#this was my header on my old blog like it was a good opening right… Someone make something similar for me abt jeonghan
ashmp3 · 1 year
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sort of iconic if you ask me... Up there with Grace’s tags about what kind of cat i am and Seven saying Jeonghan would find me funny. And whatever Julia says daily but i’m absolutely not gassing her up
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Interlude 11h, Live Reactions
This is the one I've been really waiting for. So I'm going to go all out for this, because it's, you know, the Interlude. The only one from Arc 11 really worth reading. A key reason I'm even reading Worm in the first place, since if Amy hadn't done this and all that flows from it, Worm probably wouldn't have caught my interest enough back when I made that errant comment.
All the attendant 'this is a live reaction' stuff applies.
Amy sat on her bed, staring at the piece of paper in her hands.  The header at the top was stylized, a silhouette of a superhero with a cape flowing, with a script reading ‘The Guild’ extending to the right.
Given how Amy is going to be reasonably important for the next few arcs, and then show up significantly more in the back half of the work than she did Arcs 1-11, I kind of feel like...
This is too late to be getting our first Amy POV?
I mean, Amy's been sort of lurking at the end of the narrative for a while, and blind readers have presumably guessed all the teases about Amy are building up to something, and they are, but like...
A lot has to be fit into this Interlude, all at once, and maybe some of it could have, and indeed should have, been shown earlier, I'm gonna guess?
Like, any hypothetical worm TV show is absolutely going to have to show some of Amy's life much sooner than this. It's just not going to work if this is suddenly the first glimpse we get of Amy's perspective.
Mrs. Carol Dallon.  Brandish, Let me open by stating my condolences for the loss of your brother-in-law, nephew, and your husband’s injury.  I have heard New Wave is currently considering disbanding, and you have my best wishes, whatever route you end up taking.  We have too few heroes and heroines to lose them, and even fewer of the truly good heroes and heroines who set the standard for everyone else, parahuman and human alike.  If finances ever become a concern, know that all you need to do is ask, and we will find you employment among the Guild’s uncostumed staff. Knowing what you have been through as of late, it is with a heavy heart that I send you this message with further bad news.  Marquis, interred in the Baumann Parahuman Containment Center, confided to another inmate that he fears for his daughter’s life.  I have checked the facts to the best of my ability, and the details I have been able to dig up match with his story.  I must warn you that Allfather may have arranged for Amy Dallon to be murdered at some future date, in revenge for his own daughter’s death at Marquis’ hands.
WHY? Allfather is dead. Kaisar is dead. What made you think that this threat is at all likely to be borne out?!
She had to stop reading there.  The paper had been on Carol’s bedside table, and Amy had found it while collecting a change of clothes for Mark a week ago.  Carol had probably been reading it to him late the previous night, and maybe forgot to put it away due to a mixture of exhaustion and the distractions that came with waking up each morning to a disabled husband and a ten-year career in jeopardy.
This is Carol. Fuck her. She left it out on purpose.
(Okay, probably not, but remember This Is A Carol Dallon Hate Blog)
Marquis had been an aspiring crime lord in the bad old days of Brockton Bay.  It had been a time when the villains had been flocking to the city to profit off the booming tech and banking sectors, to recruit mooks and henchmen from the city’s unemployed dockworkers.  It had been an era when the heroes hadn’t been properly established, and the villains had been confident enough that some didn’t give a second thought to murdering any heroes who got in their way.  Marquis included. The bad old days were how Carol and Mark referred to that time.  There were more heroes now, and there was more balance between the good guys and the bad, but things were arguably worse now.  Everything was in shambles. Marquis had been an osteokinetic.  A manipulator of both his own bone and, provided some was exposed, the bones of his enemies.  He’d been notorious enough that she’d heard about him despite the fact that he’d been arrested more than a decade ago, that the city and the public had remembered him.  He’d lived in the outskirts of the city, residing in a large house in the woods, just beneath the mountains.
If Amy wasn't quite so neurotic, and hadn't been gifted by so many fucking issues by Carol, Marquis being her dad shouldn't have bothered her this much.
Because yes, villain. Yes, evil. But also - less evil than the Teeth. Less evil than E88. Less evil than Galvante. He was notorious. He did do a lot of bad things. But of all the options that were likely, he's... the best one? Unironically, any of the alternatives of that era would have been worse.
It's kind of hilarious, in an infuriating way, she melts down so much over the news that the best behaved of Brockton Bay's old class of villains is her dad. And it's because Carol gave her this stark, black and white 'Criminal is a state of being, not defined by choice' mindset.
So convinced that she's a monster already, between her power, her feelings for Vicky and Mommy dearest, this just feels like proof.
To all reports, the man had been heartless, callous.  Wasn’t she?  She couldn’t bring herself to care anymore when she went to the hospitals to heal the injured and sick.  It was a chore, something she made herself do because people wouldn’t understand if she stopped.  There were only so many people she could heal before she became desensitized to it.
Because you became inured to it, Amy! You did care once! Don't do this to yourself!
*shakes Amy by the shoulders* PLEASE!
Not hard to pull the pieces together.  She could remember how quickly Neil had dropped the subject when he realized she was listening.  He hadn’t outright said that they’d caught Marquis, but she could imagine that the weaknesses that Neil had been outlining had been what they’d used.  Send Lady Photon, Brandish and Fleur against the man.  Add the fact that Amy had been there, a toddler, and Marquis had been too concerned about collateral damage to go all out.
Toddler? Wait, I thought Amy was six?
Oh, right, #Wildbowsucksattime
But yeah. Let's attack the supervillain in his own home and let his daughter get caught in the crossfire! Oh, you didn't know about her? And if you'd killed her, that would have mattered not at all.
The slight hurt more than she’d expected.  It wasn’t like it was something new.  It had been going on for weeks.  And it was fully deserved.
No. It really isn't. Fuck you Victoria. Amy has very good, if probably misguided, reasons for not doing brains. Leaving aside the fact of her fears of her power and stuff, messing with brains is no simple prospect. Even if she could heal him, there's no guarantee it's Mark again. And if she did heal him and he came out not Mark, not the Mark they knew, who the fuck do you think gets the blame for that from Carol?
Sure as shit not you, Vicky!
Like, yes, Back in Interlude 2, we get a bit of foreshadowing, Vicky's belief that Amy does need to learn to do brains, needs to accept she may need to do them. And Vicky was right then. But she has no right to get angry at Amy, to act like what Amy is doing by refusing to break her rule, is doing something wrong. Yes, I wish Amy would do this. I wish Amy would be willing to break her rule, just a little, to help Mark.
But pressuring Amy like this, getting upset with her, guilting her - fuck you, Vicky. Fuck you.
Again, I feel like this is the sort of thing we needed to see sooner.
It was all falling apart.  This family had never fully accepted her.  Being in the midst of a family that all worked together, it was hard to preserve secrets.  Amy had learned a few years ago, overhearing a conversation between Carol and Aunt Sarah, that Carol had initially refused to take her in.  Her adoptive mother had only accepted in the end because she’d had a job and Aunt Sarah didn’t.  One kid to Aunt Sarah’s two.  When she’d taken Amy in, it hadn’t been out of love or caring, but grudging obligation and a sense of duty.
Hm. And maybe, just maybe, that's why Amy feels so obligated to burn herself out by constantly healing. Maybe, just maybe.
Jesus christ, I will be forever amazed that Wildbow created a character that is the fucking PLATONIC IDEAL of a Woobifiable character and then had the gall to be surprised people were woobifying her.
Man just never has understood how fandom works.
Victoria was appalled, seething with anger, brimming with resentment, because Amy couldn’t, wouldn’t, heal their father. They’d fought, and Amy hadn’t been able to defend her position, 
I find that very hard to believe. it's not hard to defend 'doing brains is a very bad idea'.
Then again, Amy is under insane stress and pressure and people aren't very good at reasoning through shit under pressure.
Again, I really feel like this needed to be spaced out better. Maybe 11h being the first Amy POV is fair, I can see why he'd do that, but these details about Mark, at least? That needed to come out sooner. It's just -
Too much is being packed in here. Too much.
The letter.  Carol wasn’t angry in the same way Victoria was.  What Amy felt from her ‘mother’ was a chill.  She knew that she was only justifying the darker suspicions Carol had harbored towards her since she was first brought into the family.  It was doubly crushing now, because Amy knew about Marquis.  Amy knew that Carol was thinking the same thing she was. Marquis was one of the organized killers.  He had his rules, he had his code, and so did Amy.  Amy wouldn’t use her power to affect people’s minds.  Like father, like daughter.
I mean, a lot of this is just Amy's own neuroses working against her, but seriously, people who act like Carol isn't the source of virtually every one of Amy's problems baffle me. People don't think like this without a reason. Carol's behavior gave her reasons to think like this.
A girl stood in the living room, five or so years younger than Amy.  Her blond hair had been curled into ringlets with painstaking care, but the rest of her was unkempt, filthy.  She stared at Mark, who was struggling and failing to stand from the couch.
Fucking Bonesaw.
Normally I like to call people by their names, rather than dignify them with their stupid cape names, though it depends, but no. Bonesaw doesn't get a name. Fuck her. I hate Bonesaw. Unfair? A little, yeah. She's a victim, a worse victim than nearly anyone else in Worm, arguably.
I just don't care.
Amy, kill her. Kill her right here. Right now.
“Yes!  I can’t even begin to tell you how hard it was.  I mean, I had to conduct the operation from a remote location, using robots, because I would lose my Tinker powers if I got too close to the big lug.  And I had to fit their bodies and nervous systems together so that they could use their powers without messing up the other.”
Oh, my heart bleeds for you, Bonebitch. Tell us all about how hard it was to make a monstrous freak of nature! As if you and your little brain parasite (shard) didn't love every psychopathic second of it.
Bonesaw smiled.  “I thought you’d appreciate this more than anyone.” “Appreciate this.” “You’re the only other person who works with meat.  I mean, we’re different in some ways, but we’re also really similar, aren’t we?  You manipulate people’s biology, and I tinker with it.  The human body’s only a really intricate, wet machine, isn’t it?”
I can honestly only laugh at the level of delusion this horrible little girl possesses. Not funny laugh, just... what the fuck else is there to do laugh.
“That’s good!”  Bonesaw smiled at Amy, “I knew we’d make a good team!” “Team?”  What could she say or do to escape?  Failing that, was there anything she could use to kill herself, so Bonesaw couldn’t get her hands on them, turn them into something like those things?  In the worst case scenario, she could use her power on Mark before finishing herself off.
Alternate universe where Bonesaw never gets it into her head that Amy should be her buddy.
Alternate universe where Bonesaw gets killed in a freak accident involving a frozen turkey falling from a great height at high velocities and squashing her.
Alternate universe where Bonesaw dies messily and bloodily and her body burns in a fucking nuclear fire.
“Language!”  Bonesaw admonished, with surprising fierceness.
I...I can't take this seriously.
I hate Bonesaw, for what she does to Amy, for how her fucking delusions lead to Amy's life being destroyed, but again, she's not actually that compelling. She's just...
Sick and twisted and...
Fucking annoying.
'Language'. Right. She really cares that much about it. Because Jack Slash really cares that much.
“Jack’s taken me on as his protegé.  Teaching me the finer points of being an artist. 
Artist? Artist? Artist? Artist? ARTIST?
My GOD is Jack Slash pretentious.
Actually, dare I say it?
Jack Slash is Edgy.
(What. I need to find something to laugh at as I read this or I'll combust with how much I hate Bonesaw right now)
(I genuinely don't understand fics that want to imagine some Amy & Bonesaw friendship, or Amy and 'Riley' or whatever, in some universe where Bonesaw does what she does to Amy and then survives to be redeemed or something. Even if Amy went evil and joined S9, I can't imagine her gleefully embracing Bonesaw's delusions. an S9 Amy probably murders Bonesaw at the first opportunity.)
and they’re kind of family.  I want you in my family, Amy Dallon.”
And I want to enter this work of fiction, grab you, and string you up by your entrails.
But we can't always get what we want, Bonebitch.
Amy looked at her hand.  She’d just taken a life.  A mercy, most probably, but she’d killed.  Something she had promised herself she would never do. She shivered.  It had been so easy.  Was this what it was like for her father?  Had she just taken one more step toward being like him?
See, and now this is where the problem with rigid moral codes hits. When they don't have any flexibility, for situations like this, when you build this hard, solid edifice and expect it to hold up against everything...
It's strong, sure, but it's brittle. And when you, like Amy, pin your entire sense of yourself, your entire sense of being a good person, on a few rigid codes, you absolutely will shatter.
Amy absolutely shouldn't have built herself such an inflexible moral edifice. If the girl had had any sort of actual therapy, she might not have. If she'd had a mother that wasn't Carol, she might not have.
But she did.
And it shattered.
Again... I just don't understand Wildbow, and Ward. Slaughterhouse Nine, and the role they played in destroying Amy's psyche and sense of herself and sense of morality barely shows up in the text, because god forbid we allow context to get in the way of his weird attempt at a rape culture metaphor or whatever the fuck he was on.
“Ready to join?” Bonesaw asked, looking for all the world like a puppy when her master had the leash out, ready for a walk.  Eager, brimming with excitement.
