#thistle’s littermates
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daily-whistlepaw · 1 year
daily whistlepaw until ti becomes PoV day 921
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chatting with great great aunt Thistleblossom
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fallenclan · 2 months
i'm honestly really sad to see ratpaw go. she was probably one of my favorite fallenclan cats.... /j
anyway, here are some silly ideas about how ratpaw would have fit into fallenclan!
he was never actually a fallenclan cat. credit to beetle for this hysterical idea. this random loner named rat goes to his cricketclan job application and goes, "oh yeah, i definitely have warrior experience. references? oh, sure. have you heard of ligma? no? he's a real fallenclan cat, i promise..."
potential parent ideas
frogpounce---he showed up one day with a kit (outsider roots) and everyone was like, "yeah okay." after frogpounce died, ratpaw no longer felt like she had a place in fallenclan and left.
thistleskip & boulderstep---this is another of beetle's ideas. i like the symbolism of ratpaw leaving his birth clan behind, just like boulderstep did as an apprentice, however i feel like thistle and boulder would both be Devastated and i don't want them to be sad...
gizmo---don't really have much explanation for this. maybe gizmo had a kittypet mate and brought their child to the clan, but then ratpaw got sleepydawn as a mentor or something and went "this sucks" and decided to bail.
vox---shrikethorn sibling!! obviously the timeline would be a bit weird but that's a given with every clangen account progressing at different times. shrikethorn and ratpaw being littermates...
eris, cedarberry, & skyfrost---again with the weird timeline thing, but still. paledawn and darkstone having a third littermate hehe.
my personal favorite though is the idea of ratpaw just lying about having been in fallenclan (bonus if he's able to gaslight fallenclan cats at a gathering by being like "what?? you seriously don't remember me? ugh. this is why i left!"
LMAOO the last bit... this is why she left you guys!!!! c'mon
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bonefall · 1 year
Thoughts about Goldenflower? Specifically her alignment in terms of Tigerstar being a massive Thistle law supporter, and Goldie being left to raise their kits alone after he’s ousted from ThunderClan and caused thw death of their elder son (intentionally or not). Girl has been through sooo much I’m kinda glad she wasn’t around to see what her surviving son became.
Golfy BABY, Goldenflower is getting a sizeable kiss on the head.
She is the daughter of Speckletail, future bulldozer attacker. She is every bit as intense as this implies.
Goldenflower is the same size as her littermate Lionheart. She just braids her mane, making her look smaller. They are both fucking massive
The most personal and painful part of Tigerclaw's betrayal was the fact he KILLED HER BROTHER.
She is really close with Frostfur after Lion's death, because she's super overwhelmed with two litters so close together AND being head of the kitchen patrol.
Swiftpaw and Brightpaw were practically siblings with how close they were. It really wasn't a surprise that they ended up in trouble together.
Golden was planning to not even speak Tigerclaw's name to Bramblekit and Tawnykit. Her opinion on Tiger was an IMMEDIATE, FURIOUS 180.
Generally Goldenflower isn't a "soft" person. She's a lot like her mom, Lionheart was the more gregarious and diplomatic of the two.
Snowkit was also a very serious cat like them. This family is generally pretty focused and pious.
They also had a middle sibling who tragically died in the Plague-- Mistleclaw. That was before Fireheart joined ThunderClan.
I really love how in canon, Goldenflower is firm and pushes back on how unfair Fireheart is towards her kits. So that's where I'm building from and generally disregarding fanon's take on her as a gentle mom. Society has progressed past the need for gentle moms. Goldenflower is currently telling you to sit up straight and take all those dishes on your desk to the sink.
She's waiting.
You will not keep her waiting. Go.
Good. She's proud of you.
Back on that 189 though-- that was for almost everything. Frostfur, Dustpelt, Longtail, a LOT of cats have a much slower reckoning with the ingrained beliefs that they'd accepted from Tigerclaw.
But Goldenflower was motivated by some pretty hard spite. She wanted NOTHING left of him. She was finding things to hate about him, and ended up "leading the charge" on ThunderClan's reckoning here.
Not neccesarily because of deeper principles, but because she was willing to wrecking ball her way through any leftover associations with him.
Before this point though, she DID support Thistle Law, juuust over the edge past Hard Traditionalism. She would speak very critically of Queen’s Rights, openly call for war, protested against bringing back WindClan, etc.
after Tigerclaw's betrayal, she's still more of a centrist Traditionalist, but will listen to a convincing argument, and slides towards Fire alone over the years.
I actually want to write Fireheart and Goldenflower developing a strong friendship in this moment, too.
She doesn't advise like Whitestorm does, but she's good at shutting up bickering cats when Fireheart is a fresh deputy. I always wished he had some more allies in that moment.
Also generally a very reliable senior warrior. Will absolutely be one of Firestar's choices for his first deputy, though he ultimately picks Whitestorm.
