#this would be good advice if Raven could deliver a joke any way other than sarcastically
bbraespam · 2 years
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Beast Boy: Kids are easy. All you gotta do is make silly faces. Oh, a-and kids love jokes. This one never fails. Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Raven: ... Beast Boy: [whispering] You’re supposed to ask why. Raven: ...Why? Beast Boy: He went because he was feeling a little crumb-y! Get it? [laughs uproariously at his own joke, is cut off] Raven: ...I guess I’m on my own.
BBRae in Season 5: Hide and Seek
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Slayer of Slayers
Warnings: I do not own, nor do I claim to own any of the copyright or characters within the Buffyverse which includes but not limited to the television shows Buffy and Angel, as well as the Darkhorse comics series’ continuation. 15+ Strong to moderate violence, Graphic to mild descriptions of gore, and torture, sexually charged scenes, sexual innuendos, mild to strong language, and practices of witchcraft. M/M, F/F, M/F, GEN, OTHER +
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Part Two: Have Faith
Theo walked into his demonic dive bar with Faith by his side eager to introduce the slayer to the place he called home and it was not long before Faith noticed the customers within the dive bar were demons, vampires, and other supernatural creatures, all either looking at her with curiosity or hatred in their eyes while a few even looked at the raven haired slayer with a look of hunger, as if they would ever get a chance to taste her. “Your time working alongside that immortal Mayor was a rather impressive time for you Faith, going head-to-head with Buffy Summers and poisoning her beloved vampire Angelus was nothing short of magnificent but after your boss’ failed ascension you went radio silent,” Theo told Faith as the two of them walked over to the bar counter where Tobias was behind the bar serving drinks to customers. “I heard something about some kind of body swap, a jail stint, and Sunnydale being blown to pieces and then the rumors of course which I hope were just rumors.” “I swap bodies with B then tried to take out Angel again winding up in prison to which I broke out of and have been laying it low making sure my targets wind up dead, so the goodies do not come looking for me again. As for Sunnydale, well I was late for that party which is why I’m so on the ball with this one.” Faith lied to Theo as she quickly noticed the bartender Tobias listening in on their conversation. “So, are you the guy behind this whole slayer or slayers thing? Or is it a whole army? Either way, sign me up.” “I am known by those who fear me as the slayer of slayers, yes, but I rarely work alone. Have not had a slayer on my side before though so this could get interesting.” Theo replied to the slayer, proudly boasting about the evil deeds he committed. “This slayer tells a good story Theo but make sure she is not just selling it on behalf of the one we really want,” Tobias advised Theo, joining the conversation much to Faith’s annoyance. “What’s it got to do with you? The bloodsucking bartender seems to have big balls.” Faith snapped at Tobias. “He’s my partner in every meaning of the word and one day I intend to give up my mortal life so he will remain my partner forever,” Theo revealed to Faith shocking her by showing true warmth towards Tobias before he leaned over the bar and kissed his undead boyfriend. “Let’s just say if I were playing on team B Sunnydale would still be Sunnydale and not a poor man’s Grand Canyon.” Faith boasted, hoping her brag would be enough to convince this duo that she was on their side. “Here’s a thing Faith, I know you were something of a deal back in the day but she’s the slayer nobody forgets that one that defies all odds and changed everything making such a big mess of everything,” Theo responded to Faith making it clear his main target was Buffy Summers. “She’s the girl in all of this world, the one kill that will really mean something.” “I get you that think you’re a big shot because you’ve taken out a few rookie slayers, but B and I have been at this a hell of a lot longer than the others and she has this tendency to come back from the dead on the rare occasion somebody actually gets the better of her.” Faith reminded Theo and Tobias of Buffy’s impressive record. “You have not shown me nothing that proves you would stand a second against Buffy let alone be something of use to me.” “If I’m going to take advice on taking out Buffy, I’m not going to take it from some burned-out slayer who tried, failed, and fell straight into a coma.” Theo taunted the slayer, not convinced he needed or wanted her help. “I’ll admit I was a stupid go-getter back then too stupid for my own good which is exactly what I’m getting from you.” Faith said, mocking the man who claimed to be the slayer of slayers. “I do not care how hot you think your shit is you go up against Buffy with what you got now, and you will die.” “I think I’m going to like this slayer,” Theo told Tobias as the two lovers looked at each other with a sense of excitement on both of their faces, as Faith realized, she may have finally got her in with the
two guys who had been killing all the slayers who had the misfortune of coming to Los Angeles.