And the funny part is that this useless waste of carbon atoms actually thinks that's all that's needed.
and then we could make one superperson out of a hundred capes, and all of the powers would be full strength because you helped and we could use it to stop one of the Endbringers,
Oh fuck off Bonesaw. You wouldn't dare do anything so interesting as use your creations to fight an Endbringer. and even if you were capable of mustering enough vision for that, Jacky McEdgelord would hardly let you do something so creative.
“No,” Amy said.  Then, just to make it clear, she added, “No, it’s not going to happen.  I won’t join you.” “You will!  You have to!” “No.” “I have to do like Jack said.  He said I won’t be a true genius until I’ve figured out how to get inside people’s heads.” “Maybe- Maybe you won’t be inside my head until you realize there’s no way I’m going to join the Slaughterhouse Nine.”
You know, I'm not really interested in 'Amy goes off the rails level evil' fics, but you know what? Let's have one of those. Bonesaw breaks Amy and then Amy kills her and the rest of Slaughterhouse Nine because why the fuck would she hang out with them? If Amy really stopped caring and wanted to go evil, there's still no reason for her to be so BORING as to join Uselesshouse Nine
“I’m doing you a favor, really!”  Bonesaw raised her voice to be heard over the screams.  “You’ll thank me!”
I mean, I hate Bonesaw, I hate her with the heat of a million suns. And I don't hate any of the other members of S9 because again, BORING.
So in that sense, Bonesaw is a compelling villain.
But she's also boring, because she's just...
Nothing interesting about what she's doing. Torture and hybrid monsters and plagues and murder just for the sake of it. She learns all this shit about powers and does nothing with it.
I hate her so much not because she's compelling in her own right, but because I'm so obsessively into Amy as a character, and so desperately want her to be happy.
Everything else in the world seemed to drop away.  She pressed her forehead to his.  Everything biological was shaped in some way by what it had grown from and what had come before.  Rebuilding the damaged parts was a matter of tracing everything backwards.  Some of the brain was impossible to restore to what it had once been, in the most damaged areas or places where it was the newest growths that were gone, but she could check everything in the surrounding area, use process of elimination and context to figure out what the damaged areas had tied to. She felt tears in her eyes.  She had told herself she would heal him and then leave the Dallon household.  Actually doing this, fixing him, taking that plunge, she knew she would probably never have found the courage if she hadn’t been pushed into it. It wasn’t that she was afraid to get something wrong.  No.  Even as complicated as the mind was, she’d always known she could manage it.  No, it was what came after that scared her more than anything.  Just like finding out about Marquis, it was the opening of a door she desperately wanted to keep shut.
Again. Platonic ideal of a woobifiable character.
I just
I just don't get so many people.
This this -
Who the fuck reacts to 'I'm saving my dad from a serial killer by healing his brain' with 'I need to run away from home as soon as I'm done?'
Someone who desperately doesn't want to do bad things. Who is terrified of themselves. Who has more baggage than an airport and more issues than a Hudson News.
Someone who is intensely fucked up, and knows it and doesn't know what to do about it.
Certainly not someone who has just been... what, we're supposed to believe she was just waiting for the opportunity to mess with Vicky's brain? The excuse? That what she does to Vicky was the real her the whole time?
If I somehow had enough money to convince Wildbow to sell all the legal rights to all of the Wormverse, nuking Ward from existence across the Internet would be step 0. Also nuking r/parahumans.
The tagline of the Wormverse may as well be 'creating compelling characters the author somehow doesn't understand since 2011. Now with bonus queerphobia and racism!'
Her face burned with shame.  She made her way to her room and began packing her things into a gym bag.  Clothes, toiletries, and other things, mementos.  A small scrapbook, a memory card filled with pictures of her, her cousins and her sister.  She found a pad of post-it notes and scribbled out a few words. I’m sorry it took me so long to help Mark. Good bye.  I love you all, Amy. She wouldn’t be coming back. Amy opened her bedroom window and climbed out, pulling the bag out behind her.
Amy Please, fucking hell just - no.
“We could get you a therapist.  I mean, Mom was setting aside money for Dad’s care, we could use that to give you someone to talk to.” “I… a therapist wouldn’t be able to help.”
Yes, yes it could.
But she's so convinced, so sure there's no coming back from it.
“Fuck that!  I’m not about to let you walk away!”  Victoria floated closer, reaching out. “Don’t touch me,” Amy warned her sister.
It's hard to say. We don't see them just... existing in normal circumstances. Not in Worm. We don't know what their life was like before it all collapses.
But it's really hard to not look at... everything Victoria says and does, from Interlude 2, and this, and the fact that she does end up touching Amy despite the 'don't touch' and...
I'm pretty sure Vicky has a long history of ignoring or pushing Amy's boundaries. Of touching her when Amy doesn't want to be touched. Dragging her on those double dates she manifestly doesn't want to go on. Pushing her to keep healing all those people she nearly kills to cover up her crimes. Constantly pushing Amy to heal Mark.
And Amy, because she was probably too afraid to have boundaries when she first moved into the Dallon household, and then too used to letting Vicky get away with it, and then Vicky was her only source of stability and affection so of course Amy lets her get away with it.
And then she falls in love with Vicky and the idea of saying no to her becomes a lot harder.
And Vicky, of course, just sees that Amy's boundaries aren't really boundaries. She just needs to push a little and her sister's totally cool with whatever. Amy loves her. She loves Amy. Boundaries are what now?
(I say this with love, I really do, but I'm pretty sure Vicky isn't the most respectful of boundaries in general. Not intentionally, just... you know, by accident, a lot).
Vicky does not deserve what happens to her next, or later. Again, shouldn't need to say it, but this fucking fandom.
But she absolutely should have listened when Amy said 'no!' Time and again.
No is always a complete fucking sentence.
“Idiot,” Victoria grabbed her sister by the shirt collar and pulled her into a painfully tight hug. “Don’t,” Amy moaned into her sister’s shoulder. “All of this?  We’ll work it out.  As a family.  And if your idea of family means it’s just you and me, then we’ll work it out together, just the two of us.”
A perfect storm of the worst possible fucking thing to say when you're already shattering her boundaries.
All it took was one moment of weakness, and she was weak.  At the end of her rope, desperately lonely, haunted by her father’s shadow, her shame at being unwilling and unable to help Mark until now, the idea that one of the Slaughterhouse Nine thought she belonged with them? She was losing everything so quickly.  Victoria was all she had, and it was the choice between abandoning that for everyone’s good and keeping Victoria close. She felt Victoria’s body more acutely than she felt her own.  Every heartbeat, every cell brimming with life. Like a flame at the end of a long fuse, leading to a stick of dynamite, her power traveled from the side of Victoria’s neck to her brain.  It was barely a conscious action on Amy’s part.
Again it's so weird that Wildbow can write this, and then... not get it? Powers work on thoughts. Powers work on errant impulses and yes, you can restrain your thoughts, prevent them to become action, but intrusive thoughts are a thing, and it really isn't always easy to hold them back, especially in the state she's in, the state he put her in, with the way powers work, the way he decided powers work...
The man builds this elaborate device made of dozens of checkov's guns and then insists, years later, he never fired a single one of them.
The plain fucking TEXT makes it clear, christ on a fucking bike.
The magnitude of what she’d just done hit her with a suddenness and pain she likened to a bullet to the chest.  “Oh god.  Please, let me undo it.” She reached out, but Victoria stepped back. “What the hell did you do?” Victoria asked, her eyes wide, “I felt something.  I feel something.  You’ve used your power on me before, but not like this.  I- You changed the way I think.  More than that.” Tears welled at the corners of Amy’s eyes.  “Please.  This is what I was afraid of.  Let me undo it.  Let me fix it and leave, and you can go back to Mark and Carol and you three can be a family, and-”
If we're supposed to believe this was a deliberate, willing, fully conscious choice by her (which is what Wildbow and his Church insist is what 'barely a conscious action' means here), then this makes no sense.
But of course, Why would Wildbow care about a coherent narrative? Why would his Church? They have Words of God! Those matter more than the fucking TEXT.
“You have to understand, for so long, you were all I had.  I was so desperately lonely, and that was at the same time I was starting to worry about my dad.  I got fucked up, my feelings got muddled somewhere along the line, and it’s like… maybe because you were safe, because you were always there.” “You have feelings for me,” Victoria answered.  She couldn’t keep the disgust out of her voice, she didn’t even try.  “That’s what Tattletale was using as leverage, wasn’t it?”
Let's circle back to something I said earlier -
This needed to be revealed sooner, to us, the reader. Or... something.
Revealing all this, all at once, all in one chapter?
There's just too much going on here.
Amy found out Marquis is her dad
we find out about Mark
we find out about Vicky pressuring Amy to heal Mark
Bonesaw and all her shit
Amy runs away
Vicky finds her
Vicky finds out about Marquis
Amy changes Vicky and the full story of Amy's feelings come out and it's just...
Worm suffers from too much happening in quick succession in general, but man this Interlude is the fucking textbook case.
“Please.  Let me fix it.  Then I’ll leave.  You’ll never have to see me again.” “What in the world makes you think I’d let you use your power on me again!?”  Victoria shouted, taking to the air, out of reach.  “Who knows what you’re going to do to me!?”
Okay, so like...
I do get this, I really do. You just had your entire sense of... everything shattered, with regards to how you see your Sister, and you're under a lot of stress too but -
You've known and trusted your sister for years. You just fucking said it. She's explicitly saying she didn't mean to, that this isn't something she wanted to do...
I mean, I imagine if not for... everything that's about to happen, Vicky might calm down in a few days and give Amy a chance to fix this. I'd like to believe that anyway.
I get it. I do. I don't... I don't blame Vicky for this, but...
Still. Wrong choice, Glory Girl.
Victoria shook her head slowly, then scoffed.  “Good job, Amy.  You just did an excellent job of taking every instance of me defending you, every instance of my giving you the benefit of a doubt, and proving me fucking wrong.  You were worried about being as fucked up as your dad?  Congratulations, I’m pretty goddamn sure you just surpassed the man.”
Jesus christ, Vicky.
Again. Heat of the moment. You're furious.
But like...
If she was surpassing him, she'd have changed your brain more. To make you like it. You're supposed to be smart. Be smart.
Interlude 11h. The only Interlude really worth reading for this Arc, and jesus fucking christ I'm emotionally exhausted. My own fault, but fucking fuckfuckfuckfuck.
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So, lets do this once more and properly.
Hey there! Nice to see you have found your way to my funky little blog here. As mentioned in the header, this is a Whump blog where I'll also ocassionally post some other unrelated stuff, but the main focus will remain on Whump and similar themes.
About me? I'm Pyro, a young adult and my pronouns are He/They. I'm autistic and I have memory issues, so if I don't respond to a tag/ask/dm, or act in a way that's otherwise odd, I can assure you it's not maliciously intended.
Info about what I'll post here, as well as some other important stuff is under the cut!
Mini disclaimer: When I talk about Loki in my tags, I’m talking about my OC Loki, not MCU Loki, just to clear up confusion :)
First off, a couple of ground rules if you want to interact with my blog!
Leave your discourse at the door. This is a hard rule. I'm not apolitical, however I will not take any sides on any conflict on this blog. This applies to fandom stuff, as well as real life happenings and actual politics. There's places to get into that, and this blog is not one of them.
Be civil. I take the freedom to block whoever I need to curate my experience, and that means if you're an ass on mine or someone else's blog, you're getting the boot. I will not explain my reasoning for blocking someone.
On the same note, you're also free to block me for whatever reason. Don't vibe with my posts? Can't stand my blog colors? Don't like me for any other reason? That's cool, lets block and move on.
You're welcome to use my prompts and the tags I leave on other people's post for your own stories, that's why I post them here. Though I'd love if you tagged me in the finished piece, so I can see what you made of the idea!
Please feel free to tag me in tag games and under your stories if you want to! Even if I might not get back to it right away (or even forget it completely), I still appreciate it very much!
If you want something removed from my blog, that's no problem. Just throw me an ask or something and I'll oblige, no questions asked.
This list may be edited at any point in time. I'll note this at the top of the post though.
A couple of my favorite tropes, from the top of my head and in no particular order:
- Concussion/Head injury - A good old fashioned Beatdown - Broken bones - Magic Whump - Major character death - Whumpee dying in Caretakers arms especially - Phobias - Falling (Down the stairs, off a cliff, you name it) - Fainting/Passing out - Hidden injuries along with Injury/Scar reveals - Blood from the mouth/Coughing up blood - Drowning/Falling through Ice - Pinned down by rubble - Whumpee getting impaled on/by something - Hypothermia - Carrying - Gore - Medical stuff - Historical/Fantasy Whump
And here's some tropes you probably won't see here!
- Pet Whump - The BBU - NSFWhump - Lab stuff - Long term captivity - Conditioning/Dehumanization - Paternal Whump (Either as Caretaker or Whumper) - Mouth stuff - Nunhuman Characters (To an extent. Farthest I'll go will be immortality and perhaps a vampire here and there)
I‘ve ditched my tagging system since it was stressing me out, so most reblogs are untagged or only have commentary added to them. I tag common triggers such as vents and mental health stuff, and if you need anything tagged in particular, feel free to tell me! I’ll usually be happy to help out.