After TPB, she has another big role as the new mentor of Squirrelpaw. Unfortunately, she has had to flunk the little fireball on her warrior assessment TWICE.
She actually talked to Firestar like, "I'm aware that this looks suspicious but I promise I'm not holding her back to spite you. She threw herself into the river."
"No no, Golfy, I'm aware she's wreckless. I never assumed you were being unfair to-- wait the river? The river with the WATER??"
"Yes. The river with the water."
She is also surviving well into OotS, as an elder. I don't like how tiny the den was for so many arcs! SO, that does mean she is going to get a pretty good look at her son's early leadership and all that entails.
Unfortunately though, she ended up taking his side in the Reveal. In her eyes, Bramblestar was LIED to. The Queen’s Rights are to protect kits-- but that doesn't mean you just get to lie to the mate who's going to raise them.
(This is also definitely colored a bit by personal bias, she would be more charitable if it was anyone else but her son)
So when he decides that the Three aren't his anymore... Goldenflower distances herself too. Lionblaze is especially painful-- she used to think he was in honor of her late brother. But now she finds out that it was all a lie.
From the elder's den, she has various opinions on the changes happening to ThunderClan under Bramblestar, like the crumble of the ShadowClan alliance. I feel like she wants to support her son, even when she thinks his choices are questionable... but at the same time, her pride prevents her from being TOO soft on him.
Just generally being a strong traditionalist in the Elder's Den, but on the softer side as opposed to Mousefur on the hard side.
I'm currently planning to axe her in the Great Battle, because there's no way she doesn't go down swinging... though I am also keeping her in mind for one of the greencough outbreaks, since I'm trying to make those into an actual threat in BB instead of "kill some randos" disease.
In any case though I want her alive into OotS to have opinions about Bramblestar, because I find that too interesting to pass up.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
I originally made the gray patches have stripes going thru them, but I realized it made it too busy and hard to replicate if I drew her again sooo I simplified it a bit! Tortie Speckle for the win!!! I mean, she has tortitude, it just makes since.
Character Bio:
Unlabeled; she/her
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 12 cycles, 3 moons; ~65 Hyrs
Title meaning: -snap =  this cat is out spoken and have a bite to their words; a particularly grumpy and/ or aggressive cat
Caretaker -> Elder of Thunder Order
Mentor: Daisytoe
Mother: Harepounce
Father: Stagleap
Siblings: Fogtalon
Kits (co-parented with Star Sunfall and Tawnyspots, were Sunfall's bio-kits): Goldenflower; Lionheart
Grandkits: Swift; Brightheart; Thornclaw; Cinderspark (adopted); Brackenburrow (adopted); Brambleflower; Tawnyclaw
Other notable kin: Mousebite (niece); Birdflight (nephew)
Extra notes: Snarky women run in the family I have realized
Character Summary:
Surprising a lot of cats, Speckle chose to be a caretaker rather than a warrior. Most expected her to be a warrior, she's feisty, and quick to start a fight and snap at others, she could hold herself well in a battle as well. However, it turns out that while Speckle was easily annoyed by the adults of the Order, she LOVED kits and wanted to spend her days caring for them.
Speckle is great with kits and loves helping to raise them, and that is much of what she does as a Caretaker. Though in her younger years she was also rather strong and often helped out with building and heavy lifting projects as well.
Speckle never took a mate, but she wanted kits, and so did her close friend Star Sunfall and his mate Tawnyspots, so Speckle and the two toms decided to coparent a litter together! Goldenflower and Lionheart were the product and are both biologically Sunfall's.
In her old age, Speckle refuses to retire, as she is determined to keep working for as long as possible. Her littermate Fogtalon retired much earlier than Speckle, while Speckle continues to stay in the nursery. A part of this is due to her kits both having their own litters, and Speck wanting to help care for her grandkits.
Speckle is not the mother of Snow and Thistle like in canon, their parents are Littleleaf and Dustpelt!
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Specklesnap, an au version of Speckletail from warrior cats. She is standing with her right side showing, she is crouched lower to the ground with her right paw raised, she has a grumpy, unimpressed expression on her face and she is looking back towards the left. She is a long furred golden ticked tabby molly with gray tortie patched on her flank and tail. She had long lynx-like fur on her cheeks and a curved bang like hair tuft. Her gray tortie patches are "speckle like" hence her name. she has amber eyes and pink inner ears and nose./End ID]
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sorrelpaws · 2 years
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ive been playing a lotta clangen recently and heres my clan.  more info on everybody under cut :3
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first there’s the leader rosestar and deputy podflight. they’re close in age, but only really became friends as apprentices, and they’ve been pretty much inseparable every since. rosestar is a very silly average guy, a bit awkward at times but he really does mean the best. podflight is a bit more serious and stern, but she can also be a lot of fun and tends to command respect around her. they’re both getting kind of old, and recently rosestar’s memory has gotten kinda wonky, and he tends to be very confused. podflight tries to be supportive, keep the clan at ease etc, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious how unstable rosestar has gotten, and it causes the clan to be on edge.
