#blade imagine
gay-dorito-dust · 5 months
Hi! I hope your doing well while you read this request! May I ask for HSR Men (Jing Yuan, Blade, Dan Heng, Welt and maybe Boothill) their reaction when after 2 weeks of disappearance from their s/o because of a mission, they came back to them all exhausted and slightly injured. If I can be more precise, can you describe how they acted when they had no news of their s/o et their reaction when they came back please?
Thank you for the attention you’ll give to this request ! I hope you’ll have a great day/night!
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This is a long one, so brace yourselves! And have a great morning/evening/night! 🦦🐿️
‘Where have you been?’ Blade hissed, anger laced his voice as he drags you to the nearest surface and eased you on it, keen to avoid worsening your wounds.
‘I was on a mission.’ You sassed, not wanting this to be your first conversation back from a near death experience.
‘I know that,’ he barks as he rummaged through the cabinets for a first aid kit, uncaring do the mess he was making in the process, ‘you’ve been on a mission for two fucking weeks and not once did it come to mind to keep in contact during that time?’ He adds, looking at you with a look that wasn’t angry but instead scared.
Blade had spent the past two weeks going utterly insane form the lack of communication on your end. At first he didn’t think much but by day 12, Blade was more or less ready to included himself in your mission. Unfortunately according to Elio, this wasn’t apart of the script and Blade was made to stay on the sidelines and await your return.
It wouldn’t take long before you came home but you came home in the worst of conditions that Blade had ever seen you in recent memory, and that made him extremely upset. Not at you though, more or less at the person or thing that made those wounds on you.
Communications were down, I had no way of telling you anything.’ You replied, having already grown annoyed at his constant pestering and prodding.
‘Well you should’ve.’ Blade muttered gruffly as he gently took your arm into his hand and examined the wound and had to bite his tongue from saying anything else, but found that task to be a bit too difficult for him. ‘Then I could’ve stopped them from hurting you.’ He added.
You groaned and punched your brow with your free hand, all you wanted to do was go to sleep but couldn’t help but feel warm on the inside at the idea of Blade getting revenge on your behalf. ‘That’s not necessary.’ You told him, trying hard not to wince as he cleaned your wound.
‘And why not?’ He asks, noticing your attempts and wordlessly tries a different approach in cleaning your wound.
‘They’re all dead.’ You replied nonchalantly and Blade couldn’t help but smile. ‘That’s my partner.’ He says but the smile soon falls as he finished patching your wound and looks you dead in the eyes. ‘However the next time you’re sent on a long mission I’m coming with, no excuses.’
You groan again, there was no winning with this man.
Jing yuan was trusting in your abilities to keep yourself safe but the longer he went without update of you nor progression of the mission, Jing Yuan grew worried that something had happened.
He already lost a lot, he didn’t need your loss on top of all that. He lost hope on appreciating that he was living once, he knew that if anything happened to you he would relapse into those old ways but with no chance of recovery.
He would try and fail many attempts of making contact with you, only to be met with static as a responses which didn’t exactly help his hope in seeing you that slowly began to dwindle the longer he tried, until he stopped trying all together.
In his mind you were gone a long time ago and he should start his grieving while he could.
However you did come back, but not exactly in the best shape…you were wounded and exhausted but to Jing Yuan you never looked more alive in that moment as he was quick to get you medical attention. Not once did the general think to leave your leave your side as you laid out on the bed, wounds patched up and fast asleep from everything.
He even slept in the chair next to your bed, making sure your sleep went undisturbed and had a familiar face to wake up to as to not feel misplaced somewhere foreign. Jing Yuan didn’t feel entirely comfortable in leaving you alone during this time, especially when you’re vulnerable and susceptible to a plethora of things.
Not when he barely avoided a possibility of never seeing you again. He didn’t care for the reasons why you couldn’t contact him, those can wait for another time, he only cared that you were back by his side and alive.
So he’d fall asleep with his hand laced with yours and his head resting on your lap, acting like your personal guard dog as he kept his body facing towards the door in the instant he had to protect you.
No one would take you from him again, mission or not, you were staying by his side from now on, generals orders.
Dan heng didn’t think much when you didn’t reach out and tell him about the things you’ve found that he might like whilst away, however that didn’t mean he didn’t have a bad feeling about all of it.
He did but he couldn’t prove why as it was too early into the mission to say why he felt that way. Dan Heng always trusted his instincts when it came moments of uncertainty as they’ve always been proven correct. However this was the one time where he really didn’t want that to be the case.
Yet the longer he went without the regular flow of communication between the two of you during missions, Dan Heng felt himself break out into a cold sweat during the night and out of breath from experiencing another nightmare where you didn’t come back from this mission, leaving him utterly heartbroken and lost for the rest of his days.
He couldn’t close his eyes for a single second without the nightmare flooding back to haunt him of a potential future without you, his other half.
He even had nightmares where you were calling out to him for help but he couldn’t hear them and was forced by an higher power to ignore your soundless cries and walk away unbothered. Those were the nightmares Dan Heng hated the most as there would never be a moment in his life where he would ever leave you to such a cruel fate; He’d be more than gladly suffer with you than ever abandon you.
So the moment you came home wounded and exhausted, Dan Heng didn’t waste time in getting you to medical, taking everything the doctor told him to help you heal seriously as your newly appointed caregiver. Some of the time he came across as strict but he meant well as all he wanted was for you to get better and soon, seeing as how you gave him the biggest fright of his life.
He doesn’t let anyone else near you.
You can blame it on his dragon noodle side as it grew overprotective of the fact that you -his mate- were in seemingly left in a vulnerable state. He didn’t care to listen to the reasonings as to why he should let anyone else come near you, not without knowing their intentions in descriptive depth, he could take care of you himself perfectly fine and without any outside help.
He was your partner, you were his responsibility but this was all just an excuse to hide the fact that Dan Heng was genuinely scared of letting you out of his sight, even if it was for five minutes because a lot could happen in five minutes. So now he stays close to you from then on as a precaution, holding your hand in his and squeezing it as thought he was trying to convince himself that you were actually with him weeks afterwards.
Boothill didn’t like the idea of you being so far from him and much preferred for you to stay in contact if you were going to be so far away from him for so long.
However nothing seemed to want to go the way he wanted as soon as he found that he couldn’t contact you. None of his messages were going through and neither were his calls, as he read and reread the message that said you were out of the area for his messages to get through to you.
Boothill grew more and more restless the longer his texts didn’t go through, still claiming you were out of the area, whatever the hell that means and had to actively find ways to de stress because of how often he found himself on the verge of blasting anything and everything that moved.
You were his anchor, his partner in crime and his voice of reason, without you Boothill was teetering on the brink of becoming everyone’s problem should you spend even another hour more away from him.
So when you did come back with wounds scarred across your body and looking as though you were on the brink of collapse, Boothill was made more worried than before. Your wounds weren’t very deep nor life threatening but Boothill didn’t care, you were hurt and he wasn’t made aware of it for the past two weeks.
He wanted to hunt down the bastards who made those wounds on your body and make them pay, regardless if they had a bounty on their heads or not, he’d gladly hunt them down just to set an example as to why you don’t fuck with Boothill’s loved one.
‘Don’t.’ You croaked, grabbing his hand. ‘Just stay with me and make everything okay cowboy.’
Boothill, not one to argue with you, especially not in your current state, obeyed your wish and stayed by your side as you slowly but surely recovered from your wounds with scars left behind as reminders.
Though that didn’t stop him from going off behind your back to hunt the bastards down, he never could let go of a grudge after all.
Welt basically worried himself sick when he didn’t hear anything from you the first couple of days, but was soon talked down from doing anything rash that could potentially put you in even more danger, regardless of his intention of being by your side.
Welt was restless for the remainder of the two weeks, double checking his phone for anything that could push him over the edge and force him into acting.
What happened to you?
Why weren’t you responding?
Were you hurt?
Were you in danger and he didn’t know?
So many thoughts floated in welt’s mind as he was left feeling powerless as he was forced to await your return, hoping that all his thoughts were just that, meaningless thoughts that had no real affect in reality.
He was wrong.
You did come home but you came back with some new wounds and a face that screamed exhaustion. You barely took one step before collapsing into Welt’s arms as he got you medical help.
‘What happened out there?’ He’d calmly ask one day as he held your hand, thumb rubbing the back of it reassuringly.
‘Communications were down,’ you told him as you squeezed his hand, just happy to be back home and with him, ‘then the mission went south as I found myself out of my depth on several occasions, I’m sorry Welt.’ You finish weakly.
‘There’s nothing to be sorry for.’ Welt reassures as he presses a kiss to your forehead. ‘Not all missions go according to plan and all that matters right now is that you’re safe, so please don’t apologise for things beyond your control.’ He adds as he watched you slowly drift to sleep, still feeling a little exhausted from the mission and everything that happened.
Welt stayed awake for a little while longer to commemorate this moment to memory, to treasure it during the moments when you were to be apart from one another again, but until that time Welt would hold you as close as he possibly could and keep you safe to the best of his abilities. Your safety meant a lot to him and he’d rather jeopardise his own safety if it meant that you’d never get hurt again, he’d do it in a heartbeat because that’s just how much you meant to him and todays events only solidified that.
