#most of the easily offended were actually on tumblr
alien-insomniac-05 · 4 months
Yeah i can definitely agree with this sentiment, I don’t know I’d agree with people saying lack of moderation or calling people slurs is a good thing (which to be fair most aren’t saying it is good but they kinda treat it as normalized) truthfully I am glad we moved past that lol
I definitely think the filtering of shit now in days is a plus but I do kinda miss back when the old internet was just goofy shit and not just people at one another throats
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papaue00 · 2 years
i knew arthur was welsh but why does sean call him 'english' if he's not english?
oooff tumblr ate my first ask so i had to type this all over again 🥲 but here's my take on the matter:
long story short, as you can already tell, sean is very irish, and like a typical irish dude, he has a (very justified) hate boner for the english
sean definitely knows arthur is of welsh ancestry bc he cares a lot about celtic national identities and such. iirc he constantly talks about their historical ties with england; he attributes these identities to fully culturally americanized ppl, like colm o’driscoll for example, simply due to their names; he tries to get molly onboard with this “friendship through kinship” idea just bc they're both irish. someone who cares so much about celtic identities like sean would easily tell that the name arthur morgan is a very welsh name. even if welsh and irish aren't from the same branch of celtic ethnicity, sean surely feels a sense of camaraderie for the welsh on the ground that they're both groups of people who were oppressed by the english and therefore must have been curious enough to familiarize himself with their history and culture
so to go back to your question: he constantly calls arthur “english” simply bc he thinks it's a funny joke? we know the gang members love to rib on each other, and sean just calls him that bc he thinks that would trigger him (in the “haha wales is england” way) bc he thought english colonization would offend arthur the same way it offends him
the funny thing is this implication is actually lost on arthur bc while he's aware of his welsh background, he is culturally an americanized boah who likely doesn't have enough historical context regarding the relationship between his people and the english to be offended. or he could have known but couldn't care less, bc he doesn't share sean's strong mindset of celtic self-determination. it says a lot when the most reaction arthur has displayed to sean's teasing is confusion, like “why are you calling me english, my family weren't even english” (paraphrased from arthur himself).
or i guess i can just sum this up with one sentence: sean calls arthur english precisely bc he knows he isn't lol
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kellodrawsalot · 2 months
You know what I'm gonna say right now and plus kind of sick of being anonymous so I'm done with all that Crap Off of my Tumblr page Rather, see actual real people Instead of Anonymous Finally, I know you're not afraid to speak out what's on your mind, so I'm speaking on what's on my mind since you brought up Mike Pollock Here goes.
I don't think Mike Pollock is a bad person He's just in his own little bubble right now and kinda not understanding the context of it all and so much While he does want peace and all The problem is you're supporting the wrong group of people who don't want peace Committing murder really? I think this is something that you should not have gotten involved. I understand yeah You're a Jewish person you want to offend your people But what's going down with Israel and the palestinians It's not collateral damage. It's lyrica massacre on how he sees it And again, the news and everything is lying about everything about what's going down About the palestinians
When he was doing his twitter VC thing Whatever you call it I saw the He sounded so arrogant and so snarky, like not taking this seriously And cracking some jokes About the whole genocide thing It didn't help some people were kinda inflating his ego. And I saw some of the YouTube comments, especially on YouTube, defending him Especially to certain sonic YouTube channels But then again, they didn't understand the context of what was going on.
Yeah He did apologize But he did it again Couldn't just kept silent and maybe did more research about it I was gonna give him a second chance and I wasn't forgiving him that easily He has to show me he's changed and learns something from this.
My boyfriend definitely did talk about this on a stream one time on a stream He feels the same way in the situation I know saga Won't replace him just yet and he thinks he he's protected. No, it doesn't matter how much good terms you are with a company. If you're messing with their money and business, they'll kick you out doesn't matter who you are.
Finally I know they won't replace them just yet in sonic X shadow Generation Considering he's done all the voices From everything from that game and The animated special Once the hype for that game comes to an end At this point he's kind of announced on thin ice And if he keeps bringing up more about Israel and Palestinians Again? I know he's a freelancer Voice actor What you do on the internet sometimes matters Especially with a big company.
