#those pics of Joel are amazing
elliespuns · 2 months
hello!! first of all, i don't intend to say this as a way to create a fuss or anything like that, i just see your blog as a space where we can debate a lot of tlou related topics and i want to know your opinion about it :-) anyways, while i did enjoy the hbo series, i also think it was very flawed in translating both joel and ellie's personalities - but i want to focus on joel's atm.
i don't think joel is "insensitive" on the game, but i do believe the fact that he tried so hard to hide his feelings and barely ever showed his soft side is a SUPER important characteristic of his.
i don't mind the way pedro played joel but at the same time i just cannot see both of them as the same man. and i don't talk only about the scenes where joel was visibly anxious or cried, but also the torture scene. i think it is one of the most iconic scenes on the game (also, I'm the one who asked you to take pics of it a couple weeks ago LOL) specially cause it shows us joel doesn't have to go out of his way to be a menace. the fact that pedro had to scream and etc to make them fear him bothers me sooo much.
i think pedro was more than capable to play a joel that is both too much of a father figure for his own good AND a tough son of a b*tch that can and will kill people with his bare hands to protect whatever is important to him.
from my point of view, crying during the "i saved her" scene is really out of character for game joel. when the guy just confesses he killed a bunch of people, "doomed" the whole world just to keep his little girl safe and then lied straight to her face, but his expression shows no hint of sadness whatsoever, that, for me, is the peak of his character.
"if somehow the lord gave me a second chance at that moment, i'd do it all over again". of course he's hurt that ellie doesn't trust him anymore, and of course he wasn't exactly happy to kill those fireflies, but he did what he thought was right and he'd rather have ellie hate him for another thousand years to come than know he just left such a sweet girl to die in the hands of a crumbling group, in the name of a cause he never really cared about. he knows his actions will have consequences but he doesn't cry cause he is willing to die for it (and he really did).
sorry for rambling but i really want to read other people's opinion about it!!
First of all, I love how perfectly you've just described game Joel. This is exactly how I feel about our man, and even if I tried, I could never put it into words like this. Hands down, bro, this is so well said.
Both Ellie and Joel were portrayed differently in the show (it's not the worst thing; I know that people who don't follow the game fell in love with these versions of them, and for them it's as magical as it was for us when playing), but I guess, for the game lovers, it's harder to see past this fact simply because getting to love a character and having to learn everything there is about them, growing up with them only to find out the creators (people who gave them this exceptional and amazing character) didn't care enough to stick to what they came up with is kind of a bummer. I mean, you can choose to ignore it on the screen, but yet it's something so 'palpable' you have to watch with a little *sigh* in your mind.
"It shows us joel doesn't have to go out of his way to be a menace. the fact that pedro had to scream and etc to make them fear him bothers me sooo much."
I agree. Game Joel has this death stare that makes people fear from miles away while show Joel doesn't. I think Pedro could pull it out without a blink of an eye—if only they'd given him this Joel to play.
People say that making show Joel more "sensitive" was to make him more realistic because in the game, the characters are portrayed as having to deal with the impossible (like killing 10 clickers and a bloater without any damage, etc.), while in the show, he's a real man, so real attributes and emotions are needed. I get that; that makes perfect sense. But I still also agree with folks who say that keeping Joel's "detached" and "thin-skinned" characteristics wouldn't hurt anyone because what's unrealistic about that?
Game Joel and show Joel are completely different characters in my head. I love them both. I can switch them in my head and tune into both Joels, but I still prefer the game when it comes to the story and the character Joel is.
It's funny because when I watch show Joel, I can't help but see a puppy version of game Joel, tbh. Pedro is literally able to play anything, so his version of "sensitive" Joel serves me just right when I tune into the show. But knowing Pedro would kill the "callous" and "unaffected" version of Joel, and it bugs me so much we'll never get to see it.
Btw, I'm working on your request, more photos of Joel torturing David's men are coming!
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lordeemailarchive · 1 year
Pure Heroine turns 10
Living in Ruins of a Palace within My Dreams
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Photo by Simeon Patience
Firstly, I wanna say thank you for your extremely supportive and kind messages after my last newsletter. I genuinely feel deeply cared for, less alone, and more sure that things will be okay after sending it! Albeit with a slight overshare hangover. I think a part of me knew that I had hit a wall, and that I needed to invite in the compassion and understand I’d been struggling to generate on my own, and then I’d have something to draw from and mirror. It feels like it’s working. I feel incredibly grateful that we have this relationship, that we can each give when the other needs it. Beautiful stuff x
Now, might U have noticed it’s 2013 mode round here????????? Yes that’s right, it’s a very special anniversary… Pure Heroine is... ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。TEN ˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚ YEARS ˚༘♡ ⋆。˚ OLD ੈ✩‧₊˚ TODAY ! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
You may (like me most of the time) hold the opinion that this album has been MYTHOLOGISED QUITE ENOUGH, but a milestone is a milestone, so I thought coming here and typing some shit to u about this time would be a fun thing for those who care.
2 xxxxtra special ltd time only commemorative designs by Hassan, who did the original of this bootleg tee 10 years ago❤️
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It’s close to midnight, and I’ve just finished scrolling through my entire computer and phone archive from 2011-2013. Going on this memory lane ride has reminded me, for one thing, what a different time it was technologically. We were just starting to be able to see ourselves in real time, but we weren’t constantly connected. I had an iPod touch until halfway through 2013, which didn’t have a front camera or internet access, and my sister and I shared a MacBook, which is where we did our schoolwork and I wrote my lyrics. I took my first few years of selfies on Photo Booth…. Just let that… sink in!!!
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Note the Royals Nat Geo pic in background— it’s happening...
When I was fourteen, my greatest work of art was my bedroom. A very cool, very classic teenage bedroom, Andie’s and Duckie’s from Pretty in Pink meets the Virgin Suicides— fairy lights, fabric on the ceiling, candles, stolen road signs (badman), paper lanterns, beer crate shelves, magazine pictures and club night posters and permanent marker on the walls. Bliss! I’d sit up there and vibe out, taking a lot of selfies. Creating a small-scale work of art using the self, and then examining the product from every angle, was the best method I had to express myself and exercise creativity at that time, and I now see it as an important PH incubation phase, whether I knew it or not. Something really amazing about a young person starting to see their own face and body for the first time, coming to a very secret understanding that they are beautiful. 
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I started to smoke weed, which gave me a deeper understanding of sensory pleasure, and allowed me to start to see my world as a possible work of art. I’d go on long walks around the neighbourhood, and began to mythologise the stuff around me (big empty floodlit rugby fields/bus rides/dark streets/boredom/isolation) into the motifs that would become Pure Heroine. I wore a lot of like, navy lipsticks from the 2 dollar shop. God, this aesthetic, It’s just TOO MUCH.
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At some point in here, I met Joel, and another piece of the puzzle clicked into place. When you’re a teenager, you’re particularly sensitive to adults being condescending to you, not respecting the specific and finely tuned skills you have because of the ones you don’t. I was always on the look out for it, and from the first day meeting Joel, I knew that he would never give me that feeling. Which I’m sure wasn’t easy — my wallet at the time was the foot of a pair of tights that I cut off and knotted at the top — but somehow from the very beginning he made me feel like my ideas had value, like we were peers, in the most sensitive and age-appropriate way. 
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My view for thousands of hours making this album
We got on a call earlier this week and broke down the complete history of making the album. We both agreed that making Pure Heroine was deeply exciting and intimate and free, and still one of our most treasured experiences. I’ve linked it here.The second half of 2013 is when I really met the world, went to America and Australia and Europe for the first time. I found an incredible (for some reason Christmas themed) disposable camera image of my stage outfits all over the floor of my hotel room, which really sums up how ad hoc everything was at the beginning — a jetlagged sixteen year old, late for lobby call and frantically stuffing thousands of dollars of borrowed clothes into a suitcase. 
