#though I am kinda glad cringe culture is gone
alien-insomniac-05 · 4 months
Yeah i can definitely agree with this sentiment, I don’t know I’d agree with people saying lack of moderation or calling people slurs is a good thing (which to be fair most aren’t saying it is good but they kinda treat it as normalized) truthfully I am glad we moved past that lol
I definitely think the filtering of shit now in days is a plus but I do kinda miss back when the old internet was just goofy shit and not just people at one another throats
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Okay you mentioned Kohga having the hots for king Rhoam. I'm sorry, but can we see something with that???
I make ONE fucking joke, and Ya'll take it to the next level. Fuck you, let's get this over with.
"Kingie! Long time no see big guy!"
Kohga was planning on just hanging out at the hideout today, when he was given a summon by the king. Not that Kohga minded a trip to the castle, he was always fed pretty well. He dove in for a high five with the king, but from the way he glared, he could tell he was NOT in the mood. Even the blade master he brought with him had to cringe at the rejection. Sooga joined him too, but seemed unfazed by the rather cold attitude.
"I'm glad you came at such short notice. I have something very important to discuss with you."
"Oh is it about the fact that we're buying up all the bananas? Look, we still gotta do SOMETHING evil to-"
"It's NOT."
His voice was steely, firm. Someone was NOT happy. His glare was so menacing, his boys took a step forward, as if the king was about to try to beat his ass. Kohga patted their shoulders, making them ease up a bit.
"Easy boys, easy. Look, you two wait out here, imma have a chat with Kingy here."
Sooga of course held protests, but Kohga held his hand up, silencing him.
"Trust me. You two hunks can dash in and protect me at any time. Not that I need it. Though I DO like the attention."
His men bowed, keeping their place. Kohga followed King Rhoam, right to his secret study, in the library, beyond the metal book case. He hated royals, but he had to hand it to Rhoam, there were so many sneaky spaces to hide and explore (and coming from the chief of the Yiga clan, that was high praise). Rhoam shut it behind them both, and Kohga took a look around. This was way different from the main rooms in the castle. Much more personal, snuggly even. A few crates of supplies, a desk full of scattered books, a few chairs, and even a few weapons hung on the wall besides them.
"Nice spot. How many people know about this little place?"
"The ones who built it, and my daughter."
"Well, aren’t I special?"
Kohga chuckled, pulling up a seat and helping himself to the surprisingly comfy chair. He might steal this, honestly. King Rhoam took a seat in front of him, clearing his throat.
"I suppose you're wondering why I summoned you?"
"If it's not about the bananas, then no not at all."
Kohga was already kinda bored, and he started to hum, playing with his hands. He found it easier than just sitting there and looking someone in the face.
"It's about my daughter, Zelda. She complained about you."
Kohga stopped, finally looking at his face. He was about to ask if he was serious, and apparently he was.
"Whaaaat? ME? What did I do?"
He sighed, before folding his arms across his chest.
"She is growing tired of your men. Apparently you give them permission to try to court her."
Kohga wanted to argue with that, but then he thought about it. He was kinda at fault, getting whatever clan member interested to hit on her. Flowers, treats, poetry, even just getting a few smooth talkers to try their hands at getting her attention. He just shipped Mipha and Link so hard, he decided to boot out the competition. Not that he hated her, of course not. Kohga shrugged.
"How is that a problem? I'm throwing HUNKS at her! No clue how that makes ME the bad guy! It’s because they’re Yiga, isn’t it?”
“It’s because she’s already in love with her knight. I’m already planning on giving him my blessings, should they finally decide to wed.”
Kohga should’ve expected it honestly, this old fashioned kinda ranting. Sure they were both kinda up there in age, but they were NOT alike. Kohga shook his head, standing up from his seat.
“Look, I don’t have kids, so I dunno what it does to ya, but you’re taking things WAY outta proportion here. You’re already ready for your daughter, seventeen, to get married.”
King didn’t seem to get it, as if this was a totally normal thing.
“Well yes. Royals marry around this age, why dawdle?”
Kohga put his hand on Rhoam’s shoulder, who didn’t seem to love it, but didn’t exactly push Kohga off.
“Look, let the girl have a little FUN before she gets hitched! She’s got the rest of her life for that stuff, if anything I’m just giving her choices.”
“I’m...not following.”
“For the love of- look. If she wants me to back off, I’ll tell my guys to heel. But I don’t really think she’d complain about me. She only really clams up about you. So it’s why I’m thinking SHE’S not complaining. YOU are.”
He knew by the look in his face that he was right. Kohga chuckled, hands on his hips.
