#thoros is taking the photo
swordmaid · 1 year
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jailed for lannister war crimes ⛓️
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ellecdc · 7 months
What about the kids (mid Hogwarts) in like 3rd or younger (2nd?) Year and they invite hermione and ron and the Weasley family for Christmas and it's amazing and we see draco getting along w them 😭😭😭 and Hermione is the 'mom' friend so she loves hanging out w the other blacks and potters? and we see how nice harry and draco's friends are and it's just a heartfelt moment 😭😭😭
I'm a whore for Christmas and also fluff so YES HERE YOU GO I don’t even know if this is any good so I apologize if this isn’t really what you were looking for. I realize now there isn’t much interaction between the golden trio + Draco but this is my take on it 🫶 CBBH Holiday Special - Weasley, Potter, Black families
CW: mentions of past (parental) abuse
What's One More?
You and Sirius were pretty chill parents – at least you liked to think so. You never really spoke to your children like they were children, but rather like little people who had important thoughts and ideas. You let them express themselves creatively, which sometimes led to paint and marker prints lining the walls, or photo albums being plundered and cut up to create scrap books, or even the odd redesign of an old family heirloom portrait in the hall.
None of that wasn’t anything that couldn’t be fixed with a little magic.
What you guys could not budge on? 
Christmas at home with the family.
This was why when Draco sent a letter home during his 3rd year suggesting he may stay at Hogwarts for the holidays, Sirius thought your head might actually combust.
“What on earth is he thinking? He’s never spent a holiday away from us – why wouldn’t he want to come home?” You were yelling at Sirius as if it was him who suggested Draco stay at Hogwarts this Christmas. 
“I’m not sure love, maybe there’s a reason.” He tried to reason with you. He should have tried to keep his mouth shut.
“There is no reason good enough to break his mother’s heart.” You pouted, sounding disturbingly close to tears. 
And you all called Sirius the dramatic one.
“I’ll talk to him.” Sirius promised with a placating kiss to your temple.
So, Sirius sent him an owl basically along the lines of “hey mate, you’re tearing your mother apart here. It’d be sort of shady of me to let another guy break my girl’s heart so what the hell?”, to which Draco replied, basically speaking straight to Sirius’ soul. 
“I’m sorry, dad, it’s just that Theo doesn’t really want to go home this winter, and I don’t want him to be alone for the holidays.” 
My stupid lovely caring son, who raised him? Sirius wondered to himself. The answer was obvious. It was you.
Theodore Nott, son of Thoros Nott and the late Camelia Nott nee Rosier. His mother died under suspicious circumstances (which Sirius felt translated directly to “shitty ass husband”) when the boy was four, and Thoros Nott was able to avoid prosecution for his roles in the Wizarding War by offering intel on other prominent Death Eaters.
Azkaban or not, the man was an ass. Rumoured to have killed his own wife, Sirius couldn’t imagine he was much nicer to his only son.
The heir. 
Sirius felt sick...it was nearly painful how much he could relate to poor Theodore Nott.
“Did you find out why your son hates us?” You asked Sirius a few days later. You were obviously teasing, but Sirius didn’t miss the genuine concern in your voice.
“Yes, and actually, the reasoning for his absence this holiday is a direct result of him being your child.”
You placed the mug you’d been holding a little too roughly onto the table as you leveled a look at Sirius. “What are you on about?”
“He doesn’t want to leave his friend behind.” Sirius smiled kindly at you. He watched the contempt drain from your face.
“The sod!”
Sirius barked a surprised laugh. “What!?”
“That’s such an easy fix!” you exclaimed like everyone around you was sort of stupid (they kind of were). “His friend can come here! We’re already hosting the Weasley’s; Lily told Harry to invite Hermione too. What’s one more?”
What’s one more, indeed.
So that’s how Sirius, James, Lily, you, Arthur & Molly Weasley ended up on platform 9 ¾ to retrieve exactly eleven (11) children while Bill and Charlie waited back at the house with Remus, Regulus and the youngest four of the Potter/Black children.
“Hermione, I hope your parents weren’t too disappointed we stole you away for the holidays. They already have to part with you for ten months of the year.” You said as you served Lyra a portion of roast potato’s before passing the dish to your left. 
“They were a little sad, but they said they understood my excitement at getting the chance to spend more time with wizarding families.” The fourteen-year-old stated matter-of-factly.
“Well, perhaps the next time they’d like to join you. The more the merrier.” James interjected.
“You sure about that Prongsie? This table can’t take much more transfiguring to make it any longer!” Remus called dramatically from the opposite end of the table, as if they were in completely different rooms.
“Bugger the table!” James called back just as dramatically, “we’ll just get a new one!”
Sirius didn’t miss the nervous glance Theo shot towards Draco. Sirius remembered how nervous James’ boisterous behaviour with his parents made him – concerned that a lashing or crucio was just around the corner.
“Don’t mind them, Theo,” you offered quietly to the boy. Sirius took a moment to marvel the fact that you’d noticed too, and your mama-bear protection came out at the perfect time. “They’re idiots with zero volume control.”
“I HAVE PERFECT VOLUME CONTROL, VIX.” James screamed, causing the younger kids to squeal in laughter and bring their hands up to cover their ears. Hermione, Ron, and the rest of the Weasley’s all chuckled at the outburst as well – accustomed to James’ brand of goofiness.
“You get used to it, trust me.” Sirius offered quietly with a wink. Theo smiled gratefully at the two of you and seemed to relax somewhat in his chair.  
“I agree that the production needs to be tightly structured and coordinated Percy, but it also has to be fun or you’re going to lose your actors.” Hermione could be heard arguing with the older boy from down the hall.
"I cannot work under these conditions." Percy could be heard responding.
“You’d think this was a Broadway production of Sweeny Todd.” Lily muttered quietly to Sirius sat beside her.
“What’s a Sweeny Todd?” Sirius muttered back.
“What’s a Broadway?” James muttered from her other side.
“Purebloods.” Remus muttered from across the room with an eyeroll.
The kids wanted to make their own play for the adults - it was mostly the youngest ones, though Fred & George never could help themselves but partake in any potential mischief, Hermione was very excited to help direct the production, and Percy never could leave very much alone. The second Hermione was involved, Harry and Ron shoved their noses into it too, while Draco and Theo sat in the audience with the adults and far too many stuffed animals.
“I mean, were the teddy bears really necessary? There’s already a theatre worth of people here.” Theo commented what he thought was quietly to Draco, but he had one werewolf and four animagi with animal-like hearing, as well as Molly & Lily with tried and true mother-hearing in the room, so his comment was met with a round of laughter.
“Oh my gods, Draco, can we keep him?” Remus commented as he pretended to wipe a tear from under his eye.
Pink dusted the tops of Theo’s cheek bones, but he offered the room a shy smile.
Sirius thought it was like looking in a mirror: he imagined this is what Effie and Fleamont saw when Sirius spent holidays in this very home some nearly twenty years ago. A boy who was likely fun and eccentric around his friends where he felt safe, but reverting to the proper pureblood heir you were beaten into becoming around adults. 
Sirius sort of hated it.
As the little kids and the rest of the production made their way to the room, Sirius noticed James’ eyes on him. James offered him a kind smile that brought tears to his eyes, almost as if he was saying ‘I know, right?’ 
By the end of the holiday, the adults had almost managed to get Theo to shed his aristocratic persona with them.
“And how’s Minnie? Are you guys being nice to her? Make sure to set up some good pranks this year; gotta keep the old gal on her toes, it’s good for her health.” James said to the Hogwarts students solemnly at breakfast. 
“You did not just call Minnie an ‘old gal’, Prongs.” Remus chided from his place at the table.
“You both did not just refer to Professor McGonagall as Minnie.” Regulus added incredulously. 
“That’s her name, Reggie.” James answered no nonsense. “We earned that right when we graduated.”
“No, we earned that right when we graduated.” Lily corrected as she motioned to herself, you, and Regulus. “You lot should still be in detention for the crap you pulled.”
Remus, James, and Sirius all adorned their faces with a blissful sort of reverence as they thought back to their school days.
“We were awesome.” James said dreamily.
“You were awful.” You corrected.
“You’re our hero’s.” The Twins added in unison. 
“What in Godric’s name are you doing to them, Hermione?” Ron asked through a large serving of sausage in his mouth. 
Hermione, who was replacing small pompom’s into two kitchen whisks to hand back to three-year-old Stella and Leo, didn’t even spare Ron a glance as she answered sharply, “It’s good for their fine motor skills, Ronald.”
“Wha’s a fine motor skill?” He asked incredulously, somehow still with food in his mouth.
“Oh, read a book, Ronald.” Hermione huffed before her face turned sickly sweet as she cooed at Stella. “Good job, Stell!”
“Blimey.” Ron muttered as he turned to Harry.
“I can’t believe you’re all going to be leaving us again so soon!” Molly said tearfully as she looked around the room. “I like our having our table so full- FRED WEASLEY YOU GET THAT FURNITURE OFF THE CEILING THIS ISNTANT.” 
“I’m George, mum.” The twin said from his chair suspended on the ceiling. Sirius had to give him credit for looking as casual as he did whilst all the blood in his body was no doubt making its way to his head. 
At the beginning of the week – the shouting, the threats, the energy, and the talking back that George (or Fred, Sirius still wasn’t entirely sure) just displayed would have had Theo pale in the face. Today, he just looked around the room quickly to ensure everyone else was in good spirits before joining in on the laughter.
Back on platform 9 ¾, you and Sirius decided to pull Draco aside. 
“Hey love, listen. I don’t want to embarrass Theo, but would you let him know we really enjoyed his company over the holiday, and he is welcome at the Manor anytime.” You spoke softly to your son.
“We mean it, Draco. The Potter Manor has, and always will be, a safe place for people to run to. If he needs somewhere better, somewhere safer to go, he’s more than welcome to come live with us.” Sirius added earnestly. 
Draco looked like he might cry before he threw himself into his parents’ arms, causing each of them to let out a surprised ‘oof’.
“I love you guys. I’m so lucky to have you – we all are.” Draco said, though his words were muffled from his place in the crook of Sirius’ arm.
“We’re the lucky ones, Draco.” You insisted as you stamped a kiss to his head.
The parents and youngest kids stood on the platform and waved as they watched the train disappear.
“It’s so odd.” James commented quietly.
“What is?” Sirius asked.
“How life works.”
Sirius looked at his mate who was still watching after the long-gone train hoping he would clarify. When it became obvious that he wouldn’t, Sirius elbowed him.
“How’s that?”
James finally turned to Sirius and offered him a smile that seemed to portray a mixture of grief, pride, and love.
“Draco is Theo’s James.”
Sirius watched as you dried your face and went about applying your skincare. 
“I can hear your mind turning from here, babe. What’re you thinking about?” You finally said, causing Sirius to look at your reflection only to find your eyes already on him.
“You’re sure you are okay? If Theo needs to move in with us, I mean.” Sirius asks. 
Your movements paused as your eyebrows migrated to meet in the middle – bemusement painting your features.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“We sort of decided we weren’t going to have any more kids.” Sirius explained. You snorted in response as your turned to face him, leaning back against the bathroom counter.
“Sirius, as long as I don’t have to push anymore out, you can have as many kids as you want.”
Sirius smiled immediately at you. “You sure we don’t already have enough?” He asked
Your smile grew to match his. “What’s one more?”
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mortemoppetere · 11 months
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TIMING: current LOCATION: teddy's house PARTIES: @eldritchaccident & @mortemoppetere CONTENT: suicide ideation, alcoholism SUMMARY: teddy makes good on their threat to get emilio out of the bar he's squatting in.
The back room of a bar wasn’t the best place Emilio had ever stayed, but it also wasn’t the worst. It was cleaner than a lot of the motel rooms he’d taken up in since his departure from Mexico, roomier than the back of Rhett’s van when the two of them had been traveling together. The fact that it came with very easy access to alcohol was a plus, too. There was no shower, but he found it easy enough to take care of that in the bathroom of whoever he hooked up with that night; most people didn’t question it, particularly not when he had a few houses he visited often these days. So the bar wasn’t perfect. What was? It was a roof over his head and a place for Perro to sleep, even if Emilio was far too on edge to even consider doing the same. That was all he really needed.
He’d been out for a little while, incapable of sitting still for long even with the goo that covered the majority of his usual haunts. Out in the bar for a while, bumming drinks and pretending to listen to people who spoke to him, then out in the streets with a stake in his hand and a determination building in his chest. A few spawns took the edge off, but there was nothing more substantial. Most things with any sense had gone underground with the goo, preferring to avoid the possibility of being turned to stone even if it did mean avoiding their fun, too. It meant that there was nothing more than those few spawn, leaving Emilio half-wired and restless as he made his way back into the bar.
Last call had already been called, but the bartender let him in with a roll of her eyes. “Boss can’t find out about this,” she warned.
“Yeah, yeah.” He dug in his pocket, pulling out a twenty and pressing it into her hand. “For your sister. Pick her up something better than fast food on your way home.”
“Thanks, Milio.” The bartender sighed, shaking her head. “You look like shit, by the way.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, ducking by her and trudging through the empty bar towards the back room. He pushed the door open, sliding in and shutting it behind him quickly. Perro had a tendency to dart out if he didn’t. “Perro,” he called. “¡Ándale! Gonna get your dinner ready to…” He trailed off. 
There was no quiet sound of claws against the tile floor, no fuzzy head poking out from under the blanket on the ratty couch. Immediately, Emilio’s heart jumped to his throat. Had someone let the dog out? Had someone taken him? Possibilities swirled in his head, his hands trembling and his heart racing. Shouldn’t have left the dog here alone, shouldn’t have gotten a dog in the first place when he could barely take care of himself, shouldn’t have…
His eyes caught sight of a bright yellow sticky note on the wall above where Perro’s food and water bowl were strangely missing. There was something stuck next to it with a shiny gleam. Emilio crossed the small room in two wide strides, ripping the note off the wall. Told you I would, Perro is my bestie now. His eyes darted to the other item tacked onto the wall — a photo, he realized. Perro, tongue out and head tilted to one side, in the arms of… Teddy fucking Jones.
Emilio groaned, letting his head fall against the wall. The adrenaline of the panic of finding Perro missing was still thrumming in his veins, mixing together with irritation because he’d been fine. They’d been fine in the bar, him and Perro. And, more importantly, Teddy had been fine with distance between them and the whirlwind of trouble that came with Emilio Cortez. But Teddy wasn’t one who knew how to leave well enough alone, and Emilio knew there was only one way to get his damn dog back. 
Upon going to grab the duffel bag of whatever meager belongings he’d managed to gather from his apartment before the departure, he was somehow unsurprised to find that missing, too. Teddy was a thorough ass, if nothing else. Clenching his jaw, Emilio steeled himself. Only one thing to do. He had to go to Teddy’s stupid house and get his damn dog back.
He’d much preferred the spawns.
Careful calculation and effort had gone into this pup-napping. Teddy, champion of full-assing (rather than half-assing) had gone into full planning mode the moment Emilio started pulling his bullshit stubbornness. Did the slayer really think it was okay just to live in a goddamn bar until the goo situation was resolved?? And that was a big if it got resolved. It was untenable. Literally. On the best of days Emilio teetered a line of self destruction, but this, this was something else. It was almost starting to feel personal. 
They hadn't seen each other since that night. Since the tattoo, since Emilio goddamn Cortez saved their life and absolutely refused to admit any part in it. A small part of Teddy, the same part that ate at them when their father had told them its intentions to leave the dimension, began to fester. As it always did whenever a change in dynamic occured. A cold unlogical thing that preyed upon the deepest fears that permeated through the entirety of their being. 
Maybe Emilio realized he didn't want anything to do with them now that it was a more long term problem. Maybe he was only playing along because there was an expiration date set in stone. The man was constantly trying to push them away, saying how shitty of a friend he was. Was it easier for him to just take the blame like that? The whole 'It's not you it's me.' kinda thing? 
So yeah, the dognapping was one part funny bit, one part desperate attempt to understand where Emilio was at. To force the distance closed. Teddy was barely conscious of the gnawing unease that was starting to bubble up inside them. Only that its effect was strong. Driving them to impulsively act upon a whim. Well, impulsively and meticulously plan for a couple days for the perfect time to strike. 
The weather had already taken a turn for the chilly, which was excellent. The ex-demon waited until the coldest day to enact Operation Tripod. A careful series of texts and one very well bribed bartender, and Teddy had been let in while the slayer was out. They gathered up everything, left the perfect amount of evidence, then headed back to the mansion their father had left to them. Now Emilio didn't have a car right then, the goo saw to that one. And the walk from the bar to the house wasn't going to be a pleasant one with the biting chill setting in the air. Teds was counting on it. Was it mean? A little. Was it a bit manipulative?? Yeah okay. That too. 
But the house was warm. Smelled of fresh baked bread. Perro had a new dog bed and a bunch of toys ready to be played with. A few dolled up bottles of Emilio's whiskey of choice lined a shelf in the kitchen. His duffle bag sat perched nearby, with a gift resting against it. Above it all, a tiny banner cobbled together from party supplies of the past read "Welcome Home or Else." It was perfect. Only Teddy didn't expect how tired the whole set up would make them. They were still exhausted from the ritual. Still feeling as if their insides had just been dry-cleaned in an industrial tumbler. When they returned home with the spoils of conquest, they settled down on the couch with the pup for just a second. Just to catch their breath. Except the blanket was so cozy, and the dog immediately snuggled up underneath and well…
Teddy was fast asleep by the time anyone came around. One arm curled underneath their head like a pillow, the other wrapped protectively around the puppy who had taken to slumbering just as quickly. They didn't even hear him come in. Neither of them. Or at least Perro didn't make any move to leave the warm cocoon. Good dog. 
Of course Teddy had waited until it was cold to pull this shit. Emilio wondered, briefly, if this had been an intentional move on their part following his impassioned rant about his hatred of plummeting temperatures, but the question was answered as quickly as it came to mind because of course it had. Of course Teddy would use their newfound knowledge of Emilio’s distaste for any weather that dropped below the sweltering heat he’d grown up with, and of course they’d use that to their advantage. They were probably sitting pretty in their 90 degree mansion enjoying his dog and his duffel bag.
(Okay, they probably weren’t enjoying the duffel bag. The duffel bag was mostly filled with boxers and weapons. The dog was much more enjoyable.)
Emilio looked downright murderous as he trudged through town, too stubborn to call for a ride despite the cold air nipping at his skin or the deep-seated ache that settled into his leg. His anger kept him warm… at least in the psychological sense. He was still shivering, still pulling his jacket a little tighter around his shoulders. The leather jacket he typically sported wasn’t the warmest, but he didn’t own anything warmer. As much as he hated the cold, he hated shopping more. His wardrobe was limited to clothes he’d ‘found’ that fit him, and with his apartment stuck under a steaming pile of goo, it was even more limited to the things he’d managed to stuff into his bag. So the jacket was all he really had, and the fact that it still smelled faintly of Teddy from the way he’d draped it over their shoulders the last time they’d hung out only served to feed into the angry rant he was muttering under his breath to provide a soundtrack to the trek.
By the time the too-big house that Teddy’s father had gifted them stretched into view, Emilio’s shivers were far too dramatic for October in Maine. Maybe the rage hadn’t warmed him quite as much as the spite had frozen him over. His leg was so stiff that it was practically useless, dragged behind him like more of a burden than a limb. Logically, he knew he wouldn’t be able to make the walk back to the bar, and there was no way in hell Teddy would drive him when the whole reason they’d done this was to convince him to stay with them. But logic didn’t really fit in Emilio’s mind, now or ever. His stubbornness didn’t leave any room for it.
The front door was unlocked, which was unsurprising since Teddy wanted him to come in. It was a good thing, too; he wouldn’t have been able to kick it open and stay on his feet with only one leg capable of holding his weight, and picking the lock wouldn’t have felt dramatic enough. He slammed it open, anyway, pretending the sound of it hitting the wall made him feel better. It kind of did, a little. 
He stomped into the kitchen, faltering a little. Teddy hadn’t been lying about how warm the place was. And what the hell was that smell? It was a lot nicer than the stale cigarette and spilt alcohol scents that clung to the bar, but Emilio steeled himself against it, anyway. He reminded himself that it was so much safer for Teddy if he was squirreled away in a bar across town, pushed away memories of a bloody living room floor that wanted to crawl into his head and stay there. Teddy had just survived the impossible once. It wouldn’t be fair to force them to do it again.
So, he found the duffel bag. He snorted at the banner, hiding his amusement as best he could. He spotted the lump on the couch… and the smaller lump beside it. Apparently, Perro was enough of a goddamn sap to not mind the fact that Teddy was human now. 
The dog lifted his head at the sound of Emilio’s rustling, but made no move to get up from under the blanket. Emilio shot him a surly glare. “Traidor,” he mumbled sourly, Perro wagged his tail. 
Whatever. He’d collect the dog last, when he could make a break for it if it woke Teddy up. Sure, Emilio wasn’t exactly fast, but Teddy probably wasn’t much faster. Not when they were half asleep and probably still felt like shit from whatever that ritual had done. Emilio continued collecting his things, swiping a few bottles of whiskey from the cabinet because if Teddy was going to steal his dog, Emilio was going to steal their whiskey. That was a fair play.
He was just about ready to go grab Perro when he spotted it. The jar on the counter, sealed tightly shut and clearly discarded in a frustrated defeat. Softening a little, Emilio licked his lips and dragged himself over to it. He grabbed the jar with one hand, twisted the lid with the other. It popped as the seal came undone, and Emilio set it back where he’d found it carefully. Satisfied, he took a step back… only to forget himself and put a little too much weight on his bad leg.
It folded underneath him, and he let out a loud string of Spanish curses as he went stumbling backwards. He reached out instinctively, succeeding only in grabbing a barstool and bringing it down with him in a deafening crash that filled the silence of the house and echoed off the walls. Perro let out a surprised bark and hopped off the couch, and Emilio groaned.
Yeah. Nobody was sleeping through that.
If the crash itself hadn't startled Teddy awake, the sharp quick bark right in their ear was enough to. In a flurry, the dog was scampering towards the source of the noise and Teddy and the blanket were careening towards the floor. Face first on the carpet clad tile. They lay there a moment, feeling everything settle into place as the lovely painless sleep sharpened into harsh awful awareness. The soft decorative rug wasn't quite so kind as the fibers roughed themselves into Teddy's face. Something in their shoulder had popped, and a radiating throb of pain washed through them in pulses.
Perro had no such troubles. He was already bounding over to Emilio, happily wagging his little tail and licking at the slayer's leg before stamping his one good front paw and doubling back towards the lump of blankets in the living room. 
Well, that was clearly more than just a minute of closing their eyes. Teddy could hear Emilio shuffling, trying to right himself after his spill. Karma. Not for the slayer, but the ex-demon who had selfishly put the man in the position he was in. Shaky arms pried themselves up, pushing the rest of Teds along with them. 
"You–" They were still only about half conscious. Sounding almost delirious between exhaustion and pain. God they probably looked like shit. Excellent fucking impression Jones. Trying to make the man want to stay and yet they'd probably just succeed in actually pissing him off enough to up and leave entirely. Give up on the problem before it consumed him too. "See you got my party invite. Did you get–" A quick pause to catch their breath. "Did you get your gift?"