After sharing several drinks with Theo and Tobias, Faith had decided to go on a walk with Theo strolling through the dark and dirty alleyways of L.A, knowing that this slayer of slayers had either taken her outside to lure her into a trap, or worse, he was going to try to make her prove her loyalty to his mission by finding another slayer, one that Faith would have to kill. “I’ve never had any issue beating anyone in a fight, the fighting comes pretty easy to me too easy, that is why taking down the big one, Buffy Summers is so important to me, I long for the challenge,” Theo admitted to her as they continued their walk. “Tobias thinks me a fool for not fearing her enough but my hatred for slayers, especially that one is just too strong for me to want to do anything but kill the bitch.” “I get hating on Buffy, but the girls got serious game, The Master, Angelus, The Mayor, are just some of her hits, and let’s not forget that cyborg guy and the freaking god she slew.” Faith replied, reminding Theo of Buffy’s rather impressive track record. “I am very aware of Buffy’s never-ending victories however, to fear anyone who feels the need to go into hiding is somewhat pathetic and it makes me wonder whether or not you have gone soft on me,” Theo revealed as the two stopped walking, and a group of vampires appeared from out of the shadows to absolutely no surprise to Faith. “Hey, if you want me to prove myself by turning your lackies into dust then that is on you dude.” Faith boasted, as she looked around at the vampires marching towards her, knowing that she could take them all, as she wondered if Theo had any power at all or if he was hiding behind his rather lackluster army.
It did not take Faith long to get the better of the vampires who Theo had sent to test out her slayer abilities and once she did exactly what she promised to do, dusting all the vampires, Faith decided to head back to the demonic dive bar to gloat about her victory only to walk into the mostly now empty bar to find Theo and Tobias behind the bar kissing passionately once again. “Do you two ever come up for air or is that a bit pointless considering one of you is dead?” Faith asked as she walked over to the bar counter. “Actually, won’t that make one of you need air even more?” “Those vampires were disposable just like the slayers themselves, however, you do seem to be the exception.” Theo complimented Faith on her victory. “Consider me impressed by you still being alive and looking like you did not so much as break a sweat.” “So, we’re down a bunch of minions and if things went wrong, we would have been down a slayer too,” Tobias complained to Theo, making it clear to Faith that he had not been part of Theo’s ambush. “Some of those guys have been with us for a long time Theo, not to mention another slayer on the side would be a bonus despite what she thinks about her.” “She’s alive, isn’t she? And if they could be taken out that easily then they were of no use to us in the first place.” Theo snapped back at his love appearing to be more soulless than the man next to him, who literally had no soul. “You should have let me in on the plan, I know you like to think you run things around here Theo, but we are meant to be a partnership,” Tobias said with a saddened sigh, shocking Faith by the look of hurt on his face making it clear that this vampire really did have genuine feelings for Theo. “I do not mean to interfere in this lover’s spat but who’s this she who I’m guessing does not think of me too fondly?” Faith asked in an attempt to break some of the awkwardness, as well as learn more about their little operation. “Toby’s vampire mother, he’s a total mummy’s boy never likes straying too far off her path it gets rather tedious to be honest,” Theo told the slayer