#this will be aftg blog for a bit
themoon-andits-stars · 11 months
honestly? thinking about Kevin Day in those slutty little exy shorts.
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mistykaru · 2 years
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i couldn’t make up my mind for who would be who for this meme but this is what i thought of first therefore
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taciturnpoet · 1 year
i know it wouldn’t be a bad idea for me to make a sideblog containing my ramblings for my other fandoms since this one is so entrenched in dead poets…
but it’s also kinda funny how i’ve stopped caring about that and decided to inflict my other fixations on my followers. sorry to everyone who followed me for one specific fandom, i am but a clusterfuck of interests that i cannot control any longer, you will probably see a lot of them :)
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dayurno · 10 months
you are also my morning newspaper!! so glad you have so many fans we all love your kevposting <3
fans what fans pah!!!!!! how many people am i blasting with insanely specific and psychosexually deviant content in the morning. take care of yourself cuties no phones in bed if you can help it
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parent neil au
tw for rape/non con, violence, physical and sexual abuse, referenced character death (mary), blood, slight transphobia, childbirth, angst ig
none of it is graphic though, like this is just a rough idea of something I'd love to write but dont have time to, so i might as well write this down and who knows maybe someone likes it as unpolished as it is lol
with trans neil, where it goes roughly the same timeline as precanon, with mary dying roughly a year before neil is scouted by wymack
but this time, millport isn't as kind, bc neil isn't traumatized enough for me lol
instead, neil, afab who begins presenting as a guy after mary dies, thinks he's safe in millport until he gets hurt during a game and has to visit the school nurse to get his knee checked out
as it turns out the school nurse is nothing but a predator pos who takes what he wants from young teenagers whom he takes consent away from by drugging them
neil is one of those unfortunate kids
but he's neil, so he just pretends that he wasn't raped, pretends that he doesn't feel humiliated and violated, pretends that it didn't hurt, pretends that the panic didn't happen, pretends that it isn’t a big deal and pretends that he doesn't care that the nurse knows he's trans either and simply avoids the man at all costs
(bc that might have happened, but millport is safe, he has access to education and exy, and he mostly has a warm bed place to stay most nights, and a place to shower every day, and fucking hell he has hernandez, who has no idea of what kind of shit neil is in but he's there to support him and it means more to neil than he wants to admit it does)
so he pretends nothing is wrong, bc nothing is wrong
he doesn't face that damned nurse again for the rest of the school year
he gets scouted by the foxes
as much as his future seems short, it doesn't seem horrible
up to the day of his graduation, he gets too comfortable, too soft, too hopeful
he doesn't notice the nurse following him to the house he's squatting in for him to stay one last night
mary would beat him, when she found out his son got raped again, in a dark and dirty alley bc he didn't take notice of his surroundings enough to realize he was being followed
he gets raped and he gets told its a parting gift and he despises him and he despises men and he despises everything
(most of all he despises himself, for not paying attention, for not being able to fight back before he's drugged, for not being able to fight back being drugged)
he's left alone in the dark and the dirt and as soon as he can move he goes to the place he called home, packs his duffel and stays the night in a motel
(more bc so he can shower is a motel, he can wash away the blood and the evidence that anything happened, bc for him to survive and move on he has to pretend nothing happened, and if he loses track of time while hes showering well there's no one left to care for him.
and if he thinks just for a moment that filling up the tub and lying underwater for too long would just be easier, well there's no one who has to know.
