just that same kind of facial structure.
(I’m sorry for forgetting names and relationships today. I am just totally out of it. I woke up all energetic and burned out within an hour.)
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So I suppose if he cleans up and he grows his hair out or they give him a wig to kind of get Bart’s long hair (unless they’re going for a more modern gelled Bart look) he won’t be too bad in that way. So he’s totally not the worst guy.
I’m just kind of worried he’ll be too chill, or Bart’s energetic moments will seem kind of forced and the ADHD to be made as too much of a joke all the time and not just taken as a thing that he has. If they even bother to include it. Like they certainly uses it in the comics too, but it’s also just treated by good writers as also a thing that he has and has to deal with too.
But a lot of that worry I have is because I’ve never seen the actor in anything I can recall, let alone play a hyper, sort of troubled, alien-ish (cause he was raised in the future in VR, Bart is alien-ish), with bratty tendencies, without becoming straight up unlikable.
Guess we’ll have to see if he can pass as a teen when the time comes, unless he’s playing an older Bart.
Like I am literally going off of pictures and brief snippets. I don’t know the guy or seen the guy act. So I can’t judge. So I’m not completely unsold, but I’m just more anxious about it performance wise.
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#23: Season 3, Episode 3 - “My Best Friend’s Girlfriend”
Twitty’s new relationship with Allison Wong starts monopolizing his free time and Louis' jealousy emerges once again. Meanwhile, Ren and Donnie get caught up in some heated sibling rivalry for a change! 
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I love when “kid” shows grow up a bit and we get to see our characters in juicy situations -- Like, immature middle school relationships. LET’S GET INTO THE DRAMA!
We see that Louis and Twitty have found a hobby in "foam-hunk diving." Don't even tell me you didn't want to try this (or STILL want to try this.) If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that this episode inspired us all to foam hunk dive:
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One day during their routine excursion, Twitty notices Allison Wong standing nearby. It's so ridiculous (and slightly inappropriate?) how they have her drink from a water bottle in slow-mo while a deep voice sings "ohhhh, babehhhh" in the background. This is Even Stevens, not Baywatch. Louis encourages Twitty to go talk to her. Their conversation is awkward -- complete with a foam hunk sticking out of Twitty's neck. And I use the word "conversation" lightly because it's literally exactly what you'd expect interaction between two 8th graders to be like (a.k.a. The smallest small talk ever.) But, that's apparently all it takes for Twitty to return to Louis with the good news "She likes me!" and they celebrate by flailing around in packaging materials, as all mature men do.
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I would also like to point out the incredible name for the packing supply warehouse, which I just noticed today: 
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“PACKRAMENTO Packing Supplies” - Not only is the totally legit logo abnormally bright, terribly superimposed, and made on Microsoft Paint... but it’s one of the greatest and worst puns I’ve ever heard. 
Then it cuts to the subplot, where Donnie is preparing to give a rock climbing demonstration on... a giant rock wall that they've named after him. Why? I have so many questions. Was Donnie the school's star rock climber too? What middle school even has a rock climbing program? Lawrence Jr. High does because this is Even Stevens, fool. 
Everyone is there in the stands, including Twitty and Allison who have already started dating??? They're cozying up to each other and everything already. 
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ok they’re honestly pretty cute tho
Just as Donnie is about to do his demonstration, coach Tugnut interjects and performs a cheer for Donnie. This is so disturbing, lol. The opening line is "Donnie Stevens, muscles that bulge" - CALM DOWN, TUGNUT. He also says “Leading his teammates to a steamy hot shower!” Again: Holy crap, Disney. What de heck. Tugnut was definitely a coded gay character... and an unfortunately creepy one at that, dang. 
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Wexler, Donnie, and Tawny are me. 
He then insists that Donnie doesn't ~shine~ without an opponent, so Ren unwillingly volunteers by jumping up and screaming at the top of her lungs after Louis pours ice down the back of her shirt. This leads to a "family grudge match" (Tugnut's words) between brother and sister, which we seldom see and it's a cool lil switcheroo! The sibling rivalry is always centered around Louis and Ren specifically. So it's interesting to see what that dynamic is like between Ren and Donnie. Like, you forget that Louis and Ren have a brother sometimes! To Donnie's shock and embarrassment, Ren beats him. Uh oh. This births the main through-line of the subplot which is the two of them competing at literally everything ever in life after that because Donnie is being a sore loser. 
