neewtmas · 8 months
hiiii!!!! would it be audacious of me to ask for a little snippet of the next part of THOAH?? i cannot wait
it wouldn't🤭i'm so glad you like it!!
here's a little snippet just for you anon<3
Inside the hallway, you dropped the bag next to George's, who had opened the first door to the right and was peering inside the room. You were waiting for him to get inside so that you could get to the next room, when Lucy appeared next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder. "So I take it you two take this room?", she asked cheerily and you sputtered. "No!" "Sure." That was George. You gaped at him but before he could say anything, Lucy squeezed your shoulder. "Oh come on, Y/N, don't tell me you really want to sleep in one of those rooms alone. Besides, it's not like you have to sleep in one bed." Your ears felt so hot that you were convinced they would probably glow in the dark. Thankfully, George ignored Lucy's comment. "Only if it's fine with you", he said. "I can sleep in another room if you want." Of course, you didn't actually want that. "No, it's fine", you pressed out.
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tiktowafel · 1 year
Hey, I love your art style and your work on class 1B. I was just wondering if you have any recommendations for fics that are 1B centric, maybe even stories with someone like Setsuna as a main character. I love the MHA fandom, but it's sometimes hard to find those good stories with all the fan generated content, an I was hoping another 1B lover would know what's what.
thank you, and sure! i don't actually read that much fanfiction (my taste is rather narrow), but here are a few ones that i read and enjoyed! i'll put it all under the cut because my summaries ended up making this list kinda long lol
'Class 1-B' is Trending #1 in Japan - 9k words and absolutely hilarious crack oneshot with a lot of chatfic/social media elements. Tsuburaba accidentally turns one of Monoma's rants into an international meme, which results in 1-B becoming incredibly popular and the League of Villains being defeated in the dumbest way imaginable. the fic is restricted to AO3 users, since i don't have an account there i can't check if the link works but i really hope it does :'D
Adrift - long (13k words) and extremely angsty space horror oneshot with Setsuna as the main character. AU where class 1-B are a space crew and a mission goes terribly wrong, leaving Setsuna, the sole survivor, floating hopelessly in space and thinking about everything that happened. 10/10 made me feel extremely uncomfortable for the rest of the day
Mindfucker Has Closed the Chat - 9 chapter 17k words long very chaotic Monoshin chatfic (with one non-chatfic style chapter) where Monoma texts the wrong person and ends up befriending Shinso without knowing who he's talking to. the fic is tagged "attempt at humor" and i gotta say that the attempt was 100% successful, this thing is hysterical and i audibly laughed several times while reading it
Picture Perfect - i know i hardly ever talk about Kosen on this blog despite the fact that it's one of my favorite ships, but one day i'll post something about them i promise- anyway this tiny 2k word fic is pretty much what made me ship them. it's just... very good and very sweet yknow
Unlikely and Unusual - a oneshot collection made for one of those rarepair month events. it's not specifically a 1-B fic, but some of the oneshots feature 1-B characters and the ones i read are very cute :)
the one and only The Heart of a Hero - 345k words and recently updated after a long hiatus, basically a 1-B fandom legend. It has everything: drama, epic fights, romance, slice of life, character backstories, it's pretty much what BNHA would have been if it was about 1-B. A lot of things in it are inaccurate to canon because it was first written before the joint training arc even came out, but that just makes things more interesting in my opinion (dude i actually wish Reiko's quirk was like this in canon)! it's actually one of the main reasons why i got so invested in 1-B in the first place, i couldn't recommend it more!!
The author of THoaH has also written many other, shorter stories about 1-B, so their entire profile is worth checking out! my personal favorite out of these fics is I Want to Break Free, a 6k word oneshot focusing on Setsuna and her family.
and now for what is probably my personal favorite:
When Die Rolls Differ - 294k words and counting, canon divergence/butterfly effect fic where class 1-B is the class who gets attacked at the USJ instead of 1-A and becomes more involved in the main conflict of the series as a result. honestly i don't even have the words to describe it, it's so good, the character interactions and backstories, and the fights, and the humor, and the way 1-B students fit into the events that originally only featured 1-A characters, and the everything!! just!! dude!! it's amazing!! and there's so much love and thought and creativity put into it!! please check it out because this fic has my whole heart <3 it's also on a break right now, so you have time to catch up
aaand that's it for today! there are probably more fics that i like, i just can't remember them rn, so i'm planning on updating this post every time i remember a nice fic or find something new!
sorry this took so long i may have procrastination issues
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abbyzcoolz · 5 months
back from the park
my friend tried to teach my how to do a triple backflip and i hit my head….IT WAS AWSOME THOAH
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windskull · 5 years
The Heart of A Hero: Chapter 4
For links to the entire fic, check the links on my tumblr.
Chapter 4: Cracks
Using a warp gate was a new experience for Link. It was a different feeling from a skull kid's teleportation magic. His attempts at trying to use the skill always felt cold and empty, like trying to push through nothingness. Skull Kid said that was normal, so he supposed he believed it.
The warp gate, however, felt warm and inviting, like being wrapped up in a cozy blanket. And it did not even require any energy or concentration! It sounded ideal to him; too bad it only worked at a fixed point.
As the feeling faded and he opened his eyes, he found himself standing back in front of the Great Deku Tree, Skull Kid and Navi beside him.
"Well done Link… And you two as well, Navi, and young skull kid…" The Great Deku tree's words reverberated all around the trio, and they turned their heads to stare. "Thou hast verily demonstrated thy courage…"
Link grinned sheepishly at the praise, rubbing the back of his neck. He couldn't have done it without the help of Navi and Skull Kid, he was sure of that. How fortunate he was to have at least one friend in this world! Speaking of Skull Kid, the other child sprang forward with lighthearted laughter and quickly wrapped his arms around Link from behind in a big hug.
The jubilant atmosphere could not last for long, however, as the tree continued to speak with a low rumble.
"Link, now that thy task is complete, I have yet more to tell ye, wouldst thou listen…"
Link turned his attention back to the tree, tilting his head up and blinking a couple times before taking a seat in the grass. Skull Kid, curious, sat down as well.
Once they settled, the speech resumed. "Now...listen carefully...A wicked man of the desert cast this dreadful curse upon me…"
When the Great Deku Tree's story had concluded, it left an uneasy feeling in the air. He spoke of great power, great goddesses, and great evil. Of danger approaching. Of a man seeking power to destroy everything. Although Skull Kid did not seem too concerned with the implications of the story, Link couldn't help but feel like a burden had sank into his heart.
The tree still had yet more to say, however. "Thou must never allow the desert man in black armor to lay his hands on the sacred Triforce… Thou must never suffer that man, with his evil heart, to enter the Sacred Realm of legend… That evil man who cast the death curse upon me and sapped my power… Because of that curse, my end is nigh…"
There was a quiet jingling noise as Navi hopped to alertness and flew up into the air. "Wait, you can't mean…No!"
"It is so… Though your valiant efforts to break the curse were successful, I was doomed before you started… Yes, I will pass away soon… But do not grieve for me… I have been able to tell you of these important matters… This is Hyrule's final hope…"
Now Link had climbed to his feet, and even Skull Kid seemed to be paying close attention. He felt something fall on him. Looking up, he could see a few leaves turning color – to greys and dried up browns – and falling from the tree's branches. Link clenched his fists. He… He had a feeling he understood what the tree was trying to tell him.
"Link...Go now to Hyrule Castle...There, thou will surely meet the Princess of Destiny… Take this stone with you. The stone that man wanted so much, that he cast the curse on me…"
A soft glowing light appeared in front of them, similar to the magic of the warp they had used before. When it faded, an ornamental stone remained in its place before it slowly began to float down. Link reached out his hands, catching it when it came close enough.
He ran a thumb along the gem's surface It was quite large. Large enough, in fact, for him to have to use both hands to hold it. The gemstone was cut to look circular and was a brilliant green in color, sparkling in the late-afternoon sun. It was nestled within a golden piece that curved around the side, and then around to the front.
Too large for his pockets, and not having many other options, Link chose to stow it inside his hat. He would have to find some other bag to store it in at a later point. But for now, it would have to do.
"The future depends upon thee, Link… Thou art courageous…" The Deku Tree finally stated before turning his speech to address the fairy beside Link. "Navi the fairy… Help Link to carry out my will…"
"I entreat ye... Navi… Good...bye…"
There was a deep, creaking noise as the tree let out his final words. His brown bark slowly turned to a dry, ashy grey. When the noise stopped, there was a moment of silence. And then a leaf fell onto Link's shoulder. He looked up, and could see more leaves turning grey and brown, and beginning to fall off the tree.
The three stood in silence for a long moment. Whether it be that they were stunned, or just unable to find words, it could not be sure. Finally, it was Navi that broke the silence, in a voice that cracked as she drooped in the air.
"Goodbye… Great Deku Tree…"
She continued to be silent for a moment, then, forcing herself to perk up, she gave Link a little nudge against his cheek. "Let's go to Hyrule Castle, Link."
Link hesitated for a moment, giving the husk of the tree one last look, then finally nodded before picking up his sword and turning to leave.
Skull Kid finally snapped out of his stupor as soon as he realized Link had begun to walk away. He ran the few paces to catch up. "Wait, you can't be serious, can you? You're not really leaving, are you?"
Link paused and slowly turned back to look at his friend. Skull Kid placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't you know how dangerous it is outside the forest? You've never been out there – well, as far as you can remember. I know everything sounded bad, but wouldn't it be better to just… stay here and wait things out? It might not even happen! That guy the tree was talking about needs all three of these rock things, right? And if he doesn't know where you are, how is he going to find it?"