willingly, making a dig at his partner at the same time. “You know I hate being called Toby. And as for me being a mummy’s boy, I am just smart enough to follow her rules unlike you who seems set on doing whatever the hell you want whenever the hell you want to.” Tobias continued to complain to Theo making his feelings heard. “Babe, you know I love you but sometimes I just got to be me. If I told you my plans, you’d have just talked me out of it and I know she’s got an eye on everything but that does not mean that my plans are not solid either.” Theo replied to his lover in a softer tone. “I just need you to believe in me more sometimes than I would not have to keep anything from you.” “Wow, for two evil guys killing slayers wherever they go that was pretty deep.” Faith told them both, surprised by the clear love between these two men but before either of them could reply to her, two vampires walked into the bar with a woman clearly drugged out, being held by them both, an innocent, making Faith realize they had found their next target. “Did you order takeout?” Theo joked with Tobias, as the two smiled at each other unnerving Faith by the sudden turnaround between these two men. “This is not just some woman boss, it’s a slayer, she took out some of our guys before we got her and delivered her here to you.” One of the vampires confessed. “I guess you picked the right ones for your suicide mission after all,” Tobias admitted as he kissed Theo on the lips. “You know it, babe!” Theo replied with a sense of excitement, as Faith recognized the look on his face, it was a look she knew far too well, a look that meant Theo enjoyed every kill, got off on the darkness as she did once upon a time.
Faith knew that the slayer which Theo and Tobias now held was not going to make it out of there alive if she did not take any action and so when she had the opportunity, she left the dive bar claiming to be ready to hit the sheets but instead, she went to see Angel at the Hyperion Hotel to fill him in on her discoveries while being undercover. “So, I have no clue if this dude has powers or what, but he’s definitely got himself a following and a vampire lover.” Faith confessed to Angel after walking into his office within the Hyperion Hotel. “There is something about him that I cannot quite figure out yet and his whole relationship with that vamp is all kinds of uncomfortable in the sense that they're basically like a married couple.” “Does this mean you’ve found a way of earning their trust or you wound up killing everybody to avoid things getting too cringey?” Angel joked with Faith as he stood up from his chair. “Thing is they’re currently torturing the hell out of another slayer, so we are going to have to stop earning trust and start taking action!” Faith revealed making it clear how urgently the situation had to be handled. “There used to be just one or two of use now there are so many folks are collecting them…then killing them I guess, sure doesn’t help if they’re not being hunted by the forces of evil, we have military operations to contend with too not to mention the supernatural secret being out for all to know,” Angel replied to the slayer, reminiscing about less complicated times. “Listen I do not know if this is a set-up if the girl is even a slayer, but either way we cannot just leave her there for the slaughter, we got to save the girl, slayer or not.” Faith warned Angel, showing how far she had come along since her old days of being the vampire slayer causing all the trouble. “I am game for whatever the plan is, and I’ll get Illyria in on everything, so she’s caught up too, she’s always down for a fight anyway,” Angel told her, making it clear he trusted her completely and it was entirely up to her how she played this one out.
