#night has come
divineei · 9 months
TOOTM  zero. old beginnings
! go kyungjun x fem!reader
# relationship lore, first meeting, heavy infatuation, mentions of kyung jun having daddy and mommy issues
a/n. chill yall i swear im putting my whole authorussy on this
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months before the school trip…
rain pours on top of the bus stop's roof. although tiny, the cover is enough to prevent kyung jun's clothes from getting even wetter.
if only he had brought an umbrella. he was in such a rush to get out of his house after yet another fight with his parents, he didn't even hear the water falling from the sky before it was too late and was already running around the streets.
kyung jun had no idea how long had passed since he stormed out, not that he cared anyway. he considered this ten times better than all the yelling at home. when he managed to ignore the cold, the little bus stop was peaceful; quiet.
or it was.
he dug in his pocket to take out a cigarette and put it in his mouth when the sound of hurried footsteps stepping on puddles distracted him. he turned his head towards the noise, immediately setting eyes on the figure sprinting towards him: a girl in winter clothes held a bag above her head as a shield from the rain while she ran in his direction. she stopped right next to him, breathing heavily and drenched in water.
kyung jun turned his attention back to his tobacco. he paid her no mind. why would he? he had enough to deal with seeing as he also fell victim to the pouring rain.
he felt the weight of the stranger sitting at the other end of the bench as he took out his lighter. however, rolling the flint wheel was useless as only a spark came out. he tried again. and again. and again, but still no flame. kyung jun's breath rose erratically and his pent-up frustration with it.
"fucking piece of shit", he sent the thing flying with as much force he could manage, making it break into pieces. was nothing supposed to work in his favor? he can't stop misbehaving like he promised his mother, he can't be the top of his class like he promised his father, he can't stop himself from lashing out right in their faces; for fucks sake he can't even light a cigarette. maybe they were right: he was worthless.
out of the corner of his eye, he saw something being handed to him. the stranger had reached her arm out with a lighter in hand. kyung jun's eyes varied from it to the face he'd been ignoring: drops of water were falling from her hair to her cheeks, she wore headphones around her neck and a lit cigarette between her parted lips, with eyes that stared at him through wet lashes, waiting for him to accept the offer.
he reached for the lighter, brought it close to him, and finally took a puff of his cigarette.
"you okay?", asked the pretty girl.
he looked back at her, seemingly taken aback by her interest but nodding nonetheless.
their interaction was cut short with a quick smile from her as she put her headphones on.
in his mind, kyung jun caught himself juggling feelings from shame to disappointment, realizing maybe he wanted somebody to ask if he was alright. he wouldn't have minded an opening to more conversation, even if it was to forget his troubles for just a few minutes. but he understood. i mean, who would care about a stranger on the streets anyway? who would care about him anyway?
the time passed as quickly as did his pack of cigarettes and now, with an empty box in his pocket, kyung jun's anger was rising once again. not because of the distress of his mind though but because of the loud music disturbing his peace.
after what felt like hours of trying to ignore the noise, he decided he had enough and aggressively waved his hand to catch the girl's attention.
"mmh?", she looked at him and removed one of the speakers.
"turn that shit off."
"excuse me?" she scoffed raising her brows.
"i said," kyung jun pointed at the headphones that were now around her neck, "turn it off. it's fucking annoying me."
she let out a teasing chuckle. was she... laughing at him right now? "fuck off. i'll listen to my music however i want."
...the fuck? his mouth opened in disbelief. this was a first. nobody, and i mean nobody, would even think of talking back to him like that.
"who do you think you're talking to?" he turned his body to her with a scowl intimidating enough to make anyone at his school go running with their tail between their legs.
"someone with no taste in music, apparently."
damn, she really was laughing at him.
kyung jun's mouth opened to fight back but no words came out. he couldn't believe it. he was stunned. did the rain wash out every threatening aspect of him?
it could be the cold, the shock, the contagious smirk of the pretty girl, or maybe the exhaustion finally catching on to him, but for whatever reason, he couldn't find it in him to say anything back. so he laughed. just slightly. some probably would consider it more of a defeated sigh. but he did.
her smile was taunting him, provoking him to keep talking.
"nothing", yet he didn't have the energy for it, not right now. so today, he'd let it slide.
her smile shifted from cheeky to genuine when he brushed her off. as much as she enjoyed the banter, she had enough awareness not to tease any further.
"you know what," instead, she disconnected her headphones before handing her phone to the guy. "if my music is so annoying to you, show me something better."
kyung jun frowned, but a small smile graced his face, betraying his attempt at indifference.
and so he accepted her offer, for the second time that day.
minutes went by with surface-level conversation and recommended songs. it was a pleasant distraction for him, at least enough to make him miss the way his pulse merged with the beats of the tunes. they enjoyed their time together until the faint sound of wheels appeared in the distance. turning off the music, the pretty girl stood up in front of him.
oh right, the bus.
for a second, he forgot where they were.
"well, that's my ride" she announced, just seconds before said ride stopped before them.
for a second, time seemed to freeze.
the girl said something else, but whatever it was fell on deaf ears. it felt like his senses were failing him all of a sudden.kyung jun sat there, helpless and paralyzed, as he watched her walk away. a chill ran down his spine, causing goosebumps to break out all over his body. his mind was screaming at him to do something, anything, to make her stay just a little bit longer. he wanted to ask for her name, to strike up more conversation, to find out who she was and where she was going. but he couldn't bring himself to move. all he could do was see her disappear, without time to wonder what might have been.
when he came to his senses the bus was out of sight, and the empty spot on the bench felt heavier than ever.
kyung jun looked at the sky. there was not a single ray of sun to be seen, but at least the rain had finally stopped. he leaned back and just as his hands came to rest in his pockets he touched something cold. he took it out, eyes falling on a lighter. her lighter.
he could feel the beat of his heart against his ribcage. why? where did all this adrenaline come from? since when has he become so soft as to let such a flimsy little thing make his head spin and his face fire up?
"fuck", he cursed to the skies.
as the days went by, his intense but short-lived experience with that stranger remained fresh in the back of his mind. no matter how many times he tried to blur her face she was like a ghost that reappeared every time he looked away, a fading memory he couldn't fully forget. 
at the back of the school's building kyung jun took the last puff of his cigarette just when the bell announced the start of classes. he dropped what was left of it on the floor at the same time his two companions dropped the innocent student they had been tormenting. they walked together to their classroom with the same enthusiasm as a kid who received a pair of socks for christmas and sat in the back row. 
"good morning, class", the teacher greeted as she stood in front of the students, who immediately saluted back.
kyung jun rolled his eyes and laid down on his desk with no thought other than finding the perfect position for the three-hour nap he was about to take until his next break, wondering if his dreams would finally be undisturbed by images of the one he couldn't fail to recall again and again. 
"alright," the teacher clasped her hands to get the class' attention. "before starting our lesson, i'm pleased to inform you that we have a new student coming in today and i hope you'll help them accommodate to the school."
already starting to doze off, kyung jun's eyes remained closed even after someone knocked on the door and the tutor welcomed them in. "welcome, please come in and introduce yourself."
"hello everyone, my name is yoon yn. i hope we get along well."
what the...?
his eyes shot open. 
there's no way. no fucking way.
he saw the new student politely bowing at the front of the room like she wasn't the same that had been living in his mind rent free day, night, and day again. 
"thank you. please, take a sit."
she walked like in slow motion towards the back of the room and, for a split second, their eyes met. the idea that he must've already fallen into a deep slumber invaded him when she sent him a subtle smile before sitting just a few sits away from him.
the teacher regathered the attention of the room and started her lesson. needless to say, his plan of breezing through the school day with a nap got ruined.
hours passed insanely slow until the bell rang through the speakers and announced a much-needed break. 
having pulled up two chairs by his side, jin-ha was cracking up at something on seung-bin's phone. whatever it was, kyung jun couldn't care less. his eyes were set on the crowd surrounding the new girl as his classmates smothered her with questions and compliments.
"are you new in town, yn?"
"what school did you use to go to?"
"were you in any clubs?"
"well–", yn tries to answer in between the frenzy.
"O-M-G, you should join our cheerleading group!" interrupted mi-na.
"im not interested in any clubs, thank you" yn declined with a smile.
"oh, of course." said so-mi, "someone like you was probably on the student council, right? you can always help me and jun-hee with-"
"i'll pass. thank you, so-mi."
"woaah, the class president got rejected!" heo yool pointed out and the small crowd joined in the teasing.
in the chaos of it all, she managed to find him staring. the moment was brief, yet enough for kyung jun's heart to skip a beat. 
"you know her?" 
"do you know her?", jin ha repeated. "the new girl."
kyung jun hesitated but shook his head, "no, i don't."
"could it be?", seung bin dramatised. "does ko kyung jun have a crush?" 
his friends patted his back, mocking him, and giggled in unison. 
"shut up," kyung jun sighed and leaned back on his chair closing his eyes with his arms crossed, trusting they'd get the hint that his temper was better off not tested.
"he didn't say no," seung bin whispered, gaining a repressed chuckle from jin ha.
boring lessons and occasional glances between the delinquent and the new student continued throughout the day until finally the moment to get out that hellhole arrived. 
by the time kyung jun had his bag over one shoulder and ready to go the class was almost empty. yoon yn was putting away her stuff without any rush as if she wasn't the only one left in the classroom.
"hey, kyung jun!" seung bin shouted from the door. "you coming or not?"
"nah," he answered without turning his eyes away from the girl. "i'll see you tomorrow."
with a shrug, seung bin left the room with jin ha following after him, not before exchanging a knowing look.
"move, nerd!" was the last thing heard from the two vandals out on the hall before they left. 
kyung jun approached yn with the same caution you do a stray cat in fear it'll run away and with each step, his pulse accelerated. as the girl cleaned up her belongings, he leaned on the desk next to hers wth his hands inside his trousers' pockets.
"the uniform doesn't suit you, you know?"
she turned to him–smirking–their eyes met and, for the first time today, neither looked away.
"i could say the same for you", yn crossed her arms.
"i'd say it's better than wet clothes.", he shrugged.
"please," the girl rolled her eyes, "it was just a little rain."
"a little rain?", kyung jun repeated. "you were literally running with your bag on your head."
"you were watching me?", yn put a hand over her chest and furrowed her brows, yet her smug smile remained. "you weirdo."
"look who's talking, you fucking stalker."
"excuse me? why the fuck would i stalk you?", she pointed at him.
"you tell me," he teased, lifting his hands. "you're the one in my school."
kyung jun kept staring at yn waiting for another one of her snarky comments but instead she tightly closed her lips together.
"what?" he provoked.
unable to hold back any longer, she let out a peal of laughter which made kyung jun's eyes widen as much as his own smile. he couldn't help it, her laugh was contagious and the situation was amusing. randomly meeting someone and obsessing over them to later find out they just enrolled in the same school as you is something you would only see in movies; or fanfiction.
yet here they were.
"nothing", yn smiled, finally gathering her stuff and putting her backpack over her shoulder, ready to leave.
flashes of the day he thought he'd never see her again flooded kyung jun's mind. he couldn't bear it. to someone else, this might seem extreme; desperate. now that they were classmates he'd most likely see her every day, so why even panic in the first place? but maybe, just maybe, he was desperate. to him, seeing her leave felt devastating. like a reminder of the day his whole body failed to even ask her name. but if the universe saw it necessary for them to meet again, that meant he wasn't supposed to let her go, right?
kyung jun clumsily opened his backpack and took out the trinket he'd been carrying around since that rainy day, handing it to her.
yn stared at him with her eyebrows wrinkled.
"here", the guy insisted, slightly shoving the lighter toward her.
"'fuck you mean why? it's yours."
"i told you to keep it. you didn't hear me?"
"oh," he felt what seemed like a heatwave run through his neck and ears. "i guess not."
"all that shit you gave me about my loud music and look at you." she mocked.
the guy lowered his head. he would have run away right then and there to avoid any more embarrassment if it wasn't for the little pride he still had.
"hey, uh..." she paused. "sorry, what's your name?"
all this time and he still hadn't introduced himself? fuck, he really couldn't do anything right, huh? 
"ko kyung jun."
"right. so, kyung jun, since it's such a nice day out i was wondering if you'd be free to show me around?" 
like on queue, sunshine started squeezing through the window’s blinds.
he wasn't sure if it really was the world roaring at him to see the signs or if she just happened to take pity on him, but whatever it was he felt relieved, and his anxiety washed away the moment he lifted his head to look at the girl with her arm extended.
this was it, wasn't it? the opportunity he keept missing? 
how many times will she have to reach out until you take the chance, dumbass?, screamed the universe.
"sure", kyung jun uttered. "i can do that."
she offered her hand, and for the final time, he accepted.
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🏷️ @flaneurpastel - @jwijii - @watamotee33
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© to @divineei on tumblr; do not repost or steal
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999jess · 2 months
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zenxvii · 9 months
character: go kyung-jun x fem!reader
kdrama: night has come
!!: thoughts are in italics
🫶🏻: childhood friends, protective go kyung-jun, friends to lovers
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y/n had just got out of her room walking around the halls. She wanted to get out of this hellhole as soon as se could, she couldn’t bear to see anymore of her classmates die.
Passing by rooms she knew where se exactly wanted to go. She had walked towards the cafe in the building not knowing all the trouble inside it.
- y/n pov
I had wandered through the halls and got closer to to the cafe. I heard lots of voices from there so I quickened my steps. There was lot of people standing there and in the middle there was Hyun-Ho fighting with Kyung-Jun.
“What the fuck is going on.” I whispered to myself noticing it didn’t catch anyones ears.
Kyung-Jun had roughly pushed Hyun-Ho and he slammed against the wall. “Alright! Isn’t this enough now!” I said strongly and went to push Kyung-Jun away from the other man.
“You stay here.” I told him and went to help Hyun-Ho up. “You okay?” I asked him as I helped him up. He nodded at me and gave me a smile.
I could feel Kyung-Juns burning a hole onto me head, but I didn’t mind it. “I don’t get it. Why do you guys have to fight at a time like this.” I breathed out and shook my head.
“y/n’s right.” Our class president agreed with me. “We should go now.” He continued and mentioned that we should go downstairs and meet everyone in there.
I watched them leave and Kyung-Jun slumped on a chair and kicked the table. I sighed and exited the cafe and went to a girls bathroom to look for a medkit.
