#tho honestly idek what a normal amount is
sugar-omi · 1 year
what are your general thoughts on step 3 baxter bc i was replaying OL1 and i trying hard not to cackle at the fact baxter is 19 years old in like 2016. bc all i can hear is halsey, p!atd, arctic monkeys when i look at him; it's giving tumblr, hot topic, that specific period of alt fashion. like he looks like a k-pop idol, but has a weirdly deep voice and overly formal way of speaking. like that is a rich sheltered gayboy emo nerd, not a suave daddy dom. his ass is grass and mc is gonna mow it. i'm saying i find his whole aesthetic ridiculous even tho i do have a soft spot for his fear of emotional vulnerability.
honestly the only reason i don't clown him is bc I think him being older is 🥵🫣 but yeah I had to laugh when they called me Pepe le pew and Victorian emo man
I was literally getting ready to go out the one day after playing the dlc, and was trying not to fuck up my eyeliner from laughing bc pepe le pew is abnormally funny n idek what or who that is
take em off
OH NO WHAT DO YOU THINK HIS UNDERWEAR LOOKED LIKE.... ik in step 4 he had fall leaves on his butt but what abt step 3.... im afraid 😟
okay I totally almost forgot your question, thank god I read things like 5 times before I'm sure I'm not missing smth but general thoughts....
well first thoughts was "who tf is this flirting w my man🤨"
now it's "who let this vampire out the house" bc baxter is so pale... pls I feel like if I put a firefly on him he'd burn like?!)!&*!^!??
final thought: "are you still looking to be sandwiched" bc poly cove/baxter/mc sounds PERFECT for all my issues (will never recover from the dialogue being different if you have cove at fond or crush when you start dating baxter.....)
also I'd like to eat him, did I say that alrdy? well I'd like to shrink him n nibble on him
knowing he's going to break my heart...... pls... 5 moments wasn't enough imma need reimbursement for this heartache
I wanna sneak into his condo and lay in bed w him and make him laugh until he falls asleep n then I wanna wake him up w breakfast and then I wanna go on a lil stargazing date n walk along the edge of the water, the water only touching his feet when the wave goes up shore
n I wanna find all his lil freckles and moles n count them n be all close n tell him he's pretty like the moon and I wanna put on some song idk the lyrics to bc it's some Spanish love song or smth and make him dance w me even tho the most I can do is spin I a circle and circle literally one hip
and I wanna take him on a long drive w his dumb metal music blasting n make him yell it out w me and I wanna feed him his dumb fries w pie or whatever it was and I wanna make him lay in the grass w me and I wanna go build a dumb sandcastle and get him a silly lil toy that's prbly meant for kids n giggle abt it for a stupid amount of time and when we get home laugh abt it some more and i wanna play my dumb instrument and sing him a dumb song n AKAJHAGA I JUST WANT A FUCKJNG COMING OF AGE MOVIE W HIM I AM JAGADFALAH LOSING MY SHIT
I'm normal 🧍 ... I like this man a Regular amount
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stinkrascal · 3 years
Jaiden I need to know: what are your characters' laughs like?
this is such a cute question, although i'll admit stuff like this is hard for me to answer!! voice claim stuff always evades me, but i'll try my best to describe their laughs to you!!
breanna is my self-insert, so she laughs just like me i guess, which is to say she laughs like a hyena. my bf tells me i laugh like a hyena, so, y'know. breanna also laughs like a hyena, but with a little more southern twang
vlad laughs are breathy and quick, like he's trying to hide the fact that he's laughing at all. he mostly chuckles under his breath, it's rare he has an outburst of laughter at all. when he does, though, it's a hearty sound. think of the dad at the cookout, he's got a dad at the cookout type laugh. my patriarchal king
lucien laughs like he doesn't care who hears him. the sound carries in a room, proud to be heard. not quite to the degree of his mom's hyena laughter, his fits of laughter don't last long enough to be comparable to his mother's, but it's definitely similar in terms of how loud his laugh is
gen hardly laughs at all, but when they do, it's less of a laughter and more of a delicate, apathetic wheeze. if they're caught off guard, though, their wheeze will turn into a hard-gut laugh. but you HAVE to catch them off guard otherwise they're like making a conscious effort to not laugh bc they're emo af!!
carlile laughs like his mom, a voice that's loud and carries, with some soft hyena tendencies. i really need u guys to understand the hyena laugh is a straud staple idek how to describe the hyena laugh if you ever heard me laugh irl you'd know what i'm talking about tho just trust me
nikolai has a high pitched, soft laughter, something that resembles stifled cackling. he often covers his mouth when he laughs, though he's honestly not sure why he does it. almost like the high-pitched sound, compared to his normally deep voice, embarrasses him
anastasia has the LOUDEST laugh in the straud family, when i say her voice CARRIES i mean it. if she laughs in her bedroom, you'll hear it in the kitchen on the first floor. often prone to laughing so hard, nothing comes out at all. like her mother, she has the staple straud hyena laugh, and her fits of laughter will last hours if she's in an especially giggly mood
klaus hardly laughs, though that isn't to suggest he doesn't find things amusing, simply that he doesn't feel the physical sensation to laugh (most likely a product of his magic class - he's an exhaustion type vampire, so along with being able to drain the needs of humans, his emotions are significantly dampened!!). usually he just smiles, and at most he'll chuckle a little
ilya laughs like how toddlers laugh ig. idk how toddlers laugh ive been around like one toddler in my life for a very short amount of time so my knowledge on them are very limited idk ilya laughs like an arsonist
bonnie has the softest, sweetest sounding laugh in the entire world!! she laughs like a disney princess, delicate and high-pitched and cute as can be!! bonnie actually does have a voice claim her voice is young shelley duvall so like if u can just picture young shelley duvall laughing that's bonnie ok thank u thank u
maeve has this geeky, stretchy sounding voice that sounds like rubber chafing together when she laughs. i will not explain further
shivi's laughs are subdued, like she's making an honest effort to suppress her own happiness. if something's especially entertaining, she'll laugh so hard she'll cry
cooper laughs like how boys who frequent reddit often laugh. take that information however you will.
tarek has this hearty, guttural laughter, something deep that shakes the ground when you hear it. he laughs with his entire chest, sort of like lucien, loud and uncaring of who hears him
abigail screams more than she laughs. instead of a few faint chuckles, she'll give one really loud AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and call it a day. idk if u know what i'm talking about here but i know what i'm talking about here so that's all that matters to me
karmen has a soft, deep laugh, almost like she's intentionally trying to make her voice sound deeper. mostly gives soft chuckles, and always turns her head the opposite direction when she laughs. something about smiling with her teeth bared embarrasses her, and she's not really sure why
caspian's laugh doesn't sound at all like it belongs to him. he rarely laughs, at most he'll lightly chuckle, but when he does actually laugh, it's high-pitched and loud and carries in the room. it starkly contrasts his deep, monotone, quiet speaking voice. he always covers his mouth when he laughs like this; it embarrasses him that a sound so obnoxious could come out of his throat
vaughn kindly takes second place for the loudest laugh, but he does it intentionally. he wants everyone to know when he's happy; as though to laugh loudly in a crowded space is like bragging. he has a high-pitched laugh, loud when its startled but it dies down into lazy chuckles which last a long while after the initial joke is told. it seems as though vaughn's every words are accented by untimely chuckles, like he can't take the things he says seriously. and he can't!!!! he absolutely can't!!!!!!!!
wolfgang's laughter is more of a breathy snort and a soft smirk than it is a guttural response. in his moments of privacy, sometimes he laughs aloud, the sound high and quick and ending far too soon, but it embarrasses him to, so he hardly does it.
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henlex · 3 years
Disclaimer: I accidentally fell in love with gye so just bare with me🙏 I didnt plan for that
Another underrated pair for @bonknanab 💖💕💖💕💖
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First thoughts holy shit all the earth. But gye cancer venus MY HEART this boy is so soft bye. A whole marshmallow. Also the amount of taurus too, this boy LOVES cuddling. But so does minchie cuz virgo AND leo = cuddles sooooo. Leo moon. Makes sense.
Gye: taurus. Earth, really steady and strong, very consistent/ dependable. They rely on their senses to experience the world. Like the care a lot about how things feel, taste, smell. Catch them wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. They can be possessive, they love their things a lot and want to protect them. But this can carry over to people too, they like to possess their loved ones, like have ownership of them. It helps them feel secure. It's just so cute oml😭 tangent: this is why kangmin feels so comfy with the and he's his favorite. He's just a kid with a ton of emotions (scorp moon) and gye is just so stable and reliable, that "I've got you I'm not going anywhere" energy that kangmin needs. I'm a sap leave me alone.  But they hardly get jealous. Can be pretty stubborn and slow moving. They dont like change and dont like changing their mind. Slow to start, especially if they're comfy, they might just lay in bed all day😂
Min: Virgo. Hardworking, love being knowledgeable about things/ learning about them. Sensitive to their surroundings. Can be shy with new people but when comfortable theyll talk forever. They love to be appreciated and useful. Prone to worry, they tend to be pretty responsible.  They love to be doing something and can get restless when they arent. Can be perfectionists because they want to do things the best they can. They're very aware of their bodies. Very curious and love to explore, great observers. They can be pretty hard on themselves 😭 They can be very proud of the way they do things. Can be big sweethearts and are always ready to help.