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In this stage, it felt like I pulled everything off by the skin of my teeth. Every week was the most exciting week of my whole life, I was so tired and still didn’t have a winter coat and took everyone clamouring for a piece of me completely for granted. I had zero cultural context, had no idea if an interview or TV show was huge or small, and so breezed through it all truly not giving a fuck. I am not a naturally nonchalant person, it was literally just too much to care about, I could hardly get up in the morning, so I just said absolutely whatever I felt like, all kinds of wild shit, if someone did something corny I’d say so, I was ruthless in that way that only teens are. Then through that year we went on our first tours, met you guys for the first time, hours and hours of hugs after the show, my favourite part so far and where it started to feel real for me. James took a lot of beautiful film photos through that time, and I’m really grateful he did.
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Ten years goes really fast. One minute you’re wearing a leather collar with a giant crystal hanging off it to a Chanel party, and the next you’re blonde. A lot of stuff isn’t good after ten years. But I am still totally touched by this sweet record. I have deep respect for the vision of the little one making it. 
Going back through all of this has reminded me of something that feels important to point out, whether you make art or not: everything starts out as a bunch of bullshit in a laptop. Pure Heroine was a handful of Photo Booth selfies and emotional Word documents and Tumblr posts (and a gorgeous over-decorated bedroom) before it was even one song. I had no reason, on paper, to believe that I was capable of anything. But if you can trust that the first impulse you had to create came from a place of deep wisdom, develop a few principles for your decision-making, and absorb a lot of stuff you find inspiring, you’ll have something special on your hands. Pure Heroine exists because I had the tiniest inkling of what I’ve now come to see as one of my guiding principles: that each of us have a handful of songs inside us that are ours, and only ours, to sing. Your specific interests and upbringing and physiology and experiences exist only in you; you are sitting on a gold mine that no one can rob. Whatever that means to you, whatever that statement you were born to make is, I invite you to take a big breath and make it.
All my love for another ten years of all this, and more, and more—
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(source: received this email)
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spagheddiesquash · 3 months
so today i was in the mw oc server talking abt some stuff i noticed about jawbone (+ some other theory stuff as well!!)
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so first of all. two kind of obvious details:
he is green (“yeah no shit sherlock” i hear u thinking. trust me there is a reason why im pointing it out)
his pupils are triangular. nobody else in the show so far has had triangular pupils. (well. i mean commander tezzoree’s eye has a triangular pupil but she hasnt made an appearance in any episodes yet and i doubt the two characters are connected)
just making this point known for now. we will hold this thought for later in the post.
another thing: so in the ref sheet of him posted to the mw tumblr back in september i believe(?), his name is written as “jawbone (a.k.a. scythelord)”
you know where a character by the name of “scythelord” has shown up already?
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on a wanted poster, thats where!! he has a bounty on his head!!!
which means that tyneen and her crew are probably after him, which probably explains why they’re at the thicc chicc casino. (how do i know jawbone is there? because ricket is there, which i know because he is shown interacting with both shrike and tyneen, who we know are both there)
now. remember that thought from earlier that i told you to hold until later? now is the time to bring it back.
ok so. we already know that colors and shapes each have their own respective significance in this show, and colors and shapes are chosen deliberately.
with that said:
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correlation?? maybe???
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this further cements my belief that ep 4 will have a LOT in it regarding the cataclysm or some other related thing. why?
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(2nd pic comes from the VA application doc. unfortunately i dont have any better quality pics of it)
despite the poor image quality in the second pic, you can still tell that both of these characters have some sort of magenta (or pink i guess?) type of theming going on in their designs.
also if we look at campions, like, the flower
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you can see where im trying to go with this idea.
i did a whole bunch of examining colors today in light of this, actually!!! quick fun fact for those unaware: RGB and CMYK invert into each other.
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and then after i made that image i started sorting things into what colors they are. (white and black have been omitted from the screenshots simply because there doesnt seem to be any significant things tied to them)
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obviously this list is probably incomplete and i will continue to add to it, of course.
(my main inspo for even thinking about CMYK for theories in the first place was @toastedclownery btw!! GO CHECK OUT THEIR BLOG IF U HAVENT ALREADY THERES SO MANY COOL THEORY POSTS THERE!!)
one final not-as-relevant theory that’s really more of a prediction: i really think joel vargskelethor is gonna be in this upcoming episode, whether it’s in whole or in part. i mean, he already voiced the duende in ep 3, so it’s not like its impossible or anything. also “scythelord” happens to be the name of joel’s band as well (which you should DEFINITELY check out if ur into metal!!!!! absolutely amazing stuff) OH OH AAAAAAND
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id like to direct your attention to the title of this update, which is “the bone zone,” which i believe to be a skeleton metal reference.
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also jawbone/scythelord has the little sweden viking helmet thing on the wanted poster. AND HES GREEN! LIKE FREN!!
for those who dont know, this is fren (also known as vargfren i think)
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so yeah. these evidence pieces combined with the fact that zeurel has made dozens of “vargskelethor animated” videos (which is how i got into zeurel’s animations in the first place actually!!) are what led me to make this prediction.
anyway, i hope you guys liked this theory post. it’s not an update on the web, but i figured id try doing something new. though, if youd like to see the web, here’s a view of the full thing currently:
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but yea thats all i really had. ill reblog with some additions if i think of anything else. bye for now!!! :^D
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Ok maybe I love angst???? I know you wrote readers perspective during break up but what about Joel’s perspective seeing pap pics or posts from crew, knowing Sarah and Ellie still chat with reader?
but yes 😈
Night Shift
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: “Some days, I want to spit me out, the whole mess of me, but mostly I am good
and quiet.” - Camille Rankine, “Emergency Management” [1.3k]
Warnings: angst, Joel being the best dad, I think that’s it??
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The first thing he said to the girls when he told them about the breakup was, "But if you still want to have a relationship with her, that's totally up to you. I know you guys both really liked her." And it was true. After years of being more or less a single dad, he wasn't about to pry the first woman he'd introduced to them from their hands. He reasoned that they were old enough to make their own decisions regarding their relationships. Who was he to take that away? He just wasn't expecting it to hurt as much as it did.
When Sarah got into UCLA, he took the girls to a fancy dinner downtown. He's always been one to shower his daughters in love and adoration, especially when one of them hits a huge milestone and especially now that he has the resources to do so. The night was filled with laughter, wistful ideas about the future, and a few tears on Joel's part. He put his own schooling on hold to raise Sarah, and now, to see her accomplish something he never did, it's warranted for him to be a little emotional. 
Those emotions are still fresh when he wakes up to Sarah sitting at the kitchen table, a beautiful flower vase on the counter. He walks over to where she's sitting and kisses her head before asking who the flowers are from. He expects them to be from his parents or even Tommy and Maria to celebrate the good news, but when Sarah says your name, everything in him freezes. 
"I texted her when I found out because she helped me with applications and stuff. I didn't know she was gonna send anything." She says sheepishly, but Joel composes himself and shakes his head.
"That's perfectly fine, baby. It was nice of her to send you something pretty." He recovers, and she smiles as she walks over to the vase and plucks a note between the petals. 
"She sent a nice note, too. D'you wanna read it?" She asks. He rocks back on his heels, glancing between the flowers and the soft smile on his daughter's face. She wouldn't offer if she didn't want him to read it. He nods weakly, and she hands him the tiny notecard, rereading it over his shoulder.
For SBM,
Congratulations on getting into UCLA! I'm proud of you every day but especially today. You're going to do amazing things, kid, and I can't wait to see what they are.
