#those are some attractive people and u just wanna seem them be evil!!
heresmyfiddlestick · 2 years
#gill!master: 20+ tumblr posts; 3 works on AO3
#walsh!master: 1 tumblr post; 0 works on AO3
#cole!master: 1 tumblr post; 0 works on AO3
#lucas!master: 0 tumblr posts; 0 works on AO3
#mackie!master: 0 tumblr posts; 0 works on AO3
#coleman!master: 9 tumblr posts (including #jenna!master and clara!master); 0 works on AO3
#darvill!master: 6 tumblr posts; 9 works on AO3 (under “Rory Williams is the Master” and “Time Master Rory”)
#gillan!master: 1 tumblr post (it me); 0 works on AO3
#tate!master: 5 tumblr posts; 0 works on AO3
#agyeman!master: 1 tumblr post (#martha!master); 0 works on AO3
#piper!master: 0 tumblr posts; 2 works on AO3 (under “Rose Tyler is the Master”)
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dibberdipper · 4 years
Where to go next (Part 2 of cheap frat party beer)
Pairing: Poppy x MC (Bea Hughes)
Warnings: Comfort, implied past sex, language
Word count: 2,000
Summary: When kickoff day is over and everyone’s going home, two girls walk around in the street enjoying each other’s company until they have to fight at school again tomorrow.
Authors note at the end
Bea watched the blonde-haired girl angrily stomp away. She’s recognized the kind of person she is-
She’s a spoiled rich brat who just minutes prior threw a tantrum just because Belvoire’s newest farm girl won over the student body. Bea was undeniably attracted to Poppy, it’s been known at this point. But she wanted nothing more than to take her down. What goes without saying, she wanted the top spot. What made things complicated was she also wanted the girl in the top spot.
They never talked about that shared night in the dorm room, how even after they did the deed they stayed to cuddle. The school’s top rivals were cuddling. Poppy got back with Carter, and Bea felt like there was nothing she could say or do about it. So maybe there was just a little hint of spite involved.
She was on her way back to her and Zoey’s shared place but hesitated to keep going. A certain moment in the day kept plaguing her mind. Poppy just broke up with Carter today. For her reputation, this was the perfect chance to date the school’s football team captain. Carter was attractive, he was sweet… but her mind kept lingering to his ex-girlfriend. She knew it was evil, but she hoped she’d actually stay his ex-girlfriend this time.
She already knew she could surpass Poppy in a week tops, why not try to get in deeper with Poppy now? Worst case scenario, Poppy could embarrass and expose her. But even then, Bea just didn’t really care. She could probably get more momentum in some way and try to make the whole ‘Farmgirl simps for the queen of the school”. On the other hand, best-case scenario, Carter may be out of a girlfriend while she just got one.
As she took her phone out of her pocket, she walked away from her dorm. She could already hear Zoey’s lecture later onto why she left alone without any backup. She went to Poppy’s Instagram page and slid right into her DMs.
“wanna meet later”
She didn’t even wait a second for her reply, it was immediate.
“excuse me???? hell no”
“why not :(”
“have u met me? no”
Bea thought about what to say next when her phone came up with another notification.
“ok how do I know you won’t show up without your bootleg media manager”
Bea rolled her eyes as she kept typing. Okay, she’s crossing her fingers that Poppy does have a secret soft spot somewhere under her blunt rudeness. She couldn’t expect Zoey to support her and Poppy if Poppy couldn’t even treat Zoey with bare minimum respect.
But then again, who says there’s even a relationship.
“how do I know you won’t show up without any of your minions? oh wait they left :(“
She could already see Poppy’s fingers angrily tapping her phone.
Bea came up with an idea that’ll hopefully make things more fun for the both of them that won’t lead to screaming over DMs.
“here, i’ll drop my number so we can FaceTime each other on our way to McDonald’s. foolproof”
“🤢🤢🤢 barf, no”
“Who would expect Poppy Min-Sinclair at a McDonald’s?”
She didn’t get anything back until she got an unknown number trying to FaceTime her. She smiled to herself as she took out her earphones and answered.
“Hey gorgeous-“
“Who do you think you are?! Asking me to meet up after humiliating me?!”
She only saw her neck up, a deep red wool scarf covering up the lower side of her face. She was also adorned in an ugly mud brown hat.
“Poppy I-“
“To think I actually slept with yo-“
“Poppy sweetie, you should be a little quieter on the streets in NYC. Just a little tip.” Bea said laughing, as Poppy flushed. Bea obviously had a view of the buildings behind Poppy.
Poppy huffed. “I might as well not even talk to you on the phone, you’re being such a bitc-“
Poppy heard footsteps behind her and slowly turned around her.
“Then you don’t have to!”
Poppy was so startled she almost fell, and her hat fell off. She put a hand over her heart and took a deep breath.
“Bea! You scared me!”
Bea picked the hat up from off the ground and placed it back on her head.
“Whoops. Sorry.”
Bea looked Poppy over, and now she got to see along with the hat and scarf, she was wearing a tan dress coat with dark brown boots. She looked like a stereotypical cartoon character in a disguise minus the glasses with a mustache attached, plus the tacky hat. There was something charming about her attempt to look less suspicious.
Poppy glared at her but slowly her expression softened.
“Here, I brought these.”
She handed her matching sunglasses, they had some sort of brand name that Bea couldn’t recognize on them.
“Awww babe you brought us matching sunglasses?”
“Don’t think you can just call me babe, I’m pissed at you.”
Poppy crossed her arms after slipping her sunglasses, looking away in annoyance. Bea could’ve apologized or whatever, but the way she said it as if she did nothing riled her up.
“You shouldn’t have tried to sabotage me, sweetie.” Bea said as she slipped her matching pair of sunglasses on.
Poppy wrinkled her nose in anger.
“Then you shouldn’t have tried to upstage me.”
“Here how about this Poppy, we’ll say sorry on three?”
“Okay.” Poppy said uncrossing her arms. Bea felt her eyes on her through the sunglasses.
They waited for one of them to say sorry, but none of them did. They left each other hanging.
They kept eye contact and started laughing. Almost as if they were moving on their own, still laughing, they interlocked fingers and started walking. Poppy laid her head on Bea’s shoulder.
“Ugh, do we still have to go to McDonald's? “
“I guess not. Where do you want to go then?
“I don’t mind just walking.”
They walked, enjoying their shared silence as if they were just two girls holding hands because they liked each other. They both individually loved their reputations, socializing, but at the end of the day, it’s probably the only thing keeping them apart. The school is watching for a catfight, not a love story.
“Bea, why did you really call me here?”
“I just wanted to talk.” Bea replied.
Poppy lifted her head away.
“Ask me ten questions, and I’ll ask you ten questions after.” She remarked.
“Poppy, are you really trying to get to know me through a trivial game?” Bea said.
“You do know that’s one question down, right?” Poppy smirked.
“Oh come one, you’re not going to seriously count that as a question.” Bea said in annoyance.
“Ah, that’s two.” Bea scoffed at her statement, but Poppy giggled in reply. Time seemed to stop every time Poppy genuinely laughed, almost as if the world knew that was the only time she looked truly innocent.
“Okay I’ll stop teasing you, you can ask. But you only have eight questions left.”
Bea squeezed her hand, as she looked around trying to think of one.
“Cats or dogs?”
“That’s seriously what you’re asking?”
“Sue me, but you can tell a lot about a person by which one they prefer.”
Poppy was silent for a moment.
“I wanted a cat when I was younger, but my mom’s allergic.”
“Ah okay. Next question I guess. Look I know we’ve done things, and you dated Carter, but I don’t want to assume anything. Are you bi?”
Poppy winked at her. “Let’s just say I listen to girl in red.”
Bea rolled her eyes but laughed.
“Okay, five more questions I guess. Coke or Pepsi.”
Poppy didn’t miss a beat. “White wine. Why drink those when you have a wine cooler?”
Bea punched her arm playfully. “Hey, your ‘too cool for soda’ rich kid is showing.”
They both laughed among each other.
“I mean I don’t have any more questions except one I guess.”
“Please do ask.” Poppy said, moving her hands upwards to clutch onto her arm.
“Have you even tried McDonald’s?”
“I’ve dated Carter, I went with him and I’ve come to the conclusion that almost none of their food looks like their advertising.” Poppy said.
“Well do you have a favorite fast food place? Or are you simply too fancy?”
Poppy looked around for a moment.
“You tell anyone and I swear to whatever God is out there Bea Hughes, I’ll make you pay.”
Bea started laughing, covering her hand over her mouth this time trying not to annoy other passers among them, previous people shooting them glares for being so damn loud.
“Okay, you have to tell me now.” Bea said finally calming her giggles.
She noticed Poppy’s face glow with a red tint as she buried herself in her scarf.
“After my first break up in high school, I ate at Wendy’s. It’s now my guilty pleasure.”
“I’ve actually never had Wendy’s.” Poppy gaped at Bea in surprise.
“Why? How could you not!”
“In my hometown, I mainly had food from mom and pop type diners and restaurants, you know?”
Poppy felt herself burn inside. On her first day of school, she relentlessly went at her for where she came from. Poppy let go of her arm and took a deep breath. As much as she could’ve never said this, the over-attachment she’s already grown so much to this girl couldn’t let her brush it off.
“Poppy are you oka-“ Before Bea could finish, Poppy interrupted her.
“I’m sorry for being such a piece of shit to you. Hell, I’m kind of a piece of shit to everyone.” Poppy tried to hold it in, but a tear or two slipped past and left streaks on her cheeks.
“Poppy…” Bea sighed.
“I’m not going to pretend and tell you you’re forgiven or that you haven’t been a real bitch to everyone. But I mean, who am I to judge? I’m not any better than you.”
Poppy looked up at her through her glasses, she didn’t even feel like being defensive. She knew she was right.
“One part of me wants to believe you have some sort of secret soft side, but I know that’d be me making up some other version of you. I want to get to know you, know every deep secret you have, I want to know all the little quirks that make you…you. But another part of me wants to be that power couple I’ve always selfishly wanted.”
Poppy felt the tears being unleashed. Carter was always sweet to her, pampered her even, he’s an amazing guy. But for some reason, this very moment meant so much to her than anything else.
“Would you… want to date me one day?” Poppy slipped the words out as she wiped the tears from her face with her sleeve.
Bea thought to herself for a few minutes, making Poppy shrink in paranoia as to what her response might be.
“We both need to grow first. I want to get better for you, and I want you to be satisfied enough in your life to not seek validation within some college ranking system.” As much as the words stung, Poppy nodded.
Bea looked down at Poppy and she stopped in her steps. She pulled her away from the sidewalk and closer to the wall of whatever building was next to them. She held her hands in hers.
“Instead of asking me ten questions, you know what you could do for me?”
Poppy looked at her puzzlingly.
“You know… you could kiss me.” Poppy giggles uncharacteristically in reply.
“Close your eyes.” Bea’s eyelids fluttered down. Poppy stood on her tippy toes and placed her lips on hers. It was different from that first night. Instead of sexual tension and passion, it was soft. As fun as that night was, she could say she preferred this one in a heartbeat. She pulled away as she something vibrate in her back pocket.
“Bea where are you??? Not to be a mom, but weren’t you supposed to get here a while ago?”
“Oh shit.” Bea accidentally said aloud”
“What is it?” Poppy said suddenly looking at her phone to see what she was looking at.
“I forgot to tell Zoey I was going out.”
“You forgot?!” Bea felt so stupid, as she went on her Uber app.
“I’ll get us both an Uber and I’ll walk you to your floor so you’ll be safe okay?”
Poppy sighed dejectedly. “Okay.”
“You do know you could keep your lips on mine in the Uber, right?”
Poppy smiled at her.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
okay I just wanted to say 😳😳
i have another Poppy x MC WIP but as soon as i read chapter 4 of Queen B I just h a d to write this
because first of all, it was intended to be a one-shot but a couple of people asked and I had no idea how to start it but chapter 4 gave me life so here we are
thanks for reading 🥰
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 5 years
Shinsou fluff alphabet
Starting off this blog the right way
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
He really likes your eyes
Hes definitely the type of person that puppy dog eyes work on
When you look up at him with those pretty eyes he just melts into them
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
He would want a baby eventually
Like after you get married
But he loves the thought of having a baby with you
Seeing which traits come out from both of you
Or adopting a baby, he thinks that would be awesome too
He loves kids, hes just kinda scared that he doesn't know how to take care of them
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He is the c li n g I est mf
He acts like hes not but he is
He doesn't have a preference when it comes to being the little or big sppon
He loves holding you
Just wrapping his arms around your shoulders or waist and hugging you as tight as possible while pressing little kisses onto your forehead
And when you hold him he melts
He feels so loved and wanted
Play with his hair plz plz plz
His eyes will flutter shut and hell just be like
"Mmm... so comfy"
It's so cute
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Toshi is pretty spontaneous
So dates will either be
Let's go out at 3 in the morning and run around the city and buy junk food
"Babe, I got us reservations for this super fancy restaurant so make sure you get dressed up. Were leaving in an hour."
They're always fun tho, even the more formal dates are super silly with you two making jokes and just being crackheads
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
To Hitoshi, you are his inspiration
His reason for moving forward in life
Before you, his only goal was to become a hero - and even then no one seemed to believe he could
Then theres you
You who tells him that his quirk does not make him evil
It's super effective against villains
hell be a pro hero someday
Before he wanted to become hero simply because why not
But now he wants to become a hero for you, to show you that your positive words were not misplaced and he is someone you can count on
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It was one night after he was training with Aizawa in martial arts (since he knows his quirk isnt the most effective in battle if he cant get it to work)
And he walked out of the field to see you standing there with this big smile on your face
"What are you doing here? It's late, you should go home."