Once I returned to the cafe I saw Jin-ha and Seung-Bin also sitting around the table. “You idiots.” I said and their gazes turned to me. I sat on a chair next to Kyung-Jun and gently pulled his chin between my fingers.
“Why do you start fights.” I asked him and started to clean his wounds. He didn’t answer but hissed each time the wound pained him. I just sighed and cleaned his wounds.
After cleaning his wounds I turned to Jin-Ha who was on next chair next to me. “Head this way.” I told him and he turned his head to me. I started to clean his wounds but then someone yanked my hand back.
“He can clean his own wounds.” Kyung-Jun told me but I didn’t listen and yanked my hand back. “Don’t get in my nerves now. I bet you guy started the fight but let me help out a little.” I said and turned my attention back to Jin-ha.
I don’t get why was Kyung-Jun like this. When we were young he wasn’t violent he was kind. I miss the old him who wouldn’t just throw fists around. But I do love this Kyung-Jun, he treats me well. I’ve tried to told him to stop fighting but he still hasn’t, maybe someday.
Kyung-Jun had stayed silent as I cleaned the duo’s wounds. “All done. Now stop doing unnecessary shit like this, you’ll just draw suspicious to your way.” I said and shook my head and the trio just stayed silent not matching my gaze.
“Let’s go then.” I told then and got up. Jin-Ha and Seung-Bin got up as well but Kyung-Jun just sat there. “You two go ahead.” He told them and they just obeyed and left. Leaving me and my cranky boyfriend in the cafe.
“What is-“ “Do you love me?” I started to ask but got cut off by Kyung-Juns question. Do I love him? Of course I do.
“Of course I do. You know it.” I told him snd walked up to him. “It didn’t seem so.” He said and made eye contact. “What do you mean “it didn’t seen so’” I quoted him “Why did you go at Hyun-Ho first when I’m your loved.” He said and that’s when I knew what was up.
“Are you jealous?” I teased him and he sighed. “Of course. That jock freak has liked you for a long time now.” He said face turning into anger. Huhhh?? Hyun-Ho likes me?? Well damn.
“We both know I only love you.” I said and sat down next to him taking his hand onto mine and squeezing it a bit. “I love you.” I told him again.
He gave me s faint smile before standing up and pulling me into a hug. “I’ll make sure we get both out of here. Together.” He reassured me. And I nodded to his chest.
Few nights later
We were at a swimming pool looking around. I felt like it was pointless but I didn’t give up, I believed Yoon-Seo she was one of my best friends.
I was all the way back almost other side of the room and I heard people talking bit then I thought I saw something in the water.
I crouched down and tried to look again, but I couldn’t see anything anymore. Weird. I tried to look around with my hand and putted it in the water moving it around a bit.
Nothing. I started to get up but then felt a strong tug and I was face first in the water. I gasped and water filled my lungs as I tried to swim back to the surface. I got back to the surface and started coughing and saw Kyung-Jun and everyone else running to the side I was on.
“y/n!” He screamed as he reached me and extended his hand. “I’m okay..” I said and tried to grab his hand but then something tugged me again and I was underwater unable to swim back up.
I heard a splash and felt arms wrap around but my vision was blurry. I gasped for air when I was back up and started coughing hard.
I was in Kyung-Juns arms and Jun-Ha pulled me up as Kyung-Jun tried to lift me. I got on the floor still coughing and people gathered around me. Kyung-Jun basically jumped out of water and came to me.
“What happened?!”
“Are you alright!”
I was getting bombed with questions. “I..” I tried to speak but nothing came out. “Shut up!” Kyung-Jun shouted at everyone l. “Leave her be. She needs to rest!” He said and picked me up in a bridal style and started walk away.
“Message the plan then. Now I’m taking care of my woman.” He said and walked away leaving everyone behind.
He took me to a room and wrapped a towel around me. “I thought I was gonna die.” I told him and felt tears starting to form. “But you’re not. I don’t know what happened but from bow on I’ll protect you always.” He said and wrapped his arms around me.
What did tug y/n😨 Could it be the ghost..🥶
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mooniiify · 9 months
does night has come (especially kyung jun) fanfics exist or do i need to write them myself 😭
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woominutes · 8 months
ko kyungjun as a boyfriend
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he is THE hates everyone but you bf
bad boy with a soft spot for you kinda trope
just replace bad boy with bully
he doesn't go out of his way for anyone except you
princess treatment? you got it.
he'd make jinha and seungbin do the work when they are around lol
his love languages are;
acts of service
holding doors for you, buying you snacks, walking you home, helping you the week before and during your period. the things he does for you can erase any doubts that may arise in your head about his feelings for you.
he might hold back sometimes to not appear as a simp and maintain his reputation as the tough bully though.
physical touch
always has his hands on you in a way, mostly around the waist or shoulders. it is a sign of affection but also ownership as he wants to make your relationship known to other boys so they don't even dare to make a move.
also having you on his lap, he loves that. especially during recess at school, you can be found sitting on him while he zones out or talks with jinha and seungbin.
and quality time
asking you to hang out after school, inviting you to his place to chill, tagging along when you have errands to run if he is in the mood for it.
this guy literally walks away from people and situations when he doesn't care to be bothered so spending his time on/with someone definitely means something.
now about gift giving
i don't think he'd put a lot of thought into gifts. on specific occasions like anniversaries or trying to impress you, yes, but nothing too fancy otherwise.
however, you'd get little things; like a flower from a random garden he passed by from.
in my eyes, he's a casual sharer in a relationship
what is his is yours, his basketball sneakers being the only exception. food, clothes, his bed, his heart, everything.
you like his jacket? you'll share it back and forth, one week his and two weeks yours. you like his hoodie? take it. you like his shirt? wear it (but bring it back after a month and borrow another). you like his earrings? you can wear the right one and he'll wear the left one.
words of affirmation is not something he is good at
it's hard for him to express himself. he can throw a few playful sweet words here and there but rarely gets serious. he has his moments, especially after intimate situations with intense feelings, but they're few.
rarely says "i love you", he shows it instead.
he'd be the one to secretly need words of affirmation despite denying it
not too much praise though, he'll get cocky
bro felt love for the first time and his world changed #canon
such a show-off, especially with basketball
"this is for you" *misses the shot*
once threw the ball in hyunho's face because you were looking at the poor boy for too long and kyungjun got jealous
cue nahee running to help hyunho with his bloody nose
he eliminates your worries when he can
(we all know how I'm talking about)
tending to his wounds whenever he gets injured
insecure hence extreme jealousy
someone looks at you for too long? glares at them. someone talks to you? either waves them off or mocks them when they leave. someone confesses to you? they get threats as a warning. someone touches you? disappeared from the face of earth.
i could actually see him wanting to kill other boys out of jealousy but he'll hold himself back by giving them a light beating instead.
"me? jealous? ha! I'm better than that asshole"
yeah yeah sure
bro is so aggressive
you'd most likely have to witness a lot of outbursts of anger
but he apologises after, usually
intended empty words or not, you'll witness his wrath again because that is his reaction to almost everything that inconveniences him
he's throwing things and punching walls
even if he unconsciously shoves you, he regrets it immediately
many, mostly minor, arguments because of misunderstandings and lack of communication
he is not very confrontational when it comes to a relationship, either because he doesn't want to appear vulnerable and clingy or he doesn't know how to express himself and figure out why he is feeling the way he does.
when his hidden feelings of insecurity and discomfort bubble up, it's hell for the both of you. screaming, crying, him acting like he doesn't care to protect himself.
and his impulsivity makes it harder to make up sometimes
he might say hurtful things out of anger that will keep you away from him for a while but he rarely actually means them, it's just his defense and illusion of security.
possessive and slightly controlling
he cares too much when he considers his relationship serious and it's not just him fooling around.
unfortunately, he'll use manipulation when he wants something badly or to convince you of something. if you call him out, he'll drop the act and most likely get annoyed.
he needs a lot of work when it comes to the negative aspects of his personality for a healthy relationship to exist
he is not too much of a bad guy, he just has issues
and needs therapy
passionate makeout sessions
those big palms and veiny hands know how to grip. he's the dominant one and he won't have it any other way, wanting to have power and control over the pace and movements.
high libido, that's all i'm apparently allowed to say :P
learns and remembers a lot about you
especially your habits and quirks
if you smoke too;
he'll share his cigarettes with you
and steal a couple of yours when he is out of his
if you hate smoking;
he'll make an effort to not smoke when you are present
brushes his teeth or eats a piece of gum before he kisses you if he meets you after smoking <3
can't have you thinking he is gross smh
if you're short;
he definitely teases you about your height
picks you up just for fun or carries you around like you weigh nothing
ties your shoelaces for you
playfully insulting each other and bantering all the time to show affection
you're the only one he actually listens to <3
you shove him or nudge him when he is being too mean to other people or crossing a line
still goes wild when you're not around
you are his lockscreen <3
not too much of a talkative texter
sort written replies but long voice messsages
oml that voice
sends you pics of himself all the time, expecting compliments and praise
shirtless mirror pics focusing on his abs? all yours. manspreading pictures? you got them. selfies in which he tries to appear tough but his cheeks and soft features make him look like the cutest boy you've ever seen? yep.
cares a lot about how you view him so he takes a lot of time to make sure he picks the right pics to send you.
let's not fool ourselves, he knows you love those muscles and he purposely puts them on display for you
cuddles with kyungjun are warm and tight, becoming one under a blanket
more of a motorcycle guy
buys you your own helmet <3
not one for fancy dates, maybe dinner here and there, but prefers casual hangouts
movie nights at his house, late night walks and rides, chilling at a convenience store after school.
just peaceful private moments.
pretends to not like cheesy couple things, such as matching outfits or pajamas, but they secretly warm his heart
he takes your gifts very seriously; wears them to please you or carries them around with him
get him a neck pillow
you have him wrapped around your finger no matter how much he denies it
jinha has gotten a good smack in the back of his head for voicing that fact multiple times
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© to @woominutes on tumblr; do not repost or steal
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Hello! I liked the short story you made! But may I request another one? This time I want to request a kyung jun x reader(smut)! That's all, thanks again!
Kyung Jun x Black/Korean Fem!Reader (for this one)
~ Hey loves , I never forget about you guys , just going through a lot but I’m going to try to update a bit more since my depression slowly coming back , I also didn’t forgot about my girlies that read my Wattpad books💕~
Genre ~ Smut
Warning ⚠️: Rough sex , chocking , name calling
Small summary : it’s been a year since you been with Go Kyung Jun , it was hard being the girlfriend of the known bully anytime you saw him bullying someone you would yell at him to stop always allowing the injured person to run away , you were the only person that could get him to stop … at least until you weren’t around anymore , you were heading to you assigned room when two boys that were a bit taller then you as they seemed nervous before asking for you to talk to Go Kyung Jun about this friends that owned them money that they needed .. now here you were confronting you boyfriend and his friends
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Standing frozen as you look between both boys who stood over you as one looked down nervously as he rubbed his arm while the other gave you pleading eyes before he spoke
“ Kim Y/n.. could.. could you h-help us please” the boy said voice nervous eyes unsure
“Sure what’s up , are you guys alright ..” reader says softly voice full of confusion and concern as she places her now closed book under her arm as her eyes look between both boys
“Well..” the one wearing glasses now looked up at you as he continued speaking
“I gave Kyung Jun’s friends some money to borrow ..and it’s been a while now and they haven’t paid me back yet .. I d-didn’t want to come to you about it but.. I really need it back” the guy with glasses says as he looks down at his feet once he was done talking
“And you to, huh” reader says with a sigh as she then looks at the other guy as he slowly nods his head before looking down to
“Okay.. I’ll talk to them but you can’t let them keep taking money from you or bully you ..it gets you nowhere you got to learn to stand up for yourselves” reader says as she looks at both boys who just give her a small nod , sighing as she knew they weren’t going to do what she said
“Come on , follow me” Reader says as she turns down the hall heading for the gym, she knew that’s where they would be right now since there was nothing to do at the moment
Walking down the hall as you feel you self become annoyed reaching the end of the hall as you stop in front of two double door grabbing a handle to the right door as you swig the door open not caring about the loud banging sound to made when it hit the wall , waking in to the gym with both boys quietly following behind you as your eyes lock on Kyung Jun as him and his minions turn to look at you
Stopping only a few inches away from the three as you look at them with annoyance and anger in your eyes , pointing at each one of them before saying anything
“Assholes did you take money from them” reader says as she looks at Kyung Jun’s two minions who she didn’t like one bit and they knew it but she didn’t care
“So what if we did..” the blonde headed one said as he’s now a inch away from you as you look at him eye now twitching as you close the space between you two looking up at him since he was taller giving him a innocent smile before raising your legs as your knee came in contact with his crotch with force as he grabs his crotch before falling to the floor screaming in pain as he let out curses your way
“Now .. did you take money from them” reader says as she now looks at Kyung Jun’s other friend who quickly nods his head as he shakes a bit in fear
“When we get home you have a week to pay them both what you owe and if you don’t which I’m going to ask them you and your friend will be in a hospital got it” reader says as he quickly nods turing her head to Kyung Jun who lets out a deep chuckle before pointing at the male standing behind you
“I’ll make sure he gets his money..” turning to the other male as he continues
“Does he owe you to” Kyung Jun ask as the male give a small nod
“See.. I’ll make sure they pay them back love” Kyung jun says as he gives you his innocent smile as you roll your eyes causing his smile to disappear as he walks closer to you
“Don’t be a brat I said they’ll get it back , yah” Kyung Jun says as he looks down at you causing you to laugh as you look up at him
“Fuck off .. you would lie for them in heart beat since they do whatever you say 바보” reader says as she looks at him with annoyance
~translation: Fool ~
“ 다시 말해 봐 ..” Kyung Jun says as he now closes any space you had left between you two
~ translation: say it again ~
“ 바보..” reader repeats boldly as she looks up at Kyung Jun who lets out a dark chuckle before looking straight ahead at the gyms double doors face now showing no expression
~ translation: fool ~
“너만 빼고 모두 방에 서 나가” Kyung Jun says as he looks down at you causing your brows to furrow as you hear everyone run towards the door jumping a bit as he calls out to his friends
~translation: everyone leave except you ~
