#thomas yoseloff
garadinervi · 1 year
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Ernest M. Robson, The Orchestra of the Language, with the editorial assistance of James T. Kennedy, Jr., Drawings by Marion M. Robson, Jacket design by Julio Granda, Thomas Yoseloff, New York, NY, and London, 1959
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martyncrucefix · 5 years
Everything Moving: Tamar Yoseloff's 'The Black Place'
Everything Moving: Tamar Yoseloff's 'The Black Place' published by Seren Books;
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Last week I attended the launch of Tamar Yoseloff’s new collection, published by Seren Books. Tammy and I have known each other for a long while, are both published by Seren and, in her role at Hercules Editions, she has just published my own recent chapbook, Cargo of Limbs. So – in the small world of British poetry – I’m hardly an unconnected critic, but I have the benefit of having followed her…
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mzksgr · 4 years
題名:Pandora and Epimetheus (1962)
作者:Elizabeth Craig
掲載:Craig, Elizabeth, "Men and Myths of Ancient Greece", Thomas Yoseloff, 1962
魔法陣から出てきた変なもの [048-252-001]
『悪魔くん』「なんじゃもんじゃ」 (1967)
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alliwalk · 3 years
Making Sense of Your Taxes for 2021 and Beyond
NY Public Library, Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
Wed, November 3, 2021, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EDT
In 2021, taxpayers have been treated to a mind-bending array of adjustments to the tax code that started in 2020 (or even 2017). Many of the stimulus initiatives were delivered via the IRS, as are transfer payments related to recent tax proposals. These changes will impact taxable income, tax credits, retirement distributions/contributions, estate taxes, etc. How do you make sense out of this? And is there anything special that New Yorkers should know since they have one of the highest tax rates in the country? Daniel Olson, CFA, CFP® discusses how these moving parts come together so you can develop a plan for this 2021 tax year and beyond. Topics covered include income taxes, retirement savings, education benefits, stimulus payments, and investments.
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bookloversofbath · 5 years
Cloth Dolls (Phillis A. Rustam)
Cloth Dolls (Phillis A. Rustam)
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Cloth Dolls (Phillis A. Rustam) soon to be presented for sale on the super BookLovers of Bath web site!
Published: New York, London: A. S. Barnes & Co., Thomas Yoseloff, 1980, Hardback in dust wrapper.
Contains: Black & white photographs; Colour photographs;
From the cover: A book devoted to very special dolls!
The making of cloth dolls is one of the oldest forms of doll-making known to man. It…
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uwmspeccoll · 8 years
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It’s Fine Press Friday!
Yesterday for Feathursday we featured some 1957 wood engravings by Robert Gibbings who had been the owner/publisher of the Golden Cockerel Press, 1924-1933. Gibbings did quite well in the 1920s, but by the 1930s his fortunes with the press had turned south, so he sold the business in 1933 to three business partners:  Christopher Sandford, Owen Rutter, and Francis J. Newbery. The partners were determined to place the production of the press on a more commercial footing while still maintaining its fine-press roots. 
This book, produced in 1937, was the first in a series of successful collaborations between the partners and the English illustrator and wood engraver Clifford Webb. Ana the Runner: A Treatise for Princes & Generals Attributed to Prince Mahmoud Abdul, a speculative story by Patrick Miller about the potentially greater efficiency of using female over male message runners, was printed by Sanford and Rutter. By this time, Newbery had been replaced as a partner by the even-more business-minded Anthony Sandford, who expected a return on his investment. The result was that although a limited press run was reserved for subscribers, Ana the Runner was produced in an unlimited edition for the commercial market. Our copy is one of the unlimited copies, but still retains much of the fine press production values. Anthony Sanford’s business model was not a success, and he left the partnership in 1938. Owen Rutter died in 1944, and Christopher Sanford carried on the business alone until 1959, when he sold it to the American publisher Thomas Yoseloff. Yoseloff produced a few notable editions, but ended up closing the business in 1961 after 41 years of operation.
