#those two scouts ganging up on him at the end though lol
jaratedeguadalupe · 8 months
server randomly becomes friendly, a spy ruins it per usual
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blairsanne · 1 year
If you wanted to do the character ask game:
Original Scooby Gang for the three character asks section.
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Who would you Fuck, Marry, Kill? Fuck Shaggy cuz I think he could handle it not being serious, marry Daphne cuz she seems like she'd be a really supportive partner, kill Velma and Fred cuz those two are the snitches lol.
Who would you rather swap aesthetics/outfits with for a day? Daphne, she cute. Though I probably dress more like Shaggy irl hahaha. (Being lazy.)
Who do you team up with in a 2v2 volleyball match? Which side wins? I think I'd team up with Fred if I wanted to win. He seems like the try-hard. Against Daphne and Shaggy. If it was just for fun and Shaggy was up for it, I'd team up with him because I'm lousy at volleyball and he seems like he'd be the most chill about having me as a crap partner haha. "Like no worries dude, we'll get it next time."
Who would be the best, most hype DJ?! Shaggy. He'd just be loving life. You gotta have a DJ that's having a good time.
What kind of band would they be? What's their band name and what instrument(s) do each play? There's probably already an episode or movie where they're in a band, but on pure vibes rn I'd go: Fred on lead guitar and vocals, Daphne on bass, Velma on keyboard, Shaggy on drums. If we're including Scoob, then Scooby on drums, Fred singing, Shaggy on guitar.
Could they work together to build an IKEA wardrobe? If no, how far do they get before giving up? Velma and Fred would have it done in no time while Shaggy made food and Daphne decided where to place it.
Who would win a beauty contest? Who would place 2nd and 3rd? Daphne 1, Fred 2, Velma 3.
Which one would be/is the better parent? I feel like Daphne would be very kind and supportive, Shaggy would be really chill but then when something went wrong he'd have a lot of anxiety/panic about what to do cuz he's the one in charge now, Fred would sign the kid up for all sorts of things like summer camp and scouts and attend all the field trips and just have a blast showing them the world, and Velma would probably be a little too strict as far as homework goes. Their kids would be raised in commune lol.
If each of them got one million dollars, who would waste spend their money the fastest? Shaggy, hands down. Some wacky shenanigans would happen and he'd end up having to pay someone loads of money and be left where he started financially. "Easy come, easy go."
Who do they main in Super Smash Bros.? Do they play competitively or for fun? Daphne - Princess Peach, just for fun (but actually decent) Fred - Ryu, competitive Velma - Fox, competitive Shaggy - Duck hunt, just for fun but sweeps them all
Who would die first in a horror movie? Who would be the survivor? Daphne would die first. Not because she was being dumb, but because the others left her behind by accident. Shaggy would last the longest because he runs the fastest and is not curious/attempting to solve the mystery.
They're all on the run from the law! What crimes did each commit and who is most likely to get caught? Fred - "Liberated" some captive animals who were not being treated well. Velma - Hacked into government databases for non-malicious reasons. Daphne - Falsely accused of theft, but rather than trying to prove it, went on the run with her friends. Shaggy - Possession. Fred is the one who gets caught, admits to doing it but pleads 'not-guilty' because he feels he was in the right.
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treesandwords · 1 year
Hello and happy STS! :D If your main characters were sucked into our world, The Devil Is a Part-Timer-style (i.e., dropped into our world without the resources/status they had in theirs, transformed into basically human with no powers, and the only thing they've got are the clothes on their back and their memories), how well would they fare? What would they do to survive, who's failing at adapting and how, and most importantly, who is working at McDonald's?
Ok so I'm thinking like, the Dalion family as a whole because I feel like that would be the most chaotic. Not gonna analyze every single one of them bc there are. a lot. but that's the gist of it.
Jamos would have a lot of trouble coming to terms with not being someone in power and being seen as just some guy
Laedir would probably have a bit of a breakdown at first but as long as he's got his family with him he'd get used to it and find a way to make things work
(and probably would actually thrive a lot more here ngl. Therapy?? Hello???)
I think Jerod would actually be the one to scout out the general area and figure out stuff from the people who live there
He'd probably go "well, fake it til you make it" and just pretend to the best of his ability that he does in fact know where he is and everything is perfectly normal thanks very much I was definitely born in this world and this century *dying inside*
Obsesses over maps though
Would want to know everything
Gevin would do drugs
Not even kidding he'd cope by trying to find all the many ways to piss off his dad and be Edgy in a different world so he'd mayyybe also end up starting a gang
Or an emo rock band, one of the two
Keep him away from spraypaint
I don't think Ciaran would really care at all so long as he doesn't have to live in a city
I think Bronwyn would be so relieved at the amount of options young women have compared to where she's from
She'd probably try to go to college immediately
(Which would require...a *lot* of work seeing as she's literally not from this world and has no money or knowledge)
Esme would try a goth look just because she can
Nurei would test out different aesthetics on her to see what kind of look would be the best on them in this new world (to Esme's extreme reluctance)
She'd probably also try to start a makeup Youtube channel once she figures out what either of those things are
LOVES cottagecore
I think Nurei and her mom would be the ones to actually figure things out at the beginning, find them some kind of place to live and manage to get money somehow
...I think Cassian would end up at McDonalds lol
And he'd have so much fun honestly. He's make it a competition no one asked for to try to whip up the best burger anyone's ever seen
Also he's good at being loud
Quinnton would get really into sports, he likes the strategy aspects of it and just getting to be a littttle violent without an actual battle going on
....whoops I did the whole family like I said I wouldn't do
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter Six: Sensory Integration 2
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: It’s a fine night for a walk by the water with a handsome vet holding your hand. I think that says it all.
Behind on your sessions? Want more from the author? Click Me
Word Count: Almost 1.9k (a bit shorter, hopefully y’all don’t mind by the end!)
Warnings: Basically still fluff, but also some saucy morsels near the end…not full on smut, though, so don’t get too excited. We aren’t there yet, my little lovelies. Soon, though…soon.
Author’s Note: As I said before, this date totally got away from me, nearing a whopping 6k in total. Thanks again for all the love. And in other news, I told a couple of my PT friends about this story, and one of them agreed to be my official technical consultant on the project for future chapters and even if I wanna flesh it out, modify it to include strictly “original” characters, and eventually take it to a publisher! I sent what I’ve done so far to her just before I started drafting this post, so hopefully she’ll have good insight for me! She said it was about time someone wrote a story like that! Lol! (She reads  a lot, so I guess people really don’t think of PTs as the heroines of love stories. Sad, really! Most of the ones I know are lovely and loving people!) The other was just instantly excited and can’t wait to read it.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism.
Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although...their lackadaisical notification system might...sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
The lake was fairly near her clinic, not two blocks away. He wasn't wrong about her feeling up to a walk when the time came. She was looking forward to the fresh night air near the lake. It was a deep-seated part of who she was to love the water.
He'd pulled into the small, empty gravel lot at the head of the paved walking trail. It was well dark since it had just turned 10:00, and the moonlight danced off the water, calm, but with a faint shimmer from the light breeze. The stars danced, winking at them as if they knew the romance that surged between the couple was burgeoning right here below them.
"Now, last time I walked this trail, I'll warn you…I got approached by a gang. And they were…pretty vicious. I had to resort to some guerilla tactics that I'm not too proud of to fend 'em off."
"Oh no!" she wasn't aware of any gang crime in their fairly peaceful city! "What kind of gang?"
"A goose gang." He looked at her gravely. Before they both burst out laughing in hysterics.
"I thought you were serious!" she wiped tears carefully from her eyes with the back of her hand.
"I was! They are stupid territorial! I had several of them tryin'a bite at my legs at once. It was quite the ordeal, I assure you!" he said, serious, but still laughing.
"Well, you'll save me if the Ya-Gooz-ah descend on us tonight, wont you?" she teased, clutching at his arm in mock fright at the thought of a band of Yakuza Geese being an actual thing, but thinking it was a great way to keep him touching her.
"As long as you stay real close to me, sunshine. I'll protect you from the devil himself." He kissed her on the top of the head, sealing the promise and warming her from the point of contact all the way to her toes.
As they traipsed along the pavement path, they talked about everything and nothing, the gentle night wind a whisper against their skin, which had been made slightly dewy from the walk and the humidity. They had made two laps around the small body of water when they came back around to one of several benches placed at intervals on the trail running its perimeter. Without breaking their conversation, she pointed to the nearest one, indicating her desire to sit, which he understood and lead them there.
“See, the problem I have with sports at that level, especially football is the harm I’ve witnessed it do to a kid’s body. We’ve treated athletes in high school and as early as 7th and 8th grade that the coaches are completely obsessed with getting them out on the field or court again. These kids are taking more impact than their bodies are ready for. They can’t miss a game, or even practice for therapy even if they’re just riding pine. And the parents are so laser focused on that potential college scholarship for that sport that they can’t see that if their child doesn’t get better, no scout is gonna want to dole out a free ride. Not to a broken-down athlete. Did you feel that kind of pressure when you were playing football? Because I don’t remember it at my school.” She went off a on bit of a tangent because she’d just been told by Heather before she left that her torn meniscus, Jason couldn’t get in for several weeks because of his practice and game schedule limiting his availability.  
“I mean, I felt pressure, I guess, but not outside of practice or the games. I’d hurt my knee my junior year early, same one we been workin’ on, and they just had me sit out a few weeks and work with a PT, but I don’t remember it being a problem to miss out on anything related to football if it was because of my health.” He sat down next to her on the fiberglass bench, which was molded to have the look of fine blonde wood, and put his arm around her shoulder. No pretense of the reach, no awkwardly sitting for a while beforehand, just continuing to touch her as he had been their whole walk.
She leaned into his shoulder, comfortably, as if they’d done this a thousand times and this wasn’t their first date. And continued their discussion.
“What has gotten into people these days? It’s like they’re not satisfied with anything. Nothing is ever enough for a single person on this good earth!” She sighed, frustrated by the neediness of people that seemed to come with her own job and projecting that on to the world…not that there wasn’t at least a measure of truth in it.