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starrydragoness · 4 months
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Pairing: Blade x Fem!Reader
Content: soft cockwarming, minors/ageless blogs DO NOT INTERACT
A/N: wrote this for a friend like last year, so may not be that good like my new writing. Hope you enjoy this regardless!
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◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ Mellow sighs of the wind washed over your bare back while your chest was kept warm, pressed up against his own. His bandaged hand had rubbed up and down your back countless times in the last hour or so that you two decided to use for a more intimate reprieve. This would be the first mission the two of you were sent on that was just the two of you, and having completed the main objective and the overall mission, the two of you found that you had quite some time left to indulge in more selfish desires.  It was that period of time where Blade was at the peak of pure exhaustion, barely standing atop his own feet as he rounded up the mission and concluded that the mission was over with and Elio's script was left empty until the next "play". You could see it in his eyes and the way his tone was like a rusted knife, yet none of its harshness was directed towards you.
Why would it? You are the only thing helping him live through this day, and the next, and the next after that. He had no way of thanking you for all of it, even if the reprieve of it all was always short lived. So he tries to remain in the moment of the current time, with you so warmly pressed up against him, his cock buried in your warm, welcoming cunt and his mind at an ease. He'd occasionally grind up against you, only to send a warm buzz of pleasure up both of you before going still again.
The static buzz of pain still remained in his mind but it was so distant and far away that he barely even took notice of it as he relished in the hands that brushed through his locks. His head was tilted back, neck supported by the cushions and pillows that made him feel warm for once. You have kissed his neck repeatedly over the span of the last hour, showering him in the soft and gentle kisses that he could drown in. His hand would cramp every now and then, causing his motions to halt and for him to wince - prompting you to ask each and every time whether he was okay. And he was, he told you that. His lashes fluttering open to greet you in the warmth they still managed to retain over the years of hell he survived in. Then after another moment he’d bring his hand up to your nape, bandaged fingers gently massaging before applying more pressure so you’d lean in closer, close until your lips could press softly against one another. The kiss lingers, and he repeats the motions languidly a few more times until he feels like your worries got quelled for the time being, and then his hand returns to your body, massaging your hip and sliding up and down your back in slow circles. 
And when you'd buck against him he'd make it a point to keep you still, wishing, needing to hear you whine and plead and scold him to let you move to chase your high.
It was only a matter of time until he lost his senses and pounded you into the mattress.
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rationaliity · 3 months
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modern! blade lives a surprisingly domestic life compared to what a lot of people could think for him. was he covered in scars and tattoos, with long dyed hair and piercings ? absolutely he was. did he drive a motorcycle and smoke weed whenever he got the chance, and sometimes whenever he didn't even have the chance ? yeah. was he rough around the edges, and so hard to approach that any normal person with even a slight sense of self worth would rather die then be forced to say even a simple ' hello ' to him ? that was just blade, it was who he was as a whole, and that's okay. but when the two of you were home alone, he was.. almost a different person.
" bladie ~ " you called out, poking your head from the bedroom. he'd been in the shower for a while, you were wondering if he was smoking without you again, or if he had finally keeled over from all of his self destructive habits. you knew the latter wasn't possible. blade was almost indestructible at this point, nothing could hurt him that he had tried. and it's blade, he's tried nearly everything that he could think of. not necessarily out of a wish to die, and not because he wanted to live on the edge. the darker aspects of life just called to him, as if he were atoning for sins he'd made in a past life and still couldn't do it.
" yes ? " blade asked, opened the bathroom door, his hair wrapped in one of your floral towels, his lazy black tee shirt having stains from a funny mix of his poor attempt at trying bleach art and how many times the both of you had dyed your hair over and over again. his grey sweatpants hung on his hips, and you were pretty sure you could find god in his skin that peaked underneath his shirt as his hand raised to grab the towel around his hair. " do you need something ? "
" nah, " you shook your head, obviously staring at him as he let his damp hair fall down his back, throwing the towel in the bathroom and really not caring where it landed. " i was just checking up on you. making sure you aren't dead yet or anything. " at least you were honest, he had to give you that.
" i haven't died yet, are you so eager to attend my funeral ? " he joked, walking towards you. if you were anyone else, you might've shrunk back with the way that he was looking at you. but he was your blade, you knew that he wouldn't hurt you no matter what was happening, and especially not in such a surprisingly tender moment like this.
" can't wait.. although it'd be a double funeral. it's definitely a funeral i can't miss, since i'm going to be a participate and all. " by the time you spoke, he was already in front of you, his hand on your cheek. blade grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
" a double funeral ? how.. charming. " he didn't smile or anything, but you could tell that he was happy with your little proclamation." are you ready for bed ? "
yeah, the two of you were a little morbid. maybe you smoked with him from time to time, maybe you were his passenger on his motorcycle. maybe you traced patterns in his tattoos and kissed his his piercings. maybe he loved you. maybe you loved him. maybe you were willing to die together just as much as you were willing to live together.
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— ♡ rationaliity 2024
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antimatterz · 1 year
Help I had an idea
What if with a self aware blade that their yn wants to pull for him but ended up losing pity instead of getting blade and they are too sad because they want to get blade
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losing the 50/50 on his banner
blade x gn!reader
summary: you warp for blade but lose the 50/50.
cw. self-aware au, slightly possessive blade
content under the cut | masterlist
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your heart was pounding as your gaze rested on the number of stellar jades you owned. you've saved up a lot for his release, but was it enough? your next five-star wasn't guaranteed to be the one promoted, or, in other words, you had to win the 50/50 in order to get him. that simple fact made you nervous.
     "to be honest, i'm terrified," you admitted.
     "aww, you want me to join your team that badly?" blade teased lightly. (but in fact, he wanted to come home to you just as badly, he just doesn't admit it).
     "you know how much i want you," you sighed, and blade smirked.
     "do you realize how that sounds?" he asked, amused.
     "shut up," you laughed, your hand hovering over the button that would allow you to do your first ten-pull on blade's banner. "should i warp? i'm losing my shit here."
     "go on," blade encouraged you, leaning back with a grin still on his face. "wait for gold, and i'll be with you."
     "you don't know," you corrected him. "i have to beat the 50/50 first."
the male fell silent, because he knew you were right. nothing he would say or do would affect that matter. it all came down to sheer luck.
well, procrastinating wouldn't magically increase your luck, maybe you just had to get it over with. you glanced at blade one last time, as if that would actually manifest him, and then you hit the warp button. your heart was hammering anxiously – bladie was right, you badly wanted him. you would be absolutely devastated if you were to lose the 50/50. you watched the warp animation (bad luck if you skipped, right?) and you heaved out a breath you didn't realize you were holding when the door flashed a bright purple. no five-star in your first ten-pull. disinterested already, you skimmed through the results and went on to the next pull. once more, it turned purple, and you sighed in disappointment.
you watched your stellar jade count go down rapidly, which wasn't doing good in soothing your anxiety. you didn't have a lot left, but if your calculations were corrent, you were to hit pity soon.
meanwhile, blade was getting impatient and so were you. while you only got a little antsy, the stellaron hunter got quite grumpy as your warps went by unsuccesfully.
     "i think i'm almost there," you said, your voice a few octaves higher than it usually was. that was how nervous you were. terrified, actually, now that you were getting closer.
     "it better be me," blade hissed, folding his arms.
     "it better be you," you agreed with a curt nod.
finally, freaking finally, the door flashed a vivid gold. your heart leapt in your chest, as you closed your eyes and heaved out a heavy sigh. surely, you weren't ready for this, but you had to get through with it. your hands were shaking as you skimmed through the result, and you sucked in a sharp breath when five golden stars sprung onto your screen. this was it!
but it wasn't blade.
your heart sank as you gazed at the standard five-star that appeared on your screen. that wasn't your beloved stellaron hunter. you lost the 50/50. you cursed, though your voice held no anger but only sadness instead. it was enough to let blade know what happened, and he growled.
     "who is it," he seethed, cracking his knuckles. "i'm gonna–"
     "it's okay," you said softly, more to convince yourself than to soothe the angered stellaron hunter. "it's fine, i actually needed this character, too."
but it wasn't fine. you were upset, to say the least, and you were only trying to cope by lying to yourself. you wanted blade so badly, but instead you got someone else. truth was, you didn't even want them, that was merely a lie to make it seem a little less bad. it wasn't blade, so you were not interested in them at all.
     "y/n, listen," blade spoke up, his voice trembling with anger. "i don't care who came home instead, they aren't important. remember you still have a few weeks before my banner ends. i will come home, i promise."
he gazed at you intensely, pressing his hand to his side of the screen. you understood his intention, pressing the palm of your hand to the screen of your device as well. it was as if you were sealing a promise here, and between the threads of sadness that lingered through your being, you found the will to grind like a madman in order to get bladie still.
     "you're right, you will come home," you nodded, forcing a smile.
you retreated your hand, closing the warp screen because you had a mission to embark on. and you wouldn't quit before your beloved stellaron hunter was home with you, where he belonged.
