#this whole ask my beloved i will treasure it forever
beanghostprincess · 8 months
You ever think of random AUs specifically for ships?
Like. The idea of Buggy having been a slave in his SUPER EARLY years, pre-Roger. The idea that Buggy's F response isn't fight or flight, it's FAWN. Crocodile and Mihawk threaten him and he immediately starts flirting, offers to subjugate himself, locking boots - it's played for giggles, mostly, or at least perceived as a sign of Buggy's willingness to throw out pride for survival, but like. Man.
Imagine Buggy WAS a slave. Imagine Roger and crew having freed him or having found him. That Buggy equated Roger with FREEDOM and HAPPINESS and his first taste of LOVE and JOY and HOPE. Roger was his hero, his captain, and Buggy thought of him so highly that it hurt.
So then the fight with Shanks takes a new level - Shaks would have KNOWN Buggy's history - I doubt they'd have been able to hide anything from one another. And then Shanks, Roger's choice of heir, the one entrusted with the ambition and passed on right to the throne, the only person OTHER than Roger that Buggy would have followed, the only other one he trusted - Shanks took all of that expectation, all that burden, and threw it to the ground a fee hours maximum after their safety net was executed and tossed to that very same ground.
Yeah, it was fucked up to put so much on a child. Yeah, it's unhealthy.
But it just adds so many layers of nuance.
Like. Imagine if in one world, Buggy responded with outrage, with aggression. He was hurt and so he lashed out.
In another, he sees Shanks' eyes, he sees the grief and dissociation and fear and numbness - and he recognizes it.
Roger saved him from that, once. Shanks had pulled him from that space before - Shanks had seen it, responded, stayed with him.
Buggy is hurt and scared and cold in a way that's only partially due to the rain, but... but Shanks is HIS. He is Shanks'. So instead of screaming, of crying, of running away - he reaches out.
This changes so much and yet so little. They will never be subordinates, they refuse to serve under a man other than their father, and his body is already cold and stiff and gone. They are instead equals - not the same playing fields, oh no, they're aware enough to recognize that. But while their skills are different, they are arguably the best in their craft. They oppose one another and work well, covering each other's weak points and essentially pulling the wool over the world's eyes.
Shanks and Buggy, Buggy and Shanks, they are connected, braided, woven into the tapestries of fate, and there is no world where they aren't SOMETHING to each other. Red and Blue, Shanks and Buggy, Hot and Cold, Calm and Volatile; they are opposites and the same, North and South, two moons in eternal orbit, balanced and beautiful.
Crocodile and Mihawk don't know the truth. Mihawk has heard of numerous drunken tales from Shanks about Buggy, Crocodile has a preconceived idea of the clown. There are missing pieces, ones he's gotten good at misdirecting attention from.
It boils down to a few key points the two cross guild "lieutenants" have compiled:
• Buggy covers his neck, and if unable to do so, doesn't let anything touch it.
• he does not fight outright
• smoke and mirrors are his specialty
• unexpected or malicious touch leafs to separation
• he is loud, and his voice pitches differently when he's worked up
• he doesn't get absolutely smashed when drinking - he'll pretend, but his Haki is always sharply aware despite how he carries himself
Then one day they cross Shanks - and it's peaceful. Surprisingly so.
Shanks playfully scruffs Buggy, and he just snorts and shives Shanks back with a "by the Seas, you're so touchy!"
Shanks asks for a spar - before Mihawk can even snort and wave it off in disgust, Buggy actually CONSIDERS it. He AGREES. Croc and Hawk are flabbergasted.
Shanks calls Buggy on a lie, cuts through a tangent, and he does it with a painfully fond grin. And Buggy snorts. "Never did work on you, red bastard."
Buggy's voice remains relatively level the whole exchange. He yells, he hollers, but he is mellow as well. He isn't as highly strung, even surrounded by enemy crews. He's laughing and joking and calling people by name. And they are meeting him steo for step, treating him just the same as they do their own captain, and Shanks is treating Buggy as an equal - teasing, familiar, fond, and warm.
What surprises the two ex warlords the most is that Shanks and Buggy exchange glances. They shrug. Flip a coin. It lands on heads, and Shanks pouts but Buggy cackles. They go drink for drink, and then Shanks suddenly stops. Buggy keeps going. He gets absolutely shitfaced and Shanks is only slightly tipsy. They're coexisting, giggling together, casual touches, cuddled up and actively smiling.
It's a bit like whiplash for Buggy's tag alongs, but nobody else seems even a little uncertain. Yassop is smooth when he drops off a bottle of rum on a run to the bar counter. Benn just obligingly hands a cigarette over when Buggy asks. Lucky Roux is divvying up snacks and doesn't even ask before sliding a plate of hotdogs to Buggy.
Just. Buggy having all these odd little quirks, and people being accommodating to them. Buggy having hard nos and Shanks being the sole exception.
Crocodile and Mihawk being freaking BAMBOOZLED by this bc none of their math is mathing.
((Buggy's crew and Shanks' crew are watching this go down like "damn they gay batches are gay AND stupid. This is Quality Entertainment."))
I love all of this SO much I don't even have words to describe it. The concept of Buggy being a former slave makes so much sense to me due to his canon behavior, ngl, and I love it every time somebody expands that idea. I love all of his little quirks and I just-- I have no words. This is great 😭
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tsxkkis · 3 months
# kageyama tobio - private
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a/n: not proud of this, because i didn't truly know how to end it. also i've been searching for a job lately and it's so damn hard to find one help T-T i still gotta try though because i want money for figurines and mangas :33
summary: your relationship with kageyama was a secret from the public, but it can't be private forever.
warnings: none really
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tobio kageyama never answers his phone while training.
his mind was always set on one thing - volleyball. it's like everything else was secondary to his beloved sport, to his safe space, which he adored and treasured dearly. there was only one thing he loved just as much; but that was kept a secret from the world.
along with being a professional athlete came the fame, and with the fame came lack of privacy, something that kageyama seemed to hate from the very beginning of joining schweiden adlers. he vowed to himself that his private life will never become a topic of public discussion, that he'll control every information that comes out to the media as much as he possibly can.
'they're writing about you.' ushijima's voice echoed through their changing room as he handed the black-haired boy his phone, an internet article opened up on one of the most popular gossip pages. upon seeing the title and content of the article, the look on his face instantly changed - he looked irritated, almost insulted. kageyama's nose scrunched in dissatisfaction as if he's just seen another picture of hinata and oikawa hanging out in brazil.
'ooh, let me see!' hoshiumi snached the phone away, curious eyes following the text on the screen, a small gasp leaving his parted lips every now and then. kageyama was quick to get the phone back with an annoyed huff, suddenly putting his shoes on much quicker than before.
the white-haired man looked like he was about to say something, but he was quickly cut off before he could even let a word out.
'don't even mention it.'
'you have a GIRLFRIEND?!'
the changing room fell silent, the only two men left there besides kageyama standing still, awaiting an answer. but as they noticed the tips of tobio's ears turning into a color similar to a rose and his gaze avoiding their glares, they realized they didn't need one.
they weren't exactly shocked by their discovery - tobio was always a private person, and he didn't really talk about his life much, much preffering conversations about volleyball instead of one's that circled around him.
a notification popped up on his phone, disrupting the silence between the three men.
it was you.
'i'm waiting in front of the changing room like i told you yesterday :33'
'hurry up!'
tobio realized he completely forgot about his promise to you, and as his cheeks flushed pink, he suddenly realized that maybe the whole situation wasn't so bad after all.
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'you want to meet my teammates?'
kageyama's stood in your shared room's doorframe, a curious look on his face. 'why the hell would you want to meet these idiots?'
'i want to get to know the people my boyfriend hangs out with.' you mumbled, putting down the book you were currently reading. 'you know, i understand that you want to protect your peace from the outside world, but i don't think you have to hide your entire life from your work friends. they seem trustworthy, for all i know.'
the black-haired man plopped onto the bed right next to you, choosing your arm as a perfect pillow for himself. the room fell silent for a few minutes, but you didn't pressure tobio to answer you right away - from the look on his face you knew he was thinking, rather intensely at that, so there was no point in disrupting his trail of thoughts.
'how am i supposed to break it to them, though?' he asked, a genuinely confused look on his face. 'hey, i've been in a relationship for the last four years and never told you, sorry.'
a giggle left your mouth, your hand softly brushing through your boyfriend's hair, twirling the short strands around your fingers.
'i can just come to meet you up after practice and introduce myself. it'll be less awkward for you that way.'
kageyama hummed in response, as if he was deciding on whether he should go with your idea or not. he knew that your relationship being uncovered was inevitable - that sooner or later, they would find out anyways. so maybe your idea wasn't so bad.
'tommorow?' he mumbled, head leaning into your soft hands, almost as if he was pleading you to play with his hair just a tad bit longer.
'fine by me.'
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you stood in one place, patiently awaiting your boyfriend as you scrolled through your phone, invested in a particularly hard game of sudoku. as you heard the door crack open, your eyes quickly shot up, hoping to be met with your boyfriend's tall figure. instead, a way shorter, white-haired man showed up right in front of you, bright eyes scanning your figure from head to toe.
'i know you! you used to be karasuno's manage-'
'give her some space, hoshiumi.' a tall man appeared from behind him, one that you recognized to be ushijima almost immediately. you remembered both of the men from your times in high school, and yet you never truly had a chance to meet them properly - not until now, that is.
as you greeted tobio, who emerged from the changing room shortly after, you weren't even surprised that he opted for a hug instead of a kiss - although an adult already, kageyama was still awkward with any public displays of affection. he preferred to keep those special moments to himself.
'have you seen the article?' he hummed quietly, his eyes glued to your face smiling at your confused look.
'what article?'
although a little dumbfounded by your lack of knowledge of it, kageyama quickly pulled out his phone and handed it to you, the article opened up on the screen.
'oh.' your face went blank as you eyed the words in front of you, suddenly connecting the dots. 'so that's why there's so many reporters and paparazzi in front of the building.
reporters? paparazzi?
'shit.' he mumbled under his breath. 'how many of them?'