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one of the medicine cats, sharppath. he’s a bit strange and quiet, tends to keep to himself, but he really does mean the best. he started out as a regular apprentice, but had always shown an interest in herbs, so when he asked to change positions there wasn’t really anyone arguing against him. however he lacks a connection to starclan and rarely receives any kind of omens or prophecies. he doesn’t really let it bother him, and the clan doesn’t mind too much since his healing skills are genuinely very good.
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these three are kind of the “main characters”, or at least the ones i kept my eye on the most. they’re all littermates, and they’re very close as kits. when they become apprentices meadowpaw and birchpaw start receiving frequent messages/notes/signs/whateva from starclan. birchpaw is much more fascinated by this, and has always kind of shown an interest and preference towards being a medicine cat (she never changes from a warrior apprentice though), but meadowpaw actively ignores the signs since he wants to be a warrior. he tries to talk to his sisters about his visions and dreams, but molepaw doesn’t really understand them/how to help, and birchpaw just talks about her own experiences. about halfway through their apprenticeships birchpaw dies in a dog attack, and after this meadowpaw starts feeling pressured to take on the medcat role because his sister can’t. he decides to change positions pretty much right before he’s made a warrior, and starts training under sharppath. the first months are pretty rough on him, because of his sister’s death, and him and molepaw(moledrift at this point) start growing distant. they manage to reconnect a little when they’re older, but they never really become super close.
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jaggedflight and skywing are two peas in a pod, really close brothers. emy is a loner who joins the clan in search of a community, and he becomes good friends with both of them. unfortunately skywing is murdered, and this takes a massive toll on jaggedflight. after his brother’s death him and emy become a lot closer due to their shared grief. burm joins the clan pretty soon after skywing dies, and since he’s pretty young jaggedflight offers to mentor him in order to get his mind off his brother’s death. burm has a pretty similar personality to skywing, and this helps him bond with emy and jaggedwing, and the three are kind of this middle aged father trio. like you get the kind of vibe i mean right. just terrible jokes and old stories thrown around.
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these four all join the clan around the same time, and because they all feel a little left out they get to bond!! hazelspirit is a calm and careful molly who joins the clan with her kits. she tends to help around the medicine den. thistlepelt is kind of an anxious and traumatized cat who joins the clan to ensure his kits have a good, safe life (hashtag girldad), and overtime he gets to kind of heal and become happier. yellownose and oscar both just kind of stumble across the clan. yellownose is a very prickly fella who tends to complain about almost everything. oscar tends to be much quieter and calmer, and he (+thistle and hazel) often goes around to apologize about yellownose’s behavior.
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because hazelspirit and thistlepelt’s kits are around the same age, the four of them tend to be glued together. blossompaw and lowpaw are both very excitable and adventurous, and tend to think up fun ideas or games, and since leopardpaw and beetlepaw are a bit quieter, they tend to go along with the former twos’ antics
the actual timeline isn’t laid out here very well, i may do that at a different time, but i wanna say just in case that skywing dies a good chunk of time before rosestar’s dementia kicks in
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blazingstarrewrite · 7 months
Tiger Claw
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Tiger Claw! One of Thunder Colony’s senior warriors and Totally Not Evil :)
Name changes: Tiger -> Tiger Claw
Pronouns: he/him/his
(Former) Mentor(s): Thistle Claw
(Former) Apprentice(s): Dark Stripe, Raven
(Ex-) Mate(s): -
Family Members: Flash Nose, (Maternal great-grandmother on grandmother’s side), Swift Breeze (Maternal grandmother), Adder Fang (Maternal Grandfather), Patch Pelt (Maternal uncle), Leopard Foot (Mother), Sweet Briar (Paternal grandmother), Star Oak Claw, (Paternal grandfather), Birch Face (Paternal uncle), Freckle Wish (Paternal aunt), Star Pine Heart (Father), Night (Sister and littermate), Mist (Sister and littermate). Members shown in italics are deceased as of the start of into the wild.
Tiger Claw in the blazing star AU comes from a long line of leaders. He despises his father for leaving, and believes he is owed a rightful place als leader because of his heritage.
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Thistledown AU Rosetail aka Rose Fall!
Rose Fall — gray tabby molly with pinkish ginger markings and pale eyes.
Siblings: Thistle Claw (littermate), Sweet Plum (littermate)
former Clan gossip
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
just had the most big brain idea for a simple au change
frostfur and brindleface being littermates with whitestorm, and thus, the daughters of snowfur and thistleclaw
it's such a simple au change but HOLY FUCK DO I LOVE IT
like the changes one could do with this... thistleclaw neglecting his daughters in favor of his son... bluefur's first apprentice being her own niece... frostfur and brindleface figuring out what thistleclaw is doing to spottedpaw and beating his ass...
also it gets rid of the incest from Dustpelt x Ferncloud which is A Massive Win xdd
had the “wait there’s incest in dustfern. how did they make it creepier” realization moment
Ooohh I do like Whitestorm having siblings!! And I do really like Blue mentoring her niece. Honestly, Thistle does seem like the guy to prioritize his son.
