#this was my favorite moment waha
akiacia · 6 months
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a spot of mountaineering before the new year 🏔️
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automatayaoi · 1 year
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*throws a dozen dress up clowns at your head* Character design!!! murder puppet apologism!!! chemicals turning frogs gay!!! its kero kero time!!!! i dont know how to type up a real bio so im just throwing tidbits fullspeed at your window and also partially me spitballing speghetti against the wall
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✨ their name is kero pierrot ofc, and they are a funny little frog clown married to arlequino hehe. keeping with the theme of commedia dell'arte their name is based off the character of the pierrot (and it's also a pun on keroppi since theyre my favorite sanrio character waha)
✨ the Pierrot was a tragic and lovesick figure, portrayed as naïve but endearing, often hiding their true feelings behind their jokes, and was a popular choice for romantic artists
✨ kero is a widdle bit fucked up in the brain zone but its FIIINE just slap a coat of face paint on there and ur good 8) Do not perceive the crushing mental illness behind the curtain
✨ grew up in america ofc, came to japan for reasons that turned out to be highly fallible (they maybe trust people a little too easily), refuses 2 talk abt this, they are however lacking in places to stay and money to spend so start of everything theyre Struggling A Little
✨ at this point they arent even kero really just Person...pathetic sopping wet frog you find under a rock. they had a special interest in clownery but always sort of put those kinds of thoughts to the side as more of a silly daydream than a goal they could achieve
✨ a clown without its nose have you ever seen anything so sad
✨ they first see masaru and the rest of the nakamichi circus when they saw them perform their street show (starting here), they just happened to be in the park at the time, and it's honestly the first time kero has felt happy since they Arrived in japan
✨ magic of the circus
✨ they spend the next few weeks going to the park and sorta following the nakamichi circus around to see more of their street shows, they don't really have much else to do anyway, they might as well spend some time having fun watching a circus act
✨ they attend so many that they actually start getting recognized by some of the circus members, especially masaru and shirogane since theyre very Perceptive. not a lot of details on those thoughts currently but masaru probably does his Main Protag/Therapist thing and gets to know kero
✨ BUT the way they actually join the nakamichi circus is during the performers meetup (starting here), kero goes to see their show again, but then things start Going Very Wrong and masaru's left by himself with no one to perform with. Little guy problems
✨ they've seen how much masaru and the others have been working and struggling in the past weeks, improving their street show, their cooperation with each other, and even if masaru hadn't talked to them they couldn't stand seeing something that made them so happy go down in flames like this
✨ SO! they hop in with vilma naota and mitsuushi to save the act! they don't have circus training like them so they can't do any fancy acts, but kero knows how to improv and roll with the punches, so they play off of the others as second zanni to liven up the show
✨ after that, i think they'd try to slip away quietly (kind of cant believe they did that) but masaru goes after them and asks them to join the circus!
✨ he knows that they wanted to be a clown, and even without formal training, he thinks having a western style clown will help the nakamichi circus stand out from the crowd! (also a call back to this moment in the manga when they went to see the straw circus)
✨ this is when they actually introduce themselves as Kero Pierrot to the others. there is no other name only Clown
✨ this has been a lot of masaru talk so far sorry he's my little buddy inflicted with main character disease. also i dont get a chance to meet my husband until like chapter 380 so i gotta be doin smth in the mean time
✨ from here on, kero sticks with the nakamichi circus as their new home :) they already knew a lot about clowning, but they really throw themselves into studying it as best they can (usually by spending hours at a library computer since most don't really have a textbook on clowns) and also training with the other members to sorta expand their repertoire. they get a lot better at the classic clown skills, your juggling, your balloon animals, what have you, BUT they also start to learn the cyr wheel!
✨ kero and masaru bond over doing circus training together. i give him a little noogie.
✨ they become pretty close with ryouko and lise too !! i jus love all my circus family i get them to play board games with me
✨ Peaceful Life (Until Its Not)
✨ this post as already gotten so long (and also i wanna reread some parts of the manga to refresh my mindself) so at some point i will expand on kero's feelings irt masaru running away and narumi joining nakamichi circus, but theres a couple other important points i want to make :V
✨ kero sorta takes a back seat with the rest of the nakamichi gang until they show up at kuroga village
✨ Specifically they join lise heima and ryouko in going to mont-saint-michel to follow masaru (they are NOT!!! letting these children go off on their own to fight!!!!)
💕 this is when they meet arlequino hehe 💕
✨ they stay by ryouko's side while they fucking Book It form the shirogane-o, and that's when they run into arle
💕 sorry ryouko but I'M the one who smiles at him 💕
✨ i should make a separate post of the manga panels i'm def in. and/or rewrite the scene as a fic which i might do at some point but just wait
💕 anyway this post is long enough so all you have to know is we get married and now hes my malewife Arlequino Pierrot 💕
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💕 tagging my karakuri buddies @dissonantyote @lameassboyfriend (i hope dats oke)
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moibakadesu · 2 months
questions for Haruka,Fuuta and Muu
favorite song lyrics?
favorite mv moment/frame?
do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?what do you think their childhood/teenage years were like?
favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
what do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
I'm rolling these up bit by bit now, they had been marinating in my inbox for a while.