After a quick de-brief with Angel, Faith got herself back together, contacted Theo and Tobias, and decided to return to the dive bar, knowing damn fine that she was either walking into a trap set up by the two or she was about to blow her cover by saving the woman that they were holding hostage. “Who sent you? Was it her?” Theo questioned the slayer that he had tied up to an upside-down table, before throwing a poisonous dart right into her chest, with several poisonous darts already in her body, causing the woman to scream out in pain which was met by laughs from Theo, Tobias, and the others in his bar, as Faith walked into the horrifying scene. “Nobody sent me L.A. is my home.” The girl cried in pain as Faith stood there reluctantly watching Theo throw yet another poisonous dart at the fellow slayer, this one launching itself into her right leg, noticing how the woman’s screams only served to further delight the twisted Theo. “I thought you were going to sleep or something like that?” Tobias said to Faith as he walked over to greet the slayer, while Theo’s focus remained on playing a deadly game of darts with the captured slayer, reveling in her pain. “Theo tends to get a little carried away when he gets a new toy, but the customers love a good show, and it makes him happy.” “I bet they do…you do not seem too on the torture side of things? I’ve done my fair share of torture and I can tell when a guy is not into it.” Faith replied to the vampire bartender as she kept her eye on Theo, who eventually stopped what he was doing and walked over to greet his supposed new ally. “I am more of an old-fashioned vampire, I like to hunt as much as any, but I like my prey to not even know they are being tortured, there is nothing more thrilling to manipulate than one’s mind and blood of the seduced tastes so sweet,” Tobias answered Faith before Theo put his arms around the vampire. “I do love to watch you in your element,” Theo said to Tobias before kissing him on the cheek tenderly. “So, do I get a shot at playing darts or what?” Faith asked rhetorically, not waiting for an answer as she walked over to the bar counter and picked up one of the poisonous darts, noticing they had a smell something that if she had to guess, it would be something acidic. Faith stood there for a moment and looked over at the beaten, bruised, and bloodied slayer, who had been used as a human dartboard by those she was in the bar with, as she began to recall her own methods of torture she inflicted on her former watcher Wesley Wyndham Price, knowing that although he forgave her in the end that she inflicted trauma on him that could never be erased and for a split second she found herself relating to Theo. She knew there was a chance of good in this guy because he was in love and surely evil could not truly love? And she knew there must be something inside of him worth caring about if a soulless vampire loved him back but despite her conflicting feelings towards both Theo and Tobias, she knew more than anything that one way or another they had to be stopped, and so she launched the poisoned dart which was in her hand and threw it in Theo’s direction, only to be left shocked when Theo caught it in his hands in true slayer style, making her wonder if he was actually a slayer, a male slayer. “Damn girl! I guess this means our perfect partnership has come to an end before it ever truly begun.” Theo said to Faith as he threw the poisonous dart to the ground. “Buffy really did break you, didn’t she?” Theo and Tobias began walking towards Faith, as their demonic, and vampire, clientele circled the slayer so she could not escape but just as things were looking outnumbered for Faith, Angel burst through the front door and instantly pulled out stakes from both his sleeves and staked two vampires, distracting the devilish duo by his arrival as their two minions turned to dust. “Angelus,” Theo stated with a sense of excitement, clearly having heard of the vampire with a soul’s impressive history. Angel and Faith wasted no time as they began fighting their way through
the crowd of demons, vampires, and creatures, fighting, staking, and killing, anything in their way to getting Tobias and Theo, the two quickly make an escape from their bar as Tobias dragged a reluctant Theo along with him, despite his pleas to stay and watch the show as the two made it into the alleyway outside of the bar before Theo pushed Tobias’ grip off him, infuriated by Tobias’ escape plans. “Why the hell are we running? We never run away from a fight especially not one including him!” Theo shouted at his vampire lover, infuriated by Tobias’ fear of Angel and Faith. “If we stay then we die Theo, I know you’ve got one hell of an ego, but it is not worth dying for even if you could take Faith there’s no chance, we could take both her and Angelus,” Tobias admitted to him, making it clear they had to run to survive. “I do not care, Tobias! If we lose this fight, then we lose but what a bloody awesome way to go out.” Theo replied making it clear he was more than ready to risk his own life if it meant he’d be challenged in a fight. Before Tobias could argue anymore with Theo, Theo suddenly saw hands appear around the vampire’s neck before his head was torn off his body, turning the vampire to dust, as the goddess Illyria now stood in the ashes of the man Theo loved, leaving the slayers of slayers screaming and sobbing. “You killed him you bitch!” Theo screamed as he launched his right fist across Illyria’s face, punching her with such strength that Illyria had only felt from one species before, slayers. Illyria responded by punching him with all her goddess strength, sending the grieving lover flying across the alleyway, landing in a bunch of rubbish, before quickly getting back on his feet, clearly injured, as he began running away from the blue-haired god with a limp to his run, leaving Illyria amused to see another running scared from her after a single punch. “Humans…you give them a bit of strength and they think they are gods.” Illyria scoffed, mocking the so-called slayer of slayers, having hoped for more of a fight from this male vampire slayer.
