#i’m just fucking tired
scavengerssuccotash · 3 months
Politically I am here:
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venti-ass-kisser · 4 months
idk wtf is going on but for some reason I’m feeling either burnt out or bored from doing literally anything for over an hour
I don’t get it, after drawing for only an hour I couldn’t think anymore, my hands wouldn’t cooperate and it wasn’t fun anymore. I tried calling my friend to get my mind off of it and my social battery just up and died after ten minutes (that was the only social interaction I’ve had today), I tried cooking, tidying, playing genshin, playing honkai, going for a walk, but everything is either overstimulating or under-stimulating.
the only thing keeping me anything close to sane is the constant background of music.
what the actual fuck is going on with my head?? istg…
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silly-lil-scribbles · 5 months
Ok a bit of a rant sorry
But like geesus I am so fucking done with people only using they/them for me and like rarely or never using my other pronouns I swear to god. Like seriously I use three (THREE) different pronoun sets and you’re seriously using the one I least prefer???? All the time. This is inciting serious feelings of violence and anger within me, I don’t even fucking mind they/them I mean I still like them but bitch its getting a little old when my mom (and some of my friends even) do this constantly but I feel like I can’t even say anything because at least it’s not she/her yknow? I just wanna fucking exist and not be seen as “a girl but they say they’re not a girl so I’m just gonna use the closest to she/her as possible without seeming rude” because I can tell that nobody fucking actually perceives me as anything other than female and I just wanna kick stab bite violence die die die!!
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mtibbs89 · 5 months
Hate when depression rears its ugly head and my love for life and my hobbies/interests goes down the shitter and I don’t know what to do. Like doing *anything* feels like a massive chore and thinking hurts.
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blueish-bird · 1 year
got so caught up in the joy of music that I forgot being left-handed is particularly alienating and expensive when you’re trying to learn electric guitar/bass.
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artemisia-black · 1 year
Second family death in a year and my work contract is ending soon-ish. I’m at a friends this week and don’t want to go home nor do I have any particular motivation for anything
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thekitchenywitch · 9 months
I’m so exhausted.
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I’m just so fucking goddamn tired. And I just want to fucking goddamn scream.
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paiohaktnmcakl · 2 years
sometimes you really just gotta SCREAM sing in the shower to feel better
(ft. halsey and demi)
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phantomram-b00 · 7 months
I wish things can actually get better instead of worse. I wish things aren’t getting worse. I wish things can just actually get better and not worse each day or time. I wish I don’t feel sorrow each day. Why is that too much to ask atp?
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f3m-b0t · 8 months
I read a book and now I’m contemplating the romantic intimacy of cannibalism
I want to be with them and also be them… at the same time?
I’m so normal I promise please I’ve lived an average life and am complacent with its simplicity I feel content and comfortable with it but damn I’m feeling like I should just say anything rn
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annisrealandsoami · 9 months
I’ve been feeling shitty as of late.
I quit my job. My dad kept threatening to come to it, and I just couldn’t handle it. I don’t know what to do anymore. I just feel so drained most the time.
I’ve told him to fuck off yesterday. I don’t think he’ll ever completely leave me alone. I wish he would.
And it’s not as bad as it could be. It could be constant. I know it barely nothing. I know I’m being dramatic.
I just don’t want to be like I was before. I was so afraid, all the time. I was pushover, coward, polite, and quiet.
I’m still a coward. I don’t want to be a coward. Sometimes, I think it’s already too late. It already baked into my head. To freeze. To shrink away. To fall apart under stress.
I don’t know that for fact though.
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tempestgnostic · 1 year
currently living in a house with a dog who will start barking at fire alarm volume when a door is opened or she hears a weird sound or she just feels like it. i’m autistic and i’m in sensory hell
cont’d under the cut
and it doesn’t help when one owner yells back at her uselessly for doing so, which does nothing and only makes my overload worse
i can’t go outside at night or she’ll wake everyone up. if i go out and get groceries i come back to unbearable noise. hell, sometimes i’ll be grabbing something from the kitchen and she’ll lose her shit. i was trying to train her for a while to quiet down and sit at my feet when i came through the door but nobody else seemed to want to put in effort to do the same, so the inconsistency broke the training and my motivation to keep trying
man, i just want to get out of this place. i haven’t lived in a place that felt like home in so long. it’s like i’m moving apartments almost once every year at this point.
i still have most of my shit in boxes in the garage because i never feel like i’ll be in one place long enough to make my house a home
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mourninglamby · 1 year
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hilsonamore · 3 months
to all the fuckers who post porn on the asexual tag….FUCK OFF SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, we don’t need to be fucking FIXED or something and we sure as hell don’t want to see your naked form roaming the ONE safe space that we have, which is our own secluded-ass community
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st-hedge · 18 days
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MGS (+R) sketchdump *claps like an idiot*
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