#this was painted by lurien probs
jeff-guy · 8 months
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Hornet remembers little from before the stagnation of Hallownest.
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cinderblock-art · 2 years
after reading @spooduce-spook s latests chapter (After All on Ao3, it has wonderful writing, i could not recommend it more! i also may or may not help flow ideas from time to time so im a tad bias but still!!) i decided to use mspaint (in my english class with the keypad sdhdf it adds to it i swear!!) to create this work of art AKA what I think baby hornet painted in the chapter
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voila!! truly the best piece I've ever done!!
it's a pic of her and her mums + lurien and his butler as an after thought because I hc she grew really close to them in the time they hung out and since she's prob not seen that many people she thinks of them like family
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ruthlesslistener · 3 years
your palewatcher content really hollows out my knight
the ask itself? any random headcanons youve got knocking around that you may be willing to share, because i did exactly what adults tell you not to do when they give you money and spent (or read, in this context) your entire stock in one go
sfw, nsfw, a headcanons a headcanon.
I JUST REALIZED I CAN ADD READMORES ON MOBILE YAHOO. Nsfw will be under the cut, sfw above :3 Also sorry this took so long lol, the past few months have been busy as fuck
-Okay so I'm going to start off by saying that the best dynamic that I have ever gotten down for them would be in a modern au where PK is a biochemistry/bioengineering professor at a local college and Lurien is an art teacher who ends up around him by virtue of them both being complete social outcasts (and probs in close buildings). PK obv. has higher social esteem bc nobody gives a fuck about art, but when it boils down, to it they're both two queer older men who very much have their lives in order fumbling about their crush like teenagers. Now back to bugs.
-They're both private and more physical with their affections than verbal. PDA is practically unheard of outside of Lurien standing within PK's personal bubble and/or PK wingflaring those who come too close for his liking, which isn't even attributed to him being protective of Lurien to those out of the know bc he's so standoffish anyways
-Lurien in particular is touchstarved, so he loves the physical element of their relationship. A hand around the waist, PK leaning on him, hugs, he soaks it all up like a sponge and loves to give it in turn. PK himself doesn't typically like to be touched, something Lurien is keenly aware of, so the fact that PK himself seeks out physical contact from him speaks volumes to the validity of their relationship
-A good part of why PK's okay with touch is bc Lurien is a.) Covered with soft fluff and is very fun to pat and b.) knows how to act. PK's touch-adverse because it often ends up being either wonderfully relaxing (a vulnerability), or painfully overstimulating, but both WL and Lurien know just how to cuddle and pet him in a way that feels soothing instead of being painfully overstimulating
-Also Lurien's ruff is soft as fuck and makes for a good pillow. PK tends to be the big spoon simply bc then he can loop his tail over Lurien's legs and rest his chin on Lurien's ruff, which results in a very happy wyrm
-When they're not wrangling their way through the chaos of running a kingdom, they like to engage in the arts together! PK's an architect, so he'll sketch out new building ideas, while Lurien helps them appear visually engaging while also being accessible to the public. One of Lurien's painting fascinations also focuses on the refraction of light through glass and water, so PK helps out with that
-They also do a lot of soul magic work together. Lurien's kind of got a jack of all trades thing going on, where he was born with the ability to use soul and access the powers of Sight, but both are weaker for having the other than they woulr be if he just had one of those talents. Much of his ability to work spellcraft comes from being excellent at rune-drawing theory (which is very artistically focused) while drawing power and meditative focus from PK's patronage. PK acts as essentially a power generator and a focus lens for Lurien, a balance that is very much dependant upon their compatability and a good deal of practice
-The Sight isn't so much of a problem, as Allsight is not necessarily draining or confusing (its essentially zoning out to see a seperate part of Hallownest, like scrying), but it does result in some nasty headaches that PK helps warn Lurien of. The small scrap of foresight that Lurien has is a whole other problem, however, because it's entirely random and often cannot be coherently pieced together without some help, resulting in them being tangled up with intrusive thoughts. He can see anything from a trash can falling over in the street to an impending natural disaster with no priority filtering between the two, so PK acts as a fact-checker and a mental grounder during those flashes
-Outside of their professions, though, they're essentially two guys proficient at hiding their weaknesses shoring up the other. They're very similar, but where Lurien is anxious and unsure around people, PK is...still not at all great with social stuff, but confident in his role as King. Where PK is cold and unempathetic, Lurien is softer-hearted and able to quickly pick out signs of distress, guiding him to a kinder decision for most involved. Both are bad at overworking themselves, but quick to tell the other to stand down...or help each other through something that needs a great deal of focus, leading into my next point:
-Both of them tend to court each other with acts of service instead of flashier methods. A god and their high priest typically require a naturally mutualistic relationship, so that's just maximized here. It's def. a lot of quiet 'I'm here for you, I can tell that you're suffering even when you cannot, and I want to ease that as much as I can', each in their own way
-Also, I'm not sure if I said this before, but when Lurien is cornered or in a spot where people can be harmed- such as facing the Radiance, or bearing down on the Soul Master's sins- he turns brutally cold and wickedly stubborn. Like, 'I'll stalk you every waking moment and then sit cross-legged and sipping tea at your execution' cold, petty, and stubborn.