Link considered his words for a moment staring before letting his gaze fall to the ground. Skull Kid was not totally wrong, in all honesty. He did not really want to go. The idea of leaving the forest that had shaped every memory that he could remember was, quite honestly, terrifying. But…
"I have to try," he finally responded quietly.
He felt Skull Kid's hand lift from his shoulder. When he looked back, the boy had shifted back several steps, his hands tapping together nervously. "But… but what if something happens, I… you… what if something happens to you?"
Link's gaze fell again. Navi floated down beside him. "I understand what you're saying but… shouldn't I at least tell the princess? The Deku Tree asked me to. And… it only feels right."
"But why would she believe you? I mean. You and I. People think we're monsters! She'd probably just have you killed!"
"Nonsense," Navi chimed in, but when the skull kid gave her a sharp look, she closed her mouth. Still, she refused to back down from his gaze.
"I… if the Deku Tree trusts her, then so do I," Link finally said. "I have to take the chance that the stone will be proof enough."
"YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT!" Skull Kid cried out, his tone causing Link to flinch. Silence seemed to stretch out forever, before he brought his hands up to his chest and spoke in a quiet, faltering voice.
"You, you… why do you want to leave so bad all of a sudden? D-did did I do something wrong?" skull kids could not cry, but with the sniffle and the shaky, cracked voice, Link could tell he would be if he could. The emotions were the same. His hands dropped to his side, and his head hung low. His body was shaking, giving off the slightest rattle.
Link started to reach a hand up to give his friend a comforting pat. But before he could, Skull Kid clenched one hand into a fist and smacked Link's hand away with the other.
"Fine! Just leave! Go away and don't come back!" His voice dropped and became mournful, tinged with years of bitterness. "Everybody always leaves…"
Before Link had a chance to protest, Skull Kid pushed past, rushing off at a dash. A few feet away, he jumped in the air, attempting to teleport into the darkness of the forest. But his magic was expelled, and he only made it a few feet before falling flat on his face. He did not let it stop him, however, and scrambled back up to his feet, continuing his retreat.
Link's arms dropped to his sides, and he almost let his sword slip out of his hands. If his heart had already felt burdened, now it was bursting with heartache. His friend… His best friend… He had never seen him so, upset. Downtrodden. He had never seen him more upset than acting mildly inconvenienced or annoyed, in fact.
"Link… You should go find him." Navi's voice cut into his thoughts. "He seemed really upset. And he seems like the type of kid to act really rashly when he's upset. But… I bet if you two just talked about it, he'll feel better. Maybe you can leave on a better note."
Link was not completely sure she was right. He might just need some space but… He nodded. He certainly did not want to leave the forest on a sour note like that.
He gave one last look back to the corpse of the deceased spirit, then, gripping his sword tightly, he headed back towards the Kokiri Forest.
"What did you do?"
Link failed to make it very far without an interruption.
As he'd reentered the forest, the fairy boy from before, Mido, stood in his path, blocking his way back to the lost woods.
"The Great Deku Tree… did he… die?"
"Mido," Navi answered. "It's not what it looks like. There was-"
"No, don't defend him." Mido interrupted. "I think it's exactly what it looks like. How could you let something like that happen? Or worse, how could you do something like that! It's all your fault." The boy stomped to the side, fists clenched, then stabbed a finger towards the entrance of the Lost Woods. "Get out of here, like your friend did. And don't come back!"
Link took off without looking back, eyes trained on the entrance back to the Lost Woods in the distance.
"And if you see Saria," the boy yelled after him, "don't you dare lay a finger on her! You hear me?!"
Skull Kid was not in their favorite clearing, the first place Link searched. Checking his tree stump home, as well as Skull Kid's, proved to be fruitless as well. When it came to decoration, Link's home was much sparser than the latter's, with only a few handmade trinkets and gifts here and there, sitting around or placed into caved indentations in the tree. His pride was the small table that Saria had given him, in exchange for rupees that he had found scattered and abandoned in the forest (and from raiding jars in the Kokiri houses at night, but she didn't need to know about that little secret).
Skull Kid's home, on the other hand, was much more cluttered. Several carefully polished rupees, as well as other little trinkets that he'd found or… acquired from travelers passing through the forest that Skull Kid had pranked, were scattered about. Mostly shiny things, but a few musical instruments and even a wooden mask were mixed in, too. Link was starting to suspect his friend might have a problem.
Besides the mess, his friend's most precious belongings were hidden under his bed, made of piled and pressed leaves. But the bed looked undisturbed. Skull Kid likely had not been back since he left that morning.
With a sigh, Link returned outside. Night had fallen some time ago now, and Link was starting to worry that he would not be able to find his friend before he had to leave. Crestfallen, he took a seat on a rock outside. Navi flew put behind him and perched on his shoulder.
For a moment, the duo sat in silence. Navi, of course, was the one to break it. "Has he ever reacted to something like this before?"
Link simply shook his head and pulled his knees up to his chest. He gazed out into the shadowy forest and barely moved when Navi gave him a comforting nudge.
"Don't worry, I'm sure we can find him. Is there anywhere else you two hang out?"
Cheered up slightly, Link thought back to their most common places to play. There was the valley that most of the other skull kids lived in, but he doubted his friend would go there when he was so upset; though they had much in common, the two of them were not nearly as close to the rest of their kind as they were each other, or Saria even. Then there was the pond where they liked to fish… but he doubted his friend would want to be anywhere around water after their little adventure. That left-
His thoughts were interrupted when the distant mournful sound a flute caught his ears, carried on the wind.
The sacred grove.
Immediately, he hopped up, and dashed off, leaving Navi to speed behind him in attempt to catch up.
He raced through the forest, expertly dodging this way and that at the last second. The woods may twist and turn to throw off people. But the Lost Woods were just as much his playground as his home. And he could not be thrown off by it anymore.
The flute had grown louder when he reached an overgrown clearing. The rock formations here always seemed odd to him, twisting and turning sharply like some unnatural maze. He had no time to waste on them though. Gathering up all his strength, he dashed forward and sprang, grabbed hold of a ledge, and pulled himself to the top. Once up, it was only a matter of leaping over the gaps as he approached his destination.
He slowed as he passed between the two rock walls leading to the meadow and sniffed at the air. Skull Kid was here. And so was someone else. They too, smelled of the forest. Of fallen leaves and forest dew. But there was also a hint of wildflowers and dirt beneath it all. Even though it had been weeks since he'd last seen her, he could recognize that scent anywhere.
The flute music came to an end, growing quieter until it stopped completely. Link stayed back and hid as a quiet clapping responded.
"That was lovely, Skull Kid," Saria's voice wafted from the side. "Did you make it up yourself?"
"No." Skull Kid's voice came from further in. From a higher up point from what he could tell. He still sounded as dejected as he had when he ran off. "I learned from some f- from some people a long time ago…"
Link heard Saria hum the tune for a moment. "Well, it really is beautiful, if sad. Does it have a name?"
"I… I don't know, actually."
"Maybe you can teach it to me sometime?"
Crickets chirped. In the distance, a wolfos howled. For a while, it was quiet. Then Link could make out a quiet sniffling. Then sniffles turned to sobs. When Saria spoke again, her voice was quiet, concerned.
"Are you okay? I've never seen you like this…"
"I'm fine…"
Saria did not sound convinced. "I heard Mido say early this afternoon that you and Link went to see the Great Deku Tree. Did something happen?"
Link crept a little closer.
"It's not important…"
"Skull Kid, I've never seen you apart from Link since you two met. I have a feeling it's very important."
"Why does it matter to you?"
"Because I consider you my friend, Skull Kid. And I worry about my friends when they're upset."
Skull Kid was quiet for a long, long moment. Link began to creep up to see what he was doing but shot back down when he heard the other child blurt out "He's leaving me!"
Navi began to float up for a better look, but Link grabbed her and pulled her back down, bringing a finger up to his face in a shushing gesture.
Skull Kid's voice cracked as he continued. "H-e-he he s-aid he was gonna-na leave, be-be-because-" he cut off and took a long deep breath in an attempt to steady his breathing and his speech. "Because the tree told him to."
Link finally peeked from his hiding place. Skull Kid had moved, he was sitting on the ground now. Saria had moved too and was in the middle of sitting down next to the boy.
"I-I don't understand. He… I thought he cared about me, a-and he's just gonna leave me behind because a tree told him to! A-am I not important? I-I thought we were… were best friends…" The boy dropped his head into his hands. "I thought Link thought I was special? He barely even knows the Deku Tree. He doesn't know this person the Deku Tree is sending him after. Were we ever even friends to begin with after all?"
The child sniffled. Saria slowly lifted a hand, then gave him a gentle pat on the back, and he sobbed.
His head shot up into the air, as if crying out to the goddesses themselves. "What's wrong with me? WHY DOES EVERYBODY ALWAYS LEAVE!?"
Total silence. Even the bugs had ceased their noise. Saria said nothing. But she slowly reached an arm over to wrap around his side in hopes of comforting him with a hug. Skull Kid, surprisingly, accepted, leaning into her side.
"Every friend I ever had- thought I had. Everyone always leaves…"
"Oh, Skull Kid," Saria said quietly. "That's not true, you know I would never leave you, right?"
"That's what everyone says…"
Navi could not stay quiet any longer.
"H-Hey, Link doesn't want to leave though!"
Skull Kid sprang to his feet, spinning around. Saria whipped her head around but stood slowly. Link, cover blown, slowly emerged from his hiding spot. Skull Kid squeezed his hands into fists before lowering his head and averting his gaze.
"H-how long have you been there?" The boy grumbled.
"Since you quit playing your music," Navi responded, fluttering around Link for a moment before flying over to the other two. "We've been looking for you all evening Skull Kid, Link's been worried sick!"
