laprimera · 8 months
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" shouldn't you be more worried about black lung from coal dust? "
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"...I wont comment on the second thing."
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aetherceuse · 1 year
If people can't be threatmantic, I don't want any antagonism. There is an art to engaging in verbal and physical fisticuffs with a villain and it is dying. Please keep this time honored tradition with me Rex. Let's throw vague threats, be chill and ruin regions. ❤️❤️❤️
I wanna be threatmantic enough all the weird anons just go the fuck away. 🎉✨✨✨
Thanks for this message Kei, I’ve been looking at it, while trying to avoid doom scrolling the dashboard all day, and I’ve finally gotten a moment to sit down and reply to it.
I’d like to clarify, that when I wrote my post about the frustrations of an antagonist writer, it wasn’t to stoke the flames or make it seem as if one group of writers has a more difficult time than another group of writers; problems on both sides can, and do, exist. I did want to bring light to some of the unique frustrations that coincide with people who heavily favor antagonist writing, however.
I write these characters, because I love these characters. And I love these characters because I’ve always been really passionate and really invested in crafting a believable, impactful villain; literally as far back as I can remember, into my earliest years, I was always much more invested in what the antagonists were doing in Disney movies, in old school anime and cartoons, in books, in games, in any sort of media that I was consuming. That is always how I have been. The bombastic energy, the stage presence, the dialogue, the body language, it was always so dramatic and captivating for me, and something that I wanted to replicate in my own art.
What I think a lot of younger people do not realize, is that early on, a lot of villains on television were queercoded, in order to emphasize how TERRIBLE AND AWFUL IT WAS TO BE GAY in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, etc. You saw male antagonists who were effeminate, you saw female antagonist who were absolutely lesbian coded. All of these traits were projected onto antagonists. And as a lonely youngin in a household where being gay was considered a mortal sin, where else are you going to find representation? Visibly queer heroes were practically non-existent— and if they did exist, it wasn’t accessible for a child like me, growing up in a staunch Catholic household. Media where the gay men were the bad guys though? Media where the main female antagonist went against gender roles and societal standards? They were plentiful. Sure, there are far more queer heroes in media today, but, my niche has already been solidified.
I think that, along with the fact that my own personality and flavors of trauma and mental illness are— extremely difficult to deal with— influences my writing, and why I have wound up finding a niche in antagonists. At the end of the day, a lot of the psychology and themes that I enjoy writing have not been applicable to protagonists. The antagonists always wind up having the traits that I need to get invested in a muse.
That’s not to say that I do not want my characters to grow. I do. There is so much more to writing— and interacting with— an antagonistic character than putting them in a position to be beaten up, or the butt of a joke. Frankly, it makes me really sad when that is the only thing people want out of my villains. These are human beings, with a range of emotions, interests, backgrounds, and skills: frankly, all of us are more likely to be one step away from being a villain in somebody’s story (and yes, everybody has been the villain in a story at least once before in their lifetime), than a legendary hero. I want to be able to write a character that gets people thinking. However it just gets— more and more difficult to keep up with the pace of the community, especially as someone with characters that require a LOT of patience and time in order to open up. I write personalities and characters that are slow burns. And because of my busy life, my body pains, and other factors, it is difficult to achieve this lately. It is disheartening, to say the least. There is a lot I want to write, there are a lot of angles I want to explore, but it is hard when it feels as though I am not going fast enough— or having my muse open up fast enough— before interest is dropped.
There are people who do appreciate what I do, people who appreciate the nuances of my characters, people who see what I’m writing, nod, and fist bump me. It matters a lot, and those people are dear to me. I realize that my niche isn’t for everybody. I realize that my content can be disturbing. I realize that it can be difficult to interact with. I know these characters can make people uncomfortable, and I don’t take it personally when people SB or hard block my blogs due to the content. But I’m queer, I’m mentally ill, and I’m writing content for queer, mentally ill people to find catharsis in; sometimes, seeing yourself in a villain is what you need for introspection.
My ex told me that my content was “disturbing” and that I “needed help”, and essentially made me stop writing it. I’m not going to stop anymore. This is my passion, and, I hope you guys will see my name on the cover of a hardback novel one day. I despise that we are in an era of the internet where so many people deem you as “bad” if you happen to favor villains over heroes. I don’t see it much here in this community, but, I see it everywhere else on other social media. You can enjoy the themes of fiction, without condoning it. You can put evil on the table without romanticizing it. And you can write villains without being treated like one.
