#this weekend is canadian thanksgiving and i usually never celebrate it
neondiamond · 1 year
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Our long Canadian Thanksgiving weekend is slowly coming to an end. Therefore, I will be taking this opportunity to blog about the Thanksgiving holiday and everything to do with the occasion. From side dish ideas, the concept of "Friendsgiving," my personal favourite things to do with the thankful season and what I'm grateful for.
Everyone knows the best part about the Thanksgiving holiday is the food. From the main course all the way to the dessert, by far it's some of the best food enjoyed annually on this weekend. Personally, side dishes would be my favourite part of the meal. However, this year, I think it's time to level up the traditional side dishes and make some new additions for this comforting meal. To begin, this picture below demonstrates a simple twist on regular mashed potatoes, adding roasted garlic into the mix. I made this for my family this Thanksgiving and I can say myself that it was a huge hit.
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Another way to level up a simple dish, this time with your regular roasted carrots. A recipe I found incorporates candied pecans and goat cheese to the roasted carrots, levelling up yet again this delicious side dish into something even better.
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Finally, a brand-new recipe I've personally never heard of, but definitely something I'd like to make. Below is a whipped pumpkin feta dip that includes honey, walnuts and fresh thyme. This could be an easy side dish or appetizer served with fresh bread or anything really.
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A new concept I heard about this year is a 'Friendsgiving'. Which is exactly what it sounds like, essentially. Typically, Thanksgiving is celebrated with family and relatives, but this is a gathering for friends to gather and enjoy a comforting meal all-together. In my opinion, I absolutely love this concept and wish I would've heard about it sooner. Now I'm definitely not saying to replace the traditional Thanksgiving dinner with family, but consider adding in a second annual tradition to celebrate and be thankful for all of your friends, because they deserve it too.
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Now for more of a personal aspect to this blog post, I'll be talking about my favourite activities for the Thanksgiving long weekend and what I'm grateful for. In all honesty, my family isn't very big on this particular holiday, so it usually ends up being pretty low-key, which I really enjoy. On Thanksgiving Day, I spent the night with my immediate family, and I really enjoyed gathering together and talking amongst each other. A new favourite Thanksgiving activity/tradition is spending the long weekend up north at my boyfriend's cottage, which is where I was this past weekend. I was fortunate enough to be a part of his family's Thanksgiving, where I enjoyed a big meal as well as beautiful scenery up in the Kawartha Lakes. Yesterday, my boyfriend and I took our own mini road trip about an hour away from his cottage simply to drive and look at the views even further up north, and I even got the chance to look at the views from the lake on a jet ski.
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I'm so incredibly fortunate for everything I have and all the people in my life. More specifically, my parents, my sisters, my friends, my boyfriend and my pets. This Thanksgiving is certainly extra special for me, as I have so much in my life to be thankful for. I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekends, I, for one, was very grateful for an extra day to sleep in as well!
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puckngrind · 4 years
What’s In A Name: 7 - J. Toews
Chapter 7.
Where we left off: Jon and Bekah were on vacation in Sedona when discussions changed the tone of things.
Warnings: smut, language, mentions of fighting and injury
Word Count: 3,380
Series Masterlist ) Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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Their worlds collided every single time they were together then life went on as normal. Jon ended up winning Gold at the World Cup of Hockey and the first call was to Bekah.
“I wish you were here for this.” He breathed out upon her answering. She could hear his teammates celebrating in the background.
“Congrats Tae!” Bekah felt guilt of saying no, even with her new passport’s arrival, flood her body in that moment. She had taken most of her vacation time off and his schedule for this tournament was tight. “I’m glad you didn’t get hurt.” She bit her lip as she remembers the conversation back in Sedona and could hear Jon’s smile through the phone. Their conversation was light then Jon was getting pulled away.
“I’ll see you in Columbus in a few weeks!” With that he was off. This was the second start of the season Bekah had been talking to Jon, so it was no surprise to her when she didn’t hear much from him during training camp. The team had a rough start and the fight Jon had on the ice against Nashville was proof. Bekah wasn’t sure what to think every time she would see him fight. It was barbaric but yet a turn on. Cursing her body as she sees him swinging at Neal on her screen knowing she wouldn’t see him for another week. She was never a hockey fan but her time at home working on her current project was usually done with Jon’s game as background noise. It became a habit and she didn’t hate it.  Jon secretly relished in the fact that she watched his games.
The following week Jon was in Columbus. And just like every other time, the two spent all of his down time while in town in bed. Even with months between seeing each other, every time they were together it was as if no time was lost. Their bodies didn’t skip a beat when they would meet.  The two had muscle memory for each other. Before Bekah left the next morning Jon pulls her tightly into his chest with a force that was soft but dominate.
“Can we talk about the holidays? Or you coming to Chicago for a weekend? Because, Beks, not seeing you for months and months absolutely kills me.” He admits.
“Like Christmas or Thanksgiving, Tae?” Bekah’s eyebrow and voice question Jon’s.
“Well my Thanksgiving was a few weeks ago.” Jon laughs.
“Oh right, Canadian.” Bekah retorts.
“I meant Christmas, Beks. I have a few days off and my family it coming to Chicago this year.” His fingers lift her chin up to look her in the eyes.
“Oh! Well. Uh...family?” Bekah feels the heat racing to her face.
“I love the way you blush just so you know.” His hand brushes her cheek. “Just think about it. They would love to see you again and of course, I want to see you.” Jon kisses her lips and leaves the conversation open for later.
Thanksgiving morning Bekah’s phone rings super early. She assumed it would be her mom double checking that Bekah had the pies covered for dinner which was really almost lunch. “Mom, I made the pies last night.” Her voice was groggy.
“Bekah, It’s Brynn. Jon got hurt last night. Have you talked to him?” Bekah rubbed her eyes and pulled the phone away from her head. An unknown number called her in the middle of the night and since she only had Jon’s number programmed to ring that late, she missed the call.
“Fuck. What? I... should... is he okay? What time is it in San Jose? Damnit. I didn’t watch because I was baking and fell asleep.” The realization of the unknown setting in.
“All I know is he didn’t come out for the 3rd period and Derek thinks it’s his back but maybe a concussion.” Brynn’s voice was ringing in Bekah’s ear. The two hung up and Bekah paced her bedroom floor then decided to text Jon given the time difference.
“Hey Beks.” She could hear the pain in his voice. He explained the injury told her he was day-to-day and suggested they talk to each other after her family’s holiday festivities. She didn’t know how to take it all in knowing he was across the country hurting. Then when Jon called again to tell her that he was headed back to Chicago and not with the team, Bekah booked a flight and took a cab to his place. She didn’t fully think it through as she leaned against his gate with a dead phone battery and no sign of Jon. She was contemplating walking towards the larger buildings of downtown or even campus when a SUV pulled up. She clutched her bag until Jon’s face was illuminated from the passenger seat and the Blackhawks symbol flashed in the street light as the door swung open.
“What are you doing here and why didn’t you tell me?” Jon tenderly steps out of the car and makes his way to her. Kissing her sweetly cupping her cold cheeks in his warm hands.
“I got worried and I have Monday off plus your voice Jon. Your voice when you told me you were headed back to Chicago said come.” The look of concern written across her face.
“I didn’t ask you to...” Jon’s face contorts knowing he wanted her there but didn’t want to pull her away from her family.
“I wanted to. Can we head in because it’s cold and I’ve been here awhile?” Jon nods and slowly makes his way inside with Bekah at his tail. His injury was bad enough to potentially sit out the next few games she knew it was killing him and she saw the frustration in the way he slept. Before heading to the airport Monday afternoon, Jon asked again about Christmas.
“Could I fly out Christmas evening?” She went to pull him in and stopped when she sees the grimace on his face. “Fuck. Sorry.”
“Yeah, I think that will work. Plus we play a home game on the 27th if you stay that late. You could wear my sweater.” His wink was all she needed. The flight back Bekah took in the short trip and realized in the almost two years of knowing Jon this was the first time they didn’t have sex while in the same city. They made out while watching movies, cooked together, showered together, and slept snuggled into each other. Her focus was being there for him and his injury and less of the sex that seemed to drive most of their shorter trips.  She snuggled up into her sweatshirt trying not to think about what that meant but how she could make sure her Christmas trip was work free.
Christmas came and Bekah was shocked how seamless and not out of place she felt with Jon’s family. Well that was until they spoke French which was frequently and Jon made an effort to switch to English when he noticed Bekah’s face all scrunched up trying to follow. Jon laughed hard when she admitted in bed that night that while she has not a fucking clue what they were saying but she was sure it was about her.
“Not usually Beks. Well some of it was about you.” Jon kisses her and she huffs out with his admission.
“It is damn sexy coming out of your mouth even if it’s frustrating not understanding you.” Bekah runs her finger over his lips and he sucks them into his mouth.
“c'est noté.” Jon whispers. “Noted.”
The next few days were filled with getting to know his family but Jon made sure to sneak out with just Bekah too. The two said their goodbyes with discussions of seeing each other soon then Bekah was back home and back to her routine of life in Columbus.
“See, told ya!” Brynn shouted as Bekah caught up with her friend over wine on New Years Eve. “Name it whatever you two want name it but friend, that all screams girlfriend. Christmas with his family. Romantic stroll in Chicago. Watching another game with the Toews family. G-i-r-l-f-r-i-e-n-d.” Brynn tips her glass towards Bekah.
“We are not doing this again.” Bekah pulls her knees into her chest.
“We aren’t doing this but who is blowing up your phone right now?” Brynn points to the newest text alert.
“Can we just watch the game?” Bekah picks up her phone and flicks a finger at the television.
“Sure your hot ass hockey man is just chilling in his St. Louis hotel room alone texting you while he waits to play in the Winter fucking Classic where we SHOULD be right now... BUT no. I’m sitting here desperate for a tiny glimpse of my husband on the screen because he’s in Minnesota for New Years.” Brynn’s annoyance that Bekah didn’t tell her about the Winter Classic invite until that night was audible in her exhale.
“Rin, I was just with him plus that game is outside, in January.” Bekah looks down at her phone again and shivers thinking of watching hockey outside.
“And you are telling me New Years sex with that man wouldn’t be mind blowing?” Brynn’s eyes flashed to Bekah. “And the Winter Classic outside is kinda the point.”
“Oh! I see Derek!” Bekah points at the screen attempting to distract her bestie.
“Nice try. We don’t have to talk about it for now. When are you seeing each other again?” Brynn chirped.
“I don’t know. He said something about All-Star break but definitely after the season.” Bekah runs her finger over the rim of her wine glass.
“All star break is like your anniversary. What 2 years now?” Counting from the 2015 game on her fingers.
“Cannot have an anniversary when you don’t have a relationship...” Bekah’s voice tapers off.
“For the love of all things, Bekah.” Brynn pokes at her bestie in frustration. “I keep adding to my original list just so you know. ‘Shit that makes this a relationship when the two of you won’t call it what it is’ a growing list by yours truly.” Brynn ticks off her fingers mentally adding to the list.
“Well, All-Star break.  He wants me to come to LA. Some gala before the game. That equals fancy dress Rin. Your girl doesn’t have a fancy dress.” Bekah keeps her eyes on the game and only turns when she realizes Brynn hasn’t responded yet. Her mouth dropped open staring at Bekah. “You okay?” She questions.
“The man wants to take you to the NHL 100 Gala. As his date? We will find you a fancy ass dress Bekah.” Brynn squeals her best friend’s name.
“Is this a big thing?” Bekah feels the lump in her throat.
“Yes. I’m assuming he’s being named one of the top 100 NHL players of the century. It’s a big fucking deal.” Brynn tosses her hands up in the air to exaggerate her point.
“Then maybe I shouldn’t... hmmm.” Bekah eyes Jon’s latest text which have gone from innocent conversation to very much missing her in the course of a few hours.
“Oh you are going!” Brynn almost shouted. “You are definitely going. I’ll request off work FOR you. Here, I’ll do it right fucking now. Ask Jon how many days he plans on sexing you up in SoCal.” Brynn points her finger at the phone again.
“Rin. Did you just?” Bekah just looks at her and back at Jon’s text about FaceTiming later.
“You two are hot for each other and adorable together.” She points to the newest alert. “And damnit have you looked at him? Of course you have. You get that handsome hockey man with the ass everyone is jealous of all to yourself whenever you want it too. Like you could be under him right now instead of sitting on my couch. He clearly thinks the same thing because I’m only assuming he’s sexting by the way your face looks.” Rin sips her wine in satisfaction of reading her best friend’s non-verbals so well.
“I.... uh...”Bekah’s head was spinning.