Love you
Then, under the heartfelt note are your initials. Joel stares at them like it's enough to fix the past and bring you back to California. Sarah notices and wraps her arms around him, squeezing him tightly. He takes a deep breath and kisses her temple.
"That was very nice, honey. D'you text her to say thank you?"
"Yeah, but she's ahead by a few hours, so she probably won't see it for a while," she mumbles. "Have you talked to her since she left?" He thinks about lying to soften the blow for her as all good parents do, but she'd see right through that.
"Don't think she'd wanna hear from me."
"That's not true." 
"She's workin'. I'm pretty sure the last thing she wants right now is to hear from her ex."
"How do you know?" She challenges, and he gives her a look.
"How do you know the last thing she wants is to hear from you? What if she's waiting for you to make the first move?"
"Sarah." He says, shaking his head. 
"I'm just saying you never know until you try! You, obviously, cared about each other. That doesn't just go away overnight." She says, throwing her arms up in defeat.
"It's not that simple."
"Because you still love her."
"Because I fucked up," he says. He makes it a point not to curse in front of the girls very often, but they can always tell when he's upset because it slips out. Old habits die hard, right? Sarah stands there, staring at her dad, as he thinks. "I hurt her, and when you hurt someone, you don't get to decide when things are okay again. I hurt her, and she did what she had to, and I have to respect that."
"You could tell her Angela disappeared again. Maybe that'd make it better?" She suggests, and Joel's heart breaks all over again. Sarah put a lot of faith in Angela this time. They all did. He thought she had turned a corner, and she had, but that didn't mean she was ready to step up for his daughter. She said as much in her letter. I'm sorry. I can't do this. I'll only hurt Sarah. Tell her I love her, but I can't be the mother she needs. I don't know that I ever will be. Just like that, he was left to pick up the pieces again. 
He reaches for her and pulls her into a tight hug. She rests her head on his chest, and he rubs her back. They stay like that for a long time, tears falling from both. He tells her it's not her fault. Angela is sick, and she has been for a long time. It's not an excuse, but it's a reason. He tells her he wishes she could be better for her, that she deserves a mother whose presence doesn't bring pain. He tells her he loves her and he's always here for her. He wishes so deeply that he could take this pain away from her and erase any bad memories of her mother. In a perfect world, maybe they could co-parent or, at least, see each other at family events every couple of years. But this is not a perfect world, and they both know it. So, like always, Joel holds his baby girl and tries to make things okay for her. 
"I love you, Dad," Sarah whispers after a long silence. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For always trying." She says. The words rattle in Joel's skull, and he immediately tears up again. He clears his throat and kisses her head again to hide the tears.
"I love you, kiddo. With everything I am." He says. When she looks up at him, he wipes his tears and claps his hands together.
"Alright, no more bein' sad. What does the college girl want for breakfast?" He asks, opening the pantry to search for something to make. He smiles as he reaches up on the top shelf and pulls down a box. "Pancakes?" Sarah's face doesn't change, and he raises his eyebrows at her. "C'mon, when you were a little girl, these were all you wanted to eat. Used to ask for 'em for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Pretty sure Abuela Lucy thought I didn't know how to make anythin' else." He teases, floating the box in front of her face mischievously. "You know you want 'em. I can see it in your eyes."
"Alright, fine, but we're coming back to your love life later." She finally smiles.
"Whatever you want, pumpkin."
Ellie wakes up to the smell of pancakes and the sound of their laughter, completely in the dark about their earlier conversation. With his girls, Joel makes pancakes and listens to them bicker and make plans for the day. Maybe, in another universe, you'd be there with him, enjoying the sunshine and flour-stained countertops. In another universe, Joel doesn't have to apologize to his daughter on behalf of a mother who doesn't care. In another universe, you're a weird, blended family who isn't perfect, but goddammit, do you try your best to be good for each other. The bittersweet thought rings in Joel's ears, and he has to shrug it away.
It's okay, he thinks. It's nice to still have dreams, right?
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fratboybeezer · 11 months
Flyers Primer - Text Version
Presentation version here
featuring many of my personal opinions on players & some phantoms i find notable
*edit: fuck carter hart and i was very harsh on sam for no reason also there’s a lot of typos sorry
Cam Atkinson
forward (rw), #89
drafted 157th overall to CBJ in 2008
amazing instagram comment-er
on the nhl player inclusion coalition
played for torts in cbus
seems just happy to be here
basically #1 gritty fan
Sean Couturier
forward (c), #14
coots, couter, no chest
drafted 8th overall to PHI in 2011
playing this season after being on ir for like a season and a half
should have an a or c
used to live with now gm danny b
last of my fav ginger trio (him, g, and jakey)
Marc Staal
defenseman, #18
drafted 12th overall to NYR in 2005
2nd of 4 staals
homophobic, boycotted pride night with his brother eric in florida last season
career overall +/- of +50, over 1100 games played
Scott Laughton
forward (c), #21
our one and only a
laughts, laughtsy, scotty tatum
drafted 20th overall to PHI in 2012
passionate LGBTQ+ ally
always the one to put up the pride flag in front of the farg
first guests of the season were a lesbian couple celebrating their 1 year wedding anniversary
best drip on the roster (decided by me after that horrid drip night they had)
kinda reminds me of a cat idk
drinks a black, hot coffee
let atkinson wear his a for atkinson’s first game back in cbus after being traded to philly (back when we had a c and 2 a’s)
had an a with team canada at world’s
has a cat named brucey
Travis Konecny
forward (rw), #11
tk, teeks, tiki bar
drafted 24th overall to PHI in 2015
literally one of the best (if not the best) player on our roster idc argue with the wall
called a “short king” (he is 5’10, there’s shorter guys on the roster)
certified DILF!!
my mom’s fav flyer (she can only name 3 total)
once lost his shoes on the plane and therefore postponed press
pest/rat/raccoon (affectionate)
lives in penalty box yet an absolute goal scorer
his best on ice comparison is a chihuahua
best flow on the roster idc
our media rep this year!!! Slay!!
best chirps on the roster
Joel Farabee
forward (lw), #86
beezer, young beezer, bee, young beezy
drafted 14th overall to PHI in 2018
my favorite player i could go on and on about him
had neck surgery after 21-22 season and came back and played all 82 games in 22-23 season
is already becoming a leader on the team
bought a house from coots early 22 and now it’s a hub for the young guys on the team
gives off frat boy vibes in the best way
is such a teammate guy
asg shootout hater
has (at least 1) tattoo
his game day coffee order is an iced coffee with almond milk, no sweetener, on off days gets a brown sugar shaken espresso, prefers iced over hot coffee, and never met a coffee he didn’t like
grew up liking the flyers & phillies and really wanted to be drafted to philly
“i thank my lucky stars” -bee when talking about getting drafted to philly
claimed in a tk mic’d up that he was dropping a mixtape and never dropped it :(
silliest guy on instagram
Carter Hart
goalie, #79
hartsy, cahtah haht
drafted 48th overall by PHI in 2016
our starter <3 love him
as i’m making this is injured but is practicing with the team so hopefully he’ll be back soon
deserves better than philly but you can pry him from my cold dead hands
@st-louis has a great primer about him
Samuel Ersson
goalie, #33
drafted 143rd overall to PHI in 2018
not the best but he’s trying (i think)
would benefit from some time down with the phantoms
tbh shouldn’t be our #2
Cal Petersen
goalie, #40
drafted 129th overall to BUF in 2013
looks like he would blow away in the wind ngl
me and my friend hate him i’m sorry (sorta)
has spent most of his career so far with the kings
Felix Sandstrom
drafted 70th overall to PHI in 2015
he should be our #2 idc
or down with the phantoms to improve
i can’t think of him without thinking of those pics @mad-bee posted of him like
Bobby Brink
forward (rw), #10
drafted 34th overall to PHI in 2019
a baby!! (is a 22 y/o man)
my friend knows him specifically as “our rookie”
a REAL short king (5’8)
university of denver
Cam York
defenseman, #8
yorkie, yam cork
drafted 14th overall to PHI in 2019
umich boy, would’ve graduated with team 101
also a usndtp boy
i’m too lazy to look for evidence but probably part of the hughes summer club
Tyson Foerster
forward (rw), #71
drafted 23 overall to PHI in 2020
even more of a baby than brink (he’s a 21 y/o man)
roomies with beezer, stayed in philly during the off-season
i don’t think he stops smiling
described by beezer as “like a little adhd kid”
seems to be besties with yorkie
Egor Zamula
defenseman, #5
was super excited to play alongside pr*vorov when he got called up from the Phantoms
part of beezer’s summer group
Nicolas Deslauriers
forward (lw), #44
nic, des, delo
drafted 84th overall to LAK in 2009
french canadian
hit 600 games 10/10!!