and if he doesn't get a second of sleep that night either well... no one has to know)
he packs it up in a box and he shoves it as far as he can inside his mind and makes himself forget that nothing every happened
even if he has nightmares about hands and unwanted touches and pain
even if he can't stand living in the same appartment as wymack and he can't fucking sleep bc he doesn't feel safe
even if he can't fucking trust abby without fearing for the worst
even if this time being drugged at edens is a million times worse, and he panics so bad he passes out before he has time to find someone to knock him out, bc he's been drugges twice, and both times the pain and humiliation were worse than death and he can't bear to go through it again, and being kissed by nicky just makes everything worse so much fucking worse and he panics and he has no idea of what he says, but somehow andrew understands
(maybe smth like, "please not again, please dont hurt me, I'll do whatever you want just dont f- don't do it, please dont")
the rest of the story goes pretty much the same,
with the twist that neil is pregnant, he just doesn't know that
some people have what is called a cryptic pregnancy, in which mostly bc the uterus is tipped backwards, they dont develop much of a baby bump in the entirety of the pregnancy, and some people may or may not present pregnancy symptoms, or they may have spotting that lets them believe they still get their period, and yeah they never really find out they're pregnant right until very late in the pregnancy or until childbirth
well... the opportunities here are endless lmao
just imagine a pregnant neil, with his body going through a pregnancy he doesn't know or want, and even though he can feel his body feels odd sometimes, the thought never really crosses his fucking mind
tbf it's a miracle the fetus makes it with how crazy and moving and stressful neil's life goes, and lets not even talk about the violence of exy
drake still happens, with the difference that this time neil is hit a bit harder, bc he can remember, faintly through the haze of being drugged, what that pain is like, and maybe he drops a hint andrews way about that that has andrews eyes sharpening bc he had his suspicions since edens
but he still leaves for easthaven
and when the time comes, neil still goes to the nest
but this time, he doesn't stay the two weeks (three weeks in raven days) he was supposed to, bc theres such a thing called trauma induced labor
neil has no idea of what the fuck is going on, all he knows is that during that first week, he's in so much pain from riko and tetsujis abuse already, that he doesn't even feel the cramps at first
he's woken up in the middle of the night bc of how intense the pain is, and he's horrified to find he's bleeding a lot more than he's used to
jean wakes up bc of the sound of pain he lets out, and he's equally if not more horrified than neil bc he has no fucking idea of what to do and neil seems to be in tremendous pain and bleeding that fucking much cannot be normal
so against all fucking judgement, despite the fucking punishment he's going to get afterwards, he gets riko immediately
riko is so fucking lost about what to do with neil that he sends jean to drop him off at some hospital, bc he might have been torturing him but if neil fucking dies in that place its going to be more trouble than he's worth with both legal authorities and the main family as well
so jean does that, neil is terrified, dazed, in so much fucking pain and he has lost so much blood already and he has no idea of what the fuck is going on and despite hating it he just holds on to jean as he opens the door to the closest emergency room, being rushed by nurses to lie down on a stretcher
its mortifying to be called a girl, and if jean wasn't there with him, he probably would be called a girl for the entirety of his visit
it's mortifying to get checked out by a gynecologist and to have his entire situation questioned and all he can do is fight the dizziness and the nausea and the pain to stay awake bc he's so fucking scared and so fucking confused
("i just found him in the street, i dont know him, he just seemed in a terrible condition and i had to bring him," jean lies, horribly might i add)
they dont even need to bring out an ultrasound machine for the gyno to realize that neil is pregnant, and what the fuck does she mean, no neil cant be fucking pregnant, he doesn't- he hasn't-
he tells them he can't be pregnant, he's not attracted to people that way, he hasn't had-
and it all comes crashing around him, and to his anger he starts fucking crying, out of grief and pain and shame and fear
the truth of what happened all those months ago pours out of him in words he cant remember and he doesn't even feel ashamed that jean is still there, still hearing him, he doesn't have time to
bc the doctors are telling him that due to the signs of physical trauma, his body is inducing an early labor (they tell him he should only be on his seventh month, they tell him premature births are a risk, they tell him trauma births are a risk, they tell him he's bleeding too much and that he could have a placental disruption and thats a fucking risk, but there’s nothing for him to do but live through the pain)
and he's in so much pain, different than anything he's ever been through, and he's being told to push, and he feels so weak, so faint he doesn't know if he can do it
but at some point he hears a baby crying, and through exhausted eyes he just sees that tiny, too tiny human in the doctor's hands and he's just filled with the need to hold them, to have them in his arms
"congratulations sir, you had a beautiful baby daughter"
and all he can do is fucking cry, bc he cant hold that baby, his baby, bc she's premature, and they need to make sure she's okay, and they need to keep her under observation for a little longer, same as him bc he lost a lot of blood and he has so many injuries anyway, but he cant think about himself
all he can think about now is that small baby, alive, alive, alive, somehow, alive and his and okay and- and he needs to think of a fucking name
by the time they give him a room, and have him hooked up on antibiotics and painkillers and a fucking blood transfusion, jeans says his goodbye
he hesitates by the door, and he turns to neil and says, "i wont tell him you gave birth"
hes too tired and the meds are making him drowsy, but he's still afraid, "what are you going to tell him then?"