“Guard the door” Kyung Jun says before you hear their footsteps continue towards the door before the doors were closed as you try to take a step back but Kyung Jun grabbed your wrist before you could
As you try to pull your arm from his hold only for him to drag you behind him as you start to become a bit nervous .. yeah you could put him in his place but when you angered him, he had a way to put you in your place and you DID NOT want to get caught by any of your other classmates especially not your half sister , Yeon Soo .. she already hated the fact that you dated Kyung Jun and she would probably kill you if she knew you were sleeping with Kyung Jun
Panicking as he stops by a table that was left in the gym as you shake you head no , you REALLY did not want to be caught as he rolls his eyes clearly the annoyed one now as he picks you up placing both hands under your plump thighs siting you on the edge of the table as he grabs your neck with a tight grip causing you to grab his arm with one hand
“ you want to act like a brat I’ll treat you like a fucking brat” Kyung Jun says to you his voice now deep and laced with venom as your breath gets caught in your throat panties becoming soaked this was the first time you got him this pissed off and you would be lying if you said it wasn’t hot but you wouldn’t tell him that of course
Keeping his hand around your neck as his free hand moves to your shirt as he quickly pops each button on your uniform shirt face palming yourself in your mind since you didn’t bring a sweater or a spare shirt , yet Kyung Jun didn’t care popping your final button as his hand slowly moves down your exposed stomach slowly going down your skirt as he lifts your skirt over your thighs eyes scanning your clothed cunt as he lets out a deep yet dark chuckle seeing how your soaked panties were now sticking to your soaked cunt
Slowly rubbing your clothed cunt as he feels your wet juices over your panties causing you to let out a soft moan growing as he lets go of your neck for a minute grabbing your panties as he rips them from your lower body , slowly dropping to his knees as he pushes your legs open slowly rubbing your inner thighs as he lets out a loud groan
Moving one of his hands from your thigh as it travels to your dripping cunt stopping as he runs in fingers through your juices as you let out a gasp from his cold fingers causing him to smirk eyes never leaving your soaked cunt , laying his head on one of your plump thighs as he pushes two of his longer fingers in your tight hole pushes his fingers in and out of your dripping hole at a fast pace quickly covering your mouth as to not make to much noise since your voice echoed throughout the empty gym
Grabbing a handful of Kyung Juns hair as he lets out a chuckle ouch if your leg open more every time you tried to close them as he picks up his pace curling his fingers at your sweet spot causing your toes to curl as you try to shake your head no for him to stop as you moans became louder
As you look down at Kyung Jun would lifts his hand from your thigh eyes still locked on your dripping cunt as he gives you soft kisses around your soaked cunt before violently sucking on your clit dropping your hand from your mouth as you place it in his hair trying to push him away with your hands and you keep a tight grip on his hair letting out a loud moan as you feel a knot forming in your stomach
“K-Kyung J-Jun.. s-stop” reader moan out as you feel a sudden vibration run through clit as you hear Kyung Jun “hmm”
“P-please ..c-cum-..” before you could finish what you were saying Kyung Jun pulled his head away as you feel the felt your self cumming Kyung Jun takes his fingers from Troy dripping cunt giving you a shit eating grin as he stands to his feet face full of your juices as you feel your self shiver from his gaze
“Turn around and bend over the table 애새끼” Kyung Jun says in a deep voice full of lust as it echoes through the gym giving you chills
Quickly hopping off the table as you turn you back towards Kyung Jun bending over the table as your huge breast press against the table feet barley touching the ground as your plump ass was now in eye sight of Kyung Jun you cunt dripping with slick that now ran down you inner thighs as your legs were spend apart
Groaning as Kyung Jun quickly removes his belt and uniform pants as his boxers fell with his pants taking off his jackets along with his shirt as his harden cock now stood up with excitement too dripping with precum as he holding your hips stoping for a minute grabbing the back of your shirt as he careful rips it off your body in unbuckling your bra before pulling it from under you as you let out a soft moan from the cold table coming in pant with your exposed chest cashing your nipples to harden letting out a gasp as Kyung Jun pushes his thick cock in you tight cunt as he lets out a loud groan grip tighten around your waist
Without letting you adjust to his size as he normally would he started pounded in your soaked cunt as you let out loud moans feeling as he removes one hand from your hip grabbing at your neck with a tight hold as he slams the rest of his length in you right hole as you nails scratch at the table
“K-Kyung j-jun .. s-slow fuck” reader tries to call out as she feel Kyung Jun pick up his pace not caring about your begging as he removes his other hand from your hip for a second giving you a hard slap on your ass letting out a loud moan as it echoed throughout the gym before grabbing your hip slamming your harder against his cock
“ Shut up or someone might hear you brat” Kyung Jun groans out as you feel his cock head hit you cervix causing your toes to curl letting out a loud moan as you feel tears run down you face as the sounds of skins clapping loud moans and groans echoed throughout the gym nails scratching at the table as your eyes roll back from the pleasure yet embarrassment from being heard as you feel a knot form in your lower stomach body now shaking as you look at Kyung Jun over your shoulder who looks at you with a smirk
“What’s wrong” Kyujg Jun says as he lets out a chuckle
“Why so quiet hm.. don’t want the be a brat now huh” Kyung Jun groans out as he feels you tighten around his cock
“F-fuck..” Kyung Jun breathes out before taking his hands from your hip pushing your lowers back in to the table gas he keeps a tight hold of your neck causing your back to arch a bit more then it was feeling he cock pushes deeper inside your dripping cunt as your walls tighten feeling as he cock twitches inside you cunt
Letting out a loud moan as your eyes roll to the back of your head feeling the knot snap in your lower stomach as your feel juices drip on Kyung Jun would keep his pace as his thrust became more sloppy before feeling his mmm release his seed deep in your womb as you let out a moan feeling your juices mix as they run down your plump thighs after a few minutes of catching your breath you feel Kyung pull out of your soaked cunt as you try to stand to your feet only to fall to the floor
“Fucking Kyung JUN” Reader yells as she looks at Kyung Jun who gives he a grin before handing her one of his jackets once he was dressed
“I can’t go to my room like this .. I share a room with my sister and her friend Kyung Jun ..please” Reader says looking up at him with pleasing eyes as his grin never left his face
“Maybe you’ll think about that before being a brat , I’ll carry you” Kyung Jun says as he gets you dressed willing your with your totem shirt
“You want me to die huh.. my Yeon soo would kill me , are you listening” Reader says as she watches Kyung Jun throw out the totem shirt
“Not my problem brat let’s go” Kyung Jun says before pulling you on his back slowly walking towards the gym door
Letting out a sigh as you hide your face in his back thinking of excuses to tell your sister not seeing the grin that Kyung Jun held on his face as he walked with your out the gym and down the hall heading for your room
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heavens-moonlight · 8 months
Author’s Note: The following chapter will be where the misery starts but I wanted to build character and friendship dynamics here first. Updates won't be as frequent (because of one word: life) but I have pre-written a lot for this drama already so I'll see this work to the end! Hopefully this is enjoyable so far, and feel free to let me know what you think (or what you want to see in future chapters)! Until next time! ♡
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Your heavy palpebrae that moments earlier masked your vision in dimness, adorned with a trace of gentle sleepiness, slowly flutters open at the announcement, eyes emerging from the veil of unconsciousness. Finding yourself awakening with an overwhelming and unshakeable wave of trepidation washing over you, your chest tightens in palpable distress. The heaviness pales no less in comparison to the weight of an anvil sinking down atop your sternum, lungs punctured by bowed bones.
You sit there in a state of unease, mind racing with apprehension and discomposure, searching for answers to the troubling sensation coursing through your body. The sense of foreboding grips your heart tightly like an invisible vice, leaving you breathless and unable to shake off the unwanted feeling.
In a haste, you slide open the window beside you, the glass screeching against rubber weatherstrips expanded by scorching summer heat. Through the humidity, a light breeze brushes past, breathing air and life back into you. It's not hard to recognize the way your subconscious whispers insistently that something is amiss, the combination of uncertainty and uneasiness blending together into something you can't decipher.
Your hand comes to rest against your chest, heart pounding strongly and ceaselessly against your ribcage, almost as though wanting to escape from its confines. It sends you reeling, akin to an out of body experience. For some unexplained reason, confusion clouds your thoughts as you struggle to clear the thick shroud of fog encasing your entire being, the mist muddling and settling deep within you. A haunting sense of premonition creeps over as if some elapsed memory shares in its ominous secrets. Yet, try as you might, you could not uncover the source of this inexplicable anxiety. You're left clueless except for the empty feeling both in your mind and soul, like you have forgotten something important.
When your breathing returns to normal and your pulse has settled back into its regular rhythmic beat, you shake your head to clear it of the sudden upsetting thoughts. Only then do you realize you had fallen asleep at one point, head tilted back against the warm and worn peeling leather seats of the bus. The sound of loud conversations and even louder hum of the engine, the smell of smoke, and the bump of the vehicle's wheels on uneven pavement brings with it a gentle sway of movement that returns to you a sense of comfort you can't put into words.
Glancing down at your lap, you notice that you had left the entirety of a horror movie playing on your phone, the end credits having long since rolled endlessly, words drenched in red blinking cursorily across the screen. You rarely experienced nightmares, not even after indulging in disturbing content, and certainly not when it's broad daylight out still. So then, why now?
The sound of a book plopping down to the ground pulls you out of your reverie and you lean forward to pick it up, folding it closed to survey the front cover.
흰나비의 살인.
The White Butterfly's Murder.
You smile to yourself. It was so like Yoon-Seo to read a murder mystery on a school trip, the same exact one you had gifted to her only yesterday for her birthday. A love of thriller was what brought you both to be such good friends in the first place, and it didn't seem those like-minded interests would diverge any time soon.
"Yoon-Seo ah..." Scooting forward in your seat, you lightly tap her on the shoulder and she jolts upright, turning back to look at you, unreasonably startled, a shiver running down her spine. "What's wrong?" Your grin drops slightly at her growing restlessness, face now pale as if she had encountered an apparition. Her eyes shift back and forth, guarded for a microsecond before snapping back into her usual self.
Yoon-Seo takes noticeably deep inhales, drawing the attention of Jung-Won, her seat mate for the ride, who pauses mid-coding to look over, displeased.
"What did you dream of?"
"I'd rather not say."
"Han Seol-Hwa. Lee Yoon-Seo.” Jung-Won clicks her tongue teasingly, pointing a finger from you to Yoon-Seo. “I'm making it a rule that you guys stay away from blood, murders, and deaths this trip, alright?"
You roll your eyes good-naturedly. "Alright, I promise you eomma. No more nagging Yoon-Seo and I."
Jung-Won scowls at you playfully, pushing her glasses up higher on the bridge of her nose and you stick out your tongue in her direction impishly. Yoon-Seo laughs quietly at the exchange as you hand her back her book.
"Thanks, Seol-Hwa."
"Tell me all about it later when we've arrived." Despite muttering it under your breath to avoid being heard by Jung-Won, you fail miserably.
You and Yoon-Seo laugh together as Jung-Won goes on a tangent about how psychologically, scary things are not good for young, impressionable minds, fingers click-clacking away all the while. Fortunately preoccupied, she doesn't notice Yoon-Seo sending you a wink, a hidden promise between you two to indulge in the realm of the supernatural regardless.
A resounding and victorious scream travels all the way from the back of the bus and you turn around to observe the friend group seated there.
"See?! I told you all Yool was the Mafia! Let's play again," Eun-Ha says, arms crossed. "You idiots never listen to me, do you?" She slaps both Yeon-Woo and Eun-Chan on the back of their heads as petty punishment.
"What can I say? You simply can't kill the master." Yool leans back, legs thrown atop the headrest of the seat in front, a proud smile stretched across his face.
As they're about to commence another game, Jin-Ha gets relayed a message through Seung-Bin. "Tell them that Kyung-Jun is sleeping and to shut the hell up."
"YAH!" The random shout is so out of place and entirely uncalled for, but it's effective for the time being. "Kyung-Jun is sleeping," Jin-Ha parrots, obedient. "You guys are always so fucking loud that we can hear you before we can see you!" Met with blank stares all around, he's finally satisfied at the reduction in volume and goes back to looking at something Seung-Bin points out to him on his phone. Unbeknownst to him, the rest switch to eyeing him in disfavor behind his back.
It wasn't hard to see the hierarchy of the bullies' group, although Jin-Ha most likely doesn't notice anything wrong with the skewed power dynamics.
Kyung-Jun unpredictably opens his eyes, turning to glare at Heo Yool specifically, but when he swivels back around again, your eyes meet coincidentally and he simply stares, an unreadable expression on his face. You avert your gaze hastily, not wanting to stir up trouble with the bullies, especially not Kyung-Jun who was quick to anger if someone so much as breathed wrongly in his direction.
Your eyes search the rest of the bus lazily before landing on Jun-Hee, sleeping peacefully unaware, head tilted towards the window. The sunlight bathes him in a soft yellow glow and you can't help but stare as a single ray of light filters through the curtains, slanting lightly across his face. You etch every slope, every contour, and every dip of his countenance behind your eyes so that the image of him doesn't fade.
The comfortable rise and fall of Jun-Hee's chest, synchronized with his steady breathing is so serene that it captivates your heart. In high noon, the gentle curves of his face seem even more soft, accentuated by the calmness enveloping his features. Fondly, you observe him in the morning's bright golden haze, and in the beauty of the falling sunbeams, you wonder if he'd ever see you in the same way.
A rolled-up piece of paper hits you square in the face and you finally drag your gaze away long enough to see who it is. Whipping your head around, you're met with snickers from Hyun-Ho and Dong-Hyun, who don't even try to hide they're the culprits.
You're being obvious. Hyun-Ho mouths the words discernibly. Just sit next to him if you're going to gawk.
You chuck the paper ball back toward him and it smacks him in the mouth, your nose scrunching up in focus mixed with annoyance.
"I think that's the most creative way I've ever seen someone being told to shut up," Dong-Hyun voices approvingly, shooting you two thumbs up.
"Are you my friend or hers?" Hyun-Ho asks childishly, somewhat snubbed.
"To be honest, she can be more frightening than you at times even though she's half your size."
You giggle to yourself as the two start squabbling in their seats across the aisle from Jung-Won and Yoon-Seo.
For the most part, after having transferred to Yooil High, you were fairly well-liked by everyone for your just and nonjudgmental attitude. That, and you pretty much kept to yourself, stayed out of trouble, and knew not to dig your nose in other's business if it didn't concern you. You weren't popular by any means, but not a single person had a true reason to dislike you and you hoped to continue that track record.