Gye: Taurus: ay it's me🤝 So a lot of the same as the sun, but this is the core, his emotions. These people have a super calming aura, you just kind of feel wrapped in a blanket. They love consistency and home. They put down deep roots. Can be a bit oblivious and avoid messy/ chaotic displays. Can be conservative. Deep emotions, affection, sentimental. Romantic but do like taking risks with the first move. Really good instincts. Really good sense of smell?? They really stick with things, dont run when things get hard. Once they're in, they're in for the long haul. It takes a lot to actually bother them.
Min: Leo. This is why he likes being on stage even though virgos tend to be behind the scenes types. They really love entertaining those they're close too and are often a comedian. They kind of like to control their inner circle. Strong desire to create and entertain but can be a bit lazy, possibly bossy too. They need a lot of love and attention to function😭 They can be really dramatic if they get offended but they dont like public displays, they save that for home😂 Stubborn, needs time to adjust to changes. They strive for fairness and hate following orders.
Gye: taurus. Istg what is this man
Say it with me kids stub👏born👏
Slow moving, think through decisions. They seem lazy because of just how long it takes them to decide something😂 Slow to start things... Sensual again. Slow communication, everything is deliberate. Very practical so people take them seriously. Can be pretty sarcastic and funny. Pleasant voices. Practical in learning too, they need to have real world examples or know how it affects them.
Min: virgo😂. Likes order/ control, gets uneasy when it's not. Detail oriented. LOVE when appreciate their intellect. Very good at taking care of the day to day. They can be impatient with others because they think they do things best. Helps others by taking care of the little things.
Gye: cancer. UWU. We've got a marshmallow guys.
Ok so Sensitive in love, they like commitment and dependability. Theyll give you security, comfort and care. They show their love by caring for you. They crave safety. They watch their loved ones emotions. This is a big 180 after all the Taurus. They can be moody to get attention oml. Either this is really toned down from the taurus moon or im blind. It's hard for them to forgive/ forget if you've hurt them (same with the taurus moon so☠) They can retreat/ hide to care for themselves. God this is like taurus but extra soft😭 Ok so strong attachment to family and home. Sentimental, love snuggling😭 They need to feel secure and have a strong fear of rejection/ abandonment.
Min: virgo. Good lord. Not flirty. Tries to win someone over with devotion and showing them a ton of attention. Cautious, slowly makes his way into their heart. Sensitive and insecure in love😭 They need to know feelings are mutual before they make a move..... Can childishly tease their crush💆🏼‍♀️ But they have good intentions. They arent attracted to show offs, they like understated, unnoticed people. These people love quietly helping and doing the little things. You'll win them over if you recognize their efforts, they just want to be appreciated.
Gye: libra. Out of left field fr. Oop indecisive yet again. He's so lucky theres not a ton of fire in this group or I swear people would kill him. I'm sure dongheon and hoyoung have gotten impatient before tho cuz damn. Anyway they really like to weigh all their options. Overwhelming desire for balance. They're generally optimistic, and can be defensive. Can play innocent. Passive aggressive 💆🏼‍♀️. Very good mediators.
Can be incredibly charming. The pickiest lovers and desire equality it every aspect.
Min: leo. A strong creative energy and the feeling their life has significant meaning and purpose. Very passionate. Driven and normally have a set path. They have an air of authority and power. Lol they demand loyalty and admiration in their relationships. Can get fired up when they feel wronged or defensive. But they're really kind and driven by the heart.
*skip for s*x mentions* do like idek how to say this. But like they want to be seen as godlike, worshipped. But they also want to worship the other person. Likes an imbalance of power. Show off. Possessive + jealous but tries to hide it. But everything is laced with love and affection.
Gye's steadiness could really help min to calm his worry.
it's great that it takes a lot to actually annoy him cuz...we all know minchie 💕
Omfg they're both kinda lazy😂 Lazy morning cuddles let's goooo.
Ok but gye could very much be oblivious to mins need for love/ compliments etc. Cue that clip gye had to compliment min and it was short but min was like that's all?? And the was like Oh! And just kept on going. So cute. Like he has to problem expressing his affection but min literally needs to physically say how much he needs😂😂
They both hate change and surprises so🤝
Ok but minchans venus is kind of perfect for gyes cuz he needs that stability. But gye would probably be thrown at first if minchan wasnt being obvious. Theyd be really cute together but the challenge would be getting together.
Honestly they seem super soft and comfy (probably mostly behind the camera rip) earth babies but also playful and precious. As the 2 earth signs in the group (and with a ron of earth placements too) they could really find solace in each other and I think that's so sweet💕
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vivien-dot-exe · 4 years
Ask meme - every todoroki :eyes:
lmao BET
(this is super big huge I’m so sorry askdfjsh)
I don’t?? really think I have one. I’m pretty alright w/ all shouto ships tbh.
todomomo. I get the ships but I kinda see em as them Good Supportive Friends that are just close enough that everyone Thinks They’re Dating n cannot believe they’re not but like. they never would. (am I projecting my best friendship onto shouto?? Maybe. fuck off.)
rn?? enjishouto lmao. I love love enjishouto man,, favorite child lovin,,,,
second choice
I ~guessss~ todobaku?? but tbh I’m not all that into most shouto ships. like we neutral most days. we just stay lovin bakugou + denying they’re friends???? so cute man,,
tied though is reishouto bc mommy kink. I won’t sit here and lie to you I just love gentle mommy kink sm
fluffy pairing
cliche fan fave - tododeku. we love a pair of supportive boyfs. I still do like seeing some tododeku art sometimes cause it makes our heart warm
angsty pairing
enjishouto again - I play things for angst so fuckin much dude,, if I can’t play my otp for angst then it probably isn’t gonna stick.
poly ship
can I say like. natsu/fuyu/enji/shouto. cause siblings that thirst over their hot dad together stay together
however hawks/enji/shouto is an incredibly tasty rarepair. there’s only one fic for it on ao3 but it’s So dang good,, 
weirdest pairing
I guess still enjishouto!! I have a very small amount of ships for the boy, man,,
n/a once again. every fuyumi ship I’ve seen to date or conjure up from crack shipping is cute bc she’s cute. I love seeing her in general.
lowkey?? fuyuhawks. I can see them being excellent friends. I know romance takes are also good but. consider this: them chillin and acting goofy.
fuyunatsu. no question. it was my v first fuyumi ship and I will go down with it. (more explanation below)
second choice
fuyumi/miruko is really good!! maybe that’s just me being all ‘lesbians good’ @ the few fics n art pieces I’ve seen but Still.
fluffy pairing
reiyumi. we Love a girl n her mom huggin tight n kissing softly.
angsty pairing
fuyuenji. I’ve seen such good angst w/ these two man,, makes my heart heart Good ya feel?? them sad n guilty daddy’s girl feels Get Me
poly ship
sibling thorst: the ship (fuyu/natsu/enji/shouto)
weirdest pairing
if I was to make up a weird pairing,,,, bakuyumi. they interact Once but I like ships that are basically ‘we cook and it’s romantic’ (read: natsuki from ddlc anyone?). it’s a lil crack shippy and I’ve never ever seen any material for it, but wouldn’t it be cute to have bakugou cook w/ a cute older woman n have a cute romantic time while he’s all tsundere?? sighs wistfully,,
hmm,, I’m honestly thinking I should take this option out. I really do think it cute to think the whole ass todofam w/ Anybody you know??
natsushouto. like wow great job viv takin it Literally but as we don’t know much about natsu’s college life, I can’t exactly elect a best friend or nothin, and I Really love the concept of natsu and shouto acting like regular sibs. fighting n competing but hyping each other up, ya know?? sighs wistfully,, I actually really love brotherly dynamics a lot. like shipping em is usually my first thought but I also just???? like seeing em play around n be normal sometimes lmao. is that weird?? that it makes me happy?? idk.
fuyunatsu!! I love the concept of them constantly being there for each other, plus childish curiosity?? if you got sibs you know what that shit’s like. “you wanna try kissing??”
like listen not to be gross about it either but like. Puberty w/ that like entirety of the house to themselves. you can not tell me horny things never happened.
second choice
enjinatsu has Mad potential. I don’t get to see a lot of content for them but they make my heart happy. love the idea of both them being sweet to each other slowly in a path to forgiveness dotted with confessions and soft embraces,,,, or of course guilty dad thirst. both are Tasty
fluffy pairing
fuyunatsu is Cute. listen I want em to cuddle and support each other though they’re so different. like foils, ya know?? I am very weak for natsu having a weakness for fuyumi’s gentleness (though that could be said for the whole todofam. stan fuyumi)
angsty pairing
hmm,, I guess that’d be enjinatsu?? path to forgiveness enjinatsuo I can see being v feelsy and Tasty.
poly ship
sibling thorst Again.
weirdest pairing
man I don’t think any of these could be counted as Not weird. enjinatsu maybe?? as their dynamic is rather complicated n versatile + parent/child. I think the Least weird ship I’ve ever considered w/ him though would be natsuhawks, but I’ve not seen a lot of material for them nor do I have any ideas for dynamics. they just look nice together.