1. Favorite song lyrics?
Let’s pick one from both Weakness as well as AKAA, shall we?
“It’s fine, though it’s really not 
It’s really fine, though I don’t really think so”
Haruka so often gives off the impression that he doesn’t care about being treated badly, if it does mean attention, but these lyrics show so clearly that in actuality he doesn’t feel that way.
“Mommy, look,
I’ve done great
“There there, my good boy!””
The delivery on this is just so good, I love how he switches up his voice so smoothly there.
2. Favorite MV moment/frame? 
I don’t have to pick only one, right? Because I can’t decide, waha. (Every frame of Haruka is my favourite frame.)
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6. Favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
That should be obvious, right? Of course Fuuta. I had gone into detail with that often enough, so I will keep it simple, but the way Fuuta is so protective over Haruka is what captured my heart. And in turn how Haruka started approaching Fuuta on his own, despite the first impression that he is scary. I’m pretty sure these two could have been very good and even healing for each other if things would have gone differently with the t1 verdicts, but well, can’t change that anymore. Right now I just hope that Fuuta will be there to catch Haruka in t3, because they made sure that it is clear that he still cares deeply.
9. Do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own? 
I absolutely do forgive him. Especially if it really turned out to be suicide. Even if it wasn’t, in my eyes Haruka is the biggest victim in his case, and his mother the true culprit. If Haruka would have gotten the care and love he needed and deserved it would have never gotten to this tragedy, and I think that is the saddest part.
12. What do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
Hmm, probably his own urgency as a character, without attaching him to Muu or anything, because that is annoying as hell. As interesting as it sort of is for the overall storyline and giving different incentives to vote different ways, I was never a fan of having outside factors influence the fate of a character so strongly if the thing we are meant to judge is their sin.
I also would love it if people would take more note of the fact that being overly infantilized and babyed is not what Haruka wants at all. Yes, he wants someone to give affection and attention to him, but he also has voiced on multiple occasions that he just wants a normal life, he wants to be strong and interesting … he does not want to be defined by his disabilities and I think a lot of people misunderstand that about Haruka.
19. What do you think their childhood/teenage years were like? 
Pppfff, definitely not as good as he likes to make us think. I think his mother was already not that great to him even before his disabilities became more apparent. He probably had an extremely isolated life. I am also always torn between him getting locked up at home or maybe even having been at a mental institution. 
21. Do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
Crippling abandonment issues and autism. Getting attached to people quickly if they are nice and then not caring enough for my own wellbeing.
1. Favorite song lyrics?
You just gotta love how Bring it on’s lyrics are already so full of regret and self-loathing if you look at them properly.
“You already knew, the whole time
You can’t escape, how do you like the taste of punishment
You already noticed, right? What you gonna do
Bring it on! Those who believe in justice assemble!
You gotta be kidding, I’m an undead hero”
I have a hard time not quoting all of Backdraft here, because the lyrics are just so good, and I love the delivery of a lot of them a lot.
But I will pick this here, because it is so descriptive of Fuuta trying to put up a strong act and also some clever play of words:
“Pick up your mouth-piece
Grind your teeth and strike a pose
Just like O2, burn yourselves into oblivion”
2. Favorite MV moment/frame? 
Like with Haruka I have a very hard time picking here, because I love all the Fuutas …
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Shoutout to this exact Undercover frame tho, because I think he is just incredibly handsome in that one (I love Fuuta dearly, but I don’t call him handsome in a lot of situations, waha)
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6. Favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
See above at Haruka’s answer. But I also think it is cute how he warmed up to Kazui and Shidou after getting help from them, after only seeing them as “useless adults” before.
9. Do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own? 
Cancel culture is terrible and Fuuta knows damn well that he fucked up and took his SJW shit way too far, so yeah, I doubt he would ever repeat anything like that again, so I do forgive it. People like him can change, I did see it a few times. (Antis that were assholes towards me and ended up coming around and getting rid of that mindset.)
12. What do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
There are so many people treating the “Fuuta doxxed the girl” as canon fact, even though we don’t have any confirmation of that? It is just blatant misinformation born from western fans misinterpreting his Undercover shot where he is seen with his phone at the funeral of the victim as him taking a picture of her home. We know that he was aware where she lived, but we don’t know if there ever was something done from his side with that information.
I’d also love it if people would see him as more than an angry gamer or one-dimensional tsundere, because there is sooo much more to him.
19. What do you think their childhood/teenage years were like? 
I am pretty sure Fuuta was not a popular kid and was most likely also bullied in school. To me his black and white view on justice and need for validation very much feels like that. 
I also have this thought that he might have aspired to a career with soccer, but that dream didn’t work out, adding to his “whatever”-stance on work and the future.
21. Do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
Sadly I am a bit of a Fuuta kinnie. /hj
I am a ball of insecurities and try to hide that a lot with tough behavior. Bleak outlook at society and the future as a whole, but gotta make it work. Gender very much “is what it is”. Small redhead.
At least I am very much the opposite of a SJW.