By a stroke of bad luck, your parents died a few years ago in a car accident, and you've been living with your cousin Hyun-Ho ever since, adopted by your aunt and uncle-in-law. They have been nothing short of welcoming and loving, and the same goes for Hyun-Ho, who acts no less like your real brother. Sure, he's annoying at times but it's just his overprotective nature and ease of accepting the older sibling role. You got on quite quickly with Yoon-Seo and Jung-Won, and Hyun-Ho made sure you adapted to his own friend group, introducing you to his best friends Jun-Hee and Dong-Hyun. You loved your companions dearly, all incredibly close and inseparable ever since you could remember.
But you couldn't remember when you began to see Jun-Hee as more than that.
It's not the first, and it certainly won't be the last time you remind yourself of that fact.
Just friends. Nothing more and nothing less.
Except, you're not the only who was harboring feelings for him. Where you were quiet and discreet about it, So-Mi is loud and unabashed. It's hard to ignore and pretend you don't hear her snapping pictures of Jun-Hee shamelessly and without permission, the shutter ticking in quick succession.
"Isn't this crazy? It's like a photoshoot, right? How does he look like that? Even while sleeping?" So-Mi rattles off questions in awe, more to herself than anyone else.
Woo Ram doesn't miss a beat in his reply. "I'll tell Jun-Hee about your crazy obsession with him."
"Could you, please?" So-Mi widens her eyes, batting her lashes imploringly. "I'll use that as an opportunity to tempt him."
You hear Ji-Soo's laugh ring out brash and clear. "This delusional girl, seriously..." she chides. "You've been saying that since last year. When will you actually find the courage to tell him?"
That's the question you ask yourself also. You don't blame So-Mi. Sometimes, you think it might be better to not have been best friends with him. It only complicates your feelings further, too afraid to ruin years of friendship, but also too filled with wishful thinking on the mere possibility of it growing into anything beyond that.
Sighing, you turn to look out the window, trying your best to tune out their conversation even though it doesn't work. There's not much to hold your attention when the scenery is endless stretches of barren trees and even emptier infrastructure, or lack thereof, rolling by.
The setting sun dyes everything in a blaze of orange, making it appear as if the city was burning, the sky collapsing.
"Seduce him now," Yu-Jun taunts, voice giving way to his utter lack of confidence in So-Mi's coquetting abilities, knowing full well the impossibility that the two would ever end up together.
"Cut it out! It will happen soon...just not here." So-Mi tries to shush her friends as they holler at Jun-Hee teasingly, with all intent to wake him up.
Woo-Ram and Yu-Jun successfully manage to rouse him if the sound of So-Mi's indignant squeals is anything to go by, coupled with the unmistakable clicking of her phone's camera shutter, pressed by accident this time around.
Somewhere in between listening and musing, you had begun to doze off again when you feel the seat shift and sink beside yours. The movement is so light and careful that you don't pay it any notice at first.
"Hey, I thought when you flirt with someone, they're supposed to come to you and not away from you." Ji-Soo's snickers mix in with So-Mi's annoyed remarks aren't as jarring as you thought it'd be after everyone was subjected to the silent rule earlier.
You feel your head droop forward before someone touches the side of your face gently, fingers grazing the curve of your cheek to angle your head into the broad line of their shoulder.
The pads of their fingers trace the underside of your jaw in a featherlight motion, and you lift your face in alarm, curious as to who would do such a thing especially if they weren't necessarily close to you
Eyes trailing upward, your vision refocuses and they widen at the sight of Jun-Hee staring down at you, gaze soft and unwavering as he stares, transfixed, pupils shining. One hand is hanging in midair, held steady to shield your face from the sun.
You open your mouth to say something, anything, but no words come out, a frozen expression of surprise on your visage.
Jun-Hee's lips tilt slightly upward, the motion bunching his cheeks up, almost as if he was trying hard to suppress his laugh.
Pulling yourself together, you sit up properly and lean away from his shoulder. "Sorry."
You don't notice Jun-Hee's smile dropping imperceptibly and the light in his eyes dimming as you're no longer within close proximity. "Why are you apologizing?"
"It's nothing." The response is too dismissive even to your own ears as you can't conjure up an excuse for the sudden pretense, or for your outlandish behavior.
It would be quite a long bus ride, sitting next to each other, both not knowing what to say.
The space between Jun-Hee's eyebrows crease together in confusion, but he doesn't push the matter further.
You clear your throat awkwardly, shifting in your seat to sit on your hands. When did simply talking to him become so hard to do? You've hidden your feelings for years without problem, so why was it so different now? Those feelings changed and grew. "When did you come to sit here? Weren't you just sleeping earlier?"
Jun-Hee knocks his shoulder into yours, a teasing lilt to his voice. "You were watching me?"
"Pft, as if," You deny with lackluster confidence, scoffing. "I was just observing what everyone was doing."
"Right..." He elongates the word. "...And what I was doing was sleeping. That you watched." Jun-Hee looks at you again, a deadpan but knowing look on his face. Flustered, you duck your head only for him to mirror the movement, subtly leaning his own toward yours and trying to catch your eye. It ends up with him chortling as your forehead nearly collides with your knees in the slouched over position you had subjected yourself to.
Knowing full well you were being made fun of without a hint of malice, you twist your body sideways and lean your back against the window, turning to him with a glare. "Is this fun to you?"
As he laughs, you find yourself wanting to follow suit, but stick to the bit of maintaining your mock angry façade, slapping him on the arm. If anything, he continues to chuckle, barely flinching, finding your reaction rather amusing.
"Don't worry. I promise I didn't sneak any pictures." It quickly registers to you that he was clearly teasing So-Mi for earlier. You can't help the scandalized look on your face, cheeks puffing out as you try to hold in your laugh. "I guess you did notice a camera being pressed up to your face, huh?"
"Kind of hard not to with all the noise." He shakes his head in annoyance. "But I am still sleepy." Jun-Hee pulls your arm so that you're pressed against his side again, no semblance of space remaining between the two of you as he lowers himself, sinking further down into the seat, eyes shut and head now leaning against your shoulder.
"Let me borrow your shoulder for a little while."
You're about to pull away, thinking he's playing around when his grip tightens on your arm.
"Think of it as returning the favor from earlier. We can call it even."
Making a vague sound of neutrality but not moving, you relax, and Jun-Hee lessens his hold, adjusting his position to be more comfortable. "Are you going to watch this time too?" His hand squeezes your forearm once.
"Dream on," you kid.
"Maybe I will," he answers with certainty. "Until it becomes reality."
"I didn't know you were this affectionate with everyone."
"Not just anyone. Only you," Jun-Hee mumbles, tilting his head further into the crook of your neck. His lips move dangerously close to the juncture of your shoulder, your pulse point centimeters away as he shifts around, finding the most relaxing spot to rest.
"Don't say things you don't mean." You can't bite your tongue fast enough as the words tumble out unprompted. That was supposed to be an inside thought no one else should be privy to but yourself.
"Who says I don't mean it?" You tense up beside him, at a loss for words, but Jun-Hee doesn't point it out, more than not nice enough to ignore it for your sake. "I'm self-proclaimed as your favorite." He bumps his knee against yours. "I know you better than anyone else."
"Do you, though?"
"...Of course, I do."
But you don't know that I'm already halfway in love with you.
"On what basis, mister?"
"Best friend privileges."
You stare down at the top of his head, Jun-Hee unaware of your blatant staring and the way your smile fades at the same time one appears on his face.
"That's acceptable, no?"
"Of course, it is. Best friends. That's what we are..." You trail off.
And I guess that's all we'll ever be.
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Hours later, the sky has since darkened and you can see the visible outline of the full moon on high, light not concealed by the stars weakly glimmering to illuminate the night.
Most, if not the entirety, of the students on the bus were asleep, except for you and your two lovable, but mischievous best friends sitting in front of you.
Yoon-Seo and Jung-Won peer over the back of their seats like cute meerkats, only their eyes visible, phones raised suspiciously in your direction.
"You're welcome in advance," Yoon-Seo says cheekily, showing the widest grin you've ever seen on her, eyes crinkling as Jung-Won stifles her laugh behind her hand. At your persistent eye signals, they sink back down into their seats, satisfied after overfilling their camera rolls.
As the bus slows down, indicating that your class was nearing your destination, the road gradually begins to get rougher and bumpier. It's a surprise Jun-Hee still hasn't woken up yet, sleeping soundly away still leaning on you.
Deciding to mess around with him, you slightly pivot your body so it's facing him, leaving enough room for his head to not fall off your shoulder.
"Jun-Hee," you call, tilting your head down in front of his.
"Jun-Hee ah." The bus is rocking him, lolling his head forward along with the movement, his face nearly downturned.
"Wake up, sleepyhead." Your shoulder is no longer acting as support when you turn your face directly below his and peer up, tilting your head like he had done to you miles back, smiling at his obliviousness to the harmless prank, peacefully undisturbed in his slumber.
"Kim Jun—" The bus lurches abruptly, running over a speed bump the driver misses, and your words die in your throat as it jostles Jun-Hee's body forward and consequently his head toward your own, his lips meeting yours. The next slope in the road, and the fleeting press of the accidental kiss fades away, but the butterflies in your stomach refuse to settle.
You're motionless, eyes wide, hands immediately coming up to touch your lips where they're still tingling from the lingering imprint of Jun-Hee's lips against your own, barely registering just how close his face is to yours still, remaining asleep all the same.
"Kids, we're here!"
Your teacher's announcement snaps you out of your thoughts and you hurriedly sit back as Jun-Hee's eyelids sluggishly part, the first thing they focus on is you. He grins drowsily, and you wonder what can truly fix the irreparable damage to your heart.
Get a grip, Han Seol-Hwa.
Forcing a smile that you hope isn't as awkward as it feels onto your face, you decidedly withhold the truth about the incident.
"That was the best sleep I've had in a while," Jun-Hee tells you, leaning closer to be heard over the ruckus of everyone moving around in their seats, wanting to alight the bus the moment it stops.
You scoot back reflexively with your face aflame, still not over what had happened.
Jun-Hee also pulls away, worry mixed with bewilderment evident on his face. "Are you alright?"
"What do you mean?" You cringe internally at how guilty the tone of your voice comes out.
"It's just..." Jun-Hee regards you for a moment, studying your face as you avoid his searching eyes. "You've been acting a little weird since this morning."
"I'm tired is all," you lie through your teeth.
"If I—"
Suddenly So-Mi appears next to the two of you in the aisle, eyeing you up and down judgingly. "Jun-Hee, the teacher said he wants to talk to us."
As Jun-Hee gets up but doesn't reply, you swiftly scoot out of your own seat and attempt to scurry away to where Yoon-Seo and Jung-Won are waiting for you by the wheel, wanting to avoid the dreaded conversation you knew was sure to follow.
So-Mi dismisses your presence completely, standing into the empty space between the rows in an effort to block Jun-Hee off.
His eyes count your steps and before you can move even a feet away, he grabs ahold of you, fingers wrapping securely but tenderly around your wrist. Your pulse quickens beneath your skin, and you wonder if he can feel how rapidly it bounds under his touch.
Jun-Hee appears a bit dejected for some reason you'd rather not dwell upon. You gaze down at his grasp on you before turning to face him.
"Didn't you hear me?" So-Mi interjects, trying to make him focus on her by stepping into his line of vision, but his eyes remain fixed only on you. "Seonsaengnim needs both of us for something."
Your fingers graze Jun-Hee's as you slowly remove his hand, much to his reluctance. To the bitter distaste of So-Mi, he doesn't seem like he'll go along with her any time soon. She directs her glare at you once more, and you sigh quietly, not wanting to be in the middle of this interaction one bit.
"I'll see you later Jun-Hee."
"Wait—" He tries to grab your hand again, but So-Mi is quick to turn his shoulder away, making up filler dialogue.
Given the slip unintentionally, you speed walk toward your friends, and the three of you descend the steps. You feel Jun-Hee's stare burn through the back of your head yet refuse to turn around.
Maybe if you leave everything that happened on the bus and the thoughts along with it, you'll go back to being yourself soon enough.
The teacher is pacing the edge of the curb looking perturbed, voice frustrated as he speaks into the phone, the person on the other end not comprehending a single word.
Before you can tune into what he's saying, Yoon-Seo taps you on the forearm, whispering, "Have we been here? Why do I feel like I have? It's so familiar..."
"All the youth centers look the same," Jung-Won settles, rummaging through her backpack. "Yoon-Seo, Seol-Hwa, I'm heading in first. See you inside."
You wave to her as Yoon-Seo stands beside you, unmoving and gazing up at the third-floor window of the building.
"Yoon-Seo...?" You move your hand back and forth in front of her face, and she finally blinks, her gaze returning to normal.
"What is it?" she responds absentmindedly.
"That's what I should be asking you." You halt at the blank expression on her face staring back at you.
"I thought I saw something..." She points at the window but when you look, squinting against the dark to focus your eyes, all you can see is the white curtains billowing back and forth from the window barely cracked open.
"It's only the wind. Your mind is probably playing tricks on you." Yoon-Seo seems assured by your answer for the time being, nodding. You rap on her head lightly with a loose fist, mock admonishing. "Aigoo, Miss Detective. The books are taking over your imagination."
Yoon-Seo laughs and shoves you playfully. "Don't act like you don't also live and breathe all things horror."
"But I'm not the one seeing things, am I?" Raising your eyebrows at her teasingly, Yoon-Seo simply rolls her eyes and links her arm with yours.
"Come on, let's go. It's cold out here, and I want to see the rest of this place."
The two of you enter the lobby, and the first thing you take note of is the pure white marble statue of a girl, sitting atop a pillar and staring down into nothingness, eyes soulless and devoid of emotion. It’s melancholic in a way, a personified goddess, yet alone and ostensibly powerless.
"Yoon-Seo, don't you think those eyes remind you of anyone?" You fix your gaze on the figurine closely, examining the features etched haphazardly into the rock. Whatever intention the sculptor had, you couldn't find the purpose for the seemingly out of place decor.
Yoon-Seo nudges you. "Now who's the one with the wild imagination?"
"I'm being serious here."
"I don't see any resemblance to anyone we could possibly know. There's no informative plaque on who it may be either."
You shrug. "Maybe it's just me then."