Teddy crashed down off the couch, and Emilio let his head fall back onto the tile because, yeah. Shit like this was exactly why he shouldn’t stay here, wasn’t it? It was a constant goddamn domino effect — Emilio showed up, he planted himself in someone’s life, he fucked something up, they got hurt. He crashed onto the floor of Teddy’s kitchen, and there was Teddy, crashing onto the floor themself. Didn’t they get the cause and effect here? Couldn’t they read the writing on the page in Emilio Cortez’s Three Step Guide to Getting People Killed? 
He grunted in Teddy’s general direction, settling back onto the floor as Perro ran over to lick him. Paw on thigh, tongue on his leg, then a huff and he was back to Teddy. Emilio moved to right himself again, gritting his teeth against the pain that shot up his leg. Apparently, the limb had a real fucking problem with the walk to Teddy’s fucking mansion. Figured. Useless fucking thing.
“Party invite? You kidnapped my dog,” Emilio replied flatly. “Está traumatizado.” Perro, contradicting the claim, climbed into Teddy’s lap and curled up, evidently finding the whole thing exhausting enough to earn him another nap. “How did you even get into my room?” He narrowed his tired eyes at Teddy, though he was pretty sure he knew the answer. He thought back to the bartender with the little sister she spoke of often, the one who looked at him with her brows pinched in concern and told him she’d really like it if he got a bit of sleep tonight. She meant well, he knew. She probably thought that this was helping. That Emilio was someone who could be helped. He knew the truth was something else.
Teddy spoke again, sounding pained and tired and how the fuck could they want Emilio here? Did they like the trouble he brought with him, or his tendency to fuck just about everything up? “The whiskey? I was gonna steal it,” he admitted. He’d grabbed the bag so quickly that he hadn’t seen the present left beside it — when Emilio’s mind was set to something, he tended to overlook things. Not the best trait to have in a detective, but he rarely got invested enough in his cases for it to matter. 
Pushing himself up a little more, he gave up on trying to stand and propped himself in a sitting position against the counter, trying his damnedest to make it look intentional instead of necessary. He eyed Teddy, eyes raking over their body carefully. In one piece, just like they’d said. One fucked up piece, it looked like, but one piece all the same. “You don’t have to do this,” he said after a moment. “This thing you’re doing. You don’t have to. I’m a shitty houseguest. And the dog still pees on the carpet half the time. And I —” He stopped, not quite able to finish. I get people killed, sat on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t form his lips around the words. “I need to go back to the bar.”
Teddy scooped the small dog and shuffled their way over to Emilio, plopping themself and Perro down beside him on the kitchen floor. There was an apologetic tint to their smile. The ache in the slayer’s bones wasn’t something they wanted to add to. But it had the effect they expected. He didn’t look like he was going anywhere fast. Perro found a nook between them to settle, half his body on one of them, the rest on the other. Ted idly stroked the dog’s head as Emilio spoke. 
"You can't steal it if I bought it for you. But that ain't the gift." They stretched up fumbling around blindly for the small box before handing it over to the slayer. It wasn’t exactly neatly wrapped, but it did in fact have the appearance of something you were more likely to find at a pretty pink princess’s very special birthday party. Inside was something much less… silly. 
Their time spent hopping around from job to job, meeting new folks and making ‘friends’ wherever they went meant Teddy had a lot of folks who had a lot of talents on hand. Metalsmithing was one of them. Inside the box was three simple things. An intricately carved knife, more practical than pretty but definitely the kind that could be wielded intimately or thrown with perfect balance. Circling it was a simple chord of leather, with a small silver version of the very stake that Emilio had tattooed on their skin, as well as a keychain with, of course, a key for the house. 
Teddy made their way over, and Emilio sat completely still as they did, as if he was afraid that just breathing might fuck something up. Like his presence alone was enough to put them at risk, like he was pushing some unknown limit with his mere existence. It felt that way, sometimes. How could it not? His life had been a systematic pattern of grief and loss, and it never seemed to slow. It was one after another after another. His father, before he’d known what a father was at all. His brother, when he was still at an age most people would call a kid. Everyone, when he was just about to get himself together and find a solution. When a pattern repeated enough times, you began to accept it as inevitable. To care about something, for Emilio, was to lose it. And, despite his best goddamn intentions, he cared about Teddy Jones. So wasn’t the loss written in stone already?
“If you bought it for me, it’s a gift. That’s what a gift is, isn’t it?” He was only arguing for the sake of arguing now, for the way it made his heart beat a little slower and his palms sweat a little less. Arguing was something he understood far better than the rest of it. He could fight better than he could sit still, even if he was fighting with petty corrections instead of his usual style.
He certainly didn’t know how to navigate this. Teddy was reaching up, was handing him a box wrapped in pink paper that made his throat feel dry for reasons he couldn’t quite comprehend. Emilio’s eyes darted up to meet theirs briefly, question clear in the expression on his face. They’d gone out, they’d gotten something for him, they’d taken the time to wrap it. No one had ever done anything like this for Emilio before. He’d never even known that it was something people did at all, never known enough to want it.
Carefully, he unwrapped the paper from the box. It was slow and meticulous, and his gaze kept jumping up to Teddy periodically, like he was trying to make sure he was doing it right. When it was finally unwrapped, he pulled out the knife first. He studied it, tested the weight in his hands. It was well-balanced. Good for throwing, or for using in close combat. He flipped it deftly between his fingers with a nod.
Then, he looked to the leather chord and the things hanging off it. The stake made his throat feel tight, the way it brought back the memory of his hands holding the tattoo gun and marking Teddy’s skin with a design he’d been sure would only serve to decorate their corpse. He rubbed a thumb across the metal, fiddling with it absently. And… He looked to the key. He didn’t have to ask what it was for; the banner hanging from the ceiling said it all, didn’t it? 
Emilio tried to pretend that his fingers weren’t trembling, tried to blame it on the cold still clinging to his bones. “Teddy…” He said their name quietly. Like a plea, though he didn’t know what he was asking for. “You don’t want me here. I’m not — I’m not safe to be around. And I don’t want you to…” He trailed off again, words stuck behind his teeth. It was so hard to say what he wanted to say. He’d never been very good at it. “You’ve already been through hell. Me being here, even for a little while, it’ll make it worse. Always make it worse. I don’t want that. For you.”
A full spectrum display of human emotion washed over Emilio’s face and Teddy soaked it in. Carefully observing how each showed themselves. Confusion, focus, shock, approval, and then the all too familiar grief tinged resolve that always seemed to pop up last. He said their name, and they tried to hide the way it made their heart leap. Tried to quell the brightness inside their chest lest it show through like the glowing runes sometimes did through their skin. Funny how some things seemed to soar when certain people said them. Such a simple thing, one they had heard almost every day of their life and yet… from Emilio’s lips it was a song. It meant something. 
“I–” A joke itched to get out. Make light of the situation and downplay the selfishness of it all but Teddy couldn’t do that. Not here. Not now. Not with him. “I don’t want to be alone.” Their throat tightened, like they were having an allergic reaction to the truth. To speaking their mind without guise or guile. Real. The way Emilio made them, the most human they’d ever been. Even before the ritual. “I can’t be alone right now.” There was fear in their voice. But not for anything that the slayer could ever bring down upon them. 
With a sigh, they removed the cherry red glasses that they didn’t need anymore. Almost… disappointed by the lack of change to their skin. They stared intently at their hands as their fingertips rubbed stuttered circles around each other. Shaking to the tune of every nerve in their body singing at full force. There was no webbing between the digits. No points to the end of their fingernails. The only evidence of their past life was a small blotchy scar where the holy oil had splashed and burned them and the ache that never left their bones. Ted took a moment, pressed their thumb over the mark and wondered what it would be like if they didn’t carry any lasting scars of the strange history they had. Would they be someone different then? Who would that person be? 
They turned, watery eyes glistening but not yet crying, a soft apologetic smile on their lips. Teddy let loose a breath that had been held far too long. Sounding more like a laugh than a rush of air. “It’s pretty pathetic, right? I’m almost thirty five, and I’m here sobbing like a baby cause my dad is leaving. But it’s– it’s everything. Dad’s going away. We don’t know if it’s forever, but it’s not like its dimension can get collect calls or whatever. And I’m just– I’m here. In this big empty house and I’m alone. I’m alone and I’m human and I never had to be that before. I never had to be real. I was always just a concept. With everyone else I just shaped myself to fit them. Whatever they needed… But not with you.” 
Circumstances of fate held the pair of broken toys at just the right distance that neither could hide their true face. Teddy might not have been so unrelentingly themself around Emilio if they had met differently. They were starting to think it was a good thing. For all the strife it caused them at the beginning, they were closer for it now, weren’t they? 
“Everything is different now, and I don’t– feel like myself. I just need someone who knows me.” A quiet hushed pause and Teddy reached a hand over. Clasping Emilio’s fist around the necklace, around the key. 
“I need you here.” 
At first, he thought they were going to argue. To do what they always did, what this song and dance between the two of them had been for months now. Emilio would tell Teddy the truth, that he was a worthless and broken thing that everyone was better off without. Teddy would insist that he was wrong, that the sun shone out his ass and people liked him just fine. They’d go back and forth on it for a while, until one of them gave in or got frustrated and stopped replying entirely. Emilio steeled himself for more of the same, because he was fucking exhausted but he never seemed to run out of the energy he needed to bicker with Teddy and he thought that might mean something even if he didn’t know what. 
But then, Teddy spoke, and it wasn’t what he’d expected. All those jabs and well-thought out arguments died in his throat and, for a split second, he was a six year old sitting in the middle of the floor of an empty shed, covered in blood and dust and aching in ways no kid should ever have to understand. Loneliness was a shield now, a suit of armor he hid himself away in, but it hadn’t been back then. Back then, in that shed, all Emilio had wanted was for someone to be with him. For someone to speak to him through the wall, or open that fucking door. For someone to tell him he’d be alright, even if they didn’t mean it.
He shrunk back a little, deflated as the arguments he’d been preparing to hurl Teddy’s way shriveled up in his chest and turned to dust the same way the spawns his mother used to throw at that six year old kid always had. The pang of guilt in his chest found a new cause. He’d been so relieved that Teddy was alive that he hadn’t thought about what they’d lost. He hadn’t stopped to consider that Levi, while too callous a parent to win any awards in Emilio’s book, was still the only parent Teddy had. And he was leaving now, fucking off to some far away place where Teddy would probably never see nor hear from him again. Teddy was grieving. Not just their father, but everything they’d lost along with him.
The ache crept up the slayer’s leg again, radiating through his useless knee and curling around his body like a blanket of pain, wrapping him up tight. He knew what this felt like, to some extent. His entire body hadn’t changed the way Teddy’s had, but he’d lost a piece of himself when that injury turned his leg into more of a decoration than a functioning limb, into a source of constant pain instead of a thing to stand on. Was it easier or harder, he wondered, to have visual differences to accompany the physical ones? He’d seen Teddy’s base form only once or twice, but he knew it was far different than this. And he wondered if that made it easier to swallow, somehow. If his leg had turned black, or shrunk down, or made itself somehow look different than the one beside it, would he feel better about the fact that it wasn’t what it used to be? Or would it be just one more thing to grieve?
“It’s not pathetic,” he said quietly. “It’s — It hurts. Losing someone you… didn’t think you’d have to lose. It hurts.” He thought of his daughter, who should have outlived him. That was the natural order of things, wasn’t it? Children buried their parents because they were supposed to. But when it happened the other way around… Teddy had probably spent most of their life assuming that Levi would outlive them, too. Because he was an ancient demon, and they were something new. And Levi wasn’t dying, but it must have felt the same, anyway. Emilio might not be able to relate to going from being something else to being human, but he sure as hell knew what it felt like to lose people. He was a goddamn expert at that.
Teddy reached out, put a hand over Emilio’s fist where it held that tiny silver stake, and it didn’t feel as unnatural as he thought it probably should have. In fact, none of this felt unnatural. Teddy was themself around Emilio, they said, but the inverse was true, too. Emilio was as close to himself as he knew how to be with Teddy. Less of a ghost, more of a person. At first, it had been because he didn’t give a shit what they thought of him, because himself was the most annoying thing he knew how to be. But now… There was more to it than that. It was easy to be a person around Teddy. It was easy to try to be more than he was. He didn’t know why.
“I talk in my sleep,” he mumbled. “Wake up in a bad way, sometimes, even with the fish toy thing you gave me. Don’t know where I am or who’s with me. Walk around before I’m awake, too. Be out in the kitchen, still not really, uh… here. Almost stabbed a guy who stayed over once. Almost stab people a lot, actually. Don’t like it when I can’t hear people coming. If they walk too quiet, sneak up on me without me knowing. Sets me off. Makes me… I don’t know. Jumpy. Takes hours to feel normal again, after. The whiskey you bought won’t last the week. I drink a lot of it. Need to drink a lot of it, I think. Hands shake if I don’t get enough. Food doesn’t settle right. When I eat food. I don’t — do that. A lot. Or sleep. It’s — Nothing tastes right, you know, and it feels like… I don’t know. Rocks in my stomach, sometimes. And sleeping, you know, I don’t like how it… What I see. Slayers don’t need a lot of it, anyway. Yeah. We get by on a little, and I get by on less. And I smoke. I smoke a lot. Shitty cigarettes. Cheap ones. You won’t like how they smell. Uh… I don’t like small spaces. Closets. Alacenas. Sheds. That kind of thing. I get stuck in one, might bring the whole house down. Won’t mean to. Just happens. Lots of things just happen. Get mad for no reason, you’ve seen that. Get real mad. Hard to… think. And sometimes, you know, it’s hard to do anything. Can’t get out of bed. Not good on stairs, obviously. Gotta use the elevator at the apartment just to get up. Last time it was broken, Andy had to carry my drunk ass up the steps. Haven’t had to be quiet in the morning in a long time. Not good at sitting still, either. Some part of me’s always gotta be moving. Hands. Leg. Something. I try to sit still, and it’s like ants crawling all over me. Don’t do much cleaning. Can’t cook anything more than a sandwich.”
It was probably the most he’d ever said to Teddy in one go. It was the most he’d said to just about anyone in one go in years, save for a few special cases with extenuating circumstances. He let it hang in the air between them for a minute, let it settle. Then, he looked back down at his hand, with Teddy’s on top of it, and shrugged, adding, “You’ll need to know all that. If I’m gonna stay here.”
The flat of Teddy's back came to rest against the smooth wall underneath the counter. One shoulder pressing into his, the contact traveling down their arm to the hand blanketing his. Electric in a way, but far steadier than the frantic fleeting moments of touch they had shared in the past. Just a hum. Gentle as a stream in spring. There were no punches to be thrown tonight. No monsters to chase. No bad guys to bring to justice. No assholes who needed their asses kicked. Just two broken people trying their best to be a patch for the other's scars. 
Teddy wasn't good at this. The heavy stuff. Maybe they had a little more experience with talking about it than Emilio, king of clamming up as it were. But the Joneses weren't very big on dramatic heart-to-heart conversations or discussing deep topics. Whatever Ted knew was what they had taught themself. The comforting words they wished someone else had shared with them. Leviathan, and by extension its ward, were creatures of action. Finding acts of devotion to be much better at explaining themselves than words ever could be. Hell, it took them a deadly ritual of untangling their intertwined lives to actually get to talk about the mess it all created. The ex-demon was good at beguiling strangers with honeyed words on a silver tongue, but the truth? This raw kind of openness that Emilio was sharing stripped them bare. 
They listened in silence. Never throwing an insult or jab where Emilio might have thought they would. Ted squeezed the hand that still sat inside their own a few times. Whenever something struck them as unfair to the slayer. Which is to say quite a few times. Half, if not all of these behaviors he was warning them about were responses to trauma. Were effects of the world crashing down on him one too many times. They still didn't know the details. Emilio wasn't keen on sharing them. Said it was difficult, or nearly impossible. And that was okay. All of it was okay. It just meant the world to Teddy that he was willing to stay at all. 
The quiet after his speaking stopped wasn't one of doubt. Wasn't Teddy second guessing their decision. Just… processing. Making sure they heard everything right, going over each statement in their head. Running the list backwards as they tried to reflect. One simple thing caught them though. Right at the beginning. They might have missed it if they hadn't gone back through everything again. "You…still sleep with the plushie I gave you?" The softest of smiles crept back on Ted's face. A dopey little thing that lit a fire in their eyes. "You said you gave it to Perro. That he destroyed it or whatever. But you–" 
A sudden flush of blood to their cheeks cut them off. A fleeting thought of Emilio sleeping with the plushie of them inspired some… less than pure thoughts. Thoughts that would get them in trouble. Thoughts that were uncalled for and unfair to Emilio. It was clear he still loved someone else. Someone who was gone, someone Teddy would forever be standing behind the ghost of. They knew that much. And that was okay. They could still be friends. Still be close, still… be there for him. In any way they could. At least some form of themself would get to have those experiences. Even if the plushie was a shape that just… didn't exist anymore. 
"Man… didn't even get to do a farewell tour for Big Finn." It was easier to distract themself. To barge into a separate topic like it was a logical leap instead of an impulsive emotional one. "I think technically that toy is a collectible now. Better watch out, someone might come try and steal it, just like that guy did with my t–" fuck. That was a whole can of worms they didn't want to open again. They wanted to shut that chapter of their life forever. Never think about the stranger, the lemonade, the car, and the missing appendage they never got to appreciate properly. They definitely didn't want to involve Emilio, who already had too much on his plate. So they tried their best to think on their feet. "Trinkets." Good save Jones. "Got 'em back though, no trouble even. Guy didn't realize he was stealing from the family that owned the tour. Just saw originals and thought he was clever." 
Ugh. Perfect. Now they were lying to the one man they never ever wanted to lie to. Teddy sighed, tiredness catching back up with them as they sat. Their knees came up to meet their chest and they finally, finally removed their hand from his. If only to press the heels of their palms into their eyes. Blocking everything out. Rubbing until they saw stars. Better than looking at his expression as he surely caught the shift in theirs.
Teddy didn’t interrupt his spiel, and Emilio found he was less surprised by that than he’d thought he’d be. A few months ago, if you’d asked, he’d have told you that he was pretty sure Teddy Jones was physically incapable of letting him get through a single sentence without throwing in whatever they had to say, much less a ‘speech’ like the one he’d just rattled off. But… Teddy was quiet. Not in an angry way, not in a way that made Emilio wonder if he’d done something wrong. In a way that he thought might mean they were actually listening to him. So few people had ever really given him that.
The silence that hung between them when he’d finished wasn’t uncomfortable and that, too, seemed less surprising than it ought to. Emilio was almost always uncomfortable in situations like this one. He wasn’t sure the list of things that made him a bad roommate that he’d just offered to Teddy counted as baring his soul — the way he saw it, nothing more was revealed there than a few indisputable facts Teddy would have figured out in a week of Emilio staying with them, anyway — but it was certainly more than he told most people and, for a man who hated revealing even the smallest parts of himself to anyone else, it felt like an awful lot. But the silence didn’t feel suffocating, and it wasn’t hard to sit in it even if sitting still wasn’t much of an option. His leg bounced absently, but Teddy didn’t seem to mind. 
When they finally did speak, he snorted at the piece they’d seemed to find to cling to. “Yeah, well, Perro thought it was too ugly to chew on,” he lied smoothly. It was the kind of lie Teddy would know was a lie, the kind that allowed Emilio to speak the truth without saying too much. The toy Teddy had given him when he was suffering under the godawful curse that ugly necklace had placed on his head had been good for quieting the voices, but it was good for other things, too. The fabric was soft, even in the places where his fingers had rubbed it so thin that it was hardly there at all. Waking up with it in the bed did something to ground him, to remind him of where he was even if remembering where he was made him feel sick sometimes. 
And… If he was being more honest than he’d usually allow himself to be, the way the thing made him think of Teddy wasn’t bad, either. There was something comforting about it, almost. He’d like to pretend it was because remembering the irritation Teddy inevitably brought along with them helped him forget about everything else in his head. It was the kind of lie that made it a little easier to keep that toy without feeling strange about it.
Teddy spoke again, and there was something in their tone that made him shift, something that made him realize there were things they weren’t saying. “Need you not to bullshit me,” he said, “if you want me to stay here.” It was an unfair thing to ask, he realized; there were so many things Teddy didn’t know about him, so many things he refused to say. Asking Teddy to be honest with him when he hadn’t given them the same was shitty, and Emilio was trying not to be shitty anymore. 
So he hesitated for a moment, swallowing. “Tell me what you were going to say there,” he said carefully, “and you can… ask me something. And I won’t bullshit you, either. One question.” Because Teddy liked games like that, he knew, even if Emilio didn’t. And… he didn’t mind being honest with Teddy. Not for one question, at least. He just hoped they wouldn’t ask one that would find them taking back the necklace gripped in his fist. The idea of losing it made him feel a childish sense of fear. 
Caught. Of course. Because Teddy wasn’t about to fool the goddamn detective they invited to live in their house because he was the only person on earth who fucking knew them. They should have realized that before the words ever tumbled out like an unstoppable avalanche of instinct. Why were they always doing that? Cutting themself down to digestible sizes for almost everyone around them. Often until there was nothing left. “Yeah-yeah.” A heavy sigh rolled Teddy forward. They lowered their head until it almost hung between their knees. Shaky fingers ran through their hair and stopped to put pressure on the back of their neck. 
“Would you believe me if I said I usually don’t try to bullshit you?” Maybe it was just ‘cause Emilio was easy enough to mess with by speaking the truth. Maybe it was because of fascination from the beginning of their rocky relationship that had developed into this… all consuming fondness. Gross. “How do you always do that? Know when I’m– those are not my questions. I– I can think of a better one.” Teddy’s face scrunched into a grimace as their stomach turned sour. A thin sheen of sweat even started to show as they tried to organize the story in their mind. It was uncomfortable. It was stupid. They were so ashamed of it all, that they practically let it happen. They should have realized something was up the moment the man asked them what they were. They should have known they weren’t some untouchable thing. Especially while still recovering from all that shit in the mine. 
“S-someone cut off my tail. Few weeks ago? Maybe a month I’m– I’m not sure.” Ted’s voice was so quiet, so scratchy from a dry throat. “It doesn’t even matter though, it’s fine. I don’t even have the nub anymore, so it doesn’t– I don’t– You don’t have to worry about it.” God they felt like they were going to throw up. They couldn’t look at Emilio, not while talking about this. “It was my fault anyway, I was an idiot and got into a car with him and– and it was just really fucking stupid.” Their hands gripped tighter on the back of their neck, or at least as tight as they could with the sweat on their palms. “That’s something you’ll have to deal with if you wanna live here.” A half-laugh barked out, exasperated and desperate. 
“I’m a real fucking idiot some times. I know I am. And I can’t seem to do anything about it. I just– I get myself into shit situations because I think I can– because I used to be immortal. I piss people off because I get too dead set on something that shouldn’t even matter to most folks. I– I get nightmares too. When I sleep. It’s why I have– why I had so many of those plushies and wards and everything, though… I guess those are gonna die out soon. No more demon magic.” They paused, thinking about more unsightly things Emilio might have to contend with. Things that wouldn’t mix. “I wake up screaming. Sometimes. I don’t know. It’s been a bit since I’ve actually had someone… living near me. Usually just skiddadle after–y’know.” Teddy sighed, something about talking about sleeping around other people in front of Emilio drew the breath from their lungs. Better to just leave it at an allusion. 