"I was but then I saw you training and wanted to watch 😊"
He kinda gives you a weird look and is like why
"Cause you're super cool Shinsou! If I wanna be a pro hero I need to make sure I can get strong too, so I wanted to take some pointers."
His eyes widen and hes like- you think I'm cool??? Me who has to do this training cause my quirk is useless most the time?? Me who's quirk actually sucks?? You think I'm cool.
You just give him this big smile and you're like well ya anyways see you tomorrow
And he kinda is just like fuckfuckfuckfuckdu kkckcdudyhsj the whole way home cause wow you're super cute and you're the only person to ever praise him like that
He lies awake all night and is like I'm in love fuk
So ya, he was in love long before you even started dating
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Hes so gentle with you
Like hell brush your hair out of your face and move it behind your ear
When you kiss his hand kinda just cups your jaw and his thumb rubs your cheek
He presses little kisses on your forehead when you hug
Theres times when he can be more rough, but you're his baby and he cherishes you so much
He doesn't wanna scare you in any way and treats you so well
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
When you're walking he likes to place his fingers with yours and holds onto your hand tight
But other than that, he prefers holding your hand by placing his on top of yours and lacing his fingers while his thumb rubs your pinky
Hell pick up your hand and press kisses on it
Lowkey to tease you cause he likes to see you blush but still
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
His first impression of you wasn't the best? It wasn't the worst either tho
He first met you at the sports festival
You were fighting after he did, so when he was walking back and you were going out you saw him
So you were like "great job in the match!!"
And he thought you were teasing him cause he felt he horribly lost so he got kinda pissed
And was like "ya whatever"
He realized you weren't lying later tho, when you kept talking to him whenever you would see him at school
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oooooh yes, boy gets so jealous
You're HIS baby, not anyone elses
Hes put up with a lot of shit and a lot of shitty people and now that he has someone who loves him and he adores back - he doesn't like the fear of losing them
It's less of he gets angry when people flirt with you and more of he gets scared
Hes scared hes not the best and that you might decide you'll leave
He knows you love him and are loyal to him, but he cant shake that fear
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
So he initiated the first kiss
It was after your first date, and he kinda just kissed you out of nowhere (and you didn't mind at all)
While he does kiss you fairly gently, its lots of times a way to tease you
He loves to kiss you more roughly- the kinds of kisses that leave you breathless and your lips bruised
But he starts gentle half the time so that you get frustrated and have to try and make him kiss you deeper
Lots of tongue
Lots and lots of tongue
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You did
Again, He knew he loved you before you started dating
But he didn't wanna put you off by saying it too soon so he waited for you
He did things to help you know he loved you, but he waited until you said it
The first time you said it you were cuddling
You were lying on his chest and he was playing with your hair on his bed and you quietly said "I love you Toshi. So much.."
His eyes widened and he got the biggest smile on his face
"I love you too baby"
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
His favorite memory with you is probably one of your first dates
He took you to an amusement park
You were holding hands the whole time and you were so happy throughout the whole night
Hearing your beautiful laugh, being able to play the games with you and win you prizes since hes for some reason super good at them, getting to be that annoying couple that just cuddles in all the lines
He was in heaven
of course you had to do the stereotypical couple thing and ride the ferris wheel
But! It got stuck when you were almost to the top (if only it had been at the top - it would have been peak amusement park date romance)
You two were so ready to kiss at the top, but now you get to make out for like 30 minutes?? Awesome!
Getting to have a whole photo shoot together with all the pretty lights from the park and the city?? Double awesome!
Sitting in the cramped seat and being able to just talk and cuddle without worrying about school or anything?? Tripple awesome!!!
Everything about the night was perfect, and now you two love going on amusement park dates (tho none will ever beat this one)
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
He won't Spoil you too much, hes broke anyways
Besides, hes not the most materialistic person anyways so he would rather give you gifts of like dates and stuff
When he does give gifts, it's more personal things
Hell spoil you for your birthday and anniversary tho, if you really want something hell do his best to get you it
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Because he loves that cute blush of yours ~
He teases you all the time, anything to get you to blush
So when he sees a pink, especially in the shade of your blush, he kinda smirks and is like aw
Also, its such a soft color, and you're his baby so he gets soft for you
So honestly pastel colors remind him of you too, but mainly pink
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
ANYTHING that will get you to blush
Hes tested out them all
Honey, sugar, babydoll, bub, cutie, EVERYTHING
But his favorites are baby, and kitten.
He likes cats so he tested out kitten and the BLUSH that erupted on your face, he was hooked
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
My dude he is so into ball room dancing
Like I guess that's modern if you're rich, but neither of you are so that's something you only see in like old movies
Dead ass he took you to an abandoned castle just to dance with you while he played music from like the 40s
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Loves rain
Wants to go play in it
He will drag you out into the rain so that you can run around and act like little kids
Then you'll come in eventually so you dont get sick and make tea and cuddle
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Hes more of the type that will just ignore his feelings when hes sad
Like it's no big deal they'll go away
But you got mad at him for doing that so now - he just tells you
Hell text you and be like "hey.. can we cuddle..."
And you'll immediately know what's up and run to cheer him up
When you're sad, he takes a more direct approach
He wants you to tell him straight up what's wrong, and hes willing to wait if you need time
Hell hold you until you're ready, but he won't leave until you're feeling better
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He loves gossipping
Like you two talking about dumb stuff your classmates do
Makes up like 70% of your conversations
Also about movies, or TV shows, hes into a lot of fandoms and loves talking about them
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
That's it
Hes stressed? He will plop himself into your lap and you just know
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He likes showing off his martial art skills honestly
Hes gotten good at them, and many of the students dont bother with learning any formal fighting style since they're more into just using their quirk or swinging as they please
So it's something hes proud of
Hes also proud of it cause the 2 people he looks up to the most - aizawa and you - are also proud of him for it
So he loves showing you new things hes learned, or showing you how to do them so that you can be safer
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Again, hes spontaneous, so it kinda just came out
You two were just goofing around one night - spending time with each other since soon you would go into working at an agency since you had graduated
He was just thinking about how much hes gonna miss not being able to be around you all the time
So this man deadass ran into a gas station that was still open, bought a ring pop, and ran back out and was like
"Shit babe I'm so sorry this is such a horrible proposal but I'm doing it cause I don't wanna back out so- (y/n), will you marry me?"
Hes down on one knee holding this ring pop and he expected you to start laughing (you did later) but instead you started crying and you just jump into his arms nodding
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Serendipity by BTS
His world changed when he met you, the love his life
Theres so much hurt in life, and you are his happiness
Even when you two fight, you only come back stronger
Hes so happy with you, and so hes worried that something will happen to take you away from him
This song kinda captures that
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
All the time
He planned it a few times fully before when he actually did, and they were all much more romantic than the ring pop
He thought of the ring and everything
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Do I even need to say that
He wants you two to be crazy cat parents so bad
Even tho the max you ever have at a time is 2
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almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching Good Omens (ALL OF IT)
my favourite novel is now my favourite mini-series and IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL
under the cut: a very long, spoilery six-episode reaction to MY NEW FAVOURITE THING EVER
may 31st 07:36pm nz
i posted my episode 1 reaction a couple hours ago but that got ZERO NOTES so i assume people are either avoiding spoilers or aren’t interested, which is fine, but i’m just gonna put all my reactions in one big post so anyone who IS interested doesn’t have to read 6 separate posts c:
edit june 1st 04:08am: btw i watched using a free trial on amazon prime, which i’m pretty sure is worldwide. soooo if yOU WANT TO WATCH THIS, YOU CAN, FOR FREE
EPISODE 1: In the Beginning
idk how much i’m gonna type, whether i’ll post a reaction to the entire thing in one post....... or how much i’ll end up watching right now
kinda want to spread it out and save it as a treat for after i’ve done some writing
but right now i wanna watch before writing
so maybe i’ll do one ep, write something, then return to this?
edit: aahhaha that didn’t happen
well... since 2011 when i first read the book
but regardless it’S BEEN 84 YEARS
okay first off i did not know amazon prime did adverts at the start of their videos. so i was like SINCE WHEN WAS CHILDISH GAMBINO/DONALD GLOVER IN GOOD OMENS
and then
either way i thought it was a good opening
cool cool cool cool cool
omg i’m used to where the netflix full-screen button is, and on amazon prime that’s the “next episode” button so i gotta be real careful
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dear god my video quality is TERRIBLE
i.......... i might torrent this show and watch it offline
this is horrendous i can’t see a damn thing
i have never seen pixels this big
okay the quality calmed down after a minute
i loooove the intro, i love that it’s basically word for word from the book
i feel like i’d find it funnier if i hadn’t read the book 3 months ago
also? god is a woman? yes
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is it just me or does the snek have a slightly david tennant-esque quality about it
i’m so happy adam and eve are black
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omfg. aziraphale said “ineffable” and now CRAWLEY’S CHECKING HIM OUT TRYING TO SEE IF HE HAS ANY JUNK
...or y’know, looking for a flaming sword. SAME FUCKING THING.
also i looove how FLUFFY azi is
azi: “do hope i didn’t do the wrong thing”
i fucking love them both uhrgughhhuhuhughuhhh
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small sob for cuteness
umbella wings
in the opening titles, crowley just stopped a spaceship and aziraphale turned it into fish
i feel like that was a douglas adams reference and i’m on board
the entire time i read the book, up until i saw video promos of this show, i thought “crowley” was said the same way as spn’s “crowley”, as in “crahwlee”
not “crOhwlee”
i definitely like that they’re different though
both probably named after aleister crowley tbh. all of whom are queer.
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i haven’t found david tennant attractive in about 9 years but WHOOOP HELLO AGAIN
somehow attractive for entirely different reasons than before. like. my taste changed but tHEN
i’m on crowley’s side, taking down a cellphone network is VERY ANNOYING
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crowley: shitshitshitshithsit
i can’t wait for aziraphale’s big swear
i miss eating sushi
sushi was great
this baby delivery thing is sTRESSFUL
poor lady
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“little toesie woesies”
where’s the sister mary loquacious fan club and where do i sign up
i’m glad they colour-coded the babies and did the playing card explanation because this part of the book always tied my brain in knots
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this is reminding me how utterly gross england is
“MY POINT IS............. DOLPHINS”
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see in the book
i never once realised that the nanny was crowley in disguise
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digging the snake tattoo sideburns
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and yeah the short hair looks good
fINALLY crowley called azi “angel”
crowley: “oh no no don’t do your magic act, pleeease”
the magic act scene is one of my fave parts of the book <3
aw man they cut out the best part
i mean i get why
the kids shouted a bunch of gay slurs at aziraphale
and there were no secret service people with guns
but aw mannn
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aw man aziraphhale just brought it back himself
i liked it better in the book
they sat on the steps outside and crowley comforted azi and took the dove and fixed it for him, and then it flew off
idk i just had such a perfect image of that moment in my mind and this was..... good but not the same at all
could be gayer
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good dog
crowley: *snifsnif* something’s changed
aziraphale: “oh it’s a new cologne, my barber suggeste--”
crowley: “no no i know what you smell like”
gayyyyyyyyyy <3
okay that’s ep 1 watched!!! i’ll watch more maybe later tonight :D
not as gay as expected ........YET
needs 400% more “angel” and “dear”
EPISODE 2: The Book
pillar of salt guy: “something smells evil”
the fact crowley smells evil and yet aziraphale likes his company regardless says a lot
fully expected crowley to say “i didn’t fall, i sauntered vaguely downwards”
iiiii’m finding the narrator a little annoying
maybe it’s because i read the book so i know what’s going on
but saying “he has four items to deliver in his van. he works for this postage company and he’s making his first delivery in a formal warzone”.... idk i feel like all of those things could be shown visually? saying it rather than showing it probably saved seven seconds of airtime, but damn
i wonder if the narrator was a later addition to this, for new audience clarity? the script for god just seems a little stilted, idk
edit: i kind of got used to it, but it was still jarring, which i’m sure was the opposite of the intended effect
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the saddest newt
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she’s kind of exactly how i imagined her in the book
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and definitely my fave next to aziraphale and crowley
i feel so bad for crowley’s plants
poor babies
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for some reason i imagined her as a redhead. kind of more like mrs weasley
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these wee children......... so soft.......... so smol
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v happy with the casting for pepper
tiny downside is that we lose another redhead
i find the kids’ conversations hilarious because they’re the same age as harry potter when he goes to hogwarts the first time
idk if this is what eleven year olds are like in real life, but when i read the book i did feel distinctly like they spoke like eight year olds
crowley: “i like spooky. big spooky fan, me”
he just sounds like the tenth doctor
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"you know, crowley, i’ve always said that deep down you really are a--”
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loquacious: “sorry to break up an intimate moment”
i imagined anathema’s tripod thing to be about 5 feet tall, not a cute little knee-high thing
freddie mercury: BIIIII CYCLE
yeah i was waiting for that
crowley: “get in, angel”
end of episode 2!!! i freaking loved aziraphale vs the book <3
the credits for this ep credit konnie huq as someone named pam but idk who that is? i had a crush on konnie huq as a kid when she was a presenter on “blue peter”
OH WAIT RIGHT the lady on the breakfast show on crowley’s tv. aw such a small part. hoping we’ll see her again later
edit: nope. might rewatch that part to pay more attention. obviously i didn’t even recognise her after like.. 15 years
EPISODE 3: Hard Times
brb gotta get some food
and now i wait for food
is this the one that’s just crowley and azi’s backstory?