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animalechochamber · 7 months
A long standing tradition of formal duels has been around since the old age, brought in originally from the cats who lived on the moorlands that merged with the forming clans.
A duel must be agreed upon by both parties and have at least one witness to have a clear record of what went down. While some are duels till the other taps out most are to the death, as those who’d even risk that much honor on a duel would rather die in the fight then admit they are weaker. Most often it’s been used between two particularly hard to choose deputies but also to nip foreseen wars in the bud. One fight instead of many, that usually end cleanly, and settle things once and for all.
-This is all expanded for the idea of R!Bluefur, Bluemoon and Thistleclaw having a duel to end their competition once and for all. They agreed though beforehand that neither would kill the other, as both had children (Whitekit, Mosskit, Mistykit, Moonkit). But Thistleclaw didn’t follow their one rule of honor. And she in trying to subdue him, ended up shoving him too far. The poisoned warrior would fall into the river unconscious and end up drowning, his body never found as it floated off to the gorge where it smashed against the rocks. This is where she receives her iconic shoulder scar. From his thorny claws which would cut a lighting across her fur. The observer for them was actually Rosetail, who despite being Thistleclaw’s kin, said that he had slipped and fell into the river by his own mistake. She saw who her brother really was and was even relieved that he went out before he was completely unrecognizable to her. Even if it hurt.
Blue and Rose raised Whitepaw, later Froststorm after she comes out (yes transfem Whitestorm is real I love her), and Blue becomes deputy without the competition of Thistle. Unlike canon where it turns out there was no competition there actually was here as Thunderclan was left entirely leaderless without an appointed deputy. So the two were the candidates to take over entirely without having been deputies before.
-Sunfall dies before he’s even able to get his lives. I’m thinking either by Thistleclaw OR in a freak accident that really divides the clan apart
-Bluemoon becomes leader and makes R!One-eye, renamed Mottledeyes, her deputy to have a more wise but trustworthy figure on her side. Though she later retires after her daughter Speckletail brings her the first of her grandkits to be born, being Mistlekit.
-Her kits are still OakBlue kits but were given up to secure a peace treaty between the two clans. This both made tensions less high and damaged her reputation. Mistykit and Moonkit went to Oakheart while Mosskit, the first born, stayed with her. Mosskit would end up dying though in an attempt to sneak out to go to her littermates, freezing in the snow. Moonkit renames himself at his apprentice ceremony to Stonepaw to try and distance from his mother as he blames her for the disaster that is their “family”
-She never was a prophecy cat. No great destiny laid out in stone for her. Her uncle Goosefeather did say she would have many hardships but never anything too specific. She got herself to where she is and would go, though the faithful side says it was all preplanned, leading to her shattered beliefs later on
-Dies the same. Leading the dogs off the gorge into the water. She is pulled out by her kits and says sorry for what she put them through, and to her son Fireheart that he will never forget that he has his own trail to blaze. Not one already cleared out to follow.
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Thistle’s littermates!
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I may be biased but I personally think Thistle is the most photogenic of the group
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Whats Laurelstorm’s family situation like? (Sorry if this has already been asked)
Note: Although many families in OFND have some degree of drama, the ThistleSnow situation is not to be read as though I am glorifying their relationship. I loathe canon Thistleclaw, and although I have revamped his character entirely, he is still not a good person and shouldn’t be read as such; what he and Snowstorm had was not healthy, and should she have lived past the honeymoon phase of their relationship, I’m sure that Snowstorm would have eventually collected her senses and left him… but that’s a hypothetical for another day.
Born within a moon of each other, Thistleclaw and Snowstorm led drastically different lives - their similarities ended at their upbringings, both born into broke families that ultimately ended up fueling similar ambitions.
For Snowstorm, she was raised primarily by her kind, soft, infinitely loving mother, detached from her father’s influence in every sense but by name and blood alone. Due to their drastically different personalities, Snow and Rain (both named in light of their sire, Blizzardtail) often bickered and butted heads; Rainfall, even as a very young kit, was seemingly unable to do anything but follow her head, be analytical and sharp to a fault, whereas Snowstorm was the exact opposite, brash and bold with a tendency towards leaping before she looked. In the wake of Dovecloud’s death, both sisters sank even deeper into their own respective mindsets, and further away from each other, as Rainfall lashed out at Blizzardtail, and Snowstorm found comfort in her peers and in honing her skills - especially with Thistleclaw.