“Personally speaking, I think you’re wrong.”
“You don’t think that the world is full of dissatisfied Karens?” She laughed.
“Oh I do. But it’s not every person. You’re sitting next to one very content man right here.”
“Mmhmm.” He confirmed.
“Was it the steak, or the lobster mac?” She’d be fantasizing about them both until the next time they went there. Yeah, she was already thinking about “next time” and “they.” She was in trouble.
“Not to knock either, but I’m a hun’ert percent sure it was the company.” He pressed a kiss to her temple.
She smiled, nuzzling into him, feeling the downy softness of his shirt again and smelling his intoxicating cologne. She suddenly remembered a promise from their session.
“Oh, hey. I was gonna have a response for you…to your 'question' from earlier.” She said, mischief burning in her eyes. She kneeled up on the bench and turned his face to hers, brushing a hand against his impossibly soft beard before descending slowly in for a kiss.
It started sweet, a few languid, full pecks, then she parted her lips barely enough for her tongue to venture out to explore his full mouth. They were met after several attempts with a reciprocal openness from him. She dared, then to search him with her tongue. It was simply browsing now. Feeling no rush to complete its quest. Only a sense of the need for due diligence. She was surprised at the flavor she'd encountered. She hadn't seen him pop a mint, and she hadn't left his side all evening. He was sly. It was a sweet and strong taste. Wintergreen on steroids, with the mildest hint of vanilla. She wanted more. Of the flavor. Of him.
She let her tongue find his, knowing what would happen, somehow, even though they had never kissed like this before. Never when it wasn't rushed and needing to be…PG. Here in the dark of night, with no one but the celestial bodies as witnesses, they didn't have to worry about her job, or the public. The judgement of the outsider's gaze.
She knew, by instinct alone, that this would spark him into more than latent participation. And that's exactly why she did it. As previously stated, she was definitely an intentional beast when the occasion called and mood struck.
He did as she'd expected, his own tongue waking, beginning a playful dance with hers, exploring her mouth with more urgency and desire, pulling a ragged gasp from her lungs. She broke away to give some attention to his neck. She held him by the base of his head, thumb playfully brushing into his thick facial hair. A breathy moan that sounded very much like her name escaped his lips. This was the reaction she had been dying to get from him for so long. A surrendering bliss that only came from this kind of personal, intimate, and one-one connection. She'd gotten hints of it when she'd helped him stretch, when she heard those stifled groans he felt at the good hurt she brought him with her expert touch.
She bit his earlobe, and sealed her fate. He growled and pulled her up to his lap in an immodest straddle. Not that she cared in the empty dark. He seemed to need her lips back on his, desperate to find a purchase that would never present itself. The paradox of a kiss.
His hands roved over the back of her from neck to behind, very much favoring the latter. It was an odd sensation. Most of her experience with ass-grabbing had been less than pleasant. Either dirty old men had touched her without consent, or boyfriends had done essentially the same thing as a show of their dominance over her, also without her strictest consent. The way Sy held her was tender, exploratory, and…she couldn't help but think the word loving. "Love" wasn't a word they were ready to even bring up. But she thought he was showing it in his feather touch and hungry kiss.
The breeze was cool, and felt extra cold where she seemed to be warmest. Her position had her…very exposed to the elements, covered only by the fine layers of her underwear at some angles. She was suddenly very aware that they were on a precipice here. If they carried on much longer like this, she wasn't going to want to stop. She already didn't. And she was just out of practice enough to be unsure of where her point of no return was. Dammit. She broke away, in agony from it.
"Sy, I…I think …you should take me back." she stuttered.
"Okay." he pulled her back in for another kiss, pretending to misinterpret,which she indulged a moment but quickly escaped.
"No, sweetie." she chuckled. "You know what I mean."
"Or…I could bring you home with me." It was only a suggestion, but there was a plea in his eyes that pulled at her guts. He wanted her. And she wanted him. With every single cell in her body, she wanted every singe cell of his. But she truly felt that taking things slowly was the best option given the complexities of their situation.
"You don't know how badly I want to accept that invite, Sy." she rested her forehead on his. They were both breathless.
"It's just two little letters, sunshine. O. K. Easy as granny's peach pie."
"I'm terrible at pie crust." they laughed.
"Let's go." he said, helping her off his lap, and preparing to stand, but sitting back down immediately.
"What's wrong?" she asked, concerned. "Is it the knee? Did I hurt it?" she was already mad at herself, and at him a bit, if this indiscretion had caused him a setback…how ironic it would be!
"Nope, knee's great. Dandy."
"Did you get lightheaded?"
"No, but uhh…it's definitely SOME sort of blood flow issue. Gonna need a minute." he explained without explaining with a sheepish expression on his face…it hit her like a speeding bus.
"Ope." she looked to his lap without thinking, and immediately averted to the water again, as she sat beside him, hands clasped over the seat of the bench. His hand found hers, and covered it, asking to hold it, and getting its way.
"I had…the best time tonight, Shane." he told her, staring at the opposite bank where the maple, oak, and sycamore trees swayed to the tune of the gentle night's breeze.
"So did I, Sy."
"You free tomorrow?" he asked, hopefully.
"You tell me!" she replied…hopefully.
Up Next: Chapter Seven: Non-Productive Time
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its-sixxers · 4 years
Video Game Questionnaire
Tagged by @slothssassin!
Tagging any of y’all hoes (or non hoes) who wanna talk about some got dang VIDYA GAEMS
Rules: Fill in your answers below and tag some buddies!
First game you ever played: Pokemon Red on the OG game boy. Hell yeah.
Favorite game: Don’t make me do this. D: Probably a toss up between:  Heroes of Might and Magic III, Knights of the Old Republic (1 and 2), Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines aaaand Fallout New Vegas.
Game you hated at first but now love: Darkest Dungeon! I found out my gameplay groove and now really really like it. I didn’t hate it before, just found it frustrating.
Game you used to love but now hate: I don’t really hate any game that I used to love (even World of Warcraft), but I can’t ever go back to the Mass Effect Trilogy for reasons that are probably obvious to anyone who’s played it. I got hurt too bad man. :(
actually just recalled and this is gonna be a SPICY opinion: FFXIV. I had a lot of fun with it but the RP scene drove me off really fast. WoW’s Moon Guard gets a lot of shit, but FFXIV was miles worse for general grossness. I don’t begrudge anyone who has fun with the game or RPs in it (there’s a lot of fun lore!) but I don’t have the energy for trying to sift through that amount of nightmare to find like the dozen cool people lol.
Game with the best group/companion(s): This was a hard one. There’s games that have my favorite characters ever but also have some really annoying companions, there’s games with characters I like across the board but the execution is weak. I’m just going to say VTM Bloodlines for easiness’ sake. A great cast and I actually think I like them all for specific reasons. Yes, even Ming Xiao. Maybe especially Ming Xiao, actually.
A game with your favorite ending:  Bloodlines even though I had to turn godmode on for the last combat portions teehee. I just love the twist. :D
A game with the WORST ending: See Mass Effect above. Yes it’s been like a decade, no I’m still not over it.
Best character customization?: HRMST. With mods, Fallout 4. Without - I played Black Desert Online for a whole 3 seconds and it had an insane amount of options but I found it overwhelming lol.
Also putting a cut here cuz long post.
-Hero and Companions-
Your favorite playable character:  Jedi Exile or the Courier.
The funniest playable character: Garrett from the Thief series is a smartass and I love him for it. The Courier also gets some great options, naturally.
Your favorite companion(s): Oh christ here we go. Carth Onasi, Jolee Bindo, HK-47, Atton Rand, Kreia, Bao-Dur, Kaidan Alenko, Garrus, Tali, Wrex, Legion, The Entire New Vegas Gang, Butch DeLoria, Charon, Deacon, Preston.
Companions you could live without: This is a difficult one since even companions I’m not super fond of have their place and purpose in the narrative, usually. I’m going to say G0-T0 and Hanharr from KOTOR 2 as they kept that game from the Best Companions title lol. I don’t play dark side and both of them just felt a little underdeveloped for me.
oh and skadge from SWTOR, fuck skadge
Favorite game friendship(s): Shepard + everyone, Morrigan and the Female Warden,  Josie + Inquisitor, The Courier + everyone, Sole Survivor + everyone, Female Revan + Bastila, Exile + the new Jedi gang.
Favorite companion banter: This might make me a basic bitch but Deacon. The interplay between goofiness and sadness is just perfect.
A relationship you loved but went bad: Revan and Carth. It went bad because Revan fucked off to the Unknown Regions and left him behind, then we find out why in SWTOR (and they canonize Revan as a dude BOOOO) and it’s dumb lol.
A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: Kaidan and Shepard when Mass Effect 2 rolled along. Being railroaded into working with Cerberus had me VERY annoyed at the time and Kaidan’s 100% right to also be mad about it so I was like oh god yeah I’d break up too. Mass Effect 2 has the best companions + side story but the worst main quest fight me. (Actually don’t pls)
A character you wish you COULD romance: Let’s list em off, shall we: D E A C O N, Nick Valentine, Glory, Nathaniel Howe, Bao-Dur, Nines Rodriguez, LaCroix, Beckett. Let me do it you cowards.
A minor character you wish could be a companion: Harding in Inquisition, Glory (actually most of the Railroad would be nice), Scout Haylen, Fahrenheit.
Shoutout to a random NPC: All the Jawas in KOTOR I love them. Oh and Officer Chunk in Bloodlines, that stupid, stupid man.
A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: I don’t actually seek out more than one let’s play of a game. :V I’d say the old Call of Cthulhu game though - it’s really neat but buggy as all hell and the one time I tried starting it up it ended up breaking real big time. It’s fun to watch people luckier (or more tech competent) than I am play it and I wish I could do the same.
Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: My boyfriend and I sometimes do this thing where he’ll stream a game he’s playing and I’ll sit in voice chat with him while I work with the stream in the other screen, so probably the games he’s done there. Most recent ones have been: Metal Gear Solid, FF7 and FF9.