“The male is a slayer it seems the first man of his kind.” Illyria declared to Angel and Faith, after the three returned to the Hyperion Hotel, thrilled to have destroyed the slayer of slayers’ operations. “He punches like a slayer but falls like a mortal.” “Except for Billy who is still more an associate to the slayers, the slayer line has never touched upon any males before so why the hell has it changed now?” Faith asked the group, wondering how Theo could even be a slayer. “Willow changed everything when everyone started becoming slayers maybe it’s time for the men to get into the action too.” Angel guessed. “There was something strangely familiar when he called me Angelus…I’ve never met him before, but it felt like he had met me.” “He seems to have a real personal hatred for Buffy the kind you only get from meeting a person but it’s not like we can ask her who Theo is considering she’s been M.I.A since…well we all know.” Faith responded, stopping herself from bringing up the situation that had made Buffy quit slaying, knowing it would only upset Angel. “I say you two stop playing detectives and take on the roles of an executioner. This blood bag has the power of a slayer nothing too impressive, but I sensed a stronger power somewhat dormant for now, so we kill him before whatever power lies within him becomes active.” Illyria informed the two, trying to get them on her side of thinking, that Theo had to die just like Tobias. “We killed one of them…something tells me we’ve already broken Theo.” Faith stated with a sense of sadness, unable not to feel sorry for her fellow slayer who had just lost the love of his life. “You sound like you feel sorry for the guy? Did you not see the state that woman was in when we took her to the hospital?” Angel questioned his friend, before going on to say. “Do you really think he’s worth saving?” Faith wanted to answer yes, that if she could find redemption so could Theo, but this rogue slayer had just lost the only love of his life and she knew they were to blame for that loss, fearing that if they did not put Theo down he would stop at nothing to kill every last one of them, and so she was left with a difficult decision but luckily Angel was there by her side so she did not have to make that decision alone.
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AU Facts
Did this just for fun so please enjoy my friends!
The turtles don’t wear their full gear while relaxing in the lair – just pants and masks if it’s an off day – hoodies that are customized to fit over their shells during winter
  As they get older they are not required to train but do it anyways now that Leo has started leading the training practices while their father watches from his seat to keep an eye on the teen girl
  Splinter lived in the lab the turtles and him were created for three years before being freed into the sewers
  Like the turtle’s Raven is skilled in several things – having taught herself to cook and bake, loves to sew and after years of practice became good enough to repair and make clothes for her family, does most of the cleaning in the lair just out of boredom… learned mechanics and how to work on cars by watching Donnie and Raph
  Leonardo and Raphael are both 26 but a few months apart in age, Donnie is six months younger then Raph (25-26 depending on the time of the year), Mikey is a year younger than his three older brothers (24-25)
  None of the turtles are actual blood siblings
  Raphael even though he cares for the girl deeply starts to push her away a few years after she comes to live with them fearing he will hurt her if he lets her too close but slowly she breaks his walls down considering him her best friend even though he acts like he hates her
  The guys have rap battles at random to roast each other
  Donatello was blind until he was eight when Splinter was able find him some glasses in the garbage but as he got older the frames were smashed several times so he found a way to make his own to his prescription and now just orders them when he needs a new pair
  Splinter started teaching the little girl ninjitsu at the age of 5 – she may be years behind her older siblings but the rat saw fit that she start earlier then his sons   (Boys started when they were 8)
  3 nights out of the week are family nights so they have dinner together usually a homemade meal before either watching movies or playing games together, very rare is when Splinter is out of the lair do the siblings head to the surface to hang out for fun
  Mikey clings to Raphael more than his other brothers
  The teen gets several smaller jobs to help support the family once she learns to deal with her deep set fear of the humans bringing in more money for their needs, she is more mature than girls her own age and can sometimes act more like a mom rather than the youngest sibling
  Michelangelo having painted every room in the lair goes out to the tunnels around the home to work on his art, or takes off to Leatherheads part of the tunnels to get some peace and quiet from his brothers