Skull Kid tilted his head up to look at the other skull kid. Link's eyes seemed to waver in the dark. "You… have?"
"Of course we have! Why wouldn't he be worried when his friend runs off all upset?"
"Then… did you decide to stay?"
Link averted his gaze. "Well…"
An awkward silence stretched out. But, surprisingly, it was Link that broke the silence.
"I… didn't mean to hurt you when I said I was leaving. It's just… You know better than anyone I've always felt… connected to the Kokiri Forest. Like there's something I'm forgetting that I had to do there before… you know… And… maybe this was it."
"But," Skull Kid countered, "you don't even know the Great Deku Tree. You've known me for a long time, and you're going to choose some tree over me?"
"... I did meet him, once. That's how he knew my name."
Skull Kid's eyes tilted up to meet Links.
"It was… a little bit after we first met, I believe. I was sneaking around the Kokiri Forest at night and got my directions mixed up. I ended up in front of the tree and it started to rain, and he offered me shelter."
"I remember that," Saria piped up. "It was when we first met, too. You fell asleep among the Great Deku Tree's roots. I woke you and sent you on your way before anyone else could find you there."
Link nodded. "So when his last request-"
"Last?" Saria interjected.
"He…" Navi started. "I… I'm sorry, The Great Deku Tree is dead," When Saria opened her mouth to let out a gasp and took a step back, she added, "Sorry you had to find out this way. We were trying to save him but… it was too late."
Saria turned her head, trying to hide the tears threating to spill over as she did her best to keep her voice steady. "I see…"
"He asked Link to take something to the princess of Hyrule. And that's what lead to now."
Saria took a seat on the ground, legs suddenly feeling weak.
"Someone really evil hurt the Great Deku Tree. That's why Link is leaving to warn the princess. Because if the bad guy wins, we could all be in danger."
Saria knit her brows together and took a deep breath. "It's… a lot to take in all at once. I, guess I'm not all that surprised. About you leaving, I mean. You've always been a little different, certainly different from myself and the Kokiri, but different from the other skull kids too. But, even when we're apart, we can still be friends, right?"
Link considered her words, then gave a nod, his mouth parting to show the smallest of smiles.
Then he turned his attention to Skull Kid, who had turned away.
"Skull Kid… I'm sorry. I didn't know how much me leaving would hurt you. But, I won't be gone forever. Hopefully, once I deliver the stone, I can come back home. And then we can go back to playing again. No matter what, I swear I'm going to come back."
Skull Kid finally looked back up. "Do you… do you promise? You have to promise that you'll come back." He held out his hand, extending a pinky.
Without hesitation, Link reached out and linked his pinky with Skull Kid's, then pulled his friend in for a big hug. They embraced for several minutes before Saria cut in.
"Sorry to bother you two, but I have something for you Link." She reached into her pockets and fished something out. It was an instrument, made of wood and similar to a potato in shape.
Link pulled away and accepted the instrument in his hands. It was suspended on a string, allowing him to place it around his neck.
"This is a Fairy Ocarina. It's carved from the wood of the Great Deku Tree. It has magical properties because of that. If you play my song, you can talk to me at any time. And if Skull Kid is with me, you can talk to him too."
Link's face lit up, and he leaned forward to give Saria a hug too. "Thank you so, so much Saria. I'll take good care of it."
Saria smiled sadly. "Why don't we get you set for your trip then, so you can leave first thing in the morning. You need a scabbard for that sword of yours. And you could really use a shield too. I can get you one from the Kokiri Shop. But then I need to start… preparing funeral arrangements I guess… It's weird. Death isn't something us Kokiri usually have to deal with."
Skull Kid sniffed, then wiped the bottom of his beak with his glove. "I think Mido has a scabbard that he isn't using. I could get it for you."
"I thought you didn't know who Mido was," Link pointed out.
"Did I say that?" Skull Kid responded, looking away in faux innocence. If he was still upset, he sure was doing a good job of hiding it.
Link laughed. He was really, really going to miss these guys.
Dawn came far earlier than Link had expected. When the three had parted ways, he had headed straight home to rest up. But he'd first spent time getting his belongings stashed away. Skull Kid could watch his house some, but he would not want some other skull kid or a wild animal stealing all his stuff or worse: moving in.
His friends were already waiting for him when he reached the bridge outside Kokiri forest. Saria held a small, wooden shield at her side, while Skull Kid was - very badly - hiding a scabbard behind his back and grinning sheepishly. He could not catch Saria's words from where he was, but she certainly looked like she was giving one heck of a lecture. He only managed to catch the last few words.
"So, as I was saying, please stay out of Mido's hair. He's a good guy once you get to know him, really."
"I'm a pretty good guy too, but you don't see me bragging."
Saria shook her head, then, noticing Link, put on a smile. "There you are! We've been waiting for you!"
Link smiled, and Navi popped out from under his cap. He approached Saria first, giving her a hug before accepting the shield and strapping it onto his back.
"Stay safe, okay?"
He nodded, then turned his attention to Skull Kid. He took the scabbard first, adjusting it so that he could sling it over his shoulder before sheathing the sword, then quickly wrapped his friend in a big snug hug.
"Ack! Link! Too tight!"
Link released his friend with a sheepish grin. "Sorry."
Skull Kid gave a satisfied nod, then leaned in to give Link a looser hug. "Remember, you promised."
Link wrapped his arms back around his friend. "You know you could come with me, if you wanted to."
For a moment, Skull Kid's eyes lit up. But he quickly shook his head. "Thanks, I'd love to go on a big adventure with you, but… I don't think they could handle the two of us. Besides, who would watch all your stuff then?" He giggled, then grew more serious. "But you better call Saria every day. I'll be waiting to hear from you!"
Link nodded slightly. "Don't worry, I will. I'll be back before you know it."
Skull Kid nodded and finally let go, taking a step back, and tapped his hands together nervously.
For a second, Link closed his eyes. He could just stay here. He wanted to stay here with his friends. But it seemed like fate did not agree. So, with one final wave to his friends, he took off, dashing through the tunnel leading out of the forest.
It felt Like Link walked through the woods for a long time after leaving his friends behind. So long, in fact, that he wondered it would ever actually end. Was the world really just one big forest? Navi had stopped flying behind after a while, and instead chosen to nestle underneath his cap.
But finally, the trees began to thin, and more and more sunlight began to filter through the gaps. Link blinked as his eyes adjusted to the brighter light. To either side, the ground began to incline steeply, leaving a narrow path to continue down, until finally, the trees came to an end.
Encouraged, Link raced forward to the end of the path, stopping short of the end to take a look around where the walls dropped out.
In front of him stretched out a field, like one of the many meadows that dotted the lost woods. But larger. Much larger. A few trees dotted the landscape here and there, but otherwise, it was grass as far as the eye could see. He could not even see the other end of it!
As he slowly made his way out to the open, he heard a heavy flutter of wings behind him. He ignored it at first. Birds were extremely common in the forest, after all.
"Hoot hoot! Link, up here!"
Link whipped around, beginning to reach for his sword. He had seen a lot of birds in his lifetime, but never any that could talk.
The bird resting in the tree in front of him was huge, more than twice his size, and far larger than any bird he had ever seen. It was some type of owl, mostly covered in dark brown feathers, excluding its creamy chest and face. Its beak, too, was the same brown color, and just above it sprouted two huge feathers, similar to eyebrows. When the bird flipped his head upside down for a moment, the darker markings below his face created a second, fake face.
"Hoo hoo, there's no need for weapons my boy, I mean you no harm."
Link looked unconvinced, but slowly let his grip on the sword loosen when the bird made no movement to swoop down on him.
Satisfied, the bird bobbed it's head up and down before beginning his speech.
"Well, well, it looks like the time has finally come for you to start your adventure!" Before Link had a chance to question how the bird would know anything about his quest, let alone why he would know something like his name, the bird continued with more cryptic statements.
"You will encounter many hardships ahead... That is your fate. Don't feel discouraged, even during the toughest times!"
Link couldn't help but gulp and honestly considered reaching for his sword again. But instead he continued to listen to the bird's advice.
Go straight this way and you will see Hyrule Castle. You will meet a princess there… As long as you head forward, you can't miss it."
"But what if we do?" Navi asked, emerging from Link's cap to speak for him.
"I hope you would have a map, but if not, there are not many places you could go as you currently are, you will find your way there in time. Did you get all that?"
Link nodded his head slowly, before opening his mouth to question the bird. But he did not get a chance as it began to flap its great wings and take to the air.
"Wait!" Navi called out. "At least give us your name!"
"You may call me Kaepora Gaebora, small one!" The owl called out behind him as he began to climb higher into the sky. "We will meet again later, do take care!" And without another word, the owl was out of range, leaving Navi and Link with more questions than answers.
For a moment, Link stood in stunned silence, trying to process exactly what happened. But Navi did not give him much time.
"Come on Link, we should hurry if we want to make it to the castle by nightfall!"
The thought of being left exposed in the dark was enough to get the skull kid moving. With a quick nod, he took off in the direction the owl had suggested. He sure hoped he had not been lying.
Next stop, Hyrule Castle.
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taramatsu-san · 6 years
I hope you guys are ready for more angst!