"that you had to be taken to surgery for internal damage, that you wont rejoining us"
neil knows jean can face punishment for lying, he knows jean knows that too
"why would you lie for me"
"i cant presume to know what the pain of pregnancy or childbirth is like, but i know what having men taking whats not theirs to take is like, you've had enough taken away from you, i wont let them take this too"
neil is speechless for a moment, processing, understanding, and by the time he speaks its just a whisper, "thank you"
jean turns to leave, and neil speaks up as much as he can, "jean, I'll find a way to get you out, i promise"
"dont promise things you can't achieve, wesninski"
neil is too tired to wince at the obvious jab, "I don't promise things i won't do"
jean looks at him with something too close to hope for a moment, before scoffing and leaving
before he passes out, neil calls a nurse, and asks him if he call someone for him, bc he cant reach his bag thrown in a chair too far from the hospital bed
(it all goes down from there, neil with a newborn for the next couple of months, wymack losing his absolute fucking mind bc he never expected one of his own damn foxes to have a child, much less neil out of everyone, and abby is losing her mind bc she can't believe she let neil play all those months while pregnant and the foxss are losing their minds but bc they can't believe they have a baby and they're genuinely happy for her little existence
and the baby turns out to be incredibly healthy for a premature baby, and for a traumatic birth, even if shes on the small side
i cant think of a name, bc all my brain comes up with is anna and josephine after reading too many stories, but hope could also work
and things change from here on
neils recovery period is obviamente longer than in canon, he stays with abby for the first month, more for the babys sake than his, and he gets incredibly close to abby in that time (i believe in abby as neil's mother figure supremacy)
things with andrew go slower in this timeline, bc neil is recovering partly, but also bc neil has more feelings to work through and different priorities what with a newborn fucking baby, but they still start something, maybe its softer, maybe its slower, but its something
and things seem to be going well, neil is going well, he starts playing lightly again (after telling the press he had a car accident during the break in which he had internal injuries that needed more time to heal), the baby is growing steadily, healthy and cute as hell, and the foxes are thriving despite having to accommodate to a lack of neil and having neil playing shorter periods of time
at least until baltimore happens)
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thornilee013 · 11 months
Happy Wednesday!! First of all, how was your convention? Also, I LOVE the fellowship of the ring! I hope that your applications are going well! My week has been busy, I’ve been working basically nonstop! I hope that you’re having a great week!
Could I please get some baby Jean? Congrats on your new writing account!!🤍🤍🤍
prev | Baby Jean
"Of course," his grandmother said, her voice giving away that she knew Jean's emotions at the moment were like a lake in winter, where the ice he had to walk on was freshly formed, incredibly thin, and filled with hairline cracks that hadn't healed yet. "I can't let anyone think I don't spoil my grandchildren," she said with a little huff.
"What's the plan for today, grandmother?" Camille asked, already having obediently placed a napkin over her lap.
"Could we go to the aquarium?" Jean blurted, needing that element of childish innocence to return to himself and his sisters like the lungs needed air.
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 3 months
1 4 8 9 10 12 for the ask thingy that you reblogged earlier
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
The aftg fandom has probably the most amount of amazingly well written and beautiful fanfic I have ever read. Almost all the art I’ve seen is just so amazing every artist I’ve seen make aftg art is amazing. Most of the people I’ve met and in this fandom are genuinely amazing people, I’ve been in fandom spaces since I was young and this has probably been my best experience in a fandom like ever.
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
Kandeil, I hate it so so much but I have to admit the fanart is really good. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bad fanart of kandreil, it’s just not my thing.
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
I really want more people to give some love to my girls Dan and Renee. Their dynamic is so interesting and I’d like to see that developed a bit (in either a platonic or romantic way)
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
Wymack, Abby, and bee. Every time this is in a fic it absolutely wrecks me. Idk I just love the parental figures and want them all together.
10. a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
You know I have to shoutout my pookie @detectivebambam they’re literally my favorite person on this app <3
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
I can’t really decide between these two drawings I did-
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Thanks for the ask I loved doing this :D
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bienmoreau · 4 months
Can you tell me abt sunshine court? I see a new book came recently and I've gathered it's a book series and I could just look it up but I have not. It's books? About foxes? I guess it's not about foxes. I like foxes tho. When I see it on your blog I think abt foxes which is nice.
Boy CAN I!!
The Sunshine Court is a spin-off of the All For The Game trilogy by Nora Sakavic! It follows my absolute favourite character from the trilogy the one and only Jean Moreau! (And my 2nd favourite Jeremy Knox)!! BUT! TSC is going to make next to no sense unless you've read AFTG!
So what is AFTG?
