heresmyfiddlestick · 2 years
#gill!master: 20+ tumblr posts; 3 works on AO3
#walsh!master: 1 tumblr post; 0 works on AO3
#cole!master: 1 tumblr post; 0 works on AO3
#lucas!master: 0 tumblr posts; 0 works on AO3
#mackie!master: 0 tumblr posts; 0 works on AO3
#coleman!master: 9 tumblr posts (including #jenna!master and clara!master); 0 works on AO3
#darvill!master: 6 tumblr posts; 9 works on AO3 (under “Rory Williams is the Master” and “Time Master Rory”)
#gillan!master: 1 tumblr post (it me); 0 works on AO3
#tate!master: 5 tumblr posts; 0 works on AO3
#agyeman!master: 1 tumblr post (#martha!master); 0 works on AO3
#piper!master: 0 tumblr posts; 2 works on AO3 (under “Rose Tyler is the Master”)
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tonsillessscum · 6 months
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mizgnomer · 3 months
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Crowley vs. The Tenth Doctor - Parallels Good Omens Season 2 - Part 4
Season Two’s [ Part One ] [ Part Two ] [ Part Three ] Season One’s [ Part One ] [ Part Two ]
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stuckwithyounotsobad · 6 months
so much of season 3 is about grief (the loss of Rose, Martha bringing up losing her cousin in Smith and Jones, Joan being a widow, The Master coming back and the Doctor having deal with the fall out of being the last of their kind again, Sally in Blink)
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haredjarris · 5 months
Super specific poll time.
Feel free to add propaganda in the tags and reblogs. I would but I'm lazy. And also I don't wanna start crying.
Edit: I meant to set this longer than a day, damnit. Might do it again if this one doesn't get many votes.
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casasupernovas · 11 months
this is the funniest thing doctor who confidential has ever done.
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too-funky · 1 year
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Tenth Doctor | Last of the Time Lords
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Fun fact: this was David's favourite scene from his original tenure.
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rambleonwithrosie · 1 year
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Okay fellow whovians...
I am rewatching 10 and maybe I've forgotten or maybe I just found a plot hole. But inH the Lazarus Experiment episode in Season 3 Martha's mom Francine leaves that famous frantic voicemail at the end warning her daughter that the Doctor isn't safe and explaining she has it on authority from Mr Saxon himself... so here's my question.
Why is The Master trying to stop Martha from traveling with the Doctor by using her mum? Like surely he has to realize if Martha isn't with the Doctor then there's a good chance he never gets freed from his watch and stays Professor Yana stuck at the end of time looking for Utopia. Like... am I missing something here or is the Master literally so blind in his hatred of the Doctor that he'd fuck his own timeline up just to inconvenience him by having him lose his companion?
I'm having a little Whovian crisis over here send help!
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s-h-a-s-e · 8 months
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the natural habitat of the TARDIS according to this selection of pictures:
the streets
back alleys
cupboards/storage units
[1] [2] [3] [4.1] [4.2] [5] [6.1] [6.2] [7] [8] [9.1] [9.2] [10.1] [10.3] [10.4] [11.1] [11.2] [11.3] [11.4] [11.5] [12.1] [12.2] [12.3] [12.4] [13.1] [13.2] [13.3] [14] [15.1]
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tonsillessscum · 4 months
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yeti-zeus · 10 months
just so folks know if you watch the S3 finale of doctor who on HBO they have cut the Masters dance scene for some reason? its the only scene thats missing, im going to guess music rights issues but pirate the episode if you want the whole thing
@deathdefyinggarlic (tagging you cause I would guess you would want to know)
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justahumblememefarmer · 9 months
Ultimate Doctor Who Poll Round 2 - Matchup 17
Episode Summaries under the cut
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10: The End of Time Part One/Two - 2009 Christmas/New Years Special: The Doctor is summoned by the Ood, who give him a vision of the Master returning and the End of Time. The Doctor rushes to the TARDIS to get to the past, but is too late as a ritual is completed to revive the Master, which destroys the building in the process. When the Doctor lands he is found by Wilfred Mott, his former companion Donna's grandfather. They chat, but the Doctor goes off to find the Master, and searches his mind for the sound of drums beating, which has driven him to insanity. He's gleeful to discover that the sound is real, but is soon captured by a billionaire's men and taken back to his mansion. The Doctor and Wilf follow in the TARDIS.
The billionaire has the Master work on a medical device that he believes can bring immortality. The Doctor discovers two aliens that were the original owners of the device working in secret at the mansion. They share that the device actually heals whole planets at a time by distributing a healthy genetic template across an entire population. The Doctor runs to stop the Master, but he has already escaped and entered the device, transmitting a signal to turn every human on the planet into himself. The Doctor is able to protect Wilf from this.