“You don’t gotta lie like that! Makin’ me think I was a bad guy here! If YOU have problems, say you do. Doesn’t mean I’ll listen, but at least you wouldn't be a liar.”
His brows furrowed, but Kohga found it hard to take him seriously at this point.
“I am saying this for the sake of my daughter. If she is to remain pure-”
“Oh great, purity culture bullshit. Look, Kingy, don’t blame her for the fact that you haven’t gotten any lately.”
He put his hand over his chest, as if he had something just terribly hurtful.
“I beg your pardon?!”
“You heard me! You know If I didn’t know any better, you’re just mad because everyone’s gettin’ some lovin’ but you.”
Kohga leaned against the King’s chair. This was some juicy shit, you bet your bananas he was gonna milk it for all it was worth.
“When WAS the last time you got off? Few months?”
King Rhoam looked at him as if he had gone insane, before pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Almost nineteen years, roughly.”
“Holy-you haven’t nutted since your kid was born? Fucks sake, I’d be grumpy as hell too, no wonder.”
He wasn’t even expecting him to answer, honestly. King Rhoam scoffed, as if regretting giving him a response.
“We’re derailing the topic at hand-”
“Now now, I’m not done yet.”
Kohga moved in front of him, one hand at the chair, and pinning Rhoam between the seat, and Kohga’s face.
“Look, I get it. You wanna take care of what you have, you’re constantly stressed, I can only imagine how bad you have it. And knowing I was the cause of some of that stress? Selfish of me really. Let me make it up to you there, Kingy.”
Rhoam looked perplexed at his choice of words, like he figured he would be. Kohga always did have the hots for the clueless ones.
“I’m saying, let me end your streak.”
Still nothing. Holy hell, he forgot he loved idiots. He sighed, pointing down to the king’s crotch.
“Let me polish the royal scepter. Take a gander at the royal jewels. I’m essentially saying let me get you off.”
THAT seemed to get a rise out of the king, given the way he damn near jumped out of his chair.
“That is NOT why I summoned you here! In the SLIGHTEST! The AUDACITY!”
Kohga let go off the chair, putting his hands on his hips.
“One, you have the audacity to NOT immediately say yes, I’m a goddamn treat. Two, why the hell not? You ever fuck anyone that WASN’T the Queen?”
No response. So that was a no. Oh this was going to be some fucking fun. Kohga put his hands on his knees, leaning in so his mask was so close to touching his face.
“Tell you what, because I like newbies. You let me do my thing. And if you don’t like it, you just say the word. In exchange, I’ll tell my guys to heel. Eh? Cool offer?”
King Rhoam didn’t immediately say no, like he expected him to. He seemed stunned at first, but hey, you miss every shot you don’t take. He was going to get a no any-
“Alright. Fine. So long as this does NOT leave this study.”
Holy SHIT. This guy did NOT just say yes. Kohga fumbled a bit, clearly not knowing how to react. He wasn’t bluffing in the slightest, he just had no clue that the king would ACTUALLY take him up on that. He chuckled, poking Rhoam on his nose.
“Well look at you! Growin’ outta that royal shell, color me surprised! Alright, stays between us. Now, you just sit right there, and let ol’ Kohga do his thing.”
He made the king tilt his head up a bit, so he couldn’t see him. Not letting him see what he was doing would make him freak out a lot less, and he could be in denial about the fact that a dude was gonna suck him off. Kohga pushed aside his mask, just enough to reveal his lips, before he got down on his knees. He parted the King’s legs, taking but a moment to massage them. Lot’s of clothes made the guy look almost fat, but Kohga knew better. Those were some toned muscles under that, just how Kohga imagined. He kept massaging for a moment longer, getting him used to being touched, before he un did his belt, and pulling him free of his cloth confines. And holy. Shit. King Rhoam was a dilf dream down here. He wasn’t absolutely massive, but he certainly wasn’t a pipsqueak. He was long, thick, with plenty of white pubic hair. Kohga softly stroked the length of it, and watched as Rhoam seemed to freeze upon the contact.
“Right right, been a while. I’ll go slow, I’ll go slow. Easy does it.”
He had a rather lovely curve downward, and Kohga could only picture how well it’d go down his throat. He kept his motions nice and slow, till he noticed the King’s grip on the armrests loosen. Then he started to up the ante, just a little bit. With his other hand, he cupped his balls, lightly rubbing them in his palm. Then he heard him groan. It was faint, but Kohga caught it. That was the sound of a man who hadn’t been touched in a long, long time. Even by himself, apparently. He was already getting stiff in his hand.
