#tho maybe it's not high enough since she still somewhat trusts everyone
sylviareviar · 1 year
Easily missed - @phantomuheist
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"Oh, it's okay, really. It's not unique to Japan. At least here, people are interested for a second before turning away. Honestly, it's been much better here than it has at home. People are fascinated that my manners are so bad, and then they lie and tell me my Japanese is great. It feels good to pretend I'm accepted as a member of society, even for just a year."
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"I just don't wanna cause you any trouble, Senpai. Thank you." She didn't give him a proper answer about hanging out. She didn't know what rumors could possibly circulate around someone so good-looking and studious, but all she knew about him was that he was a year older than her (evidenced by the pin on his lapel), and that he had a few friends he hung out with in his own grade-- er, his own year. Two blondes (one dyed, she was pretty sure), plus a third-year too, right? The student council president? Either way, if she befriended him, she'd be interfering. That was something she learned early on in life.
Once kids made their cliques, there was no going back, and asking to be friends would be an invasion of their privacy and an insult to their self-respect. If she was good enough, she would've found friends herself a while ago, just like everyone else. But if she butted in now, she'd destroy their dynamic. He was only offering to be polite. That's how things often were in Japan, she found (and it wasn't unique to here, but it certainly felt amplified by a thousand).
Always be aware of the space you share with others. Put others above yourself. She had to be aware that this senpai didn't actually want to be friends with her; he was just offering to be polite.
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"I appreciate the offer, Senpai, really I do. But I'm sure you're busy, and I wouldn't want to take up your precious time. Thank you, though. I will be alright."
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
hei hei heii :p
since mr. gojo is god-like powerful, i’m wondering, how it would be for gojo to have a twin sister with same powers (six eyes, weird push and pull thingy) he has. how the jujutsu society would react to this, other characters? what do u think?
A twin sister? God forbid. I saw a female Gojo fanart yesterday (don't remember where though) and completely lost it...
in case this is tl;dr: Basically.. chaos. But also unconditional love.
Two of them walking around? With those looks? That would call for natural selection, everybody who’s weak to their looks will die on the spot adsadjhadsk Model scouts will swarm them left and right, I can see it in front of my inner eye.
Jokes aside. I can imagine the Gojo family trying to hide the fact that Gojo has a twin sister who possesses the very same abilities. Or present her to everyone on a silver platter for pride reasons. After all, the Gojo family now possesses two living nuclear power stations, a shift that inevitably makes them the monopoly of overpowered cursed techniques... if they weren’t already. If you think Gojo’s birth alone was already historic, then the birth of twins must have set the world on fire.
There are two possible scenarios for enemies/curse users: Either enemies of the Gojos will seek out the twins to kill them (or at least one of them) while their abilities aren’t fully matured or enemies will cower in fear. Undoubtedly, they will be targeted more than Gojo as standalone, in canon, is. Perhaps there might even be a rise people who can use jujutsu and maybe even a rise in curse users because you know, the world has to re-balance itself somehow.
When it comes down to dealing with higher-ups: I can imagine the sister either being compliant with the policies (but still hating them) or be like Gojo. In the latter case, welcome to hell @ all higher ups, all of you deserve it. As Gojo said in canon, they’re in for a world of hurt but with the twin sister around who might even share his views? Make it twentyfold. The sheer amount of pressure those two could exert, just by simply being present, is no joke. Why does the sister also hate the higher ups? Put simple, she has the exact same experience as Gojo himself. Perhaps even with the same people.
Gojo’s students: They love her. Even if she has a similar personality to Gojo, somehow everybody loves her more. I call it tiddy privilege but anyway /j It comes as a surprise first and Yuji will definitely think Gojo found a really really really high-quality cosplay or something? Nobara vibes with Gojo’s sis so much, plssss, they love each other. As for Megumi, he knew beforehand because Gojo and his twin sister used to take turns training him, if possible. She’s more tolerable than the obnoxious man himself.
Yaga, in case you also went to the Tokyo branch of Jujutsu High: God help this man, TWO of them? No. His hair will be gone soon. But then he learns about the sister. The Gojo twins may share a braincell and even most personality traits but Yaga finds that she has a tad bit more maturity and common sense than the boy does, and exactly that tad bit is enough to ground Satoru a little.
Now onto Gojo Satoru himself: He loves loves loves his sister. So much. Could shower her with love all day and calls her “his baby sister”, even tho they’re only a few minutes apart, and she hates it lmao. Literally the only other person in the world who fully understands him and his struggles. The way they share the same abilities already contributes a lot to this but sharing the same environment too? They share the “horrible sweet tooth” trait. Both of them want to use their brain to the fullest capability and sweets seem to stimulate the brain, as stated by Gege. However, his sister will also use more healthy foods to boost her brain, such as oranges (for Vitamin C to prevent mental decline), green tea, eggs, etc. She cooks for him to make sure he’s somewhat eating healthily - and he appreciates it but would never admit it to her (but trust me, she knows). They are each other’s ride and die, constantly having the other’s back if needed. God forbid that they lose each other. After all, they only have one another in this lonely world.
I don’t know where to fit this but if Gege decides to introduce combined Jujutsu  attacks in Jujutsu Kaisen (like the Unison Raid in Fairy Tail), then they’re a force to be reckoned with. Every curse and curse user might as well just give up instantly and turn themselves in.
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Yuma [After Story]
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ー The scene starts in the garden
Yui: ( One year has passed since Yuma-kun and I got married... )
( And now it’s time to harvest the vegetables we’ve been meticulously growing ever since. )
Nn...Just a...little more...!
( And right now, while Yuma-kun is letting me ride on his shoulder, I am in the middle of plucking them... )
( However, there’s just no way Yuma-kun - being the bully he is - would let me harvest them in peace... )
Yuma: Come on, ya gotta extend yer arms some more, Sow!
Yui: Easy for you to say...!
You’re the one shaking me around...! I can’t get a good grip...!
Yuma: Aahn? It’s shakin’?
Yui: I-It is...!
Yuma: How so?
Yui: How, you ask...? Kyah!
Yuma: Oi, oi. Don’t want any misunderstandings, do ya?
I’m not the one to blame, ya end up swayin’ from left to right ‘cause you’re too damn heavy.
It’s ‘cause ya haven’t been looking after yer own physique, right? Not my fault.
This is what they’d call ‘ya reap what ya sow’.
Yui: A-Am I that heavy?
( I thought I was around average, so it’s somewhat of a shocker if I actually am on the heavy side... )
Yuma: Aah, so heavy! If I continue havin’ to carry ya like this, Imma bust my shoulder.
Yui: Eeh!? It’s that bad!? 
( ...Uu, I seriously have to go on a diet then...! )
Yuma: ーー As if, there’s just no way.
Yui: ...!? You were lying just now!? You meanie!
Yuma: Aah? Who ya callin’ a meanie?
Yui: B-But...! I was about to fall into a depression for real...!
Yuma: Haah? Why? Aah, ‘cause I called ya a fattie?
Haha! That was obviously a joke?
Do I really look like the type of guy who would struggle carryin’ ‘round a skinny chick like ya on my shoulder?
Oi, what’s yer answer? Come on!
Yui: W-Wah...!
Yuma: Come on, what’s wrong, Sow? I’m askin’ for yer answer, aren’t I?
Yui: L-Like I said! Stop shaking me like that!
Yuma: That’s not an answer to my question. If ya won’t listen to me, guess I’ll have to punish ya then.
Yui: Kyah! A-Aaaah, it’s dangerous!
Yuma: Hah! What? Pissin’ yer pants or somethin’?
This is kinda fun, makes me want to shake ya ‘round even more...There!
Yui: Wah! I-It’s scary when I’m up high like this!
Yuma: Hm? Scary?
Do ya have a fear of heights or somethin’?
Yui: I-I don’t but...
( T-Thank god...He stopped moving around... )
Yuma: Damn, ya gave me a scare for nothin’...
For one, you’re to blame for not gettin’ on with it.
Come on, don’t be such a slowpoke!
We’re runnin’ out of time! I have a busy schedule!
Yui: Even if you say that...!
Do you want to let me harvest these vegetables or notーー
Which one is it, honestly?
Yuma: Are ya stupid?
Why do ya think I’m carryin’ ya, if I wouldn’t let ya help me with the harvest?
Ya don’t understand why I’m goin’ out of my way to lift ya into the air like this?
Yui: W-Well...I think it’s so I can pluck the vegetables.
( I want to believe that’s the case...But! )
Yuma: Then get those hands movin’!
Or what? Are ya doin’ this on purpose ‘cause ya wanna get punished?
Yui: That’s not it!
Yuma: Then get on with it! Geez, ya start cryin’ ‘round like a baby just ‘cause of some minor shakin’...
Come on, those ones on top look pretty good, huh? Hurry up and grab them!
Yui: Ah! Like I said, it’s dangerous!
Yuma: Hehehe! Yer voice is quaverin’, Yui!
Yui: I-I’m gonna fall...!
Besides, if you keep on messing around like this, I don’t think we’ll ever finish the task at hand...!
Yuma: Aahn? You’re gonna start lecturin’ me...?
Yui: I-It’s not about...lecturing you...! Kyaah!!
Yuma: Idiot. Ya really think I’d drop ya?
Look at that dumb expression on yer face. Who do ya think I am?
No matter what stupid things I may do on a daily basis, I wouldn’t let ya get hurt.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: I’m shakin’ ya ‘round ‘cause you’re too damn slow...
In other words, a punishment...Wait, no.
It’s tough love! (1)
Yui: Kyaah!
( I figured he’d stop but Yuma-kun’s really having a blast...! )
( I don’t want this ‘tough love’... )
Yuma: Come on! Pick them already, Sow!
Yui: Kyah...!
( Yuma-kun really always seems to enjoy himself whenever he’s teasing me. )
( But...I won’t lose. )
( If I give in here, we’ll never get anywhere...! )
( I have to...stretch my arm all the way... )
( Okay...! I got it...There! )
Yui: Kyaah! G-Geez! Yuma-kun! Ah...Watch...out!
Yuma: Haha, you’re makin’ these really funny sounds.
Yui: Say, if you do this, we really won’t get this done, you know?
We have to properly pluck these in time for the harvest festival...
Yuma: Aah? You’re the one who brought that up though?
Yui: T-That’s true but...
( We managed to get this many delicious, ripe vegetables just in time for harvest season. )
( So I brought up the idea of holding a celebration. )
( Speaking of which, I feel like Yuma-kun was never truly on board with it... )
ー A flashback ensues
Yui: You know, these vegetables from our garden really are delicious.
Yuma: They sure are.
Yui: Say, why don’t we do something with these?
Yuma: Haah? What do ya have in mind then?
Yui: Hm...For example...Why don’t we hold a harvest festival like they do abroad?
Yuma: Harvest festival?
Why do we have to do that shit?
Yui: Look, we could turn it into a garden party and have a meal together with everyone outside...
I’m sure the vegetables we eat every day will taste even better than usual.
Yuma: Ya think so?
Yui: Of course! I’m sure it’ll be fun!
Yuma: But we’re eatin’ these veggies every day, right? What’s the point in doin’ this now?
Yui: ( Uu, seems like Yuma-kun isn’t too stoked about my idea... )
But you spent so much time and effort into growing them, so I just wanted to think of a way to enjoy them even more...
Yuma: ...
Yui: Please, Yuma-kun? Let’s harvest a bunch of vegetables and hold a party?
Yuma: ...
Yui: ...No?
Yuma: ...Che. Guess ya leave me with no other choice.
If ya want to do it that badly, I’ll tag along.
Yui: Really!?
Yuma: In return, you’re gonna be the one doin’ most of the work. That’s my condition.
Yui: Hooray! I’m so happy...Thank you, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Haah...I always go way too easy on ya.
I can’t be like this...Gotta be more strict...
Soon, she’ll play me like a fiddle...!
She may be the chick I fell head over heels for, I’m not gonna let her use me as her loyal lil’ servant...I gotta think of some sort of plan...
Yui: ...
( I managed to convince him somehow, I guess? )
( Okay, I’ll try my best on the preparations for harvest season! )
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( He gave me green light back then, but it’s Yuma-kun we’re talking about, so he might be sick of it already... )
Yuma: Whatcha spacin’ out for? Come on!
Yui: Kyaah!?
Yuma: Woah there!
Yui: I-It’s dangerous...You just gave me a heart attack...!
Yuma: See? I caught ya so ya wouldn’t fall, didn’t I?
Even if I spook ya a lil’, I would never put ya through pain. 
Yui: You big dummy...! I was really scared...!
Yuma: Who ya callin’ a dummy, Sow? Ya can’t trust me or somethin’?
Yui: Kyah! Y-Yuma-kun...?
Yuma: This is what I do...to cheeky women like ya!
ー Yuma bites her
Yui: ...!
Yuma: Nn...
Yui: Ah...
( Geez, Yuma-kun, he suddenly bit my neck...! )
Yuma: Don’t be fightin’ back...! Nn...
Yui: ...Nn...!
Yuma: Nn...!
...Per usual...Your blood’s...Nn...
The sweetest thing ever...Surpassin’ even Sugar-chan...Nn...
Yui: ...Geez...Oh you...~
Yuma: You’re at fault. For having...such delicious blood.
Haah...It’s hella delicious...Nn...Kuh...!
When I drink yer blood, I feel like I’ll let everythin’ else slide, it’s kinda odd.
I might have seriously fallen head over heels for yer blood...Haha!
Yui: Only my blood...?
Yuma: ...Aahn?
Yui: You only like my blood...? How about me as a person...?
Yuma Fool.
Whatcha soundin’ so miserable for?
Yui: W-Well...
Yuma: Whatcha sayin’ at this point? Ya really are a fool.
Yui: H-How could you!
Yuma: Listen to me. ...Yer blood is definitely delicious.
But if that was the only thing, ya really think I would have gone through the trouble of marryin’ ya?
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Che. Geez, I really have to spell everythin’ out for ya, don’t I...?
Or maybe this is enough to satisfy ya? Aah?
Yui: ...!
Yuma: Nn...
Yui: Nn...!