"Aren't you two going to scan?" Jung-Won ushers you and Yoon-Seo toward the flyer:
[ sᴄᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ǫʀ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪ-ғɪ ᴀɴᴅ ɪɴsᴛᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʏᴏᴜᴛʜ ᴄᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ᴀᴘᴘ ᴀᴜᴛᴏᴍᴀᴛɪᴄᴀʟʟʏ ]
"This place has an app? What for?" you question.
"Hmm, I'll just stick to this paper booklet they have instead." Yoon-Seo decides quickly, rifling through the readily available printed maps.
"You'll have to lead me around," you say in all earnestness. "I'm very direction disoriented."
Jung-Won doesn't even try to hide her smile. "We can tell."
"It's not my fault I was born like this." You dramatically fall back onto Yoon-Seo. "Would you two really lead me astray as my best friends?"
Yoon-Seo giggles behind you. "No way. We saw how dazed you were getting off the bus earlier. You need all the help you can get."
Jung-Won snickers, shaking her head while dragging you and Yoon-Seo through the double doors of the gymnasium where the rest were gathered.
Everyone is off scattered into their own respective friend groups, your trio throwing your backpacks haphazardly on the floor before sitting against the wall of bleachers yet to be pulled out.
Jun-Hee and So-Mi enter shortly after with the teacher, engaged in a discussion. You look away before they can notice, and focus on the girls attempting to practice for their performance instead, Woo-Ram filming their efforts. Joo-Young pushes Mi-Na out of her spotlight and steals it openly, not that Woo-Ram minded. If anything, he holds the camera ever-sturdier, a newfound excitement apparent this time around as he zooms into her face. His happiness is short-lived however, as Kyung-Joon turns off the speakers nonchalantly, forcing the girls to start over from the beginning, much to their irritation.
Despite what you decided on earlier, you can't help but throw glances over in Jun-Hee's direction. He's seated at the table reserved for school council members by the entryway, overlooking everyone as So-Mi talks his ear off, undeterred by his indifference.
"Stop staring. You're going to wear away his pretty face," Yoon-Seo jokes from your left.
"I wasn't staring," you reply back half-committally, knowing she's caught you in the act.
"You totally were," Jung-Won joins in, slowly leaning her head on your right shoulder. "Let me borrow your shoulder while I code."
"If she's allowed, I should be too," Yoon-Seo copies, mirroring Jung-Won from your left side.
"Careful, that one's Jun-Hee's. You'll have to wait your turn, Yoon-Seo."
"Oh my god," you groan, embarrassed, hiding your face into your hands as the two laugh beside you, kicking your feet from both sides with theirs. "You two are merciless."
"Are you going to deprive me of the best sleep I'll ever have?" Yoon-Seo snuggles closer, hugging you tightly to her.
"Yah! Lee Yoon-Seo!"
You had the intention of taking Jun-Hee off your mind by hanging out with your friends, only for you to see bits of his personality in Yoon-Seo, their long-time friendship having had them taking on one another's mannerisms.
"I'm using my best friend privileges." Jung-Won pats you on the knee. "Stay still."
As Yoon-Seo and Jung-Won squish into you from both sides, you can't help but giggle at the sheer absurdity of the reenactment and their dedication to coming up with jokes on the fly. You try to fight back the onslaught of laughter, but it's entirely pointless in their presence. Traitorously, your eyes crinkle in mirth, half-crescents resting atop your cheeks as your laugh tinkles in the shared space, making the other two giggle along, shaking with glee where they're pressed against you.
Jung-Won eventually caves and sits up properly when all the hooting you and Yoon-Seo are doing keeps rattling her laptop, messing up her coding. A permanent smile sits on her face though, watching you two bicker.
"Jung-Won, help, I need my inhaler. I can't breathe from laughing so much," Yoon-Seo gasps out, holding her stomach.
"I'm not getting it for you."
"I can't believe you would tease me at the expense of your asthma." You push Yeon-Seo away, sniggering as she goes back to clinging onto your arm and laying her head back on your shoulder.
Jung-Won turns to look at you and Yoon-Seo briefly, her eyes shifting to the side momentarily, a ghost of a smile settling on her lips before she resumes attention to her laptop. "Don't look but Jun-Hee is watching."
Right as she says that, you make to move your head, but Yoon-Seo expects it and holds your chin in place with her hand, pinching your cheeks playfully.
"I said don't look!" Jung-Won chuckles.
It throws Yoon-Seo into another fit of giggles as you try to speak through your puckered lips. She releases her hand quickly after, and you drop your head to lean on the crown of hers, giving up.
You elbow Jung-Won in her side. "Were you messing with me?"
"Why would I?" she says innocently, typing away.
You look at her pointedly. "Yeah, you totally wouldn't."
Jung-Won holds her hands up in a motion of surrender. "I'm not this time, really. Seeing So-Mi angry is my favorite past-time."
"So mean," Yoon-Seo sing-songs.
"And you had no part in this?" You poke Yoon-Seo in the cheek. "Who told you to have an annoyingly cute and kind best friend?"
"You mean you?"
"You know what I mean."
"It's true."
"Guess I'll have a crush on you instead."
Yoon-Seo chortles with laughter. "So, you do admit you like him!"
"I didn't say that!"
"I read between the lines."
“It was one line!”
"This really sucks," Jung-Won says off-handedly, scrolling through the app. "I can make something like this in a day."
"Huh?" Yoon-Seo inquires, lost.
"You really didn't scan the QR code earlier? It was installed automatically. Give me your phone. I'll do it for you."
"No, it's okay. I'll get by. It's a short trip."
"I wouldn't put it past Yoon Seo to carry around the paper map for two whole days," you jest.
"Careful, you can't even navigate well, Seol-Hwa."
Jung-Won snorts at Yoon-Seo's jab.
"You got me there. If you tell me to walk back the way we came from I'd probably end up walking in the opposite direction."
Yoon-Seo shakes her head in fond disbelief.
"I'm not getting any signals in here." Jung-Won holds her phone up high, arm stretching.
While you watch as Jung-Won moves her device around to figure out the cause of the lost signal and no connection to Wi-Fi, Yool rushes past, making a mad run for the storage room. Adjacent to the bleachers where you and your friends were sitting, he flings the door open with purpose and digs through the contents of the room. Various apparatus gets upended from their designated places, the speed and sheer amount of hiking gear, equipment for ball sports, as well as other items meant for the gymnasium flying out from the doorway is nothing short of the effects in a comedic cartoon. Knowing how much of a jokester Yool was, you pay it no mind and turn back to the task at hand.
You pull out your own phone to try and locate even one bar of cell phone service, only to be met with the message that the vicinity was an unserviceable area. "That's weird. We're not in a remote place or anything like that. What happens if the power goes out, then?"
Right as you say that, static from the speakers produces head-splitting screeches, causing everyone to recoil with palms over their ears in annoyance, the lights flashing once before cutting out.
With everyone fearing the worst, a few remain unmoving while screams of the rest bounce off the walls, echoing in the spacious room. You and Yoon-Seo however, have no reaction, more curious than anything else.
"Why did you turn the lights off?" Someone you can't put a name to probes in the dark. "Turn them back on!"
Following in haste after one another, the students make good use of their phone flashlights, aiming it at the court's center, revealing a figure cloaked in white standing as clear as day amidst the obscurity of the room.
While the majority cower in fear, clutching onto their friends, Hyun-Ho imperturbably throws a basketball at the unknown prowler, knocking them over in one go.
The white sheet is flung off theatrically, and out crawls a disheveled but cackling Yool.
"Aish, seriously," Hyun-Ho admonishes. "Quit goofing around."
Kicking the blanket to the side away from his feet, Yool raises his hands up in the air dramatically, acting to the end. Not a single person has managed to find the overhead lights in the meantime, the only ones illuminating the outline of his thin frame were the stage bulbs operating on a different circuit.
"While I have your attention, you guys have to listen up," he begins conspiratorially. "I heard a harrowing tale that's been passed down to everyone who steps foot into this building." Yool looks from one classmate to the next, more serious than he's ever been. "They say a female high school student took her own life here." He continues on as gasps and murmurs spring up around you. "There are things you absolutely can't do." He waggles his pointer finger dramatically for emphasis. "Don't look back after glancing in the mirror past midnight, and ignore it even if someone were to grab your ankle while you are asleep. If you don't follow these rules..." Yool pauses for staged effect before walking in broken steps like he’s possessed, arms and legs bent in odd angles, rushing straight toward the dancers still seated on the floor.
Shrieks pierce the room as someone manages to flip the lights on again with perfect timing, ending Yool's one-man show.
Jung-Won clucks her tongue while you and Yoon-Seo look at one another. You were expecting her to be as nonchalant as you were, all her readings considered, but she's staring straight ahead, spooked.
"Earth to Yoon-Seo?" You touch her hand and she flinches, causing you to jump as well from her unexpected reaction.
"Huh?" She whips her head toward you, still zoned out. "Sorry." A forced smile settles on her face, an infrequent sight to her usual bright demeanor. "Don't worry, it just felt like deja vu for a minute."
"You said something similar earlier. Are you sure you're doing okay?" Your voiced is laced with worry.
"See, this is why I told you two to tone it down with the heebie-jeebies. You're only scaring yourselves." Jung-Won pats your head and then Yoon-Seo's in turn. "We should go to our rooms anyway. They all have too much energy they can't wait to waste away," Jung-Won states, gesturing to everyone milling about.
"Let's go?" You pull Yoon-Seo up, and she nods in return, reassuring you that she was finally present and not off and away in her thoughts.
As the three of you leave, your ears perk up at the last thing you hear Yool say.
"Did you guys really believe it?" His sentence is cut by a boisterous laugh, pleased to no end at the affirmative from his friends. "Eyy, come on now, it was just an innocent and fake joke. None of us are going to die. Not tonight and not for a long time to come."
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© 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨, 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭. 𝐀𝐥𝐬𝐨, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞.
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boysssofthemonth · 8 months
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౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ Masterlist
Legend: ♡ fluff; ⛆ angst; ʚɞ completed; ✧ series; ✩ one shot; 𐙚 possible extra parts
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Rafe Cameron
🌙 If We Had It Our Way ♡⛆✧
🌙 Unavoidable Tragedy ⛆ʚɞ
🌙 To See You Again ♡𐙚
🌙 Crush [coming soon] ♡
🌙 Boyfriend Texts ✩♡
🌙 Snapchat BF ✩♡
🌙 Daily snaps from Bf!Rafe ✩♡
🌙 Daily snaps from boyfriend!Rafe part 2 ✩♡
🌙 Bestfriend!Rafe ♡✩
🌙 Texts with classmate!Rafe ✩♡
🌙 Assignment partners to lovers ♡✩
John B Routledge
🌙 Snapchat BF ✩♡
🌙 Late Night Phone Call ✩⛆
JJ Maybank
🌙 Teenage Love Triangle ⛆✧
🌙 Ocean Blue ♡
🌙 Best Friend Texts ✩♡
🌙 Snapchat BF ✩♡
🌙 Roommate! ✩♡
🌙 Soft launch ✩♡
🌙 Late Night Phone Call ✩⛆♡
🌙 Daily Snaps from Boyfriend!JJ ✩
Night Has Come
Cha Woomin
🌙 Snapchat BF ✩♡
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teddy divider by @baexywth
158 notes · View notes
staysinvegas · 9 months
2023 dramas have really changed my perspective of what I find attractive.
Me: I don't really find "older men" that attractive yknow like I'd prefer someone my a-
This mf:
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Me: I don't like dense characters. Especially if they're also super possessive like talk-
This mf:
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Me: Alright red flags are fine but I cross the line at betraying friends that's just-
This mf:
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Me: I don't like characters whose entire personality is being a bully like get a li-
This mf:
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Me: ..........ok
193 notes · View notes
randomlifex · 8 months
He gave you his sweater
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Go Kyungjun x fem!reader
Plot:so pretty and talented, always in everyone’s thoughts…but what happens when Wooram confesses his feelings? Someone’s not happy about it…
This story is based on two requests: req 1-req 2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No lessons, students running from a classroom to another with boxes and decorations in their hands. It meant only one thing:concert day!
Like every other year, your school had organised a concert to celebrate the beginning of the winter break.
It was rehearsal day, and you were particularly nervous since, apparently, you were the main performer of the night.
Your music teacher used to say that your talent in singing and playing piano was a blessing from even together with your graceful beauty, so he had decided that you would’ve been the star of the event.
You greeted a few of your classmates approaching you as soon as you stepped in the school hallway; then you ran to the theatre where everything was already set.
“Hi yn!” Wooram smiled at you when he saw you sitting at the piano
“Hi” you replied
“Are you ready for tonight?”
“Yes! Just…a little nervous” you fixed your hair, starting to play.
You were so lost in music that you didn’t notice the boy grabbing his camera and starting recording you; nor you noticed how he was mesmerised by your movements.
It was nothing new, to be honest, that was everyone’s reaction anytime they saw you playing; however you had never bragged about it nor made it your biggest flex. You were pretty down to earth and all you cared about was your passion.
A passion that, apparently, lead everyone to you…including the bully of the school: Go Kyungjun, whose attitude softened anytime you smiled to him or simply said hi.
So, when he saw you playing, he couldn’t avoid stopping by to enjoy a preview of the concert. His mind was lost in your music; his eyes followed any single swish of your hair and movements of your hands, even the smallest, even the least noticeable shake of your shoulders.
You looked like an angel, he thought, and his heart was beating so fast. Everything was perfect, there was only one detail off:that jerk of Park Wooram staring at you with the eyes of a puppy who had just fell in love.
Nauseous and mad, it made Kyungjun nauseous and mad. He knew half of the boys had a crush on you, but he didn’t care that much since they were all too shy to approach you, including Wooram. Or at least, that was what he thought; his mind had changed not that long ago when he noticed how he slowly started to be constantly around you, helping you anytime you needed something and making you laugh all day.
Kyungjun’s jaw clenched thinking at a possible love story between you and a boy who wasn’t him, especially if the boy in question was Park Wooram. You deserved way better than a frog who thought he was special just because he owned a camera.
“Brilliant!” Wooram exclaimed as soon as you had finished playing, making Kyungjun startle.
You bowed, smiling and thanking your classmate who stepped on the stage to talk to you.
