hotdogperihelio · 4 months
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ghostpajamas · 2 years
nooo im setting up an artstation portfolio in an Attempt to be professional but all (>90%) my art from the past 2 years thats actually GOOD (bc i had fun doing it) has been mcyt fanart OTL
all my recent rendered work is of the mason this is so fucked. sorry portfolio viewers (torrential downpour of ThisOneGuy)
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kay1210 · 8 years
This one guy
So I met this guy through a mutual friend at a 420 party one year. At first I thought his lifestyle is way to much for me. I know I judged him, I did, but who doesn't judge a guy they first meet.... Okay so anyway. This guy went to church every Sunday hell he even worked there. He came from a strong family background and he had a sense of humor that was to die for. The disclaimer was that he was a gangster. So he had a mean streak to him as well as a sensitive side. (Probably has something to do with his daughter) to make a long story short. He convinced me to love him. Guys I loved him hard. I loved him so hard I shared some of the love I had for myself with him. I loved him so hard I became blind to who I was and began to accept things and situations I would not normally tolerate. This guy was everything to me. I mean I fell in love with the imagery he would use when he told me those elaborate stories about how he used to do some very bad things. I fell in love with his passion for music and how genuine he was when he said he loved something. I fell in love with the way he treated his daughter....man, I fell in love with that gap in between his teeth. Lol no seriously. And I can't say this man was fine but he was definitely smart, not educated but highly intelligent... This man broke my heart! He turned out to be exactly what everyone said he would be a disappointment. An illusion. Something I thought would never end, ended within years, months,weeks,days,minutes, seconds. It was over. So I asked myself this question. How did you let it get that deep Tati? How did you allow this random person to invade your life only to have love fail one more time? It was this... We get so preoccupied with thoughts of the future that we forget that we have to mold our current situations with complete and positive foundation. So regardless of how this man may be and how much you think you guys could love each other, if the situation is not equally yoked it's going to crumble no matter how much you pray for it to work. No matter how much you put into it. There isn't a sturdy foundation built first, so that love may have something to guide it. Damn. Sure was nice while it lasted though.
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aalooothis · 9 years
This One Guy
It’s not a bald spot, it’s a solar panel for a sex machine
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This one  guy.
Every little thing he does make me cringe, and not in a bad way. I think, he could be tripping, and i can just look at his face, and just adore it. His smile. His smile is precious. His smile can brighten up my day, i can just look at his smile, his poorly shaven mustache, his dimples, and his neat hair, and I get lost - lost in a day dream, a fantasy of just being with him, holding his hands, and just being lost with him. The way he stands, walks, sits, the cute way he shakes his head when he laughs, the adorable sigh that he does after a long day of work and o my god, his voice. His voice is like a sound of thousands of angels singing. His voice is the best thing i have ever heard. The way he says my name, it makes me feel bubbly and tingly inside. I can be lost doing something, but the moment i hear his voice, even if he’s not talking to me, i catch myself smiling. 
He’s the cutest, most adorable, and best person i have ever laid my eyes on, and the downside, he’s not even mine. Oh how i wish he can be mine, the things i would do just to be with him!
I might never ever be with him. He’ll always be that dream, that prince, that knight in shining armor. 
 I might never be the one for him, but he’s always going to be the one for me. He might never be able to notice me, mainly because he’s too perfect for me, but  I’m happy to have met him, and to have been friends with him, and share a lot of time with him.
L, you are the best, and i hope you know that, and i wish i can remind you everyday of how perfect you are. 
Is this love? Is this infatuation? Is this just plain craziness?
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So I like this guy and I don't know what to do because not only likes someone else, but he friendzoned me. Because tumblr is a community full of happy wonderful people (and potatoes) I want you guys' advice!!! Please help me!
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so, there's this guy...
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I just want you to know that I love you, and I want to cuddle.
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whynotstopthepain · 11 years
sometimes i just wish you liked girls. i feel like that would simplify both our lives. i love you. in so many different ways. sometimes i stare into your eyes & lose my train of thought. and cant find words to speak to you with. sometimes i listen to your words &just melt. sometimes when i feel your touch... i want it to last forever. sometimes i see you and just melt. i really shouldnt feel like this. it is so unhealthy. but you are just so damn sexy. i dont even understand how i can be so drawn to you without any type of reciprocation. i over think our relationship all the time. i dont know what to do. or what to think. or who to love. im trying to control the last one... but i guess you dont have much say on who you love. because as much as i dont want to... i love you.
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melancholyheaux-blog · 12 years
I went on my very first date this past weekend. I had a great time. He paid for everything even though I kept telling him I wanted to split the costs. This guy was kind and is actually doing something with his life. He's just not my type though. There's no attraction there for me. And I feel like our personalities just don't click enough for us to be in a relationship. Also while on our date he claimed to be so into me but had a picture of his home girl as a screen saver. Don't get me wrong, I'm not jealous of her, but he's been talking to both of us , he has nicknames for both of us, he really "likes" both of us.. I feel like the only reason he isn't going after her is because I'm closer. It seems to me like he clicks with her better though from there comments to each other on facebook, not to mention she got mad at him for going to the movies with me. He text me the other day and said "I refuse to be friend zoned" but that is exactly where this is headed. Plus I ALWAYS text first, if he really wanted this to go somewhere I feel like he would text me instead of letting days go by of no contact. The final thing that kind of threw me off of any type of connection with him was that he was trying to joke with me and called me "a nappy ass female" because my hair is natural and I didn't want to webcam with him at the time. I told him that sounded kind of offensive to me and his response was "Omg you're so white washed"... I can kind of forgive that though, but if he can't accept we are nothing more than friends then I just can't with him.
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