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bluelockmaniac · 5 months
thinking about how your husband changes drastically when he’s had just a little too much to drink. his faint, whiny hiccups would escape his quivering lips, filling your ears with his intoxication as he leans against you. he reaches out to play with your hair, gently tugging at the strands and trailing undirected kisses along them as you bite your lip to suppress your giggles. he then brings his unsteady hands to your face, squishing your cheeks before pulling you closer, looking at you with glossy eyes—small hearts seemingly etched into his pupils.
"i wish y-you hic were mineee...."
"pftt—" you burst into a fit of laughter at his uncharacteristic neediness—you’ve always enjoyed it when he'd get drunk. after all, they say a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts. so, although he loves you an awful lot, he would never admit, while whining, how much he actually wants you. 
"i am yours though, sweetheart," you reassure him softly.
“oh, really? you are?” he raises his brows questionably, “well, that's good... i couldn't bear the thought of some other loser having you all to himself."
unbeknownst to him, however, is that you had recorded him during his moment of vulnerability. he was absolutely embarrassed and ashamed of himself when he had sobered up.
"y/n. delete that."
itoshi rin, kaiser, MIKAGE REO, barou, XIAO, kaveh, alhaitham, wriothesley, neuvillette, CHILDE, geto, megumi, BLADE, dan heng, dr ratio, aventurine, scaramouche
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© 2024 bluelockmaniac — do not repost, copy, translate, modify, etc my work on any platform !
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maopll · 6 months
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"Dearest...I think that's enough"
"No its not"
And there goes another few rounds where you smother your boyfriends face with tons of kisses. He brought you many lipsticks and lip gloss, so it is only right you try to see the shade that matches, right? the shade, which makes his face feel even more ethereal. The only correct way to let people know that you're his and he's yours.
"Hmm... I think this shade suits your face better!" You moved the ones which made his face look more delightful. Shades of pink, red, coral, and all.
He did say that the number of kisses you gave him till then were enough, but deep down, he craved more. The way your soft lips felt against his skin left him breathless. The way areas where your lips left left a tingling and burning sensation, which, rather than being unpleasant, was more exciting
What was even more addicting was the way you would gently cup his face with your hands and attack his face ferverently. This was best for both of you. You get to have the ego boost after smothering or rather painting his face with your kisses, and he gets access to your unlimited display of affection.
"There! Now that's more like it you look like my lover now" putting emphasis on the word, you were grinning from ear to ear while admiring your masterpiece. When you tried to get up from his lap though...
"Now now dearest I think it is my turn to get what I have been seeking"
— WRIOTHESLEY, lyney, NEUVILLETTE, ZHONGLI, diluc, CHILDE, AYATO, kaeya, alhaitham, VIL, MALLEUS, azul, leona, DAN HENG, blade, JING YUAN, luocha, dr ratio, GEPARD, DIAVOLO, MAMMON, lucifer, satan, BEELZEBUB
wanna join the taglist ? feel free !
© 2024 maopll. do not copy, repost or modify my work in any form
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bwabys-scenarios · 5 months
He enjoyed the little gasp you would let out when his hand slipped under your skirt while eating dinner with an acquaintance. Your cheeks would grow hot with embarrassment when they would ask you what was wrong, and you were forced to say it was nothing while his thumb rubbed circles into your clit.
You grasped the table cloth, biting your lip when he began fingering you. It was unfair how calm he looked while his fingers were knuckle deep inside of your cunt, curling up to hit that special spot that had you cumming all over his hand.
“P-please excuse me…”
You shyly stood, hoping that your slick was visible as it ran down your legs, speed walking to the bathroom to clean yourself up.
As you pouted and splashed your face to help lesson the heat taking over you body, you didn’t notice him sneaking into the bathroom until he was bending you over and pushing your panties to the side.
“I hate how they look at you…” he muttered, rubbing his cock against your needy cunt. “They need to know who you belong to.”
Without warning he thrusted into you, groaning into your ear as his hips rutted against yours. He was jealous and a bit possessive over you, his princess. He couldn’t stand when people stared at you for too long with their lustful gazes. Didn’t they know you were his?
Your makeup ran down your face, tears of pleasure falling down your cheeks as he turned your head so he could capture your lips in a sloppy kiss.
“Mine, all mine, got that?”
You nodded and let out a mewl when he hit that special spot, and he continued to fuck into you until he painted your walls white, leaving you a panting mess, covered in sweat and cum.
He was nice enough to carry you home without anyone seeing the fucked out state you were in, and made sure to spoil you with kisses, snuggles, and snacks once you were alone.
He loved you after all, and would make sure his pretty princess was well taken care of! 💗
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hunnieknight · 2 months
Kitty Kitty Cat!
You are their treasured kitty!
[JingNyan, Blade, Kafcat, Luocat]
SPAY /NEUTERED YOUR PET, reader is not spayed yet because plot, Modern AU?, reader is a female cat, no proofread, BAD GRAMMAR
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Context added to each 'chapter'.
@jymwahuwu wants cat, i give cat.
Jing Nyan
Yukong feels so lonely after her daughter left the house for college, she wants a company and someone to take care of.
She is happy to feed you, a stray one, and you officially become hers when she managed to put on a collar on you.
However, she is ill-informed about taking a stray as a pet and never crossed her mind to spay you.
Resulting her kitty to be missing for days, only to come back with filled belly.
On the other side of the neighborhood, Fu Xuan has this healthy fat cat, she foolishly thought her cat is so lazy as long as he is inside, it will be okay.
Oh how wrong she is that Jing Nyan is determined enough to meet up with the stray cat walking outside their house.
Imagine the surprise on Fu Xuan's face when she sees the status from her neighbor about the oh-so-familiar looking kittens.
The meeting started with both women apologizing for not spaying their cats, and ended up with Fu Xuan roasting the hell out her own cat.
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Stellaron Stray
In a small studio house, the Express Family got an indoor cat, you, a very curious yet timid kitty.
The neighborhood got many stray cats but one of the most famous one are the so called Stellaron strays.
Two of the old cats taking a liking on Express's beloved cat. They don't worry much since every single windows and door are clo-
Oh my god how did the cat get pregnant?
March was quite upset, she has a male cat in mind to mate with her purebred cat. Only for you to just have kittens with the neighborhood gang cats. And how the hell you got a female cat to impregnate you
However, the Express didn't expect the strays to keep visiting, and even leaving animals that they hunt for you!
The Express decided to keep your babies too instead of giving them away.
Now Himeko is followed by kittens who always beg food to her.
And Dan Heng being haunted by the kittens who just....stare at him for some reason.
The Express also realizing these kittens are escaping artist, no matter how tight the door and windows are locked, the cats always find a way to get everywhere.
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Your dad, Welt, doesn't approve your cat boy friend.
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st4rrth0ughts · 8 months
thinking abt big men being so cock drunk he begs for you to ruin him in public spaces :33
They cant get enough of you, its not their fault you fuck them so well! They follow you like a lost puppy, his voice soft and pleading, hands tugging your clothes as the wet patch in his pants grow ever so visible. Begging you to drag them into the bathroom, nearest deserted office, hell, they'll let you fuck them in the forest if you wanted to. They beg you to no end, whining as they kneel at your feet while you do paperwork, trying to hump himself on your thigh. So of course, you decide to indulge him.
Grab him and drag him into the nearest bathroom, watch him fumble with your belt, drag down your pants, and watch him gratefully take your length into his mouth, throat bulging as he struggles to take in your load when he sends you over the edge.
Lock (or don't) the both of you in a empty office, grab his ass and tease your finger over his neglected pussy, spread him open on the desk, get between his thighs and plunge your tongue into his depths, watch him gasp and squirm as your finger plays with his nub, and enjoy him crying out as he squirts from your ministrations.
Pin him to a tree that barely covers you two, rip off his clothes and push your thick cock into his wet clit. Watch him squeal and scream out in pure ecstasy as you fuck him raw against the tree, at risk of letting people walking by and hearing his slutty cries. Make him cum over and over on your cock, and fill him with your seed as he begs for you to fuck a kid in him. Savour how his eyes roll back, his tongue lolling out as he weakly leans against the tree while you hold him up, your strong hands combined with your fat cock splitting him in half making him loose his mind.
blade, dan heng, dan feng, dr ratio, luka, sampo, jingyuan, argenti, gepard, wriothesley, kaeya, itto, gorou, zhongli, xiao, alhaitham, kaveh, diluc, neuvillette, ayato, childe, cyno + your favs ♡
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 months
hiiii!!! im not too sure if requests are open, if they arent please just ignore this!!!!! i really really loveeeee the way u write angst!😭✌️ could i please request blade, dr ratio, aventurine and sunday reacting to finding their loved one on the floor barely alive? UGHHHH I IMAGINE THE SHOCK AND FEAR AND BREATHLESSNESS aqhjddkkxnsk
thank u smmm!!!!!😭🩷🩷
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Didn’t think it was possible to physically feel his heart being ripped from his chest anymore then it already had, until he spotted your bruised and barely conscious body lying on the floor in a way that made his blood become ice cold.
‘No.’ He whispered to himself in disbelief as a tight feeling blossomed within his chest. It felt as though he was being painfully constricted or squeezed tightly by an invisible hand, a feeling that only grew worse with every step he made towards you until he was finding it hard to breathe.