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i can’t even put my finger on why but he’s getting more attractive
ah yes
aziraphale is eating shellfish and trying to tempt crowley
“oh... that’s your job”
i love this part of their dynamic
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i adore when crowley makes aziraphale smile <3
i like seeing how crowley’s sunglasses differ throughout history
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“if they knew i’d been... fraternising”
this is such a forbidden romance i love ittttt
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k this is my favourite part of the show so far <3
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this angel just fell in love
right in that moment
i see cartoon hearts around him
just had to pause for a second bc there was some broccoli in my tea :c
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he got him holy waterrrrrrr
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definitely feeling a lot of “NOW KISS” right about now
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throughout the entire book azi just came across as the kind of person who wore glasses even though glasses were never once mentioned
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i like this colour palette and the gold in their makeup
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“we can go off together”
omg the world’s ending and crowley’s all RUN AWAY WITH MEEE
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okay then
good eyelashes
edit: i also like how their relationship was explained with a simple tap on the wrist: hurry up, you’re on the clock, i’m a sex worker, finish your call because i’m leaving
episode three DONE
these eps don’t feel long enough
maybe that means the pacing is just right? who knows
i feel like i should be doing something other than watching this but..... why
EPISODE 4: Saturday Morning Funtime
aziraphale is SOFT and he’s perfect like that <3
fuck u gabriel and your body shaming
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i want delivery guy to be okay BUT I READ THE BOOK
so............... i know he will be...... eventually
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how did they get photographs taken in the 1600s
oh gabriel’s eyes ARE purple, i thought i was seeing them wrong
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“maud i love you”
noo ho hoooo
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a little douglas adams, definitely
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the season is very much jumping between summer and autumn
though i suppose that’s the point, tadfield is just perfect
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“which the internet has begun to refer to as the kracken”
i wonder if good omens inadvertently inspired me to write The Wireless a couple of years back. wouldn’t be surprising
edit: no, couldn’t have, because the internet wasn’t much of a thing (or a thing at all?) in the book, given its publish date
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that’s a v nice dress/top combo
gosh she’s so pretty
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crowley: “we can run away together!!! alpha centauri!!!”
aw baby
crowley: “i’m going home, angel! i’m getting my stuff, and i am leaving. and when i am up in the stars, i won’t even think about you!!”
why has there not been a single “dear” yet :c
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oh no, this part
i loved this in the book but i am NOT READY for maggots
damn you gaiman
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he’s so cute
and so gay
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uriel: “don’t think your boyfriend in the dark glasses will get you special treatment in hell”
he looks kinda delighted uriel called crowley his boyfriend
i would say he looks worried but this shot was used without context in the trailer and it came across as genuine joy, i actually thought he was looking at crowley
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i thought it was a strange throne before
a spider at the centre of a web
dark halo
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oh now she’s a redhead???
also i’m glad they implied newt and anathema just kissed because the sex thing was weird in the book
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okay never mind
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aziraphale: “oh.................ffffUCK.”
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oh no
it’s happening
oh no
i hate this part but i love what happens because of it
i have eaten and now i have tea and i am back from MORE BOOKSHOP FIRE
EPISODE 5: The Doomsday Option
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and “you’re my best friend” playing while crowley’s tryna call azi
“somebody killed my best friend”
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freddie mercury: “somebody find me somebody tooo ooo looove”
edit: the narration WRECKED this. it was so dramatic and visually emotional but the voiceover completely screwed with it and it was SO UNNECESSARY.
crowley: “i lost my best friend”
he says, while crying, while talking to that friend
azi wanted to share crowley’s body
and then said they had to get a wiggle on
they cut out the hell’s angels / lesser horsemen
i figured they would, but still a shame
in the book tracy’s “spirit guide” was native american but daaaaaamn that part really needed to go
now she’s irish which is... better, probably
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this guy’s having the time of his life
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he wave
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1926 bentley; sexiest car right next to the ‘67 chevy impala
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omg gotta translate and explain the road
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OH NO the maggots are about to happen
they changed the placement of this but it worked for the pacing
k well the maggots were gross but not as bad as i imagined
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omg the dog turned upside down rather than be picked up
i wonder if that was intentional
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pfff he’s reading “american gods” by neil gaiman
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10/10 flaming car
EPISODE 6: The Very Last Day of the Rest of Their Lives
here we go...
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azi so happy that crowley said the dress suits him <3
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rip bentley
aziraphale: “we are here to lick some serious butt!!”
crowley: “kick!! kick, aziraphale, for heaven’s sake”
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i freaking love the parallel between the Them and the horsemen in the book
and i love that they did face shots to show the parallel
pepper = war
wensleydale = famine
brian = pollution
adam = death
the parallel is less clear for brian and wensleydale, at least in the show. was more obvious in the book. but at the same time i kind of got confused between them a lot, brian was always eating, but wensleydale was named after cheese
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pepper: “i do not endorse everyday sexism”
shadwell: “anyone who wants ta get ta the hoore of babylon will have to get past me”
earlier anathema said “boyfriend”
may i point out that all the adults are paired up
shadwell & madame tracy
newt & anathema
aziraphale and crowley
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crowley: “we are FUCKED”
these two need a holiday
azi: “come up with something... or.... or i’ll never talk to you again”
he knows crowley loves him aww
perfect blackmail material
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they went from trying to kill him to being his gay angel parents real quick
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thought they were holding hands for a second there
edit: regardless, a whole damn airfield and they’re 2cm apart
happy ending for the postman, hooray~
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crowley about the bookshop, softly: “it burned down. remember? you can stay at my place”
anathema: “why is your car called dick turpin?”
newt: “dick turpin is a famous highwayman. it’s called dick turpin because everywhere it goes, it holds up traffic”
i laughed
this wasn’t in the book and i always wondered
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i wonder if holy water wouldn’t burn him because he’s too good
gabriel: “don’t talk to me about the greater good, sunshine, i’m the angel fucking gabriel”
really enjoying these swears
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i thought so
paused for a bit to get ready for bed
i thought it was after 4am but nope
“there would be other summers, but not one like this. not ever again”
that genuinely makes me emotional
i think that’s why it’s my favourite book, i can relive that summer with them
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crowley: “let me tempt you to a spot of lunch?
azi: “~temptation accomplished~!”
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“just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing”
that ending with the bird made me teary-eyed
AKSFJDSF /snorts
the end credits and the song i just wanna bawl my eyes out
i loved this so much and i’m so glad it was GOOD
i loved that they added so many people of colour. in the book i imagined crowley played by alexander siddig (star trek: deep space 9 era) but i guess david tennant makes a pretty good crowley too
i’m trying not to be upset that my favourite scene with the dove and aziraphale’s affectionate use of “dear” was taken out
this was damn good regardless. even gayer in places than in the book
this nightingale song is my new favourite song
i never got the reference before
“and as we kissed and said goodnight, an nightingale sang in berkeley square:
i love
the end of the credits “For Terry”
oh this was so beautiful
i’m gonna watch it again with my family probably within the week. i’m so emotionally tender now
ugh i love them more than ever
anathema...... i don’t know if i relate to her, want to be her, look up to her, want her to mentor me, live with her, or find her attractive. maybe all of the above. but she was freaking PERFECT. PE R F E CT 
the casting was so... just right. thank you casting people for anathema.
like... i also didn’t mind the newt/anathema thing so much now. it was hard to tell in the book how much of a relationship they had after, but that smile she gave while lying in bed the morning after, that worked, it said a lot. and i like that it was her choice to burn the prophecy sequel rather than newt’s suggestion
gabriel was amusing. like.. i’m glad he wasn’t in the book. but he was great here. also really like michael and uriel. uriel was so damn beautiful.
i also would really have liked to see a mention of the fact crowley and aziraphale are both agender and potentially asexual. not even a hint of it here. buuuuuut it guess i know from the book. so.
my favourite episode was of course episode 3 with crowley and aziraphale’s 6000 year backstory. especially the 1940s bit where crowley saved the books <3
this show was was less confusing than the book too. ugh it was done so well
we didn’t see where the soldier guy went when aziraphale zapped him away!!! in the book he reappeared safely back home and went out to see his family. to be fair i don’t know whether he died and went to heaven, but it was a nice thing to happen
and they took out the Them’s bully/rival gang, who was led by the third baby from the baby swap, and who won awards for his tropical fish. at least that’s what i remember. which meant the parallel about heaven/hell being rival gangs was lost here. but the parallel between the horsemen and the them was stronger than ever and i loved that.
look, i mean, 10 out of 10, EASY.
favourite thing? yes. yes, absolutely.
shoutout to the one time i wrote a Good Omens/Destiel crossover fic The Angel Cake Challenge
congrats if you made it to the end of this!!! thank you for reading <3 AND GO WATCH THE SHOW IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY
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multifandom-anni · 5 years
L x Light fic (WIP)
L. Lawliet was the type of guy in high school that had no friends, girlfriend and just talk with people when is necessary to... had the best grades whitout even trying. He was so mysterious and different! Some classmates find him so strange and creepy, but most of the girls had a crush on him (because although he was a bit wild and different with his peculiar way to seat, strange habits to eat sugared stuffs all time, using the same clothes every day...) he was actually very acttractive.
25/10/06 A new student came to the class 3, his name was Light Yagami. A young brown haired guy who was in exchange on England from Japan. He was good at speaking English so he made friends so easily... Light Yagami was exentric and he was those kinda of person who thinks that the world works in his function!
In a certain day, specifically Friday 31 October, the class 3 of the 3th grade recived the result of their math test. Almost everyone failed and recived a bad one! Light was confident that he was going to be only one successful at the test, then he recived it with a confident smile in face... He wasn’t that bad but he also wasn’t the best. When he heard the teacher say :
- as always , the best result was L’s ! Congratulations! - Light Yagami looked at his left and found there an weird skinny boy with hair in face, that guy took the test from the teacher’s had and said nothing, continuing licking the lollipop he had in his mouth.
- the second best was our new student! Light Yagami. She said looking at him , so the entire class did the same. Except of that emo guy.
Light was mad ! He hate being the second in everything, he hates being underrated by someone! When the lunchtime came, he asked Emma Sinclaire, the classrom leader who was that guy and why he always had the best grades? Emma said :
- that guy is L. Lawliet, he is son of the most rich man of the city; Wammy Quilish! He’s a type of weird genius who doesn’t need even to do an effort to get these good grades. He have no friends, no girfriends, he doesn’t talk with no one and is always eating! Even having many girls who find him attractive and crush him.
- oh, i haven’t noticed him till now... /said Light putting his tumb on the chin\
- It’s because he missed classes since u showed up.
- You seem to notice him a lot. Hahah! /said Light\
- o-oh ! I- I - don’t is just that i... am responsible of the class so... / said Emma with a big blush on her face\
- o-ok! Anyway I’m going lunch! Thank u for informations... /said Light with a warm smile\
He was going to the cafeteria next school when he sees Lawliet going to the same place, Light got more excited to go there and try to have a talk with him. He made an evil smile when he heard two girls saying :
- yes he’s going to lunch here as always! /said the blond one pointing to the cafeteria \
- maybe we’ll be the lucky ones who will get a talk with L! /said the brown haired one\
He watched them entering to the cafeteria, they looked like 14, 15 years. Light could see by the mirror that they tried to speak something with L and he said no! The two girls got out with an angry face saying “how he dare to say no to us! Aff” It seems that he is rude with the girls who crush him. Light knew what L feel because in Japan almost all the girls did the same to him, they were so boring but Light was not so .... direct ... with em. Actually he kinda used to manipulate some of them to get things. Had a famous model called Misa Amane who was very beautiful and famous in Japan who crushed Light. And used her to get friendship whith important people and recognizement! There was also a boring one called Kiyomi Takada, she was called “miss toho” and she crushed light too. He used her to be his assistant and take things for him like “hey i wanna a coffe bish”.
When Light enter the cafeteria he can see engaze L and he does the same. Both eyes encountered and Light could feel a strange feeling of his heart beating fast! L was really attractive and had a sexy vibe, the way that his black hair falls into his pale skin... The young japanese had a strange feeling and was lost in his toughts when he hears the voice of a woman saying “ so what will be ?”
- ah, an frapuccino with a natural sandwich please! /he answered \
- ok! You can take your seat and i’ll bring to you.
Light was walking around and he was hesitant to ask, but thats the why he camed to the cafeteria... so he encouraged himself and walked in L’s direction and said :
- can i seat here with you? We’re classmates ... I’m on exchange from Japan. I arrived in school have 6 days... /L looked at him while he was eating an amount of different sweets and desserts and just pointed his hand to the chair in agreement \
- so , you like sweets right? It’s because is halloween maybe? Haha /said Light putting his hand on his hair and giving a shy laugh \
- I eat it everyday. / answered Lawliet. His voice was apathic , low and sexy.
-what about these girls? I mean i had these type of girls around me in Japan and sometimes i wish i was strong pulse with them like you...
- I didn’t meant to be rude with them, is never my intention at all. They just asked me if i want to make out with both and i said no. / L replied with a piece of cake in mouth\
- you right! They are quite young ...
- I like Japan / L said unemotionally as all his phrases\
_ oh! You like Japan? / Light replied surprised that he said something and about his interess)
-yes. / L answered and took a sip on his coffe.\
- You have been there? /Light\
- Yes. /L\
- what u most like there? /Light\
- food. /L\
- haha, you like eating do you? Is just weird how u still have this good ... physique. / Light said hesistating in his last words when he saw what he was going to say.\
Light’s food arrived and he immediately took a sip of his frapuccino. Maybe with mouth full he wouldn’t say bullshits...