Yuma: ...Geez...
I...love ya.
Didn’t I say that I’m head over heels for ya?
Yet that’s not enough for ya, huh? You’re so greedy.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Che. You’re makin’ me say all the embarrassin’ shit. ...Fuck.
For now, lemme suck yer blood...!
Yui: K-Kyah...! Hold up, Yuma-kun!
ー The scene shifts to the shopping mall
Yuma: ...Say, there’s still more stuff to buy...?
Yui: Yeah. There’s still some daily necessities we’re running low on...
Yuma: Ahー Fuck! This damn crowd is drivin’ me mad!
Yui: It’s a holiday, so it’s more crowded than usual, isn’t it?
Yuma: Ya really should have just come by yerself.
Yui: But I can’t carry all of this stuff by myself...
Yuma: Hooh? So ya always intended to bring me along just to carry yer bags, huh?
Yui: I’m pretty sure I was honest about that when I invited you along...
Yuma: Yeah. I tagged along ‘cause I felt like I had no other choice after ya came cryin’ to me like that.
Yui: I-I wasn’t crying...!
( I also asked him because I enjoy going out shopping with Yuma-kun though... )
Yuma: Ya didn’t speak a word of this crowd tho!
Ah-ah, if I had known this, I would have much rather taken a nice nap at home.
Yui: ...
Yuma: ...What? Don’t go quiet on me.
Yui: ...But...I didn’t think you’d dislike it this much...
I’m sorry, Yuma-kun...
Yuma: ...Oi, don’t look like you’re ‘bout to cry.
I don’t hate it that much.
If I did, I wouldn’t have come.
Yui: ...Really!? Thank god...!
Then, can we go look at some clothes after getting the daily necessities?
Yuma: ...Excuse me? Ya sure change yer mood from one second to another...
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Ya were in tears just now! Where did those go?
Yui: But you said you don’t dislike this, right?
ー She holds onto his arm
Yui: I’m happy to be able to head out together and shop like this!
Yuma: ...Che. You’re a wicked woman.
Yui: Eh? How so?
Yuma: Oh well, whatever. But only use yer charms on me, ‘kay?
Come on, let’s go!
Yui: Kyah! You walk way too fast!
Yui: Ah, look! There’s so many delicious-looking fruits...!
Yuma: Ahー? We’re growin’ these at home so we don’t need them, right?
Yui: But there’s ones we’re not growing as well. We should buy different ones every now and then...
Yuma: Like I said, we don’t need them...
Yui: But...
Yuma: Are ya even listenin’!? If there’s a kind ya wanna eat, just tell me!
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: If ya want it, I’ll grow it!
Well, I can’t do it overnight ‘course.
But I’ll make sure they will be ripe and ready to be eaten by next year.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Why are ya in tears again?
Yui: B-Because...!
Yuma: If ya actually start cryin’, I’m leavin’ ya behind, got it?
Yui: Eh? W-Wait! Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Che. Don’t go ‘bout shoutin’ like that!
Azusa: Huh...? Yui-san? And...Yuma as well.
Kou: Seems like the two of you are being lovey-dovey per usual~
Yui: Huh? You guys! What brings you all here? Out shopping?
Kou: Yeah, exactly. But the two of you really are close both at home and outside, huh? It’s almost making me jealous.
Ruki: Don’t stand out too much in public.
Kou: You tell them!
Yui: ...Uu, sorry...
Yuma: The fuck? Ya guys appear out of nowhere and you’re already callin’ us out?
Kou: Don’t you think you two are to blame for flirting out in the open like that?
Yuma: Fuck off! That’s our business, isn’t it?
We’re a married couple and she’s my woman.
I obviously gotta keep her close so some weird fucker doesn’t set his sights on her.
ー Yuma wraps his arm around her
Yui: Kyah!?
Yuma: Come on, let’s go, Sow!
Yui: Y-Yeah!
Yui: ...
Yuma: ...
Yui: ...
Yuma: ...What? You’ve been quiet this whole time.
Yui: Yeah...Ruki-kun and the others saw us earlier...
Yuma: Ahn?
Yui: It never bothered me up till then, but I suddenly grew embarrassed.
Yuma: Ah? What do ya mean, embarrassed?
What’s so embarrassin’ ‘bout bein’ seen together with me?
Yui: N-No. That’s not what I meant...
It was the first time they all saw us together outside, so I suddenly grew very self-conscious.
Yuma: You’re the one who clung onto me, right? It’s yer own fault.
Yui: That’s...true but...
Yuma: It’s not like we did somethin’ naughty in front of them, so don’t let it bother ya.
Yui: W-Well of course we didn’t!
( Who would do that in public...!? )
Yuma: Hmm?
Yui: W-What?
Yuma: I see.
Yui: Honestly, what?
Yuma: Next time ya give me that kinda cheeky attitude, I should just knock ya out with a single kiss, huh?
Yui: Eh!?
Yuma: It’s fun to see ya cry ‘bout as well, but I guess I should just do this when I want to shut ya up real quick?
Yui: W-W-Wait, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: ...What?
Yui: Y-You can’t? L-Like...kissing and stuff...Out in public...
Yuma: I won’t if ya behave. Yer fate is in yer own hands!
Yui: Eeh!?
Yuma: Well, ya better be careful!
Yui: ( Uu...! I will... )
ー The scene shifts to the garden at night
Yuma: ...They still won’t bloom, huh?
Honestly...What has gotten into me...?
Why am I puttin’ so much effort into growin’ these...?
Do I blame it on her? Or am I doing it for her...?
This doesn’t suit me tho...
But she was super happy with them the other time.
And she looked rather pretty when I put it into her hair...
It marked...the first step of our relationship after all.
I guess I can’t do much wrong by tryin’ to please her...
For one, it’s out of character for me to even worry ‘bout something like a wedding anniversary.
I guess this shows that love makes a guy go weak...
These roses are different from the ones I grew in memory of my comrades back then...
I grew these with her in mind...
I won’t give up, even if they won’t bloom.
I’ll keep lookin’ after them till they grow beautiful flowers...
...Che, I’m really not actin’ like myself...
Makes me laugh...
I can’t let her see me like this.
I hope they’ll bloom in time for the anniversary.
Or rather, I’ll make sure of it!
ー The scene shifts to the dining hall
Yui: Say, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Ah?
Yui: Things are gonna get busy today!
Yuma: ...Why?
Yui: Did you forget already? Today is the harvest festival! I have to prepare for the party.
Yuma: Aah, that’s today?
Yui: I told you several times yesterday! How come you’re so out of it?
Is it because...you don’t want to celebrate the harvest festival?
Yuma: ...Not really, honestly.
Yui: ...
( I wonder what’s wrong with him? He’s been like this for a few days... )
Yuma: ...Aahn? Why are ya lookin’ at me with that weird look on yer face?
Got a problem with my behavior or somethin’?
Yui: No, I don’t but...
Ah, right.
Yuma: Ah?
Yui: I’m gonna start cooking now, so you lend me a hand too, okay?
Yuma: A hand?
I told ya that you’re gonna do most of the work for this festival, right?
Yui: Of course, I’ll give it my best shot as well. But it’d be a great help if you could at least assist me a little...
I can’t rely on you for help?
I’m sure you would be such an amazing help though...
Yuma: Che, ya always give me that crap. I don’t mind tho.
Yui: Hooray! Let’s start preparing the food right away then.
I’ll leave setting up the table outside up to you!
Yuma: Roger...
...Geez, first she butters up to ya and then starts orderin’ ya around like a slave...
Yui: ...Hm? Did you say something?
Yuma: No? Nothing?
Yui: Really? Okay then...
Well then, I gotta give it my best shot! I have to make sure it’s extra delicious today!
ー Yui walks to the kitchen
Yuma: Geez...Look at her bein’ all excited.
I shouldn’t have agreed to lettin’ her organize this garden party so easily.
Why do I have to help my own wife prepare food for some other guys?
I fucked up...
Yui: Hm? Did you say something?
Yuma: Nothin’! ...Ya sure have some sharp ears...
Yui: Ah! You were talking bad behind my back just now, weren’t you!?
Yuma: ...I wasn’t! Geez...
Yui: Really?
Yuma: Like I said, have some faith in me.
Yui: ( I do trust him but...He definitely said something just now, didn’t he? )
Yuma: You’re gonna make a real feast, right? Hurry up and get started on the food!
Yui: Yeah! Look forward to it, okay?
ー The scene shifts to the kitchen
Yui: Phew...Guess this is the best I can do...
Yuma: I’m all done. Woah! Looks good!
Yui: Really? I’m glad! Thank you for helping me, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Yeah. Should I carry these?
Yui: Yeah. I’d appreciate it if you could take all finished dishes with you.
Yuma: Roger.
ー The scene shifts to the garden
Yuma: Oh? Ya guys are already here?
Azusa: Because it’s already...the designated time...
Kou: Wooow~ M-neko-chan’s homemade cooking looks delicious!
Azusa: I’ve gotten...kinda hungry...
Ruki: The meals she makes aren’t half bad for livestock.
Yuma: Hah! Right?
My Sow is well-trained after all!
Kou: And what are you so proud about...?
Ruki: Good grief, how shameless...
Azusa: You’ve become a total softie when it comes to her, haven’t you, Yuma...?
Yuma: Hah! What’s the problem with bragging ‘bout what belongs to me?
Kou: How many times do I have to tell you to stop subconsciously going into ‘loving husband’ mode!?
Yuma: I’m not doin’ that!
Anyway, what is she up to? She’s still not done?
She really is such a slowpoke...
ー The scene shifts back to the kitchen
Yui: Nn...There we go.
This wraps up the final dish...I guess?
What should I do? I’d love to sprinkle some herbs on top of the meat but...
I don’t think we’re growing any in our own garden?
I’ll go take a look.
ー The scene shifts to the garden
Yui: Hm...?
( There’s an enclosure I haven’t seen before...? )
I wonder what it’s for...?
Yuma: Hm...? Why is she there!?
ー Yuma rushes over to her
Yuma: Oi! Yui!!
Yui: Eh? Kyah...!
Yuma: What are ya doing here!?
Yui: Hey, you’re hurting me, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: I’m askin’ ya a question!
Yui: I wanted to sprinkle some herbs on top of the meat of the main dish...
Yuma: Herbs?
Yui: Then I found this unfamiliar enclosure...So I was wondering what it could be for...
See, over theーー Ow!
You’re hurting my arm, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Ya...can’t look at that.
Look away! Geez. I really can’t lower my guard for one second ‘round ya...!
Yui: ( Lower his guard...What does he mean? )
Say, what has gotten into you all of a sudden?
Yuma: Ah? ...Nothin’, really.
That’s just none of yer business.
Yui: W-What...?
I was just curious. Why do you have to get so mad?
Yuma: Fuck off! It’s none of yer damn business! ーー That’s all.
Anyway, stay away from it. Understood?
Yui: Yeah...But you could always tell me...
Yuma: Shut up!
Yuma: Just get goin’ and join those guys already!
All ya have to do is shut yer damn mouth and listen to me!
Yui: I know, I will. You don’t need to shout at me like that...
Yuma: Scram!
Yui: ...!
ー Yui walks away
Yuma: ...Che!
I didn’t think she’d come here...
I started panickin’ and accidentally lashed out at her...!
Yui, she seemed frightened...
...Fuck...I don’t want to make her cry or anythin’ tho...
Why can I never be honest...?
Kou: Nnー! This is deliciousー!
Yuma: Oi, stop chowin’ down ya guys! I’m fuckin’ starvin’ too!
Kou: The same goes for us though? Right, Azusa-kun~?
Azusa: Yeah, I’m hungry too...I came here with an empty stomach because I was looking forward to Yui-san’s cooking...
Ruki: You are all being way too gluttonous. It’s a disgrace...
Yui: There’s still plenty left, so you don’t have to eat that quickly, you know...?
Kou: Really? Then keep it coming!
Azusa: I still have plenty of space in my tummy...
Yui: You’ll have some more as well, Yuma-kun?
Yuma: ...
Yui: ( ...Seems like he’s upset after all. )
( He has never given me the silent treatment like this... )
( I must have done something truly upsetting... )
Yuma: ...
...Haah, I’m goin’ to the restroom.
ー Yuma walks away
Yui: ( So he really is mad at me for what I did... )
( What should I do...? )
Kou: Sayー Aren’t the two of them acting kind of off?
Ruki: They are...
Azusa: It’s odd...
Kou: I wonder what happened?
Kou: Phew~ I’m stuffed! Thank you for the feast! It was delicious!
Yui: Fufu, I’m glad to hear that. Thank you guys for joining us today as well.
Kou: Yeah!
Yuma: ...
Azusa: The food was extremely delicious.
Yui: Thank you, Azusa-kun.
Ruki: See you.
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: Phew...
( Yuma-kun’s mood remained sour the whole time after that... )
( That was never my intention...It should have been so much more fun of a day... )
( ーー Why did things have to turn out like this? )
( Yuma-kun retreated back into his room right away... )
I feel a little...lonely.
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: ( A few days have passed since but...Yuma-kun’s mood just won’t improve. )
( He won’t shout at me, but he barely talks to me either. )
( It’s obvious he seems to be avoiding me... )
( What should I do...? )
*Ding dong*
Yui: ( Huh? A visitor...? )
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Reinhart: Hello.
Yui: Oh? Reinhart-sensei? Hello.
Reinhart: Hey, it’s been a while.
Yui: What brings you here today?
Reinhart: Yeah, I’ve got a little something to discuss with Ruki-kun.
Yui: I see... Ah, please come in. (2) I’ll go call Ruki-kun right away.
Reinhart: Thank you. Sorry for the trouble.
Yui: It’s nothing...
ー Yuma enters the manor
Yui: Ah, Yuma-kun, welcome back. Reinhart-sensei is visiting us right now...
Yuma: ...Heeh.
Yui: Uhm, I’m going to set some tea so would you care for a cup as well?
Yuma: ...Nah.
Yui: ...Really?
Yuma: Yeah.
ー Yuma leaves
Yui: Ah, I’ll go make the tea then.