-PK thinks this is hot af
(Also side note, but WL actually thinks Lurien is super cute! If Lurien wasn't gay she'd probs be interested in a romantic relationship with him as well, but since he's only into other men, she's content with being a good friend. Both PK and WL are pan and poly, I wanna expand that more)
-Oh, and these guys also spent a good deal of time subtly courting with each other before they even realized it themselves. There was a loooot of wing-flashing and words of assurance going around before they realized what that meant. Both of them are complete disasters lmfaooo
-Lurien was pretty much a virgin before PK. He had a couple makeout sessions in college while drunk, but never actually got off with another person before PK, because he just never had the time or courage to seek them out. He's kind of the epitome of a horny nun trying desperately to ignore said hornieness, except instead of religion its politics and he wants to fuck god (and also there's no social shame in sex or percieved benefit to chasity, he's just anxious as hell)
-A good part of this is because he's demisexual, so sexual attraction really only triggers when a meaningful relationship has been triggered, but that doesn't mean he wasn't horny, just that he could force himself to ignore when he was in heat easier when he wasn't noticing things like how dexterous PK's hands are, or how good it felt to have him watching him (a big thing, considering how much Lurien hates to be looked at).
-So the tdlr of this is that Lurien's been quietly storing a lot of libido away for a very long time. It's always the quiet ones lol
-For PK, it's actually kind of the opposite way around, as he always privately thought that Lurien was quite attractive before they got in a relationship. He just...genuinely thought that it was normal for a god to consider their favorite mortal to be the most attractive of the bunch, and never really questioned it, because he's a fucking idiot
-But as for actual sex stuff bc ik y'all want the boning, not just the relationship side of sex
-First off, there's a definite genital incompatibility that lead to some awkwardness at first. PK's extremely skilled at sex, but he only ever mated with a few people, so he wasn't prepared for Lurien's vulva being pretty much a neon target sign for his dick, let alone one equipped with claspers that tried to grab his hand everytime it slid down to happyland. Whereas Lurien knew a lot about the technical side of things but not much about actually fucking, leading to some awkward fumbling before they settled with just getting to know each other before attempting sex (foreplay and mutual masturbation ftw)
-Once they got everything settled out tho, everything ended up going p. smoothly. Butterflies have a sort of lock-and-key system going on with their genitalia, which results in needing a ridged dick to properly stimulate the gspot, or something large enough to provide pleasure. PK's two dicks can very happily provide both, which means both single and double penetration are excellent options
-Lurien does tend to bottom more often than not (a combo of preference + subspace being an excellent state for worship), but he does have a spelled strap-on that allows him to fuck PK, and takes full advantage of it to try to get PK as relaxed and calm as possible after a long, stressful day. He's still a bit unsure with using it, but when he tops it tends to be slower and more focused on intimacy than when PK's sticking his dicks in, with a lot of gentle massaging and attempts to turn PK into a relaxed, stress-free puddle
-PK's main enjoyment comes from watching his partners get off, so he def. ends up being a bit more rough than Lurien is with him, simply because he can read what his Watcher likes, even when he's not admitting it. He also takes an almost scientific joy to figuring out the most effective way to please his partners, which means that he'd gladly wear himself down to exhaustion just watching how many times he can get them off. It's part of why he and WL are such a good match, and is like...all of his motivation when he's with Lurien. Lurien wants to try new things to grow closer to the wild creature he fell in love with, while PK just wants to pay back that affection and admire his most devoted follower having the time of his life. They don't have as strong of a dominant/submissive dynamic going on as PK and WL (which is due to mutual godhood), but it's no less loving or kinky for it
-As for cuddling? Lurien likes the after-sex cuddling almost more than the sex itself. PK def. enjoys drawing the fucking out as long as possible to flex, but he indulges in snuggles nonetheless bc then he can feel all protective and content over a job well done, and Lurien's nook in the Spire is a nice, secure spot to curl around his more fragile mate...or he could have him in his home territory in the Palace, with his wife, luxuriating in the positive 'god/devotee' worship loop they have going on. It's a win-win situation, really
(...Well, not entirely. Birth control is way more complicated with a god and a mortal than two gods. But I'm going into that LATER because its uh...a little complex, to say the least.)