    Leonardo’s love for Japanese culture was so intense he not only learned to speak the language he uses it almost as much as he does English becoming fluent by the age of thirteen, his room is decorated with art and writings from the country his brother’s managed to get over the internet
  On junkyard runs Raphael hangs back watching for danger while guarding Don’s shell before making his way to the front to feed the guard dogs playing with them and the puppies while his brothers look for things for their home so he can see the night security building and warn them if he leaves
  Donatello carried two jobs at the age of fifteen as not only a computer technician but also as a customer service assistant for people having trouble with their systems
  When younger they had to teach the girl several things – at the age of four even with very little physical contact with people of any kind the girl had a full vocabulary and to an extent could read but her way of speaking was confusing
  She was fascinated with  horror films of any kind that even the turtles couldn’t watch
  Birthdays were never really celebrated until they had a home but each of the turtles picked a day they wanted to celebrate their birthdays on: Leo picked February 13, Raphael May 11, Donnie picked November 20, and Mikey being the goof he is picked October 31. Raven’s real birthday actually falls the day after Raphael’s on May 12 but she always forgets it going all out for her brothers – usually they remind her
  Mikey and Raph takes shifts cooking with the teen during the week
  Like Donnie, Raven is a coffee addict
  Raphael actually has a good voice and when younger used to sing to his brothers – now you have to tempt it out of him when he’s either in a really good mood or drunk
  They choose nights when they go solo
  Patrols are never in groups unless it’s a mission, they split into teams to patrol parts of the city on more difficult nights but on the easy nights they divide the city into four parts each turtle taking a portion
  They take turns being teamed up with their human sister
  Splinter has a soft spot of animals and tends to be unable to say no when one of his children bring home a stray pet – he loves Mikey’s kitten
  The first time one of them (Donatello) got hurt in front of her during training the little girl had whimpered running to the turtle’s side looking the wound over before trying to clean the wound herself – Mikey practically ran screaming in horror to get their father as the little girl licked the wound to stop the blood… (It’s gross but she grew up without proper role models so seeing animals cleaning wounds on the streets stuck with her)
  Mikey was the one to figure out the child they took in was smart when she accidentally hacked into Donatello’s computer to get the parental lock off the youngest turtles game system
  Donnie buys groceries by using the online orders having them delivered to the building just over the lair where Raven or Casey poses as the owners of a small business and the teen travels to the store only for small items
  None of the mutants knew the girl was good with electronics until she was playing with her computer he had made her and managed to unlock Don’s system playing one of his games with him before they even knew she was doing so
  Raphael’s favorite treat is brownies
  Raven being raised alongside the guys had to learn not only how to fight and protect herself she was taught how to keep up with them being slightly slower, jump over areas no human could manage, and hide in an instant before she was allowed out of the sewers with them so they played games to prepare her for things that may happen on the surface
  The very first time they ever took the girl to the surface was with her brother’s for a junkyard run that was supposed to be an easy night; it turned into a fight for their lives. The turtles finally seeing that the innocent kid had a much darker side when they were in trouble. She fought several men hand to hand with ease before ultimately killing two Foot soldiers before she even realized she had done so
  The guys take great joy in teasing their baby sister for being so small or pushing her into doing things they would have gotten in trouble for – Splinter never disciplines her for them if his sons were involved
  Raphael looks to Leo for advice when he really needs it even though they fight alot
  Although she doesn’t get sent in there a lot the teen’s punishment in the Ha’shi is to stand/balance on a bamboo pole with one foot while doing anything from stitching clothes or reading her textbooks to force the girl to focus her mind
  Raphael and Leonardo are usually the ones the teenager is teamed up with being the most protective of the girl, the other reason is nether of the younger turtles keep that good of an eye trusting her to keep with them. Donnie’s mind is always wondering and Mikey get distracted
  Raven having been told to stay away from Leatherheads place without one of her brothers with her fearing their friend could hurt her if he doesn’t recognize her never listens to them, she tends to believe the mutant would never hurt her on purpose and always gives him the benefit of doubt. Somehow the two are the best of friends even though she risk her life every time she steps foot into his home