“I’ve got days where I can’t get out of bed too. Sometimes ‘cause I’m in too much pain, sometimes because my head just isn’t on right.” They shrugged. In a way, they hoped the sudden spill of their guts might distract the detective from the whole tail fiasco. But they doubted he’d gloss over it. Wasn’t his style. “Maybe if we sync up we can have a slumber party.” 
“I know you don’t.” And it was true. Emilio was a paranoid bastard, but he still knew, somehow, that Teddy was almost always honest with him. Not from the very beginning — for a long time, he’d been sure Teddy was lying about all the Joy shit, about pretty much everything — but for a while now. It had infuriated him at first, that honesty. He hadn’t known what to do with it, hadn’t known how to dislike someone and trust them at the same time. Those in between months with Teddy, where he’d both hated them and understood them, had been a hell of a time. He wasn’t sure how he’d survived it now. “You’re not as hard to read as you think you are, Jones.” Not for Emilio, at least. “I’ll give you a pass. Those aren’t your questions.” 
He listened as Teddy spoke, anger burning in his chest. If not for the pain in his leg and the cold in his bones, he might have gotten up, right then and there. Might have marched out of the house to start on some quest to hunt down the bastard, even with the very limited information Teddy had just given him. As it was, he could only sit in place, working his jaw and letting the fury settle into his bones. “Don’t do that,” he said. “Don’t — Don’t pretend it doesn’t matter. It matters.” What Teddy went through mattered, no matter how they tried to downplay it. Because they always did, didn’t they? The roof, the mine, the ritual, this. They liked to pretend it didn’t matter when they got hurt. But how could it not? How could it not matter? 
“I’m gonna kill him,” he said, matter-of-factly. “The guy. I’ll fucking kill him, Teds. I want to. That shit — That shit wasn’t your fault. Don’t care if you got in a car with him. Don’t care about any of it. It’s on him, not on you.” He opened and closed the hand not holding the necklace a time or two, letting the motion relax him… as much as he was capable of relaxing. Which was to say… not much at all. He thought of what Teddy said, of how they were reckless, sometimes. Another thing they had in common, wasn’t it? “I’m not good at… being a person,” he said with a small shake of his head. “Better as a knife. You know? Better at hurting. At being hurt, sometimes. So I do it, too. Walk into things with no plan. I think I want…” He trailed off, unable to say it. He’d felt it for so long now, but it was hard to get the words out, hard to admit it. He’d all but said it to Rhett. Everyone knew. Still… I think I want to die was a heavy confession to make. And the idea of saying it to Teddy, who’d fought so hard to live, felt almost cruel. So Emilio only shrugged, looking back down at the necklace in his hand. It was easier.
He nodded as Teddy went on. “Don’t sleep in front of people much, either.” The only person still living who he’d slept in front of intentionally was Rhett. He fell asleep without meaning to, sometimes — forcing yourself to stay awake for days on end would see to that — but he rarely closed his eyes with the intention of falling asleep, and never when someone else was around to see it. He woke up screaming, too. Disoriented, unsteady. Ready for a fight, even when he was the only one around. The number of times he’d taken a swing at Rhett in a half-asleep state during those months after the massacre was, frankly, unsettlingly large.
With a quiet snort, the detective shook his head. “Wouldn’t count on it. I don’t — I won’t sleep much. While I’m here.” Because he didn’t want to take a swing at Teddy, didn’t want to risk hurting them because he was still too goddamn stupid to know the difference between a dream and reality, sometimes. “Hey, you tell me if you see that guy again. The one who… Because I mean it, Teds. Not letting someone get away with that shit. Not when…” Not when it’s you. The very thought of it made him feel sick. Teddy deserved a hell of a lot better than that, after everything they’d been through. If the universe wouldn’t give the guy a break, Emilio would force one out of it. 
Shifting against the counter, Emilio tapped his finger against his knee absently. “Okay,” he said. “Okay. Deal’s a deal. Where’s the burning question, Jones? I’ll be honest with you. You’ve got my word on that.”
Even if they knew how he was going to act about it, it wouldn't have prepared Teddy for the fervent and ardent determination Emilio showed. It should have comforted them. But something about the whole mess filled them with this deep seeded shame. It was impossible to shake. It sunk them further the more they thought about it. The more their mind relived the sequence. They retreated deeper into themself. Their breath hitched, their hands wrung tighter around each other. They were so scrunched up that Perro had to move his head fully back on Emilio's lap, though not without giving a wry confused look towards the human that was rapidly approaching critical crunch. Threatening to become a black hole rather than a person. 
Being seen in pain wasn't something Teddy had ever been good at. It was a weakness they never allowed themself to have. Having someone this close who could see through their bullshit, someone who wouldn't give up if they tried to change the subject or deescalate. It terrified them. They didn't ever want to see that man again. Didn't want to look at those piercing blue eyes, his sharp features and how they looked both so calm and predatory at the same time. Somehow, they were more scared of him now than when it happened. The vision of Parker Wright that lived in their brain was a demented wax figure that moved without walking, talked without speaking and was always just there in the back of their peripherals whenever they went somewhere alone. 
"Please. No–just let it go, Em. It's not gonna fix anything– I can't– I don't–" Teddy was trying so hard to catch up with their heart, which apparently thought they were running a marathon. "No one else got hurt, it's not that big of a deal–" Except they weren't the only one hurt. They weren't even the only one who got part of their aquatic tail stolen. But they didn't mention that. Didn't bring it up. Couldn't get themselves to. A sour selfishness that pulled them farther from the shore of wanting to be a better person. Teagan deserved better. But Teddy had already failed her once. They'd do it again because that's all they ever really did, wasn't it? 
"I'll forgoe my question if you just drop it, this– this is why I didn't want to talk about– It's not that bad but– but it's just too much. Too recent." Excuse after excuse poured out. A leaky tap of some volatile liquid threatening to corrode all it touched. "This isn't how I wanted this night to go. It was supposed to be happy. I wanted to make you happy. I'm fucking this all up. Just– ugh maybe we should crack that whiskey open." Teddy sighed, hoping the longer breath would help to slow the hyperventilation. "Think I'd need a whole lake of it to fix this…"
“It’s a big deal to me.” He didn’t mean to snap, but he did. Seeing Teddy like this, seeing them small and uncertain and afraid… God, he would have burned the fucking world to the ground if it meant he never had to see them this way again. He’d have killed a thousand cowardly, tail-stealing bastards, would have fallen on any number of swords. Teddy might not have thought themself worth such a reaction, but Emilio did. Because Teddy cared about people, took care of people. They peeled a half-dead slayer who’d been nothing bit awful to them out of an alley and dragged him back to their boat to patch up his wounds without asking for anything in return. They’d led him down from that rooftop and into their car when the voices in his head became too loud for him to manage. They’d build a fucking bridge across buildings to make sure he didn’t have to spend one more minute trapped in his apartment. Teddy looked out for people, looked out for Emilio. Didn’t they deserve to have someone do the same for them? Even if it was Emilio, who was worthless more often than not. Even if it was Emilio, who had only ever been good at failing people. Teddy still deserved to have someone on their side, and Emilio would be that person.
He shifted, and Perro, frustrated with the status of his two chosen seats and their inability to remain static for him, stood with a huff and moved down, curling up between their ankles instead. “I’m not going to drop it. I can’t — I can’t let it go. I can’t do that.” He’d never been able to. It was one of the many things that made him a glaring neon sign of not good enough, one of the many failures his mother had often seen fit to point towards. Victor’s death was an ache that lived within him still. Flora would haunt him for as long as he lived, even if he did manage to take out every one of the bastards who’d been involved in killing her. He couldn’t let go of his anger, couldn’t give up on his grief. It was all he was, sometimes. 
“You’re not fucking anything up. I’m not —” He sighed, pushing his hair away from his face and trying to swallow the building frustration. He was the one fucking it up, wasn’t he? His inability to let things go, the way he couldn’t listen even as Teddy begged him to drop it. Teddy wanted to make him happy, and Emilio had no idea how to make that happen. He wasn’t sure he ever had. Even the lightest moments in his life had carried some kind of heaviness to them. Flora’s birth had been marred by the knowledge that it was his job to train her for her death. Every milestone she passed felt like a nail in a tiny coffin. His wedding had been a flurry of stress, of worrying that he was disappointing someone just by being, no matter how much Juliana assured him he wasn’t.
He looked back to the necklace, resisted the urge to fiddle with his wedding ring even as his fingers itched for it. Instead, he twisted the tiny metal stake between his fingers. Same motion, almost. Just in a different place. “I’m sorry. Look, we don’t have to talk about it. I won’t make you do that. But you — You matter to me, asshole. Too much for me to be all right with this guy… running around out there after doing this to you. I mean, fuck, Teds, would you be able to? If somebody did something like that to me, would you be able to let it go?” He knew the answer as surely as he knew his own name. Teddy cared about him. He cared about Teddy. It wasn’t as strange as it used to be.
“So… You still got your question. Ask it, save it for later, whatever. But you still got it. I won’t bullshit you. I mean that.”
The quiet this time was more tense. More sharp. Lasted longer, stretching into uncomfortable territory and Teddy knew it was their fault. A small flash of pink and their tongue slid over their lips. It didn't do much, their mouth was so dry it only served to crack at their throat and hollow their chest. There was a long beat, but eventually they quirked their head up to the side. A dark eye peering over the arm that still sheltered their head. 
"I don't even know if he's– from here or whatever. Never seen him before. We– I–" Teddy swallowed a lump, then another. "Later." Their resolve wasn't enough to do what Emilio asked. "We can talk about it later." Their head tilted a little more. Once again they were just inches from each other. Once again Emilio was trying to save them. Only this time they were practically the one trying to put themself back in the hole. 
They wanted to reach out. Wanted to wrap their arms around him and hold him so tight, never wanted to let go at all. They didn't know why he cared so much. Didn't know why he was acting like Teddy being in pain was the end of the world. They were always in pain. It wasn't something new. Wasn't even the worst pain they'd been in recently. "Why– why don't we do something else. There's a pool table in one of the rooms. Let's just– I'll figure out a question later, too. We can do that later. Let's just–" A hand was all they were able to shift. Replacing it back around Emilio's, only this time their palms were facing each other. Their thumb ran circles around the base of each knuckle. "Anything else. Your choice." 
Another silence stretched out. Long, heavy. It shouldn’t have been. If you could let things go, his mother’s voice sounded exasperated in his head, it wouldn’t be. You hold onto things too tightly. What use is it? What use are you? His throat felt tight, his chest ached. He wanted a drink. His fingers twitched with the desire, like it was a physical thing. Maybe it was. He hadn’t gone more than a few hours without a drink in years now; he knew that had effects on a body that weren’t just in the mind. 
“Later,” he relented, though his tone was firm enough to say that it still wouldn’t be dropped. Someone had hurt Teddy, and that wasn’t a thing Emilio could excuse anymore. He’d find who did it. He’d hurt them back. That desire was a physical thing, too, just as much as that need for a drink was. His fingers twitched for it, his throat ached for it. He needed the vengeance as much as he needed the whiskey. It was the only thing that kept his feet underneath him, sometimes, the only thing that kept his lungs moving. 
But this wasn’t just about him, he knew. Emilio needed his vengeance like he needed his whiskey, had a body that craved it so intently that it had long ago lost sight of the fact that it was killing him slow. But Teddy? Teddy needed something else. Teddy wanted to change the subject, wanted a distraction, and Emilio could give them that. They’d talk about it later. He’d find out more later. He’d have a drink, he’d sharpen his knife, he’d let the thing that was going to kill him get another shot in and pretend he didn’t want it to land. But only later. Taking care of what Teddy wanted now was going to come first. It had to come first. Emilio was less important, less valuable. He mattered less. He knew that.
He straightened his back, shifted his position. He undid the clasp on the necklace, fastened it around his throat. The charm fell under his shirt, landed next to the silver cross and Juliana’s wedding band. Later, after Teddy went to bed, he’d transfer the cross and the ring to the same silver chain as the stake, wear them all together. A cross for protection. A ring to remember. And a stake to…
He let his hand drop, slipping the key and the knife into his pocket. “I don’t know how to play pool,” he announced. “Maybe you teach me. Or… tell me. Not sure I can get up. Leg’s fucked, querido. Think your plan to keep me here’s off to a good start.” The nickname slipped in without intention; he told himself it didn’t matter. Teddy’s inability to speak Spanish might have been infuriating when Emilio couldn’t find the words to express himself in English, but right now? It meant they wouldn’t know the difference between this nickname and any of the usual ones the detective threw their way.
(Well, except idiota. Even without knowing Spanish, Emilio was pretty sure Teddy could guess that one.)
Everything seemed to be spinning. Fast and slow, different directions. Teddy felt flung forward, slashed back. Nothing and everything. Misfires. Too much, too little, no sense. Just mixed up inside their head. A manic mayhem caught somewhere between wanting to savor the moment of sitting beside him hand in hand. Of needing that connection and feeling it. But still stuck in the ache and panic thinking about that night sent them into. 
Teddy bottled up everything negative. They always had. Threw it somewhere and locked it away. Their emotions didn't matter because they weren't real. There and then gone. The only constant in their life was Leviathan and it wasn't a fan of those troubling human emotions. Took it right til the end to show up and try to help Teddy open up and feel like it was okay to feel things at all. 
Trying to bring those buried memories back up wasn’t an easy process. Wasn’t a painless one. But Teddy could see Emilio was trying. Could appreciate the monumental effort that must have taken him to put it aside for any time at all because yes, if this had happened to him they would have hunted Parker to the ends of the earth. Would’ve ripped the man’s limbs off one by one. Made him watch as they found a new and awful way to pickle or taxidermy or destroy or something that would scar the man in the same way he had done to others. They’d boil the ocean with their rage. They knew they would. Teddy wrestled with that. Felt trapped by it. But–
He’d pick it back up later. Teddy wouldn't have to relive it all so soon. Not on a night where it was supposed to be about Emilio. Supposed to be a good thing. The next step forward, towards something that could help the slayer find some stability. Even if it was temporary. "Yeah I can teach you, think you'd be real good at it honestly, kinda surprised you haven't picked it up from how many bars you frequent–" 
No, he didn't just– 
The smoothness with which it slipped off his tongue. The way it curled around his voice. Raspy, low. Sweet. A rocket could have launched in Teddy's chest and it would have made less noise than their heart as it beat out a symphony and ascended till it felt like it was in their throat. 
Emilio– he didn't know Teddy knew— still thought that— But why would he—?!
Teddy turned their face away so very quickly. Burying it in their arms. Luckily it wasn't much of a shift, luckily they were already red from the sudden anxiety spike, luckily they were already emotional and flustered and– well they were mostly covered already anyway. Flushed and confused, Ted stared at the space between their ankles where Perro's head sat lazily snoozing, content as a clam to just be nearby. The whole of their focus zeroed in on the dog because the rest of the world had just fallen out of focus. 
He couldn't have meant it. It was a mistake. Wasn't meant for them. That wasn't something Teddy had earned. Maybe it was just— like a nickname he used for something he'd grown… stupidly fond of. Something you shouldn't but do anyway. Like a stray dog. Like how you'd speak to a dog. It was probably a nickname meant for Perro and it accidentally slipped out because, well Perro was right there, and there was already so much going on and Teddy was acting dramatic and stupid and– yeah that had to be it. No other explanation. None that would make sense. 
When Teddy Jones had started that whole bit, it just seemed like a little gimmick. A funny way to maybe hear some embarrassing tidbit or something like that, but Emilio goddamn Cortez calling Teddy Jones dear, darling, or love was never in the cards. So it had to be a mistake. Or a joke. Something to lighten the mood, one sided as to not seem…mean spirited maybe? Meaning escaped them. Not even just the word but of everything. Their mind babbled like a baby trying to come up with any and all other definitions, or similar words he might have meant. Words he should have used. It took almost a half a minute for Teddy.exe to reboot. They did so with a massive sigh. Forcing air into their lungs and logical thoughts back into their brain. 
"I'm done moping." They announced, like that was something you could just decide. Like they still weren't about to fall to pieces, just a little more… sugar coated than before. "Let's get somewhere comfier, and let me get you something for that knee. I've got a brace somewhere in my room. Got some tiger balm that's incredible on shit joints. We'll both get some rest even if it's not sleep, and then I'll teach you how to play pool. Sound good?"
Emilio had seen Teddy in a lot of perilous situations throughout their brief companionship. Hell, the first time he met them ended with them tumbling backwards off a roof, and things had only built from there. The alley with the hellhound, where Emilio hadn’t been in much better shape. The day he found Teddy in their boat on their way to becoming that crystal monster he’d lost in the mines. They day they got them back from the mines. The weeks preceding this very moment, when Teddy had been sure they were going to die and Emilio had been too pessimistic to think anything else. He’d seen Teddy in a lot of bad ways, seen them suffering in one form or another on and on for months now.
But he’d never seen them quite like this.
They were quiet, which felt like a real red flag. Red all over, hiding their face in their arms. It couldn’t have been anything he said — with as little Spanish as Teddy seemed to speak given the context of previous conversations they’d had, there was no way they knew enough to know the significance of the word Emilio hadn’t meant to say. So this, this uncharacteristic quiet, it had to circle back to the conversation they’d been having. The tail, the man who’d taken it, it had done a clear number on Teddy. It had broken something there, and the ever-present fire in Emilio’s chest burned so hot that he worried it might set the whole damn house ablaze. 
Teddy didn’t want to talk about it. They’d said as much, punctuated it with this quiet that was so unlike them it hurt a little. They didn’t want to talk, and that was all right. They didn’t need to. Emilio was a half-decent detective, after all; he’d find the guy who did this, who made Teddy this… shaking, quiet, not-Teddy way, and he’d make him pay for it. Take him apart piece by piece, give his fingers to Perro to chew on. The word slipped in by accident, but he realized that he’d still meant it. Emilio cared about Teddy, and Emilio took care of the people he cared about. So he’d do that.
It took longer than he would have liked for it to for Teddy to come back to themself. They announced they were finished moping, and Emilio had to bite his tongue to keep himself from telling them that they didn’t have to do that, didn’t have to hide their feelings to make him comfortable. He settled for flashing them a look instead, the kind he hoped would say it all, but he didn’t verbally push the subject. Let them ignore it if they wanted to. He’d already decided that the man who’d caused it wouldn’t be a problem much longer.
(He wondered, in a brief and fleeting thought, if Teddy might like one of the guy’s fingers, too. He shook the notion away as quickly as it had come. Teddy didn’t seem the type to find such a thing to be a… friendly gesture.)
His mouth fell open, protests ready to be fired — he didn’t need a brace, didn’t need oil, didn’t need a more comfortable place to sit, didn’t need anything a person might need because he wasn’t supposed to need anything at all — but all of the words died on his lips. Sometimes, with Teddy, it was easier just to humor them. “I’m not wearing a brace,” he grumbled, because his mouth was already open and there had to be a line somewhere, at the very least. “Yours would not fit me, anyway. Your legs are skinny. Como un ciervo.” He brought his hands up to his head, mimicking a deer’s antlers in hopes of being understood. It was hopeless, he knew; Teddy didn’t seem to get more than the barest basics of Spanish. At least that came in handy when things slipped out. 
“But I know what it’s really about. You want to get my pants off.” There was an unidentifiable ache that came with the jab; he didn’t understand it. Teddy had been clear in the past that he found Emilio nice to look at; most people did. He didn’t think it was conceited to say that he was handsome. But with Teddy… He bit his tongue absently, trying not to think about it. Teddy probably did want to get his pants off. The fact that that was all there’d ever be to it shouldn’t make him feel anything more than relief. 
He hummed, chasing the thoughts from his mind. “You can sleep,” he offered. “If you want to. You probably should sleep, I think. You don’t have to worry about me going anywhere. I’ll be around when you wake up. Promise.”
Did the night go as planned? No. Decidedly not. And yet… Emilio was actually staying. Teddy loosened a little more. The relief he offered was the salve to soothe their rusted limbs. Easing the stress away one chip at a time. Slowly letting them calm down to a state of almost okay. He shot them a look, it should have been withering but instead it made Ted smile. A soft and cautious thing. Bordering, just barely, on the mischievous mug they sported when a sly scheme slipped into their stream of consciousness. "Yeah, you won't wear a brace, just like you wouldn't come stay here. Just like you said I wouldn't actually steal the dog. Just like you saying you'd never like me." 
Teddy winked and they almost felt normal. Maybe the kind of normal that came after running a full marathon and a half, fighting a bear, then drinking a big glass of battery acid, but still, almost totally next to normal. Whatever that meant for them in this brave new world of humanity they had to explore. Relieved only by the fact that they wouldn't have to do it alone. Emilio might have been human all his life (Human plus as he liked to call it. Teddy would still argue, of course.) but he was still learning what it meant to be a person because after everything, he still thought of himself as a blade. As something only built to destroy. 
"I like you better, you know. As a person, I mean. Rather than a weapon. I think I'd really fuckin prefer you as my friend. Trouble and everything. More than maybe anyone else on earth, so. I dunno. Whenever you touch that necklace just try and remember that." Remember that I'm yours. They wanted to say. Remember that I'm here for you no matter what. Teddy steadied themself against the counter, bracing enough that they were able to get some leverage and pull the slayer up to his full height. Still a bit of strain, definitely lacking their usual strength by a country mile. Still they were able to lift him. Just about eye to eye, with him standing a smidge above. Shame really, that Teddy never got to annoy him by shape shifting just a little taller. Maybe they should have thought about it before the ritual. This body was the only one they got now. For better or worse. No changes. Perfectly human. 
"Also hey, I can't be a ciervo or whatever, I'm not a demon anymore. I don't have horns. Most real demons don't even have horns, either. Nine times out of ten they're all tentacles and melty flesh or just abstract masses of organs and shadows. Really fucking gross to be honest. You lucked the fuck out getting the hottest demons in the world in your little town." The more words poured out, the more they fell back into routine. Bickering with Emilio felt safe, felt warm and cozy like a cup of hot chocolate. Teddy hooked their head underneath his arm and started the long procession over to the couch. Trying so fucking hard not to let the way the close contact electrified their skin and set off fireworks in their chest show. 
"Ah but you forget Cortez, I've got swimmer's legs. They ain't skinny at all. These thighs save lives. The brace will fit just fine." Hell, a lot of their clothes would fit Emilio. Not that he'd be caught dead in the Hawaiian shirts or silk robes that Teddy liked to frequent. Even if all the slayer's clothes and belongings had been swallowed whole by the goo, Ted didn't think he'd go for that. Probably walk around nude first. Which, well… that would– "Please, if I wanted to see you with your pants off, I'd just have to ask. Seems like you have a hard time saying no to me these days bud. You're losing your edge. It's a great look." 
I’ll be around when you wake up. Promise. 
God Emilio knew just how to drive them fucking insane, didn't he? The exact right phrasing that had them ducking their head away, hoping to a god they didn't believe in that the detective wouldn't detect it. "Yeah well, alright. If you promise. I can work with that." 