Thistleclaw’s dame died giving birth to him and his littermates, resulting in the trio being raised primarily by the sovereign of the time. While growing up with no solid parental figures impacted each differently, as Nettlewhisper was firmly not part of their life and Dappledfur wanted nothing to do with them, Thistleclaw was the runt of the litter, and it showed in his personality. Withdrawn, unsociable, and with a tendency towards horrific mood swings, Thistleclaw felt out of place compared to his littermates, so, rather than try to follow their examples of being bright and eager to please, he hung in their shadows. Always padding after them, he considered himself to be incredibly close with his littermates - though the sentiment wasn’t always echoed back at him in turn. On the cusp of receiving their full names, famine struck, claiming the life of Pear and shocking Thistle into a state of horrified, manic near-obsession with his remaining sibling, doing his best to stay close and bat back anyone that might threaten Maple.
It was only then that Snowstorm stepped in, partially because she was concerned for the friend she had gained in Maple, and partially because she felt empathy for Thistle, who had had someone so close to him ripped away so violently. She knew what it felt like. The two didn’t become close right away; Thistleclaw actively avoided Snowstorm, but she was clever and had come up with creative ways to coax him out of his patched-up shell. And with the added effort between them bloomed a friendship, and within that friendship bloomed codependence. Snowstorm could soothe Thistleclaw’s anxieties in a way that no one else seemed to be able to, and Thistleclaw kept Snowstorm’s temper in check and matched her energy effortlessly, but what they had bordered blatant obsession with one another. It wasn’t healthy, but in their eyes, even if they acknowledged that as a fact, did it even truly matter all that much?
They mutually wanted children, to have a family together, forged from them and not their past. And thus, Laurelstorm was born - a lone-born runt. The two adored their child, adored their little family, and in this time, Thistleclaw was overjoyed. He showed his kit off to his sister at every chance he could, would always make a beeline for the nursery after every patrol, and shamelessly pestered Featherwhisker for her advice and input should anyone near the nursery so much as sneeze. He took Snowstorm’s place in the nursery once their kit was weaned, as he knew the restless energy thrumming through her, and doted on their child even more, telling her stories of her brave and powerful mother to pass the time until she returned. But of course, this couldn’t last forever, and one evening during a patrol, Snowstorm didn’t return until much later, dragged back to camp by her sister, with her leg having been sliced open chasing a Fenlander off their territory, already visibly blackened and infected with the darkpathpad illness. For days, Snowstorm fought her injury, fought for life, with Thistleclaw never leaving her side, leaving the care of their kit to Mapletail. But alas, Snowstorm withered away over the rapid course of days and eventually succumbed to her infection, and Thistleclaw snapped.
He was consumed by his grief. He became an angry, bitter, horrible shell of his former self. He didn’t listen to orders from his higher ups, snapped at anyone who tried to approach him, and stopped caring for himself. He refused help, and simply melted away into his grieving. It was only moons later that he showed any signs of “recovery” - his mind seemed clearer, but his underlying aggression and grief still remained. He watched Laurelstorm grow up from afar, and did nothing to help soothe her when her beloved mentor, Rhema Pineheart, was labeled a traitor and banished. In an effort to pull him out from his slump further, Songfall gave him Spottedpaw as a ward, in the hopes that her gentle, cheery disposition might do well for them both, but he couldn’t care less. He was impatient, irritable, and outright cruel, issuing unusual punishments to a young cat who knew no better. He didn’t even bat an eye when she showed signs of magic and was whisked away into the position of augur, simply glaring after her wake from the shadows with baleful eyes. He retired after that, properly, to the depths of the historian’s den.
While he seemed to gain clarity in the short moon that marked the end of his life, reaching out in a desperate attempt to mend his relationships, Laurelstorm rejected him. She had grown up alone, her life one tragedy after another, pushing away the soft, hazy memories of her earliest days when her family was a family, and she didn’t intend on continuing on any differently just because the twisted cat who sired her decided he wanted to do “better” far too late.
Too young to attend Snowstorm’s funeral, Laurelstorm made an active decision not to attend Thistleclaw’s.
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bonefall · 1 year
Better Bones Profile: Sedgecreek
RiverClan's first Lake deputy, and world famous cutie pie!
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[ID: The BB version of Sedgecreek from Warrior Cats. She is a wood-brown tabby with short, comma-shaped stripes of a darker brown. She is short and her body is long, with a chunky tail.]
Clanmew Name: Kyyrakoshu, nickname Kyyko. (Kyyra = Sedge, a type of lido grass + Koshu = Creek, a small, shady river)
Alignment: RiverClan
Relations: Ex-Mate - Greenflower Children - Swallowtail, Beechfur Nyams - Loudbelly (littermate), Duckfur (Sib-in-law) Education - Crookedstar (mentor), Grasswhisker (apprentice)
See Also: The Dragonkin Family, and the RiverClan Family Tree
Mistyfoot realized at the end of BB!TNP that Hawkfrost was not the tiger that lurked within RiverClan. He didn't choose himself as deputy while she was captured, breaking the code in the process. It wasn't his call to defy StarClan's will to delay the Great Journey. It was up to Leopardstar to punish the surviving RiverClan mercenaries who served Mudclaw's insurrection, and overrule the false sign that exiled three cats from her Clan... and she didn't.