View more Fine Press Friday posts. 
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liberalcom-blog · 5 years

https://liber-al.com/?p=2620&wpwautoposter=1562311388 Symonds, John Thomas Yoseloff, 1960. Hardcover. First American Edition. 254pp. Illus. Book in very good condition with very good dust-cover, some rubbing to dust-cover and shelf-wear, book itself all but immaculate. A very good copy of this interesting work.
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delwray-blog · 6 years
JEWS CONFIRM BIG MEDIA IS JEWISH Editor's note: In 2002 the Jewish website "Judaism Online" posted an extensive list of Jews who dominate the American media. Since 2006 this article, with my comments, has proven one of the very most frequented at www.truthtellers.org. In this update and revision, I keep much of the original Judaism Online article (which is in italics) but delete out-of-date information. I add much more, documenting the present status of the Jewish media moguls who tell us what to believe - and degrade our morals. Unless otherwise stated, these individuals are Jewish. The names of persons who are almost certainly Jewish but unconfirmed are followed by an asterisk. Jewish control of the media is a taboo topic. In Congress, among evangelicals and mainline conservative talk radio, it is never mentioned. It is discussed only in snatches on far right alternative talk radio. This is astonishing, considering that almost every substantial library in America contains a number of books confirming such Jewish control. These include Neil Gabler’s An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood and Hoberman and Shandler’s Entertaining America: Jews, Movies, and Broadcasting. These encyclopedic histories of Jewish control of the American media outdo any efforts by so-called “anti-Semites” to document an astonishing, frightening fact: The majority of media news and information to the American public comes from Jews. An authoritative Jewish website Judaism Online (www.simpletoremember.com) in its article “Jewish Success in the American Media” documents Jewish media preeminence. It does so not from motives of anti-Semitism but from Jewish pride. Its 2002 list of many Jewish superstars in the media today is printed, in part, below. Of course, there are more Gentiles than Jews in the American media, as in America at large. But notice how many Jews are in control of media giants. This helps explain why the media is so relentlessly anti-Christian, constantly pushing immorality and the liberal Zionist political agenda. Why are Christians always marginalized in films and TV? Why is the Palestinian perspective not included in the news? Face the forbidden truth: The media speaks with a Jewish voice. TELEVISION NETWORKS CBS/Viacom: Sumner Redstone - chairman of board and CEO of the CBS Corporation, which includes Viacom, "world's biggest media giant" ( Economist, 11-23-02). The CBS Corporation is the world's most powerful and corruptive Jewish media giant.   Viacom  owns Viacom Cable, CBS, and MTV… Blockbuster Video Rentals, and Black Entertainment TV. Viacom operations include UPN, BET Networks, Paramount Pictures and such well-known global brands as VH1, CMP, Logo, Nickelodeon, Nick at Nite, Nick Jr., Teen Nick, Comedy Central, Showtime, Spike TV, TV Land, Rock Band, Addicting Games, Atom, Neo Pets, and Shockwave as well as Simon and Schuster. Phillipe Dauman is president and CEO of Viacom. Leslie Moonves (great-nephew of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion) - president of CBS Television. Just Resigned Martin Franks (*) is executive vice president, planning, policy and government affairs. Louis J. Briskman (*) is executive vice president of research and planning and general counsel. Although Jews compose less than 2 percent of the US population, the CBS Corporation Board of Directors, as well as major corporation divisions, is occupied by over 60 percent Jews. NBC: In 2011 Comcast purchased NBC Universal. Steve Burke (a gentile yet board member of J. P. Morgan) became new CEO of NBC Universal. Robert Greenblatt is chairman of NBC Entertainment. Steve Capus (*) is president of NBC News. Max Mutchnik and David Kohan - co-executive producers of NBC’s “Good Morning, Miami.” ABC: Robert Iger - major owner of Walt Disney, Capital Cities, and ABC.   