Emilio rolled his eyes, shooting Teddy another glare with very little heat to it. God, they really had him dead to rights, didn’t they? Usually, when Emilio said something, he meant it. But Teddy Jones had a way of changing his mind, somehow. “You got me here through kidnapping,” he said solemnly, looking down at Perro as he snored between their ankles. “I think this is a hostage situation. I am being held against my will.” Yeah. He sure looked like it. Emilio was far more relaxed now than he’d been upon his arrival — more relaxed, in fact, than he typically was in his own apartment. That anger that sat in his chest still burned with the thought of what had been done to Teddy, but the resolve to find and kill the man who’d done it certainly helped it feel more like a low simmer than a raging wildfire. He’d save the fury for the man who deserved it. Teddy deserved something else.
And… maybe what Teddy deserved was nothing Emilio could ever give them. Not with his hard edges and his death wish. Teddy was human now, a soft and fragile thing. And Emilio, despite his physiology and genetics making him just as human (albeit with a few added kicks), had no idea how to be that. Teddy deserved better friends than Emilio knew how to be… but they wanted this one. They wanted the guy who couldn’t get off the damn floor, with weapons weighing down his jacket pockets and a past that weighed down the rest of him. And what they wanted had to stand for something. They deserved that, too.
He didn’t know what to say to Teddy’s affirmation of as much, didn’t know the right response. Tests, for Emilio, had always involved an awful lot of blood. He didn’t know how to pass one that only required him to be a person. So he shrugged, hand going up absently to rub at the silver stake now hanging from his throat. He rolled it absently between his thumb and finger, trying to take Teddy’s advice and remember their words. Since they’d only just been spoken, it wasn’t hard. Later, he knew, it would be. When he was alone, when he felt like less of a person, when the only company he had was the company of the person he hated more than anyone. For now, he let Teddy pull him to his feet. Slow, easy. His leg ached and screamed, and he grit his teeth against it but didn’t make a sound. At least he was good at that. 
“Ciervo is not demon,” he snorted, rolling his eyes. “Maybe you should learn Spanish.” Or maybe they shouldn’t. If Emilio had slipped once, he’d probably do it again. It was better if Teddy didn’t understand what he was saying in those moments, better if they got to live in the blissful ignorance of not knowing. Because they’d feel some obligation, wouldn’t they? Teddy was the type to enter into something they didn’t want just to spare someone else’s feelings, and Emilio didn’t want that for him. Especially not when he didn’t even remotely understand his own feelings or what they meant or what he wanted. His head was a mess; it made sense that his heart would be the same. 
He let himself lean on them as they made their way over to the couch, the two of them propping one another up. Christ, it must have been a sight; two idiots who could hardly stand on their own. “You call those thighs? They are chicken legs. I hear el cloqueo.” He imitated a chicken clucking, grin spread across his face even though Teddy wasn’t in the position to actually see it. The expression turned to one of offense at the… okay, probably true assessment of his ability — or lack thereof — to say no to Teddy Jones. “I say no to you all the time. I’m saying no to you right now. No. See?” 
They settled onto the couch, the cushions soft against Emilio’s back as he leaned into them. Perro, who’d been trailing behind, hopped up and planted himself firmly in the slayer’s lap, curling into a tight little ball. He rested one hand on the dog’s back, the other falling hesitantly onto Teddy’s knee. “Yeah,” he confirmed. “Promise. Get some rest, Teds. It’ll be all right.”
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diytransport · 6 months
The Ultimate Guide To Finding Reliable Motorcycle Transport Services In Maryland
Rev up your engines, fellow riders in Maryland! Whether you're moving to a new city, attending a motorcycle event, or selling your beloved bike to an out-of-state buyer, finding reliable motorcycle transport services is crucial. In the Free State, where scenic rides are aplenty and two-wheel adventures beckon at every turn, ensuring safe and efficient transport for your ride is paramount. Join us as we rev our engines and dive into the ultimate guide to securing trustworthy motorcycle transport services in Maryland! Let's hit the road together – figuratively speaking, this time! Maryland Motorcycle Transport
Understanding the need for motorcycle transport services in Maryland
Maryland, with its diverse landscapes and vibrant motorcycle community, presents many reasons riders may require bike transport services. For enthusiasts moving to or from the state, transporting motorcycles efficiently and safely is essential to continuing to enjoy Maryland's thrilling rides. Motorcycle events and rallies across the region often call for reliable transport solutions to help riders get their bikes to these exciting gatherings hassle-free.
Additionally, individuals selling or purchasing motorcycles out of state rely on transport services to ensure seamless delivery of their possessions. Whether it's due to relocation, maintenance needs at a distant garage, or simply wanting your bike at a different location than you are – having access to trustworthy motorcycle transport services in Maryland can save time and effort while keeping your ride secure during transit.
Types of motorcycle transport services available in Maryland
When it comes to transporting your motorcycle in Maryland, various options are available to meet your specific needs. One popular choice is open transport, where your bike and other vehicles are loaded onto an open trailer. This option is cost-effective and efficient for shorter distances.
If you prefer more protection for your motorcycle, enclosed transport might be the way to go. Your bike will be secured inside a fully enclosed trailer, shielding it from any potential road debris or harsh weather conditions during transit.
For those looking for a more personalized service, consider using a dedicated motorcycle shipping company specializing solely in transporting motorcycles. These companies often provide door-to-door service and handle each bike with care and expertise.
Additionally, some transport services offer expedited shipping for those needing their motorcycle delivered quickly or with time-sensitive transportation requirements. No matter which type of service you choose, ensure that the company is reputable and experienced in handling motorcycle transport safely and efficiently.
Tips for preparing your motorcycle for transport
When preparing your motorcycle for transport, several vital steps ensure a smooth and safe journey. Start by cleaning your bike thoroughly to protect it from damage during transit. Remove any loose items or accessories that could fall off.
Next, take detailed photos of your motorcycle from all angles. This will serve as documentation in case of any unexpected incidents during transport. Secure all loose parts, such as mirrors, handlebars, and saddlebags.
Check the tire pressure and battery charge before loading the motorcycle onto the vehicle. If your bike has an alarm system, turning it off is also advisable. Consider investing in additional insurance coverage for peace of mind throughout transportation.
By following these tips, you can help ensure that your motorcycle arrives at its destination safely and securely.
Cost of motorcycle transport in Maryland
Finding a reliable service provider is crucial when transporting your motorcycle in Maryland. Understanding the available options, preparing your bike for transport, and considering the cost are all important factors. By following these tips and doing thorough research, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free transportation experience for your beloved motorcycle. Remember, investing time in finding the right motorcycle transport service will give you peace of mind, knowing that your ride is in good hands throughout its journey. Safe travels!
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The wealth of House Clegane
@thefeatherofhope had a question about the wealth of House Clegane and particularly Sandor’s access to it. So, let me see if I can clear this up at all...
The founder of House Clegane, the Casterly Rock kennelmaster who saved Tytos Lannister from a lioness (at the expense of his leg and three dogs), was granted knighthood, “lands and a towerhouse”. (Southeast of Lannisport, per GRRM.) A towerhouse is not a particularly big castle -- you can see one example of an ASOIAF towerhouse here, and this site has some great photos and plans of towerhouses especially in its Scotland section.
Notably, the Clegane towerhouse (called Clegane’s Keep, semi-canonically), has a village below it, prosperous enough to have skilled laborers such as woodcarvers. It’s unknown if there’s any other villages on the Clegane lands, nor the exact size of their lands. Southeast of Lannisport is a hilly area, per the maps, and not very far from the known silver mines at Silverhill, but it’s unknown if there’s any mines (silver or gold) within the Clegane lands. But the Westerlands are generally fertile (if not as abundant as the Reach), and the Keep’s location not far from a major city should lead to moderately wealthy estates and incomes. Definitely not great lord level or even great landed knight level, but more likely to be similar to House Webber than House Osgrey (see The Sworn Sword), even if they have a Standfast-sized castle. (I also headcanon that one source of income for House Clegane was the breeding of hunting hounds, which has fallen off a bit since Gregor became the master of the house, but you can take or leave that as you like.)
At any rate, House Clegane was likely wealthy enough from the start to afford the services of a maester (the Citadel requires payment), which the first Ser Clegane would have certainly needed as he was no doubt illiterate. (The second Ser Clegane, Sandor and Gregor’s father, may or may not have been literate, as he was taken as a Tytos’s squire probably around the age of 12, but I doubt he had much more than necessary literacy.) We definitely know they had a maester during Sandor’s childhood, and almost certainly Gregor had one on staff to help prepare the milk of the poppy that he drinks “as lesser men quaff ale” for his headaches.
Regarding tourneys -- the prize for the winner of the joust at the Hand’s Tourney was forty thousand gold dragons. At the time Sandor was captured by the Brotherhood, he had only 9000 gold dragons. While it’s technically possible that Sandor might have spent 30K in a year (Anguy managed to piss away his archery prize of 10K in a few months, spending it on fancy food and fancy girls at Chataya’s), that’s still a lot of money. @racefortheironthrone estimates a gold dragon as equal to today’s $1000, and what in the hell a man like Sandor could spend $3 million on, I don’t even know. (Like, even if he did go to Chataya's a few times, he certainly wasn't bathing in Arbor wine like Anguy did.) I headcanon that Sandor spent some of the money on buying Stranger, but it’s also possible he didn’t take all of whatever he had left with him when he left King’s Landing, as gold is really heavy. (40K dragons could weigh about 800 pounds; heck, 9000 dragons weighs 180 pounds. Sigh, GRRM cannot math.) I very much doubt Sandor is the sort to work with banks at all (though I know some people have headcanoned it: note that besides the Iron Bank of Braavos, there may be the Bank of Oldtown, if it still exists), but it’s possible he buried it somewhere secret. Though if he did, it wasn’t anywhere he had any chance of accessing once he was in the Riverlands.
As for Sandor’s access to House Clegane’s incomes now that Gregor is dead (more or less)... well, there’s a number of problems before we even get to that part. Number one, Ned (as Hand of the King) attainted Gregor for his crimes in the Riverlands. Attainder takes away someone’s lands and titles, and often their right to pass them onto their heirs. However, Littlefinger tells Ned that Sandor will inherit and Ned doesn’t dispute that, so that part doesn’t seem to apply. However however, Ned’s decree was most definitely reversed by Tywin after he was executed, so in fact that attainder is not relevant after all. (But mentioned in case anyone was wondering.) Second problem: when Sandor became a Kingsguard, he gave up all inheritance rights. (He swore no knight’s vows, but he never says he won’t swear the Kingsguard oaths.) However, he abandoned his post, and while there’s nothing exactly that says what happens when a KG does that, it’s definitely not “oh you get your lands back and everything’s fine again”. If it’s like the Night’s Watch, who Visenya modeled the KG vows on, what happens when you abandon your post is execution. (See also what happened to the KG Lucamore Strong when he broke his vows of celibacy.) Either way, what Sandor is now is an outlaw. (For his desertion, and for the Sack of Saltpans, which he didn’t actually do but is believed by the crown to have done, so it counts, alas.) Outlaws are, per their name, outside the law, which includes the laws of inheritance. Legally, if Sandor were to try to claim the Clegane lands right now, he absolutely could not. (Also, from whom? Cersei, the Lady of the Westerlands? (lol omg.) Cersei’s castellan Damion Lannister in Casterly Rock? It gets very difficult.)
So. As Gregor is legally dead, and has no legal heirs, the Clegane lands have reverted to Casterly Rock. If Sandor were to show himself alive, and IF he were somehow to be pardoned for his actual crimes and the nominal ones (how is a very good question, by some grateful king or queen perhaps for services rendered), and if the whole Kingsguard thing was made invalid (again, some royal declaring all of Joffrey’s decrees illegitimate since he was)... then, yes, Sandor might be able to claim House Clegane’s lands and incomes. (And the title too, see this post for details.) But there’s a bunch of great big ifs in there. Really really huge ones. Until they’re straightened out, if they ever are, Sandor’s got whatever’s in his pockets (zilch) and maybe whatever remains of his tourney winnings if he buried them anywhere or otherwise saved them somehow. (Note he gave away the Brotherhood’s IOU, as if they’d ever pay it back, as if especially Stoneheart’s version would.) You’ve got wiggle room with headcanons and hopeful futurefics (and author fiat in fic in general), but in practice? Sandor’s got nothin’.
Hope that helps!
137 notes · View notes
nightqueendany · 5 years
Alright, What About These New Promos/Photos/Putting It All Together?
*Friki leaks mentioned. Read at your own risk*
I’ll be doing this in order of the Episodes (Ep 1 as per the Friki leaks and subsequent Episodes based on my own speculation).
(This is super long and keeps getting longer the more promo photos they give us but I regret nothing!)
~Adding corrections to Ep1 as per the leaks from REDDIT in regards to the premier. I’ll keep my original thoughts and then also add the corrections underneath.
Episode 1
The episode clearly begins with Jon and Dany arriving at Winterfell - this is the “spine” of the Episode, as D&D would call it. It’s the “main event.”
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Obligatory shots of Sansa and Arya seeing the dragons for the first time, a child climbing something to see the soldiers marching through Wintertown as callback to Bran in Season 1. Jon and Dany arriving side-by-side, “together” as they said they would. And of course, Varys all bundled up in a wagon.
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Jon greets Sansa, probably hoping a hug will defuse some of the tension that is bound to be in the air with him seeing her for the first time since he bent the knee to Dany.
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Dany waiting with Jorah a respectful distance away while Jon reunites with his siblings.
Either before or after the Sansa hug, Jon’s got to greet Bran because Bran is seated right next to Sansa (Premier ~ Bran is apparently “cold” to Jon, stone faced, whatever, but why would we be surprised by this?):
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So Sansa greets Jon and Dany, tells Dany Winterfell is hers (a custom when greeting and welcoming a royal as Ned did with Robert, not Sansa giving up the castle to Dany or some other bullshit FFS).
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(Look at Missandei in the background! Look at her little cloak thingy!) Anyway...
While all this is happening, Davos and Jorah stand back and watch things unfold:
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I’m not sure why but I like the team-up of Davos and Jorah. After seeing this photo I’m hoping we get some Davos-Jorah interactions like we got Jorah and Thoros last season. But then again, much of Jorah’s stuff seems to be alongside Dany this season so there may not be time for it.
Then somewhere in this initial greeting and Dany’s arrival in Winterfell, Bran adds fuel to the tension fire:
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He gives Jon and Dany the news about the Wall, the Night King, and Viserion. Dany is clearly very affected by this news because Viserion’s death was bad enough, this is so much worse. She has said several times throughout the series, “A dragon is not a slave” and now her son is an undead/unwilling/unwitting accomplice to the Night King’s plans. It’ll be a truly heartbreaking moment for Dany on a number of levels but she won’t have much time at all to process this because:
(premier~was right about Dany having 0 time to process because of the Northern Lord meeting, kudos to me)
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After Bran tells them all the news, they call a meeting in the great hall with Jon, Dany, Sansa, Tyrion, and all the rest of the Northern Lords/Ladies. We know this will be a tense meeting. Tyrion says “We have to fight together now, or die” - likely this is after he has told the Northerners about Cersei promising her troops to come fight. 
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Apparently, by the way the leaks sound, the Northerners are much more displeased with the fact that Lannister troops are coming North than they were about Jon bending the knee and Dany being their Queen. At least, that’s how all versions of the leaks read to me.
But this makes sense though, as we’ve argued before. Dany has done nothing to these people and she’s there to help. They can see her, physically, in Winterfell, putting her money where her mouth is. Cersei on the other hand, played a direct role in harming members of the Stark family and she’s not present and neither are her troops - yet (even though we know they’re not coming at all). So it’ll be easier for the Northerner’s anger to shift to this queen they already didn’t like and who isn’t there rather than continue to direct their hate toward Dany. Again, Dany’s there, and for Northerners, actions speak louder than words.
(premier~not sure this is exactly how it will go down. I’m pretty pissed about Dany not being able to speak. I don’t think Sansa says anything during the meeting either. Just typical sexist man writing letting the men speak and the women remain silent UGH. Apparently Lyanna Mormont seems “betrayed” by Jon and the anger seems more directed at him than at Dany. This also kind of adds cred to what I’ve said above. Dany isn’t really the problem here. It’s everything surrounding the situation. By Ep2, the Northerners should be glad she’s there, they’re just salty at their former King right now and also salty about the Lannister alliance.
I have to say though, Dany sitting through this shit and listening to these salty as fuck northerners bitch and moan and her having the restraint not to go full on Dragon Queen is impressive. She’s calm. She’s not lashing out. Not telling the Northerners to deal with it and be greatful for her help. She is merely listening to them voice their complaints, as a Queen SHOULD. So TAKE THAT salty anti bitches!)
After the Northern Lord meeting, Tyrion and Sansa chat and Sansa’s concern is: Cersei. As I knew it would be. Again, she’s not really concerned about Dany. If she were, she would just flat out ask Tyrion - hey, do you think my idiot brother bent the knee because he’s getting laid, etc. But she doesn’t. She asks about what she’s been concerned about from the very beginning: Cersei. This I think will foreshadow Sansa’s arc for the season - finding out about Tyrion’s eventual betrayal and then presiding over his trial and execution at the end. All of Sophie’s talk about threats to her family, taking things away that she loves, fighting for what she loves...it all goes back to Cersei. Sophie and Maisie’s words about wanting to finish Arya’s list, Sansa wanting to help Arya finish her list, it all adds weight to this theory. 
(Premier~thinking this might have some romantic undertones with Sansa’s line “I thought you were the smartest man I knew” or something like that. Really sounds like Cersei’s line to Jaime, “I always knew you were the stupidest Lannister” - both Lannister boys being condemned because they are underestimating Cersei. I don’t like it. It takes away from Sansa’s anger. It makes her anger more about Tyrion than it does about Cersei which is again, typical man writing. Make it about the man, not about the actual important thing. It’s as if Sansa is more “disappointed” in Tyrion than she is angry no one is taking Cersei as seriously as she knows they should).
Next up, according to the leaks, Jon and Arya reunite:
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Now, first off, Jon is obviously brooding because of the meeting with the Northern Lords. Obviously. It literally is supposed to be Jon’s last scene right before this one so I don’t believe he’s brooding for any other reason. Anyway...
According to leaks, Jon and Arya will compare swords, “stick them with the pointy end”, etc. etc. Arya will be the one to point out to Jon that Sansa doesn’t like Dany and Jon will ask for Arya’s help in getting the two to be civil toward each other.
Now, Maisie’s “thinking with his penis” comments seem to contradict this but she also says that Arya will be on Sansa’s side. So I imagine that IF it comes up, it will not be in this episode. Yes, Sansa later confronts Jon about why he bent the knee, but if there is any talk about “thinking with his penis” it will be well after.
(Premier ~ apparently Jon isn’t brooding at all, he’s just paying respects to the gods...? I suppose that makes sense since he hasn’t had access to a weirwood in months. But I never considered Jon a very devout man especially after his resurrection so this seems odd. Maybe it’s just the leaker’s interpretation).
Further South, Euron will have ferried the Golden Company to King’s Landing to meet with Cersei:
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And while she’s watching her fancy new army role up, Qyburn will be giving Cersei the news of the Wall falling, making Cersei even more happy.
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Cersei will receive Harry Strickland, LC of the Golden Company, and Euron. In this conversation, since it hasn’t been brought up really in the show, I’m guessing Harry Strickland will remind Cersei about the Golden Company never having gone back on a contract. We kind of need him to say this and remind both Cersei and the audience because to me, it’s inevitable that the GC will switch sides before the end of the War, maybe after the NK comes to KL or something.
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As per the leaks, Euron, after this meeting, blackmails Cersei to sleep with him. I’m hoping it’s not as rape-y as that though. I had read a “leak” (more a headcanon theorist as there was no evidence) a while back that said Euron would ask to sleep with Cersei and she would allow him to jerk off in front of her. And that to me just sounds way more them. It still has Cersei in a position of power, Euron is still a creep. But it’s much more consensual and even a little comical. So I’m really hoping we get something similar to that instead of Cersei full on having to have sex with Euron because he’s got leverage over her. But we shall see.
(Premier ~ so there is no actual sex scene but we get Euron putting on his pants after they do the deed or something like that. The way it’s framed, it’s sort of consensual - as consensual as blackmail sex can be. But I don’t think it was as if Euron held Cersei down and forced himself on her. She had a choice - give up her throne or fuck him so she fucked him. Idk, I still don’t really like it, it’s rubbing me the wrong way but it is what it is).
While Cersei and Euron are otherwise occupied though, we know from the leaks that Theon will rescue Yara in this episode:
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This is not Euron’s fleet because that ship in the middle is not his Silence. It’s Theon and what’s left of his Iron Born fleet.
Now, SUPER interesting - as per the leaks, once Theon rescues Yara, he supposedly asks to go to Winterfell to help them fight against the dead.
And in the new PROMO, we have someone say “This goes beyond loyalty,” and I can’t, for the life of me you guys, decide whether it’s Jaime or Theon’s voice. It seems to have a slight Northern twang to it, which Alfie does for Theon...but NCW also has a strange accent because he’s Danish so...make of it what you will. The voice that says “This is about survival” seems to be a different voice than the first.
I do however, still firmly believe that we will see Theon and Yara in Winterfell in Ep3 or 4 at the latest. But I’ll get more into that in a minute.
(Premier ~ so this goes down pretty much as simply as worded here. Theon grabs Yara pretty easily - UGH again with the sexist shit. If it was so easy for Theon to rescue her, especially given his fragile state of mind, why couldn’t Yara have escaped herself and Theon show up to like, half the boat murdered and Yara just waiting for him like “What took you so long bro?” Would have been way more satisfying. But yes, Theon tells Yara he’s going North to help - remember he saw the wight in the Dragonpit too - unclear if Yara goes with him)
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After Theon and Yara, we’re back at Winterfell with Jon, Dany, and the dragons. I think the way this scene will go is by Dany approaching Jon and adorably telling him she has a “wild idea” or something like that. Jon being Jon will be hesitant at first “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this” but will agree to do it nonetheless.
(Premier ~ I think the above pic with Jon smiling and Dany in awe will be after they’ve landed by the waterfall and he says the “We could live here for a thousand years and no one would ever find us” line. If you ask me, this is pretty fucking romantic and tropey. The way the scene is framed, Jon lands Rhaegal first and Dany and Drogon land beside them. So Jon was clearly looking for a pretty place to dick Dany down in private and so picked the most cliche place he could find - a waterfall. But waterfalls in Iceland are supposed to be fucking beautiful so it should be a really lovely setting at least).
Then, it’s dragon riding time!
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I don’t think Dany will fuss around with taking Jon riding on Drogon with her first. I think she’ll introduce Jon and Rhaegal, make sure Rhaegal doesn’t eat him, then Jon will climb on and they’ll fly off right then and there. It’s a short episode. They don’t have time for lengthy introductions unfortunately.
(Premier ~ yep, was right about the no fussing. Dany asks Jon if he would ever ride a dragon, he asks “How does one ride a dragon” and Dany answers “By riding it”. There’s some banter and Jon saying he could fall and die so Dany cheekily answers “Then it was nice knowing you Jon Snow.” To me, this is Dany challenging Jon, like, daring him to get on the dragon and if he did, he’d get a “reward” at the end of it - which clearly, that’s what them landing by the waterfall is all about, they go there to have sex).
