#those are someone elses. i know i made the skin tone very similar sorry ab that
milommid · 9 months
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entishramblings · 4 years
It’s Not That Bad [Legolas X Reader]
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A.N: I’m so sorry I have not been writing as often. I’ve had zero time. But anyWaYS...here is a fic that has been requested by someone who has always been into my writing so thank you for supporting me and here is a fic for you! Additionally, I did some research on herbs and stuff so I could make this at least a little accurate!
Request: @quilledinkpen — Hellooo i hope you're having a good day ^-^ I was wondering if I could request a Legolas x reader? Something like she's travelling with the fellowship and is kinda the unspoken "mom" of the group, like she's always doing her best to make sure everyone's safe, and reminding Pippin and Merry to be careful and stuff like that. Just an all-around motherly person lol (mainly to the Hobbits bc they're her babies but she looks after the other guys too) I think it'd be cute ^^ Thank you!
Pairing: Legolas X Reader
Summary: (Y/N), a healer, travels with the fellowship. She takes care of everyone and is basically “the mom friend.”
Word Count: 2, 510
Warnings: battle wounds that are kinda graphicish?
(gif not mine)
(Y/N) was a well known healer throughout all of Arda. Many traveled to her for treatment for life threatening ailments. But now, now it was her time to travel throughout the lands of Middle Earth in search of a salvation for all. A gruesome quest to destroy the evil ring of power had begun and someone well versed in natural apothecary was needed. (Y/N), of course, volunteered for this role for there was no one better suited than her. Besides, it was her duty to contribute to the survival of this world as she was one in it and relied heavily on what the earth produced. And if Sauron was to rule.....well, we all know where that would lead: no earth, no life, just darkness.
(Y/N) ruffled through her dark-brown leather satchel as she sifted through her healing herbs. Little pouches filled with athelas leaves, echinacea stalks, alder bark, valerian roots, and more piled inside the confinements of the fabric.
“Sam,” She called out. “Would you mind making hot tea for Frodo while I take care of Strider’s cut?”
The little hobbit ran over instantly and she passed him a couple pouches naming each one out loud, “Valerian root, dried chamomile pedals, and sycamore bark.” She then lowered her voice and leaned it, for it wasn’t anyone else’s business to hear. “It will help him sleep and deter the anxieties the ring bestows upon him.”
Sam nodded quickly and set to work as (Y/N) moved towards Aragorn who sat upon a large rock.
“Let me have a look.”
The dunedain rolled his eyes, “(Y/N), it is not that bad. Just a scratch.”
The young women sighed in annoyance and pulled up his sleeve to reveal a slash across his bicep. He was right—to an extent—it wasn’t terrible. He would not need stitches. However, it did need to be cleaned and wrapped for infections were nasty things.
(Y/N) started by pouring some alcohol over the wound; receiving a harsh hiss from the dunedain in response. She muttered a quick apology before continuing. The young woman ground athelas leaves into a fine paste and expertly smeared it onto the cut. She then unrolled gauze and placed it upon the wound. Lastly, she pulled white dressings from her satchel. She gingerly wrapped it around his arm, yet she was careful to still pull it taught as the goal was to keep the athelas paste in and bacteria out.
She stood up and brushed her hands off before placing them firmly on her hips. “See Strider, it takes only a couple minute.”
He grumbled at her comment but thanked her for the medical attention.
(Y/N) nodded quickly and went to check on the rest of the fellowship. She made her way to Boromir who was also sitting in rest. She put a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Boromir, how are you doing? Any wounds?”
He seemed slightly startled at first for his mind had been elsewhere, but he looked up at her with a soft smile.
“I’m quite alright, My Lady.”
A light chuckled escaped her lips. “My friend, how many times must I tell you? It’s (Y/N), no lady of any sorts!”
He shook his head and grinned at her, “Well, my lady, I am doing quite fine.”
She let her eyes circle into the back of her head as the corner of her lip pulled into a smirk.
The healer turned and made her way to Gimli who was sharpening his axe.
“Gimli, I trust you are alright as I see you are already preparing for the next battle even though we just endured one.”
His gruff voice answered immediately, “Aye lassie! Those orcs can’t ensnare a dwarf that easily!!”
She laughed at his comment as Merry and Pippin came rushing up to her. As soon as she saw their faces she knew that the two mischievous hobbits wanted to claim her attention. She lowered herself down to their height as they flung themselves into her arms.
“Ahh my two hobbits! How did you fare in the battle?”
They pulled from her hug and began speaking at the same time.
“It was intensely scary but we were fierce!”
“Merry had hit one with a tree branch! It was quite magnificent!”
“Yes it was, I would have to admit! And Pip tripped another and he fell flat on his face!”
(Y/N) beamed at the two and giggled at their attempt to tell the story. As much as she was focused on caring for everyone, the hobbits cared for her—in another way that is. The four of them brought joy to her heart and glee to her spirit. Their innocence and appreciation of the simplest things brought happiness to her soul. They had offered her a welcomed visit to the shire at any time; telling her of the grand tour they would take her on. She had grown to look upon them as children for their smallness and way of perceiving life was similar so.
The two scampered off quickly, most likely to share their adrenaline filled story with Boromir, while (Y/N) did a final scan of the fellowship.
Her eyes soon rested on the elf. Legolas was off to a distance standing upon the rocky tundra. Something about his posture made her frown. His back was to her and his head seemed bowed, as if he was looking down at something. Furthermore, his one arm was pulled up at an awkward angle—strange, even for the elf. As the healer that she was, she was compelled to check on him.
(Y/N) weaved through the rocks until she was only a short distance from him.
“Legolas?” She questioned softly.
He immediately whipped around. His shirt fell to cover his form, but not before (Y/N) caught a glimpse of bright purple, red, and black. The young woman’s lips instantly parted in shock. She had seen many wounds in her life, on many people of many different races. However, it was not often that she had an elven patient with a wound like that. To state it simply, (Y/N) was worried—that looked bad, very bad. Legolas on the other hand was only flustered for he, an elf, had gotten snuck up on. He did not have great concern for the injury given that there were far more important things to worry about.
“Legolas,” (Y/N) stated firmly. “Lift your shirt.”
He sighed, “(Y/N), it’s not—“
She interrupted him, “Let me guess, ‘It’s not that bad?’” She shook her head, “You and Strider.”
She stepped forward and took the hem of his shirt in her hand. She cautiously lifted the fabric, not caring about the socially deemed scandalousness of the action—she was a healer after all.
(Y/N) sucked in a breath. A relatively large bruise stretched across his torso with a sizable cut in the center of it.
“By the Valar, Legolas!” She exclaimed with exasperation. “You should have come to me straight away!”
She cut him off again, “No. don’t ‘(Y/N)’ me. This is serious. It could be internal bleeding. I don’t care that you are an immortal elf, you can still die from this.”
The healer gently let her fingertips brush against his skin, tracing and examining the injury. He winced in pain at the contact and that did not escape (Y/N)’s attention.
“How did this happen exactly? I need every detail.”
Legolas groaned again when she grazed over the cut; and when he spoke it was with heavy breaths, “A harsh kick to the side into another orc....” (Y/N) hand pressed on the bleeding laceration and he hissed in pain before continuing to speak. “...who—who slashed downward.....with a jagged-edged blade that had a—a curved tip.
(Y/N) looked up at him with concern, his breathing was getting labored and that was not a good sign. Not a good sign at all.
“Alright, come on.” She ordered. The young woman practically dragged the reluctant elf back towards the group and pushed him down on a rock.
She knelt in front of him and, once again, ruffled through her satchel.
“Take your tunic off,” she commanded while pulling out various pouches and gauze dressings.
(Y/N) could feel all of the fellowships’ gazes on the two, which only intensified when Legolas removed his tunic. She could hear the hobbit’s hushed whispers and concerned tones for the wound was gruesome and ugly—probably the worst they have ever seen considering their simple lives.
Once she had all her supplies ready, she set to work.
(Y/N) was kneeling in-between Legolas’s legs while she studied the torn up, bloody, and bruised fresh for yet another time; it was imperative that she made a plan before starting.
During this examination, the young woman could not help but let her eyes wander across his chest and rippling muscles. The bends and curves of his form looked perfect against his pale complexion. He was incredibly toned and well built, even more so than humans. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t attracted to him.
Additionally, battle scars of various shapes and sizes littered his body—which was expected given he was over 2,000 years old. Here, she took a moment to study them for if one really looked at a warriors scars their fighting style would be revealed. Many stretched across his being—specifically on his ribcage, sides, pecs, and abs—it was clear that he was way more reckless than he would like people to think. He was fast with his moves, going for the quickest way to an oppenent’s death, but that often left him exposed. No wonder he ended up with this terrible bruising gash. He lived up to the Mirkwood elf expectation—less wise and more fierce.