Disney owns cable TV networks such as Disney Channel, ESPN, A&E TV Network, ABC Family, as well as many other entertainment venues. Allan Braverman is executive vice president and general counsel of Walt Disney Company. Ben Sherwood is president of ABC News. FOX: Rupert Murdoch (Jewish mother, hence legally Jewish) is owner of FOX TV,  New York Post,  London Times, and  News of the World. Joel Klein, ex-chancellor of New York Department of Education, was appointed by Murdoch to clean up the news corporation's hacking image. CNN: Wolf Blitzer is host of CNN’s "The Situation Room." HOLLYWOOD MOVIE STUDIOS The prestigious Encyclopedia Judaica, in its article “Motion Pictures,” pg. 449, says: “Thus all the large Hollywood companies, with the exception of United Artists...were founded and controlled by Jews.” Sony Corporation (worldwide): Howard Stringer - chairman and group CEO. Sony produced the blasphemous "Da Vinci Code" (SeeThe Jews Behind Da Vinci Code) Columbia Pictures: Michael Lynton - cochairman. Sony Pictures Entertainment: Amy Pascal - cochairman. Warner Bros.: Barry Meyer - chair. Edgar M. Bronfman Jr. was CEO of Warner Music Group from 2004 until sale of WMG in 2011. He was previously CEO of Seagram and vice chairman of Vivendi Universal. Time Warner: Gary Ginsberg is executive vice president of marketing and communications. Paramount: Brad Gray - president of Paramount Pictures. DreamWorks: Stephen Spielberg, David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg (owners). Miramax Films: Harvey Weinstein, former CEO of Miramax, left to found, with his brother, Weinstein Films. Warner Brothers: Barry Meyer - chairman. MGM: Harry Sloan - chairman. AMC: Charlie Collier - president. Screen Actors Guild: Alan Rosenberg - president. RADIO Clear Channel Communications: Robert Sillerman - founder. PBS: Ben Wattenberg - moderator, PBS ThinkTank. PUBLISHERS The Encyclopedia Judaica, in its article “Publishing,” lists the following publishing houses, as of 1971, owned or controlled by Jews: Viking, Knopf, Random House, Modern Library, Simon and Schuster, Harcourt, Brace & Co., Greenberg Publishers, Ziff-Davis, Crown Publishers, Dial Press and Dryden Press. Publishing houses either founded by or with a Jew as editor-in-chief include: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, Abelard-Schumann, Basic Books, Grosset & Dunlap, Federal Writers Project, Gaer Associates, Macmillan & Co., Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Citadel Press, Chanticleer Press, Arthur Frommer, Inc., Hart Publishing Co., Lantern Press, Oceanea Publications, Twayne Publishers, Arco Publishing Co., Grossman Publishers, and Stein & Day. Publishing houses involved in book clubs, reprints, or children’s literature either founded by or controlled by Jews include the Literary Guild, Book of the Month Club, Limited Editions Club, Heritage Club, Junior Heritage Club, Readers Club, Jewish Book Guild, Military Science Book Club, Natural History Book Club, Book Collector’s Society, Art Book Guild, Science Book Club, Beech Hurst Press, A. S. Barnes & Co., Sagamore Press, Thomas Yoseloff Inc., The Modern Library, World Publishing Co., Little Blue Books, Pocket Books Inc., Avon Publications, Popular Library, Schocken Books, Golden Books, and Golden Press. In its article on New York City, the Judaica adds to the list of publishing houses owned by Jews, Liveright & Boni, and Anchor Books. Today, Random House, Doubleday, and Anchor Books, while Jewish owned and controlled, participate in the world’s largest publishing consortium, Bertelsmann