“I think you’re ready for tonight”
“I’m not sure actually, I’m so scared to mess something up”
“You don’t have to worry -he put some strands of your hair behind your hear- you will nail it”
“Thank you” you said, sneezing
“Are you okay? Be careful or you’ll get a cold! You have to perform”
“Oh it’s okay, don’t worry. It’s just cold in here, that’s why I sneezed” you laughed
“Got you” Wooram smiled, taking off his sweater to slide it on your shoulders.
At the sight, Kyungjun stepped in the theatre, faking a cough.
“Kyungjun!” you waved at him, making Wooram turn around. You couldn’t see it, but a disappointment expression had just appeared on his face
“Am I interrupting something? -the bully glared at the other boy- I just wanted to compliment you”
“No, it’s okay -Wooram said- I’ll talk to you later yn. Do you mind meeting me during lunchtime? I’ve got something important to tell you”.
You nodded, greeting Wooram who walked away.
Kyungjun looked at him, then he turned to you:
“My hoodie’s warmer than that… you know” he cleared his throat
“It’s okay, I’m almost done here anyway, I’ll come back later during the evening, but what about you? What are you doing here?” you smiled, resting your chin on the palm of your hand. Kyungjun gulped, pretending that everything was fine, but there were so many things going in his mind at such a pretty sight.
“Nothing to be honest, I stopped by because I heard you playing”
That comment made your heart flatter. Everyone was scared of Kyungjun, but with you he was always nice. He wasn’t a sunshine, nor the friendliest or least intimidating person on earth…but between you two there was something that clicked.
“I understand. Well, I can play again for you before meeting Wooram -you paused- I wonder what he has to tell me” you furrowed your eyebrows
“You can’t imagine it?” Kyungjun mumbled, without looking at you
“Excuse me?” you asked
“Nothing. Let me hear you one more time”
You sighed, playing your song again; then, once you were done, you met with Wooram.
You were sitting at the desk of an empty class when the boy appeared. He greeted you with a smile and then sat next to you.
“Hello -you bit your sandwich- thank you for the sweater” you gave the object back to its owner
“Anytime you need”
“What do you wanna talk about?” you asked
“Well…it’s really important to me” he held your hand.
In that moment something inside you clicked as fear started growing:how could you not understand that?! The jokes, the compliments, the sweater…“fuck” you thought, how could you get out of that situation without hurting him? You were sure Wooram had feelings for you, but you didn’t have any for him. Maybe for someone else…but just maybe.
“Are you sure we have to talk about it right now then? You know it’s a busy day, I don’t have that much time…” you tried to get away with an excuse, but you failed
“It won’t take that long yn, I just need to tell you the truth -he breathed in and out- I really like you…and not in a friendly way, if you get it. I can’t get you out of my mind, you’re always so beautiful, talented and kind. I love you yn, and I’ve been thinking about this for a while:would you like to become my girlfriend?” Wooram leaned in, waiting for your answer.
What the fuck could you tell him now?! Thoughts started rushing in your mind, they were as fast as horses running a race:you could barely catch one.
“I…I need to think about it -you unwillingly spat out- you know we haven’t been that close for so long…I need to know people well before rushing into a relationship” you hoped he understood,avoiding being hurt; and, most of all, you hoped he would’ve forgotten about that stupid idea…but it never happened.
In the next days he kept texting you, asking if you had an answer, or if he had to do something more to know each other better. The situation was getting stressful, so stressful that you ended up venting with the first person you had around: Go Kyungjun. The two of you were pretty close after all, so it came out naturally…but so did his reaction.
“Oh really? You didn’t expect that? Don’t act dumb yn” the boy scoffed, he was mad
“Excuse me?! -you raised your voice, thankfully no one was around- how could I get that?!”
“Really?! Like…do I have to explain that to you?! Didn’t you notice how he looked at you? Or that constantly being nice? Come on, no one acts like that with someone they don’t like”
“That’s bullshit! Everyone is nice to me,what am I supposed to think? That everyone is in love with me?” you crossed your arms, rolling your eyes
“Bingo! Welcome between us little yn!” Kyungjun growled, mumbling something against Wooram after that
“What have you just said?!” you demanded
“You heard”
“No, not that stupid idea of yours, the thing after that”
“Spit it out”
The brunette rolled his eyes:
“I said that I can’t stand him. He’s a fucking idiot”
“There aren’t many people that you like Kyungjun, it’s nothing new”
“No you don’t get me…he really gets on my nerves. He’s just an annoying jerk who feels like God while recording the first thing he sees. Embarrassing” his jaw was clenched and his arms crossed.
You stared at him fir a while, giggling as soon as you understood everything.
“Are you jealous of Wooram?” you demanded
“Me? Jealous of him? Freaking hell,no”
“Then why you hate him so much? -you paused, stepping closer- come on, tell me”
“I just hate his attitude. As I said before, who he thinks he is?! Even when he gave you his sweater. That was so dumb, he’s not your boyfriend…he’s just an idiot” Kyungjun scoffed, shrugging his shoulders. He didn’t realise what he had just said, it took him a while, but then he realised he had fucked up.
You tilted your head, laughing; then you connected all the dots:
“Are you jealous of how he acts with me? No way! You really are!” you exclaimed
“I am not”
“I’m not jealous of him. Why would I be?!” Kyungjun rose his voice
“You tell me!” you bit back.
The silence fell in the classroom as your eyes were chained to the boy’s, the tips of your noses almost brushing against each for how much close the two of you were.
“So?” you suddenly whispered, Kyungjun bit his lip
“Nothing” he faked it again.
You rolled your eyes, giving up
“Whatever -you mumbled- I’m done wasting time” you turned around, ready to leave, when Kyungjun grabbed your waist, making you sit on the desk.
“Where are you going?” he asked, you faces were, once again, extremely close…so close that you could feel his warm breath caressing your cheeks
“Dealing with Wooram, what am I supposed to do? He’s been texting me nonstop. I’m t-“
You had no time to end the sentence that the boy slammed his lips against yours. His thumb rested on your chin while his free hand slid up, along your thigh, resting on your hip
“There’s one thing you have to do- Kyungjun whispered with his lips stained by your pinky lipstick- tell him that you’ve got a boyfriend and he shouldn’t mess with him”
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myjlla · 8 months
Love languages
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Pairing ✮⋆˙ Go Kyungjun x Reader
✮⋆˙ Also it's my first time publishing my work, so I hope you'll enjoy reading it!! Lots of love and stay healthy!
"✮⋆˙ Kyungjun and his love languages"
Acts of service
I don't think Kyungjun is a very vocal person so his no. 1 love language will be acts of services. Ties your shoes, pays for dinner - must be always on him, never lets you drive - passenger princess love, walks you home.
I feel like the boy knows the sidewalk rule.
If you attend the same school or class he will be the one to carry an extra pencil for you or give you a sip of water from his bottle. This man loves you very much and shows it always with his actions.
Physical touch
Even though I said he is not vocal about his feelings I think he loves physical touch. Needs to have his hand on yours or your thigh if you are sitting next to him. While walking sometimes puts his hand on the small of your back to guide you. That's his way of showing other boys that you are his.
Plus love when You give him physical affection, and that you want to show the others he is yours.
Quality time
Here I have two options. First is when you two are with other people, he tends to be his mean person type who is protective. But when you are together alone.. then you have the opportunity to see his cooler side maybe a little bit silly, chill side, and that's good - he is comfortable enough to show his colors to you.
Receiving and Giving gifts
I don't know why but I have this gut feeling that Kyungjun is from a wealthy family, so he does not have any problem spoiling you with different types of gifts - often "just because" gifts like flowers or a bracelet.
He is neutral about receiving gifts himself, but if you decide to show him love that way he will remember this forever.
for example, when you come back from your home city you give him a matching bracelet - from now on he never takes it off.
Words of affirmation
Like I said before man has problems with communicating his feelings with words, he is the one to say "I love you" first but then he feels this type of a border and can't say anything else. Please make him feel comfortable!
✮⋆˙ julliet
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divineei · 9 months
TOOTM  one. to keep a promise
! ko kyungjun x fem!reader
a/n. this shit took so long omfg. whoever said writing was easy can suck my nonexistent left nutsack.
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"i don't get why this is even a discussion."
"oh, cmon! you don't think the conflict around it is interesting?"
"whether its interesting or not doesn't matter because this shouldn't be an existing argument. if your partner or someone you love commits a murder and there's serious evidence pointing back to them, how could you just act like it's not even there?"
"dude, you're missing the point entirely. the question is not about what you would do in that situation, it's about what you should believe."
"that's so stupid. the only factor you should need is evidence. it doesn't matter if the accused is a long time friend, your partner, or even your child. sure, your judgment on their character is still relevant, but if their fingerprints were found at the crime scene there's just no way you can objectively ignore their culpability. at that point, you should either believe your partner is guilty or at best remain undecided."
"in that case, would you say that following the evidence is morally required?"
"you don't think there might be other ethical factors to consider?"
"for example?"
"even though the evidence is strong, there's still a chance they might not be guilty. imagine how it would feel like to be innocent and have no one believe you, not even your own partner! by not supporting them you run the risk of seriously hurting them on a crucial time of need. and consider what this lack of trust would do to your relationship. could you really go on after seriously suspecting–and believing–they're a murderer?"
"are you saying you'd rather ignore the crimes of your partner, even when the truth is staring you in the face, just for the sake of love?"
outside of the ethical dilemma resonating through yoon yn's headphones, the girl shifted around on her seat. her limbs felt numb from remaining unmoving for so long and, even though the only companion by her side was her bag, the compact space paid no mercy on her back. 
after finding a comfortable position she set her eyes on the view outside the window. sunlight hued over the fields of grass and the occasional farm, making the rural landscape imitate a painting in motion shaped by the most gentle brush strokes. the scene felt so engrossingly peaceful, she could almost feel the gale caressing her features despite the glass separating her from the world. 
yn couldn't help but thank the scene–and the long lasting battery of her headphones–for giving her something to focus on, seeing as the ride to the resort her class was directed towards had resulted to be such an otherwise tiresome one. 
an obnoxious voice popped yn's bubble in spite of the maximum volume she'd set for her podcast. distracted by the sound she turned to glance at the very back of the bus, where the students grouped up at the last row of leathered seats frowned in unison at heo yool–who mocked them with the cheekiest grin one could imagine. judging by their sullen looks, yn figured the citizens had lost yet another round of mafia, a game they'd been playing for who knows how long.
she recalled when her classmates had urged her to join the game the moment she stepped into the bus, which she declined, prioritizing her tranquility over the headache she knew they'd give her, yet promising she'd join in the next time. 
after figuring out the source of that ruckus yn set her focus back on her podcast, purposely missing the eyes of the guy she'd been avoiding to the best of her abilities for days now.
just a few rows behind her, kyung jun's eyes never left yn as she disappeared between the sea of heads flooding the bus, and his scheme of intentionally leaving the space by his side unoccupied for her came to mind, especially remembering how his grand plan backfired when that fucking basketball-star-wannabe gave up his seat for her.
that annoying prick just couldn't get the memmo, couldn't he? to him, hyun ho had always been a nuisance; a pest that treaded on yn's heels at every chance he got–even when she used to hang onto the feared delinquent's arm.
"they're so loud," kyung jun muttered. he'd been trying to settle down the bittersweet echoes of his mind since the start of that damned school trip, in vain, since the blaring voices behind him made the flare that was his temper even harder to quell than any of those memories.
luckily, he needn't lift a single finger to make the commotion stop, and he was able to get some peace of mind thanks to his lackeys acting as spokesmen for his aggravation. 
on the other side of the large vehicle, kim so mi sneakily took pictures of the class president. 
"hey look, isn't he gorgeous?" the vice president called, showing what was sure to be one of her new favorite pictures to her friends seated behind: park ji soo, cha yoo joon and park woo ram. "doesn't this belong in a magazine? how can he look so gorgeous?" so mi repeated with a dreamy sigh, looking at her screen.
"i will tell jun hee tomorrow that you took a photo of him," woo ram threatened with a playful smile.
"oh yeah? what if i tell yn about all the videos you have?" so mi replied, pointing at the camera that always hanged around the guy's neck. 
"please do, maybe i'll finally seduce her."
"oh my god," exclaimed yoo joon, "you are so delusional."
"why?" he lifted one of his hands in response to the very serious offense.
"dude, you barely talk to her."
"woo ram, you have the same chances of getting with yn as me and yoo joon of breaking up." ji soo stated.
the guy in mention glanced at his girlfriend, seemingly unaware of the joke. "that's zero, right?" question to which ji soo only rolled her eyes.
"i don't care what you say," woo ram brushed off. "i know she's the love of my life."
"ko kyung jun!" called out so mi.
like a tiny animal trying to save itself from a threatening predator, woo ram jumped to the empty seat by his side, hiding from the vandal's peripheral as much as possible while the rest of his companions laughed.
"fuck, kim so mi!" he cried out, "you trying to get me killed?"
"relax, he's not even looking," revealed the vice president with a cheeky smile.
as if they'd rehearsed it, the four students turned around to catch ko kyung jun's eyes still set on yoon yn, and by the looks of it, he didn't have any plans to cease his staring.
"not seeing them together is kinda weird," yoo joon pointed out.
"does anyone know why they broke up?" so mi asked to her peers, who all looked at each other expecting an answer none of them had.
"whatever," dismissed ji soo, "yn is better off without him anyway."
"yeah, she's been around us a lot more since then." agreed so mi.
"i bet kyung jun barely let her talk to us."
"right? he looks like the controlling type."
"i would never treat her like that." acknowledged woo ram, making his way back into the conversation only to get beaten back down by the three others.
the time inside the bus seemed to work differently than the rest of the world. minutes and hours mixed up in a disorienting spectacle that at least seemed to follow the sun setting over the horizon. 
when they finally arrived to the resort, the only source of light were the numerous lamps adorning the streets and the inviting shine of the building before them.
with the bus door finally opened, the students of class 2-3 thronged the exit with overwhelming excitement. the trip had been longer that the teacher had promised and everyone was ready to get comfortable on their temporary rooms. of course, that included yn, who unfortunately had to wait for the rest of her classmates to take their suitcases out of the loaded trunk since her luggage ended up dropping to the back during the ride.
after everyone collected their belongings, the girl was able to retrieve her case at last. it was somewhat heavy but the tiny wheels at the bottom made it easier for her to slide the valise out of the bus' compartment. taking out the retractable handle, yn rolled her suitcase for at most six steps before someone else got ahold of it.