As (Y/N) realized that her mind had wandered too far off task, she cleared her throat and reached for the flask of liquor.
“This will sting,” she stated before pouring it over the broken flesh. As expected, a loud groan escaped his lips and his fists clenched around nothingness.
Carefully she dabbed the area with a cloth. (Y/N) then threaded a needle and began to sew his skin back together. The elf was stiff as he clenched his jaw and flexed his muscles—a natural reflex in this kind of situation. She continued to pull his skin taught so their was no more breakthrough bleeding. It seemed that he had gotten used to the sensation as she went given he began to relax. Next, she made a paste for the wound, much like Strider’s. However, she decided to use more than athelas leaves because this cut was more severe than the Ranger’s. (Y/N) ground up echinacea stalks and mixed in alder bark to soothe inflammation and fight infection. Gently she applied the blended mixture into his torso. Lastly, she wound gauze and dressings around his midsection in order to keep everything in place.
Much time had past given stitches took long; luckily, the fellowships’ concerned glances faded.
(Y/N) stood up from her position and it was then when she released just how close the two were. She stood between his legs, their faces inches apart. If it was anyone else, she wouldn’t have cared for she often had to be in such proximities with others as she was a healer. But this wasn’t anyone else, it was him.
“You—you should be fine now,” (Y/N) whispered. She cleared her throat and stepped backwards. “I will have to check on it every day and redo the bandages. And I advise you: no sudden movements, and no lifting heavy objects—like the hobbits.”
Legolas cracked a smile at that last comment. “Thank you, (Y/N). I truly appreciate your skill.”
“That is what I’m here for, is it not?” She adverted her eyes and kept her hands busy by gathering her supplies for she feared her expression would betray her.
Legolas put his tunic back on as he spoke, “I suppose it is, but nethertheless I thank you.”
As the days went on she continued to check Legolas’s wound. (Y/N) tried to make it more private by dragging him off to the side or away from the group, given that she suspected it was uncomfortable for him to undress everyday in front of inquiring eyes (aka the hobbits).
It was dusk when she crouched down to examine it once again.
“It is healing nicely,” She said. “A lot faster than I suspected, but I suppose that is because you are elven.” Her nervousness caused her to continue speaking when she did not wish to do so. “I mainly treat men....and dwarves. It is not often that I have a wounded elf at my door. Do you know an elf named Feren? I recall he said he was of Mirkwood Kin. I treated him once years ago for a busted leg when he strayed into northern territories.”
A small smirk crossed Legolas’s face, “Ahh so you are the beautiful healer who patched him up so well?”
(Y/N) felt heat creep up her face, “I—I would not say that—“
“Nonsense! He spoke of your beauty and skill many times, and he was not mistaken. I am just surprised that I have been lucky enough to gaze upon you and have you heal me.”
These words made (Y/N)’s gauze wrapping motions falter. “It—it is my job, Legolas.”
“Yet you go beyond your assignment and duty everyday. I see how you take care of us all, especially the hobbits. You truly have a noble heart.”
(Y/N) smiled softly and spoke in a teasing tone, “Well I suppose you are right—all you boys would be lost without me.”
A deep chuckled hummed in Legolas’s chest and the healer joined in with a bright laugh.
The giggles settled soon enough and Legolas spoke, his sentence quite abrupt. “How would you feel about coming to Mirkwood and living there as a healer once the ring is destroyed?”
Shocked, (Y/N) stuttered. “I—I am unsure. I don’t know if—“
“(Y/N)...” He interrupted. “I do not wish for the end of this journey to be the end of our acquaintance.”
The young woman looked down, “As I agree, but—“
“(Y/N),” he whispered.
Something about his tone made her freeze.
Ever so gently, he lifted her chin to force her to look at him. His voice was quiet as he spoke, “I—I don’t think you understand what I am trying to convey.”
Now she understood.
The healer glanced at his lips which hovered near her own before biting her bottom one and locking gazes with him. Legolas of course noticed this and waisted no time. He pressed his mouth against hers and she instantly responded. Her hands slid up his bare chest, careful to avoid the wound on his torso, and then tangled themselves in his blonde locks. His muscular arms wrapped around her waist tightly as he focused on the taste of mint tea and fresh honey. The two moved their lips in sync and the world around them melted away. Suddenly, there was no quest, no fellowship, no responsibilities—only the two of them and the thudding of their hearts.
Everything Tag: @sokkasdarling @scxundress @quilledinkpen @hufflepuffinblr @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @wellfuckmyexistence
Legolas tag: @dark-angel-is-back
If you want to be tagged lmk!
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
Apple, Delight (Sternclay)
Prompt for the fourth was: Apple Orchard
Barclay has cinnamon sugar in his pores, he’s certain of it. The first of October means the crowds arrive in earnest to Amnesty Farm which, from late September to mid-November, becomes a center for fall fun. They don’t serve tons of food, but Barclay is in charge of what they do offer, his pride and joy being their apple cider doughnuts, which he’s made by dozen since eight that morning.
He’s ready to settle in for the night when he discovers he has less firewood than he thought. Ah well, Sass needs to go out anyway, a trip to the wood pile won’t kill him. 
Except, as he’s gathering an armful of chopped logs, Sass goes tearing off towards the orchards, dark fur disappearing into the shadows under the trees.
Barclay sighs, sets the wood down and starts off after him. It’s not like he can get too lost, since the farm is fenced in on all sides, but it’s supposed to rain tonight and he’d hate for him to be out in it. Plus, if he gets into the garden display again, Dani will be pissed. 
He passes the petting zoo, then the goat and sheep pens, smiling when soft clucks come from the chicken coop. They’re on a country road, so at night there’s no traffic to drown out the sounds of the farm and the nearby woods. Maybe some people find it eerie, but hes’ grateful for the relative quiet after a day of being in the kitchen. 
Skirting the end of the U-Pick Pumpkin Patch brings him to the apple orchards. There are also pear and cherry trees, but the apples make up the bulk of what they grow, and visitors are welcome to pick from designated sections. 
Now if only he could spot a wagging tail or hear a jingling collar in the midst of them. 
“Sass!” He whistles, but no shape comes bounding towards him. Usually when the dog fails to come when called, it’s because he’s chasing some poor squirrel or rabbit into the underbrush.
Which is why, when he hears a  distinctly human cry of alarm, Barclay jumps out of his skin before taking off towards the subsequent barks. 
He finds Sass directing his deep woofs at a man about Barclay’s age, with dark hair that was slicked back at some point but is now mussed, and a sweater and jeans that are far too clean for him to be a farmhand. When he gets closer, he realizes he recognizes the guy; he’d been in with his family earlier that day, and Barclay had just enough time to think he was hotter than the fryer before a new wave of visitors came to the counter. Given that he was there with a woman and  young girl, he’s gonna assume the guy is off-limits for flirting. 
“Sass, c’mon boy, heel.” 
The dog turns, lopes over to Barclay as he steps to the man and offers a hand. 
“Sorry, he’s a surprisingly good guard dog for something that gets distracted by butterflies.”
The man takes his hand, stands and brushes leaves from his sweater, “and he's terrifying to have bolting towards you out of the darkness.”
Barclay raises an eyebrow, “that's kind of the point of a guard dog. Y’know, keeping intruders out?”
“I’m not an intruder, I am a visitor who misplaced something.”
“We’ve been closed for two hours.”
“I’m aware. But the front gate was locked and I couldn't get anyone’s attention.”
“Because the staff who live here live out towards the back. That's why we put that phone number on the gate. '' He turns them back towards the cottage, Sass trotting happily in front of them. 
“Which would have worked perfectly. If the thing I was missing wasn't my phone.” The man holds up a smartphone.
“I mean, guess it’s good you found it, but you coulda used someone else's and let us know to look for i in the lost and found. Folds are good about bringing dropped stuff back to the main farm.”
“I considered that option but I might not have a job come morning if I did it that way.”
“Jesus, where do you work?”
“The FBI.”
“Yes, pretty much.”
“That how come you were able to scale the fence so easily?”
The man nods.
“What kind of work do you do in the FBI?” He may as well make the most of having a cute guy walking with him. A little practice flirting can’t hurt. God knows he needs it. 
“I work for the, um, the UP.”
“....Holy shit, I didn’t know that was real, I thought they made it up for the X-Files.”
“No, though it involves far more dead ends than that show portrays. Oddly, Twin Peaks is more accurate to what I do.”
“Man, that’s fucking cool agh, shit” rain patters on the leaves, “please tell me you moved your car away from the gate?”
“Only a little.”
“Shit. Okay, you probably figured it out from wandering around, but we are literally on the other end of the property right now, and the golf cart is in the shop.”