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This is why I think Davos, Varys, and Tyrion look so astonished in the photo above. They’ve all seen the dragons before and have gotten quite used to them. So why would they be looking so surprised? Because Jon is on Rhaegal. Notice in the first photo above, the clip cuts out right before we see Rhaegal’s back - where a rider might perch. And if you mess with the colors in photoshop, that is Rhaegal, he’s green. So Jon rides him.
(Premier ~ yes, Jon rides a dragon. Was not that hard to put together. More on Davos, Varys and Tyrion in a bit!)
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After the dragon riding, Jon and Dany kiss passionately. I firmly believe the above image is after Jon and Dany kiss because Jon still has his hands on Dany’s waist and they look super irritated, as if they’ve been interrupted, but by what, not sure.
(Premier ~ so apparently their faces of irritation are actually directed at the dragons for watching them make out. My post “Trying to make out here, you guys fucking mind?” was on the nose. I think the scene is framed like the dragons know what mom and dad are up to and it’s supposed to be comical).
It’s unclear if Davos, Tyrion, and Varys see their kiss but the leaks say they discuss Jon and Dany, Tyrion saying something like Varys thinks of Dany differently because he doesn’t have a cock - hinting at Tyrion’s feelings for Dany. (Dark!Tyrion emerging!)
(Premier ~ so as Jon and Dany walk away (or as they walk back in afterward - unclear ) Varys and Davos ponder getting Jon and Dany together - I guess like, formal marriage alliance, though don’t know if the word “marriage” is used. But I think this is pretty silly that they didn’t know Jon and Dany were having sex on the boat for a month. Then again, Perhaps Varys and Davos were on a different boat and Tyrion was the only one on the boat with Jon and Dany...? Whatever. So the idea of making Jon and Dany a “formal” thing is brought up. My guess is this won’t be the last time either. This is probably what prompts Tyrion to say Varys thinks of her differently because he has no cock).
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One last interaction between Jon and Dany right outside the castle walls, so coming in from their dragon riding/make out sesh. Not sure what they’d be talking about here. Possibly Jon just told a really bad joke and Dany is not amused. IDK why but it totally looks like he’s smiling in that pic of the two of them!
(Premier ~ for your guys viewing pleasure, the whole Reddit comment on the Jon/Dany/dragon/sex fieldtrip:
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(One last note about this scene: I love Jon’s line “We could live here for a thousand years...” because it says SO MUCH. 1) he says “we” as in him and Dany so he’s been thinking about living with Dany. 2) he wants his privacy with her, wants to be away from the public eye...maybe hinting that he won’t want to press his claim against her for the throne...? 3) this could be foreshadowing of Jon and Dany’s endgame and right now, with the way the writing is going, I’m not even going to hope for more than this. I don’t care who ends up king or queen, I don’t care about Westerosi politics. Just give me Jon and Dany holed up somewhere, living in peace with their baby. This line also totally gave me “red door” vibes. Goes back to Dany’s book quote in ADWD about Daario, “In her dream they had been man and wife, simple folk who lived a simple life in a tall stone house with a red door. In her dream he had been kissing her all over—her mouth, her neck, her breasts.” It’s what Jon seemingly wants, and it’s what Dany dreams of. Let them be happy!!!)
An Arya/Hound reunion follows, followed by my second favorite ship in the entire series:
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Heavy flirting, flustered Arya, “M’Lady.” God, kill me now. My body is ready. Arya fucking deserves some good Gendry dick. Let our girl be young and carefree and comforted for once! I’m ready. I’m so ready.
(Premier ~ Arya apparently draws a design for a weapon for herself and Gendry starts making it for her. Totally Jaime/Brienne/Oathkeeper vibes. You love a woman, you give her a weapon. Though of course, I’m still pissed at her reunion with the Hound. Her being inexplicably angry with him...for being alive...? And him calling her a “bitch” is fucking gross. What the fuck were D&D thinking???)
A Sansa/Jon confrontation in which she asks him if he bent the knee for the North or love and Jon is likely left speechless because, as has been pointed out many times, he doesn’t have to choose between the two with Dany. He loves her and she’s going to save his people.
(Premier ~ Jon apparently “shies” away from answering and again, yeah, that’s Jon Snow. He doesn’t like to talk about his feelings anyway and now he’s being asked by his sister if he basically gave up the North for pussy. Of course he doesn’t fucking want to answer. And as someone recently pointed out - sorry, can’t remember who said it but credit to you! - if Jon were to say “no” he didn’t bend the knee for love, he’d be a liar, and if he said “yes” then he’d seem really dumb in Sansa’s eyes and prove all her thoughts about him being an idiot correct.
Sidenote: if Political!Jon were happening, why the fuck wouldn’t Jon just say it, in this, a private meeting with the woman he supposedly actually loves - and why would he fly off on a dragon to a beautiful waterfall secluded location to dick down the woman he supposedly hates? Fucking idiot antis. Guys, just steer clear of them until this is all over!)
Another intense encounter, this time with Jorah, Sam, and Dany, likely in the library, as we can see all the scrolls and books on the shelves:
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Not sure how this will go. Perhaps Jorah will have seen Sam around Winterfell and want to introduce him and Dany. Then, Dany upon learning Sam’s name, will feel compelled to tell him about his father and brother.
As we know from the leaks, Sam will not be upset about his father, but upset about his brother. Don’t know Dany’s exact reaction but Sam apparently does say “thank you for telling me.”
Now, I’m not trying to diminish Sam’s grief. I’m sure he is incredibly upset at learning his brother was sentenced to death and executed by the woman he’s been hearing about for ages. This isn’t a great start for Dany and Sam to get off on but like with most things in GOT, none of our characters are ever given time to process their own grief or anger. Sorry, antis, that’s just a fact. Davos makes a quip in Season 7 about Tyrion burning his son with wildfire for fuckssake. I mean, come on. Jon is resurrected and two episodes later he’s gathering armies for his sister to fight in yet another battle to take back Winterfell. Dany learns about Viserion’s resurrection by the Night King and immediately has to face a bunch of grumpy Northerners who don’t want her there. The show isn’t great with letting our characters just be with their feelings for a while.
So while yes, I know Sam is upset and yes, his anger over his brother’s death will be directed at Dany, he won’t have much time to process this and he won’t have much time to stay mad at her. They have work to do and they have to work together now, whether Sam will want to or not.
(Premier ~ nothing really that I haven’t mentioned above. Seems suspicious that Sam goes from blubbering crying to heading to Jon to “tattle” on Dany and say Jon could be King instead - and he’s apparently not crying in that scene...? Idk, just seems weird and opportunistic. And Sam apparently makes a joke about his Dad’s death before he finds out about Dickon? Idk all around, the writing is just really confusing. Everyone’s emotions are all over the place. And yeah, I’m with several others, I hate that Sam’s “grief” is the lead in to Jon finding out about his parentage. As the Reddit commenter says, in this scene, you’ll stop giving a fuck about Sam because you just want Jon to find out who he really is. And that kind of comment seems really telling to me).
After Sam and Dany’s talk, Sam apparently immediately goes to Jon in the crypts:
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Pretty sure this shot of Jon is before the parentage reveal. He doesn’t look upset and he is still wearing his Stark gorget - which he doesn’t wear in the Winterfell battle - you know, a time when it would really come in handy to protect his neck and chest...? So it appears that in the later episodes, Jon takes this off. But more on Jon’s outfits in a little bit.
Now, if this is before the parentage reveal, then I’m sure many people would ask, well, why is he lighting candles on Lyanna’s statue? And the simple answer is, because it’s what the Starks do. Sansa lights a candle at Lyanna’s statue in S5. She tells Baelish that Ned used to do the same thing. It’s just the Stark way of showing respect to their dead relatives. I can’t think of another reason why Jon would be down in the crypts anyway pre-parentage reveal but this is where Sam finds him - as per the leaks. So that’s just what Jon’s doing. Paying respects. And how perfect will it be that he’s standing in front of his mother’s statue completely clueless, only to learn moments after this that she is, in fact, his mother and not his aunt? I think Jon will likely turn back to her statue with an incredulous look on his face and see Lyanna in a whole new light.
Sam tells Jon about Dany burning his brother, tells Jon he’s the true heir, Jon insists Dany is queen now and is the one in charge, he already bent the knee, I think he argues with Sam a little about the parentage thing at first. It’s unclear how this scene will end but it will be the end of the episode.
(Premier ~ so apparently that is not the end of the episode. More in a minute. Apparently Sam tells Jon Dany would do the right thing for the people and bend the knee to him and Jon considers this possibility? Which 1 - weird. But as I stated in a recent ask, this is also another interaction that completely shoots down Political!Jon for those of you nervous-Nellies who have a heart attack every time an anti posts a new meta about it. If Jon were so afraid of Dany and suspicious of her and so distrusting of her that he had to sleep with her to manipulate her to his side, he wouldn’t think “hmm, yeah, maybe she will bend the knee to me as I’m the rightful heir”. He’d be terrified of this information and want Sam to keep it to himself. He would likely guess Dany would want to kill him if he distrusted her so. But he doesn’t distrust her and he apparently thinks she may bend the knee to him. This could be wishful thinking, but perhaps Jon is already considering a marriage alliance with Dany to avoid this drama altogether...? Who knows.
The actual END of the episode is Jaime showing up to Winterfell and locking eyes with Bran. No one else around. Just those two. The end.
Other things not previously mentioned:
Night’s Watch shenanigans. Not sure what goes on with this, if they are at castle black or not. Something with the Umbers - I had a really hard time interpreting this because it was so unclear. Will have to just wait for the actual episode. I think Sansa writers to Ned Umber too...? Fuck if I know.
Also ruins in the Wall at Castle Black...or at Last Hearth. Again, location is unclear. But definitely seems the Night King is trying to send the living a message of some kind, it’s just in an ancient language no one can understand. So this is interesting to say the least.
Also, Qyburn on behalf of Cersei, offers Bronn money to go find Jaime and Tyrion and kill them).
Phew, that was a lot.
Episode 2!
This is where I move heavy into tinfoily theory bits here but I think my guesses are pretty educated! Bear with me!
Episode 2 will open with Cersei alone in bed, Euron likely having left after they did whatever they did the episode before. And this is when Cersei will miscarry.
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I have a very specific reason for thinking the episode will open with Cersei’s miscarriage but I will explain that later. Also, I know according to the early S7 script leaks, Cersei’s last 7x07 scene was supposed to be the miscarriage, but I think D&D had very good reason to shift it from S7 to S8.
So far as the rest of the order of the episode, it’s pretty unclear, as is whatever goes on during this episode because we don’t have Friki leaks to go off of anymore. But after Cersei’s miscarriage, I think we’ll head back to Winterfell where Dany will receive Jaime (remember, she’s the reigning monarch here so she would receive newcomers).
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It’s going to be a tense meeting.
Because of the Jon parentage reveal the end of the episode prior, I don’t think Jon will be at this meeting. Dany may not even know where he is so it’s just her and Jaime and Tyrion and maybe a few other Team Targaryen folks.
Jaime will let Dany know of Cersei’s betrayal and that he “intends to fight for the living” regardless of what Cersei is doing.
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Tyrion will stick up for Jaime, have his back, support him, tell Dany he thinks Jaime is telling the truth and that Jaime’s intentions are pure.
At this point, I don’t think Tyrion has any intention of betraying Dany and the Starks yet. But I think how Dany reacts to the Cersei news may inform Tyrion’s eventual decision to change sides later. Also, everyone please keep in mind Dany doesn’t know Cersei is pregnant (or was) and I don’t think Tyrion will tell her. I think Tyrion will just remind Dany of the dead coming south, Viserion, etc. in order to keep her from flying off for the afternoon to go take care of Cersei. If Tyrion were to tell Dany of Cersei’s pregnancy, she may immediately suspect him of knowing Cersei was lying about coming to help. So he’ll want to keep that information locked up tight.
Now, sometime after Jaime’s arrival and reception by Dany, Tyrion and Jaime will probably have a brotherly conversation, I’m guessing Tyrion will bring up Cersei’s pregnancy, maybe ask how Jaime had the strength to leave Cersei knowing she was pregnant, other things.
Jaime could then go on to have a little reunion with Brienne and may even meet Bran again. (Premier ~ obviously this happened the episode prior and maybe we would just get a continuation of that scene before Jaime meets with Dany). There is also the possibility of another large council with the Northern Lords where they tell them of Cersei’s betrayal - which would further get the heat off Dany’s back and onto Cersei’s. The Northerners will be more motivated after this news to support Dany against Cersei because again, Dany is with them and stuck true to her word, Cersei did not.
Sometime after her meeting with Jaime, Dany will be somewhere...the library? Her chambers...? And Jorah will come talk to her:
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He could be telling her any number of things in this scene. They could be talking about Sam and his family, they could be talking about Jon, they could be talking about Jaime. My guess is Jaime and reminding Dany of the right path because, you know, D&D love having men be Dany’s moral compass on the show and telling her right from wrong and what to do. So Jaime seems the most likely topic. I have another alternative theory for this scene but I will get to that later!
Sometime in Episode 2, we may have Theon and Yara en route to Winterfell. Alternatively, we may not get them in this episode at all and they could show up after the battle in Episode 4. More on this later!
I think for the most part, Jon may be fairly absent from Episode 2. Someone joked he’s going to be down in the crypts brooding for several days before someone realizes he’s missing and I don’t think that’s too much of a stretch (k it won’t be days and he’ll resurface to eat and give orders but he may make frequent trips to the crypts besides).
Obviously at some point, Dany will visit Jon in the crypts:
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This may be closer to the end of Episode 2 or it may even be the beginning of Episode 3. But as Jon and Dany would have had a romance-filled Episode 1, it doesn’t make sense for that to be put on hold an entire episode so my guess is this is Episode 2.
Dany probably won’t know the truth about Jon when she approaches, she just knows something is wrong, and he will tell her in this scene. Dany will be shocked, I don’t think she will mention “rightful” heir at all unless she offers Jon the throne which he would obviously refuse. I think she would just want to support him in this scene and maybe even have a nice little moment where she throws his words back to him “You don’t have to choose.”
Now, will that be the end of the angst? No. Clearly not. My guess is even when Dany comforts him, Jon will still be torn, especially about the familial thing. They’ll part ways, Dany giving Jon time and space to think. She’ll be upset. He’ll be upset. It’ll be angst central but there will be no animosity between them. Dany may even bring up Rhaegal and why Jon had such an easy time riding him the episode before.
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Also in this episode (likely before Dany goes to Jon in the crypts), we’ll get Dany in the library again and she looks happier than she did in her meeting with Jaime (potential meeting with Jaime but I’m like almost 100% sure that’s what it was). It’s been speculated that because of this set photo...:
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That Dany is talking to Sansa, because Sophie is in the background. And certainly this new photo of Sansa in the library as well, adds weight to that theory.
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However, it seems the library is a new and very frequently used set for this season, so these two photos could be from different scenes. But maybe not! Who knows!
I originally thought that Dany might be talking to Bran and he tells her the “...brought you where you are now. Home,” line. And I still think Bran says this to Dany, not anyone else. But it may not be this library scene or this episode.
So if it is Dany and Sansa in the library, and Dany is smiling, what could they be talking about? Perhaps they talk fashion, Dany commenting on Sansa’s armor, maybe she was even the one to have it made for Sansa, as the style is very much like Dany’s dresses and the Unsullied armor with those shoulders. They could be talking about Cersei and how Dany should have known not to trust her and they could bond over that. Whatever they talk about, it’s not going to be a terrible conversation, clearly Dany is smiling and she seems enthusiastic about something.
Prior to the potential Dany-Sansa library conversation, we could have a Sansa-Arya conversation, talking about maybe trying to be nice to Dany, listen to her, get to know her before they judge her, etc. The fact that Sansa will know by now that Cersei has betrayed them (because Jaime’s told them), and however Dany reacts to that, may endear Sansa to Dany a little bit. If Sansa was worried about Cersei in the beginning, and Dany has been worried about Cersei, I really feel like this could be their connection, and Dany’s connection to Arya as well.
At this point, I don’t think the Stark girls will find out about RLJ in Ep2. If they find out at all! It’s a private conversation between Sam and Jon, not a whole family affair. So who Jon decides to tell - we have to remember he’s broody. This isn’t something he’ll want to broadcast. So if/when the Stark girls find out about RLJ is very unclear.
And lastly, the end of the Episode. And my alternate theory as to what Dany and Jorah are talking about in this scene:
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In these scenes, Dany looks tired, wary, possibly upset, maybe not feeling well...you guys see where I’m going with this??
If the episode begins with Cersei’s miscarriage (I know, that’s just my speculation as well but...), it would make so much sense if the episode ended with...Dany finding out she’s pregnant.
She’s just found out her lover is her nephew, Jon’s being distant and broody, Jaime just dropped the Cersei bomb, shit’s about to hit the fan...and Dany’s knocked up! It would make so much sense for them to order the episode this way.
Episode 1 will end with a bombshell revelation for Jon. (premier ~ well, pretty much almost ends with the bombshell revelation for Jon).
And Episode 2 will end with a bombshell revelation for Dany.
Two things that have plagued both of their stories from the beginning - Jon’s mother’s identity, Dany’s infertility. Both things coming at them one after the other.
So if Dany has just found that out, Jorah may have overheard, maybe ask Dany if she wants to talk about it, maybe ask her what’s up with her and Jon as he’s noticed they’re distant lately, and Dany’s just significantly overwhelmed.
Regardless of whether the Jorah scene also involves the pregnancy reveal, I still think this is how Episode 2 will end.
I know I left out lots of characters and potential interactions, but I just wanted to get down those that I felt more sure about and cover the big events. Obviously smaller interactions can and will be taking place this episode too.
Episode 3
This episode is going to be balls to the walls from beginning to end. I am guessing the episode will open with Bran, seeing the Night King just a short distance a way, maybe a day away, and so everyone needs to hall ass and get ready.
Most of the episode will likely take place in the dark, at night.
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This Sansa pic is probably the night of the battle or the night before while everyone is prepping. Shit hasn’t started happening yet which is why she’s still outside, but it will very very soon. Likewise this pic of Jon:
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Now, sidenote on this photo. My fave youtube girl mentioned this in her VIDEO that she put out recently but even before she pointed it out, I had noticed it too. What is Jon wearing? I would say this is Longclaw, but it appears to be silver, not white. It could be nothing, but if someone else noticed it aside from me, then maybe not. You guys let me know if you noticed this broach looking thing on Jon’s chest or not. But regardless, Jon is, yet again, not wearing the Stark gorget.
Somewhere in here, I think is when Jon and Sam have their conversation. “Think back to where we started.” “Now it’s just us.” BUT, the conversation will get interrupted by three horn blasts. Winter is HERE.
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That’s likely Sam’s face at hearing the horn blasts. Bran is unfazed because of course he is.
And now shit goes down:
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(I’m gonna hate this episode for the simple fact that I WON’T BE ABLE TO SEE A DAMN THING!!!)
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Missandei and Grey Worm have their (hopefully not) last kiss. Then Grey Worm puts on his “bitches bout to die...again” face.
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Everyone runs outside the castle walls to line up:
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(Notice in the above, there isn’t any fire yet so likely, this is right before the battle)
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Jorah and the Dothraki get in position (and apparently that’s Ghost behind Jorah - can see his outline by Jorah’s shoulder - side note, where the FUCK is all my Ghost promo content???!!!):
Brienne, Pod, and the Knights of the Vale get ready:
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Meanwhile in the crypts, Varys, Gilly and Baby Sam, and a few other non-fighters sit fearfully:
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And then all seven hells break loose:
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Sandor and Beric are in the fray (I think this moment is Sandor’s realization that he was always meant to fight with fire, not against it. Goes back to Rory’s words about Sandor finding “peace” serving Dany. He’s already seen her save people with the dragons and fire once, himself included, so he’s having an epiphany here. The fire will save him again, rather than harm him and I think we’ll see him light up his sword blood-magic style like Beric. I really hope we get some shots of him and Arya fighting side by side, him protecting her (though she doesn’t really need it) surrogate-dad style.
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Jon’s running around on the ground, chopping wights and Walkers down. Still he’s not wearing anything thicker or more protective than his leathers. Then again, it might be easier for him to move around, I dunno. But he’s doing his thing.
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Someone is chopping down wights on the battlements and at first I thought this was Brienne...but she and Pod were on the ground with the Knights of the Vale. They could have moved as it appears Pod winds up fighting next to Jaime on the battlements. But I think the person above might be...
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The nose certainly looks like Alfie’s nose and the person appears to have chin stubble. Could be Theon, could not be Theon. I’m praying it is. I want to see Theon in the Battle for Winterfell being a bad ass sooooo bad! But if he’s not here, I do have some speculations as to what he might be up too...more later!
Jaime and Pod are doing stuff:
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I’m convinced Jaime is calling “Bronn” in this scene and if Jaime looks this horrified, Bronn may have just bit it. I really hope not but of course, there will be many casualties in this episode so I can’t get too attached to anyone!
Arya’s fucking shit up while wights clamber over the battlements, those dragonglass spikes apparently doing nothing to deter them:
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...and then something goes wrong. It could be one big thing, it could be lots of little things. But something goes wrong in the battle and for our heroes. Obviously we know Winterfell falls. Get it? Winter. Fell. It has to. Not a pleasant thought, but the Night King will triumph in this battle. He will not be defeated and everyone will be forced to flee south.
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As to the logistics of how people get out of Winterfell and how the Night King still moves south, I don’t know. I think somehow Arya is going to lure some of the army of the dead through Winterfell, maybe to some kind of trap, while everyone else escapes through the crypts or secret tunnels or something. Why Arya? Because she’s quick and small and knows the castle better than most. But I could be wrong.
Whatever happens with this, again, Winterfell will fall and survivors will have narrowly escaped. The Night King will head south and our heroes will have to regroup. This episode will not end on a happy note.
Casualties in the Battle for Winterfell?
Jorah - this is almost a guarantee. With us having so much Jorah/Dany content for the first few episodes, it makes sense Jorah will die in 8x03.
Possibly Brienne - she could die saving Jaime (cuz he can’t defend himself as well as he usually is able). She’ll die defending a Lannister, a play on what she said to Catelyn in S2 when Jaime was the Starks’ prisoner.
Ghost - Come on, this has to happen. I’m gonna hate it, but they’re not gonna keep him around to ferry him to Dragonstone. He’s of the North, as book!Jon says. He belongs to the North. He will die in the North.
Bronn - already stated this. Though he may live...more later!
Maybe Rhaegal? Perhaps that is why Jon ends up on the ground, he was riding Rhaegal but then gets taken down and Rhaegal dies, forcing Jon to fight on foot.
I want to say Jaime could die in this episode too but I don’t know about that inadvertent NCW leak-lawsuit business. Is he in all 6 episodes? Is he just paid for all 6 because of an old contract agreement even if he doesn’t appear in them? Don’t know. I would guess though that he dies here.
Some minor characters: Royce, Glover, Lyanna Mormont, maybe? Maybe not all of them, but some of them.
Everyone else should make it to Dragonstone.