‘No.’ Aventurine whispers again, not wanting to think of anything that he was seeing before him as real but more of a realistic nightmare. ‘Please don’t take them away from me, I’ll have nobody left.’ He pleads as he drops to his knees and struggled with unsteady hands to pull your body towards him and holding you tightly in his arms as he rests his head against your chest, desperate and hopeful of hearing your heart beat as proof that you were alive.
‘Haven’t you taken enough from me!!?’ Aventurine screamed at the top of his lungs, staring up at the ceiling as though the Aeons would hear the rage, the heartbreak and the pain within his voice. ‘Haven’t I suffered enough by your hand?! You have taken everything and everyone I have ever loved and now you think you can take from me again just because you feel like it!?!’ He continued to scream, letting everything he’s kept inside out as rivers of tears streamed down his cheeks, blurring his vision of you as he looked down at you as he felt his soul cry out for yours.
Everything within Aventurine was hurting and it was hurting like hell but that didn’t loosen his hold on you one bit, if anything it made him tighten it, almost as though he was the only thing stopping the deities from claiming your soul as theirs. Aventurine would fight them to keep you if he must and he didn’t care what the consequences of doing this would be, his left hand was more unsteady then ever as it desperately grasped for your hand, intertwining your fingers and squeezing; letting out a whimper when he didn’t feel you squeeze his hand back like you always did to reassure him that you were not going anywhere.
‘Please.’ Aventurine begged as he pressed his forehead against your own, not wanting to walk through this life if the one person who stood by his side wasn’t going to be there. ‘Don’t take them away from me, not now, I don’t want to be alone anymore.’
He’s seething and seeing red.
He’s unable to contain his anger as he rushed to your side, clasping your hand tightly between his own, as though he could transfer some of his strength to you in hopes it would allow him to look in your pretty eyes again.
‘My love, I beg of you, tell me who did this to you.’ He pleads as could only watch your body with a sense of hopelessness and desperation for a sign. ‘Tell me who did this to you and I shall make them pay tenfold.’ He adds as his anger became harder and harder for him to conceal, how could he possibly keep his composure when you had been attacked because of your ties to him? Someone was out to get him but did so through underhanded means rather than direct confrontation and for that Sunday couldn’t help but think of a multitude of ways to capture this cowardly assailant for harming you.
When you did not answer him Sunday felt parts of his sanity begin to slip away as his breath hitched in his throat and his hands tightened on yours. ‘My love I beg of you to stay with me, for I cannot loose you now nor ever, I forbid you from leaving me this way. I cannot breathe without you, I cannot smile without you, for you are my lifeline in every sense of the word.’ He says as he felt the colour in his life begging to fade from view and become monochrome.
You were the colour in his life, you always have been, and without you he couldn’t see the beauty nor value in anything anymore as you were the most valuable thing to him. Sunday felt himself grow cold with every second they passed where you didn’t do anything to tell him that you were okay, all reason had left him as revenge took it’s place and almost as though a switch had been flipped within his head, Sunday stopped crying as his face became a blank slate.
‘I’ll keep you safe my beloved.’ He said as he lifted you in his arms. ‘You’ll never have to worry about anything else ever again once I bring back the person who did this to you at your feet, pleading for mercy and to spare their pathetic life.’ He then presses a kiss to your forehead as he looked ahead with a pair of dead, unfeeling eyes. ‘I promise this to you and so much more, just you wait my heart, I shall gaze upon your eyes soon enough.’
He kind of internally shuts down upon seeing you laying on the floor, barely alive.
He stands there for prolonged periods of time not saying anything but it was clear within his eyes that Veritas was struggling to comprehend the situation before him in a logical manner.
Everything was quiet as though someone had just removed all sound out of the room and all he could focus on was the fact that you were barely moving, barely breathing but the expression on your face made it seem as though you were in a peaceful slumber. Veritas would soon snap himself out of his own mind and made his way towards you before kneeling by your side, he then placed two fingers to the pulse point in your neck and letting out a uneven sigh when he felt your pulse beat softly against his fingertips.
He hasn’t even noticed that he had been crying until he felt something wet hit his clothed thigh and reached up to touch his cheeks that were wet with the trail his tears had left. Nothing felt real yet everything was becoming too much for the scholar as felt himself actively trying to disassociate from everything as a way of dealing with the possibility of you dying.
His body is wracked with fear of an uncertain future as he kept his fingers glued to your pulse as a way as to ground himself in the reality that you were still alive despite what your current state looked like. He remained by your side silently, not a single word left his lips as he remembered your last conversation, it wasn’t pretty and a few unsavoury words were exchanged before you left his office with a heavy heart.
Veritas felt partially guilty for your current state even though everyone knew he had no part in it but he felt guilty regardless for how things were left between you two. He regretted not apologising for his blunt words and harsh criticism earlier, and now he had to deal with the horrible idea that that could’ve been your last ever conversation you had with him, along with the idea that you thought he might’ve hated you as you were left alone in a empty room after having been attacked in what you believed were your final moments.
Something of which that wasn’t true at all, Veritas loved you dearly and held you close to his heart whenever you were apart, finding himself longing to come back to your side and fall asleep together within the comfort of each others arms. However that didn’t mean much when he could barely hold you without touching a wound by accident and keeping his hands to himself for the rest of the day in fear of hurting you further.
Veritas had never felt such raw fear in his life until you were almost taken from him and on such negativity terms too. Something he wishes to never experience ever again.
Death refused to claim him and so it decided to try and stake its claim over you -the one person whom Blade cared deeply for -which didn’t sit right with Blade as he wordlessly held you in his arms, his jaw clenching at the sound of your pained whimpers.
‘Death won’t have you,’ he began, ‘I won’t allow it to because if it refuses to give me what I have been long since owed, then I will keep you from its clutches for as long as I can until it submits to our whims.’ Blade then kisses your forehead. ‘I will not let it claim you when you have so much to do, whereas I on the other hand, have nothing left ahead of me.’
Blade hated seeing you hurt but this only made him want to hunt down whoever did this to you and make them pay with their life, but he knew he couldn’t leave you on the assumption that they might come back and finish you off when he turned his back, so he stays by your side like a guard dog with his hand at the hilt of his sword constantly as he awaited for help.
Blade never thought he’d find himself in a situation where he wished death didn’t come, especially when that person was you because you were his guiding light, his only love and he would do anything to keep you safe and protected from all harm that came your way; even if that meant denying death to have your soul.
In comparison to him, you had so much more to offer and so much to accomplish in life, and Blade knew he would never forgive himself if he were to let you die before you even saw the fruit of your labour with your own two eyes. He wanted you to reach the stars and see that all your work wasn’t for nothing and then see you reach heights that he could only dream of touching.
He didn’t care what happened to him, he could heal as fast as he was hurt but you, you couldn’t heal like he could and the wounds that littered your body would become scars, scars that would look similar to his own that reminded you of what you had survived by the skin of your teeth. Blade didn’t want to loose you to something he could’ve easily prevented from happening, he felt as though he had failed you and for that he couldn’t forgive himself for what happened to you, calling it a mishap on his behalf in ever leaving you unguarded.
So now he stayed close to you, hand at the hilt of his sword, tempting fate to try and take you away from him again.
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ceruark · 18 days
wanna hear your mother tongue
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[gn! reader x dan heng, jing yuan, blade, jiaoqiu, ratio, aventurine, sunday, & boothill (separate)]
Thinking about how some of the HSR men would react to you calling them a term of endearment in a different language/your native language when you two are NOT an established couple... (for me it would be something along the lines of “cariño” or “mi vida,” but of course you’re welcome to imagine any term from any language that suits you best!)
DAN HENG is confused the first few times you use the nickname. His brow will furrow and he may even adorably tilt his head a bit. He knows by your affectionate tone that it’s not anything bad, but of course, it doesn’t stop him from wanting to know exactly what it means.
He’ll turn to the data bank to look into the term’s origin and meaning, which causes him to fall down a rabbit hole of learning other terms of endearment from your language. You can expect him to shyly call you an endearment back the next time you use one on him, and he’s certainly blushing all the while.
JING YUAN’s smirk and the sparkle in his eyes the first time you let the term of endearment fall from your lips are indicators that you’ve made a terrible mistake. Whether or not you’re familiar with the dialect of the Alliance, he’ll fire a nickname from his own mother tongue right back at you, trying to gain the upper hand by flustering you instead.
And by Lan, does he succeed; you’ll keep the name-calling private and save it for when you two are alone, but he has no qualms about showering you with affection in front of a fleet of Cloud Knights, or even in front of the esteemed Fu Xuan. Good luck trying it on this one— you’ll find yourself in a full-scale flirting war, and this is a battle you can’t win.
BLADE isn’t the most emotive guy out there (when he’s not mara-struck), so it’s hard to gauge his reaction, at first. His blank expression makes it seem like the nicknames just roll off his back, so after a while, you stop using them under the presumption that they make him uncomfortable.
This has the opposite effect, of course, and he starts being a bit clingier than usual and following you around with what is most definitely not a pout on his face. It’s only when Kafka unsubtly points out that you’ve stopped calling him those “cute nicknames” that you put two and two together, and you immediately work to make things right. He may not be the best with words, but he’s happy to show his contentment with your endearments by holding you close to him.