- you too for someone drinking a frapuccino full of fat and caramel. /Answered L looking at him.\
- hahah! I think we’re both lucky with our metabolism / answered Light giving a shy laugh to try hide his blush face again\
- yes i think so. /L\
Light looked at his clock and the class would start in 10 minutes and he said :
- i think we might go ...
- yes. / said L while he stands up showing how tall he would be if had a nice posture\
- btw, we talked this entire moment and I didn’t introduced myself, I’m Light Yagami.
-L. Lawliet. But I think you already knew it... /he stated giving his back to Light and getting out of the cafeteria\
When the class started Light starred at Lawliet the entire class wondering what he meant by “ i think you already knew it” that he didn’t had count that the bells ringed, just when the class was almost empty exept by L an some guys talking is the background. He was leaving when he heard a voice calling his name, he turned and it was L :
- Light i was wondering if you would like to come at my house today and have some movie? / Light wasn’t expecting for it! He tought it would take time to get his confidence and become his friend... but it was so fast\
- yes sure. /Light replied with a soft smile in face\
- ok, come with me cause my father will bring us by car. /L said\
-ok /Light\
When the car arrived was a black limusine with a old man with mustache driving it. L took his place in the back place of the car so did Light, it was a silence since the old man spoke and said :
- L never hang out with school classmates. You must be special what’s your name?
-oh , my name is Light Yagami sir. I’m in exchange from Japan...
CONTINUE.... it’s supposed to be one shot but I’m gonna post later...
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 6 years
Yucky Mushy Boys and Happy Death Day 2 U (Todoroki Shouto X Reader)
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Lol yes I know I'm late for Valentine's Day but hey here's one for you guys! Happy Late Valentine's Day!! Once again, sorry for any OOC-ness, but still enjoy! :3
Not gonna lie lol Ed Edd n Eddy’s Hanky Panky Hullabaloo inspired me with this one. XD
Summary: Reader-chan is disgusted by Valentine’s Day no thanks to a childhood friend, but doesn’t know that she has an admirer.
Featuring: IcyHot!!
Don’t worry lol I won’t tell no Happy Death Day 2 U spoilers but it IS a good movie! :3
You were nervous as hell as you quivered in your shoes as you walked alongside your best friends Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki in your school’s hallways. All decorated with pink banners and heart shaped things plastered on the walls in the spirit of the holiday.
It was Valentine’s Day, which only meant one thing.
Yucky Mushy Gushy Lovey Dovey shit.
The thought alone made you cringe as you put your hand over your mouth, ALMOST tempted to vomit at the thought. Romance wasn’t something you were big on, ever since you were young it terrified you and for the longest time you just convinced yourself that the thought of being with anyone was yucky and too mushy-gushy for your liking.
And deep down, you also believed that nobody would even like you that way anyway based on how much people picked on you all those years growing up, especially Bakugou, who seemed hellbent on picking on you with Midoriya. So in return, you called THEM yucky and evil before they got a chance to call you yucky. It worked for you for years too. You avoided all sorts of romance and never pursued anyone for the sake of protecting yourself and stopped letting Bakugou's insults and everyone else's insults get to you.
Valentine's Day however, was something you couldn't really stop since it always came back every year, and somehow bigger than the year before. Just like a Taylor Swift song. And another blonde always made sure to pick on you the most during Valentine's Day when you were both kids, constantly saying 'Gross Girls like you don't get any Valentine's!'. But you were grown now, and Bakugou was the gross one! Not you!
“Oh God… look at this shit…” You mumbled a little bit, almost freezing up just staring at the pink and red adorned on the walls, however, you saw that Midoriya and Iida appeared to be blushing. “It’s Saint Valentine’s Day. I can only hope none of our classmates or schoolmates decide to engage in reckless or inappropriate behavior. The holiday is romantic, but it could enable students our age to not do suggestive things…” Iida remarked, his cheeks a light pink at the thought, albeit there was some hope in his eyes since Valentine’s Day gave his peers opportunities to feel tender emotions and possibly confess to a special someone.
“Isn’t it all so cute?! I love Valentine’s Day! It’s such a fun holiday! Getting to buy sweets and give something nice to that special someone… Don’t you guys think?” Uraraka cheerfully asked as she blushed a little bit, earning a darker blush from both Midoriya and Iida.
“R-Right! I-It is… r-really uhh… n-nice… e-especially the uh… d-decorations and… t-the idea of it…” Midoriya stammered out with an extremely nervous, wide-eyed look, his face turning bright red at the mere idea of romance and tenderness.
“I never understood the point of this holiday.” Todoroki said, his expression as stoic as ever when he looked to see all the decorations. The holiday confused him since during his time in elementary and middle school he would always get these cards and heart-shaped things, chocolates and other candies from girls, and some boys. But he never understood why those boys and girls all gave him those things. He wasn’t ‘special’, he barely even knew those boys and girls so it made no sense to him.
Naturally, this didn’t entirely surprise you, Midoriya, Uraraka or Iida. “Well you see Todoroki, many people have accused this holiday of being an invented one, but the main purpose of this holiday is to make an exchange of meaningful gifts towards a person you feel... r-romantically inclined towards.” Iida was the first to explain the basics of Valentine’s Day, even though talking about it was making him blush a brighter hue of pink.
“Yeah! Valentine’s Day is a day all about love! Any kind of love too, familiar love, platonic love but… it’s like Iida said… it tends to be about romantic love… and letting the person you like know how you feel…” Uraraka added with a shy grin, blushing harder as she did so, and you nearly gagged when she and Iida said the ‘R’ word.
“Romantic?” Todoroki stated to blush ever so slightly when Uraraka and Iida used the word, even if the concept was foreign to him, and Midoriya blushed even darker when it seemed that they would have to explain it to him.
“W-Well Todoroki it’s… r-romance is uh… it’s a feeling… o-of uh… h-happiness… I-I guess… b-but with… s-someone else… s-someone that you… l-like… a-a lot… but more than… a-as a friend… i-it’s… it’s deeper than that…” Midoriya did his best to not stutter too much as he gave a brief explanation, his face feeling hot just explaining it even though he had no real experience or knowledge about it. But his mom rather enjoyed those kinds of movies and he had seen a few with him even if it embarrassed him to see such sweet and romantic things on a screen. So he didn’t know nothing about romance…
But without warning, you clasped your hand over Midoriya’s mouth and held him close to you with a paranoid look on your face, looking at Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki with crazy-looking wide-eyes. “No, that’s all bullshit… you guys know what Valentine’s Day is REALLY about… it’s all about evil, yucky, mushy boys and girls all day Izuku!!” You exclaimed as Midoriya’s face began to redden from how close you were and how you touched him like that, and you felt him shake but you assumed it’s because he shared your fear of this yucky holiday.
“We can’t make ourselves too available guys… or else we’ll get the mushiness…” You let go of Midoriya as you whispered to the four of your friends, but that just confused them, especially Todoroki. Iida, Uraraka and Midoriya described it as a positive holiday, yet you had a completely different answer. Secretly, Todoroki has found you oddly unique, ever since he befriended Midoriya and Iida, he ended up getting close to you in return since you were always around Midoriya and company. You stood out to him with your odd mannerisms and tendency to say odd things, but he didn’t hate it at all, if anything he wished to understand you more. In fact, he kept this to himself but he sort of liked you, in a way that was different from how he liked Midoriya and Iida.
“Mushy?” He had asked, wondering if you were referring that he, Iida, Midoriya and Uraraka were also ‘yucky’ as you put it.
“YES! Yucky Mushy Boys and Girls all day Todoroki! THAT’S what Valentine’s Day is all about! Romance is just a trap they use to make you think you’re interested in them, but they’re actually hiding how yucky, evil and mushy they are!” You explained somewhat dramatically as you cringed at the thought and shook a bit, but it still didn’t make sense to him, although it did kind make him feel a bit skeptical now. That was the opposite of how Iida, Uraraka and Midoriya described it. So he kept looking at you for more of an explanation from your side.
“My point is Valentine’s Day IS an invented holiday AND it’s gross! That’s why I avoid it every year! I turn off as many boys and girls as much as possible! I didn’t brush my teeth this morning, you know why? Cuz neither boys OR girls like stinky breath.” That earned a look from Iida.
“(L/N)! You can’t just neglect oral hygiene out of personal disgust towards today! Neglecting even one day of brushing your teeth can affect your mouth and encourage more plague build up!” Iida somewhat scolded you, and you stuck your tongue at him.
“What if you kiss someone?! You don’t wanna have bad breath for your first kiss!” Uraraka seemed to back him up, but more for your sake than anything. She always thought you would find a very special someone even if you were aversive towards today. In her eyes, you were an attractive person and other guys and girls would be crazy to not find you cute or pretty. That nearly made Todoroki perk up, what IF someone kissed you or you kissed someone? Uraraka had the right idea, because Todoroki did secretly find you cute. Your face, your (E/C) eyes and soft looking lips… though, he had to admit, bad breath wasn’t desirable. It’s a good thing he brushed his teeth this morning.
“EWWWW! NOT happening! And I ain’t brushing my teeth today Iida! In fact, I might even pick my nose while I’m at it! You guys want some fresh boogers?! I got plenty for everyone. How do ya’ll like em?” You asked and even waved your finger towards all of them, which made Uraraka squeal a bit as Iida and Midoriya backed away. Even Todoroki couldn’t help but cringe a bit in disgust.
“(L/N) PLEASE! That is SO UNSANITARY!!” Iida backed away, to the point where he stood behind Midoriya and Todoroki, who both looked just as disgusted as he was.
“G-Gross! Please don’t lie about that again!” Midoriya quickly begged you, since one of your tactics included lying about picking your nose and offering snot in hopes to disgust boys. It worked nearly all the time because boys and girls avoided you due to such a nasty lie you made about yourself.
“See?! You’re all turned off! I’m a genius! No guy OR girl wants someone who they think eats boogers…” You smirked and crossed your arms but reassured them all by saying you DON’T eat boogers. Although they had to admit, that was really gross.
“Sorry guys, but I just can’t fall into that trap. It’s gross and just not my thing… Izuku’s not yucky, and you guys aren’t really yucky either so… I wish you guys the best of luck if someone comes over to you guys....” You said to your classmates as you entered your classroom to go and sit in your seats.
“She thinks Valentine’s Day gross… but doesn’t find not brushing her teeth and lying about eating boogers gross…?” Uraraka thought once she realized that you had some pretty odd standards there as Midoriya and Iida both shrugged in unison even if they found your standards weird too. Although Midoriya knew you pretty well, and neither he or Uraraka would press on it because they didn’t mind that you found the holiday gross. Not everyone liked Valentine’s Day after all.
Meanwhile, Todoroki thought about what you were saying, even though he was trying to not think of what you said about booger-eating. Not many things disgusted him, but that done did it. He didn’t know any girls who would ever lie about that just to keep people away from them, again, you never failed to surprise him. But he wondered, did you find HIM yucky? He hoped you didn’t, because then you probably wouldn’t want to be around him, and he didn’t want that. He liked you, even if he was worried that he might have been ‘yucky’ to you.
Todoroki sighed. This holiday was so confusing. On one hand, there was all this talk about romance, on the other hand there was talk about it being yucky and mushy. He couldn’t focus in class even when it started with Aizawa coming in and the entire class greeted him.
As Aizawa advised the class to not let this ‘illogical, invented’ holiday, as he described it, distract them, Todoroki just stared at you drawing something in your journal. Little did he know, you were writing a sign that said ‘Fuck Off’ so nobody would get near you and/or try to get close and give you the ‘yucky’.
He sighed, wondering just what he could do to avoid frightening you or making you uncomfortable. Sure, you two were on friendly terms, but lately his feelings have become something more than that, and every time he thought about it, his face would grow hot and his heart would speed up. Especially when he got really close to you, although his face remained stoic, his blushing cheeks would often betray him.
This holiday seemed to make it even more awkward. With your aversion to it and his cluelessness. Even though the concept seemed to be that you try to give something to someone you really like, according to Uraraka, Iida and Midoriya.
Speaking of which, you and Midoriya had been friends since kindergarten, and by extension you were also friends with Bakugou. At least until he started bullying Midoriya and you made sure to protect him from your former friend. He would have asked Bakugou about you, but he was sure he would just get an unsavory answer laced with casual insults, so he went to Midoriya instead, whom was talking with Uraraka.
When he started talking to them both, they each looked confused, although Uraraka seemed to pick up a little faster on why Todoroki came to them. Especially when he brought you up.
“(Y/N)?” Midoriya looked somewhat confused once Todoroki mentioned your name.
“Yes. You two are childhood friends, right?” That earned him a nod from his friend. “I know she appears to dislike this holiday, but do you wonder if she would like anything given to her in particular? Would she... react badly if she were given anything today...?” Todoroki finally asked him, taking a breath once he got it out.
“Ahhh uhhh…” Midoriya stammered at Todoroki’s question, unsure how to answer that when a particular memory came to mind.
Everyone had been going crazy about Valentine’s Day, including the boys who pushed you around often. Especially that stupid Bakugou, he was the worst to you on Valentine’s Day, but he was just a yucky, mushy boy so you kept your distance and shoved him away whenever you had the chance. Today however, you felt really lucky since you got not Valentines day crap from anybody, especially after your booger-eating rumors that you spread yourself.
“We’re safe for another year Izuku…” You sighed in relief as Midoriya followed you to your shoe locker, even though he himself was more dismayed that he didn’t get any Valentine’s, except from you, which actually made him pretty happy. He was content with at least one Valentine from you, even if you called it ‘yucky’ and ‘mushy’.