Touya (dabi)
okay I’ll be real w/ you I lied I do have One notp and it’s dabihawks (hotwings). it’s. it’s okay, I’ll admit, but it kinda squicks me out in canon verses. like, reverse aus, genderswap aus, most aus really that slightly shift the dynamic, I’m good w/ dabihawks, but Not In Canon or any approximations of it.
(big rant on why, feel free to skip)
I guess antis just kinda fucked it up for me?? I was kinda neutral when it first was proposed, ya know like ‘oh that’s cute!! not for me but more power to ya!!’ but then dabihawks shippers started getting in hawksdeavor shippers’ faces n giving the usual arguments against age gap ships (as if a villain/hero ship was so uwu pure n unproblematic), and then there came the ‘hawks will betray the heroes and become a villain for dabi’ theories from them and it just. that was 2018 and it Still makes me uncomfortable to think about. 
I very much enjoyed hawks’ double agent thing!! but I knew an infiltration mission would end with betrayal from the beginning and that’s what I liked about it. him doing the absolute Most for the heroes even if it feels scummy to do so. I was Devastated for a moment when I saw hawks’ first meetup w/ dabi and it looked like he might be spying for them, but then we were quickly assured that it was a ploy and I was like Oh My God Thank God I Near Had A Heart Attack. but other people, the loudest group being dabihawks shippers, were dissatisfied with this and wanted canon to take a different direction and I Dunno Man, I just had very strong emotions about that and still do. 
I love hero hawks in all his double agent endeavor fanboy glory and people wanting to take it a different direction in canon felt like a blatant kind of???? idk defacing of character almost, even though that’s a mega mega mega dramatic way to put it loL don’t ask me why I got such strong feelins about it I couldn’t explain it if I wanted. I’d love to go back to being chill about it I really really would.
idk, I think I might not???? have one for him. he seems kinda all or nothing to me, very intense w/ his emotions. if I was to Name one off the top of my head, maybe maybe togadabi, but even then I’m kinda hm on it.
first and favorite dabi ship is 1000% shigadabi. not even in most canon settings; I just like them chilling and being lovey (and going on large scale crime dates).
second choice
probably shoutodabi?? not Big on most dabi ships but love that older bro angst.
fluffy pairing
shigadabi bby!! if I wanna imagine dabi soft ever then shigadabi is a Lovely escape, canon absolutely notwithstanding.
natsutouya is also a good one to imagine, what w/ the image of them cuddling making my heart Warm
angsty pairing
shoutodabi. I saw this one reunion fic of them and I had So Many Emotions oh my god.
dabihaul is also a good candidate, though it’s less Angst more hurt little comfort. (not to mention I don’t ship it much myself lol a friend sold me on their interp) it’s not very emotional as I like my angst, more just got them whump aesthetics.
poly ship
good question. I’ve highkey not thought about it smH - maybe if I just,,,, *takes shoutodabi n shigadabi n smooshes them together*
idek how that’d work as a dynamic dude I Don’t KnoW LMAO
weirdest pairing
I guess enjidabi?? I think about it from time to time but I dunno how the dynamic would work but. very angsty whatever it is. lots of apology sexy times in my mind’s eye.
n/a - rei is definitely one I will take any ship for.
enjirei - I’m doing this out of order so I wrote the explanation on enji’s lmaO see below for details
oh man otp???? good question,, I’m a v big fan of reishouto tho. gentle mom lovin,,
second choice
rei/inko is also a good one!! something I still think is very cute from my early days in the fandom. just a couple of moms supporting each other and going on cute park dates,,
fluffy pairing
rei/inko is def the fluffiest. however, it can be argued that rei/anybody has good fluff material. rei is so,,,, ethereal lookin???? she looks like a flower or a ghost,, like breeze rustling sheer curtains in an empty sun lit room. gentle on the eyes but hella poignant. I can imagine her bein soft w/ everyone n everyone.
angsty pairing
reitouya. For Sure. rei taking care of her lost eldest who’s finally come home, ya know???? Sobs,,,,,,,, I don’t see shippy content of them ever but reunion fics/art Get Me
poly ship
this one might be a little weird, but inko/rei/mitsuki. I’ve only seen material for it Once but in my head it’s taking the cute mom ships of inko/rei and inko/mitsuki to make the Ultimate Supportive Mom Ship. and maybe masaru is there too supporting this bc I think he’s really good tbh I don’t want him sad or lonely.
weirdest pairing
uhhhhhh,,, idk man probably polyship is the only “Weird”/super rare one. mitsuki ain’t exactly gentle mom:tm: after all, but I think her spice goes well w/ it all, ya know?? inko n rei being gentle and mitsuki being the hype who arranges more fun dates n such for them to all take a cuddle pile nap afterwards,, and you know she’s the hype woman for the trio. 
never met an enji ship I didn’t like tbh. they’re all good and I will fight on that.
highkey?? enjirei. I ship em romantically sometimes, but I really like the idea of them divorced and getting other lovers but supporting each other fullheartedly. love that solidarity. like shit I could see them still living together n such but they just. drop the husband/wife shtick and support each other like friends.
enjishouto!! y’all been knew.
second choice
hawksdeavor is a longstanding fave. we love that fanboy/idol dynamic sm,,
fluffy pairing
oh jeez fluffy,, maybe enji/burnin?? I can see her being very energetic n supportive and being rewarded w/ soft forehead kisses. soft boss crush even if it’s one sided.
angsty pairing
both enjishouto and hawksdeavor provide Wonderful angst. the flavor is Immaculate y’all should try it.
poly ship
enji/the rest of the todofam/hawks/happiness. pls lma o
I am very much an enjibowl enthusiast, can y’all tell?? I just want him Smothered in love sometimes.
weirdest pairing
hmm,, enji/tsukauchi. I saw a doujin for it once and it was Lovely. an absolute crackship, but I love the hero/detective dynamic of toshinori/tsukauchi, but toshinori just doesn’t give it enough Spice in most interps I see. now enji being tsun n aggressive + level headed detective tsukauchi,, that was a tasty doujin for sure.
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The Soup
Super Junior Super Junior x SuJuMaknae!Reader Characters: Super Junior (ot13 [+ SJ-M]) Summary:  Just like the way you need to give someone soup when they're sick, this is how SuJu reacts when you need them. Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: CRACK, fluff, humor, gnarlyness, etc.
A/N: i need a pick me up so i made this. It’s low key a part 2 to Secrets Of A Maknae, but not really because, well, it’s not HAHAHHAHA, but hello @farewellkorosensei, i’m tagging you cos u said u wanted a part two and i had a part two in mind but then i lost it so now you have this HAHHAHHAHA im sorry im like this
none of this is real bro that’s why its an au ?????? ok like ok
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Being the only girl in a coed group that’s basically a boy group is not as bad as one may think
Especially since you're the youngest out of everyone, some people just cannot imagine how you do it
Sure like... being the only female means the testosterone thrown your way can be a lot
And there are just some things the guys can't and will never understand
Like how a woman's mind works
But through it all however
You loved being the baby princess
Because you have 13 knights at your side
good luck to them
And in case you were wondering, SuJu is not as sweet as you think
here's how each member would react to you needing them
ps yall
dis shiz is HELLLAAAA LONG SO it’s under the cut
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Being the eldest meant Leeteuk found everyone as his responsibility
and to you, who is in his group, their youngest AND only female member, he would drop everything for
Everyone who's watched korean TV knows this
cos yall do tv show hostings togther
and everybody knows how soft he is around you
like i mean he’s naturally caring towards everyone
and he’s normally high-spirited with others
like you + him equals shenanigans like firecrackers
he does 8999+ dad jokes when you’re his co-host
someone save s.korea
but let us not forget is is the EPITOME of gentleman
he always offers his arm to you
he takes of his jacket or gets a blanket for you to cover your legs when you sit
errbody is like “stfu, we get it stop flexing”
you two are just like “??????????????????? bro fLeXiNg whUAT?”
“i get yall are married n in love but like. pls keep it under wraps.”
and then ????????????
we believe you
cos its all we can do tho
and i mean you two aren’t married but are so too tbh
ELF’s call you two the parents of SuJu
and think you two are sO ADORABLE IT HURTS
He is definitely the most understanding with you through the age gap you have
And even if he finds some of your actions odd due to that age gap, he always works through it and tries to think proactively
"What are you doing????????"