“You will take off. We will get you one amazing dress that will make that man melt. And you can FaceTime that man when you get home and tell him you are spending those few days in the warmth of Southern California with him before you start other things.” Brynn smile is mischievous as she takes in Bekah’s expression.
Like most trips, Jon met Bekah at the airport in Los Angeles. She was nervous about the events and the inevitable pictures but the way Jon reassured her made it all bearable. She watched him do roundtable discussions with men that the other grown men in the room were drooling over the way she would over a boy-bander in high school. She felt her skin heat up when they walked the red carpet. Jon pulled her close, kissed her temple and whispered, “when we stop just look up at me if you want okay?” She nodded and she did just that. Then she stepped back and admired the way Jon was so easy in front of the camera. He looked back once and she felt his energy radiating through her.
The All-Star game festivities were entertaining. Jon was so relaxed and Bekah felt it. They closed the door of their hotel room after the last event. “Thanks for coming Beks. Being my date. Doing all the standing and waiting things. Looking hot in that dress and my sweater so I could not think straight.” His breath was warm on her neck. His fingers roaming her skin.
“It’s getting easier the more things I do with you.” Bekah admits and moves her head to give Jon more room to suck the sweet spot he knew made her weak.
“Then maybe if we make the playoffs you will come and wear the cute jean jackets the girls have with my name and number on the back?” Jon doesn’t release Bekah from his hold.
“What?” The way Jon was making her feel was clouding Bekah’s head.
“We can talk later.” Jon pulls Bekah’s legs up so her core is pressed against his hard cock. She moans forgetting the need to clear up his statement and wraps her legs around him to move up and down needing more friction. “My girl needs me eh?”
“You are damn sexy in that suit Mr. Toews but I’d like you out of it now.” Bekah bites at his neck.
“You don’t have to ask me twice Beks.” Jon moves and Bekah groans when the pressure is gone. “Oh, my girl REALLY needs me?” Jon laughs and starts discarding both of their clothes. Bekah’s nails scrape down his torso and she drops to her knees. “Beks.” He breathes out and leans into the bed. She licks the pre cum off the head and slowly slides her lips around him. “Fuck.” Jon’s voice catches in his throat. She releases for a moment to look how unglued he was. Always so meticulous but she seemed to have a power over him no one else possessed which sent a current coursing through her body just thinking about it. “Where do you want me Tae?” She kisses under his length and blinks up at him. Jon’s eyes were closed but he blinks them open.
“I want inside you, Beks.” He whispers. She licks from his base to his tip again before moving up his body.
“Oh yeah?” She kisses his lips and feels his tongue asking for permission but she pulls away. He groans out of being denied. “Remember after your cup win when you bent me over the couch?” She smirks at him and runs her finger down his jawline.
“Yeah.” He huffed out. “I was embarrassingly a quick draw.” he looks into Bekah’s eyes and sees a spark. Her eyes flutter towards the couch.
“Wanna bend me over that Tae?” She bites her lip.
“Yes. Fuck yes.” Jon stands and walks Bekah backwards until her ass hits the back of the couch. Tenderly he flips her around and she braces herself. Jon slides in slowly and both moan out of the need. His hips work faster slamming into Bekah as she begs for more. The sweat dripping down both of them as Bekah presses herself into each of Jon’s movements. Bekah releases a hand from the death grip on the leather to her clit. “Beks that’s hot. Come on Baby.” Jon grunts feeling his climax coming. Bekah moans out his name and the two hit their highs. Jon doesn’t let up when she releases her hand from herself. He slowly lowers his body on hers kissing between her shoulder blades.
“Well...” Bekah tries to talk but her breath is labored.
“Well that’s what you deserved after my cup win Beks.” This causes both to laugh as Jon moves both of their bodies so she’s pressed against his chest.
“Oh you made up for it, Tae.” Bekah looks up into his brown eyes that are saying more than the words he’s spoken. “Now can we shower and talk about this jacket thing?” Her fingers dance on his collarbone.
“It’s nothing really just the girls get these jackets for playoffs. You would look good in one that’s all.” Jon leads her to the shower.
“Like a WAG thing, Jon?” Bekah asks as the reach the shower.
“Just a you are mine kinda thing.” Jon pulls her under the water spray.
“I’m yours Tae?” Bekah looks up at Jon with the water rolling down his body.
“Yeah Beks. You are mine. You mean more to me than anyone or anything else.” He kisses her hard letting the water run over their connected bodies. “I don’t care who knows it either.” He pulls her up into him and starts to wash them both.
They settled in bed that night and Jon quickly falls asleep from the weekend of events.
“Jon are you awake?” Bekah whispers in the middle of the night.
“No.” He mumbles in her neck.
“Jon, you got a very big award this weekend. Only 100 NHL players past and present got it. That’s big. Like really big.” She leans back a little.
“Is that keeping you up?” Jon kisses her.
“No, well... yes... no. I’m just curious. Are there awards and things I don’t know about? You were sitting with hall of famers and fit right in. That’s a big deal. You are big deal.” Her voice barely above a whisper.
“You’ve still never googled me Beks?” Jon’s eyebrow shoots up.
“Well, after googling Blackhawks WAGS and seeing a picture of you with someone else I decided that I’d just learn about you from you.” Bekah admits.
“Well, you know about most of them. Three cups, two Olympic golds, some MVPs and such.” Jon kisses her lips again.
“Wait, you have two Olympic gold medals?” She sits up.
“Yeah. I know you watch the Olympics. I’ve seen your closet.” Jon sits up remembering giving her shit about all the Team USA and Olympic apparel she had. He pulls her into his chest.
“Yeah, but I clearly didn’t realize you were on both Gold winning teams and I didn’t much pay attention to hockey before you.”
Jon laughs, “true.”
“And most don’t have all that?” She questions.
“Well, no, not really.” Jon hesitates. “What’s in your brain Beks?”
“Just trying to process why me, I guess. When you are so... you know, you.” Bekah admits.
“Beks.” Jon whispers. “You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met and we have the rhythm I’ve never had with anyone else. Plus I kinda love the fact that you don’t care about all the accolades and almost would prefer not to be in the spotlight even though I wish you were by my side for all the work things.” His lips kiss just behind her ear. Both sat in the quiet for a moment.
“Yeah, but our lives are in two different cities, Tae.” Bekah finally lets his words soak in.
“But they don’t have to be, Babe. You could always come to Chicago.” Jon answers simply but what he was saying had real weight to it and they both knew it.
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orbemnews · 4 years
The Pan Am flight attendant and the CIA man who fell in love on an airplane (CNN) — In September 1970 Jocelyne Nowaski was working as chief flight attendant on a Pan American World Airways flight from Paris to New York when her life changed forever. In her two years at Pan Am the 23-year-old had made friends across the globe, served celebrities including Beatle Ringo Starr and featured with her coworkers in the pages of Paris Match magazine. Pan Am layovers were spent exploring Morocco, on safaris in Nairobi, galloping on horseback on the beaches of Barbados, swimming in Liberia, and browsing the jewelry stalls of Beirut. As she recalls it, her career happened almost by accident. Jocelyne had majored in biology at New York City’s College of Mount St. Vincent, intending to become a doctor. But right before graduation, a friend knocked on her dorm room and told her the luxury airline was interviewing for flight crew at its famous Manhattan skyscraper. Her friend insisted they should both try out, for a laugh. “Why not?” agreed Jocelyne. She found herself recalling the glossy commercials: “Your Pan Am stewardess knows her way around the world like you know your way around the block.” To become a Pan Am flight attendant, candidates needed a college degree, and to speak a second language. Jocelyne’s mother was French-Canadian, so she ticked both boxes. She was hired — her friend wasn’t — and within weeks of graduating, followed by rigorous training, Jocelyne was working her first trip aboard a Boeing 727 to Nassau, in the Bahamas. Jocelyne never became a doctor and never looked back. “It was the best job,” she tells CNN Travel today. “It wasn’t a job; it was a labor of love.” In September 1970, love was the last thing on Jocelyne’s mind. She’d ended a relationship with a pilot six months previously, and she was having a blast exploring the world with her girlfriends. Her focus was on her career. In the interim, fire-arm qualified individuals from organizations like the CIA and FBI were seconded and assigned onto flights. Traveling back to JFK from Paris in mid-September, Jocelyne recalls she and her crew were told that two security officers would be joining them: one in economy and one in first class. Jocelyne in her uniform, including her gold wings. Courtesy Jocelyne Harding Jocelyne was heading up the economy cabin as purser, and they were readying for takeoff. All the passengers had boarded the Boeing 707, a narrow-body airliner used by Pan Am from 1958. But the security officers were late, much to Jocelyne’s annoyance. She rolled her eyes even harder when she learned it was because they’d been buying Parisian scarves to impress girls back home. Finally arriving on board, the economy cabin security officer introduced himself. His name was Tyler Harding, smartly dressed in a suit and tie, a tan overcoat over one arm. Right away, Jocelyne recalls, she was struck by his charm and good looks, but she wasn’t interested in a relationship and didn’t think he was seriously interested in her. “I was working with some Swedish girls and the Swedish girls were absolutely stunning,” she laughs. “I wouldn’t even think of competing against them.” Tyler took his seat on the second to back row and the aircraft took off, bidding the Paris lights goodbye and setting off across the Atlantic Ocean. Air marshals are supposed to blend in, so Jocelyne served Tyler as she would any other passenger, but unlike every other passenger he tried to strike up a conversation every time she came over. “He was very flirty,” Jocelyne recalls. “I was not, because I thought: ‘Oh, he’s just doing this because he wants to talk to my colleagues.'” This suspicion — plus the scarves — made her wary. She kept her tone terse, even teasing him about his drink choice. “He was very pleasant, in spite of my being snarky,” she says. As the aircraft started cruising over the ocean, Jocelyne and her coworkers began their dinner service. Tyler continued to engage her in conversation whenever she walked by. Jocelyne and her Pan Am coworkers enjoyed their layovers in destinations across the world. Here they are on a safari in Nairobi. Courtesy Jocelyne Harding After she’d served the food, Jocelyne did her usual overview of the cabin. While walking down the aisles she glanced at Tyler. He wasn’t looking at her at that moment. But she felt herself stop in her tracks, struck suddenly with a thought: “I wonder what it’ll be like to be married to him?” She recalls quickly shaking herself out of it. “What are you thinking? You don’t even know this man.” But Jocelyne couldn’t explain it, even to herself. In that moment she’d been struck by this strange certainty that a future with Tyler was not only likely, but inevitable. Sometime later, she was sitting up top of the plane on the jump seat, when Tyler sat down next to her. At which point he asked her out. “I don’t date passengers,” she said. “And you’re probably married anyway.” Tyler pointed out he wasn’t exactly a passenger, and when Jocelyne still looked unimpressed, he fished out his passport, which back then listed dependents — or in his case, absence of them. He was 29, the black print said, and a resident of Alexandria, Virginia. Jocelyne was relieved, but still wary about dating someone she barely knew. Apparently sensing this, Tyler relented and returned to his seat. As the airplane approached Long Island, edging closer to New York City, it was time for Jocelyne to do the last drinks service, carrying a teapot in one hand and a coffee pot in the other. She got to Tyler, who requested coffee. “And as I’m pouring the coffee in his cup, he looked up at me with those amazing blue eyes,” recalls Jocelyne. “Naturally, I poured the coffee into his cup. Unfortunately, at the same time I poured tea into his lap.” Mortified, Jocelyne grabbed cloth napkins from the back of the plane and handed them to him. Tyler told her not to worry, but was laughing. “Now you have to go out with me,” he said. Blushing, Jocelyne dodged the question and went to confide in her friend Mala, who was the purser in first class. “As I’m pouring the coffee in his cup, he looked up at me with those amazing blue eyes. Naturally, I poured the coffee into his cup. Unfortunately, at the same time I poured tea into his lap” Jocelyne Harding Mala suggested they invite both the flight’s security officers to a crew party she was planning at her Queens apartment after they landed. Jocelyne agreed and returned to economy to tell Tyler and hurriedly pass on the address before making preparations for final descent. After landing, she couldn’t spot him amid the crowd, and felt disappointed as she traveled from JFK to Mala’s home. He was nowhere to be seen as the party got into full swing. Then the doorbell rang. It was Tyler, with his fellow security officer in tow. “It took my breath away. It really did,” says Jocelyne. Right away, the pair went to the kitchen and started chatting over cocktails. “I was leaning against Mala’s range with my back to the ring. He was standing in front of me and we must have talked for about three hours.” The pair discussed their childhoods — hers in New York and his in California — their families, dreams, travels, careers. The only thing off the table was the true nature of his job — Tyler couldn’t reveal he worked for the CIA. She found that out later. Tyler and Jocelyne ignored the hubbub of the party around them, chatting incessantly. “At the end of the evening, he looked at me, and he said: ‘Will you marry me?'” Her answer, she says, slipped out instinctively, in a moment of clarity and assurance. “I said, ‘Yes.'” Globe spanning romance Jocelyne and Tyler in December 1970, a few months after they met. Courtesy Jocelyne Harding After the party, Tyler and his colleague gave Jocelyne a ride back to her parents’ home in New York, where she couldn’t help but blurt out her fateful news. “I just met the man I’m going to marry,” she told her mother, who laughed. “Oh, you’re crazy. It doesn’t work that way,” she said. But the very next day Tyler called round to see Jocelyne and meet her parents, hitting it off with them too. Neither Tyler or Jocelyne had much time in New York City before they were heading on their next work trip — he to Tehran and she to Rome. “I can’t actually marry you yet,” Jocelyne told him, before he departed. “That would be ridiculous.” Tyler just smiled and left his 1968 Mustang parked in her parents’ driveway. In Rome, Jocelyne had plans lined up with a man she’d been casually dating during her Italian layovers. “He had a whole weekend plan to take me in his sports car up the Amalfi Coast,” she recalls. Upon landing in Italy, she called him up and, despite his protestations, told him she wouldn’t be able to come after all. Jocelyne in Rome, 1970. This photo was taken on the first leg of her trip, right before she met Tyler. Courtesy Jocelyne Harding Instead, she spent the weekend in Rome with Mala and her other Pan Am colleagues, walking around the city, throwing coins in the Trevi Fountain, and enjoying pasta dinners. When Jocelyne got back to New York, Tyler contacted her right away. Ostensibly, it was under the excuse he needed to collect his car, but they both knew that wasn’t the real reason. The two started dating, spending all their time together when they weren’t traveling for work. That October, just a few weeks after they met, Tyler asked Jocelyne to marry him — again. This time, she said yes with certainty. They told their parents on Thanksgiving, and on Christmas Eve 1970, Tyler met her at JFK with an engagement ring. Jocelyne with her friend Mala (left) who was on board the airplane when Tyler and Jocelyne met. Courtesy Jocelyne