Reinhart: Thank you.
Yui: ( ...Yuma-kun’s mood really won’t get better. )
( Furthermore, that attitude...Sensei might think of us weirdly now. )
( Sensei was there to witness our wedding vows, so I wouldn’t want to make him worry. )
( What should I do...? )
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Kou: Ah! Sensei’s actually here! Hello~ 
Reinhart: Seems like you’re doing well too, Kou-kun. Hello.
I ran into Yuma-kun earlier and...Did something happen between the two of them? The mood seemed somewhat tense.
Ruki: Right...
Kou: It’s been like that for days now. As fellow members of this household, it’s become kind of awkward for us as well, right?
Azusa: ...Exactly...
Yui: Sorry for the wait.
Reinhart: Ah, thank you.
Yui: You guys can have some as well if you’d like.
Kou: Thank you, M-neko-chan~
Ruki: I shall have a sip then.
Azusa: Thanks...Eve...
Reinhart: Smells wonderful. Is this a herbal tea?
Yui: Ah, yes. It’s made with the herbs we grow in our garden.
Reinhart: Heeh, you’re growing them yourself?
Yui: Rather than alone, I do it together with Yuma-kun.
Reinhart: Right, about the two of you.
Yui: ...Yes?
Reinhart: Things seemed a little awkward. What happened exactly?
Yui: ...Well...
( So he did notice after all... )
( But I’m not sure how to explain this... )
Things aren’t going so well...
Everyone: ...
Reinhart: Well, I’m sure being together every day comes with its up and downs but...
Since you married out of mutual love, I hope the two of you can talk it out soon.
Yui: ...Yes.
Reinhart: You know, I witnessed the two of you getting married, so I can’t help but be a little worried.
I know I might be sticking my nose into someone else’s business by saying this but...Are you okay?
Yui: ( Sensei’s worried about us... )
( I’m sure Ruki-kun and the others are as well... )
Reinhart: Yes?
Yui: I’ll try my best to make up.
So...We’re okay.
Reinhart: ...I see.
However, don’t push yourself, okay? When you feel like you’re at the end of your devices, make sure to rely on the people around you, okay?
Yui: Yes...Thank you very much.
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: Haah...
( I told everyone we would talk things out but... )
( In the end, we still haven’t had a proper conversation... )
( It’s almost our one-year wedding anniversary, yet things are still awkward between us. )
( What should I do...? )
( I know that I tried to approach something Yuma-kun wants to keep hidden back then. )
( But if I apologize without knowing why he got so upset exactly, he might only grow even more angry with me... )
( I hope the two of us can have a good talk... )
I wonder how we can make up...?
Yui: ...It’s finally our wedding anniversary...
( I would have liked to have talked things out with Yuma-kun by today... )
He was so very upset back then...
( However, he wouldn’t become aggressive towards me without a reason. )
( There was definitely some sort of reason behind his anger. )
I wonder if he has forgotten that it’s our wedding anniversary today?
( Even if he has, this is an important day to me. I do want to talk things out. )
( I have to talk to him...! )
( I don’t want this misunderstanding to last forever...! )
ー The scene shifts to the hallway
Yui: ( I’ll go see him...! )
Yui: ...Kyah!
Yuma: ...Yui?
Yui: Yuma-kun!?
Perfect timing...I was just about to drop by your room.
You see...I want to talk to you and make up...
Yuma: ...The fuck?
Ya really are...!
Yui: Eh...?
Yuma: Che...! Whatever, just follow me for a sec!
Yui: Kyah!? Y-Yuma-kun? W-Wait...!?
ー Yuma tugs her along as they move to the garden
Yui: ( This is where we fought on the day of the garden party... )
( I’m sure there’s something here which he doesn’t want me to get close to... )
( ...Even though I didn’t know, I should apologize for upsetting him. )
Yuma: Yui. Can ya listen to me first?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Yuma: Ahー... Ya see...
Yui: Mmh.
Yuma: ‘Bout the other day...
Yui: Yeah...
Yuma: ...
Yui: ( Yuma-kun...? )
Yuma: Well, it’s that...
Yui: ...I’m listening?
Yuma: ...I know that much!
Yui: ( I wonder what has gotten into him? Unlike usual, he seems to be having a hard time expressing himself... )
Yuma: Oi, Yui!
Yui: ーー Y-Yes!
Yuma: ...I’m sorry for what happened the other day.
Yui: ...Eh?
Yuma: ‘Eh?’, my ass!
Knowin’ ya, I’m pretty sure that...Ya haven’t looked ‘cause I told ya not to, right?
At the...flowers from the other day.
Yui: Flowers...?
Yuma: So ya really haven’t looked.
Yui: Which flowers are you talking about?
Yuma: I lashed out at ya the other day, right? ‘Cause ya approached this place.
Yui: Yeah.
Yuma: I didn’t actually mean to get that upset.
But ya were suddenly standin’ here, I got completely thrown off.
Then I panicked and took it out on ya. ...I really do feel bad.
Yui: D-Don’t say that...! It was the first time seeing you so mad for me as well...
I figured I must have done something horrible, so I was going to apologize as well.
...I’m sorry too.
Yuma: Idiot, you’ve got nothin’ to say sorry for. ...I won’t suddenly shout at ya like that from here on out.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Take a look. I just wanted to keep the fact I was growin’ these a secret.
Yui: These are...Roses...!
Wah...Amazing! They’ve bloomed beautifully...
Yuma: Back then they hadn’t bloomed yet...So that’s why I panicked.
But I somehow got them to bloom in time for today.
Yui: Eh? In time...?
Yuma: ...Say, Yui. Do ya remember the wedding ceremony we held here one year ago?
Yui: I do. I could never forget.
( Yuma-kun gave me such a wonderful memory back then... )
( I could never forget about such a lovely day... )
Today is a special day to me as well. That’s why I’ve been looking forward to it this whole time.
Yuma: Heeh?
Yui: That’s why I was on my way to meet you, because I definitely wanted to make things up to you today.
That’s when I coincidentally ran into you.
Yuma: I see. Guess ya were lookin’ forward to it in yer own way as well.
Yui: ...? What do you mean?
Yuma: Listen up.
I proposed to ya last year, right?
Yui: Yeah.
Yuma: Back then, I vowed to only ever love ya, forever.
That feeling hasn’t changed to this day.
Yui: Yes...
Yuma: So...
It was a rocky road but, I chose ya and ya chose me.
Yui: Mmh...
Yuma: But I’m not very smooth.
So there’s times where I can’t always treat ya with care.
And I might take things out on ya like the other day.
...But even so.
My feelings towards ya are the only thing which won’t ever change.
...Even after one year, they’re still the same.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: If anything...
Rather than changin’, I treasure ya even more than I did back then.
Yui: ...
Yuma: Che, this shit really is embarrassin’...
Yui: Yuma-kun...
( He’s a little awkward, but despite that, he’s still expressing himself... )
Yuma: Well, I do love ya properly.
It’s our anniversary, so I figured I should tell ya that.
Yui: I feel the same way, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Ah?
Yui: I love you too.
Yuma: ...Whatcha sayin’ all of a sudden?
I know that already!
Yui: Fufu, but you gave me such a wonderful love confession. I want to return the favor as well.
However...I really can’t believe one year has gone by already.
Back then ーー I felt so happy when you made that vow to me.
Yuma: ...I only stated the truth, that’s all.
Yui: But you usually wouldn’t say those things, right?
Yuma: ‘Course not! Why would I have to proclaim my love to ya 24/7?
Yui: Maybe not 24/7, but I still feel happy when you do.
Yuma: Happy, huh?
Yui: Also back then, I was happy to receive the rose you had so carefully grown.
Yuma: That was...
Yui: You gave me the rose you had grown for the special people in your life.
So I felt as if I had become someone special to you as well...
Yuma: ...You...
Say, Yui.
Yui: Yes?
Yuma: I did raise that rose for Boss and the others but...
These are different...
I grew this one from scratch, with ya in mind.
Yui: Me...?
Yuma: Well, it’s still a rose of course. And both roses are special to me in their own right.
...But ya know.
But I wanted to give ya a rose, which was grown for yer sake.
This might just be my own self-satisfaction showin’ again tho.
How do I put it? I wanted to put my ‘feelings’ (3) in there...
So when ya nearly saw them before they bloomed...
I felt as if they wouldn’t properly convey my feelings so...
Yui: I see...
Yuma: ...It’s bullshit, huh? And there was really no point in fightin’ with ya over somethin’ like that.
Yui: It isn’t ridiculous...
( He’s properly conveying to me his thoughts in his own words. )
( Not a single one of those is pointless. )
Yuma: Well, I guess I wanted to make a distinction for myself.
Also, there’s actually one more reason why I grew these roses.
Yui: And that is?
Yuma: ...It’d be too out-of-character so I’m not tellin’ ya.
Yui: Eeh~? You already hinted at it, so I’d love to hear the rest now though...
Yuma: ...Geez, stop lookin’ at me with those puppy eyes (4)! Ya know I’m weak to those suckers!
Yui: Eh? Sorry...
( That wasn’t my intention... )
Yuma: Then, I’ll only say it once.
Yui: Yeah.
Yuma: I put a rose in yer hair last year, remember?
Back then, ya looked a lil’ different than what I expected...
Yui: What did you expect then?
Yuma: ーー For some reason, ya looked hella stunnin’ back then.
So I wanted to put one in there again, I guess...
It’s a really shallow reason. I just wanted to...see ya with a rose in yer hair again.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: So!
This rose I grow with ya in mind...
I’ll put it on ya again.
Yui: W-Wait! Yuma-kun.
Yuma: ...What?
Yui: You worked so hard growing those roses...It’d be a waste.
Yuma: It’s fine. These are for ya.
Yui: But...
Yuma: If ya really think it’s such a waste, we can just grow some new ones again.
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Next year and the year after all, forever. As long as ya want the roses I grow...
I’ll raise them for ya, year after year.
Right...In that case, I might as well raise 999 roses at some pointーー
Then turn them into a rose bouquet for ya.
Yui: ...Fufu, I doubt I’d be able to carry that in my arms.
( However, I’m not happy just to receive roses... )
( The fact he’s giving me these flowers he grew with me in mind, is what makes me so happy... )
Thank you, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: ...Yeah.
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Yuma: Say, Yui.
Stay by my side another year.
Then next year, lemme vow to ya again. That I love ya...
Next year I won’t just stick to one, but grow lots for ya.
Yuma: Yui, I love ya...
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Yuma: Better brace yerself for next year, ‘kay...? Nn...
Yui: ...!
Yuma: Ya will be my woman forever. Understood...?
Yui: Yeah...! We’ve made up now, right...?
Yuma: Yeah...We have.
Yui: If we can make up like this, then perhaps having a fight every once in a while isn’t too bad.
Yuma: Don’t be silly.
I seriously don’t want any fights.
Honestly, I thought I was gonna go fuckin’ bald from thinkin’ of a good way to apologize to ya...
Yui: You had such a hard time deciding? You did?
Yuma: I did! ‘Cause I definitely didn’t want ya to hate me.
Yui: Fufu...I don’t want to quarrel with you either.
Yuma: Good to know ya understand...Nn...
Yui: Geez...Yuma-kun...Nn...
There’s no end...!
Yuma: Oh right. The harvest festival ya were lookin’ forward to so much kind of ended up being anticlimactic as well.
Yui: Yeah, but everyone enjoyed it...
Yuma: Next year we definitely won’t fight.
Even if we do, we’ll make up right away.
We just have to honestly apologize to each other.
Yui: Yes.
Yuma: So...
Let’s hold an even bigger party next time!
We’ll make so much food, even Kou will be stuffed to the point he can’t take another bite...
Yui: Yeah, we will. I’ll cook even bigger of a feast next time!
Also, want to try inviting someone over? The more, the merrier!
Yuma: Who would ya invite then? We barely have any acquaintances, do we?
Yui: How about Reinhart-sensei? He did seem worried about us after all.
Yuma: Well, he was pretty much our Priest too. I wouldn’t mind inviting him.
Yui: Gosh, Yuma-kun. Don’t put it like that.
Yuma: In that case, I wouldn’t mind addin’ one more into the mix by next year. A family member.
Yui: Eh?
D-Do you mean...!?
Yuma: You’re the one who said the more, the merrier, right?
If that’s what ya wish, I wouldn’t mind helpin’ out a lil’?
Yui: Geez...
( However, that might not be a bad idea... )
( Expand our little family by next year...Invite a bunch of people over... )
( And all have a feast together. )
( I’m sure...it’ll be a blast. )
Yuma: Well, either way, as long as you’re here with me, I’m enjoying myself, and feel happy.
Don’t ya dare forget that. ーー Never.
Yui: ...Yeah!
ーー THE END ーー 
Translation notes
(1) In Japanese, the term is 愛の鞭 or ‘ai no muchi’ which literally means ‘the whip of love’. 
(2) When inviting someone inside your house, you can use the verb 上がる or ‘agaru’ which literally means ‘to go up’ or ‘to ascend’. Most Japanese houses have a little step at the entrance hall to indicate, hence why they use said verb. 
(3) When 想い or ‘omoi’ is written with said particular kanji, it doesn’t just refer to ‘thoughts’, but to ‘feelings’ (often in the romantic sense of the word) as well.
(4) Literally he says she’s looking at him with ‘upturned eyes’. 
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kannra21 · 4 years
Daisuzu after ep11 💴💗
OK we have Hoshiharu as well surprise surprise! @innovativestruggles this is your request of Suzue inviding Daisuke's bed at night so here ya go~ *there's a moment you'll think it'd turn into something explicit but in reality it's not so enjoy!*
That night Daisuke went to bed earlier after completing his business commitments, he was tired and reluctant of doing any other sorts of activities. He changed into his gray pajamas, brushed his teeth and tucked himself under the sheets, the same sheets Suzue brought him under a couple of days ago and he smiled a little. Now that he remembered it, it reminded him of the embarrassment he needed to undergo in order to avoid HEUSC's curiosity of trying to collect data on the things they were discussing during their stay at the mansion.