“It’s, um, it’s alright, if you get me to the main route through the farm, I can walk back on my own and climb the fence. Again.” His tone suggests he’s already working through the logistics in his head. 
“Uh, if you aren't in too big a hurry, at least let me swing by my place and get you a raincoat?”
“Oh. Um, that’d be great. Thank you.”
They veer right and soon the cottage comes into view. He grabs some dry firewood while Sass waits on the step and the man rubs his hands together. 
Once they’re inside, the man turns to him and Barclay has to work to keep his focus on his words rather than the blue eyes and handsome face.
“May I use your restroom? I got a bit muddy.” He holds up his hands. 
“Just down the hall.” 
The man smiles, and Barclay starts building a fire as he walks away. There’s a ding, and he goes to check in case Mama needs something. But it's not his phone, it’s the other man's, glowing where he set it on the table. 
Hayes: I expect better than technical mishaps from you, agent,
Shit, he wasn’t kidding about work. And his other notification is showing thirty unread emails.
The water shuts off in the bathroom and he hurries back to the fire, is just getting it caught when there’s a groan behind him. Turning, he sees his guest running a hand through his black hair, staring defeatedly down at his phone. 
“I’m moving to the bottom of the sea.”
Barclay chuckles and the man looks a little embarrassed at being heard.
“If you want something closer to home, we're hiring seasonal help.”
“I’m sure it’d do wonders for my physique, if you’re anything to go by, but I doubt I’m cut out for it. I’m white-collar through and through, unfortunately. Sorry” he looks at the hardwood floor, “probably shouldn’t whine about my job, since you’re helping me stay dry instead after I committed at least two misdemeanors on your property.”
“It’s Mama’s, I just work here. And it’s okay. Though, uh, kinda surprised you wanna talk to some random dude on a farm about it instead of, like, your wife.”
“The woman who was with you today? You came into the restaurant at one point.”
“Oh! No, that’s my sister, I came with her and my niece. Her opinion on my work troubles is to get a boyfriend so I’ll have someone to complain to.”
Barclay closes the fire grate slightly harder than he means to at that last sentence.
“Did, uh, did you all have a good time?”
“Very. Ellie, my niece, adored all the animals, and Lily comes here every year to pick out pumpkins for decorating the house. I, um, my favorite part was the food. Those doughnuts were amazing, as were the pumpkin scones.”
Barclay blushes; a cute guy complimenting his cooking tends to make him all fluttery.
“You thought those were good, then I got something you need to try. Uh, I mean, if you want to stay a little, if not I can get the coat and we can go.”
The man looks at his phone, then back to Barclay, “what the hell, things are under control until the morning. I’d love to stay. Um, may I dry my sweater by the fire? It got pretty wet just in the few minutes we were out.”
“Sure thing uh, Mr-”
“Joseph is fine.”
Barclay smiles, heading for the kitchen, but not before watching Joseph's shirt catch on his sweater and ride up, revealing honest-to-god cut muscle. Instead of asking if he can lick apple butter off his abs, he grabs the jar of said butter, the loaf of bread, and starts a kettle for tea. 
Soon he’s setting a plate and a cup of cranberry-apple tea un front of Joseph, who inhales appreciatively.
“Let me guess; you made all of this?”
“Yep, the apple butter is an old family recipe.”
They eat in silence for a few moments until Sass, roused from his spot by the fire by the smell of food, pads over to sit in front of Joseph and stare. When that fails to produce treats, he turns his puppy-dog eyes on Barclay. The cook makes him sit and shake before tossing him a small piece of bread.
“What kind of dog is he?”
“Bernese Mountain Dog and Rottweiler, we think.”
“Is his name short for something?”
Barclay smiles, “Sasquatch. He had huge feet as a puppy.”
“We have similar dog-naming habits.” Joseph pulls out his phone, “this is Nessie.” When he turns it, Barclay almost snorts tea out his nose, unprepared for the sight of a greyhound in a sweater decorated with tiny Loch Ness Monsters. 
“Believe it or not, she adores that sweater. Last time I took it off to be washed, she whined for an hour.”
“Awww” It’s an adorable image, but not quite as adorable as the thought of Joseph on laundry day, in pajama pants and one of Barclay’s shirts, hair still relaxed from a shower. 
“She’s a good girl.” He tucks his phone away, “I feel terrible whenever I have to travel for work; my sister can’t take her so I have to board her somewhere, and it’s just infrequent enough that she forgets the staff and is terrified of them anew each time.”
“We could always get her used to me and board her here, assuming she and Sass get along.” The offer is sixty percent out of the goodness of his heart and forty percent wanting to see Joseph smile. 
“You’d really do that?”
“The farm is secure, she’d have a playmate, and there’d be lots of people here looking after her. She’d sleep in the cottage, of course.”
Joseph gives him an inquisitive look, then glances down at Sass, who’s wagging his tail so hard he’s sweeping the floor.
“Sure, what the hell. Assuming they get along, the next time I have to go, she can stay here.”
They chat for awhile longer about books, cooking, and various farm mishaps, before Barclay reluctantly fetches the spare raincoat so they can get Joseph back to his car. 
“Doesn’t quite bring out your eyes the way that sweater does.” He murmurs, then tries to correct for the come-on with, “because it’s such a, uh, a nice sweater?”
Joseph stays close to him as he replies “I’d offer to trade, but I’m not sure any of my clothes could survive that broad chest.” He ghosts his fingers across Barclays shirt, “Though it could be fun to see them try.”
The walk to the gate isn’t nearly long enough, and he blushes when Joseph once again thanks him profusely for his help and his company. The walk back, however, feels like an eternity, one that gives him time to doubt the other man had any interest in him at all. 
But all that evaporates when he gets home. Because sitting on the table is a slip of paper with a phone number and a short message. 
For arranging dog playdates. And dinner next Friday if you’re interested.
And sitting just below the message is a small, precisely drawn heart.
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the-mad-starker · 6 years
Starker Fic: Jealous!Tony
Okay so I wanted to put something up to distract myself and everyone else from all this mess, but honestly I have nothing completed.
I had about 15 prompts that I neglected so dreadfully, but one was about jealous Tony. I'm pretty sure someone else had a very similar prompt or the Anon sent it to another writer so I felt discouraged continuing it but! Here's the bit I have. Figured I'd throw it out there :) most likely not going to continue this but yeeep, Tony is not pleased but it all ends well in my head :x 
Warning: possessiveness, kinda Peter/Other, implied spanking
Original Prompt:
What do you think about over possessive/ jealous Tony walking in on Peter and his boyfriend making out and he gets angeryband throws the boyfriend out of the house then fucks Peter into next week?
When FRIDAY told Tony that Peter had entered the tower with a friend, Tony had shrugged it off. The older man had given Peter a room there, just to be generous and give the teen some place to crash if he ever found himself patrolling in the city.
The tower, despite no longer housing for Avengers, still had many of rooms untouched. So there were rooms for emergencies and a room stock full of medical supplies, as well as access to all sorts of information unknown to the public.
It certainly gave May some relief that her nephew had somewhere to turn to if he ever needed help. The real reason why Tony had given him the room remained a closely guarded secret. He wanted Peter close to him, but he'd never reveal the possessive, hungry desires that were growing beneath his skin.
Tony was working in the lab when the notification came. He had just fixed whatever glitch it was that stopped Peter from using some of the settings.
He should've left it for another day. It was nearing almost midnight and after hours in the lab, Tony should've just dropped off into sleep somewhere. But some part of his mind had acknowledged Peter was around so why not show the kid that his new web shooters were fixed.
The rooms in the tower had nice solid walls. Sound didn't easily carry so it wasn't like he heard any moans coming from Peter’s bedroom.
Tony still had issues with boundaries really so it didn't even occur to him that he shouldn't be walking into Peter’s bedroom past midnight. The door wasn't even locked so when he walked right in, it took him a second to realize what he was seeing.
Friday had said Peter had brought a friend. She hadn't specified that said friend was currently trying to devour Peter’s mouth. Or that there were sweaty, groping hands pawing at the teen’s shirt, tugging it up to reveal Peter’s toned abs.
Peter’s hands were buried in the other teen’s dark hair. Those hands that Tony admired, constantly watching the way they expertly handled the tools in the lab…
Tony felt anger spark inside his chest, a slow burn that made his mouth tighten. Some fucking teenager was touching his boy, his Peter, and all those dark possessive emotions Tony had been able to keep in check… broke free.
When Peter pulled away from the other teen, his eyes opened and the boy froze. His eyes locked with Tony’s and Tony watched as the teen’s mouth dropped open in shock.
“Mr. Stark…?”
Peter’s voice was soft, a breathy sound that would've been arousing if some stupid kid wasn't in bed with him.
The other teen’s head whipped around to look at him. There was a mix of surprise and embarrassment for being caught before it got wiped away.