I'll also make some introductions for my OCs at this point soon, so stay tuned for that :)
Now, I think that is all for now. My asks and submissions are open, and I usually don't bite, so feel free to hit me up about anything!
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capns-stash · 2 years
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Please see the "This Blog Blocks..." (red header) section for blockable offenses. I try to keep them pretty "common-sense."
About Me
Hey! I'm @captcouch , and I manage this sexy, sexy blog! I've been on Tumblr since 2007, unfortunately, and I'm not allowed to leave (hey, I don't make the rules). While I've had this specific sideblog handy for fap material since at least 2018, I decided to fully-embrace running a NSFW Tumblr blog in 2022.
I'm 30 years old, bisexual, and polyamorous. I was raised male, but I'm non-binary genderfluid. Either "they/them" or "he/him" pronouns are okay to use to refer to me.
I have a lot of Opinions(TM) about and experiences with love, sex, personal relationships, monogamy and consensual non-monogamy, as well as related topics. I'm the opposite of a sage, but a blog is a good place for stuff like that, so you'll probably see a few of my ramblings posted here and there.
While I won't say "No topic is off-limits," I'm a pretty open book about a lot of things! If there's anything you want to know, or if you just want to drop a friendly "hello," my ask box is open!
Expect to See:
Reblogs of content from my favorite adult content creators on Tumblr!
Reblogs of adult-oriented art content, uploaded either by the creator, with permission from the creator, or under Fair Use. If a post I reblogged violates this, please let me know via an ask!
The occasional homegrown nudes & lewds of my willing friends and committed romantic partners. They're a bunch of hot geeks, freaks, and dorks that want to use my NSFW blog as a way of showing off their sexy side. See "About My Friends'/Partners' Photos" (green header, below "This Blog Blocks...") for important info!
Thoughts, opinions, stories, jokes, questions, and answers about sex, sexuality, dating, relationships, kink, and other related topics. Some are from other blogs, and some are my own! Feel free to send me an ask about anything!
My own hornyposting (blogging, fiction, etc.), most likely meaning: me embarrassing myself on the Internet but posting it anyway. 😅
Maybe my own nudes & lewds. Big maybe. Entirely dependent on my own self-esteem. On that matter, stay tuned!
This Blog Blocks, Without Exception:
Followers and interacters who are under the age of 18 or found to be lying about being 18+. This is for VERY important legal reasons to protect me, you, and the subjects of the photos uploaded to this blog. Minors are NOT welcome here.
Followers and interacters with no age listed in their blog profile/pinned. Again, for VERY important legal reasons. It's your choice not to list your age. It's my choice to block ageless blogs. You'll get over it.
Blank blogs (default icon, no reblogs, no theme). Even if you're a human, you look suspicious using Tumblr that way.
Blogs that upload or mostly reblog stolen porn and other stolen adult content. This includes reuploaded GIFs from PornHub, RedTube, et al, as well as from other Tumblr content creators. Nobody's perfect, but it's easy enough to tell who cares enough not to reblog stolen content. If content on a post I reblogged was stolen, or if content from this blog was stolen and uploaded elsewhere, please tell me in an ask!! Help out small-time adult content creators and stop porn thieves!!
Pedophiles, ephebophiles, lolicon fetishists, and other minor-attracted persons/MAPs/NOMAPs. You are NOT welcome here. "No exceptions" means no exceptions.
TERFs and others with exclusionary or overall bigoted beliefs towards any gender, race, color, sexuality, national origin, language, or adult-consenting cultural practice. You are NOT welcome here. Black lives matter, trans rights are human rights, and Native families deserve the rights to raise their own children and tend their ancestral lands.
Blogs and users who are anti-sex work or anti-sex worker.
Blogs and users who don't respect/follow any Do Not Interact/DNI rules & requests listed on a post, whether it be ones I made, ones made by my friends or partners, or ones made by the blog owner of a post I reblogged. It's not that hard to respect other people and perform basic accommodation, and it's not that hard for me to block you either.
"Unicorn hunters" and polyamory fetishists. There are many ways to ethically participate in consensual non-monogamy. Fetishizing polyamory and polyamorous people, as well as predatorily seeking people for sex under a false pretense of polyamory, are not included in that. These have damaging, real-life consequences for us and our poly partners who love us and care deeply about us. You probably aren't just hurting one person - you're hurting potentially many other people: an entire family.
Feeder blogs, race/ethnicity fetishists, trans fetishists, "gender chasers," disability fetishists, and related topics. People don't deserve to be reduced to sexual fetishes for who they innately are.
Sexual degradation blogs that go beyond a controlled fantasy-space and enter an abusive space.
Cucking blogs won't be singled-out and blocked by virtue of being cucking blogs (we don't kinkshame here), but be it stated, to the best of my knowledge, neither I or any of my friends or partners are into cucking, and you'll be blocked if you're weird about it. Past experience has shown that people will unfortunately be weird about it.
Anyone who harasses any of my family, friends, romantic partners, Tumblr mutuals, blog followers, or other associates. You will be dealt with accordingly. Find a new hobby or something, jeez!
Bots, Google AdSense harvesters, search engine crawlers, IFTTT and similar automation workflow blogs. The only robots allowed here are the sexy kind, not the spying kind or spammy kind.
Blogs attempting to solicit serious illegal criminal activity, especially drugs and human trafficking.
Blogs that advocate/dedicate themselves to perpetuating/glorifying physical & emotional abuse of humans & animals, eating disorders, or self-harm outside of a non-abusive sexual context between consenting adults (such as a BDSM fantasy).
Blogs and users known to be harmful to the Tumblr adult content creator community. This includes but isn't limited to things like the offline personal abuse of a content creator, as well as general hostility towards the overall community or a specific creator in my network.
People I don't like or just feel the need to block. Maybe you're a jerk. Maybe you're horribly wrong about my blorbos. Whatever the reason, we'll both move on with life.
About My Friends'/Partners' Photos:
Important: If you're going to follow this blog for any length of time at all, I'd hope you'll at least read this section. I don't like to sound like a lawyer (and a lawyer I am not), but there's some important things here to cover.
It also aims to act as an FAQ of sorts re: my friends' & partners' photos. If you feel that I'm missing anything important, please reach out to me via an ask.
Photos uploaded to this blog featuring my friends or romantic partners were uploaded with their willing permission, as well as their informed, knowing, and enthusiastic consent.
Permission and consent were provided by my friends or partners prior to uploading and posting the photos. All subjects were not under the influence of any intoxicating substance at the time that consent and permission were provided.
Permission and consent provided by the subject(s) are documented securely. Yes, this can mean a lot of work for both them and me. Yes, we think it's worth it. We're freaks, and you're welcome.
All subjects involved are informed of and understand the circumstances and potential consequences of having their nude & lewd photos uploaded to the public Internet and, specifically, Tumblr.
All subjects involved are aware that they may revoke the previously-provided permission & consent to have their photos posted to this blog, and it will be both documented and honored to the absolute best of my ability. That means I will delete or edit (based on the subject's preference) any and all posts on this blog containing photos which the subject wants removed, even if they are not the only subject whose photo(s) is/are in the post, and even if they are not the only subject(s) of the photo(s). I will do my best to find each and every post involved and take the appropriate action. Each subject has a tag, chosen personally by them, corresponding to posts whose photos feature them, allowing the posts to be easily amended or removed. I take this topic very seriously.
All subjects involved understand that removing or editing the original Tumblr post does not stop existing reblogs from appearing elsewhere on Tumblr or being reblogged by other blogs. Plainly-put, they are already well-informed in advance that their nudes & lewds can still be found and viewable in this way, and have readily accepted this circumstance prior to their photos being posted here.
Should I cease to be personally involved with the subject(s), posts featuring photos of my now-ex-partner or ex-friend will be immediately removed from this blog, unless said person makes it known to me that they still permit and consent to having their photos posted here, which will also be properly documented. This blog refuses to make or support "revenge porn," and I take this topic very seriously as well. The subjects are very personally close to me, and the photos wouldn't be taken or uploaded if both they and I didn't have an already-existing long-term personal or romantic relationship built on mutual love, trust, shared personal values, and healthy communication habits (plus a healthy dosage of perversion!). The subjects communicate with me on a regular basis to ensure continued permission & consent.
The subjects provided me with permission to share their photos, but this does NOT mean you have permission to be rude to them, harrass them, make disparaging comments to/about them or about their bodies, stalk them, be creepy to them, or follow them on Tumblr and other social media/communication channels. Practice common decency, or lose the privilege of seeing the photos they wanted to share.
All the same, they did NOT provide you with permission to re-upload the photos anywhere else. Unless permission is provided by the subject, or the subject chooses to upload them elsewhere, ONLY this blog is allowed to upload and post them here. If you find their photos uploaded elsewhere without permission, whether that be another Tumblr blog or another website, PLEASE let me know in an ask ASAP!! Help out small-time adult content creators and stop porn thieves!!
While I manage this blog, the photos belong to the subjects, and I am merely the perverted blogger that turns their desire to share and celebrate their sexy photos with the world into a reality. I work directly with the subject(s) to make the posts featuring them into their vision of what they want shared, including captions, layout, and other fine details. Some elements may be of my own making, but I always prefer that the subject(s) approve of them first. My friends' and partners' needs and preferences ALWAYS come first.
If you are interested in gaining permission from the subject to re-upload/re-use their photos or collaborate on other content (serious, verifiable inquiries only), please reach out to them directly if their Tumblr or other social media info is available in posts featuring them. Failing that, or if that info was not made available, please reach out to this blog directly via an ask so that I may facilitate the request. Do NOT harass them or me, and practice common politeness and decency. Do not follow their Tumblr blogs expecting to see more pictures of them naked. Do not ask them if they have an OnlyFans/ManyVids/etc. Don't be a weirdo, and don't be a jerk.
My partners and friends are the world's greatest humans. While I'm highly supportive of their desire to share their hot naked pictures with the world, I am also very protective of those people. The fact that they are actively willing and enthusiastic to share photos of their bodies with the rest of us is a gift and a privilege.
As we enjoy this gift, and maybe excitedly rub one out or two over it (that's why you're here, isn't it?), remember that this is also a privilege, and that by sharing themselves in this way, they are willingly placing themselves in a position of vulnerability for you (and me too).
Above all, do not abuse this privilege, and do not take it for granted. Again, don't be a weirdo, and don't be a jerk. You should take this attitude with you when you visit EVERY amateur adult content creator's blog on Tumblr, and probably everywhere else too.
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iapctvs · 3 days
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#𝐔𝐑𝐋 // iapetus -- iapctvs.
An independent, private && selective portrayal of Cidolfus Telamon from final fantasy 16. Delving deep into the lore of FF16 and the character of Cid. This blog will contain mature themes and the writer is above the age of 25. Minors DNI. This man is massively loved by Kay.
Below is a simplified version of the rules. For more in depth, please look at the theme. Along with each characters exclusivity and mains.
Things to complete for the blog: tags, icon border
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 ;; general etiquette applies. no godmodding , ect. don't drag me into your drama , i'm not here for it. i'm not into call out / cancel culture either. i won't reblog call outs. i do read them , however i am free to make my own mind up about someone. i will not ever create a DNI. i do understand why people do it and you'll get no judgements from me, I simply do not wish to be a part of it. I'm here to write. In regards to graphics everything on this blog is made by me unless stated otherwise (does not include reblogged gifs/pictures). Header graphic credit goes to @encelvdus <3 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 ;; this blog is multi-ship / multi-verse. here they be no ship crossovers. i don't often duplicate ship. i put a lot of time and effort into any ships that i have and therefore I don't generally have an interest in having more than that.. On that note, let me make one thing clear ; no ship is superior. if you enjoy a ship , good for you. if you dislike a ship , also good for you. don't make it someone else's problem. What I will say is though, I do like open communication with my shipping partners, I can't ship with you if I feel like I can't talk to you. Also, I am well within my right to drop a ship at any time, whether it's because I feel like it's run its course or because I feel lack of interest. Same of course, goes for you. 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒 / 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 ;; affiliates i class as exclusives. i will not write with duplicate muse. in this case, i do expect it to be reciprocated. however ; mains are different. mains i don't expect it reciprocated ; and while i'll heavily prioritise your muse , yours may not be the only one i write with. Please also note that to be considered an affiliate/exclusive there must be a good level of communication between the partners, if I feel like I can't talk to you then this will not be upheld. 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 / 𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 ;; just like you , i hold the right to unfollow as i see fit. i won't make a fuss if i don't like something , i'll simply move on. the same respect will be given to you should you choose to either unfollow or block me. 𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒 ;; I'm not here for it. I don't want to be pulled into social politics of any form. I simply want to write and enjoy myself and enjoy the stories that we write. I'm a tired bean... I don't have the brain power or function for it anymore. I just... don't. 𝐊𝐀𝐘 ;; Is me. Hi. (: Social introvert. I'm too old to deal with BS , i'm just here for a good time. friendly enough , bit of a gremlin. uk based and sporadic.
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projecthipster · 5 months
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky)
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The book, not the movie, so I will not put Logan Lerman in the header image.
“I’m going to write it down because maybe if I do I won’t have to think about it. And I won’t get upset.”