Seated atop the stump with the sun setting behind her, Leopardstar's black silhouette invoked Mistyfoot's memory of a powerful cat lording over a pile of bones. Her eyes flashed-- Tigerstar amber, dark forest red. His ideas were an infectious sort of immortal; they will not die unless they are killed.
So with Leopardstar's sudden, 'mysterious' death to a "rogue", Mistystar realized she would need to make a strong, tactical choice of a new deputy. Someone who would be able to help her navigate the tense situation she was in, to balance out the harsh choices she was about to make, to be the honey to her sting.
The choice was obvious. Now, she would have to prepare for the hard work ahead...
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[ID: BB!Mistystar and BB!Sedgecreek leaning back to back. Mistystar grimly explains, "someone will die." Sedgecreek interjects, "of fun!!!"]
(Lots more below the cut!)
Personality and Trivia:
She is CHEERFUL! It takes a lot to make Sedgecreek upset!
Always smiling, never loses hope, always tries to see the bright side of every situation.
"A mistake is just a chance to learn what NOT to do!!"
People like her. She's just a super likeable person, the sort of cat who gets along with people you'd never expect.
She has learned that you should listen twice as much as you talk. She's always there to comfort her friends, family, and clanmates. Very approachable personality.
I imagine a lot of RiverClan warriors are "stocky," longer than they are tall, Sedgecreek especially.
She's also got a very thick tail, making her an excellent and sturdy swimmer.
Her favorite food is pike meat, which Greenflower once wooed her with. Not very many RiverClan warriors are bold enough to tangle with pikes.
Imo, Sedge is a super underrated background character. Her apprenticeship under Crookedjaw is super cute and no one ever talks about it!
and BOY OH BOY has her role been expanded in BB!!
Long before the Great Journey was even a consideration, back during TPB…
Sedgecreek was mates with Greenflower. They welcomed their kits, Swallowkit and Beechkit, to the world just before RiverClan and ShadowClan moved to form TigerClan.
Greenflower's sibling, Duckfur, was the honor sire for the couple. Under the Queen's Rights, you don't have to explain where your kittens came from. Sedgecreek gave birth and that's that.
But supporters of Thistle Law do not respect the Queen's Rights.
When Greenflower announced openly that their kittens had been sired by Duckfur, Sedgecreek was uncomfortable, but believed she was keeping their family safe.
But... it turned out to be worse than that.
Greenflower was a true believer. She had been holding a lot of her 'worst' ideas back, but felt emboldened to speak openly with the alliance between Tigerstar and Leopardstar.
Sedgecreek knew Greenflower went to the execution of Stonefur... but she couldn't. She couldn't bring herself to.
She couldn't watch an old friend die like that, or stomach the thought of Greenflower reacting to it.
They stayed together for the children, as Sedgecreek staved off the dawning realization that her mate wasn't the cat she thought she was.
It was easy to put it off a little longer, when their next common enemy was BloodClan and RiverClan "returned to normal."
Though they nearly had a blow-out argument over RiverClan refusing to join in with the trading that WindClan and ThunderClan were doing with BloodClan... Sedgecreek apologized, and held her tongue. Suddenly, their roles had been reversed, with Sedgecreek staying quiet to "keep the peace".
Normally very cheerful and outspoken, with friends in other Clans and open-mindedness to cooperation, Sedgecreek spent almost two years of her life just trying to save her mateship. She thought that maybe Greenflower would return to the bold, loyal cat she used to adore, if she just loved her enough and made her feel heard...
But then, during the Great Journey...
Their baby Swallowtail fell in love with a ThunderClan warrior, Rainwhisker.
Greenflower "warned her" about loving cats from other Clans, "Don't make me do something I don't want to, Swallowtail."
Sedgecreek knew how powerful love can be. Rainwhisker was big, handsome, and sweet. She saw a lot of herself in him, and would have approved of him as her son-in-law in a heartbeat
Even though Swallowtail was trying to hide it after that confrontation, Sedgecreek KNEW that Rainwhisker was perfect for her. She knows her daughter better than anyone-- Swallow would never be able to fight it.
But all journey long, Greenflower was growing more and more critical of Swallowtail. Comparing her to her brother Beechfur, constantly questioning her whereabouts, making up stupid tasks to keep her busy.
Sedge and Green were fighting over it, again, but this time Sedge was starting to care less about making up afterwards.
Then, the worst possible thing happened... during the WindClan Civil War, Rainwhisker was killed in battle.
Swallowtail was inconsolable. That brought them all together, for just a little while longer.
But then, Swallowtail discovered she was pregnant. She didn't say anything about the father, and yet Greenflower LOST it. She flew into a frenzy, shouting their daughter down and threatening to disown her. The line that finally broke their mateship was simply,
"Just when it seemed like the problem was solved--"
Sedgecreek didn't even let her finish. How DARE she?? To treat their baby's painful loss, their coming grandchildren, and Swallowtail's right as a Queen, like the continuation of a problem???