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At lunch that day, Louis’ jealousy takes center stage when Twitty invites Allison to eat with them. They’re all giggly and lovey dovey -- gushing about the fact that both of their names start with “Al” and they love strawberry ice cream but hate vanilla. Ya know, the kind of solid foundation all enduring relationships are built on. Louis ain’t havin’ it. Twitty even says that the two of them are going to craft club after school, when he usually goes to Louis’ house. God forbid.
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This scene also brought us one of my favorite Louis gifs:
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I can taste the salt from here. No one wears jealousy as strong as Louis Stevens. 
I’m just gonna wrap up the subplot now, like I usually do.. because they’re always much shorter than the main plot and so intermittent that it’s just annoying (and extra work for me lol) to keep going back and forth! Sooo yeah. Basically Donnie starts an unofficial battle against Ren over everything: Like who can put away groceries the fastest and a spur of the moment limbo challenge. I love the limbo scene, because how on earth is Steve in regular clothes one second and tropical vacation clothes complete with a coconut drink the next? Because this is Even Stevens, fool. 
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“This is like that impromptu family fun you see on television!” Steve says, as we watch them have impromptu family fun on television. That’s some sorta fourth wall type joke right there.
Donnie ultimately challenges Ren to a rock climbing rematch... and she beats him fair and square again. Donnie is cool with it this time around and adjusts his negative attitude towards losing! Yay! I also forgot to mention that Tugnut very harshly slapped Donnie’s butt before he started climbing at both matches. Yikes. Ren and Donnie are all happy and proud of themselves for not letting competition come between them, and Tugnut is miserable over precious Donnie losing to his sister. They should probably rename it the Ren Stevens Rock Climbing Wall though. The person it’s named after couldn’t even climb it successfully.
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I love this. It’s so nice, tbh. The end! 
Back to the Twitty and Allison drama. Twitty stops by the Stevens house after craft club and brings Allison along with him. Louis just about dies. He just can’t handle it at all. I’d like to mention that Louis was reading a “swimsuit edition” of Steve’s bird watching magazine as Twitty walked in??? What? Is it just pictures of girls in bikinis posing with birds? Why is that a thing? Because THIS IS EVEN STEVENS, FOOL. Twitty also brought a wind chime he made using sea glass and Allison puts it to the left of Louis’ bed. Later in the scene, Louis walks to the right of his bed and the wind chime hits him in the head. Twitty forgot to mention he also installed a brain and legs into the wind chime. This whole scene is kinda sad though because Louis tries to hang out with them, but everything he suggests is only suited for two people. Like a bunch of hilariously titled board games: “2 On a Plank,” “Two to Tango,” “Third Wheel,” and “Odd Man Out.” Sounds like a fun time! 
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I love how “2 On a Plank” shows, like.. 5 people on the side of the box. 
Louis clearly doesn’t know how to be alone or allow his friends to have other friends/significant others, so he immediately decides to replace Twitty any way he can -- Starting with asking Tawny to date him again. “As of right now, you and I are officially back on!” Tawny can see right through him as usual and tries to make him see that he doesn’t want a girlfriend, he’s just using her to fill the void. There’s a great bit here when Louis presents a daisy to Tawny and refers to it as a rose lol. That moment has been gif’d and literally has 400k+ notes on here! Wowie!
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Tawny’s words of wisdom fall on deaf ears because Louis turns around right away and runs to Tom as a last resort. “Welp, now you’re officially my best friend!” he tells him. As if it’s that easy. Despite sort of being friends, (I say ‘sort of’ because Louis tends to treat Tom like poo on his shoe) the two of them obviously don’t have much in common and Tom is way too uptight to be bffs with Louis. Tom is absolutely elated to have a “best friend,” though. :( He asks Louis if they should talk to each other before school in the morning to make sure they don’t wear the same thing, but Louis insists that’s not gonna happen. And he’s right... the chances of that happening are literally zero. But leave it to Tom to somehow manage to take “best friends” to the next level: 
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I’ll never understand how or why this happens on TV shows all the time. 
Louis tries to take Tom foam hunk diving with him, but Tom’s uptight nature sucks the fun out of everything. So much so, Louis just ends their new best-friendship right then and there. There’s only one thing I dislike about this episode, and that’s the way Louis treats Tom. As usual. It’s pretty hilarious though... Tom says he can’t hop the fence because he doesn’t have his fence climbing gloves. Oh my god. 
Louis attempts to go dive by himself, but it’s just not the same. It also makes him look like a crazy person flailing around in hunks of foam and beaming with joy by himself. I’d like to point out that “Louis” does a flip into the hunks, except it’s definitely not Shia: 
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Shia couldn’t do his own stunts??? lol. The flip was pretty simple! This dude’s wig is so different from Shia’s hair and he has a receding hairline. 