"what are you doing?" she questioned, but the guy simply walked away while pulling her luggage along and up the stairs.
"kyung jun." 
at the sound of his name, he stopped. walking towards him, yn stood right between the entrance and the suitcase-stealer. 
"what do you think? i'm helping you."
"i can do it myself." yn chided, staring him down harshly.
kyung jun had received many looks like that one throughout his life. from parents, teachers, students... they were all identical, ranging from disappointment to resentment and back. he was used to it. it was his day to day, how could he not be? yet he never imagined the same eyes that used to watch him with so much endearment would scrutinize him so cruelly. 
"you used to love when i carried your stuff." he reminded her, scanning yn's face for a spec of something–anything–he hoped could save him from the pain her gaze struck him with.
the girl let out an exasperated sigh. why couldn't he leave her be? why was it that, no matter how much she wanted to distance herself, he always found a way to squeeze back into her life? 
yn grabbed the handle of her suitcase and pulled. she wanted to leave, to get away from his side and free herself of his piercing eyes. unfortunately his strength surpassed hers, and she was forced to stay as he kept his grip.
"can you let go?" 
"yn," he asked but the girl just focused on the luggage he kept hostage. "can we talk?"
"about what?" she sneered, speaking with as much disdain her troubled feelings allowed.
"you know what." 
once again, she sighed. his antics were so infuriating; always pushing down the barrier she tried to put between the two. 
"not now."
"then when?" he instantly snapped back, then took a deep breath to stop his grating tone. "you always say that but then you ignore me for days."
"look, i don't have time for this." for the second time, she attempted to retrieve her case. "i promised i'd help with the preparations for the class picture, so–"
"oh, c'mon," and still, he pulled back. "since when do you care about this school-spirit-bullshit?"
he was right, yn never involved herself with whatever activities the school came up with. time and time again, they'd skipped so many classes as to not get involved with all those school projects they both deemed as meaningless, deciding to spend their mornings strolling around parks and nearby shopping districts instead. but that wasn't an option anymore, and yn needed some way to blurr the images that kept torturing her with the agonizing nostalgia of a broken relationship.
"promise me we'll talk. tonight." 
"sure," for the third time, she attempted to take back her luggage. but his answer was the same.
"no, yn. promise me."
with every fiber of her being, yn summoned the last shreds of her patience and met his gaze. his eyes held her captive, beseeching her in silence to unravel the troubles he was willing to share with no one but her, and the hypnotic pull of his gaze weakened her willpower to resist.
"i promise." she reluctantly gave in.
as kyung jun finally released the carry-on, yn didn't even bat an eye before snatching it up and walking away. however, as she made her way into the resort center, she couldn't help but feel frustrated with herself for falling for his tricks. all the effort she had put into avoiding him seemed to have gone down the drain so quickly, leaving her feeling defeated.
not wanting kyung jun to catch up to her, yn rushed inside the building. 
warm lights illuminated the vast entrance, composed by a lounge area with leathered sofas that accentuated the beige walls with brighter colors and a water dispenser conveniently placed next to the cushioned seats. at the center, a beautiful statue engulfed by faint blue lighting towered over everything below. the perfectly crafted marble giant was impossible to miss, looking like a still guardian watching over the resort's grounds. yet that didn't stop yn from overlooking the sign with the qr code needed for the resort's wifi and facility app.
following the arrows pointing out the way towards the elevator, yn got in and pressed the button labeled dormitories. the heavy doors slid and shut before the steel cage trembled, signaling its vertical movement. suddenly, the girl felt the air tighten inside her chest, twisting her lungs in a way that seemed to strangle them. oxygen got caught up in her throat as images of cables snapping and an imminent fall to her death plagued her mind. in, out, in, out. yn's breath increased as rapidly as tidal waves when the lights malfunctioned and in between flickers, she saw a dark figure out of the corner of her eye. 
the moment she snapped her head back to take a look, a faint bell announced the door sliding open. taking in the air as steadily as she could, yn grabbed her suitcase and escaped the cage of death. frightened and disoriented, she questioned if what just concurred has been a quick fever dream or reality. and if it wasn't, why did her mind torture her like that? as far as she knew, never in her life had she experienced something that'd cause this crippling fear of high spaces. so why...?
she shook her head and brushed off the uncanny feeling, dismissing it as a consequence from the tiresome trip and forcing herself to focus on finding the room she shared with ahn na hee and kim so mi, who'd invited her with overwhelming coercion. compared to the elevator ride, figuring out her way to her dormitory was a piece of cake. the girl left her stuff in an empty corner and took the stairs down towards the gymnasium. there, instead of getting scolded by the teacher like she expected, what greeted her was a plethora of different activities performed by her classmates. 
in the middle of the room, a group of students flawlessly danced to the rhythm of the songs reverberating from a large speaker, followed by lee joo young and choi mi na silently fighting for the spotlight, and being interrupted by ko kyung jun, who apparently had nothing better to do than to mess with their practice by turning off the music while his two loyal followers, shin seung bin and kim jin ha, played a very dedicated match of ping-pong.
on opposite corners of the gym, jin da bum, choi joo won, lee yoon seo and oh jung won were consecutively separated in two pairs, all conversing with their respective best friends. up on the second floor, cha yoo joon and park ji soo, who never seemed to stay away from each other, watched from above. on the stage, band members im eun chan, nam yeon woo and baek eun ha dabbled with their instruments to make sure everything was perfectly in tune. lastly, jang hyun ho and kim dong hyun busied themselves by organizing all the sport equipment laying around.
"yoon yn!" called kim jun hee from a large set of tables surrounded by the other members of the student council which, of course, included kim so mi and her friend ahn na hee.
with no sight of their teacher around yn walked stress-free to said table, although not before catching park woo ram pointing his camera right at her, which made the guy hastily turning to film someone else. 
"you're here," the class president stated. "we thought you got lost or something."
"sorry, i got caught up with something." yn replied. she didn't really care about these preparations, but she did promise to help, and yn wasn't the type to use that word lightly.
"yeah! i was going to text you but we've been so busy preparing everything." so mi ranted, sprinkling salt into the wound.
"i can see that," yn commented, deciding to ignore so mi's backhanded scolding.
"what happened, though? did you really get lost?" na hee asked. 
"no, i got stopped by kyung jun."
"oh, right. he was a bit late too now that I think about it."
"is that jackass bothering you again?" hyun ho, who'd come closer to the table just as yn approached, joined in and put a hand on her shoulder.
"no," yes. "everything's fine."
truth be told, yn would rather drop dead than having to deal with kyung jun. however, she knew that telling her classmates about it wouldn't lead to a positive outcome. after all, the only person who had the courage to confront the delinquent was hyun ho, and, given their history, yn was certain his involvement would only make matters worse.
in another area of the bustling gym, the noticeable trio of vandals were causing a ruckus in the corner. as they tossed a basketball back and forth, jin ha hurled the ball at kyung jun, who was too busy gawking at yn's arrival to notice. the ball smacked him right in the chest–a painful reminder of how his focus seemed to always follow after her. 
"shit, my bad!" jin ha exclaimed.
their leader squatted to grab the ball at his feet and got back up only for his gaze to fix back towards the girl who constantly distracted him and, of-fucking-course, hyun ho standing right next to her, as always. the sight made his blood boil and his knuckles turn white as he clenched the basketball in his hands, while his rapid heartbeats deafened any coherent thought telling him to settle down.
seeing this, jin ha and seung bin looked at each other before the latter sighed and came closer to his friend. throwing one arm around his shoulders, he spoke:
"why don't we go outside, man? get your head out the gutter."
"yeah," kyung jun agreed, seeing seung bin was clearly trying his best to support him. perhaps he was right, some air would probably do him good right now. "let's go." was the last thing he said before disappearing through the gymnasium's exit, just in time to miss the teacher entering from the other side.
after informing the class presidents about a problem regarding the other bus full of students set to accompany them on this field trip, he left, clearly in a panic because of the unexpected turn of events.
in the meantime, most of class 2-3 remained in the gymnasium. no more than a few minutes went by before the dancing group, who now were fixing their hair and makeup while sitting on the floor, called yn over. ever since they found out about her break up, the girls had been offered her to go out again and again, an opportunity they took to invite her to join their club with not-so-subtle comments. 
"oh yn, you should hang out with us more!" were the kind of utterances she always received from the class' cheerleaders.
mi na had insisted on brushing yn's hair. taking the empty stop in front of her classmate, she felt the bristles effortlessly flowing through the roots of her hair to its ends. the conversation was an amicable one. the girls often taking their time to butter up yn and saying how cool it'd be to have her in their club–until the self proclaimed hairdresser decided to dive into something she'd been curious about.
"hey yn."
"yeah?" she answered, eyes closed while enjoying the soothing sensation of the hairbrush.
"why did you and kyung jun brake up?"
mi na found herself at a loss for words when she faced the disapproving and critical stares of the entire group. why would you ask that? their glares yelled in silence, making her feel like she just made a terrible mistake.
"that's between him and i, mi na." yn abruptly ended the change of topic.
why did they break up? that's a question she'd been asked countless times ever since her classmates took note of their separation. a query yn remembered avoiding like a plague, long before this trip. only this time, a strange, guttural discomfort buried into every corner of her brain as she noticed a spec of something missing, unable to put together if the same evasion came as a reflex or because she couldn't answer it herself.
"right," mi na's shame, reinforced by the brutal glares of the other girls, took over her face as her cheeks flushed. "sorry."
luckily for her, just as her face morphed into a cherry tomato, a painful ringing roared through the speakers before the absence of light engulfed the high schoolers in deep darkness.
"c'mon! what is this?" one said.
"what's going on?" asked another.
"hey, turn the lights on!" resonated a voice from above.
a loud clang similar to a metal pipe hitting a hard surface echoed over the four walls, followed by the piercing shrieks of several people. helping themselves with the flashlights provided by their phones, the students revealed a white figure in the middle of the room.
"quit joking around." before any more screeches could be heard, hyun ho launched a basketball to the sheeted ghost, making it fall to the ground just as pathetically as your average cartoon villain.
with the precision of a well-rehearsed act, the room was suddenly lit up, revealing the mischievous culprit behind the childish prank. and lo and behold, it was none other than heo yool.
the collection of complaints from everybody present synced in a perfect expression of annoyance and the occasional insult. 
"guys, listen carefully." the class clown™ gathered his classmates' attention as he stood from the ground. "i've heard that, a long time ago, a high school girl killed herself here," he explained, playing the role of a surprisingly talented storyteller. "so there's a few things you should never do: don't look at the mirror and turn around at midnight. and if someone grabs your ankle when you're sleeping, don't look down. if you break these rules," he turned to the group of dancers. "a ghost will pop up!" dashing towards them with the form of a rogish halloween scare actor, he was met with the frightened squeals of the girls.
yn, whose interest in the paranormal had never been deep enough to scare her, grabbed mi na's hairbrush and hurled it towards heo yool. an action that encouraged the rest of the class to throw everything they had at hand, along with some despicable remarks and the teasing laugh of the insufferable rascal.
defeated by heo yool's stunts, the students decided they've had enough as one by one they exited the gym. 
"are you coming, yn?" so mi asked.
the girl nodded before answering, "i'll be there in a minute. i want to get some water first."
at the entrance, so mi and yn parted ways. she approached the water dispenser and took one of the cardboard cups provided by the machine. ever since the lights of the gymnasium had turned off, the girl noticed an unusual taste in her mouth that reminded her of her frightening fever dream at the elevator. she felt it at the back of her neck: something eerily creeping behind her at every given moment. was it possible that heo yool's story actually got under her skin? trying to brush off the uncanny sensation, yn took a sip from the refreshment in her hand.
the call startled her, making the water get caught up in her throat. she coughed and patted her own chest as the liquid scraped its way down her larynx, like a tiny bug trying to escape a spider's web. once able to compose herself, yn glanced towards the voice.
"im so sorry!" joo won panicked in a stutter, "i didn't mean to do that, are you ok?"
"im fine." she wiped the water from her lips with her long sleeve. 
joo won and his companion standing behind, da bum, stared at her in silence.
"do you want anything or...?" 
a simultaneous no and a yes echoed trough the entrance, followed by a confused frown from the girl and whatever silent conversation the two guys were displaying with their eyes. 
"do you think maybe you could," joo won took his sweet time to mutter his next words, as if scared. "talk with kyung jun?"
"excuse me?"
what the fuck...? did kyung jun put them up to this?
"we just, well," the spokesman of the duo halted. "we gave some money to his friends a few days ago and we just don't want to bother them."
"so you bother me?" 
"no, no!" da bum spoke promptly and grabbed his friend's arm, pulling him along as he took a few steps to leave. "it's ok, yn. we won't bother you."
joo won released himself from da bum's grasp and walked towards yn. "please," he pleaded, holding one of her hands tightly with both of his. "he'll listen to you."
right as her heart started beating with enough sympathy to care for their situation, the front door opened. seung bin, jin ha and kyung jun walked into the building, the latter playing around with a basketball.
the three delinquents would've kept their saunter if it weren't for yn's presence, which made the group's top dog stop in his tracks. his companions did the same and all stared at the situation unfolding right in front of them. kyung jun's eyes stayed on the hands holding yn and after noticing his threatening glare, joo won leaped away from her.
"what's going on?" asked the fearful leader.
"you owe them money?" yn countered, her eyes flickering between the trio.
"what?" the blonde one laughed, brushing off the accusation. 
"they do!" joo won blamed, but instantly went back to his helpless self when met with the bullies' threatening scowls. "please, i just need it for my tuition."
the firm glare of the girl pierced through the tough act of the tamer vandal, making him drop his facade as he approached the feeble boy, closed fist in the air.
"fuck, man! we're on retreat, why are you asking us for money now?"
"yeah," seung bin joined in, defending his friend. "what are you, a loan shark? we told you we'd give you interests. give us some time, dipshit!"
kyung jun, who'd only taken the role of observer until that moment, put down the basketball he held and intervened to slap both of his lackeys' heads. "did you do sports betting again? huh?"
like scolded puppies, seung bin and jin ha faced the floor as they stepped aside.
"da bum," he called, and the guy lifted his head to stare at the bully. "did you lend them money too?"
"huh?" as kyung jun stalked closer, da bum's heart raced faster with every step. his eyes frantically scanned the room, desperately seeking any distraction from the intimidating figure slowly closing in on him. "yes. but i can wait for my money. there's no rush." with a lump in his throat, da bum braced himself for whatever was coming next.