Online gaming or solo?: I looove solo games but I love online more. Being in an LDR, playing games together online is really good. I enjoy having fun with friends, and I also enjoy the competitive aspect that comes along with online games. It really pushes me to be better at things and improve. Usually I’m in some kind of MMO - it’s looking to be WoW for the forseeable future right now. Sometimes I’ll get dragged into games like Planetside or Destiny and have a fun time for a month or two as well. :) I had a ton of fun with Sea of Thieves a few months ago too! Living our Captain Jack fantasy.
Why do you play video games?:  More than ever recently - creative inspiration. I like poking into weird games or games with a really strong art direction or good writing. (EYE Divine Cybermancy, Pathologic, Sunless Seas/Skies, Cultist Simulator, Dishonored, Darkwood, and Darkest Dungeon being a few of them). I also just really like a good story and good characters. Being able to immerse myself in another world is great. I also play them for that little cookie of accomplishment - beating a hard boss (LOOKING AT YOU NAMELESS KING) or figuring out a puzzle (Cultist Simulator is chock full of those) or surviving spookies (Darkwood big time). Video games are great and they hold my attention better than TV or movies as I actually have to engage with them lol.
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joonie-beanie · 5 years
Oh, Baby (Bonus 1)
[Pt 1] [Pt 2] [Pt 3] [Pt 4] [Pt 5] [Pt 6] [Pt 7] [Pt 8] [Pt 9] [Pt 10] [Pt 11] [Pt 12] [Pt 13] [Pt 14] [Pt 15] [Pt 16] [Pt 17] [Pt 18] [Pt 19] [Pt 20]
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A/N: Surprise, surprise!! I bet no one was expecting this. Recently, as I try to get back into writing, I’ve found myself becoming interested in my old fics/AUs. So, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to just have some fun and write whatever lol. So, here we are. (It’s not smut, sorry to disappoint).
Words: 4,085
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You’re not sure how—after all this time—you’d managed to get yourself into trouble yet again. Well, actually, dating a man who makes his living in illegal ways likely has something to do with it, but still. For nearly a year now nothing out of the ordinary has happened. No enemies, no kidnappings—sure, there’s a small squabble on the side and maybe a few injuries, but that’s to be expected. Not everything can go smoothly 100% of the time.
But you suppose today is the day that all that good luck and peaceful living comes back to bite you in the ass.
“Does Namjoon not feed you, or what?” Jimin asks as you pull the door to Namjoon’s apartment open, mouth watering at the sight of the greasy McDonald’s bag in his grasp.
“Listen,” you start, and Jimin’s already rolling his eyes, breezing past you into the apartment. You shut the door behind him, continuing, “The man barely cooks. So, I live on microwave meals, room service, or whatever I can make from the groceries we have. And right now we really don’t have any.”
“So? Go grocery shopping,” Jimin responds smartly, and you pout at him.
“You really hate seeing me that much, huh?”
He laughs a little, posing a hand on his hip as he turns to face you.
“You and I both know that’s not true.”
“Why Jimin, it sounds like you’re almost admitting that you’re fond of me,” you tease, walking over to where he’s set the bag of food down on the kitchen counter. You rummage around inside, handing him is own burger and fries, and he watches you in amusement.
It’s amazing how you’ve managed to become close since the incident with Jaehyuk last year. But then again, you seem to have the power to become friends with any soul that crosses your path.
“I will neither confirm nor deny that,” he finally responds, taking his food and meandering over to the couches. You roll your eyes, grabbing your own meal and following after him.
Ever since Namjoon’s partnership with Jeon Enterprises, Jimin has been helping out—gathering information and scouting locations around the country to see which are the safest to do business. Therefore, he’s on the road a lot. He comes and goes—usually only staying in the city for a few days—just enough time to report to Namjoon, sleep in his own bed, and spend a night with Yoongi. Sometimes he gets lucky and gets a whole week off—when business is slow and shipments aren’t really scheduled to come in.
Currently, it’s one of those slow times. So, in an excuse to see him, you’d asked him to bring you food. When Jimin had gotten your text half an hour ago he had figured as much, but with so much free time on his hands, he figured that getting to spend some of it with you would be a nice change.
“So, how’s Kook?” he asks as you turn on the TV in the background.
“Good,” you reply after a moment, swallowing a clump of fries. “He’s set to graduate at the end of this semester, same as me. With Junhyun in charge it looks like he’ll end up actually taking part in the family business.”
“I figured as much,” Jimin says, taking a big bite out of his burger. “Good on him, though. And you?”
“Well…,” you pause considerately, eyes moving to stare at the ceiling. “I mean…I’m actually having a good time relaying information to you guys and helping to keep everything going smooth, so…I’ve kind of considered just doing that.”
“But?” Jimin pipes up, knowing that at the very least Namjoon must have an opinion on your interest in that kind of career.
You sigh. “Namjoon is worried about it, like always. He doesn’t want me to waste my life helping him, and starts to get all self-depreciative, like he’s tainting my life with sin, and ugh.” You throw your hands in the air and Jimin smiles a little, understanding. “I just wish he would stop worrying. I’m not leaving him and if I’m gonna date him it’s not like I can be totally separated from his work anyway, right?”
“Right,” Jimin agrees.
“So…yeah,” you finish, not sure what else to say, and Jimin breathes a laugh.
“Just tell him that you’re going to become a stripper if you can’t keep your job helping him. Then you’re guaranteed the position for life.”
You snort at that, nearly choking on your drink, which only makes Jimin laugh more. In that moment, everything in life seems right. You, and Jimin, sitting in Namjoon’s downtown apartment eating McDonald’s together while both of your boyfriends are out at a meeting.
I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
Knock Knock Knock
You and Jimin glance at each other. He cocks an eyebrow.
“You expecting someone?”
“No, but maybe Namjoon accidentally overlapped two meetings or something,” you say with a sigh, jumping off the couch and starting towards the door. Wouldn’t be the first time.
Jimin watches you go with a shrug, running a hand through his platinum blond hair. He has faith that you’ll work it out with whoever is at the door.
He hears you unlock the door and pull the handle open, however, even after a few seconds you don’t speak. There’s just…silence.
Frowning, Jimin takes a long sip of his drink and then turns to look at the front door, only to be met with the barrel of a gun. Immediately his eyes widen, eyes darting past the gunman to glance at you, who is currently being held with a knife to your neck by a second man.
There’s a look of shock mixed in with the fear on your face, like you can’t believe that after so long something like this is happening yet again.
“Kim Namjoon,” the male with the gun to Jimin’s head speaks up, and Jimin’s eyebrows furrow.
“I’m not—”
“Shut up!” the gunman yells, roughly pressing the weapon against Jimin’s forehead, and he winces. “Our boss wants you and your girl to come with us. Don’t resist.”
Boss? Jimin thinks to himself, trying to remember if there had been any indication of enemies on Namjoon’s radar as of late. He can’t think of any off the top of his head, which bothers him.
“What do you want from us?” he questions instead, meeting stares with the male in front of him. He looks easy enough to take out. If Jimin was alone he would have already disarmed the guy, but…his eyes shift back to you. With you here, he can’t risk it. Especially not when he’s unarmed.
Dammit, he knew he should’ve brought his gun. He’d been getting lax lately, in these peaceful times…
“That’s for us to know, and you to find out. Get up,” he demands, reaching forward and yanking at Jimin’s collar. His movements are sloppy and unpracticed—like he’s never done anything like this before. In fact, if Jimin looks closer, neither of the men look too sharp. They actually look a little scared at their own actions.
Huh, he wonders, allowing the male to push him towards you. Newbie gang members? Maybe fresh blood had managed to sneak under his radar. That would explain why they have no idea he’s not even Namjoon…
“Hey,” he says quietly as the two gunman force you to exit the apartment. You’re at his side, one of the men pausing to press the button for the elevator. You glance over at Jimin, bottom lip caught between your teeth, and he smiles.
“It’s gonna be okay.”
You blink, and for some reason a wave of calm washes over you. You’ve been through worse trials than this before, and with Jimin here, you don’t doubt his words. You know that he’ll be able to protect the both of you, he just can’t at the moment—the two had caught you too off-guard.
Gun and knife still being held against you both, you allow the two men to lead you down to the parking lot. A black car with tinted windows is waiting, and they secure both of your hands with ungodly amounts of duct tape before shoving you into the backseat. You’re quiet during the ride, not sure what to say and not wanting to risk further harm by saying anything you shouldn’t, and eventually the car comes to a stop.
Before you is a dilapidated shipping yard, with not a soul in sight. As the two men haul you and Jimin out of the car, the cold winter air chills your skin, and you shiver. You hadn’t noticed it before, since you’d been in the parking garage, but it is the brunt of winter right now. If you stay in the cold too long, especially without proper clothing (and of course they hadn’t let you grab a jacket), then you’ll likely freeze.
“C’mon,” one of the men barks, but there’s little threat in his tone. You feel bad for Jimin, because if it wasn’t for you, you’re sure he would have fought his way out of this predicament by now.
Obediently, you allow the men to drag you into a nearby warehouse, and the unmoving cold air immediately begins to bleed into your clothing—sapping all of your body heat. Jimin notices you shiver and frowns. He’s uncomfortable as well, but he’s used to being in shitty predicaments like this. It comes with the job.
Silently, he moves a few inches closer to you.
“In here,” the other man speaks, the muscles in his arms bulging as he hefts open a heavy metal door. Inside is a small room, illuminated with just a single, flickering light. There’s a worn down table in the center, and a tattered blanket against the back wall.
“You’ll stay here for the time being,” the same gang member speaks as the other disappears behind him. “Our boss has asked us to keep you here until he can get to you later. He also…had a request.”
“To make you uncomfortable,” the other chimes in, and appears in the doorway once more. In his hand is a hose. Your and Jimin’s eyes widen in surprise, because there’s not fucking way they’re going to—right? But there’s nothing you can do. The hose is turned on, and in a split second you’re dosed in a spray of ice cold water.
A high pitched gasp leaves your lips as shock settles in, and while the water isn’t on for more than a few seconds, it’s enough to turn your skin numb.
“Enjoy your time together, love birds.”
And with that, the door is shut with a heavy clang, and you and Jimin are left alone—shivering.