"IM DOING A CHALLENGE OPPA YOU WANNA JOIN?!" you say as you attempt to put on makeup with your non-dominant hand
But if you need him
Doesn't matter if he's hosting 287378 tv shows at the moment
If you call because some loser broke your heart
He's taking the day off
If you call just to check in and he hears even a hint of sickness in your voice
He would take care of you even if he was also sick
He would find a way to go to you even if you were halfway across the world
You cant even get mad @ him cos you will and have done the same woops
and obvi we have to add
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his dog Shimkung prolly loves you more than him, just sayin
She runs to you and ignores Leeteuk when youre around
Because she loves playing with you
And she loves your energy
And the attention you give her
And the treats you bring
And because everyone loves you
And Leeteuk cant even because he loves you too
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Yall listen up
If you think heechul is scary by himself
Try bringing up SuJu's maknae up
I dare you
Just mention your name
Doesnt matter if it's praise
there’s literally an entire 20 (and going) part video comp. of his ears steaming when you’re brought up
like the mere thought of you is already to set him off
It doesn't even phase him if the person who spoke of you is younger or older
The death threats he will sputter is limitless
his tongue is sharper than silver
And the deadliest death glare that's thrown may cause a heart attack.
strangely enough though
but knowing heechul, not strange enough
he is ALWAYS THE FIRST to throw you under the bus
during interviews
and yall always bicker about the dumbest shit
everyone is like, “wait, they’re not the ones that are married?”
the answer is no
but honestly,
He's broken up with someone because of you
Because they were mean to you, i mean
And because he was tired of them too hekhek
and lyk Heechul may be short
But nothing is stopping him from getting into a fist fight with someone 1000+ ft taller than him.
That may be a slight lie cos he'd prolly call the rest of the guys and 5672 security guards to be on his side.
would honestly fite anyone for you
any AND everyone to be honest
He's also very picky with your boyfriends
"Ya, he looks like a womanizer."
"Ya, he looks like an idiot."
"Ya, he smells like woman's perfume."
"Ya, he smells like cigarettes."
"Ya, I don't understand what you see in him."
"Ya, I can't believe you're wasting your time with him."
"Ya, why are your standards so low when you know a guy like me?"
"You can do better."
and you’re kinda just like, “y dont u just look for a guy for me? or better yet, if you think you’re so great, why don’t you just date me?”
“pshhhh, as if, i’m too pretty for you, child”
is what heechul always says
to you and to everyone who asks why you aren’t dating
he also does’t ever answer your calls
cos he’s always too busy with his video games or selfies
so you get really frustrated when you call him to come over and he doesn’t call
but like 
he’s somehow already at your house
cos you needed him and he knew that
idek either bro
he has a sixth sense with ya gurl
he will baby the heck out of you every moment he gets
but not in public cos his image
also he’s never one to flaunt even with his personality
and kinda makes himself clingy for the sake of endorphins
cos he is your happy pill
and your go to man when the world just sucks hard
he gives pretty solid advice
like the ones where you really need some
because he’s never one to sugar coat and will tell you youre a bitch if you are being one
and because of how he is, when he gets soft with you, you know he means it because he’s a broken brick most of the time
he’s also who you normally vent out your problems and burning frustrations to
not that he listens
you mostly just assault him and he takes it
but somehow that’s therapeutic for both of you ???
i’d add heechul’s pets
and maybe i’m just shimkung biased lolol
ANYWAY the gist of you and his pets is that you love them and they love you
the end
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don’t even get me started on yesung
you know how he likes to think he’s all that
how he’s like really good at singin
but he’s like actin all airy sometimes
whICH IS Y u and eunhyuk havE A BALL MESSIN WITH HIM
someone save Yesung from his retarded dongsaengs
lol but eunhyuk comes later
anyway, he’s airy
that side of him comes in handy 4 u
because he makes for a gr8 hypeman
letz be real
SUPER JUNIOR together is the loudest bunch of morons that will hYPE YOU DO YOUR DEATH
but you cant keep havin that when you go to award shows
try havin your ears pierced with screaming every time you’re even remotely related to what the host is talking about
anyway back to yesung
he be your date to eveything
cos he ALWAYS has time to be all that
i mean you bring specific members to the specific events they fit into
u’ll understand laterz
but mostly yesung is your man for the job
cause he’s always available
you know when he’s not touring or holding concerts
whenever you need a date
he puts on all his extra accessories and offers you his arm on the red carpet
or just holds your hand cause it’s easier on his part
IT DOESN’T EVEN MATTer if it’s for some black suit event
he’s prOLLY GON BUST A MOVE and promote SJ’s black suit while he’s at it what a turd
he’s so loud in fact that you’ve reached a point past embarrassment
ur like, “Yeah, he’s my loud date. problem?”
honestly, yall have to be dumb not to see how in love you two are
there are theories on how you two ARE the one true pair
like the way yesung looks at you when you’re striking a pose
answering a question
thanking someone
receiving an award
laughing at a joke
existing in general
and you RIGHT BACK @ him
only an idiot would
but haha
just friends too
ye but itz trueeeeee
no matter how fancy you get
or domestic
cos did i mention you two do the lamest things too
like there is no in between
you go buy groceries
tour Gangnam
hand in hand obviously, duh, you do it every time you’re together
as with every member of super junior but yall already knew
i think i strayed too far from my point
point is he’s there to hang out and do nothing
cos thats what both of you are good for anyway
btw he’s who you bring shopping for clothes
but only like the nice kind you feel me
you’ll get that in a little while too
but like you always go to high-end stores together
never couture tho cos why ??
he’s the one you treat like your diary mostly
the everyday stress you have piled up he’s the one you sift through with
like you tell him all the mundane things
and he’d nod uninterested
and then you’d stop cuz you realiized he doens’t care
and then he’d get mad and be all like “Ya, why’d you stop, what happened to the leaf you kicked?”
i think imma stop here cos you get it
yall good for nothing HAHAHH
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you and kangin get into the stickiest shit every time your crackheads team up
and being the loyal one you are
you always point and blame him when things hit the fan
and he’s always like “Me?”
and then points right back at you
you’re reactions to each other are fandom memes fml
and you’d think with all the treachery you pull on each other you would never be able to count on Kangin
but that is so DAMN FAR from the truth
cos this boy is insufferably thoughtful when it comes to you
his favoritism shows
like he’ll sell super junior for a 1 cent
he’s usually the one that shoos the guys off when they’ll all up on your ass
he’s also the one to kick heechul when he gets too annoying
or anyone in general
He’s usually your partner in crime when it comes to screwing up SJ’s image
“it wasn’T ME!” you both shout, and then you jump on Kangin’s back and he runs away.
and yes there is also a compilation of you morons doing that for 15 minutes straight in multiple languages
dumb shit
he’s not as big as teasing you as Heechul
but he usually calls you ugly, that’s who you are to him
if you’re texting someone, it’s usually him
you send him ideas for a prank or sm shit
and he’s like imma do you one better
and then you just burn SM to the group bwahahaHAHAHAHAHAHHA
not kidding
you guys dont actually get to hang out often
but wHen you do there is a warning signal
and idek y yall pretend to be pranking someone else
but yall end up stabbin each other anyway
But there is also those times when you just cry
and he’s there to listen
he’s not as understanding as his hyungs, cos Leeteuk knows what to do, Heechul knows what to say, and Yesung knows how to remember the important things
but he is always there
he tells you as much as he can
and he aint dumb he can say a lot
but he’ll mostly just try to brighten up your day
by telling you a plan to attack one of the members
as ive mentioned before, you jump on his back when you skedaddle out of the scene you just caused
which have caused an uproar from many
your company mostly has to fend off rumors of you and him being together the second most
youll find out who soon enough
but back to you an Kangin
he usually offers to give you a piggy back ride
even tho he doesn’t really want to
when you’re down
cos u smol child like to be carried
ew grow up sis
dats all i got fam
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you and Shindong work the third most together outside super junior
dats obviously behind Leeteuk
and #2 who will be revealed later
and actually, you two have a very serious and business-like mindset when you’re together
which is why his skillz fly when you collab
you have youtube channel together that’s just u two posting vids you guys want to do
yall fund it urselvs and get some of ur friends to join in
that’s why you normally go to him when you need help with work
meaning if you’re unsure if you should do a drama he’s going to lay down the points 4 u
he usually acts like your manager
and visits you the most when you’re on set
he’s who de-stresses you when you’re working
and the one who you can count on to back you up when someone at work needs to have a little piece of your mind
he’s who you call up when you want to share an idea or a vision
and is the one to more than others root for you and help you all throughout
whenever works stresses you out,
you two do something fun together
watch a film
annoy one of the other members
you call him up when you have a crazy idea
you call him up when you have a song or plot in mind
you call him up when you are in need of advice
though sometimes his advice is to go to leeteuk or heechul
cos he knows he has limits
which is why you love him
because he’s real and never pretends to  know more than he does
with that said though, he does know a lot
and will tell you all he knows about whatever it is you are asking about
you guys do a lot of live streams as well
sometimes its pointless
sometimes its intorspective
but most times its pointless af
and most times yesung is crying in the distant not-so-distant background
cos like i said yall hangout the most
so sometimes shindong gets into the mix
and you do the weirdest shiz in front of camera
the amount of role plays you’ve done that made viewers go ???? is uncountable smh
like like
where you’re an astronaut
and you need to tell the emperor of goryeo he’s going to be assassinated
and then yesung is the emperor’s horse
and yall die of laughter
or that time yall kissed “by accident”
and none of yall were surprised
and you both ended up laughing
and then everyone was like? >?????
idek either tbh
or that one time you were a cake
as in a chocolate cake
running away from an orge
which was yesung
and shindong was the exterminator that kept hitting him with a pillow whenever he’d talk
i cant believe
you think yesung’s had enough with you and eunhyuk
speaking of...