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ci2lya · 5 years
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APA ITU BAROKAH ? ▪ Barokah adalah kata yg diinginkan oleh hampir semua hamba yg beriman, karenanya orang akan mendapat limpahan kebaikan dalam hidup. ▪ Berkah bukanlah cukup & mencukupi saja, tapi berkah ialah bertambahnya ketaatanmu kepada Allah dg segala keadaan yg ada, baik berlimpah atau tidak. ▪ Barokah itu : "albarokatu tuziidukum fi thoah"_ ~ barokah menambah taatmu kepada الله. ▪ Hidup yg barokah bukan hanya sehat, tapi kadang sakit itu justru barokah sebagaimana Nabi Ayyub عليه السلام, sakitnya menambah taatnya kepada الله. ▪ Barokah itu tak selalu panjang umur, ada yg umurnya pendek tapi dahsyat taatnya layaknya Musab ibn Umair. ▪ Tanah yg barokah itu bukan karena subur & panoramanya indah, karena tanah yg tandus seperti Makkah punya keutamaan di hadapan الله tiada yg menandingi. Yang penting tanah itu bermanfaat utk kemaslahatan umat. Makanan barokah itu bukan yg komposisi gizinya lengkap, tapi makanan itu mampu mendorong pemakannya menjadi lebih taat setelah makan. ▪ Penghasilan barokah juga bukan gaji yg besar & bertambah, tapi sejauh mana ia bisa jadi jalan rizqi bagi yg lainnya, tidak melalaikan dari ibadah dan semakin taat serta banyak orang yg terbantu dg penghasilan tersebut. ▪ "Barang siapa bertakwa kepada Allah niscaya Dia akan membukakan jalan keluar baginya, dan DIA memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangkanya. Dan barang siapa bertawakal kepada Allah, niscaya Allah akan mencukupkan keperluannya. Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusan-Nya. Sungguh, Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi setiap sesuatu." (QS. At-Talaq 65: Ayat 2 s.d 3). #selfreminderfirst #repost (at Di Kota Surabaya) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByzO10yhVR3/?igshid=hkxxom7a8mmy
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haryadisatoto · 5 years
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. . BAROKAH., Apakah Itu.!? . #Barokah adalah kata yang di inginkan oleh hampir semua hamba yang beriman, karenanya orang akan mendapat limpahan kebaikan dalam hidu . Barokah bukanlah cukup & mencukupi saja, tapi barokah ialah ketaatanmu kepada Allah dengan segala keadaan yang ada, baik berlimpah atau sebaliknya . Barokah itu : "Albarokatu Tuziidukum Fi Thoah" ~ Barokah menambah taatmu kepada Allah . #Kehidupan yang barokah bukan hanya sehat, tapi kadang sakit itu justru barokah sebagaimana Nabi Ayyub As, sakitnya menambah taatnya kepada Allah . Barokah itu tak selalu panjang umur, ada yang umurnya pendek tapi dahsyat taatnya layaknya Mus'ab Ibn Umair . Tanah yang barokah itu bukan karena subur & panoramanya indah, karena tanah yang tandus seperti Makkah punya keutamaan di hadapan Allah, tiada yang menandingi . Makanan barokah itu bukan yang komposisi gizinya lengkap, tapi makanan itu mampu mendorong pemakannya menjadi lebih taat setelah makan . #Ilmu yang barokah itu bukan yang banyak riwayat & catatan kakinya, tapi yang barokah ialah yang mampu menjadikan seseorang meneteskan keringat & darahnya dalam beramal & berjuang untuk agama Allah . Penghasilan barokah juga bukan gaji yang besar & bertambah, tapi sejauh mana ia bisa jadi jalan rizqi bagi yang lainnya & semakin banyak orang yang terbantu dengan penghasilan tersebut . Anak'2x yang barokah bukanlah saat kecil mereka lucu & imut atau setelah dewasa mereka sukses bergelar & mempunyai pekerjaan & jabatan hebat, tapi anak yang barokah ialah yang senantiasa taat kepada Rabb-Nya & kelak di antara mereka ada yang lebih shalih & tak henti'2x'nya mendo'akan kedua Orang tuanya . Semoga segala aktifitas kita hari ini barokah.. . . #SalamSenantiasaShalawat (di Cinangka Sawangan .....) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2VBRRMgE17/?igshid=1jla8n732rqk2
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neewtmas · 8 months
i'm so excited for the next part of THOAH (can i call it that???) do you know when you will post it??
ofc you can call it that!! not only is it a little clunky otherwise but a fancy little abbreviation makes me feel like I'm doing something special here🤭
and i'm so glad you like it! I have started writing part 4 and i'm at almost 1k and i'm nowhere near where I want to be oops so it might be a few more days
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whinaalestari · 8 years
Apa itu Barokah?
Copy-paste dari message di WA
Barokah adalah kata yang diinginkan oleh hampir semua hamba yang beriman, karenanya orang akan mendapat limpahan kebaikan dalam hidup.
Barokah bukanlah cukup dan mencukupi saja, tapi barokah ialah bertambahnya ketaatanmu kepada الله dengan segala keadaan yang ada, baik berlimpah atau sebaliknya.
Barokah itu: "Albarokatu tuziidukum fi thoah" ~ Barokah menambah taatmu kepada الله.
Hidup yang barokah bukan hanya sehat, tapi kadang sakit itu justru barokah sebagaimana Nabi Ayyub عليه السلام, sakitnya menambah taatnya kepada الله.
Barokah itu tak selalu panjang umur, ada yang umurnya pendek tapi dahsyat taatnya layaknya Musab ibn Umair.
Tanah yang barokah itu bukan karena subur dan panoramanya indah, karena tanah yang tandus seperti Makkah punya keutamaan di hadapan الله tiada yang menandingi.
Makanan barokah itu bukan yang komposisi gizinya lengkap, tapi makanan itu mampu mendorong pemakannya menjadi lebih taat setelah makan.
Ilmu yang barokah itu bukan yang banyak riwayat dan catatan kakinya, tapi yang barokah ialah yang mampu menjadikan seorang meneteskan keringat dan darahnya dalam beramal dan berjuang untuk agama الله.
Penghasilan barokah juga bukan gaji yang besar dan bertambah, tapi sejauh mana ia bisa jadi jalan rizqi bagi yang lainnya dan semakin banyak orang yang terbantu dengan penghasilan tersebut.
Anak-anak yang barokah bukanlah saat kecil mereka lucu dan imut atau setelah dewasa mereka sukses bergelar dan mempunyai pekerjaan dan jabatan hebat, tapi anak yang barokah ialah yang senantiasa taat kepada Rabb-Nya dan kelak di antara mereka ada yang lebih shalih dan tak henti-hentinya mendo'akan kedua Orang tuanya.
Semoga segala aktifitas kita hari ini barokah بَارَكَ اللهُ فِيْك
Barang siapa yang mengajarkan satu ilmu dan orang tsb mengamaاlkannya maka pahala bagi orang yang memberikan ilmu tsb tanpa mengurangi pahala orang yang mengamalkan ilmu tsb. (HR. Bukhori )
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abbyzcoolz · 5 months
This is J26 in the black, will you join him?
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J26 is the kittys name? i’d love to join him! i don’t know if ill fit in there thoah..
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nolapola · 6 years
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#maliburum #pineapple #crancherryjuice https://www.instagram.com/p/BsCGF-thOAH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11qsed8hcuh8a
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windskull · 5 years
The Heart of a Hero: Chapter 5
For links to the entir efic, check the links on my tumblr
Chapter 5: Skeletons, Masks, and other Goodies"Wait!"
But the drawbridge did not wait. As Link raced in forward in vain hopes of jumping and making it in time, he had to skid to a stop, teetering dangerously at the edge, threatening to topple over into the moat below.
Navi looped around to the front of him and gave him just the slightest of pushes to bring him back to stable ground. He fell back with a thump, and the drawbridge rumbled to a stop in front of him.
He let out a sigh, then glanced back to the sun as it slowly dipped below the horizon, the sky a blazing orange. Somewhere in the distance, he heard the sound of a wolf. Or a wolfos. It did not matter either way; it was not safe here in the open.
He climbed back to his feet and, keeping low to the ground, began to make his way around the edge of the town walls, hoping in vain that there might be some sort of way he could get in. Not even teleportation magic could help him here, even if he was skilled enough to use it - he would have had to have a clear vision of the area he was trying to warp to.
His search for an entrance was quickly proving fruitless, and as the sky turned to night, a spike of uneasiness edged in his stomach. Or maybe it was hunger, or both.
Up ahead he spotted a small tree. It wasn't the sturdiest one he'd ever seen, a dwarf in comparison to the great trunks of the trees in the Lost Woods. But never the less, it was large enough that he could climb up and rest in it for a while. He took off towards it at a trot, continuing to stay low to the ground.
As soon as he was close enough, he sprang up, grabbing hold of the lowest sturdy branch, and swung himself higher to a thicker branch that he could sit on. It was not an ideal resting spot, but it would work.
He sat with his back to the trunk and reached down into the sack he had brought along in search of food. He had not been able to pack much: a few berries for today and some nuts were all he could carry. Most of his foods would have spoiled quickly during travel. He would have to see if he could get ahold of something more filling in the town tomorrow.
Picking a particularly juicy looking berry, he tossed it into the air, popping it into his mouth with a snap. As he continued to chew on the succulent fruits, he glanced up to the rising moon. It had taken him only a day to get here, but still it already felt like he'd been gone from the forest forever. Already he was missing playing music with Skull Kid in the moonlight or playing tag with other skull kids in the dark. He even missed sneaking into the Kokiri Forest in search of abandoned rupees and knickknacks (and sometimes not-so abandoned treasures, if he was honest with himself. But hey, he can say with pride that he never attacked someone to take their valuables, so that's something!)