1. Favorite song lyrics?
I have to say, the “rap” part of AP is pretty neat (I do like both of her songs quite a lot, I give her that), and I think that part also shows a lot of her victim mentality:
“Let’s meet up inside the pain, a place just for me
Postmortem makeup to hide my heart, how to solve it is a secret
The stabbing of the little devil’s voice, counterattack being a suicide note”
And controversial take, but:
“I am relieved, I am always the drama queen”
To be exact the time where she screams that at the viewer, I hate-love that part. And in my opinion “drama queen” is the perfect translation for “I am always to be pitied”, it is in essence really the same. Just a lot more of her victim complex at display.
2. Favorite MV moment/frame? 
I cannot stand the girl, but she has plenty of good scenes. I also just really like her bee design.
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And special mention for Rei looking disgusted, because she is best girl and that is how I look at Muu most of the time as well.
6. Favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
None? Wahaha, I like how openly Yuno shows her disdain for Muu though, because same.
9. Do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own? 
Girl started the bullying, acted like a victim and then murdered someone without feeling remorse or feeling wrong about it in any way … honestly, Muu is pretty much my top candidate for a t3 guilty, I have not a shred of sympathy for her.
12. What do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
I honestly keep away from a lot of corners of the fandom, so I’m not sure which parts of her haven’t been discussed that much, but probably the fact that she is a pretty obvious case of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and a gigantic victim complex. I found that a lot of Muu fans try to frame her as a perfect little angel who has suffered so much and has a slightly wonky view of friendships, but in my eyes that is not her at all? It is okay to embrace the bad sides of a character as well, you don’t have to justify everything. The characters in Milgram are written very “real” and it is not surprising if some have a personality that is not very pleasant.
So taking all of this into account I suspect that Muu did not experience the extent of bullying that she likes to make us believe. We never see her disheveled or wet in her MVs, contrary to Rei. The prisoners cannot lie in their MVs, but they are 
19. What do you think their childhood/teenage years were like? 
Pampered. Mommy and daddy’s little darling. Always got everything she ever wanted from everyone. Just a spoiled little princess from the moment she was born, basically.
21. Do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
Thankfully not.
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ink-system · 3 years
Learn a Lesson
a/n: Titles(derogatory) Hope this isn’t too ooc for them this is my first mcyt fic ive written please be nice/lh
word count: 3155
tw: anxiety? 
“Oh, Ranbooooo!”
Said half enderman squeaked at the sound of Wilbur’s voice echoing throughout the house. He was so screwed, he was so screwed, he was so-
“Found ya!” the brunet popped up behind Ranboo, seemingly out of nowhere. The taller of the two shrieked and jumped away. 
“Uh- sorry I didn’t mean t-” before the half enderman could finish his apology Wilbur cut him off with a poke to his side. At the sudden contact he jumped away again and gently slapped his hand away. 
“Ah-! Sorry, I didn’t mean to do thAT-” 
At the start of another unnecessary apology, Wilbur once again poked his side. “What have I said about apologizing when you don’t need to, Ranboo?”
“...Not to-” he looked down at the ground, worried he actually made Wilbur upset.
WIlbur spoke in a very playful and teasy tone. He wanted to make it obvious he was joking, knowing that the other struggles a bit with discerning between serious and teasy at times. “Exactly, not to. So now I gotta teach you a lesson, Ranboo!”
Upon hearing Wilbur’s tone, Ranboo calmed down a bit. It always helped when someone’s intentions were made more clear to him. That still didn’t stop him getting slightly anxious from anticipation and stammering out apologies to WIlbur.
With each step that Wilbur took towards Ranboo, the latter’s apologies became more and more sprinkled with giggles. 
“Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo… how many times do I have to tell you? Don’t. Apologize. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you wanted this! Do you know what I’m gonna do, hmmm?”
The taller recognized that tone all too well, but still denied knowing “N-nohot really. Sorry-”
Wilbur gave Ranboo a pointed look before smirking slightly “Why are you giggling then? If you have absolutely no idea what I’m gonna do, why are you giggling from what I’m assuming is anticipation.” As the brunet spoke he took a few more steps closer to Ranboo, wiggling his fingers in his direction as he did so.
“Uhum- you look funny! W-wait I’m sorry that was rUDE-!”
The younger of the two squeaked as he got picked up and thrown over the older’s shoulder in order to be carried to another room. 
“Wilbur! Let me goooo,” Ranboo whined, not putting up any resistance despite his protesting words. Even though he could probably easily get away because of his height and Wilbur not keeping that tight of a grip on him, he just- didn’t move at all. 
“You know I can’t do that,” he said ‘solemnly’ before squeezing the younger’s knees. He relished in the way Ranboo squealed before lightly kicking his legs. He knows he’s supposed to be an evil ler at that point in time but the kid was far too adorable to make it easy for Wilbur to keep it up. 
After a few more moments of walking Wilbur reached his room and gently placed Ranboo onto the bed. As soon as Ranboo was lying on the bed Wilbur sat on his upper thighs, using his weight to pin the younger down as best as he could. 
With the knowledge that he was stuck until Wilbur decided to let him go, Ranboo’s anticipatory giggles increased in pitch. “Wihilbuhur! I’m sohorry- gehet off-!!”