'around ten, maybe eleven.' kageyama's smile dropped almost immediately upon hearing the number. you carefully scanned his face, hand going up to gently ruffle his hair. 'we can wait for them to leave if you don't want them to see us. i don't mind.'
he thought for a hot minute, rethinking every possible scenario that could happen, every option available. was he truly ready for his private life to become so... public?
kageyama wasn't exactly sure. you've been together for so long that he knew this relationship would last through anything and everything, but at the same time, he didn't want things to change. he hated changes - they never truly meant anything good, and he would always avoid them as much as possible.
but this change was inevitable.
'it's alright.' he said, breaking the moment of silence. 'it would've happened sooner or later. might as well have this behind us, right?'
'are you sure?' you asked quietly, squeezing his hand as you saw kageyama already heading towards the door. his head quickly turned to face you, giving you a small nod before his hand landed on the handle.
'not entirely.' he admitted, eyes darting away from your gaze. 'but i can do it as long as it's with you.'
'hey, don't forget about us!' hoshiumi's stated, your boyfriend shooting him a deathly glare for interrupting the moment between you two. 'maybe we should all grab some dinner, what do you say? i'm sure you're all hungry.'
'come to think of it,' ushijima barged into the conversation, his usual monotone tone. 'i know a restaurant where the paparazzi won't bother us.'
you exchanged looks with tobio, a barely noticeable smile on your face being enough for him to know that you agree.
'let's do it.' the black-haired man said, solidifying the idea once and for all.
'what if they won't leave us alone?' he could see that your anxious side took over, suddenly stressed out about going outside. kageyama gave you a reassuring look, smiling softly.
'then they'll know how amazing my girlfriend is.'
'oooh, how corny-' hoshiumi mumbled, stopping when he saw kageyama's annoyed glare. 'alright, lovebirds, i'll be quiet.'
'you'd better.' you giggled at your boyfriend's words, his hand once again on the handle. he looked your way, softly smiling down at you. 'ready?'
you looked up, eyes meeting his.
'with you by my side? always.'
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taglist: @moonswolfie
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
Could I request Sampo, Blade, Dan Heng, Welt, and Argenti getting a massive bouquet of flowers and cake as a gift from their s/o?
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Argenti: loves giving people flowers and such.
It doesn’t matter who the recipient is either:
Elderly people who are lonely, elderly couples who are still together and very much in love, Young couples, Single people, people in general; Hello! Even stray cats, stray dogs and birds alike get a flower or two and animal safe cakes to eat.
Argenti gives EVERYONE and everything flowers and never asks for anything in exchange.
So when you’re the one to finally give this man his long over due -but much deserved- flowers. You were having an hard time trying to hold up an entire bouquet of a hundred ruby red roses in one hand, and a box of red velvet daisy cakes in the other.
You loved this man dearly and believed that he deserved nothing but the absolute best of the best.
Needless to say this man was swooning at the beauty of your gifts and accepts them wholeheartedly, as he then hold them close to his chest and inhaled the sweet scent deeply, humming in content as a smile graced his lips. He looked so pretty when he smiled like that, then again he was always pretty to you but in that moment he was so ethereal it took your breath away.
‘Thank you my beloved.’ He said as he kisses your cheek. ‘I shall treasure these flowers until their petals loose colour and their stems can no longer support them, but they’ll still be beautiful regardless because you gave me them.’ You mentally cursed Argenti and his seemingly effortless way with words as you burrow yourself into his side.
‘You deserve those flowers and I’m just ashamed that you didn’t receive them earlier.’ You said and Argenti chuckled, falling more and more in love with your beautiful heart by the second.
‘I don’t need flowers when I have you my dear, now would you mind in helping me eat these lovely cakes?’ Argenti asks as he picks up two of the red velvet cakes, admiring the skill that went into them. ‘I don’t think I can eat them all by myself and I would much prefer being in the company of my little flower.’ He concludes as he puts one of the cakes in your hands with a smile.
How could you say no to that face.
Welt: this man probably has had flowers from the likes of March, Dan Heng, Himeko, Pom Pom and Caelus/Stelle but they were nowhere comparable to the bouquet of flowers that you’ve bought for him.
He’s a little flustered at the gesture because wow that’s a lot of flowers for an old man like him. However he will take them as a gesture of goodwill and respect for you.
‘What’s the occasion? I’m certain I’m not missing any important events for such a gift.’ He mutters to himself as he squints at the calendar on his phone. Even with glasses on Welt could feel his eyes strain against the bright light of the phone screen. (Grandpa core.)
You giggle at the sight, if never failed to make you smile whenever he did the whole squinting his eyes to look at the screen, it was unabashedly Welt and you loved him regardless. Respectful older men was your type and Welt covered all basis of this.
‘No, I just wanted to give you some gifts as to thank you for everything you’ve done, not just for me but everyone.’ You told him as he puts away his phone and smiles at you. ‘I appreciate the gifts but you didn’t have to feel obligated to get me anything.’ He says, feeling as though there were other people more deserving of such generous gifts than him.
‘There’s no obligation Welt.’ You defended. ‘I wanted to get you something because you’re worth a thousand bouquets and so much more!’ Welt was moved by your words and made his way towards you, holding your face in his hands as he kisses your forehead softly.
‘Thank you. I shall treasure them forever.’
Sampo: acts like he receives flowers all the time but he’s bluffing and you know it from the way he’d trip over his own words.
He’s deeply touched that you got an old fool like him flowers and sweet cakes.
‘All this for ol Sampo? Oh you shouldn’t have.’ He’d say as he’s wiping a tear from his eyes before he then practically salivating over the sweet treats that smelt rich in sweetness in every aspect of its creation.
‘Only the best for my favourite masked fool.’ You replied fondly as you watched Sampo act like a kid in a sweet shop with the way his eyes brightened and how his smile seems to widen more over time.
‘Your favourite masked fool?’ Sampo echoed, pouting as he puts his hands on his hips. ‘How many other masked fools do you know besides me?’ He asks, not liking the idea of sharing you with the likes of Giovanni or something , you were his buddy! He can go find his own buddy elsewhere!
You chuckled as you ran a thumb across his pouty lip, pressing a kiss there because you could along with the fact that Sampo was an absolute sucker for your kisses. ‘You’re the only one I ever need to know because everyone else fails in comparison to the great Sampo Koski.’ You praised him as Sampo buried his head into your neck and attached his arms to your waist, drawing you closer into him.
‘Thank you for the flowers and the cakes.’ He whispers. ‘I really like them…will you…do this again for me next time?’ You kissed the top of his head. ‘You’re very welcome Sampo and of course I will, I’ve got to keep you happy somehow.’ You told him and under his breath Sampo then said, ‘how can I be made even more happy when I’m happy enough as it is with you already here in my arms?’
Blade: skeptical.
Never, ever, ever has he ever been given flowers. Never.
So needless to say he’s a little on edge and side eye the harmless bouquet of flowers as though they just personally insulted him.
‘What’s this.’ He’d ask.
‘A bouquet of flowers and a couple of Black Forest Gateau cakes.’ You responded as your smile melted off of your face. ‘You don’t like them do you.’
‘No.’ Blade, feeling the hurt within your voice cut into him deeply, says immediately. ‘I’m just not accustomed to being given gifts because no one in their right mind would give someone like me flowers and cakes. I don’t deserve them.’ He adds as a somber silence befell you both.
‘Well I think you do.’ You said after a while and Blade could only raise a brow at you. ‘It’s true! I’ll buy you a thousand bouquet of flowers and boxes of cakes if it means proving to you that you’re worth such things.’ You doubled down on your promise and Blade couldn’t help but smile a little at your determination to prove him wrong. It was a trait that he loved about you but wasn’t ready to admit it yet.
‘Even if the trail I leave behind is one of blood, death and pain?’ He asks.
‘Even then.’ You reaffirmed and Blade felt a warmth flood through him then and there as he sighs and takes the bouquet into his arms. ‘I’m no florist,’ he starts as he was just about to take the flowers up to his room before stopping to look at you over his shoulder, ‘but I’ll try to keep them alive, for you.’ He adds and your smile came back in full force.
A sight he loves to see as often as he could.
‘Everything has to die at some point, even flowers.’ You told him but he wasn’t having it.
‘Not if the flowers are from you, then I’ll keep trying in getting them to live forever.’ Blade replied and it was honestly the most romantic thing he’s ever said in that moment.
Dan Heng: thinks they were for someone else at first.
He, like welt, receives flowers for the rest of the Astral express crew now and then, but they paled in comparison to your bouquet of flowers and cakes.
‘Am I really worth all this?’ He asks, not so certain that he was in fact worth all the effort you’ve put into getting him such a radiant bouquet and delicious treats.
‘You are and I won’t hear otherwise Dan Heng.’ You said as you held him from behind, kissing his cheek that burned red afterwards, making you smile knowing that you still had that effect on him after so long.
‘Is this want to expect now? Bouquet and cakes?’ He says as he takes in the fact that you remembered each of his favourite flowers, and managed to have the florist organise them in a way that emphasised the beauty of each and every individual flower as they seamlessly blended into one another, almost as though it were a painting.
‘Only if you want it to be.’ You replied softly and Dan Heng gently rubbed a soft baby blue petal between his finger before letting them go, the faint smell of flora bringing about a sense of calm and belonging to his room. Something that his room severely lacked, but he didn’t understand what was missing back then as he did now, his room was missing your warm touch and it was very much the same for himself.
Dan Heng needed you in his life. He was missing your presence before he even met you, almost as though you were fated to meet and become romantically intertwined to one another.
‘Only if it’s from you.’ He says softly as he moves to look at. you with a soft expression. ‘Then consider it done.’ You kissed his lips this time, smiling against him in response upon feeling him smile into the kiss.