At least he was glad that everything was over; Kikuko was arrested, the AL was handed to MCPTF and everyone threw a big party to celebrate another marvelous win in the name of justice. Daisuke stayed just for a little bit because Kato and Hoshino got so drunk that they tied ties around their heads, climbed on the table and started singing incomprehensibly and although it looked funny, it wasn't for a person like him, the millionaire detective who got used to high-end types of gatherings. Besides, he couldn't allow himself to pass out in front of so many people, Kato was an exception though and it stayed at that.
When he arrived home, it was the first time that Suzue saw him after everything they've been going through. She stood at the entrance expectantly but refused to move any further because, although she felt enormous happiness upon seeing him coming back safe, she wanted to respect his boundaries and not to let her feelings get to her. Nonetheless, she couldn't completely deny them and that was prominent when the tears she was holding in for so long started falling down her face. Daisuke approached her with a bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne from 1973 and hugged her as if his life depended on it. The guilt of worrying her so much during their fight at the ship made him realize just how much Suzue meant to him and he wanted to let her know.
They drank the champagne in elegant thin glasses while the fireplace radiated with beautiful autumn-like atmosphere inside of their royal mansion. They talked and Suzue couldn't keep her hand away from his which Daisuke didn't mind. In fact, it made him calm and he felt a certain warmth filling his heart. He finally felt free after a long time; his days weren't boring and hollow anymore, his mother's murder has finally been solved and he made sure to check on his old man once a week. The doctors told him to give him some time for recovery since his memory was still damaged from the way Kikuko locked him out. Daisuke listened to their instructions and hoped for the best, everything he wanted was talk to his father the way he always used to.
Seeing Suzue's concerned expression made him sympathize and he invited her to sit with him on the sofa. Suzue blushed on the suggestion but she got up and sat down on his lap, with her legs crossed to his right. He placed one hand on her back while the other held her hand on her lap. Suzue leaned against his chest and Daisuke watched her eyes from below. She was beautiful like this and he snuggled his head into her right shoulder.
"He's going to be alright, I have a good feeling about this." Daisuke reassured.
"I can't believe that Mrs. Kikuko held him like this for 19 years. The sole thought of us sharing the same space during your absence sent chills down my spine."
"I know but now she's in a place where she belongs and you're safe. Please stop worrying, you've been doing this all day long."
He kissed her shoulder and she leaned her head on his.
"I know but it's hard to believe after everything we've been going through. She was so nice and I trusted her."
"Yes but she never really loved us. Everything she ever did was taking care of her own interests, money and adollium. And it meant so much more to her than my mother’s life or my father's well-being. This entire family was suffering because of her and her obsession with materialism clouded her mind."
"But that's why I have you and from now on there will never be a day where my motivations won't be aimed at anything else but our own happiness."
Suzue kissed him and this was actually the first time they ever shared a moment like this. Their lips parted and they looked at each other with big surprised eyes. Suzue started apologizing and getting up from her position but Daisuke pulled her back and kissed her more passionately. Suzue couldn't believe that he truly returned her feelings. After so many dangers and so many missions, he decided to show affection on the most carefree of events. He wasn't drunk, but she truly couldn't tell since his face was just as flush as when he used to exaggerate with his drink or two and she laughed a little. The blush was a nice contrast to his deep blue eyes and she leaned closer to capture his lips again but then he turned her around on her back and now she was laying on the sofa while he was hovering above her. He started to remove his waistcoat but then Suzue interrupted
"Don't you love this sofa? You're always talking about it as if it's one of your favorite items in the house."
Daisuke laughed under his breath, way to ruin the moment.
"I can buy a new sofa but I can't buy you. You are irreplaceable, my dear. Is that a satisfying enough reason for you?"
"Hm yes I think you're ri-" Daisuke caught her lips once again and continued leaving trails down her neck and collar bone.
Suzue removed his black striped tie, he unbuttoned her taupe-colored coat and the moment the situation started to heat up, Daisuke's phone ringed and he picked it up annoyingly.
On the other line was Kato who was talking somewhat slurishly "Kambe.. bout our movin' to England.. I just remembered bout the visas.. and travel insurance. I need to check everythin' before the final term.. so tell me when do you plan on leavin'. I be wantin' to do everything on time."
"You're planning on doing this drunk?"
"I'm not DRUNK Kambe.. I can still stand!"
"Congratulations on being one with the mankind, Kato-keibu."
Hoshino answered from the other side "Kambe-san! Please take care of sempai.. And don't let him go too far. You know how he can be."
"What does that even mean Hoshi?!" Haru sounded offended.
"Nothing.. besides the fact that you're reckless af.. which is hot."
"Reallyyyyyy~" Haru teased him and rustling could be heard through the phone.
"Guys can you leave the snogging for another time? I have something important to do."
"W-w-who is snogging?!" Hoshino sounded flustered.
"Who are you doing? Suzue-san?" Haru teased.
"It's really none of yo-"
"Ah-ah, don't try to deny it Kambe. I saw you two comin' from your room.. looking like a MESS!"
"Wait really?! Hoshino exclaimed surprised."
"I thought the two were related.. they looked similar tho."
"We're getting this all the time, it's for Suzue's decoy." Daisuke said.
"Oooooooo!" the guys replied in unison and Daisuke massaged his temples. Why was he even talking to the two drunks?
"Anyways, Kato, you have a week before departure and in the meantime you'll be able to organize everything. If there's a problem with time management you can contact me and I'll pay for the insurance if needed."
"Thanks Kambe! In moments like this I completely forget what of an asshole you can be. Say hi to Suzue for me."
Daisuke ended the call and sighed in defeat. He turned around expecting Suzue on the sofa but she wasn't there, great.
She came from the kitchen carrying two cups of Twinings Pure Camomile Tea and handed him the cup.
"It's been a long day and I thought you might need something for the relaxation."
"I'm sorry for this."
Suzue pecked his lips and stroked the back of his neck "You know that I love you all the same, no matter what happens."
Daisuke leaned and pressed their foreheads together "I'm going to miss you so much."
"Why?" Suzue was confused.
"You need to relax too, you deserve it. What do you say about a nice little vacation while I'm fighting crimes in the UK?"
"In this case I want to be in England for the vacation. What if something happens and I won't be able to help?" Suzue pouted and Daisuke smiled softly, she was so cute.
"That's the point of the vacation dear, you're supposed to enjoy yourself more. I'll be fine," Daisuke touched his earing device "HEUSC, give me the most luxurious destination to spend holidays in."
"However you say."
"Are you sure about this? You won't mind?" Suzue asked concerned.
"Of course. Besides, you never really got the chance to relax since you were too preoccupied with my mother's case."
"Place of your interest: Bora Bora, French Polynesia." HEUSC replied.
"Here, I'll book you the rest and everything you have to do is take the stuff you'll need. Don't forget the sunscreen, the sun is really strong out there."
Suzue looked sheepishly at her fingers fiddling "Thank you, I don't want to come across as ungrateful but I'd really appreciate if you joined me one day. That is, if you ever find the time."
"It's going to be difficult since the crime rate is getting higher because of the adollium smuggle. It's another challenge for all of us, but we will overcome that as well."
He took her hands in his "So yes, I'll join you for a day or more."
"Good enough for me." Suzue smiled and hugged him and he returned with the same warmth and comfort. They stayed like this for some time while Suzue held her head on his shoulder. It was a feeling she never wanted to forget.
And that's how it came about. They entered their own rooms, did their nightly routine and went to bed. And as much as he tried, Daisuke couldn't fall asleep because of all the things that went through his head. The world will be a more dangerous place from now on and adollium will be one of the key milestones in preserving the well-being of all people. Maybe the grandma was right, maybe the world wasn't mature enough for this kind of responsibility. Perhaps Kato helped him in bringing one of the most important decisions in his life, but then what? How can he proceed? What should he do? Was there a reason for him to be worried at all? He felt guilty for his family's project and troubles it brought for all of them. He could convince Suzue in his words but there was no way he could convince himself. He was hopeless.
But then he heard someone quietly entering his room and, being the only other person in the house, of course he concluded that it was Suzue. He heard her carefully inviding his bed, lying behind his back and placing her hands around him on his chest. Without a word, he took her smaller hand in his own and kissed her knuckles.
Maybe his life just became more difficult but as long as Suzue was there by his side, he could sleep without a worry in the world.
@daisuzuship @narcopharmacist @unholysoggytea @riaymei @ieatcrumbs @cow-goes-oof @matchabucks @bluegleeful @levi-is-heicho @kakooshi @kokorokai @darknessrxse @fluffyyagiza @geniusmeemee @sungmnnnn @koalarin @alstroemerie @petiamaximoff38 @hellohellokookie @marialenikiforov
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thethrillof · 3 years
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(put under a cut b/c the message was p long~)
Hehehe this is getting juicy. Also from the previous ask I was under a time limit cuz I had to catch a ride. 🤣
Okay, IF, Trans Eddie did get pregnant, he’d be moody and cranky.
S/O: You can’t have this, you’re pregnant.
Rerouting his cravings to the home cuz he’s petty that way.
Eddie: Can’t tell me what to do. If baby wants this, then they’re gonna get it. Try and stop me. I hate everyone.
Baby bump kick
Eddie: Don’t you start either!
Gotham will not be spared XD
Back to Ellen x Eddie Child (we gotta think of a nickname or something. I do have a name for my own Ellen X Eddie kid Oc, but I’m all for a random nickname)
This child is definitely both brain and brawn despite having a lean figure like their parents, so it’s definitely a surprise that they can throw a hecking mean punch. Of course, we see TB Riddler’s father for a glimpse. Possibly inherited strength from a grandparent…
Tho I do like the idea of a Calvin and Hobbes scenario of Calvin learning to catch the baseball with his dad cuz he wanted to get into sports and is accidentally beaned on the nose. (And then that goes into angst territory as that could actually use the “champ” trigger and Edward sees red for a moment. That’s all it takes.)
Either way, it’s only going to make Eddie feel even more awful than he already is and Yin comfort Eddie’s “I’m a horrible father” monologue even though their child is perfectly fine (either a black eye or a bloody nose, but it was just a fluke and has already forgiven the entire thing) Man, are kids sturdy AF
Even after the accident, Eddie looks at his child and there’s that same shining adoration of a child’s pure love for their parent. It doesn’t make him feel any better, but it does lighten his mood that his child still looks up to their father.
“Nice arm dad! 8D”
“…(nervous laugh)…let’s not talk about it anymore. Okay?”
“Okay! 8)”
Bully or Godsend?
There’s an irony in the “bully who bullies a bully”. It’s either just as bad, making things worse, or is seen as admirable depending on the situation.
Older child is definitely playing the bad cop of intimidation, using smarts to usually get what they want, or the usual “I’m your friend and you can trust me, just tell me what I need to know and I can take care of the problem for you. Nobody needs to know.”
Practically providing a service and having their own little posse of friends. Usually those that can’t protect themselves, or the usual outcasts + brawn and no brain but attracted to charisma and possible friends, but there’s always a leader of the pack and that’s where Ellen and Edward’s child is placed at.
Yin: I don’t know. On one hand, it’s nice to have friends. But in the other hand, I don’t like how they’re making friends.
Eddie: At least they’re making friends. What more do you want?
Eddie and Ellen possibly butting heads over this given their two perspectives + “I don’t want to be the bad guy here, but one of us needs to give them a good conversation”
Cuz Edward’s pretty darn vengeful like you said and just goes “I don’t see what the problem is” vs Yin’s own lessons learned and go, “you either don’t want to see or are to proud to admit it”
Course they don’t argue about it in front of the child. Feels like that could make things worse and try the “take turns to confront the matter” route to give their child a better perspective of things.
They know their child certainly looks up and adores both of their parents. There isn’t a “they like you more” debate. Yin’s got her own thing and Eddie’s got his own thing. There’s no competition or anything about it. So that helps things a bit.
Bruce and Ethan being more friends to Yin, but Batman being a possibly ally to Eddie about “You’ve changed. But you can’t let your own past cloud your judgements. Deep down, you know that, Eddie. Just keep an eye out.”
Edward’s not trying to create a little version of himself, only wanting to give his child the things he never had growing up.
Yin’s not trying to create the perfect child, only wanting that her kid do the right thing and recognize their actions do affect others
They most certainly can agree on that.
But, there’s always another concern. Is this usual kid behavior that just needs proper guidance…or could there be something more that they’re not looking into.
Plus there’s definitely prejudice against Riddler and comments like “no wonder that child is messed up” or “young Sheldon gone psycho brought up. Which is a downright awful to say to a child or about a child in general and definitely Eddie & Yin are not going to take that lightly.
High thoughts that Edward would hide this criminal reputation from his child. After all, people are hero and villain fans, even kids, and Eddie doesn’t want his child to look up to him in that light. Not like that. Never like that.
Ellen would definitely back up Eddie on that, especially since kids do dumb things for their idols. She’s probably seen it first hand as well in her work. Is their child like that? No…but…better to nip it in the bud. And even then, perhaps a good stern talking too by mom would do the trick.
“If someone told you to jump off a cliff, would you?”
“What if I told them to jump?”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it. Look. I know you’re smarter than this and I’m not here to punish you about anything. You’re father and I don’t want you getting yourself into a mess that even we can’t help you get out of. Do you understand?”
Yin’s certainly got her way with words.
Bruce/Batman and Ethan could possibly be that heroic role models of “it’s good to stand up for others, but this isn’t the way to do it. Tell an adult. Do you understand?” Only to be confronted with something snarky.
“I tuned you out the moment you started sounding like a D.A.R.E commercial featuring McGruff the Crime Dog and El Kabong. Did my parents pay you to talk to me?”
Bruce/Batman and Ethan: … >.>
Cue Batgirl and Robin trying so hard not to laugh as they overhear that comment.