; A trilogy consisting of the books The Foxhole Court, The Raven King and The Kings Men.
Shortest answer is: a truly wild collegiate sport drama with an extra flavour of trying to escape from the mafia and shed loads of trauma!
Slightly longer answer is that the books are about Neil Josten a boy on the run for his life from his dad who's obsessed with a fictional sport called Exy. Against all better judgement he is convinced to sign with a college team. And against all odds doing so is probably long-term what saves his life. Tho not for many a close call when his past and his present collide with more fallout than even he could have anticipated. Thankfully he has the 'psychotic midget' Andrew Minyard at his back and maybe they can make a future together out of this mess.
Longer/other answers can be found in this tag here #wtf is tfc
And also please mind there are a heap of trigger warnings for these books if you do plan to read them! More info on each book here!
But yeh. These books mean a lot to me. A friend got me to read them in 2015 and a group of us spent a couple months building a fandom and promoting the heck out of them and that fandom is now bigger than I ever could have imagined back then and most of the old crowd aren't really in it anymore but the love from that time hasn't gone anywhere and then last year Nora messaged me to say she was writing TSC (incredibly exciting madness since she went offline YEARS ago!) so I've been dipping my toes back in a bit since then, mostly just for tsc & jerejean again, but the OG 3 books still mean so much to me and I'm rereading them rn and still absolutely adore Nora's writing and the story she is telling with these books!! So with all that (sorry got a little tangential there) if you are interested and wanna know more feel free to ask me anything abt them!
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themostuselesspotato · 7 months
I'm going to be taking my entire fanart wall down over the weekend. Y'all want me to post stuff or nah?
This will include tma, aftg, and a liiiittle bit of other assorted stuff btw
Edit: I've started posting the Wall Fanart on my blog under the tag "wall fanart" if yall want to see
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paradoxolotl · 10 months
Uh one question, I've been out of the aftg tumblr for a couple of years now, I come back and nora is what???? What is happening....
Nora is writing a Jean centric book called The Sunshine Court!
Here’s a link to her post with some details she’s given us so far
You could give a quick scroll through her blog for a few other bits as well, there’s a book mock-up cover she posted
There’s some more on twitter, but I’m not on there anymore so I can’t grab you those links
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rashfcrd · 6 months
hi faatimah idk if you'll rmr but its layla from like 2020 i liked kevin day too and trc and i was like 14 back then...i don't rlly use tumblr anymore but i was lurking a bit on here and i just found ur blog again LOL i just wanted 2 say its kinda crazy bc i'm carat too now ! and ramadan mubarak 💗 hope ur well!
omg LAYLAAA !!!!ofc i remember you!!! you used to make lovely edits! how are you??? and ramadhan mubarak to you too 🤍✨
have you seen there’s gonna be a spin off series for aftg about jean and jeremy? ngl im pretty excited for it
shjdkd who on this site doesn’t end up going into kpop. who’s your bias in seventeen?🩵🩷
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true-bluesargent · 6 months
finally read lazarus today and i am bit excited for tsc now... i am not NEARLY as invested in aftg as my blogging habits would suggest honestly but it will be so interesting to see things from a perspective that isn't neil's and i think jean as a character is so fascinating
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OH and also I've seen people defend with their whole chests the choking scene, like really is this the hill you wanna die on?😭 and its like it would be soo nice if we could accept that andrew minyard has his wrongs and his rights, like some of the aftg characters are so interesting there's so much to them and the topics the books deal with are all topics ppl would feel strongly about, it would make sense that some people get rubbed the wrong way or dislike even andrew and neil (im mentioning them bc the double standards are crazyy😭) like they've got their good qualities and bad qualities like anyother character, I've seen good meta from people who don't like one of them or talking about their "bad points"
I guess I've just come to complain in your inbox, but the fandom is kind of interesting to me I think it would be a lot more split if less people had the tendency to defang andreil like they do, it's like how a lot of readers hate the idea of andreil never getting married or never saying I love you, or how they depict andrew as smooth or unable to make mistakes somstimes😭like yes not getting married/saying ily could be a bit weird to some people (not to me though I understand🫡) or your favourite character may be unlikeable or make mistakes or do a bad thing but it makes them less flat and it could make sense for the character soo
I really did come to complain in your inbox, I wish I could just stay delusional in an echo chamber with all my favourite blogs but alas😓I have to see opinions that I think are wrong, it's funny how we can read the same books and take completely different things from it so I just wanted to talk to someone
um first of all don't apologize I like mail of all kind so you're good you're so good
also yeah. pretty much. the double standards for Neil and Andrew vs. literally everyone else is brain rotting sometimes. honestly sometimes I have to actively remind myself that I like those two and that they're actually great characters just because the takes their fans have almost push me almost to the other side. and it usually seems to be that people will acknowledge like little, surface level flaws in them just to be like "y'all need to realize these characters are NUANCED and have FLAWS" so that they can then proceed to ignore the bigger issues.