Just then, Louis hides as Twitty shows up with Allison and surprises her with the vat of foam hunks. She’s seriously unimpressed. She calls the idea of jumping into it stupid. One thing leads to another and they decide to break up, dramatically parting ways.
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I love how this screencap really illustrates that it was the foam hunks that tore them apart. Imagine? “How did your marriage end again?” “My wife wouldn’t jump in a tub of packaging materials with me.” -- This is why middle schoolers aren’t ready for relationships. 
Louis is beyond happy that they broke up at first. He’s just excited to have his best friend back. But, unfortunately.. all Twitty can do afterwards is mope around. He can’t stop thinking about Allison. This brings us to the end of the episode and the reason why I really like this one. In the end, Louis decides to put his friend’s feelings before his own and convinces Allison to go foam hunk diving with them. Awww. She pops up out of nowhere and pleasantly surprises Twitty! Tom shows up too and the four of them have a good old fashioned blast. 
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It’s like when friends get caught in the rain and have a cinematic, grand old time -- except this is Even Stevens so it’s foam hunks that fall instead. 
And that’s it! Idk man, I just always liked this episode. I’ve said it a million times but I live for teen drama lol. It’s just refreshing and entertaining whenever this show decides to explore relationships. We get to see quite a few here as well! There’s Twitty and Allison of course. But then there’s Louis and Twitty’s friendship, as well as Ren and Donnie’s rivalry. This one is kinda stuffed to the brim with it, but I really enjoy the main plot. Even though Louis was super jealous the whole time, the resolution always makes me happy. Just goes to show that he’s a good friend, even though selfishness can get the better of him sometimes. This episode also kinda doubles as a Twitty plot which is cool. Oh, and Shia does his “WAHHHH-HA-HA-OOOOOO!” scream at least 10 times in this episode. Five of which are in the first 2 minutes, so there’s that. I actually just realized that this episode is basically the same plot as All About Yvette, except reversed and less cheesy. I feel like I mention that episode a lot for some reason lol. 
I also want to let you guys know that I’ve created a Redbubble account to start selling some Even Stevens-related designs/products. I’ve been working really hard on the designs and cannot wait to post them!! Ahhh. I have so many ideas! haha. (Like *cough* Twitty-Stevens Connection band merch *cough*) It’s gonna be fun. I was inspired to do so because I saw that Lizzie McGuire, That’s So Raven and other Disney Channel “classics” have some new official merch for sale through Hot Topic. But of course... Even Stevens gets nothing. So once again, I’m taking matters into my own hands here lol. I always try to search for Even Stevens merch, but I can never find anything. So I’m making these products for myself as much as I’m making them for y’all. I’ll be sure to let you know when the stuff is posted. 
ALSO Brookwell/McNamara (the show’s production team) followed the blog on Twitter. I feel so validated and ~official.~
Thanks for reading! As always, I encourage you to chime in via Disqus below.
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survivormuxloe · 6 years
Episode #5: “sushi + running isn’t the best combo.” - Mo
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Sad to Linus quit honestly. Hope he’s alright but yeah that sucks.
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So Linus just quit. It’s unfortunate and slightly annoying that we had another’s person quit. Especially since we had players like Jose and Jaylen who actually wanted to play. But then again I’m just trying to get the crown so I can’t really complain when someone else falls. Final 14 so I’m expecting merge to happen in the next 4 tribals.
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Alright so hey I'm a bit late but since we last left off we were heading to tribal, at that point I was actually thinking Jose likely had an idol since you know.. throwing two random names 30 minutes before tribal when you know you can't get the numbers is a very idol-ish thing to do. So me and Tobi decided to vote Mo just in case an idol was played and both of them voted together. But actually at the end of the day Jose voted Mo and Mo well he didn't show up LMAO, which was actually bad because then his self vote would make it a 4-4 tie and while I think voting jose out after that would've been achieavable I would rather not give him the chance to fight. Luckily Mo showed up and voted him so that was it and he prob didn't see it coming but hey the lad was took it well so kudos to him.
So right after that the hosts pulled a sneaky on us and the live challenge was actually a swap (bragging rights I predicted it yay...look at me predicting a swap at f15 I'm so smart....)