Dear Friend,
I’d like to think back to July 2022. I’d lazily started writing Project Hipster reviews here and there, and reading books based on what the lists threw at me, though I wouldn’t realize that a Tumblr sideblog was the right venue for them (is it? I still don’t know) until next year when I posted the praise of Franny and Zooey that kicked off this blog. Sort of. It’s never really been fully kicked. 
Anyway, I was reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower as part of my aimless attempt at reading agreed-upon “hipster books,” and I was enjoying it. It’s a thin little book, so it fit like mustache wax on a barista into the laptop pocket of my backpack. I’d just started doing the city bike tours that I’m still doing now, and I’d taken a pretty young Parisian English teacher around town on a sunny Canada Day. We’d had a good time and so we agreed to meet up again for lunch the next day - Perks still tucked into that laptop pocket for train reading. 
I met her at a classic barbeque joint on McIntyre, in that block with the old bank that’s now the Irish pub, and the baptist church, and the street art of the flowers in the alley, and that row of condemned buildings that used to have a bubble machine in one of the windows until it was discovered that the bubbles were coming out of a fentanyl distribution centre. You know the block. The barbeque joint hosts punk and metal shows in the evening, but we were there for lunch. Waiting for food, we got to talking about books. I wanted to know what books were good for studying French. She said, read Camus. I did. That’ll be a post here soon. I wanted to know, what books do you use to teach English to French teenagers? There’s one we read last semester because it has lots of meaning but simple language, she said. It’s called The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Have you heard of it?
Zip-open went the laptop pocket!
All this is to say, there’s something simple but universal in Perks, something that transcends its semi-autobiographical adolescent rooting in early 90s suburban Pittsburgh. Stephen Chbosky is no believer in universalism in storytelling, that supposed root of relatability, the creation of a blank slate. To try to make anyone’s story feel like everyone’s story is the surest way, after all, to make it feel like no one’s story. So, Perks is inseparable from its pre-hipster, car-centric, football-obsessed, conservatively entrenched baseline. I say baseline because one of the ways protagonist Charlie evolves is in breaking out of this mainstream dullness. There’s little anger in that breaking away, though. Charlie doesn’t feel like so many Hipster Novel protagonists, listless in suburbia and longing for some great perhaps. Instead his finite existence is so sheltering that he doesn’t seem to ever ponder alternative ways until other characters bring them before him. That’s not to say there’s no sense of breaking free. As Charlie rides into the city in a old pickup truck with his older friends playing a mixtape after his first party, in the early first iteration of the most iconic scene, the one you know from the movie, even the sentences of his guarded epistles break out of sentence-verb-object and grow to infinity, as he himself declares, “I feel infinite.” From then on the doorways looking to infinity reveal themselves slowly. There’s a lot of contrast for most of this slim school year chronicle between Charlie’s family life, trauma-wracked and sullen but rarely so dramatic as to feel like it has to be in focus, and his life with his friends, who reveal the worlds of indie music, gay camp, and sometimes unhappy experiments with drugs. Like I said, the cultural references aren’t subtle. There are mentions aplenty of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Fleetwood Mac, Nirvana, Nick Drake, and again and again The Smiths. Then there’s Bill the English teacher, who plays that English Teacher in a YA Novel role of the literary mentor, a bit of the older author guiding his own memory-avatar of his younger self towards the bookish present future. This is a way of dropping books that Chbosky likes, or that might have influenced the book in some way. Lots of these are also landmark Hipster Books that I’m due to review sooner or later on this blog: On the Road, The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Separate Peace. I’d be scared of the cultural monolith that those books represent, but I’ve already passed the first great monolith, one of my favourite books of all time, as it is Bill’s, and Charlie’s, and very obviously Chbosky’s. I’m talking about The Catcher in the Rye of course. It’s a little funny to read Charlie talking about reading Catcher over and over, when he’s telling a novel in exactly Holden Caulfield’s narrative voice. I mean that. I really do. It’s those sort of insistent short sentences at the ends of paragraphs, and all the “kind of”s.
Of course Charlie is absolutely no Holden, which is what keeps Perks from being a Catcher retread. Chbosky’s experiment seems to be telling Holden’s story if instead of lashing out at the world in bitter irony, the trauma-battered youth retreated inwards to isolation while maintaining his unshakable empathy and kindness. That’s the meaning of the title. What are the perks of being a wallflower? Well, they’re that from the sidelines, you can see what goes on between people and understand them, without getting hurt. There’s no need to develop Holden’s prickly shell of ankylosaurus armour over the heart if you blend into the wallpaper enough to never be noticed. 
Of course, being a wallflower forever doesn’t make for a very good story. The story here, while like Catcher it also digs back into the source of Charlie’s childhood trauma, buried under all its layers of denial and justification, also follows his journey to try to “participate.” The text hits on something special when it reminisces on the soulful importance of meandering conversations in late-night fast food restaurants.
Which is why we need urban planning that re-emphasizes the affordable third space. But that’s another essay.
Love always,
Your Hipster Archivist
I give this Hipster book four bonus English class essays out of five.
Project Hipster is a futile and disorganized attempt to dive into the world of things that the internet has at some point claimed "are hipster," mostly through ListChallenges search results.
This review comes from the fourteenth list, The BBC and Goodreads Declare: "If You Score 20+ on This Quiz You Qualify as a Hipster."
Yeah, the name of the list is longwinded this time around. I like that it lists the sources for this declaration though. I’m glad to know that this is a book that Goodreads, the website where Fifty Shades of Grey is rated higher than Moby Dick, doesn’t just say but DECLARES is For Hipsters. I trust the BBC though, if only because I still like Doctor Who.
Up next: some movie or another from a list clearly made by someone English. Most likely more Tarantino.
Stay deck.
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makemains · 2 years
Freebsd meminfo cpuinfo
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Freebsd meminfo cpuinfo cracked#
Freebsd meminfo cpuinfo mod#
Freebsd meminfo cpuinfo manual#
Freebsd meminfo cpuinfo full#
Freebsd meminfo cpuinfo iso#
The leg on the opposite side of the diode is not trimmed short so a wire to the hotshoe foot can be easily soldered directly to it. I learned something disassembling this cheap flash this time around. Probed around and found the center contact of the hotshoe at that side of a diode. Yellow wire soldered to a diode which happens to stick up enough for the task! They're thinner than vermicelli noodles and CAT5! I have a feeling this flash might recycle faster if I change the wires connecting the battery terminals to the pcb. Note the heat shrink tubing for a beautiful solder job :)Īs mentioned, I probed around and found the negative battery terminal to be in common with the outside contact of the hotshoe. I probed around and found an easier way to hack in the jack without wires running to the bottom. I previously had a pigtail (jack+wire hanging out of the flash) connected to the 2 contacts of the test button, but that eventually disconnected itself. The test button is wired in parallel to the hotshoe foot. Since I've had this flash before, I've already opened it up and looked around.
Freebsd meminfo cpuinfo cracked#
Only a pair of screws on the same side need to be removed.įlash cracked open with hole drilled for jack. Twist the flash head to reveal the screws needed to open. This blog is more for inspiration and basic documentation and was never intended to be a how-to. Much more you can do from that point forward like multiple flashes and coloured gels. In short, the first step is to get the flash OFF the camera to get creative with light. If you don't know what strobist is, check out. I managed to spare some time to finally do it last weekend.Įxtreme crop from old picture of flash mounted sideways
Freebsd meminfo cpuinfo mod#
I actually wanted to mod this pos in 2008 because I'm too cheap to buy an adapter and want too many itty bitty accessories to deal with. I found it mounted fine in a hotshoe umbrella holder sideways. Coincidentally, a friend of mind had the exact same flash and gave it to me since he doesn't use it anymore and knows I fix things (the hotshoe was broken). Every other strobist follower would know about that good old fantastic flash. Rather than making myself more flexible around it's lack of flexibility, I got rid of it and replaced it with a Nikon SB-26.
Freebsd meminfo cpuinfo manual#
For off-camera use, it sucked as it only had 1/1 (full power) and 1/16 for manual use. Short story, I used to have the flash I recently modded. :)ĭoesn't look like much went into adding a jack. Also bragging about my smallest SD card being 16MB. All shots were taken handheld with a 5Dmk2 and ef50/1.4.
Freebsd meminfo cpuinfo iso#
The close up shots were ISO 100, f/9, 1/125s and 100% crops. Now I realize I can't click on a photo for a larger view (DOH!).
Freebsd meminfo cpuinfo full#
Blame full frame for stopping down so much (I prefer crop). I used f/20 so there would be enough DoF to read the screen contents and card reader. Exposure was a bit hot (oops), 1/20s for the LCD contents to be readable. Why 2x full power? The POS flash only has 1/1 and 1/16 for manual. Less detail is probably better for a ghetto hack/solder job, huh? :) That was too easy to solder! I got my dose of burning flux and solder. I hope the brilliant engineers made the pinouts for USB headers on motherboards to be exactly the same as the male end of the cable because it can't be a coincidence. Pin 1 is V+ and usually a red wire.īottom: Ghetto bending and soldering resistor legs I would assume all USB devices have no reverse polarity protection since internal headers are keyed (nevermind voltage drop), so. Since all internal card readers I know about use the 2 ports on a motherboard header, I want the option for my card reader and other random things to use the right set of pins (top or bottom). Top: Coloured dots match standard USB cable wiring Anyhoo, close up pics or it didn't happen. I still haven't gotten a Nikon since selling my Pentax. My desktop is completely disasembled and boxed. I unfortunately ran into a small problem with needing to copy some pictures from a Compact Flash card since I'm borrowing a friend's DSLR. My netbook will temporarily be my one and only computer. Getting a monitor, case, PSU, keyboard and mouse are low priority. My plan was to dump the PSU+case, bringing only the stuff inside with me to Canada. I recently built a desktop computer for someone and gave away my PSU since it's 220V only. Viewing an empty 16MB SD card with an internal card reader
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0 notes
kittiestkat · 2 years
from old blog
dark content : stepcest
(i will insert the header when i can b bothered to make it :p)
again!” the incessant shouting and slaps of skin on polyester rang through your ears as you sat on one of the benches, legs swinging.
boxing wasn’t your forte, actually, any physical exercise at all wasn’t your favourite thing ever. at all for that matter.
“again!” the black haired brute shouted once more, praising the man he was training when his throw sounded a particularly loud ‘shmack’.
as much as your mother would scold you, you couldn’t deny that coming here was boring, your iphone games no longer satisfying the short spanned part of your brain.
tugging at your pleated skirt, you yawned, stretching your arms above you, exposing a slither of bronzed skin that enticed the person next to you to start speaking to you.
“good trainer isn’t he.” the man questioned, no, stated. he was bald, grey scruff framing a sunken down face.
“excuse me?” you question, head tilting to the side in confusion as to why this man was prying conversation from you. conversation you’d much prefer spent with megumi, if your phone wasn’t fucking dead.
“your dad,” he said, eyes flickering to the frilly socks you were sporting, his lips calling upwards as he tried gaging in what type of person you were.
ten dollars the word ‘lolita’ flit through his head.
“good trainer, huh?”
‘he’s not my dad.’
at least that’s what you would have said. your head turns, eyes zoning in on the tall man, unmoving as he held two matte black focus pads in his hands. no matter how hard the trainee punched he didn’t budge. not once.
“sure is.” you roll your eyes.
“be nice okay, they’re lovely and i don’t want them getting the wrong impression of you.” you didn’t appreciate your mum speaking so lowly of you. you loved her, sure. but right now you wanted to do nothing more than throw a tantrum.
it wasn’t like you went and fucked another man, got married and abandoned your old life for flashy cars and fake smiles. bitch.
three knocks on the door and the wood was swung open. a young boy with thick, black, unruly hair stood, looking…bored? great, another moron.
you rolled your eyes, wanting to gouge them out at your mums sickly sweet, completely inorganic, voice.
“fushi!” she beams, arms wide as she wraps him in a one sided hug.
“where’s your father, darling?” like he sensed her presence, a tall shadow came from the room directly in front of you, which you presumed to be the living room, kitchen even.
you had to admit, even you were a little surprised.
how did she bag that?
“baby!” your mother said, voices a hundred octaves higher. gross.
the man was tall, really fucking tall. six two maybe? taller even.
he was big, big shoulders, big hands, big smile. his top did nothing to hide his taught waist, the slim frame of it clearly sporting many muscles. not that you cared, his soon to be daughter.
your mum draped round him like some sort of bimbo accessory. the boy next to you scoffed. as much as you hated to admit it, your attitude to this situation was like his, as much as you whined and protested, the prospect of a new mother made your eyes twinkle, dimly, but there none the less.
“you must be y/n,” the man grinned, eyes wide, he looked like he genuinely was excited to meet you. he was still fucking intimidating.
your heart was hammering against your chest, you had grown annoyed at your body for being excited at the fact you were going to have a father figure, a new friend.
“i’m toji.” you shuffled on your feet a few times. you only mumbled in response, flustered; pinning it on the aspect of having a new entire family, not the tall man in front of you.
you could feel your mums anger when you didn’t speak, her mouth opening to scold you.
squeezing her sides, his voice in a low murmur, toji told your mum to lay off you, well not those exact words but along those lines. your eyes snapped up to the person towering over you. he was…defending you? tch, probably to win you over. you couldn’t help the small smile the crept on your face. you had to lower your head so your curls draped in front of your face.