"how much?" kyung jun's open hand grabbed the side of da bum's face, forcing the terrified boy to look right at him. "ill pay you back."
"you will?" da bum stuttered.
"of course," his grin turned into something sinister, which allowed only da bum to see because of their proximity. "in return play basketball with me, yeah?"
he faintly smacked his victim's face twice before coming up to yn. "everything's alright here, yn. see? no need for this." kyung jun reached out to hold her hand but she pulled away before any contact could be made. 
was she really so revolted by him she wouldn't even let him touch her? accepting his defeat, kyung jun hid his hands inside his jacket's pockets. 
"right," yn looked at da bum and joo won, who were currently being pushed around by the other two, before turning back to kyung jun. "in that case, i'll get going." 
"you're not coming with me?" just as yn started to walk away, his words pulled her back in.
"i'd rather not."
"are you sure?"
with a swift nod, kyung jun signaled seung bin and jin ha to go ahead and, bringing along the poor students they were about to torment, they disappeared down the hallway.
they were left alone, just like kyung jun liked it. only them, with nothing and no one around to interrupt their precious time together.
not a single second did he stop looking into her fiery eyes, which only seemed to hold a hostility that antagonized his own devoted regard.
"it's almost midnight."
both held each other's gaze, which kyung jun took as an invitation to step towards the girl. he stopped right in front of her and, unfortunately, yn's heart betrayed her mind as she internally screamed for it to cease its raising beats. 
kyung jun's hands raised to yn's face, completely forgetting her previous rejection. for a second, he thought of apologizing, since she'd made it clear time and time again how much she now despised his presence. but how could he apologize for something he was barely conscious of? he couldn't help himself, not when she was merely inches away, not with her. maybe if he insisted–if he didn't give up–she'd finally understand why staying apart was never the world's plan. 
"you promised me. remember?"
his hands were close. so close he could feel his fingertips grace her cheeks, a touch so minuscule, yet enough to make his skin crawl with anticipation. 
he was too close. 
yn stepped back just as she felt the fleeting spark. she would be dammed if she ever allowed him to touch her again, in more ways than one. or at least that's what she told herself as she fell right into another one of his tricks. kyung jun knew her well; too well for her liking. and with such measly words she found herself helplessly cornered by her own self-discipline and morals.
fucking bastard.
up in the vast dormitory area of the resort center, different groups of people were each caught up in their own conversations, without a single care in the world or the impending sinister feeling hanging over their heads like an invisible wrecking ball about to crash and destroy every single thing they ever cared for.
in her room, lee yoon seo was finally able to lose herself in her novel when her phone pinged. slightly annoyed by the distraction she took a closer look to her home screen, which displayed an app in process of downloading.
"i told you i didn't need this." she showed the screen to her roommate.
"it wasn't me." jung won answered, just as astounded.
our perspective changes and now we observe a group of various students, all gathered in one room. the class couple, the cheerleaders and members of the student council all sharing snacks and stories between them in perfect harmony until a knock interrupted. 
"come in!" allowed the vice president.
"hey guys," the door opened, reavealing hyun ho accompanied by his best friend, dong hyun, who stayed on the hallway behind him. "has anyone seen yn?"
"how come you don't know? you're always following her." mocked woo ram before taking a handful of chips from one of the various bags scattered around the room.
"you're one to talk." ji soo muttered, which provoked woo ram to throw a scrambled napkin her way.
"i'm serious." hyun ho replied, "i've tried texting her but this wifi doesn't even work."
"she told me she was going to get some water, isn't she downstairs?" just as so mi finished her sentence, one by one every phone in the room chimed.
notifications spread throughout the resort like a 14th century pandemic, resonating around every room as if imitating the never ending bells that announced the beginning of the end.
back in the gymnasium, joo won stood shaking below the basketball hoop with his friend by his side, eyes shut tight as neither dared watch the nearing hit from the ball.
"joo won, stay right there." kyung jun sneered as he prepared himself to throw. he looked up, targeting the net as he bent his knees, faked a jump, and sent the ball right into the boy's stomach.
joo won kneeled in pain, groaning and grasping his abdomen with both hands in his best attempt to soothe the aching sensation puncturing his body.
yn watched the situation unfold as she sat on the rubber gym flooring, otherwise cold if it weren't for seung bin's zip-up laid out below her. it had been kyung jun who'd instructed the blondie to give up his hoodie, since yn declined on taking his own. not a single word was heard from the girl ever since stepping into the gym as the trio took turns tormenting their two victims, until now.
"i didn't come here for this, kyung jun."
almost ten minutes had passed and she was still waiting for kyung jun to approach her and start the conversation he so adamantly pushed onto her.
"c'mon yn, let me give it one more shot."
he must've lost his fucking mind, thinking he had her wrapped around his finger to waste her time in such a way. fed up, yn got up and snatched the basketball out of his hands before throwing it away. it rolled towards jin ha, who immediately picked it up to quite the sound of the bouncing that only seemed to raise the tension of the ex-lovers' quarrel.
yn opened her mouth to give kyung jun an ultimatum, a last opportunity out of her remaining patience, when a sudden ding emitted out of her skirt's pocket. she would've payed no mind to it if it weren't for the other five identical sounds that propagated right after.
each person in the room took out their phones and faced their screens, which displayed a virtual envelope eagerly waiting to be opened. 
TAP TO VIEW YOU ROLE, read the text below.
"wasn't this the resort's app?" asked jin ha, to nobody in particular.
resort's app? 
she never knew about any app.
"mafia?" seung bin laughed from his spot at the floor and showed his screen. "what's this about?"
"what the fuck is this?" kyung jun mumbled with a frown, clearly confused.
yn brought one hand to the back of her neck as the abnormal sensation from minutes ago reappeared. goosebumps started breaking out throughout her skin and every cell on her body seemed to tremble uncontrollably while she stared at the little black mirror on her hand. which, as she would soon find out, reflected the last version of herself with any shred of purity.
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🏷️ @flaneurpastel - @jwijii - @watamotee33
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© to @divineei on tumblr; do not repost or steal
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muntitled · 5 months
Idk if this is the bully trauma talking but I am a submissive whore for any manic and bloodthirsty bully in literally every show
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zenxvii · 9 months
hellooo can you make a kyungjun fic where it is a happy ending😭💢 thank you sm
Hiii! Okay okay okay sorry for the last one here’s a happy one🙏🏻
Character: Kyung-Jun x fem!reader
Kdrama: night has come
!!: thoughts are in italics
🫶🏻: -
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y/n pov
I walked thru to corridors making my way to my classmates. Jun-Hee hd told me to come down and meet others.
I arrived down seeing I was the last one there. “Now that everyone is here I think we have a solution how to survive.” Jun-Hee started and many heads were turn to his way.
“We know that if we vote someone dies, but if we don’t it should guarantee nobody dying.” What a stupid plan. We can’t be 100% it would work.
“What do you mean. We can’t be sure no one would vote! What is someone votes in secret!” A girl from our class said and I nodded along.
“We’ll gather the phones so nobody could vote.” “What if the holder changes their mind and votes!”
Some people against Jun-Hees plan and others with him. “Shut up! For once the class president has a good idea.” A voice stopped everyone.
Kyung-Jun walked with his minions following him. He walked in the middle with a yellow dumpster(?) “Be reasonable and listen when I’m being nice.” He told and glanced at everyone his glaze stopping at me.
“We’ll put our phones here so nobody can take then and put the bin in the middle.” He said and started to walk around getting the phones with his minions telling everyone the be quick.
I was the last one and he looked straight at my eyes. “Put your phone here princess.” So annoying.
I sighed and handed my phone.
The yellow bin was put on the middle with white clothing around it and nobody didn’t have permission to cross over it.
I could sense everyone being tense and just waiting the clock tick. It was 11.50pm and the ten minute wait would be like hell. I sighed and decided to sit on the ground tired from all the standing.
I eyed everyone, people were quiet no one talking. It was a bit too quiet for my liking, but I didn’t feel like saying anything when everyone was so tense.
11.55pm the five minute wait still there. It felt like eternal waiting for the clock strike 12. I played with my thumbs just waiving them around waiting for the time pass.
The five minutes had now passed even tho it felt like hours. Nobody moved. “We did it!” Someone yelled as the clock struck 12.01am. Now everyone was hugging each others and smiling.
I let out a breath of relief even tho I had a feeling this wasn’t over yet. When people were celebrating the fucking purge sound started again. I knew it.
“Players must identifyand vote out the Mafia!”
“Players must identifyand vote out the Mafia!”
“Players must identifyand vote out the Mafia!”
“Players must identifyand vote out the Mafia!”
People tried to go for their phones but were stopped by the class president telling them it may not mean they would die.
It was before a body fell. And another one.
“For breaking the rules Lee Soo Bia and Park Ji Hoon have been eliminated.”
“Lee Soo Bia and Park Ju Hoon were civilians.”
People were in shock just standing there nobody moving. I had fell into a complete shock, the bodies had fell just few meters from me.
I was still on the ground as I saw the red spilling towards me. Now the purge sound had gotten louder and the lights turned to red.
Everyone were rushing to find their phones to vote. I couldn’t do anything because of the shock. I just sat on the ground.
I knew I needed to find my phone so I used all the strength that I gad and pushed myself off of the ground and started to look for my phone with a wave of people looking for theirs.
The bin had fallen and all the phones were scattered around the ground as people were panicking. I couldn’t find my phone anywhere. I started to panic. More and more people started to get eliminated and some to vote.
I felt a hand tug me. “Haven’t you found phone yet!” Kyung-Jun stood in front of me. “No!” I yelled at him with a slight panic in my voice. “Fuck.” He muttered and started to look for something. I’m gonna die.
I saw as Kyung-Jun motion his minions over and said something to them and they all started to look for something. There!
I saw my phone in the floor but just as I tried to grab it someone accidentally kicked my hand and my phone in the same. “Fuck!” I cried out in pain and watched my phone slide. I held my hand in pain. It was a strong and hard kick.
Just as I got up to get my phone Kyung-Jun was standing in front of me with my phone nodding to Jun-Ha who was standing were my phone hand sled.
“Vote!” He told me and shoved my phone to my hands. I yelped as he shoved it to my hurting hand. “But for whom!” I said I didn’t have tome to think and I couldn’t think straight.
“Vote for me. Now!” Was all he said as he opened his phone too.
I gulped and voted.
“l/n y/n voted for Go Kyung-Jun”
“Go Kyung-Jun voted for l/n y/n”
I felt my heart pounding in my ears with all the ringing from the purge sound. My hand was hurting bad. I used my flashlight on my phone and saw my hand turning a bit purple. Fuck.
Many people had voted and the timer told us it was time.
“Baek Eun-Ha vill be eliminated with the most votes of 10.”
“Baek Eun-Ha was a civilian.”
“I told you it’s not me!” The girl screamed I turned my gaze to her. She cried on the floor looking straight ant So-Mi.
She cried and cried, yelling at people who voted for her telling them she was telling the truth.
I looked back at my hand and saw Kyung-Jun looking it too. “That’s bad.” He said and shook his head with anger. “Yeah.” Was all I could say. “Sorry.” I said and leaned my head against Kyung-Juns chest.
He didn’t say anything but slightly wrapped his one arm around my shoulders. This might’ve looked weird to others. Me leaning on him. But to us it was okay. I guess.
The ‘lullaby’ started ringing and I felt my body going limp and my eyes closing.
I woke up the next morning. My hand sore as I opened my eyes I saw Kyung-Jun in front of me with his eyes closed. He looked peaceful. His hand was supporting my head. what a lucky way we fell.
I sat up and poked him. People started to wake up with groans and some sobs. Kyung-Hun sat up and immediately stood up after to go to his minions.
I looked at my hand seeing it purple, it wasn’t broken. But a big bruise on it. It was sore and I couldn’t move it much, but it was good that it wasn’t broken.
- (sorry i’ll skip the morning😞)
I arrived at the cafe after Kyung-Jun had told me to meet him there. Jin-Ha neither Seung-Bin weren’t there. “Why did you wanna meet?” I asked just standing at the door. “Come closer I don’t bite.” He said and motioned a chair next to him.
I sat next to him. “Ah! I never got to say this. But thank you, you saved my life yesterday.” I said and looked at him. He didn’t say anything but pulled a med kit under the table and sat it on the table.
“Show me your hand.” He told me and I did. I showed my hand to him and he gently grabbed it. “You should be more careful.” He said and wrapped a bandage around my hand. He was surprisingly gently.
“Thank you again.” I told him as he was finished with the wrapping. “Don’t fall for me now.” He said and patted my head and left. I just might..
yes yes I know kinda copied the hyun-ho and na-hee scene but it was just so cute😞🙏🏻
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rotblut · 10 months
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Kyung Jun & So Mi in Night Has Come (2023) dir. Im Dae Woong
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junkobato · 10 months
Upcoming Kdrama December 2023 💚
1/12: My Man is Cupid with Jang Dong Yoon, Nana, Park Ki Woong. 16 episodes; rom-com, fantasy. Trailer
1/12: Sweet Home 2 with Song Kang, Lee Jin Wook, Lee Si Young. 8 episodes; horror, sci-fi. Trailer
2/12: Welcome to Samdalri with Ji Chang Wook, Shin Hye Sun. 16 episodes; rom-com. Trailer
4/12: Night Has Come with Kim Woo Suk, Choi Ye Bin, Lee Jae In. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery, horror. Trailer
9/12: Maestra: Strings of Truth with Lee Young Ae, Park Ho San, Lee Moon Saeng. 12 episodes; music, thriller, mystery. Trailer
15/12: Death's Game with Seo In Guk, Park So Dam, Go Youn Jung, Kim Ji Hoon. 8 episodes; thriller, fantasy. Trailer
20/12: Like Flowers in Sand with Jang Dong Yoon, Lee Joo Myung, Kim Bora. 12 episodes; rom-com, youth. Trailer
22/12: Gyeongseong Creature with Park Seo Joon, Han So Hee, Wi Ha Joon. 7 episodes; Action, Thriller, Historical, Sci-Fi. Trailer
30/12: My Happy End with Jang Nara, Son Ho Jun, So Yi Hyun. 16 episodes; thiller, psychological. Trailer
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What a great way to end the year!
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