usually one of the top guys on the team in hits, pim, fights
has a career overall of -91 but like isn’t a goal scorer so. averages about 6 points per game in overall career
great fighter very hot 10/10
Nick Seeler
defenseman, #24
seels, seal team
drafted 131st overall to MIN in 2011
another great fighter that’s very hot 10/10
there’s not much to him other than punches but that’s ok i love him
fought des when des was playing with the wild
Noah Cates
forward (lw), #27
drafted 137th overall to PHI in 2017
has a brother who was with the organization but now is with bridgeport in the ahl (got to play some nhl games together!!!!)
once said flyers locker room lacked the “swagger of the winning mentality” which is a fucking hilarious way to word it
was on 2022 us men’s olympic roster
Morgan Frost
forward (c), #48
drafted 27th overall to PHI in 2017
never captions his instagram posts
angered torts or something because he keeps getting benched with no chance to properly prove himself
flyers hater
Travis Sanheim
defenseman, #6
sanny, sandy, sandra
drafted 17th overall by PHI in 2014
besties + neighbors with tk (known together as travii or travis²)
whl boy
besties with tk’s oldest kid
Owen Tippett
forward (rw), #74
tippy, tipper
drafted 10th overall to FLA in 2017
got him when we traded our captain :,( miss you G
hair looks unnatural but like i’m 90% it is natural
Garnet Hathaway
forward (rw), #19
signed as free agent in july
part of phd line (w/ des & poehling)
i don’t like him please don’t ask why i don’t have an answer
Ryan Poehling
forward (c), #25
drafted 25th overall to MTL in 2017
another guy signed in july
saved him from the penguins 🫶🏻
phd line
honestly i don’t know much abt him
Louie Belpedio
defenseman, #37
drafted 80th overall to MIN in 2014
has like 3 nhl games under his belt (12? as i’m making this)
signed july 2022 but has chilling in lehigh valley
went to miami of ohio
has a totally of 3 points but like i said only 11 games he’s got a lot of space for more
Victor Mete
defenseman, #98
drafted 100th overall to MTL in 2016
signed as a free agent in july
more of an assists guy than a goals guy and honestly i’m content with that
career overall +/- of +19
about 250 games under his belt
Sean Walker
defenseman, #26
bgsu grad & 2 seasons as captain there
his trade helped us send pr*vorov on his way, hope the door hit him on the way out
not rly talked abt but i think he’s cool (i’m going to bgsu lol)
Long term IR Boys
Ryan Ellis
defenseman, #94
drafted 11th overall to NSH in 2009
i don’t think he’s played a single game with us
like was injured when he was drafted and has been on ir the whole time
we lost phil myers for him (and nolpat too ig)
back injury? i think?
i have no thoughts on him ngl
Rasmus Ristolainen
defenseman, #55
drafted 8th overall to BUF in 2013
horrid career overall +/- (-176)
traded robert hagg & 2 draft pics for him?
i like him tho ig
looks like a different person in like every photo i’ve ever seen of him
his injury is undisclosed
The Phantoms
Wade Allison
forward (rw), #19 (#17 with flyers)
wader, ally, ally cat
drafted 52nd overall to PHI in 2016
he’s my girlfriend i miss him
lived in beezer’s basement last season
part of the fratboys (w/ frosty & beezer)
wmu boy
spent all of last season with the flyers
Tanner Laczynski
forward (c), #9 (#58 with the flyers)
drafted 169th overall to PHI in 2016
OSU boy (ew)
has never spent a whole season up with the flyers :(
my mom once told me he looked like a loser before finding out he was an nhl player
buds with wader
Zayde Wisdom
forward (rw), #14
drafted 94th overall to PHI in 2020
used to live with foerster?
he would cook and tyson would clean
i need him to be called up so we have that duo back
scored 29 goals in his second ohl season
Emil Andrae
defenseman, #6 (#36 with flyers)
drafted 54th overall to PHI in 2020
played 4 games with us this season
not much of a goal scorer but can do it
kinda looks very stereotypical swede
Ronnie Attard
defenseman, #12
drafted 72nd overall to PHI in 2019
was tri-city storm captain for the 18-19 season
another wmu boy — played a season there with ally in 19-20
played 2 games with the flyers last season and 15 the year before
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
hello toxic!!!! i fucking adore raider joel and all your writing. such gorgeous gorgeous filth. you’re amazing. and i love your work so much. wow. abt to reread the most recent raider joel fic for the 3rd time.
i saw this rlly cute lingerie set and it’s called sweet pea???? and then i was like how insane wld joel go for sweet pea wearing this. anyway. i wld send a photo but my main blog (that i can send photos from) is not 18+ so i’m sending the link on anon!!!
(for those who don’t want to click the link, it’s rlly delicate sheer lace w little flowers on the edges of the cups of the bra. mint green lace. v pretty).
ily toxic love ur work xoxoxoxo
tysm 🖤 I love rereads 🫶. ✨ hunger
omgggg he would go WILD. also i think he'd like the idea that you get to wear something that nice. so rare in their world 🥹. so he'd try not to ruin it by ripping it off lol.
mildly censored pic and link
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strang3lov3 · 4 months
Bug, congrats on your milestone, omfg!!! I present you a pic of one my cats - this is Corina and I've decided to show her off because she's 17 years old and she's still fighting to keep here, with us.
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Also, would like to know more about you (besides knowing that you've an amazing music taste), so 🪐 and ☂️. Aaand, since you're asking for recs, I don't write outside fanfics sites from my country, but I've created this list of recommendations ((probably you've already read some of those) and also recommend One of Your Girls by @joelscruff, because it's been living rent free in my mind since I've read it, it's one of my latest reads that stroke me deeply.
Congrats again and thank you for gifting us through a whole year, you deserve more 10000000000k followers and all the love in the world 🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜
Hi beautiful! I know this has been sitting in my inbox for a couple days. I don’t have an excuse lol.
What a gorgeous cat Corina is. There’s something so special to me about elderly cats. I love their gentleness. I’m glad to know she’s still having good days 🫂
🪐 - favorite shows and series. TLOU, obviously. Succession will stick with me forever. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, What We Do In The Shadows, Girls, New Girl, Stranger Things, Workin’ Moms, The Bear, Shameless, Parks and Rec, The Office, SNL, Conan Must Go and Conan Without Borders.
Maybe doesn’t quite count but I’m a huge YouTube watcher too, so Chuckle Sandwich, Good Mythical Morning, Watcher/BF Unsolved (I forgave them), Hot Ones, Claire Saffitz Dessert Person, Binging With Babish, Henry’s Kitchen. pretty much anything by jschlatt, penguinz0, Eddy Burback, Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner. That whole group. I also love video essays by Pop Culture Detective and a few others.