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eunhyuk + u is quite like u + kangin
ppl pray for you to get separated
like pls
and then when you add DONGHAE
the world wants to implode and delete itself
eunhyuk is your usually your fake boyfriend
joke, he’s the fake love triangle interest
you’ll get that later
you say all the time every time you get the chance to that the reason why you dance half as good as you do now is because of eunhyuk
you make his ego fly through the roof
and he’s always like 
dawwwww stop 
no keep going
which is why if for whatever reason you need a dancer or a choreographer or anything between those lines
you call eunhyuk
or jung yunho but that’s not the point
point is the world explodes when there is a sexy suju concept
because you and eunhyuk are always paried up
the flexibility and coordination of your bodies
leaves the world thirsty
eunhyuk is pregnant because of you
Dem body rolls
The dehydration is real
you two just do something in sync
and surprise even both of you
the world cannot
whenever you do a show together they make you do so many dances
cant blame them  tho, u two be bomb
point is he’s normally your dance partner in almost everything super junior
and 73% not super junior
but beyond that he is also your bestest buddy
and since it’s a package deal, most of the time donghae is there
yall do everything from wacky antics
to window shopping
to roller coaster riding
to just lying around talking about life
actually, yall pranked the world by saying your were going out once
but then yall were like “oh we be playin yall”
When you went sikE Leeteuk wasnt surprised
and everyone gave you shit for so long
Ryeowook vowed to kill both of you
kangin thought it was pretty good though
Eunhyuk and you normally go to parties together
and because you are a d U M b fking drunk
he’s always the one who cleans up after you
because you vomit
and cry
and try to kiss everyone
which is why you have safely kissed everyone in super junior when you're wasted
eunhyuk especially
there are pics to prove it
but eunhyuk doesn;t mind
he’d rather be kissed by your vomit flavored mouth than have some ho try to do something to you
he gets really unsettled when other guys come into the picture
he’ll karate chop A morOn
ya think he be small
but he be strong
those dance moves are his weapon
and we def cant end this without saying
he makes you hangover soup
and all that jazz
when you wanna work out or feel sick
you call eunhyuk
i mean leeteuk loves you but you cant move an inch with that boy
so its eunhyuk
unless you wanna be lazy and need a mom (so leeteuk)
honestly i cheated with that lord almighty part
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which you wish would be a lot more than not
IF you have anything to do in China
it’s zhoumi everyday
he’s who taught you how to speak the language and the one who makes fun of you the most because of your prononciation
but you know obviously its all in good fun
you host some shows together
youve stared in a bunch of chinese mini dramas together
but most of all, you two do a bunch of variety
which people LOVE SO MUCH
if you werent so busy with the rest of the world
china would love to keep you for themselves
but anyway back to zhoumi
as i said he be the love of your life
because he’s literally everything you look for in a guy
tall, handsome, smart even though he does DUMB THINGS I CANT BE--
but the only reason why you’re not dating him is
I have no explaination
you are dating though
like outwardly
it’s like an unspoken thing
where you are dating but youre not and everyone around you agrees
with all the chinese variety you’ve done
yall have pretty questionable photos and footage together
why is you hand in his mouth
why are you two in one pair of trousers
why are you crying over literal eggshells
why are you laughing at him dressed up in a suit
why is he making heart eyes at you when you;re wearing clown makeup
why is he making heart eyes in general
why are you making heart eyes in general
idk man
but what you do know is this
there’s this entire ten page article about how he punch some rich guy in shanghai that tried to get too close and zhoumi threw a punch
out of all the boys in the band who’s said they’d punch a moron on the nose
zhoumi as actually the only one who has had the displeasure of doing just that
It was quite the talk of the town
Honestly many were scared for zhoumi
U and him counted
and the rich moron even threatened to sue
but you pointed out that there was footage in the place and that he’d lose so he should just walk away
of course he walked away
and so yeah
but obviously the sonavbish tried to get rid of any footage
And make it look like an assault
It was to be like an even bigger scandal
but you being a smart bitch that has starred in many dramas with the exact same plot already had a copy and so you won that battle
and zhoumi ‘s career was not ruined
he was even hailed a hero for all the no duh reasons
Yeah he can throw a punch 
zhoumi is so soft for you though
and you for him
he’s usually the one who takes your mind off of things
but you hang out the least out of everyone due to sched differences
that doesn’t mean you dont make time for each other though
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donghae that knows all your secrets
knows all your dog stories
all your accidental injuries
all your fails
all your successes
it may take a few moments to jump start and access his mental archive
but its there
and Donghae has been your boyfriend on many many occasions
whether or not it be fake or real the world will never know
you guys are the most intimate with each other
like you guys are so casual
and comfortable
that Leeteuk tells you guys off
h e e c h u l
even suju separates you on their own will sometimes
and both of you are like
donghae is a certified soft boi
and his softness is amplified when you’re together
PDA is second nature to you two
many hand holds
many cuddles
many suggles
... sure
and it doesn’t matter where you two are
nothing stops you from being touchy
people ask you about it all the time
but once again
Anyway donghae is the go to guy for heart to heart conversations
because he has a heart of gold
the softest purest gold
and he really understands and empathizes
he cries with you over dog movies
and listens to your frustrations
and you listen to him cry
and talk about his feelings
and you tie it all up by making each other smile
he actually gives really good advice
i mean they all do give good advice at a point
but donghae’s are actually quite on point
even though people think he’s slow
it’s probably because he’s once connected at the hip to you
he’s the one you talk to about boy problems and relationship problems
because he’s the only one that isn’t weirded out about the topic
i mean he’s got a soft spot of you
plus hes really caring
so he’ll listen to whatever topic you want to talk about anyway
he’s really the only who, like, pays attention to all your babbling
most of them tend to overlook that
but never donghae
he’s the guy you call in the middle of the night when you cant sleep
it’s not guaranteed he’ll pick up because i mean duh he has a life
but when he does he really listens
except for when he doesnt
cos he’s tired
and on top of being a cuddly living diary
he’s also your personal massager
like you know those knots on your shoulder
what knots on your shoulders
he massages them away because
youre his ultimate weakness
when you need him he’ll be there in a heartbeat, racing leeteuk to get to you
although he’s not as motherly as leeteuk
he’s more of a brother really
like he is motherly
he does baby you
i can
no actually
i cant explain
because i got nothing
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yall do the most goals things ever
and end up posting it on insta like the aesthetic things you are
he’s the guy you call when you wanna go out and tour
and you guessed it
he’s the second person in super junior you work most with out of the group
can you imagine the power you two hold in dramas
sometimes you do cameos in his shows
sometimes its the other way around
honestly it was a make out but you know
donghae’s fine
Siwon and you travel a lot
in a small scale sense where you just go around on a food trip
or going on a short vacation to another country
dont tell the others tho
and its honestly the cutest thing ever like siwon and his charities ad;hkasd
you two have this meme where its just a compilation of you two lauging
cos yall get WEIRD when you laugh together
your laugh is weird in general
and super junior is weird in general
but you and siwon laughing is just weirder
Whenever you have to go somewhere where you think youre going to die because of the formality
you bring siwon along because he’s the most businessman looking out of everyone
plus he holds a rich man aura
because he is
honestly he should just buy SM wtf
He is also the one you go to for advice
because sometimes crying with donghae isn’t really the way you want to go
he’s normally your outside opinion guy
when you normally have a course of action already in your head
but youre just not sure how to go
he gives solid points
and he’s quite firm with his answers
when you need him he doesn’t come as quick as leeteuk or donghae
but he’s the one who leaves last
because he’s just thorough like that
like if you have a mental break down
he’ll come when he can and make sure to make extra time for you
because he wants to both make it up to you and make sure you’re alright
i should add
that on top of being very aesthetic together with your black tie events and whatnot
yall make post memes of each other often on your own accounts SO MUCH
ELFs dig it
iconic really
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ryeowook actually hates you
he hates you because you have such a beautiful voic
he hates that youre pretty
he hates that youre talented
but it is also what completes him
It adds to his purpose in life
To cruSh u
N remind u who is butter
yall bicker the most out of everyone
yall raise your voices at each other the most
you always attack each other
it’s too much to handle
but when you catch on that you’re being played
You and ryeowook teamup
the sass is real when you’re together