Wilbur looked down at the other with a slight smile and wiggled his fingers again,  “Ranboooo, I’m gonna getcha! I’m gonna tickle tickle tickle you!”
Upon hearing the brunet’s teases the half enderman’s face flushed which led to him covering his face. “Shuhut up-! W-wait I’m sorRY-!” he was once again cut off by Wilbur, this time from him poking the taller in the ribs. However, this time he didn’t stop after a single poke.   
“Okay, how about this? Everytime you apologize is another minute I get to tickle you, does that sound fair to you?”
“Whahat?! Noho! Thahat’s meheahan!”
“And you’re being mean to yourself, have we got a deal?”
Ranboo peaked between his fingers to look at Wilbur before quickly covering his eyes again. He was somewhat apprehensive about it, despite knowing that the older would never push him too far. “Uhum…” 
“Okay, wait, new deal. Every time you apologize is still a minute I get to tickle you, but you get to pick the spot. Does that sound better to you?” Despite the tickling being a ‘punishment’ for Ranboo apologizing too much, Wilbur didn’t want to make the other uncomfortable. 
The taller of the two’s genuine concern made Ranboo feel more at ease and calm. He shyly nodded, hands still covering his blushing face.
At the half enderman’s permission, Wilbur’s face lit up before he took on his ‘evil ler’ persona again. “You’re gonna regret giving me permission to do anything I want for… let’s say fifteen minutes. It’s gonna tickle tickle tickle so much.”
“S-stohop sahayihing thahat wohord!”
“What word? Tickle?”
The current lee whined through his laughter “Stohohohop!”
“Ranboo, I asked you a simple question. Should I stop saying tickle?”
“Yehes!” he peeked through his hands to look at Wilbur. 
“But it’s so much fun to say! It’s such a cute word too! C’mon Ranboo say it with me, tickle!”
Said male frantically shook his head in response to Wilbur. “Dohon’t wanna!”
“Oh and I almost forgot to ask! Ranboo, pick a spot!” This was actually one of Wilbur’s favorite things to do with Ranboo, even when he was ‘teaching him a lesson’. Ranboo loved it too, despite how flustering it was for him. 
Through his frantic giggles, he whined an answer out for Wilbur, the problem was that Wilbur was feeling particularly mean that day. He wanted a clear answer from the half enderman. Did he know he was being mean? Yes, absolutely. Did he think Ranboo’s reaction was too adorable to pass up? Also yes.
“Sorry, what was that? Didn’t quite catch it through all your adorable little giggles there.”
The younger one whined once again, “Stohop behihing meheahan!”
“Ranboo. Remember our agreement?”
The taller of the two pouted before once again muttering, “...sihides…”
“See that wasn’t so hard now was it?” he stopped lightly poking his ribs and instead began to squeeze his sides. Ranboo’s giggles grew a bit louder at the change in spots. 
“Ihit wahas vehery hahard!”
Wilbur continued to squeeze his sides, lightening his touch a bit. “Hmm, what a pity.”
At the feeling of the lighter squeezing the younger’s laughter once again increased in volume. Wilbur knew, and loved, that Ranboo was sensitive to lighter tickles. It tickled the taller of the two a considerable amount more than rougher tickles did and it caused him to let out some of the cutest giggles Wilbur had ever heard. 
“Wihill! Nohoho!” Ranboo kicked his legs out as much as he could under Wilbur’s weight. Which, being completely honest, wasn’t that much despite how long his legs are. Although, because of his height, he could’ve easily gotten away, which Wilbur pointed out. 
“Aww, Ranboo! You’re such a good lee for me! You’re barely even squirming, it’s adorable!” Upon hearing the cooing praises the enderman hybrid whined through his giggles, squirming from side to side more. 
“Nohoho! Wihihill, stohop behihing meheahan!,” Ranboo whined through his giggles, squirming once again, increasing a bit. 
“You know how to get me to stop, Genderman.”
Ranboo grumbled, half from Wilbur being mean and half from confusion. “Gehendehermahan?” 
The older of the two chuckled, “Yeah, Genderman. Anything wrong with that nickname?”
“Ihit’s weheird! Wahaihit, thahat wahas ruhude! Ihim sohorry-!”
WIlbur gave the other a sharp look, although it lost its impact from the soft smile on the brunet’s face. “Aww, c’mon Ranboo! That’s another minute of tickles for ya!” 
“Wahaihit, noho! Wihilbuhur! I dihidn’t meheahan ihit!” the enderman hybrid finally moved his hands from his face, instead going to grab at WIlbur’s hands. At Ranboo grabbing his hands, Wilbur gasped in fake offense. 
“You got another 13 minutes now, Ranboo! Now, pick another spot.”
The half enderman shook his head while giggling “Noho! Dohon’t wahanna!”
Wilbur chuckled quietly. “Ranboo, pick a spot or I will.” Upon hearing this, the younger of the two quickly shook his head and giggled louder. “Buhut thahat’s meheahan! Stohop beheihing meheahan!”
“Then pick a spot! C’mon you can do it Ranboo, I believe in you.”
The half enderman didn’t say anything for a few moments, instead grumbling through his giggles. Something about Wilbur being a bully. After a few moments he quietly giggled out, “Stohomahach?”