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revasserium · 1 year
beloved with zoro opla :O?
kiss me sweet, swallow me whole
opla!zoro; 2,155 words; nsfw, fem!reader, smitten!zoro, established relationship, fingering, p in v sex, "baby girl"/"baby", no "y/n", tummy shot, drowsy morning sex, pwp
summary: sleepy, emotional morning sex w/ zoro; that's it, that's the plot
a/n: extremely self-gratuitous zoro smut for my 2k celebration bc why not
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He breaks you like a promise, cracks you like lightning over his storm-ridden skies. He kisses you like you might have forever buried beneath the heat of your tongue, like if he just kissed you hard enough and deep enough he could pull the essence of you into his mouth, swallow it like sunken treasure. He kisses you greedy; he kisses you sweet and urgent and needy. He kisses you and you kiss him back and the pair of you trade your breaths as if you’re going to live underwater or in outer space — just like this, his breath for yours and yours for his, back and forth till neither of you knows where one ends and the other begins.
Truth tangles like sunlight against the morning seas, flickering and fractured.
Heat breaks between your bodies, and you think you can taste the shape of his grin against your lips. You pull back to catch him chuckling.
“Morning,” you say, leaning in to skim your teeth against his bottom lip.
He lets out a soft groan, surging forward to slot your mouth against his, thumb stroking along the line of your cheek, down your jaw to hold you close, hold you open —
“Morning…” he murmurs, when he finally pulls away again, your foreheads pressed, his nose nudging yours once before he trails his lips down to your neck. You feel his breath there, hot and ragged against your pulse. You hiss as you feel him, hard and insistent on your hip, his leg pressing up between yours, chasing white-hot tingles of pleasure up beneath your skin.
“Good dreams?” you ask, letting your eyes flutter closed as he mouths at the sensitive skin of your neck, his large, warm palms skimming down the length of your body, skating along the ridges of your ribs, down till they settle on the soft plush of your thighs and squeeze. You can’t help but whimper; his lips tug into a satisfied grin against your collarbone seconds before he sinks in his teeth just to hear you moan.
“Sure,” he answers, and you can still hear the slur of sleep in his voice, but there’s nothing sleepy about the way his fingers skim into the waistband of your panties, lingering in the dip of your hipbone, “You?”
You press your lips and let yourself sink into the dull, insistent ache of desire, inching your knees apart to allow him more access, your own fingers skimming along the skin of his biceps, up, up, and up till they sink into the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Mm… dreamt of you…” you admit in a low, honey-kissed voice.
At this, Zoro laughs, and the feel of it rumbling from his chest to yours makes your stomach tense in anticipation.
“Yeah? Wanna tell me about it?” the dull of his nails drags along your thighs as he slowly tugs your underwear from you, slipping them down your legs till you kick them away, breathless. He pushes himself up, caging you beneath him, the sudden, expectant heat of his erection pressing against your slick folds making your whole body shudder with want.
“Z-Zoro… mngh —” you squeeze your eyes, coherence fluttering from you, quick as sparrow-wings. But he tuts, leaning down bite into your shoulder, the sting making you twitch.
“Tell me.”
You suck in a long breath, forcing your eyes back open as you look up at him, batting your lashes, and he thinks he can lose himself in the caramel thickness of your gaze.
“You — I — ah fuck — “ you whimper pathetically as he leans back to slip a finger along your sodden folds, his neatly filed nails catching on your pulsing clit, making your entire body jerk and arch upwards. He watches with hooded eyes and kiss-bitten lips.
“Sorry — didn’t catch that —”
You whine, barely able to cast him a reproachful look before he pushes a finger deep into you, curling it to skim along where he knows you want him most. You keen, head tipping back to expose your throat. He is mesmerized by the sight of you, taken by the image —
He lets out a thick groan, pushing another finger into you, and then another, savoring in the way you quiver beneath him, the stretch of his fingers already setting you on edge. He gives his wrist an experimental flick and smirks, satisfied with the way your whole body shudders. He does it again, and then again.
“Mm — so about this dream…” he says, leaning down to drop a kiss to your collarbone before lowering himself to your tits and licking his lips. He’s never been shy about how much he loves them, the soft fullness that fills his palms so perfectly, the sensitive hardness of your nipples as he rolls them beneath his thumbs. He grins as he uses his free hand to give your right tit a squeeze, relishing the way your skin takes on the imprint of his palm and fingers.
He flicks his thumb against your clit again, pumping his fingers in and out of your needy cunt.
“Tell me about it.”
You shake your head, already incoherent, and he loves you like this — loves to know that he’s the only one who can reduce you to this with a few flicks of his wrist, a few thrusts of his fingers.
“Z-Zoro — need you — w-want you…” your voice is just as broken as his self-control feels as he leans down to mouth at your lips, licking into the heat of your mouth, sucking on your tongue as you whimper once more.
“Need you to use your words, baby girl.”
You whine, writhing beneath him as he pulls all three fingers from you and presses them to your lips. You let your mouth fall open without complaint, taking in his fingers, and he has to bite back a thick groan as he watches the way your tongue flicks out to lick each one of them clean.
“W-want you — want your c-cock —” your voice breaks, almost as if you’re shy about the indecency of the word, but Zoro only grins, pinning both your wrists above your head as he maneuvers himself between your legs and lets the tip of his cock tease against your entrance. You hiss at the contact, hips rucking up helplessly.
“Deep breath, baby,” he says, and for a moment, everything is still and everything is the breath — you feel the air fill your lungs, feel the faint press of his palm against your stomach, and then —
You let out a sharp cry as you feel him thrust into you in one, fluid, endless motion, knocking the breath from you. And then — it is only the stretch and fire, the burn and desire. You think you might go insane with the shape of him filling the shape of you, the push and pull, the force and full —
“F-fuck — more —!” and you’re desperate with it, he knows you are. The way you tug at his arms, the way your body tightens over his cock.
“Yeah? More?”
The bed creaks with the force of his thrusts, and he vaguely wonders how hard he’d have to fuck you before the entire thing breaks. You whine, high and pitched in the back of your throat, your whole body thrumming to the rhythm of his hips. Zoro groans, letting his head fall into the crook of your neck as he ruts into you, hard and fast and reckless.
“— so good — f-feels so — g-good —” your breathless, voice nearly ruined from how hard he’s fucking you, saltine tears kissing the edges of your lashes as you lay beneath him.
“Mm —” and he feels how close you are, feels you fluttering around him, your stomach tensing even as you tug weakly against his hold on your wrists.
“Z-Zoro — gonna — gonna —”
He leans down to capture your lips in his, intent on swallowing down your moans as your toes curl and your knees bend and he feels your climax crashing through you till you’re twitching beneath him, your cunt squeezing down over him, so tight it nearly drives him insane.
“Fuck — fuck, baby…” he groans as he feels your walls clamping down around him, and he pushes through still, feeling the head of his cock as it brushes against the base of your cervix and your entire body jerks at the movement.
“T-too much — Zoro!” you grapple at him, attempt to scramble away, but he’s a greedy man and he pulls you back by your hips, pinning you beneath him with a savage, hunter's grin.
“Yeah? It’s — a lot, hm? Think you can take more?” he asks, sitting back on his haunches now, his eyes half-lidded as he drags you down the length of the bed, nearly mindless with pleasure, fucking into you so fast and hard that your eyes nearly roll back into your head.
“N — ngh — yes —” your voice cracks and he grins, reaching down to pull you even higher over his hips, his fingers digging into your thighs as he hoists your entire lower body up into the air, holding you suspended so you’re helpless to do anything else but let him have his way with you.
“Lemme hear you beg —” he says, his voice slurring with want as he finally lets himself go, chasing his own high.
“Zoro — please, please, p-please!”
“Fuck — shit —” he pulls free of you a second before he cums, splattering your stomach and chest, gasping as he slowly sets you back down on the bed.
You’re both panting, and distantly, you can hear the sounds of the rest of the crew — the dull clank of footsteps, Usopp grumbling about having to pull up the anchor, Sanji calling for breakfast down the hall.
You let out a long breath, peering up at him with a lazy smile.
“You’ve made a mess,” you say, even as Zoro sighs, laughing as he slumps down beside you, nosing into your cheek.
“You helped,” he says, his voice gravely and low and almost accusatory. You crinkle your nose as you strain up to examine the thick ropes of sticky white cum drying on your stomach and chest.
“Mm,” you sigh as you slump back down into your pillows.
Slowly, Zoro pushes himself up and haphazardly wipes away the mess with one of his discarded shirts before tossing it back onto the floor. You make a face.
“Ew, aren’t you gonna wear that later?”
“Thought about it… not anymore,” he says as he slumps back down next to you, pulling the covers over you both and pressing a lazy kiss to your cheek. He loops an arm around you and you sigh into his touch.
You turn your face towards him only to find him smiling. You trace a finger against his cheek and lean in for yet another indulgent kiss. Like this, love is a language both your bodies have always known how to speak, and falling is just the font and the figure.
"You never did tell me about your dream," he says, tracing abstract patterns into your waist. You grin, feeling a blush creep into your cheeks.
"No need -- we just lived it."
Zoro laughs, even as an insistent knock comes at the door.
"Zoro? I know you're in there -- breakfast is ready. If you don't come out soon, Luffy's gonna eat everything," Nami's voice calls from beyond the door.
You groan, burying your face in his chest. Zoro sighs, but doesn't respond.
"Fine then, have it your way," Nami says as she leaves.
“Think we can skip breakfast?” you ask when you finally pull away.
Zoro grunts, “Probably… the cook’ll save something for us if we don’t show up. Even if he bitches about it.”
You giggle, head tipping back as he lays another series of kisses along your neck and collarbone.
“Yeah… he probably will.”
Zoro lets out a long breath as he tugs you into his chest, feeling you relax against the shape of him. He wonders if he’ll ever have the words to tell you what you mean to him — how you’ve grown to become his whole entire world. How there are facets of love he doesn’t know he’ll ever be able to explain — but you make him think that one day, he might be able to learn how to.
“I…” Zoro’s breath tapers off as you shift in his arms.
“Yeah,” you say, looping your arms around his torso and running your fingers against the planes of his back.
“Yeah,” he agrees, letting his body melt into the feel of you, the solidness of your touch, the warmth of the sunlight pouring in from the open window.
“I love you, Zoro,” you whisper, leaning in to press your lips to the place between his eyebrows.
He hums, holding you close, and then closer.
“Me too,” he says, his lips skimming the skin of your collarbone, and he hopes that you understand. The words weigh heavy on his tongue — sweet and salty and somehow, heavier than he’d imagined. He’s told you before, and he’ll tell you again. But sometimes, these words still don’t come as easy as he’d like.