JIAOQIU is flustered the first time, flushing red and ears twitching as he tries to compose himself after being caught off guard. Every time after that, though, he grins and graces you with those gorgeous golden eyes when he hears it. His tail may even start swishing from happiness, but you’ll never comment on it aloud, fearing that he’ll consciously stop it from happening.
His reaction is enough on its own to encourage you to keep calling him those sweet names, but you’re certainly not complaining about the delicious food that he starts bringing you in droves. (It doesn’t have anything to do with your little nicknames, don’t be silly.)
VERITAS most certainly knows what the term means, and that causes him to be even more flustered the first time you use it on him. He’s flushed from head to toe, and whatever tangent he was about to go on is completely lost to him, instead replaced by his silence as he hurriedly leaves wherever you’ve decided to pull this over on him.
He’s prepared the next time you do it, though. He doesn’t so much as bat an eye at the endearment, but he does continue the conversation in your language, speaking it flawlessly. Now it’s your turn to be flustered as you realize you enjoy hearing him speak in your mother tongue more than you care to admit. If there’s a slight smirk on his face from your reaction, neither of you acknowledge it.
AVENTURINE’s reaction is the reverse of how you would expect someone to react: flirt first, get flustered later. He doesn’t need any encouragement to be flirtatious with you, so when he hears the unfamiliar endearment for the first time, he assumes it’s just a normal part of this little game you two have been playing with each other. It’s easy for him to respond with endearments he’d heard older Avgins using growing up, and he even feels a bit giddy being able to use them on you.
Of course, he’s looking up meanings every time a new term pops up in your vocabulary, and his behavior takes a turn when he realizes you’ve started using more intimate endearments— ones typically reserved for spouses instead of those used for casual flirting. You think Aventurine looks good in any color, but you’re definitely partial to the light pink that graces his cheeks when he gets shy. 
SUNDAY has been trained to remain carefully composed at all times, but nothing could have prepared him for this. He’s another one that I think would actually know what the endearment means, so he’s immediately blushing and hiding behind his wings— a futile effort, since they’re fluttering far too much to properly serve as a curtain for his flushed face. Once he gathers his bearings, he continues your conversation and acts like it never happened.
He reacts this way the first few times, but as you persist in your efforts, he decides to start playing along. He’s not one to flirt back verbally— he couldn’t possibly make his intentions too obvious— but he does take pleasure in the fact that he can have the same effect on you. If you try to comment on the way that he stands and sits much closer to you now or that his hands linger on your skin far longer than usual, an expression of innocence and casual deflection is all you’re met with. And don’t you dare try to take the endearments back from him now— he’ll only fluster you more until you start calling him those pretty names again.
BOOTHILL takes a few seconds to realize exactly what’s happening, but once he does, you’re in danger. His confusion at the word almost distracts him from the tone you used while saying it, but he catches on quickly and is grinning widely when he does, all sharp teeth and adoration. He returns the favor in kind, and from that point forward you can expect to exclusively be referred to as “sweetheart,” “sugar,” “beau,” and the like.
He can’t get enough of the way the words roll off your tongue, and the sound of it gets him more drunk than any whiskey ever could. Keep things up, and you might find yourself being pulled toward him by the waist as he puts his hat on your head, finally making his feelings for you crystal clear.
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startears0153 · 9 months
☾ Seeing you cry in your sleep
How they react to finding you crying silently in your sleep.
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☾ Characters: Argenti, Blade, Dan Heng, Dr. Ratio
☾ Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, GN Reader, StellaronHunter!Reader in Blade's, Ratio (affectionately) calling you fool in his part
Might write a 2nd part with Gepard, Jing Yuan, Welt and Luocha (and maybe Sampo) in the future :)
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Upon entering your shared cottage, Argenti finds you sleeping on the chair by the window. They must’ve fallen asleep while admiring the scenery of the falling snow outside, Argenti thought with a fond smile. 
For a moment, Argenti found himself unable to move, for his emerald colored eyes were transfixed upon the serene beauty of the scene before him. The falling snow, the white winter wonderland serving as the perfect backdrop to accentuate the beauty of your resting figure.
Still, he realized it probably wouldn’t do well if you were to fall sick from the cold. So, he quietly made his way through the room and draped a blanket over your figure. 
That was when he noticed the presence of tears on the corners of your eyes. 
For a while, Argenti thought his eyes were deceiving him. It wasn’t until he saw a lone tear fall from your eye that he was finally hit by the fact that you were, indeed, crying in your sleep. 
His heart ached upon the sight and he instinctively reached to cup your cheek; his thumb gently caressing the corner of your eye, wiping away the stream of tears that began to fall like tender snow. 
After some deliberation on how to proceed, Argenti would kneel before your sleeping figure before carefully stirring you awake with a gentle squeeze to your hand and softly calling out your name. 
“Good morning my dear,” He would greet you with a tender smile, though you could easily sense the twinge of sadness and melancholia lingering in his voice. “I apologize if this may sound unpleasant to you but … you were crying in your sleep. Is … Is everything alright?” 
He would fret over you, but he would try to keep it to a minimum lest he were to accidentally do more harm than good. He was obviously worried about what ailed you, but again, what mattered most to him was your comfort. 
Regardless of whether you choose to speak of the reason for your tears, Argenti would remain by your side, kneeling before you as he held your hand in his. 
If he could, he would do anything in his power to vanquish the reason behind your tears. He never wants you to shed tears, neither in sleep or wake, ever again.
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It was almost time for the opening act of Elio’s Script. Blade comes to searches for you in the meeting spot, and finds you asleep above one of the many wooden crates of the abandoned factory. 
How carefree, Blade thought with a scoff. Even so, Blade’s heart blossoms with warmth, that very same warmth that is born from his affection and adoration for you and all your silly antics. 
If he could, he would let you rest for longer and perhaps even join you in your restful slumber, resting your head on his shoulder. But alas, the Script takes priority and it was almost time to begin. 
So he reaches to shake your shoulder … but then froze upon the sight of tears falling from your eyes. 
Blade has never been one for tears. In a different life, perhaps, he would have been. But tears have no meaning for Blade. Crying does not provide one with salvation, no matter how much one cries, what was lost could never return. 
And yet, the sight of your tears shook him to his core. 
Blade didn’t know what to do. What could he do anyway? Reach for your face and wipe away your tears with his thumb? Lean towards you and kiss the corners of your eyes, all in hopes for your tears to stop cascading from your eyes? How ridiculous. As though that would solve any of your problems. 
So, he does what he is supposed to. Grab your shoulder and gently shake you awake. 
“Wake up. It’s almost time to begin.” He says brusquely, already turning around for his back to face you. “Wipe your tears. Don’t let the enemy see even a single hint of weakness.” 
You would be shocked upon realizing you were crying in your sleep and hurriedly wiped away the remains of your tears. Not soon after, you join him by the ledge of the building, watching over the city with puffy eyes. Blade would steal a glance at you and then he would say, 
“Do not be hasty. I am with you.”
You didn’t need to try hard to know that he wasn’t just talking about the battle ahead.
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Dan Heng
The hour was late when Den Heng jolted awake from his sleep. He dreamt of a vague memory of his past incarnation and saw a nightmare where his friends were swept away by the waves; of you disappearing in the dark sea of clouds. 
Inhaling and exhaling slowly, Dan Heng takes a moment to recompose himself before shifting to rest on his side, thus meeting the familiar sight of your back. They’re here, Dan Heng thought to himself, breathing a quiet sigh of relief. It’s all just a dream. 
Not wanting to wake you, Dan Heng simply stares at your back. The steadiness of your breathing, a reminder that you are alive. Gingerly, Dan Heng reaches to subtly trace soothing lines on your back. Truth be told, it was probably more soothing for him than you. 
Then suddenly, there was a slight change in the pattern of your breathing. More feeble and erratic. Concerned that he might have woken you up, Dan Heng pushed himself up to check on your condition … 
… Only to find you crying in your sleep. 
Upon the sight of your tears, falling so steadily onto the fabric of your already damp pillow, Dan Heng’s breath hitches. He shakes your shoulders, calling your name again and again until your eyes open and meet his pairs of jaded blue. 
“You’re crying.” He said bluntly, his brows furrowed as a tell-tale sign of his bleeding concern for you. “What? No, I’m fine. Yes, I woke up because of a nightmare but I’m more concerned for you.” 
The two of you would both end up sitting on the bed, both fretting over each other’s condition. You asked Dan Heng about his nightmare and he would reply that it was the usual. He asked you about your tears, and you replied you didn’t even know you were crying until Dan Heng pointed it out. 
In the end, the both of you would end up embracing each other tightly, providing both comfort and strength to one another. You both wind up laying on the bed in each other’s arms. 
Dan Heng would stay awake for a while after you’ve fallen asleep, gazing at your resting figure in hopes that he would never have to see you cry in your sleep once more.  
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Dr. Ratio
After a long day full of shameful displays of stupidity from the people around him, Dr. Veritas Ratio was done for the day and is free to visit his beloved. I cannot wait to see them, Ratio thought as he made large strides towards your office. It has been far too long since I’ve had an intellectually stimulating conversation!
He thinks of all the topics he could talk with you, ranging from the most mundane things such as how each other’s days went and the more complex like the discourse regarding a recent hot theory. 