Wilbur almost died on the spot. How was this 8’5 half enderman so adorable? 
“Aww, the cutie wants tummy tickles?” the brunet cooed. Wilbur skittered his fingers all over the younger’s belly. Ranboo’s giggles increased in both volume and pitch, much to the delight of Wilbur. The enderman hybrid began actually squirming now, not because he really wanted to but because the sensations were more intense. 
“Wihilby! I cahan’t!”, Ranboo kicked his legs and shook his head, messing up his already messy hair even more. He had a grip on Wilbur’s hands but didn’t make any effort to push them away at all. 
The brunet’s heart melted at the nickname. He almost had to stop to regain his composure because of the adorable sight before him. Wilbur continued scribbling all over Ranboo’s stomach, although applying a bit more pressure. At the change in intensity Ranboo’s giggles turned to laughter. 
“Aww. isn’t that just adorable! A cute little lee that can’t even handle a few tummy tickles~!”
Ranboo’s blush brightened immensely at Wilbur’s teasing. “S-shuhut uhup! Dohon’t sahay thahat wohord!” 
Wilbur gasped in fake offense at Ranboo’s words. “Ranboo, you’re gonna regret that!” Wilbur began to slowly and lightly tracing a circle towards the half enderman’s navel. The closer the brunet got to his navel, the more frantic Ranboo’s giggles got. 
“Wihilby, dohon’t! Pleheahse!”, one of the taller’s worst spots was his navel, a fact that Wilbur knew very well. Despite Ranboo’s protests, his tail was wagging happily. 
“But you’re clearly enjoying this, Ranboo. You can’t lie to me, your tail will give you away!” At the mention of his tail Ranboo’s face flushed even more as he tried to hide the still wagging tail. “Noho, I’m nohot!”
Wilbur hummed in mock agreement, finger still spiraling towards Ranboo’s navel. After a few seconds it reached its intended destination. The brunet’s finger continuously swirled around the enderman hybrid’s navel. Ranboo’s laughter immediately turned hysterical as his squirming increased quite a bit, kicking his legs and squirming from side to side. 
“W-WIHILBUHUR! PLEHEAHASE! NAHAHA!” Ranboo shrieked, grabbing at Wilbur’s hand. This time the enderman hybrid did half heartedly push his hand away while arching his back into the tickles. 
“What’s wrong, Ranboo? Can’t handle the tickly tickly tickles on your belly button?” the brunet teased in a low voice. The younger’s laughter grew higher in pitch, blush spreading to his ears. “NAHAHA! SHUHUT UHUP!”, Ranboo cackled hysterically. “WAHAIHIT, I’M SOH-” the enderman hybrid cut off his own apology. As much as he was enjoying himself he didn’t want another minute of Wilbur being mean. 
Wilbur smiled at Ranboo not finishing his apology, “You’re learning! Looks like this is working, I might just have to do this more often!” The brunet moved from other’s navel to scribbling his nails across Ranboo’s stomach. The younger’s laughter grew a bit quieter at the slightly less intense spot. He stopped squirming as much, not grabbing at Wilbur’s hands anymore, instead once again covering his own face. 
Ranboo giggled something incoherent into his hands. “Mind repeating that?”, Wilbur questioned with a dark and teasing voice. “Yehes, I doho!” the half enderman shook his head. He didn't want to say it again, it was too embarrassing. 
"Oh? And why not? Do you perhaps need a bit of persuasion?", as he spoke, Wilbur once again slowly swirled his finger towards Ranboo’s navel. The younger's eyes widened as he peeked through his fingers at what Wilbur was doing. Ranboo frantically shook his head, giggling out protests. 
“Nohoho! Nohot agahaihin! Wihilby, dohon’t!”, the enderman hybrid withdrew his hands from his face to push at the brunet’s hand that was growing closer to Ranboo’s navel. 
“Better tell me what it is you said then, Ranlee,” Wilbur continued to spiral his finger towards the younger’s navel. His finger was getting faster as he went until he was skimming the very outside of Ranboo’s navel. The half enderman frantically giggled out, “Fihine! Fihihine, I’ll sahay! Juhust dohon’t!”
Wilbur stopped spiraling his finger around the younger’s navel, instead gently tracing along his stomach. Not enough to make Ranboo squirm or laugh, just enough for him to melt and giggle contently. “Well? What was it? I'm eagerly awaiting what you have to say.” The enderman hybrid continued holding onto Wilbur’s hands, fidgeting with the older’s fingers. Ranboo was looking off to the side to avoid looking the other in the eyes. 
“Uhum… cahan I hahave neheck nihibblehes…?” Ranboo slowly glances over to look at Wilbur, looking to see his reaction. 
The brunet was looking down at Ranboo with a wide smile adorning his face, looking very excited. “Aww, of course you can! Now, was that so hard?” Wilbur leaned down towards Ranboo’s neck, listening to the anticipatory, flustered giggles spilling past the younger’s lips. “Yehes, ihit wahas vehery hahard!”, the enderman hybrid was squirming even before the brunet did anything. Wilbur continued to slowly lower his head until it reached Ranboo’s neck. He gently nibbled the younger’s neck, paying attention to the younger’s giggles that were getting increasingly high pitched. 