Tony didn't know his name but the unknown teen jumped to his feet.
“Tony Stark! Wow, what a plea–” The bright glow of a repulser shut him right away. Tony hadn't even realized he had activated one, but oh, lookie there it was.
“What… the… fuck…” The teen’s voice was high pitched and nervous.
“Out.” It was the only word Tony could snap out.
The boy’s head started to turn towards Peter, no doubt asking for help but Tony’s next command stopped him. “No, don't even look at him. Get. The. Fuck. Out.”
Each word was a clipped, angry snarl and the look in Tony’s eyes said he wasn't joking. The kid ran for it, but even then, he made sure to comp tell avoid even brushing up against the older man.
FRIDAY would make sure he got out. Tony would've personally made sure he left but he had something… someone, to deal with.
He shut the door behind them, the repulser tidying itself away once he released it. It was like that action gave Peter permission to start talking.
“Mr. Stark, sir, I shouldn't have brought him here,” Peter started to babble.
Tony took a step forward, then another, watching how Peter’s kiss swollen lips continued to spill out apologies and excuses.
“I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking– You trusted me and I just–” Peter’s words were stopped with Tony’s finger placed right on top of his lips.
Tony’s mind was whirling with thoughts. He could feel his jealousy and anger simmering in his blood. He had been fighting this for so long and to find Peter doing that … doing that in his own tower… It felt like a taunt, like a dare. He looked at his boy with shrewd eyes.
“You're not sorry,” Tony stated. Then he cracked a dark, knowing smile. “You knew I was here. That I was awake. Why did you bring that kid here, Peter?”
The boy’s cheeks flushed a deep red. Peter knew he had been caught and he couldn't maintain eye contact with Tony after realizing it. Tony sat down next to him and turned the boy’s head so that Peter couldn't look away.
“Look at me, Peter,” Tony commanded. “I think you owe me an explanation. You owe me something for that… sad display you felt like you needed to enact.”
Peter bit his lip, but his hands were clenched into fists. “I'm sorry…”
A glance down showed that the teen was still hard. In fact, it looked like the bulge was even bigger than when his fake boyfriend was feeling him up.
“Don't lie to me, kid,” Tony warned. “You're not sorry… But you will be. Stand up.”
He didn't fault the kid for hesitating, but when Peter shot him a wary look, he only returned it with a calm gaze. The boy swallowed but did as he was told.
His hardon was obvious now and Tony could see that blush deepen, crawling down his neck where a single hickey was visible.
Tony’s expression tightened.
“Take off your pants,” he said, softly.
“...Sir…?” Peter said in disbelief.
“I’ll rip them off if I have to,” Tony warned. It made Peter obey instantly, shaking hands go to his belt buckle. He slipped off his jeans, blushing like a virgin as he stood there in his t-shirt and boxers.
Tony let his eyes rove over the teen’s body, appreciating the lightly muscled form.
“Over my lap, kid,” came Tony’s next command. He was satisfied when Peter obeyed, not even making a peep as he laid his body over Tony’s lap.
Tony didn't know what Peter was expecting but he was going to find out. The boy’s boxer clad ass was right there and the der man could feel Peter’s erection pressing against him. It made Tony want to drop the act, made him want to shove Peter onto the bed and finish what that fake boyfriend of his started.
But no, Tony needed to teach his brat a lesson.
He pulled down Peter’s boxers, revealing the pale round globes of his ass. Tony had to once again restrain himself, especially when Peter gasped, wiggling in his lap in excitement.
“You owe me this,” Tony repeated, “I want an explanation and you're gonna give it to me. You're going to answer every question and at the end, I’ll decide how many slaps this ass of yours needs for discipline. Alright, kid?”
Peter’s response was a breathless murmur of agreement.
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cityofimagines · 6 years
Bliss — Justin Foley x Reader
Request: can you please write a justin foley x reader where it's the reader's first time? lots of fluff? 💗i totally understand if you can't! thank you! :)
A/N: this is a long one,,, enjoy ;)
Warnings: smuttt!! its like also fluffy tho nothing too crazy
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October friday nights at Liberty High always consisted of popcorn, football games, and celebratory parties at one of the jocks’ houses. Tonight’s party was indeed a celebratory one; your football team had won 21-7 in a shut out game. What felt like the entire school was currently crammed at Bryce Walker’s house drinking, dancing, swimming, and god only knows what else. 
Your boyfriend of 6 months, Justin Foley, was somewhere unknown to you right now, and you wanted to change that. His performance in the game tonight was amazing, and you just wanted to be with him and shower him with love.
You walked through the crowded kitchen looking for him. You didn’t find Justin, but you found someone relatively similar. 
“Hey Jeff!” You called over the loud music. He nodded and walked over to you.
“What’s up (y/n)?” He asked, smiling. 
“Not much. Have you seen Justin?” 
“Yeah actually. I just overheard him talking to Monty. I think he said he was going to look for you.” Jeff replied. 
“Of course.” You laughed. “Thanks Jeff”
“Yeah no problem.” He smiled and went back to talking to a bunch of other completely wasted guys.
You decided the best option would just be to take a seat on the couch and wait for him to find you first. You weren’t really a heavy drinker, so parties weren’t particularly for you. You liked the social aspect of them, getting to hang out with your friends and your boyfriend in a non-school setting, but as the night gets later and people get crazier, you don’t tend to enjoy them as much. 
“There you are.” You heard a familiar voice say from behind you. You smiled when you saw Justin walking over to you. He sat down next to you on the couch and pressed a short kiss to your cheek. 
“There you are.” You said back. “I lost you.” 
He laughed. “Yeah well I’m back now.” He sighed. “Do you wanna like...get outta here?” He asked. There was a slight nervousness in his voice that you couldn’t decipher, however you just brushed it off.
“Yeah sure. It’s starting to get crazy in here.” You said. “Did you drink anything? Can you drive?” You asked.
“I didn’t have anything tonight baby. Wasn’t in the mood yanno?” He said. This was weird, Justin usually drinks at least a little bit at parties. 
“Yeah. I didn’t have anything either.” You said. 
“I can drive. Let’s just go.” He said holding his hand out. You placed your hand in his and walked out together. 
You decided to go back to your house. Your parents were out of town for the week so Justin could stay over with no disruption from them.
Justin parked his car in the driveway and you both made your way up to your room. When you got upstairs, there was an unfamiliar tension in the air. 
Justin sat down on your bed while you stood in front of your mirror taking some of your jewelry off. “You look really fucking pretty tonight baby girl.” Justin said quietly. You raised an eyebrow and turned around to face him. 
“Aw thank you babe.” You said. You walked over to him. Your hands intertwined with his. You stood there in comfortable silence, your hands in his, for a few minutes. 
“Kiss me.” He said finally. You made your way to his lap and pressed your lips to his gently. Unlike other times, this kiss became very heated very fast. You didn’t even notice yourself grinding on Justin until he pulled away to say something.
“Baby...baby please...stop I-” You felt your cheeks heat up when you felt something you had never felt before this moment. Justin’s boner digging into your thigh.
“Shit I’m sorry...” He said, flustered. 
You thought about all of this for a minute. You were a virgin, and you knew Justin wasn’t. The thought of sex with Justin had indeed crossed your mind more than once, but the timing had never been right. You knew in your heart you were ready to give yourself completely to him. Justin was your first real love. He had given you the best 6 months of your life so far. He would never push into anything, especially this, but you felt ready in this moment. 
“Don’t be sorry baby.” You whispered. “We can do this. I’m ready.” 
The look on his face was a mixture of concern, excitement, and embarassment, which made you laugh slightly. 
“REALLY?” He asked. “I don’t want to pressure you into anything you don’t want to do. I can take care of this myself...I’m sorry it even happened. You just looked really fucking hot tonight and I-“
You cut off his rambling with a kiss. “Justin. Don’t worry. I want this. I’m ready for you to be my first.” You said confidently.
A genuine smile lit up his whole face. “Alright.” He shrugged. “Let’s do it then.” He smashed his lips to yours. You were still straddling his waist, and your hands moved to the back of his neck.
Soon enough, his head was buried in the crook of your neck, leaving a trail of small kisses.
“Can I take this off?” Justin whispered, toying with the hem of your shirt.
“Yeah.” You breathed out, ready for things to escalate. He slowly brought your shirt above your head and then quickly discarded it on the floor behind you.
“God damn.” He said. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”
After a few more minutes of passionately making out, you decided to rip his shirt off. The sight of his toned core made your knees week. Your hands ran up and down his abs, making him smirk.
“You okay?” He asked in between more kisses.
“I’m perfect.” You said back. Justin was making you feel things you had never felt with anyone before, and half of your clothes were still on.
“You ready for more?” He asked.