I think part of it is that, esp with Andrew, he can also get a good bit of hate so people try so hard to stay away from that that they end up on the other side of him.
but tbh I just try to not pay much attention to what most other people say tbh it just feels more relaxing that way. whenever I venture too far into the sea of aftg fan content I usually reach a point where I just feel weird.
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dayurno · 2 days
sorryyyy for bringing some type of discourse to your inbox but I just giggle whenever anyone brings up the fact that nora soad andrews a misogynist and their only argument is the fact that he's friends with renee and dating neil who said women are the strongest ppl i know, like i don't personally think he's a misogynist, but i feel like there has to be better arguments for it😭
maybe it's bc the fandom gets on my nerves so I'm more sensitive to any attempts a defanging and making characters more palatable bc I'm not a fan of the widespread fanon versions of the characters also it's sad I feel like the fandom made some sort of progress where discussions were being had about the problems in the series and now after tsc came out it feels like we're back to where the author can do no wrong and it's hard to criticise anything
what do you think about tsc being a triology, I feel like two books can hopefully give Jeremy the depth he needs i remember you found him a bit flat as well when you read the book, I see a lot of people saying he needs to have a mean side or a traumatic past but I feel like a kind, nice character can be interesting without those things and not every kind character needs to have this secret mean side anyway, personally I groaned out loud when I found out it was a triology bc that would mean the fandom would be alive for longer and it's so crazy out of any book fandom I've ever been in for some reason the aftg fandom feels the most obnoxious maybe it's bc the books deal with heavier topics close to the heart so there's more feelings involved🤔the only book fandom who has pissed me off a comparable amount would be asoiaf but that's a whole different thing
I really do try and be happy I'm not even in the fandom anymore and I've never followed aftg twitter accounts and I don't even check the tags I just go on certain blogs but i still see things it's horrible💔like I can't believeeee we're still discussing if Kevins a coward or not and how selfish he is for leaving the nest like we've already argued about this to death on tumblr back in like 2016 now it's the same thing again💔
LOL i understand honestly so many of these discussions are repackaged wide-spread 2015 opinions which don’t reflect the original text that it’s hard to do anything except use the we have this thread every week comrade image and let it go. andrew being misogynistic is not even hard to come to terms with considering it’s not an interpretation or a headcanon it’s the author’s own words and will for the character incorporated into canon. there are things to disagree with nora sakavic for, but ultimately there is a difference between disagreeing with the author and willfully ignoring the intention with which a character was written
& i didn’t really care much for the news, i think the lack of planning and the rushed way the books are coming along are grating on both the author and the fandom, but i don’t blame her for wanting to get this done and over with. it will show more insight on jeremy hopefully, but unfortunately i already don’t care 😭 i think the route tsc took was in general uninteresting and pedestrian enough to not warrant a second thought, and i’m not particularly interested in any plotline beyond what pertains to kevin and the ravens. what surprised me really is the total lack of impact tsc had on the fandom, which is to say, i think it was so in line with the same 3-5 headcanons passed around the last 10 years that it has genuinely done nothing for anyone aside from the people who were already very invested in jean and/or jeremy. it feels like a different fandom from aftg altogether, which i’m happy about if only because it keeps us all locked in different cages, but it still baffles me to see people dedicate so much thought to a book whose characters bar jean are, as of now, the very definition of Nothing burger. all in all the answer to that question and most questions pertaining to tsc is Who cares. because literally who cares
LMFAO staying away from aftg twt is really good for you & honestly all of us. it’s still so funny to me that not even nora sakavic herself wanted to touch that mess. mentally ill white suburbanite teenage shut-in echo chamber ass fandom
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voids-ideas · 10 months
Welcome to my main blog which I like to define as chaos
After the "read more" you'll find quite a lot of information, my other blogs, fandoms I write about and/or reblog content from, and a bit more, but before that I want to make one thing clear
I like to debate a lot, and from time to time I might get into a discussion about a social issue, I like this topic a lot, I'm quite interested in learning to see things from different perspectives, I feel that helps me in my mission called "creating a society in my head where nobody suffers".
