#tho jun… sighs
baeshijima · 2 years
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witchwhaat · 8 months
gonna watch men fs now, pray for my sanity🫡
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nemu-p · 2 years
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atvbs · 1 year
okay im taking a break from working bc ive been working for the past 4hrs... i want to lay down
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niki-phoria · 1 year
Hii !! Can you do a Yeonjun x gn reader where yeonjun wakes up in the middle of the night bc of a coughing attack, and you comfort him bc he started crying cause he thought he was going to die >_< ( It’s actually based on true events tho, he catched a cold recently and he said all that, even that he couldn’t talk well bc he was coughing so much, so I really wanted to take care of him and give him a hug after he said that so I had this idea and found your blog hehe) Take your time and please take care, thank you so much <3333
⋆。°✩ choi line reaction - taking care of them when they're sick
includes: established relationship, yeonjun cries kinda, samgteyang is a chicken soup, gen sickfic warnings lol
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i hope you like it :))
gn reader (no pronouns used)
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⋆。°✩ yeonjun
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(word count 237)
you stir awake from the noise of incessant coughing piercing through the previous silence lingering in your bedroom. slightly annoyed, you sit up, squinting into the darkness. 
just barely illuminated by the moonlight you can see yeonjun sitting up in your shared bed, body hunched over from a coughing fit. “jun?” you whisper, now fully awake. tears sting at the corners of his eyes as he takes in short breaths between coughs. 
you reach up to cup his cheek, brushing your thumb against his skin. you wipe away the stray tears that escape his eyes, checking him over as well as you can in the darkness. “are you okay?”
“‘m fine,” he rasps out. 
you furrow your eyebrows, leaning over to press a kiss against the crown of yeonjun’s forehead before momentarily slipping out from underneath the covers to grab him a glass of water. he accepts it with a grateful smile as you slide back beside him. 
yeonjun is quick to follow your lead, setting the glass down before leaning over to rest his head against your chest. you brush your hands through his soft hair, occasionally twisting the strands between your fingers. 
yeonjun lets out a small sigh of content as he nuzzles even closer to you so he can hear your heartbeat. “get some rest, love,” you whisper. his breathing slowly begins to even out until he eventually falls into a now peaceful sleep.
⋆。°✩ soobin
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(word count 212)
soobin sniffles as he nuzzles his head a little closer to you; hiding his face into the crook of your neck. his arms wrap lazily around your waist, keeping your bodies nearly pressed together at all times despite the inconvenience and his overall sickness. 
“bin,” you murmur, eyes still focused on cutting up a carrot to add into the samgyetang boiling on the stove. your boyfriend barely hums in response. his eyes remain closed as he leans his body weight against you. “you should go sit down. you need rest.”
he simply whines, nuzzling even closer. “i need you.”
you smile to yourself as you carefully step over to the stove to add the carrots to the broth with your boyfriend in tow. the aroma of boiled chicken and various spices spread throughout your shared apartment. it’s almost comforting to take care of soobin. intimate. 
turning the heat down to let the soup simmer, you twist around to face him. the blanket you had gingerly wrapped around his shoulders earlier that morning has now slipped down his body so it barely covers his torso. you reach up to readjust it before wrapping an arm around his waist. 
“come on,” you murmur. “the samgyetang needs time to boil. let’s go get some rest.”
⋆。°✩ beomgyu
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(word count 238) i'm obsessed with him here he's so kdfndslknds
“y/n?” beomgyu rasps out as he stumbles through your shared apartment. you can hear his footsteps as he slowly approaches, using the wall to support his body. 
“gyu,” you leave the kettle on the stove to boil as you rush to his side. beomgyu immediately drapes his body against yours, letting you hold him up. you wrap an arm around his waist, carefully coaxing him to move over and lay down on your couch. “what are you doing up?”
“you were gone,” beomgyu mumbles. he shifts so his body is nearly entirely on top of yours; knees pressed against either side of your hips to pin you in place. you chuckle as he leans down to rest his head in the crook of your neck.
“i went to make you some tea.” you slip your hand underneath his shirt, gently rubbing it against his overly warm skin. beomgyu presses a kiss against the exposed skin of your neck in return. you can almost feel him smiling against you. “how’s your throat feeling?”
“a little better,” he whispers. you softly smile, pulling him even closer so his body is fully relaxed against you. 
“good.” you push his fringe back just enough to press a kiss against the crown of his head. “i’ll let you know when the tea is done and then we can make some samgyetang, okay?”
“okay,” beomgyu whispers. “i love you.”
“i love you too.”
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fairyhaos · 11 months
. ˚ maybe... a little bit sick?
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requested by anon: "Hii can i Pls request taking care of Junhui when he’s sick (like maybe he has the stomach flu or smthn) and calls you to come over and be there with him"
pairing: junhui x gn!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, sick fic, junhui is an adorable baby
word count: 1607
warnings: pet names (baby, love), junhui exaggerates his cold by saying he's "dying", mentions of burning up (not literally tho)
notes: this is really cute actually. i think i love writing for silly soft jun a lot <3
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Junhui is not a person that falls ill. 
It's just not something he does. He's proud to admit that he's probably fallen ill a maximum of ten times in his entire life, and his immune system is so good that it could probably enter a competition against other immune systems and come out on top. The immune system olympics, if you will. 
But the main point is, Junhui doesn't get sick. He doesn't get hay fever, doesn't catch colds all that easily, could probably go out in the winter without a coat and still be fine the next day (albeit with a mild loss of feeling in his nose). 
Right now, though, as Junhui rubs his nose and tries to stop his eyes from constantly watering, he thinks that perhaps, perhaps, he could be coming down with something. 
It's a horrible thought. Unthinkable, in fact. Besides, it's the middle of summer! Who falls ill in July? 
"Y/N?" Junhui croaks, and then blinks, startled by the sound of his own voice. "Y/N?"
He has to stop, then, because his throat feels like sandpaper. Plus, one of his nostrils is running, and the other feels so blocked up that it's like it was replaced with an impenetrable brick or something. 
He's not sick, though. Junhui doesn't get sick. 
The sun is filtering brightly through the curtains, and he guesses that it's late morning by now. He hasn't been able to get out of bed since he woke up some hours ago, his head throbbing and protesting with every move he makes. He hasn't even been able to check his phone. 
Junhui coughs, then, a wet, uncomfortable cough that makes his body shudder and his brain rattle around uncomfortably in his skull. He sniffs, a little pathetically, and squeezes his eyes shut. Everything hurts. 
But he's definitely not sick. 
"Y/N…" he mutters, his hair feeling sticky on his forehead, his tongue cumbersome and rubbery in his mouth. Vaguely, he remembers that you're going out with friends this morning, and won't be back for a while. The very thought makes him whine internally, upset. 
Maybe he is a little sick. 
Centuries pass as he lies there in bed, admitting defeat, admitting that he really is sick for once and that being sick is horrible and all he wants is for you to come help him. Why are you taking so long to have brunch with your friends, damnit? 
He's drifting off into a hazy sleep once again, his entire body feeling like it's on fire when the front door finally, finally clicks open and he hears your voice. 
"Junhui?" you call, taking off your shoes. "Junhui, baby, are you up yet?"
It's around one in the afternoon when you've finally managed to come back home after meeting up with your friends, and normally your boyfriend would be bounding towards you and engulfing you in a hug, eager to hear how your outing had been. But the apartment is, oddly, silent, and there's no sign of a hyperactive Junhui anywhere. 
"Junhui?" you call again. 
And that's when you hear his voice, coming from his closed bedroom door. 
"Y/N… in here…"
He sounds weak, like he's on the verge of dying, and you gasp when you open the door and look at him. 
"Oh, darling!" You walk over to his bedside to place a hand on his forehead, sighing when he whimpers softly at the cool sensation on his burning skin. "Look at you, you have such a horrible fever. Wait here, I'll go get a cold towel," you say, and then hurriedly leave the room again. 
Junhui coughs pathetically again. "I can't really go anywhere… but okay."
You come back in a few seconds later, equipped with a cold compress, medicine and a glass of water. The kettle whistles in the distance. 
"How did this happen?" you scold lightly, sitting on the edge of the bed, placing a hand worriedly over his forehead again. "How did you manage to get yourself so ill?"
Junhui opens his mouth to speak, but you shake your head. 
"Wait, don't answer that. You probably have a really bad headache right? Talking will make it worse." 
He closes his mouth again. 
"Poor Junhui," you murmur, wiping down his face and his sweat with a damp cloth. "It must really hurt, right?"
Junhui nods sadly, eyes half closed, as you put the cold towel over his forehead. "Hurts so much. I feel like I'm dying."
You laugh softly. "I can imagine. Can you sit up for me, baby? You need to take some medicine."
"No." He turns his head away when you offer him the pills and the glass of water, accidentally dislodging the towel from his head. "Don't wanna."
"Junhui, come on, it'll help," you wheedle softly, trying to encourage him. "You don't want it to hurt, do you? This'll help make it better, I promise."
"I can't," he whines, looking at you, and now there are tears pooling in his eyes. He coughs, then, so hard that the tears well up faster and end up spilling over slightly. Then he groans, head thumping, while you lean over to gently wipe his tears. "Everything hurts. I don't like it."
"Junhui, please?"
"Junhui, baby, it'll make everything feel a lot better."
Junhui, when he falls ill, becomes a little like a toddler. He doesn't get sick often, so when he does he always suffers terribly. He ends up throwing mini tantrums, pouting and resisting taking the medicine that will make him better purely because he doesn't want to. 
You may not have had to deal with a sick Junhui often, but really, it's about the same as dealing with a small child, so it's not that difficult. 
Several more minutes of wheedling later, you manage to get Junhui to sit up and drink the water along with his medicine. He ends up spilling half the glass all over himself and whines, looking at you with glassy eyes as if wanting you to tell him what to do. 
"Don't worry, it's just water," you tell him, stroking back his hair and adjusting the towel on his forehead to make sure it's in place. "Wanna have something nice to drink?"
In the kitchen, the kettle is beeping, signalling that it's finished boiling water. Junhui rapidly shakes his head, though, before wincing at the movement. 
"No. Don't wanna drink anything."
"Are you sure?" You tuck a damp curl of hair out of his face, noting that he's still sweating. He's really ill, the poor thing. "Have you eaten today?"
"Don't wanna eat anything."
"You've lost your appetite?" you ask worriedly. "What if I ask Minghao to come over and help make you some wonton soup? Would you like that?"
Junhui squeezes his eyes, once, and then coughs again. "No."