Harding Jocelyne and Tyler got married March 1971, at the chapel of the College of Mount St. Vincent. For their honeymoon they flew to Fiji, taking advantage of Jocelyne’s Pan Am discount to travel first class and spend eight days relaxing. Back in the US, she moved to Alexandria, Virginia, where Tyler was based, but still flew out of New York. “We both travelled a lot,” says Jocelyne. “He went on assignment often for the CIA, and that first Christmas, I remember he was gone for three months on an assignment to Laos, and that was tough.” When she could, Jocelyne tried to work round-the-world flights out of New York, so she’d be gone for weeks at a time too, traveling from New York to Tokyo and back. Jocelyne and Tyler on their wedding day on March 28, 1971. Courtesy Jocelyne Harding And towards the end of Tyler’s stint in Laos, she decided to surprise him with an unscheduled visit. “I thought, ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this,’ because there was a war going on there then. But I did, and I met him, and we came home together after his assignment. And from then on, it’s just been a whirlwind.” In March 2021, Jocelyne, now 74, and Tyler, 80, will have been married for five decades. “I can’t believe it’s 50 years already,” she says. “I can’t believe it.” The glamor of Pan Am Jocelyne fondly recalls working on the first Boeing 747 flight between Paris and New York. Here, a Boeing 747 is seen just after landing at London’s Heathrow airport, on January 22, 1970. AFP via Getty Images Jocelyne continued flying with Pan Am for a year after her marriage. Regulations had just recently changed to allow married women to continue working as flight crew. But she left the company in 1972, when Tyler’s job transferred to Thailand. Jocelyne said farewell to her wings with great sadness, but soon embraced the new adventure of a life in Southeast Asia, followed by a stint in Hawaii. The couple had their first child, a daughter, while living in Honolulu. Tyler and Jocelyne then settled back in Virginia for a while, having a second daughter there, but before long they were living in Frankfurt, Germany. “The kids loved it because we took them everywhere on weekends. We went to France, we went to all different parts of Germany, Switzerland,” recalls Jocelyne. In the late 1970s, the couple bought some farmland in Maryland from the uncle of one of Jocelyne’s old Pan Am pals and built the home in which they live today. Jocelyne’s still in touch with many of her friends from that time, including Mala. She’s part of World Wings International, the organization of retired Pan Am Flight attendants. “We still entertain like no one entertains,” she laughs. Pan Am’s glamorous reputation has lingered on, long after its last flight. That legacy is deserved, says Jocelyne. “Everything was about making the customer happy and elegance on the plane,” she recalls. “We served the finest wines, the finest of everything. Paris Maxim’s [the famed French restaurant] did our catering. It was elegant, it was special, people dressed up.” Jocelyne memorably worked the inaugural 747 flight between New York and Paris, a press flight where passengers sipped Moët Chandon Champagne and ate caviar from Tehran. That’s when she was featured in Paris Match magazine. “We were interviewed when we got off the plane. It was terribly exciting, it really was. The 747 was amazing. I did love that plane, but I missed the ambiance of the 707.” She recalls her team were given special buttons promoting the 747, which they wore on their lapels. Uniforms were blue or tan, with Pan Am wings made of gold. Alongside their two daughters Jocelyne and Tyler now have five grandchildren. Everybody in the family loves travel, says Jocelyne, with one of their daughters spending two decades living in France, Istanbul and Warsaw, and the other taking a year out to backpack the world after graduation. Jocelyne and Tyler pictured in 2014. Courtesy Jocelyne Harding The pandemic has grounded the family in the US for now, but despite their decades of travel, Jocelyne and Tyler still have spots left on their must-visit list. For Jocelyne, it’s Bhutan. For Tyler, it’s Australia, where the couple have family. Tyler now has some memory issues, but he still fondly recalls that momentous 1970 flight from Paris to New York. “I saw this cute girl and she was kind of snotty to me,” he says. “But we talked after we got off and after that, we never stopped.” “It’s been an amazing journey I wouldn’t trade for anything,” says Jocelyne. She pauses and laughs. “Oh, and I wound up with all those scarves he bought.” Source link Orbem News #Airplane #attendant #CIA #fell #flight #Love #Man #Pan
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unkindnessofone · 7 years
This is Skye’s story for the Sentimental Value series. I hope you like it. Dedicating it to @heykarsyn who is always supportive and reads my stuff. 
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It had been four months, but it felt like years. Calum felt like he had been watching awful movies, drinking in backstage bathrooms, and making up jokes with Skye for much longer than he had been. He remembered thinking it was stupid that management as assigning Ashton his own personal assistant after he one particularly vulgar freak out because he was overwhelmed with balancing his personal life and tour. Now, he never wanted them to reassign Skye. She was as vital to the tour as sound.   After four months of getting to know one another, he was caught off guard by the sight of Skye whipping by him with a look in her eyes that suggested she wasn't above murder. He had reached out to wave her down out of her angry trance, but she walked right by with her dark hair falling out of her fishtail braid behind her. Calum watched as she put her phone to her ear and threw open the door of her hotel room, having tricked the lock to keep from jamming. He decided she was just busy or under pressure from work and didn't question it. He had never seen her angry with anyone or in a foul mood before. Calum was sure that it was nothing. 
He was caught completely off guard when he was backstage, drinking vodka on the rocks and getting stoked, and she was nowhere to be seen. When he asked Ashton where she was, he shrugged and said that she had stuff to do back at the hotel. Calum only really felt concerned when Skye wasn't there when he emerged from stage a sweaty mess. Usually, she was standing there with towels for all of them and telling them they did amazing even if it hadn't been a very good show. He excused himself from the poured drinks to text her if everything was cool, but he suspected she was lying when she quickly replied with just 'ya'.  Calum took it upon himself to go back to the hotel without everyone else. Adrenaline was still pushing its way through his body from the show, but he didn't want to go and party without his partner in crime. He ignored a phone call from his girlfriend as she called right before he stood in front of Skye's hotel room door. He banged on it louder than he meant to, hearing her on the other side talking to someone.  "Okay, I'll call you back." She was on the phone, but coming closer to him so he held back from knocking. Calum hooked his thumbs into the pocket of his skin tight black pants and leaned, listening in. Her stress was evident. "Mom, it's fine. Its fine. I'll call you tomorrow." Skye was leaning against the door now, shoulder bare from the black tank top and flannel pajama pants combo she had chosen. If she was going to be having a bad day, she was going to be comfortable. After a full minute and fifteen seconds, Skye swung the door open and exposed her exhausted face to Calum. She had washed off all her makeup as well as the active charcoal mask that she had treated herself to. Calum had been smiling, excited to see her, but it slid off his face like Vaseline when he saw his preoccupied and tired she was.  "Hey." He played it cool for a second. "Are you okay?" It was obvious that something weird was going on. "I haven't seen you all day." He exaggerated which wasn't typical for the bass player.  "Yeah, it's silly." Always underplaying her own emotions, Skye waved her hand in front of her. "I overreacted." Cheeks filled with air, she decomposed like an untied party balloon. "I probably owe Ashton an apology." "He didn't seem upset." Calum shrugged in response. He knew Ashton well and he would have mentioned if he was anything, but happy. Ashton has always been forthcoming with his feelings.  "That's good." Almost robotically, she responded though it was a relief that the person she worked for wasn't pissed off. "Are you going out?"  "Yeah, but what's going on?" He was usually the one complaining to her, droning on about what Hannah expected of him or how fed up he was with touring on a bad day.  Her chest fell inward as she released a massive sigh. When at work, Skye made a pointed effort not to whine. She felt like she always failed at being professional with Calum. Ashton had even accused her of flirting which had been a particularly embarrassing afternoon drive. She couldn't help it, they just jived instantly.   "When I applied for this position, I had one stipulation and it was that I have next weekend off. They said no problem. I even checked with Ashton last week to make sure and he said it was fine." She brushed at her wispy bangs with her fingers like a comb.  "Then I'm emailed my itinerary for the next few weeks and I'm still with you guys...working!" She leaned against the door and faked a smile at him. "It's been sorted out now, but it was annoying at the time." She had been ready chew someone out, but instead she remained as calm as she could to sort out the situation.  Calum tool his brain through important days coming up. It was only November and Skye wasn't American. She celebrated Thanksgiving and she did that with him in at the Chateau Marmont, eating turkey breast on rye bread. He knew Black Friday was coming up, but that would have stunned him if it was what she was referring to. Where would she put a huge flat screen? She lived out of a suitcase and in conference rooms.  "It's not your birthday, right?" He felt stupid asking because he wished he already knew.  "No." She shook her head. "That's December 1st." She mentioned when he raised his brows, almost asking her for a little more info.  Calum nodded, hoping he could commit that to memory. He decided to wait until they weren't looking right at each other to pull out his phone and input the date in his calender.  "Is there something fun going on?" He leaned right against the opposite door frame she was resting on, trying to guess. He didn't like having to work for it and wished she would just tell him. He was genuinely interested.  "No. Just a family tradition." She sighed with exasperation. "It's Remembrance Day. Well, Veterans Day." There were certain American terms she had adjusted her Canadian brain to still.  "Oh, cool." Calum nodded. They had the same sort of celebration in Australia, but his family didn't make a giant deal out of it. They acknowledged it, but then carried on.  "Do you want to come in? Sorry, we are talking in a hallway." She laughed at the way he knocked his foot against hers since they were so close in the small space to one another. Skye backed away from her door and held it open, letting him into her hotel room. She didn't have any lights on and flicked on a lamp once she curled up in the armchair by her closed window. It illuminated her skin under a soft pink glow and highlighted the poppy on her jacket hung over the back of the furniture. Calum realized she had been wearing it any time they were outside and he never noticed.  "So, back to Canada? It's going to be chilly." He slid into her bed that had her open laptop on it and her body print behind it on the burgundy comforter.  "Victoria is okay. It's not as brutal or dry as other parts of Canada." She hummed, resting both hands on top of her knee and then pressing her chin over them. Honestly, Skye was in need of some home time. Travelling with a band was fun, but even the partying and down time felt like work since there was little to no home base. She was eager to lay in her childhood bed and dunk grilled cheese in her mom's creamy tomato soup. "You'll get by without me for five days?" Calum knew instantly that he would miss her right away, but he was happy that she was getting the chance to go home and see family. She talked about her two sisters a lot. They clearly were her favourite people. He couldn't help, but feel a tad jealous. He would love to go home and just hang out with his family. Sometimes, Calum longed to be a hermit and a homebody. "Somehow." He merely joked instead. When he was hanging out with her, things were relaxed and he found his cheeks tired after from smiling for a long time without a break. His face wasn't used to the joy. "So what do you guys do? Is there, like, a service?" He couldn't imagine them throwing a Remembrance Day rager. That seemed a little disrespectful.  "We go to the one in Stanley Park." It was a little bit of a hike for the estrogen strong family, but always worth it. "Then we visit Jasmine's grave as a family. Grandparents and all." She knew her parents sent more frequently and she had visited herself a few times when she felt overwhelmed and desperate, especially during exam time. "Then we go and have brunch at this Mexican place that we like and just spend time together, there's usually lots of stories about her and stuff. It's really nice." It was bittersweet, but Calum could tell by watching her talk about it that she loved it. It would have been really challenging for her to miss it for any reason, but especially because of work.  "I'm really sorry..." He felt like an idiot. She talked about her sisters, Jasmine and Cher often and he had seen her lock screen on her phone that was all three of them, but she didn't realize that Jasmine wasn't actually alive. "You said your sister was in the army, but I just assumed..."   "It's okay." For Skye, it had been four years. She had some time to find tranquillity with the sadness of losing her older sister. She had been seventeen. Cher had been fourteen and she still felt like Cher missed out on more than she did. "It makes me feel close to her, our little tradition. So I had a mini temper tantrums when it seemed like I couldn't go." Calum treaded carefully. He didn't know what he was allowed to ask and what would be considered rude. It felt like nothing was off the table between them, but they hadn't talked about something as heavy as the death of a sibling. Calum was kind of amazed that she wasn't a a sobbing mess in front of him right now because he imagined going insane if something happened to his big sister.  "Can I ask...how she..."  Her chest heaved out under her shirt before deflating inward again, a sigh filling the room before she sucked it back in.  "We'll never really know." Skye laid her head on one shoulder, absentmindedly playing with the soft flannel over her knee. "They said there was an ambush, she was guarding a civilian area, escorting children to school, and they just weren't prepared..." It would never feel like a good enough reason to have lost Jasmine and even though she didn't know any of the other lives lost personally, it all was felt like a waste. She was very anti-war, but kept it to herself. Calum didn't nod. He couldn't understand what she was saying. He had been through aches and he had experienced death of loved ones, but she had him trumped with this truth. He stayed quiet and still on the bed, staring at the toes of his black shoes and feeling like an idiot.  "You know, I thought I was in for the night, but I think I might join you tonight. A distraction is nice after talking about this." Skye tried to move the situation on. People always became so u sure and awkward around her when Jasmine's passing came up. "Are you sure?" "Oh yeah." She stood up and went to her black suitcase in the corner. As comfortable as she was, she didn't think she would be let in anywhere in her pajamas. "I don't want to get trashed, but watching Michael hit on that girl from the music video is always entertaining." She was pretty sure the model's name was Grace and Calum and her liked to always bet whether or not she would go home with him or tell him off. It was his Skye had made an easy two fifty last Friday. "I'll be right back." She had jeans in her hand as she walked by him to the washroom.  Calum sat quietly, noticing the background of her laptop was the same as her lock screen on her phone. He stared at the dark haired girls, all laughing in fall colors and posed in front of mountainous background. His chest had sunken in since he talked to Skye. Usually, they made one another laugh and were a smooth break from chaos for each other. He just wished he could do something. He wished he could make things better, but he couldn't.