☂️- my favorite fics by other authors. @noxturnalpascal’s Devotion series, but also Happy Ending. Patti is incredibly fucking talented in her writing. Everything I read from @beefrobeefcal, because her voice in her writing is my shit. I love her sense of humor. SWAT by @covetyou is my masturbation material. @joelsgreys wrote To Do The Right Thing which is one of the first fics I read for Joel. @joeloverture , I think of her armpit kink fic all fucking day. I really loved @magpiepills Ezra fic I don’t remember the name of but reader was grinding on his helmet as he watched???? Insane. I also loved their Coach Joel fic. @toxicanonymity’s slasher!joel and personal trainer!joels are really fucking good reads. I started reading Smother by @beardedjoel which is just excellent. @endlessthxxghts’ most recent piss kink fic has not left my brain since I read it.
Thank you so much! And thank you for the fic recs 🩷
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galaxyedging · 1 year
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No outbreak Joel Miller x inexperienced f!reader
Dave York x inexperienced f!reader
Summary: A shift in dynamics between you and the older men you that in a choke hold leaves you with questions.
Warnings: Smut. Unprotected P in V sex. Rimming. F!receiving oral. Mentions of adultery. Swearing. Dave York.
Summer Schooled
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Come over.
Not a question, an order. When you got there the house smelled of lavender. Joel simply took your hand in his and led you to his bathroom. 
Closing the door behind the two of you, he lay his hands on your shoulders. "I thought you might need a soak. Are you sore?"
The thought of the warm bath sounded like heaven. You were sore. Sore from where he had used you to satisfy his needs. Sore from your muscles clenching in waves as your own needs were met. After you gave a little nod he helped you undress. He kneaded at each piece of new flesh exposed to him. Kissed trailers after each garment as it slid off your skin. When you were naked he got you to bend over with your hands braced on the tub. His hands spread your cheeks wide as he licked his way to your tight hole. It was another new sensation for you. Joel has given you many over the last two days. It was hard to believe it was only two days. You felt so much older. More confident.  A contented sigh came out with the breath you didn't realise you were holding. 
"Was that nice, Darlin'?"
"Yes, Joel."
"Then what do you say?"
"Thank you, Joel."
"See. There's my good girl. Here." He took your hand in his and gripped your waist to help you into the bathtub.
The water felt amazing. It was just the right temperature. The smell was incredibly soothing. "Lavender Epsom salts. Nothing but the best for my girl. You enjoy. There's something I gotta do real quick. Then I had some plans for you."
The shiver down your spine had nothing to do with the cold breeze that Joel leaving the bathroom let in. It was fast becoming painfully obvious that Joel's care came with strings. Although you didn't buy all his rantings about making you less of a whore. He likes the power and the control and acting like you're the dirty slut because it makes him feel superior. Dave on the other hand from what you could tell was just feral. He was an animal caught in a trap trying to gnaw his own foot off. He was stuck in his marriage for the sake of his girls. Yet he fucked around on his own doorstep. Wow. Those online intro to psychology classes were really paying off. 
Joel had been gone a little while when your phone pinged. It was Dave's tone. You had to figure out what he did to your phone. Fishing it out of the pocket of your shorts, you tapped on the icon.
Missing you this morning.
It disappeared, and another notification came through. You tapped it. On the screen was a picture of Dave's cock. Hard, thick and veiny. Beads of precum gathered on the tip. As you stared at it, it disappeared.
Did you get a good enough look? Or do you need more?
Without waiting for an answer he sent a video. He was running a lube covered hand over it. Stroking lightly and swiping his fist over the head. He was clearly baiting you. For his own amusement or to get you in trouble with Joel. 
I know Joel isn't there. He's left that poor, hungry pussy unattended. I could come over and take care of it.
Part of you wanted to say yes. To have Dave then have Joel punish you. What a whore he would be able to call you if he came back to see you on your knees, your mouth stuffed with Dave's cock.
No? I know what else has been neglected? Those pretty tits. I've been so caught up in that tight, wet cunt that I haven't given them enough attention. Fuck they're perfect.
Another photo. This one was of a woman's chest covered in cum. Fuck. No. It was your chest covered in cum.
Joel snapped me a pic. I would have given you more cum than that. See how heavy you get my balls.
Another video of him rolling his balls in his hands. It was his low moans that had you wet. You imagined a softer Dave, touching you with the same gentleness. 
If you're not playing, I guess I better just finish myself off.
The next video made your pussy clench around nothing. Hard. It was Dave giving himself a last few rapid strokes to finish himself off. Cum shot up his toned stomach. It coated his hands. His deep groans were replaced with rapid pants. Laying back in the tub you tried to get yourself together. Your nails bit into your palms to resist the urge to touch yourself. No, you weren't playing Dave's game. Or Joel's. Or both. At this point you weren't sure who was doing what.
When Joel arrived back a few minutes later, you were almost relaxed again. "Sorry. I had to run a part over to a job…you looked flushed. Did you take care of yourself without me?"
Maybe the truth was the best way to go. "Dave sent me dirty videos but I didn't touch myself, I swear." You voice caught with the sincerity held in it.
"Oh. I believe you. You're my good girl. This water's getting cold. Let's get you out." Joel helped you out and dried you off again. He was slow and methodical. He patted you gently. When he got to your inner thigh, he saw how wet you were. "Is all this for Dave?"
Heat burned your cheeks as you realised how wet you were. Joel's hand gripping your thigh reminded you you needed to answer him. Quickly. "Yes. I'm sorry I couldn't help it. He showed me that picture of your cum on my tits. I can't believe I got you that worked up just by sleeping next to you."
A look you couldn't place flashed across Joel's face before his lips turned up in a smirk. "Let me show you."
Taking you to his bed, he had you lay down. Removing his own clothes he got on the bed next to you. His body curled around yours. There was a slight softness covering his hard muscles that you couldn't help melt into. His semi hard cock nudged your ass cheek. 
"Even when you sleep, you are such a little whore that you were rubbing your ass against me. I was already hard just from the thought of you naked in my bed. Then you rubbed this…" His fingers dug into the meat of your ass. "...against me. I almost spilled my load over it. I had to jerk off to sleep. Do you have any idea what that's like? Trying to sleep with a cock this big, hard and throbbing between your legs? Especially with a tight, wet pussy inches away?" Using his grip on your ass he started to move you against him. He was fully hard in seconds. 
"See how you get me? I'm a patient man. I could usually wait until morning. I could deal with an erection without touching it. I've had to often enough with so much temptation around. Seeing you in those little shorts before work. I've had to will away more semis than I can count. I bet I have more self control than you do. Here."
He rolled you onto your back before settling between your legs. His cock slid easily into your wanting hole. "I'm just going to sit inside this pussy. I bet you'll start riding it before I fuck you."
More arousal washed around his cock. "You comfy, Sweetheart? We could be here a while." And you were until Joel drifted off, head buried in your neck. The soothing weight of him along with his steady heartbeat after the relaxing both soon sent you to sleep.
Weirdly enough, it was the heat that roused you first. Or it was the first thing that you became aware of. It was under your skin and rolling over you from above. Next was the pleasure. It was already pooling in your stomach. It lined your inner walls as Joel's cock rubbed against them. His head was still buried in your neck. Hot puffs of breath tickled the hairs at the nape of it. The way he honest to goodness moaned was so sexy.