The enderman hybrid instinctively scrunched his neck up like a turtle in a half hearted attempt to block out the tickly sensations. “Wihilbuhur! Noho!” Ranboo giggled out meaningless protests, batting at Wilbur’s head. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt at all, more like a kitten pawing at something. 
Despite it not hurting Wilbur at all, he still sat up with a faux offended gasp. “Ranboo! You hit me, and I was being nice ⁹too!” 
“I dihidn’t meheahan toho sohoRRY-” the enderman hybrid shrieked. Once again Wilbur cut Ranboo off mid apology, this time with a raspberry. The brunet knew exactly how weak the other was to raspberries, especially on his neck.  Ranboo scrunched his neck up and pushed at the older’s head. In response to the enderman hybrid’s attempt to push him away Wilbur blew another raspberry on the younger’s neck. 
Ranboo squealed before bursting into hysterical laughter, “NAHAHA! WIHILBY, NOHO!” He gripped the sheets in an effort to not hit Wilbur’s head again. 
The older finally had mercy, although not before blowing a few more raspberries on Ranboo’s neck, and sat back up. The enderman hybrid was still giggling from the tickly sensations still present. After a few moments of Ranboo still giggling, Wilbur looked down at the younger and asked, “Ranboo? Are you okay?” genuine concern lacing his voice. The younger continued to giggle for a few more seconds before nodding his head and giggling out a “Yeheah, I’m ohokahay.” 
Wilbur warmly smiled at the enderman hybrid before turning it into a teasing smirk. "Ranboo~ your time still isn't up. So you know what that means! Pick another spot!" 
The younger began giggling in anticipation once again. "Yohouhu choose," Ranboo giggled. He hid his face in his hands, not wanting to see the teasing look on Wilbur’s face. 
"Are you sure you want me to choose Ranboo?" The brunet asked with a teasing lilt in his voice. The enderman hybrid slowly nodded, giggling with anticipation. "Well then, I'll make sure to not disappoint."
Ranboo peeked through his fingers to see what the other was doing. He immediately tensed and began squirming upon seeing where Wilbur’s hands were placed. His hips. 
"W-wait- Wihilbuhur, noho! Nohot there!" 
"Aww, and why not? You said I should choose so I did! I made sure to choose your favorite spot!"
The younger's giggles increased in pitch "S-shuhut up! It's nohot my favorite!"
Wilbur gasped in fake offense "That was rude! Now I definitely gotta go after your hips. Hmmm… I wonder how I should tickle your hips. Maybe I should squeeze them, or maybe I should scribble my nails all over them! I know how much you love that. Or what if I just barely ghosted my wiggly fingers over your extremely ticklish hips until you were begging me to wreck you?" 
Ranboo whined, covering his blushing face. The older teasingly shook his head, "Don’t hide your cute face from me, Ranboo." The taller one shook his head and pressed his hands closer to his face instead. 
The brunet playfully and quietly growled before grabbing Ranboo's hands, pinning them above his head. The younger squeaked, giggles once again increasing in pitch. 
"Stohop being mehean and just do ihit already!" The enderman hybrid’s squirming increased. Wilbur gasped in fake offense, "Me? Mean? If I was mean would I do this?" 
Wilbur quickly let go of Ranboo’s arms and began squeezing the other's hips, relishing in the loud, happy cackles he got in return. 
Ranboo's squirming increased, bucking his hips in a vain (and half-hearted) effort to get Wilbur’s hands away from his hips. Ranboo gripped onto the other's hands and squeezed in order to give himself something to focus on besides the intense feeling of the tickles. 
"WIHILBUHUR! NAHAHA, GEHET AWAHAY!" Ranboo almost screamed in laughter. 
"Aww, now why would I do that? You could push me away if you really wanted to, but you aren't. I wonder why that is…" Wilbur looked at Ranboo with a knowing, teasing grin. 
Ranboo shut his eyes, shaking his head in a vain effort to block out the teasing. "YEHEAH, WOHONDEHER WHY!" He knew he could easily get away- he did have two feet of height on Wilbur- he just didn’t want to. Ranboo was enjoying himself, despite his protests that Wilbur could easily see through. 
As much as Wilbur (and Ranboo) was having fun he could tell the other was reaching his limit. Although the tickles were a ‘punishment’ he didn’t want to push Ranboo too far. Wilbur was sure the other had learned his lesson for now at the very least. He slowed his hands until he was barely moving them against Ranboo’s hips before eventually stopping altogether and withdrawing his hands.
As soon as Wilbur stopped, Ranboo was gasping for breath while continuing to giggle from the ghost tickles still present on his hips. 
“Ranboo, you okay? Need anything?” Wilbur immediately dropped his tough ler act, instead adopting a more caring, brotherly attitude. He gently ran his fingers through Ranboo’s hair in an effort to calm the other down, smiling when Ranboo completely melted at the physical affection. 
Ranboo slightly looked up at Wilbur shyly before muttering “Cuddles? Maybe?” 
Wilbur quietly awwed and whispered hushed praises at how well the other had done and how he was proud of him. At the praise, cuddles, and Wilbur gently playing with his hair Ranboo fell asleep feeling content and safe. 