(not talkin about the preggo part b/c i’m not into that--i think u answered my ask about it but when i went to look, it was gone? either way yeah)
ehhh, not too into edward actually hitting his kid. ‘champ’ is a massive trigger but even at his worst he had a moment to snarl and think, even if that was thinking about “what nearby to grab as a weapon”. getting close or absolutely screaming at ‘em would be enough to shake him horribly :V Go Get Therapy Sir. if he hadn’t already. 
bullying can be a tough thing for everyone to deal with! really can’t count on the school to do anything, either. i have the idea that maybe yin does try to reach out also through school somewhat only to get stonewalled by how useless they are and eddie being semi-smug (this situation sucks but he has experience, probably) about how he told her so in the middle of all this.
also man i sincerely do appreciate you sending these asks, especially since almost nobody talks about tb in general, but i’m burning out pretty fast on this topic--not a huge fan of fan kiddos, tbh v_v you might want to just make posts in the “the batman (2004)″ tag on your blog instead since i personally am not going to have much more to say about these things, and you’ve got a lot to say about ‘em!
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eponinemylove · 5 years
Ok so I get why Aaron and Neil aren’t friends, and with the way their relationship unfolded in canon I didn’t really expect them to be, but consider:
With Andrew and Aaron going to dual Betsy appointments, their relationship starts to slowly but surely improve
Aaron’s not happy about it, and he’s definitely not happy about how or why this all happened, but he grudgingly does realize that he has Neil to blame thank for this
Aaron is quite possible the most important person in Andrew’s life, alongside Neil and Kevin. And, despite every fucked up thing, Aaron has to admit that he cares a lot for Andrew too
So, when Aaron and Andrew get someone in the vicinity of almost-kinda-somewhat normal, Aaron realizes just how important Neil really is to Andrew
That doesn’t mean he likes or even trusts Neil with his brother tbh. But he gets a little closer to understanding
It takes... a while. But Aaron starts to see how much Andrew is to Neil, too. It’s gross and pathetic, really. Neil is a cold-hearted, dumbass bastard who’s almost definitely more trouble than he’s worth, or so he tells himself. But he knows that the absolute last thing Neil would do is hurt Andrew.
Fuck, he hates Josten so much
Aaron forgives him.
Andrew never says anything, but Aaron knows what it’s like to know that your twin hates your S.O. (Andrew still just barely tolerates Katelyn). It’s bad enough for Aaron, who is somewhere in the ballpark of relatively well-adjusted. But Andrew—Andrew only has emotions in extremes. So the two people he’d lay down his life for constantly just fighting? Well, it’s not nearly as amusing as Neil and Kevin fighting, that’s for sure. Aaron is almost sure it bothers Andrew, at least somewhat, even if he never lets on. It must, because it bothers him
Neil can accept the fact that Aaron doesn’t like him. He doesn’t lose any sleep over it. He does, however, not feel great that he’s at odds with Andrew’s family. Andrew chose that family, they mean everything to him (“family means something different to us because it has to”). He’s not going to go out of his way to fix it, but it’s not ideal
Aaron slowly starts being just a tiny bit friendlier to Neil. He doesn’t cut back on his snide remarks, but he says them somewhat less hurtful and each time he means them maybe just a little less. He doesn’t outright sneer at Neil anymore either, so that’s an improvement.
Neil picks up on this shift. At first he’s unimpressed, but then he mirrors the change. He stops actively trying to be an asshole to Aaron (he’s antagonistic at heart, sue him). He does less things to make Aaron lose his shit. It’s like a mutual understanding
They don’t talk about it
Eventually the insults they hurl at each other are... jokes? When did that happen? And they realize that they aren’t fighting anymore, they’re just both being dicks to each other. Neither one of them is hurt by it. It’s almost playful
They’re pretty much the last people to realize they’re actually becoming friends
When they do realize tho... then shit really hits the fan. It’s still not a conversation, they just kinda look at each other one day and go “...huh”. Then they shrug it off and just embrace it
The world was not ready for the combined assholishness of these two. Snark is at an all time high in South Carolina. Crying is reported on the daily, from new recruits to opponents to interviewers and reporters. Aaron might be a lawful nuetral, but with Neil’s chaotic nuetral-ness? Unstoppable. They’re practically a power couple, rivaling only that of Neil and Allison. People quiver before them individually. But once Neil and Aaron share that Look™️? It’s Game Over. No one is ever the same after being ganged up on by both Aaron and Neil. They will rip you to shreds and find it both amusing and not even worth their time. It’s psychologically damaging
Tbh though most of the time it’s just quiet acknowledgment between the two of them. They talk shit to/about people together, but that’s really it. They don’t interact that much outside of practice. They text sometimes, but almost exclusively rude things. (aaron: *sends pic of some obviously disheveled man, passed tf out next to a trash can* this is you. // neil: *sends pic of his test score for a class they share, where he got exactly 6 pts higher* how does it feel to be a dumb bitch?)
Aaron is pre-med. Neil is a math major. Occasionally they’ll study, not together but just in each other’s presence. It’s coexisting and none of the other foxes claim to understand it, but it works for them
Aaron still doesn’t let Katelyn get too close to Neil or Andrew. He’s not ready to push his luck that far
Tbh, Neil is almost completely indifferent to her. Andrew still doesn’t like her. It doesn’t matter, Aaron his overjoyed that he can just be open with their relationship. He loves bringing her to the dorms and talking to her at games and, every so often, having her over for dinner. He invites her over for almost all major holidays, and even celebrates Hanukkah with her (Neil and Andrew come along too one year, because Neil’s also jewish and wants to celebrate but he didn’t want to bring it up with the team because he knew Matt would make it a big deal and deck out the whole tower. Andrew only comes because Neil goes, and he doesn’t want him out of his sight and also bc he wants to support Neil)
Their first Hanukkah is, how you say, tense. But there’s no physical altercations, no one gets stabbed, and the emotional scarring is minimal. In other words, it’s a win.
They come back for Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah. Katelyn invites him over for passover too, since he still isn’t celebrating these holidays with the foxes, and he accepts, this time without Aaron and Andrew. It’s pretty much the first time they’ve spent alone time together and... it’s not awful. Neil keeps coming back for every major holiday, sometimes with the twins, sometimes without.
When the foxes find out what he’s doing, Matt flips his shit. The next Hanukkah, fox tower is completely covered in decorations, with a menorah in every dorm. No one admits to who arranged it, and Neil tries to pretend like he’s unaffected by this, but he smiles so much that week that every single team member silently agrees that they’ll continue the tradition. Katelyn of course gets invited over to celebrate with them, and Aaron is thrilled.
Neil and Katelyn are pretty much friends at this point. Andrew isn’t in love with the idea, but he doesn’t protest it. He seems to be just tolerating her presence, until she gets Neil a Hanukkah gift. Neil smiles like the fucking sun. Neither of them say what it is and the foxes are dying to know what could make him react like that. Andrew doesn’t comment.
Neil shows him what it is later that night. It’s a framed photo of one of the games. The foxes had just won, and everyone is caught mid-smile, half huddled in a victory circle. Neil stands closest to the camera, only half his face visible as he looks at Andrew standing at the goalpost. They’re both grinning.
Andrew doesn’t like Katelyn, but he doesn’t mind her. She’s allowed in their dorm room and the house at Columbia. He even gave her a lift one time in the maserati when he went to pick up Aaron. No one says anything about it.
Andrew likes that Neil and Aaron are friends. He likes that Katelyn is good for Aaron. He likes that Katelyn gets Neil, in a quiet, unassuming way that none of them do. He likes that his family feels like a family. He doesn’t say anything. But they know. And they feel the same way
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The forbidden crack! Untamed prompts: 18/?
University AU: “Negative Space”
[ok so, self projection is a bitch, but I am petty to myself on a regular basis so it’s ok]
[title is from the Japanese concept “ma”, which Wikipedia describes as:
“a Japanese word which can be roughly translated as ‘gap’, ‘space’, ‘pause’ or ‘the space between two structural parts.’ In traditional Japanese arts and culture, ma is more carefully defined as the suggestion of an interval. It is best described as a consciousness of a sense of place, with the ‘intervals’ suggested often being more than simple gaps, instead focusing on the intention of a negative space in an art piece.
Ma is not necessarily an art concept created by compositional elements, such as the literal existence of a negative space. Instead, the intention is often to create the perception of an interval in the viewer experiencing the elements forming an art piece, making maless reliant on the existence of a gap, and more closely related to the perceived experience of a gap.
Ma has also been described as ‘an emptiness full of possibilities, like a promise yet to be fulfilled’, and as ‘the silence between the notes which make the music’.”
Fun fact: “ma” also means “but” in Italian, which is what usually follows whatever intrusive thought may plague my mind. Eg: “I may be useless now, BUT just you wait until I get some dopamine to get me through this shitty times.”]
Wei Ying never asked for much in his life. He’s content with cleaning classrooms and toilets and nobody can beat him at wiping the marble floors if he works hard enough. Granny Wen, his supervisor, is slightly impressed with his ability to make the wood shine for ages to come. His nephew Jin Ling sometimes comes to check on him when he’s done with senior classes or cram school in the evening, and together they sit down and listen to whatever his older friends in music production came up with during the day. Jiang Cheng occasionally would ask him to keep him company while he grades papers and they bitch about ZiXuan and his inability to dote on their sister. The cafeteria ladies are always nice to him and they give him extra congee because they worry for his questionable consumption of spice products.
He’s fine, really.
So why can’t he stop wandering over to the science building these days? Looking for a clean board to use, for an equation to finally solve? Even if in the end he just takes the chalk in hand and simply stares down at the inky surface in front of him, unable to write. His mind working on a software too advanced for the hardware that constitutes his brain.
Thirteen years. It has been already thirteen years and yet it feels like yesterday, or like it never happened at all. Like it has yet to be. Time blindness is a bitch to deal with, yet dyscalculia and ADHD makes a joke out of you when you love math on a visceral level... but you burned too bright too fast and now you function on no data and with an even shittier signal. Having a burnout at 23 should have taught him humility instead of pride, but Wei Ying has always worked out of spite and certain habits are difficult to forget.
Couldn’t put the number in the right order, switching digits left and right since he was young? Fine. Numbers were concepts anyway, entire civilizations working their magic without even knowing what “zero” stood for. A brain steaming with a million ideas per second? Good. New connections brimming with ideas he could use to better the world.
It worked fine until he let himself down. Until he became a useless empty lighter, a wet match tossed out, carbon monoxide in the air.
Dropped out before finishing his very ambitious, highly dangerous for his psyche, thesis project. Aunt Yu never forgave him for that, not after paying for his advanced classes, not after trusting Uncle Jiang and supporting him despite his many flaws. What good is being first of your class every year, poster child of a teaching system done right, graduating bachelor at 21, if you can’t finish your master at 23 and get your PhD at 25 and start teaching by 27 and drive yourself insane in the process?
Wei Ying dropped out and didn’t finish his master, didn’t enroll in the teaching program, and let everyone down. His Uncle and Aunt looking down on him, whether out of pity or shame. Jiang Cheng may have been the one leaving him behind, but he used to be the one saying “you should have tried harder”. YanLi worrying over him when she should have focused on her career first. Jin Ling growing up with stories of his uncle “not being worth the money put into his education”, taught to not disappoint and make his family proud. The Jin side, that is.
And now the kid comes crawling in defeat to him instead of Jiang Cheng after bombing a test in high school. And they chat of what he would like to do and how much he likes sports and how much he despises the idea of getting a scholarship for that and being called stupid or something by his classmates. And he cries when he thinks Wei Ying cannot see him as he leaves the campus late at night.
Wei Ying didn’t even want to solve that impossible theorem he fixated on in his early twenties. His thesis project was inconsequential in the great scheme of things and his professor only wanted him to be his one trick pony in the end. No. Wei Ying wanted to teach math in elementary school, hell... even in kindergarten. He wanted to change the approach to the subject. Because numbers cannot be taught like language is and there are many ways to teach how to sum up digits and divide quantities and there are no rules on how to make sense of space either.
But how can he teach when even time eludes his senses?
Something that nobody can define, but certainly most perceive as linear... but not him. Not since his brain fried up in his attempt to function like a normal human being.
After thirteen years nothing has changed.
Until one day he hears something else aside from his usual intrusive thoughts and burdensome memories. A melody so quiet he almost mistakes it for the wind, coming from the music building.
He walks slowly, night surrounding him like the embrace of a friend as he makes his way to the traditional musical instruments room. The one where Jin Ling’s friends meet sometimes as they wait for the younger boy to join them. Wei Ying holds his breath as he spies through the gap of the door left ajar, neon light slicing his face like moonbeams as he peeks in and recognizes Jin Ling’s friends and another figure sitting on the ground, guqin on their knees.
But before he can lean in and breathe in the vibrant sounds all around, the door opens and music theory Professor Lan finds Wei Ying clutching his mop for dear life.
They said the man could see colors within the notes, that he despises language outside of his class or office and that only his brother, the history of art TA, could convince him to talk every now and then.
If numbers were created to measure space, Wei Ying firmly believed music had been invented to make sense of time and count its seconds in rhythm and notes, pauses and beats. Yet, time seems to stretch to a stop as the janitor focuses all of his attention on professor Lan’s stern face and his heart quickens its pace.
Wei Ying takes a rushed breath and dives right in with a weird sense of hope pumping in his veins. A small, timid voice whispering that life is not made to be atoned, but to move on and grow.
One step at a time.
“I’m Wei Ying, Professor Lan. May I listen while you play?”
Yes, maybe it will be enough just to let time flow at its pace.
Whatever rhythm that may be.
[some hcs down below]
WWX does not magically solve the math theorem. he may or may not help kids figure out how to use numbers on the long run tho. no, he will still work as a janitor and there’s nothing wrong with that.
yes, LWJ is autistic and stimms and finds WWX’s honesty soothing. yes, you can add your hcs on the matter. he has synesthesia, but more on the grapheme-color side of the deal than anything else and he sees certain letters/numbers/notes in different colors. people think he can see colors in music, but they misunderstood and thought he could recognize different hues while listening to music instead of reading it.
JC has grown since his uni years and doesn’t resent WWX anymore. he teaches astrophysics as a TA and doesn’t pressure his brother to pick his studies up anymore. WWX has mixed feelings about this: he feels he’s a lost cause, to the point not even his brother spurs him to best himself anymore, but he is grateful for the patience anyway.