“What the fuck,” Jimin hisses once they’re gone, hurriedly looking around and then darting to the back wall to grab the blanket. It’s tattered and dirty, but at least it’s thick.
Slowly, he turns to look at you. His eyes rake over your soaked clothes, sticking to you, and notes that your lips are already starting to turn blue.
He breathes a long, long sigh.
“I need you….to take your clothes off.”
You speak through chattering teeth.
“This is our best bet at staying warm. We need to strip out of our clothes as soon as we can and huddle for warmth. I don’t think it’ll be long before Namjoon or Yoongi comes to get us, but I don’t want to risk—”
“W-What do y-you mean? T-They k-know we’re gone?”
Jimin holds up his hand. His middle finger is hugged by a black ring. On the top there’s a red light flickering.
“Namjoon gave one of these to all his closest subordinates—me, Yoongi, Tae, etc. It’s an emergency trackers, so that if something happens and we can press it, and it will send everyone in his inner circle a signal and a GPS location. I pressed it as when we were riding the elevator down to the lot, before they taped our wrists together.”
“God, I love you,” you say, albeit your deteriorating condition. “But h-how am I supposed to undress with my wrists b-bound like this?”
“Hold on,” Jimin responds, and heads to the table in the center of the room. He kicks it onto the floor, and then positions his wrists against the corner. Standing on the table to make sure it doesn’t go anywhere, he steels himself and pulls upward with all his strength.
There’s a ripping sound, and the duct tape on his wrists splits up the middle.
“Fuck that hurt,” he says, rubbing his chilled skin as he pulls the remainder of the tape off. He then makes his way over to you, grabbing your wrists and bringing them to his mouth. He creates a tear in the tap with his teeth, and frees you of your bindings carefully, trying not to hurt you.
Soon enough, you’re both free. Jimin still looks a bit perplexed at the situation, however. What is he gonna do if Namjoon walks in and sees the both of you huddled together for warmth? Sure, Jimin has gained Namjoon’s trust, but…
You roll your eyes, shaking in your boots. You don’t have time for this.
“Jimin, get undressed, and wrap yourself in the blanket. Once you’re situated, I’ll do the same.”
“I…okay,” he responds, and immediately starts to shuck his shirt off. A small part of him feels pride at you taking control of the situation. You’ve definitely gotten more commanding since you’ve begun helping Namjoon with his work.
It doesn’t take long for Jimin to shed his clothes, and he’s quick to grab the blanket. He moves the upside-down table to the wall, and then seats himself atop it—figuring sitting on the wood is better than sitting on the frozen concrete.
“Okay,” he says, and when you move to pull your top off Jimin immediately looks away. He averts his eyes to the ceiling, and if his lips weren’t cracking from the cold, he’d probably whistle a tune to make himself feel less awkward.
“Okay,” you say quietly in the background, and Jimin hears quick footsteps coming towards him.  The blanket he had draped over the front of his torso is lifted, and he stills in shock when you straddle his lap—your chests pressing together as you wrap the blanket tightly around you both.
“Oh my god,” he says. You sputter.
“What?? I thought this would give us the most skin contact! I’m trying to get warm!”
“Okay—but like—the position—,” Jimin stutters, seriously about to lose his mind. Sure, he’s done a lot of things with taken women before, but you’re way different. You’re like…his sister, practically.
“If you manage to get a boner is this cold I’ll be amazed,” you simply respond, and hug him tight. At that, Jimin finally seems to relax a little—breathing a laugh.
“I don’t know. Think Yoongi would be into a foursome?”
At that, you full out cackle. Sure, you’re still freezing, and scared, but you appreciate the conversation. With Jimin’s reassurance that the others know you’re in trouble and know where to find you, you feel a bit more at ease.
“Yoongi doesn’t exactly seem like the type. And as much as I’d love to see what you two are like as lovers, I think Namjoon would commit double homicide before that happened.”
“What a shame,” Jimin responds with fake disappointment, grinning a little.
“Right?” you respond, snickering. “Seriously though, you’re supposed to be Namjoon right now, right? Or at least they think you are, for some silly reason.”
“Silly indeed—I’m much more handsome—”
You smack his shoulder, and Jimin laughs.
“Like I was saying—they think you’re Namjoon, and we’re on the topic, so…what are you like as lover, Jimin?”
Jimin pauses, his eyes shifting to the side to look at you curiously.
“Are you asking about my kinks, or what?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” you respond, pouting a little. “Or like…I mean…in bed…do you kinda, like…” All of the sudden you feel embarrassed by your own question, and Jimin giggles.
“Well, I’m definitely not vanilla. I tend to like giving and receiving marks—I like BDSM stuff, just like everybody else. And I tend to be switch, or verse, whatever the kids call it—”
“Wait, even with Yoongi?” you interrupt him, pulling back to look him in the eye. Jimin desperately avoids looking down at the open space between your chests. However, you hardly notice his inner predicament, focused on the idea that—
“Does Yoongi bottom??”
It seems impossible. That Yoongi—who tends to be stoic and serious—who in your mind you see as a man of power, just like Namjoon—would…bottom.
Jimin reaches forward and squishes your cheeks between his palms. “Do not tell him I told you any of this or he will cut my dick off.”
“What? There’s nothing wrong with bottoming!” you respond, and Jimin just sighs.
“I know, but you know Yoongi. Think about how he’d react if you went up and told him that I’d let it slip that sometimes I’m the top, and not him. He’s got such a stick up his ass about dominant and submissive roles sometimes, I swear…”
“Well, I won’t say anything,” you promise, allowing Jimin to guide you back into a hug. Not only was it getting cold with you leaned away from him, but he also really needed you to not give Namjoon anymore reasons to murder him.
“So,” Jimin speaks up again after a minute, and you can hear the excitement in his voice. “What about you and Namjoon? Put a dildo in his butt yet?”
“Jimin!” you hiss, slapping his shoulder once more.
“Okay, okay, but seriously! What’s it like? You can’t just ask me about my sex life and not expect me to return the favor.”
“I mean, I guess…,” you mumble, pouting, and Jimin patiently waits for you to continue. “Well…like you said, it tends not to be vanilla. Obviously we have softer times, but as I’m sure you can guess Namjoon loves being dominant.”
“And I’d assume you’re more than happy to let him explore that role,” Jimin pipes up, sounding a little cheeky, and you huff.
“I mean…yes. But…sometimes I can take over.”
“Really?” Jimin asks, genuine surprise in his voice. “Kim Namjoon lets his girlfriend take over in the bedroom?”
“I mean it’s not like I go full dominant but I can take the reins from time to time,” you say proudly. “It’s a good ego booster, getting the boss of a mafia group to beg.”
“…and suddenly there’s some imagery in my head that I didn’t need to see,” Jimin groans, his forehead knocking against your shoulder. You laugh.
“Hey! You’re the one who asked me about our sex life!”
“And I regret it already,” he responds, breathing a laugh. You hum thoughtfully.
“What? Do you wanna think about what our sex life would be like instead? If I had been turned on by you touching me when we first met, who knows what could have happened.”
“Oh god…fuck I did that, didn’t I?” Jimin says, sounding horrified at his own actions from the past. You shake your head.
“Yeah, but don’t start feeling guilty about it now. We’re fine, Jimin,” you assure him. He hums in response, acknowledging your forgiveness but not knowing what to say. Then, after a minute, he finally speaks up.
“To answer your question though—even though they think I’m Namjoon, I promise you I’m a much better lover—”
“Jimin!!” you smack his shoulder one final time, and the male breaks into a fit of laughter. You find yourself giggling as well, unable to deal with his stupid remarks (even if you do kind of love them).
Thankfully, before either of you can say anything else that might make your boyfriends mad, a metal door loudly creaks in the distance. Shouting quickly ensues, but after a few seconds there’s silence. You and Jimin both keep your attention on the door to the room.
“Think it’s them?” you ask, and Jimin nods.
“Well, I sure hope so. My ass in numb.”
You roll your eyes at him. Jimin just grins.
Finally, after another minute there’s the sound of a lock clicking open, and the door to the small room you and Jimin have been trapped in is hauled open.
Namjoon and Yoongi appear in the doorway. Immediately their eyes flit to the both of you—huddled together, and totally naked. They both tense. You and Jimin glance at each other.
“Uhhh,” Jimin begins, clearly starting to get nervous—seeing that both his boyfriend and boss are…scarily quiet. “We got sprayed with water?”
“This is the only way would could think to stay warm and not get frostbite,” you quickly add in, shooting Namjoon a pleading look. You really don’t want him getting mad at Jimin for this shitty situation.
After a few moments, both Yoongi and Namjoon sigh. Namjoon begins to peel off his long dress coat. Yoongi poses a hand on his hip, looking you both over again. His brows are still furrowed with worry.
“You’re not hurt? Either of you?”
“No,” you reassure him, smiling a little, and his eyes soften.  
“Good. Those two didn’t seem very competent anyway,” he says, throwing a thumb over his shoulder back towards the entrance.
“I thought the same,” Jimin says, averting his eyes to the side as Namjoon steps towards the both of you, coat in his hands—ready and waiting. Quickly, you open the blanket and detach yourself from Jimin—and said male continues talking to distract himself.
“I couldn’t figure out who they’re working for, but I figure it must be someone new to the scene, considering most others tend to keep their distance.”
“We’ll figure it out later, and give them the proper retribution,” Namjoon pipes up, pulling you into a tight hug. His coat nearly reaches your feet, and is already warm thanks to his body heat. You sigh blissfully.
“For now, can we just get somewhere that’s not freezing? My toes are starting to go numb.”
“Of course, babe,” Namjoon responds, kissing the top of your head. “I think we have a blanket or two in the car as well.”
He glances over to Yoongi for confirmation, and the male nods. Jimin is at his side now, still tightly wrapped in the dirty blanket.
“Pretty sure there’s something in the trunk.”
Happy with that answer, Namjoon wraps an arm around your shoulder and leads you back out into the open warehouse—Jimin and Yoongi following right behind. As you get close to the outer door, you spot the two men who had brought you here sprawled out on the ground, and wince. Namjoon gives you a reassuring squeeze.