Episodes 4/5
Now, we know via this scene of Jon/Dany, that they wind up at Dragonstone after the Battle of Winterfell:
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I know I kept mentioning it but now I finally get to voice my theory...:
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Theon and Yara will either show up before or right after the battle at Winterfell. I think because it’s the most logical location, they’ll park the ships in Torrhen’s Square so it’s an easy getaway for our heroes. White Harbor just seems too far away for them to travel to and they can’t really go by foot because they’d be marching behind the Night King so that would be weird. But I could be wrong on the location. Regardless, Theon and Yara will likely be the ones to ferry everyone to the safety of Dragonstone. Everyone’s armies - Night King’s and Jon/Dany’s, will have faced some very heavy loses.
Now, with everyone at Dragonstone, it’s a SUPER convenient location for shenanigans on all sides of the war.
I’ve mentioned in other posts and asks the possibility of an Arya/Sansa teamup to take down Cersei - Cleganebowl totally could play into this as well as Sandor loves both girls and would want to help them and also “cross a name off his list” along with Arya. This could be before or after the Night King is finally defeated, it’s unclear. My guess is after but once everyone is in the south, it’s going to pretty much be a free-for-all.
Another possibility is a Dany kidnapping. I’ve brought this up a few times and no, if you’ve been watching my other posts, it has nothing to do with stealing Jonsa theories. It also has nothing to do with Jonerys and Cersei for some reason trying to lure Jon in to capture him or something - it would just be a showdown between Dany and Cersei because as per Lena’s comments on the Dragonpit meeting last season, Cersei believes Dany to be the YMBQ and I have seen no reason to question that.
Another potential plot is definitely the Tyrion betrayal and how it will all go down, what will start it, etc. I *think* Tyrion’s betrayal will be triggered by a Jon/Dany betrayal of him first, otherwise I see no reason Tyrion would jump sides just because he’s in love with Dany. It really would be an insult to his character if it’s all because of jealousy...I would actually HATE that. I kind of want Jon and Dany to betray him first, but how, not sure.
That could be what Jon and Dany are discussing here:
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I think by this point, after fighting and losing the battle at Winterfell, the parentage reveal will be a non-issue for them. They can’t still be angsting over that bullshit when they’ve literally just lost the thousands of people, some close friends likely included.
We know from Friki’s leaks that Tyrion says in his trial, “They deserved it.” Some people think he’s talking about Tyrion blowing up King’s Landing but he also could be referencing his betrayal of Jon and Dany - Jon and Dany “deserved” Tyrion betraying them because they betrayed him first. To me, this makes much more sense.
After all, what would the people of King’s Landing do to Tyrion in Season 8 that would cause him to be so cynical as to retaliate? Seriously, that just doesn’t make sense. “They deserved it” to me, sounds way more personal. As in someone close to Tyrion betrayed him. And as Peter Dinklage said in one of his interviews, it’s tough for Tyrion because he loves both Jon and Dany. So a betrayal from them would hit Tyrion really hard.
This could go back to Dany’s pregnancy though how, I’m not sure. By 8x05, Jon should know that Dany is pregnant. It could also have something to do with Cersei’s pregnancy. If Jaime believes he’ll die in the battle at Winterfell, what if he has a private conversation with Dany beforehand like “Please protect my child, don’t kill Cersei, keep her prisoner if you must but please don’t kill her.” If something like this happened, Dany could guess Tyrion knew about Cersei’s pregnancy as well and that Tyrion was holding back information from her for the benefit of his family. Dany could see this as a betrayal from Tyrion, everything she accused him of on the beach back in 7x04 would have been proven correct.
As to how Jon and Dany potentially betray Tyrion...perhaps it happened before Dragonstone. Maybe they couldn’t find Tyrion after the Winterfell battle and so left without him...? I’m not sure. Maybe they negotiate a deal with Cersei to trade Tyrion for...something? Maybe they just plot against Cersei, plot to kill her to get the Golden Company off their backs, and Tyrion is finally done choosing Jon/Dany over his family - believing Cersei is pregnant would certainly inform his decision on this.
As to how Tyrion could betray Jon/Dany, this could come about in a number of ways as well. But I definitely think it will be a betrayal of both Jon and Daenerys - or else why would Peter Dinklage have said that thing about loving both of them?
One thing is for sure: Tyrion will betray them, he will get caught - my guess is Sansa and Arya will figure this out (oh maybe they will figure it out when they’re plotting against Cersei, perhaps they will find something out Tyrion didn’t want anyone to know...), and Tyrion will be executed for his crimes.
I believe this image is definitely of Tyrion’s trial. He appears to be standing on sand or dirt, not snow, it’s sunny-ish (I could be wrong). But it’s my best guess.
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Other wardrobe guesses...
Dany’s Dragonstone dress was her Wintefell battle dress. It likely will be right after they arrive - yes, yes, I know, the timing, the timing, but when has that mattered in recent seasons?
The dress that Daenerys wears for the majority of the rest of her time on Dragonstone/in the South, I believe will be this one:
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It’s a lighter material, suede not fur. It makes sense.
Sansa’s scale dress:
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...I think will be the dress she wears for Tyrion’s trial. It’s very remniscent of this classic Tully look:
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And we know from previous seasons, that when Sansa wants to channel inner strength in difficult times, she takes from her Tully side more than her Stark side - her wedding to Ramsay and having the two Tully fish pins being a classic example.
And, granted Tyrion’s first trial was conducted by Sansa’s Tully mother, it would make SO MUCH sense for her to channel Cat as she’s doing something similar - putting Tyrion on trial.
I think for Tyrion’s trial there may be a lot of callbacks to both of Tyrion’s previous trials, his trail in the Vale and his trial in King’s Landing. Robin Arryn is allegedly there. Davos, Arya, Bran, Sam - I think, and several others.
Tyrion will likely have a speech remniscent of his “I’m guilty of being a dwarf” speech. Regardless of what all is said and what all Tyrion’s charges are, I strongly believe he will die at the end (or near end) of this episode.
Aaaannnddd...that’s all I got! Let me know what you guys think. If you reblog, please reblog with the cut because this is fucking obnoxiously long. If you reblog with an obnoxiously long reply, either use a cut or simply make your own post and link it in your reblog to better fascilitate discussion (I say this like you guys are actualy reading this, in reality, this will likely get like, 16 notes at best because it took so damn long lol).
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thearabkhaleesi · 7 years
There have been many plot leaks for the 7th season of Game of Thrones, as well as on-set paparazzi photos that reveal key plot points. I asked whether or not you guys want me to discuss the leak and it seems like you do so let’s start! Obvious spoiler warning! Anything below could or will happen in season 7. I have to say I looked at many of the photos and read parts of the leak; that being said, I’m only going to post what I’ve heard/seen. There are other parts of the leak out there that I don’t discuss below because I didn’t read see everything.
Also, Disclaimer: I don’t know if the leak is 100% accurate. Last year there was also a season 6 “leak” weeks before the show, and some plot points were accurate but not everything so this might be the same case, I don’t really know tbh. Plus, keep in mind Kit Harrington recently said in an interview that the cast faked some scenes for the paparazzi so they might not all be true (but he could be lying, we’ll just have to wait & see).
Okay, let’s get started!
EPISODE 1: In the beginning of the season, Jon will rally Northern houses, tell them about White Walkers, and say they need to collect dragonglass. Bran & Meera will travel through the wall, and they meet Ed at Castle Black, who tells him that Jon is at Winterfell and he’s King in the North. Bran tells Meera that Jon is a Targaryen and Meera says that her father always said Rhaegar & Lyanna loved each other (her dad Howland Reed was one of Ned Stark’s best friends). Arya kills all remaining Freys and frees her uncle Edmure Tully from the Frey’s cells. Tyron tells the Sand Snakes that he’s disgusted that they killed his niece. Tara & Theon split from Daenerys’ and head for the Iron Islands, while Dany is going to Dragonstone. Enron rallies his own fleet and heads south (by sea). Jaime and Cersei get into a very heated argument but they make up. Brienne arrives at Winterfell. Melisandre meets the Brotherhood without Banners and tells them that Jon is Azor Ahai so they travel to Winterfell. Jonah arrives in Old Town. Jaime rallies the Lannister army to take over Highgarden, and takes Joffrey’s sword, Widow’s Wail, with him. The episode ends with Daenerys arriving in Dragonstone. Tyron & Dany go to what used to be Stannis’ old war council and Dany says “Shall we begin?”
Guess who’s back this season? GENDRY! He’s finally done rowing lol. Some leaks say he will end up in Dragonstone (there have been photos of a man who looks like the actor); the other leak says that he’ll actually be back forging weapons in King’s Landing and will reunite with Davos, who will tease him for “still rowing” (I believe the first).
Arya will be in the north, killing every single remaining Frey family member, then she’ll be making her way to Winterfell, when she reunites with her dire wolf Nymeria (who was separated from her in season 1). Once she & Bran are back at Winterfell, Littlefinger will try to pit them against each other but Sansa, Arya, and Bran will plan his murder (Arya herself will kill him).
Jorah will go the Citadel and will be cured by Sam, and he will discover Jon Snow’s true heritage and name (it might actually be Aegon instead of Jaeherys!) Gilly will discover that Rhaegar Targaryen’s marriage to Elia Martell was annulled and that he secretly married Lyanna Stark before she gave birth to Jon (we will see a flashback), which makes him a legitimate Targaryen! He will then travel North and join Jon.
The Lannister army will take control of Highgarden and Dorne and the Sand Snakes will be captured and brought to King’s Landing. When invading Highgarden, Olenna will reveal to Jaime that she was responsible for Joffrey’s murder, then she will commit suicide. Qyburn has developed some anti-dragon weapons for the Lannister army, but despite that Deanerys’ army will then win against the Lannisters’.
Daenerys’ temper is getting worse and Tyrion is getting worried. She has instructed Drogon to burn various Westeros lords who refuse to bow to her, including Sam's father Randyll Tarly. (There are very mixed leaks on Tyrion that are debunked by set photos so I’ll just stop here)
Euron will come across and destroy Yara & Theon’s fleet, and take her as a prisoner but Theon narrowly escapes the madness (we kinda saw this in the trailer)! 2 of the Sand Snakes will killed by Euron, and he'll capture Ellaria. This is said to take place after he forges an alliance with Cersei.
Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, Tormund, and Davos believe Jon to be Azor Ahai
When Jon & Davos go to Dragonstone to meet Daenerys, they will take some Dragonglass.
At the beginning of the season, Cersei thinks she might be pregnant with Jaime's baby, but later in the season she will have a miscarriage.
Jon and Daenerys have a romantic relationship at the end of the season.
NEW: A costume designer for the show accidentally let it slip that Jon will meet Cersei this season.
So according to the leak, in season 7 we are going to see Cersei, Daenerys, and Jon Snow team up to fight the White Walkers. Jon will not bend his knee to Daenerys, but he has agreed to relinquish his King in the North title if she helps battle this oncoming threat in the North. This will be the set up for one of the show's most anticipated scenes ever.
Cersei will not agree to an alliance unless she sees a wight/White Walker herself so Jon goes on a mission beyond the wall to capture one. He will travel North with Tormund, Beric, The Hound, Thoros of Myr, and Jorah. Battle ensues on an island in the middle of the frozen lake. Thoros of Myr will be the first one to die, and he will be killed by a wight polar bear. Jon will be killed by a White Walker, Brienne kills that White Walker with Oathkeeper, Jorah will pick up Longclaw (remember it’s his family sword), and will kill White Walkers using it, and Gendry defeats White Walkers using a warhammer (fun fact: a warhammer is what Robert Baratheon used during Robert’s Rebellion). The Night King battles with Beric (flaming sword scene), but he gets badly wounded. As he’s dying, he crawls to Jon and gives him “the kiss of life” (basically giving his life to Jon). Beric dies, and Jon is alive again. He picks up Beric’s flaming sword and immediately goes back to killing wights. At some point Jorah sort of distracts him, Jon gets disarmed, and starts to lose but that’s when , Jon’s uncle Benjen Stark shows up and puts Jon on his own horse, sending him to safety in Winterfell as he dies in battle. The Hound is the one to finally capture a wight. At this point, The Night King himself starts attacking Daenerys’ dragons with ice spears. He hits Drogon, and Dany immediately leaves on him, but he then hits Viserion right in the eye, killing him. Right at the end of the episode, The Night King resurrects Viserion as an ice/wight dragon, and just before the screen fades to black, we zoom in on Viserion’s eye, which turns blue. (This will all happen in episode 6.)
Cersei, Tyrion, Jon, Daenerys, Jorah, Varys, Missandei, Qyburn, Euron Greyjoy, The Mountain, and The Hound will unite at the Dragon Pit in King's Landing. Jon will deliver an undead wight at the Dragonpit, proving that they exist, they’re coming, and that it’s about time the 7 Kingdoms team-up against the Night's King. Cersei “won’t allow this”, so she agrees, but when it’s time for her to send her armies to the North, she backs out because she wants the White Walkers to weaken and thin out her enemies. Jaime is mad and disgusted with her so he gives up on her and decides to travel North to join the battle, which will happen in season 8.
I don’t know if I mentioned everyone but here are the people that will die, according to the leak:
Beric Dondarrion
Thoros of Myr
Sand Snakes
Olenna Tyrell
Greyworm (maybe)
There are set photos as well but I WILL NOT post them here because I don’t want anyone scrolling through their dashboard or just on my blog & happen to see a huge spoiler. That being said, you can view the paparazzi set photos (HERE)
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phantomato · 3 years
Made of Clay, ch. 16 [AO3]
Tom flipped on to the next section of the newspaper, seeking what he knew he would find deeper within.
An obituary for the Potter family came up first. He did not bother to read it, as neither James nor Lily Potter meant anything to him, but he lingered for a moment to smile at the photo of the family. Or, more accurately, to smile at the photo of Harry, his birth parents to either side of him, as a young baby. He’d been so small… and if Tom had any regrets in his life, it was that he had no photographs of Harry as a baby or toddler. It was nice, he thought, to see a reminder that his son had once been so young.
Once he’d watched the photograph loop a few times, though Harry did nothing more than wiggle a bit for its duration, Tom flipped to the next page.
Albus Dumbledore’s official Hogwarts publicity portrait stared up at him from the left-hand side of the paper. Startlingly, his own image was printed on the right-hand page.
Well: to be correct, it was an image of Voldemort, and unrecognizable as Tom Riddle to anyone but himself or Thoros. He was wearing the mask he’d always used when he ventured into the public as Voldemort, a sinister thing that he hadn’t bothered to take with him when he fled the country. It covered his entire face so that none of his features could be distinguished, but Tom didn’t require those to identify himself.
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boschlingtumbles · 4 years
White Wedding Chapter 22
Beric squeezed his eyes shut and tried not to think about the fifteen to twenty foot drop below him. Tried not to think about the distinctly breezy feeling between his legs. Tried not to think about how that giant crash of the trellises would have staff running any second.
All he had to do was clamber over a couple feet to where the next window was and pop in.
Or maybe he would slip, fall and sustain a horrendous injury. Again. And they could find his mangled half-naked body in the rubble.
Beric gritted his teeth and forced himself to open his eyes. With superhuman effort, he scooted himself one rung over. There, that wasn’t so hard. Then another. Then another.
He had reached a portion of the trellises that had managed to survive Jaime Lannister, and he slid his feet into the rungs gratefully. Maybe things were finally turning around.
The distinct sound of voices floating from around the corner caught his ear. Or not.
Beric scrambled to the window, prior fears vanishing when faced with the all-consuming imperative of not being caught at a fancy dress party in purple lightning bolt undies. The window thankfully opened easily, although it might have just been the adrenaline lending him superhuman strength. He flung himself through and hit the carpet in a dive and roll, just as two chatty workmen came around the corner to inspect the damage.
Beric allowed himself to take a deep breath. For the first time in several hours, he was finally, mercifully alone.
He was used to being alone. He had no siblings and had struggled for most of his life to make friends. His one previous relationship had been with a guy who was in love with someone else, and that was really its own special brand of loneliness. 
Solitude could be comforting. There weren’t expectations for one. Nobody to disappoint. 
Then Thoros had come along, and dragged him from that little half-life which had been cozy in its own way, but also painfully dull. Life with Thoros was never dull. In fact, Beric smiled ruefully to himself, sometimes it was rather too exciting.
How on earth Robert getting married to Cersei had managed to upend his own life, he honestly had no idea. He had just been trying to be a good friend when Robert asked him to be in that stupid commercial. Wasn’t saying yes the right thing to do?
Beric had been sixteen when he’d had his motorcycle accident. As far as he was concerned, little good had come from that episode. But one silver (okay maybe more like brass) lining had been that he’d stopped getting attention he’d been quite uncomfortable with in the first place. He’d gotten plenty of stares instead of course (and to this day he couldn’t quite look in the mirror without flinching) but he’d built up walls and walls of self-defense to those.
It was quite another thing to have undergraduate girls giggling as he hurried through the quad on his way to class. He’d had to get a lock for the cubby where he kept his books, lest it look like a flower bomb had gone off. Even some of the law school girls would nudge each other, and the law school boys, particularly Crakehall and his crew did not like that at all.
“It doesn’t seem to bother you when you’re tending bar with me,” Thoros had said earlier that week counting up their tips so they could split them.
“You’re there to protect me,” Beric said matter of factly. “Plus it feels like it has a point. Like I’m getting something out of all the embarrassment. When I’m just sitting on a bus and some tween is taking photos of me... that is completely pointless,” he finished and flopped back on their bed.
Thoros, having finished divvying up the spoils, proceeded to start sprinkling Beric’s bills on top of him.
“Stop making it rain on me,” Beric rolled on his side to better glare at him. 
“I’m practicing for Sunspear,” Thoros said cheerfully, flicking a ten-dragon note at his nose.
Beric propped himself into a seated position.
“You’re using the money to rent a tuxedo for the engagement party remember?” He said sternly. 
“I was thinking...”
“You’re not even listening!” Thoros said in a joking whine.
“There’s no justification for skipping your friend’s engagement party so you have money for a strip club,” Beric huffed.
“I hate tuxedos,” Thoros pulled a face. “I look like a waiter.”
“Only because you always rent so they don’t fit well. If you bought one...”
“Are you taking me to many fancy parties my lord?” Thoros teased. “Besides, we can both skip. You can’t tell me you’re looking forward to this.”
“Of course not.”
“So let’s stay home. Robert won’t even notice we’re not there,” Thoros wheedled, crawling across the bed to straddle Beric’s lap. And as Beric looked at Thoros’ perfect crooked smile, he really wanted to say yes.
“Maybe it won’t be so bad. There can’t be many tween girls in attendance,” is what Beric said instead.
He should have said yes.
For starters, the dry cleaners had misplaced a number of his clothes, most upsettingly his tuxedo. So come Friday, both he and Thoros were at the store to rent tuxedos. 
“See? Waiter vibes,” Thoros said glumly, looking at himself in a mirror.
Beric scowled as he tried on yet another pair of trousers. He knew he was lanky, but it was infuriating that the only sizes that were long enough were for men of much wider girth.
“It’s just for one night,” he said finally. He had no idea whether he was trying to convince himself or Thoros.
Then Saturday morning, he woke up to discover three new fan accounts dedicated to #oneeyedhottie. He groaned.
“You seriously don’t see the humor in this?” Thoros asked drily, looking over his shoulder. “Is that your highschool yearbook photo?”
“Where did they even find it?!” Beric fretted. “And no. I don’t see the humor in being MORE of a freak show.”
“I don’t like it when you say those things,” Thoros wrapped his arms around Beric. “First, I would deck anybody who said that about my boyfriend. So you’re treading on thin ice ser. Second, I have plenty of scars myself.”
Beric turned hastily.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “It’s not the scars. I just don’t like people looking at me like I’m something I’m not.”
“I dunno. Somebody to be admired.”
“I admire you,” Thoros said bluntly. “You’re my hero.”
“I think we’ve already proven your judgment is questionable,” Beric noted. When that failed to provoke a smile, he shifted tactics.
“What will make you forget I ever said anything?” He asked, running an idle finger down Thoros’ side, pleased when he got a shiver in response.
“You could...” Thoros broke off as he squirmed away, making a sound of mock exasperation. “You could give me your phone. It’s making you all broody.”
“My life is making me broody,” Beric rolled his eye, but he tossed the phone, and used Thoros’ momentary distraction to pull him close again.
But Thoros might have been on to something, because by the time they had gotten to King’s Landing that evening, his spirits were feeling markedly lifted. In contrast to Thoros, who ground his teeth as yet another person handed him an empty glass.
“Maybe I should just start chucking them into the crowd,” Thoros scowled.
“You will not,” Beric yoinked it from him gently. “I’ll find somewhere to put it down.”
“Okay, I’m going to go stand over there on the lawn where there’s no people to hand me garbage,” Thoros said. “Are you good by yourself?”
“Yup,” Beric said cheerfully. And of course, no sooner had he set down the empty glass on the bar then he became cognizant of a young girl staring at him. He moved to the garden. Seconds later, she appeared in the tree line, this time slightly closer. Beric swallowed, a little unnerved by her unblinking gaze, and decided to go into the house. Only to hear her soft footfalls trailing eerily behind him.
That he had proceeded to lose her, only to end up locked in a room with Jaime Lannister, only to escape to find himself without pants entirely (he knew the rental tuxedo was too big!) was only indicative of the fact that he was no hero. He was a hapless idiot who screwed everything up. He’d tried to do the chivalrous thing and give that girl the slip without hurting her feelings. Then he’d tried to be a nice person and help Jaime Lannister. And where did all of this trying ever get him?
Beric dusted himself off glumly and looked around. Jaime Lannister’s bedroom had the forlorn look of a room that had not received much use in four or five years. He walked over to the bureau and pulled open a drawer, thinking that while Jaime was an inch or two shorter than him, at this point any pants were better than no...
The drawer was empty.
Beric, with increasing anxiety, began to pull out the other drawers. Empty, empty, empty. He checked the closet. Empty.
Fuck. He sat on the foot of the bed heavily. He knew Jaime hadn’t lived at Casterly Rock since high school, but he’d assumed he would have some clothing left lying around. 
Okay think. Brienne’s suitcase in the corner would be of no help. Who lived here? Tyrion was still here—Beric shook his head at the idea of trying to use any of Tyrion’s clothing—and... Tywin. 
Tywin Lannister was Jaime’s height, so they would be short on him, but he was also thin. They’d probably fit better than any of Jaime’s old clothes. All the same... Beric winced at the idea of having to explain to the host of this party what exactly Beric was doing running around in his trousers.
But it would only be for the ten minutes it took to get down to the garden and retrieve his own. The odds of running into Tywin were infinitesimally small.
Beric took a deep breath and opened the door, poking his head out. He looked left, he looked right. The hall appeared abandoned.
He edged out. Okay first question. Where exactly was Tywin’s bedroom?
After several wrong turns and dead ends, Beric heard voices. Quickly he withdrew into what appeared to be a linen closet and held his breath.
“It’s just too vexing for words! I can’t believe none of the staff here can fly a helicopter! I would have thought that at least Westerling...”
“Leave the poor man alone. Just accept that you’re going to have to ask Steffon to repark his vehicle. Maybe you can make an announcement. ‘Will the owner of the corporate helicopter obnoxiously parked on the lawn please move their vehicle?’”
“Everything’s a joke with you! Look, can I at least borrow your phone?”
“Fine here.”