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demonicintegrity · 3 years
Part of me does wanna scheme up a modern/modern human!au for Hollow Knight but I don’t have much direction for it. It’s kinda hard to have a plot for it yknow? But my misc thoughts include
- There’s not 100 siblings but there’s probably at least Hollow and Ghost? And most/all of them are mute. And I have a few headcanons for other chronic conditions and neurodivergence the sibs have.
- Pk and Wl separated for a good few years. And in that time Pk (who maybe traveled?? Having a lil midlife crisis who knows) met and had an unplanned kid with Herrah. Herrah’s stoked because she always wanted a kid but in the end she and pk didn’t have the chemistry for a romance. So they split on decent terms. He still attempts to be around and helpful for Hornet.
- He gets back and fixes things with his wife, they’re together again. And she’s largely okay with the relationship he had with Herrah. she doesn’t fault him for finding love/having a kid while they were separated and she sees how Hollow adores her and loves that. She probably could be petty but she’s got a soft spot for her family.
- Herrah and Wl prob gets along great when she does visit. They like to share embarrassing pk things.
- Herrah is former military. Maybe an officer? But she’s doing civilian life now
-part of me looked at human!Lurien and clocked him a repressed Catholic and now I can’t unsee it help me. Learned piano and choir and whatever bible stuff from the church and all that. Help him.
-I’ve also played with the idea of him being the youngest out of two or three older brothers. And the older ones went off to do Nice Good Acceptable Careers and so he tried to do that but my dude really just wants to paint. So after some time at a Normal Job With Normal Degree he goes to art school maybe to try to break into the gallery scene.
- Lurien likes painting cityscapes most but he’s also draws and paints angelic/angel men. Smth smth repressed feelings and religious imagery. He’s a damn good painter tho. I imagine he uses oil and acrylic depending on what he’s painting.
-he and Monomon were friends before they met Herrah. The trio get a long p well.
-Monomon is working on a PhD and teaches at a uni. Excitable about science and other fun stuff but is actually quite chill and casual.
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sins-and-hubris · 3 years
Good lord the camboy!Lurien post took me out. Both because of its concept and also fucking flukemarm as a pornstar!? W h a t ! ?
I was trying not to die in class reading that fkdndksnkdnskdnd
I also love how only Wl and pk could somehow wander onto porn accidentally while still trying to figure out these newfangled things. I also love that they both were able to clock him as Lurien immediately despite his best attempts to cover identifiable markings.
My question is how does lurien’s “studio” set up work? Is it just his bedroom that he adjusts so no one would recognize it? (Not that he lets many people in there anyways) and I’m snickering at the thought of him editing these videos in his post nut fall as he realizes this is what he’s spending his time on. But hey, hella money for nice fancy paints.
YEP Flukemarm is a pornstar, that's how she feeds all those babies she pops out. She's basically the lead actress of all those really weird but oddly popular vids that frequent pornsites- you know, the super oiled up, busty ladies screaming and jittering all over the place? That's her. And honestly good for her bc she's making a killer profit off of it, but you can also kinda see why Lurien shot up in popularity; not only is he a butterfly, which is super rare in Hallownest, he's also a quiet dude with an eye for pretty dildos, a need for bigger and/or spiker cocks, and he's got a lot of hella good roleplay scenarios after years of self-suppression (also his servant/master kink is hot as hell bc a good portion of the way he'd filter his feelings for pk to be 'acceptable' would be channeled through serving him and caring for him so like. yeah. he'd be into that).
And don't put it past PK and WL to stumble on porn when they're trying to figure out what the public was doing with computers! PK probably made the prototypes and had to scale them down significantly to allow them to be manufactured, so him fiddling around on the internet would 100% be something he'd do with WL when in bed after a long day as some sort of bonding activity. WL herself isn't much of a computer scientist, but she'd love seeing her husband be fascinated with how his bugs took his gift into their claws, and she'd be interested in how they socialized with one another without the help of pheromones or physical/vocal cues. It's inevitable that they would have stumbled across the pornsites, since sex is hardly taboo in Hallownest, and it wouldn't take much for them to figure out about Lurien by tracking people's recommendations. Plus they're two of the very few people who actually know what Lurien looks and sounds like, esp. when he's rapt with emotion, so it would only take a glance at him or hearing him moan for them to know it was him. WL would probably be delighted, honestly, while PK would cycle between being surprised, being supportive, and struggling not to be horny as fuck
As for Lurien's studio setup, I figured it would just be on the floor of the room by his bed, since almost nobody enters his bedroom anyways, and he has heavy curtains around the nook where he keeps his sleeping quarters to close it off anyways. Throw some pillows and towels down, drape some tapestries over the window and lumafly lights to change the colour of the room, and nobody would have the faintest idea where he was. His butler might with a little bit of squinting, but Lucien's more old-school with terrible written pornography so that wouldn't happen anyways
Also, y e a h, he would hate editing those videos sjkfdhgb. Still, there's post-nut mortification and then there's shiny paints that cost an arm and a leg to get otherwise, so he continues anyways. Not to mention he'd probs have to pay more for his dildos, straps, and fleshlights, because his internal anatomy isn't really suited to be pleasured by most commercial beetle dicks, and the strap-ons would have to be magicked in order for him to derive pleasure from them. I feel like prosthetics for trans men would be a lot more accessible in Hallownest than in our world bc of the no transphobia thing, but that doesn't eliminate the fact that casting the spells necessary to have them transmit sensation + finding one that fits right and doesn't chafe against your clit is still a problem
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
On the topic of all this Palewatcher can we get some sappy cute headcanons for em?