Imagine his disappointment when he enters your office and finds you dead asleep on your desk. 
Frowning, Ratio rationalizes that you were probably just as exhausted as he was and that there were plenty of chances for conversation when the two of you have rested up. Still. He was disappointed. 
He walked towards your desk and took a moment to observe your resting figure. You were sleeping above your paper reports. Now that’s a lark. But then, he noticed something else. 
Your papers were soaked, all from the tears that were still cascading from your eyes. 
Upon the sight of your tears, Ratio’s heart seemingly ceased to beat. There was shock, confusion, concern and all these strong emotions that meld with one another. In a rare moment of panic, Ratio shook you awake, forcing you away from your stained papers. 
“You fool, just what do you think you’re doing?!” He shouts, worry bleeding through his tone. “Don’t ‘What the hell, Veritas’ me! You’re the one crying on your reports and making them unreadable!” 
You would be confused until you realize that you were crying in your sleep. You touched the lingering wetness on your cheeks and laughed feebly. It was probably the pent up stress, you offered weakly, annoying Ratio once more. 
You expect a lecture, but unexpectedly, Ratio places hand behind your head, brings you to rest against his broad shoulder. 
“You are a fool for ruining those reports. If you must cry … cry on my shoulder instead.” 
It was a silly attempt at cheering you up, but you appreciated it all the same. 
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Hehe this was a super fun prompt to write! Might write a second part with Gepard, Jing Yuan, Welt and Luocha when I feel the inspiration hitting me 👀
Also still semi-working on banners ... sigh, lets hope I find a good theme soon enough.
Thank you for reading 💖
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angelltheninth · 3 months
Honkai Star Rail Men + I Love it When You Moan My Name
Pairing: Argenti, Aventurine, Blade, Boothill, Dan Heng, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Sampo, Veritas Ratio, Welt x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, praise, moaning, being manhandled, fingering, kissing, blowjob, slight dom/sub dynamics, cock riding, pussyworship, cunnlingus, overstimulation, double-dick
A/N: I like doing these longer imagines. Like mini-fics.
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He was always a man of words, a man of his oath. For him the fact that you said his name while he made love to you, almost every night at that, was the same as you taking an oath to him. "A bit louder pretty, I want to hear you. I love it when you moan my name." He kissed against your cheek as he lifted your hips slightly so his cock could slide in deeper.
"Why do you always insist on that?" You brushed his amber hair behind his cheek and his pale skin warmed with a pink flush instantly.
"It is wrong of a man to want to hear his name from the woman he loves?" His hips slowed to deeper thrusts, his cock dragging along your inner walls every time.
You sighed at the sensation of him going so deep. "Argenti."
His cock stirred immediately, pushing all the way inside your pulsing pussy. "You make me feel special, loved. I want to worship you when you say my name like that." Argenti whispered and felt your hands on his cheeks. "Can I… do that for you?"
"Argenti." You moaned and he began moving again, faster every time you moaned his name. "Argenti!" His name became your own prayer, a lifeline as your body pressed against his, shaking and pussy pulsing around his gushing cock.
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Aventurine was a gambling man. He always has his eyes on the prize, in this case on the lovely hostess who just so happens to be his secret girlfriend. He loves you and he loves making bets with you. There's not a lot of risk involved, at least nothing bad.
"Stop staling." You demanded and rolled your hips to take his cock deeper into your pussy. "It's been the whole day, the entire damn shift of you and your fingers teasing me. Just fuck me like you said you would." It was one of the punishments for losing the bet. One among a few, there were also rules but when he looked at you with that shit-eating grin you wanted to break all the rules.
"Bold words for someone who should be happy to take orders now. Didn't I say you should endure this for as long as you can? And what was it that you said back to be? Oh yeah…" He pushed his cock balls deep and then fully out, leaving you empty. "You told me you could do this all day."
"You… god damn, smug piece of…" Your legs locked around him instantly upon his cock pushing back in. "I can't take it anymore." You bit your lip, remembering the other part of the bet. "Aventurine." His purple eyes shined when you called his name, his hips moved forward again. "Aventurine."
"Good girl. You need something, you call my name. I love it when you moan my name." Aventurine would never not honor a bet.
"Aven-turine." His name sounded broken on your lips, interrupted by his cock pounding at your insides. You wanted more. "Aventurine, Aventurine!" You kissed and called his name against his ear, licking around the shining earing, your cunt dripping on his cock and balls, "Av-!"
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You swore you would never say his name no matter what. Be it trouble, pain, sadness, or even pleasure. And so far you managed to abstain from it in all those situations. He knew what you were doing, he knew all too well. Blade always called your name but it sounded like some kind of curse.
He pulled your hair back, your head following his grip. "Still so stubborn with me after all those orgasms. I commend you on that at least." The following snicker didn't sound like he was commending you though, it was more like he was mocking you and while you were still coming on his cock no less.
It didn't seem like he was stopping any time soon, still so hard inside of you he began moving again. Your pussy tightened again, overstimulated to the point of almost feeling pain.
"I won't say it." You gritted through clenched teeth and reached back to grab him by his hair too. Kissing was the only way to make absolutely sure now. You didn't trust your body or your heart anymore, you couldn't control them around… "Blade."
Blade gasped, barely audible under the sounds of your pussy taking his dick. He heard it, you knew he did because his pace quickened, more, deeper, "Yes, darling. I love when you moan my name. Finally, finally you're all mine."
His thrusts and his hands grew more possessive by the moment. He was intent on showing you you were his now, not just your body which was already his from the moment you first had sex but your heart and your soul as well. All of you, it belonged to Blade and Blade alone.
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"You should have seen the guy, I swore he pissed his pants when he was standing down the barrel of my gun!" His barked out laughing at the men he was talking to.
In one hand he had his drink which he was casually swirling in the glass, the other hand was below the table, much more busy under your long dress. Thankfully the smooth sound of music and constant chatter and laughter helped cover up the little whimpers you occasionally made. As well as the squelches.
The men he was talking to were non the wiser to what he was doing either. After all you were Boothill's wife so it was a given that you'd cling to him when he just returned after weeks of being on the road.
One of the men leaned in a bit closer. "Those skills of yours are really something, enough to make your missy here happy. But I saw some men eyeing here while you were away, you might wanna consider staying a bit longer this time. Else you might come back and find her in someone's else's arms."
"Nah, my beautiful wife would never cheat on me. Isn't that right darlin'? Aren't I the best? Tell them who do you like the most." He grinned as you opened your mouth only to groan from his fingers curling and rubbing against your sensitive spot. Your pussy tightened around his digits. You swallowed hard before moaning.
"Boothill." His name fell from your lips for all to hear.
"There you have it everyone. She's my wife. Remember that." Boothill's voice dropped to a shaper threatening degree before he grinned with that toothy smile again. "And you, I love it when you moan my name like that, making everyone know you're my woman."
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One of Dan Heng's cocks was more than enough to make you lose your mind. Two were almost too much but you took them both anyway, one in your pussy and the other in your ass, fucking you deep with the exact same ferocity.
"Dan Heng… faster, I can take it, I promise I can take both your cocks." You pushed yourself up and onto all fours, making the man behind you growl and surge forward. "That's better. More."
"I could hurt you. This is already a lot for a human. You don't have to- ah! Tight holes… damn it-!" He was breathing hard, shaking and trying to hold himself back. Ignoring his desires and instincts got easier over the years, at least he thought so before he met you and awakened to his true self again. "Must… not…"
"Yes you can my love. What ever it is you can. I'm letting you. I love you Dan Heng." You confessed as you pushed and rocked your body against his.
His arms embraced you around your hips, his thrusts getting wilder, not painful but so intense that the pleasure made you dizzy. "Moan my name again, I love it when you moan my name. I love… you… I want to fill you up." That was Dan Heng's confession.
Both your pussy and asshole squeezed his cocks at the same time, trapping them until they shot warm seed out, filling both your holes, making them drip and overflow with warmth.
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The knight moaned between your legs. his tongue lapping at your dripping hole. When he said he would pamper you today you didn't realize he meant it like this. Not that you'd dream about complaining, no, never. "So good… Gepard, love when you get like this."
He chuckled as he licked his way up your pussy slowly, his tongue never leaving and wrapped his lips around your swollen clit.
"Right there, don't stop, keep going, I'm so close, Gepard!" You didn't even know what words you were saying anymore only that they made the blonde knight between your legs work harder to please you. "Gepard! C-Coming!" His mouth opened wide, thirty for the taste of you on his tongue. You heard him hiss when you pulled his hair, pushed him closer but he never stopped licking your clit, not until your body fell against the bed, boneless.
"Gods above, sweetheart. You uhm… that was a lot." Now that he sat back up you saw how hard he was blushing, and how wet his face was with your horny juices. "You kept calling my name over and over."
"So? Was it embarrassing?" You suddenly felt self-conscious about it. "If you don't like it I'll stop."
"What?! No! Please don't ever stop! I… I love it when you moan my name. I wanted to moan yours too, only… my mouth was quite busy." Gepard sheepishly smiled before reaching for his discarded shirt to clean his face with. "Perhaps I could learn to do that thing you mentioned, the one where I spell letters with me tongue." Oh. Oh, he was determined now.