Beric peeked through the crack in the door to see Cersei typing out a text, an experience of concentration on her face as Tyrion tapped his foot impatiently. He briefly considered poking his head out and asking for assistance, but then considered that every time Cersei had involved herself in his life it had gotten worse. He kept his mouth shut and watched as they slowly ambled down the hallway.
“Who you texting?” Tyrion asked when Cersei tossed his phone back.
“Just responding to Jaime,” Cersei said and then they were gone.
Beric counted to a hundred while considering that when last seen, Jaime didn’t even have a phone. He decided to walk in the opposite direction.
Finally he got a break, when he saw the cavernous oaken doors of what could only be the master bedroom. 
If bedrooms were windows to the soul, Tywin’s soul was dark and rather minimalist.
Beric mentally apologized to the wedding photo of Tywin and his late wife, the silent witnesses to his crime. He opened a closet and... voila! 
Beric wasn’t sure he had ever seen anything more beautiful.
Less than a minute later, he was at the very least decent, even if he also looked like he expected an imminent flood.
Being somewhat fully dressed turned out to be a relief, because the aforementioned oaken doors unexpectedly started to open.
For the second time in perhaps twenty minutes, Beric found himself hastily darting into a closet.
Tywin Lannister slowly let himself in, and Beric tried to retreat even further into the closet. 
Please don’t let him find me, Beric begged a universe that had never been particularly kind to him. Dear gods, I can’t go like this. Cowering in a closet in the man’s trousers.
Tywin, instead of turning to the closet, went to the bathroom. Beric heard the faucet turn on briefly, a splashing sound. He peered through the crack in the door. 
There was a second of nothing, and then Tywin returned to the bedroom, his tie and cuffs unloosened. He sat on the foot of the bed heavily, staring at the same photo that Beric had noticed earlier.
“She’s your daughter,” Tywin huffed at length. “What am I supposed to do here?”
He’s talking to his dead wife. Please don’t let him find me cowering in his closet wearing his trousers listening to him talk to his dead wife. They’ll never even find my body.
“Part of me wants to just drop it. Steffon was my first friend. He warned me about Aerys and I chose money, I chose power. I chose incorrectly. I think... I think had you been there I might have done things differently. But it you weren’t. You died. And fuck that asshole, he wasn’t there. He betrayed me first, you know he did.”
There was a long pause.
“If you were here, you’d tell me to get over myself,” Tywin sighed. “Gods I can hear you in my ear sometimes. I just wish I could get some kind of sign, that this will be okay, that I’m not making more of a godawful mess of my children’s lives than they have already done on their own.”
There was a longer pause. One that seemed to last an eternity. Beric swallowed, screwed his eyes shut, and then kicked the back wall of the closet hard.
The echo of that thump seemed to last even longer than an eternity.
“Fucking mice. I’m calling the exterminator tomorrow,” Tywin grumbled. But maybe it was Beric’s imagination, only he didn’t seem quite as sad.
Beric counted to a thousand after Tywin left.
Thankfully this time he knew where he was going. Outside, outside and over to the east wing. And there, somewhere on the ground amidst the rubble, would be his pants.
He hurried out through the maze of Casterly Rock, a mansion whose floor plan he was now unfortunately and intimately familiar with. He cut across the second floor, smiling to see Brienne Tarth and Catelyn Stark, sequestered in a reading room laughing together. He slipped by, not wanting to intrude on their moment, even less as he was currently dressed.
Upon reaching the outdoors, Beric was momentarily disoriented by how dark it had gotten. People were having dinner now, he could hear the clink of silverware. He hoped Thoros wouldn’t feel abandoned at their table—probably not, he was fairly sure Cersei had relegated all of Robert’s unattached friends to a table in the back. Thoros would be laughing with Melisandre and Oberyn and Elia, her boyfriend Arthur, and Mace… no Mace would be at his mother’s table, Beric corrected himself. Regardless, he looked forward to sitting down with friends and putting this entire sordid ordeal behind him.
He rounded the bend, noted that there had been little effort to clean up the massive collapse of flowers. He could see the window where he and Jaime had crawled out, the broken bushes where Jaime had fallen, which meant he would have put Beric’s pants down right... there.
Beric looked blankly at the bare ground before him. He nudged some plywood away, lifted some flowers up. He proceeded to work with greater urgency, in a wider and wider circle around where he had been sure Jaime had put them.
Thirty minutes later, he sat down with a sigh, wincing as the trousers rode up even higher. He had to face the facts. He looked ridiculous and his the bottom half of his rental tux was nowhere to be found.
He nudged a bit of broken wood with his foot forlornly. Maybe he should just go find his dinner table. Even if people stared, Thoros would have some silly story for him that would take his mind off things.
Beric brushed himself off and headed toward the courtyard. As it happened, he had a perfect view for what happened next. As did several hundred dinner guests.
Ned Stark slammed both hands against the table where he was sitting and stood up, his chair tipping backwards with a crash. He looked furious, and yes, maybe a little tipsy.
“Well MAYBE,” he shouted at Hoster Tully, seated a mere two seats away, “she isn’t here because you humiliated her in front of all these people!”
Hoster Tully, refusing to be talked down to, stood up as well.
“How dare you take that tone of voice with me?!”
“See?! You don’t even deny it! That’s the worst part, that you know what you’re doing and you just DON’T CARE!”
“Lower your voice this instant or I’ll...”
And then Hoster grabbed Ned’s shoulder, and Ned hauled back and punched him square in the nose.
Even from a distance, Beric could see the spurt of blood, and he could almost feel the silence radiating outward across the courtyard.
Beric closed his eyes. With everyone distracted, now would be the perfect time to walk to his table and plop down. Thoros would hand him his flask and Beric could have a swig of rum and he could just relax and enjoy the party.
Or he could go back into that gods-damned maze of a house and find Catelyn and send her out to rescue her husband and hope she didn’t notice he was wearing Tywin Lannister’s clothing.
It was a very easy choice, but Beric was already heading back to the mansion.
He found Catelyn more or less where he left her, with Brienne. Both girls were holding empty wine glasses, and Beric thought rather wistfully to the flask waiting for him in Thoros’ pocket.
“Catelyn, Brienne, I’m so sorry to interrupt. There’s been an um incident, Ned rather needs your help,” he said to Catelyn.
He knew she’d registered the ill-fitting trousers because her gaze had drifted briefly to them, but she was too polite to say anything.
“Of course Beric,” Catelyn rose. She turned to smile at Brienne. “I suppose I’d better rescue Ned.”
“Of course,” Brienne gave a bright slightly unfocused smile. “Beric, I thought that commercial was terrific. It was really nice of you to help out Robert like that.”
Beric began to redden at the reminder of the commercial that as far as he was concerned had started this entire mess. But Brienne’s gaze was open and guileless and he knew that she just meant the comment sincerely in the same way he knew she hadn’t noticed his outfit at all.
“Thanks Brienne,” he gave her a small smile back. She was already snuggling deeper into her arm chair, the strap on her pink-ish dress falling down one white shoulder. He thought in that moment she looked rather like a modern day Cinderella after midnight, tired of glass slippers and needing a nap.
“So what’s Ned need a rescue for?” Catelyn asked drily.
“Oh! Right,” Beric took a deep breath. “He punched your father in the face.”
Catelyn Stark née Tully was truly frightening when she got angry. An almost dead expression in her eyes. Beric, feeling slightly guilty about being responsible for such a transformation, decided to hang back and let her march ahead.
And that was how he noticed Cersei hurrying from a cellar corridor, a bundle of clothing in her arms.
Beric did a double take. Surely she hadn’t purloined his trousers?! But no, it was all women’s clothing. After a moment of hesitation, he decided to follow her.
Cersei casually shoved the garments into an antique highboy drawer and then flagged a waiter.
“Sir, where is the sommelier? I’ve been looking for her all night. I must say, I’m finding this dereliction of duty to be rather... unprofessional.”
“So sorry Miss Lannister, I’ll track her down right away,” the waiter bobbed his head nervously.
Cersei gave him a charming smile.
“You might start with the wine cellars.”
“As soon as I deliver these desserts,” the waiter promised.
Cersei floated back to the courtyard, and after a brief pause to wipe the sweat off his brow, the waiter did the same.
Beric hesitated. This really REALLY wasn’t his business. But...
He quickly went to the highboy and retrieved the clothes, and set off for the wine cellars.
“Hello?” Beric called cautiously as he opened the first door. This far down, the air was cold and clammy. It reminded him of a different cellar, Gregor Clegane’s hands around his neck, drowning... Beric forced himself to take a deep breath. In all likelihood there was a scared girl who had fallen afoul of Cersei Lannister out there. This was not the time to be having a panic attack.
“Hello, um miss? I found your clothes, are you okay?”
Beric listened for a moment and upon hearing nothing was turning to exit when there was rustle.
“Wait! I’m here, um behind this rack. Please don’t look, I’m um... not wearing much.”
Beric could relate.
“I’ll toss your clothes in that direction, and I’ll wait for you in the hall. But you need to hurry, I think a search party will be looking for you.”
A minute later, a rather bedraggled looking girl a year or two younger than Beric emerged, trying to smooth her skirt suit. A lacy black bra was still visible under her white shirt, and Beric coughed and nodded in the general direction. The girl looked a tad confused.
“Oh!” She tucked the shirt in, which had the effect of pulling it even further down and revealing more cleavage. Beric winced.
“Here why don’t you wear this,” he shrugged out of his jacket. 
“I know these cellars are cold but I’m rather used to—“
“I insist,” Beric said firmly and draped it over her shoulders, rendering the outfit somewhat more work appropriate. “Now we really must be going.”
He led her out, barely skirting several waiters who had clearly been dispatched to fetch her.
“I don’t know what happened, I had the most lovely romp with Tyrion and then he texted me for a repeat during dinner and that he would wear his birthday suit if I would. And I went and I waited and...”
Beric was glad it was dark because he knew he was blushing terribly. They had made it out of the mansion, and were now hurrying across the lawn. He had the vague idea that if he could get her to the catering prep tent, she could act surprised that anyone would think her missing. It was pitch black, and their progress was only occasionally punctuated by the flash of the fireworks from above.
“I can’t think what was taking him so long, and what on earth happened to my clothes,” the girl was saying. Beric flashed back on Cersei borrowing Tyrion’s phone and rather doubted that “Tyrion” had been planning to come at all.
“I suppose I’m just—oof!” The girl lost her footing and landed on her knees. 
“I think I broke my heel!” She cried, clutching the shoe to her person as if it were a small pet.
“Shhh,” Beric tried to shush her. They were so close, but any noise could call the attention of the staff. “Can you walk?”
“No I don’t think so,” the sommelier tried some weight on her foot and winced.
“Okay, I’ll carry you,” Beric decided, looking doubtfully at the tent. It wasn’t terribly far. He could manage.
He staggered the remainder of the way, her arms around his neck, head buried in his shoulder, before at length he could put her down on a folding chair.
“New plan,” he panted as he set her down. “You twisted your ankle in the cellar and have been icing it here for the last hour.”
He cast around for some ice and knotted it into a dishrag as a makeshift ice pack.
“They’ll be so mad at me for playing hooky and not getting anyone to cover!” The girl bit her lip. Then she looked at him more closely.
“Say you look familiar.”
“I’ve got one of those faces,” Beric offered tepidly, aware that with the whole missing eye thing he most certainly did not. “And Miss, I really don’t want to presume, but you DID play hooky without getting anyone to cover. TWICE. And not for a legitimate reason like spraining your ankle but to hook up with the son of your employer!”
His companion had the grace to look a little sheepish.
“You’re right. I suppose it wasn’t very...”
“Professional,” Beric prompted, recalling Cersei’s word.
“I’ll take my lumps. And... and I’ll text Tyrion that it was fun but I have a job to do,” she added.
Beric gave a smile of relief and bent his head to the work of getting the ice pack on her ankle. He didn’t know what the situation there was, but he thought the more distance that this girl put between herself and Cersei Lannister, the better.
“You’re even better in real life you know,” the girl said suddenly. 
“Real life?”
“You’re from that commercial right? With the little boy? But you’re even better in person,” she pressed. “Wait till I tell all my friends that I got rescued by the one eyed hottie from the commercial!”
“I um have to go,” Beric blurted to keep from screaming.
“So basically,” Thoros smirked when Beric found him—or rather when Thoros found him, after the fireworks were done and people were lining up for the valet. “Basically you saved the day. I told you you’re a hero.”
“I didn’t save anything,” Beric protested. Now missing his jacket in addition to wearing somebody else’s trousers, he felt exceptionally unheroic. “I just did what anybody would have done.”
“You convinced Jaime to talk to Cersei about the wedding. I ran into him later, you know. You tricked Tywin into forgiving Steffon. Jaime says he saw them in the library drinking scotch.”
“I just said that to Jaime, he didn’t listen,” Beric disagreed. “And nobody tricks Tywin Lannister. He already wanted to do it, he was just looking for a nudge.”
“Fine you NUDGED Tywin Lannister,” Thoros dipped his voice to make it sound dirty, and Beric glared at him. Thoros only grinned back.
“Then you sent the cavalry to save Ned and finished it up by foiling a Cersei Lannister plot. Has Cersei ever been foiled? I didn’t know it was possible.”
“Well I think she just wanted to break up Tyrion and...”
“Tysha,” Thoros supplied.
“How do you know her name?”
Thoros handed Beric back his cell phone. It was opened to one of the fan Ravengram accounts. There was a picture, of Beric looking down in concentration as he held an ice pack to a purpling ankle. 
The post was by one Tysha Crofter. My hero, said the caption.
“I’m not a hero,” Beric began stubbornly, but Thoros kissed him to cut off his argument. He tasted like rum and a little marijuana and no matter what Thoros thought, he looked good in a tux. 
“If the Internet says it, it must be true,” Thoros grinned when he broke the kiss. And Beric found that he had quite forgotten what he had been planning to say.
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inhandnetworks-blog · 7 years
In Photos: 'Game of Thrones' Season 7, Episode 6—'Beyond the Wall'
If you've managed to avoid watching the leaked version of the next Game of Thrones, "Beyond the Wall" (Season 7's penultimate episode) airs Sunday on HBO.
As GoT teased at the end of last week's episode, "Eastwatch," Episode 6 takes place mostly beyond the Wall, as Jon Snow (Kit Harington) leads a team of Westeros's most unlikely heroes to capture a White Walker. The plan is to bring the dead body back to the Seven Kingdoms to prove to the world—particularly a disbelieving Queen Cersei (Lena Headey)—that the White Walkers and the Night King are real.
In the first-look images from "Beyond the Wall," Jon and his troop—the Hound, Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, Jorah Mormont and Gendry—are bracing themselves for a fight. Beric even has his cool flaming sword, Lightbringer, with him. Take that, White Walkers.
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Meanwhile, at Dragonstone, Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) is seen with Hand to the Queen Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage), sitting beside a fire. These two have had their differences in the past few episodes, so is this the moment when Tyrion finally gets through to the stubborn Khaleesi? Perhaps not. In another picture, she is seen flanked by her dragons—presumably set to fly somewhere—while Tyrion skulks behind her. Sounds like Dany is up to something.
Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on HBO.
For more Game of Thrones coverage on Newsweek, click here.
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gossipnetwork-blog · 7 years
'Game of Thrones' Season 7 Episode 6 Recap: A Major Fan Theory About Daenerys' Dragons Was Just Confirmed
New Post has been published on http://gossip.network/game-of-thrones-season-7-episode-6-recap-a-major-fan-theory-about-daenerys-dragons-was-just-confirmed/
'Game of Thrones' Season 7 Episode 6 Recap: A Major Fan Theory About Daenerys' Dragons Was Just Confirmed
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Quick Q: You’re stranded on a deserted island (more of a small rock than an island) with water all around you. The water is covered in a thin layer of ice that may or may not hold your weight. Oh, you’re also trapped on all sides by an army of undead soldiers. Who would you choose to take with you?
If you didn’t answer Jorah, Tormund, Beric, and Jon Snow…well, you’re wrong. The big action on Game of Thrones this week took place north of the wall and it covered air, land, and sea. So, let’s dive into this extra long episode, shall we?
Let’s start with the fact that things were never going to be great for our merry band of misfits adventuring north of the wall in this episode. We open on them trekking and bonding; Gendry has never seen snow, Tormund reveals how Wildlings keep warm up there, and Beric defends selling Gendry to Melisandre. It would be endearing if we weren’t over here waiting to find out what will go wrong during this misguided expedition—but we don’t have to wait long.
The crew is caught in the winds of winter (not George R.R. Martin’s unreleased sixth book, unfortunately). Visibility is about zero, except they spot that a black blob in the distance is a bear, and Gendry is able to see that the bear has the blue eyes of the dead. That is some good eyesight. They don’t have much time to ponder before a group of undead bears descends. It’s not quite the enemy we expected for this crew, and we meet our first casualty: RIP, Thoros. Your ability to resurrect the dead will not be forgotten.
The group moves on and spots their first two-legged White Walkers near the arrowhead-shaped mountain The Hound saw in his vision. It’s a small traveling group. Team human baits them with a fire. Ultimately, Jon’s Valyrian steel sword is able to defeat most of the group of White Walkers by taking out the leader, which is a pretty nifty fact we learned during this struggle.
Jon dispatches Gendry to Eastwatch to send a Raven to Daenerys (he makes it back to the wall in bad shape, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Gendry has had his fill of snow). The rest of the team essentially has no choice but to forge ahead. The men wrangle their undead loot to bring back to Cersei, and a thundery noise from behind lets us know that the terrifyingly large army of mobilized White Walkers is upon them. Their choice becomes clear: death by ice cold water from the frozen lake in front of them or death by violent undead humans behind (and also in front and on the sides). They opt against certain death on the ice lake and make it to the tiny rock island in the middle, surrounded. It seems like they’re SOL until the weight of the walker army cracks the ice and and large numbers begin to plunge through, which gives pause to the hundreds left on shore. The two sides are caught in a sort of standoff/staring contest and our men don’t seem to have a plan. After a chilly night stranded in the middle of the lake, The Hound kills time by throwing a rock at a jaw-less skeleton man, which provokes him to shuffle over to rock island now that the lake is re-frozen over. His emboldened, undead friends follow—and the epic penultimate episode clash really begins.
Down south, things are a little calmer (and warmer). Before the raven from Eastwatch arrives at Dragonstone, Dany talks to Tyrion about how heroes don’t interest her (heroes do stupid things, then they die), nor does the petty one-upsmanship of men who try to win her heart—and she uses Jon’s quest as an example. Tyrion echoes Jon from a few episodes before talking about being a different kind of ruler and taking things slower and less violent to avoid a “brittle” power. He’s thinking about the long term and who can succeed her as a ruler. Dany is done thinking it seems, and she blames Tyrion’s long-term planning for their early losses. She wants to get on the throne and be part of the action, and she’s fed up with Tyrion giving her shoddy counsel and worrying about old Lannister loyalties. She gets Gendry’s raven, and, if anything, Tyrion’s suggestions and talk push her to take to the skies. He pleas for her to stay and do nothing, which she’s not interested in doing again. This time she flies in a super-chic winter coat version of her go-to look, and with all three of her dragons.
Back north, where she’s headed, the plausibility of the small group of men holding off this giant army for as long as they did is weak at best. Still, we’re cheering for the good guys here, so it was nice to see them prevail. There’s minimal carnage on the living side (as in no major characters die after Thoros), and just when the tables start to turn, we get our first real taste of what’s truly a song of ice and fire. Dany comes in and warms things up with some fire breath, taking out a lot of the army in the process. I had been wondering if dragons were all-weather animals. The answer is a resounding yes.
The crew is about to make a great escape with the team on dragonback, but Jon has to play the martyr and fight off every leftover skeleton coming his way. That leaves enough time for the Night King to whip out his premium version of Cersei’s dragon spear crossbow completely undetected. He nails one of the dragons circling overhead right in the chest like an Olympic javelin thrower (I’m unclear as to which one it was). We now know of something that can definitely kill dragons. This death was a hard one to watch, even for the characters on screen, right down to the slow, tortured slide into the water.
The Night King is ready to lock and load again as Jon considers facing him. He takes one for the team by telling Dany to GTFO. He doesn’t reach the Night King, but he DOES get mauled by a couple of undead soldiers and knocked into the freezing water. Things don’t look great for our King in the North, but you heard Beric: There’s a reason the God of Fire brought him back, and it wasn’t to just die by drowning at the hands of two white walkers. Dany and friends manage to miss the next ice spear as they fly away, almost at the expense of Jorah. The army of the dead begins to retreat and Jon somehow emerges from the lake next to his sword, his wet clothes freezing fast. More walkers are headed his way and things don’t look good. That is, until he’s saved in the eleventh hour once again when his Uncle Benjen comes in on horseback swinging his fire ball chain thingy. He sends Jon and the horse back to the wall, but doesn’t join and save himself because there’s “no time” (which was a little confusing, two people could definitely have gotten on that horse). Jon arrives at the wall much like Gendry, alive, but barely. Nothing a little Ikea rug can’t fix.
When Jon comes to, Dany is at his bedside and she’s been crying. Jon feels awful about her dead dragon (but she’s crying about YOU Jon, duh), and she explains how they’re her children and the two have ~ a moment ~. Hand holding, staring, and nicknaming is involved. They kept it PG, though the show is fully teasing us now, even if Jon is “too little for her.” I can’t say I’m mad about it, even though I maybe should be because we should not be encouraging aunt/nephew relations.
Anyway, Dany can no longer deny Jon’s warnings about the army of the dead. She saw it with her own eyes and agrees they will team up to fight this shared enemy whether he bends the knee or not. She is out for blood…or whatever is going through the Night King’s veins after his savage takedown of her dragon child. Jon knows the way to Daenerys’s heart and calls her queen. So, they both got what they wanted and gave what they thought they wouldn’t. Cute.
A massive white walker battle isn’t the only drama we saw up north this week. We got some icy scenes in Winterfell, and I’m not just talking about the weather. We first see Arya reflecting on a happy moment from childhood, when she got to practice archery with Bran’s bow “against the rules” while Ned watched on and encouraged her (remember those season one days?). It would be sweet if she didn’t have an ulterior motive. She doesn’t wait long to bring up the letter she found to Sansa and insists on reciting the traitorous piece of parchment back to her. Sansa is visibly upset, but Arya truly doesn’t care and cuts her down pretty badly. She’s Ned’s daughter, and she can’t understand a world where a Stark wouldn’t rather die than write a letter turning on her family. They argue about who had it worse in their long journeys back home and shared suffering isn’t enough to bridge the gap between their differences.
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Sansa retreats to the counsel of Littlefinger, who likely has her where he wants her, which is seeing Arya as a stranger. He reminds her Brienne is here to protect both her and her sister and plants a very dangerous idea by casually mentioning the two Stark women harming each other. With this conversation in mind, Sansa sends Brienne away in her place when she receives a summons by Cersei. She will not face the woman who caused her so much suffering. Instead, she’ll send arguably her only completely loyal ally in her place. Brienne protests—she doesn’t trust Littlefinger. Sansa makes it very clear she doesn’t need looking after. We’ll see about that.