Yeee sure mate! I’ve been soft for them all day, so I’m full of ideas
-I’ve probs mentioned this before, but PK and Lurien already had a basis of trust built up for each other before their feelings started to turn to the romantic. Both of them had a really slow burn of them slowly getting closer and closer and more and more comfortable with each other before they figured out that oops, they liked each other more than friends
-Which means that after the first few awkward roadbumps and moments where they were trying to figure out how they fit together, they end up settling into a relationship that’s really domestic; def. an ‘old friend/you are one of the few people I can trust’ sort of deal
-With an undercurrent of ‘quiet person who listens to the world around him manages to bond with a dragon’ bc let’s be real here, PK is...very draconic and Lurien belongs to him in the same way that a cat thinks that they belong to you (well, maybe that’s a weird comparison to make, but the point is that PK is distant by nature and tends to be possessive about the things he loves by nature, so)
-So like...sometimes quality time for them is just sitting with each other silently working together, or with one of them working and the other coming over with tea and a blanket or a pillow, to help them rest. I feel like they’d also both do a lot of absentminded kisses/tipping their head up to ask for kisses once the novelty of smooching dies down a bit, bc they are both pretty touchy with each other. Lurien especially is prone to being immersed in the middle of a painting session, feel PK come up to him, and absentmindedly tipping his head up for a kiss, bc he can’t split his focus as well as PK can, so that becomes common with him
-It’s not the wisest decision, seeing as Lurien has no idea how to handle kids, but he’s also one of the few people that PK trusts with Hornet- and, to an extent, teen Hollow. Kind of like how cats will be okay with trusting their kittens with only a few people, y’know? Once Hornet gets big enough to not trip his ‘gotta feed the baby, she’s small and gonna die’ instincts, then he’s totally chill with Lurien being next to him when he’s caring for her, or leaving him in the room with her for a few minutes, even if, like I said, Lurien has 0 idea how to handle children (having grown up an only child with two working-class parents out all day, being too awkward and weird to make any friends when he was young, and then remaining awkward and weird enough that he wrote of the concept of having children when he was older alltogether)
-Maybe not directly Palewatcher, but I hc the Dreamer alliance to have one good thing about the whole disaster, and it’s that Lurien (somewhat) befriended Monomon, Herrah, and the White Lady. Which, if we factor in that Lucien, his assistant and bff, was also paired with him bc of PK, that means that all of Lurien’s friendships and allyships occurred specifically bc of PK
-If we stick with my ‘Lurien is a jewelmark butterfly’ hc, that means that he is covered in a thick layer of velvety fluff, which means that PK is very fond of cuddling and petting for obvious reasons
-Lurien, like WL, is capable of kneading at or stroking under PK’s jaws when he’s on his back to send him into a relaxed trance. This is another wyrm quirk, but it can only be triggered by those that said wyrm is close to, like family or mates, bc rubbing up under the jaw is a sign of affection and is basically you marking yourself with their scent (as the scent glands are under the jaw, like rabbits). With young, this trips a protective instinct where they’ll try to tuck their child or younger sibling under the safety of their jaw, but with a mate it blisses them out and allows them to bare their throat to the other in a sign of affection, submission, and trust
-Lurien is always very touched by this display
-Sleeping together is also a highlight of their relationship, as neither really...sleep much. They’re workaholics, so they’re not a big fan of regular sleep schedules- but when they’re working together they have an incentive to go to bed, so they usually end up more well-rested than when alone or when PK is with WL (simply bc gods don’t need rest as easily, ofc; if she had a stable understanding of mortal time, he’d be sleeping every night whether he liked it or not). But going to bed means getting to snuggle under heavy blankets and watching the rain for a bit before falling asleep together, so it pays off
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