Joel had lots of sexy qualities. Those board shoulders. Thick arms and thighs. That ruggedly handsome face. Aside from his looks, how he carried himself. There was a quiet confidence about him when he wasn't rushing around trying to sort his life out. When he was in his element his competency was so alluring. That was part of how this whole thing had started. Joel had been laying on his back under the kitchen sink. His legs were bent at the knee and spread, his jeans showcasing the bulge between them. His t-shirt rolled up to give you a peek of the honeyed skin of his abs. His well built biceps strained against his grey t-shirt as he worked. The effort it took to loosen the pipes showed in his grunts. As you watched transfixed, under the guise of helping him, you couldn't help but wonder if you could make him grunt and groan. 
"Give me a hand here?" He'd eventually called. 
Unsure of what he wanted you froze. 
"I don't bite, Darlin'. Get down here and I'll show you what I need."
Dropping down to your knees you crawled into the small space Joel made for you next to him. It was tight leaving you pressed into his side a little. The heat coming off his body was like a furnace. Later Joel commented it was more like hell fire due to the sinful thoughts he was having about you. 
"Here." Joel took you hands in his and guided them to the pipe he wanted you to hold. "Hold tight now. Stay exactly where you are." 
As he rolled himself up from under the sink his head narrowly missed your breasts. You wondered what his full lips would feel like pressed against them or wrapped around your nipples. 
When Joel returned with the part he needed he instructed you to move your hand up out of the way. "I can't reach." Was your reply.
"Well then lean in further. I don't mind you getting closer. I don't mind it at all." The implications were masked with the charm of his southern twang. 
Feeling bold, you pushed yourself closer and higher to reach. Leaving your chest almost in Joel's face. "Good girl." You could feel his words across your cleavage.
His grunts soon replaced it as he worked. The tiny amount of water trickling onto your hands was nothing compared to the trickle of arousal in your panties. 
Joel sat up forcing you to, too. Raking his eyes up your body he commented, "There we go nice and tight."
The blantness of his leering had you hot all over again. If your mom hadn't chosen that exactly second to walk in you don't know what you would have done. Joel later told you he was going to teach you not to shove your tits in a man's face by pawing at that while he fucked you.
"Damn, see, I just can't resist you anymore. I woke up buried in your tight heat, knowing you were still asleep and I could do anything I wanted with you." He shuddered as he worked himself deeper. "Although I think I could pretty much do what I want while you're awake too. Couldn't I, Girlie?" His cock working inside you picked up speed. "You'd let me do all sorts of dirty things to you wouldn't you? Just to have me touch you." His thrusts lost all the precision he'd shown you. It was as if he was too lost in his thoughts to focus. "I saw how you looked at me all those months, like you wanted me, like I was worth having."
"You are worth having Joel." A simple chaste kiss to his lips had him coming with a shudder. The questions on your lips had to be swallowed as Joel's cell phone rang. Glancing over at it on the nightstand he read the I.D. "It's Carol. I better take it." He pulled out leaving your pussy twitching in frustration. 
When Joel was off the phone, he explained that Sarah was sick. He and Carol figured it was part too many sweet snacks at their little getaway and part homesickness. Even though they were only thirty minutes away. Joel agreed to go pick her up a day early anyway. When he said goodbye it wasn't with an all consuming kiss or a teasing line. It was with a warm hug and a promise to call you.
Hearing your phone ring from the bathroom later that night, you assumed it was Joel so didn't rush. You could call him back. When you got back to your room, picking up your phone to do just that you saw a message from Dave.
Come to your guest room window.
Crossing from your room to the guest room you could hear your mom singing as she cooked. The smell of fresh herbs and spices filled the air. For a moment you thought about everything you would miss that you hadn't thought about in your rush to grow up and make your way in the world. The scent of the dried flowers your mom loved to keep little dishes of around tickled your nose as you entered the guest bedroom. The evening breeze rustled the curtains at the window as you approached it. The York's yard was lit up. The first thing that caught your eye was movement in the pool. Looking closer you could see Dave swimming. A second look revealed he was as naked as the day he was born. He did a few more laps on his back then came to sit on the side of the pool to pick up his cellphone. You nearly dropped your cell phone when it rang. 
"Like what you see?" You could hear that handsome smirk in his voice.
"What if my mom had looked out of the window?!" You growled at him in hushed tones.
"Well she's single, right?" He laughed. "You need to loosen up a little. Joel's uprightness has rubbed off on you more than he cock has. A soak in the hot tub would help."
"I can't."
"Why? Did Joel say so?" He took your silence as an answer. "He did! Joel's on some powered trip. His wife cheated on him and left him. His daughter's growing up and doesn't need him as much. You can do whatever you want. "So the question is what do you want?" You wanted answers. Why did Joel's demeanour change earlier? You should be asking him about it, not slipping on a dress to go see your married next door neighbour in the hopes of him railing you and your other next door neighbour who was old enough to be your father finding out. 
They say two wrongs don't make a right. Apparently a whole of wrong can feel so right. Dave's teeth nipped at your collarbone while his cockhead struck deep inside. His strong hands held your ass cheeks spread, the jet of warm water pummelling your tight hole. Dave hadn't spoken a word since you got there. His mouth had been too busy consuming yours. His tongue, too busy licking at yours. After he practically ripped off your clothes he lifted you around his waist to lower you both in the tub. You were barely in the water when he sheathed himself inside of you. The scream that it forced from you was caught by his lips and that was it, he'd been wordlessly fucking you relentlessly ever since. It wasn't what you expected from him. You expected dirty talk and degradation. This was almost sensual. The way he moaned. The way he read your body, giving you exactly what you need without you asking. It had you coming apart for him almost too easily. Even when you both came within moments of each other there weren't any climatic utterings of each other's names, just heavy breaths and moans.
When you both were able to stand, he helped you out of the water before passing you a towel. 
"You want a drink?" Was the first thing he asked.
"I'm good. Thank you." You adjusted your dress back into place.
Pouring himself a whiskey, he leaned against the table the bottle was sat on, a towel slung dangerously low on his slim waist. He looked at you thoughtfully for a moment. "You know you shouldn't let Joel mess with your head. You're a smart young woman. Smart enough to get two grown men acting stupid over you in just a couple of months. You're going to do just fine in college but if you ever need anything you have my number." He crossed the small space between you as he spoke, he pressed his lips gently to you temple briefly before adding "Or you know, if you just want to fuck."
Heading home, with Dave's cum dripping out of you, you thought about the shift in your dynamic with the two men today. Fuck knows what it was about but with a week to go until you left for college your planned on finding out. 
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jolapeno · 6 months
✨ Ahh congratulations on your exam!! One of the best feelings in the world! I hope you get to celebrate with reading lots of fan fics now 🥰
I guess my positive thing of the week is I finally reached 500 followers on this platform! I just love the Pedro fandom so much, literally one of the best things in life right now that we can all bond over that beautiful man and all the amazing creators out there.
This is one of my favorite pics of that man because Joel is THE perfect man and just look at that smolder 🫠 I will never get over this man 😍
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firstly, LOOK AT HIM. look at those eyes. god, i miss writing this man. like... the sleeves (have i ever shared that rolled up sleeves are kryptonite for me), the glare, the hair... fuck. i can see why it's a favourite, i think I've spent five solid minutes staring.
thank you so much, but more importantly LOOK AT YOU. BABE THAT'S FREAKING AMAZING. I'm so happy for you!!! i hard agree, it's so lovely that we can collectively all come together and shriek and share fun stories/art/gifs about this lovely man.
thank you so much for sharing your milestone, i hope you do a celebration or at the very least, buy yourself something nice (i always love a good cake)
jo's happy hour of positivity (that will deffo be longer than an hour)
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reputationbarbie · 11 months
Hey Liv I’m absolutely in love with your chef Joel series. And I love when you add a picture of Joel, a gif and then a photo of Ginny. I like to think I’m a writer too, lol. And I’ve tired to add three photos like that aswell for my stories but it allows looks weird. If you don’t mind I’d love your advice of how to make it look aesthetically, pleasing like yours. ❤️ I’d totally understand if you don’t have the time or simply just don’t real like explaining it but I’d be much appreciated and again thanks for the amazing stories.