Littlefinger’s words still in her mind, she sneaks into Arya’s room like a true sibling. She goes for her sister’s luggage under the bed and finds F***ING FACES INSIDE. Sansa is, understandably, freaked out. Arya sees her sister snoop and is happy to explain the world of the Many-Faced God and the Game of Faces. Sansa is now officially terrified by what both of her only living (real) siblings have become. Arya teases Sansa about wearing her face and becoming “someone else,” a.k.a. Sansa. She picks up her new fancy Valyrian steel knife but instead of attacking her sister she hands it to her and walks out, leaving Sansa petrified.
We end the episode where we began: north of the wall. The army of the dead have found big ass chains somewhere to recover the dragon from the depths of the frozen lake. Once he’s back on solid ground, our Night King graces the dragon with his magic touch, and we get an echo of this season’s poster images: a single blue eye as it becomes a zombie dragon. This is a game changer and one of the show’s biggest cliffhangers (and a popular fan theory). There’s no known precedent for an undead dragon and what type of fire (or ice) it might breathe. It would seem that in addition to a fatal ice spear, the living dragons now have another looming threat. Let’s cling to the hope that even in death, Dany’s dragon might stay loyal to its mother. I have a feeling we’ll find out whether or not that’s true the hard way.
And some things we can’t forget:
-MVP for this episode go to those badass fire swords. Imagine if every battle on this show had those?!
-The moment between Jorah and Jon about Jon’s sword Longclaw was so nice. Jorah’s father meant so much to Jon way back when, and it’s a nice gesture for Jon to offer the sword that’s been synonymous with him to it’s “rightful owner.” It’s hard to argue with family lineage, but I’m happy to see the sword stay in Jon’s possession. It’s basically an extra limb for him at this point.
-Arya has some girl power moments this episode. Her angry talks with Sansa are heavy with identity themes, and when she’s recounting her archery story, about how the rules said she couldn’t shoot and be a knight, she says, “the rules were wrong.” Later, she returns to this thought in her room with Sansa and says, “The world doesn’t let girls just decide what they’re going to be.” Arya was the right person to say these quotes, but that doesn’t meant they don’t apply to both women in the conversations. Sansa followed the rules, and they weren’t right for her either. She definitely didn’t get to choose what happened to her.
-Is Jon so sad about Dany’s dragon because of the dragon friend he made last week that might have stirred up some Targaryen feels? TBD. Beric also mentioned that Jon doesn’t look like Ned. This whole season basically has been ‘Will Jon Find Out Who He Really Is Watch 2017’.
-Speaking of Beric, his “death is the enemy” conversation with Jon is a pretty great double meaning for this episode/season/show. So is his “we’ll all be right behind him unless the Lord of Light is kind enough to send us a bit of fire” eulogy to Thoros, which was actually major foreshadowing.
-Am I expected to believe that Jon survived a winter wind storm, a very physical fight with an army of dead men, a fall into a frozen lake, a fast ride on horseback through the frozen north of the wall, almost dying of cold, and his man bun stays in place? Can we get a hair tie recommendation from this guy?
-For the zillionth time this season, I got major Harry Potter vibes from the battle. Remember when Harry and Dumbledore go into the cave in book six and have to fight of a lake full of bewitched corpses with fire after Harry is dragged under? Sound familiar?
-Also, when Jon kills the white walker leader it felt like this moment from the last movie:
-It’s 2017 and we don’t have high speed air travel, but Dany has the best transportation in Westeros. Can we get a dragon please?
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tragicbooks · 7 years
The nicest things that happened to Jon, Dany, and Arya on this week's 'Game of Thrones.'
Welcome to "A Song of Nice and Fire," Upworthy's weekly "Game of Thrones" recap series. When we decided to recap of the most brutal show on TV, we realized that brutality is not really in our wheelhouse, so we tasked writer Eric March with hunting for the good, kind, wholesome GoT moments like a needle in a haystack. Here's what he found.
I see you giving me that side-eye, The Hound. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
OK. Let's do this.
Frankly, I don't blame you for being skeptical. I was, too, when I first sat down to write about all the nice things that happened in the Season 7 premiere of "Game of Thrones." Everything about it seemed impossible (other than coming up with a snazzy, punny series title).
Trying to find lovingkindness in a show known for epic backstabbing, front-stabbing, and all-sides-stabbing is like trying to find new-wave music on "Empire," conservative opinions on "The Daily Show," or whatever doesn't happen on "Suits" on "Suits" (I don't watch "Suits").
Niceness just doesn't seem to exist in Westeros. And where and when it does, it's really not the point.
But I'm going to make a good-faith attempt. And miraculously, there was plenty of charity and goodwill to come by in last night's "Dragonstone."
Indeed, the seventh season premiere of "Game of Thrones" was practically overflowing with decency, tenderness, and respect.
You just have to squint at it the right way.
Perhaps after a glass of Arbor red or two.
Pretty weak episode. Too much niceness, mostly. #GoT
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) July 17, 2017
The parade of benevolence began right away in the cold open, where Arya Stark, disguised as the (actually now) late Walder Frey, serves the entire Frey family a lovely meal. How nice! Sure, the meal was actually vengeance for the deaths of Arya's mother and brother who were murdered by Frey at the infamous Red Wedding, and yes, the Freys' murdered relatives were (per last season's finale) most likely the primary protein on offer, and, OK, yeah, the wine was definitely poison, but a house's gotta eat, and what is she, stone-hearted? Some sort of Stonehearted Lady? C'mon.
She threw them a dinner party. That's nice!
You're welcome. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Later, Arya does guest-star Ed Sheeran (Ed Sheeran) and the Assorted Lannister Soldiers a solid by not slitting their throats (at least not before the camera cuts away — a man cannot simply assume) after they offer her a bite of rabbit as well as several humanizing character anecdotes.
Not bad for some improvised mercy from the world's tiniest assassin!
Down at King's Landing, Jaime respectfully gives the equilibrium-challenged Euron Greyjoy props for burning the Lannister ships during one war or another, while helping plan a marriage of convenience for Cersei.
When it's going great. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Following some perfunctory bad-guy-on-bad-guy sizing-up, Greyjoy leaves, promising to return with a gift for Cersei that he hopes will persuade her to marry him. It's a little less genuinely nice and a little more Nice Guy (TM), because she did say no (a tactic? Possibly), but still. Crossing my fingers for an Edible Arrangement.
Up north, Jon takes pity on the funny-looking children of the less-than-perfectly-loyal Harald Karstark and Smalljon Umber by not taking their castles away and giving them to random other people, much to Sansa's chagrin and Littlefinger's ever-squirrely "I told you so."
Jon then pulls his sister aside for a post-meeting debrief and actually appears to listen to her, which is far more considerate than Ned or Robb Stark were to any female human before they were de-headed. And hey, Jon is also persuaded to throw out thousands of years of male-dominated military tradition to conscript women into his ragtag zombie-fighting army! Whether it's out of desperation or the memory of being on the business end of Ygritte's bow and arrow is debatable, but Lyanna Mormont is into it, so I'm calling it a nice win for Westerosi gender parity (yasss kween #feminism #ladycasualties).
Perhaps the only nice thing about the montage of Sam's drudgery in Oldtown is that it doesn't go on forever, even if it does feel that way.
No, thanks to whatever sound designer brought that visceral grossness to life. (Seriously.) (SERIOUSLY.) (OK, but actually respect and good work.)
Yeah, me too, Sam. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Yet in between cleaning bedpans and dishing out curiously similar-in-appearance soup, Sam does manage to figure out where all the dragonglass in Westeros is (shockingly, the one place on the continent with "dragon" in the name) and courteously send Jon a letter about it.
Also that one archmaester believes Sam about the White Walkers! That's nice of him, and really nice for Sam, even if the archmaester won't do anything about it. "The Wall has stood through it all, and every winter that ever came has ended," he reassures Sam. And if "Game of Thrones" has taught me anything in six seasons, he's definitely right, nothing bad will happen, the Wall will definitely continue to stand, and all will be well.
Elsewhere, holed up in a foreboding-looking abandoned inn with Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr, The Hound does kindness about as well as The Hound can do and holds a funeral for the previous tenants of the place — an unfortunately dead and be-skeletoned father and daughter.
Sure, the fact that he stole their silver way back in Season 4 is why the pair starved to death in the first place, but this is "Game of Thrones," not "This Is Us," and feeling really really bad after half-knowingly condemning someone to a slow, painful death earns you a solid 4/5 on the Westerosi "Man's Humanity to Fellow Man" Scale. Even though The Hound couldn't remember the proper burial rites, the fact that he buried them at all wasn't just a nice thing to do, but a nice bit of continued character growth for a man once defined solely by his size, distinctive scars, and curious aptitude for piercing body parts with sharp metal objects.
Good gazing, everyone. Let's take 10. Photo by Macall B. Polay/HBO.
In the final minutes of the episode, Daenerys and Tyrion finally arrive at the ancient Targaryen fortress on Dragonstone (finally!) to catch up on six years of silent walking, gazing, choral "oohs," and purposeful sand-feeling. Their scenes were so brief and largely visual that there's not much to say here. I guess it was nice of the Unsullied to hold open a series of large doors for Daenerys as she strode majestically up the mountain toward her destiny? That was cool of them.
Whoo, we made it! That's it for week one. See you next week, when hopefully Jaime gives Cersei a puppy, Jon and Sansa watch old home movies together, and the Wall definitely doesn't come down. That's ridiculous.
Random Acts of Niceness:
It's nice to see that Cersei, Dany, and Sansa's clothes have gotten a lot more practical now that their plots don't revolve around looking cute for some dude.
Hey, Arya left those serving girls alive thanks to some clutch ironic performative sexism! Score one for innocent bystanders.
Good on probably-Jorah's arm for not giving Sam grayscale! (I think.)
Oh yeah, Bran! Meera apparently dragged him about 150 miles through the freezing tundra while he presumably pontificated wizardly about the Long Night the whole damn way. That is A+ forbearance.
0 notes
vernicle · 7 years
The nicest things that happened to Jon, Dany, and Arya on this week's 'Game of Thrones.'
Welcome to "A Track of Great and Fireplace," Upworthy's weekly "Game of Thrones" recap collection. When we determined to recap of the most brutal exhibit on Tv, we understood that brutality is not seriously in our wheelhouse, so we tasked author Eric March with searching for the fantastic, type, wholesome Received moments like a needle in a haystack. This is what he observed.
I see you providing me that facet-eye, The Hound. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Ok. Let's do this.
Frankly, I do not blame you for staying skeptical. I was, much too, when I initially sat down to produce about all the awesome matters that transpired in the Period seven premiere of "Game of Thrones." Everything about it seemed not possible (other than coming up with a snazzy, punny collection title).
Seeking to find lovingkindness in a exhibit acknowledged for epic backstabbing, entrance-stabbing, and all-sides-stabbing is like making an attempt to find new-wave music on "Empire," conservative viewpoints on "The Each day Clearly show," or what ever won't happen on "Fits" on "Fits" (I do not view "Fits").
Niceness just won't feel to exist in Westeros. And wherever and when it does, it really is seriously not the point.
But I'm likely to make a fantastic-faith attempt. And miraculously, there was loads of charity and goodwill to arrive by in final night's "Dragonstone."
In fact, the seventh time premiere of "Game of Thrones" was practically overflowing with decency, tenderness, and regard.
You just have to squint at it the right way.
Most likely soon after a glass of Arbor red or two.
Really weak episode. As well much niceness, largely. #Received
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) July seventeen, 2017
The parade of benevolence started right absent in the chilly open up, wherever Arya Stark, disguised as the (basically now) late Walder Frey, serves the entire Frey family members a attractive meal. How awesome! Guaranteed, the meal was basically vengeance for the deaths of Arya's mother and brother who were being murdered by Frey at the infamous Crimson Marriage, and sure, the Freys' murdered family members were being (per final season's finale) most very likely the major protein on offer you, and, Ok, yeah, the wine was unquestionably poison, but a house's gotta eat, and what is she, stone-hearted? Some form of Stonehearted Girl? C'mon.
She threw them a evening meal bash. Which is awesome!
You might be welcome. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Later on, Arya does guest-star Ed Sheeran (Ed Sheeran) and the Assorted Lannister Troopers a strong by not slitting their throats (at the very least not in advance of the digital camera cuts absent — a gentleman are not able to only assume) soon after they offer you her a bite of rabbit as nicely as a number of humanizing character anecdotes.
Not bad for some improvised mercy from the world's tiniest assassin!
Down at King's Landing, Jaime respectfully offers the equilibrium-challenged Euron Greyjoy props for burning the Lannister ships all through just one war or one more, while serving to program a relationship of usefulness for Cersei.
When it really is likely excellent. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Pursuing some perfunctory bad-guy-on-bad-guy sizing-up, Greyjoy leaves, promising to return with a reward for Cersei that he hopes will persuade her to marry him. It really is a very little much less genuinely awesome and a very little extra Great Person (TM), because she did say no (a tactic? Maybe), but continue to. Crossing my fingers for an Edible Arrangement.
Up north, Jon can take pity on the amusing-wanting youngsters of the much less-than-properly-faithful Harald Karstark and Smalljon Umber by not having their castles absent and providing them to random other individuals, much to Sansa's chagrin and Littlefinger's ever-squirrely "I explained to you so."
Jon then pulls his sister apart for a submit-meeting debrief and basically appears to pay attention to her, which is far extra thoughtful than Ned or Robb Stark were being to any woman human in advance of they were being de-headed. And hey, Jon is also persuaded to toss out countless numbers of a long time of male-dominated military services tradition to conscript ladies into his ragtag zombie-preventing military! Whether or not it really is out of desperation or the memory of staying on the business close of Ygritte's bow and arrow is debatable, but Lyanna Mormont is into it, so I'm calling it a awesome gain for Westerosi gender parity (yasss kween #feminism #ladycasualties).
Most likely the only awesome factor about the montage of Sam's drudgery in Oldtown is that it won't go on eternally, even if it does truly feel that way.
No, many thanks to what ever seem designer brought that visceral grossness to existence. (Very seriously.) (Very seriously.) (Ok, but basically regard and fantastic get the job done.)
Yeah, me much too, Sam. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
However in concerning cleansing bedpans and dishing out curiously comparable-in-overall look soup, Sam does take care of to figure out wherever all the dragonglass in Westeros is (shockingly, the just one area on the continent with "dragon" in the name) and courteously deliver Jon a letter about it.
Also that just one archmaester thinks Sam about the White Walkers! Which is awesome of him, and seriously awesome for Sam, even if the archmaester would not do anything about it. "The Wall has stood as a result of it all, and every wintertime that ever arrived has finished," he reassures Sam. And if "Game of Thrones" has taught me anything in 6 seasons, he is unquestionably right, practically nothing bad will happen, the Wall will unquestionably continue on to stand, and all will be nicely.
Somewhere else, holed up in a foreboding-wanting deserted inn with Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr, The Hound does kindness about as nicely as The Hound can do and holds a funeral for the preceding tenants of the area — an sad to say useless and be-skeletoned father and daughter.
Guaranteed, the reality that he stole their silver way back again in Period 4 is why the pair starved to demise in the initially area, but this is "Game of Thrones," not "This Is Us," and sensation seriously seriously bad soon after 50 percent-knowingly condemning anyone to a sluggish, agonizing demise earns you a strong 4/five on the Westerosi "Man's Humanity to Fellow Gentleman" Scale.
Even although The Hound could not bear in mind the correct burial rites, the reality that he buried them at all was not just a awesome factor to do, but a awesome bit of ongoing character growth for a gentleman as soon as described exclusively by his dimensions, distinctive scars, and curious aptitude for piercing system pieces with sharp metal objects.
Superior gazing, absolutely everyone. Let's just take 10. Photo by Macall B. Polay/HBO.
In the ultimate minutes of the episode, Daenerys and Tyrion last but not least arrive at the ancient Targaryen fortress on Dragonstone (last but not least!) to capture up on 6 a long time of silent walking, gazing, choral "oohs," and purposeful sand-sensation. Their scenes were being so short and mainly visible that you can find not much to say here. I guess it was awesome of the Unsullied to keep open up a collection of significant doors for Daenerys as she strode majestically up the mountain towards her destiny? That was great of them.
Whoo, we produced it! Which is it for week just one. See you next week, when hopefully Jaime offers Cersei a pet, Jon and Sansa view aged home films together, and the Wall unquestionably won't arrive down. Which is ridiculous.
Random Acts of Niceness:
It really is awesome to see that Cersei, Dany, and Sansa's garments have gotten a large amount extra simple now that their plots do not revolve about wanting cute for some dude.
Hey, Arya remaining those people serving women alive many thanks to some clutch ironic performative sexism! Score just one for innocent bystanders.
Superior on in all probability-Jorah's arm for not providing Sam grayscale! (I assume.)
Oh yeah, Bran! Meera seemingly dragged him about a hundred and fifty miles as a result of the freezing tundra while he presumably pontificated wizardly about the Extended Evening the whole damn way. That is A+ forbearance.
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socialviralnews · 7 years
The nicest things that happened to Jon, Dany, and Arya on this week's 'Game of Thrones.'
Welcome to "A Song of Nice and Fire," Upworthy's weekly "Game of Thrones" recap series. When we decided to recap of the most brutal show on TV, we realized that brutality is not really in our wheelhouse, so we tasked writer Eric March with hunting for the good, kind, wholesome GoT moments like a needle in a haystack. Here's what he found.
I see you giving me that side-eye, The Hound. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
OK. Let's do this.
Frankly, I don't blame you for being skeptical. I was, too, when I first sat down to write about all the nice things that happened in the Season 7 premiere of "Game of Thrones." Everything about it seemed impossible (other than coming up with a snazzy, punny series title).
Trying to find lovingkindness in a show known for epic backstabbing, front-stabbing, and all-sides-stabbing is like trying to find new-wave music on "Empire," conservative opinions on "The Daily Show," or whatever doesn't happen on "Suits" on "Suits" (I don't watch "Suits").
Niceness just doesn't seem to exist in Westeros. And where and when it does, it's really not the point.
But I'm going to make a good-faith attempt. And miraculously, there was plenty of charity and goodwill to come by in last night's "Dragonstone."
Indeed, the seventh season premiere of "Game of Thrones" was practically overflowing with decency, tenderness, and respect.
You just have to squint at it the right way.
Perhaps after a glass of Arbor red or two.
Pretty weak episode. Too much niceness, mostly. #GoT
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) July 17, 2017
The parade of benevolence began right away in the cold open, where Arya Stark, disguised as the (actually now) late Walder Frey, serves the entire Frey family a lovely meal. How nice! Sure, the meal was actually vengeance for the deaths of Arya's mother and brother who were murdered by Frey at the infamous Red Wedding, and yes, the Freys' murdered relatives were (per last season's finale) most likely the primary protein on offer, and, OK, yeah, the wine was definitely poison, but a house's gotta eat, and what is she, stone-hearted? Some sort of Stonehearted Lady? C'mon.
She threw them a dinner party. That's nice!
You're welcome. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Later, Arya does guest-star Ed Sheeran (Ed Sheeran) and the Assorted Lannister Soldiers a solid by not slitting their throats (at least not before the camera cuts away — a man cannot simply assume) after they offer her a bite of rabbit as well as several humanizing character anecdotes.
Not bad for some improvised mercy from the world's tiniest assassin!
Down at King's Landing, Jaime respectfully gives the equilibrium-challenged Euron Greyjoy props for burning the Lannister ships during one war or another, while helping plan a marriage of convenience for Cersei.
When it's going great. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Following some perfunctory bad-guy-on-bad-guy sizing-up, Greyjoy leaves, promising to return with a gift for Cersei that he hopes will persuade her to marry him. It's a little less genuinely nice and a little more Nice Guy (TM), because she did say no (a tactic? Possibly), but still. Crossing my fingers for an Edible Arrangement.
Up north, Jon takes pity on the funny-looking children of the less-than-perfectly-loyal Harald Karstark and Smalljon Umber by not taking their castles away and giving them to random other people, much to Sansa's chagrin and Littlefinger's ever-squirrely "I told you so."
Jon then pulls his sister aside for a post-meeting debrief and actually appears to listen to her, which is far more considerate than Ned or Robb Stark were to any female human before they were de-headed. And hey, Jon is also persuaded to throw out thousands of years of male-dominated military tradition to conscript women into his ragtag zombie-fighting army! Whether it's out of desperation or the memory of being on the business end of Ygritte's bow and arrow is debatable, but Lyanna Mormont is into it, so I'm calling it a nice win for Westerosi gender parity (yasss kween #feminism #ladycasualties).
Perhaps the only nice thing about the montage of Sam's drudgery in Oldtown is that it doesn't go on forever, even if it does feel that way.
No, thanks to whatever sound designer brought that visceral grossness to life. (Seriously.) (SERIOUSLY.) (OK, but actually respect and good work.)
Yeah, me too, Sam. Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Yet in between cleaning bedpans and dishing out curiously similar-in-appearance soup, Sam does manage to figure out where all the dragonglass in Westeros is (shockingly, the one place on the continent with "dragon" in the name) and courteously send Jon a letter about it.
Also that one archmaester believes Sam about the White Walkers! That's nice of him, and really nice for Sam, even if the archmaester won't do anything about it. "The Wall has stood through it all, and every winter that ever came has ended," he reassures Sam. And if "Game of Thrones" has taught me anything in six seasons, he's definitely right, nothing bad will happen, the Wall will definitely continue to stand, and all will be well.
Elsewhere, holed up in a foreboding-looking abandoned inn with Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr, The Hound does kindness about as well as The Hound can do and holds a funeral for the previous tenants of the place — an unfortunately dead and be-skeletoned father and daughter.
Sure, the fact that he stole their silver way back in Season 4 is why the pair starved to death in the first place, but this is "Game of Thrones," not "This Is Us," and feeling really really bad after half-knowingly condemning someone to a slow, painful death earns you a solid 4/5 on the Westerosi "Man's Humanity to Fellow Man" Scale. Even though The Hound couldn't remember the proper burial rites, the fact that he buried them at all wasn't just a nice thing to do, but a nice bit of continued character growth for a man once defined solely by his size, distinctive scars, and curious aptitude for piercing body parts with sharp metal objects.
Good gazing, everyone. Let's take 10. Photo by Macall B. Polay/HBO.
In the final minutes of the episode, Daenerys and Tyrion finally arrive at the ancient Targaryen fortress on Dragonstone (finally!) to catch up on six years of silent walking, gazing, choral "oohs," and purposeful sand-feeling. Their scenes were so brief and largely visual that there's not much to say here. I guess it was nice of the Unsullied to hold open a series of large doors for Daenerys as she strode majestically up the mountain toward her destiny? That was cool of them.
Whoo, we made it! That's it for week one. See you next week, when hopefully Jaime gives Cersei a puppy, Jon and Sansa watch old home movies together, and the Wall definitely doesn't come down. That's ridiculous.
Random Acts of Niceness:
It's nice to see that Cersei, Dany, and Sansa's clothes have gotten a lot more practical now that their plots don't revolve around looking cute for some dude.
Hey, Arya left those serving girls alive thanks to some clutch ironic performative sexism! Score one for innocent bystanders.
Good on probably-Jorah's arm for not giving Sam grayscale! (I think.)
Oh yeah, Bran! Meera apparently dragged him about 150 miles through the freezing tundra while he presumably pontificated wizardly about the Long Night the whole damn way. That is A+ forbearance.
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