That's why I possibly read quite questionable comments, and I'm able to put up with almost anything, there's only one rule: You're not going to attack/insult anyone. Especially someone else. If I see something like that in any post of mine, I'm going to block you. That's possibly the only condition under which I plan to directly block someone (that and bots).
As a bonus, if you see anything on this blog or any of my other blogs that makes you feel uncomfortable, please let me know. Send me a message, ask, whatever
Now for the fun part
Tumblr is my dopamine
I love any interaction that happens on any of my accounts, reblogs, messages, likes, asks, if you do any of those things I probably screamed with excitement when I saw it
In the case of asks and messages, there is the possibility that I am slow to respond, I tend to panic in social interactions
If you don't know anything about aftg I really ask you to find out about the trigger warning first, but this is my aftg blog: @neiljostenmakesmyday
Good omens obsession here, good omens obsession there: @im-the-j-in-anthony-j-crowley
Helluva boss and Hazbin hotel over here: @mrfancytalkcreepyvoice
Blog where I sometimes share things about disability: @all-the-things-i
And this is my main blog. I define it as: Chaos
Things you may (or may not) see on this blog:
Good omens
Our flag means death
Interview with the vampire
Percy Jackson
House MD
She-ra and the princesses of power
All for the game
The hunger games
Heartbreaking High
Prodigal son
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Star wars
The magnus archives
I don't remember all the tags I've used, but I remember some of them (I'll add the link to them as soon as I get my pc and remember to do it):
Jay attempts to draw possibly there are drawings here, warning: I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRAW
Jay watches shows and pretends they have something relevant to say about them This is me screaming, crying and demonstrating that I know nothing about how to analyse a show/movie when I watch it, but I still say something that makes sense from time to time
Jay and... Jay what are you doing? You figure out what I was doing here, because I definitely didn't know.
Jay cries about some misfortune that happened to them in minecraft self-explanatory
Jay listens to podcasts and demonstrates zero comprehension of what they hears At the time of doing this, it has only one meaning: The magnus archives
Yes, this last part is just because I wanted to put all the colors of the lgbt flag. I don't have another section, I tricked you
Lie, this is... a little about me:
I like cats. That's all.
Well, no. I'm in my 20s, recently diagnosed with adhd and autism (before that I had self diagnosis), I am in evaluation for chronic pain and other things, I identify as greysexual, greyromantic, agender (sometimes non-binary), bi, among other things.
I have trouble explaining things, and I define myself as a joke, in the way that my life is full of comical situations in which I am at the centre
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meyhew · 2 months
Seed 😭😭😭😭 I’m back😭😭😭 I was last here crying about one day. I’m back to cry about all for the game OHMYGOD.
I read the books and TSC all for the first time over the last week and I’m… unwell. I’ve been scrolling and deep diving on here and have so much fomo of missing out on when this was an insanely active fandom cause it looks like everyone was having such a great time omg. But just. OHMYGOD. My heart. Neil 😭😭😭😭 Andrew!!!! Kevin!!! Jean omg I’m truly never gonna be over this. The Neil and Jean parallels I’m gonna be sick.
I came across mentions of lessons in cartography and how it’s based off the extra content Nora shared. Soooo might jump into that next 😅😅😅
Just wanted to come cry to you and see if you had any thought and comments to share 🙂
hii SORRYYY this has been sitting in my inbox for days…. i’m so sorry but omg. isn’t it CRAZY to read for the first time??? i remember reading the trilogy three times back to back bc i just could not get enough. and then i devoured all the extra content (which isn’t on nora’s blog anymore but u can find here). im not even gonna lie bro it was such a blast to be on here back in the heyday of it all. nora was so active, there were so many fandom wide jokes. i highly recommend searching up neil’s jortventures on youtube and watching all of them in order.
i thought i might be normal about it all now but then i read tsc and i was 18 all over again. jean moreau… oh his extra content bits had already ruined me and he’d held a special place for me but reading his story… watching him struggle… i wanted to sob. he’s just a boy :( eagerly awaiting my rainbow crate aftg box so i can read from the hardcovers
i never read lessons in cartography but i know everyone raves about it. it was THEE andreil fic of all time for a very long time, i just never rly got into fic for the fandom. they’re such uniquely fucked up characters i fear no one will ever Quite get them the way nora writes them so i shan’t venture past that. but god… what an insane story
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