LXC is the official LWJ translator of the campus along with their cousins SiZhui and JinGyi. he bonds with WWX and JC over how tired they are, seldom staring at flies roaming above them in the cafeteria bc none of them can even move. he lives on caffeine and regrets, but he’s getting better as he develops a love for his plant babies and tries to not let them die on a daily basis.
Wen Ning and Wen Qing are little overachievers and adrenaline junkies, hence their competitive streak on their way to their third master degree just for funsies. they scare people with how driven they are, but the juniors love them.
NMJ is the one to go to if you need to get away with murder, but JGY will actually be the one helping you dispose of the body. the fact that they both work in criminal law is somewhat both reassuring and disquieting. they hate each other and yet cannot stop hang out, they are close to 40 and need the rivalry to keep going anyway. nothing beats a good nemesis. not even sex. maybe.
NHS has failed his entrance exam to become a nurse too many times to count, but he is determined to see the end of it. even if he could potentially work in the family business, but he doesn’t know anything about managing an empire of bricks and he doesn’t care. if NMJ could run away, well, so can he.
MianMian is Wei Ying’s bestie and has the biggest crush on JGY’s sister A-Su the kindergarten teacher, but since they are childhood besties she doesn’t know how to approach her. she is Jin Ling’s idol and a certified boxer and refers to herself as a useless bisexual. Wei Ying boxes with her sometimes, she always win.
YanLi is an equestrian mum, but in the best way possible: she coaches children for shows and teaches them horses should be loved and feared equally and that if you want to shoot arrows from a running horse you should always, ALWAYS let go of the stirrups the moment the beast gets too unhinged to ride. JC fears her, WWX is only glad she didn’t train police dogs for a living.
ZiXuan actually loves his wife, but WWX and JC question his career choices and the fact that he’s a retired lawyer spending his family fortune while he’s a stay-at-home dad and does all the housework. WWX and JC believe he should give their sister a better life and work his ass off to deserve her, but he does make amazing rice cakes and keeps up with Jin Ling’s studies and is very supportive of his dreams.
A-Qing and Song Lan are siblings and sometimes bring JC food from the campus cafeteria where they both work at, while Xiao XingChen and his carer Xue Yang work with LXC for a project on accessibility for visually impaired visitors of the local museum. JC and LXC work to make Song Lan and Xiao XingChen fall for each other, but the youngsters are too protective to let them play matchmaker so easily.
[this is all for now. please, if you want, add your own headcanons!]
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1358456 · 4 years
Review Response, June 28 - July 4, 2020
Another week!
Destiny #020
1)  You say “imagine how happy they’d be!” But knowing you I’m pretty sure that’s not that direction you’re going in T_T Anyways, a stray thought came across my mind while reading this chapter. I’m around these some of these kids age right? With some definitely younger than me yet, if I were in their position, I would most likely have died on the first day... They’re truly the best of their world, huh? Imagine being that powerful. Beyond even their experiences, because even when they all first started their journey they were surely inexperienced and still faced many hardships without losing hope (or dying lmao). But they are after all, protagonists, and people don’t write stories about others who can’t survive something dangerous in the first place. One of these dangerous things being sacrifices! I swear to god, no one can every say chivalry is dead with these people. Constantly making sacrifices. I don’t consider myself all that selfish, but all they’re selflessness makes me think otherwise. What with Diamond putting himself in harm’s way for Platinum (although him, I can understand, he does love her and it *is* sort of his duty?) and Blue sacrificing her somewhat artificial happiness in the last chapter, and just so much more. Let me tell you, if I had seen zombies, I would have said fuck this and high tailed my way outta there. You’re on your own lady, I’m not turning into a cannibal by eating brains even when there’s legendaries band in order to escape someone would need to hold them back. Although what could one person do anyhow. The odds are just too high against them. Going back to stray thoughts, when you mentioned the ice shard near the end of the chapter the only thing that came across my mind was, “that fucking weavile again”. And lo behold! That fucking weavile again. For a guy having over 200 Pokémon with many different kinds of attacks, he sure does love using that one ice shard attack to ambush people. (Might I dare say that he’s... a simpleton at heart?!). Peter can go suck it tbh.
Well, I think that’s common in most anime/manga, right? The protagonists tend to survive things that they have no chance in surviving. And because of that, I try to ignore some of the realistic damages that would be done to them. If I try to keep things too realistic, everyone would die very quickly. Hehe.
Haha. Everyone for themselves in a zombie attack? Well, maybe if you had someone you’re devoted to, that might change. I think I would do what Diamond did, personally.
Ah, yes. The freaking Weavile. The Mega Hunter is based on a real life friend who may or may not still be in Pokemon Special Discord, so the Pokemon he uses in Destiny are pretty much what he has in his game files, using combos that he uses in the games. Like that Eruption all-in. Motherf*cking Eruption all-in... Anyways. The Weavile is his anti-sweep guy. It’s his contingency Pokemon in case his opponent used Dragon Dance or Quiver Dance one too many times and is in danger of sweeping the entire team. Fake Out for free damage. Then Ice Punch or Knock Off on the turn it takes a hit and survives with Focus Sash, and if that’s not enough, Ice Shard afterwards. And usually the Ice Shard does enough, especially if the boosted Pokemon is not resistant to Ice. And because of that, if he’s not using a dedicated all-in team, the Weavile is ALWAYS THERE. So... freaking Weavile, indeed.
Destiny #021
1)  I mean, damn. I can hardly blame her for her decision, it’s actually a little genius. Betraying trust for either side would be awful for Blue (even though Peter was *technically* the one to kill Silver, but FINE Blue whatever) and so... why not just give up the chance of both? Until she comes to the realization that stepping out would actually be betraying both sides, which would probably make her feel worse. I wonder what it will be that makes Blue join the Dexholder’s side? It’s gotta be in just a little while. I can’t see her changing her mind too quickly, but at at least in the next 15 chapters, I think? That’s a large gap. And maybe it’ll be Green who finds her and finally manages to convince her to fight. Well, we’ll just have to see. But regarding Silver... I had no idea he would die. It makes a bit of sense now, since he did not have a lot of screen time (? Fic time? Or maybe just focus..). And this actually kind of surprises me because I would have imagined that you’d take the opportunity to hit it where it hurts (no judgement it’s a writer thing to do), which then makes me realize you probably will... but who? My bets are on Diamond. That would hurt admittedly. And you said three deaths, right? Then either Black or White (not just because they’re from a different generation, but because one of them would die right after finding each other again). But then I also remember you seeing “no more than”, so it might just be two. No joke tho, when Platinum stepped into the graveyard I’d been ready to bet 500 in cold hard cash that Diamond was brainwashed. Had there been anyone to bet with me I could have boughten a PlayStation 4 for myself.
Ah, poor Blue. Declaring neutrality after losing all hope in life... but she’s not truly allowed to be neutral... ... 15 chapters? Heh. That’s FAR too long. If she’s left to herself and so she has to rely on her mood steadily improving, then yes, it would probably take 15 chapters or something. But if she was to be... shocked out of her state...
And if memory serves... this was the chapter I wrote while I was in the hospital after getting stabbed. And I had to type with one hand because I couldn’t move my left after that incident. That was... almost 5 years ago. Damn.
Hehe. Silver used up his screen time to increase someone else’s screen time. Hitting where it hurts? ... Well, I do that at times. But I also hit where it doesn’t hurt at times. In short, I just hit. ... Sounds awful in and out of context. Hmm... Three deaths, huh? Well, I remember saying that in early Destiny. But I also remember saying that I retract that statement later on, upping the max death count from 3 to unspecified. “It might just be two”. Ohohoho!
Hehe. Oh, you are right before the chapter that has the critical scene which helped create Destiny in the first place. And I eagerly await your reaction. Huhuhu...
DE #031
1)  This is extremely cute. Moar of this pairing pls
... You know, I almost forgot that I wrote that pairing.
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Still at 3, huh? 7500 words. It never ceases to amaze me how disappointed I can get with every story update.
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pixiedurango · 7 years
Ursa - A Rogue’s Tale - (part 4)
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part 4: In which Thorin and Ursa go shopping of some sort. 
Notes: I used the Dragon Age Inquisition character creator to give Ursa a face, ANYWAY THIS IS NOT A HOBBIT/DAI CROSSOVER Future events will loosely follow the movie version of the Hobbit, but story sets in a good part before the company meets at Bilbo’s house. Feedback, comments, reblogs and any kind of rambling about this is - like always - highly appreciated. Just drop by and start a convo. @deepestfirefun @xxbyimm @armitageadoration @thegreyberet @cd1242 @fullvoidmoon @patanghill17 @brieflyhopefulluminary @mynameisnoneya1991 @sherala007 @shikin83 @evyiione @thorincuddlez @thorins-magnificent-ass @tomssweetbouquet @abiwim @niteowlnest @maybetomorrowgirl 
Thorin let her sleep through the night without bothering her to take second watch. 'Just this one time' he swore to himself. Such silly acts of chivalry he impossibly could hold up for the rest of their journey.
And she would not want that either, he assumed. Her sour face greeting him in the morning was proof enough.
“You'll have to finally trust me if you want me be a part of your company, your majesty!” She grumbled, clearly mocking him.
His eyes narrowed, becoming icy and his features hardened. “Don't call me that if don't mean it!” Thorin snapped back. “And maybe you should start learning the concept of simply doing something from kindness alone. If you ever consider becoming part of my company that is.”
“Dwarves are not particularly known for kindness, you know? Simple as that.”
They stood opposite, actually mirroring each other, arms braced in front of their chests measuring each other with stubborn eyes.
Thorin finally gave in.
“Fine. Take it as you will. I don't care. Now get ready. I won't waste any more time with your follies.” With a face remaining like stone he gathered his belongings but  did not ask for his coat. Leaving it with her who still had nothing to properly cover herself other than her ripped clothes. “We head to the next village. I'll see that you get something decent to wear and then you may leave to where ever you wish.”
Strange enough it annoyed him that obviously she had changed her mind over a night's sleep, not really realizing that she never actually said she wouldn't come. But just to argue with was rejection enough right now.
How wrong he was, he slowly realized when he saw her brows furrow in a frown as she glanced over to him obviously surprised by another change of rules.
“I thought we're on our way to Hobbiton. Together? As you offered last night?” She was trying to fix her torn vest with a leather cord she had found somewhere in his bundles and when it was done in a halfway decent way she wordlessly tossed him back his coat. Now they both were puzzled but Thorin tried to overplay it while catching his cloak and it was a good distraction to gain time while putting it on.
“Yes. Of course... I... just wanted to... emphasize... that you are free to decide any time.” She realized he was rambling but was clever enough not to rub his nose in it. That was why she only gave him a broad smirk as she deliberately chose to take one of his bundles so the load to carry was shared. Of course he was about to object but her gaze silenced him.
~  ~   ~
They wandered in almost peaceful silence until they arrived at the gate of the  village. “Let me do the talking?” Ursa asked.
“Why do you think I'm new to bargaining? I make a living of selling my smithy work.” Thorin grumbled back. Why in Durin's name did everything she said sounded like she was challenging him?
“I'm certain, you'll be an excellent negotiator when it comes to your hand's work, but we're here to get me new clothes. Let me make my own choice and work for it? Please?” Without really wanting it, she went all soft for a moment and her eyes showed more of the plea than her words did.
As soon as she realized it, she looked away and mumbled something he could not understand.
He did not see why this even mattered but he agreed when he saw how important this seemed to be to her.  Halfway he expected that she would try to get a fortune out of his offer to buy herself unnecessarily pricey things but he was bound to learn different when they finally found their way to the local merchant.
She chose a pair of dark and well worn sturdy buckskin breeches. Cutting the legs would be necessary but he knew they would not find dwarf sized clothes in a human settlement. A simple tunic in an earthy green with laces to close at the collar. A darned but surely warm coat from blackish gray wool, a short padded leather jerkin mainly made of straps, laces, buckles and hidden pockets and a pair of knee high boots completed her choices.
When she finally was done negotiating, he literally had to collect his jaw from the floor. Along the way he had never been sure whether she was pulling up a fight, starting an argument, being about to leave the place without buying anything, flirting with the merchant or actually just buying something without further hassle.
The prize he finally was paying was way less than estimated and he could not help but making a somewhat approving face while they left the merchant's place.
“Impressive.” He acknowledged and she grinned over to him, happily carrying the bundle they just had purchased.
“Seems all this dwarvish blood is good for something at last.” she replied with a wink and he had to look away so she would not see how his cheeks started to burn.
She indeed had impressed him and he caught himself being more and more fascinated by her. She was lively and reckless and she surely stood her ground. And she was beautiful which he very well realized. And now she was winking at him!
But he chased away once more any such ideas. Follies! Inappropriate and so not worth a second thought. He could not divide his attention between his quest and a woman. Not to speak such an impossible one.
Thorin realized that he had been quiet for far too long now as they were still standing in front of the merchant's house and he turned towards the smithy which was right across the street.
“Let's go, see if I can sell a sword or a dagger.”
“Can I see what you have? Tell me what’s your price for each?” She asked. Clearly she was up to something but she seemed serious and not trying to mock him again. Still, her request put him on alert.
“Why should I?” He asked suspiciously narrowing his eyes.
“Let me try and sell them for you and what ever I get more than your price is, shall be mine as my commission. Everyone wins.”
It was brazen and she knew it, but on the other hand she would need coin no matter whether she would be traveling along with him and his obscure company or on her own. So better she got started soon enough to earn some because no one ever knew what tomorrow would bring and how long she would have the luxury of traveling with him.
Thorin sighed and stepped over to a waist high wall where he quickly unfolded his bundle of forged goods and gave her a quick overview of what he had to offer and how much he hoped he would earn with each of them. Keeping the prices deliberately high so hopefully he would not have to pay her too much. Or anything at all.
“Try your luck if you want.” He offered with a shrug.
Ursa nodded and pulled the bundle back together. “Wait at the tavern?”