“I guess we are.” Midoriya never judged you, he knew and understood your fears. So he went along, and if he was being honest. He was terrified of this holiday too, because he would have freaked out if anyone other than you gave him something for Valentine’s Day. Of course he’d have been excited, but he’d also be nervous too. Extremely nervous.
“Time to put get the shoes back on and…” You opened your locker to remove your shoes, but paused with wide eyes once you saw IT in your locker…
“I-Izuku…” You shivered and pointed at the inside of your locker, much to Midoriya’s confusion and slight panic rising as he nervously peered inside and jumped a bit with a startled yelp. Was that really in your locker?!
“I-It’s… a Valentine’s Day card!!” He exclaimed in shock, but at the same time, oddly extremely happy for you. You had an admirer! Someone gave you a Valentine’s Day card! He carefully picked up the card with a heart on it and read the insides.
‘Don’t get the wrong idea dumbass’
Midoriya quietly gasped as he analyzed the rather straightforward words because it sounded very familiar. However, he was still happy for you and when he turned to smile at you, you were too busy being horrified.
“EEEEEK! Yucky Evil Mushy Gushy Boy or Girl!!” You suddenly shrieked at the Valentine’s Day card you found in your shoe locker, backing away as you ran away from your locker, screaming and going into the bathroom to clean the ‘mushiness’ off you.
PRESENT Midoriya wasn’t so sure how to answer that question, since he was kind of worried that you COULD react badly to a simple Valentine’s Day gesture. However, he was also confident that if it were a friend doing it that you probably would be a little calmer and not freak out like you normally would.
“(Y/N) is… she’s just a little shy… she might not act like it but… she just gets nervous. See… she and I got picked on a lot together… boys and girls called her mean names… said she was gross, and they made her feel really bad about herself… but it was always bad on Valentine’s Day… Kacchan was no help either... she was the girl he picked on the most, behind me… which is why she and I always spent it together. She and I always looked out for each other when other kids made us feel bad about ourselves.” He started off with a sad look on his face when he thought about it, feeling like he should have done more for you.
“Oh… Deku… poor you and (Y/N)…” Uraraka frowned in sympathy, and then looked over at you sitting at your desk and grinning at your badly drawn sign. You were all Anti-Valentine’s Day and it was because of the kids who picked on you and Midoriya.
“I see. She turns people away first. So she doesn’t feel like the way those kids made her feel.” Todoroki came to that realization once he put the pieces together. And he couldn’t help but feel sympathy for you, and anger towards those jerks who made you AND Midoriya feel bad about yourselves. Midoriya nodded in response, sighing a little bit.
“Yes. But… you can still talk to her. She might not enjoy the holiday, but she’s always comfortable around friends. I think she’d be comfortable around you, she likes you.” Midoriya however, pointed that out with a confident smile. If there’s one thing you enjoyed about Valentine’s Day, it was spending time with people you loved, especially your friends and family.
“Yeah! I think if you approach her gently and just tell her how you feel, she won’t freak out! I think she’ll be excited in fact.” Uraraka chimed and gave Todoroki that bit of advice, though he and Midoriya both blushed a bit when she advised to ‘tell you how he felt’. How did she know that he felt something other than friendship for you?
“I-I see. Thank you. Both of you.” Hating the little stutter, Todoroki was grateful for his two friends’ helpful words. Now he felt somewhat more confident in talking to you and offering you something for today.
Todoroki wasn’t a nervous person, but even when he had opportunities to talk to you, he couldn’t do it because there were so many people around. He’d rather ask you when you and him were both alone, in hopes that several other eyes wouldn’t be peering at you both to make you nervous.
So at the end of the day, as soon as he found you alone, he saw his chance as he braced himself and started walking over to you. But then that was interrupted once you were met by Kaminari, Kirishima and an annoyed looking Bakugou.
“Hey (L/N)! Happy Valentine’s Day!” Kaminari quickly greeted you and waved at you, which made you freeze up as you missed the way the electric blonde was kind of blushing and actually looked nervous just saying it to you.
“So uh… now that classes are over, in spirit of the holiday, would ya… like to go out with me somewhere tonight?” Although he was nervous, he quickly tried to put up a smooth-talking and confident demeanor as he flirted with you, but he couldn’t quite stop himself from blushing. And for a minute there, Todoroki thought he was too late as he grunted a bit with a mildly irked expression as he felt an unfamiliar heat in his throat that made him want to just whisk you away from his dopey classmate.
“AHHHH!! YUCK! MUSHY GUSHY!!” You screeched, your legs immediately taking over as you dashed into the girl’s bathroom as fast as you could, slamming the door and leaving a bewildered Kaminari and Kirishima in your wake. Bakugou didn’t look the least bit surprised though as he growled in annoyance just having to see you freak out like that. It never ceased to piss him off every time you freaked out like that.
“So… that’s a no…?” Kaminari sighed and looked defeated as Kirishima patted him on the back to try and make him feel better.
“You can always ask another girl out…” The redhead said to soften the blow, even though he was confused as to why you reacted like that. “Though I guess (L/N) must still think boys have cooties…” He thought outloud, and he understood. For a time, he also believed that silly rumor that girls had cooties, but grew out of that phase pretty quickly.
“Tch. Just don’t count on asking her again. That weirdo’s always been like that. Dumbass…” Bakugou grumbled, still annoyed with what he saw. In all the years he’s known you, he’ll never know why you freaked out over this fucking holiday. This day disgusted him too, but not to those extensions. And on top of that, even though you or Deku didn't know, he hasn't forgiven you for calling HIM 'yucky'. He’d never tell you or ANYONE else about the valentine he left you in your shoe locker last year, but he knew you thought he was gross, but he didn’t give a shit.
Absolutely not...
Scoffing, he walked away to leave you to your stupidity as Kirishima and a defeated Kaminari followed shortly after, much to Todoroki’s relief as he patiently waited for you. Thankfully it didn’t take too long for you to come out as you peeked out and you were immensely relieved to see that Bakugou, Kirishima and Kaminari were no longer there.
You gave a huge sigh of relief, your hands washed now that the imaginary yuckiness was off of you, but you didn’t expect to see Todoroki in the hall.
“Todoroki?” Giggling kind of nervously, you smiled awkwardly at him, “Hey there… what brings you out and about? Though I… guess it IS the end of the school day so you can do pretty much whatever you want…” You shrugged, already feeling kind of awkward since you and Todoroki haven’t really had moments alone like this. There was always Izuku or Uraraka to make you feel more comfortable, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find Todoroki ridiculously attractive. What was we doing at a school? He should be playing someone going to school, particularly the troubled loner, because that’s what he was. The sexy troubled loner with daddy issues, multi-colored hair and a nice butt to top it all off. But he was a yucky boy, so it just wasn’t going to happen. But he wasn’t really yucky... he was so NOT yucky.
But so you didn’t let your thoughts distract you too much, you kept your eyes on Todoroki when he seemed to struggle on what to tell you, which confused you.
“(L/N). I thought about what you said earlier... and I know you don��t seem to enjoy this holiday, but… I had been thinking about what Midoriya said, about… having feelings for somebody.” He suddenly said as he blushed a little bit when he began his sentence, making your eyes widen as your ‘yucky mushy boy’ instinct was starting to alarm in your head, telling you to run away back to the bathroom FAST, yet your heart told you to stay put too and let Todoroki finish what he was saying. 
“I still don’t entirely understand the point of this holiday… even though it all leads to the concept of spending time with people you care about. And I, I care about you. As I care about Midoriya, Iida, Yaoyorozu and Uraraka, but…” This is where Todoroki grew just somewhat more nervous, since feelings weren’t something he was used to talking about.
“Yeeeeah…?” You nervously rubbed your shoulder, feeling rather sweaty all of a sudden; you could feel it in your pits, back and neck, probably a bad day to not wear deodorant. To be fair, even though the two of you were friends, you didn’t expect Shouto Todoroki to actually give you this time of day, why would he? But now you were kind of regretting not brushing your teeth.
“I know it hasn’t been very long, but the way I care about you is… different. I am unsure if… it is romantic as Iida and Midoriya had said.” He started off, following Uraraka’s advice and beginning to realize how bad he was at it, and yet you actually understood what he meant. “I do care about you though. And the truth is, that I like you… but… more than you would like a friend, I’m marveled by you and I have been for a while. These feelings… they confused me for a while until our friends explained it earlier… and… I wanted to tell you that.” Todoroki sort of confessed to you, only in a way that he could since this concept was still foreign to him. But you knew that he was basically saying that he liked you.
It actually made you chuckle, much to Todoroki’s mild embarrassment since he wasn’t sure if you were laughing at him, but at least you weren’t screaming and calling him ‘yucky’. “Todoroki you’re too cute for words…” You rather bluntly said, which sent a flush of light pink to his cheeks.
“Tell you what… Valentine’s Day…” You shook your head and made a face, “Not my thing… it’s still kinda yucky to me, but… you are definitely not yucky… and instead of acting like this holiday is a big deal and like we’re doing it for the sake of this holiday, how about you and I go see Happy Death Day 2 U? And we can just say that this is just another February day, because it is… as a non-Valentine’s Day date, what do you say?” There you did it, and you didn’t even realize it. You had asked Shouto Todoroki on a date, and on Valentine’s Day! Yet you didn’t feel yucky or mushy at all, because after all you said it would be a 'non-Valentine's Day' thing.
He blinked once, for once letting himself look surprised as if he had to register what you just said to him. “A date?” Todoroki asked, obviously he sort of knew what that meant, but he had never been on one before.
“Yeah... it's like a way of spending time with someone that you're interested in... or as you said it... marveled by, and it makes you like them a bit more than you would a friend..." You blushed just saying it outloud, but you had to admit. Todoroki was cute, and oddly sweet in his own ways such the way he would do simple but sweet things for you including opening a door for you, giving you the smallest smile whenever you told a really bad joke, glaring at people who laughed at you whenever you totally embarrassed yourself to make them stop, moving you out of the way whenever someone tried attacking you in combat training, and getting Bakugou to back off whenever he tried bothering you or Midoriya.
Oh God, you liked him too...
And you DIDN'T find him yucky or mushy at all...
You didn't want to admit it, but the more you thought about it, the more you realized that you did like Todoroki, more than you wanted to as a friend. And now you just asked him out in the worst possible way. You were way too blunt! Why were you such an idiot? (Y/N) (L/N) you are officially the dumbest person on the planet, who in the hell would even think about saying-?
"I would like that." Todoroki's quick answer suddenly shattered your stupid internal thoughts as you stiffened, staring at him wide-eyed, he was blushing a little bit and you started to blush yourself as a wide grin sported your lips, a little too wide. 'Back it down or he'll think you're a bigger loser!!' You screamed at yourself before clasping your hands together cheerfully.
"GREAT!" You practically screamed, but cleared your throat and lowered the volume, "I mean great... hee-hee... let's uh... go to our dorms REALLY quick! I need to take care of a few things before we go..." What you NEEDED to take care of was your breath, but Todoroki nodded and followed you with ease, he didn't know what you really meant but he didn't want to rush you into anything. He'd be patient with you, because he cared about you that much.
Quickly, you brushed your teeth and put on your deodorant so you didn't smell that bad, and made sure you looked good enough for your very first date. And as Todoroki waited for you to take care of your things, he was feeling a rare bit of nerves, is this how it felt to go on dates? He wasn't sure, but he would get to know you better just like he wanted, and he would be close to you too. That's what he was looking forward to the most, and he hoped that this would make you see how great you were and if he had to, he'd tell you how those nasty little shits from your childhood were idiots to mess with you and Midoriya. He didn't know why, but he wanted to make sure you never felt like that again.
“C’mon Todoroki let’s go! Happy Death Day 2 U starts at the nearest theater in 30 minutes!” Happily, you suddenly jumped besides him and grabbed his hand and somewhat pulled him towards you as he grunted slightly at the somewhat aggressive hold you put on him with slightly wide eyes at how you surprised him like that. Realistically, he could have just pulled away, and yet this warm feeling he felt in his chest when you smiled at him and held his hand like that, refused to let himself do anything that could hurt you.
“Oh... all right. We should move quickly then..." He walked with you out of Heights Alliance, ignoring the winks and thumbs-ups he was getting from some of his classmates, and the way Mina squealed in excitement.
"Way to go (Y/N)!!" She cheered you on, and for once you weren't disgusted about being seen so close with someone, this wasn't yucky at all. Maybe you could give this dumb romance thing a try if Todoroki really did like you like that. You wouldn't hate it, Todoroki was a fantastic guy. He was nice to you, treated you nice and never insulted you or called you gross.
“Let’s get seats in the back row! We can see it clearly and people like to complain about the noises I make when I’m chewing popcorn and sipping soda for some reason.” You said as soon as the two of you made it to the theater, and Todoroki tried to not chuckle at that but he couldn't help it. You were strangely endearing, which is one of the many reasons he felt captivated by you. "Very well." He calmly replied as you got a few drinks and snacks before you went to the back row like you had requested.
"So based on the commercials, Tree faces another killer, can you believe that? She already took care of the first two in the first one..." You explained and decided to talk to him a bit before the movie started since commercials were showing first.
"I remember. You showed us all that movie. I wonder who else could have a motive to kill her this time now that her roommate's dead." He thought outloud, having liked the first movie and he gladly got into the conversation with you, which became more about your favorite kind of movies, with you telling him how you would HAVE to show him some of your favorites including Mean Girls, The DUFF, Whip It and then a show that was about hamburgers? That's what he heard. He actually smiled and chuckled with you whenever you said something amusing, and he intently watched the movie with you. Every time you gasped in surprise or laughed outloud, he found himself almost mimicking your emotions. Now he was getting why you watched these movies, although he was surprised that he nearly teared up with you during an emotional moment that touched him in particular the more he watched it.