And for once luck was on my side since I'm still on mercia alongside Felix David and Mo. With Wes joining us from the other tribe. Now I did vote Mo but maybe he doesn't think it was me? I mean tbf after he didn't show up at tribal I scream_messaged him to vote for Jose so who knows. But either way we have the inmense unit of David with us and Wes who I barely know from another org I'm playing at the same time so there's that
And then ofc Felix the crazy german god bless his soul he saved us this week from going to tribal <3
And as I write this Linus has quit the game so I guess that's 2 out of 2 for wins that I really didn't get to enjoy but oh well. At least this gives Michael and Dani a chance over at that tribe now that it is 2-2. As for Tobi well he carried his own new tribe in that challenge so hopefully he can overcome that 4-1 disadvantage in case they go to tribal.
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So puzzle challenge, okay let’s get on it. Wanna win it cause my og tribe are such an unknown. I want to work with tobi. But he will do what he needs to do to stay in. So my paranoid ass is conviced that my og tribe ain’t talking to me cause they want me out. Idk I’m being stupid but ahhh.
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Here i am, losing the challenge, feeling a little sorry for myself because i'm like ok it's me i'm going. Then BOOM Linus quits and as much as i wanna be like oh buddy no you should stay it might get more fun i also wanna be like lol bye bye because now instead of getting voted out 3-2 me and Dani can now tie the vote should we go back to tribal which is obviously better than nothing. I'm bad at puzzles but im just gonna try my absolute hardest because i refuse to be Denise Stapley and go to every tribal council.
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uhm so the immunity challenge is puzzles... great loll im legit so trash at puzzles and if we lose again ik it's gonna be bc of me ): i'm gonna try my best and not flop but i cant even enter the puzzles so idk whats gunna happen
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Somehow I obtained 2 idol clues by sheer luck and honestly it's what I deserve in this game. I'm still debating if I even want an idol so I shared my clues with Jones because I wouldn't mind if she had an idol. But anyways there have been 2 quits which sucks but the only benefit is that now I at least will get 14th in this game.
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lol we’re gunna lose again. but i aint going home america.. know that!
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So I’m nervous my time might cost us the challenge but do you know what I’m not nervous about.... going home bc I have Dani loyal to me and me to her and also mr Scott and myself have established a f2 alliance named “crumpets and bagpipes” (name subject to change) so yeah hopefully I’m going nowhere hehe
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SO IDK HOW I DO IT but people just kind of give me clues and answers to their idol puzzles. SURE I asked Scooty how he was doing for his results, but I never even asked Madison about her clues and she's just kind of,,,,giving them to me? and I love it <3 <3 <3 WELL ACTUALLY I TAKE IT BACK. I LOVED IT UNTIL I FOUND OUT THE FUCKING IDOL WAS TAKEN ALREADY. I was searching the playroom today and WHAT DO YOU KNOW "there was something there but it was taken" and I want to actually PERISH LIKE HOLY FUCK I WAS ACTUALLY!! SOOOOOOO CLOSE!!1!11 but yeah hopefully Linus didn't have it and quit with it I'll actually beat his entire ass
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So like... after my amazing comeback last immunity challenge,, WHICH BY THE WAY FUCKIN WAS FOR NOTHING BECAUSE LINUS QUIT LIKE WHY DIDNT HE QUIT BEFORE THE DAMN CHALLENGE AND NOW I OUTED MYSELF AS A CHALLENGE THREAT... stupid..,, we flopped in this one like... madison and jones flopped hard kdjhflksdjfhs like did they even try.. now im in a peculiar situation.. the great thing is that rhys and ryan actually asked me to be a part of a three man alliance (im obv at the bottom) and like im definitely using this to my advantage and hopefully get out of this tribal!! im expecting at least one vote from madison which is natural but like im gonna fight tooth and nail to get out of this!! idc who i have to throw utb to get by but i'll do whatever it takes
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HELL YEAH TO MERCIA FOR WINNING ANOTHER IMMUNITY. It feels so good to have come clutch again, especially after a scare from Mo, who didn't do the right puzzle. -.- ugh that pissed me off so much, especially with so little time left to do it. But Ahrre and I DESTROYED everyone else who did the hard puzzle so I can't complain.
Also, a new development. Ahrre and Felix seem to trust me SO much that they wanna share their idol guesses with me, which is fine with me considering I trust them the most on this new tribe. I feel it, omg I feel like I'm SO close to getting that idol and if I find it, it puts me in a huge power position. So I need to find it before these guys.
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This was probably the most stressful round for me. So let’s go through the series of unfortunate events
1. I misread the post and I was doing the easy puzzle the entire time when I thought I was doing the hard puzzle. I took a picture on my phone with my score and my name in the search bar.
2. I hangout with my friend, we go get sushi and I buy some macaroons and then we chill in a Starbucks while we play Pokemon Go.
