#this whole thing started bc Viktor (Veo's twin brother) and Veera decided the best way to kill Alexis was to honeytrap them
bluberimufim · 10 months
Hi, and happy blorbo blursday! (as usual I am @writeblr-of-my-own).  I am back and ready to get in the game! For today's question, imagine your characters were in a cartoon TV show (such as Total Drama, Adventure Time, Kim Possible etc). What would their signature outfit be? The one they will never change for the duration of the season, possibly of the whole show? What would be one bit they keep doing or their signature sentence?
Happy blorbo blursday!!
This would be very interesting to answer for B&W because all the characters have their circus outfits, so I'm not gonna do that bc it's boring.
In the dystopia WIP, I've always had a very clear image of what Cristover, Nester and Alexis's outfits look like. Especially Alexis. Their outfit appeared 100% complete in my brain and I never changed it bc it was perfect.
I once did character sheets for all the characters and, while none of them is fully coloured, most of them had a little sketch just to kinda study colours and shapes. And this was Alexis:
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Some of the colours are kinda off and the yellow is supposed to be gold but this is the general idea. They're a ridiculously wealthy swordmaster living a life of hedonism and I think this really captures that vibe, especially when you add their facial expressions. They also always have amazing black and gold graphic-ish eyeliner.
Their outfit changes slightly throughout the story to include more red, to represent how they fall deeper and deeper in love with Veera and how this love gradually distances them from their old life (red is Veera's colour, her outfit also gains more gold elements).
If they had to keep the sane outfit throughout the whole "show", I have decided they would only change their outfit once. When they find out that Veera was secretly sent to assassinate them and is probably not even in love with them (she is), we see them venture out of their property for the first time. In this scene they're wearing nothing but red, no gold to be seen - they're not even wearing eyeliner.
Ok, to put this in simple terms, Alexis very vaguely represents "the rich" (together with Nester, the only other character who's main colour is a metallic tone), and Veera represents "the people", since she's the kinda-leader of the common people's revolt. In this scene, Alexis finally leaves their house (the bubble in which the wealthy live, out of touch with the world) and finds their way to a poorer part of Silver City (where Veera is from, they specifically find their way to the building the revolutionaries are using as headquarters) to finally see the real world and learn about Veera's cause. This kickstarts a redemption arc btw.
The colour-switching in a character duo also happens with Cris and Nester, but it means a very different thing and I've already written too much.
Anyway, here are some of the sketches for the other characters:
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They are, in this order: Vi, Veo, Veta, and Veera. Veera's design has changed a bit since this was made, but the general shapes and colours are still correct.
As for bits that keep showing up, I guess it would be that everyone struggles to pronounce Vi's full name because of how long it is (it's Anastavius Greterssen). It's not even that hard, but he always pronounces it with his native accent (which is kinda nordic-sounding) and always writes it out in his native language's alphabet, which the other characters can't read. The only time anyone ever saw his name in the "normal" alphabet was his and Veta's marriage certificate, which they lost when they got exiled.
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