Glistening eyes met each other, but he quickly turned away to avoid looking pathetic, and you snickered a bit. "Aww..." You actually hugged his arm just to make him feel better, and you felt his left side quickly grow warm as he blushed quite madly, thankful that the dark theater served to mask it. "Hey... thanks... for coming up to me today..." Suddenly, you thanked him with a soft tone that he hadn't really heard you use.
"You're welcome." He gave you a little smile, "You're not gross." That made you perk up a bit, although you didn't let go of his arm as he continued. "Midoriya told me that Bakugou and other children teased you when you were younger and called you gross, but they're wrong. You're not gross at all." He admitted, albeit leaving out the booger-eating lie and the fact that you told him you didn't brush your teeth this morning (until later), but even then those little things didn't tarnish his image of you. Todoroki liked you just the way you were, quirks and all.
You wanted to cry. After years of being teased and called gross, someone other than Midoriya actually thought that there wasn't anything wrong with you. With a big smile, you just hugged him tighter and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, earning a small gasp of surprise from him as you pulled away with a rather loud yelp when his left side suddenly caught fire. Which of course earned some looks from a few other movie-goers as you and Todoroki sheepishly apologized.
"I'm sorry..." But he made sure to apologize to you as fast as possible after nearly burning you, completely by accident of course. It was hard to quell your giggles as you shook your head, "No it's okay... I'm sorry for that sudden kiss..." You apologized with rather hot cheeks, unable to believe that you actually kissed a boy. And you didn't feel yucky at all! It actually felt really good kissing a boy, even if it was just a peck on the cheek.
Todoroki shook his head, looking somewhat bashful as his cheeks were still flushed. "Don't be... I liked it..." He said in a rare, shy voice as you couldn't fight the grin rising on your lips again. Although you had to keep your eyes on the movie too since you realized that you just missed a few things going on, but you found yourself placing your head on his left shoulder, which gradually grew warm as soon Todoroki felt your touch. He didn't hate it though, not at all.
"Happy Non-Valentine's Day... Shouto..." You softly said to him, calling him by his first name as a rather gory scene suddenly showed on the screen, but Todoroki couldn't help but smile.
"Happy Non-Valentine's Day... (Y/N)." He replied to you warmly. Now he understood what Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka meant.
And you finally had a good Valentine's Day! There was absolutely nothing yucky about hugging Todoroki at all, and you felt nothing but warmth towards this beautiful boy who looked at you like you were amazing. 'Best Valentine's Day of my life!!' You thought to yourself, snuggling into Todoroki's shoulder as he put his arm around you while the two of you happily watched yet another bloody scene roll by. Nothing says romance like watching a comedy-horror.
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lucarioisinthevoid · 6 years
*cracks neck* OKAY JERRY we're gonna perform a ritual to summon a portal to the void so i can ask henry what the FUCK the question mark tag bullshit is about. take this saltshaker and pour its on me while i balance this spoon on my nose. make sure to do it directly in the center of the pizzeria.
Henrywas standing up a bit straighter, confused. “What- what is happening? What arethey trying to do there?!”  “They are trying to open a portal to the void to ask you what the FUCK thequestionmark tag means!” “I got that far, thank you VERY much. I meant, WHY are they opening a portalfrom the restaurant, instead of coming here? They are ruining my plans! Aninterference like that, this amount of distortion near my machine will-““Maybe that is why they do it?” “No- NO, NO- I will NOT allow that-“ Angrily he moved forwards. “I have TAKENthe boy. I PUT him where the others were-“ Something seemed to snap in him. “The machine may not be stable, but I assureyou, I refuse to play along in this disgusting charade any longer. I am sick ofthis, I am sick of ALL of this! Of these nonsensical Anons! Of these emptyconversations! Of the fact that you are BREATHING! No more. I will break thisreality once and for all.” “U-Uh, Henry you-“ Ignoring the kid, he walked towards the machine, booting it up. “I havegathered so many soul fragments. Do you even UNDERSTAND how hard it is toextract souls out of things that shatter? Out of all those little passions- itwas work, too much work to have it all go to waste because of one foolish anon.What is there so hard to grasp? Jeremy. Jeremy ? Is it truly Jeremy? NO IT ISNOT. THAT WAS OBVIOUS! To be fair- it was probably… hm… 13%. Which is a goodbit, compared to the… others. But it took quite a toll on him, did it not? Itchanged him up a lot. He did a few favors for me… the Puppet is out, the PhoneGuy is out- I have PLANNED, I have CREATED and now it is supposed to be alldestroyed? No. I will take all of it with me.” “… I´m mildly concerned.” “Rightfully so.” The machine began blinking and beeping. “I have planned awhole finale. I have planned out a showdown. I have planned so many things andnow THIS anon…” He sighed. “Does not matter. Time to see what my work can do.” Reality tore.-
The spotlights lit up and wandered around, searching for the people screamingtheir lungs out, which was rather unnecessary, seeing as they were alreadyenhanced by the speakers at the sides. What came out was a rather unpleasantstatic mess.
“Wait, that’s not what we agreed to say-“ The spotlight found the two, Old Sport, who was wearing something close to asuit and Dave, in Springbonnie. Actually, that Springbonnie looked… patched up.They proceed to argue. “But Sportsy! You’re the main attraction!” “No, Dave, not everybody is-“Another Old Sport proceeded to walk on stage. “Excuse me, but what in the actual fuck-“A painful smashing sound was audible in the background, together withtrademarked swearing. “WHO IN THE ACTUAL FUCK DID PUT THE FUCKING LIGHTS OUT, ISWEAR TO GOD THIS PLACE IS A FUCKING SHITHOLE, THIS IS HELL-“ “Uh. Mike. I think we have a bigger problem then the, uh… lights.” A pause ensued after Phone Guy said that, followed by Mike’s reaction to the happenings on the stage.“OH FUCK NO.” “W-wait, was that another Phone Guy?” Phone Guy asked.“IF YOU’RE FUCKING WITH ME I WILL LITERALLY KILL YOU-“ Jeremy joined. “F-found the light switch! Everybody calm down!”All the lights turned back on and everyone was stunned. There were three clonesit seemed- a Phone Guy, an Orange Guy and a Purple Guy, all standing around, inblank terror.Lies, actually the Zombie-bunny was screaming. “TWO OLD SPORTS?! HOLY FUCKIN’SHIT! THIS IS INSANE! I AM IN HEAVEN!” This triggered the other Dave to protectively hold his Old Sport. “Back off, yafilthy copy! This one’s mine!” For a moment things calmed down, as nobody knew how to react. Until a new voice joined, voice only- Well, actually most of them knew, even if they haven’t heard it in decades. “Well, well, well. A universe rift thatapparently entailed multiple dimensions to be sucked in. How utterly predictable and boring.” Henry looked around, displeased beyond words. “No wonder it iswhat the kid went with.”To my defense, what else was I supposed to do?“Anything! Everything! Something!” With these words he managed to exclaim allhis distaste for this. Both Dave were just falling over, seemingly dead and while the Old Sport in suittried to help his partner, his counterpart froze up completely. The Phone Guys both let out some distressed beeping. This situation was toomuch. Mike scoffed. “Oh luck, it’s the pink-peach-mc-fuck-me-sideways.” At that Henry snapped up. “What did you just say?” “I said you’re a fucking piece of shit.” “Oh, I simply misunderstood.” Relaxing again, he inspected the corridors going off the mainarea closer. Endless, gaping hallways, so long you could only see blackness instead of anyend to it. “… at least it appears we will not have to walk into each other thatmuch. Apparently the places combined in regards to space too. What a relief.” “Oh, Mr. Miller!” Jeremy sounded glad, as he ran up to him. “You are alright!You made it! I knew you would, but- what… what happened w-while… n-not gonna lie, I was… it was scary…” How does this kid even still exist afterhaving his soul literally fractioned and partially banned into the void-But this wasn’t really worth thinking about. Not now, maybe later when he had settled in.Turning away, Henry proceeded to walk down the corridors, met with ever similarrooms, but not minding it. At least he had plenty of access to parts and robotsnow. It felt as if the rooms grew colder the further away he would go. “So. How do you think you can handle this? Did you even think for five minutesabout this event?” Softly he scoffed at nothing in particular. A bit, I guess?It’s… basically just that for a certain amount of time, people can ask for allsort of whacky AU shit and meetings! And if they don’t ask for anyone in particular, like they usually do, I just…send the anon to the normal crew. “This is unimaginable pointless and nonsensical.” Finally picking a room, some sort of office, hesat down in the comfortable chair and booted up the camera system. While theold computer was booting up, he went through the papers at the side. Hm. Complaints, bills, people begging to be let in again they swear they won’tyiff the fox after the first time it was a one time thing, and……… a list.
HenryWilliam/DavePhone GuysThe PuppetAnimatronicsDoggosFredbearEveryone who ever set foot into thisplace
… Henry turned, looking almost baffled. “You are completely and utterly serious?” Bold of you to assume you were the worst the multiverse had to offer. “You are implying I am even attempting in any way to be evil. Which isnonsense. It just happens to be perceived like that by clueless onlookers. So,indeed you are correct, if there is somewhat out there in the universe deliberately WANTING to be as evil as humanly possible…” Trailing off, he putthe paper away. “Thankfully, this will be fruitless. This isn’t a place to tella story. You know that perfectly well.”Maybe I want to have a bit dramatic potential for once. “Your askers are far more interested in sending copy pastas.”Well, if that makes them happy! But I still wanna play around with the idea. Atleast for a short bit. “Great. Another set of pointless events, right after the first one. How utterlyentertaining.” Oh, shut it, your existence is pointless. “Only because you are a bad creator.”I will call a magic anon to seal your lips for the next hundred asks. “I am thoroughly intimidated by that threat and plead with all my being. Imaginehow utterly horrifying it would be to have a valid excuse NOT to interact withanons. Please spare me.” Well, at least Jerry is back. Now somebody gotta reactivate the Marionette.
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ravenschmaven · 7 years
like, all of em??
because, if so
We open to poe dameron about to fuck up a ship called a dreadnought - which is HUGE - because the rest of the rebellion is trying to evacuate. he cals hux, pretends he has no signal, makes a yo mama joke then begins blowing up the surface guns so that the ship cant destroy the bombers who are on their way to smash the ship.
leia tells him not to do the thing, he ignores her, blows up all the guns, and summons the bombers, which are these huge bulky things which move at a snails pace while tiefighters and x-wings fight around them. all but one of the bombers blows up, and the last bomber is able to drop the payload because of an asian officer we later realise is rose’s sister. rose’s sister is one of the many who die, with about five x-wings making it back. The rebellion goes to warp, finn wakes up and asks ‘where’s rey’.
Rey is exactly where we left her. she gives the lightsaber to luke, who yeets it over the edge and goes ‘fuck that shit im out’. she annoys him into accepting that she isn’t moving, then she plays the chewie card, and chewbacca trashes the shit outta the place. luke finds out han is dead, and FINALLY gets his head oudda his ass. Wont teach rey tho because kylo ren is a punk bitch who ruins everything. We see flashes of a flashy wristwatch. luke mentions kylo being a shit and talks about what happened. apparently luke confronted him about the darkness and ren went batshit. r2d2 also swears at luke repeatedly for a few seconds.
somewhere between snoke spends like five minutes roasting kylo ren and calling him a shithead while dressed in a gold bathrobe. ‘you have too much of your father’s heart’. ren smashes his helmet against the lift (rude) and yells at two officers to get his ship ready. hux is peacocking around like an asshole.
 while that happens leia gives poe shit for going ahead with a mission that got people killed. Leia HITS POE. LIKE FUCKING SMACKS HIM. (rian post ur address i just wanna talk) and then demotes him for doin his job??? even tho he aint really doing his job. poe is mad as fuCK. Leia has another flashy wristwatch which is actually a tracking device so rey can find the rebellion. she gives it to finn.
We drop out of warp, and everybody is seemingly chill until the first order rocks up literally 30 seconds later, including snoke, who has his own ship like an asshole. People panic, the first order, including kylo ren, attacks, and blows up the launch bay, killing every pilot except poe and a few others, and the bridge, which holds all the generals including leia. leia uses the motherfucking force to fly through space, and makes it back to the ship. she falls into a coma, where vice-admiral/general/mauve murder baby takes charge. her idea of saving everyone is to use their remaining fuel supply to stay just out of range of their gunners, which gives them about 16 hours left.
finn wants to save rey’s life so tries to sneak out, but gets caught by rose, who’s sobbing over the loss of her sister because they dont even get time to MOURN YALL. rose sees him as a hero, then talks about how shes caught 3 deserters, then realises finn is kind-of-deserting, then stuns him. finn wakes up in a trolley and explains the situation (lack of fuel, we’re all gonna die, they tracked us through warp) and rose figures out how they could track the fleet through warp.
if finn leads rose to the weird tracking thingo, she can disable it and save the fleet. the dynamic duo go to poe, whos confused and is really trigger happy and i dont like it, but he agrees that its a good idea. They ask maz how to break in, she says shes busy, and tells them to find this gambler guy with a red flower pin at Space Vegas. the team keep the plan under wraps, with only poe, finn, rose, and a few other officers knowing about the trip. finn, rose and bb8 leave, finn having given poe the tracking device thingy to poe.