* * * * * *  ** * **  **  **
They hadn't had a chance to decorate at all. The kitchen was mostly unpacked, but the living room still had boxes in either corner. They didn't come out to Vancouver enough for them to properly turn the luxury Westbrook Village condo into a home yet, but they were looking forward to turning it into their number one getaway when they needed a break from the road or wanted a romantic vacation,  but still some home balance. Both Skye and Calum really wanted Daphne to have roots in Canada as half her family lived there and it had been where she was born. Calum himself loved the mountain air and remembered taking her out for the first time in her stroller, breathing in the clean wind and feeling a moment of bliss. It was just him, his partner, and his tiny newborn under a dreary British Columbia sky.
While Skye was managing her emotions in the washroom, curling her hair for more volume, Calum focused on getting himself and Daphne ready. He just wanted to give Skye space, let her take time if she needed it. This was his only his second Remembrance Day with her family, having missed last year's due to his own family commitment, but he knew how important it was to his girlfriend. He buttoned the wrists of his white shirt in front of the mirror, watching Daphne in the corner of his room as she played with the black tulle peeking out from under the skirt of her black dress. It was a gift from Simone. She had been visiting one of her counters in New York and saw the little outfit on a mannequin and thought of Daphne. Being the baby of her band family, she was spoiled rotten. She was the last little one.
“Daffy...” Calum warned as he shimmied into his black chinos, pulling them over his tight grey boxer-briefs. He knew putting her in her knitted cardigan already was a mistake. She was trying to pull the poppy that Skye had pinned to it at the beginning of the month off. She was three, but Calum knew she would try to put it in her mouth either staining the red felt or poking herself in the lip. “Don't do that.” She was looking back at him, eyes as round as the large mug of coffee he had already downed that morning, but still her little fingers lingered on a petal.
She raised herself off her butt and rushed over to him, picking up a hardcover, The Lorax, along the way and then plopping back down beside him. He knew he still had to do something with her hair, a thick always fuzzy mess unless tamed viciously by combs and water. He was proud of how gentle he could be though. Daphne always reached up with both hands when anyone besides her parents, even Cagney, tried to pull it into a little ponytail or bun. Calum finished getting himself dressed for the Stanley Park service, spraying himself with a spritz of Mont Blanc cologne and then leaving his peacoat with it's lapel poppy on the unmade bed that he had devoured Skye in the night before.
“Daph, hey.” He interrupted her pretending to read to herself by patting at his knee. Calum perched on the edge of the bed and waited with both his hands out for her to run over to him. She brought her book and sat down beside him.
“Make my hair big like Mommy's?” With an excited grin, almost giggling through her baby teeth, Daphne asked. Calum just hummed and nodded in agreement while taking a thin brown elastic from Skye's nightstand and taking her pink Tangle Teezer as well. It was the brush that Daphne reacted to best.
Daphne popped open her book on a random page and began to tell her Dad the story, just from the little she remembered and not the actual words on the page. Calum carefully brushed through her mass of hair, deciding to pull it all into a thick and high ponytail that started almost at the top of her small head.
“Daddy, what's this?” She poked twice at the poppy on her sweater, throwing her head back to ask and making it very hard for him to work on her hair.
“It's a poppy. We're going to a Remembrance Day ceremony.” Daphne had gone to two before this, but he imagined she would only start to understand now. She was just over a month for her first one and spent the entire time sleeping and stirring in Skye's arms. As far as he knew, she was held by her grandmother the time before and spent the brunch being passed around like a doll, licking crayons, eating some eggs and bacon, and falling asleep in a high chair before dessert.
“What's that?” She inquired while flipping through her book again.
“Well, there's lots of people who serve their countries.” Calum decided to take Ashton's route when he talked to Daphne. He never talked 'down' to  her and he didn't use children's terms. He always spoke to  her as if she was an adult - trying to engage her mind and encourage her to ask questions about what she didn't understand. He knew some people preferred to baby their children and use terms that were easier, but Calum admired Ashton as a parent and often looked to him for guidance. “They fight and die to protect us. So this is how we honor them.” He knew that they had board books of In Flander's Field and wondered if he would be able to find one before Skye was ready. It had been something he bought for Daphne last year when he missed coming into Canada to be with Skye's family on a day that was very significant to them.
“Okay.” Daphne mumbled back. Calum knew she didn't really understand what he was saying.
“Your aunt Jasmine.” As he hooked the hair elastic around her hair for a last time, Calum started to make it more personal for his little girl. “She's your mom's older sister – she was in the army.”
“Who's that?” Daphne knew that the time she had to sit and behave was over and scooted back on the bed, sticking out her little leotard covered legs. She knew she had a lot of aunts in her life. Aunt Mali, Aunt Cagney, Aunt Simmie, Auntie G, and Auntie Cher, but the woman her Dad mentioned was new to her. Calum slid off the bed and walked over to his girlfriend's night stand again. She had a few Polaroids stacked on it, looking for a certain one to give to her mom at brunch today. He found it in the pile and then climbed onto the bed to show Daphne, sitting right beside her with a folded knee.
“This is your Aunt Jasmine.”
“She has big eyes like me!” Daphne squealed in delight, her finger tracing the girl's cat eye glasses in the photo.
Skye had remarked privately to Calum that she saw a lot of her older sister in their Daphne. She was quiet, happy-go-lucky, and very considerate. They also did share bright brown eyes and thick brows, but Skye knew that was from both her Dad's side and her's. It had crossed both their minds to put Jasmine on their baby name list, but they had named the baby in their second pregnancy and went it hadn't been successful, Skye decided she never wanted to find out the sex or name a child again until they were born. It had been too hard and, somehow, made it hurt even worse than the loss before. She often told herself that her unborn children found their way to Jasmine in some spiritual sense and it gave her an inkling of peace in an otherwise dreary time.
“Yeah. So that's why we come to Vancouver every year today and we go to a ceremony and have brunch with grandma and grandpa.” He explained, looking over the picture himself and seeing so much of Skye. It was strange because Calum liked to keep his emotions deep inside of him, but he really did wish he had had the chance to meet Jasmine Pierre – even just once briefly.
Once Skye was ready, Calum put on his coat, gave his hair a once over, and sat at the door with his girls. He put on his shoes while Skye patiently helped Daphne slide on her little black ankle boots. They sometimes joked that shoes were the hardest thing in Daphne's life currently. Her little fingers struggled to grip them and always slipped when she was trying to stuff her petite feet inside.
Calum stood next to his father-in-law, holding Daphne in his arms, while Skye stood between her little sister and mom. While they were solemn, Calum always enjoyed the services. He felt they were important and he gave them his full attention even when the bag pipe part played. Internally, he was very proud of his three year old for behaving herself. She played with her wet lips and threw her arms around his neck multiple times, but Daphne didn't make so much as a peep during the whole service. She didn't whisper or complain about being bored. She just entertained herself with her mouth, looking at the huge evergreen trees around her, and wiggling in her father's firm grip.
“Is it time for lunch?” In the backseat of Skye's sister's car, sitting next to her mom in her car seat, Daphne asked excitedly. She had had toast and peanut butter for breakfast, but that was almost three hours ago and Daphne was born with a healthy appetite.
“Not yet.” While Cher drove, Calum answered from the pass anger seat – interrupting his conversation with Skye's little sister about what she was going to take now that she was going back to school for a second time. He had grown up as a little brother and thoroughly enjoyed getting to play the role of older sibling to Cher.
“Where do we go now?” Daphne leaned her tummy into her knees, her seat belt keeping her from bending all the way, and held up her palms at her mother who mirrored the expression back to the toddler.
“We're going to Jasmine.” It sounded better somehow than saying a cemetery, so Skye always put it as if she was getting to visit her sister in her new home.
Daphne felt jazzed by the news. She was going to get to meet her other aunt. Her mind was colourful with Disney thoughts and she imagined the aunt she didn't know was just as much of a princess as the ones she had met. She was all, but convinced that Simone was Cinderella and Cher was Princess Jasmine, but she imagined since she had an Aunt Jasmine now that she would actually be the real Princess Jasmine. Daphne stopped thinking about her hungry tummy and instead danced to the radio that played electronic dance music Cher liked so much and prepared herself for meeting this new lady.
Daphne held her grandmother's cold hand as they stomped over wet brown, orange, and yellow leaves. She stared upward at everything that was larger than her – her dad's legs, her Aunt Cher's thigh high boots, her mom's purse, the trees, the wooden benches, and a few grey tombstones. She watched her mom lay a bouquet of multicolored gerberas at the small square stone in the ground. They did this every year, but Skye always cried silently. It was why she didn't bother wearing much eye make up or anything more than a tinted moisturizer on her face. Her father held onto Cher's arm while he put down a dozen red gerberas. Calum tried to remain in the moment, but he always remarked internally that when they visited Jasmine's grave site was the only time Cher didn't ramble or swear.
“Is that Jasmine?” Daphne tugged on her crying grandmother's hand and leaned her head all the way back to ask. She didn't remember ever going there before even though she had been. Her grandma sucked in her chest, tightening it, and nodding down at her only grandchild. Yes, this was her oldest daughter in a way now.