So she told her to get out. Quietly at first. Greenflower refused, so she said it louder. Then she shouted it. And then she SCREAMED it, and when THAT didn't work, she THREW her out of the Cleric's den. For SEASONS she had sacrificed for the sake of her children, only for it to end in a choice between her wife and daughter.
But even then, Sedgecreek felt hot with shame that she'd caused such a scene! The whole camp saw her toss Greenflower like a rotten fish!! Sweet, cheerful Sedgecreek!!! It was mortifying, she'd never lost her temper like that, the entire Clan was surprised!
Mistyfoot saw this just like everyone else in RiverClan... and it stood out in her mind, as she shuffled home considering who her deputy would be.
It had to be someone as uncontroversial as possible... Mistyfoot's reputation had been dragged through the mud by Hawkfrost's constant challenges. A sizable portion of RiverClan did not respect her anymore.
So Swansong, her brother and greatest ally, was out of the question. He didn't have a diplomatic bone in his body.
Mosspelt was her sister-in-law, and she needed a deputy who could ward off accusations of nepotism.
Reedwhisker had Skyheart as his mentor, who kept him in an apprenticeship nightmare for over a year. He was too young on top of being ineligible.
But, she needed someone who would understand the threat they faced, and take it seriously. It, hopefully obviously, couldn't be one of her enemies.
And THAT was when she remembered Sedgecreek standing up to Greenflower. How she's everyone's friend, patient and enthusiastic, and yet how she still snapped at her long-time mate.
While no one knows EXACTLY why she snapped except the little family itself, Mistyfoot had a good hunch it was related to Swallowtail claiming Queen's Rights for her litter.
And that is exactly the sort of principled cat she needs by her side.
So... Sedgecreek was perfect. She was diplomatic, friendly, and yet, able to stand up for herself, ready to fight for the Clan they deserved. Her upbeat personality would be a perfect compliment to Mistystar's dour, serious one. This was the best possible choice.
During BB!OotS, Sedgecreek was targeted for replacement by the Dark Forest demons. While they managed to kill several of their targets and even cause ShadowClan to fall, Sedgecreek managed to escape an attempt on her life. But, before anyone could breathe a sigh of relief, she took it as a sign to step down so that someone younger could take over. By this point, she had become a great-grandmother and was beginning to feel her age.
Reedwhisker takes her place as deputy, and she's able to live out the last of her days in the Elder's Den. She peacefully passes away at some point in AVoS, surrounded by the family she chose to stand beside.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
In my last design for him I made him a light gray tabby colorpoint, but I decided to make him a black tabby colorpoint this time because 2 of his kits are black, and despite the fact that RoC does not follow realistic cat genetics... it still bothers me bec it makes no sense that two dilute cats would have non dilute babies LOL
I actually really like this change tho!!! I think it looks really cool!
Also fun fact! His white is the exact same as Tigerclaw's and to make his gray I took Thistleclaw's gray and made it the hue of Snowstorm's blue!
Character Bio:
Cis Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 4 cycles, 4 moons; ~33 Hyrs
Title meaning: -storm =   a cat who is powerful in battle; strong and fights like a storm; Was specifically given this title in reference to his mother.
Warrior -> Second of Thunder Order; was in line due to being Star Bluefrost's nephew
Mentor: Star Bluefrost
Mother: Snowstorm
Father: Thistleclaw
Siblings: Sky; Shine; Shimmer; Star Tigerclaw
Mate: Willowchime
Kits: Sootfur; Rainwhisker; Sorreltail
Step-Kits: Darkstripe; Graybelly
Grandkits: Cinderheart; Honeyfern; Poppyfrost
Step-Grandkits: Ashfall; Ferncloud; Willowfeather; Oakfeather
Other notable kin: Star Pineheart (grandfather); Leopardfoot (Grandmother); Swift (nephew); Brambleflower (nephew); Star Tawnyclaw (neice); Mothwing (neice); Star Hawkfrost (nephew)
Extra notes: I changed his name to Lynx bec White is boring and it matches with Tiger!
Lynx was mentored by Bluefrost bec I think thats cute, and it also just adds to why they are so close <3
another fact! Blue wished she had chosen Lynx to be her Second instead of Tiger... but tbh Tiger probably would have killed him, even if Lynx was his brother.
Character Summary:
Lynxstorm and his littermate Tigerclaw were Snowstorm and Thistleclaw's second litter, the first being a litter of 3 which all sadly died due to a premature birth. It was many cycles before Snow and Thistle tried for a second litter as the death of the first had left Snow distraught and fearful of it happening again. However their second litter were healthy and strong, and because of this Snow named them after two kinds of powerful and strong wild cat.
Thistleclaw took far more interest in Lynx's brother Tiger, as Tiger was the larger and stronger of the two, it was obvious that Tiger took after Thistle, which Thistle loved. However Lynx was smaller and more empathetic and kind, he spent far more time with his mother and found his father's more cruel nature unappealing.