3. I submit my photo at 5:45 PM 15 minutes before the dead line only to get told that not only would the photo not of counted because I didn’t have the date and time in the photo. But I was also doing the wrong puzzle.
4. My scrawny out of shape ass sprints home and it was the kind of thing where like I was coughing because I ran too much.
5. Now I have to do the more difficult puzzle in 20 minutes. I didn’t get the chance to practice before hand, I feel like shit, I’m still coughing and I think I’m going to puke because sushi + running isn’t the best combo.
6. I don’t submit on time, and not only that I don’t abstain on time either. So I get a strike. The amount of fucking despair and sadness I felt as I was rushing through the puzzle only to realize I was too late even after getting granted an extension. It was so awful.
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Well, sad linus left but the good news is we won immunity by three minutes! Michaels time was a MESS because we could’ve gotten first if he did better but that’s alright we got second so that’s good. I like my remaining tribe mates so I hope things stay good ❤️
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Aye so we've won another challenge after the swap yay! it's almost as if my shitty luck was detrimental during luck based challenges. wh would've thought...
Now we won even though Mo didn't submit and his time was more than the rest of the tribe combined lol but it's ok cause we won anyways, albeit David got a bit pissy about it and Mo told me about it but eh hopefully it's nothing.
Talking about david I decided not to sit around all day even if we're not going to tribal. Since I'm lucky to stay in the same camp I was before the swap I might as well try and find that damn idol if it hasn't been found already. So I decided to coordinate idol guesses with him and Felix which payed out because when we won the reward today he shared it with me (or at least a part of it unless he's lying) and he made a chat with me and felix so I guess now we're in an alliance, so there's that.
As for the other tribes well I hope Tobi can pull something out of the bag and not die this week, maybe he can get madison who has been pretty lackluster at challenges but either way I'm not gonna be holding my breath.
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so today Rhys n I made an alliance with Tobi so that's a thing... and then later in the day we ended up losing immunity -___- which is ass because someone literally striked and got 45mins for a puzzle we still lost jalfkdjf like wig ok! I hope this alliance sticks but idk i gotta see what the waters feel like tomorrow... thank rihanna i have an idol it makes me feel like i have some security in this game hehe
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Do you hear that? The birds are singing, the sky is blue and the sun is bright because YA BOI FINALLY WON IMMUNITY. Ugh I love winning immunity I’d scream if I had to go back there it’s ugly
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Okay. So here is the tea. We lost.
I have an alliance between me Ryan and tobi. So fingers crossed that’s all good, and Madisin should be an easy boot.
However, I feel uneasy as when I woke up I had no messages from anyone on my tribe about tribal. Which is scary as I thought people would’ve been trying to push for w certain person making sure it wasn’t them. Apparently not, or maybe it’s me?. I know I’m a paranoid mess but I’m like 40% worried.
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Okay this is post swap and this is a kind of sort of bad, I was swapped into a tribe were I believe I am only member of my og tribe, but we seem compontent at challenges (at least the rest of them do). Plus one person (Ahrre) I kind of sorta know so hopefully I can make something work and get past this.
Lewis quitting sucked since I actually knew him from an alias game a long time ago.
Let me know if you need a longer confessional.
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hmm Madison is definitely the obvious choice to vote out from Sweyn rn... she's exuded the bare minimum of activity and i dont think we've had a genuine conversation in pm's or at all thus far; plus she did the worst in the challenge. I know from Scott that Jones got close with Madison on og Sweyn so that is something on my mind, but I think she would be ok letting her go ultimately; not too sure but I'm talking to her now so we'll see. If our tribe loses again it's gonna be ugly because i would hate to vote Jones out, she's a queen
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Hey guys, its me... Hannah Baker. We had a tribe swap last round and I was shook at it being 3-2 with me being in a minority technically if we’re talking number wise. But, Scott said something interesting to me, saying that he thinks its funny that I would go home over Michael which is kind of reassuring. We lost the challenge and Linus decided to quit and I was like ok mood??? We won the challenge after thank god and I won’t be going to yet another fucking tribal. I really like Michael and Scott and I think if we were to lose again, we could vote out Malik. I’m hoping I can make the merge here but I guess we’ll see. Xoxo
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god.. pls vote out madison u fucking fucks LMAOAOAOAOOA. liek im good terms with everyone on that tribe so its rly ugly that theyre going to tribal.. but uhm. hopefully its madison that goes bc i dont want to talk to her or wes at merge loll
like i can be social. dont get me wrong.. but like i cant do it with awkward unsocial people.. communication is a two way street after all
Madison is voted out 4-1.
0 notes