I’ve gone on a ramble, but, thanks for giving me the opportunity to talk about this.
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aekashic · 10 months
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rose experiments on things... again. but, the next time he tries to do anything to it, it intends to rip him molecule from molecule.
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monterraverde · 1 year
She's been sent a handsome Mudsdale born and bred in Galar. From the region of Galar and Macro Cosmos -- happy birthday Miss Navarro.
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"What the-?!" It has been LITERAL AGES since she talked to Rose, but he seemed to keep to the tradition of the yearly birthday gifts, and this go around it's an absolutely stunning surprise.
She holds her hand out to the gargantuan horse to let him get used to her scent and the sight of her, a soft smile on her features. "Gods above aren't you gorgeous? I'd say you were bred for dressage considering Rose, but you definitely look ready for battle. Heh... Wow, I'm gonna have to send a card back somehow, and that won't even do it justice."
She returns the pokemon to its ball, she's gonna have to transfer this into an apriball later, right now she's off to find stationary and wax for seals.
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gildead · 1 year
Stupid idiot ghost got no-selled by a Bri'ish guy.
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godstrain · 1 year
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pictured: me and kei @thornychairman / @moonkssd whenever we come up with any sort of adjacent lore ever and then delve into worldbuilding and character analysis ...
( every character is having a real bad time and everyone suffers there is no joy only a creeping nameless terror of the best and most engaging sort )
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lysaandre · 6 months
Lazy pinned post until I get home from work.
Super canon-divergent Lysandre from Pokemon Y, played by KEI.
Selective & low activity. A side blog.
A study in bad coping mechanisms, loss, anger at the world and unhealthy devotion.
Triggers around! So please be wary. Also not here to get whumped or for romantic/sexual shipping. Please look elsewhere, we here for studying trauma responses.
Follows back from @thornychairman
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laprimera · 1 year
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aetherceuse · 1 year
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"Please turn your battle OST down, I'm not finished with work yet."
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aekashic · 1 year
be honest....how much do you hate me? :)
❝ you remind me of foolish kings- the ones who built their kingdom on my bones. the ones who tore away my scales and my flesh- cut into me with their blades- ❞ he's learned to be calm, to allow fate to play out as it must- he knows better than to lash out here / it will get him nowhere. not with a man like rose.
but, rose is only mortal, and like the greedy mortals before him, he will die from the very thing he chased after.
❝ you really thought you could find someone who would be able to control me? how ignorant of you- yes, i hate you. i hate you more than you could ever comprehend with that feeble human mind of yours- i have often considered simply slaughtering you where you stand- ❞
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❝ but, if i did that, i wouldn't get to see you suffer, and where is the fun in that? i know your screams of agony will be beautiful, i know it will bring me unending pleasure to watch you writhe. didn't you ever learn? gods are more likely to favor those who please them. you want my favor, then suffer for me! ❞
honesty meme (accepting)
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godstrain · 1 year
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for arklay days :)
for threads that take place before the mansion incident, but in RE1 basically this is for S.T.A.R.S. wesker
for threads anywhere after the mansion incident up to the beginning of RE5. CV threads fall under this tag.
literally just for RE5 things.
the post RE5 survival verse, because my meow meow deserves to have to face the consequences of his actions. this verse is used for any threads in any setting that is beyond RE5. i consider this to be the default verse for my blog!
for threads with wesker in DBD. with a few variants, the standard killer verse, a surivivor s.t.a.r.s wesker verse. and a survivor "young umbrella intern too early in his career to have done any real damage" verse
specifically tied with @thornychairman's lore, the softest wesker you'll get, but he's still a disaster, just in a different way. rather exclusive usage here, considering.
the default au for the horror-based pkmn worldbuilding, ft. the lovely event run by kei! this verse will also include all further events run by kei in this fandom :) everything builds ...
typemoon verse! will have mage(master) and servant variants!
[ . . . ]
(other verses tba!)
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aetherceuse · 1 year
"If you were mine...." The words began, but drifted off quietly after a few more moments, followed by a chuckle and a shrug.
"But you wouldn't be -- no more than a man can own a star. He may reach the cosmos, but can never actually own them."
Was this him giving up? Of course not. This is him being realistically charming in his own way; Lusamine was not a woman who deserved half-assed sweet nothings anyone could whisper. The two of them are well aware of how selfish most creatures were, how they looked for the best and highest of standards.