Elsewhere, the Time Lords of Gallifrey are working to stop the Time War by implanting a signal in the Masters head as a child, the drum beats. They send a diamond to Earth in order to make the link physical. The Doctor is rescued by the aliens from before, who teleport themselves, the Doctor, and Wilf to their ship in Earth's orbit. The Master, and all his clones, use their combined focus on the drumbeats, allowing the diamond to come through. The Master gloats about this and the Doctor realizes he plans to bring the Time Lords back.
He flies the ship down to Earth, he crashes into the room where the Master has brought back the heads of the Time Lord council. Lord President Rassilon reverses the Master's transformation of all of the humans, and begins to summon Gallifrey into space next to the Earth, which the Doctor warns will bring all the horrors of war with it. Wilf returns to the Doctor and rescues a worker trapped in a control booth, trapping himself in the process. Rassilon also reveals his plan to destroy time itself, allowing Time Lords to ascend to a state of higher consciousness.
The Doctor shoots the machine creating a link, sending the Time Lords back to the war. Rassilon aims to kill the Doctor, but the Master gets in the way, attacking Rassilon and going back to Gallifrey with them. The Doctor is surprised to be alive, after a prophecy he'd received said his death would be after "he will knock 4 times" which he'd assumed was about the drum beats in the Master's head. As he lies there, relieved, Wilf knocks on the door of the control room 4 times. The Doctor realizes it is about to flood with radiation, which would kill Wilf. The only way to save him is to take on the radiation himself. He laments losing his life to save his friend, but does it, which kickstarts his regeneration.
The Doctor goes on a tour visiting his former companions. He saves Martha Jones and Mickey Smith from a Sontaran. He saves Sarah Jane Smith's son Luke from getting hit by a car. He sets up Captain Jack Harkness with another man. He visits a book signing of the great-granddaughter of a woman he fell in love with when he turned himself human. He shows up at Donna's wedding, where he leaves a lottery ticket as a present for her. He finally stops at Rose's flat, on New Year's Day before she first met him. He then walks to his TARDIS and regenerates.
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138: Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks - Season 3, Episodes 4 & 5: The Doctor and Martha land in 1930's New York City, where people from a homeless encampment have been going missing. Meanwhile construction of the Empire State Building is being overseen by Daleks from a Dalek cult the Doctor had encountered before. The Doctor discovers that the Daleks have been experimenting on humans. Those they deem to be low-intelligence are turned into slaves mixed with pig dna. Those with high-intelligence are selected to be turned into Dalek-Human hybrids.
The leader of the cult agrees to turn himself into a hybrid to test the experiment. His newfound humanity makes him believe that the Daleks can change their ways and he asks for the Daleks help in creating the hybrids with even more humanity. The other full Daleks turn on him and a fight breaks out between them and their experiments. The hybrid Dalek and all their experiments are killed, as well as 2 of the three full Daleks. The last Dalek escapes using an emergency temporal shift.
(Beat 119: Orphan 55 in Round 1)
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doctorwho-rewatch · 11 months
S3E11 - Utopia
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You. Are. Not. Alone.
The reveal of the Master in this episode was flawless. That scene actually gave me chills. It felt like the Tom Marvolo Riddle = I am Lord Voldemort reveal from Harry Potter. Jaw-droppingly clever.
This episode is the first in the 3-parter series finale but given how bonkers and great this episode was, I think it deserves its own post.
To re-introduce the Master is a monumental step forward for this revived series and I think this episode set it up and executed it brilliantly. The Doctor, Martha and Captain Jack (Jack's back!) meet Professor Yana who is singlehandledly trying to help the last human refuge travel to Utopia and escape the cannibalistic FutureKind. He thinks he's going crazy, hearing that repeating drumbeat in his head...
The threads of this series start to tie together. The Face of Boe's last words. The fob watch belonging to Professor Yana who, much like John Smith, can't quite remember why he has it...
Derek Jacobi's Master is angry, but restrained. He also looks exactly like my old boss which felt a bit uncomfortably too real for me...But when he is fatally shot by ChanTho and stumbles into the TARDIS to regenerate, the young rejuvenated Master we end up with is fucking unhinged. Bonkers.
The rest of the plot took a backseat to this reveal so I don't have many thoughts on it. The tete-a-tete between Jack and the Doctor reminiscing on Bad Wolf re-opened old wounds. But this episode deserves all its stars for how it handled the Master reveal. It sets up a fantastic showdown between the Master and the Doctor for the series finale. Bring it on.
QUOTE: "Might I ask what species are you?" "Time Lord. Last of. Heard of them? Legend? Heard of them? Not even a myth? Blimey, end of the universe is a bit humbling."
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