"I'll call him anyway," you say, getting up. "And I already boiled the water, so I'll make you some tea for your throat as well, okay? I bet you have a sore throat too."
He blinks, eyes a little glassy and confused. "Wait… how did you know?"
You chuckle softly, leaning over to pinch his cheek lightly. "Magic. Rest now, alright? You should try to sleep, let your body recover."
You back out of the room, watching his weak frame as he lies in his dim room, the curtains still drawn, eyes watery and half-open and a wet towel over his forehead. He looks so sad and forlorn, like a dejected kitten, and it would make you coo if a bigger part of you wasn't worried at just how ill he looked. 
You're just closing the door when he croaks out your name again, thin and warbly.
Pausing for a moment, you open the door again, poking your head in. "Yes, baby?"
He looks at you for a long moment, squinting out of puffy eyes, before giving you a small smile and lifting his arms. "Hug?"
Obviously, you really oughtn't. He's sick, after all, horribly so, and it would be much better for both of you if you stayed away. But his hair is all messed up and his cheeks are all flushed from his fever and he just looks so small swathed in all his blankets and really, how were you meant to refuse? 
He's warm, as he always is, and maybe he's a little warmer than usual but you let him hug you tightly, his head tucked under your chin, fingers gripping your shoulders while you bend over him and thread a hand through his hair. Junhui hums, pleased, when you lightly knead your fingers into his scalp, making little rumbly noises of contentment when your hand slips down his back, rubbing firm circles into his shirt. 
"Love you," he mumbles, his words a little drowsy but still soft and warm. 
You smile, kissing the top of his head. "I love you too."
There's silence for a moment as he continues to cling to you while you kneel awkwardly on the bed, one knee on the mattress while your other foot supports your weight from the floor. And then Junhui speaks up again. 
"Yes, Junhui?"
"Instead of wonton soup, could you make me hotpot? A really spicy one?"
That makes you smile a little, endeared, and kiss his head again. His forehead is unnaturally warm still, and you disentangle him from your arms to rest him down on his pillow again, feeling vaguely like a prince lowering his princess to sleep. 
You brush gentle fingers over his cheek, fond. "Of course. Anything to make my kitten feel better."
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fics tags: @jeonginssa @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @zozojella @kawennote09 @thedensworld @a-wandering-stay @abibliolife @doublasting @wonranghaeee @icyminghao @sweet-like-caramel @your-yxnnie @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @crackedpumpkin @jeonride
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duhnova · 1 year
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wedding present - wen junhui
newlyweds! husband!junhui x wife!fem reader 
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word count: ~3.2k
synopsis: junhui gets to unwrap you like a present on your first night together as newlyweds. 
warning(s): smut under the cut (mdni!!), unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, there’s a small lingerie kink but it’s almost nonexistent (it’s there tho), light hair pulling, mocking (in a playful way), a lot of pouting, easing, praise, slight degradation?, slight manhandling, spanking, jun has a small daddy kink but we don’t get into it too much here, begging, reader is called wifey/wife/my wife & baby & my love, jun is called hubby/husband/my husband & baby & daddy, tiny bit of a marriage kink but not really (I’m implying they have one tho), mentions of the ER (but nothing bad), let me know if I forgot anything! - don’t mind grammatical errors (I tried) 
this is 100% @onlyhuis fault after what she put me through with her wedding fic, also thank you love @onlymingyus for proofreading and for giving me the spanking idea!
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“jun!” you giggle as your newly appointed husband drags you down to the private condo sitting on the water that was waiting for you two. “slow down!”
“i haven’t seen you in fourty-eight hours.” he pouts as he fumbles with the keys, trying to find the correct one. 
“well, that’s a lie. we’ve seen each other all night.” you grab the keys from his shaking hands and find the correct one almost instantly. 
“that doesn’t count.” he pushes the door open and drags you in quickly, laughing when you squeal about losing your balance after you smack into his chest. 
“what do you mean ‘doesn’t count’?” you try to smack his hands away as he messes with the corset ties of your dress. 
“we haven’t had a moment alone for fifty-two hours, fourty eight minutes, and twelve seconds.” you snort at the exaggeration of time, finally giving in and letting him untie the way to expensive dress that adorns your body. 
“we were alone yesterday.” 
“yeah, then our mothers swooped you away because ‘it’s bad luck for the bride and groom to sleep in the same room the night before the wedding’” he mocks your parents with a high pitched voice causing you to full on laugh. his eyes crinkle as he smiles, enjoying the way you shake your head at his antics. 
“you’re such a goofball.” he pretends to look offended before he pulls the corset strings loose, your lungs taking in a giant breath of air as you sigh in relief. “that.. felt better than any orgasm i’ve ever had.”
“any orgasm you’ve ever had?” jun pouts for real this time as his hands grab your hips to pull you flush against his body. 
“well…” you’re hands run through his hair as you rest your forehead against his. “it’s definitely a close second.” you mumble before jun is kissing you roughly. his hands move to rest on your back as he tries to keep you as close to his body as he possibly can. 
“i’ll give you the best orgasm of your life baby, just you wait.” he growls against your lips before he’s kissing you again. his fingers work on loosening the corset enough so he can slide the tips of his fingers against your bare back. 
“jun..” you moan into his mouth, gasping when he nips at your tongue. he gives you a sly smirk when he pulls away. 
“what's wrong, wifey?” he raises an eyebrow at you playfully, his adams apple bobbing when you cross your arms and give him the same playful smirk back. 
“oh nothing, hubby.” junhui knew he was in for a long night now that the brat was showing.
“really now.. how bout you get on the bed for me then.” he tilts his head a little. 
“how about you get on the bed,” you tilt your head in the same way as him causing him to smirk. shaking his head he decides to listen to you, he has all night to fuck you into submission after all. “good boy.” you coo, humming in satisfaction at the quiet whine he lets out. 
“what’re you gonna do to me, hm?” he gets comfy on the edge of the bed, his legs spread open and his hands planted on the bed behind him as he leans back to watch you. 
“i’m going to give you your first present as my husband.” you turn to face him, the skirt of your dress swooshing around you like a giant cloud. 
“oh?” he watches you fondly as you nod your head. humming quietly you slowly slide your arms out of the sleeves of your dress, thankful that jun had untied it enough for you to take it off on your own. 
junhui’s breath hitches quietly when he sees the pale pink bra peek out from behind the white fabric. his eyes followed your every move as you methodically shimmied out of your wedding dress, peeling away the layers of fabric like you were unwrapping a present. 
“fuck,” he groans when you finally get the dress all the way off. carefully you step out of the dress that pooled at your ankles, your arms coming to wrap around your tummy as you start to feel a little shy at jun’s lack of words. “can’t believe i just married someone as beautiful as you.” 
you can’t help but whimper at the compliment, your body heating up as he reaches forward to rest his hands on your waist. he toys gently with the belt of your matching garter before he ghosts his hands down to your thighs where the garter connects to your sheer socks. 
“you wore all this for me baby?” he looks up at you through his lashes as you nod your head, resting your fingers in his hair. he trails his hands to rest behind your thighs where he gets a good grip so he can yank you forwards. in one swift movement, he has you straddling his lap, and in an even quicker movement, he has you pinned to the bed under him. 
“i don’t know what i like you in more, your dress of this.” his hands trail up your legs, over your hips and across your waist before he finds the underside of your bra. “actually…” his voice trails off as he tugs the cups of your bra down so your boobs spill out the top. “i think i might like you better without anything on.” 
“you don’t wanna fuck me in my pretty, and expensive set junnie?” you fake pout, trying to get junhui to appreciate the beauty and intricacy of the set. 
“baby… if you keep this on i will rip it apart and i really don’t wanna do that,” he coos quietly as he works on unhooking your bra without lifting you too far off the bed. “it might be my favorite now.” he smirks when you whine, his words weren’t remotely dirty at all but it still went straight to your core. 
“well then, can you hurry up and take it off of me.” 
“ah ah ah, so impatient.” he giggled quietly but complied with your wishes anyways, making quick work to carefully remove your lingerie, tossing it all across the room for you two to pick up later and remember what happened that night. “i’ll let this one stay.” he left the garter belt around your waist, the way it hugged your waist gently made his mind go crazy. 
“you know,” you start, moaning quietly when jun squeezes your boobs in both of his hands. “it’s not fair that you’re still fully dressed.” you just put your bottom lip and give him the best puppy dog eyes you could muster. 
“you want me to take my clothes off?” you nod your head so quickly, wanting to see and feel his body against yours. 
laughing quietly at your desperation, junhui sits back on his knees, slowly pulling his coat off. he makes a show out of untying his tie and unbuttoning his shirt just like you did with your dress. as he untucks the ends of his shirt to undo the last buttons you sit up to unbuckle his belt, hoping to expedite his undressing.
“hey now, i didn’t help you undress now did i?” he pulls your hands away from his pants and stands up causing you to whine. “let me put on a show too baby.” he gives you a fake pout that looks so god damn attractive as he yanks his belt out of the loops in one swift movement, his abs and arm muscles flexing as he does so. 
“god you’re so fucking pretty.” your voice shakes a little as you watch him undo his pants and slip them off his hips, your mouth watering at the sight of his boxers hanging low on his hips. 
“i could say the same thing about you too, my love.” he pushes his boxers down inch by inch until his cock springs free, smacking his lower stomach - precum splattering around his belly button. 
“how do you want me?” 
“on top.” he licks his lips before he crawls back onto the bed, stalking up to you before he smashes his lips against yours. you moan into the kiss and grip onto his shoulders, giggling a little when he grabs your hips and flips you over quickly so he’s on his back and you’re straddling him. 
“is this your present to me?” you joke breathlessly as you pull away from the kiss. 
“no, my present to you will be breeding your greedy little cunt and giving you a family.” you mewl at the thought of him fucking you so full of cum that you’ll be dripping for days. you two had talked briefly in the past about kids, both of you having breeding kinks definitely opened the doors to those conversations but now. being married to him? the possibility of actually having a family was bigger and it made you so incredibly wet just thinking about how he’ll keep fucking you until he gives you a baby one day. 
“yeah? you wanna give me a family junnie?” you lean over his face, far enough where he can’t outright kiss you but close enough that your breath fans over his face. 
“fuck yeah I do.” he breathes out before grabbing your hair to pull you down so he can kiss you hard. his hips buck up into yours causing your kiss to break as you get jostled forward. 
you whine quietly as you rock your hips slowly, his cock nestling between your folds as you situate yourself better. junhui can’t help but moan loudly at the feeling of your warmth dripping all over him as you slide along his cock, the veins providing stimulation to your clit. 