“Yes baby. I’m all good.” You said. He laid you down on your bed and hovered over you. He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before sliding your leggings and underwear down your legs.
You immediately began to become slightly anxious being so exposed in front of Justin, but the minute he started kissing down your boobs and stomach, all of that nervous energy disappeared.
He kissed down your body, stopping when he got to the place where you needed him the most. You squirmed around at the loss of his touch.
He got up to undo his belt and take the rest of his clothes off. His dick slapped up against his stomach after it was freed from the restricting clothing.
“You got me so hard baby girl.” His whispered, coming back down to kiss you.
Your hands trailed down his back lightly. He began to grind against your skin as you made out more. You reached down to pump his dick, but he moved your hand away.
“Uh uh. This is about you tonight, not me.” He said slowly.
“I love you.” You whispered back.
Justin moved back down your body. Two teasing fingers brushed against your slit.
“Fuck..” You moaned. He took that as the incentive to continue. He pressed those two fingers inside you. He thrusted them in and out quickly, making your insides do flips. “Ugh yes babe.” You said breathlessly.
So far, this night had been better than you could have ever dreamed of, and the main event hadn’t even taken place. Justin was exceeding every single one of your expectations.
“Justin...baby...” You said after a few more minutes. “I need you. All of you. I’m ready.”
He immediately pulled his fingers out and came back up to kiss you. “Alright princess let’s do this.” He rolled over to grab his pants from the end of the bed. He took his wallet out and pulled out a condom. You raised an eyebrow.
“So that’s what you keep in there.”
He laughed. “Always got ‘em on me...just in case.” He smirked. You shook your head and pulled him back down to you.
Your lips regained contact as he slid on the condom.
“You ready?” He asked you.
“One million percent. I love you so much.” You responded.
“I love you too.” He said. He slid himself into you slowly. It was a weirdly uncomfortably feeling that you didn’t even know how to describe.
“I’m so sorry gorgeous...I know it hurts. But I promise it will feel better soon.” He said worriedly.
“It’s okay..not your fault.” You said.
“Look at me.” He said. You opened your eyes to see his green ones staring back at you, full of concern. You stayed still for a few seconds, just being in each other’s presence.
“Okay. You can move.” You said.
He began to thrust into you at a slow pace. His face scrunched up in pleasure almost immediately.
“Oh my God (y/n) you feel fucking amazing..”
“So...do you...” You said. And after a few more minutes, thrusts became faster and moans got louder. His moans were turning you on even further, and it made this entire experience so good. You were so glad you said yes to this tonight.
“FUCK Justin...” You moaned as he hit a spot that made you feel really good. “I’m close...”
“I hear you baby..” He said. “This is amazing. You’re so perfect.”
“You’re fucking incredible too.” You replied.
As he continued thrusting into you, his hand reached down to rub your clit. In a few more short moments, that set you over the edge. “Fuck Justin oh my God baby I’m cumming...” You yelled. He continued all of his movements as you rode out your high.
He came to his high in the middle of yours, and you felt your walls clench around him, causing endless moans and curses to spill from his mouth.
Once you both were more settled, he pulled out and threw the condom away.
“You...” He started. “Are fucking amazing.”
“Same goes for you.” You said dreamily, still in a post orgasm bliss. “Thank you for being my first. It was perfect.”
“Thank you for trusting me to be your first.” He whispered.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you so much more.”
You turned to face him. He brought the covers over the two of you. “We’re definitely doing that again, but for now let’s just cuddle.” He said with a dorky smile plastered on his face.
The fact that your boyfriend could be so sexy but yet so sweet was one of the many reasons you loved him. You laughed. “That’s a great idea.”
He put his arm around you and pulled you close, the two of your drifting off to sleep soon after.
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
“Draw me like one of your French...boy ?” - Jason Todd x Reader
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I’ll never get tired of writing thing with Jason (the best Robin FIGHT ME ON THAT !). Hope you guys will like it :
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
-Can you flex your back muscles please ? 
How could you just ask questions like that without even flinching ? Or blushing at least ? Err. Those were stupid questions, and the answer was very simple : you didn’t like him that way. For you, he was just a friend. Just a friend who accepted to get down in his underwear for you, so that you could practice anatomy. Totally normal. That’s what friends were for. Helping. 
-Great, thanks Jason. That’s great. Wait, turn just to your left a bit...yeah, perfect, thanks. Oh, do you want a blanket or something ? 
-No. No thanks. I’m fine. Just a...little swift of cold wind that’s all.
“Just a little swift of cold wind”. Yeah. Right. Your hand brushing his bicep when you angled his body like you wanted, that’s what made him shiver. But hell was he glad you thought it was because he was cold. 
You were just his friend. His extremely talented friend. His extremely talented friend he was in love with. Oh bugger, he was in for a treat...
It was very rare, that Jason found himself speechless. Or that he was afraid to ask a girl out. After all, like his father, Bruce Wayne, he was quite the ladies’ man.
He never found it hard to ask for someone’s number, or if they wanted to go get dinner with them. But with you ? Well, with you, it was different. And he didn’t really know why...Maybe because he was genuinely in love ? Because this time, if you said “no” to his date proposition, he had everything to loose ? 
You entered his life quite randomly. He was running in one of Gotham’s park and as he ran around it multiple times, his eyes couldn’t help but notice you, sitting in the grass with a sketchbook and a pencil...Especially because you kept staring at him when he was going by. 
Curiosity got the better of him, and after a seventeenth tour of the park, he stopped to stretch...right in front of you. And you kept staring, making him uncomfortable. He was never uncomfortable ! On the contrary, he liked when girls looked at him. He liked it a lot. But you...God he felt uneasy. 
The first thing he noticed was your unconventional beauty. You weren’t the most beautiful women he ever met, but there was...an aura about you. There was that way you looked at your surroundings, as if you caught every details and engraved it in your mind. There was the way your (H/L) (H/C) hair were moving with the wind. And how you stuck your tongue out whenever your pencil would touch your sketchbook...
And you kept staring at him. To the point he came to you to ask what was up (he already knew he was doomed, because instead of feeling annoyed about that stranger that kept staring at him, his heart was racing) : 
-Hum...May I ask what are you doing ? 
-Well, can’t you see, by Jove I’m playing tennis. 
Confused. That’s what Jason was. He wasn’t sure he heard you right, because as soon as you spoke, your voice made him dizzy. Such a beautiful tone, that seemed to speak to his very soul...What the Hell ? What was happening to him ? He’s never been that fucking cheesy before...A bit troubled (he was lying to himself if he thought it was only “a bit”, he was “a lot” troubled), he says : 
-Hum...What ? 
-To stupid questions, stupid answers. 
-I’m sorry, you lost me. 
-I can see that. 
-Are you going to...elaborate ? 
-Do you want me to “elaborate” ? 
-Yes, I’d like that. 
He knew in this instant that you were special. That you were going to be someone special in his life. Because usually, anyone who would have dared to speak to him like that would have received a punch, no matter if it was a girl or a boy. And instead, he said, in the most polite way : “yes, I’d like that”. What a looser. Especially since your tone was so...Well, you were mocking him. 
You were mocking this total super muscular stranger who to anyone else would have looked dangerous, with his resting I’m-gonna-murder-you face, and all...Damn. He was in for it. His heart was beating like crazy. 
-You asked me what I was doing while it’s quite clear I’m drawing. So, stupid questions ? Stupid answers, hence, I’m obviously playing tennis. 
Oh. Oooooooh. Witty. And you were smiling at him. Not in a mean way, not in a “you’re an idiot” way, but in a “gotcha” way. Ridiculously charming. With a chuckle he wasn’t able to stop himself from emitting, he says : 
-Oh, and here I was, thinking you were planning to take over the world, given how focus you looked. 
-That’s for tomorrow. Take over the world Tuesday. On Mondays, I just come to the park to draw random strangers running. 
He chuckles once more, and tries to hide his cheek getting red as best he can..
-You were drawing me ? 
-Yes. You’re an interesting “subject”. All muscles and...Charisma. 
-You can draw charisma ? 
-I’m not good enough yet but, maybe one day ? 
-Can I look at the sketch ? 
-Holy shit, and you say you’re not good enough ? This look like you took a picture of me and glued it in your sketchbook. It’s insanely great ! 
It’s your turn to blush, but unlike Jason, you don’t hide it. You smile brightly at him and extend a hand to him...He realizes that it’s a bit awkward that he’s still standing and he sits down, shaking your hand vigorously (damn your skin is soft). 
-I’m (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N). 
-Jason. Jason Todd. 
-Well nice to meet you Jason Todd. 
This was over two years ago. Two years of being head over heels for you, but never being able to act up on it...He just couldn’t bring himself to ask you out. 