As Lynx grew he also took far more notice of how toxic his parent's relationship was. Thistleclaw was so obsessed with power and strength, that he would often judge his own mate for doing things he deemed "weak" and Snowstorm would refuse to let anyone think her weak and would feel the need to prove Thistle wrong. Thistle didn't just put this pressure on his mate either, he put it on his sons, especially Tiger, and Lynx grew to hate Thistle for it.
Snowstorm died during a border dispute early into Lynx and Tiger's apprenticeship, and this drove Thistle to be even more cruel. Thistle would take his sons out on extra night time training sessions that were far more brutal than anything a normal apprentice would be doing. Lynx knew that he only rarely was taken on these training sessions, Tiger on the other hand was trained constantly by Thistle. Lynx wanted to tell someone but Tiger made him swear not to, as Tiger wanted those sessions to learn how to be strong, even if he hated Thistleclaw for how brutal he was during them. Lynx never learned that Thistle had also been training Tiger in the Dark Forest as well...
As an adult, Lynx stayed far away from his father, choosing to go about his live happily and without any Thistleclaw bullshit. This would be made truly permanent when Thistle was found out for his grooming of Spottedleaf, Lynx was horrified by this (though not 100% surprised by his father's actions). Lynx joined Bluefrost's plan to assassinate Thistleclaw instead of simply banishing him, and though Tiger was the tom to serve the killing blow, Lynx was certainly there to make sure the deed was done. This not only felt like vengeance for Spotted, this felt like vengeance for his childhood, for his brother, and for his mother.
During the first arc plot Lynx becomes a big role model to Fire, being something like a father figure along side Lioheart.
Lynx got closer to and fell in love with Willowchime around the time that Gray was an apprentice, Willow always wanted to chat with Lynx and Lion about her son's apprenticeship and they started bonding from there. Lynx is also one of the only cats to learn the full story of Willow's past romance with Dark and Gray's kittypet father, and he holds not judgement towards her for it.
Lynx and Willow both died in the great battle against Tiger Order.
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Lynxstorm an au version of Whitestorm from Warrior Cats. He is standing tall and proud, with his right side showing, and he has a calm expression and smile. He is a long furred, white tom with dark gray almost black tabby color point markings, and white on his muzzle , paws and tail tip. His eyes are blue with yellow-orange irises, and his inner ears and nose are pink./End ID)
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dreamingblacktabby · 2 years
Continuation of the previous doodles.
Goosefeather gets a nap. When his daughters are asleep it can actually be quite peaceful and Goose enjoys this part of parenthood.
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I also think its pretty funny that Bluestar, Goosefeather AND Frostfur all end up in forbidden relationships in this AU. Apparently its a family trait. Personally Goosefeather thinks that Moonflower and Snowfang's relationships should have been forbidden but oh well.
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Whitekit, Brindlekit and Frostkit like to get into trouble together. Thistleclaw doesn't like his son interacting with Goosefeather's kits because they shouldn't exist so Goosefeather secretly encourages them because it makes Thistle mad.
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Darkstripe is Whitestorm's littermate in this AU and he doesn't like Frost or Brindle because his dad doesn't like them. Frost has no filter and repeats things her dad says. Goosefeather is so proud.
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blazingstarrewrite · 7 months
Cricket Song
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Cricket Song! One of Thunder Colony’s senior warriors!
Name Changes: Cricket -> Cricket Song
Pronouns: they/them/theirs
(Former) Mentor(s): Sparrow Pelt
(Former) Apprentice(s): Cherry Blossom
(Ex-) Mate(s): -
Family members: Wind Flight (Grandfather), Rain Fur (Grandmother), Dapple Tail (Mother), Thrush Pelt (Maternal uncle),Tawny Spots (Maternal uncle), Thistle Claw (Maternal uncle), Rose Petal (Maternal aunt), Sweet (Maternal aunt), Storm Tail (Father, although he was absent), Feather Fall (Brother and littermate), Star Blue Fur (Paternal half-sister), Snow Fur (Paternal half-sister), Red Tail (Cousin), Spotted Leaf (Cousin), Willow Branch (Cousin), White Storm (Nephew through Snow Fur and cousin through Thistle Claw), Stone Fur (Nephew), Misty Foot (Niece), Moss Heart (Niece). Members shown in italics are deceased as of the start of into the wild.
Cricket Song, aka Dapple Tail’s other kit. In canon they don’t have a specified gender, so I decided to make them nonbinary. Cricket Song is very close with their cousin/nephew White Storm and the other senior warriors. They are very friendly and supportive.
Additional family members: Squirrel Whisker (Maternal great-grandmother on grandfather’s side), Eagle Storm (Maternal great-grandfather on grandfather’s side), Dark Stripe (First cousin, once removed), Gray (First cousin, once removed), Sand (First cousin, once removed).
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