But he hopes you understand.
You smile; you kiss him.
And he knows that you do.
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requests are temporarily: closed
but asks are always open :)
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gabessquishytum · 1 month
This time it’s hob who has only ever had shitty partners.
Let’s be real, hob doesn’t always make the best choices. And he is kind of a slut who leads with his heart and enthusiasm, and that means he has some category 5 bad exes. He’s been cheated on, he’s been yelled at and demeaned, he’s been strung along and heartbroken. Sometimes they’ve been controlling or emotionally manipulative. He’s had his stuff stolen, he’s been kicked out of his apartment, he’s been sued…
The thing is, hob loves with his whole heart and that’s gotten him in trouble.
And dream haaaates watching it.
Dream has never liked any of hob’s partners. As hob’s best friend he has seen hob through break up after bad break up, asshole after asshole who have taken him for granted or used him.
After hob caught his last boyfriend balls deep in someone else on their anniversary, hob comes to dream and declares that he is swearing off dating forever.
Dream has heard this before. but the issue is that hob is built for a relationship. He’s sooo husband shaped. He just picks badly.
dream is going to put a stop to it. He offers to take hob out for a night on the town—not Dream’s thing—and by the end of the night he fully intends to seduce hob, fuck hob’s brains out, and finally get his chance to treat hob like he deserves to be treated (like a treasured slut/pampered househusband/beloved boyfriend). Forever.
I know for a fact that this ask is several months old, I can only apologise to anon for that. I still have over 300 asks in my inbox, and some things that i wanted to answer get lost among spam and junk mail. Maybe one day I'll have the courage to clear out my inbox... but not today, lol. Onwards, to the prompt!
Hob is definitely a nuclear disaster when it comes to relationships. He follows his heart, and as sweet as that it, he does tend to ignore the red flags. Dream wants to tear his hair out, honestly. Hob deserves the nicest things in the world, but his taste in partners is so atrocious! Dream needs to intervene - he refuses to watch yet another car-crash. He needs to marry Hob and get him off the dating market permanently.
It turns out to be shockingly easy. Hob is a little tipsy when he first realises that Dream is flirting with him, but by the time they get back to Hob’s flat at 1am he's stone cold sober and ripping Dream’s clothes off. He seems to find it hard to believe Dream’s reassurances that they can take it slow, it won't be just a one night thing, Dream wants to take care of him... Hob has heard all those things before, from people who let him down. He is so desperate for a tiny bit of love from Dream, and he's fully willing to risk his poor fragile heart. Poor thing - Dream wants to wrap him up in blankets and protect him from the world. Instead he settles for giving Hob an incredible series of orgasms via 2 hours of fingering and foreplay before finally fucking him until he cries. Hob hasn't had such good sex... maybe ever? It's the pleasure he's been chasing for many slutty, slutty years.
Hob is surprised to find Dream in the morning, cuddling him and reassuring him that it wasn't just a fling. Hob even cries a little, admitting that he thought he was going to lose his best friend, that he loves Dream so fucking much. Dream showers him in kisses and promises that he will ALWAYS be Hob’s best friend. Just. Maybe also his boyfriend? And husband, as soon as they can organise a wedding?
Everyone who knows Hob is thrilled to see him absolutely light up and glow, once he settles into a relationship with Dream. He still gets to be a slut, because Dream wants him 24/7. He still gets to be Dream’s best friend, too. And he often says that his relationships were so shitty before because they just weren't meant to be - Hob’s soulmate was there the whole time, watching and waiting. And now they're together, he knows what it really is to be loved. No one will EVER treat him badly again <3
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misslavenderlady · 8 months
Just The Two of Us 💕
David/Marko (smidge of Dwayne/Paul on the side)
Summary: Marko loves David more than anything in the world. Whenever his lover needs him, he's there by his side. Through good times and bad.
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I would like to thank @silvermaplealder for commissioning me for this fic! Marko and David are amazing together, and I was honored to do this as my first ever commission! Please reach out to me if you'd like to request something as well!
WARNINGS: Mentions of sadness, jealousy, insecurity and poverty
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Vampires were surprisingly social creatures, despite their reputation for being bloodthirsty monsters. They needed the company of other vampires as they faced a life of immortality. To walk the Earth without the companionship of other vampires would cause severe damage to the psyche, leading to a severe depression. Having a coven was the ideal way of life for a vampire, and the Lost Boys were no exception. 
Marko in particular was fond of his beloved gang of biker friends. It seemed not too long ago he was on the run in the streets of Italy, constantly juggling between evading the law and finding work so he wouldn't starve. It was a hard life, but it changed for the better when David came into it. 
Though his undead heart no longer beat in his chest, Marko still remembered clearly how it thumped faster than the hooves of a running horse when David looked his way. A stunning figure of platinum hair and eyes of icy blue. He certainly stood out against the crowd, and it wasn't just because of his vampiric nature. The moment the two laid eyes on one another, Marko knew he wanted to be by his side forever. How lucky he was to know that "forever" was quite literal for their kind. 
He would do absolutely anything for the man he loved. No questions asked. 
This night in particular would prove that sentiment. 
Marko had woken later than the others for once. He was hanging upside down in the rafters all alone, with the mere whisper of a draft greeting his ears. Curious, he dropped down from the ceiling, gracefully landing on his feet in order to go searching for the others. Every night was an adventure when you were a Lost Boy, and he wanted to see what tonight would bring. 
"Helloooooo~!" he called out to the open air as his boots stepped against the floor of the lobby. His voice echoed outward, scattered across the walls with nobody to hear. Not even the sound of music from Paul's boombox could be heard, which was most certainly odd. Curiouser and curiouser. 
Determined to find his friends, Marko relied on his other senses for clues. He took a deep breath in, trying to find a possible trace of the signature scents each of the boys had. Dwayne's cologne and Paul's weed were a bit fainter, meaning they had most likely gone out for a head start in causing debauchery for the night. Still, one scent was still fresh and close. 
David's cigarettes. 
The blond vampire followed a wispy trail of smoke, climbing over their treasures and furniture so he could make his way to an opening in the cave. Sure enough, his hazel eyes caught sight of a familiar figure all dressed in black, leaning against the stone exterior. 
"David!" Marko called out, a smile stuck on his handsome face. Though he never went a night without seeing David, he was always ecstatic to see him. "Whatcha doin' out here? You never step out of the cave for a smoke."
Though David was one for clever quips and mischievous words, he didn't seem to be in his usual mood tonight. As Marko got closer, he saw a bit more clearly how deflated David's posture was. His head and shoulders hung low and his hands were loose, barely hanging onto the cigarette, as if he didn't care if it fell into the dirt before he could finish. Goosebumps stood up on Marko’s arms as the fear of something being wrong with his mate. 
“David?” he repeated as he stepped a bit closer. 
The platinum blond let out a sigh, his whole body slumping more than it had been already. He turned around to meet Marko’s eyes, greeting him with a rather somber expression. 
“Evening,” David said to him. 
“What’s the matter, love?” Marko asked, reaching out to place his gloved hands on David’s cheeks. The hairs on his face scratched along the leather material. 
David leaned into Marko’s touch, already feeling far more relaxed than he had been before. 
“You mind if we walk and talk on the beach?” David asked. “I could use some fresh air.”
Marko didn’t have to be asked twice. He would walk to the ends of the Earth if David asked him to. But a slow stroll across the sand would do for now. Marko removed his hands in order to wrap them around David’s arm instead. The two vampires nuzzled close together as they walked together. They had made a fair amount of distance away from the cave before David finally spoke again.
“It’s rather dumb. Something I should even be bummed out about…”
“Try me.”
David truly wasn’t one to deny the requests of his beloved mate. Marko was a feisty little vampire, but was fiercely loyal and full of warmth whenever they were together. It made his undead life a little bit brighter. Like having the embrace of sunshine once again.
“It’s Dwayne and Paul…” he explained. “They’re on a date. But not just any date. Tonight’s the night. Dwayne’s gonna pop the question.”
“Holy shit, really?” Marko exclaimed. His hazel eyes glimmered at such exciting news. “That’s awesome! He’s been planning this for months. We’re gonna have to celebrate when they get back!”
Though the curly haired vampire was bursting with excitement at the idea of his two best friends getting married, he was surprised to find that David didn't share that same level of thrill. His smile was soft and his shoulders still slumped. 
“Something tells me you're gonna give me a downside to this.”
“Yeah…” David admitted. As he continued his walk, he turned away from Marko’s gaze. Blue eyes scanning over the smooth waves that kissed the shoreline. 
“I've been thinking a lot lately. You and I have been together the longest. We've seen almost an entire century of life. And yet…I feel like I've barely done anything for you.”
Marko was perplexed by such a statement. He tilted his head slightly to the side, a few of his golden ringlets falling off his shoulder. 
“What do you mean?”
“I mean….well damn, look where we are!” David said, gesturing a gloved hand across the beach. “We've been chased by police night after night, we steal everything we own, and we don't even have a proper home. We all live in a cave like a pack of wild animals.”
A snicker escaped Marko’s lips as he watched his mate grow distressed at such an idea. 
“Marko, no,” David interrupted him. He stopped in his tracks, grabbing hold of Markos hand as he gazed into his eyes. 
“I'm being serious right now. We're poor. I have nothing to give you. Dwayne’s been working hard to provide for Paul and the ring he got, but he shouldn't have to. I'm our leader, goddammit. You guys should have everything you could ever want or need. We should all be living like kings in a castle, not living in a cave.”
A deep ache radiated through Marko’s toned chest. He had never seen David so vulnerable before. Though all of the boys were close enough to be open and honest with one another, there were still secrets and feelings that they weren’t always comfortable sharing. Personal demons that haunted them even as they made the most of their new lives. David in particular guarded his heart the most, so to see him become so distraught was a big surprise.
Marko never wanted to be the cause of a broken heart for David. If his beloved leader was putting unnecessary pressure on himself to give Marko more than he already had, then he would make it his personal responsibility to fix that. 