Calum watched Daphne closely, taking his attention away from the woman he loved too much for just a second. Daphne was generally well behaved, but he worried she might make a rude remark or ask questions that would upset Skye's family. He stayed on high alert in a moment so emotional. Her grandma leaned close to pick Daphne up, but Daphne let go of her hand and kept walking through the thick leaves on the ground. She moved right by her grandpa and mom and stood as close to the grave as she could without stepping onto it. She couldn't read the letters, but she sat down on her knees, staining her leotards with dew, and kissed in between the years that represented Jasmine Pierre's life.  
“I love you.” She whispered before yanking off her pinned poppy and leaving it with the flowers her mom and grandpa had set down. Daphne walked backwards just three steps and took her grandpa's hand. “Don't cry, Gram-pah! She's a princess.” She told him with  a whisper through her giggly grin and then stood still, staring at the grave with them as if it was actually her aunt.
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71tenseventeen · 7 years
Shelter-Pt. 6
Geno is the best friend Sidney has ever had and, after that weekend, they’re nearly inseparable. When they’re not playing hockey or xbox, they’re working on homework together (Geno helps Sidney with his math) or pranking Denis.
The friendship extends into the locker room and, at first, it’s just Geno chatting with Sidney but then some of the other guys join in.  Sidney will never be as close to any of them as he is with Geno but it’s nice to feel like he has a few friends.
It also makes things a little easier when it’s not just the two of them but Geno and some of his other friends.  The first time Sidney shows up and one of the other guys is there, Sidney’s nervous.  He thinks maybe he should leave, even though Geno invited him, but Geno smiles wide when he notices Sidney hovering in the doorway and scoots over to make room.  “Was wondering when you get here!  Jordan play Halo with us, Vic come in a little while.  We play teams!”
So that was a thing Sidney did now, too—not as often as it was just the two of them but sometimes.
When Thanksgiving (Canadian; real Thanksgiving as Sidney called it) rolled around, Mom had to work at the diner.  She usually did on every holiday.  When Sidney was younger, he usually hung out in the breakroom where they would eat dinner together when she took her lunch break.  In the past couple of years, he stayed home and they had dinner she brought home from the diner together.  
This year, Natalia and Vladimir invite both Mom and Sidney for dinner, even though it’s not really a holiday they celebrate normally.  Mom declines because she’s working a double shift at the diner so Sidney comes over and blushes his way through the day as Natalia fusses over him and continuously puts (decidedly delicious) food in front of him.  It’s the first time in a long time that Sidney has spent the holiday with a family and even though it’s not his own family, it kind of feels like it because Geno is his best friend and Geno’s parents always treat Sidney like part of their family.  It’s a little bittersweet that Mom can be here with them but Sidney thinks it’s really nice spending a holiday like this.
It’s a good day.
On Halloween they gorge on candy until Mama runs them off (“That’s for the trick or treaters!”) and then spend the evening watching scary movies on TV.  None of it really scares Sidney but when he says Geno’s name and Geno nearly jumps off of the couch, Sidney laughs himself hoarse.  As it turns out, Geno is super spooked, a fact that Sidney takes every opportunity to exploit. By the time he jumps out of the dark as Geno comes out of the bathroom, Geno is a nervous wreck and screeches before pouncing on Sidney, tackling him to the ground.  
Sidney laughs so hard he can barely breathe.  
Geno grumbles and makes Sidney walk back ahead of him, presumably so Sidney can’t jump at him again.
He pouts and sits in a chair, instead of on the couch with Sidney.  Sidney really tries to stop looking so amused but it’s not easy.  Ultimately, it doesn’t matter because the next time Jason steps out of the shadows on the screen, Geno scrambles back over to the couch and Sidney topples over laughing again.
That night Sidney sleeps over and instead of one of them crashing on the floor like usual, they sleep head to toe on Geno’s bed with the lights on.
In early December, Sidney takes a slash and goes down hard into the boards and needs to leave the game.  Ten minutes later, his upper pads and undershirt are off and he’s sitting on the table while the team doctor finishes looking him over when Geno busts into the room.
“Sid, you okay?”   Geno drops his helmet to the floor  and elbows in next to Dr. Hobbes and grabs Sidney’s face, looking him over.  
Dr. Hobbes rolls her eyes and retreats to her laptop. “Don’t touch his shoulder, Geno.”
“G?  What are you doing? I’m...wait, what are you doing here? The period’s not over!”
Geno frowns. “Not matter, Sid.  Are you okay?”  And he sounds so urgent that Sid wonders how bad the hit looked.
“G, I’m fine.  Well, I need xrays—.my shoulder’s kind of fucked…” Sidney blushes.  “Sorry, Dr. Hobbes.”  
She rolls her eyes again.
Geno is still frowning, looking at Sidney’s right shoulder where what will certainly amount to a massive bruise is forming.  “Hit boards hard, Sid.  Looked bad.”
“Geno you have to get back out there!”
Either Sidney is imagining things or Geno is blushing.  He definitely ducks his head and avoids Sidney’s eyes.  “Can’t.  Get in little fight.”
“Little...Geno what did you do?” Sidney glares at him. 
Geno looks up and he looks maybe a little guilty but definitely not sorry.  He snarls.  “Fuck Patton!  He slash you on purpose.  Whole team playing dirty but he worst, he been after you all game.”
Sidney’s jaw drops open. “That’s...Geno! It’s hockey!” he says incredulously.
“No!  Fuck that, Sid,” Geno spits.  “Hockey one thing.  Dirty hockey another.  I’m send message to him. He want to keep play hockey, he stay away from you.”  
“Geno, you can’t do that!”
Geno narrows his eyes and crosses his arms, chin jutting out defiantly.  “Can and will.”
Dr. Hobbes stands and gives them a look.  “You two don’t mind me.  Just go on and finish your conversation.  I’ll just go get some coffee and send word to coach on your status, Sidney.”
Sidney thanks her and sighs. “Geno, look, I appreciate your concern but we need to win and we can’t do that if you’re getting kicked out of games or taking penalties. You know this is part of it.  Yeah they could play cleaner but if they ultimately get us to fuck up enough that they win, then it worked for them. You have to see that.”
Geno puffs up for just a moment and Sidney thinks he’s going to argue but then he lets out a heavy sigh and, just as quickly, the defiance seems gone.  Geno scrubs a hand over his face and into his hair, leaving it standing out all over the top of his head. “Sorry, Sid.”  He leans back against the exam table next to Sidney’s good side and looks at the floor.  “I know was bad to do but was so pissed, couldn’t let him get away with it.  So sick of see them try to take you out.”
“G, c’mon.  This is hockey.  This is part of it, we both know this. It always has been.  Why is this bugging you so much now?”
Geno sighs again.  “Scare me, little bit, Sid.  You go down, not get up right away.  Just...not like it.”
“Geno, you’ve seen me get hurt before.”
Geno shrugs. “I know.  You right, Sid.  Just be silly tonight, I guess.”  He pushes forward and turns, flashing Sidney a sheepish grin.  
Sidney smiles back at him and raises his left hand into a fist, holding it out. Geno bumps his fist against Sidney’s and takes another step back like he’s going to go but stops, looking like he’s still worried.
Sidney cocks his head a little.  “G?”
Geno lets out a breath and steps closer. Before Sidney has time to register what’s happening, Geno towers over him and drops a kiss on Sidney’s hair.  He squeezes Sidney’s left arm and says, voice so soft, “Just really glad you okay.”  
He’s out the door before Sidney can even think about forming words.
Sidney doesn’t ride home with Geno like he normally would.  Instead he has to go with Mom, Coach and Dr. Hobbes to the hospital for an xray.   
Sidney has a hard time sleeping that night.
Geno kissed him.  Well, Geno kissed his head but that’s not a thing they’ve ever done before and Sidney doesn’t know what to make of it.  And the thing is—the thing is Sidney likes Geno.  A lot. Ever since that first day they hung out.  But he’s been very, very careful not to let anyone know.  Mostly because Geno likes girls—everyone knows that.  Sidney had never considered being with Geno in that way an option and he was truly okay with that.  Geno is his friend, his best friend and even that is enough for Sidney.
Beyond that, well, if Troy had taught him anything, it’s what other athletes think of guys like Sidney.  No one knows Sidney likes boys and he intends to keep it that way.  
But Geno kissed his head and now he has no idea what it meant or if it meant anything at all.
It’s a long night.
The next morning it’s sleeting.  
Sidney looks out the window and sighs.  Even though he can’t practice, he’s still expected to show up.  He’s sore, exhausted and wildly nervous. Geno’s been picking him up on the way to practice but he doesn’t know what to expect at all now.  
But then there’s Geno, right on time and instead of just honking like usual, he honks and jumps out of his car.  “Need help, Sid?”  
“Nah, I’m fine, G.”  But he walks carefully because the last thing he wants is to bust his ass and make his shoulder worse.
During the drive he waits for Geno to say something but he—well he says a lot but nothing about the kiss.  He talks about Sidney’s shoulder, about the game, about practice, about the holidays coming up but he doesn’t mention anything about that moment in the exam room.  
And this—Sidney is okay with it.  If Geno’s not making it a big deal then it must not be a big deal and things can stay normal with them.  Sidney relaxes into the seat and smiles.  
Everything is still okay.
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Fall Gratitude Quinoa Salad
Real talk: Last week was a rough one.
What specifically was the reason? It was more like a culmination of little things. Working in corporate retail means that we’re currently in the biggest quarter of the year – the one with the largest amount of work, the biggest demands, the highest revenue expectations and the loftiest targets. And just like in any job, there are deadlines, unexpected obstacles, on-the-spot problem solving and plenty of other challenges that can create a fair bit of stress.
I know I’m certainly not the only one who experiences this – you can surely relate in some way. But you know how sometimes, all those work things, plus personal commitments, plus things like a change to a new season with shorter days and gold weather, all build up and leave you feeling irritable and overwhelmed? Last week was just one of those here in Angela land.
Conveniently, I happened to have some extra vacation days banked up so I decided to take Friday off in the name of self care. First up on the calendar that morning was hot yoga (which felt so good!) followed by my usual monthly tea/juice date with one of my besties, Trevor. I always leave those chats feeling like a renewed person, and this was no different.
As I drove home, I focused on putting my mind in a place of gratitude. Canadian Thanksgiving was back in October, and even though we’re not celebrating with those of you in the US this weekend, there’s never a bad time to feel grateful, right? This strategy always makes me feel better, and even though it felt like a slog of a week, there was a ton of positive things hidden in it too.
Isn’t it funny how situations or events, when perceived as stressful or negative, have a way of totally overshadowing everything else? All it took was a shift in perspective for me to see the great parts of the week, and not too long after, I was feeling so much better – and unbelievably grateful. The list included…
My amazing team at work. Up until a couple of months ago I was an email team of 1, which made it hard to take vacation because it seemed I always needed to spend just as long preparing to be off. I’m so thankful to have 6 others to help balance the load now, and everyone is really good about supporting each other. At first I felt really guilty about considering the idea, but when my realist brain kicked in, I told myself that I’d be a better person for it when I arrived back at the office on Monday – for everyone’s benefit.
Getting to come home to a beautiful apartment each night. It may be less than 400 square feet, but it’s my sanctuary and the moment I walk in the door at the end of the day, I can instantly feel the tension in my shoulders start to release.
The grand opening of Saje in Pacific Centre Mall. I was lucky enough to be invited along to this event, and the party was amazing! Saje’s limited edition holiday collection this year is unreal, and if you have a location near you, I strongly recommend checking it out – even if you’re just stopping in to smell a bunch of lovely smells! And if smelling turns to buying, I highly recommend the 12 Days of Wellness Advent Calendar, geo candles, aromaTime ultrasonic diffuser (I’m lusting after this hard!!), and of course, the new Travelling Pocket Pharmacy. It’s like the regular Pocket Pharmacy (which goes with me everywhere!) plus 3 more roll-on remedies, plus the Sleep Well, Quick Study and Energy roll-ons.
Crawling into a bed made with fresh, clean white sheets. Alright – this obviously took some laundry effort on my part last weekend but this has got to be one of the best feelings in the world. Anyone else feel the same?
Soul-nourishing, body-energizing meals. I talked on Monday about maintaining healthy lifestyle habits during times of stress, and how knowing that food can completely change the way I feel is often plenty incentive to make me invest the time in healthy meal prep. When I anticipate that a week is going to be particularly crazy, I’ll spend a little extra time on prep so that those meals feel more special.
In the case of last week, I made what I’m now calling a Fall Gratitude Quinoa Salad – a mix of balsamic roasted Brussels sprouts, cinnamon roasted sweet potatoes, quinoa, fresh pomegranate and crunchy seed clusters. It was a meal I came home very hungry to on several nights, and every time, a meal I was extremely glad to have waiting there for me! To keep things interesting, I mixed up the protein source depending on the night – roasted chicken on some, and maple marinated tempeh on others. No matter which option you try, or if you prefer to serve this salad as a side dish rather than the main part of the meal, I can assure you that it won’t disappoint!