makes both of your skin visibly darker to a point
he’s mostly the one to call you out when you and kangin are doing something dumb
or when you and donghae start getting cuddly
or when you just show your face to him
because yes he hates you
if he hears anyone say anything REMOTELY BAD ABOUT YOU
he wILL attacK
because only HE can be mean to you
which is why they actually think you’re dating
pipe the HECK down if you have something to say
and the feeling is mutual for you
if anyone says anything bad about ryeowook OR ANY OF YOUR BOYS
they’re dead
but sometimes both of you hate super junior together
and theres a bunch of videos of you questioning why you’re both still here
when he’s not hating you though
he’s violently supporting you
have you heard this man scream
if you’re doing something live
then he’s out
him and yesung are on a roll when you get an award
and on your live performances
theres normally a cut scene to him in the crowd holding a big ass sign that says something mean
like I HOPE YOU TRIP in bold letters
but in fine print is continues IN SUCCESS AND GOOD HEALTH
but that’s ryeowook for ya
Everyone's confused how you are able to be so violent and mean
But also so cheesily soft
Honestly u just weird
And so is ryeowook
when you need advice he fights you first
"How could you be so dumb to have a problem like that"
then,he'll tell you what to do
If he can, he fights your problem
and then solves it for you that way
Thats how it is, violently soft hek
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So serious
but unlike ryeowook he sometimes actually make people end up wondering if youre dating
Cause ryeowook and u be mean but not so lovey dovey
But you and kyuhyun are mean and lovey dovey
he makes sure you suffer
suffer in embarrassment in live television
and will do everything in his power to get you and ryeowook to stab each other
but if you squint hard enough
he acts hella whipped for you to be pretty damn honest
anyone with a brain can put together that he’s basically like a child
a child being mean to his crush because he doesn’t know what to do
but yall know what
even though ya both be also killing each other
I cannnnOt even
any drama that has been blessed with your vocals
----i meaaaan-----
your song can save any drama
and yall do a lot of live performances together
uhm did I mention you’re basically part of the sub-unit KRY
actuallY JK nvm, it’s you and kyuhyun alone actually
just you and him
hitting those notes like no other
AnD theN theRE was This incident
that you had to perform in on a live awardshow
but like a vocal accident
as in you lost your voice
kyuhyun covered for you duh
because  even if he wants you to suffer in public
he wants it to be by his hand
and not because you ended up getting sick suddenly
I do have to say he’s not very reliable tbh
for the sole reason he wishes to be the true maknae and to desTROY U
“are you sure you hate her though” -literally everyone
“YES!” kyuhyun would answer without missing a beat
“seem like bull by ok”
the there can only be one
i would’ve killed you if the lights were closed
excuse you, trash
i sarangHATE U Bitch
boi i cant wtf am i doin
and again
i cannot stress enough that kyuhyun wants your death by his hand
so if someone else comes for you
he’s going to attack that person more than they have you
whenever people ask him about you to, he gets all protective and scary
in summarry, he wants death but not really
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he’s the only one who actually treats you like youre a child
like you two are the closest in age
the audacity
the nerve
i cant believe
he literally pulls the Oppa card
he literally holds your hand when you cross the street
he asks you if you’ve eaten
he coddles you, especially around others
he brings you juice on set if ever you appear on the same show
he’s so embarrassing
he be actin as if he’z ya dad
get a grip
but as embarrassing as he is
he is also your best friend
and he talks fondly about you everywhere
literally never talks shit about you
unless its true tho lololo
and for real is probably literally in love with you
but is like “I’m her older brother tho so”
acts like an older brother 23/6
and the remaining time like a sweet and ExTreMely embarrassing boyfriend
will do anything for you to be honest
if you and kyuhyun do lame things
yall do weird shit online too
and yall have done questionable things on variety
which is why you’ve hosted a variety special before
if you ever feel down
or sad
or angry
or frustrated
henry is the guy to call to be reminded of the brighter things
nothing is impossible or gloomy with henry
and yall thrive in all the crack-ish things you do together
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73 notes · View notes
idinink · 5 years
HI THIS POST WILL CONTAIN TALK ABOUT FOOD AND FOOD PLANNING, specifically my experience with the keto thing (i deliberately don’t call it a “diet” because that word is soooo loaded) so scroll on if you don’t wanna read, i will tag it as “keto” if you wanna blacklist. THERE WILL BE NO TALK OF WEIGHT LOSS, THIS BLOG IS ANTI-DIET CULTURE, ANTI FATPHOBIA, ANTI WEIGHT-LOSS-AS-GOAL.
details under cut
So it’s been just over 6 months, and I wanted to make a list for A) personal record-keeping reasons, B) a huge “thank you” to @swolerbear as he is the main reason I tried it, and C) in case anyone else is interested.
Disclaimer: I have not been even CLOSE to staying 100% low-carb. I’ve had carby periods, sometimes lasting up to 3 days, at least once a month. I knew when I started that I wouldn’t be strict with myself and I have no regrets and will likely continue being not-very-strict at all. However, I’ve stayed about 99% off desserts, which has been surprisingly easy as I’ve always had a major sweet tooth? I dunno why it’s been so easy and I’m not questioning it for now.
The expected/hoped-for good:
Migraines reduced from 1-3 per week to 1-3 per month
Noticeably stabilized mood 
Increased energy*
The random/unexpected good:
Incredible improvement in singing voice. The past few years I truly thought I was losing my voice, but it’s totally back and I cannot express my joy and relief. Music and singing is a HUGE part of my identity and self-worth. I assume it has something to do with decreased mucus and inflammation.
Vastly improved body temperature regulation. I’ve always been cursed with hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating) and horribly icy cold hands and feet. Often at the same time. Yes, my feet would be simultaneously painfully cold and dripping sweat. Absolutely horrible and has ruined many a night’s sleep. What a relief! To sleep with warm dry bare feet under the skimming weight of a soft, clean pair of sheets -- such bliss! 
Decreased tooth sensitivity. I have the good luck of very strong and healthy teeth, but the past couple years I’ve felt twinges when drinking/eating very cold foods, which was a totally new and demoralizing experience. Now am almost back to previous levels of imperviousness! Though the memory lingers so I’ll probably never crunch away obliviously at ice cubes again...
Regular periods? What? I have never ever EVER in my LIFE had regular periods. Anything from 30 to 90 freaking days was fair game. Now I’m every 33 days, Boom. Again I say, WHAT. They are also shorter: 1 day of bad cramping then 5 days of bleeding with slowly tapering cramping (as opposed to 3-4 days cramping then 7-8 days bleeding pre-keto). I put this in the “good” because surely it must be healthier to have regular cycles, right? It will also appear in the “bad” tho, ha.
The expected bad:
keto flu at first, tho it was very mild. A tiny bit of weakness the first week,  then about 3 days of low level gut-ache. Increasing fat and electrolytes cleared it up. Zero issues since.
Increased sensitivity to carbs. They now will usually make my palms itch and I can expect some sort of mood meltdown, specifically a sudden attack of helpless despair and feelings of worthlessness. (This is going in the “bad” because it’s annoying, but obviously I was feeling these bad things before, they were just my “normal” so less noticeable.)
EXPENSIVE! Ugh. And frequently inconvenient.
Sometimes guilt-inducing. Especially bacon. I initially said “no pork” as pigs are dog-like and it’s much harder to find affordable humanely raised pork than beef/lamb/poultry/eggs/dairy. But....it’s such a valuable fat source that I’ve given in. For now. I love animals and have no “meat-drive” but all the research I did convinced me that current science A) unequivocally indicates humans are animals evolved to eat meat, and B) the agricultural complex is destroying the environment (and of course necessitates killing masses of wild animals). The evil and torturous factory farming of livestock must end. We must bring back the grasslands, populated by all its attendant wildlife PLUS herds of (humanely treated) grazing ruminants, to restore soil and ecosystem. I’m truly sorry, animals. And I thank you sincerely. But I am one of you and I deserve to eat.
The random bad:
Crazy back acne???? Idek if it’s even related but honestly it’s been CRAZY. it’s not like I’ve been working out and getting sweaty. I honestly have no fucking clue what that’s about. No uptick in facial acne...a downturn, if anything. ??????
....Regular periods. I now have periods more frequently (every 33 days as opposed to roughly every 45). The cramping doesn’t last as long, but is more intense. I did some cursory research into that, and several sources say saturated fats can increase menstrual pain, BUT it was usually attributed to inflammation from the fats, when I know I have far less inflammation in general than before. So idk.
That’s it, really? honestly feel like my body took to it like a duck to water.
**For me, “increased energy” means the ability to keep my home reasonably clean, grocery shop regularly, cook regularly, perform basic adult tasks with less dread, and not be quite as exhausted by work. I still struggle immensely with fatigue and am coming to accept that perhaps I always will. I had high hopes of socializing and exercising more (i.e. a non-zero amount) but so far that hasn’t happened. I have been able to write and paint a tiny bit more.