“baby please.” jun whines quietly as his fingers move to dig into the flesh of your sss cheeks. 
“please what my dear husband?” you smile when he looks at you with so much love, his bottom lip sticking out.
“will you ride me please? i need you baby.” his hands move from your hips to your boobs, squeezing them with a smirk on his face - that quickly gets wiped away by a moan after you rock your hips again. 
“need you too.” you mumble. bitting your lip, you sit up enough so you can reach between your two bodies to grab his painfully hard cock. you rub the tip through your foals, moaning loudly with your husband before you finally line it up with your entrance. 
slowly you sink down on his cock, your warm plush walls squeeze him perfectly. junhui moans out brokenly as he throws his head back, his mouth wide open and his eyes closed. he uses your boobs like stress balls, squeezing them harshly as he tries to control himself while you move at your own speed. 
finally bottoming out, you rest your hands on his stomach so you can catch your breath - which you hadn’t realized you had been holding the whole time. 
“fuck you’re so tight baby, so fucking perfect.” he babbles quietly, your pussy clenches around him at the praise and you can’t help but mewl when he bucks his hips up at the feeling. 
digging your nails into his abs you finally muster up the strength to move. you start off with a slow grind, your clit dragging against his perfectly trimmed pubic hair causing your eyes to flutter. 
“that’s it baby.” jun groans quietly as he watches you, through hooded eyes, pick up the pace. your slow methodical grinds turn into your hips circling around his as you find a rhythm you like - and if jun had any sense left in his brain at that point he would’ve picked up on you trying to spell out the word ‘husband’ with your hips, a trick you learned from social media. 
“so big.” you moan out, your nails scratching gently at his abs as you clench them into fists. you finally find the strength in your legs to start bouncing, a loud squelching echos in the condo as his cock slides through your slicked pussy with ease. 
“fuck,” his hands don’t know what to do as they travel all across your body, trying to find somewhere to rest. “just like that.” 
you pick up the speed a little, your leg muscles already starting to scream at you after all the excursion you put them through at the wedding but you could care less about that - the only thing on your mind is getting jun to cum. 
“ah! right there!” you whine loudly, your body almost falling on top of jun’s as his cock hit that spongy spot that had your toes curling and your stomach tightening. 
“right there?” junhui finally finds a spot on your hips that he wants to keep his hands on as it allows him to hold you in place while he plants his feet on the bed. he begins to jackhammer into you, breaking the steady rhythm you had going on. you breathe leaves your lungs as you lay against juns body, allowing him to fuck into you however he wants. 
“wanna… wanna cum.” you babble as you begin to drool all over his chest and collarbones from the sheer amount of pleasure he was bringing you. 
“wait for me…fuck,” he hurried his face in your neck as he moans at the feeling of you clenching around him, making your pussy feel even tighter than before. “‘m almost there.” juns cock began to twitch as he wraps his arms around your waist so he can keep you close as he continues to fuck up into you like there’s no tomorrow. 
“‘m so close,” you whine, your nails digging into his shoulders as you try yo ground yourself. “pleeeaase.” you begging got dragged out into a moan when he slammed his cock against your g-spot rather harshly before he went back to his original pace. 
“you can wait a couple more minutes baby, I know you can.” he coos quietly, groaning when you clench around him. 
“can’t, junnie please.” junhui doesn’t listen to your pleas though as he continues to thrust his hips at a bruising speed, your whines and moans becoming music to his ears as he grips at the garter belt you still had on. 
“do you wanna cum love?” you nod your head, your moans blocking out any coherent words. “how badly do you wanna cum?” he knows he’s gonna get it later for making you beg.
“bad.. want it so bad please!” your nails drag down his shoulders to dig into his biceps causing him to moan lowly. 
“how bad do you want my cum?” he breathes out, his mind filling up with bliss at just the thought of you being so fucking cock drunk and hungry for his cum. 
“want.. want your cum,” you choke on your moan. “fuck, daddy, please. please fill me up.” junhui can’t help but laugh a little, his hand coming down on your ass cheek before he’s grabbing a big handful of the plump flesh. 
“yeah? you want my cum darling? want me to fill you up and breed you like the good fucking girl you are.” he groans, his legs tensing as he wills off his orgasm long enough to hear your response. 
“please! please give it to me daddy,” your sobs mix into a moan. “want it so bad! ngh~” you can feel the hot release of his cum shooting deep inside your cunt before you’re shaking and cumming with him. 
“that’s it, baby, milk me dry.” he groans as he rubs at your back gently. 
you both breathe heavily as you try to catch your breath after the mind blowing orgasm you both just had. something about the fact that you two are newlyweds really made it feel like you had sex for the first time all over again. 
“are you ok?” Jun whispers as he brushes the hair out of your face so he can kiss your forehead. you still laid in your previous positions with your head on his chest and your mouth hanging open as you tried to feed your lungs.
“just need a second.” you mumble smiling softly. 
“god.. you look so beautiful.” he watches the way you get shy at the compliment, smiling wider as you hide behind your hand. “you’re my wife now, you should know better than to hide from me, my beautiful beautiful girl.” 
“if you keep calling me beautiful i might just suck your soul out of your cock in the shower.” you huff playfully as you finally will yourself to sit up, hissing quietly at the dull ache in all your muscles - the toll of the day and sex finally hitting you. 
“as sexy as that sounds, how about we take a nice bubble bath and watch ratatouille before we fall asleep?” you can’t help but giggle at how childish your husband could be but you could never say no to something that sounded so tempting. 
“that sounds even better.” you smile gently, squealing when he stands up sickly with you clutched in his strong arms. his softening cock has long slipped out of you as you wrap your legs tightly around his waist, laughing at how enthusiastic he’s being. “you sure have a lot of energy still after all the shit we’ve been through today.” 
“you always give me energy baby,” he kisses your cheek before he’s grabbing a towel to sit on the counter before he sets you on top of it, not wanting your ass to get cold from the marble countertop. “now, do you want lavender or rose in the water?” 
“mm, rose.” you smile at the way jun nods his head while you unhook your garter belt.
“good choice m’lady.” he gets the hot water running as he grabs the rose petals and oil to put in the tub along with a splash of bubbles. it didn’t take long at all for it to fill up and the next thing you knew jun was picking you back up to gently put you in the water. 
“how does it feel?” 
“like heaven.” you sigh, the stresses of the day and month leaving your body as you sink deeper into the water until only your nose and above were visible. 
“i’m glad,” he’s careful when climbing into sit across from you, giggling at the way you almost inhale some of the bubbles. “don’t drown my love, I don’t think starting our honeymoon off with a trip to the ER is going to go over well with our mothers.” 
you roll your eyes playfully at him before you grab a hand full of the bubbles to blow into his face. he laughs louder before he grabs your wrist to yank you gently towards him so he can softly kiss the tip of your nose before giving your lips a quick peck. 
“i love you, my wife.” his voice and smile are gentle. 
“and i love you, my husband.” your expression matches his as you settle back against your side of the tub, humming contentedly when he starts to message at your calves. 
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feedback + reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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blue-jisungs · 1 year
reacting to the daydream photo teasers ♡
a/n. y’all thank @slytherinhobi bc she told me to do it?? i mean i gotta cope with the pics somehow so here it is 😭😭😭
warnings. might be slightly suggestive but nothing too crazy (tae is a menace tho 🏃‍♀️💨💨)
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┆彡 YEONJUN [ 연준 ]
he knew the pictures are going to be uploaded any minute now so he was just stirring in his place, watching you. and you, oblivious to what was about to happen, were scrolling through instagram. then the notification popped out. you clicked on it, excited, and the first pictures of other members appeared.
“jun! the pictures are posted, why didn’t you tell me? oh wow, kai looks so pretty! and soobin is in the water? what is he, a–” your voice got stuck in your throat as your eyes landed on the gorgeous profile of your boyfriend. and his bare back.
yeonjun almost crushed you whilst jumping on the couch.
“do you like them?” he asked, looking through your arm.
“of course, junnie. you look so…” your sentence ended midway upon seeing the next picture, where he’s leaning forward with his vast opened.
“i look…?” yeonjun hummed, poking your cheek. he was smiling ear from ear, as you gulped.
“oh my god” you murmured when the picture of him laying on the ground and his arm behind his head appeared on your screen.
“your ears are so red, baby. i think you like the pictures, huh?” yeonjun teased and you locked your phone, hiding your face in your hands.
“you look stunning but please give me a moment” you mumbled and your boyfriend just laughed, placing a kiss on your head.
“get ready for the next ones, then” he hummed with a playful smile. your head shot towards him, eyes widening. yeonjun just winked “i’m kidding”
“where are your clothes? choi yeonjun why are you almost butt naked?!” you yelped and he just cupped your burning face “my boy is so poor he has to be shirtless!”
your boyfriend just smiled at the pet name and squished your cheeks.
“you’re too adorable. thank you for the compliments though” and with a playful look in his eye, he leaned away.
┆彡 SOOBIN [ 수빈 ]
soobin was buzzing. it’s been a whole day and you didn’t say a word about the photos. did you think they were good? bad? why didn’t you say anything? did you feel bad to tell him you don’t like them? or you don’t like he looks on them?
“choi soobin”
his gaze snapped towards you, frightened. you used his government name. that’s why? were you mad at him and–
“you’re not listening”
he nodded. then shook his head. you sighed, shuffling closer to him.
“what’s on your mind baby?” you hummed and soobin bit the inside of his cheek.
“did you… did you see the photos?” soobin asked shyly.
“which photos?”
soobin whipped out his phone and handed it to you, watching you nervously as you looked at them.
“why didn’t you tell me? i must have missed them but… god, binnie you look so adorable?!” you grinned upon seeing the picture where he was in the water. a huge relief came over him and then he noticed his your eyes widened “why aren’t you wearing– oh my god”
soobin chuckled and leaned over to see at which picture you’re looking at currently. it was the one with the flower. you looked up, meeting his gaze.
“now i wanna kiss you” you mumbled and looked at the picture one more time before wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to place a sweet kiss on his plump lips.
you leaned away and guided his head to the crook of your neck, scratching his scalp gently.
“you don’t have to worry about anything. you look stunning… well, you always do. i really like the pictures. and! i’m pretty sure moas will like them too” you cooed and felt his lips smiling against your skin.
┆彡 BEOMGYU [ 범규 ]
beomgyu woke up from his nap due to your squeaking. he rushed to the living room, mind racing like wolf with all of the possibilities what got you scared like that.