“pleasure meeting you y/n.” he winked at you light-heartedly, his voice soft and warm and everything and more. your heart was only beating from nerves. that’s all.
“this is my little boy,” he pulled the lanky boy into his side, enjoying his groan at the teasing name. even you cracked a smile.
“say hi fushi.” he mocked your mums previous name with friendly intentions.
the boy kicks his feet, strands of hair covering his face like your own as he said a small mutter of his name. god you were both as bad as each other.
“what do you say back?” your mum said, trying to not lose her patience at you. it was like you were five all over again.
“y/n.” was all you gave. toji squeezes your mum to his side, nodding his head for you all to go to the dining room, the fumes of cooked food enticing you.
“cute name for a cute girl.” you blinked up at him, his back turned to you. whatever.
you still couldn’t believe you had been dragged out of bed to watch your dad train some sweaty balls of muscle.
over the course for these past months you had gotten more comfortable, surprisingly megumi had become your best friend. you were inseparable.
that’s when the name started to appear. habit learnt from fushiguro.
“daddy likes showing off.” you said, eyes still on your father. the man probably came in his pants right then and there. old fuck.
before you could tease with him any more, proving his misogynistic stereotype of you true, your name was called.
grabbing a ice-cold bottle of water from he fridge, you walk towards the ring.
“i’m not going to keep handing you stuff if you kill the guy.” you joke, earning a grin from toji, who doesn’t miss the way you tug at your short skirt, shuffling. toji still intimidated you, the drops of sweat falling down strands of his hair enticed you. your father was fucking beautiful.
as he was about to speak, the panting man behind him spoke. his face wasn’t that flushed from the exercise, you could tell that much. creep.
“she yours?” toji nods his head up at you, signalling for you to climb the ring, pulling you into his side when you were up on the slightly bouncy ring.
“of course, why else would she be such a good girl, helping her dad like this.” he let go of you, to unscrew the cap of water, handing it to the blonde.
“she’s the best.” your eyes were wild, barley registering the amount of praise thrown your way. not giving you time to process how toji grows territorial, glaring at the man that was eye fucking his princess moments prior.
his gaze falls back to your outfit; the usual short skirt, small socks and long sleeve black shirt, tucked in, tight enough the outline of your bra be visible. you loved your skirts.
he knew you were bored, knew how much you hated being dragged out the house. mum’s orders though, kid.
“how about a deal?” your ears perk up at his voice, low and soothing as he rubbed your back, comforting you. a deal?
“a deal?”
“mhm, a deal.”
“okay, shoot.” you smiled, not noticing the way your dad presses your body closer to his.
“if you carry on being this good, we can go get burgers,” the idea of juicy red meat appeased your senses, not nearly as much as quality time with daddy.
“just don’t tell your mother.”
by the time you’re home, all the lights are off.
you knew it was late, but just how late.
although it was night, the penthouse was boiling hot and you were wide awake.
taking off his coat, slicking back his wild, black hair with one hand, toji made his way to the kitchen, glass walls showing off flickering stars and a still silence.
everyone must be in bed.
the clinking of glass jolted you from your thoughts as you kicked off your trainers, feet softly thumping as you followed after your dad.
the artificial fire flickers under the tv, the soft light emitting a gentle glow. toji stood in the kitchen, pouring red wine into a large glass without a care in the world.
watching him made your realised how assured he was, how good he was to you.
how sure he was of his looks, charm and money. he was so fucking humble it irked you. you were a poison apple amongst a basket of berries. i mean you had it panned out in your head, him being nasty, cruel, evil. you were the nasty one.
“daddy?” you whisper. you gauge in on his reaction, fists balling up your skirt at the name you never used prior to now. the soft glug of wine continues, the only thing assuring he heard you being the small curl of his top lip.
he continues to ignore you.
his top is too tight, probably too suffocating, you didn’t know why he wore them. you didn’t complain.
after the glass is almost half full, the man makes his way to the living room, sitting on a coach. the fire flickers in his eyes, his features partly shadowed. how did your mum marry him?
it annoyed you really. why did mummy love him like she did late at night, when you and fugi were asleep. shouldn’t that be daddy’s best girl making him feel that good? shouldn’t that be you?
“sit.” realising he was talking to you, you made your way to the seat he was on, getting ready to rest on the arm chair. looking up at you, he smiled, shaking his head, finger pointing at the floor.
what were you a dog?
rolling your eyes, you sit on the floor, looking up at him as he sipped the alcoholic beverage. his eyes drift to you, glancing at your frame.
you were nothing like your mother; short, curvier, softer skin, a virgin. the last part was hit or miss.
your eyes skim over the wine glass, tongue wanting to dart out and seal a sip. sensing your curiosity he tilts the glass your way.
“wanna try?” nodding your head, you get up on your knees, only for his foot to push you back down.
“dogs don’t stand,” he jokes, foot on your lap, then tilting your head up by your chin.
“now be a good puppy and beg” you felt warm, confused but extremely…no not aroused. how could you be? he was joking, this is what dads do right? you just never had the presence of one in our life just like you weren’t used to these dad jokes…right?
rolling your eyes, you mimic a dog, intentions pure.
toji watches you, your hands balled up to look like paws, tongue lolling out.
“hmm,” his foot lifts from you and he pats his lap which you sit on a little too eagerly. it was weird; you were short, sure, but you weren’t slim, so why did you feel so fucking tiny on your dads lap?
he takes a sip while you’re lost in your thoughts, the feeling of a hand turning your hand breaks you from your reverie.
without warning warm lips capture yours, red liquid drizzling down the sides, pooling on your chin, threatening to drip down your chin.
you’re stunned. too stunned to tell him his tongue should be lapping up the red rivulets on your neck.
“more?” you don’t answer, he doesn’t expect you to, and before you know it, you’re fully straddling him, larger hands in your hair on your hip. all of him too much yet not enough.
“daddy?” he growls, pushing you into himself further. you feel it, you feel him.
“you want to be daddy’s favourite right?” you nod eagerly, stomach fluttering at the chance to be truly be his best.
is this it? the fatherly love everyone talks about.
it has to be.
“then tell daddy you love him.”
“megumi, i swear to fuck.” it’d be a lie if you said you didn’t speak about last week, if you didn’t bring it up, if he apologised.
toji had said he knew your antics, how you wore those short skirts, tiny socks, always hovered round him, stared at him. you didn’t deny it, didn’t deny how much you wanted, no, needed his attention.
and he gave it to you, every single night; with his fingers, tongue, cock.
you were just being a good daughter, his good daughter.
megumi continues flicking you with water, wet hands now in your grasp as you wrestle him, laughing.
“oi,” a deep voice sounds trough the room. his voice.
“someone sat the door for you, says she wants to talk.” he’s teasing, although his face remains blank. megumi grumbles, walking over, pretending his face isn’t blazing red.
“tell your little girlfriend i said hi.” you tease alongside, earning a middle finger.
toji watches you, waiting till his son leaves, before you resume washing up. it’s late, surprising you a girl would come for your brother at this hour, although now you think about it, think bout how thin your walls were, were you really that surprised?
“no boys coming for you?” you almost drop the glass in your hand, his voice catching you of guard. it always did. laughing off his question, your eyes stay put on the glass, watching the sun descend.
“would you allow that.” you whisper, a statement, knowing his reaction. warmth from behind tells you he’s behind you. the hardness tells you he wants you.
“don’t want your daddy sad do you?” you smile. daddy treated you so well these days, he bought you loads, spoilt you, coddled you, taught you how to feel like a princess. of course you don’t.
“you know what your mother said,” his voice was by your ear, breath blowing stray curls which tickled the sensitive skin there.
“she said you’re so well behaved these days.” he nips the top of you ear, near the piercing you had done yourself.
“why is that y/n”? his hands trail down your frame, resting on the skin of your tummy.
“because i’m a good girl,” you smile, turning round, hands draped around his neck.
“you’re whose good girl?” he was teasing now, the scar above his lip jerking with his smirk.
“your good girl, daddy.”
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taylor-swiftfacts · 2 years
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Taylor Swift Facts turns 10!
(Photo: the oldest header I could find on the Wayback machine, from early 2013)
My fellow Swifties,
Today is the 10-year anniversary of the date I posted the very first SwiftFact. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been by my side for this amazing journey. This blog has never been just a blog for me - it's been a source of connection, of fun, of support, of appreciation for Taylor and her music.
I began TSF when I was 13, using my home computer. My family had gone through some financial difficulties and, at the time, I didn't even have internet access. I would bring my little USB to the library, save my facts on a Word document, and save the corresponding pictures. I'd go home and make my little posts. I really had no concept of graphic design at the time, so my older posts are honestly quite ugly, but hey. I just wanted to share the information!
I think this blog actually helped me figure out I wanted to be a journalist. I often tell people that I got my degree in journalism because I love learning about things and sharing them with others. That's what I've done here for a decade! Getting the right quotes, deciding which information is most important, even using the inverted pyramid of journalism. I honed a lot of those skills here.
Not to mention, the community that has been here for me. I won't belabor you with my life story, but I used to be quite open about my family struggles on here, and the outpouring of support was always so touching. Some of you even donated money when my family was in need, which is so beautiful and something we all still talk about from time to time. And when my mom passed away, I wasn't posting as frequently, but you all showed me so much love and support anyways. Even though I wasn't giving you much, you gave me everything.
I exchanged Christmas cards for a couple years with tons of you, which made me feel infinitely less lonely. I stopped due to some mental health struggles, but I still have all of your cards, and I see that as a highlight of not only this blog, but of my life. There has been so much real human connection fostered with this little fan blog I created on a whim. I am so grateful.
The craziest thing that has come out of this blog - barring Taylor's follow and even a couple of likes - is the fact that VividSeats gave me tickets to the 1989 tour in 2015. That is one of the top 10 experiences of my life, and I believe it always will be. I can't even express how much that means to me. And maybe I still put the review I wrote for their site on my resume. ;)
All of this is to say, this blog has been an integral part of my growing and changing. Some of my past personal posts on here make me cringe. Some of the facts I would not publish today as the fandom culture has shifted significantly. I learned and grew with this blog. Despite some of the controversy - I feel some people have never liked my blog - the love has kept me going. I am so grateful for every ounce of support anyone here has ever given me.
I apologize for posting sporadically the last few years. Life happens, and I have significantly different priorities than I did in 2012 - I assume we all do - but the reason I've kept posting at all is because I enjoy it. You make it enjoyable. That being said, I'll try my best to get some posts out just in celebration of Midnights and the whirlwind of Taylor content we've gotten the last few years. Even though social media moves so quickly these days, and the format of my blog isn't quite conducive to that anymore, I hope we can all enjoy it. Like the good old days. :)
Even writing all of this, I feel like I can't even begin to express how special this journey has been. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone who has ever supported me in any way.
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
The masterlist of all my links
To avoid any posts that aren't content and just replying to people block 'frankys bs'
To avoid self reblogs block 'franky reblogs'
Support me on kofi
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Other Crews Masterlist Part 1 [Updated 29th of June 2022]
Other Crews Masterlist Part 2 [Updated 29th of June 2022]
Straw Hat Pirate Masterlist [Updated 29th of June 2022]
Headcanon Lists [Updated 1st of April 2023]
Alphabet Headcanons Masterlist [Updated 20th November]
Events Masterlist
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++Alphabet Headcanons++ ++Kink Alphabet Headcanons++
[Always open for normal requests too] ++On Air- Song Fic Event++ ++EMERGENCY REQUESTS++ -Currently Closed-
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WORKING ON LIST [Projects-Coms-Trades]
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+ This is an LGBT+ Safe space so I will write for same sex, trans, ace, basically anything under the umbrella of LGBT and if this makes you uncomfortable then this isn’t the blog for you.
+ I write they/them pronouns unless asked for gender specific terms.
+ Minors do not interact.
+ Requests off anon are always get priority unless I really like them.
+ Must be following me to get a request fulfilled.
+ All characters are aged up for SFW fanfics, but I will not write anyone under 18 [even aged up] in N/SFW situations.
+ If a character is canonly GAY or STRAIGHT or ACE [anything really] I will not write them in situations where I am asked to do the opposite.
+ I mostly only write reader x canon but I could be asked to do character x character if the request peeks my interest.
+ When requesting make sure you tell me what character you want and a brief description of what you would like and please state if DRABBLE or HEADCANONS.
+ Match ups must include your age, if you want a male or female match up, something about yourself, be as descriptive as possible. ANY matchups sent any time other then a MONDAY will be deleted.
+ I am pretty good at giving the people what they want but if I don’t want to do something then I do retain the right to say no. BUT I have had writing blogs before and tumblr does tend to eat them so I won’t hate on you if you want to send it again in case this has happened.
+ I’m always happy to chat to people so never feel intimidated by my blunt mannerisms, I’m not an asshole I’m just British.
I will write NSFW
Darker themes such as murder, gore, blood, yandere I will do
Most kinks are fine, easier to check the DON’Ts
I will write poly, threesomes, multiple relationships.
anything anti LGBT
Self harm
mommy/daddy kink
Pregnant reader/reader with kids/children/single parent/prego scares
I THINK this covers everything. Have fun and hope to write for you soon.