  The kanji carved into Raphael’s shoulder is a constant reminder to watch his temper after flying into a rage in the middle of a sparring session with Leo in which Leo caught him with his sword accident cutting his brother over his lip unable to dodge fast enough when Raph attacked raking  the longest prong across his brother’s eye almost taking it out leaving the scar over Leo’s eye once it healed, after being sure his big brother would be okay he ran to his room and cut the symbol into his flesh without his father knowing until he fell ill when it got infected
  Raven  although with her fears of human’s warmed up to April within hours of them meeting due to the young reporter found the girl’s weakness (Coffee)but Raven took well over a year to warm up to Casey never getting to close to the man while he was conscious still not fully trusting him but after seeing her brother’s screwing with the man for fun she makes an effort to sneak attack him the moment he gets to the lair finding it funny when Mikey shouts out the score
  Mikey has a small fluffy white, orange, and gray kitten he named sweetie after he rescued the poor baby from the tunnels without his brothers knowing hiding the sweet little fur ball in his room until the morning it got out and attacked Leo’s leg while he was meditating – it is never to be spoke of since Leonardo never heard the tint angel playing beside him screaming just before he fell off his meditation perch just as Raphael finished his workout causing him to be mocked for weeks afterwards – and due to it being able to get the best of the blue banded turtle the kitten is practically worshiped by the others
  With enough begging from the young girl each of the turtles have been forced to have a peel off face mask at least once in their lives – Mikey’s the only one who willingly gets one every week when April comes over to do one on the girl
  Leo tells the lamest jokes but yet there are still funny
  Raphael had a Pitbull puppy when he was a kid but had to rehome her due to she didn’t like Donnie walking through the lair late at night
  When the weather gets bad or the tunnels are flooded around their home the teen makes the family pot roast stew and small sweet treats to cheer up her cabin fever ridden siblings always making plenty so they have tons of extras – as soon as the guys are busy she dishes up a few servings into several tuber wear bowls making sure they will survive the journey before slipping out of the home. Due to where he lives it’s hard for him to get out and find food once the seasons grow cold so the family tends to bring him groceries at least twice a month. Making her way through the overflowing tunnels to his home to be sure he’s fed – she’s sure to check and watch her back while wading through the deep water just in case he’s out finding the croc is always grateful for her caring thoughts and food
  They created a personal holiday where one day out of the year Mikey can’t pull pranks or be annoying – they also have on the same day where everyone has to prank one another and the loser actually does chores for a few months  by themselves and Mikey usually loses
  When hurt of upset the teen shuts down – she never shows weakness and rarely cries in front of the family
  Being older brother’s each of the guys taught the human girl something  personally even though she learned a lot by just watching them:  Leonardo helps her one on one in the dojo to achieve her lessons faster if she’s having trouble while also teaching her to speak several different languages so if the need arises she can pull off any disguise and throw off enemies, Raphael even though told not to by their Master taught the girl to drive not only the garbage truck but to also operate a motorcycle before she was fifteen got in trouble then took to teaching her several fighting skills, Donnie being the educated turtle saw the curiosity the girl at a very young age and started teaching her several things from medical training so if he’s not around she could deal with injuries of all severities to honing her hacking skills until she is just as good as him, Michelangelo taught the girl how to swim and draw finding a hidden talent she possessed for awesome anime characters
  Even though the teen plays stupid around others she’s just as smart as her older brothers and acts as though she’s older then the turtles
  Raphael spends the most time next to Leonardo in the Ha’shi – Mikey is in close third whereas Donnie rarely gets sent into the room unless he’s in the middle of something with his brothers
  To stop Donatello from licking the icing off their pop tarts the young woman buys the genius coffee flavored so he will eat the entire thing practically abolishing his nasty habit but his brother’s still hide their breakfast items
  Raph has several tattoos including one for each of his family members
  The guys tend to go into a hibernated like state during the winter making it harder to wake them
  Michelangelo, Donatello, and Leonardo get sick at least two times a year whereas Raphael is rarely ever sick but it was always easy to tell when they weren’t feeling well.