He glanced down and rolled around one of the berries in between his fingers, wondering if he could find the forests delicacies out here in the big open world. He did not like this "Hyrule Field." It was not like the forest, with hiding places everywhere. Instead, he felt open and exposed, visible to everyone who wanted or did not want to see him.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sounds of dirt shuffling below him, rattling coming from within. A rattling not unlike his kind's own. Cautious, he glanced down. A skeletal hand had broken the surface, a second one widening the hole close behind. A head poked out of the ground; a skull, more specifically. The rest of the body came rolling after, reassembling itself once each part reached the surface. For the most part it was humanoid, but the creature's face jutted out far more than a human skull would, looking a bit more canine in appearance. Several other bodies seemed to be coming to the surface further out, shambling about the field. He wondered if perhaps this was part of why the town's gates were closed.
"Navi, what is that?" Link whispered to the fairy peeking out from under his cap.
"They're stallchildren," Navi explained in a hushed voice. "They're a species related to stalfos."
"Where do they come from?"
"Stalfos usually come from two places- adults lost in the woods, or people who died in battle. Stallchildren are… well… I don't know for sure. They could be anything from children to adult civilians that were killed in battle, possibly?"
Link was about to ask for more clarification, but his voice caught in his throat when he looked back down to the stallchild below them… who was staring right back up at him.
He blinked, his glowing blue orbs flickering out for just a split second, and the creature's red-orange orbs blinked back. Slowly, it raised a hand in greeting. He slowly waved back.
"I think it's friendly," Link whispered to his fairy.
"They're not known to be friendly or kind to humans, or most living species in general." she countered. And then something clicked in her mind. "But you're not really totally alive yourself, are you?"
Link tilted his head inquisitively, shrugging.
"Never mind, we'll talk about it some other time."
With his curiosity getting the better of him, Link slowly started to slide down from the tree, gripping hold of the branch until he was hanging from it so that he minimized his fall. He landed with a soft thump.
A couple more of the stallchildren had taken notice of him and had begun to hobble over curiously. As he tilted his head at the stallchild in front of him, it mirrored his movements. Once the other two had arrived, the three began to talk in hushed whispers.
"What is it? What is it?"
"Is… it is not human?"
"Is not like us? What is it?"
One of them - the largest one - hesitantly reached a bony hand out. Link took a couple steps back, but that only made it move faster. It took hold of his arm, ignoring his cry of surprise, and looked it over."
"Is wood, like tree!"
"Is tree?"
"Is a tree!"
"I'm not a tree!" Link countered, and when he spoke, the one gripping his arm recoiled suddenly.
"It spoke!"
"It speaks!"
"What is it, then?"
Navi, building up her courage, popped out from beneath Link's hat and fluttered in front of him defensively. "He is not a tree. He is a skull kid, from the Lost Woods!"
"Not tree!"
"A fairy!"
"Skull kid!"
His eyes drifted between the three of them, and he was starting to wonder if they had interacted with anyone outside of themselves.
Finally, the first one that had spotted him spoke up, finally addressing him directly. "You are skull kid from the forest… and… have fairy. Is a skull kid friendly?"
He considered the question for a moment, then nodded. "If you are friendly, I am. My name is Link."
"You look similar to a tree, but also similar to stallchild. Why?"
"Because he is similar to a stallchild," Navi explained. "He was lost in the forest when he was young, he became a skull kid, like you became a stallchild when you died."
"Me? I don't remember being not a stallchild!" The leader argued. The other two nodded in agreement, rattling.
"I don't remember not being a skull kid either," Link admitted. "All I remember is my name. And pain, and then being a skull kid. Everyone says I was not a skull kid before, but they don't know who I was."
The stallchildren seemed to think it over, then the leader nodded in acceptance. "Well, tonight, you are Friend!" It threw its hands up in the air, rattling its bones.
The other two threw their hands up in the air and said in unison, "Friend!" And before Link could say anything the three surrounded him, and began to walk in a circle around him, doing a funny little rattling dance.
But finally, the first one broke away from their dance.
"If friend is from the forest, why is friend so far from forest?" It asked.
Link pointed to the walls beyond the moat. "I'm trying to get inside to go see the princess."
The leader let out a tiny surprised noise, while the other two looked to each other and with whispers of "princess?"
Then the leader laughed. "Friend is funny! Humans not let monsters into town, unless monsters bring wares and good tidings for sale!"
The idea of being referred to as a monster made Link uncomfortable. He wasn't a monster, he was himself! But to a human… he would appear monstrous or as a spirit, with his wooden body and glowing eyes and pointy teeth, and the dark spirit energy that allowed his body to move.
On the topic of merchant monsters, Link could only guess that they meant the Deku Scrubs he occasionally saw peddling goods from their flowers. Sometimes, they would tell stories of great human towns if they were bored, for a few rupees of course.
"They won't let anyone in till morning," the leader continued, with agreeing echoes of "morning coming from the other two."
Link let out a sigh. He expected as much, but still, he would have liked to get in sooner. The night had just fallen, and with the stallchildren roaming the field, he felt like he'd have a hard time getting to sleep for some time.
"Would Friend like to play while he waits?"
"Friend play?"
"Can play with friend?"
Link considered the invitation for a moment. On one hand, he didn't want to tire himself out and have to sleep through part of the day. Then again, he would likely not have another chance to play with someone until he returned to the forest after this trip. Maybe it wouldn't hurt?
So finally, the skull kid nodded, earning cheers from the trio in front of him.
"Come this way, this way!"
Link followed as the group of stallchildren hobbled off. Their skeletal joints, though magically animated, did not seem to give them the same speed that he had.
Hours began to whittle away as the group began to play. Hide and seek was not a possibility in the wide-open spaces. But tag seemed to be a favorite. Playing catch with rocks also seemed to amuse the stallchilderen. Even if they got hit and fell apart, their body would just reassemble itself a moment later, and it was back into the game.
What interested them more, however, was Link's flute, the odd shape in his pocket catching the attention of the lead stallchild.
"What is?" He asked, pointing to the shape.
"Oh, it's my flute," Link responded, reaching in to pull the object out.
"You can play music?"
When Link nodded, one of the other stallchildren called out, "Show us!"
So, link began to play, thoughtfully avoiding Saria's song among the tunes he picked out and made up, as something about it felt sacred and special to him, like it was a song he should only share in special cases. Before long, the group had broken into dance, three pale figures and one ashen one twisting and turning in the moonlight
Despite what he had thought would happen, the night seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Sure, he was a little drowsy at the end, but it had been worth it.
The larger stallchild was the first to notice the thin sliver of sunlight on the horrizon.
"Uh oh," he said.
Link turned his attention to the leader, then to the other two. They were all gazing to the sunrise now.
"Sun is coming."
"Time to go."
The trio began hobbling back to where they had first popped out of the ground, Link trailing after curiously.
"They are creatures of darkness, nocturnal," Navi explained as the first one reached its hole and began to disassemble. "They need to return to the soil by daybreak, both to conserve energy, and to protect themselves from travelers."
The bones began rolling back into the ground, first the legs and torso, then the head. The hands came last, pulling the dirt it had unearthed back over itself. The other two were doing similar. Before the sun could finally begin to rise above the horizon, the leader turned its head back to Link and gave a goodbye wave.
"Come back and play again sometime!" It called out. Then it too, was gone.
Link gave one last wave, then dropped his arms to his sides and found himself staring for a moment, until he heard a creaking behind him. The bridge was coming down; he remembered his quest.
Not wanting to waste another moment, he turned, and sprinted back towards the town gates.
The first thing he noticed about the town was that even in the early morning hours, it was already becoming busy.
Nervous about how the humans - especially the adults, after his time speaking with the stallchildren - would react to him, Link made his way around the edge of the town square through the shadows, taking care not to let anyone lock gazes with him. Images of being surrounded by big, scary humans with fire crossed his mind, and he shivered involuntarily. That was just about the worst thing that could happen. At least, he hoped it was.
He was almost all the way across the center square when he slipped up.
He glanced towards where he could see the castle in the distance, then back towards the square to make sure he was not being followed. His eyes locked with someone.
She was a young girl, short, only about as tall as he himself was. Her skin was tanned, likely the result of being out in the sun a lot. Her clothes were rather plain, wearing work boots and a white dress that was only decorated by the blue trim at the bottom and along the sleeves. The only other article of clothing she wore was a yellow handkerchief tied around her neck in a knot. Otherwise she wore no gems or accessories, like many of the girls and women in the square were. Her hair was a bright, flaming orange, contrasting her otherwise fairly light appearance.
She let out a tiny gasp when she noticed him from across the square, and he froze. For a moment, he closed his eyes, hoping that doing so would make him appear invisible or innocent. But it made him feel exposed, unable to see if anyone was advancing. When he opened his eyes again, she was still staring, but had made no movement otherwise. He carefully began to creep forward again. Still no movement. Finally, not wanting to risk it any longer, he took off down the side of the road, making a dash to get out of the town before anyone else noticed him.
It was not long before he'd left the bulk of the town behind him. Two dirt and stone walls lead him forward as the distant castle grew closer and closer. Every few minutes, he glanced back to see if someone had spotted him and sounded some sort of alarm. Fortunately, he managed to get through without trouble for some time.
Eventually, the dirt path opened up into a clearing. At the top of the far side, he suspected there was a field, and beyond the field, the castle stood starkly against the morning sky. As he began to stalk into the open area, he heard a great flapping from a singular tree in front of him. The owl from before was back. Though this time, it did not stick around, instead electing to take off with just a single warning.
"Be careful not to be spotted by the guards!" The bird hooted, before taking off back in the direction of the town.
Link adjusted the strap of his scabbard nervously. He knew little about human culture, but he supposed that it would make sense they would guard something as grand as a castle. Mido did the same with the Deku Tree, after all. Sort of.