Afraid he’d loose you (he’d rather have your friendship than not having you at all), afraid you’d reject him and break his heart...Worst, that you wouldn’t reject him, that you loved him too, and that your life would therefor always be in danger because of what and who he was when night came. 
You knew he was Red Hood...You recognized his abs when he saved you from some thugs once (yes, you were a very observant girl). And you dealt with it marvelously, saying that it didn’t change anything, you were still his best friend (he came to hate those two words). So that was out of the way...but the fact that he was a vigilante in Gotham meant you could never have a normal domestic life with him. 
Yes. He was more afraid of you being in love with him too rather than you rejecting him...Because you deserved the bets. You deserved a boyfriend (or a husband) that would make you nice diners and take good care of you. You deserved someone that would be here for you whenever you needed him. Someone with whom you could build a life, buy a house, have kids...Whenever he thought about that, he realized that he craved to be that man. But he couldn’t...Couldn’t he ? 
It was a genuine dilemma. Telling you or not. Risking it or not. And he couldn’t choose. To the extent he asked advices to his dad, Bruce. The conversation went something like that : 
-You’re asking me for relationship advices ? Really Jason ? Are you that desperate ?
-Yeah...Yeah pretty much. 
Bruce could see the distress in his son’s eyes, and...it broke his heart. Because he had been in a similar situation, a long time ago. He had a girl he was in love with, but rejected, because he had Jason’s same fears...And oh he dearly regretting it (I’m mixing my stories here, if you wanna know who he “rejected”, read those stories : It’s her but it’s not her and It’s them but it’s not them, now back to this story : ). He turned to his son, and said those simple words :
-My boy, I’m...terrible at relationship. I was never able to hold one. Even when...Well, a long time ago, there was one. One that was plaguing my every thoughts. And...I rejected her. Worst mistake of my life. Don’t do the same one my son. If you really love her, try. You can’t loose more than to reject her, or never telling her and wait until she marries another one...
Empathically, Jason rubs his father’s shoulder : 
-You’re talking about Clark’s wife, aren’t you ? 
-...Yes. There is not one day I regret not telling her that I loved her. My life, our lives to all of us, would have been very different if I had. So please Jason, my boy, do not make the same mistake than me. Tell her. Or you’ll never know, or...you’ll end up like me. 
Jason smiles weakly to his father, and takes him in his arms awkwardly, jokingly saying :
-Oh Hell, everything but that. 
You asked him a long time ago to be your “anatomy research subject”, and since he could never resist you, he said yes. And spent a loooooot of time half-naked, or down in his boxers for you to draw him. Of course, you’d always make him comfortable with your silly jokes, or your conversation in general. It was easy to talk to you. 
Yes, you practiced anatomy with his body since almost day one...But today, you could feel something was wrong. You put your pencil down as you were drawing his back muscles, and ask : 
-Ok, what’s wrong mister Broody pants ? 
Your question startles him, lost in his thoughts, he didn’t expect you to talk : 
-What ? Nothing’s wrong. And I don’t “brood”, I sulk. 
You smile at him and it makes him melt, makes him wanna take you in his arms and squeeze you against his heart. 
-Well, mister sulky pants, what’s the matter ? And don’t tell me again nothing’s wrong, cause I ain’t buying it, and will bug you until you tell me sooooo...
-So I don’t have a choice. 
Your best friend sighs, and your heart goes faster a little bit, because his sighs are the most beautiful ever. So cute. And the way his chest rises and fall when he does it...Yum. 
-I...I...I don’t know how...to tell you. 
-To tell me what ? 
-Well if I don’t know how to tell you, it means I can’t tell you what...
-Right. Stupid questions...
-Stupid answers. I...I am...I don’t...
-If it’s about wasting your free time on me and my drawings, it’s ok. I knew this day was coming. You’re already so nice to have helped me so far...
-Uh ? What ? No, nothing to do with that. 
-Oh ? Then what ? 
Here. He said it. Fast, but he said it. And...You’re not even phased by it. You just look at him curiously, and he knows you don’t return his feelings. That’s probably for the best...You say : 
-I’m so sorry Jason, I do realize what you just said is difficult to say, I can see it on your face but...like...I didn’t understand a word of it. 
What ? Nooooo. He finally had the courage to tell you, and you didn’t even understand. But, also...that meant there was still a chance. He takes a deep breath, and turns to face you, still in his boxers : 
Your tone and face are encouraging, you lay a comforting hand on his knee, and he shivers...He just has to tell you. He does not want to regret it like his father : 
-I...I love you. 
You take your hand off his knee right away, and his heart sunk. 
-What ? 
-I love you. If I’m being honest, I think I fell for you the first day we met, in that park. No one ever talked to me like that. And during those two years...well, I just never felt anything like it for anyone. I...I love you. 
He cannot read your face. Are you...Shocked ? Disgusted ? Or is it...relief ? You don’t say anything, and he feels obligated to continue : 
-I’m sorry. But there’s nothing I can do about it. God knows I tried. But..I love you. It’s simple. When you’re around, my heart act on its own. I just...fucking love you. Are you gonna...are you gonna say anything ? Please ? 
You close your mouth, who was agape all this time, and it’s your turn to take a deep breath. You plunge your (E/C) eyes in his, and say : 
-Oh Jason. I think...I think it would be a bad idea. We should stay friends. It’s better that way...
Here we go. You had broken a vital part of his well-being. His heart. And the worst thing ? You continue : 
-Is probably what you think I’m gonna say. 
-...Uh ? 
-I bet it took you so long to tell me you love me because you thought I was gonna reject you. 
-...Uh ? 
-Incredibly wide vocabulary wise boy. 
Jason doesn’t understand what’s going on, what were you saying ? Next things he knows, your lips are brushing his softly, and they’re the sweetest thing he ever tasted. He holds his breath as you deepen the kiss, and of course, respond to it. His heart is threatening to beat out of his chest. You finally pull away and, hands cupping his cheek, you say : 
-I love you too silly. Do you think I ask everyone to be my “anatomy subject” ? Hell, I was afraid it was too obvious that I asked you just because I liked you...and because you’re freaking hot. I was afraid you were just being nice and polite by accepting my request...
-Oh, and here I was, thinking you were interested in me just for my body...
You smile at him, giggle, of that cute child like laugh you have and he cannot stop himself from kissing you again. Did he mention that your lips were the sweetest thing he ever tasted ? Because they were. Your arms wrap around his neck, and he pulls you flush against his body, his own arms going around your waist. 
When he pulls away, you rub your nose on his lovingly, and his smile is the brightest and most genuine you ever seen in your life. 
-I love you (Y/N). 
-I love you too, my big idiot. 
-Oh, we’re gonna have to work on the nicknames you smart ass...
-Are we though ? You’re big, huge even, and kind of an idiot so...
-Oh you asked for it. 
The merciless tickles he gives you sent you laughing like crazy, and... Oh god he loved your laugh. 
Bruce Wayne cannot stop the smile creeping on his face when he receives a text from his son : “Followed your advice, old Man”, with a picture of you and him making silly faces at his phone’s camera. 
His son didn’t make the same mistake than he did. Good. At least, he had a chance at being happy. Truly, happy. He didn’t let the one he loved go. Good.
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17mounteens · 7 years
can i request a hansol x reader smut where you lose your virginity to him and vice versa - preferably in a situation where you've only been dating for a short time and since you live abroad and have to travel back soon, hansol shyly feels you have to get together asap ( i hope it's not too much (>人<;) )
I hope I got this right and that you enjoy this bb! ;u; 💕
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» 4,256 words
Hansol was everything you were looking for in a person. He was kind, funny, had good manners, shared a lot of your values and, above everything and among so many other things you loved about him, you felt incredibly comfortable around him.
You had first met during your year abroad in South Korea, where he had been one of the first people to approach you, which you knew to have been because you were, to say the least, lonely at that point, in a new country without more than a handful of people you knew. It felt comforting to have someone approach you as kindly as he did, instead of only forming a shallow acquaintanceship with you, not to mention downright ignoring you.
After your first meeting, it didn’t take too long for you to notice just how pleasant he was to be around, and so you had become friends fairly quickly - and close friends even faster. You had similar experiences, being a bit odd among all the (fully) Korean people, on top of which you had some shared interests and traits.
And even if you hadn’t shared those, as long as your personalities clicked, nothing else mattered - and your personalities played together perfectly. You spent a lot of time together, studying, going to concerts and hanging out, either with just the two of you or with the small friend group you had established, whether it was at his house or at a café or something similar.
Towards the end of your year abroad you had come to terms with the fact that you had romantic feelings towards Hansol, and were sad to leave, and even when you were back home, you weren’t sure if you were happy or sad because right before you had gotten on the plane, Hansol had taken a hold of your hand and said that he liked you.