~ Caroline
okay here ya go since i'm not a gate-keeping asshole.
first you get your two pics you wanna use. (most if not all are from Pinterest)
then you find your gif by uploading or searching for one.
click those 4 dots and drag them all in a line until that blue line thingy snaps them together.
it helps if the pics and the gifs are all one size so square, rectangle, or other rectangle if you get me.
as for the aesthetically pleasing side, i think about what i want the reader to feel with each fanfic. with sweetest pie, all the gifs are of things that either joel or ginny has made. mbj is all black and white. the gifs are usually something mentioned in the chapter (keeps the readers excited when they see what ginny's making)
this is my IG for reference. I really just am an autistic bitch who likes colors.
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tag me if i inspired anything, i wanna see <3
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saleintothe90s · 1 year
482. Seventeen Magazine, March 1996
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(see also: 1994, 1995)
Two things that are sightly upsetting: 1. I barely remember looking through this issue when I was 12. 2. I had to pay $30 for this issue off eBay.
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Unfortunately, the Tendrecils line from Lancome is discontinued. Doesn't stop me from misreading it as "tendrils" though.
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Does Kate know what magazine she's reading. This was Seventeen in 1995/1996, not 'Teen. 'Teen was the girly magazine back then. I don't know about Y/M, never read that one.
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Those Hush Puppies the girl in blue is wearing.
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South Coast Today [archive]
A similar green pair with laces seemed to be everywhere in my magazines for a brief time in 1996. I never saw anybody wearing 'em though. Never saw them at Kinney. I don't see 'em on eBay either, Joel sold 6,000 pairs at his store in 1995, wherearethey. 1
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'Y'all know Cover Girl still makes this?!
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Remember this beautiful "great" packaging Maybelline had. If I had money to throw around to collect old makeup, this would definitely be in the collection.
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The fuzzy trim dress was a classic prom dress (or, at least the teen magazines made it seem that way) for the mid to late 90s.
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Anna's dress is #1. I love the short sequin Hawaiian print dress. That is 1996.
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There's those black and white dresses again! The Chanteuse girls will kick all of our butts.
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I saw a lot more of these pastel dresses in my 1997 issues, which sadly yes, I'm trying to find on eBay right now. No luck.
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If I was allowed to have makeup back then, you better believe I would have worn this look at school the next day.
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I honestly had no clue that self tanner was a thing yet, or maybe just a thing that was sold at like, Saks in the glass case.
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Slick straight hair. That was the thing. I had hair down to my waist back then so suffice to say I was not sporting this look
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I used to get my Sanrio stuff from the My Doll and Toy Shoppe in downtown Hampton, Virginia. If you said the name of the store quick, it almost sounded like "MIDOL toy shop".
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Every time I would see this ad for Kaepa shoes, naive 12 year old me thought "oh my god is that girl going to burn her school down?"
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I had that lava lamp keychain and the 8 ball! I used to get them from either Claire's or Spencers. I had a Cracker Jack keychain too around this time that will just randomly show up in my dreams.
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Did people really have scanners to scan in their handwriting back then? I imagine they were a small fortune back then. I tried doing some research on this software, but nothing came up.
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Mickey was still stuck in 1995.
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Oh, these were SO GOOD in the waining days of the low fat craze.
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I remember when the Backstreet Boys got real big when I was in high school, I thought back to the ad and wondered "wait, haven't they been around for a while?" In 1996, they didn't even have an album in the U.S. yet.
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"our internet address is.."
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Some of these look more like pageant dresses.
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I adore all the short dresses in this issue.
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Is this a freshman dance? They look like freshmen.
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Sharon Stone is a not-g0ing-to-prom icon.
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Man, what happened to Finesse? It's like once 2000 hit, it became bottom shelf stuff.
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There's always one dress that makes me sad in the prom issues, and I think it's this one. It looks so ... mature.
School Zone time, real pics of real kids from a school in Las Vegas:
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The shiny, silky shirts!
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These are the only two things I remember from this issue when I was 12: MaryBeth's amazing outfit--I wanted it so bad--and Jennaia's cat shirt.
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A baby Tobey Maguire.
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Baby Eliza Dushku. Did anybody else other than me think it was totally the norm for a guy to want to wear a bright tuxedo like this to prom?
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I wish my scanner app on my phone got a better picture of this amazing Betsey Johnson dress Kathleen Robertson is wearing.
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ok, a lot going on here on page 230.
-When I was attending Mary Baldwin College, there was this really cheezy store downtown that sold mostly cutesy poo gag gifts. Very cringe store. I'm sure if that store existed in 1996, they would have sold PMS Crunch.
-We're still in the waining days of the low fat craze here, so here are some "healthy" chips. Garden of Eatin' is still around! I think Guiltless Gourmet went out of business?
-I want to see photos and or footage of the Creamette Pasta Party at Tavern on the Green. All I I found was a blip on the New York Times:
On Saturday, about 17,000 carbo-loaders at the annual pre-marathon pasta party at Tavern on the Green will dig into five dishes created by New Yorkers, one from each borough. The dishes were the winners in a contest sponsored by Creamette pasta. The judges included as many weathermen (Storm Field and Mr. G) and sportswriters (David Kaplan of The Daily News) as food experts (Patrick Clark, Bob Lape and Robin Leach).
The meals, which will be served from 4:30 to 8:30 P.M., are free to runners in the New York City Marathon, which will be held on Sunday. The dishes are: baked ziti and vegetables by Martha Katzeff of the Bronx, rigatoni with beef and cheese by Mike Boyd of Brooklyn, spinach-rotini toss by Barbara Shields of Staten Island, creamy macaroni and basil salad by Karin Mackin of Queens and sweet nutmeg kugel by Diane Girer of Manhattan. All the recipes are by runners. 2
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Remember when these Y-Necklaces were popular for about a minute?
1.Parnes, Francine . “Old Dog Trots Out in Trendy Places.” New Bedford Standard-Times, December 25, 1995. https://www.southcoasttoday.com/story/news/1995/12/26/old-dog-trots-out-in/50652285007/. 2.Fabricant, Florence. “Food Notes.” The New York Times, November 8, 1995, sec. Home & Garden. https://www.nytimes.com/1995/11/08/garden/food-notes-021709.html.
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matan4il · 2 years
I apologize for the length of this in advance but I need to nerd out here for a moment. I love that you covered Bill and Frank because it very much reminded me of a point I have always made about Buddie scenes.
So if you watch TLOS, it's a mix of gamers and casual viewers. I watch with my BF and a group of friends and I am actually the only one who played the game. Now in the game I always thought Bill was gay, but we never even met Frank. He's already gone and their relationship is presented very differently. In fact the notion that Bill could be gay was a huge controversy in the gamer discourse.
On to when the actual episode aired. Unless you know all this, it can't be fully appreciated what this show accomplished. From casual viewers to those aware of the source material like me? The showrunners accomplished completely removing us from the world, the threats, introduce 2 character you have never seen and tell a 17 year long love story about them without me, fully processing we are in a different universe. Also add you had to make me understand and almost root for the suicide at end and not even be mad. How could they accomplish it, I truly believe it was the scenes, the lighting. There was no wasted space. We bridged 17 years knowing what happens without being beat over the head with it. Frank wasn't with Bill because of running water and hot food. Bill wasn't with Frank because he's lonely. The fact that their marriage scene is no dialogue, yet I get it, and I am bawling like it's masterclass.