~ Mikey would act like he was completely helpless and whoever was taking care of him would practically have to do everything for him – he turns into a child that constantly needs cuddles.
~ Donatello was usually always sick since it seemed like his immune system was slightly weaker than the others, so he locks his self in the lab going over everything he could find on the internet thinking he had something that was worse than just a cold – in the end where he would only be down for a day or two it’s dragged out into a week-long ordeal.
~ Leonardo basically sleeps for hours as if Donnie would have drugged him; the oldest turtle becomes completely unresponsive to the world easily knocked out cold from the smallest illness so nothing disturbs him no matter how loud Mikey tries to be
~ Raphael, when he does manage to come down with something turns into that giant teddy bear he is on the inside becoming strangely affectionate and needy to any form of comfort the other’s will give him – so when he’s sick he curls up on the couch and nuzzles up to anyone that gets too close, usually it’s the girl who’s trying to take care of him
  Donnie having gotten tired of hearing the unpleased opinions of his brother’s about his eating habits and the unnecessary energy it takes to leaving the lab for drinks or food found and fixed up a refrigerator he keeps stocked with Soda’s and snacks
  Raphael and Mikey are the ones who do tattoos for the brothers
  Once a year the family goes up to the cabin in the mountains for a few weeks – two months at the most to train, recover, relax before heading back home
  Leo makes his own candles and takes great joy in making them for his Master
  Mikey although he can be messy is very organized, he likes to collect things – comics, action figures, manga, anime, you name it he likes it and has a place for everything in his room. So it may be messy but when he feels like it his room can be organized almost just as well as Leo’s
  Raphael actually had the teen help him make his Nightwatcher uniform without her ever knowing making her think it was for a Halloween party they were having
  Raven is fifteen when she starts to have nightmares and flashbacks remembering a life she never knew she had, remembering her mother, the details that wound her up in the sewers, faces and voices she doesn’t know seem so familiar but never tells her family
  Raven had been going out with the turtles for three years when her true bloodline was revealed to them, during a battle with the Foot Raven gets cornered by Shredder away from her family but just as the man is going to kill her he stops to look her over almost in shock before ordering his men to release her. he apologized for their rudeness referring to her as princess before he tells her of a life she doesn’t remember… her real name was Anastasia, of her mother who he took in off the streets and got her cleaned up of drugs, how he cherished the young woman… and was so happy to find out she could help him continue the clans bloodline
  It is then that he tells the teen she is the heir to the Foot clan and her mother was killed for kidnapping her and going on the run when it was revealed that she was to be raised as a deadly assassin that would someday take his place over the evil organization
  He literally comes out to tell the girl she was his daughter when she doesn’t believe him
  The simple fact of learning she is the offspring of their enemy destroys her and then she becomes hell bent on training so  she can prove she’s nothing like the evil man and vows to disband the clan if she ever takes over it
 Though the family is against killing it unfortunately happens - Leo and his brothers feel bad if they do worse then injure people when it comes to the enemy ifs family over them... Raven although raised  the same beliefs has little remorse for the men that try to hurt her family
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