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Fall Gratitude Quinoa Salad
Warm roasted veggies, quinoa, crunchy seed clusters and fresh pomegranate make this an extremely flavourful, texture-rich, vibrant salad that’ll keep you feeling full for hours. I recommend adding roasted chicken or maple marinated tempeh for extra protein to make it a complete meal.
Author: Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour 15 mins
Yield: 4 servings
Category: salad
Method: roast
For the sweet potatoes + Brussels sprouts:
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, divided
3 cups diced peeled sweet potato
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp each ground cumin and paprika
5 cups trimmed + halved Brussels sprouts
2 tsp maple syrup
2 tbsp dark balsamic vinegar
For the seed clusters (see note):
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
2 tbsp each sunflower and hemp seeds
1 tbsp maple syrup
For the rest:
2 cups cooked quinoa
4-6 cups shredded baby spinach
arils from 1 pomegranate
Preheat the oven to 375F.
Prepare the roasted veggies: In a large bowl, toss the sweet potatoes in 1 tbsp of the olive oil, plus the cinnamon, cumin and paprika. Toss well to coat, then scatter in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Do the same with the remaining 1 tbsp olive oil, Brussels sprouts, maple syrup and balsamic vinegar. Roast for 30-40 minutes or until golden, stirring occasionally. If you like, switch to the broil setting for the last 5ish mins of cooking to create some crispiness on the edges.
For the seed clusters: Mix the seeds and maple syrup together in a smaller bowl. Add a pinch of sea salt to enhance sweetness, then pour the seed mixture out in a flattened layer on a parchment lined baking sheet. Bake at 350F for 20-25 minutes, stopping half way through to break the layer into clusters. Let them cool completely (which will help them solidify after you take them out of the oven.)
Once the roasted veggies are ready, combine them in a large mixing bowl with the quinoa, shredded spinach and pomegranate arils. Stir well to combine, then distribute between 4 bowls.
When the seed clusters have cooled, use them to top each salad.
If you’d like to boost flavour further and don’t have time to let the salad sit for a while (which helps flavours develop), mix 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, plus some sea salt and black pepper into the salad when you mix everything together in the mixing bowl.
I often bulk up my meals with shredded greens, which is why I’ve indicated 4-6 cups for this salad. If you want to make the portions even bigger without adding heaps of calories, feel free to toss in as many shredded greens as you like!
This salad tastes great as leftovers – I actually prefer it on day 2!
If you prefer not to make the seed clusters or don’t have time, you could mix in whatever combo of raw seeds you like, or use something like Navitas Organics Coconut Hemp Pumpkin Seeds.
Perfect for #Thanksgiving (or any day!): Fall Gratitude Quinoa Salad Click To Tweet
So tell me… What are you especially grateful for today? For me, it’s cozy sweaters, the soy candle sitting on my desk that smells SO good, and you guys.  Mwahhh! Have a great day!
from North Shore Outlet - Health and Fitness http://ift.tt/2zcSRml via IFTTT
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This past weekend was Canadian Thanksgiving! And though my family doesn’t really celebrate (since we’re usually coming off all the Jewish high holidays which kept our early Fall pretty busy!), it didn’t feel right to let it pass. I’m not positive about the things I’m thankful for this year, since my life is in such crazy flux! But despite all that, I know I am thankful for family and friends that will always ensure I have a roof over my head and food on my plate; for cool fall days with colourful leaves that are perfect for a snuggle with the dog(s) on the couch; for life’s simple pleasures that never fail to brighten my day. I’m thankful for good books with strong women to look up to, I’m thankful for movies and tv shows that let me view the world with new eyes, and I’m thankful for the ease that our generation can travel the world with out bodies. There’s lots of turmoil in my life, yes. But the world is still big and beautiful and worthy of exploring, and that magic is what I will always be thankful for. . . . Throwing it back to this fall Ginny shoot that was TWO YEARS AGO WHAT. 😂 Ginny: @kapppz Wig: @wigisfashion #wigisfashion LF735 in Wavy Reddish Brown Tie: @wish Robes and sweater: @universalorlando 📸: @mikebrownto . . . #ginny #ginnyweasley #harrypotter #hp #ginnycosplay #ginnyweasleycosplay #harrypottercosplay #hpcosplay #gryffindor #hogwarts #hogwartsschoolofwitchcraftandwizardry #hogwartsstudent #gryffindorcosplay #gryffindorstudent #gogogryffindor #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaying #cosplayersofinstagram #cosplayersofig #womenofcosplay #cosplaygirl #cosplaygirls #cosplayphotoshoot #photoshoot #robes #redhead #highpark #toronto https://www.instagram.com/p/B3sC1jUDbBh/?igshid=7spszbixy0f6
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justlookfrightened · 7 years
Third part of Neighbors AU, Chapter 3, Oct. 8
Read it on AO3.
Or read Chapter 1 or Chapter 2.
Once again, warning for homophobia -- in this case, discussions of what happened when Jack and Eric were outed months earlier. No explicit slurs or even detailed descriptions of what was said, just the fact that things were said. But also lots of fluff and cooking and bonding between Eric and Alicia, so there's that. I'm posting this more quickly than usual because, well, it was done. The next chapter will be next week sometime. I think.
Chapter Text
Jack started scanning the arrivals area at Trudeau for his father as soon as he stepped into it. He'd had to get up absurdly early to make the flight from Ottawa, and he wondered again if it was worth it.
He could have flown with the team back to Providence last night -- getting in just about the time he had to wake up to get to the airport this morning -- and spent Eric’s two days off at home with him.
But when his parents had invited them -- both of them -- for Thanksgiving, Eric had been so excited to celebrate “Canadian Thanksgiving,” as he insisted on calling it.
“Our Thanksgiving came first,” Jack had pointed out time and again.
“But we live in the U.S.,” Eric responded.
The schedule was complicated by the Falconers’ opening game in Ottawa on the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend, Eric’s determination to not leave the bakery in Dex’s hands any more than necessary and Eric’s desire to help cook. The way it worked out, Eric had arrived in Montréal the night before, but Jack was stuck in Ottawa until morning.
He’d caught a 6:20 flight, landing just after 7 a.m., and he wanted nothing more than to curl up with Eric and sleep another three or four hours.
Instead, his dad was picking him up (so Eric could sleep? start cooking?). Jack did not resent that his boyfriend had left work the afternoon before, gone home to pack, driven to the airport and arrived in Montréal to have dinner with his parents and catch almost all of Jack’s game. He did not resent that Eric had been in bed by midnight, probably 11:30, and gotten a full night’s sleep.
And still Jack was being met by his dad. Who was great. Who was a local hero, practically a national hero, who loved Jack unconditionally and had stood behind him no matter what.
But his father wasn’t Eric. Eric who worked hard, who accommodated himself to Jack’s schedule, who took care of him in so many ways. Who deserved to sleep late on the two days a week he didn’t open Sugar ‘n’ Spice. Whom Jack couldn’t really resent if he tried.
Jack caught sight of his father -- baseball cap pulled down over sunglasses -- leaning against a pillar, his head cocked to the side like he was listening to someone. Jack took a hopeful step nearer, trying to see who his dad was talking to. First there was the top of a blue beanie (Really? It was above seven degrees), then the sparkle of the morning sun off bright blond hair and shining brown eyes looking earnestly at his dad while he talked.
Jack could tell the instant Eric caught sight of him, straightening up with face splitting in a wide grin. He didn’t call out -- they tried not to draw too much attention in public -- but as Jack approached, Eric stepped into a tight embrace and reached up to kiss his cheek.
“Hi, there, sugar,” he whispered. “I missed you.”
“I was only gone two nights,” Jack said.
“Still missed you.”
Jack let him go and turned to hug his father.
“Salut, Papa,” he said. “Thanks for coming.”
“Eric would have come on his own, but he didn’t want to drive an unfamiliar car to the airport,” his father said. “I know you’d rather have him to yourself.”
“No, it’s good to see you,” Jack said. “I didn’t think Eric was going to come at all.”
“Well, we’re not eating until this afternoon, so when Eric found out the turkey wouldn’t have to go in the oven until 11:30 or so, he decided to surprise you,” his dad said, turning to lead the way to the car.
“Surprise,” Eric said. “How’re you doing? Need a nap when you get home?”
“Yes,” Jack said. “But not too long. How was it staying with my parents?”
“Oh, Jack, their kitchen is lovely. You never told me! I’ve always wanted a double oven.”
“How many ovens do you have at the bakery?”
“That’s different,” Eric said. “Anyway, your mom and dad and I have divvied everything up and checked the supplies and I think we’ll be good.”
“What do I have to do?”
“Take a nap,” Eric said. “Then you can keep me company? Your dad’s doing the turkey and stuffing, I have the pies, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts and rolls, and your mom volunteered to put the salad together if I make the dressing. Maybe you can help her set the table? You need to rest.”
“Fine,” Jack said. “But at least lay down with me for a little while?”
“I think I have an hour or so,” Eric said. “I stayed up after dinner last night to do the prep work.”
Eric padded into the kitchen, yawning.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Alicia said, from her spot by the sink. “Again. Good nap?”
“Mmmm,” Eric said. “Jack’s still out. How much time do we have?”
“About two hours until the turkey has to go in,” Alicia said.
“And I don’t even have to time it to get the pies done first because there are two ovens. May I take a picture for my Instagram?”
“Have at it," Alicia smiled. “I’m just glad we’ll be getting to use the kitchen to its capacity. And that you talked Bob out of deep-frying the turkey.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve seen one too many turkey-fryer explosions,” Eric said. “And I’m pretty sure Bob wants to keep his eyebrows. Not to mention that cedar siding.”
“I think I have all the good dishes washed and ready to use. I’ll get Bob to help get the serving dishes down,” Alicia said. “We keep a lot of them up in the high cupboards.”
“Perfect,” Eric said, pulling a pad of sticky notes towards him. “I’ll get the labels ready.”
As he started writing each dish on a separate slip of paper, he said, “I have to thank you for rescheduling your Thanksgiving for us. It’s much easier if we can leave tomorrow during the day instead of flying late at night, especially with Jack’s home opener on Tuesday.”
“Oh, it’s not really a big deal,” Alicia said. “It’s not like American Thanksgiving when everyone has to have the big meal on Thursday. Here, maybe because the actual holiday is the last day of the weekend, a lot of people move the celebration to Sunday, or even Saturday. Or people just use the weekend for a getaway.”
“Huh,” Eric said. “Every time we talk about it, Jack makes a big deal of telling me Canadian Thanksgiving was first, like it’s a huge thing. At least y’all don’t have fights about how soon after dinner it’s appropriate to shop.”
Alicia laughed.
“No,” she said. “Although there is football on Monday afternoon. And the game is always here in Montréal. It’s kind of strange, because the jour de Action de grâce is kind of less of a big deal in Quebec than in the rest of the country.”
“Can I ask you something?” Eric said.
“Go ahead,” Alicia answered, stopping to look at him.
“How did you decide?” he asked.
“Decide what?” she asked.
“To move here and have this life,” Eric asked. “I mean, you were a celebrity in your own right. You had a life in New York, you had your degree. You’re an American. But you ended up here in Montréal with Bob and Jack, and you’ve been here for what, 30 years?”
“Not exactly here,” Alicia said. “We bought this house after Jack got out of rehab and went to Europe. But in this area, yes. I like it here. Want another cup of coffee?”
“Sure,” Eric said. “I’ll get it. One for you, too?”
Alicia nodded.
“Montréal was always Bobby’s home,” she said. “And he was playing here when we started dating, so I would come here often to watch him play, when I didn’t have my own commitments. When I did, and his schedule allowed it, Bobby would come and visit me in New York or Los Angeles or wherever I happened to be. But there were times when I was doing less modeling and more acting and I’d be on a shoot and he’d be in the middle of his season and we wouldn’t see each other for weeks. I’d miss him so much, and when I was done, I’d come to Montréal to see him, because I didn’t have a place that I was so attached to. I’d left my own hometown for work years earlier, and I couldn’t even really stay in the Boston area after college.”
She took a sip of her coffee.
“Then after we got married, Bob was traded to Pittsburgh,” she said. “He wasn’t sure he wanted to go, but the Canadiens wanted to rebuild and needed the money they were paying him, and the Penguins needed what he could do, and he always loved Mario. We kept the house we had here, but I moved with him to the condo he rented in Pittsburgh. Then I got pregnant with Jack, and Bobby asked if I wanted to buy a house there and make that home.