“beomgyu?!” you turned around and let out a scoff upon seeing his messy hair sticking in all directions and his still sleepy face. scared but sleepy face.
“oh my god, y/n? what happened? i almost got a heart attack” he let out a shaky breath and came up closer to check up on you.
“what happened? you happened, gyu! gosh, you’re so handsome and pretty and i just wanna scream” you whined grabbed nearest pillow to hide your face in it.
“it really flatters me, i’ll be honest but i’m still pretty confused why would you react like that?” beomgyu smirked and pushed away the pillow only to grab your chin gently and tilt your head slightly up, to look at your face. and your red cheeks.
“maybe because you’re almost shirtless?! and your collarbone is on display?! i’ll get jealous…” you mumbled, looking away. after taking a deep breath and turning a few shades darker red you looked back at him and his cocky smile “and the glitter… gyu, you look like a dream and i can’t help it. you just have an affect like that on me…”
his features softened and beomgyu leaned down to press a kiss onto your forehead.
“well i’m glad you liked the pictures. and it’s good to know you like me without me shirt better– ow!” his laughter filled the room after you smacked his arm.
“i didn’t say that!” you whined and pulled him closer just to bury your burning face in his hoodie.
┆彡 TAEHYUN [ 태현 ]
“don’t tell me you’re just like moas–” taehyun’s voice makes you squeak in surprise, jumping on your bed.
“i’m exactly like moas!” you grunt in response, flocking your eyes between the photo of hyun on a swing (with very visible abs) and your boyfriend with a cute sweater and messy hair.
“oh come on, it’s just some skin. that you know i have. actually, every human being has skin and muscles so i don’t get why–” he starts and stops to smile wildly when you cover your face “besides, they blurred them so…”
“it’s BLURRED?” your eyes widen and he shrugs, sitting at the edge of the bed, next to you.
“it sadly is. that’s why i posted the other thing. no big deal” taehyun says nonchalantly and only now notices your dusted cheeks.
“what other thing?” you ask, grabbing his arm “hyun?”
he just grins and shows you the photo he took on a hybe gym with his shirt lifted up. his eyes are fixated on your face turning more red.
“shut up” you mumble and hide your face in his sleeve, only to jump away and grab a pillow “where did my cute tae go? i want him back”
“it’s just some muscles, sweetheart” he laughs and grabs your wrist. as he pulls it closer to his sweater and is about to lift it with his other hand, you realise his plans.
“ah! taehyun!” you squeak and hit him with a pillow. this causes you two to burst out laughing and momentarily forget about those pictures of your boyfriend (for a little while)
┆彡 HUENING KAI [ 휴닝카이 ]
kai watched you quickly type something on your phone and in a matter of seconds your eyes widened, hand trembling.
“what happened?” he asked softly, coming up to you.
“kai, you…” you took a deep breath, scanning the picture where he’s holding an apple. he looked a bit confused, worried if he’s trending for something bad or– “…you look so stunning–?!”
he tilted his head and looked at your phone, chuckling.
“that’s what you’re taking about. i do?” your boyfriend asked and you pulled him closer, pinching his cheek.
“you always do, honestly. but here you look like a cute little fairy it makes me want to–” you halted upon seeing the next picture with his bare arms and bit of chest showing “oh”
kai laughed, wrapping his arms around you.
“weren’t you cold or something?” you mumbled, trying to remain calm “i’m sure moas will give you an edited scarf. actually i’ll do that too…”
“you’re so adorable. no i wasn’t cold… but do you like it?” he hummed, looking up at you with joyful sparks in his brown eyes.
“i do. i love the pictures. i love you. i’m kinda jealous others will see those arms of yours” you scoffed playfully and kai just cupped your cheeks, pressing hundreds of kisses on your face.
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinhobi ,, @jung0ne ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @moonacholy ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth
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zenxvii · 6 months
hellooo can you make a kyungjun fic where it is a happy ending😭💢 thank you sm
Hiii! Okay okay okay sorry for the last one here’s a happy one🙏🏻
Character: Kyung-Jun x fem!reader
Kdrama: night has come
!!: thoughts are in italics
🫶🏻: -
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y/n pov
I walked thru to corridors making my way to my classmates. Jun-Hee hd told me to come down and meet others.
I arrived down seeing I was the last one there. “Now that everyone is here I think we have a solution how to survive.” Jun-Hee started and many heads were turn to his way.
“We know that if we vote someone dies, but if we don’t it should guarantee nobody dying.” What a stupid plan. We can’t be 100% it would work.
“What do you mean. We can’t be sure no one would vote! What is someone votes in secret!” A girl from our class said and I nodded along.
“We’ll gather the phones so nobody could vote.” “What if the holder changes their mind and votes!”
Some people against Jun-Hees plan and others with him. “Shut up! For once the class president has a good idea.” A voice stopped everyone.
Kyung-Jun walked with his minions following him. He walked in the middle with a yellow dumpster(?) “Be reasonable and listen when I’m being nice.” He told and glanced at everyone his glaze stopping at me.
“We’ll put our phones here so nobody can take then and put the bin in the middle.” He said and started to walk around getting the phones with his minions telling everyone the be quick.
I was the last one and he looked straight at my eyes. “Put your phone here princess.” So annoying.
I sighed and handed my phone.
The yellow bin was put on the middle with white clothing around it and nobody didn’t have permission to cross over it.
I could sense everyone being tense and just waiting the clock tick. It was 11.50pm and the ten minute wait would be like hell. I sighed and decided to sit on the ground tired from all the standing.
I eyed everyone, people were quiet no one talking. It was a bit too quiet for my liking, but I didn’t feel like saying anything when everyone was so tense.
11.55pm the five minute wait still there. It felt like eternal waiting for the clock strike 12. I played with my thumbs just waiving them around waiting for the time pass.
The five minutes had now passed even tho it felt like hours. Nobody moved. “We did it!” Someone yelled as the clock struck 12.01am. Now everyone was hugging each others and smiling.
I let out a breath of relief even tho I had a feeling this wasn’t over yet. When people were celebrating the fucking purge sound started again. I knew it.
“Players must identifyand vote out the Mafia!”
“Players must identifyand vote out the Mafia!”
“Players must identifyand vote out the Mafia!”
“Players must identifyand vote out the Mafia!”
People tried to go for their phones but were stopped by the class president telling them it may not mean they would die.
It was before a body fell. And another one.
“For breaking the rules Lee Soo Bia and Park Ji Hoon have been eliminated.”
“Lee Soo Bia and Park Ju Hoon were civilians.”
People were in shock just standing there nobody moving. I had fell into a complete shock, the bodies had fell just few meters from me.
I was still on the ground as I saw the red spilling towards me. Now the purge sound had gotten louder and the lights turned to red.
Everyone were rushing to find their phones to vote. I couldn’t do anything because of the shock. I just sat on the ground.
I knew I needed to find my phone so I used all the strength that I gad and pushed myself off of the ground and started to look for my phone with a wave of people looking for theirs.
The bin had fallen and all the phones were scattered around the ground as people were panicking. I couldn’t find my phone anywhere. I started to panic. More and more people started to get eliminated and some to vote.
I felt a hand tug me. “Haven’t you found phone yet!” Kyung-Jun stood in front of me. “No!” I yelled at him with a slight panic in my voice. “Fuck.” He muttered and started to look for something. I’m gonna die.
I saw as Kyung-Jun motion his minions over and said something to them and they all started to look for something. There!
I saw my phone in the floor but just as I tried to grab it someone accidentally kicked my hand and my phone in the same. “Fuck!” I cried out in pain and watched my phone slide. I held my hand in pain. It was a strong and hard kick.
Just as I got up to get my phone Kyung-Jun was standing in front of me with my phone nodding to Jun-Ha who was standing were my phone hand sled.
“Vote!” He told me and shoved my phone to my hands. I yelped as he shoved it to my hurting hand. “But for whom!” I said I didn’t have tome to think and I couldn’t think straight.
“Vote for me. Now!” Was all he said as he opened his phone too.
I gulped and voted.
“l/n y/n voted for Go Kyung-Jun”
“Go Kyung-Jun voted for l/n y/n”
I felt my heart pounding in my ears with all the ringing from the purge sound. My hand was hurting bad. I used my flashlight on my phone and saw my hand turning a bit purple. Fuck.
Many people had voted and the timer told us it was time.
“Baek Eun-Ha vill be eliminated with the most votes of 10.”
“Baek Eun-Ha was a civilian.”
“I told you it’s not me!” The girl screamed I turned my gaze to her. She cried on the floor looking straight ant So-Mi.
She cried and cried, yelling at people who voted for her telling them she was telling the truth.
I looked back at my hand and saw Kyung-Jun looking it too. “That’s bad.” He said and shook his head with anger. “Yeah.” Was all I could say. “Sorry.” I said and leaned my head against Kyung-Juns chest.
He didn’t say anything but slightly wrapped his one arm around my shoulders. This might’ve looked weird to others. Me leaning on him. But to us it was okay. I guess.
The ‘lullaby’ started ringing and I felt my body going limp and my eyes closing.
I woke up the next morning. My hand sore as I opened my eyes I saw Kyung-Jun in front of me with his eyes closed. He looked peaceful. His hand was supporting my head. what a lucky way we fell.
I sat up and poked him. People started to wake up with groans and some sobs. Kyung-Hun sat up and immediately stood up after to go to his minions.
I looked at my hand seeing it purple, it wasn’t broken. But a big bruise on it. It was sore and I couldn’t move it much, but it was good that it wasn’t broken.
- (sorry i’ll skip the morning😞)
I arrived at the cafe after Kyung-Jun had told me to meet him there. Jin-Ha neither Seung-Bin weren’t there. “Why did you wanna meet?” I asked just standing at the door. “Come closer I don’t bite.” He said and motioned a chair next to him.
I sat next to him. “Ah! I never got to say this. But thank you, you saved my life yesterday.” I said and looked at him. He didn’t say anything but pulled a med kit under the table and sat it on the table.
“Show me your hand.” He told me and I did. I showed my hand to him and he gently grabbed it. “You should be more careful.” He said and wrapped a bandage around my hand. He was surprisingly gently.