Again he glared at her with a frown but said nothing. Turned on his heels and walked over to the house with a colorful wooden sign of a singing badger. Without looking back he stepped into the small and well frequented tavern and ordered a meal for two and two tankards of ale before he placed himself in a quiet corner from where he could keep an eye on the whole room and the door.
She would return. He was sure of that. This was her way to test his trust and he forced himself to pass it quietly waiting for her with all the patience he could summon.
It took a good amount of time but when finally the door opened and she slipped into the 'Singing Badger' he realized that his bundle was remarkably smaller and lighter and her smirk was so smug he could not help but hiding a grin himself by taking a deep sip from his tankard.
With all the calm in the world she sat down and began to eat what was her first proper meal in days but if she had thought she would make him nervous by staying silent she was mistaken.
Thorin Oakenshield, if nothing, could be stubbornly patient when he knew he would learn something anyway. So they ate in tensed silence until she could wait impossibly a single minute longer and finally pushed away her empty bowl and shoved the bundle on the table for him to check what she had been able to sell.
Three swords and no less then 5 daggers were gone. All his best pieces sold. Thorin quickly calculated and came up with an impressive amount. Which she silently placed in front of him, carefully counting each coin all into even piles so he would know she was not trying to steal from him. Thorin sat in silence and waited. To be honest, this was what he had expected. The prices he had called had been high but not unreasonable.   The interesting part was yet to come.
“Good work already.” He nodded, as he collected the coins and let them slip into the pouch he carried on his belt. “Now the intriguing part. If you don't mind to tell.”
Quickly she piled up another impressive amount of coins for him to see. Then she separated some, counted once more and shoved them over to him while she began to bind the remaining money into an old handkerchief.
Thorin frowned looking at the new pile of coin in front of him.
“What's this?” he asked calmly.
“What you borrowed me for the clothes.” She nodded towards the pile and a quick count confirmed it was exactly the amount he had paid for her earlier.
With a determined face he shoved it back towards her.
“No way. I said I'd provide for you no matter how we later decide on traveling together.” he objected.
“It's too much.” She insisted. “And since now I can pay for myself I don't want to be in your dept.”
Thorin glanced at her with a long silent look out of serious eyes. “No dept. A gift.”
“Since when dwarves are into gifts?” She asked back with a frown, trying to read his face and what was behind it. But he only remained blank and serious and so there was no way for her to guess what his intentions were.
“I don't have to explain what I do and what not. And why I do it” Thorin stubbornly insisted and shoved the pile of coins back over the table. “And now put it away! We already have drawn too much attention for too much coin we carry. Argue later if you need but for now we should just get out of here.”
At least to this she had nothing to fight about because from the corner of her keen eyes she realized he was right and so without a further word she stuffed the coins into her makeshift pouch to the others and mumbled “Let's be gone, then. But this isn't over yet.”
Thorin shook his head and got up along with her. “Yes. I know.” He sighed but with a quiet grin. It never would be.
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metronomecharisma · 8 years
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TL ;DR : I am myself for good, I confess a lot of stuff, I love make-up and tights, I love my friends so fucking much, and I want everyone to be proud about themselves.
I promised a full story about me wearing tights and make-up and stuff some days ago on my Insagram account. So here it is. I didn’t know if I wanted to share it with you when I started writing it, but In fact I think it’s necessary to share all that with you. I want you to know this story and that I wanted to be myself for good.
Let’s start from the very beginning. I always had a great sensitivity, and some attraction for things that modern society calls “girly things”: hugging your friends, crying, writing our deepest feelings on a diary, having long hair, watching romantic films, loving flowers, loving pink, and a lot of other things. Pretty early I was attracted by beautiful clothes and attitudes that wasn’t « male ». I remember that when I was a child, when I was 6 or 8 (mom help me pls), I had a doll named Léa, and I loved taking care of her, to comb her, to tell her my secrets. I admit I also had weird experiences about discovering sexuality with that doll. I don’t have anymore souvenirs with her, but she was with me for some years, with a little blanket I still have now that one of my aunts, that now live far away from earth since 2004, offered me when I was a baby.
I didn’t have any problems by being me in primary school, despite being shy. I started to had troubles to be a “good boy” when I was in college. Almost every boys in the school was mad about me because I wasn’t male enough : I didn’t have pricey shoes, joggings, hats, vulgar language and stuff. Also I wasn’t into rap music. I grew up listening to Mylène Farmer, Nirvana, Daniel Balavoine, and even Guerilla Poubelle tho. So I forced myself to be a “good boy”: listening to (bad) rap music, wearing baggys, being a stupid disrespectful teenager (wish I could be a grunge or skramz teenager tbh), lying to myself, refusing to face my feelings, my wishes, my sensitivity, my feminity. When I was in my last year of college, I started having access to the internet, and I discovered the whole emo thing through some friends that was in that movement and recommend me some websites and elements of style. It wasn’t at all the “punk” side of emo that I discovered years later, it was all about “scene” stuff, and to be honest, I was completely blown away back in the day… I saw girls and guys with make-up, long and colored hair, lots of colored or pretty dark clothes, slim pants, with lots of feelings… I was like “wow, guys can be like them and being happy and popular and shit. It’s real…”. When I was on the internet at this time, it was for like one or two hours in a whole week because my father was super restrictive and wicked. So I managed to find the password of the computer of the father, and I passed lots of sleepless nights writing feelings on stupid blogs with scene aesthetics before he woke up to go to work… I was looking for recognition, I wanted to feel good about myself, and I refused to be alone because yeah, I felt terribly alone in my family, by beginning to love metal music, by affirming my style, my sensitivity… My father laughed a lot at me because of my sensitivity, because of the way I dressed, my way of expressing myself… The more I asserted myself, the more he mocking me and was violent against me. He hated me when I was a teenager, when I was a scene kid, when I decided to put eyeliner on me, to wear slim pants, to have long and “girly” hair… The more I was hurt by him, the more I wanted to go further and being even more myself each day. He never wanted to hear myself when I was sad, when I wanted to talk with him about life and stuff. I never had any good souvenirs with him, he was never there during my scolarity, he never learned me anything. He never wanted to have sons, only daughters. So at least, he wanted me to be a « good boy ». And I wasn’t that straight dude… And I wasn’t sorry. He wasn’t sorry. One night, he wanted to kill myself, because I stayed 10 more minutes than my authorized time limit on the computer, and I was sad and I needed to speak about myself, when no one was here for me. He grabbed my throat and strangled me with all his might, shouting “I’ll kill you!” He passed the night with cops.
Anyway, during those nights, I learned how to be myself, how to express feelings, how to talk to that kind of people, how to be like them. I met some great people, wonderful women, especially this girl with whom I had a strong relationship for a year, during my 17th year, and with whom I lived proudly my androgyny, she loved that, she even did my hair pretty often, and put makeup on me… I was really lucky, and hey, thank you so much for that, Jessica, you are a great part of who I am today. And yeah, I also met bad people. I made bad stuff too at this time, I was a stupid coward guy during a year, when I was 16, I hurted a joyful and adorable girl called Alison by thinking too much about myself, and I played the victim of the break-up. I’ll never be sorry enough for that, I was a stupid dickhead with her, I acted like my father: constantly being ignorant, constantly being on the Internet. Hope she’ll find that post one day. During those nights, I learned how beautiful a guy can be by being “girly”, androgynous… And I also learned that a good amount of them was terribly macho, with violent thoughts against women, and I strictly refused to think that way. I wanted to be myself, but why girly men were violent against the girls they wanted to look like? Do I really wanted to be like them? Why I started to thing and act like them, like my father? Maybe I wanted to be a good guy in the end, for being accepted, because it was the way I was born, because those androgynous boys themselves needed to be « good boys », because they just wanted to exist for girls and having sex and stuff. At this time I hated the idea to have sex… It’s another debate tho. Then by growing up, I searched again and again who I was, who I wanted to be. Not like them, not a male, just… me ? But fuck, who the hell I was? One thing was sure : I was alone, and never wanted to be a « good boy ». I was lost. I got some friends of course, but I wasn’t able to see them often because of my father, and mom who was under his authority. Then I was 18, the scene movement was almost dead, but I still wanted to look like this but not thinking like most of the boys in that movement, I think I reached a point where I really felt good about my look. I met a girl in my new high school that was half kawaii and half metalhead, and she was seduced by the way I dressed, my hair, the fact I was a guy with make-up and someone that was “out of step with the world” in our shitty parisian suburb. We spied each other during 3 months, she was pretty talented for that : she succeeded to have my MSN address (yeah, MSN, feel old now?) through a classmate she had missionned for making me sign a false petition… This was fucking crazy haha ! We spoke during a crazy amount of hours in MSN, then met during a cold and snowy day of December. She was so cute with her childish attitude and her yolo lifestyle… I admit her boy-ish side charmed me too. The first six months was some of the best in my young life. She encouraged me to continue to be myself, to leave my house where I suffocated more and more each passing day. I did it, I moved to her bedroom (she lived with her mother), and finally it was time for me to be free… I was wrong. I will not go into details, but she forced me to be someone I didn’t want to be, wanted to rob me and deprive me of my privacy, my sensitivity, my privacy, my friends, my website, my music tastes, my femininity. I had no right to approach her, to cuddle or kiss her, while I wanted to give her tons of love, sweetness, warmth, to tell her how she was cute and unique, how she was courageous to fight the malady that will paralyze her arms and legs, how I was frustrated, disappointed, terrified of this situation, how I missed the herself of that 22 December of 2012 so fucking much. When we made love together, it was completely cold and distant… Like, there was no love, no complicity, she wanted me to have sex, but didn’t want it at the same time… It was so weird. So I didn’t know how to act. I always was 100 % gentle and caring with her in those moments, but she remained cold, silent… I remember to sob out and wanted to scream loud as fuck one night after making love this way once again, and stifle my tears and my breath as hard as possible on the pillow so she wouldn’t hear me, and then she asked me “Yo, you’re OK?” and was like “yeah, all is fine!”, and we fell asleep, and so it went on for two years. I was afraid every day of having missed something because of my way of being, I was afraid to not being here enough for her, I was afraid, afraid of everything, afraid of me. At the end of this relationship, I lost all trust and self-esteem in myself, I repressed everything I had built and deconstructed, I just wanted to end everything and eventually wanted to start again from zero. Ultimately, to flourish as a good boy would be the way to spare me worries and being in peace with everything? I believed it.
I began to acquire somewhat disgusting ideals about women, alternative lifestyles, I started to have short hair, to be dressed like a fucking businessman, I started to troll everywhere, to be misanthropic and selfish… I was the complete opposite of the real me. I started to make friends this way, but none of them was good people, or safe. I was in a way to fucked up even more my already well fucked up life. And fortunately, even if it was super bad done at this time, I was always thinking, every time, every hour, every fucking second. And I was thinking about my actions, I was convinced that I made all that shit to be someone, to exist. But I cowardly close my eyes because I was someone to some people, I wasn’t alone. Then I finally started to REALLY start from zero the day I realized my actions were bad and wasn’t at all soothing or constructive for me and people around. It was scary as fuck but it was the best decision I ever made about me. I again isolated myself by forgetting these bad relationships, I thought about what I really liked to do, live, feel, see, listen, say, eat, drink… It took me 3 years. 3 years to find myself again, to deconstruct and reconstruct everything. To remember how the fuck I loved putting eyeliner on me, to be cheesy and lovely as fuck with people, to support every fucking kid who was alone, who was oppressed because of the way they felt with themselves, the way they dressed, their identity… Since I took over my life in hand, since I really decided to make something cool with my blog, that I really am myself, I met fantastic people, I lived perfect, wacky, unforgettable moments, I realized that my life is beautiful in spite of everything that happens around us, and it’s more and more beautiful thanks to this group of friends who consolidates since last year. I’m so fucking happy with myself since I’m cheesy and feminine and sensitive and expressive again. I think I look great, I’m happy by seeing myself this way in the mirror. When I tried that floral tights some days ago, with a grey tie-dye short above, it was completely unreal. It was like I waited to see me this way since my birth, I found myself so great… Like never before. I had tears of joy and flourishing in my eyes. No lies.
I can’t being 100% this way at work, unfortunately. Maybe 80% of myself can be showed to customers? I can’t wait to find another job where I can be totally me, it will be hard, but I think I can find it… Well, I hope :’) I’m feeling more myself than ever with that floral tights, with that black shorts, with my fringe and long hair, with eyeliner, with nail polish, with my childish attitude. And 100% of my actual friends and lots of punx people love me this way, and I can’t thank them enough for this. Some people aren’t aware yet of all I say on this post before reading this, so hey mom, hey dad, hey family, hey facebook friends : here’s your non-binary small vegan skramzkid, more happy and proud than ever, struggling with bad looks in the streets but not giving a fuck about it in the end, saying fuck you to every racist, sexist, machist, transphobic, ableist people, living his life fully because we only have one, taking care of each friend, each life around me, being me, being him, being her, being good. A super cool friend asked me what pronouns to use to talk to me… You can use they/them and “iel” for french people. Also “he” or “she” none will disturbs me, I feel good in my boy’s body as in my femininity, the most important for me is to feel good about myself. Maybe one day I’ll feel better with one pronoun rather than the other. Maybe. Who knows, life’s surprising, right ? :)
Hey everyone, please, be proud of who you are. Your body & mind are fucking YOURS. We only fucking living once, it’s OUR time, OUR lives. You are great, you matters, you are beautiful, you are NOT alone, no matter the age, color, origins, « imperfections » you have. Please, don’t let common people tell you how to dress, to think, to live, to love, to have sex, be YOU, ALWAYS. And if you are against all that, FUCK YOU, unfriend me, unfriend every of my friend, forget me, I don’t want you in my life because I live AGAINST you.
*insert all the lyrics of « rather die young, than die young at heart » of Rainmaker* « Mais d'où vient cette étrange impression de sentir mes mots se briser sous ce bloc de discours agencés, sous le poids du pré-pensé… Advienne que pourra, j'ai fait mon choix. Désolé mon gars, encore libre à moi de refuser ce qu'on t'a inculqué, je n'ai pas à m'y plier, à ton mal à penser ! Encore libre à moi de refuser ce qu'on t'a inculqué, ce qu'on veut m'imposer ! » Belle Epoque - Le mal à penser.