“I thought about it, I really did,” she said. “But this was already home. It was where Bobby and I fell in love. I’m sorry. That sounds sappy.”
“Please don’t apologize,” Eric said. "That sounds sweet."
“We knew Bob would be retiring within a few years, and I’d stopped working so much to concentrate on the foundations I was involved with, so I could live anywhere, and I told him I wanted our home to be here,” she said. “Jack was born here -- it was the off-season, after all -- but we still spent the hockey season in Pittsburgh until Bobby retired. That was right when Jack was getting ready to start school, so it worked out.”
She shrugged.
“It wasn’t like Bob told me we had to stay here,” she said. “And for what it’s worth, no matter where his career takes him, I don’t think Montréal is home for Jack anymore. It’s where he’s from. Providence is home now, after the last eight years. It’s where he became the man that he is.”
“Thanks,” Eric said. “I know it’s not really my business. But I know Jack might get traded one of these years, and I could probably get a job anywhere, but --”
“But you’re attached to your bakery?”
“It’s not mine, really, but yes. I know it’s not a big deal like playing hockey, but it’s important to me.”
“Of course it is,” Alicia said. “And that bakery is more yours than anyone else’s. Have you thought about buying Matthew out? You know you could keep the space.”
“I’ve thought about it,” Eric said. “But I can’t afford it, not yet. Maybe in a few years? I feel like I should take some business classes or something first.”
“If it’s just the knowledge and not the degree you want, Bobby and I could probably set you up with some people to help,” Alicia.
“And Jack could get traded,” Eric said. “Then what would I do?”
“Whatever you decide at the time,” Alicia said. “But you’d be able to figure it out.”
When Jack woke up, it took a moment for him to remember where he was. Montréal. His parents’ house. In what passed for his room, although he’d never really lived here. Eric was here. Somewhere. The pillow smelled like him.
He checked his phone for the time. 11:45. Thanksgiving. Cooking. Still time for a workout before dinner.
He got up, brushed his teeth and drank a glass of water. He pulled on shorts and T-shirt and then headed to the kitchen.
Eric was standing at the sink at the island, doing something with Brussels sprouts. The mingled aromas of turkey and pumpkin and apple pies made Jack’s mouth water. He detoured from his path to the fridge to come up behind Eric and nuzzle into the back of his neck.
“I’m not sure what smells better, you or dinner,” Jack said.
Eric wiggled his hips a bit, which felt wonderful, but said, “Hush, you. Your parents will be back any minute.”
Jack stepped back and said, “Have you eaten? I was going to get some apples and peanut butter and head to the weight room. Want some?”
“Sure, I'll have a couple,” Eric said.
They worked companionably, Jack slicing apples and Eric cleaning sprouts.
When Jack’s parents came in, his father bearing the dedicated and decorated turkey platter they found in the basement storage room, Jack was smearing peanut butter on slices of apple and hand-feeding them to Eric. He couldn't help but notice his parents’ delighted smiles.
“OK, Eric, I'm gonna get a quick workout in, then I'll come help for real,” he said, kissing a stray bit of peanut butter off Eric’s lip.
“Mind if I keep you company downstairs?” his father asked. “The turkey’s in the oven and the dressing is all ready to go in.”
“Why isn't it in the bird?” Jack asked. “Isn't that how you usually do it?”
“Eric was too concerned about food safety,” his dad said, making air quotes on the last two words.
“Seriously, it's a wonder y'all haven't been killed by food poisoning,” Eric said. “Do I need to print out some materials on bacterial growth and temperature for you?”
In the weight room, Jack set the pin on the weight stack to start bench presses and turned to his dad. “Not that you're not welcome,” he said, “but was there something you wanted to talk about?”
“Not in particular,” Bob said. “But your mom and Eric have been thick as theives up there. I think they're bonding over being NHL significant others. I thought it would be good to stay out of the way.”
“Eric and I aren't married,” Jack said.
“Neither were your mother and I, at first,” Bob said.
Jack lay on his back and started lifting.
Bob watched him, and said, “It's totally up to the two of you, of course, but if you and Eric wanted to get married, we'd be behind you.”
Jack let the weights down and paused.
“We've only known each other a year,” he said. “Eric’s only 23.”
He started lifting again.
“I don't know if that would be good for him, to make that kind of commitment so young,” he continued. “I know I wouldn't have been ready then.”
“So you have thought about it,” his father said. “And Eric’s his own man. He's a lot more put together than most of us are at his age. He seemed to deal with being outed pretty well last spring. So did you, for that matter. After Kent, I was worried.”
Jack brought the weights down and reset the machine for the shoulder press.
“Kent was a lifetime ago,” he said. “We were kids. But this spring … I mean, I knew it could happen. We weren't being very careful.”
He settled himself on the bench again.
“You’re right, though. At first I was upset, with it coming right when playoffs were starting,” Jack said. “I thought it would be a distraction, even though I knew my team was behind me. But with everyone focusing on trying to win the series, there wasn't a lot of talk on the ice or anything. Now everyone’s had the summer to get used to it. It turned out to be pretty ideal.”
He didn't say anything about the handful of less-than-kind signs he'd seen at the arena in Ottawa. None of them lasted long -- security seemed to be on the lookout for them -- and they wouldn't have been shown on TV. The rainbow flags had been much in evidence, though.
“I guess I can see how that could happen,” his father said, “although I doubt it would have worked that way when I was in the league. You played well, in any case.”
Jack grunted an acknowledgement and started another set.
Alicia cleared the coffee cups and prep dishes Eric was no longer using into the dishwasher and watched Eric divide dough into individual rolls to for their second rise. They would go in the oven as soon as the pies came out.
“We've never had rolls from scratch before,” she said. “It always seemed like too much work, especially with so much else going on in the kitchen.”
“It's not bad,” Eric said. “You just need to be organized. Two ovens helps a lot, of course, and you have so much space here, it's really pretty easy.”
“That's what you say,” Alicia said, pulling a bottle of wine from the rack. “Can you take a break?”
“I'm not sure how that will help my organization, but one glass won't hurt,” Eric said.
Eric didn't actually take a break, but he did sip at his glass as he kept moving, from one dish to another, checking the turkey, sliding the baking dish of dressing in with it, checking the progress of the sweet potatoes, pulling heavy cream and a chilled mixing bowl from the fridge. As the level in his glass decreased, the sway in his hips increased, and when the wine was gone, he was positively dancing to the music that came from the speaker on the counter.
Alicia couldn't help but smile at the boy who had brought so much sunshine into Jack’s life.
“I feel terrible,” she said, knowing she sounded entirely too happy for Eric to take her seriously. “We invited you for Thanksgiving and you're doing all the work. I guess we can't count you as a guest.”
“Mm,” Eric made an inquiring noise while he evaluated the consistency of the cream. “I'm sorry to take over so much.”
“No, don't say that,” she said. “It’s just, if you’re not a guest, you’re family.”
Eric went still for a moment, and his cheeks turned even pinker. Gotcha, Alicia thought.
“That’s really nice of you to say,” he said. “Y’know, my mother was tickled that I met you. She wanted to know all about you, and I told how friendly you are.”
“I wondered,” Alicia said. “I got a package with some delicious cookies and a nice note, and I sent her a thank-you note with my email address, but I haven’t heard any more from her.”
“Lord, she’s probably just embarrassed,” Eric said. “Tell me your favorites, and she’ll make those for you. Or tell her. I’ll give you her email and once she gets used to the idea that you’re like, an actual human being --”
“One who really can’t cook.”
“-- she’ll take pity on you and send more.”
He set the bowl of whipped cream back in the refrigerator and said, “Unless you’d rather not? There’s nothing that says you and my mother have to be in contact just because Jack and me are dating, and you know I’d be happy to send you whatever.”
“No, Eric, of course I’d like to get to know your mother. She must be lovely, to have raised you so well. And I know very well that you have your hands full, what with the bakery and the skating and all.”
“And dating an NHL star?” Eric said.
“It can get time-consuming,” Alicia said. “I’ve been there.”
“That’s true,” Eric said. “I never realized how many people would seek me out because people know I’m Jack Zimmermann’s boyfriend. I had one guy in the bakery who wanted me to tell Jack how they could have a better power play. I mean, really.”
Alicia laughed.
“Believe me, I know,” she said. “And I didn’t even know anything about hockey when I got together with Bobby. But at least I had my own people to run interference for me. You have to deal with the public all the time, and everyone knows where to find you.”
“Mostly it’s fine,” Eric shrugged.
Alicia poured Eric another half-glass of wine and arranged her face in an encouraging expression.
“Providence is a big Falcs town, and Jack’s a local hero, so most people are pretty positive,” Eric said. “I think a lot of them come to the bakery just because they hope they’ll catch a glimpse of him, y’know?”
He took a gulp of the wine.
“It was worse last spring,” he said. “When people first found out. There were a couple of people who just wouldn’t leave me alone. Kept asking rude questions. One accused me of turning Jack gay. Maybe Jack could turn a straight man gay, but me?”
“Eric,” Alicia tried to break in.
“And he’s not even gay, not that anyone wants to hear that, or deserves to know anyway,” Eric continued.
“Eric, did you tell Jack?”
Eric looked horrified at the thought.
“I couldn’t,” he said. “It was playoffs.”
He shook his head.
“Jack was so busy, and when he was home, he was exhausted,” Eric said. “I couldn’t make him worry. It’s not like he could have done anything.”
“Did you talk to Georgia Martin, or anyone in Falconers’ management?”
“It wasn’t really their problem,” Eric said.
“So what did you do?”
“Well, Chowder and Dex and Derek Nurse all started staying pretty much all day, and one of them would walk me home every afternoon,” Eric said. “Which they didn’t have to do, but was nice anyway. I, uh, got to know my local police real well. They would hang around at opening and closing.”
“Did you have to call the police?” Alicia said.
“There was some graffiti, a couple of times,” Eric said. “But we got it off right away, before anyone saw it. That stuff died down after a couple of weeks, though. Now it’s mostly just fans.”
“I’m glad it got better,” Alicia said, trying to keep her voice measured. “But I really think you should tell Jack.”
“Tell me what?”
Jack was in the doorway, wiping his face with a towel.
“It’s nothing, really,” Eric said, as Jack stood watching him.
His cheeks were pink, and he wasn’t meeting Jack’s eyes, almost like he was guilty about something. Something Jack’s mother thought he should know.
“No, there’s something,” Jack said, still standing in the door. “Please tell me.”
“It’s just about how people would come around, you know, last April,” Eric said.
“What people? Come around where?” Jack said, stepping into the kitchen and leaning against one of the stools at the island. He was pretty sure he wasn’t going to like where this was going.
“People who weren’t very nice,” Eric said. “They knew I worked at Sugar ‘n’ Spice.”
“What did they do?”
“It’s nothing,” Eric said again. “No one hurt me.”
“That doesn’t mean it’s nothing,” Jack said. “Crisse, Eric, if someone is threatening you, you have to tell me.”
“But no one is threatening me now,” Eric said. “It was six months ago. It’s over.”
“But we still need to talk about it,” Jack insisted.
“Fine, but I still need to get dinner on the table,” Eric said. “Go take a shower and then we can talk while we cook.”
Jack shook his head and left. It was only when he had to squeeze past his father in the doorway that he realized his dad heard everything too. And Jack had just been congratulating himself on how well things went, too.
He may have taken a little longer in the shower than usual, trying to calm himself by focusing on his breathing. He’d been with Eric most of a year, and he knew that if he sounded like he was angry at Eric, Eric would clam up. It had only happened a couple of times, but the sight of Eric like that -- curling in on himself, like he could make himself invisible -- it broke Jack’s heart. And he wasn’t truly angry with Eric. He was angry with himself for not noticing what was happening.
When he stepped back into the kitchen, Eric was pulling pies out of the oven.
He stopped to adjust the oven temperature, and then said, “Can you hand me those trays of rolls?” and slid them in.
Then he went to where the sweet potatoes were waiting, poured in some warm milk and started mashing, his back to Jack.
“I’m sorry, Jack,” Eric said, still without looking at him. “I wasn’t trying to keep anything from you, at least, not forever. But you were busy with the playoffs, and really nothing bad happened. I didn’t want you to worry.”
“Why don’t you start by telling me what did happen?”
“There were just some guys who would come to the bakery and be rude,” Eric said. “We made it a point to always have at least three people there, so when we asked them to leave, they did. But then they started following me and yelling things at me when I left. One of them kept asking how I turned you gay, if you can imagine.”
He gave a weak chuckle.