The boy rounded the corner, and already came to his first obstacle. Instead of a freely accessible path, the road was blocked by a huge stone gate, two bored guards staring ahead.
He slipped back around the corner, then peeked around the side again. They hadn't seemed to notice him from here. But walking forward would certainly end in being turned away at best.
As he sat down with his back to the stone and dirt wall to consider his options, Navi poked out from under his hat and began to flutter about. She flew around the corner herself first, then back down the other way.
"Link, over here!"
Link glanced up and over in the direction of the fairy's voice. She had stopped in front of a spot on the wall, hovering in place. As Link approached to get a better look, he noticed there was thick vine growth, leading all the way to the top of the wall. He could climb from here.
He took a moment to adjust his equipment, then, taking a hand hold of the vines, began to scale the plants. Just like in the Deku Tree. Just like at home. It was almost second nature, finding handholds and sturdy footing.
As he pulled himself over the top, he could finally get a better look out in front of him. As he suspected, past the gate the path continued, and across from him, a field separated him from the castle, which was also surrounded by a gate.. A path started from the top of the gate that blocked the road as well - which acted as a bridge between the side he was currently standing on, and the field.
He began to slowly creep towards the gate, but as he drew close, he realized that a guard blocked the path there too. He would continue further, but the cliff he was on came to an end where the bridge met. Perhaps he would have a better chance if he waited until night. But… that was so far away. No, he would continue his attempt, even if he did stick out in daylight like a sore thumb.
He came to a stop at the edge of the bridge. If the guard had noticed him yet, he did not react. Link glanced down the side of the path and saw, disheartened, that several other guards lined the cliff, looking down into the path below. Maybe the bird was wrong. Maybe if he just walked over to the guard, they'd let him through? He supposed it was worth a shot.
Slowly, tentatively, he approached the adult man, keeping himself low to the ground and hoping he appeared non-threatening. The man finally seemed to take notice of him as he crept closer, and moved to an offensive stance, holding his weapon, a long spear, out in front of him.
"You, monster child, what do you think you're doing here?"
Link immediately froze in place. Monster child? He had certainly been called some mean things before by frightened or angry Kokiri, or even some of the other intelligent forest dwellers like the Deku. Creepy, or an imp, mostly. But even if he had been warned, monster was just plain insulting.
"I- I was just-" He stammered, taking a step back in time as the guard stepped forward. "From… from the forest, to see the princess?"
His explanation did not cut it. The guard jabbed his spear towards the child threateningly.
"You're not welcome here. Begone, before I am forced to remove you."
"But I-"
"Link, go." Navi hissed from behind him. He took one more step back, and then not wanting to be pushed off the bridge or worse, just turned and jumped himself, falling off the side and landing with a roll. Springing back to his feet, he scampered around the corner and out of sight.
Once out of view, he leaned back against the stone and dirt wall and sank to the ground, hands over his knees. "That went well," he mumbled.
"Do you think they might move when it gets dark? Or at least later in the day?" Navi asked. "I hate to wait for so long, but maybe when they change shifts, it would give us a chance to sneak by?"
Link gave the fairy a nod and sighed, closing his eyes. Waiting could be so boring though, and it was only just barely morning! Then again, he had not slept the night before. Maybe it would not be a bad idea to get some rest.
He dug into one of his pouches, pulling out the remainder of the berries he had brought with him. That's right, he was going to look for more food, wasn't he? He glanced back to the town. He had a little money, if the rupee things that he had collected over the years were as valuable as Saria had claimed. Surely some poor shop keep would take pity on him and sell him something to eat, even if he wasn't human like them?
With something to do for the time being, he stood and began the walk back to the town square.
Link was quiet as they made the trek back to town, head turned down slightly. Navi fluttered along behind silently, for a time. But eventually, she broke the silence, concern tinting her voice.
"Link… are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he murmured, shaking his head.
"Is this about the guard?" She asked.
No answer.
"Ah… I understand," She responded.
He slowed to a stop. Navi slowly landed on his shoulder. "I know it's awful, and awfully mean, but you do have to remember that the forest dwelling races don't leave very often, the only exception being the Deku Scrubs. They can't really be blamed for not knowing what you are."
"I guess…"
"Besides," she continued. "He's a guard. It's his job to turn people away." She paused for a moment, then nuzzled up against Link's cheek. "Now come on, let's find you some food. In fact, going into town may not be a bad idea. I'm sure there will be some people there at least that are more open-minded. Hylians aren't the only race in Hyrule, after all."
Link lifted his head, slightly cheered. With just a bit more pep in his step, he continued on back towards the town.
 The town square was even busier by the time they returned. Merchant stalls had set up along the edges, most gathering large crowds of people out doing their morning shopping. Others milled about, some chatting, others just hurrying around. One man in particular seemed to circle about the area carrying a large bag upon his back, but never really interacted with anyone.
Link felt just a bit overwhelmed. Even in its busiest times, the Kokiri Forest wasn't nearly this crowded. He moved about in a sort of daze, trying to look over each stall in hopes of finding one he could get food from that he would not have to push past droves of adults to reach. But each one just seemed busier than the last.
Someone bumped into the small boy. He stumbled. Whoever it was did not even seem to notice. Before he caught his footing, another almost trampled him; he only just barely managed to scamper out of the way.
With an anxious cry, he retreated to the edges of the square, choosing to just watch the madness. It was too much for the small boy to handle right now. Hoping that he could return later, and it would be emptier, he turned his attention to the buildings along the edges of the square.
One particularly gaudy place caught his eye, with walls painted greed, and red and gold fabric draped along the sides. A huge, equally gaudy sign adorned the building above the entrance. With curiosity gripping him, Link approached.
"Happy… mask… shop…" Navi read slowly, as if in disbelief. "Link, please don't waste any money here, please? We don't know how expensive food and other necessities will be."
Link shrugged, then moved to open the door, stepping into the fanciful building.
The inside was even more fancy and extravagant than it had been outside. An ornate carpet greeted Link's dirt-covered boots. Above him hung stained glass orbs, torchlight shining from inside. Like outside, the inner walls were also draped with fabric.
But the real stars were the masks.
Shelves, filled with dozens of masks, line the wall on either side of Link. One was of a green monster, a blue band painted along the eyes. Another was of a horrifying human face.
"May I help you?"
Link startled, turning his attention to the counter at the end of the way. There stood a man, still as a statue, adorned in robes of royal purple and gold.
The boy slowly approached the counter, tilting his head curiously at the man. "Hiyee!" He started in far too cheerful of a tone. "Welcome to the Happy Mask Shop! We deal in masks that bring happiness to everyone!"
"Everyone?" Link asked, awed.
"Everyone?" Navi echoed skeptically.
"That's right!" The man responded. "Everyone! How would you like to be a happiness salesman?"
"Allow me to explain. I'll lend you a mask. You sell the mask and bring the money back here. If you want to read the fine print, take a look at the sign right over there." He gestured to his right to a huge sign. "After you've sold all the masks, you will become happy yourself! Simple really, you see?"
"I mean-"
"Your masks will be filled with happiness, you just need to have faith… believe… believe…"
Link began to take a step back, feeling more than a bit creeped out. However, something caught the corner of his eye, and with a deep breath, he stepped forward again, hands on the counter.
"What if… What if I just wanted to purchase that one?" He pointed to the side of the man's head to a white mask, with carved holes and features similar to a skull. Not a human skull though, as it had horns that jutted out.
"Link, what did I just say outside," Navi protested.
"It's not for me," he countered. "It's for Skully. He loves masks! I know he'd just love that one."
"Ahem-" the salesman cut in. "I'm afraid I cannot sell you the mask. You see, these are for the business arrangement I mentioned. No, I cannot sell, it but I can lend it."
Link considered it for a moment. "Fine, fine, lend it to me."
"I can't do that either. First you have to sell this mask."
The man reached up to grab a different mask. This one was a bright yellow, with a brown nose, it's appearance similar to an animal. He placed the mask into Link's hands with a bit of force.
Link looked down to the mask in his hands, then to the salesman. Then to the skull mask. Back to the salesman. His grip on the mask tightened, eyes narrowing slightly.
Suddenly, he chucked the mask at the man's head with all the force he could muster. The man stumbled back from the surprising force of the blow and fell back, dazed.
Immediately, Link vaulted over the counter, jumping up to grab the skull mask.
"Link NO!" Navi called out.
He paused, looking at her, then paused only long enough to fish a couple of rupees - a blue and a green - and dropped them in the man's lap before vaulting back over and dashing out.
"See, I paid for it, technically not stealing!"
Navi let out a frustrated huff but followed behind anyways as he dashed out the door.
Once he had emerged out into the fresh air, Link took a moment to turn the mask over in his hands, admiring the handiwork.
Navi flew into his line of sight, buzzing close to his face. "Link," she started slowly, stressing her words out. "That was a horrible idea. Do not. Do. That. Again. Understand?"
The boy stared for a moment, then smiled and laughed, nodding. Despite his answer, Navi suspected he had not learned his lesson at all.
With a sigh, she turned her attention to the market stalls around them. They had begun to clear a little in the time Link had been gone. "Let's just hurry up and get you something to eat. And maybe a larger bag would be a good idea too… Huh?"
When she turned back to address him, Link was already gone. She whipped around, looking for any hint of ashy brown and green, finally spotting him all the way across the square.
He had stopped in front of a food stall, staring intently a bit of a ways away. Navi dashed over, bumping into him slightly to announce her presence.
"Hey!" she cried out in exasperation. "Don't just run off like that! Please!"
Link turned his head back to look at her, staring for a moment before raising an arm to point at the stand he was standing in front of. "I want some of that."
"That" happened to be a pastry stand, much of it already gone from the morning rush. But several items remained here and there.