“David, amore,” Marko cooed, squeezing David’s hands in his own. “Why do you feel like what you’ve given us isn’t enough?”
“Because….you’ve given up so much to live this life. I know I act like it’s the easiest decision in the world, but it’s not,” David sighed. “What if you had lived a better life without me? You could have been a famous artist. A singer. Made millions and had a big family. And I took that chance from you. You live in a home made from rocks and dirt with no chance of seeing the sun again.”
David’s hand trembled terribly in Marko’s grasp. The younger vampire could feel the gloved fingers tensing up, as if David was fighting back the physical reaction of his distraught feelings. He certainly didn’t want to show weak, teary eyes as a leader, even if Marko would understand. 
Silence hung in the air between the two of them. Nothing but the rolling pattern of the waves greeted their ears. Marko’s head spun with possibilities of what he could possibly say or do to make things right. Let’s run away together. Let’s get married too. Let’s break into a house in the hills and make it our own. Let’s burn Santa Carla to the ground and build our own kingdom on top of its ashes.
Truly, the vicious nature of his vampirism made his ideas more and more chaotic. But Marko realized that wasn’t right for such a moment. Deciding not to think much harder about it, he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around David’s body. A hug. Sometimes the simplest gesture was the best. 
David stood in silence, letting out a surprised gasp at such an action. Marko didn’t shy away from sensual touches and brotherly play fights, but something sweet, like a hug, wasn’t something he gave often. Of course, David returned the favor by embracing Marko as well. 
“Do you remember when we met?” Marko whispered in his lover’s ear. “How I was nothing but skin and bone, living on the streets with none of my family left?”
“I remember how much food I bought you at dinner every night to help you bulk up,” David said, softly smiling as the memory returned to him.
“You saved me. I wanted to be rescued, and you heard my call. You promised to love and care for me for literal eternity, and not a day goes by that I don’t feel happy that you did that. My life was changed for the better, amore.”
The two blonds pulled back on their hug so that Marko could nuzzle his face into the skin of David’s neck. When David began to run his fingers through the curly ends of his hair, he was practically purring in the delight. It only furthered the point he was trying to make about David being good to him.
“My life got so much better too, Marko,” David sighed. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilty about not having more for you.”
“I know. But I would be perfectly happy if I spent every day for the rest of my life in that cave. Because while it may not seem like much to you now, you know it’s our home. We’re all together and happy, and that’s what truly makes it our home. I don’t ask for anything else, David.”
If David’s heart could still beat, it truly would be racing. Hearing the man he loved say such meaningful things made him feel like that baby bat of a vampire again. Head over heels and having their dates every night. Their first kiss was on one of the beaches of Italy. 
It only made sense for him to give another kiss on this one. 
David’s pointer finger and thumb curled under Marko’s chin, tilting it upward. The two vampires melted into one another, tightening their embrace as they kissed passionately under the moonlight. Though David stressed so much over what he couldn’t give Marko and the boys, all he thought about now was how lucky he was to just have them by his side. 
Everything was going to be okay. It didn’t matter how much money they all had or where they traveled to. They were a pack. The Lost Boys. All they needed to be happy was each other. None of them would ever take such a thing for granted.
When the two of them pulled away, they rested their foreheads together, sighing in content from the bliss of their embrace. However, it didn’t last long, as a familiar voice shouting from the top of a nearby sand dune called out to them.
The two vampires glanced over to find their friends out in the distance. Dwayne was standing still and proud, but Paul was bouncing up and down like a playful puppy. He was eagerly waving around his left hand and pointing at it with the other. Even in the darkness, they could see light flickering off of a diamond engagement ring that Dwayne had put on Paul’s finger.
Marko and David chuckled in delight, amused by the reaction their friend got from his engagement. They nodded and waved back to the other two, silently promising to join them in a minute. Paul was off like a shot, grabbing hold of Dwayne’s hand and rushing back down the hill where they had come from.
“See? Looks like everyone got what they wanted after all,” Marko said to him, giving a little wink. 
David smiled back at him, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek. A big smile stretched across Marko’s face, unable to hide the joy in his heart at seeing David in a better mood. 
“Yes, Marko. Yes we did.”
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credit of artwork goes to @silvermaplealder
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Tag List: @cryptic-michael @ghoulgeousimmaculate @oceansrose2002 @hypocriticaltypwriter @vampirefilmlover @bloodywickedvamp
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captainportgasdace · 3 months
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♡ This post of @neonpaperlanterns broke my heart so much, it reminded me of a little thing I wrote. I changed it a bit, since @neonpaperlanterns was interested, I decided to share it here. I know some things doesn’t make sense like they didn’t knew the gender but let’s pretend! ♡
♡ Pairing: Portgas D. Rouge x Gol D. Roger
♡ CW: Fluff, expecting a baby, sadness, accepting death
♡ Tag list: @neonpaperlanterns @stillxnunpxidintern @help-i-lost-my-sock
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“Roger, you need to be realistic. This illness is slowly killing you. I’m a doctor, not a miracle ass-worker, you refuse to stop drinking, the illness has progressed so much in the last few months, I can’t do better than that.”
Roger wouldn’t want to hear those words by Crocus but definitely, he knew this moment would eventually come; his illness was deadly. Crocus has been able to slow it down, but couldn’t do it forever.
“How much time do I have left?”, ended up asking Roger, with a look full of hopes.
“Three months if you’re lucky," he replied.
Three months.
His heart dropped. Rouge, his secret wife, was currently four months pregnant. That was a secret between them. Their little treasure.
As soon as he said four months, those words resonated in his head and he couldn’t think about anything else.
Right before they head to their last voyage, Roger had to stop at Baterilla to have, at least, one last night with the love of his life, Rouge.
How would he announce it? He had no idea. She knew he was sick but didn’t know how bad it actually was. Despite the illness, despite the age gap between them, she still decided to have a baby with him because he was the love of her life.
“Roger! I’m pregnant! We are having a little baby!”
Those words she pronounced. Her eyes filled with tears of joy. It was definitely one of the happiest days of his life, he was absolutely thrilled to become a father! Day one, he was already picturing himself holding this baby, showing it the sea, taking naps, traveling the world.
And I won’t even see your face…
Before heading to Rouge's house, Roger stopped to get hibiscus flowers and went to her house. Before he could even knock the door, Rouge opened up and hugged him.
“Roger, my love, guess what! We are having a little boy!”
Caught by surprise, Roger couldn’t hold back his tears and held her back. He was so happy, he wouldn’t stop babbling about his future son.
“Of course he will be a pirate! The best one, better than me! And he will find One Piece! Hahahaha!”
“My love, what about letting our son follow his own path?”
Rouge and Roger were decorating the little room for their future son. A cute little room, all painted in blue to represent the calm ocean. Roger bought a giant whale plushie from one of his travels. Since he knew they were expecting a baby, he was always bringing little gifts. This is why the room was invaded by multiple plushies.
He built a ship crib and painted it by himself; he never was very crafty but he gave his whole heart to build it and paint it himself. It had to be a little ship for his little future pirate. He was, sometimes, gently pushing the crib to see it gently rocking back and forth.
“For the nights where he can’t sleep, the crib will gently rock it back and forth, just like a ship on the waves. Cradled by the ocean.”, he said with a gentle smile.
Rouge approached him and smiled, looking at the end result of the freshly decorated room. They were proud of themselves because this room has been painted and decorated by them, with all the love they had for this baby.
After dinner, Roger got sick; he almost fell down, coughing blood. With a sad look, Rouge helped him. She knew how sick he was but it saddened her to see her beloved in such a bad shape. Afterwards, they went to her bed to relax. She was laying in his arms while he was caressing her long strawberry pink hair.
“Crocus told me I have three months left, my darling.”, he admitted. “This is…this is probably our last night together. I’m so sorry…it escalated so fast.”
Despite his tough look, Rouge could see the sadness on his face. She sighed and gently caressed his face.
“I was expecting it. You weren’t getting better…”
“I won’t even get to meet him, my little treasure, Ace…”
He gently caressed her belly and for the first time, they felt a little move. They looked at each other and smiled, Roger couldn’t hold back his tears.
“Ace…I’m so sorry I won’t get to meet you. Please know that I love you. I love you so much”
His voice cracked. It was the first time that Rouge would see him cry. They both cried so much that night.
“My love, I promise I will do anything to protect Ace. I’ll talk about you everyday, I will raise him here and he will know how great you were.”
“I hope he will understand…my darling, I don’t want to reach the point where I’m slowly dying. When I’m king, I’ll retire in glory and surrender myself to the marines. I-I hope you understand.”
She nodded, in tears. As much as it broke her heart, she understood that it was the best solution to not see him suffer.
Everything after that night escalated fast; Roger became the king of the pirates a few weeks later, disbanded the crew and surrendered himself to the marines, as planned.
Alone in his prison cell, waiting for death, the only thing he could think about was his unborn son. The tears rolling down his face.
Ace…when your mother announced to me she was expecting a baby, I was filled with happiness. Maybe becoming a father has been a dream of mine. My son, my treasure. I wish we could’ve met. My only regret is to think that I’ll never hold you in my arms, tell you how much I love you. I feel like since I’ll never meet you, I will never become a father officially.
You will hear a lot of things about me. You might hate me. I never wanted you to be born with the pressure of being my son and this is why I asked Garp to take care of you. A newborn bears no sins and whatever you decide to do, I’ll be your biggest supporter.
I loved you Ace. You were my treasure.
Alone in Ace’s room, Rouge caressed her belly, looking at all the plushies and playing the lullaby of the mobile hanging on the crib.
“Ace, you can’t come out yet, the marines, those monsters, are killing every pregnant woman and every newborn. But don’t worry, you’ll be fine, we’ll be fine, we promised him.”
She wiped off her tears and held the baby for 20 months. For love.
As the newborn was crying, she caressed his cheek with her shaking hand.