I WILL NOT WRITE FOR [unless commission/match ups]
Doffy, Koby, All of CP9 minus Jabara, all of Doffy family [minus Corazon] Ceaser Clown, any of the Charlottes, any of the vinsmokes [minus Sanji] Any MARINE [minus Corazon] I ONLY write Smoker and Crocodile for commissions or for friends.
I will only write SFW for Luffy, Whitebeard, Brook and any mink characters.
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I selfship with Marco + Ace
I'm 36, he/him, from the UK. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT I am too old to be talked to by young people. I have N/SFW on this blog and other adult themes. I take no responsibly in whatever may trigger you as I have listed warnings and marked my blog as 18+ I block all underaged accounts I find.
I am Franky and I'm a ENFP, I'm always up for a chat so don't feel intimidated I am pretty friendly!
WBP Header: @cipher-p0
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rainofaugustsith · 2 years
Blogger Interview
Thank you so much to @cinlat and @jeswii for tagging me in this - I am sorry it took so long to do, but it was fun! Tagging, let's see, @verbose-vespertine @tishinada @itstheelvenjedi NO PRESSURE.
Why did you choose your url?
It's from my Ao3 account name which was made first. August - I actually don't remember why. Rain - well, I like the rain and I could not think of anything else. For Tumblr I added Sith at the end because my main is an Old Republic Sith (not to be confused with a post-Darth Bane Sith) and because 'rainofaugust' was actually taken.
Any sideblogs?
I have Rain Plays SWTOR, which is a player guide to the Star Wars: The Old Republic game I played for years. I wanted to make a guide that would explain some of the things I found confusing when I first played, give some helpful tips, and break down content to make it more playable for people. I especially liked concentrating on parts of the game that were considered group content and showing solo players how to get through it.
I stopped playing SWTOR when 7.0 hit, although to be honest I'd been, overall, unhappy with the story since the end of KOTFE. Having said that I've left the sideblog up because a lot of what I wrote might still help those playing the game.
How long have you been on tumblr?
Since 2017.
Why did you originally start your blog?
I started it because I noticed there were a lot of sapphic/wlw fans of Star Wars here, and one doesn't really find that elsewhere too much.
Why did you choose your icon?
It's artwork that was made by the wonderful of my main, Viri. It's such a lovely picture of her, and I thought it was perfect for an icon.
Why did you choose your header?
It's from my favorite part of my favorite flashpoint in SWTOR - A Traitor Among the Chiss. It's a little too long, and when it was released it was far too tedious, but aside from that I feel that the Copero flashpoint represents everything SWTOR could have been. It's got absolutely beautiful, detailed design that you could spend hours exploring - a city with little alleys you can explore; stunning scenery; a flashpoint that includes puzzles and not just 'destroy it all' gameplay; really good decorations and armor as drops; and even a transition from day to night. This scene is toward the end, where the PC ascends a staircase in some ancient ruins at twilight. It's such a beautiful backdrop that I always stopped to admire it during the flashpoint.
What is your post with the most notes?
There's one with like 10K notes, and it's about Diana Serra Cary, who was the last surviving silent film star. I wrote it few days after she died. That one still shows up in my reblogs now and then. There's another where I was talking about cultural appropriation of Jewish ritual items and the Hebrew alphabet in various media that has a few thousand reblogs.
How many mutuals do you have?
I actually don't know.
How many followers do you have?
Right now 329 I think?
How many blogs do you follow?
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Not intentionally.
How many times do you use tumblr a day?
I more or less have it open in the background for messages and such, even if I'm not actively on the site.
Have you ever fought another blog?
Not really. A few of the fandom sheriffs and Lana Hate Club sorts have tried to start drama with me in the past, and in general my policy has been to block and add their names to my Tumblr filters immediately without engaging, or with a general warning. I don't owe them a debate, it's not really worth my time and attention to respond, and I'm not interested in the drama. I also am pretty proactive about blocking if I see someone being hateful on someone else's posts/relogs/comments because I don't need that nonsense here. If you want to act like a clown do it on your own time, not mine.
How do you feel about “need to reblog” posts?
It's a surefire way to get me not to reblog it. I'm not a fan of that sort of manipulation.
Do you like tag games?
I do, although I'm always anxious about tagging others. Like, is someone going to feel left out or not want the tag or…yeah.
Do you like ask games?
Yes, with the same caveat as above.
Which of your mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
See this is one of those questions that I feel like I can't answer because again, will someone feel left out or not want to be mentioned, or what. I have some artists and writers on my mutuals list who are scary talented at what they do, and some have more recognition/followers than others - but for all of them, I really love it when their work pops up on my dash.
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I'm demisexual. Crushes aren't really a thing. I've met some awesome friends here, though.
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niallandtommo · 3 years
i was tagged by @farfromthstars​ a while ago and i just found this in my likes so let’s do it. thank you pia :’)
1. Why did you choose your url? louis posted a selfie on instagram. niall commented with hello tommo and louis replied with hello neil. and i’m a nouie 
2. Any side blogs? nah not anymore 
3. How long have you been on tumblr? october 2013 i think 
4. Do you have a queue tag? i used to have one, it was ‘queue’ but i don’t use my queue anymore 
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? because i had another multifandom blog before this one and i wanted to have a one direction blog so i made a new one  
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? it’s one of my favorite pics of niall. it looks really good with the blue sky in the background
7. Why did you choose your header? because we basically don’t get any new nouis content and i think this was the last time we saw them together? and it still makes me cry
8. What’s your post with the most notes? oof i think a really old text post that i made back in 2014 and it said ‘all i want for christmas is niall’ lol or maybe a gifset i have no idea 
9. How many mutuals do you have? i’m pretty sure 95% of the people i follow also follow me but most of them haven’t been active in years so idk 
10. How many followers do you have? lmfao my follower count has been stuck at 12k since 2015 dkjghdf right now it’s 12.166 but that number means absolutely nothing because literally all of them are inactive
11. How many people do you follow? 76 but i really need to follow more people because my dash is dead
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? i mean all of my posts are shitposts, no?
13. How often do you use tumblr each day? believe it or not i’m here all day every day. even if i don’t reblog anything for days i’m still here. i have nothing else to do so i open the tumblr app at least 50 times a day even though there are no new posts 
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? oh yeah back in like 2014 i used to fight larries all the time lmfao i also had arguments with “friends” and we ended up blocking each other so yay but now? nah i’m too old for this shit. you either like me or you don’t dkfgjdf
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? i literally never reblog them. i don’t care what it is if a post starts with you need to reblog this there’s a 100% chance that i will not reblog it
16. Do you like tag games? i do! they’re not really a thing anymore but when i get tagged i usually always do them (sometimes a little later but they’re fun!)
17. Do you like ask games? yeah! i miss the old tumblr days when you actually got asks when you reblogged one lmao 
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? i mean lots of my mutuals that haven’t been on here in years used to be super famous in the niall/one direction fandom but now? idk if any of us are tumblr famous anymore because we all reblog like 2 posts per week and that’s it. tumblr is not what it used to be 
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? actual crush? nah but there are a lot of people that i like a lot and i’m either friends with them or i want to be friends with them but i’m too shy to start a conversation
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rebloged-content · 4 years
Recommended Sanders Sides creators
Marry Christmas, everyone! And a wonderful December day to all of you who don’t celebrate Christmas, too. Let’s be honest right off the bat, though: I’m only using the date as an excuse to do this list anyways.
So. Throughout the time I’ve spent as a part of this wonderful corner of the sanders sides fandom over here on tumblr, I’ve often found a new creator and wished I’d found them sooner. It kind of makes me wonder who else I might miss. If you do to, here are a few creators I’d love for you to check out. You’ll probably recognize some of the names, if not all, but maybe you’ll find a new favorite creator here?
And to the creators in question, I really love your content. If you’ve made it onto this list, you’ve definitely cause one or two sleepless nights of reading for me, because who needs sleep if I can have this, right? XD Whatever you’ll find written next to your name is the impression you’ve left on me and… Well, just know that you’ve made some days of my life at least a little happier, all of you. And I hope to repay the favor by telling you how much I appreciate you releasing your content into this world… Well, repay the favor at least a little, I suppose.
Let’s begin, then, shall we?
@5am-the-foxing-hour Because this? This is who you go to if you want to read good Janus-content. You are in a mood to read sympathetic Janus? Wanna see the danger noodle just casually interact with other sides? Go to their short stories. I mean, “the cult”? Prime example of how to tell a story with impact in just a few words. 8 paragraphs, but boy did I read that one on repeat. Or “water spray bottle”, this one is fun, short and will make you laugh. An energy drink for the fander heart, so to say.
Then there’s their mafia-au, “there’s more in me than precious metals”. Six are out so far, and I adore every single word of every single part of this. Protective Remus, sassy Janus, angst, comedy relief, destruction, Roman-Remus-sibling-rivalry, braincell Logan, survival instinct Virgil, working together over a common enemy… This fic has it all, believe me. Take your time and read it, because you will read the entire thing in one go once you start. At least I did, and I didn’t even notice.
And their advent writings? Those had me squealing and jumping around in a way I will deny if anyone ever sees it. I don’t even know what else to say, they are fucking fantastic and that’s that.
So, yeah. Go check them out, before I start fangirling about them even more. You know my personal favorites now, so just go there. You won’t regret it.
Next up is @coconut-cluster. Ah, yes, Lexi. Lexi, whose uni-AU started as self indulgent and has become the loceit story on tumblr. We all know her, or at least most of us do, and we all love her too. And while I also drop everything I do at any point of time I possibly can once I realize the uni-au has any form of new addition, there are a lot of other fics created by her that you should check out as well.
Did you, for example, ever want a sappy prinxiety one-shot with the sappiness only being implied, a mutual understanding of “we’re-not-saying-we-care-but-we-both-know-we-do” born from joking reassurances and a not-a-date-nope-only-a-break? While that may seem to be a tall order, that is exactly what “before the sun goes down” is. Plus there’s ice cream. Or maybe you’re more of a logince fan? Do you want a fic where Roman isn’t the prince but serves His Highness? Do you like sincere talks while you’re procrastinating showing your face to the subjects you don’t really want to rule over? In that case, you really should read “Viva la Vida”. Careful, though, this one is so sweet you’ll probably get a toothache… There also is an analogical fic that I’ve enjoyed very much: “Cracks in the Ceiling”. I love it, because it’s just calm. Fears creeping up on you, thrown away by a trusted friend with a few words, just by being there and playing into the metaphors you head created this time around. It’s calm, and there’s not really a climax or anything, but it doesn’t need one. Because it’s just a glance into everyday life. It’s beautiful in its own right, really.
What I’m saying is, Lexi has a lot more wonderful stories to tell than the uni-au. It’s the most popular one, sure, and it’s one of her best works. But you really should check out her other fics as well. Lexi herself once said that she writs fics she’d like to read. I would figure it’s because of this, but her stories are mostly things you don’t really find anywhere else. Dynamics, stories, world building, all of those are aspects you may find somewhere else. But Lexi is just one of those people who see what they miss in a fandom and create it themselves, and among these creators Lexi is my favorite. She just has that certain skill that makes that approach to writing result in the most enjoyable reading experiences. Lexi’s fics are special, because they’re different, because they are authentic and you can feel that when you’re reading her work.
@djpurple3 is another talented individual I want to talk about. I have to confess, DJ is, as far as original content goes, almost exclusively locked in my brain with the fiction “I just keep loosing my beat”. 23 Chapters so far, one better than the last. It’s a bitter-sweet story following Remus and his children, after the bitch of a mother has been brought behind bars. Abusive piece of shit. Yeah, I don’t like her much. But the story is so full of love and support, everyone trying their best, everyone seeing how much the others deserve the world and wishing they could give it to them… Roman and Remus have a sibling-dynamic I would die for here, too. Patton is just the most adorable friend to Deceit - here Damion - Virgil is a precious bean, Logan is cute and the teacher we all wish he’d had ourselves and… god, I could keep gushing about this fic forever. I’ll stop now, though, before I’ll start spoiler things. Wouldn’t want to do that, especially since I really, really, really want more people to give this a go. It’s not underrated, I just think everyone who doesn’t is missing out by a lot, so… Go over there and read DJ’s fic right fucking now, if you haven’t already read it at least once. Thank you.
@delimeful​, our wonderful lime-friend with a cute cat making a terrifying face in his header. First of all, there is the WIBAR universe, short for “Watch it burn and rust”. 5 chapters in act one, 4 intermissions (one of those with three chapters), one chapter of act two, as well as three extras and an au of this au called “the end of being alone”, and I’ve lost count of how many nights I spent reading those instead of sleeping like I should. (Or interacting with family. Or being productive. Or… It’s really a good story, okay?!) WIBAR is a deathworlder au. So a space au in which humans are regarded as dangerous deathworlders who can survive on a deathworld like earth. In other words, Virgil is the only human, and boy does that scare everyone around him. And the best part? You can feel the development, the shift in mentality regarding Virgil, feel the moment approach in which he isn’t a threat but a companion instead.