FINALLY, respectful questions are welcome, BUT:
im not interested in debating human carnivory or the environmental impact of livestock vs agriculture. 
weight change was not my goal but I MAY consider PRIVATELY discussing that aspect on an individual basis, if anyone is curious.
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chiaki-c · 5 years
Watched endgame lmao. warnings: salty
Generally speaking it felt much inferior to infinity war. I hadn't spoiled myself but like the time travel was p much what i was expecting i just didnt think it would be so drawn out?? Like it felt like those shenaningans basically took up the whole movie when i assumed it would be more of a means to an end thing? Idek.
I was hoping we'd get some loki by the end of it but :( it took me and my sister a while to realize oh wait he wasnt included in the people resurrected with the gauntlet right b u t he did escape in that other timeline so i guess pretty fucked up way to sorta concede that he is maybe probably alive but also kinda you know?? erase all of his character development post the first fucking avenger lmao this feels like doctor who bullshit all over again. I hate time travel.
I want to know why the russos hate thor so much. Like in infinity war they didnt retain any of his progress in ragnarok but at least it was pretty standard thor shenaningans but why was he selected to be comic relief this round. Like i thought bruce had gotten it bad in infinity war but god. The need to have him not only be pathetic for laughs but also heavily underline that it was his mental health declining making him act like that aND OPENLY MAKING FUN OF IT AND OF ITS MANIFESTATION. WOW?? I honestly can't begin to see how they could be so blatantly insensitive about it in such a big movie. And valkirye being like "and he drinks now :///" like HELLO?????? HELLLLLOOOOOO LMAO
More thor ranting. It was nice to see frigga but, again, her talk with thor really enforced the feel that ragnarok development never existed and also like. It was nice but. You know who else didn't get a single chance to say goodbye to frigga and never actually make peace with the passing of the only person who wholly accepted him?
He also didnt get an abundance of meaningful scenes really. So you know. Missed chance, maybe.
It was so dirty of them to kill nat. They didnt treat her right once, not a single time (winter soldier notwithstanding) so of course they had to end her arc the only possible way. by doing her dirty.
Like in a way?? I'm extremely emotional about clint and nat reunion + her literally giving her life in order for him to spend the rest of it with his family but i just phisically can't bring myself to ignore that they still preferred to kill a woman who, despite all the different flavours of questionable writing was at her core always!! a character whose heart was genuinely in a good place and who didn't get a single reward for her continuous efforts to make up for her past choices. nah she got to die so that Bad Man With Family could be happy. Like im not That mad but also like i can't not be yknow!! And still im so!! About the hand holding and forehead touching bc yes I AM GOING TO DIE MAD ABOUT THESE TWO AND WHAT IT COULD HAVE BEEN!!!!!!!!!!
Also Nebula. I was so excited the first half abt her bc it felt like she was getting to be part of the team but then THE MOVIE NEEDED HER TO BE FORGETTABLE ENOUGH TO THEM THAT THEY WOULD NOT NOTICE WEIRD BEHAVIOR + HER STAYING OUTSIDE?? WHILE THEY WERE USING THE GAUNTLET LIKE LMAO WHAT. And then bc they needed to wrap up no one got to say bye to gamora even tho she wasn't their version of her but still yknow with those people apparently being unable to be brought back you'd think it would warrant a lil emotional moment? Idek. The amount of this movie that was lost to silly gimmicks is more irritating the more i think abt it.
Lmao @ carol and okoye being in the promos for the woke points and then amounting to jack shit in the actual movie
They really did say fuck stevebucky rights uh. Idk what even to say about this just. Bucky never gets anything. Im wondering why only steve gets to have a chance at a normal life in his rightful time. Could it be bc maybe bucky didn't have anyone besides steve to go back to? /thinking emoji Too bad he wasn't as up high in steve's list of stuff then. I'm saltier abt this one than i originally realized :/
Ppl who are more eloquent than me can surely talk better about the time travel inconsistencies but yeah. A lot of it was glaringly wonky and up to wide range of interpretation which i guess is very convenient for them but to me ends up being kinda unsatisfying especially for like. The big final chapter.
and i gotta say i got really emotional when tony said i am iron man aaand through the whole death scene. I'm gonna blame my period for the tears but honestly?!?!?! I feel like the part of me who basically grew up with this franchise and put a lot of emotional investment in it just really went all out at seeing that. Like i was such a big iron man stan and even when that toned down a lot i always liked him till the end so!!! :'( but compared to natasha his death was a lot more fanservicy id say and like. Of course he'll get all the honors and stuff and it wasn't like totally unexpected or anything. I'm mad at myself for being emo about it but yeah couldnt help it anyway :(
but yeah im mostly meh about it unfortunately
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briteboy · 7 years
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lmao RIP me (now u know why i take so long to answer)
do you know the game what remains of edith finch? its really fantastic, I just finished the part with lewis, his whole situation with reality reminded me of santi. just wanted to tell you :)
surprisingly no i haven’t ever heard of it! :O but now i’m intrigued, i googled it and i’m reading up on it hehe thank you for telling me, u learn something new every day :~}
Hello femmesim! I'm a new simblr & I see you get a lot of notes on your great story! I guess this probably means you have a lot of followers too. I was wondering if you follow them all back. If not do you check out your followers & how do you decide which ones to follow back? What don't you like. What would make you unfollow them? Oops that was a lot lol!
iiiiiiiii honestly haven’t even looked at my actual followers page in a loooooong time, even on my personal blog i was never good with that lol. i just can’t keep up with everyone and i don’t want to feel obligated to follow everyone back because that would be way too many posts on my dashboard all the time y’know. it sounds mean but...ajksdgdsf i WISH i could follow everyone back but itsjustnotrealistic
tbh i follow people back when they reach out to me, make an effort to engage with me, send me messages, reply, or just frequently interact with my posts because it gets my attention and shows their personality. i don’t mean that as in like...”you can’t be my friend unless you give me notes” (LMFAO NO) i mean it as in like i’m fcking oblivious and it’s too much work for me to go out of my way and check out every single blog that follows me :{ but i love messaging and communicating through replies so even if you’re nervous pleeeease step out of your comfort zone, i promise i’m like a pretty good OK human being and i try to make funny jokes so talking to me isn’t that bad i promise.
as for your other questions...tbh i dunno, i like blogs that interest me. (duh...lmao what kind of answer even is that) i usually go for people that show their personalities in their posts (go figure), like memes (lmfao), have an intriguing aesthetic, HONESTLY IDK...i follow a lot of diverse blogs tbh, not just ones that are similar to mine. i only unfollow ppl if i have no memory of following them and their content doesn’t interest me, if they say/do something that irks or angers me (that’s only happened like twice tho), or if they post like EXCESSIVE nsfw...i didn’t sign up for that lmao
i hope i don’t sound like an asshole for all this but it’s just like...i can’t deny i get a lot of attention on here. and i never expected it so i’m pretty unprepared for it lmao. i try my best tho :{ just reach out to me and we’ll probably be frands ok
so many feelings
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I just wanted to say how much I love your blog but to the Anon who said how she looks white if she's Hispanic. Not all hispanics are brown haired and tan. I'm Puerto Rican and I'm blonde and have blue eyes. Hispanics come in different tones and what nots :)
hell0 thank you <3 yeah hispanic people are very diverse, especially with varying nationalities, and especially with puerto ricans. i personally know a lot of puerto ricans who are white passing so it’s really not that uncommon. everyone’s different, and as eir said, white passing POC are still POC!
papa ya - sunny ; thats your song boo lol
OOH i actually like this...i’m boppin my head rn lmao thank u
So basically the last anon is saying hispanics can't be 'white'? I know many 'white' hispanics???
i don’t wanna twist their words, i think they just meant molly looks ethnically white and i understand that, i’m not denying she’s white passing but tbh...idk, if she wasn’t my own sim i’d look at her and kinda know she’s not 100% white y’know. she has features that don’t look european. plus the fact that i’ve posted her speaking spanish before soooo. anyway yeah it’s very possible for a hispanic person to literally have white skin but that doesn’t mean they’re ethnically white
well if she has family from spain it's normal for them to have blonde hair and green eyes, so i mean that could make sense.
she could, who’s to say lol. it’s rly not that deep tho, she’s half white, half puerto rican, das it. but yeaah there is a wide array of genetic possibilities for every race! who’da thunk it
Hey, I'm a new reader, is it possible you could link some earlier parts to your story. You don't have to if it's problem though I know how tumblr be. I love the visuals style of your sims. That's what caught my eye. I also was wondering what editing program would you suggest. I kinda want to test out editing my sims.
heyo i summed up the story here and here and there’s a lot of posts of key events linked in there! thank you though, that’s so kind ;-; <3 wellll the only editing program i use is photoshop cs6 so i’d recommend that haha. you can find it for free pretty easily, but if you’re not into that, there are plenty of other programs you can use. i know a lot of ppl on here use gimp. 