“They’re just knocked out.”
You nod, grateful. You’ve seen enough dead bodies already—and would prefer to not see any more in your lifetime.
Stepping outside, you immediately spot Yoongi’s car nearby, and almost run to the heat it promises. You jump into the backseat while the other three detour around back and pop the trunk. Seconds later, Namjoon is scooting in the backseat alongside you. He drapes a blanket over you, and smiles when you snuggle close—trying to leech his warmth.
“You had me worried,” he whispers, lips pressing against the crown of your head.
“I had me worried too,” you respond, and he chuckles, giving you another kiss. Up front, Yoongi settles into the driver’s seat, and Jimin scoots in beside him. He’s got another blanket wrapped around him as well.
As Yoongi starts the car and pulls away from the warehouse, Namjoon speaks up again.
“I’m glad I got those trackers for everyone…you’re seriously both okay?”
“I’m fine,” you assure him, and up front Jimin hums.
“I’m fine too. Honestly the biggest blow was to my pride.”
Namjoon cocks an eyebrow. “Why is that?”
“They thought I was you the whole time,” Jimin responds, and shoots you a playful wink through the rear view mirror. “I told Y/N that I’m much more handsome, but she didn’t seem to buy it.”
Namjoon looks down at you, eyebrows raised in amusement. You blush.
“What? It’s true…”
Chuckling, Namjoon curls a finger under your chin and guides you into a soft kiss. You melt, body flooding with warmth.
“And that, my dear, is why you’re my favorite.”
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18tpaz · 6 years
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HEY!!! It’s my @thedamereynetwork secret santa gift for @ya-lady-tauriel who asked for some parallels and piloting (err, did I do it right? please tell me)
Sad thing is, I feel like I haven’t reviewed this clanky fic too well, so I apologize for the mistakes and weird style. I can’t think of a title for this story either lol. Dearest giftee, would you like to do the honors? :)
*peers at my Word processor* it says 3,863 words... 
I sorta addressed some TLJ issues and whipped up an adventurous mess for them to bond over while piloting?  I placed a couple of easter eggs in there too, I guess.
You know what, I dare everyone in our tiny damerey community to point out all the easter eggs and cues/symbols/whatevers I planted nyahahahaha.
The thing about Jakku was that it was Rey's own grasp of normal. The heat, the sand, the grease, and hunger were all familiar things  ̶  things she could deal with, things she could answer.
 Unlike Ahch-To or Crait, where her questions never really found peace.
 She began wondering what Finn would think about coming back here, where it all started. Of course he'd hate it, she told herself. But he'd go anyway, because that's how he is  ̶  selfless and always on the move, like how he always made ways (read: bending around the rules) to rescue someone in need (as Rey hates to admit it, it was sometimes her). And because Rose Tico took a hard hit trying to save him, Finn considered that he should be by her beside while the brave mechanic was recovering safely in Yavin 4.
 Rey thought so too. She wouldn't want to burden anyone with coming back to a horrible place like hers.
 But someone insisted on tagging along. Little round BB-8, who also dragged his master into this sandy mess, wanted to come because the droid thought that some salvageable parts from home could help rebuild their small force.
 Rey wanted to laugh and cry. She, like the Resistance, never felt so hopeless and alone.
 Win or lose, they had to eat. So, she picked up the newly cooked rations and served them on her meager, dusty plate. Poe Dameron, BB-8's master, began helping himself without complaint.
 "It's not my first time in Jakku, but I feel like I haven't seen everything," Poe began, his eyes roaming around the fallen AT-AT refurbished into a small housing unit, "Your home is lovely by the way."
 What an awkward thing to say. Poe wanted to punch himself.
 "Glad you like it. How's the food, also lovely?" Rey deadpanned. Clearly, the young Jedi had a quick catch for snark.
 "I'm sorry, that wasn't right," Poe shook his head, "I think I've done a lot of things that weren't right these past few weeks."
 "Me too," Rey said quietly.
 Poe wanted to contest the idea, that she screwed up as much as he had, but decided that would be another addition to his growing list of mistakes.
 Surprisingly, she continued talking, "I thought I could convince Kylo Ren to turn back, like Luke did for Vader. But if Ren's father couldn't even reach him..." Rey sighed and rested a palm on her face, "That was so stupid of me. I'm not even family."
 "You're wrong," Poe replied, "You’re not stupid and Kylo Ren is not family. But we are," Poe put down his last morsel of bread and took the homing beacon bracelet lent to them while they were scouting the Western Reaches, "I'm not the first recruit of the Resistance but I know deep within my gut that Leia considers us all her children. Kaydel, Finn, Rose, You, Me. Everyone in the Resistance."
 "I should have listened more carefully to Luke," Rey said.
 "Just as I should have been more collected about my mess with Holdo and Leia," Poe said, "I'm a terrible fanboy."
 That earned a little laugh from Rey.
 And Poe felt a weird mix of light and full. He passed the last piece of bread to her, "I know Jedi work is tiring. You'll need more carbs than me," he shyly offers.
 Rey, not wanting to lie, simply took it with a grin.
 BB-8 chirpped about sharing what she has read from the ancient Jedi texts so far.
 "I realized that we've barely scratched the surface. That all Luke taught me was as much as a chapter summary from a textbook," Rey began, "But I'm also slowly understanding some things that have happened to me..."
 "Such as?" Poe, who was all ears at this point, added.
 "Psychometry. Or a form of it, I think," Rey said, "It's why I saw these visions when I first touched Luke's old lightsaber."
 Poe nodded, clearly fascinated with the topic.
"Rose and I talked a bit while we were still on the Falcon. She allowed me to feel her medallion," Rey continued, "It's true what they say, that sisters and brothers have the strongest attachments throughout anyone's lifetime."
 Normally, Poe would have jabbed a joke in there, mentioning how sad it was that he didn't have any siblings aside from BB-8. But he remembered Rose's sister Paige, the last StarFortress Bomber, and how he had pressured everyone into destroying the First Order dreadnaught at all costs ̶ including giving up their own lives.
 "Rose deserves more than an apology from me," Poe slowly said. He was sort of in a daze now, haunted by his episodic, crazed lust for glory and thrill back then.
 Rey took his hand, "She forgives you."
 "How would you know?" Poe countered bitterly.
 Rey closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as though she were reaching somewhere far beyond the edges of the galaxy, "When I felt the medallion, I saw that they both forgive you because they truly believed in the cause," Rey explained, "Forgiveness is a mark of the light."
Fancy words but probably true.
 After lunch they'd headed outside, about to ride into the ship graveyard until they encountered their first problem.
 "My speeder only seats one," Rey winced.
 "It's okay, I'll walk," Poe replied.
 "No, you'll never get there in time. Or, you'd run into some old friends," Rey said, "You could use the speeder. I'm used to walking this terrain."
 "No no no, I insist."
 And before Rey could retort, BB-8, sitting nicely on the speeder's netted compartment, suggested something silly. 
 "Sit on his lap? That's a little awkward," Rey replied.
 "Wait," Poe said, picking up the sled she often used to drag materials, "We could sort of set up a seat extension?" he timidly offered.
 After the hasty but secure set-up, Rey set herself on the front end and began switching on the speeder. Meanwhile Poe hopped onto the other end, not used to being relegated as a passenger.
 "Before you ask, my baby has locking systems designed to shock anyone else trying to take her," Rey explained, "Maybe later I can encode your access to it but for now, let me enjoy this reunion."
 It only took one mischievous grin and the rusty vehicle suddenly lurched to top speed. Last time Poe felt this shocked was when he and Finn stole a TIE/sf fighter.
 "This thing's damn fast!" he exclaimed, unconsciously holding Rey’s waist tightly as she laughed endlessly.
 "I thought you were one of the best pilots out there, why do you look so scared!" she teased back, still laughing.
 And kriff, her mood was so infectious.
 Poe wasn't terrified, but this talented lady continued to surprise him and shake him more than one of those adrenaline junkie missions he initially took for General Leia Organa. He whooped along with her, relishing old sensations from his childhood when his mother and her A-wing were still around.
 The speeder, without extra cargo, almost floated like a ship. And he could guess that Rey deliberately designed it that way because it was the closest thing she could get to the actual experience of flight.
 Now the girl was not only the last Jedi, but also the new captain of the Millennium Falcon. Unbelievable. And amazing. They arrived at the graveyard too soon.
Rey immediately became immersed in the agenda, not bothering to check on Poe who was tailing cautiously behind her.
 With her new Force powers, the job became much easier. She could pick up energy boosters within a sniff, lift heavy-duty panels without a sweat, and jump towards impossible heights to reach usable trinkets.
 While she kept on hunting several meters ahead, Poe and BB-8 were dragging their ever-growing collection of spare parts. They were falling into a routine until they heard a click of a blaster.
 "I never thought I'd see you again, Rey," said Devi, another scavenger who once worked with her, until Devi and her brainless partner Strunk stole Rey's hard-earned project and left Jakku without a word.
 "Maybe you back off and I'll forget your swindling moof," Rey growled, pointing her blaster at Devi.
 "Thought so. But I couldn't believe it when word got out that Unkar Plutt's best scavenger stole a Corellian freighter and joined the Resistance. Had to see it for myself."
 "Good things come to those who do good," Rey snapped.
 "Maybe, maybe not. Otherwise, you'd never come back here," Devi challenged, "I have a proposition though. Since I know you're a talented one..."
"I'm done dealing with you," Rey interrupted.
 "Heard of the new Cava Races hosted by the Guavian Death Gang?" Devi responded, knowing it would at least pique Rey's interest. Finding that she quieted, Devi continued, "They're holding a race in this area in two days. Catch is, the race is for paired teams, with or without astromech. The grand prize is a good lump of money and the Eravana."
  Rey's eyes widened. The Eravana was Han Solo's bulk freighter, which he used to haul rathtars until they all had to escape in the Falcon and land in Takodana.
 "Word is the Resistance is in dire need of new trash, which I guess is why you're here," Devi said, "We could team up and split the prize."
 "No way," Rey glared at her, "It only takes one mistake for me to never repeat it."