“Thank you again.” I told him as he was finished with the wrapping. “Don’t fall for me now.” He said and patted my head and left. I just might..
yes yes I know kinda copied the hyun-ho and na-hee scene but it was just so cute😞🙏🏻
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lololololchips · 1 month
in which series with SEVENTEEN || a series of smaus where the SVT members tend to leak their relationship in various ways…
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Yoon Jeonghan —> read here
4th member to get his relationship exposed
his gfs name is Bora 🙈
they’ve been dating since February 20, 2024 (meaning that jeonghan is one of the few guys that have recently just started being in a relationship in this smau)
his relationship got exposed by joshua aka his evil twin
mingyu kinda ratted him out, which led to joshua following him around as he was “exposing” him in his private twitter account
he then accidentally tweeted on the main SVT account where he revealed that jeonghan was in a relationship and that’s how carats ended up finding out
we love joshua tho!!
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Jeon Wonwoo —> read here
first member to get his relationship exposed!
his gfs name is lily hehe
sneak peak for dino’s smau: she’s a BIG help when it comes to his relationship…
they’ve been dating since July 14, 2020
this relationship is one of the longest in this universe 💪
members/pledis knew about this relationship but DK accidentally exposed it to carats on live one day (sigh)
wonwoo had ZERO idea of what DK had exposed until the PR nightmare happened
after lots of PR work done (poor vernon) both wonwoo and lily just decided to reveal their relationship:)))
their relationship was revealed on new years 2024!!!!
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Lee Jihoon —> read here
5th member to get his relationship leaked
his gfs name is hana!!
they’ve been together since April 2, 2023 (A YEAR MY BABIES HEHE)
no one ,but jun, knew about this relationship
woozi decided to release a song where he just talking about falling in-love, and this song has LOTSSSS of stem vocab so carats are a bit suspicious…
ofc rumors go around after the song is release but no one really knows if woozi is in a relationship or not
until… seokmin opens weverse live once again; a big thank you to DK the king of leaking relationships 👏👏👏
this live was supposed to be a cute one where dk, vernon, wonwoo, and joshua surprise woozi at his studio
spoiler alert: the guys surprise themselves cause once they walk in, WITH THE CAMERA FACING WOOZI, they see hana and him cuddling
no PR nightmare this time cause DK just ends up getting banned from lives (BRING BACK MY DISPATCH KING)
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Kim Mingyu —> read here
2nd member to get his relationship leaked
his gfs name is anna!! (she’s been mentioned in a few smaus as well)
they’ve been dating since August 20, 2022
dispatch was actually the one that was originally going to leak this relationship 😾
this did not end up happening until mingyu got drunk and accidentally posted a pic of him and anna kissing
EVERYONE went crazy for this one oh my
pledis paid dispatch to stay quiet and here this man comes and does it on his own siiiiighhhh
but at the end everything was fine 😁😁
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Xu Minghao —> read here
3rd member to reveal his relationship
his gfs name is jae!!!
they’ve been dating since December 16, 2023 (also one of the few guys that recently got into a relationship)
carat’s actually do not know he’s in a relationship 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
he decided to soft launch his relationship to the guys but literally only jun and vernon caught on LMAOOOO
jun became really close with jae so the guys started to think she was his gf >:(
BUT THIS LED TO JUN EXPOSING minghaos relationship (only to the members tho he’s not like DK)
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yutasbimil · 5 months
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woozi x fem!reader | seventeen ff. [one-shot] !!! also posted on my ao3 acc! { here } tags: fluff cw: hogwarts!au, slytherin!woozi, prefect!woozi, sly gf testing jihoon's nerves lol, teasing, couch cuddles, you're different houses with jihoon, established relationship, fluff! note: this is an old piece I wrote! just wanted to share it here as well :3 ! also, not that comfy w/ 2nd POV, tho hope 3rd POV is good for y'all ♡ word count: 1.1k
do not repost © yutasbimil (2018)
The rain pouring hard outside can't seem to be heard well in the Slytherin common room.
The only thing that can be heard from the dimly lit room was the mild crackling embers by the fireplace, and the blond Slytherin humming along as he got himself comfortable on the couch.
Maybe it is actually the resounding, non-stop downpour outside or is it that Jihoon got too engrossed in a book he got from the Restricted Section that got him too preoccupied, that he didn’t even notice someone creeping into him.
"What are you doing here?" He says, almost a hiss at the figure of the person he's so familiar with. 
He almost flinched at the sudden presence, as if she apparated in front of him. His voice reverberates a bit too uncomfortably due to the lack of people occupying the room, it's as if both their breathing echoes along the droplets of rain.
Y/n just comes in and sneaks into the Slytherin common room as if it's her usual thing— quite a common… room occurrence to put that pun lamely out of the box.
Well, it might as well be, but it isn't as settling for the older male as she's so casual about it.
His eyebrows remained knitted together, looking at the girl standing before him. He was so sure that everyone was out since there are still classes on-going...
"Y/n, seriously, this is not the time that..."
She shushes him quickly. Not even bothering about the daggers he's shooting at her as she quickly makes herself comfortable on the couch.
This is definitely not the time I am in a particular mood to see my girlfriend busting into another house’s territory.  Let alone her breaking the rules.
‘Rules are meant to be broken,’  a smug tone rings in his ears. Jihoon could already hear her mischievous lips saying those exact words to retort to him.
He remains his glance over her, following her every move like a hawk hunting for its prey. He suppressed a sigh. Even seeing her in her pajama pants, feeling way too comfortable and home-y to be even in a different house common room.
Jihoon just grips on the book at hand and then settled to place it on the table nearby.
“Come on. I’m asking you. Answer me,” he pressed with a tone full of authority.
But she gave no flying broomsticks about it.
“How bossy,” she snickers, finally talking after being silent at Jihoon.
He just glares at her.
“Come on. Jun told me how to get in… And I know things around here already.” She says nonchalantly, as if it’s gonna convince him. He just puffs, way too distracted to even go back to the book he’s reading.
He stares right at her.
“Have you even forgotten about that ‘raincheck’ we talked about, Ji?” she slightly tilts her head sideways, then puts her lips into a thin line. “Earlier?  …this week?”
More staring.
“You told me? Because you were busy and…” She bits her lip, necessarily pausing to give time for him to put the puzzle pieces together, but he’s just left with more pieces. Y/n suppresses a huff.  “Nothing…?”
She crosses her arms when Jihoon looked more confused than he already is with handling plants in their Herbology classes. And FYI, he got an E on his O.W.L.S. result.
“I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says in defeat. Y/n only nods absentmindedly, leaning in close to him to remind him of some things.
“You told me that I can come by this week since your schedule’s more free, and that if I can come by at my convenience… I can then spend time together with you in the dorms...” she says, as if laying out a parchment of proof for him to remember. Exams might’ve taken a huge toll on his brain power hence being so absentminded.
Jihoon goes back to his stern look at her, as if he really can’t trace back on anything that he might possibly said.
Y/n slumps her shoulders yet again.
“At least look like you’re happy to see me.” Y/n cooed, gesturing a bit of affection to trickle out of the male’s sharp expression.
Finally, Jihoon’s features soften.
Okay, he does remember some of it coming off his lips, but I didn’t mean it in a sense you barging in here like a mad woman…  He holds back a sigh.
“Well, I am, but still…” He looks away for a moment, worrying his lower lip. Being a prefect he is… he’s also bothered of course. She might get in trouble.  Not on my watch that she’ll get away with it, that is.
“Stop worrying too much, and let me be…” She says in retort, automatic as if reading his mind. But that’s full of guts for her to express. “Besides, the seniors know me too well. I assure you I am safe here.” She stretches a bit, and even gets comfortable by the toasty fire nearby. It contrasts with the cold stares the older male is giving her, along with the cold weather cooping them inside.
He rolls his eyes at her, letting out a chuckle. 
“This is why you get issued on how much of a Slytherin you are.”
“And do you think I care, Oppa?” Y/n sat right up at that, then pouts her lips, playing with the ends of her sleeves. “I don’t think that’s a bad thing though.”
“Like I said, so Slytherin-like of you.”
Y/n emits a soft laugh at that, standing up to even do a curtsy for him. “Thank you, my good Sir.”
It remained quiet after a while.
Even as she gives him a smirk, she still gets silence from the older male. The coldness surrounding them reflects the feeling like the foggy glassed walls enrapturing the muddled stares between them. It’s a distinct type of tension, no words are needed to be exchanged to reveal it.  
Y/n shakes her head lightly, perking a brow at him followed by a cheeky smile. “So that means to say I am welcome here anytime then, huh?”
That finally got a reaction from him.
“Dude , you’ve been seeing bizarre, floating things and disappearing objects on and off for almost two decades,” she throws her hands high, then gesturing at him and to herself, “and you do not believe in an enchanted lady like me?”
“I do agree with the ‘enchanted lady’ part.” He responds and then clears his throat.
Jihoon avoids his gaze as he begins to feel he’s letting himself loose. He shrugs off the blush across his ears and cheeks with a question he had been throwing at the younger.
“What actually brings you here, Y/n?”
She laughs at that, putting both her hands behind her. “Oh, come on, babe. No need to sound so casual.” Y/n smiles. 
He just sounded stiff there at his probe.
She pats him on the head. “Lighten up a bit.”
In these instances, he begins to question if they really switched houses. He gets quieter and curious-er whenever she’s around, and her being the sneaky and more of the talker between them.
“I will, now that I got you here.”
Without a word, Y/n envelopes Jihoon in her arms, giving him a light peck on the side of his face. Jihoon wraps his arms around her as he kisses the top of her head.
He breathes in her scent, feeling her legs wrap around his. Jihoon stares at her. “You missed me too much, huh?”
Y/n just warmly beams, nodding in response.
Jihoon then puts a stray hair of hers behind her ear, tucking more of her hair behind her jumper. He leans closer to her again, seeping in more of her warmth.
She scrunches her nose at that, with Jihoon’s eyes forming into light crescents as both of them are immersed into each other’s world again. 
They just let the sound of the loud pouring rain seep into them, letting the warmth of each other be enough to ease the coldness they feel.
“What are the odds to have both our classes cancelled, huh?” Jihoon asks after a while, content as the sound of the rain is still evident outside. Y/n finally has done her explaining to him.
“And what better way to spend it like this then.” She leans more on his chest, breathing in his fresh scent with ease as she felt vibrations from him as he lets out a chuckle.
“It does feel nice…” he says, more of a thought out loud.
“And come on, champ, let’s not use our spare time thinking about that and just spend it wisely instead.” she prompts with a pat on his shoulder, scootching closer till they’re no longer hair strands apart. So clingy.
“I’m just saying.” Jihoon moves his arm above the shoulder, playing bits of her hair.
She feels his shoulders relaxing as he heaves in a deep breath.
It feels nice here, it gets more comfortable as time passes, she thought, closing her eyes.
Like home.