Navi let out a sigh. She would have to give her lesson another time. "...Okay. Pick one."
"I want them all," he responded.
"Two. No more. You need money for other things too, you know."
He finally conceded, sighing with a nod. "Fiiiiine."
Navi approached the stand first, Link following close behind. The woman behind the counter had her back turned, busy wrapping more of the pastries for sale, humming a little tune.
"Excuse me," Navi said, loud enough to catch the woman's attention.
"Yes," the woman started, turning. "How may I help yooouUUUUOH MY GODDESSES!"
Link blinked at the woman, tilting his head curiously. Was… was she okay?
"My… goodness," she started, calming herself and trying to relieve some of the shock to save the encounter. "Aren't you a… unique little one. I've never seen someone like you around here."
Navi flew forward to make her presence known, before landing on Link's head. "He's with me, he saw your display and just had to get something."
"Oh…" She started, eyes on the fairy. "Of… of course! What would you like, little one?"
Link considered, beginning to look over his choices.
"Remember," Navi pointed out. "Two."
After some moments of deliberation, Link pointed first to a rectangular treat, then second to one with fruit folded into it. "These two… Please?"
"Of course!" The woman responded, reaching for a paper to wrap them in. "That will be… seven rupees, please."
Link reached into his money pouch, looking at the rupees inside quizzically. "... Navi, how much is seven?"
"You can give her a blue and two green ones, Link."
"Isn't that three?"
"The blue one is worth five."
The boy nodded enthusiastically and fished for the change, pulling them out and placing them on the counter. The woman slowly and carefully handed him his pastries in return, eyes on his rough wooden hands.
The boy flashed a toothy grin, then turned to hurry off, Navi fluttering behind. "Thank you!" She called out to the woman before turning her attention to Link.
"Okay, how many rupees do you have in there? Next, a bag."
Even after all the time he spent in the village square, it was only barely after noon when the skull kid found himself wandering back towards the castle.
His new bag was filled with odd delicacies that the forest had never offered. Breads and pastries and all sorts of sweets, dried meats and loose grains all were wrapped up inside. He'd even managed to trade the small pouch he had been using to store slingshot ammo for a larger one. At least someone in this Castle Town place appreciated his slingshot skills!
But now, he still had several hours to pass. He took a seat down beside the vines he had climbed before. He and Navi agreed that jumping over the bridge and following the path during the changing of the guards would be the quickest and safest way to cross.
As he munched on a few of the fresh berries he'd exchanged the last of his rupees for, Navi came to settle on his knee. "I'm going to go scout ahead," she announced. "So I can find the best route into the castle and watch for when the guards change. Is that okay? Will you be alright for a little while?"
Link finished off the last of his fruit, and then nodded, pulling out a loaf of bread and tearing a small piece off. Satisfied, Navi took to the air again.
"Stay here, okay?" When he nodded again, she fluttered off, the quiet jingle of flight dying away as she left.
Once Link had ate his fill, he started to doze off for a while. But his sleep was fitful in the open area, nervous of someone sneaking up on him while he slept. So, after some time he sat back up and reached into his pocket for his flute, then, deciding against it, reached for the ocarina Saria had given him instead. It was the first time he was actually getting a good look at it, and as he slowly turned it over, he realized the fact that though he knew quite a bit about music in general, he had no idea how to play this particular instrument.
Slowly he brought the instrument up to his mouth, allowing his slender, wooden fingers to cover the holes, hoping he was correctly mimicking the way he had seen Saria hold hers. Not wanting to alert the guards, he blew a soft note into the instrument, playing a single, out of tune note.
Well, it was a start.
Blowing into the Ocarina was different from his flute. He had to position his mouth differently, and make sure he was properly covering each of the holes. Adjusting, he blew again, much more satisfied with the note that came out this time. He raised a single finger, comparing the sound. It was higher. Less fingers mostly meant higher.
He could not say for sure how long he spent picking notes at the ocarina, but finally, he had figured out enough to replay Saria's song. He slowly played the song, picking out the notes slowly, then faster as he memorized each note and finger placement, until finally, he could play the whole thing up to speed.
As he finally brought the instrument away from his mouth, he heard soft clapping to his side.
He immediately sprang to his feet and whipped around, raising one arm defensively while quickly stashing the ocarina away protectively, eliciting a gasp from his audience.
As he looked the person over, he realized that he recognized her. It was the girl that had spotted him that morning, that had locked eyes with him for some time, until he'd gathered the courage to leave.
The girl had taken a nervous couple steps back when he had hopped up so suddenly. But when she made no move to harm him, he relaxed, and she, in response, relaxed too. After a moment, she was smiling, hands clasped together.
"Wow, you're really good at music. Did you write that song?"
Link blinked once, his blue orbs flickering out and then back. "Oh, no, one of my friends made it up." He took a moment to fumble with and hastily stash the ocarina away, not wanting to risk the precious object becoming damaged.
The girl giggled, whether it be at his reaction or something else, he was unsure. But he couldn't help but smile sheepishly back. "Hee, hee, I've never seen anything like you before. What are you?"
His smile faltered just slightly. Not who, what. Being referred to as a thing had not bothered him as much when the stallchildren had done so; surely, they had little interaction with others living in the earth like they seemed to. But the Kokiri always referred to him as a person. And he always assumed that humans would too. In fact, most of the adults had referred to him as a person, had they not?
But she was a child like him, he had to remind himself. Perhaps she did not know. Perhaps it had just been the slip of her tongue. Still, his mind drifted back to the way the guard from before had referred to him, as a monster child.
Forcing the thought out of his mind, he finally responded honestly. "I'm a skull kid, from the forest."
She giggled again, repeating the words a couple times to get a feel for them. "Skullkid… Skull kid... Hee hee, that's a silly word. Do you have a name, skull kid?"
"Link," he responded with a nod.
The girl tilted her head from side to side, considering his name, then clasped her hands together. "Link is a funny name, it fits you! My name is Malon! Do you know any other songs, forest boy?"
Link was not sure if he should be flattered or insulted, but he chose to take it as a compliment. It was better to have friends than enemies, right? His hand reached back to grab the fairy ocarina, but instead he shifted his hand to another pocket and pulled out his more familiar flute.
He took a second to adjust his fingers, and then began to play, fingers expertly flying up and down, a merry tune coming out. He swayed from side to side, keeping his music in time. Malon clapped along to the beat, occasionally letting out a laugh or a little cheer. For moment, he forgot where he was, closing his eyes to imagine himself back on the tree stumps in the Lost Woods, playing along with his best friend in the world. It had only been two and a half days now since they had played together that morning, but already, with so many things happening in such a short time, it felt so, so far away.
When his tune came to an end and he opened his eyes again though, he was not in the noisy green forest clearing, but the quiet road on the way to the castle.
Malon clapped. "That was so cool Link! Do you know anymore songs?"
Link nodded, but before he could raise the flute up to his mouth again, Navi flew down from above, urgency in her voice.
"The guards are about to change Link, we need to go now, or it may be a while before we get another chance!"
Link looked to the side to Malon. He was having fun… but this was more important. He nodded to Navi, stuffing his flute back into his pockets, and turned to climb the vines like he had before.
"Wait!" Malon cried out, reaching an arm out to grab his shoulder.
Link paused, looking back to the red-headed girl. She pulled her arm away then hesitated.
"Are you… going to the castle?" When Link nodded in confirmation, she continued. "In that case… could you… do me a favor and look for my dad? He went to the castle this morning for a delivery, but he hasn't come back yet, and I'm getting worried… His name is Talon. He's wearing a red shirt and blue overalls - do you know what those are? Anyways, he's reaaaallllly big." She stretched her arms out wide.
Link considered it for a moment. Well… he was going to the castle anyways, he supposed. He nodded to the girl again. She started to say something, but Navi's voice cut in. "Come on Link, hurry, we won't have much time!"
With no time to spare, Link waved a final goodbye before he turned his focus back to the climb, scrambling up just as he had earlier.
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taramatsu-san · 6 years
I want to put Fumi in my new fanfic asdfdsfgf
Can you tell she's my favorite OC?