Just like that. As his last words to you face to face.
At the time whatever you had wanted to say had refused to come out so you got on board in a daze, looking back at him multiple times on your way,  and only when you had landed did you send him a message.
’I got here safely… and about what you said - me too.’
From there on you had had a more romantic hint to your relationship, which you kept up with long Skype calls, regular texting and phone calls and even letters, which he always added little presents to, and a few months into that - discovering your feelings and teasing each other - you had decided to become a couple.
So when you finally went back to Korea a few months after you and Hansol started dating, it was different and exciting.
You held hands, sat more closely than before, were more straight-forward with what you said and did to each other, and during a late night at his house when his family was already fast asleep, even kissed for the first time.
It was in such an ordinary setting yet it made it all feel so much more extraordinary, and you couldn’t help but giggle and hide your face in Hansol’s chest when you had shied away from the kiss, the feeling of his lips against yours still tingling on your lips.
“You’re so cute,” Hansol had snickered at you, holding you in his arms as you continued to giggle silently, your arm over his chest and your face hidden there.
“That was so sudden,” you had said, lifting your face to grin at him, your cheeks about as rosy as his. His grin had widened as he booped your nose playfully.
“I stole a kiss,” he had whispered, and even with only moonlight illuminating his room you were able to see his eyes sparkling with happiness.
You thought back to the memory fondly - no matter how many times you kissed after that, none of them could ever top the very first time your lips had met his.
That didn’t mean you didn’t enjoy kissing him, however, because that you did. Had you had it your way all you would’ve done would’ve been kissing him.
You only got closer after that, and as the time you would still spend in South Korea continued getting shorter, you and Hansol both grew a bit anxious. After three weeks of practically living together - the Chois had offered to let you live with them for your stay, and you couldn’t say no - it felt almost scary to think you would have to be apart for a long time.
It was one of your last days there and you were sitting on Hansol’s bed, your backs against the wall and your hands connected as you fiddled with each other’s fingers. His family was out, so the house was empty, and there was a silence over you, although it was a comfortable one so neither of you minded.
“Y/N,” Hansol said suddenly, breaking the silence, and turned to look at you. You lifted your face, too, and looked at him expectantly. His pupils dilated for a mere second and he licked his lips nervously, averting his gaze a little before continuing. “I…’ve been wanting to ask you something.”
You tilted your head a little, squeezing his hand in yours encouragingly. Was it just you or was his hand getting a bit sweatier? “What is it?”
“I, uh…” He let out a sigh and pouted as he spoke. “I don’t want you to think anything weird about me, it’s just… you’ll leave soon, and I was… I don’t know, thinking if we could… have sex.”
Unable to say anything, you continued staring at him, your lips parting eventually as you processed his words.
Hansol winced and scratched the back of his head, his cheeks gaining a lot of color, fast. “I’m sorry I suggested that, I knew it would sound really weird and I really like you for so much more than that kind of reasons and I don’t want you to think that I–”
“I think I’d like that,” you said quietly, barely even audible, yet Hansol managed to hear you and finally stopped rambling. His jaw dropped, which made you blush a little as you smiled nervously. “I can’t say it wouldn’t have crossed my mind, too. Especially that one night…”
Hansol could easily guess which night you were referring to - the memory of moaning against your lips while you were making out when you had moved a little, your leg touching his crotch and thus his erection, all too clear in his mind - and nodded slowly. “I… yes. Okay. So we’ll–”
“…Have sex,” you finished his sentence quietly, your lips curving into a smile as your heart began beating  faster.
Slowly, he let go of your hand and placed his one on your thigh, although only lightly, as though asking if it was okay. You chuckled and moved his hand the slightest bit higher on your leg and leaned your face closer to his.
“It’s my first time,” you whispered, keeping your hand on top of his, and looked down at his lips when your noses bumped lightly.
Hansol nodded and leaned a bit closer, his lips nearly brushing against yours. “Mine, too.”
You giggled softly as he leaned closer to kiss you sweetly, and cupped his cheek with your free hand. “It’ll be a mess.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” he snorted and grinned against your lips, his hold on your thigh the slightest bit more daring than earlier. “We’ll figure it out.”
Little by little he lay you down and you wrapped your arms around his neck like you did most of the time when you were making out in such a position, or any position, really, and even when you were hugging. It still felt so incredibly new, however, and the knowledge that you were about to do something exciting only made you both more exhilarated.
“Wait,” you breathed as Hansol’s fingers were slowly sliding down your body to the hem of your shirt, and he hummed, breaking away from the kiss. You panted a little, looking up at him. “Do you have a condom?”
It was the only relevant question, really, and after a moment of panic Hansol let out a relieved sigh while nodding when he remembered something.
“My parents gave me a few ”just in case” the other day,” he mumbled embarrassedly, and you giggled at his revelation and played with his hair, although your cheeks became rosy in color, too.
“I’d say we should thank them later, but that would be awkward,” you noted in amusement and got a chuckle from Hansol.
“A little,” he agreed, and with that, leaned back down to kiss you deeply while his hand slowly slid underneath your shirt. You shivered underneath his touch, although the slight shakiness of Hansol’s hand made you giggle and relax a little. At least you weren’t the only one.
“You’re nervous,” you noted adoringly once he had broken away from the kiss to catch his breath. He chuckled, his hand resting on your side under your shirt.
“Of course I am,” he admitted and, sitting up, tugged a little at the hem of your shirt while grinning at you. “But so are you, your heart’s beating crazy fast.”
“At least I’m not alone with that,” you giggled as you sat up, too, and got one arm around Hansol’s neck to pull him into a kiss while your other hand moved to the hem of the top he was wearing. “Think we could take this off?”
A bit shyly, Hansol nodded and took off the top, leaving his upper body bare. He was lean and slightly toned, and while you had openly adored his arms before, which he often had bare, it was your first time seeing his chest and - hell, he had abs.
While you blushed, unashamedly checking Hansol out, he snorted and nudged you gently. “What about your shirt?”
You thought about it for a while, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious, and with a quiet mumble asked him to take it off of you. Hansol’s eyes widened, but he nodded readily, and soon you could feel his knuckles lightly on your skin as he pulled your shirt over your head.
“Wow,” he breathed at the sight of you, wearing nothing but your bra on your top. You could hardly resist the urge to cover yourself, and settled with just having your arms slightly crossed in front of yourself. Hansol smiled softly and gave you a gentle kiss on your cheek. “You’re gorgeous, Y/N.”
His soothing voice had its usual effect on you, and made you feel a bit calmer in an instant, and so you got your hands back in Hansol’s slightly messy hair. “That makes two of us.”
Snickering, Hansol kissed your lips. “I guess so.”
For a while you just sat there, your lips locked in sweet yet hungry kisses while your hands explored each other’s bodies, more daringly than ever. While Hansol had, on occasion, held your breast through your shirt and bra, it was his first time being able to touch the sensitive skin itself, and it made him swallow hard when he noticed how his touch made you breathe a little heavier and eventually even moan into the kiss.
“Are they really that sensitive?” he asked, his voice thick, and continued moving his thumb lightly on the top of your breast. His jaw tightened a little when he let his thumb dip into your bra, moving past your nipple in the process, which made you moan louder.
Tugging at his hair lightly, you whimpered, although there was an amused hint to your voice. “What do you think?”
To further prove your point, you brought your hand to Hansol’s chest and, after circling his left nipple with your fingertip, you rubbed it lightly and grinned when he moaned.
“I get it,” he laughed and placed both of his hands on your waist. “At least I know where to pay attention, then.”
You blushed a little at what was to come, and nodded. “Yeah.”
Little by little you lay down again and Hansol leaned down to hover above you, smiling warmly. “Should we take your bra off?”
Your heart skipped a beat, but you nodded again, admittedly excited, and once you had managed to unclasp your bra, you took it off and threw it to the floor. Hansol stared at your chest in amazement, which made you feel shy again, but some of that feeling flew out of the window when he touched your left mound gently, squeezing it ever-so-slightly while leaning down to kiss the right one.
“Beautiful,” he hummed to himself, pressing kisses around the top of your right breast while merely cupping the other one, enjoying the softness. Hansol then kissed his way up your chest and to your neck, his voice gentle as he spoke. “You’re so beautiful.”
“At least you’re making your opinion clear,” you giggled and placed your hands onto his shoulders, moving your hips a bit restlessly with the burning need only growing between your legs. Having Hansol touch such sensitive areas of your body that only you had touched before did little to ease the need, and especially when he experimentally sucked on your nipple you found your hips bucking up, meeting Hansol’s ones.
He moaned, and you could hardly hold a similar noise back either when you felt his hard-on against yourself, and the further your desire grew, the less second thoughts you had - you needed him, and everything had always felt so right with him that you knew you wouldn’t regret it; wouldn’t regret your first time being with him out of all people.