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actualbird · 3 years
*reads go the fuck to sleep fic*
*gets called out multiple times for my sleep habits*
*cute MarLuke at the end*
*deep inhale*
WAHA, HI MOON!!!! thank you for reading the fic and im glad you enjoyed it :DDD
sleep related fluff is some of my favorite fluff (for what is sleep but a moment of vulnerability where one must allow themself to rest //sobs)...second favorite are general domestic household habits fluff hehe >:3c
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lilikags · 2 years
Nazuna or ayato for the ask game 👀
ask game
i will do both i love them sm
first is my husband (nazu)
First impression
i... i didnt have much of an impression when he first appeared. he was just a character
Impression now
my favorite my husband the father of our adopted children (the rest of ra*bits) the one i come home to the one who comforts me the one i comfort the one i will always give a kiss on the cheek [continues forever]
Favorite moment
OK SO human comedy spoilers reee ra*bits last performance at the repayment festival before nazuna goes off to uni aaaaaaaaa
Idea for a story
*screeches* *takes out my document* ok so i had ideas for the vtuber!nazuna thing and married before marriage but i scrapped those so the idea i will be presenting today is childhood friends reuniting in uni
Unpopular opinion
i dont like calling him nii-chan myself
Favorite relationship
nazuna and ra*bits~ they're so adorable (second place goes to the ex-valk dynamic its very interesting)
Favorite headcanon
*screams* okay so i hc that nazuna hums while he cooks!! i love a man who cooks and he'll just be humming ra*bits songs overall he's also just really soft and- i'll stop there
second is ayato
First impression
hardworking, homebody, caring. sold.
Impression now
ayatoe /hj he can kiss me pick me up bridal style whatever he wants ugh
Favorite moment
no story yet by mhy
Idea for a story
... unrequitted love but after you die you meet him again and the two of you fall in love waha
Unpopular opinion
its funny but the boba doesn't fit him that much
Favorite relationship
he and thoma
Favorite headcanon
ok so this is from 9 months ago and i like how i wrote it so
ayato works better in the morning and night, afternoons are a bit of a drag to him. The thought of being able to work alone comfortably allows him to work best. The factor that allows him to work best is the fact that he is alone during these times; he prefers to get his thought process finished before showing it to anyone, with fear that he will be judged negatively before the idea is fully fleshed out. Everyone is awake in the afternoon, and only from evening to early morning is when Ayato can truly focus, for the fear of being judged is minimal. He is often treated like he’s lazy in the political courts, however there is no disputing his policies are quite thought out.
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stuffandsundry · 3 years
Tagged by @obstinaterixatrix​
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors! 
WAHA! ok no tags bc i dont know anyone! and also if i post my toku fics ill die maybe so only my main ig! actually i find it very funny that by the nature of the way i write 20% of this is just Extremely Rare Fandom Tag and a solid 50% is things i wrote while thinking of jem huh
Kim, Selena. “Yoo Joonghyuk: The Return(?) of the King.” W*red, 2020.   \\   Disclaimer: W*red Magazine would like to clarify that the title of this article had been a good faith attempt to reference the penultimate film in the influential Lord of the Rings series, and was not intended to be clickbait. We sincerely apologize for any misunderstandings. 
like hope turned inside out    \\    Kor smiles at the scene of Inez's reconciliation with Silver.
your ghosts know why you still live   \\   Kor's being haunted.
sing back at a bird   \\   "All right, let's wrap it up early today. Good practice, everyone!" Momoe claps her hands together.
Diving Cormorant   \\   "Hey." Hisui walks down the beach, sand crunching under the soles of his boots, to where Kunzite is sitting. "Got a moment?"
sick of dreaming   \\   It is ass o’clock in the morning, and Hisui is wide awake for the stupidest fucking reason.
lies told to children   \\   I finally realized that my husband had long since stopped loving the me that was a human being.
out of character   \\   “You know,” Kim Dokja says, with a sarcastic edge that means he's a little annoyed, “You don’t have to come with me.”
the meaning of the constellation in your eyes   \\   Deep in the recesses of Yoo Joonghyuk's memory, under the detritus of hundreds of lives and thousands of years, there is this image:
to trace the shape of an imperfect god   \\   The Demon King of Salvation doesn’t know how to control his strength, Yoo Joonghyuk thinks contemptuously.
cicada dreams.   \\   Here is something that Yoo Joonghyuk has figured out, over his hundreds of deaths and millennia of bloodshed:
Creator of Fate   \\   Ah,  Yin Wei sighs internally,  I really don’t like transmigrating into modern worlds with this sort of drama after all.
in sickness and in health   \\   “Sick?” Yoo Joonghyuk frowns at the woman running the Industrial Complex in Kim Dokja’s stead.
family, found   \\   “Hey!” Kim Namwoon kicks the door open, hands in his pockets.
conversation in a lull in the war   \\   "Ugh," Han Sooyoung complains. "I wish the next regional conflict would open up already."
Incomplete Record of the Third Revision   \\   Yoo Joonghyuk starts his fourth regression in a sickeningly familiar subway car.
write me a world unruined   \\   Lee Jihye wakes up.