She lets the silence envelop them, a smile slowly forming a similar curve on both their lips.
Maybe she does belong here after all.
She accepts her Slytherin side more so in these instances.
And imagine if they were in the same house though… She can get all the time she needs and wants to have him at arm’s length and look after him.
But for now, she can manage very well to slither in their dorm to her convenience.
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※ my masterlist | #enjeiwrites ※
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arlestial · 8 months
Hi! :D do you think you could do a fluff akira x reader or a soma x reader? either is fine and the plots up to you! ☺️
❝a little taste of heaven❞
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synopsis : They had no clue they’d concentrate on something else than cooking by joining Tōtsuki Culinary Academy, but here you are..
pairing : Akira Hayama, Soma Yukihira x genderneutral!reader •— Food Wars
tw : None, simple fluff
word count : 2980~ words
author-note : The fact that I haven’t received any notification for this request.. and many others. I’m so, so sorry. I have like 8 requests in my ask box that I’ve never been aware of ? Thank you Tumblr 💀 I did both, in a sort of pitiful excuse 😭 Thank you for requesting, I hope you’re doing okay 💗 (first time writing for Food Wars I’m so excited !! Not proofread tho, sorry for the mistakes in advance !!) take care of yourself ♡
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AKIRA HOYOMA has always been faithful to cooking. To Jun’s orders and advices. To people’s boundaries. He never crossed a line, always being focused. One day, as usual, he went into Erina’s office. His brows completly furrowed when he saw your form, fingertips grazing against the spines of the library old books. Who were you ? You weren't supposed to be here. Didn’t Hisako tell you that this office was private ? He opened his mouth to question you, but you turned to face him before he could even form words. His jaw tightened, fists clenching, but unfortunately, much to his own disbelief, no sound erupted from his mouth - and the sweet, polite smile adorning your face was nearly making him feel dizzy. Uneasy. An uncomfortable silence filled the room, so you broke the silence with a fake cough.
“Nice to meet you, uh..”, you said, in a weak attempt to get him to introduce himself. His piercing gaze was enough of an answer, and you gulped. “I’m looking for Erina, perhaps you’ve seen her ?”
“Oh. Okay”. You’re immediately confronted by a loud and weird silence again. He seemed.. rather friendly - ironically, of course. After some minutes, Erina walked into the office, raising two suspicious eyebrows at the, well, kind of cringe atmosphere of the room.
“Akira, what did you do to my guest ? Y/N, I’m sorry, did he make you uncomfortable by any chance ?”, she asked, walking towards your form.
“No, don’t worry. He’s nice,” you lied, teeth clenched together. You flashed her a bright smile, that Erina reciprocated fondly; she glared at Akira, fully aware of his cold demeanor, especially to strangers. His intimidating tendencies were definitely not working right now, especially not on Erina.
“I have some things to discuss with Y/N, Akira. Can you leave us alone for a moment ?”
“Yeah, right. Sorry.”
AKIRA HOYOMA quickly left the office, feeling a bit nauseous - he didn’t know why, but he had a weird feeling in his stomach, and he felt like his head was burning. He wandered in the corridors until he crossed Soma’s path. He smirked, a teasing glint in his eyes as he watched his white-haired rival with amusement.
“Wow, Akira. Are you sick ? You’ve never been this red.”
Akira tsk-ed, hurrying to the bathroom. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, completely taken-aback. He was, indeed, a bit red. Cheeks flushed, the tip of his ears were blazing, his breathe hitched at his own view; what was happening ? He was sure he was okay this morning. Perhaps it was you. He scoffed at the thought, washing his face with cold and refreshing water before leaving the bathroom. He never saw you before. Were you from here ? He found himself looking for you in the corridors all day, sighing at the end of the day when he realized he haven’t seen you. He was still embarrassed of the awkward silence that filled the room earlier - and he blamed himself for it. He should’ve been more welcoming.
AKIRA HOYOMA, 5 or 6 days after the incident, noticed strands of hair walking past him; they were looking similar to yours, so he turned around. You were walking alongside Hisako, laughing at one of her comments. Hisako looked at Akira and waved.
“Oh, hey ! I was searching for you. Erina needs my help, could you show Y/N the different classrooms in the other building ? I’m coming back as fast as I can !”
She didn’t let him answer as she walked away already. You sighed. It could’ve been anybody, but no, it was this guy. It wasn’t like you hated him - he was just straight-off rude.
“If you don’t want to, I don’t blame you. I can-”
“Come on, we don’t have all day.”, he added, cutting you off without even looking at you. You rolled your eyes, giving him a small smile, hoping it’ll help to ease the atmosphere. Spoiler alert, it didn’t.
The walk inside the cooking classes building was awfully quiet. Not a word was shared - except the little presentation he did of each room, his tone as cold as ice. You nearly shivered.
“Are you always this rude ?”, you asked with a sincere curiosity, "I mean. I’m not telling you to be the friendliest guy but..”
“I’m not rude.”
“You literally refused to give me your name earlier.”
“Akira Hoyoma. That’s all you need to know about me.”
And after this small interaction, Hisako came back. A small feeling of warm in his chest quickly regretted his lack of sympathy towards your person, and he felt like a douchebag for not even apologizing properly. He stopped in his tracks, opening his mouth to call you, but you were already gone with Hisako.
AKIRA HOYOMA was fully conscious of the “issue”. Time passed, and days after days, he grew more open to you. Not completely of course - but he was slowly accepting your presence in his group of "friends"; actually, enjoying a lot more your alone time together in class. He was secretly happy you two had been paired together. You tried to crack some jokes to make him laugh or at least, to make him smile, but it failed every single time. When you finally did it, a slight smile on his face and a “you’re the dumbest person I’ve ever seen in this school, I’m trying to concentrate, stop distracting me”, you beamed. He never saw a smile so radiant, so ethereal and yet so delicious to look at. A true bundle of sunshine at its finest. His cheeks heated up and he forthwithly focused on the plate you two were supposed to prepare. He would die to see this smile again - he wanted to be the reason you were smiling that way in the first place.
AKIRA HOYOMA was fully conscious of the situation. Time passed, and months after months, he grew more fond of you. So when he saw you eating one of Soma’s plates again, smiling at him with all your teeth and laughing at his antics - he was mad, as per say. His jaw tightened, fists clenching, but unfortunately, much to his own disbelief, no sound erupted from his mouth; it felt like the first time he ever saw you. A fiery and fervent emotion bubbling in his chest as he made his way to you. He grabbed your wrist and dragged you outside the kitchen, closing the door to have some “privacy” (in a empty corridor of Tōtsuki High, though). You were completely unfazed by his behavior usually, since you were used to his (sometimes) weird demeanor for the several months you two spent together as friends, but right now, his silence grew quieter, and you were worried. And for this only one time, he broke the stillness.
“You’re a distraction. I meant it. I’m hoping everyday to see you, to feel you near me. Is it out-of-place to say that ? You brought me a warmth that I never experienced - and I don’t want to let that go. Don’t eat this idiot’s food, you know you deserve well better than that. Let me show you how you should be treated, Y/N. Please. Let me show you how I feel about you.”
AKIRA HOYOMA’s words couldn’t describe the high spirits that invaded his heart when he realized you were wearing your signature warm smile, just for him. You took the hand that was grabbing your wrist in yours, intertwining your fingers.
“Here. Maybe you’re not as rude as I thought you were.”
SOMA YUKIHIRA tried to give you hints. But you weren’t getting it. Teasing you all the time, small compliments here and there, spending quality time with you. Unfortunately, you were always running away from him, a small pout on his lips as he chased after you. It wasn’t because of his awful mixes; when you two were together, in a somewhat romantic moment, and he was ready to confess to you, there was, no matter what, a disturbance. Whatever actually, a teacher coming in the classroom, Ikumi or Megumi; and you immediately backed off. He couldn’t help but sigh, his efforts ruined, but could he really blame you ? His yellowish eyes drowned so easily into yours, so he just smiled and bit back his disappointment, glaring at the disturbance with a vague hatred, that was rather scary, to be honest.
“Don’t chop it that way, it takes too much time.”
“Then show me, sir,”, you answered with a slight smirk, knife in your hand.
“Anything for you, ma’am.”
His devilish grin was addictive, really; you loved the small moments spent together in the classroom kitchen, but insecurity was always catching up with you, pulling you into abysses you prayed you'd never see again. Your worries faded away when you felt him behind you, caging you between his toned body and the kitchen countertop. His hands slided on top of yours, gently gesturing you how to cut the vegetables in a “more efficient way”; truly, it was an excuse to touch you. A comfortable silence filled the room, the sound of sliced and chopped foodstuffs echoing on the sunbathed walls. He kept his teasing to himself, deciding to enjoy this small moment of shared intimacy; he felt his head heating up at your warm breath fanning on his neck. He stopped his movements, locking eyes with you. The world seemed like it stopped itself; he leaned downwards to kiss you, his hands still on yours, your head turned to face his-
Until someone snapped him out of it. Erina opened the doors of the kitchen brutally without even knocking - he cursed under his breath, blaming her for this ruined opportunity to finally show you what he truly felt.
“Look who’s there. Giving lessons to average students, now, Yukihira ? I didn’t think you were into charity-stuff.”, Erina smirked, not even shooting you a glance. You backed off from Soma, already fed-up by her condescending behavior.
“Erina.. what a pleasure. Always coming in due course,” Soma answered with a forced smile, anger running through his veins.
“I was searching for you, actually, Yukihira. Well, not me, but Takumi was. He wants to have a contest with you again, and I’ll be the judge.”
“Uh. Sure. Can Y/N come too ? I-”
“It’s a private contest.”, she immediately urged to add, “Between the three of us. Now, come on, I have other things to attend to.”
Erina walked off, and Soma followed her with a sigh, giving you an apologizing, awkward chuckle. You knew better, but you just smiled, murmuring a small “good luck”, as you saw him leave.
Her little crush on Soma was unbelievable; you wanted to tear the stupid grin plastered on her features so bad. Technically, yes, you were jealous. She was always shattering his plates with critics, giving prideful advices, even if he didn’t need it. And he was still cooking for her, working all the goddamn time to satisfy her “god’s tongue” and her insatiable appetite. For him, ironically. And Soma was terribly clueless; not noticing her taking a liking in this little game. Or maybe he was not ? Maybe you were a second choice - and Erina was first. She was always first. You weren’t the type to envy others, but right now.. you sat down next to the window frame, staring at her proximity with Soma from afar. It was eating you alive; the abyss you were so afraid of was most likely, a warm embrace in comparison of your sinking heart.