So the Buddie aspect. It's always been the same for me. It's the filming and attention to details that show the love, but also alert me to like I need to pay attention. When Buddie goes Canon I feel like a large part of the audience will go oh yeah it all makes sense now. It's sad that in queer storytelling it can't be more obvious, but hopefully in a few years that will change . However again when it comes to showing Buddie as family there has never been wasted space or shortcuts in their scenes.
Does that make sense or am I being a romantic clown.
Oh one more thing. If you didn't watch all of TLOU, Tessa (the girl from the garden lunch is a perfect example of why Bill and Frank were beautiful. Because the Tess we know in the present day wasn't the Tess you saw giggling with Frank. It proves how Bill was able to protect Frank in a way Joel couldn't with Tess.
Hi Nonnie! Thank you so much for sending this ask referencing the gifset I made paralleling Buddie with TLoU's Bill and Frank.
Okay, I am going to start from the end and point out that I LOVE that comparison you pointed out of what Bill managed to do for Frank, versus where Joel couldn't do the same for Tess. But Bill did more than that. Bill could protect Frank because he was naturally a hermit. It didn't require effort for him to shit the rest of the world off and build defenses against it. He was doing that even before the apocalypse hit. What's truly amazing about Bill's love for Frank is the moments it allows any openness in Bill. First to Frank himself, to letting him in, talking to him, sharing personal stuff, playing his favorite song for Frank and letting Bill's own pain be present and seen. That's the moment Frank falls in love with him, after all. It's when he sees that and he wouldn't be able to if Bill hadn't chosen to be open and vulnerable with him.
(just take a second here to consider how much this reflects Eddie, who chooses to be open with Buck as early as 202, sharing Christopher's pic, letting Buck into their lives, and then letting Buck in on the pain and the vulnerability during his breakdown arc starting in 513)
Then there's the fact that Bill DOES NOT want to have other friends. He doesn't want Tess there, he doesn't like Joel, he would never have let them in no matter how many advantages friendship with smugglers may offer. But he accept their presence because Frank wants it. That's love. Leaving your comfort zone, making room for what the other person needs.
(don't think about Eddie not wanting to go to the horse ranch in 514, but agreeing to just in order to humor Buck, not even realizing how much this in turn is actually going to end up helping him)
But I wanna add something to all this. I heard Tess and Joel's relationship was discussed and what TLoU ended up going with is them being lovers, but never explicitly stating it. And I think that's SO interesting. 'Coz that means you can easily see some of the same tropes we see with Buddie happening with Joel and Tess as well. They're life partners, and we're never told in what way, but it is implied, and we're meant to pick up the hints and figure it out for ourselves, it explains their dynamics in ways that platonic friendship/business partnership does not. One trope, for example, is the parallel of the subtextual relationship to a canon one. Bill and Frank are canon. Tess and Joel are subtextual. Yet we have basically the same line from both Tess and Frank uttered at their partners: in 102, Tess reminds Joel she has never asked him for anything before, and in 103, Frank does the same with Bill.
(Buddie and every freaking piece of meta I've ever written about them paralleling every single one of 911's canon couples, like in the Buddie vs Lone Star meta posts, or the parallel with Madney in 512 or with Henren in 606...)
Thank you for this! Have a great day, lovely! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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themandadlorianbod · 2 years
is p wearing a fake butt in last of us lmfao it looks so nice
my mom watched and said he had a nice ass and im like mom he has so many amazing qualities but an ass isn’t one of them. but watching the gifs today im like wth where did that come from????
his butt looked slightly more existent in some pap pics from around the time they were filming so some of it could have been squats. those were tight shorts though.
I wouldn’t be shocked if there was some uhh help in his pants 😅 especially with how P and Bella were both talking about Joel’s ass as if it was a distinct entity from P’s 😝
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stxleslyds · 4 months
Tati!! Feliz Cumpleaños! I hope you have an amazing day and that you find yourself surrounded by all the Joel Miller content possible! I wish I was there with you to deliver a cake with Joel's face on it. Or a cake with Joel, Steve, and Kevin Levin 😆. (And lightning shaped candles because we can't exclude Mr. Ka-chow ⚡.) Hopefully even if you don't get a Joel cake, you get to have a treat of some sort! Happiest of birthdays to both you and Zatanna 🥳.
Emily💕 thank you thank you thank you! OH I would love a Joel cake like those graphic tees that have that wonky photoshop mesh of pics of his 😂 I will be enjoying some TLoU gameplay, and some of those sweet compilations from youtubeee
You won't believe how fast that cake would goooooo! ⚡Lightning quick⚡ ka-chow 😎
Zatanna bestest woman in the world! Evah a yppah yadhtrib evol 💕
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chelseasdagger · 8 months
SOOO SOO PRETTY 😍 thank you for the full pic!!!
"what if my reader wouldn't say something like that?" it's your reader! your character! you create them and you get to decide what they will and won't say!! you want to make them a brat - let them say bratty things, you want to make them shy - let them be calm and unsure etc., and we as the actual readers get to be this person you've created for us, maybe it will align with our personality and maybe we get to be someone different while reading it! either way you create a wonderful little escape for us and I couldn't be more greatful for it!!!! idk... just try not to overthink it!!!
And one more little thing... You're one of the most amazing and kind person I've met here and I believe you will find your special someone!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️
- 👽
you’re absolutely welcome! i’m a sam girl through and through and i will absolutely share the wealth CKSKSK
but also… everything you said completely melted my heart 🩵 after the shit show last night, these words mean EVERYTHING to me. thank you so so much 🥺
in all of my years of writing, i’ve never once considered that it would be fun for my reader to experience a different personality. with teacher, i made the reader incredibly shy and insecure at times because i channeled myself as that was the easiest way to write. often i’ve been worried that someone would read it and be way more confident than i wrote the character for, so this actually does put me at ease 😅 thank you again so so much, i’m grateful for YOU!
i have some ideas outside of teacher for frank castle and joel miller, and those readers have more of a bratty personality so i’m thankful i get to have amazing friends like you that would support me switching around while i write 🥺🩵
and that last part 😭😭😭 thank you, my love. it means more than i can even express 🩵🩵🩵
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Yesterday I started the 75 Hard Challenge. For those not familiar, it consists of two 45 minute workouts a day (one has to be outside), picking a diet and sticking to it (no cheat days or alcohol), drinking a gallon of water a day, reading 10 pages of a nonfiction book (no audiobooks) and taking a daily progress pic of yourself.
I chose to do this for several reasons: 1. A couple of my clients are doing it; 2. I want to see if I can do it and 3. I want to see if it will help me form new habits. I chose to blog about the challenge for accountability and to maybe find some other people who are interested in forming a support system. Although weight loss has been documented as a side effect of the challenge, I'm more interested in the mental aspect of keeping up something for 75 days straight that's mostly physical.
The diet I chose is plant based. I know that I can easily be a junk food vegan but I decided not to narrow it down any further because I have already had some struggles maintaining a plant-based diet in the past year and a half, after falling off the wagon and going on a wing and shrimp bender 🥴 I'm also reading a book about plant-based living called The Plant Based Solution by Joel Kahn.
Yesterday my outdoor workout was a 45-minute walk around my neighborhood and then I stopped at the gym in my apartments and lifted weights for 45 minutes. I did three sets of 10 of leg extensions, leg curls, chest press, curtsy lunges, squats, leg press, lat pull-downs, some lunge chest press thing that I got from a trainer and some ab work. I'll be adding videos of my strength training and personal yoga practice as well as some pictures of my AMAZING vegan food. For now, here's a pic from yesterday that shows my starting point.
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