Not that you would’ve had any second thoughts to begin with, however.
As you continued making out more and more passionately, Hansol couldn’t help but grind into you, almost instinctively, and you didn’t mind in the least. It was a very welcome sneak peek at what was to come, and if how good it felt with clothes between the two of you was anything to go by, you couldn’t wait for the real thing, as much as you knew it wouldn’t be sheer joy.
“Hansol,” you breathed when he had moved down to kiss your neck, and played with his hair a little. He hummed, his lips pressed to a particularly sensitive spot that made you whine a little, and lifted his face to look at you. Swallowing, you whispered. “I think we can, uh, move on.”
By the end of your sentence you had moved your gaze lower in an attempt to hint at the pants that the two of you were still wearing, and Hansol caught onto that quickly, flushing a little. “Okay.”
He sat up and you did, too, and after asking if it was okay, you opened the button and zipper of his jeans while nearly holding your breath. Hansol chuckled and, once you and moved your hands away, slid his jeans down, which revealed his hard-on clearly defined through his boxers.
“So, yeah,” he said a bit awkwardly when his jeans were on the floor, and tried to focus on everything but how hard he was. For you it was a lost cause.  You smiled and got your pants off, which left you in your panties.
“Now we’re even,” you noted happily and got up on your knees, getting close enough to Hansol to be able to get your hands on his neck and lean down to kiss him, both of you smiling against each other’s lips. He placed his hands onto your hips, still a bit shaky, and kissed you passionately while his fingers slid slightly under the thin fabric of your panties with a quiet sigh leaving his lips when you got to sit astride on his lap.
“Y/N,” Hansol chuckled, looking warmly into your eyes when you pulled back a little. “Any idea where you’re sitting?”
Blood rushed to your cheeks as you grinned. “It was my intention.”
He swallowed hard at that, his cock twitching slightly, and nodded. “I– I’ll get the condom now.”
You giggled and got off his lap and watched him curiously as he went to his drawers and dug out a condom from the very bottom of a pile of clothes.
“Seems like you weren’t too set on using it anytime soon,” you said amusedly, and Hansol chuckled with a shake of his head.
“Not really,” he admitted and got back to the bed, where he sat down next to you and placed a hand on your thigh. “But I’m very happy I get to use it now, with you.”
Biting down on your lower lip lightly, you placed your hand on top of his and squeezed it. “Me too.”
You lay down again, your head comfortably on Hansol’s plush pillow, and he slowly got his boxers off. With your eyes following every bit of skin that was revealed, your heart skipped a beat when you saw his cock, standing hard and proud, and felt your core clench a little.
An embarrassed smile was on Hansol’s face as he sat down and looked at you while you stared up at him playfully, and slowly he moved his fingers up your leg until he could hook them on the waistband of your panties. “How about?”
“Yeah,” you whispered excitedly and, together with Hansol, took your panties off and pulled him down with you with one hand on the back of his head and one on his shoulders.
By instinct your legs wrapped around him as you kissed him hungrily, most of your shyness and nervousness clouded by desire, which you were happy about. Hansol grunted quietly when his length met your wetness, and he couldn’t help but grind lightly, and in turn make you moan.
Eventually he pulled back, panting, his eyes hooded and lips parted. “I can’t just– can I?”
You shook your head and cupped his cheeks, smiling affectionately, and after a light kiss got his hand into yours and brought it lower on your body. “Nope.”
Hansol smiled when you had brought his hand between your legs and leaned down to kiss your forehead while his fingers slid between your outer lips. “Got it.”
Your heart was beating fast in your chest as Hansol propped himself on one arm and, while his lips were latched onto either yours or your neck, his fingers danced around in your wetness. The way his fingers circled your clit made your breath hitch, and he took note of that and did it some more, until you were bucking against his hand and begging for more.
With the softest smile on his face, Hansol brought his finger to your entrance and began sliding it in slowly, his eyes locked on your expression to see how you were feeling. “Does it feel okay?”
“Definitely,” you sighed contently and bit down on your lower lip as Hansol began pumping the digit inside of you slowly, taking note of your quiet noises and the way you were clenching around his finger. Little by little, by your request, he began easing in a second finger, and not much later you were a quivering mess holding tightly onto his hair and shoulder, your hips bucking against his fingers rhythmically and the quietest, shyest “Please” slipping from your lips.
The sun was setting outside, and there was something in the way Hansol looked when he was sitting up on the bed, his hair a mess and his face flushed while he put on the condom with the sunlight hitting his face that made you feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy on the inside, even with how much pure desire you were feeling towards him at that moment.
Once the condom was on, Hansol got on his knees between your legs and leaned down to kiss you sweetly, cupping your breast while his tongue danced with yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck and played with his hair a little, although it was fairly soon that you got bold enough to slide your hand down to his cock and give him a few strokes.
“I’m ready,” you whispered and grinned to yourself when Hansol moaned and bucked into your hand. He nodded and got up a little, so that he could align himself with your entrance, and as he began pushing in slowly, his hands on your thighs, you placed your hands atop of his and gasped at the feeling of him filling you up little by little.
“Do you feel okay?” he asked concernedly and stopped for a while, only continuing when you giggled and nodded, telling him it was fine, but he continued slowly to give you time to adjust. He grunted contently when he was fully inside of you, reveling in how wet and warm and tight you were around him and how insanely good it all felt. Hansol leaned down to kiss your neck, his voice almost whiny as he spoke. “You feel really good, Y/N.”
His hips moved a little while he spoke, which made you moan and grab his shoulders. “Y-you too, oh god.”
You were so sensitive and having him move felt so good, and you could already tell that it would be much better than any of your solo sessions, if for no other reason then for the fact that it was Hansol you were doing it with.
Your arms were wrapped around his neck and your ankles were crossed by his lower back as you clung onto Hansol, your face nuzzled into his neck when he began moving slowly, his lips gently rocking into yours in small movements that took your breath away nevertheless.
He supported himself with one of his arms and stroked your side soothingly with the other, taking in every small detail of your body that he possibly could, from how nice your breast felt against his palm to how your waist turned into your hips and everything else. Your breathing was heavy as you met his movements with your hips a little, letting out satisfied sighs against his neck
Hansol panted, his heart beating fast in his chest with how overwhelming the situation felt. He had never been so close, so intimate with someone, and while it felt many times better than his hand, he also felt a sense of emotional fulfillment, his heart growing warm in his chest. Leaning down, he was able to get you to raise your face from his neck and claim a sweet kiss from you.
Little by little, he began thrusting faster, if not on his own, then by your whispered “More,” against his lips when you held him a bit tighter. You moaned and hid your face in his neck again, letting out quiet sounds of pleasure while he moved inside of you, and you found his warm body pressed against yours oddly comforting and so arousing.
You could feel the knot in the pit of your stomach tightening a little with each thrust, but no matter how much Hansol would kiss your neck and shoulders, you knew you needed something more, and so you slid one hand down from his shoulder to your clit, whimpering when your fingertip found your swollen, sensitive bundle of nerves.
“I’ll come soon,” Hansol whispered huskily, massaging your breast while his hips met yours time after time and his lips moved along your neck. You moaned and nodded, signaling that you were close, too, and continued rubbing the fast circles onto your clit that you had started doing a moment earlier.
“I’m– oh,” you moaned against Hansol’s neck, your legs tightening around him and your mouth opening in a silent cry not much before his hips pushed into you and he released into the condom with a grunt.
Your fingers stuttered to a stop on your clit when you came around him, and after a quick moment you took your shaky hand to his side to get a hold of him. Hansol panted on top of you and moved his face from your neck in order to lock your lips in a sweet, passionate kiss
“You were amazing,” he breathed cheerfully, grinning against your lips, and you couldn’t help but giggle as you unwrapped your legs from around him.
“I could say the same,” you said, your eyes sparkling happily, and looked into Hansol’s brown eyes that the setting sun was making seem even brighter than they normally were. Your heart felt full with love and affection, yet also heavy with the knowledge that you would have to leave soon. Tears built up in your eyes at the realization of that, but you kept your smile on your face. “I really like you, Hansol.”
Pulling him down into a tight hug, you nuzzled your face into his neck.
“I love you.”
He let out a sigh and embraced you, holding you as comfortingly as he could. “I love you, too. I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll come back when I can,” you whispered and winced a little when Hansol pulled out of you and took the condom off before getting back to cuddle you. Drawing circles on his chest, you looked up at Hansol. “Or you could come visit me.”
Chuckling, Hansol grinned widely and kissed your forehead. “You blew my surprise for your birthday.”
You sniffled while laughing, and leaned in to kiss him on the lips. “I’ll act surprised.”
“You better.”
Admin Scooter
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