“But that didn’t really work for them either, because, well, yelling stuff like that doesn’t get a lot of positive attention, at least in that neighborhood of Providence, which makes it light years ahead of high school for me,” Eric said. “So then there was some stuff painted on our windows, and Chowder insisted we call the police before we washed it off. When I explained what was going on, they started making sure someone was on the block when we opened and when we closed.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t know,” Jack said.
“It’s not your fault,” Eric said. “I didn’t tell you. You had enough to deal with. And it was pretty much over by the time your season ended.”
“I still should have known,” Jack said. “But my mom’s right -- you should have told me. And if not me, someone from the team, or even my parents. You don’t have to deal with stuff like this alone.”
“It’s nothing to do with you,” Eric said. “It’s not your fault. And I wasn’t alone. I had the guys from the bakery.”
“It’s because of me, Eric,” Jack said. “I’d say it has something to do with me. I didn’t think that being public about us could be dangerous to you.”
Eric drizzled some maple syrup over the potatoes, and resumed mashing.
“I didn’t take any of it as particularly dangerous,” Eric said. “Nobody said anything I haven’t heard before. It honestly wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be.”
“You expected this to happen?” Jack asked.
Eric just looked at him.
“I guess you’re right,” Jack sighed. “I’m more insulated. What do you want to do?”
Eric shrugged.
“Can’t put the genie back in the bottle,” he said. “So I suggest we eat dinner, and give thanks for what we have, and go for a walk later, and absolutely do not play any board games with your parents tonight.”
Jack couldn’t suppress a smile.
“Sounds like a plan,” he said. “And you’ll tell me if something like that happens again, right?”
An hour later, Jack looked around the table at his parents and his boyfriend and a truly impressive spread.
“Let me go first this year,” he said. “I’m thankful for the people who love me, who stand behind me no matter what, who encourage me to keep moving forward, and who let me love them back, even when I’m not sure how. Papa, Maman, you were always there for me, even when I tried to push you away, and I’m grateful. And I’m grateful that you still like me and want me around after all that. And Eric, words can’t express how happy I am that you’re in my life, and that you let me be in your life. You’ve spent this past year teaching me about love and care and how to express that, because you care about everyone, and you love me, and you taught me how to love you, and I can’t imagine a gift more precious.”
After they’d all taken their turns, Jack got a picture of the table, carefully set and loaded with food, his parents’ and Eric’s joined hands just visible at the edge. He waited until after dinner to post it to his Instagram account. #Givingthanks.
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Winnetka Residence House Tour
  Hello, my dear friends! How are you feeling today? I hope you had a nice long weekend. We celebrated Thanksgiving here in Canada and it was wonderful. We usually celebrate the Canadian Thanksgiving and the American as well. After all, feeling grateful is never too much, right?
Talking about being grateful, I am truly happy to be sharing this inspiring Winnetka home with you today. Designed by Edward Deegan Architects and Interiors (previously featured here, here & here – you really should see these house tours!), this is a place that will leave you inspired. The interiors feature traditional architectural elements while the decor was kept quiet and comfortable. Balanced class and elegance can be found in every detail without making this home feel stuffy. Living in an era where some tend to “put-everything-you-can-fit-into-a-room”, how I wish I could see more of this type of interiors out there!
Take a minute to see the beautiful ideas this home exudes and I really hope you have a good time!
  Winnetka Residence House Tour
You will love this home if you’re a fan of timeless design! The Cedar Shake exterior was done in a custom color, similar to “Benjamin Moore HC-172 Revere Pewter”.
Windows: Marvin.
A driveway with a cobblestone pavement leads to a porte-cochère that continues to a three-car garage.
Front Door
The arched front door was custom-designed for this home.
Light Fixtures: Northeastern Lantern.
Arched lines soften this beautiful foyer.
Lighting: here – similar – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: Pottery Barn – Affordable Rugs: here, here, here, here, here & here.
The archway features custom built-ins. The built-in cabinets are made to look like a wall with paneling. The designer added touch latches so they don’t have any visible hardware.
The staircase features a traditional striped runner and custom millwork.
Paint Color
Cabinet Built-Ins & Walls: “Simply White OC-117 by Benjamin Moore”.
Flooring: Pre-finished Hardwood – similar here.
Dining Room Chandelier: Visual Comfort – similar here & here (best seller!).
Dining Table: Restoration Hardware – similar here, here, here, here & here.
Dining Chairs: Restoration Hardware – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Grey Kitchen
Grey kitchens always feel elegant and chic. This one is painted in “Farrow and Ball Worsted Gray No.284”.
Counterstools: Restoration Hardware – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Backsplash: Mona Lisa Tile, Wilmette, IL & 2×10 subway tile.
Appliances: Thermador.
Countertop is Sea Pearl Quarzite.
Island Lights: Ralph Lauren Modern Small Lantern RL5175 – similar here.
Sink & Faucet
Classic is always best! I am loving the classic combination of this kitchen faucet, apron sink with the Polished Nickel hardware and the beautiful windows.
Sink: Shaw Apron Sink.
Faucets: Kohler Artifacts Polished Nickel.
Hardware: Waterstreet Brass, Hudson, Polished Nickel – Similar Pulls & Knobs.
Kitchen Office
Cabinet color: “Benjamin Moore Stonington Gray HC-170”.
Countertops: Sea Pearl Quartzite.
Fiddle Leaf Tree: Natural – similar here (faux).
Living Room
The kitchen opens to spacious living room with custom cabinetry.
Fireplace Surround: Soapstone
Wall Color: “Benjamin Moore Simply White OC-117”
Sofas: Restoration Hardware – Other more Affordable Options: here, here, here, here, here, here & here (sectional).
Chairs: Restoration Hardware – Other Affordable Options: here & here.
Coffee Table: Restoration Hardware – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Paint Color
Cabinets are custom designed and painted in“Benjamin Moore Simply White”.
Powder Room
The powder room features a classic marble-top washstand and a gray wallpaper.
 Wallcovering: Phillip Jeffries 4489 Oxford Weave – Available through the designer – similar here.
Sconces: Visual Comfort – similar here.
Faucets: Rohl Bathroom Faucet.
Washstand: Palmer Industries in polished Nickel – similar here, here & here.
Mirror: Pottery Barn – similar here.
Home Office
The home office features custom cabinetry, hardwood flooring and elegant decor.
Walls & Doors: “Benjamin Moore Simply White OC-117”.
Cabinet Built-Ins: Custom, “Benjamin Moore Simply White OC-117”.
Rugs with Warm Hues: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Master Suite
Beautiful architectural details can be found in the master bathroom.
Tile: Waterjet Marble Tile from Etched in Stone, Glenview, IL – Others: here, here & here.
Lighting: Visual Comfort Plantation Square Lantern – similar here.
Paint Color
Bathroom Wall Color: “Benjamin Moore Pike Peak Gray 2127-50”.
Light Fixtures: Visual Comfort Simple Scallop Large Hanging.
Tub: Ionian Victoria and Albert.
Tub Filler: Brasstech.
This home is beautiful inside and out!
Patio floor tile is Bluestone.
The port-cochere leads to a three-car garage and a garden shed.
Garage doors are Marvin.
From copper gutters, landscaping, driveaway material to timeless interior design choices, the details were never overlooked in this home and I hope it inspires you.
  Many thanks to the architect for sharing the details above!
Architect: Edward Deegan Architects and Interiors (Instagram – Facebook – Make sure to follow them! )
  Best Sales of the Month:
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
  Serena & Lily: Enjoy 20% OFF Everything with Code: GUESTPREP
  Wayfair: Up to 75% OFF on Furniture and Decor!!!
  Joss & Main: Up to 75% off Sale!
  Pottery Barn: Bedroom Event Slale plus free shipping. Use code: FREESHIP.
  One Kings Lane: Buy More Save More Sale.
  West Elm: 20% Off your entire purchase + free shipping. Use code: FRIENDS
  Anthropologie: 20% off on Everything + Free Shipping!
  Nordstrom: Sale – Incredible Prices!!!
  Posts of the Week:
California Home Design Ideas.
Black & White Modern Farmhouse.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal California-inspired Interior Design.
Dark Modern Farmhouse.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Neutral Home.
Southern-inspired Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Interior Design Ideas: Home Renovation.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Charlotte, NC.
New-Construction Home Ideas.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Florida Beach Cottage.
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen’s Home – Full House Tour.
Dark Cedar Shaker Exterior.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Coastal Farmhouse Design.
Florida Beach House Interior Design.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Fixer Upper.
Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
Follow me on Instagram: @HomeBunch
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
“For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
from Home https://www.homebunch.com/winnetka-residence-house-tour/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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addictsbittercandy · 8 years
2016 sure ended differently than 2015. 2015 was all about getting through it all and coming up short. 2016 was about meeting destinations and heading towards new ones. I think that’s the best way I can describe it.
2016 started out somewhat rocky. Brian and I spent a lot of time and energy rebuilding our trust and relationship. My last spring semester at Hunter was monotonous and depressing. The only highlight of that time was that I was very much involved with my friends, making time to hang out and actually going out because I had the small change I made from working at the Y. When May finally rolled around, I was frustrated because I was so close to completing so many things but time seemed to drag. June was jam packed with Tasha’s wedding, governor’s ball (where Veda injured her foot and I spent a month in our beautifully renovated basement), graduation and of course my 21st birthday! Yep, finally legal but oddly enough, now that I’m legal actually don’t really like drinking anymore... although sweet white wine is my favorite.  
As July rolled around I grew restless. I was in the middle of summer stuck at my part-time job working with the worst age group (middle schoolers) and finishing my last class for Hunter. I couldn’t wait ti leave Hunter and the Y even though I made Group Leader. I was missing a lot of beach days and not getting to go hiking and never finding time for the gym. Finally I got a brief reprieve at the end of July in Montego Bay. Yepp, Veda, Drew, Bri and I had an amazing time in Jamaica for Tasha’s wedding despite the stupid mini drama that I thankfully didn’t hear about until we got back. August was just as frustrating preparing for Veda’s pooja. Every weekend we were repairing the house and working on renovating the basement. When September rolled around I was dying for the pooja to be over with because I was helping Drew keep his proposal a secret. I knew once i was over and they landed in Hawaii on her birthday, that he would propose. When they got back from Hawaii we barely had time to talk, let alone celebrate. My parents and I took a very long vacation in Cancun. While I loved Jamaica (not so much DR), Cancun took the cake. The water was so blue and beautiful that I really didn’t mind the rough waves, that and I learned to ride them out. 
Once we got back from Cancun I felt extremely useless and depressed. I had no job, school or money. I was home almost everyday just aimless. I tried applying to jobs and grad schools but most of the time I was doing nothing. I would wake up half day, eat breakfast in bed watching TV and just waiting for the something to just happen. My small moments of joy were spending Brian’s days off with him and eating great food. There were mini events in between like Witches Brew dates, looking for halls for the wedding, researching bridesmaid stuff, my mom and Vicki’s birthdays and Thanksgiving (the first one with our the Naraine household, very quiet and sad). Finally there were those two interviews and two calls that landed me at my current job. 
November ended so quickly I felt like I was being thrown into December. I went from being home all day doing nothing to waking up at 4:30 am for training in Harlem, to preparing for 4-5 birthdays and working everyday from 6:50am to 5pm. December was fucking insane. I’ve gotta use an expletive because never was a December this crazy for me. My family is usually dull and boring and Christmas has sucked for the last 10 years, not mention last Christmas I was still basically heartbroken. This year I started a new job, my dad had a big party, had to go over the following week for his mom’s birthday, then that same weekend was Drew’s birthday, then the following week was gram’s. Most of my Canadian family came down, even some jersey cousins. It was just a lot. I definitely enjoyed the week we had with them, it was late nights and henny every night. I even had Brian at every single event and freely got to call him my boyfriend. I guess having him at a lot of games nights and birthdays and showing up in DR finally paid off. The New Year was brought in quietly, just Bri and I and I loved it. Maybe this year I’ll party but I wouldn’t change a thing about how 2016 ended.... except maybe Brian’s ex creeping on his page and accidentally liking his photo. Like girl, you have a man, if you’re gonna creep you need to be careful.. sheesh.
2016, like any other year had plenty of ups and downs, but it was relatively a good year... I feel greedy asking 2017 to be good to me too. 
There were so many details I didn’t get to write about like Ari’s heartbreak, our bridesmaid dress shopping experience, Manisha’s pregnancy and all kinds of other drama but summarizing one year is pretty hard to do. Every moment is so full of emotion and learning that I feel as though I’m robbing these moments by just glossing over them. I probably should’ve written more this year. Sounds like a new years resolution to me!
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