Yours truly, Guillaume.
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haeroniel-doliet · 7 years
thoughts on ice skating
supposed to be under read more, sorry if mobile is weird! 
i mean ive missed multiple weeks and alll in all the society/ practice is quite weird like the beginners teacher dude keeps rambling off about like olympics skating or how higher levels have this and this move and look ive taught that advanced kid over there and heres how they do that technique rather than concretely helping us develop those basic skills that were apparently flawed at. like how do i do that correction youre just showing me bc clearly im about to fall over bc idk how to do it. and i tried being all professional and interested and make the most of it for myself, but cant help the frustration when it goes out of the easy shit into the stupid spins because apparently i just cant do it. be it my skates are too thin or too sharp blades or my ankle is not strong enough  or enough support thats why its going bad? idk even but i cant spin. cant do it. idk i kinda know multiple things that are fucking up and its frustrating and annoying and its just not gonna work yknow i can kinda turn 180. no i cant do the multiple spin spin spin that seems so easy. is it my skates or is it my inadequacy? im not getting new skates tho, im only here because i have my own skates a while back, im clearly so shit that im not even gonna be a milkly good figure skater im not gonna get in on that. i might as well do fuckin ballet rather than this. im actually looking into that kinda now id love to try. 
ice skating is dumb in the way that ive done it since im a child but never as a hobby, like ive done it with most the time my own owned skates since like 3-4 yrs old like young. but school only ever teaches forwards and basic backwards (apparently its cheating backwards) and basic stop and turns and idk things you learn somewhat naturally and my coolest tricks always been sausages (or bubbles as they call them here) and those are apparently baby level beginner stuff and im just :| yeah i can do those tho. and now ic an do them backwards which is kinda cool, and im more confident one foor skating/gliding. but like never as a hobby so i guess none of that matters, i did try to do intermediate and could keep up to an extent but i guess my basics are so shoddy i wasnt doing well enough for my own standards, and even now looking over tho the teacher is better and more encouraging, everyone seems to be doing crazy tricks and jumps and spins and one leg up fancy shit and im just... ya. guess i cant be over there. cant do it. lemme just stand with mr blabber mouth. it is frustrating bc yeah maybe i wanna be that intermediate level, maybe i wanna go skate with my family/old friends and show off bc look i can do like 3 4 cool things im almost a real skater. but fuck i guess my skates are limiting me and i should try use the rental skates? that are dull af but have better support? idk, ive got blisters from them the last i used them and i dont particularly wanna use shitty skates. but i dunno even what to do, i dont particularly wanna drop on some fancy skates just to find smths wrong again and im shit and cant do it. maybe id suddenly improve and feel a lot better about myself and take it as a proper hobby but realistically nah. im actually kinda frustrated i dont even know if i wanna continue. yes i have a friend that goes, yes i have skates and you only get better by spending time on ice and id like to be better bc only recently ive realised how shit i am, (trust me its confidence boosting to have skated with bambis on ice who are afraid of moving at all and then i can at least go kinda fast if i want) but i cant even turn properly, cant stop properly neither. its just ugh, i dont think im getting as much out of it as i should be, i dont know if its the teachers fault, my skates fault, or my own personality/inability. 
no im not doing the dumb kinda competition theyre organising in a few weeks. the criteria for intermediate (that i havent participated in enough anyway recently) is fuckin hops and drags (my skates do not drag! to sharp? idk) and spins and fancy shit i havent even ever tried to. yeah sure i could for the fucks of it do the beginners bc its uh, bubbles forward and backwards that i can do, and i can kind of do the chassee thing kind of. but i cant do a god damn spin for the life of me apparently so i might as well save my 5 pound and ‘pride’. ugh. besides the fun part was that he was talking abt the higher levels leg up glide thing, and had us do it against the wall bc ‘afraid well just face plant’ and i guess i can bring my leg up decently high when supported by the wall which is fun, and otherwise im not the worst of the 5 beginners that showed up. but yeah im just frustrated with it over all. dunno how long the clubs even gonna continue for, theres only one friend there that i would continue for which isnt great considering means i dont consider the others easy to make friends with or ones i could be fond of enough to over look the struggle of the hobby. 
i think my plan was to call my dad not only to ask if they had a preference for when my friend would fly down to visit  so she could buy her tickets, but i guess also i was going to say about the skate apparently being too soft and too thin/too sharp and express this frustration that i still cant do shit, that maybe even using unsharpened (and uncomfortable) rental skates could be better for skating and just wonder what im even doing abt this all. clearly not competing but idk even if we could just come to observe/skate for fun during the competition etc or if i should just skip to catch up/pack and clean idk. also im kinda annoyed at myself otherwise bc i just tuesday saw with J and shes off for a few weeks and i made such a good verbal plan saying id do an email and a summary im weeeeeks behind on on tuesday evening and prep for class today (didnt prep but it went okay anyway) and today i would have gone to class and to skating with a healthy meal (check check check) and come home to sign up and send the other email thats been bugging me, and then do my report due midnight i havent even started on. said id work after midnight if it was taking so long so id have it done..... i had a nap instead. not even a god damn shower i was planning to have tuesday and now its 3 am on thursday. ayy. sure i could skip classes tomorrow to shower and clean my room and maybe complete a task before i drag myself to an archery arrow lesson and badminton after (no thatll be fun, but ill be back rly late) but ive skipped so many classes and i wana see and be with my friends i might as well go, and if i get abandoned work on work somewhere in between classes and maybe actually get something done? gasp. shock. and still get home and do smth like clean and do dishes to be productive while anticipating fun thing, do it and come home and actually sleep bc im fuckin that over eh. but fuck. its not just that i have 1 overdue summary from two weeks ago, i have another summary due thursday night. maybe, in between classes i could do both, miraculous i guess yes but would be cool. do two summaries, send off both and an apology email for the other, take the spare chance to book myself another experiment if theyre still running and if not send an apology email bc i missed one in class one and ask what now. and then maybe even since the calendar is out get my 3 planned viewings booked so that i can see them b4 going back home and dont get fucked. maybe even add the corrections i got yesterday to my other report. wow wouldnt that be great. i could do them now but i should get to sleep right now heres hoping ill remember the corrections then. and then id need to look at the video for the assignment that was due yesterday and bring up the files and find the debrief and begin filling it in and maybe email researcher if i need to, and do the easy part. so that maybe logical me in a clean room will fill in the ethics part between classes on friday or after class or gasp on saturday bc im not going to st andrews after all... its a lot.. i hate that two days are wasted already. ugh. uGH. well get by. lets just try stay positive, now im going to sleep and wake up to go to my 11 class prepared to do some easy work between classes. yes yes. its probably weird that who ever has read this far has read all this shit and maybe i should just keep my shit personal and not post on my main blog bc surprisingly its open to anyone who just slightly would wanna see it,and though you likely dont know me in person its a bit weird huh idk. maybe this is here so my cousin can read it if she happens to , maybe its so that you can read it and be like ya i do that and i think like that too pretty cool im not alone, maybe its for me to read back and not have to be exposed to my worst ugly vents on my plain vent blog and can remain positive thomaybe not. its under read more anyway. lets try bury it guys. 
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Hey darlings!! Hope everyone’s having a nice day so far!! :D To those of you lovelies who I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet, my name’s Tia and let me warn you in advance that I’m a plot whore, so sooner or later Imma gonna be creeping at your inbox. OK, that just sounded quite creepy  but I promise you that I’m far frm it and I just can wait to get to know y’all so much better! :)) Anyway, the gist of it is that I just LOVE LOVE <3 TO PLOT, so if any of you doves, wanna plot a connection or anything with Apollina, feel free to like this intro post and I’ll def hit up yr IM’s later when I’m more free <3 Below  is Apollina’s bio :)
   So as stated in my ooc intro post in the ooc blog, Apollina is the eldest child of the human Belgium king and currently the crown princess. So far, I’m  imagining that she has 2 younger bros who are pretty to close to her age and two under-18 teenage twin sisters.
   Ever since she was a young girl, she had always been an  extraordinarily intelligent, sharp-eyed and extremely mature for her age. She had a HUGELY IMMENSE thirst for knowledge about everything and she was also a very eager learner. Her quick and sharp mind made it easy for her to catch and grasp stuff, so that resulted in opening her eyes to to the world,the state of her country and the workings of the political state as well as some other stuff.
   She thus, turned out to be very forward-thinking, resourceful and pretty self-reliant which lead to her having many good ideas/thoughts and opinions on how to solve whatever problems the country  had and  on how to consistently improve/advance her country.
Eversince the supernatural community came out to the world in 1996, she had been fascinated to know more of the many supernatural species. Thus, she had whole-heartedly delved into reading, researching and gathering up as much knowledge and information as possible about them. That was not to say, she condoned the villanous acts or murderous rampages or lust for tyrannical power half of that community demanded/craved. She definitely frowned upon the creatures who had committed evil or extremely selfish deeds to benefit their ownself or their own kind solely and would like nothing better for those ppl to be stopped or punished at least. BUT since she was pretty clear-headed and open-minded, she definitely was smart not to condemn a whole supernatural species for the bad things done by only half of their population. She knew there must  be good supernatural creatures around.
And she was proven right, through somehow fatefully getting to know a few supernaturals over the years who meant to do no real harm to humans and didn’t have any bad intentions for the human race. (hint: wcs here fr a few supernatural buddies ;)) She even had a tutor for one of her fav subjects, during her teenage years who was secretly a powerful Wiccan witch who had extended her aging and thus could pass off s looking to be about middle-aged. That witch was a very loving and generous soul who Apollina instantly quickly liked and befriended. her tutor then gradually find out about Apollina’s eagerness to expand her knowledge of the supernaturals and knowing the girl to be  just enough not to use the information for evil gains, she then revealed her secret to the trustworthy teen, and taught her as much as she could about all kinds of info about the 3 main species of werewolves, witches, and vampires.
Thus, my cunning and clever baby has def not arrived unprepared as she has  come stocked up with plenty of vervain (some which she has already ingested before arrival), vervain darts, wolfsbane grenades,a few stakes, some small magically charmed personal items by her dear witch tutor-friend (like her necklace & rings/ even dress) of her own which can protect her somewhat from other supernatural beings and thru her many travels over the years which she used, to lap up normal & supernatural cultural knowledge, she has searched hard and for now found 2 dark objects. All of this kept securely under a secret compartments in her many luggage bags..Ok ,my baby doesn't mean to purposely attack anyone with all her stuff, she's just being  playing safe and smart to use them for self-defense purposes as she has def no plans to die anytime soon. PLus, in fact, she's somewhat hoping to be able to use this gathering as an opportunity to hopefully foster political/economical connections with some of the supernatural royals as being the always-forward and innovative thinker that she is, she can see that there are quite some benefits for everybody involved to work together to further improve/advance their respective countries
My poor baby has never really been in any sort of romantic relationship. For one thing, this ambitious, goal oriented, knowledge-hungry girl has hardly ever spared a thought for romance and wasn't bothered at all in seeking any romantic relationship. She is a warm and loving person but to her, all romantic stuff was just frivolous stuff and in some cases, could even be just small stuff for people to amuse themselves with and quite frankly isn;t really worth her time. Why be knee-deep, madly* passionately in love till you while your hours away doing romantic stuff for long periods of time. Isn't it far better to use your valuable time to devoting yourself in pursuit of information, advancement of your society  socializing with platonic friends & family as well as networking? Thus, my baby isn;t really against romance but she just doesn't bother about it or see the necessity for it. Hence, she views her upcoming marriage to a supernatural as just an advantageous opportunity to foster alliances, gain peace and to hopefully further improve her country. She thinks a marriage is good enough if its based on mutual respect, understanding and maybe some caring for the other's welfare. She doesn't even think about the possibility of falling in love. She is just hoping that her future husband isn't a monster, is witty, smart , proper and has steady head on his shoulder and then they could be friends XD lmao
   So her personality is that of a charming, highly intelligent, friendly, sociable, sharp-eyed, good-hearted and quite compassionate woman as she never wants to see anyone get hurt  unless they truly deserve it or deserve to get punished for a wrongdoing. She  cares deeply about her family, close friends and citizens and can be quite loving towards them. However, she doesn’t trust someone too easily or quickly as she had learnt that people carry many faces or hidden agendas, so she from early on had learnt how to put on a charming  and amiable exterior altho on the inside her true feelings of either anger, frustration, or suspicions remain in the inside. She does show some sternness when dealing with wrongdoers but she never lets her emotions get out of control and does her best to appear collected. These actions were tiring at times, but hey that’s the life of an effective queen is it not?
   Thus she can also be pretty cunning and subtly manipulative towards others, but solely for the reasons of doing good or for benefiting her loved ones or country. There are also times when she has a tendency to be impatient tho she does her best not to show it. She’s also an ambitious woman, goal-oriented, forward-thinking who’s always determined to reach her objectives or results.
She also cares a lot for elegance and behaving in a conduct that's befitting of crown princess in order to maintain a good and perfect public image, so that can sometimes be a pain in the ass to some people. She can also be a lil picky at times, and she is quite opinionated but she's wise& crafty enough to know when and how to voice them.and like i said earlier in her bio, while she isn't against them & ,  this crown princess doesn't really spare a thought of her precious time towards romance or lustful affairs/romps. She's benevolent toward her friends or people who are really into it or pursue it or in relationships but she's is not at all bothered about having this kind of stuff for herself. (tsk, tsk, this girl really needs to loosen up more and get the romantic part of her soul stirred up or shaken up somewhat.)
Oh and one of the things she is highkey not good at is singing. To her frustration and embarrassment, her vocal pipes ain’t that good for singing. Her voice is elegant and lovely enough on the ears when she is talking or giving eloquent speeches, but poor girl can’t sing very well.  Despite having taken some classes, she’s still unable to master the art of singing well, so she can carry a decent moderate tone when she sings, but she can’t go deep and she specially can’t go high-pitch or try to sing loud vocals or else it’ll be horribly off-key or pitchy.
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