And, apart from the fic that inspired me enough to start writing “TINND!R?” over on my writing blog, there are a lot more amazing fics to read on lime’s blog. He wrote “How easy you are to need”, for example. It’s soft, it pulls at just the right heartstrings, it’s achingly hopeful and, god, the ending still has me in tears, even after the fifth - ? sixth? something among those lines - reread. This one’s a werewolf au, actually. Virgil is the werewolf, Logan, Patton and Roman are the humans.
Do you want yourself some of that pre-AA dynamic? I’d recommend “to taste your beating heart”. In this, Virgil gets separated from the rest of his group of vampire hunters and gets turned into a vampire himself, loosing his memories. And he’s “Anx” now, not “Virgil”, goddamnit! He isn’t their friend anymore, why don’t they understand that? Well, probably because they can still see Virgil’s old habits shining through. There’s a lot of tension, a lot of angst and a whole lot of frustration involved in this.
He also wrote some amazing one-shots. They’re mostly so well written that I’m almost sad not to be waiting on a continuation. There’s “the littlest mermaid”, in which Virgil goes to investigate a noise, finding a scared, tiny mermaid in need of help. In “community gardens” we have Remus being Remus, gaining the interest and friendship of the forest’s giant Logan. “Magical mutualism” tells the tale of a witch and a demon making a pact beneficial to both parties and opening the doors neither could have gone beyond alone. The way we’re all confused about our ships not actually having set sail yet comes to a hight in Virgil in regards to his friends in “amateur matchmakers”. And this is the point at witch I stop talking before I actually recommend every single one of lime’s fics instead of just my favorites as I had planed because I started to gush too much… XD
Let’s move on to @muppenthings​. Mupp is an amazing artist and she created a giant mermaid au. There’s this one orca who’s just… We love her, but I actually don’t think she’s the brightest. I really, really love her, though. Virgil himself is being a little protective over his human friends and casually so. I love this comic series for the art style, but I also love the way it makes me crack a laugh at least once per work. Or appeal to my mother-instincts, if it’s about baby Virgil. Too cute for his own good, I tell ya! And the facial expressions! The detail, the jokes, everything about this is wonderful. You should at least take a look.
@whenisitenoughtrees​. Cat got me with “This cup of yours tastes holy (This lie is dead)”. “A slow voice on a wave of phase” was next, later “Infinity and beyond”, “we are not alone in the dark with out demons” and “changing of the guard”. And then, suddenly, the night was over. I’ve read almost all of the fics in one go, and I’ve been semi-frequently visiting her master post ever since. When “There’s an endless road to rediscover” came out just a little while back, that lead to me re-reading through almost the entire list. I don’t regret it, my plans for that weekend would like to disagree.
These six fics I mentioned here are, by no means, the only ones I enjoyed. Those are just the ones I’ve found myself opening up again and again in sleepless nights. Those are the ones that pop up in my head and have me smiling to myself in the middle of god-knows-whatever-I’ve-been-doing-at-the-time.
Angst, fluff, hurt-comfort, you’ll find everything in that list. And something I’ve grown to like about Cat’s fics even more than anything else is the quick change between feeling perplexed, a startled laugh at certain wordings (you’ll know what I’m talking about when you see it) and apprehension. These fics will have you at the edge of you seat, swooping you away on an emotional roller coaster. And, god, the way Cat writes from Remus’ perspective? The introductions of her stories and the way she redirects to the main topic after going into detail on something? I saved a few paragraphs as screenshots on my phone because I love them and I want to read them again when I’m down. I just… Cat’s great.
Next up is @eliemo. Because Elias Virgil is the royalty of Virgil angst. From the touch-starved Virgil we’ve all had a head cannon of at one point in “Heart of Ice”, over ace Virgil panicking over telling his boyfriends that he his ace and didn’t think to tell them before in “Love our way” to so, so much more.
Mostly EV follows the story arc of an underlying feeling of dread at the beginning, which slowly grows into panic, exploding in a storm of angst and concludes in everyone, or at least whoever is around, coming to the rescue and helping to calm down, with the end being the hope for getting better in the future. They always manage to convey the confusion, fear or just the general thought process so well that you can’t help but get absorbed in the story. They know exactly what to say and what to leave between the lines to get the maximum effect. And, your heart will definitely be shattered after their angst. Still, the way the sides comfort each other and support each other so well every time is just… I love their stories, a lot.
I want to make two more suggestions if you want to check out this creator. A Janus angst fic, which can only be described as “ouch” you’ll find under the name “snake bite”. It hurts in the best way possible, because Janus gets the comfort he deserves.
The other suggestion gets a lot darker. It’s about Virgil having been abused by the “others” before he got accepted into the light side. The others are shocked to find out what has gone on behind their backs and they help Virgil in every way they can to recover. Of cause it’s a rocky path, though. This would be “Learned Behavior”. The series/au has twelve stories so far, one of which has two parts. You’ll find the master post for this pinned to the top on their blog.
If you like angst, you should also give @maybedefinitely404​ a look. Ly has a soulmate-au going, in which they use the concept of “you hear the music your soulmate listens to”. "Music in my head” is a prinxiety fic, but the two of them have yet to meet. Four chapters and two mini-fics in. The reason I mentioned angst is because in this - spoiler alert for the first few chapters here - , Virgil gets put through conversion therapy. Luckily Janus and Logan are better foster parents than the ones who did that to him.
They also have a master list for all their soulmate stories, featuring different ships. Apparently they participated in soulmate month, if I understood that correctly. And to be honest, that was how I even found their account. I absolutely adore their anxceit fic, which takes place in a human au. It’s starting off pretty sad, but the bonding moments are absolutely wonderful. It’s a lovely story, and the ending is one of the best ones I’ve yet to read. Their logince fic took my breath away, too. A flower shop/tattoo artist au, and Logan is the tattoo artist. Stunning writing, wonderful world building, just the right amount of backstory to have everything make sense without overwhelming/drowning the reader in unnecessary details. Their moxceit fiction… Well, this one had me in tears within the first few paragraphs. It’s terrible and you feel for Janus, whose perspective this is written from. The ending, though… Gods! The ending was so indescribably cute. To be honest, all of the soulmate stories are great, these three are just my personal favorites.
Concerning their one shots, you’ll probably have to figure it out on your own concerning this. I haven’t been able to read all of them yet, as sad as that makes me. Definitely palling on doing it in the future, though. I did read two of them, though. “Pippity poppity” really was amusing, and I am so looking forward to the second part of “The Boy who sings next door”. The way they write the dynamics between the sides? I live for that.
Another creator I would like to recommend is @maybe-im-tired.They don’t have a master post, as far as I could see, but they only post their content anyways, so… “Can’t take my eyes off of you” is my favorite out of their fics so far. I mean, the way they managed to fit the sheer chaos that is intrulogical into this one short fic is amazing. And you could take about two thirds of what Remus said and put it up on your wall as out-of-contexts-quotes. Don’t worry, he says them out of context anyways, and they will definitely make you laugh. 
The series of short stories for the human au that starts with “Glowing stars” is another au by them that you will almost certainly like. We have Logan and Virgil as kids (about 7 I think), Remus and Patton as single parents, Roman as the most adoring uncle, Emile as babysitter and Remy as his amazing partner. Remus is a great father, wonderfully chaotic as well. And a teacher! Imagine that, Remus as your teacher... He’s great with kids though, as long as they aren’t entitled villains come to make his precious Virgil feel bad, that is.
They also wrote a bunch of “random one shots”. They are all amazing, but my favorite has to be this one. It’s a logince one, once again human au. Patton may or may not tell his big brother’s crush about the feelings he wasn’t prepared to share yet. You know, as small kids do. It’s soft, it will make you smile as much as Logan does, and I love Remus in it. I generally like how they write Remus, okay? I know how much I’ve said it, but I’m not even exaggerating. They always write him differently, and all versions they write him as are so, so lovable and just… I wanna hug the life out of all Remus versions they wrote, okay? Take a look, you’ll know why.
Anyways. Let’s continue with @figurative-siren-song. This is the last account I’ve followed and I’m still sad about it having taken me this long to find them. Little salty, to be honest. (I’ll stick to they/them because they said just not to use she/her, and, well… consistency, you know? Don’t have much, so I have to get what I can XD). When I finally did find them, I went through their entire master list (at least all of the ships with characters I actually know. I’m kinda bad with the shorts characters, so I usually just… avoid them? Idk. Personal preference, I guess), and, well… I would honestly recommend every single fic on that list. They call themself “Repair Fluff King™️” and they deserve that title. But when they warn you that a fic will be angsty, it will be angsty.
I found them through the anxceit fic “A Deal”. Well, through an animatic by their friend on youtube that had linked the fic, but details. I’ve been reading this fic up and down again and again. It’s just so good! And when they talk in the second part and Janus explains why he proposed that deal. Or in the continuation, which i can’t talk about because I will probably spoiler things! So wholesome!
 Also, their losleepxeity fic “We’re worth it”. So soft! The nicknames, the plot, the everything. It’s softer than clouds look, and we all know that means something.
But, really. Everyone will find something for them by this creator. So many ships, all incredibly well written, and soft and fluffy without getting boring in the slightest. It’s as energizing as coffee, actually. And, let’s be honest, this whole fandom drowns itself in angst most of the time. Take a break from that, repair your broken hearts with goof fluffy content that you’ll want to read over and over again. Go check this creator out. You will love them. 
Last but not least… @myfriendsasthesides​ A blog by a creator who just takes the wonderfully chaotic dynamics of a friend group and using that to give us content of incorrect sides quotes. Maybe it doesn’t fit with me going on and on about fics here. I don’t care. Follow them and turn on those notifications, please, because seeing even one post of theirs on your dashboard will make your day. It’s funny, it’s absurd, it’s chaotic, it’s making you jealous of them for having friends like that. Believe me, you will want to see those posts. It’s just… the random shots of serotonin and dopamine out generation needs really fucking desperately 100% of the time. 
That’s it with the list! Eleven creators I absolutely adore, and I’m sorry I was babbling so much all the way through, but… Well, actually I’m not sorry. And actually, half of the reason I even made this post is to tell them how much I love them and fangirl about them a bit. So… Yeah. Well.I love you guys and hope you’ll have a wonderful day! And to everyone else reading this: I hope this helped you ind some new creators you can enjoy. And a good day to you too, of cause.
Sincerely, Joy 🖤
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serabellymrph · 3 years
So, for the purpose of context, these are the only options that I make use of in xKit. If you're newer to xKit and are absolutely daunted by the number of features, the only ones that you will want to worry about are trim reblogs, quick reblog, and quick tags (possibly--honestly, you can get away with just trim reblogs turned on).
Now, I'm going to go through the most useful options as a roleplayer. These are the ones that have the best functionality (in my opinion) from a roleplay perspective at just making things easier.
Part 1 || Part 3
These are personally the most important/useful options to use as a roleplayer.
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There are other options like Mutual Checker, Tweaks, and AccessKit that some users will also find useful. I do use these options, but I feel like they're more an aesthetic/viewing/functionality feature more than anything.
This was a feature previously part of the old xKit that just allows you to set up tag bundles so you can quickly add tags to posts. It's very self-explanatory, and great if you have a lot of muses (or a lot of blogs), or are the type of person to have specific tags for each person you're writing with (like I do). I use dud tag bundles for header sections to separate all my blogs as well, but that's up to choice.n You can access these in the Quick Reblog window (if you have the option selected) as well as in the regular post window, and you can tag drafts or queued posts without even having to edit the post.
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*I'd like to note that being able to reorganize your tags is a new feature as of 2 days ago from the time of this post (Jan 11 or so). Earlier this week I was painstakingly reorganizing my own tags by hand. This just goes to show that this version is regularly updated and has new features and requests added.
The options for it are pretty straightforward. Check what you like, check what you don't like. Blog selector is if you want to reblog to sideblogs, last selected blog is specifically for that, comment field is so you can quickly comment without opening the editor, etc. They're all very, very self-explanatory. I have not played with the Queue Tag option, so I don't know anything about that. Remember which posts I've already reblogged just turns the reblog icon green if you've reblogged that post. It's not terribly convenient IMO given us RPers constantly reblog anyway.
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As you can see, upon hovering over the reblog button, you get a cute little window. There's an option to have it appear either above or below your cursor (I have mine above, that's what I prefer) and you have the option to reblog, queue, or draft posts right off your dash (or off dash view when you're checking notifications) if you want to rapidly add things to your drafts. The list of tags is also set up in the Quick Tags addon (as you can see I have IC Prompt, OOC Prompt, and PSA right at the top--this makes it ridiculously easy for me to reblog memes.
The dropdown at the top (you can see where it says xserawrites, my blog name) also allows you to reblog to side blogs by changing the blog in the dropdown.
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This simply shows on your dash whether the person you're following is a mutual or not. Unfortunately, this only works with main blogs, and does not function with side-blogs. It's a good way to do a quick check on big multimuse blogs if you're running a multimuse, but for people who use sideblogs, it's not as convenient. (I just have it turned on because it helps a little.)
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There's no preferences section for this script, but it's easy to find. When you go up to your search bar on the Tumblr dash...
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You can see the "tags you follow" dropdown and how many unread posts there are in that tag since you last checked it. Great if you're someone who tracks tags!
Recently, there's been an issue with the Tumblr timestamps slowing down the Dash loading, so I've gone back to the xKit timestamps. This one's purely out of convenience, so it's up to you whether you want to turn it on or not. Just depends on your dash preferences. (At the moment, until the dash loading issue is fixed, I recommend it.)