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He had you on his lap, in his office, on his cock, making noises for him. Yet you could tell by the relaxed look on his face that it wasn't enough. He was feeling good, his cock pulsing in your pussy, leaking with cum. But… "What do you need me to do, sir?"
"Hm?" He blinked, fingers tapping on your thighs. His smile made you melt on the inside. "What? I already have you where I want you."
"No." You cupped his cheeks and looked deep into his stormy eyes, "I want you to come. For that you seem to need me to do something for you. What is it? You know I'm at your disposal today." This was a secret arrangement, or as secret as your looks could keep it. Friend, secretary, lover, sparing partner, you had all those roles in Jing Yuan's life.
"Then would you moan my name as you come? I enjoy how it sounds." His grip intensified and your hips rolled forward, clit pressing against his hard abs. "Go on, no one is here this late. Only I will hear you. I love it when you moan my name, do it and I'll come inside of you. I know it's what you've been craving all day."
Damn him and his ability to read what was on your mind so easily. Not that you tried to hide it when you bent down and gave him a full view of your naked, dripping cunt, hidden only by your short skirt.
"Jing Yuan." It only took saying it once for him to come. You weren't far behind, riding his cock like your sanity depended on it. His head pushed between your tits, his mouth moaning what sounded like your name but you couldn't tell over the fast smacking sounds of your ass against his strong thighs.
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"Sampo, Sampo slow down!" You moaned into your hand, trying to stifle your cries of pleasure. The assassin retaliated by nibbling on your clit, causing you to cry out and have to brace against the headboard of the large bed.
"Not possible, my sweet. I'm only here for a few hours and those hours are almost up you know. I won't leave without eating you out." He smiled against your shaking thighs and pushed them further apart with his hands. "Call my name again, let the whole estate hear their mistress moaning."
With misty eyes you looked down at your boyfriend, the lower half of his face hidden but his eyes betrayed his amusement of your situation. When ever he visited he fucked you like there wouldn't be a next time and in his line of work maybe there wouldnt be. But he never let you worry about that, only interested in making you scream his name over and over.
"Sampo, please, I can't- too much… too much…!" He bit your clit again and licked it a moment later, making you all but scream for him as you came all over his face.
"I know you can, you did, you did so well tonight. You moaned for me so much, I love it when you moan like that, moan my name so loud like you can't control yourself." Sampo went back to kissing your inner thighs, this time avoiding your puffy, sensitive pussy so he wouldn't realize make it uncomfortable for you.
Eventually he helped you get off of him and pulled you against his chest. "Don't you have to-" His arms tightened around you in retaliation of what you were about to say. A few more minutes won't kill anyone.
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Veritas groaned as he looked under his desk and saw that you stopped moving. "Brat, why did you stop?" His hand left the pencil and went to your hair instead. "Keep sucking."
"How about you ask me nicely, Veritas." You smiled against his red tip.
His eye twitched at your attitude. Why were you always like this, putting up a fight, giving him this sort of responce, making things difficult when they could be so easy. All you had to do was listen to him. "We both know I don't need to do that for a whore like yourself to give me a blowjob."
You leaned your cheek against his leg and traced a finger up his twitching dick. "Veritas, you know what I want you to say." Two could play this game. If he thought he could make you do what ever he wanted when ever he wanted then there would be a price to pay. Oh not much, just his admission.
He groaned and leaned back, hand over his face, hiding his blush. "I… love it… when you moan my name. There I said it, now could you- fuck!" Veritas was a man of logic and reason as much as he was a man of lust and you knew how to make those things work in your favor.
A few words said in the right order, a formula, and you would give his cock all the pleasure it could ask for, you'd suck him dry as many times as he wanted to.
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"Ah… Welt… don't tease me. Please not now." You clung onto your husband's jacket while he hovered above you, his glasses almost sliding off his face. His fingers flicked your clit again, quite quickly too.
"Tease you? Is that what I'm doing? I was under the impression I was making my lovely wife feel good after a long day. But if Im not then I can stop. Although then you wouldn't be moaning my name and you know how much I love it when you moan my name. I'm at a loss." He pretended like he was clueless about your frustrations.
You hissed and pushed your cunt closer to his fingers. "No, no, don't, don't stop, make me come, Welt."
Welt leaned down to kiss you softly, not too long of a kiss but enough to convey how much he missed you today. Two fingers spread your folds open and his middle finger swipped upwards to your aching clit, rolling against it, rubbing the slick over it.
"Thank you, yes, make me come with your fingers." Even if you tried you wouldn't be able to keep your voice down now.
Good thing that you didn't give in and do this while you were at work because you could have gotten caught very easily.
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antimatterz · 1 year
Hello! Can i request Blade x gn!reader? (i like your self-aware au)
What if on the first day of his banner, when you got him, he is already leveled up to 80, his signature cone too, his traces maxed out, have some decent relics on him and put as an icon on account very very quickly.
And while the other characters are not even fully maxed out. Only him. (Cause i will do the same with my Bladie, hehe)
How would he react?
(Can i be Anon K?🤪)
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i'm your priority?
blade x gn!reader
summary: it's barely been a minute since he came come and you're excitedly maxing out all his stats – how does blade react?
cw: humor, self-aware au, blade being smug about it
enyo's note: aa this was such a fun request and i'm glad my self-aware au posts are appreciated lol. and yes of course! welcome to the anon gang!
content under the cut | masterlist
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oh, he would be so amused at first.
he only just joined you, it hasn't even been a minute, and you're eagerly throwing ascension materials and character xp materials at him, instantly raising him to the maximum level.
"oh? someone prefarmed for me, hm?"
his smirk.
but his amusement turns into amazement when you slap a near-perfect set of relics on him, complete with planar ornaments. and no, not just any relics, but ones with godly (sub)stats, on-stat.
barely five minutes after coming home to you, he's fully leveled, with fully enhanced relics that boost all the right stats.
blade is taken-aback but tries to keep his cool.
"looks like someone is into me," he remarks.
"don't get me started," your previous main sighs. "they made us farm for you for weeks." just wait until your prev main finds out that blade also replaced them as your profile icon.
he glances at your other characters, noticing that none of them are fully leveled, only brought to the minimum that was necessary to get through battles on your world level.
oh, he's so smug about it.
tosses a loose smirk in their direction because it's so clear who you like the most.
but you're not done yet... by far not.
that's when you equip his signature light cone, already leveled to the max, maybe even superimposed a couple of times.
now he finally takes a moment to observe you, watching how you're utterly focused on improving him. his stats grow and he feels himself getting stronger.
he's very appreciative but doesn't show it.
"y/n..." he begins, but for once blade is at a loss for words.
then you open his traces, spending all your prefarmed resources to bring all his traces to the max level.
blade watches in awe how your credit count goes down, how your inventory shrinks, now void of all the expensive materials you've gathered in the weeks prior.
for once his smirk vanishes as he makes a promise to himself; he would prove himself worthy of all your effort, resources, time and trailblaze power you've spent on him. he'll be strong for you, carry you through the toughest battles the game has to offer.
his gaze is on you as you sit back, seemingly done with everything. but then you crack your knuckles and say...
"now it's time to get your eidolons, bladie."
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ladadiida · 1 year
𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
heavily injured from a battle in the xianzhou luofu, you thought it would be the first and last time you see your stellarmate—but then you wake up in his arms, with him treating your wounds despite showing signs of disinterest in your bond when you first met.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 soulmate au, angst, unrequited love, mentions of blood and injury descriptions, possessiveness, blade's pov, him just taking care of you with a sprinkle of angst
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 stellarmate = soulmate (inspired from stellar jade so original i know) this is actually from the blade fic that i plan on writing but this can be read as a standalone! also, if you get the ts reference in this we are automatically besties. may blade wanters be blade havers
𝐰𝐜 1.8k
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soaking the dirty piece of cloth in the cold water, blade let the icy liquid gather in the fabric before lifting it out and wringing it dry until it became nothing but an improvised damp towel.
it wasn't even guaranteed that it was clean enough to be put on your forehead, since the cloth was only ripped off from your dirtied skirt. however, he had no choice but to use it in the end. your body went into a shock after losing too much blood in a battle between you and some mara-struck soldiers, resulting into a high fever.
with the moon positioned at its highest point in the night sky, blade guessed that it was already midnight, meaning that he hadn't caught a wink of sleep ever since he fled the xianzhou with your unconscious body in his arms and warped to a planet he first thought of. this was nothing new. he could stay up all night and his body wouldn't feel anything at all.
blade approached your resting figure in the small cave you were both currently residing in. observing your face for a moment, which was formed in a deep frown, he brushed away the stray hairs out of your face as carefully as he could, then placed the damp cloth on your forehead.
your fever wasn't going down throughout the evening, with your body covered in sweat and hastily wrapped bandages. your shoulders were bare since your most grave injury was a stab wound near your heart, caused by a sharp blade of a mara-struck soldier, and so he was forced to rip open the top part of your shirt to stop the bleeding.
beside your now wrapped wound was none other than your mark. your stellar mark. blade can only stare at it. even when he was placing a bandage over your wound, he didn't dare touch the area where the mark rested on your skin. until now, he was still in disbelief over the fact that the aeons gave him a counterpart, his other half. after all the torment and pain, he, of all people, was blessed with a stellarmate.
he went over to the bonfire in the middle of the cave, where he was boiling medicinal herbs with water using a bowl he made out of stone. years worth of travelling between planets made him gain knowledge of which food to eat or which plant is safe to intake. emerald-iii wasn't a foreign land to blade; he had visited the planet before twice, accompanied by kafka.
speaking of his companion, blade thought back to the xianzhou while waiting for you to wake up and for the medicine to finish cooking. she must be looking for him right now, maybe even asked silver wolf to track him down. your astral express friends might be searching for you too.
he closed his eyes. the image of you lying in your own pool of blood appeared in his mind. blood was also dripping down the side of your mouth, and your eyes were already starting to close when he found you. the pain and rage and fear he felt all over his body was nothing compared to his never-ending death. and he felt his mark burning too, wanting to seek revenge to the people who hurt what was his, wanting to kill them clean with his broken—
"b—lade?" your broken voice came out in a pained wheeze. you coughed shortly after, throat dry and parched. blade turned around and looked at you. your eyes were barely open, but he can see your confusion and distress. "you're...h-here?"