And those who were cowards would never dream to reach out towards the stars.
"I would prefer to word it as...if we could discover our universe together, I would help you reach the stars and beyond. I am not the kind of man who takes a knee, but I would be more than willing to hold out a hand and push you up towards your goals. And I'm sure you have such interesting ones. I want to see what kind of universe you live in."
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”If you were mine. . .” | Accepting @thornychairman
She allows him the floor to speak. It is the most courteous gesture the president could give after all but snubbing the chairman’s attempts at connecting with her. Three times he has attempted to deliver these simultaneously blunt and flowery words, and three times, Lusamine has listened to them and given no response.
Persistence was a positive trait in the eyes of the frigid lord, only if it was consistent, and maintained the same energy that was brought to the war table.
What is courtship and deals, but an elaborate, emotional game of conquering, and leaving others to fall? Lusamine can only understand such conversation in the framework of strategy— or of the scientific truths of this world.
And so she folds one leg over the other, fingertips brought together. And she listens.
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He really was a foolish man, to believe that Lusamine Delacroix was not looking at him like the next potential controlled variable in her grand experiment— or was he aware of the way that the mantis eyed the smaller male? Could he possibly be mad enough to walk willingly into such a gruesome trap?
“I live in the same universe you reside in, chairman,” she replied flatly, eyes kidding and drifting to the table separating the two of them. Lusamine brings a hand up, fingertip tapping the top of it; a touchscreen covered the entire surface, and it currently displayed an interactive map, marking every location where wormholes had appeared across numerous regions.
“Only, I perceive it entirely different than humankind,” her fingertip hovers over one that seemed to have appeared in the northern most region of Galar.
“You can share this knowledge, too, only if you are prepared for proper allegiance. This is a world full of decay, and, I am afraid that mother earth’s inhabitants are aware of the march towards extinction that they are taking. It is almost sad.”
Green eyes flicker up and stare Rose rather sharply.
“Are you inhumane enough to understand me, chairman?”
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aetherceuse · 1 year
♚ Do you agree with fandom interpretation of your character? :3
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Mun Interpretation | @thornychairman
I would trust any single person from this RPC with Lusamine more than I would any single person at Game Freak. So yes, I agree with the majority of the RPC who agree that Lusamine is meant to be unforgivable. Granted, I know I have some headcanons that make people turn their heads like "huh, weird," but that is better than the waifu "Lusamine did nothing wrong" squad.
I only recently found out that they decided that removing Lusamine's villain characteristics wasn't enough. PokéMas decided that she needed to be completely thoughtless as well! I hate it here.
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aetherceuse · 1 year
Macro Cosmos has sent a Aether token of goodwill -- it is a lovely Rapidash specimen preserved in crystal. Obviously, it was attained through humane means. Of course they were. The little note assured her that it was one that had passed away from illness after being given up by its Trainer. The company went to painstaking care to preserve its form; rearing and in great form before being crystalized to be kept forever. The crate was quite huge, in order to house this carefully put together gift.
[From one president to another, Spencer O. Rose.]
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She is reading the attached note as several of her employees hoist the specimen onto a rolling platform, for better transportation to the preservation room; it’s a very generous, and thought provoking gift, perhaps a little too much. While Lusamine is understanding of exchanging tokens for corporate gestures, the potential of bridging two conglomerates together for potential partnership, she is also cautious when it comes to contacting foreign bodies.
Her knowledge of Macro Cosmos extends very little past their apparent monopoly on the Galarian economy. The chairman, though beloved in the public eye, is not a man that Lusamine has gone out of her way to meet. How curious it is that he has chosen to initiate contact first.
“Hmh,” Lusamine lifts her head to watch as the gift is taken to its proper housing.
A letter would be handwritten, and sent by one of her personal couriers.
To one Chairman Spencer O. Rose,
Your gift has been accepted gratefully. The time and effort to prepare such a generous token is commendable, albeit surprising.
As president and founder of the Aether Foundation, it is my philosophy that professionalism and good will between international figureheads is for the benefit of all. While I am not familiar with the intimate details of your accomplishments with Macro Cosmos, it takes very little browsing to see that your region’s citizens hold you in high regard.
Your generosity will be reciprocated,
President Lusamine Delacroix
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aetherceuse · 1 year
"You make me think of chemical double replacement reactions."
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“I can see where you are drawing the affiliation from; I am flattered, truly.”
Quite possibly the kindest thing somebody has told her lately!
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