 "So I guess it's plan B then. Take the Blobfish's bounty on you," Devi said, suddenly raising her blaster.
 But of course, Rey was quicker. She aimed at the swindler's shoulder and shot first. She knew enough to simply disarm the woman and use her staff to jab her unconscious. Beastly survival instincts were slowly getting to Rey as she took Devi's datapad and other valuables. To show that she wasn't completely heartless, she dropped one worn-out medpac on Devi's side.
 Shaken from Rey's actions, Poe carefully approached her.
 "That was Devi. Stole a ship I was rebuilding and used it to escape the planet," Rey said, quickly wiping the tears in her eyes, "But after these past weeks, I know better than to just trust anyone."
 Poe rested a hand on her shoulder, "War's a messy time in the galaxy. And we're forced to make hard choices that don't always sit well with us."
 Rey steeled herself and handed him the datapad, "I can't help but wonder if what she said about the race was true. We could race the Falcon and when we win, the Eravana could be useful for the Resistance."
 Poe replied, "I agree but I heard that the Cava Races were restricted to starfighter-sized ships."
 BB-8 kept quiet; thinking about starfighters might remind Poe of losing Black One, his own customized X-wing. Rey also caught onto the emotion.
 "Hey, let's move on. You drive the speeder this time," she tried smiling at him.
 Luckily they weren't far from the exit. Once they reached their ride, Rey began rewiring the speeder's controls. After flicking a bolt, she took Poe's hand and placed it on the bio-sensor. The computer clicked affirmatively and the engines started. The two exchanged smiles before Poe hopped on the front and Rey rode at the back. BB-8 helped himself up, not wanting to disturb his two favorite people.
 The second ride was just as exciting as their first.
 The sun was about to set and they were a klick away from Rey's home when she bid Poe to slow down and stop.
 "I have this funny feeling..." her voice drifted as she stood in front of a lump of sand. She stretched out her two hands and closed her eyes, her breathing slowing down into a meditative trance.
 Poe didn't know what they were doing, but after a few moments he could hear the rickety sounds of metal. It was getting louder and closer, until it climaxed into a booming crash ascending above the sand. Startled, he fell from the speeder and couldn't believe his eyes. On the other side, Rey was also sitting helplessly on the ground, sweating and panting, and shocked with herself.
 She just pulled a TIE Bomber out of nowhere.
 As soon as they recovered, the two pilots rushed to inspect the ship. Aside from being excessively sprinkled with sand, it only needed minor repairs before it could be ready for launch. It also took them long hours to drag the damn thing back home, but the excitement kept them persistent in the task that they didn't even feel hungry for supper. First thing in the morning, they told themselves, they'd start reassembling the starfighter.
 But these two were too giddy to get some sleep. Side by side they sat on the hammock, barely containing their excitement.
 Poe noticed a Tierfon Yellow Aces helmet on the side and picked it up, "This yours?'
 Rey took the relic and brushed off its dust, "Found it on an X-wing," she answered and wore the oversized headgear, a cheesy grin stuck on her face.
 "I guess you always wanted to be a pilot," Poe inferred.
 "Always," she affirmed breathlessly.
 BB-8 beeped and pointed his head on a rag doll beside Rey. She took it and gave it to Poe, "I always wondered if my parents were heroes like Dosmit Raeh and the other rebels."
 Poe gently brushed his fingers on the doll, "Rebel parents don't tell you much, actually. But you knew it impacted their lives and that they believed in something bigger than themselves."
 Rey nodded, not knowing what to say.
 "Don't be disappointed. Even Leia doesn't like talking about those days," Poe added and rubbed the top of Rey's helmet, "I think if I'll have kids kids I wouldn't want to tell them much either."
 "If I have children, I'd know enough not to leave them behind," Rey frowned, anger and pain simmering beneath the surface, "And if I were Han and Leia's child I wouldn't allow myself to turn into a monster. And I'd make Master Skywalker proud of me."
 Poe could sense the tension within her and found it rather familiar, "I know. I hated how he ripped me in the Finalizer just shortly after I was here. Leia wanted him back so badly. For kriff's sake she spent all her days working just to make the galaxy a better place for her son!"
 Rey shook her head, "I don't want to talk about Kylo Ren anymore. I will never completely understand him."
"Consider that punk boy done," Poe nods in agreement, "We have to put our personal feelings aside if we want to sell this ship."
 "Sell it? Aren't we supposed to race it?" Rey asked, surprised.
 "I still think it's too risky. I don't wanna gamble now," Poe says calmly.
 "But we can! Poe, you're the best pilot in the galaxy...well, next to me," Rey defends, dropping her own sneaky confidence in the process.
 Poe raise an eyebrow.
 "We could win this together," Rey said, grasping both of his hands, "Think of how much this can help the Resistance."
 "No. Besides we might get identified by any First Order sympathizers."
 "Who said we were going to fly as Rey and Poe Dameron?"
 "Jaina and Jag Fel, huh?" the registration officer peered at the two scrappy humans in oversized TIE pilot helmets in front of her, "Where from?"
 "Corellia, originally," Poe added a bit too hastily, unconsciously scratching the Resistance logo hidden behind their black jumpsuits. Thank the Maker they both knew to sew the ripped clothing meticulously.
 "Settled down on Tatooine," Rey added, "But life got boring so we decided to travel around, seeking the thrills of the galaxy."
 "You want fancy thrills, you go to Canto Bight," the nonchalant officer said and simply transferred the relevant information about the race into their datapad, "Good luck and hope you make it out alive," came her dull farewell.
 Worried looks were exchanged between Rey and Poe.
 "Worse than Shantipole itself," Poe muttered as he read through the planned race track. It wasn't even a race as much as it was truly a survival contest. The violent gasses and lightning-charged atmosphere of Rycraig were enough of a problem, but then it had to have a field of moving asteroids and unpredictable planetary gravity.
 People whispered that Han Solo and Darth Vader were the only beings to have escaped the terrors of Rycraig. For others, it meant an expensive suicide.
 "I don't buy it. I believe the Force can help us do the impossible," Rey said.Poe didn't want to ruin her optimism; he needed it as much as she did.
 And because they were a late entry, they didn't have much of a preparation time to begin with.
 "All systems go, BB-8?" Rey turned to the round astromech who nodded.
 "May the Force be with us," Poe shakily whispered as they punched the TIE bomber controls into hyperspace.
 "For hutt's sake!" Poe exclaimed as the given coordinates put them right within the planetary stratosphere. He immediately nudged the controls westward before one of those pesky asteroid-like debris could hit their ship.
 Rey was too shocked to talk, but she knew to activate their skimpy deflector shields.
 The race announcer was babbling about their pseudonyms and the names of other five entries. And because Poe and Rey mindlessly named their ship Stardust, they became the joke of the show.
 The two pilots were too busy to care. They approached the race course and formed up just two seconds before the competition started.
 More asteroids came their way and had instantly taken out two contenders. All other surviving ships were paces ahead of them and they were still adjusting to the unstable environment.
 Another set of debris bombarded them; Rey and Poe tightly maneuvered their vehicle out of the mess.
 "It's a matter of quick reflexes, this race!" Poe commented before moving the ship a bit higher, as the gravity was heavily pulling them down.
 However, Rey levered the opposite way and the machine whined from the strain.
 "What?!" Poe exclaimed. A rock swiftly hurled itself towards their previous high trajectory and he realized that hadn't Rey lowered them, they would've been toast.
 "It's not just about reacting to change, but anticipating it," Rey advised Poe before guiding the ship through another unexpected hurdle.
 Poe thought it through. There had to be a little pattern in the maze. Or, he had to trust his gut feelings like some clairvoyant.
 No, he could hear the damn cackling rocks and their expected paths!
 It took more concentration, but listening helped. Poe whisked Stardust lower before twirling it slowly into a diagonal ascent, avoiding a large, similarly-shaped metal scrap.
 The pair grinned and fell into sync.
 Minutes later, a barrage of lightning was followed by deafening thunder and they could soon see one starfighter falling into the abyss below. A storm was brewing up and things were just about to get far, far worse. Their perception of the obstacles had not only blurred but also deafened.
 "Oh no," Rey gasped. The fear overtook them and soon, consecutive waves of rocks hit their ride. Alarms warned that shields were at four percent.
 "Any new ideas are most welcome!" Poe shouted. BB-8 was whirring a string of panicky beeps too.
 "I should have set up more sophisticated scanning systems," Rey groaned.
 That made Poe pause for a moment and Rey continued the abrupt evasive motions of their TIE bomber as they saw remains of the another contestant ship being flung away from the track.
 "You have the Force. That's pretty sophisticated," Poe blurted.
 They shared another quick look at each other.
 No time for arguments. It's now or never.
 "Time to test your accuracy skills, Poe Dameron," Rey said. She closed her eyes, steadied her breathing, and rested a hand on Poe's shoulder.
 Luke Skywalker said that the Force was about balance, and now she had to find it between their dying ship and the barbaric planet.
 "Boy, we Damerons must have trusted Jedi too much," Poe panicked.
 "Turn to point nine...now!" Rey commanded. Poe swerved the ship accordingly. No asteroid hits; they were still alive. BB-8 squealed.
 "Do a quick left then bring it up...now!" Rey said and Poe followed.
 "Level our baby up," Rey cautioned.  
 The TIE Bomber shifted position and they can feel the overpowering presence of gravity.
 "BB-8, activate thrusters on full reverse," Rey instructed.
 "We have reverse thrusters on this thing?!"
 "Trust me..." she squeezed Poe’s shoulder. They could hear their last rival ship zooming past them, its starboard wing missing the Stardust by mere centimeters.
 And then came a loud, resounding explosion.
 Poe wanted to exhale but Rey interrupted, "Tilt six point five degrees to the right and keep her steady."
 Unbeknownst to them, their starfighter suavely ran through a needle gap between two gigantic boulders  ̶  without a scratch. After those chilly seconds, they could hear thunderous applause from the audio commentary.
 Jag and Jaina (read: Poe and Rey) just won the seasonal Cava Race.