I meant to mention this on the last chapter of THOAH but she has nicknames for all the brothers
Osomatsu: Money Red (because his money is always in the red)
Karamatsu: Cool Blue (not that she would say that to his face and Maaya makes fun of her for saying he's cool)
Choromatsu: Green Frog
Jyushimatsu: Sunshine Yellow
Ichimatsu: Tsundere Purple
Todomatsu: Pink Demon
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katalogaisy · 6 years
Tumblr media
PENGERTIAN BERKAT Berkat atau barokah adalah sesuatu yang diinginkan oleh hampir semua hamba yang beriman, kerananya orang akan mendapat limpahan kebaikan dalam hidup. Barokah bukanlah cukup & mencukupi saja, tapi barokah ialah bertambahnya ketaatanmu kepada الله dg segala keadaan yang ada, baik berlimpah atau sebaliknya. Barokah itu : "Albarokatu tuziidukum fi thoah" (Barokah itu adalah yang menambah taatmu kepada الله) Hidup yang barokah bukan hanya sihat, tapi kadang sakit itu justeru barokah sebagaimana Nabi Ayyub عليه السلام, sakitnya menambah taatnya kepada الله. Barokah itu tak selalu panjang umur, ada yang umurnya pendek tapi dahsyat taatnya seperti Mus'ab bin Umair. Tanah yang barokah itu bukan kerana subur & panoramanya indah, kerana tanah yang tandus seperti Makkah punya keutamaan di hadapan الله tiada yg menandingi. Makanan barokah itu bukan yang komposisi nutrien dan khasiatnya lengkap, tapi makanan itu mampu mendorong pemakannya menjadi lebih taat setelah makan. Ilmu yg barokah itu bukan yang banyak riwayat & catatan kakinya, tapi yang barokah ialah yang mampu menjadikan seorang menitiskan peluh & darahnya dalam beramal & berjuang untuk agama الله. Penghasilan barokah juga bukan gaji yg besar & bertambah, tapi sejauh mana ia dapat menjadi jalan rezeki bagi yang lainnya & semakin banyak orang yang terbantu dengan penghasilan tersebut. Anak yang barokah bukanlah saat kecil mereka lucu & comel atau setelah dewasa mereka sukses bergelar, mempunyai pekerjaan & jawatan hebat, tapi anak yg barokah ialah yang sentiasa taat kepada Rabb-Nya & kelak di antara mereka ada yang lebih solih & tak henti-hentinya mendo'akan kedua orang tuanya. Semoga segala aktiviti kita hari ini barokah بَارَكَ اللهُ فِيْك "Barang siapa yg mengajarkan satu ilmu dan orang tersebut mengamalkannya maka pahala bagi orang yang memberikan ilmu tersebut tanpa mengurangi pahala orang yang mengamalkan ilmu tersebut". (HR.Bukhari Muslim) Salam Jumaat 🤗 . . #niqaviejb #jemaahniqavie #katalogaisy #niqabsyaza
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tipsandtips · 7 years
[9/5, 21:15] Emil Ce Alpus: *APA ITU " BAROKAH" ?*
Barokah adalah kata yg diinginkan oleh hampir semua hamba yg beriman, karenanya orang akan mendapat limpahan kebaikan dalam hidup.
Barokah bukanlah cukup & mencukupi saja, tapi barokah ialah ketaatanmu kepada الله dg segala keadaan yg ada, baik berlimpah atau sebaliknya.
Barokah itu: "albarokatu tuziidukum fi thoah" ~ barokah menambah taatmu kepada الله.
Hidup yg barokah bukan hanya sehat, tapi kadang sakit itu justru barokah sebagaimana Nabi Ayyub عليه السلام, sakitnya menambah taatnya kepada الله.
Barokah itu tak selalu panjang umur, ada yg umurnya pendek tapi dahsyat taatnya layaknya Musab ibn Umair.
Tanah yg barokah itu bukan karena subur & panoramanya indah, karena tanah yg tandus seperti Makkah punya keutamaan di hadapan الله tiada yg menandingi.
Makanan barokah itu bukan yg komposisi gizinya lengkap, tapi makanan itu mampu mendorong pemakannya menjadi lebih taat setelah makan.
Ilmu yg barokah itu bukan yg banyak riwayat & catatan kakinya, tapi yg barokah ialah yg mampu menjadikan seorang meneteskan keringat & darahnya dalam beramal & berjuang untuk agama الله.
Penghasilan barokah juga bukan gaji yg besar & bertambah, tapi sejauh mana ia bisa jadi jalan rizqi bagi yg lainnya & semakin banyak orang yg terbantu dg penghasilan tersebut.
Anak² yg barokah bukanlah saat kecil mereka lucu & imut atau setelah dewasa mereka sukses bergelar & mempunyai pekerjaan & jabatan hebat, tapi anak yg barokah ialah yg senantiasa taat kepada Rabb-Nya & kelak di antara mereka ada yg lebih shalih & tak henti²nya mendo'akan kedua Orang tuanya.
Semoga segala aktifitas kita hari ini barokah
بَارَكَ اللهُ فيكم
[9/8, 19:30] nisha _aisha 1e: *Ibu Lelah? Rehatlah*
Oleh : Sofiana Indraswari
Semalam saat saya baru saja membuka laptop untuk membuat tulisan di hari ke 9,sebuah pesan masuk :
"Saya lelah mbak.Rasanya hanya saya yang harus bertanggung jawab untuk semuanya.Waktu rasanya begitu cepat,sementara saya melihat diri saya tidak mencapai apapun...saya minder kalau ketemu temen-teman lainnya,rasanya saya doang yang gini-gini aja..."
"saya merasa tidak bahagia..rasanya berputar putar terus di rutinitas yang sama.Di rumah rasanya hati saya gak tenang..tiap hari ada saja masalah yang dibuat oleh anak-anak.Anak-anak gak nurut kalau diberi tau..melawan terus,suami malah keliatannya lebih asik di luar rumah..."
saya terpaku, membayangkan situasi yang terjadi di rumahnya.
Saya memperhatikan pola seperti ini sering sekali terjadi,dan mungkin sebagiannya pernah juga dialami oleh saya&jutaan ibu lainnya.
Ada rasa lelah yang sangat besar, yang pada akhirnya mengambil rasa bahagia ibu,dan lambat laun mengambil rasa bahagia seluruh anggota keluarga.
Saya tentunya tidak akan membahas kisah ibu tersebut di tulisan ini,tapi saya tergugah untuk menulis sebuah perspektif tentang kata "lelah"
Saya teringat sebuah nasehat yang dikiaskan dalam bentuk sebuah narasi antara iblis dan syetan :
"Jika kau ingin merusak sebuah keluarga, rusaklah dulu ibunya!!"
beri ia perasaan akan rasa lelah bertubi yang membuatnya merasa lemah dan habis energi
jika ia sudah merasa lelah, ambil rasa syukurnya
biarkan ia merasa bahwa hidupnya habis untuk mengurus keluarga dan buatlah ia tidak memiliki apapun, selain lelah yang didapatnya
setelah kau ambil rasa syukurnya, buatlah ia menjadi orang yang tidak percaya diri
sibukkan pandangan matanya untuk melihat kebahagiaan orang lain dan buatlah ia lupa akan kebaikan yang ia miliki,
buatlah ia merasa minder dan merasa tidak berharga
jika itu sudah terjadi, ambilah juga sabarnya,
gaduhkan hatinya agar ia merasa ada banyak hal yang berantakan dalam rumahnya, buatlah ia merasa betapa banyak masalah yang ditimbulkan dari anak-anaknya, dari suaminya
goda lisannya untuk berkata kasar,
Hingga nanti anak-anak mencontohnya dan tak menghargainya lagi, lalu bertambahlah kemarahan demi kemarahan, hilanglah aura syurga dalam rumah
dan kau akan menemukan perlahan, rumah itu rusak…dari pintu seorang Ibu
Sekali lagi, makhluk penting itu bernama Ibu,
Lelah yang tidak selesai menjadi tempat masuknya syetan,
Ia mengambil bahagiamu, mengambil sabar dan syukurmu wahai ibu,
Jangan biarkan syetan mengambil itu,
Jika kau lelah, rehatlah.
Jika kau lelah, berbagilah
Sungguh tak ada satupun yang akan membiarkanmu merasa sakit sendiri
jika kau pandai menghargai dirimu,
Ringankan tugasmu bu,
Jangan menekan dirimu terlalu keras,
Sesekali tak masalah rumahmu kotor
tak masalah betapa banyaknya pekerjaan yang belum kau tuntaskan
Jangan terjebak dalam waktumu bu,
sungguh tugas muliamu jauh lebih penting dari sekedar rutinitas yang kau lakukan setiap harinya
Jika pun tak mungkin kau tempuh jarak puluhan kilo untuk segarkan diri,
Sekedar menepi, menepilah
beri waktu untuk dirimu sendiri,
Sekedar melihat betapa banyak kebaikan yang kau punya,
betapa manisnya keceriaan anak-anakmu,
betapa bertanggungjawabnya suamimu,
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sasbun · 8 years
Thought via Path
APA ITU BAROKAH? Barokah adalah kata yang diinginkan oleh hampir semua hamba yang beriman, karenanya orang akan mendapat limpahan kebaikan dalam hidup. Barokah bukanlah cukup & mencukupi saja, tapi barokah ialah ketaatanmu kepada الله dengan segala keadaan yang ada, baik berlimpah atau sebaliknya. Barokah itu: "albarokatu tuziidukum fi thoah" - barokah menambah taatmu kepada الله. Hidup yang barokah bukan hanya sehat, tapi kadang sakit itu justru barokah sebagaimana Nabi Ayyub عليه السلام, sakitnya menambah taatnya kepada الله. Barokah itu tak selalu panjang umur, ada yang umurnya pendek tapi dahsyat taatnya layaknya Musab ibn Umair. Tanah yang barokah itu bukan karena subur & panoramanya indah, karena tanah yang tandus seperti Makkah punya keutamaan di hadapan الله tiada yang menandingi. Makanan barokah itu bukan yang komposisi gizinya lengkap, tapi makanan itu mampu mendorong pemakannya menjadi lebih taat setelah makan. Ilmu yang barokah itu bukan yang banyak riwayat & catatan kakinya, tapi yang barokah ialah yang mampu menjadikan seorang meneteskan keringat & darahnya dalam beramal & berjuang untuk agama الله. Penghasilan barokah juga bukan gaji yang besar & bertambah, tapi sejauh mana ia bisa jadi jalan rizqi bagi yang lainnya & semakin banyak orang yang terbantu dengan penghasilan tersebut. Anak² yang barokah bukanlah saat kecil mereka lucu & imut atau setelah dewasa mereka sukses bergelar & mempunyai pekerjaan & jabatan hebat, tapi anak yang barokah ialah yang senantiasa taat kepada Rabb-Nya & kelak di antara mereka ada yang lebih shalih & tak henti²nya mendo'akan kedua orang tuanya. Ust.Achmad Zainudin hafidzahullah http://bbg-alilmu.com via SALAFI ----- Semoga segala aktifitas kita hari ini penuh barokah. Aamiin.. at Aspol Kelud No.4 – Read on Path.
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