hi! I need advice and idk where to get it from but you seem like a really good person who has some wisdom lol! so basically i'm in a big financial situation. I had a good paying job but it made me have anxiety and panic attack because i hated it so much. and i quit my job before i had another job lined up. So my bank account is very close to being completely empty and i have bills and i have to move soon. I NEED ADVICE OR SOMEONE TO TELL ME ITS GOING TO BE OK.
omg first of all i’m so touched that you even came to me with this wtf ;___; ily
second of all it IS going to be ok, you shouldn’t force yourself to do something you hate if it’s really impeding on your mental health that much. it’s not good for you in the long run, even if it pays well. like, at what cost do you want to sell yourself in order to make money? my point is you made a good decision but lacked the foresight, which luckily is something that can be remedied easily. (well...hopefully, but job hunting is never easy :\ ) if you’re still in this situation by the time your bills and everything catch up to you, you can always seek help from family and friends or look into loans...find someone (or multiple people) who will stick by you and support you through this, because this is something way too hard to do alone. (if you don’t have anyone, i’m here for you ;-; ) i honestly don’t have any good advice for finding another job because tbh that’s something i always flounder in, and i’m gonna have to do the same thing by the time i finish up school in the next month AHHHHH
i’m prayin 4 both of us, but you especially <3
Hi!!! sorry i remember seeing an ask about Lou's eyelashes but i cannot find it :((( could you please tell me where can i find it???
hey she just uses the kijiko ones! sometimes if it’s a closeup i use these eyelash brushes tho
hi! sorry, this is a weird question but i thought you could help maybe.... i recently started playing ts4 again, but when i am in cas, there is a weird shine on all cc hairs.... do you have a solution for this? thank you in advance!
hmmmmm i kinda get a weird shiny glitch too but it’s only with certain things, and it’s usually remedied by clicking on the sim’s different outfit categories until it goes away lol. but if it’s on ALL of the hairs...hmm...i’m assuming you’re talking about alpha? because i don’t think clay hairs usually have that problem. check if laptop mode is on, if it is, turn it off!! that’s the only solution i can think of :{
i feel like too many people are reading too deeply into things. either way i love your work and just read the entire thing in a day and i love you so much idek.
i think this was sent when i was getting messages about my dialogue haha. i mean i definitely understand their points in saying it has too many realistic vocal quirks, but tbh that’s what i like about it, and i think that’s part of the reason people connect with it. idk. but thank you so much ily ;__;
hi i just wanted to ask how do you manage your time and how do you post frequently without feeling overworked and overwhelmed ? do you have some sort of schedule, because you seem very organized lol . tysm for answering <3 !
hmmmmm how? um poorly LMAO
no but really...it’s hard. i’m glad i’m so into this story/eager to see all your reactions to it because otherwise the chaos of my life would’ve definitely deterred me from moving along with it a while ago. that’s basically the reason i’m so surprised i even made it this far tbh. i accomplished so much more than i ever thought i would. ;__;
i don’t have an answer for this question because i DO often feel overwhelmed and i have to take a step back and remind myself it’s not the end of the world if i don’t have time to go in game or edit or whatever. i think it’s because i set up this timeline for myself in terms of goals i want to reach with my story throughout the rest of the year and i get frustrated with myself when those plans become delayed because of other obligations. (for example i definitely thought baby wallace would’ve been born by now lmao syke) i was getting burnt out very easily before, which is why i’ve been taking it slower lately (that and i’ve been working a lot more so i don’t have as much free time as i used to :\ ) the good thing about having different characters tho is that when i get burnt out on one thing i can just switch over to another thing at an opportune time (which is what i’ve always done with santi and girooni)
anyway yeah i am kinda organized (in my own weird way) in terms of story planning, controlling the pacing and key events, and that’s definitely the reason i’m able to post so frequently. i used to have multiple free days a week where i could go in game for long amounts of time and get lots of scenes done at once, but at this point in my current schedule i just basically go in game whenever i'm free from the clutches of capitalism (jk we’re never free save us bernie) which means i only have time to do like one thing in game but it seems to be working just as well so far.
.............i’m how i wrote a novel to answer this
im glad i pretty much got it. i can really relate to everything going on. i can see a lot of myself in santi and molly & i get it. the movies make you think you fall in love and everythings fixed like they fill that void in your soul and i mean sure they fill parts of it but you need to do that yourself and not rely on someone else. Your story is real and you can tell your writing from personal experience because theres so much feeling. u think ur fixing urself and u end up more hurt in the end
i’m so glad you can relate ;-; i think that’s one of my proudest accomplishments so far. i mean santi has always been relatable for me because he IS me...or at least partly me, just like all my characters are. but i never thought anyone else would feel the same way, so it means so much to me that people enjoy him as a character because of that.
anyway YES exactly. i hate the “no one’s going to love you if you don’t love yourself” mentality, i think it’s a toxic way of looking at the benefits of genuine self love. the sentiment behind it is true, but it’s a backwards way of looking at it. someone’s else’s love shouldn’t be your motivation, your own love toward yourself should be your motivation. when you look at it in the other way, you do end up getting more hurt in the end.
lol anons back the frick off, that scene is perfect, santi is perfect, sunny is perfect, the stuttering is perfect THIS BLOG IS FREAKIN PERFECT
oMG i appreciate the support, but i don’t blame those people for having issues with my dialogue hahahha. i know it’s kind of different and weird but it just feels right for me when i write it so i go with it. i rly like santi’s stuttering tho so *shrugs* THANK YOU THO ILY <333
hey! I was wondering if you have any tips on making(?) light leaks in photoshop? idk if you've answered this already bc I'm on mobile, buT if u have I'll just check when I get on my computer next !!! Thanks !
ummM I DON’T ACTUALLY because i get all my light leaks off google lmao. i have a folder of all the ones i’ve collected over time lmao
you could probably easily make some with the paintbrush in overlay mode with varying opacities tho? i’ve tried to replicate this a few times actually, but the rest of the time i just use light leaks made by other people lol
Do you enjoy more playing the game or taking the photos/making the story? Do you play challenges?
LATELY i’ve been just enjoying playing the game because i’ve gotten burnt out on story things and just playing is such a nice break from it haha. whenever i have to wait in game for it to be a certain time of day for story purposes, i go play with girooni for a few sim hours to pass the time and it’s fun for me lmao. i’m looking forward to my story winding down so i can get back to doing more gameplay things like i did before but at the same time i’ll always do at least something story related because i like the sense of direction it gives y’know.
i’ve never actually tried any challenges, not even just regular old legacies because i would always either get sick of the sims i was playing with or get too attached to them and not want to go to a new generation lmao. i was never interested in any challenges tbh. i like watching other people do bachelor(ette) challenges tho heheh
WHEN DID SANTI BECOME SUCH A STRONK BOI also you are so sweet we don't deserve you??? You are a blessing I love you thank you for doing this aaaaa ;;; you are an inspiration I hope I can do what you do too! OK BYE HAVE A NICE DAY ❤️❤️❤️
OMG HE’S ALWAYS BEEN SECRETLY STRONK (i’m assuming this is about how he beat ugly stepdad to a pulp lmao) he mostly gets his strength from anger and an adrenaline rush. a BLESSING WHAT!!!!!! YOU’RE SO SWEET ILY ;__; don’t thank me, i’m just doin what i love <3 have a nice day/night/rest of your life ily
But why are ur anons so needy lol isn't that like ur third one angry that u haven't responded
ugh i feel bad because i get it, i do, i understand it hurts when you reach out to someone multiple times and you get ignored, but i don’t do it on purpose and i have explained, many times, the plenty of valid reasons why i can’t respond to 100% of my messages. i’m actually trying to answer all of my message right now with these mass answer posts and it’s REALLY a lot for me to go out of my way and do this. so i’m trying ok. but like i’m only a person ajhsdghjdfjhk i can only give so much attention to this y’know. please be patient
from this moment on we should all proceed to take cautions around ppl named dan.... TAINTED
I KNO RIGHT...dan is such an ugly boring name (no offense to the dans of the world) but like if you’re a dane you’re probably evil or are the human embodiment of cardboard
I can not say it enough. Great story. It's life. And life is beautiful, loving, refreshing and sometimes it can be harsh & scary. You take the good with the bad. I look forward to what comes next. --"Run away, run far away" nony (I have to start thinking of new tag line, because I am diggin Santi and Lou together) :)
HELLO FRIEND i kinda love that you keep coming back ehehe. and i’m glad you’re enjoying it so much ;___; these words are so kind and genuine, thank you so much <3333 OMG i’m glad you like santou as well even though they’re on a slow decline right now. i’m really excited about what i have planned in the future tho
omggggg my theory is the first one on that list you posted!! i'm so happy for that but also sad bc of what's going on with molly and santi and i hope that santi will finally just be happy soon. love you and your sims (except step dad dan) 💕💕
OOH HELLO YES you basically guessed everything that happened up until this point hahaha congratulations <33 santi will be happy...eventually. it’s going to be a long hard road in getting there tho. i hope you’ll all be satisfied in the end
fuck you dan stepdad
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