SOMA YUKIHIRA felt that something was off. You were ignoring him like a plague, switching seats and changing class pairings. He knew he fucked up, but what did he do exactly ? Oh right. You were jealous. Because last time, he left you alone to join Erina and Takumi in a contest that he obviously won. Now, he was facing the cold-shoulder treatment, and his teasing wasn’t helping anymore. Yet, he’d still try to talk to you, but you were walking past him without a word; your eyes filled with sorrow. Or you were faking a smile, trying to make up an excuse and leaving. He wanted to beat himself up; because he was the one who put you in that state in the first place. It was his mistake, and he knew it. But why were you feeling that way ? He tried to talk about it to Takumi - he was a gentleman after all, he’d definitely know.
“You did what ?”
“I mean- I didn’t know it’d be an issue. I always did that and they never said anything about it.”
“Soma, are you seriously this dumb ? You’re leaving them to hang out with the Nakiri Erina and you’re seriously thinking that they won’t be insecure ?”
“Why would they be ? They’re literally the most beautiful and caring person ever. There’s nothing to envy in Erina.. Plus, I’m not hanging out with her. She’s the one who’s coming at the worst times.”, he stated, genuinely dumbfounded by his friend’s words. It was the truth, though; she interrupted you two when Soma was nearly kissing you.
“Soma. Think about it just for a moment- you told me you liked them, yeah ? And when you’re with them, and Erina walks in, you leave to follow her. They must think they’re a second choice or something. Please, you can’t be this oblivious.”
And then, he realized. Realizing the hints he gave you were nothing compared to his acts. His face in his hands as his elbows rested on the countertop, what should he do now ? Apologizing, yeah, but it wasn’t enough. He longed for your touch, and craved for your pardon. The next day, he searched for you in the Polar Star Dormitory, everywhere. When he finally spotted you, he opened the door of your bedroom without even asking. You yelped in surprise.
“What the hell ? Soma-”
“You’re the only one I want to be with. The one I want to dedicate my cooking to. I thought I made it clear. I’m sorry for my behavior. Erina is nothing for me, and she’s not even coming close to your ankle- look, I fucked up, I know. But I promise, you mean everything to me.”, he bluntly said, not giving you a second to breathe.
“And what are you gonna do the next time she’s gonna walk into us ? Hide me shamefully ? I-”
But he cut you off again, one hand stroking your cheek. He lifted your chin, in order to make you look at him.
“I’ll simply say that I’m taken by the prettiest and smartest person around. How does that sound ?”
He leaned, and this time, he wasn’t going to back off, with or without somebody walking in.
“Maybe I can show you who I’m talking of, baby,”
He smirked, your worries vanishing instantly in his yellow orbs. A kiss sounded good after all.
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renjunslostbestie · 6 months
one thing i know about dom renjun is that he would make you spell 'slut' with each thrust, like:
"alright sweetheart, you know what to do" renjun says as he hovers with you in between his legs (looking all pretty with hair all messed up after the intense makeout session in the lift) as he gets on his knees to take off the belt.
holding both your hands up to headboard, he ties the belt around them and loops it on.
unlike the normal sex with renjun, this time he doesn't start slow instead by the time you were thrown on the bed all your clothes were completely taken off along with his own shirt.
the excitement in your eyes made him smirk as he brought his face close to you. "excited are we? lets see how many rounds this pussy can last this time" hearing his words you decided to play it off cool as you whispered "about enough. would you be able to take it tho-"
just as you were about to speak further, a harsh spank on your ass made you moan so loud even the neighbors could hear. "moaning like a whore just after one spank, and asking me if I'd be able to last? thought you knew better sweetheart" he goes on with a tsk while his lust filled eyes skim down your body.
just hearing filthy words fly out of his mouth, you couldn't help but feel even more horny.
cold hands going down your body made you whimper but moan even further when those same fingers came in contact with your glistening clit.
"so fucking pretty" a rasped mumble was heard resulting in you parting your legs even more to give renjun more access earning you a satisfying hum.
his fingers worked down to your cunt as he stared right at your face which was tilted back pressing hard in the pillow as constant moans and shaky breaths came out of your mouth.
"jun..." a moan escaped your lips "fa-faster..."
hearing this a fast pace took over renjun's fingers fulfilling his girl's wish.
"slut. look at you taking them fingers in so well. they aren't so short like you call them now are they? hm?" the hm in the end of your sentence brought you more towards the release if it already didn't after the usage of the word; slut.
the drip from your pussy looked so good making renjun groan at the sight.
unbottoning his pants, he took out his dick standing proud. long and thick.
giving it a few good strokes with the help of your previous release. he aligned it with your hole. "can i do it- shit."
"such a gentleman asking for a permission-" the unexpected entry in your cunt made the bed move with full force.
"slut. fucking cumrug. spell it out with me. S" he thrusts
"S" a thrust
"L" a even harder thrust follows as you continue.
"U- mmh" a loud whimper comes out as renjun spanks your thigh
"T" another hard thrust along with "good girl. doing so well for me. now tell me who's slut are you?"
"only you! yours!" your throat releases a loud squeaky voice which makes you embarrassed, but its not the time to get embarrassed.
hearing this, renjun sets an animalistic pace as his hands reach your clit and rubs it in a fast pace triggering you to cum.
he fucks you through your release
"fuck- im close let me do it inside" he says as his thrusts go slower and sloppier.
a "yes" escapes your lips along with a moan.
"fucking cumwhore. letting me release inside as if you dont know the consequences." degradations fly from his mouth in such a hot way making your pussy clench.
with that, renjun releases inside you as he pants and throws his head back with a sigh.
pulling out, he sees the cum dripping from your pussy as he pushes it back inside with his fingers.
"so damn pretty. oh god" he says. following by "next round, on the wall or the shower?"
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wonuwrites · 1 month
Love Me Anyway Song Reaction (Performance Unit)
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this is from this anon request xo I love this song so much and so happy anon showed me a cute new song :D
vocal unit || performance unit || hip hop unit
Warnings: some body confidence issues again in Jun's, smidge angst in Minghao's, cussing, mostly fluffy though.
Just like other song preferences, members drabbles will be in order of the song lyrics. Also some lyrics will be similar to vocal units and tbh I'm not sorry. I feel like I made them different enough <3
ok enjoy :D
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ღ Jun: "And I love you because you're understanding when I'm too shy to show my skin."
You sighed as you looked at all the clothes on your floor. You were packing for your annual girls trip but all the clothes you bought when you were with the girls just made you feel so self conscious and made you want to take some scissors to some parts. As you were starting to spiral, Jun walked into your shared room and raised an eyebrow at the mess. "Nothing looks good on me, baby." You would sigh before falling onto your shared bed. This would make him scoff before picking up some of the clothes. He knew fighting over how true that statement was useless when it came to you feeling this way so he decided just to be there for you physically. He would just kiss your forehead and lay next to you. "Do-do you want one of my shirts when you go?" You would almost cry because he knew that you found comfort in his clothes and you were just so thankful for him.
ღ Hoshi: "Sometimes I forget, wasn't always this way. It's hard to admit I was the one to blame."
You sat on the couch in the practice room and watched Soonyoung and the rest of Seventeen practice for their upcoming tour. Even if there were thirteen extremely talented and handsome guys in front of you, Soonyoung caught your eye the most. You smiled as you watched him do what he loved doing and couldn't help but think about how lucky you were to be his. You both were so happy and made time for each other even if schedules were packed. You both made each other a priority. Sometimes it feels like it's always been this way but you knew it wasn't. In fact, you used to be super against the idea. You thought Soonyoung was a great guy but dating an idol? That would be awful. You ignored his advances for months until he basically got onto his knees and said "(Y/N), please. Just one chance. Let me change your mind. I promise I will do everything in my power to make it magical." Which he did. Hell even when it came out that you were dating, Carats were super supportive and even joked with Soonyoung that they liked you more. He would act offended but he couldn't blame them. You were an absolute catch and every day he thanked the universe for allowing you to give him a chance.
ღ Dino: "I love you because when I say "I don't wanna talk" you always call me.
You can't help it, you are a little over dramatic. Ok, maybe A LOT dramatic. What can you say though? It's in your DNA. It's something you try to work on but sometimes, it just happens. Just like tonight, you can't even explain what Chan did but it just set you off where you thought you might want space. You walked out of the bar that you were with Chan and the rest of Seventeen and waited for your uber to come and get you. You hadn't told anyone you were leaving including Chan so it wasn't a shock when he started to spam your phone with calls and texts. [10:13 Channie: "where did you go?"] You sighed and noticed your uber pulled up to you. You said hello to the driver before getting in and responding. [10:14 Y/N: "just got into an uber, I'm going home for the night. I don't wanna talk tho. goodnight."] You then put your phone on do not disturb before looking out the window. However, even with DND activated, you still felt your phone vibrating with texts and calls from Chan. You were about a block away from your apartment when you finally answered your boyfriend. "Chan-" "(Y/N), I just need to know you're safe, if we are okay, if I need to kick someones ass, if you still love me," you heard him ramble on and on which made you smile a bit. You honestly couldn't remember why you were upset with him and you assured him that you still loved him and that you were almost home.
ღ Minghao: "After all this time, you were right. Can we take more Polaroids for you to hide."
Fighting with Minghao was never fun because you both got super emotionally invested in your fights. It was emotionally exhausting to try to not be sad because of what happened and figure out how to solve the problem. This time around, you realized quickly that there was no need for a "solution" just a simple apology which was all he asked for. You decided after work you would just apologize. When you got home you were a little surprised to find polaroids "hidden" around your shared home. With sticky notes explaining each picture or reasons why he loved you. After finding about five Polaroids you couldn't help but feel tears fall down your cheeks. You realized Minghao was feeling a similar way to the fight and this was his way of saying "I don't want to fight anymore because look what we have, it's good." You found a few more before you realized he was right behind you with a soft smile. He had been following you around since you got there but you were so caught up in memory lane you didn't realize. "hey," he whispered while grabbing your hands. "I'm sorry," you whispered while pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry too," he whispered back before kissing the top of your head. "can we take more Polaroids soon?" This caused him to giggle before agreeing.
this was so soft. ty again anon <3
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absolutebl · 10 months
This Week In BL - I’m pleased with what’s airing, but conflicted about what’s ended & getting started
Aug 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Sat iQIYI) 4 of 8 - Omg the way the bodyguard (handler?) looks at the rich kid. Gah. I see why @heretherebedork​ loves these 2. But I really hate him (not the handler, the kid). Fun fight scene. I love lawyer babygirl SO MUCH. HE WILL BE MY 2023 FAV CHARACTER. I’M CALLING IT. This ep, Srs? You’re killing me. Suits! Pussycat bows! And then... The Public Claiming!!!!! One of my favorite tropes! And openly flirting? Boys. I’m getting spoiled. Wait… is that…? NO SINGING. Ah well, Thai BL giveth and Thai BL taketh away. 