Basic Marine Biology for the Curious Regressor   \\   “You stupid sunfish,” Kim Dokja sighs as he leans back into Yoo Joonhyuk’s arms.
proper and sensible   \\   The young messenger sent to fetch Miss Wilhelmina Laurence before the admiral sweeps a judgmental eye up and down her person, and he blinks.
from the mouths of babes   \\   Six months after Lu Li is appointed Deputy Commissioner, Chi Zhen returns home.
 wow theres more than 20 fics here. maybe i AM a writer
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drnojoke · 6 years
I was asked to point out my favorite spots to play Freerotation, Waha Festival, Griessmuehle, Batofar ... Thanks to IhouseU.com and I need to mention also Closer, ARMA17, Boom Festival Official and Piknic Électronik Montréal for some very special moments in my life. my new EP Mental Health Hotline will be out next week on Destroy All Monsters inculding a Berk Rainer Offset remix.
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lbremote · 5 years
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Exploring Tangier
This was my favorite city in Morocco!
We continued from the Kasbah to the medina, still within the walls of the old city overlooking the Atlantic/Mediterranean seas. I was awestruck, not realizing how fantastic this place would be. There is wonder around every corner, eye candy in the form of rich colors and textures, curiosity as to what’s around the next bend. 
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We stepped into the most beautiful rug store I will ever see, and had our first Moroccan “rug show.” They pour tea and lay the rugs out in front of you, watching your reactions to see what you like, stacking rug upon rug into a big pile of your color/style/size preference. Then you go back through the pile and say “waha” for yes, “ijma” for skip it. I wasn’t actually shopping but it was fun to see how it’s done!
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Mohammed, the owner of the store, took us up to the terrace to see the view of this hometown, which he had so much pride for. He was kind and genuine, a grandfatherly figure, never pushy or sales-y (unlike his employees). After getting to know each other he picked out the rugs he thought I’d like, and he was spot on. They were exquisite. I told him I really can’t afford a rug now, but I promise to be back someday to buy one from him (they are SUCH good prices compared to the US, but I have no money to spare at the moment). I couldn’t stop staring at one rug hanging on the wall, which he told me was the most expensive in the store. The pattern was mother of pearl, because “where there is water, there is life.” He said I have expensive taste and a special charm. I will come back to Tangier to buy one of Mohammad’s rugs while he’s still alive, new life goal!!
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After a bittersweet goodbye (part of me still wishes I bought a rug, I hope I don’t regret that) we continued on, and it wasn’t long before we made our next friend of the day, Majid. He owned the most beautiful shop that used to be his home, but now he lives somewhere else. “That’s what life is about: grow, then go” he told me. I asked him what the most special part of the shop is and he said “the shop itself.” He was so proud of his livelihood that he didn’t negotiate the price on anything- price was set with no room for haggling.
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Stopped at Rif Kebdani for a yummy meal with wonderful service. 
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We stepped outside the Old City’s walls to catch a cab to the Herculean caves.
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After some negotiating (of course), we split into two cabs to the Herculean caves, one of Tangier’s main attractions. Our cab driver turned into a full-fledged guide, telling us everything about Tangier, explaining everything we passed. Tangier is high-end and luxurious, it’s where wealthy Europeans have vacation beachfront villas and Middle Eastern kings stay during visits to Morocco. The roads were spotless and modern with fancy street lamps and landscaped medians. We passed palace after palace, gated with guards, one for the Saudi Arabian king, one for the Moroccan King, one for the Algerian king, etc. He made it into a mini-tour, stopping at viewpoints along the way, even trying to get us to ride camels at one point (it was way too windy/cold). I learned so many interesting things about Tangier from this guy, here are a few:
English, French, Spanish, Portuguese quarters
The American embassy was the first embassy in Morocco
1956- Moroccan independence, 1957- Tangier independence. Took longer for Tangier because it was such an international city, governed by 8 nations
Tangier recently completed the first high-speed train in Africa to Casablanca
Morocco is a monarchy. Mohammad III gained Moroccon independence. Mohammad VI is King now, since 1999- young. Next in line is son Hassan third
Gelaba- traditional Moroccan dress with pointed hood, religious
That’s Spain on yonder-- Gibraltar! Moroccans cannot easily go into Spain or Europe, sadly.
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Where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Mediterranean Sea. 
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The Caves of Hercules were super cool. I had no idea what to expect, but I’m so glad we went. Hercules is thought to have come here, hence the name, and there is an opening in the rocks known as the “Map of Africa.” We watched the sunset change through this window, enthralled by the changing colors and crashing waves. It was spectacular, a glorious show by Mother Nature, so much movement and color captured within a frame that really does look like Africa.
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After our impromptu tour of Tangier, we went back to the palace and realized how hungry we were. Noad left to find food and came back with tajine from the same place as the night before-- he actually gave us tajine to-go! Check out the take away containers... hahahah so funny, gotta be one of my favorite moments of Morocco. We had so many questions.. how did he have the perfect crate for the perfect amount of tajines for us?! Is it just honors system to bring it all back? How is it only 30 dirham per plate?!?! We were beyond happy.
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We feasted, went on a little walk, and went to sleep. My room was absolutely freezing, life in a stone castle!
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