“Ace…I love you. We loved you so much…”
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mcwentfandomtraveling · 10 months
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A/n : Woke up feeling like there is absolutely no greater treasure in this world then women! So I wanted to write a lil' thing about my fictional wife Rika <3 Also I have my period so ouch, why not two birds with one stone this? :D anyways thank you! Please no constructive criticism, I'm not in a place mentally to handle it since I have a lot going on...anyways enjoy :3 sending love and warm huggies to everyone! This is my first time publishing this kind of thing, so obviously it's not that good as I'm embarrassed with every word I write but I'm trying anyways, gotta start somewhere! But hey, at least I tried! Apologies if Rika is a little ooc, I don't think we had a lot to go off for her character so I did my best...
Pls minors dni with this post, I'll write a fluffier fun thing for you guys later ;-;
Warnings : Period stuff, vaginal fingering, slight body worship, Y/n is still a little shy and new to showing off her body.
My Whole World
Rika x Fem! Reader
Y/n just couldn't do it anymore.
She'd done everything so that everyone would be comfortable, she took on some of the Chairwoman's tasks, she helped the gym leaders with new strategies and techniques, she filed the progress reports for the Star training centers, she'd volunteered at the academy, and it all just became so exhausting.
Then finally it came-
Her break day! Y/n was so excited! She'd been waiting forever to finally unwind!
However seems that her wish just wasn't meant to be, that fine morning she'd discovered the bedsheets underneath her were stained with her blood.
"Oh come on! I just wanted one day" she mumbled, her shoulders slumping in her loose pyjamas. Y/n didn't pay attention to her surroundings when a sudden voice interrupted her thoughts, "One day to do what sweetheart?"
Y/n quickly snapped out of her thoughts to see her lover, Rika standing in the doorway of the bedroom.
"Nothing! Don't worry about it- Hey! I thought you had Elite four stuff to do today!" Y/n chided, "you'll be late if you don't hurry up! Come here! how about you ride one of my pokemon to work?" She added.
Rika simply laughed and hugged her cute girlfriend. "Today is basically just paperwork I brought home! I'm done anyways" She said bringing an end to her lover's worries.
Y/n looked up at Rika wanting to ask another question when Rika suddenly lifted her into her arms. "Y/n my sweetheart, today is your day off, so please let me take care of you" she said.
Y/n looked up at Rika, blushing and stuttering and feeling like a mess "But-But-"
Rika only smiled and said "today is about you, my darling" as she sat her lover down on a sofa in the study "Now don't worry about the sheets, cleaning, housework or anything! The Woopers will help with that, just focus on me" She added.
Y/n looked up at her, speechless as a million thoughts raced through her head at once.
Rika gently held her close, arms wrapped snuggly around her beloved woman.
She gently fell into a kiss, an electrifying silence filled the room exept for a soft panting when they stopped for air.
Electricity of the moment shifting as a ground shaking love and desire filled thier eyes.
Rika gently traced Y/n's curves feeling the warmth that radiated through her lover's clothes.
"Rika, you know I can't today" Y/n mumbled.
"Can't what?" Rika asked.
Y/n blushed again, "Can't have sex, I have my period" she answered softly as she awkwardly looked away.
"And why not?" Rika asked again.
"I don't want to get you dirty with my blood" Y/n said shifting awkwardly to look away again.
Rika gently held her lover's face still as she spoke her mind to her dearest love, "There's nothing dirty about blood, it's life, it's nature! Everything about you is desirable, you're more the just a treasure Y/n, you're my world."
Y/n blushed hearing Rika's words "Are you sure Rika?" she asked as Rika gently slid off Y/n clothes, feeling her warmth directly.
"I've never been more sure sweetheart"
Rika gently massaged Y/n's breasts, gently rubbing her thumbs over Y/n's nipples.
Y/n hummed in delight as Rika gently pushed her down onto the sofa hungrily kissing her again and again, then moving to pepper kisses all over her her body.
Rika got down to Y/n's thighs.
"Ready Y/n?" Rika asked.
"Yeah" Y/n replied breathlessly.
Rika gently moved Y/n's legs apart looking at what she desired.
"You're my beautiful princess today, so focus on your own pleasure ok?" Rika asked.
Y/n blushed, not knowing just what to say.
It felt nice being cared for.
Rika gently moved her fingers along her folds not bothered by any blood and instead admiring every detail of her lover's body, she traced her fingers up and down her lover's labia before stopping as she went up one last time and focusing on Y/n's clit.
Y/n whimpered softly, attempting to stop any noise from coming out.
"No no sweetheart, I love the noises you make, keep going" Y/n whimpered softly called out Rika's name again and again.
Rika smiled "Awww, you're so cute sweetheart, there's kind of an innocence to your moans" She commented.
"I, don't usually do this kind of thing" Y/n admitted.
Rika gently moved her fingers inside Y/n earning a little yelp of surprise at first which then started turning into moans of pleasure as Rika knows just where to massage.
"What kind of thing my sweet? Period sex?" She asked.
"Sex or even masterbation in general" Y/n responded, awkwardly looking away.
Rika giggled slightly at the sight.
"Don't worry my sweet Y/n, you'll get more experience! For now I'll treasure your cute shyness! It's a lovely sight" she replied.
Rika gently kept massaging Y/n's g-spot earning sweet whimpers from her shy lover.
Rika melted at the sight of her lover blushing and gripping the fabric underneath her, she just looked so cute! "I'd give you the world you know" she said.
Y/n hummed at her lover's words, feeling the delight and the pleasure filling up her thoughts with nothing but Rika. "You've already given me something far beyond ultra space or even time travel" Y/n responded.
Rika giggled "Oh, shush you! I'm glad you're feeling better" she said.
Y/n nodded, "yeah a lot."
Rika smiled, "great! Did you want to keep going or should I clean you up?" She asked.
Y/n blushed and nodded at the second half of the sentence.
"Awww! Alright" Rika replied.
"She gently lifted Y/n in her arms and brought her to the bathroom where she gently cleaned her off with warm water and bubbly soap.
Rika's heart wouldn't stop melting at the cute sight of her lover covered in soap.
She gently took the shower head and rinsed her off.
Once she turned off the shower head she saw the absolute cutest sight, Y/n gently shook the water off and smiled leaning back.
"Awwww you're cuter then a puppy pokemon" Rika cooed as she cuddled her still slightly wet lover.
"Love you" Y/n said softly.
Rika kept cuddling her closer.
"You're such a treasure! you know that?" Rika said.
"You mean more then any treasure ever will" Y/n said back.
Rika fell in love all over again.
"Aww, you're such a sweetheart love! Let's get you dressed" Said Rika as she gently carried her lover to the bedroom.
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dennydart · 1 month
10 characters 10 fandoms
rules: list your ten favorite characters from ten separate fandoms, then tag ten people! Heyyy @sheepishmastectomy thanks for tagging me :> I had a hard time deciding fandoms honestly!! I enjoy too much media…
Will Graham Relatable man! I too adjust my glasses constantly to avoid looking at people at work. Idk, he's just neat.
Sakura Haruno My girlll,,, my beloved. Kishimoto did you so dirty. I love how strong she is & how loyal + dedicated she is to her loved ones. I think as a character, she has so much potential!
Theon Greyjoy I honestly started out really hating him! He's not very likable at first… but once you get further in the series he quickly became a fav for me! I like how complicated his feelings are for basically every relationship in his life. Like 'I love you but I hate you. I want to be you & I'm so envious of everything you have' <- that's Theon
Genesis Rhapsodos Listen. I am here for the drama. This man, he knows drama. I would in fact argue, he is the drama.
Shang Qinghua Honestly can you get more real then him… writes a whole novel about a sadboy evil protag just to make a living, while being very gay and making his ideal husbando as a side character. Then getting trapped in that world, meeting said husbando and misinterpreting all of his actions… he's just so real… I love him.
Toad Specifically from x-men evolution. Do not ask me why, I do not know. I was just… like obsessed with him when I was a kid. Still holds a special place in my heart.
Kazuma Kuwabara Empathetic but putting on a tough boy attitude?? Secret softy?? The heart of the team? Loves cats as much as I do??? This man has my whole heart.
Hanataro Yamada I have just always adored him since I first saw him in bleach. I think it's because I find him very relatable. But also I appreciate his bravery and willingness to sacrifice himself to help save Rukia, because he admires her & knows she hasn't done anything wrong.
Spike Literally a teenage heart-throb… can't get over him, won't ever get over him. But to be real, I notice a lot of the vampires from Buffy pretty much immediately turn evil & deplorable… like you see with Jesse, Angelus, etc. but with Spike, he retained so much of his ability to love and care about other people. Like his first thought was to turn his chronically ill mother so they could hang out forever. Idk,,, he's just such a good villain because a lot of his motivations are completely understandable.
John Silver Specifically from treasure planet. I love how conflicted of a character he is. Torn between his desire to care for Jimbo but also his loyalty to his mission with his pirate crew. What a guy.
I don't really have 10 people to tag :b but anybody who want to do this should!! It's nice to reflect on why you love your faves
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merrick-of-violet · 7 months
Oliver couldn't celebrate Merrick's birthday the way she deserved it to be, but that didn't mean he couldn't shower her in attention.
He woke her up with kisses peppered anywhere he could reach, and precious words of adoration muttered in-between them. It didn't seem like her birthday was something she gave much importance to, but that wouldn't do at all. She deserved to have the world served to her on a silver platter, and then some.
He's never made Chicken Piccata in his life nor after it, but that didn't mean he couldn't try. He'd set up dinner for her and lit a scented candle he'd found around the house during his cleaning. Even when they've finally sat down to have dinner, his hands continued to shake with nerves. Oliver has to set down his glass to take a deep breath, looking up at Merrick with a smile. My everything.
The spirit reaches over to hold her hand in his own, thumb brushing over her skin and sighing as if he's just fell in love all over again. "I love you." He breathes out, raising her hand up to press his lips to her knuckles.
"I adore you, my darling... I've loved you ever since I've known you, Merrick. You've been so good to me, too good to me. Your mind is a treasure, as is every part of you. I need you to know you deserve every beautiful thing this broken, beautiful world could give you."
Taking in a shaky breath, he finds his feet and stands up from his seat, walking to the other side of the table before kneeling beside her. A kiss is pressed to her wrist, and the worship and love in his eyes in nearly religious.