"fool. don't try to talk. you are currently in a weak state." he scolded, glowering at you with his crimson eyes narrowed in slits.
you shook your head repeatedly, slowly lifting your shivering arms and wrapping them around yourself. "i-it hurts, blade..." you complained as tears lined up your eyes, fingers brushing against your wounded shoulder, "...and it's c-cold."
blade gave you a blank stare. he didn't know what to say to you. it was the first time you talked to each other properly, and the first time you were alone together. but it seemed like you were in a state of delirium, seeing that you weren't scared of expressing yourself.
you whined while sniffing, "so cold...why is it so cold?"
he sighed in defeat and shrugged off his tailcoat, leaving him in only bandages wrapped around his torso. he scooted over to you and covered your body with his coat. "we are in emerald-iii, therefore, the weather is constantly changing. endure it while i finish the medicine."
"medicine?" you asked curiously, pulling his coat up to your face.
blade clicked his tongue in annoyance. "one more question and i will abandon you here."
you were silent for the next minutes as you patiently waited beside him. he removed the stone bowl from the fire, and saw that the water has turned a greyish green due to the medicinal herbs. to further melt down the remaining floating leaves, he gave the liquid a quick stir by moving it in a back and forth motion.
bringing it up to your lips, he commanded, "drink."
moving your head forward, you sipped from the bowl, but you immediately coughed it out. after recovering from the series of coughs, you let out, "it's bitter—!"
"you dare complain when i boiled these herbs for hours just so they become pure enough to consume." blade snapped impatiently, "do you wish to be well or not?"
you nodded quickly, not wanting to anger him any further. "okay. i'll drink it."
it took you a few more tries before you get to take all the medicine down your throat, your face scrunched in disgust by the time you finished drinking it.
without warning, blade scooped you up and placed your head against his shoulder. he started taking off your bloodied bandages, and once it was all removed, he examined the wound. he already cleaned and stitched it up hours ago, but it was still bleeding. it can't be helped. the supplies were sparse and the cut was too deep, and with your fever adding up, he was not sure if you'll survive the night.
sweat began lining up his forehead. gritting his teeth, he took a fresh batch of bandages and started to wrap them on you again.
why? why was he doing this? why was he trying to keep you alive? each time the bandage circled around your arm, blade's movements became more frustrated and quick and rough. he didn't even notice you gazing at him with a dazed expression until you chuckled softly.
blade scowled. "speak if you wish to say something."
"are you real?" you murmured weakly, your hushed voice cracking in between words, lacking the usual gentle tone yet it was still tinted with naivety and awe that it made him freeze. all the frustration and anger was washed away and was instead replaced with confusion to your question.
your eyelids kept drooping down, not allowing him to see the beautiful shade of your warm eyes that reminded him of the brightest stars of the xianzhou sky. it was fine; as long as he gets to hold you like this, your head against his shoulder, your bare skin against his with the moonlight shining over you, then everything was fine.
feeling his heart skid to a stop for a thousandth time that night, blade can't help but to slowly reach out, and although his bandaged hand hesitated to land on your skin, afraid it might tint your innocence with his sins, he allowed himself to caress your cheek. it did not surprise him at all when your face fit perfectly in the palm of his wounded hand, your warmth proceeding to seep through his thin and bloodied bandages. a stray tear suddenly fell down your smooth skin, and this time, he didn't hesitate to wipe it off with his thumb.
"what do you mean?" he whispered, leaning in closer to you. you didn't answer for a minute, your breathing growing heavy.
then you laughed. "i don't know," you said, "i feel like i just made you up."
more tears escaped from your eyes as you continued, "you wouldn't...boil some strange herbs for me, or wrap me up in your coat. or treat my wounds, or even talk to me. you wouldn't want to be near me. you wouldn't do that."
"i have no time for your nonsense." blade replied with the intention of sounding harsh, but it came out weak instead. you smiled at him tearily, placing your hand on top of his.
"we are going to be unbound soon." you assured him, and blade swore his stellarmark was stung the second you said those words, "and as soon as i get well, i will immediately seek the aeons and get our marks removed. then you wouldn't have to see me ever again."
he swallowed, speechless for the first time. unbeknownst to him, he was slowly pulling you closer to his chest, his fingers digging into your skin in an attempt to keep you all to himself. his breathing grew uneven as he thought of you walking away from him, forgetting him, not thinking of him, and you belonging to someone else that wasn't him. his heartbeat grew irregular at the thought of not seeing you again.
blade had the sudden urge to cover up his mark and protect it from the world. it was his. it was his and his alone, and no one was going to take it away from him. not even the aeons.
"but do you want to know a secret?" you continued quietly, your smile growing wide, "if the aeons would give me a chance to pick a stellarmate again, i would choose you."
yes. he was going to keep this mark. and he was going to keep you. ever single person who will lay their hand on your skin will meet the sharpness of his sword, and every single one who will stand in between your bond shall face his wrath.
"i would you choose you, again, and again, and again, until you want me back. until you love me back."
the second you wake up from your delirious state, he'll tell you of his new plans, and he imagined you in disbelief, surprised and hesitant and hopeless but you'll nod and you'll take his hand, and you'll run, run, run, and leave it all behind.
"oh, look at the moon," you exclaimed, pointing a finger to the crescent shaped light, and he ignored the way your breaths were growing shallow each time you talk, "look at the moon, blade. it's so pretty. the moon is so pretty."
blade pulled you closer to his chest and rested his chin on top of your head as a sinister grin started to grow on his lips, along with an unfamiliar flame beginning to ignite in his amber crimson eyes. you were his. you were his.
and not even elio can change that.
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uvuyai · 5 months
© uvuyai 2024. . . ~ ღ
Men who use their legs to keep you spread open while they finger you☺️(this is my [short] apology letter for my april fools joke😓) this was based off some chilumi nsfw i found on X. I'll link it later!
Tag ~ fingering, fem!reader(no pronouns),, overstimulation, squirting, mating press, no sex but implied at the end, eating outz, size difference, tit slapping + nipple play,
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The way he just snaps you into position with your legs bent away to your shoulders beneath their legs. The way they pumps and ruthlessly thrusts their fingers into your clenching hole, sending you sky high into a bursting orgasm. The tears and drool running down your face says it all. Your trembling hands clenching the thigh of his pants.
You try your hardest to wriggle your way out of his tight leg lock but they're not letting you go till he's finished with you. You've come for the nth time of the day. your mewls, whines, and moans getting high on pitch every waking second. They like seeing you like this; all spread out, puffy pussy sucking their fingers in, eyes rolling up to heaven, and the sweet juices you squirted out onto their hand.
He leans down and licks a stripe of your cunt, you immediately jump from the sudden change of roughness. They tweak and suck at your clit. Their tongue licking long and forceful stripes of your pussy. Their nose pokes at your clit from time to time. Your tongue hanging out of your mouth and tilting your head to the side to hopefully avoid neck pain. You let out a sharp moan and gasp as you felt yourself wet their hand. Your toes curled at the erupting feeling. You are nearly embarrassed about how you've wet yourself. They raise themselves back up to look back at the mess they've made beneath them. That mess being you. Your eyes are so close to closing as you let out soft and quiet pleas for no more.
But as I've said before; he's not stopping now.
One more time at least baby is what they say and they slide their fingers back into you, immediately curling up into that spot he knows like the back of his palm. Their other hand slams down onto your tits, tweaking them in the process. You're so cute they think as they see you trying to escape his leg prison once again. They give you a hearty chuckle and a teasing smirk. Your eyes try to ultimately focus on them but he doesn't stop pumping his fingers into you. Poor thing, it was only 15 minutes in, but it must've felt like eternity for you. Which you hope was the last of, you clenched your teeth and let out a gut bursting orgasm.
He gets up and flips you onto your stomach and removes the rest of your clothes along with his. They aligned his thick, long cock to your sensitive hole. Oh boy, this was gonna be a long day or night for you.
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The characters i think: Zhongli, blade, childe, Kaeya, Boothill, Aventurine, Dr. Ratio, Diluc, Wriothesley, Jing Yuan, Pantalone, Capitano, Dottore, Scaramouche, Alhaitham, Sunday, and you favs!
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