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sword-of-summer · 3 years
All of them answer every question fuck you
ahahaha no i respectfully deny your "fuck you" and i accept the ask and so-
i am 5'10", and i don't wish to be taller or shorter- i am the perfect height for hugs and messy hair, and yep, i like it here-
dream pet would be a mix of golden retriver and a husky called Holly and a chonky cat called Loki- yes ofcourse my future kids have names everyone should name their future pets-
ripped jeans/black pants with a Darth Vader tshirt or a Ethnic Fusion Kurta with black sneakers/artificial leather slip-ons, and if it's cold, a black jacket open obviously- and a black wristwatch i love my black wristwatch.
favourite video game was Clash of Clans and going even back, GTA Vice City and, the og- MARIIOOOO
three things/people are Oreos, Nutella and Pizza. The Holy Trinity-
"Beware me my fingers are smeared with chicken popcorn grease"
you didn't mention an opinion, @chunkybirb, so imma give my opinion on Vanilla ice cream and Nutella- ANYONE WHO HADN'T COMBINED THESE TWO COMBINE THESE TWO THEY ARE FUCKING AWESOME
im either phlegmatic or melancholic bruh idk maybe ik or maybe not
im v v v v ticklish
not an allergy, but an intense hatred for ketchup- i vomit if it gets too close to me fuck you ketchup
im heterosexual
any between tea and coffee but full milk coffee (ik, kill me), never had cocoa- but i love a chocolate or nutella milkshake
both. both is good. (cat and dog)
i would be an elf cause hell yeah, knowledge and wisdom
favourite youtuber is Samay Raina, a stand up comedian turned youtuber who is just awesome-
as i mentioned in 1., i am 5'10"
i would not change my name cause it's the coolest fucking name ever, i am Tanay, and Tanay in Hindi means Son, and my parents literally named their son Son, and hell yeah i like it
i forgot how much i weigh- last i checked it was 75 kilos, but ive gained weight since 2019 so yep, gotta walk in the mornings
yes i believe in metaphysicality cause one- it seems cool- second- me and @theclassyghost discussed a metaphysical life theory that i really really like and metaphysicality gives preservation of knowledge so i believe in spirits
im not that religious, no
pet peeves no well nah not really
nocturnal def nocturnal i sleep at 4.50 anyway hehehehe
fav constellation is Cassiopeia
fav star is Sirius tho
what the fuck are ball jointed dolls
i do have a fear of losing people that's just anxiety i guess
yep, global warming is real
never thought that much about reincarnation tbh but maybe, i do
fav movie is Spider Man : Into The SpiderVerse and Inception and The Dark Knight Rises and Revenge of The Sith and yes, for my indian gang, 3 Idiots and Gully Boy
yep i get scared v v v easily
i have had no pets but i plan to once i grow up
@chunkybirb 's blog is fucking cool awesome and *chef's kiss* a masterpiece
blue calms me. i love blue.
live in Norway cause pretty lights, snow, and less people than this overpopulated country i am in
born in Mumbai, India
v v v dark brown like it's almost black but no it's dark brown
horoscopes and zodiacs, i do read them, never believed that much tbh-
i really wanna visit my brother i haven't met him in a long time i really wanna play cricket w him just like old times
my sister- she's annoying but well i care for her
tattoos idk bruh im okay idk may get one or may not get one
nope, smoking is ewwww *vomits*
ah my crush- she's cool [ if she exists
when the chalk doesn't write on the board but goes iiiiiieeee I HATE THAT
a sound i love is rain pitter pattering i just hhhhhh sends me into happiness
nope fatass here
nope fatass here
favourite actors have to be eddie redmayne, oscar issac and pedro pascal- and margot robbie and winona ryder in the actresses section also yes, elliot page
bruh already answered in 30.
im okayish!! spotify and tumblr, cool combo-
my hair are okay being black for me
yesterday, monday, from 6.40 to 6.50
uhhh naah not that i know of
well in Rick Riordan's Magnus Chase books, the sword of Frey aka Sumarbrander TALKS and demands to be called Jack, so here i am
bakwaas, music and comfy
yep, i believe in evolution
unfollow on hate and when they dm me sending nsfw pics ugh why are people like that
follow, well, i like people and they seem cool, so i follow them
fav kind of person is the one who'll sit with me for hours not even talking and just vibing to music
fav animals are beavers, doggos and cats
three fav blogs are @chunkybirb, @theclassyghost, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @aredhel-of-gondolin, @sue-me-imbadass, @alleenkaas, @my-ackerman, @brrrrrrrrrrzone
fav emoticon has to be ☹ this me seeing my stupidity outrank others
fav meme has to be Butternut is a master of psychological manipulation
Libraaa let's go
no dog, i have
black darth vader tshirt, black pants, black sneakers and black wrist watch
i have no selfies my phone has no cameras i live in eternal darkness
what the fuck are platform shoes
i, uhhh, i remember weird things like what i drew in class in 3rd while i was supposed to be doing english
lazy ass here, no front flips possible
i like birds they fly
nope i don't Iike swimming i like blankets
wrapped up in blankets reading books sounds better than both
hyperspace travel
nope none
reading writing eating sleeping
my friend
tumblr seems cool
i have around 60-70 idk
yes i can run but why
yes they do but what's the fun in that
nope I'd fall over
sapphire let's go
koala bear or panda
sunflower or the one on a lemon tree
ketchup store
one cup of coffee is enough, tysm
read minds that sounds cool cool yeaaahh
nope never wore it a black clothes guy here BatMan
winter winter all year long
i don't know and i don't wanna try
i don't know and i don't wanna know
everyone cause they are better than me
bookstores cause bookstores any bookstores
sneakers, black onez
apparently some gas bitches mixed up to form a planet
non vegetarian but i partake meat just twice or thrice in two weeks
i don't know they don't seem like liking
bugs ew
spiders ew
about the fact that i come off as arrogant and overconfident while in reality it's just that my communication skills suck
i can draw averagely whenever im in a mood
this thing im answering but i like answering it
uhhhhhhh brain freeze- idk bruh questions are good they give knowledge
yep, while sleeping
ahh yes calming, they are
cloudy days cause fucking cool vibes
hehehe wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy
CumuloNimbus i really like it's name yknow nimBUS
dark blue, dark blue always or black
naaaah no freckles
fav thing is when they laugh and it's just happy and we're both laughing like shitheads but who cares we're rebelling against depressing life and we laugh
both. both is good [ fruits and vegetables
sleep but i have to answer 170 questions cause @chunkybirb
sky sky sky it's my blog's header duh uh sKy
sweet and sour candy. SWEET AND SOUR CANDY.
dim lights it makes me feel cool
ahhh so here we go- Mooncalfs, Thunderbirds, Phoenixes, Sphinxes, Dragons that seem to be Space Nebulae, and more and more and more
i really feel like a boomer sometimes
i love everything about this site/app it makes me feel happy cause i like the people and the posts
uhhhhh i think too much about everything cause i just do. i like thinking
"He's dead, guys. For the sake of The Force, please watch Star Wars now he wanted to discuss it with you" actually no i would just say "A big shoutout to Garlic Bread he loved Garlic Bread"
myself cause i should be sleeping but sleep is for the weak and i am the weak and the strong i am a paradox-
that i obsess too much on things and try involving people it never works out
nope. had braces for 4 years, that beat out teeth showing smiles
i prefer computer-tv ahahahahaha
never tried them, so IDK
naaaaah not motion sickness- never travelled by sea so idk seasickness
lobed ears
yep i believe that deeds do count in life and beyond
idk bruh i don't believe in physical attraction too much- bodies are fake- mentally/metaphysically tho, im a 7
ahhhhh many many Stupid Genius, Tani, Tanu, Tanya
i still do-
i really want to talk to a therapist. converse. and discover.
im both, i am both.
10:1 is the ratio- giving 10, receiving 1
uhhh nothing just when i am right and people use the old "disrespect" argument
3, Hindi, Marathi, English
uhh no i am not
my hair i love them everyone says things about my hair but i love them
knowledge vibes i give, someone tells me- and that's all i ever wanted
anyone i know tbh, my mutuals, my friends, my discord friends
ahhh no i wouldn't but i wish i was born 20 years earlier
bleh bloo, neither like nor dislike
i don't know if i have one
i don't know, haven't had physical contact in a long long long time in a galaxy far far away
the above point stands but i would like to ig
anything i write, 3 hours later, i instantly hate just idk why
anything i write
that i am normal no i am not and i am not okay hahahahaha
65-70 ish people
somewhere around-
many many many don't ask please but okay if you do ask
uhhhhh idr exactly but i won't tell in public duh uh
mediummm hairrrr
last year lockdown i became harry potter
i don't know buddy i seriously don't know
yep i do cause knowledge i like knowledge
naaah never tried
no i definitely cannot stand on my hands or my head for more than 30 seconds
yep, im pretty sure i answered most of them correctly-
og link-
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hoedameron · 3 years
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typically i don’t talk about the gifs that i make for myself but i am in a chatty mood so we’re have a socratic seminar right now.
also, before i get started, you can use these headers if you’d like! literally everything you see on this blog are freebies tbh. just a forewarning that the cas one is not the standard 640 px width because i was experimenting with something so just...be mindful of that <3 no need to credit unless you feel inclined to! just know i spent...quite awhile on them xx
i get most of my ideas for spn gif headers by seeings gifs on the tl that make me go “you know what? this would make for a great header” and run with that. i do pray that the op put the season and episode in the tags and if they don’t...SHH don’t laugh but if i’m desperate enough, i actually go through the tags to see if any hardcore stan knows the exact szn/ep. other times, i write some scenes down in my journal that i think would be great but again, those written down are definitely from scenes i saw in gifsets. call me unoriginal idc i’m just making things that make me happy and i know would be hella sexy.
let’s talk about how fucking LONG it takes to down/load an episode of supernatural like....i deadass spent five hours downloading plucky pennywhistle’s magical menagerie and around three hours to download the man who would be king....is it just best to t/orrent the whole ass season or WHAT like i’m deadass about to do that for any spn gifs i wanna make because that ajsdajksldjksla RIDICULOUSLY FUNNY. i’m not even that mad like it humbles me and it shows how dedicated i am to the craft. if anybody has tips for t/orrenting old spn episodes, please hmu because i would like to make more content in the future but this is a big hurdle on why i hesitate to create content for this show (among other things BUT this is one of the biggest reasons). you could have the fastest wifi speed the world has to offer pero if that bitch has no seeds...
for the castiel header: i had three different colorings for him. i really wanted to bring out his eyes because that is what drew me to make the header in the first place. y’all know that as a gifmaker, i really like making my gifs warmer and using pale/aesthetic coloring is so out of my wheelhouse and not my forte...but i do try to branch out of my comfort zone. back to the eyes, i went through a lot of psds, tinkering with their settings, and came out with three of them: the warm one that i did end up using and two pale-ish ones. the other third one isn’t here because i ultimately determined that it’s basically this one here but a lot lighter. the coloring made cas almost a ghost so i’m like...we still need to keep SOME of his skin tone even if it’s a lack thereof...okay, the reason why that this one doesn’t have the typical 640 px dimension is because i wanted to keep...how do i say this...i wanted to keep some of his facial structure? because the scene is really focused on cas’ face so it’s the entire frame. because tumblr is the way it is, it cuts at a weird spot where he looks like that bitch from doctor who all stretched out. so in an attempt to prevent that, i made it in this dimension where it’s basically me free handing the crop but ultimately it didn’t do anything lol. so i basically went back and made an entirely new gif with one of the colorings i saved and ta-da!
for the sam header: going in, i knew it was going to be a dark lit scene. i knew i had specific spn colorings that have been useful for shows outside of supernatural so i was like...i mean, tried and true, eh? i went through about six colorings until i finally settled on like...four. the first two of the six, though colorful, really made sam’s skin a bit...washed out. the next two were...basic. one of those basic coloring was the dark spn coloring and though it looked okay, there wasn’t any flavor to it. if i can be colorful in a gif, i will definitely climb up that tree. i love and admire vibrant gifs so if i can do that, oh man, it’s such a fun feeling because it’s like WOW i actually did that! then there were two colorings that were really, REALLY good because one of them was vibrant but it also had a subtlety to the gif. the other one was vibrant and brought out the blue in the background. it was a hard decision but i did save both of them and was like well, this is a problem for future me. i was actually surprised that the glitter on sam’s jacket and shirt didn’t up the mb because it definitely had me worried there. i also thought about making this gif header as another scene but realized it was a little too short for my liking (it was when he was surrounded by clowns but they magically disappear into thin air, leaving glitter in their wake). really love how this gif turned out :)
and yeah, that’s all i got to say about them. everything went smoothly with the sharpening, no problems on that front...i thought about opening up my inbox for suggestions of what scenes i should gif pero i’m afraid that 1) nobody will respond, 2) i will get some strange requests, or 3) i will get a lot of them. i would love to create more but i am like..creatively stuck. i don’t typically make those fancy edits with templates, i am more of a practical gifmaker aka i just stick to the original material. who knows...maybe i’ll be pushed and motivated...thanks for taking the time to read this !!
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