A.G., benefiting from its staggering distribution advantages. Judaism Online says: Bertelsmann’s American operations are headed by Joel Klein, chair and CEO. NEWSPAPERS The following, from the 2002 Judaism Online article, though largely outdated, I have left unrevised because of the general picture it presents. Samuel Newhouse Jr. and Donald Newhouse own Newhouse Publications, which includes 26 newspapers in 22 cities. The Conde Nast Magazine Group includes the New Yorker, Parade, the Sunday newspaper supplements, American City Business Journal, business newspapers published in more than 30 major cities in America, and interests in cable television programming and cable systems serving one million homes. Wall Street Journal: Peter R. Kahn, CEO New York Times, Boston Globe, and other publications: published by Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr. New York Daily News: Mortimer Zuckerman, owner Village Voice, New Times and network of alternative weeklies: Owned by David Schneiderman Washington Post: Donald Graham, chair and CEO, son of Katharine Graham Meyer, former owner of Washington Post San Francisco Chronicle: Ron Rosenthal, managing editor; Phil Bronstein, exec. editor AOL-Time Warner Book Group: Laurence Kirshbaum, editor Magazines: US News & World Report: Mortimer Zuckerman, owner and chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish-American Organizations, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbying groups New Republic: Marty Peretz, owner and publisher (NR openly identifies itself as pro-Israel.) Barron’s: Peter R. Kahn, CEO National Review: Michael Ledeen, editor Business Week: Bruce Nussbaum, editorial page editor Newsweek: Donald Graham, chair and CEO, and Howard Fineman, chief political columnist Weekly Standard: William Kristol, editor, also executive director, Project for a New American Century, (PNAC) The New Yorker: David Reznik, editor; Nicholas Lehman, writer; Henrick Hertzberg, “Talk of the Town” editor Miscellaneous: Ivan Seidenberg - CEO of Verizon Communications, Comcast-ATT Cable TV, with Ralph and Brian Roberts as owners. Norman Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute - regular columnist for USA Today, news analyst for CBS and co-chair with Leslie Moonves of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers, appointed by Clinton. Dennis Lebowitz - head of Act II Partners, a media hedge fund. Barry Diller - chair of USA Interactive, former owner of USA Entertainment. Kenneth Roth - executive director of Human Rights Watch. Richard Leibner - head of N. S. Bienstock talent agency, which represents 600 news personalities such as Dan Rather, Dianne Sawyer, and Bill O’Reilly. Ari Fleischer - Bush’s former press secretary Stephen Emerson - every media outlet’s first choice as an expert on domestic terrorism. Terry Semel - CEO of Yahoo!, former chair, Warner Bros. Mark Golin - VP and creative director for AOL. Warren Lieberford - president of Warner Bros. Home Video Division of AOL-Time Warner. Judaism Online’s list presents only the most outstanding, well-recognized Jews in the American media. I could name hundreds more from the top ranks of Jewish media leadership. Such names are readily available from corporate directories such as Standard and Poor's and Lexis Nexus. Yes, some a small number of the Jewish superstars listed above are political conservatives. Yet studies of top-level Jewish media executives prove they are overwhelming liberal. The famous Lichter-Rothman poll in the early 1980s found that top media executives were radically out of step with the moral values of the American public. Of these, 97% affirm a woman's right to an abortion if she pleases. 80% disagree that homosexuality is wrong. 86% believe homosexuals have the right to be schoolteachers. 