By sheer luck (and the Force), they encountered no issues in getting their prize. Turns out that the new Guavian heads just wanted to get rid of the unnecessary Han Solo souvenir they held and were looking to kill some cocky pilot rivals along the way. Long before the bosses could visit and offer Rey and Poe a criminal job, the trio had jumped back to Jakku using untraceable algorithms designed by Rose. They picked up Rey's remaining valuables and met up with Chewbacca, everyone's ever-trustworthy friend, on the Falcon.
 They sure love their smooth endings.
 "So you regret trusting your life to a Jedi?" Rey asked, sitting comfortably on an empty crate next to her speeder.
 Poe chuckled and sat beside her, "Best decision of my life," he took out the ring necklace he always wore beneath his shirts, contemplating, "No wonder my mom kept reminding little me to trust the Force."
 "Was that her wedding ring?" Rey tilted her head, being naturally curious.
 Poe glanced at Rey and took the necklace off, placing it on her palm, "I want to know what you can see about my mother."
 Understanding the immeasurable value of the item, she used her free hand to firmly keep Poe's hand on top of her open palm. Closing her eyes, Rey concentrated, allowing the Force to flow, to provide timeless tales and insights of Poe's mom, Shara Bey.
 She slowly opened her hazel eyes and looked into Poe's orbs, just as brown as his mother's. Rey didn't let go of his hand either; she could also sense Poe's deepest wish  ̶  to spend even just one more second with his first hero and tell her all about his recent adventures, and to ask if she was proud of him as much as he was proud of her.
 "She loved you very much. And she was a wonderful woman. Brave and charming like her own son," Rey smiled, "And like all who have joined the Force, she's never really gone."
 Finally, Rey let go of one of her hands to wipe Poe's tears.
56 notes · View notes
jonathansherman · 7 years
Rock Therapy: 102 Groovy VW Songs
I think I can safely claim this is the most comprehensive collection about vintage VW songs ever.  I belong to a couple local VW groups and attend VW car shows. I made this playlist for all my VW chums. These songs cover most genres. Some are professionally done, some aren't. Some are better than others.  Some are all about the VW while others mention them in a passing lyric. Let me know which ones you like best.  
Why VW songs for Rock Therapy? Okay, that's pretty obvious: Vintage VW's are super chill. The VW Bug and Bus are cultural icons of the ideal of "peace, love and happiness, baby!" And the wonderful irony is that the Volkswagen was started by the polar opposite of that ideal, Adolf Hitler. He wanted an affordable people's car. Fortunately, he's gone and this car for the people was co-opted by the hippie movement (a group of people that he would have despised! Ha!). These songs all capture what the Bugs and Buses have come to represent to so many: "Peace, love and happiness.' They are vehicles you drive because you are in no hurry, have minimal ego, don't mind getting dirty fixing it up, and aren't afraid to figure out how to wrench on it a little... because for a long time it was poorer people (the people's car) who couldn't afford a "nicer" car. Funny thing is that these cheap little cars, weren't cheap in quality, and their design (in both form and function) was simple, elegant and brilliant. That's why they are still around, sought after, and universally enjoyed by owners and fans alike. 
Also, there's a very personal connection to VW's. If you don't know yet,  my wife and I have had our 1969 VW Westfalia Bus since we were first married over 25 years ago. My wife and her family grew up with two Bugs as well. Plus, my daughter Molly and I have been restoring her 1969 VW Bug together as a daddy-daughty project. So, we really like old VWs around here My kids have learned to drive in our Bus and all have good memories with friends cruising around town in the Bus. It became the #ChalkBus in .... and ever since the MarriageEnvy #ChalkBus has been a crowd and community fav around town and at special events. It's been featured in the news, on the radio, a rock music video, photo shoots, and now a documentary. Following the playlist are notes on each of the songs...
**** Embed this post on the CB page, too. 
1. Vincent Rolls, by Dave Manning
I came across this song in one of the VW documentaries, though I can't remember which one, but he's a singer/songwriter who travels from gig to gig in his Bus, Vincent. Nice tribute to his faithful companion vehicle. 
2. The Volkswagen Song, by Gord Yelich
This song is written and performed by BC singer/ songwriter Gord Yelich, and is taken from his first album "from wobbly knees." For all you Volkswagen enthusiasts out there. A love song.
3. Mabel VW Beetle, by Peter Simmons
"This is the story of Mabel, a 1959 VW Beetle." A bluesy fun tune. 
4. The Volkswagen Song, sung by Jill Adamson & Mary Elaine.
A happy little song from "Sing a song of Motor Cars," 1970.
5. VW Bug Song, by Denny Brening
A very simple acoustic punkish song. I really like it. 
6. Come and Get It / VW Beetle Song, by Cable35
A commenter clarified, "the song is called "come and get it" written and produced by cornelius hager, singer is kriz cable from the maltese punkband cable35. production: tinseltown music / germany the song is made for vw,"
7. Magic Bus, by The Who
This one isn't actually about a VW Bus, but any Bus owner considers it a theme song for sure. My Brit punk rocker VW chum Gary Pilcher's VW Bus is called "The Magic Bus." This song was also the background music in this radio spot/podcast that was done about my #ChalkBus (about half-way down page).
8. Waitin' for the Bus/Jesus Just Left Chicago, by ZZ Top
"Have mercy! Been waitin' for the bus all day" are the opening lyrics. Again, not about a VW Bus, but c'mon! My Bus has been broken down enough I've pleaded for mercy as I've been waiting for my Bus to work again while I've been working on it all day!
9. VW Bus, by The Newbies
I believe this song and all the pics are by the owner of the 71 bus in the pics. Nice!.
10. Down Under, by Men at Work
"Travelin' in a fried out Kombi..." is the opening line and one of my favorite opening lines of a song. For those who don't know, a Kombi is the same as a Bus. It's what they were originally/officially called as it's a combination or multi-purpose vehicle. And the opening scene of the video features a panel van bay window VW Bus. Nice. 
11. Convoy, by C.W. McCall
Somehow this became a hit song and movie in the 70s. I had this song on a 45. There was something exciting about having a big rig (there was also a hit TV show called BJ and the Bear), being a trucker, a CB radio, and knowing CB lingo. And then having a huge convoy of renegade truckers sticking it to the man was glorious anarchy. And a bit ridiculous. But what the hey... so was the 70s.
Among all these huge semi's then enters the VW Bus. See 2:42 for a Bay window VW Microbus in the video and the lyric, "Well we shot the line, we went for broke, with a thousand trucks and 11 long-haired friends of Jesus in a chartreuse Microbus."
And then on the CB you hear, "Lookie, you want to put that Microbus in behind that suicide jockey?" And the reply, "Yeah, he's hauling dynamite--he needs all the help he can get!" A VW Bus loaded with dynamite ready to blow through the state trooper barricade. In the 70s that was cool. Now that's terrorism....
12. Rapper's Delight, by The SugarHill Gang
The song isn't VW-related, but it's played by a unique record player... be sure to watch the video...
13. Camper Van, by The Adventure Babies
A happy summer afternoon tune.
14. VW Bus, by Mommy Daddy Issues
They invite a smack-talking cracker to stop giving them crap and instead join them to chill out with them in their VW Bus. 
15. The VW Campervan Summer Song, by Scouting For Girls
Man, I just love this song. I mean exactly. 
16. VW Bus Song, by F.A.M.E 1984 (Judy Winter, et al) 
With a heavy borrow from the song Wild Thing... It's in German and all I know is that Google Translate gives this translation from the description in the video, though I can't vouch for its accuracy: "a homage to the VW Bus. What we would have done without him. Have we taken time, when we were quite wide. F.A.M.E. 1984 = Judy Winter, Ian Jory, and Silvie Jung, Helmut war, Peavy Schmidt, Dieter Roehrig,"
17. VW Bus, by Litchtfeld
Another VW Bus song in German. I don't understand it, but I like it. 
18. Hippie-Bus, by Dodo
A German reggae song about a hippy bus. Yeah. They make a cool cut out VW Bus that they walk about town. Fun. The video description has lyrics if you want to copy and translate them in Google Translate... 
19. Get Away (Bulli Edition), by FRONTAL
Another VW Bus song in German. Catchy. 
20. "Ode to the Bus" AKA: Arnie's Song, by Tyler Firestone
The singer says, "lol I wrote this song because my friend Arnie from the Barrie Folk Society offered me a part for my VW Bus under one condition. I needed to write a song about THE BEST VEHICLE IN THE WORLD!!!! THE V-DUBYA MICROBUS!!! I was honored to For all you groovy people ouyt there... Here it is!"
21. Love Bug Blues, by Charles Bradley
This has nothing to do with an actual VW Bug, but we all know that they are called "love bugs" and I couldn't resist the tie in to this playlist. Besides this is some pretty dang sweet blues and I think I can safely say we've all been there...
22. Herbie the Love Bug TV Theme Song
This is horrible, cheesy and embarrassing. But I felt obligated. I mean Herbie made many of us fall in love with VW Bugs when we were kids.
23. Herbie the Love Bug Movie Theme Song
Classic island surf-style groovy 60's hip music. Instrumental.
24. Cesar Laser - Supersonic Volkswagen Beetle
This odd little number was first on Britain's Got Talent (you can watch that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT5WpGfYGuE). Give the full song a listen. In satirical Kraftwerk style, it's really quite funny. 
25. VW Beetle Song, from a film by Esso and Wolfsburg
I think I can safely say this was the very first VW Beetle song. I'd love to have this one translated from the German. A short film was made in 1949 by Esso and the Wolfsburg Volkswagen plant four years after the war. This song is sung at the end of the 58 minutes movie.
26. Beetle Love, by Volkswagen
A rather dreadful little song that I find hard to listen to... but it still has to be on this list I think mostly because of what the uploader said, "I found this on a vintage LP entitled "Volkswagen '79: Music From The '79 Intro Show" which I presume was a private issue intended solely for the VW-USA sales team." 
27. VW Song, by The Supernaturals
I quite like this one. 
28. VW Bus T3, by Kone
Another Bus song in German. For those who don't know, T3 refers to the Type 3 version of the Bus which is the Vanagon. The T1s are the first Buses with the split front windows. The T2s are the bay window buses (like mine). 