“You’ve...done this before.”
“Not with a royal at least. But yeah, Kohga’s seen a few bananas in his day.”
Rhoam clearly had some kind of retort, before he seemed to jump upon feeling Kohga kiss the head. Kohga tried not to snicker, finding his sensitivity just hilarious. His age seemed to not affect his need for attention. Especially given that a few kisses around the base was enough to get him nice and hard in his hand. He made his touch a bit firmer on his balls, and his stroking a bit quicker on his length. And Rhoam was LOVING it. His head was tossed back, his breathing got all nice and fast, and he could see, past that beard, him biting his bottom lip.
“There we go, all nice and comfy. Any chance you want me to stop here?”
Rhoam was so out of it, he couldn’t do anything but shake his head. Kohga chuckled. He was gonna love this. Feeling him start to throb in his hand, he decided to really wow ol’ Kingy here. He pulled his hand away, using it to palm at himself, before he put the head right in his mouth. Rhoam’s breath hitched, and Kohga loved that. Love how he was making a royal so weak. He pushed himself to make more, stopping shy of halfway down his length. It was enough to make Rhoam squirm in his seat, and even put his hand right on top of Kohga’s head. How cute. Kohga groaned as he pushed his head back and forth, really getting a feel for that thick cock. Then he pulled away, nice and slowly, drool still connecting them. 
"Why did you-"
"You were about to cum. I could tell. I want this to be REALLY good for you, so you're going to wait."
"I DEMAND you-"
He was halted when Kohga took a hold of his balls. Nothing too hard, just enough to get him to shut up.
"No no no. You don't get that attitude with me. You rule Hyrule, I rule your cock. I decide when you cum. And because you wanna act up, you get a punishment. Look at me."
Rhoam looked, despite not wanting to, at all. Kohga kept massaging him, tediously and slowly.
"You wanna cum? You wanna shoot your load down my pretty throat? You gotta ask for it like a grown up. No tantrums. Go on. Ask."
Rhoam clearly didn't want to, but Kohga’s lips (and throat) was a blessing, not a right. So he sighed, and made himself obey.
"I...would like to orgasm-"
"Try again. Cum. Make me WANT it."
Rhoam swallowed, before trying again.
"I would...like to cum. In your mouth."
"There we go, much better. Knew you could be a polite boy."
He took a minute to suckle at his balls, really coating them in drool, before taking Rhoam fully in his mouth. That's right, every bit of that royal cock found it's way into his mouth, and Kohga gagged. It was intentional, and it made Rhoam moan desperately. So close. Kohga wasted no more time, and acted like the perfect dick sucker he knew he was.
Kohga was relentless. He groaned loudly as he bobbed his head back and forth, practically fucking his own mouth from the force. Rhoam was really getting into it now, cursing and panting under his breath, especially when Kohga pulled away to aggressively suck at his tip. Kohga was absolutely, and positively cock hungry, and he wasn’t afraid at all to show it. Kohga slurped, and gagged, slurped and gagged, grumbling as if he was an animal, greedy for the chance of tasting cum. Then he got it.
King Rhoam came, and Kohga gulped it down, only pulling away to smear it against his throbbing length. It was a big load, just how he thought it'd be. Ribbons and ribbons of cum littered their clothes, the floor, and the insides of his stomach. He pulled away once he knew no more would be cumming, feeling no more reason to. King Rhoam was a SIGHT to behold. A shaking, panting, cum covered mess. Kohga chuckled, taking a quick second to clean up. A good cock sucker could clean himself up in a flash, as if nothing ever happened. He stood back up, pulling King Rhoam’s face by his beard, and he kissed him. Not because he liked him, nor did he think he was cute. It was because there was something humiliating about making the King himself, taste his own load. He pulled away, wiping his lips, and putting his mask right back down. He could see that little bit of cum on his lips, and it was so goddamn funny to him.
“Glad we had this little chit chat, Kingy wingy. You ever need to get a load of your chest, you know who to send for. Though, I don’t do anything for free. Can I take the chair?”
Rhoam just sat there, looking bewildered, before he gently nodded. Kohga clapped his hands a bit, grabbing the chair, and giving Rhoam a little bit of a wave. He managed to meet up with Sooga and the Blade master, who didn’t even get to say hello before he made them carry the chair he was holding. Sooga looked at it curiously, turning to Kohga.
“Are we stealing this?”
“Nope! Said I could have it! It’s a real nice chair.”
“Why would he give it to you?”
“We had a nice long chat. Wasn’t something I saw...comin’”
Kohga grinned behind his mask. He was an absolute STUD, no doubts about that.
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