"If I loved you less, I may be able to properly describe how much I want and need you beside me every day moving forward. But it's impossible. There aren't words that could compare to the whole of you." One anxious hand slips into his pocket and grasps at the ring he'd been holding onto for years, holding it out for her with glazed-over eyes. The one that now belonged to Merrick, if she'd have him.
"I want you to know my love is infinite and ever-lasting, my darling... will you stay by my side in this eternity?"
It had been a long, long time since Merrick gave her birthday much thought.
In her previous life, her father passed away around the time of her birthday, so it became a somber time of year. And then… well, spending several decades alone in an endless void as a disembodied spirit didn't really call for celebration. Even though she shared the date with Oliver, she wasn't expecting anything special. Every day that she got to wake up in his arms with kisses and loving words so reverently pressed against her skin was more than she could ever ask for.
As wonderful as the day had been, there was a nervous energy hovering about her beloved, and the first thing she thought was that he's worried about making the day special. She does what she can to try and help his nerves, smiling lovingly as their eyes meet across the table.
“I love you, too, Oliver,” she responds softly, his touch and kiss sending a shiver of delight down her spine. It was always like the first time all over again. And as he continues, her heart hammers away in her chest. Always so sweet to her, so adoring. The part of her that screams that she isn't worthy of him is much quieter these days, and she finds herself shaking her head. “Darling, there's no such thing as me being too good to you, everything I-”
Something about him standing up and moving closer makes whatever she was going to say die in her throat, staring at Oliver with wide, periwinkle eyes as he kneels before her. Merrick is frozen in place, giving him her undivided attention. This felt important, and for all her intelligence and observation, it doesn't hit her until she sees the ring.
He's… he's proposing.
There's no second thought, no hesitation. Merrick already wants him always, forever, and whatever comes after. Her own eyes well with tears, and her hand is now shaking as she covers her mouth, nodding quickly before lowering it. He needed to hear her clearly. “Yes… yes, of course,” she responds, her voice warbling with emotion as she holds out her hand.
He's barely slipped on the ring before she is joining him on the floor, hugging him tightly as a happy sob bursts out of her. “This eternity, every eternity across all of time… I'm yours.”
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darkmatter-nebula · 1 year
Could you write something about a Ask that was made about Colli's fears?
Based on the Mortality of his friends and family.
Sometimes the little Star Child contemplates his companions, his friends and his family and brother and knows that one day... they will no longer be there.
When those kind of thoughts crosses his head he demonstrates more affection than usual, it is like he haven't saw then for years and wants to held them for a long time.
Long breaths and sometimes a tiny tear rolls down on his half moon painted face, when he hugs them those thoughts ease a bit, and it's followed by a urge to do anything that involves everyone, cuz he wants to take every opportunity to be with them, he doesn't wanna lose time.
Sometimes play cards, make rhyme contest, riddles, play tag...
Title of the Request: Those Sad Eyes on a Happy Day.
Hi! Thank you for the request!
Colli is already a very affectionate little starboy. But yeah, even more so when he gets this sad thoughts. By the way, this takes place before the drabble "Blood Pact". If you haven't read it, Hunter heard about a spell that connects people forever. Basically, Hunter wanted to do it with Colli. The spell makes people sense each others presence, shared dreams, and even a shared lifespan. Since Colli is immortal, the spell made Hunter immortal as well. The young Grimwalker is very happy about the fact that he'll spend all eternity with his beloved little brother, whom he loves more than anything.
Drabble: Those Sad Eyes On A Happy Day
It was a sunny day on the Boiling Isles as the most inseparable pair of brothers played tag. The young Grimwalker didn't fail to notice the sadness in his beloved little brother's kind eyes. The small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold knew that, someday, he would lose everyone he knew and loved.
Colli couldn't surpress a few tears. Then, he bursted out crying. Hunter immediately wrapped his arms around Colli and cuddled him close. "Colli, what's wrong? You can tell me everything, my Love." Hunter whispered softly as he pressed with infinite tenderness his forehead against Colli's.
"It's just... I will outlive everyone I know and love... I can't bear the thought of losing everyone... the thought of losing you, big brother." The kindhearted eternal little boy said between sobs as Hunter kissed lovingly his tears away.
The former Golden Guard put softly his hand on the blue side of Colli's adorable multi-colored face and caressed lovingly his greatest treasure's freckled cheek. "So that troubles you the whole time. As long as I live, I will always be there for you, Colli."
Hunter took his beloved little brother's hand and intertwined his fingers with Colli's. "I love you." The blonde boy placed more loving kisses all over the immortal celestial boy's face. Colli clinged to Hunter like a lifeline.
The End
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zhongrin · 1 year
Rinnnnn!!!! Hope ya are doing great these days! ❤️❤️
Wdym typo? I thought Moray eel Zhonglee is your hubby? /j
help 🤸
Wait ya mean you hc Zhongli as a kind of messy? And forhejeibejek so cute how you're controlling it for your hubby aaaa, you truly complete each other <33
Ikr?? I can't speak as fancy as the both of them like 🏃💨 hope my Zhongli drabbles are already enough heh. (BTW! can I send ya some drabbles from time to time too? <3)
LMAO ngl I somehow understand that, stan Meitham <33 (plssss it's also so cute dodbejkwk)
HELP RIN I would never simp for Zhongli (although some ppl are doubting that heh-);; but I had some troubles the last day in which I thought my Ayato phase came back but it didn't. I still love Baizhu with my whole heart ❤️🤸
HELP RIN you're so cute, but no need to do that mwah <33
Yes Changsheng was literally all the time like: aight, can ya get together now? Can't handle Baizhu nor you acting like this 🙄
IKR QIQI IS SO CUTE I wanna hug her so bad frfr ❤️❤️
Ah I see I see, but he surely thought his dear friend is lucky to have a follower like you <33
LMAO ALHAITHAM 😭 I mean he totally would omfg.;; But yes I can understand the relief of his then heh
Ikrikr he surely was but he also was confused at first when he saw me walking up the stairs, limping a bit but also he was like "Who is this? Never seen her" like new patient yk
Then he saw me tripping and ofc he rushed over to help me and was like "Oh she is clumsy. But adorable. Wait WHAT-;;"
What can I say? He fell 0.0000001 seconds faster than me heh.
Next question! <3
Do you have any pet names for your hubby's? If so, what are they and also maybe why it is that specific pet name? <3
(help Rin I thank you sm for answering my long ass asks with such long ass texts, I really appreciate it and I really enjoy reading it aaaaaa <33❤️)
i am!! ty for asking ehheh i hope you're doing well too and baizhu is giving you enough kithes <3
moray eel zhonglee gOODBYE I AM DEAD HLSDJFKLJSDFS no but fr they're so funny looking i cannot- also APPARENTLY THERE'S A DRAGON MORAY EEL VI WE'RE ONTO SOMETHING HERE in an alternate universe, liyue is an underwater kingdom with dragon moray eel zhongli ruling over the city
not exactly messy but he hoards a lot of things. yk how asian parents keep the sauces and containers from takeaway food? ....... yeah.
you can send me drabbles yes ofc that would make my day???? hsldjflksjdklf you don't even need to ask helphsldkfjklsjdlf but you don't have to ofc!!! never feel pressured to do so, although pls know that i would treasure them forever if you ever do so 😭
......... vi vi vi what if. imagine both baizhu and ayato pining for you- 👀
where did the dolls come from you ask? uhhhhhhh- we're writers we have ✨unlimited✨ imagination :D
"oh she's clumsy" -> "oh that's adorable i want to protect her- wait what-" is the only valid reaction nodnod would you say baizhu is protective of you then bc i can totally see that hehe <3
pet names!!!!
i have a lot for zhongli hehe i call him xiànɡ ɡonɡ / hubby, lónglí (mashing character for dragon + last character of his name), li, darling, dear, love.... i actually had a whole post about it sldjfklsjdlf ALSO ALSO since you're a selfship enthusiast if you're interested there's this collab you can check out hehe
for al haitham.... actually not that much bc he doesn't call me by nicknames too much either!! but i do call him haitham, dear, beloved, babe (to fluster him mainly lmao)!! and he usually just calls me by name (meirin / mei / rin) but on private he might use habibti or love <3
how about you and baizhu? what kind of nicknames do you have for each other? also!!! what kind of dates are your favorite? <3
(and pls it's no problem at all, i'm glad you like the long responses bc i. i gush about my selfships a LOT WAUGHHJDSFH i enjoy reading your asks too wahhh they always make me smile <3)
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inblazes · 19 days
“I love you.”
Holding onto Diluc’s hands as he stated this, Wriothesley gazed down at his beloved phoenix with absolute reverence and adoration. His thumbs stroked along the ridges of the princeling’s knuckles before he leaned down to press their foreheads together, shutting his eyes as he allowed his emotions to begin to consume him whole.
“For the first time in my life, I have something—someone, that I am afraid of being without. It’s…terrifying, really. The thought of being without you in any way, shape, or form, has me ready to simply keel over, as dramatic as it sounds. I’ve always refrained from being selfish, because there are people who need more, and even deserve more, rather than a man like me does.
But I want to be, now.
I want to be selfish; I want to keep you in my life and have you by my side for as long as I can. Forever, if possible. Even so, despite my greed, I can never keep you caged. I will never. You’re made for the sun, my love; made for the winds to soar high above the rest. You’re brilliant, beautiful, brave. To keep you caged would be the greatest crime.”
Taking in a slow breath, Wriothesley nuzzles their foreheads together just a touch, brushing their noses together briefly.
“I am not meant for warm heavens. I’m meant for the infernal abyss, to live a life beneath the seas and make peace with the cards I’ve been dealt as Cerberus; a hellhound forever chained to the Underworld,” the Duke states, his voice only audible enough for the both of them. His tone was a tad strained, his hands releasing the Ragnivindr man’s to instead move around him and hold him by his slim waist. His body began to slump and slide downwards, one of his knees collapsing to the floor while the other foot remained planted firmly upon the ground they stood.
His forehead pressed against the warmth emanating from Diluc’s stomach. Even through his many layers of clothing, he was the warmest comfort Wriothesley had ever come to know. Taking in a trembling breath, his arms wind tighter around his Persephone, keeping him as close as possible as his brows furrow and eyes remain tightly closed.