51% believe adultery is permissible. Of 104 top executives polled, 59% were "raised in the Jewish religion." Who can deny such Jewish domination of big media? As Jewish film critic Michael Medved argues, "It makes no sense at all to try to deny the reality of Jewish power and preeminence in popular culture. Any list of the most influential production executives at each of the major movie studios will produce a heavy majority of recognizable Jewish names." Does it matter who dominates the media? It does! The media shapes not only our children's values and actions but our own. The Jewish media has normalized sexual degeneracy, profanity and all kinds of sin. It also leads us into war to make the Mid-East safe for Israel. This happened in Afghanistan, Iraq and, tomorrow, Iran. If an anti-Christian agenda were being advanced by Moonies or Scientologists, dominating the most powerful positions of media leadership in America, there would be a howl of protest. Americans would demand Congressional hearings and investigations. But because the Jewish media has forbidden identification of itself as Jewish, vilifying such as anti-Semitism, a deafening silence prevails. Meanwhile, relentless evil continues to control the spigot of information from which America drinks.NPN Email Alert: Updated! Jews Confirm Big Media is Jewishtruthtellers.org
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garadinervi · 4 years
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From: Barrie Stavis, (1970), John Brown: The Sword and the Word, A. S. Barnes and Company, South Brunswick, NJ, and New York, NY / Thomas Yoseloff, London, 1971
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mzksgr · 4 years
題名:Endymion and the Moon Goddess (1962)
作者:Elizabeth Craig
掲載:Craig, Elizabeth, "Men and Myths of Ancient Greece", Thomas Yoseloff, 1962
秘法霊界流し [030-406-001] [030-406-002 他]
『墓場の鬼太郎』「見上げ入道」 (1967)
鬼太郎の親友 ねずみ男 [030-342] [030-343]
『大妖怪ショッキング画報』 (1967)
水晶球に映る景色 (大きくとがった巨大な山) [071-156-002]
『水晶球の世界』 (1967)
via ミズキカメラ 藤本和也のブログ(仮タイトル)
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鬼太郎の親友 ねずみ男 (全体)
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鬼太郎の親友 ねずみ男 (部分)
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mzksgr · 4 years
題名:Athene and Arachne (1962)
作者:Elizabeth Craig
掲載:Craig, Elizabeth, "Men and Myths of Ancient Greece", Thomas Yoseloff, 1962
九尾のきつね (背景) [058-132]
『妖怪大画報 日本の妖魔』 (1968)
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mzksgr · 4 years
題名:Leda and the Swan (1962)
作者:Elizabeth Craig
掲載:Craig, Elizabeth, "Men and Myths of Ancient Greece", Thomas Yoseloff, 1962
手洗い入道 (背景左崖) [058-135]
『妖怪大画報 日本の妖魔』 (1968)
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mzksgr · 4 years
題名:The Birth of Pegasus (1962)
作者:Elizabeth Craig
掲載:Craig, Elizabeth, "Men and Myths of Ancient Greece", Thomas Yoseloff, 1962
扉絵 [069-233]
『雨神ユムチャック』 (1968)
挿絵21 [077-104_105]
『水木しげるの雨月物語』「蛇性の婬」 (1972)
人魚 (背景) [058-131]
『妖怪大画報 日本の妖魔』 (1968)
via ミズキカメラ 藤本和也のブログ(仮タイトル)
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雨神ユムチャック (270度回転)
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mzksgr · 4 years
題名:Dionysus, Alcithoë and her Sisters (1962)
作者:Elizabeth Craig
掲載:Craig, Elizabeth, "Men and Myths of Ancient Greece", Thomas Yoseloff, 1962
地獄旅行のひみつ [030-338] [030-339]
『大妖怪ショッキング画報』 (1967)
お正月の過ごし方 (無題) [060-187-001]
『妖怪のお正月』 (1986)
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mzksgr · 4 years
題名:Arion and the Dolphin (1962)
作者:Elizabeth Craig
掲載:Craig, Elizabeth, "Men and Myths of Ancient Greece", Thomas Yoseloff, 1962
扉絵 [060-133]
『なまけの与太郎』「第8回 海じじい」 (1966)
via ミズキカメラ 藤本和也のブログ(仮タイトル)
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liberalcom-blog · 6 years

https://liber-al.com/?p=2620 Symonds, John Thomas Yoseloff, 1960. Hardcover. First American Edition. 254pp. Illus. Book in very good condition with very good dust-cover, some rubbing to dust-cover and shelf-wear, book itself all but immaculate. A very good copy of this interesting work. #HelenaBlavatsky #Theosophical #Womenintheoccult
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