29. The Big White Van, by ???
The uploader says, "A tuneful video about a families ownership of a VW Bay type 2 camper van since 1979 until 2016 with all the good and bad times, mostly good. A catchy tune and brain worm chorus." Nice. 
30. VW Van, by Jake Owen
I was enjoying this fun country song celebrating the VW Van... then I noticed some commenters getting critical because "it's a BUS not a VAN!!!" Oh brother. Big deal. So, I shared the following comment: "For those who are getting bent that he's calling it a "van" most do call it a Bus but there are plenty in the VW Bus community who refer to owning a Bus as "VanLife." I've had my 69 pop top Westy VW Bus, aka the #ChalkBus, for 24 years now so I have a little "cred" here :-). I prefer Bus but have no prob with it being called a VW van or VW camper van as others call them. The VW Bus is also called officially the Kombi, Microbus, Transporter, Samba, Bulli, and Campmobile. Variations are Westfalias (Westy), pop tops, tin tops, high tops, Bay, Splitty, etc. It's been called a lot of things. The Bus itself doesn't care. Let it go. It's a fun, catchy song praising a great vehicle. Enjoy it."
31. Das VW Käfer, by ???
A VW Beetle song in German. No idea what his saying but the tune is catchy.
32. Mechanic, by Claire Ness
Not a song about VW's but about wrenching on them for sure, and this is from the superior web series documenting a VW Bus traveling from southern Chile to Alaska. A trip that was meant to be done in one year took four. The coolest guy and people. The show is Hasta Alaska and the channel is Kombi Life. A must watch! 
33. That Kombi Song, by Kevin Brand
A catchy tune that understands what owning a Bus is all about. 
34. The Kombi Song, by Harrison Biden
The singer says, "The song is about my first memories of surfing and our first surfing car."
35. The Kombi Song, by ???
"Try to fix it cheap she'll cost ya double..." Ha! No doubt. 
36. The Vanagon Song, by Mica Strong
Warning: Explicit Lyrics. For you T3 Vanagon lovers... The last of the VW line that understand what the Bus was about. The Eurovan was just a minivan with camp stuff inside, ya know? Or is that just me?
37. The VW Song, by Jer Grissom
Nice little acoustic song. 
38. Cute as a Bug, by Lyle Lovett
"That's when I saw her, singin' and laughin' Tryin' to pass me in a Volkswagen She's as cute as a bug..."
39. Sikh in a Baja Volkswagen Bug, by Grandaddy
I don't know how to explain this other than the title says it all. 
40. Amen, by Paula Cole
"I'm siphoning gass from the high school bus Into the tank of my beat-up Bug So I can drive away from the shouting and misery"
41. I Got Me a Lady - She Drives a Little Blue Volkswagen Car (Live), by Les McCann and His Magic Band
Cool, bluesy tune.
42. Volkswagen, by Dog Faced Hermans
A trippy, psychedelic romp...
"Volkswagen the sun Volkswagen the moon"
43. '69 Beetle, by Bo Billy
A country boy gets an hand me down VW while all his buddies got pickup trucks... 
44. Sleeping in the Beetle Bug, by "of Montreal"
45. Peace and Love, by Fountains of Wayne
"Riding around in a Volkswagen van Thinking 'bout the people upside-down in Japan"
46 & 47. Da Da Da (English and German versions), by Trio
I included this as this was made famous by the Volkswagen ad campaign.
48. A onda é a Kombi, by Henrique e Ruan
Brazilian group. The title translates from Portuguese into "The wave is the van."
49. Autobahn, by Kraftwerk
The song begins with the sound of a VW Bug door closing and engine starting up and driving off. And the album cover features a white VW Bug driving down the Autobahn in the right lane. 
50. VW Bus, Aaron Pritchett
"Impulse buy on a drive-by deal."
51. VW Bus T3 Lied
This is the Google Translation from the German lyrics. I especially like the moral of the story at the end of the song! 
"The VW Bus T3 song, played and sung by Mic, texted by Dirk, at the forumvwbus.de meeting in Clausthal, 01.-04.05.2008 Here is the text: ---------------------------------------- The bus Once upon a time there was a little boy he could not say a word about his tongue he did not dream of the first kiss but from a private bus He grew bigger, girls came rarely kept their names because everything did not matter to him Only the T3 was in sight Finally, when the ruble rolled and he could do what he wanted he cleared his account and plunged into traffic Engine behind, boy in front Hard music on the ears, Finally there was time for women there is room for bodies in T3! And, how should it be different, soon, child seats came in. From the cool Love-Mobil their cries came to a great deal Later then, after hard years and again, long savings stood in front of the house hipp, hippy hurray a dream-bear of Westfalia !! He has sworn himself firmly and wrote behind their own ears never to deliver this bus he is a part of life Fine dust, soot and environmental zone The boy does not itch the bean He is happy, drives and cleans the bus until the end .... until the end ... .... and the moral of the story You do not sell a good bus !!"
52. Bessie The Bus, by Stevie Bradford
"A happy little blues song." :-)
53. VW Bus Lament, by Idyltime
"Once I had a Volkswagen van and it cost me a lot of dough..."
54. VW Bus, by Teesy & Tribe
German rap group, translated part of the lyrics on Google Translate:
"Build my 'VW bus for a motorhome Drive through the country without a destination Write another letter And then I say "Bye."
55. VW Van, by Owen Steel
Guy who wished he had bought a VW Van from his high school principal but had no moolah
56. VW Bus Song, by MANNSWILD
German song. Fun vid. They say, "You are in love with your VW Bus - your heart beats for the only real Bulli. We, the band MANNSWILD from out of Germany share this passion. Here comes the BULLI."
57. Sweetheart, the VW Bus, from Kiepie & Kandas intro
Intro song from a 1980 Afrikaans movie with the song 'Die Army van Kandas' singing about Sweetheart, the VW Bus.
58. The Camper Van Song, by The John Meed Band
"Those hippies were crazy, but they sure knew what to drive..."
59. Campervan Song, by Jimmy Lee Morris
"A waltzy homage to our first 1976 Type 2 Bay Window Campervan"
60. Camper Van Driver, by Kludo White
61. The Campervan Song, by Intersonic
"A song about the happiness and the despair of a good ol' road trip."
62. Campervan Song, by Dan Platt
"Song about my vw camper van."
63. Volks, Volkswagen Blues, by Gilberto Gil
A chill song from 69 or 71.
64. The Fool, by Old 97s
"He came from Phoenix in a borrowed VW bug To be somebody or just be somebody who Came from Phoenix in a borrowed VW bug"
65. The Boogie Man, by Kinky Friedman
"The boogie man, he's got a little piece of land, He got a mean ol' lady keeps him gentle as a lamb. He got a dog named Frog and a VW van"
66. I Love Planet Earth, by Eleni Mandell
"One road goes through the reservation With one casino and one gas station Rusted VW bug upside down By the side of the road"
67. Hillbilly Hippies, by Montgomery Gentry
"We got some friends like us Fill up a crew cab truck Like an old VW bus"
68. The Great Hank, by Robert Earl Keen
"So there we were out the door and into the city of brotherly love Into the night, out of sight In a VW Bug"
69. Glory Bound, by Martin Sexton
"So I packed it up and I went to the winds And I lived out of a VW bus for a year or two Ain't nothing but a pipe dream and my guitar"
70. Factory, John Cougar Mellencamp
"Well I'm up every morning by 6:08 Take the Volkswagen bus up the interstate"
71. W.O.L.D., by Harry Chapin
"You picked me up in your battered blue Volkswagen, babe You laid me down on the mattress on the Floor that was your bed"
72. Hippopotamus, by Sparks
"There's a Volkswagen microbus, a Volkswagen microbus, a Volkswagen microbus in my pool A '58 microbus A '58 microbus A '58 microbus in my pool. A hippie is driving, a hippie is driving, a trippy old hippie poor, poor guy A hippie is driving, a hippie is driving, I throw him a towel Here, go get dry"
73. Gypsy In My Soul, by Johnny Reid
"Momma told me my daddy was a ramblin' man I was born in the backseat of a Volkswagen van"
74. Volkswagen Van, by Wonder Coast
75. Volkswagen Bus, Alex Call
76. Volkswagen Thing, by Asylum Street Spankers
77. Volkswagen, by Bennettopia
78. Volkswagen Boogie, by Henry & The Bleeders
79. Volkswagen Blues, by Black Cassette
80. Volkswagen Breakdown, by The Plate Scrapers
81. Grey Volkswage, by Poor Man's Whiskey
82. Volkswagen Commercial, by Ryan Kulp
83. Blue Volkswagen, by Michael Beetley
84. Volks Volkswagen Blue, by Os Brazões
85. Blues to a VW Bus, Vasko the Patch
Bulgarian artist.
86. Calamine / Volkswagen Breakdown (Live), by Zigue
87. Quero Ser o Teu Volkswagen, by Balla
Translates to "I want to be your volkswagen." Hmmmm.
88. I Got a Volkswagen You Got a Cadillac, by Buzzy Beano
89. Lost in the Bush in a Broken Down Volkswagen in Nigeria, by Nikolaj Hess
90. Little VW Kafer Car, by A-OK for Kids
91. Saga of a Volkswagen Kafer Car, by Stories for Kids
Not a song, but a fun little story of the life cycle of a Volkswagen Bug for kids.
92. Blue Kombi, Davizera
93. Na Kombi, by Expresso Luz
94. Kombi 71, by Paulo Meyer and the Thunderheads
95. Kombi 72, by Paulo Meyer and the Thunderheads
96. Centennial, by Tokyo Police Club
"I'm running to catch up to that old VW They're leaning out the back"
VW Songs on Spotify that aren't on YouTube
97. VW Bus Vibe$, by AJ
98. Little Blue Volkswagen, by Dean Brody
99. Transporter You a& I, by Volkswagen
100. Volkswagen Blue, by Jose Cid
101. As Great as Those Great Volkswagen Ads, by FAD
102. El Agua en la VW Camper, by El Ruido Blanco
0 notes