“… You’ve asked me before whether you’re deserving of a second chance. You’re deserving of that and more, Diluc. You deserve kindness, security, understanding, empathy, comfort, happiness, and most of all, love. I want to give all of that to you. I want to give you everything I have, everything that I am. I may not be worthy to have you in the same way you have me, but I would do anything to remain with you for as long as you permit. I wish to treasure you and keep you content; to leave you wanting for naught.
Diluc Ragnivindr, I love you with my entire being.”
Pulling and lifting his head away from his beloved’s middle in order to gaze up at him with kyanite eyes full of yearning, his expression imploring and the most tender it has ever been. “Despite my duties, despite my inability to remain on the surface, I cannot fathom being apart from you. At the potential risk of making you wish to run away, allow me to plead my case and show you just how ardently I feel for you and want you.
Allow me to express my desire to be a permanent part of your life…by asking you for your hand in marriage.”
Well now, just what was all of this about?
At first, it's almost a point of concern -- particularly so with all the talk of losing him when he held no intention of parting ways with his love, save for his trips to Mondstadt for work.
"Don't be silly, you would not be caging me in the slightest. Not a soul in all the lands could truly keep me against my will and you know that. It is entirely my choice to be at your side, and it always has been. I'm here because I want to be... And because it would kill me to lose you, too."
Indeed, he was almost getting used to the idea that he would always lose out on the people he cared for... But he, too, was selfish at his core -- and only wanted to cling onto the one good thing going for him right now, certain that to lose him would break him.
If there had been any hint of scolding in his features, it would soon be long gone as his face softened into something warm and gentle, a gloved hand reaching to squeeze the one within his own.
He had to admit that it felt good to be desired, though he has no idea where this... confession, of sorts, is about to lead.
"You're a good man, Wriothesley. The man that I love -- and fell for -- is who you are now, not whatever version of yourself you seem to think I deserve, so stop with the nonsense. I adore you, and that's that. Being at your side feels more like home than any singular physical location."
The Duke would not allow his love to speak of himself in such a deprecating manner, so why should Diluc tolerate it either? He considers himself every bit this man's equal. They should walk side-by-side in life instead of placing one or the other upon some sort of pedestal, never feeling good enough.
It broke his heart to think that this gorgeous, wonderful man saw himself unworthy of his love in any way, shape or form. Did he not see the depths his own brilliance? How he inspired others to keep moving forward toward a better future?
Did he not see the pure adoration that reflected in the young master's face every time he laid eyes on him, nor how deeply he had grown to admire him?
"If warm heavens evade you down in the underworld, then let me bring them down along with me. You're deserving of all the warmth this world has to offer and more."
Of course, to be asked for his hand is the last thing he expects to hear, though it wasn't as though the thought had never crossed his mind. With all of their recent talk about settling down, it was hard to deny that the thought of promising himself to Wriothesley hadn't come to mind in his own, quiet way.
Diluc accepts without even a single beat of hesitation, trembling hands gripping either side of his Duke's jaw. He lowers himself onto his own knee to meet Wriothesley at his level, scarlet eyes glistening and wet with tears as his breast swells in overwhelming pride. This man was the redhead's first love -- and to ensure that he remained his only love felt like a uniquely privileged thing that few were afforded in life.
"It would be my greatest honor and my utmost pleasure to refer to you as my betrothed... and one day very soon, I hope, my husband."
The kiss he offers up is firm and sure of itself, a physical representation of the certainty with which he felt about this wonderful union.
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karinasbaby · 6 months
But honestly you did absolutely amazing it was so heart wrenchingly beautiful Id buy your book if you wrote one your an amazing writer and I'm proud of you
oh my i have no words :( thank u thank u thank u for ur support and for the love towards my work u have no idea how much all of this means to me :( i’m so happy that you liked it found it beautiful !!! ‘i’d buy your book if you wrote one’ there r tears in my eyes thank u so so so much :( i’ll forever treasure all of your meaningful words my beloved you’re so sweet :( again thank u so so much for ur feedback and for being proud of me :] this means the whole world to me and beyond :( !!!
ps this was me the whole entire time i was reading ur sugary sweet asks <3 !!
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helpicant-stop · 6 months
Hi sending some good vibes to beloved mutuals bcuz I can❤️ Mayb u'll see my asks to other moots maybe u won't I have no idea who u follow, think there's more than one of u running this blog (tho I'm not sure, and I don't wanna be too confident about that in case I'm wrong😳) but I'll probably just use u and not yall
U r so cool!!!! Posts u reblog are banger and I LOVE still seeing u reblog DSMP stuff cuz I'll never stop being obsessed w/ c!Tommy and the fandom is kinda wandering off to other interests and nobody is as focused on dsmp as they were (me included) tho the other fandom stuff u post is really cool 2!! Also!!!! Ur art!!!!! I love love love ur art!!!!!!! The arts styles r mwah chefs kiss I love love love them literally everything u post on ur art blog is phenomenal (tho if I'm honest there are some pieces that I prefer, like I really love the badboyhalo one that's like halo of wire and thorn or something? ik what it looks like but can't remember the caption/title also the captain puffy and foolish one and the lure and the minnow comics plus the recent Tommy one) I'm uncertain if I can claim to be the number 1 fan of ur art but itd be an honor to be in the top ten, also loving the hazbin hotel are I focused alot on the dsmp art but the Harbin hotel art also really cool and all the stuff u post ofc those are just the only 2 I recognize haha, fr tho ur awesome ur arts awesome and I hope u have a really really good day
THANK YOU!!!!!! NEVER BEEN SO FLATTERED IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!!!! also yes there ARE multiple people here because we're an osdd system but unfortunately we haven't figured out how to possess multiple bodies yet a la cawesamdude (though ironically we do have a csam here).
sometimes we may drift to other fandoms but this will always be a dsmp blog at heart and you can tell from the cpuffy layout!! im so glad you love our art and i would be very happy to put you in the top 10 list (tbh i even doubted occasionally that anyone loved our art that much but i am sooo pleased to see at least one)
also yes it was halo of thorns and wire, q had a hard time naming it and we hate what we decided on because it sounds like a generic ass YA novel😭😭😭
thanks again!!!!! i will treasure this ask forever and ever
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alice-angel12x · 3 years
Settling in
Story ideas came from @madcap-riflette, and @fannonymous0
Summary: Baker is helping the cookies settle in while the cookies do whatever they can to help ease your pain
It has been a few days since the Cookies arrived in this world, and there were still a couple of things that they couldn’t wrap their heads around. For example, Mittens, they were just in awe of her size, the fact she was not made of any sugar and is very hairy. Chiffon tried to intimidate the giant wall of fluff, but Mittens just lightly pushed the cake dog off the table. She was not intimidated by the tiny creature. Luckily it was a small table, so chiffon was not hurt.
But as of late You were simply helping the cookies settle into the closet space. Each cookie picked out a nice size cubby for themselves that would later be turned into their room/ apartment. So far the only thing they did was remove all the boxes and dig for possible decorations.
Chili Pepper cookie found a jewelry box and wanted to claim all the “treasure” to themselves. Yet Sorbet Shark Cookie wanted some of the “Treasure “ too, so You had to prevent the two from fighting, by splitting up the jewelry. Chili Pepper quickly stuffed it in her cubby/room, while Sorbet Shark Cookie dragged theirs into the fishbowl with the bubble treasure box. You found your old fishbowl and decided that Squid ink Cookie and Sorbet Shark Cookie would enjoy it. It is small height-wise, but large length wised so a nice easy access pool.
Squid ink Cookie had such a strange obsession with the bubble treasure box. Each time they tried to sneak up on the box, they would freak when it would suddenly open and hide. And Rinse and repeat that whole thing.
As You sat down on the small couch in the closet, Custard Cookie the 3rd was happily giving his input on what he wanted his cubby to look like.
“I wanna thrown, a large bed, and a lot of toys. A room fit for a king,” Custard cookie said as he watched You draw.
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“Yeah, just like that. You have my kingly approval,” Custard cookie smiled.
“ Come on custard cookie, when is it our turn?!” Pancake Cookie whined as he pulled on your sleeve.
“Yes, some of us would like to talk to the baker, and quality time too,” Licorice Cookie said.
“ Yes, you can’t hog the baker forever,” Latte smiled.
“I want baker to put lights in my room to keep the ghost away,” Onion Cookie whimpered.
You smiled as all the cookies were starting to get excited over the thoughts of personalized rooms. And to help decorate it with their beloved baker too. Their excitement was contagious as you began to get excited too as your heart started to pound faster. It began to squeeze and tighten as the pain began to swell in your chest. You hunch forward to try and ease the pain.
The Cookies gasped as they tried to help the baker. All the heart cookies gathered around You and tried to heal your heart with their magic.
“Kings Blessing!!” Custard cookie shouted.
“ I will not falter!” Pure Vanilla said, waving his staff.
“Sprouts, grow!” Herb Cookie shouted.
“Enjoy!” Sparkling Cookie shouted.
“Light Upon You!” Angel cookie shouted.
The magic washed over the baker as the healer cookies poured their heart into their healing magic. You eased only slightly as the magic only numbed some of the pain in your chest, but didn’t cure the cause. The only way you know how to escape the pain was to lie down and sleep through it.
The Cookies could only stay by your side in sorrow as they listened to the baker’s shallow breathing.
“Why didn’t it work?” Custard cookie asked Pure Vanilla.
“I do not know, but it is safe to say that cookie magic doesn’t work on the baker or those of their kind,” Pure Vanilla frowned.
“S-so will the Baker be okay?” Clover Cookie asked in concern.
“I cannot say,” Pure vanilla said with sadness in his eyes.
“Isn’t there some way to help them?” Red velvet Cookie asked.
“We can only hope the humans are able to handle this,” Pure Vanilla sighed.
“Hmm, I hate sitting around and doing nothing,” Red Velvet Cookie growled.
“Lady/Sir Y/n, are you here?” Called out a voice.
Happy you guys are liking the stories. For this to continue leave a scenario suggestion in the comments to move the plot forward. And Maybe your suggestion will be used for the next post for the cookie run story.
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