Hidden Agenda that isn’t hidden (Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 4 of 10 - I like the script for this. It feels like the conversations they have are very honest to a uni experience. It’s comfortable and breezy. I did not expect the kiss. Bit early in the arc. There is either going to be a lot of backend drama, or a long domestic honeymoon period. (Bet you can guess which one I vote for.) 
Low Frequency (Sat iQIYI) ep 5 of 8 - It’s moving along in a Ghost Host kinda way (minus the killer chemistry). I’m not mad about it, I don’t think I'll remember it tho. 
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 5 of 12 - My ambivalent relationship with this drama continues. Cohabitation trope. Punn is basically a huge puppy trying to spoil/cuddle/fuck his pretty kitty prince. It is what it is. Meanwhile, I just want more of Big Daddy & the Hot Doc. (Also the name of my burlesque show.) Why does Kevin have more chemistry with Ashi in a 1 min long scene than Punn has had… ever? Is this nascent bad boy effect or nascent 2nd lead syndrome I’m feeling? (Meanwhile Ben! Hi! Long time no see!) 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 11 of 12 - Whatever. Trash(ish) watch here. 
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 6 of 8 eps - Aw pretty baby is unhappy his bf got injured. But also very blushing maiden. This is profoundly NOT GOOD. 
Wedding Plan (Weds YT & iQIYI) ep 3 of 7 - I have decided that Lom’s theme song is BigBang’s Monster. Listen. You’ll see what I mean. Also BigBang = also very problematic but banging. What I’m saying is, I wanna punch Lom so bad, I went slightly bonkers. Water sports are addressed. A trash watch is happening!
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thurs Viki) 3 of 8 - How DARE they make me love this show so much? I feel personally attacked. The smell thing! Gah. The way they automatically go informal in private. The flirting. The language. The suits, the EVERYTHING. It’s embarrassing how much I rewatch the final bits of each ep. 
Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 6 of 10 eps - I adore this ridiculous show. (I just realized that the actor playing Jiang Chi played Ray’s evil 2-timing bf in About Youth). Baby boy is quite clueless. Sweet dreams tho. I love them both so much. The washing his jersey scene was so fucking cute. Couple’s numbers, couple’s keychains, bridal towel, kisses. Thank you Taiwan for NOT activating blushing maiden. However, confident gay/confused bisexual is a go. And we got us some justifiable angst. Sigh. I’m so happy. 
Sing My Crush AKA Follow The Wind (Korea Weds iQIYI) 1-2 of 8 eps - supposed to have released in the first half of 2022 this is a adaption of Myung’s webtoon, from the director of My Sweet Dear, and Love Tractor’s production house, basically Korea does About Youth. It’s sweet (the singing bits are easy to skip) and very much a story of young first love but less stiff than KBL’s usual high school fare (kinda Taiwan feeling). I like it but that very imprecision in production makes me concerned for an HEA, especially with such a low MDL rating. 
Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 8fin  - Rough final episode, but it does end happily. Fortunately, I had some warning for my personal triggers, but this is Japan and they did go dark. Full review below. 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) 5 of 12 eps - Shin is so cute and proud and boldly out. I love him. Movement in the relationship with both couples, even if it’s movement into arguments and misunderstanding. I suppose we got 12 eps they need to do... something.  
Stay Still (Hong Kong Tues YouTube) 1 of 5 eps - It’s confusing. And… not good? Some flashbacks some present day? 
It’s airing but ...
Stay With Me ... NO I WILL NOT! And you can’t make me.
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Review: Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa
I had to chew on this for a while but here’s where I ended up. 
Two young men with a shared tragic past reunite and fall in love all over again, but the past will not stop hunting them. Based on a manga, this office set reunion romance is GREAT… damn it. It’s Japan in full on soft focus which means it gets emo, abusive, and chewy. These two characters are giving parts of their souls away in a desperate attempt to shape themselves to the expectations they have of each other. 
Japan gave us the Bed Friends that Thailand could never even imagine. But here’s the thing: I don’t enjoy my BL this heavy and cutting. I know that for The 8th Sense crowd this is peak BL and I can’t argue with the fact that the romantic devotion, domesticity, script, and acting IS all on point. It’s just not my personal preference for that point to be so damn sharp. I appreciate that this being 2023 I have the luxury of consistent quality (especially from Japan) and thus the ability to say… 
I acknowledge that this SHOULD get a 9/10 but I can’t emotionally go higher than 8/10 
Japan = sticking to its lanes like their BL is on rails. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
8/11 Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) 10 eps 
8/12 My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) 8 eps 
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Still Coming August 2023
8/19 Love in Translation (Thai Sat One31) ? eps - Two strangers start working in a cafe together.
8/19 I Feel You Linger in the Air (Thai Sat Gaga) 12 eps - The time travel historical romance many of us have been waiting for. 
8/20 My Universe series (Thai Sun iQIYI) 24 episodes - This is sampler pack BL, 12 pairs, each pair gets 2 eps, not sure on the order they’ll drop. Known couples include EarthBank from Destiny Seeker and KaownahTurbo from Love Stage!!!, mostly fresh faces otherwise. Jane to direct several.
8/22 Kisseki: Dear to Me formerly known as Miracle (Taiwan Tues ????) 13 eps - From screenwriter Lin Pei Yu (We Best Love, H3: Trapped) features a student doctor forced to take care of a gangster. I love the premise and like the writer, Viki or Gaga will get this one.  
8/24 Man Suang (Thailand movie, domestic cinema release) - historical drama about Thai burlesque with KP’s MileApo. Tong is in this one too?
8/? Why R U? (Korean remake) is supposed to be out this month, filming started in sept 22. I find everything about this hilarious. I mean if Korea remakes it, we lose all the sexy and then... would we have a story at all? No we would not. Not even for six short eps. It’d be like one of those mesh shopping bags.
Oh yeah, Only Friends is coming. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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Hidden Agenda. I love them. 
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Public claiming with the waist grab maneuver! A true hero. 
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But I think we can all agree that THIS is the hero all love triangles deserve. (both Laws) 
(Last week) 
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yeonslayjun · 3 months
Dumb and Dumber - Hualian
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are so OBVIOUS and OBLIVIOUS at the same time Honestly They amaze me ngl
Cuz Hua Cheng be Like - Wdym Gege Loves me?? That's impossible like I don't think he loves me solely for the fact that I'm one of his last believer left and that I built a FUCKING CITY for him and how I ran helped him in a case and dressed up as a Groom and gege was a bride (Oh his dead heart definitely started beating then pls ) and how I Built a temple to worship him and how I released 3000 lanterns for him and that I've made 10,000 statues for gege and not how I have red thread of fate on my finger bc he tied his hair on my finger
ALSO wdym I had my gay awakening at the land of tender??? Impossible He's my god I can't have those feelings for him bc I'm a dirty piece of shit (NO YOU ARE NOT)
and DEFINITELY NOT HOW I GAVE HIM Spirtual Power... DEFINITELY NOT HAHAHA.... Now let me just ask his hand for marriage OH nvm I'm unworthy he doesn't like me ( WHILE XIE LIAN IS SITTING ON HIS LAP ) let's make it into a joke hahaha..... OH? Gege's says he's happy for my beloved when will he know it's him talking about?? :( ( let's ignore he didn't know half of these lmao)
OH MY GOD GEGE SAW THE STATUES That's it I'm getting disowned by him He'll hate me ofc he will... I knew this would happen no I'm okay, IT'S FINE... Yeah he really should make it clear that he doesn't love me huh? :((
Like Hua Cheng is SO DOWN BAD for Xie Lian Like Honey we get it You exist to LOVE your Taizi Danxia and to serve Cvnt and angst
My guy Xie Lian here is SO VERY OBLIVIOUS like I get that he was practicing abstinence but bro's like -
Oh Hua Cheng is such a pretty name *giggles* Oh and his hands were so beautiful and he was gentle with me too when he dressed as the Groom *blushes* Oh Crimson Rain Sought Flower is his name? *swoons* HOLY SHIT HE'S HOT *nosebleeds*
I like this kid san lang. OoO Did he just suck the poison out of me?!?! DAYUM he killed so many people at once *swoons x2*... WAIT IS HE HUA CHENG??!?! Oh my gosh IT IS Hua Cheng ajhsjdhsudhu Let's act calm and composed hehe. Let's sleep together cuz He would never hurt me >:( I wonder what happened to the kid who said he'd worship only me :( He was a good kid yk? Had one eye covered too kinda like you actually haha Funny Right???
He's so perfect as a "sworn brother" ( Yes I'm looking at you SQX) protecting me and shit. Wait he trusts me??? ME?!?! huh?!?!. San Lang~~~. AHHH HE RELEASED 3000 LANTERNS FOR ME AHHHH I LOVE HIM as a friend ofc ofc.
Oh I LOVE getting Spiritual Energy from him <3 that wasn't a kiss nope it wasn't.... ERROR 101 San Lang asked my hand in marriage ERROR.... o h He was Joking :( ofc he was :((( I wish he wasn't tho :((((( SAN LANG HAS A BELOVED?!?!? Ofc he has He's such a handsome and kind man he probably gets all the bitches he wants But why do I feel smth weird in my heart?? (IT'S CALLED JEALOUSY YOU DUMB MOTHOFO )
Honestly God (Jun Wu LMAO) Knows how he survived the past 800 years like BRO WHY IS YOU SO STUPID when it comes to love?!?!? Like ISTG He's one of the smartest of all the jokes called "GODS". But he still doesn't get it till he saw the 10,000 statues Hua Cheng prepared like pls
ALSO Hua Cheng the ghost king who defeated 33 gods and how his smartass self esp rubbed the floor with them Civil Heavenly Officials But the one moment he needs it to realise the VERY OBVIOUS FACT that Xie Lian loves him The Genius Smartass is nowhere to be seen
But tbh I can't blame Hua Cheng much here cuz Xie Lian was very oblivious to his own feelings pls BUT STILL
Their Slow-burn was too much for me Like the chemistry was SO OBVIOUS but they're just Dumb kids when it comes to feelings *sighs* The Hualian Brainrot is rotting my brain away as we peak
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