Back at it again on depression island and rey is attempting to annoy luke into teaching her. We see the weird tiddy creatures, chewy eats some porgs and rey connects with the force and finds the ancient jedi texts in a funky looking tree. lukes asks who she is and why shes here, she says shes scared of the awakening and has no idea what to do. luke decides to get his act together and teach her.
the day he goes to teach her, rey’s chillin in her room and has a vision of Space trash panda - aka kylo ren - rey calls him a shithead and ren is confused as to how they’re talking, then rey freaks out and shoots the illusion, much to the chagrin of the caretakers (who look like my grandmother). rey lies to luke when he asks about the hole in the wall.
jedi lesson number one is to reach out and feel the force. after telling luke that being a jedi is about moving rocks and breaking shit, and being called a dumbass, rey sits on a rock and shows off a shittonne of power, but also a rising dark side (the motif of this film seems to be that the stronger u get the stronger the good/evil bitchfight) which makes luke panic because ‘this was what ben was like!!!!!!!!!!!! oh no!!!!!!!!!!’ luke get ya head oudda yo ass. its also revealed that luke has shut himself away from the force somehow.
the dynamic duo is in space vegas (they illegally park on a beach) and are walking through the casino and looking for Rose Brooch Guy. rose hears a noise and recognises it as the noise of some funky lookin animal which they use to race. finn says this place is great and asks why rose hates it. rose shares her backstory as the daughter of people who lost so much under the first order. its implied that rose joined because of what happened on starkiller base. she also talks about how everyone here sells weapons to the first order and gets rich off of it. bb8 does his damn job and finds red flower guy, but they get arrested for illegally parking the shuttle on the beach and dont get a chance to talk to the guy, whos gambling with two women on his arm.
one of the support ships runs out of fuel and gets exploded. I think its the medical one first. doesnt matter shit explodes and nobody cares.
JEDI LESSON #2: the jedi suck shit. the jedi are failures and luke keeps talking about it. talks about how he failed kylo ren. rey goes that there seems to be a light inside him (ew) somewhere near here. somewhere throughout the film are a few more force-vision things. one when its raining on Jedi island, one when Ren has no shirt (he looks like a ken doll) and another (the final one) when ren talks about his perspective of that night when luke confronted him.
rose and finn get thrown in space vegas prison, and are angrily yelling abt the problems with their plan when their roommate says ‘hey yeah i can break into a maximum security first order vessel’ then subsequently breaks out of prison. while rose and finn escape, bb8 bashes a few guards over the head and kicks ass.
Rose and Finn end up in the stables of those weird elephant-horse-camel creatures, and start a stampede with the help of the child slaves stable hands by using rose’s secret rebellion ring to prove theyre good guys. the animals seem to have a connection w/rose so i guess shes incredible. the dynamic duo are trapped between a clifface and the cops, and there’s a second where the pair say their ‘goodbye’s before a ship pops up with bb8 at the door going ‘get in bitch we’re going shopping!!!’ with the thief guy from before.
uuuh i think this is where support ship #2 goes because poe picks another fight saying that the new leader is running away and being a coward. she kicks him off the bridge.
rey explores the upside down dark force place on her own, and asks the dark force to show her her parents (I shit u not) it doesnt work and she tells this to kylo’s weirdass force ghost as she sits next to a fire. rey pleads w/ kylo to join the light one last time, and holds out her hand. fingertips touch and then luke fuckin rips the hut to shreds with the force. rey and luke fight, rey continuously pushing for the truth and luke confesses to, for a second, wanting to kill ren, and it was that second of weakness that led to all of this. rey thinks that ren can be saved and fucks off to Snoke’s Party Palace, where ren currently is. She takes the falcon and leaves luke behind.
poe starts a fight with the new leader while leia’s in a coma as the rebels abandon ship for the escape pods. he takes over and locks himself in the bridge to buy finn and rose more time. finn and rose have to barter with the codebreaker by giving him the only piece of her sister rose has left (a matching pendant with huge yin-yang vibes). finn calls him an asshole. the ship that they’re flying on belongs to somebody who sold weapons to both the first order and the resistance.
rey gets chewie to drop her off @ the Party Palace and is immediately captured by Ren and gets brought to Snoke. Snoke - still in the bathrobe - is pleased and brags about how his master plan is brilliant. turns out hes the reason there was a connection between them, AND the reason for the raging struggle in kylo ren. this bitch then fucking starts torturing rey for into on where the fuck luke is, rey aint a snitch so doesn’t say shit, but makes a few attempts at killing snoke. 
finn, rose, bb8, and randomass thief guy sneak onto the ship and wear disguises (including bb8, who is in an upside down trash can) to get to the tracking device thingy. however, bb8 is very unusual and attracts the attention of the first order version. thief guy uses rose’s necklace to crack open the lock, then gives it back. aww. but then they get caught by first order just as rose is about to break the tracker. not so aww. captain phasma shows up and finn is ready to start swinging.
poe’s locked down the bridge, and c3p0 is being a whiny shit and starts panicking when somebody starts lasering the door down. poe gets ready to shoot a bitch, but hesitates when he sees that it’s Our Lady and Saviour Leia. she, however, doesn’t hesitate and shoots him w/ something that causes him to go flying and knocks him out (???????)
on the rebellion ship, leia is talking to purple-hair lady - poe is being lifted into a shuttle - when purple-hair lady reveals that she’s going down w/ the ship so that the shuttles can escape. they say may the force be w/ u and leia looks longingly out the window @ her not-gf. poe wakes up, and leia explains the Master Plan. purple-hair lady knew about the tracking and had them rock up to this particular place because there’s a whole fucking planet nobody talks about that used to be a base.
rose and finn have been captured and are paraded thru the loading dock. the codebreaker sold information to the first order about the shuttles, and the ship begins firing on the shuttles.
WE INTERRUPT YOUR REGULAR SPACE FIGHT FOR SOME ANGSTY ISLAND BOI. luke goes to torch the tree where the jedi books are kept when yoda shows up (really bitch), asks wtf hes doing, then sets fire to the tree himself. theres some weirdass yoda speak of which i understood none of it but was about how failures are good teachers too (what is this motivational speaker month)
and back at it again at space fight the musical
Snoke’s still throwing rey around, then pushes her against a window so she can see the rebellion dying. he takes her/luke’s lightsaber, places it next to him, then tells kylo ren to kill her. snoke is revelling in rey being helpless, and starts monologuing kylo’s actions. ‘he turns the blade to face his true enemy’ luke’s blade shofts so it faces snoke ‘and slays his true enemy!’ a schwing, and snoke is literally a kebab. ren uses the force to DRAG THE LIGHT SABER THROUGH SNOKES FUCKIN ABDOMEN, CUTTING THAT PASTY BOI IN HALF. he gives it to rey, and then they fight snoke’s guards. its cool, there’s some teamwork, rey throws somebody in an oversized paper shredder. ren uses luke’s light saber at the end.
purple-hair lady sees that they’re going after her people and does possibly the coolest thing i’ve ever seen: she points the ship directly @ the bigass ship, and warps THROUGH IT. because there’s so little fuel, she doesn’t make it to actuasl warp, but is going fast enough that its an incredible battering ram which rips apart the ship, saving the lives of finn and rose, who are about to be executed. 
the floor breaks and they’re about to get outta there when phasma’s squad rocks up. one of the first order machines takes out most of the stormtroopers, and the pilot turns out to be bb8 (yeah, dont worry, rose and finn are confused too), and he distracts them as finn and phasma face off. the floor collapses and phasma falls in. byeeeeeee
rey and ren have won, everythings on fire, and ren decides that the best way to get a girl to join your side of the moral spectrum is to tell her that her parents are drunkards buried in paupers graves (damn, all those amazing lineage theories and they go with randomass power………… sad) and that the past should burn, the rebellion should die, all of it. he holds out his hand, and rey holds out hers SIKE shes taking the lightsaber and they’re basically standing there using the force when, really, some dumbass could just, yknow, GRAB IT. they are so ~evenly matched~ that luke’s lightsaber cracks down the middle, exploding and knocking them out.
NOW WERE GOING TO THE PLANET THINGY (god it never ends) where finn and rose make a dashing entrance and are almost killed because its a first order ship but poe hears them and calls off the gunfire (then immediately asks ‘WHERES MY DROID’ and honestly? i love). theyre surrounded by not-pokemon evolutions which are better than porgs. the rebellion gets a message sent to their allies (none answer. god thats worse than a groupchat) and then realises they’re sitting ducks because there’s one way into this base on the schematics and the first order is fuckin knocking.
hux finds ren on the floor, who blames rey for the death of snoke (bitchassliar) and claims the title of supreme leader, then goes after the rebellion. the first order has super polished weapons and the rebellion only has skimmers, which are the fancy version of skateboards with nerf guns like they are severely fucked. the first order also has a gun which they use as a battering ram.
when ren sends tie fighters out there, rey and chewie swoop in on the flacon and smash all of em (bless). the ground fire, however, gets almost all the skimmers. poe orders a fall-back, but finn doesn’t listen and goes straight for the cannon, a la poe at the beginning. rose, however, swoops in last second and stops him. when finn asks why, she says that the rebellion will win by saving what they love. she KISSES HIM. then falls into a coma.
all hope is lost until the OG BITCH, THE ONE THE ONLY LUKE SKYWALKER IN THE HOUUUUUUUUSE enters like its nbd. He holds leia, kisses her forehead, gives her a trinket from the falcon (two lil gold dice which i honestly thought were dreidels), then goes ‘bitch i got this’ and just stands in the middle of the battlefield doing the equivalent of the middle finger at ren, who loses it. hux tells him to #chill, and when its revealed that luke survived all that firepower, ren goes down to do it himself.
finn wants to step in, but poe realises its a distraction, and notices that the sparkly bois arent here, so there must be a natural exit somewhere. up above, rey is using the tracker to try and find them. 
outside, we figure out that ren is still a punk bitch and gets beaten by luke repeatedly. luke apologises for letting him down. ren goes on about destroying everything. luke calls him a dumbass. talks about rey being the next Jedi.
the rebels find the exit, but, lo behold, its covered in rocks. what does rey do like a fucking badass? move the damn ass rocks. FINNREY REUNION BITCHES. its cute. its v cute. theres a hug.
ren goes in for the kill. luke doesnt die. he stabs luke in the goddamn chest. luke is ACTUALLY A FORCE PROJECTION SIKE BITCH. luke fades away as the rebels escape on the falcon. the remains of whatever weirdass connection remainging between rey and kylo ignite one last time, but rey literally shuts the falcon door in his face (fuck that bitch)
the first order storm the empty base, hux is bein slim shady as fuck, ren finds the not-dreidels on the ground, which flicker out too.
cut to jedi island! luke is watching the sun go down, he smiles, cut to leia and rey pulling a face, and BAM Luke dies. hes gone. poof. his outfit blows away in the wind.
poe and rey FINALLY meet. ‘im poe dameron’ ‘im rey’ ‘i know’ finn is looking after rose (when finn grabs a cloth you can see the jedi books in the same drawer), and starin right @ her. leia sits next to rey, and they talk about luke dying. it’s not a sad death, rey says, but a peaceful one. it was his time, leia goes on. rey looks around at the twenty ish people who make up the rebellion now, and goes ‘how tf do we do this now’
CUT TO slave animal trainer baby in Space Vegas. kid has the ring and looks up at the stars. is holding a broom like a lightsaber as leia talks about hope as a spark which is slowly growing.
cut back to group shot from inside the falcon.
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When I was around 23, I starting going out with this guy, he was cool, kind of an artist and really attractive. In the beginning he told how he had broken up with his girlfriend cuz she was so boring and they're always fighting, with tears in his eyes confesses to me how he slapped her and how sorry he was for doing that and said how difficult it was to open like that with me. Time pass, so he introduced me to his friends, family, etc. (1/8)(Could u paste alltogether? Please! I wanna share this)
Everything was alright for a couple of months until one day I find out he was going out with other girls, when I confront him he "explained" to me "I never told you we're boyfriend and girlfriend, I'm just being honest". And there I was, now competing with the other girls for him - I know, so pathetic but my self esteem was at its lowest at that time - After that he started mistreating me, arriving late to our dates, yelling at me for everything and not wanting to use condoms. (2/8)
It was thanks to a friend that I was able to leave him, you know? Finally, I left him - he always tells people how he dumped me, agh! - but at the time I didn't delete some of the photos where we were together, until one day I received a notification from a comment on one of those pics "WHORE" it said, and then a big inbox. It was his first girlfriend, "THE REAL GIRLFRIEND", the one he slapped on the face and keep always telling people how they just broke up. (3/8)
She wrote me that what was I thinking trying to steal his man, how evil I was to think I was even at his level, that she was 4 months pregnant - 4 MONTHS PREGNANT, SHE WAS ALREADY PREGNANT BEFORE WE BROKE UP!!! - and that nothing will ever tear them apart, she was 20. I was in shock but I just replied with a SMILEY FACE cuz it wasn't just me who was living on a lie all this time and I was free!!! (4/8)
Weeks, months, years passed and one night I met this girl at a bar, one of the girls I was "competing" with, she was actually really nice so we started having some drinks until she points in one corner, it was him, with other girl, way younger than us - now I'm 26 - and she told me how he and THE REAL GIRLFRIEND just had their second baby, shows me their Facebook and the pics of the new baby, (5/8)
she starts telling me how the REAL GIRLFRIEND keeps sending her hate emails and messages calling her SLUT and asking her to stop seeing him all paranoid. This girl, THE REAL GIRLFRIEND, seems very happy in every picture with him and the baby, having "married" on her FB status and always condoning his behavior claiming how women are always going after him but he only has eyes for her and his babies, (6/8)
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nspx · 8 years
Tumblr user Nina nspx’s star wars fic rec vol. 2
An anon asked me for an ahsoka/anakin fic rec and i accidentally deleted the ask (i’m dumb!!) BUT because i love ahsoka and i love anakin and i love their relationship and how they helped each other, i’m gonna do a completely separate fic rec for the anon (i hope u see this lmao sorry for deleting the ask). 
but anyway, since the last time i did a rec i had 22 bookmarks on ao3 (i did the last one on october 19th 2015?? how time flies) and now i have like 80+, i decided to do much more than just an anakin/ahsoka rec, but a general star wars fic res
DISCLAIMER: none of these fics feature anakin/ahsoka in a sexual relationship because i am Not About That BUT they do feature other pairings. anyhow. 
These are fics u need to read. need to. sorry, i don’t make the rules. this is gonna be so long. i’m sorry (not)
A River Flowing by Barkour
A shadow has left the force, but other threats remain as Padmé and Anakin prepare for the birth of their child.
Part 2 of Peachy
The only issue i have with this fic is that it hasn’t been updated in forever. It’s so good tho!! i’m pretty sure i read this one at least four times. anakin doesn’t go evil (which is something the anon asked for!! here u go) but not everything is perfect - duh, it is a star wars fic, we don’t know what happiness is here - and AHSOKA IS SO WELL WRITTEN!! so good. it also dives into life after the jedi, being a civilian, being dirt-poor and living on coruscant and ALSO!! padme/ahsoka is well developed in this. so good. so great. 10/10 must read
Assassination Attempt No. 23 by pieandsouffle
Tatooine's only senator (or, indeed, one of the only people from that desert planet who is capable of reading and writing, or actually understands what the word 'politics' means), Anakin Skywalker, seems to be one of those rare individuals who attract bounty hunters like flies zero in on a bantha corpse.
The senator!anakin au. what more do u need in life? shenanigans ensue
Old Shadows by Sildae for Windona
Ahsoka asks Anakin about his past after the events on Kadavo and Zygerria.
My babies. My poor heart. 
Obi-Wan and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad (Life) Day by wreckageofstars
It's Obi-Wan Kenobi's life day, but good luck telling the galaxy that.
Anakin and Ahsoka are little shits. obi wan and padme are drinking buddies?? sign me the fuck up. the end
hold on to me, 'cause i'm a little unsteady (ws!obi-wan au) by QueenWithABeeThrone
the one where Obi-wan falls off a ship and gets the Winter Soldier treatment, Anakin doesn't fall to the Dark Side but still loses his limbs, Ahsoka can fly with a one-of-a-kind wing-pack, and Padmé gives birth to twins and a Rebellion.
angels choking on their haloes QueenWithABeeThrone
Anakin hadn’t been lying, when he said he could never kill Obi-wan like he was being asked to, no matter what Obi-wan’s become.
or: Mustafar, in reverse.
Part 1 of hold on to me, 'cause i'm a little unsteady (ws!obi-wan au)
GO READ THIS. it’s unfinished (hasn’t been updated since early 2016, i weep) BUT. still worth a read. really worth it. the second part of this verse ends on the nastiest, most delicious cliffhanger. I WEEP
and hey, a honorary mention, since i haven’t actually read this fic but it was in my ao3 history 
Perturbations by the_dragongirl
Anakin makes a different choice, the day Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order. His actions will determine which of the many possible points of balance in the Force will become the new equilibrium
Part 1 of A Shift in Equilibrium
this has a lot of kudos so?? what the hell. give it a read and tell me what you think
this is it for the anakin/ahsoka part of the rec
Fundamental Force Carriers by tanarill
The Sith Lord Darth Vader lived his life. He probably didn't live it well, but he lived it as well as he knew how. At the end there, he'd even managed to woman up and kill Sidious. But he was dying, and at peace with the past.
The past wasn't at peace with him.
Part 1 of Probability Matrices
honestly, this fic is just SU CH a delight. it’s well written, it’s got some real cool science facts for your everyday nerd needs BUT IT’S ALSO THE CRACKIEST CRACKFIC TO EVER CRACK. like. vader dies and goes back in time and he’s got 0 fucks to give about the jedi’s opinion?? he’s here to make things right whether the jedi like it or not??? such a funny, amazing fic. 12/10 on this. nice. 
Echoes of Mortis by wreckageofstars
Post-Mortis Arc AU. In a universe where the Father failed to take away Anakin's vision of the future, the Hero With No Fear struggles with the knowledge of what he will become and the knowledge of who, exactly, is responsible. Drastic steps are taken and in the process things go a little bit...sideways.
tbh. so good. also a post-mortic fic (i’m a hoe for mortis). i won’t say too much about this one because i don’t want to spoil anything. i was on the edge of my seat while reading this fic AT ALL TIMES. AT ALL TIMES. I HAD TO READ THE LAST CHAPTER BEFORE READING ON TO MAKE SURE ANAKIN WOULDN’T GO ALL EVIL. i was so pleasantly surprised. it’s just so - poetic. anakin really does a lot of growing in this, i think. brilliant fic 
those immortal dead by notbecauseofvictories
I care more for that long age which I shall never see than for the little of Time that I hold
Padmé Amidala is forgotten, not gone.
This is a five times padme amidala’s legacy lived on, basically. it’s got poe in it as well!! and rey, my daughter. what more do you need from a fic? so well written, so poignant, so beautiful
Palpatine Ad Portas by izzythehutt
When the Emperor Palpatine moves the Empire Day Celebration to Naboo, Darth Vader is forced to confront a past he had thought better buried and forgotten. Admiral Piett becomes the reluctant confidante of the monarch, caught in the middle of a deadly Sith cat-and-mouse mind game. Meanwhile, the young Rebel who blew up the Death Star returns to his mother's home world to pay his respects on the anniversary of her death--unaware of his father and the Emperor's presence on the planet and the very grave danger he is in.
Part 2 of In Loco Pirates-Verse
fucked me up really bad, tbh. vader goes to naboo. luke is there. it’s brilliant, but so painful. read at your own risk (but do read it)
Hello From the Other Side by DarthNickels
Kylo Ren is destined to take up the mantle of Vader. The Force can be incredibly literal.
MY FAVOURITE IMPERIAL OFFICER PIETT IS IN THIS!!! and he hates kylo so much, he thinks he’s such a pale imitation of vader, he’s so disgusted by him. i live for it. 10/10
The Sith Who Brought Life Day by ophelia_interrupted for Binder-lover
An Imperial officer loses a bet and has to get Darth Vader a present for Life Day.
i feel like this is such a star wars fic classic that everyone’s already read ages ago except me. the style on this feels really like. (don’t judge me if i’m way off on this lmao) catcher in the rye. reminds me old american classics. that type of feel. it’s so good!!
Into the Archives by skygawker
After hearing the legend of Darth Plagueis the Wise from Palpatine, Anakin decides that his best chance to save Padme is to break into the restricted Holocron Vault of the Temple Archives to search for information about Plagueis. Predictably, all does not go according to plan. Revenge of the Sith AU.
My tiny son anakin is such a mess in this. and you can tell this is au because anakin and obi wan actually talk about anakin’s feelings?? what?? what are those?? anyway. so good. it hasn’t been updated since feb 2016 but like?? my fics havent been since july 2015. figures
for a hundred miles through the desert by wreckageofstars
[“There's no water, on Tatooine,” Luke said finally. “I mean, no large bodies of water, like you have on other planets. Pools, lakes. Oceans.”
“Well, yeah,” Han said, eyebrow raised at the sudden change of subject, tone still sharper than he meant for it to be. “Place is a dustball. So?”
The kid still wouldn't look at him.
“So,” he said, face carefully blank, like it so often was these days, “I never learned how to swim.”]
Han has a hard time coming to terms with Luke's fall to the dark side during Dark Empire; so does Luke. 
This is some serious EU shit, but it’s pretty good on its own as an AU scenario. I LOVE the meta on this. love
and rise, rise in the desert sand by hollytrees
Padmé and Anakin keep in touch after TPM.
(Or, the author has started writing Fialleril's Pen Pals AU, possibly because they hate themselves.)
THIS ONE IS SO PAINFUL AND HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL!! it’s got one chapter but it’s so worth it
Never Heed by dogmatix, norcumi
The Sith Emperor is dead.
A clone visits one more pyre in his long life.
Part 4 of Ghosts of 66
This is Rex coming to Vader’s pyre. fuck mE UP. like HONESTLY. THERE’S ONE BIT IN THIS THAT MAKES ME WANNA CURL UP AND CRY EVERY TIME. actually two bits. three bits. the whole damn story. anyhow
Mercy is the Mighties' Jewel by akathecentimetre for TheCrackedKatana
They've chased each other all over the world - yet somehow, they will always end up here. Modern-day spy!AU with illustration by JakartaInn.
The Obi-wan and Ventress spy au of your dreams. what more do i need to say?
to lie with your soul in the grave by plinys
Poe casts a glance at the door, he can see their mothers through the semi-transparent glass, it’s too quiet to hear them talk, but he knows whatever it is it can’t be good. The kid sitting next to him seems to have the same idea.
“So, who talks first?” Poe says, breaking the silence between them.
Tbh.. don’t judge but when tfa came out i liked kylo (i’m more.. conflicted about him now) and i read a lot of kylo fic in that time period. i was never a reylo, so i read a lot of other kylo fic, which was mostly either kyhux or kylo/poe WHICH THIS FIC IS ABOUT. THEY KNEW EACH OTHER GROWING UP. THEY WERE IN LOVE. all i remember from this fic is that it’s so well written. give it a read if you’re into this sort of thing
I read like three more kylo/poe fics that are also very good, so. anyway. here goes
saying that I love him but I know I'm gonna leave him byselenedaydreams
“This could be us one day.” Poe whispers half to himself as he finally turns towards Ben, finding a curious expression on his face. “This could be us.” He repeats, this time with more excitement. “You and me. Pilot and copilot. Traveling the universe together.”
Poe has never seen Ben smile at him the way he’s smiling now but Ben’s reaching for his hand and lacing their fingers together so it must be good. “Together.”
Lost To Me by red0aktree
Poe met Ben Solo when he was too young to even know what it meant to meet someone.
Poe met Kylo Ren years later.
Separating the prince of the First Order from the boy he grew up with proves more difficult than the pilot could ever imagine.
Melting Away by SF2187
Before he was Kylo Ren, he was in love with the best pilot in the Republic.
what i like about these fics is that (from what i remember) they don’t erase the fact that kylo is a raging asshole now. nice
excavate me (from all the girls I've tried to be) by Shadows_of_a_Dream
“Rise, Skywalker.”
“I told you,” Rey hisses through gritted teeth. “He’s gone.” Like everyone else. Like all the girls I’ve tried to be. Like all the girls I might have yet become, because I’m going to die alone on this unknown sea.
The mask returns his lightsaber to his belt. And like a crashing wave, like a renewed flame, like the weight of a planet falling squarely upon her shoulders, the mask looks at her and says, “I was talking to you.”
Part 1 of I never asked to tread the skies (but if I shall, I suppose I'll fly)
This one is so... intense. so intense. and so good. 20/10
need somewhere to begin by doubtthestars
Anthology of the War
1//The first time she officially meets Poe, she divulges secrets that aren't hers to tell. 2// If he had been born in any other family, Ben Solo would have been a soldier. 3// When she sees Rey, Leia only has a brief moment to reflect on all of their wrongs.
Read. That is all.
Trial by nymja
Kylo Ren kneels in the snow before her.
“Do it,” he demands.
Rey breathes in through her nose. Her hands are shaking. Her blade starts to burn the skin of his exposed neck. Do it for Han.
Luke takes Rey to face The Cave.
Part 4 of Do or Do Not
So cool.
Lessons Learned by nymja
“You’re never going to get anywhere if you don’t learn patience, first.”
“I’m the strongest knight here!”
The Jedi looks around the room, eyeing the skull of his grandfather with pointed distaste. “Yes, well. Good work.”
Part 1 of The Sad Grandpa Trilogy
Forceghost!obi-wan is so disappointed in kylo. it’s great. READ THE WHOLE SERIES BECAUSE IT’S GOLD!! it’s so good!! the next one is about rey and forceghost!anakin in the desert and that fic is so interesting because in it, anakin isn’t really as much of a grandfather figure as he is a friend figure and one of his corporeal forms is a warning to rey. like a mirror in the force (to her, to ren, it’s so brilliant). honestly i could talk forever about the next fic in this series because anakin is SO WELL WRITTEN. SO WELL WRITTEN. 
tbh @fialleril​‘s Double Agent Vader verse gets the biggest shoutout (love u fia you’re my inspiration) for sheer amazingness. i won’t list any of the fics in the verse because u need to read all of them. yes, all of them. get to it
ACTUALLY. you should read all of fia’s work. all of it. (on the offchance that fia actually reads this, i can’t wait for anabasis i am so pumped)
ALSO!! another must read is @phil-the-stone‘s pocket full of sand 'verse. it’s such an Iconic piece of star wars fanfiction!! like bye, everyone needs to read this
ALSO another one of hers because?? why not. nursery ‘verse!!! i’m so heart eyes over nursery verse. i’m forever flattered because some of my headcanons are in this!! best thing i’ve ever done. (phil writes mostly b99 and ouat now, but still check it out, her writing is so good)
other fandom must-read authors include:
irnan (all of their work, i’m not kidding, writer goals)
frodogenic (they wrote darth vader’s limplet and other hilarious fics, honestly, star wars humor at its finest)
a bunch of others, though you might find more in my previous rec 
Now. Since we’ve come to the end of this ridiculously long rec, it’s time for me to shamelessly plug my own blog. you can find more tumblr fic in my tag here, you can find my writing here and on ao3 *whispers* leave me a comment, you can find my bookmarks here (and find fics i did not include that are also very good)
have fun reading!!
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