Finally, Sega is kinda on thin ice As well supporting NSTS The McDonald cross-promotion but then again cross promotions Who knows when that happens? And finally heard rumors that they've been doing AI Art. And that's what I have to say About Mike Pollock. Personally i'm okay if he does as Doctor egg man.
That''s not a problem! Im not wishing for anyone to lose their job, even trough I strongly disagree with Mile Pollock, and I don't blame Sega for firing him in the future if needs to. Plenty of people have educated him and he just treated them as trolls. Other jewish people have told him he's wrong and he ignored them as well.
Sega has pushed Archie to fire a comic artist, on Sonic archie in the past for drawing the Sonic characters in nsfw situations on their freetime.. They might not have good quality control but they do care about Sonic's image as being child-friendly as possible. So who knows what will happen.
What bothers me most is how the loud Sonic fans are willing to put people's head on a stake, (Evan or Flynn) for art/writing conten that they disagree with. But how willing they are to overlook extreme harmful behavior of writers/game developers and voice actors whom they do like. To me that's just a red flag.
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With all due respect, and regardless of 'warning' (about what btw?) we just have no choice but to reply to what is, at best case, a major misunderstanding and ignorance of situation. You choose whether to publish it or not, but we must explain things and make our position clear.  "multiple independent reports" - how do you know it's not same person spamming accounts and fakes? Just takes a hour to make maybe 50 or 100 of them. If it's 3 people doing this - multiply by 3. How do you know it's not PCU drones that were ordered to suddenly start doing this at same time? Some of them may have old tumblr pages which look legit or active WoW accounts, after all, PCU drone is a WoW player too.
"You also insulted one of our editors, claiming they were "PCU scum" for putting your main invitation "bot" or however you use to automate your invitations on ignore." - none of our officers are aware of any situation like. While we indeed to send automated guild invites, that's just to speed up finding people we need (and we indeed find those who thank us for invite, such as victims of PCU or friends of somebody who PCU bullied out of WoW), however we always respect people's right to refuse, and it would make zero sense for any purpose to get toxic and try to offend them. Don't you think (can you?)? Also - Izanaxis is a horde character, while the guild is alliance. It is cross-faction, yes, however FastGuildInvite addon does not work if you run it on character of opposite faction. You could have checked it easily, big fail. Unless you think Izanaxis would just run to random people and spam /ginvite ? Cool, but even then - if somebody refuses - what is the point of getting toxic about it? The fake evidence you are spammed with tries to portray as like some crazy fanatics, when in fact we are reasonable people (in light of recent events I would say more reasonable than you).
"CoAD is not your personal army, nor are we your hammer to swing at others" - it is not, where did we say it is? "Anyone claiming to be CoAD in game is not CoAD" - none of us (of officers) ever claimed of being CoAD, where did you pull that from? All we did was trying to advertise your website in good faith, because we wanted more of actual WoW players know of it existence and even use it as their daily news source. We included it in guild info labeled as 'General news site', similar in some TRPs. Sometimes when people asked what is PCU we directed them to your site to read. That's it, we never claimed to be part of it, being editor of it or working together with it. But don't worry about that, after you backstabbed us like a rat for no reason (still not sure if on purpose or played by PCU like stupid kid) and then proceeded to, basically, harass and slander us with more lies, we won't mention you anywhere ever again. I should also mention that we actively sent you valuable evidence between 2019 and 2022, in good faith (not from this account, also I won't tell which evidence exactly but it did a big impact on the outcome of PCU situation). Of course proving anything like that would be too hard, but from now on expect interesting evidence avoiding you and being brought up by somebody else, somewhere else.
It's also very funny how you marked Hand of Conquest as 'inactive', while them having events with 15-20 online nearly every evening, most are also fully honor geared (which proves they play game actively on their HoC characters). Do your editors even play the game, or just read some guild statistics from outdated third-party site? At this point you are outright lying to your readers. Makes the whole list not trustworthy enough to even bother checking others. The whole 'PCU is dead' mantra is a big and very suspicious lie.
To sum up.
After careful consideration our council came to conclusion that COAD changed into something that can't be trusted anymore, became careless or, possibly, got corrupted by PCU (there could be agreement like 'as long as Perroy is out of WoW we will keep informing people that PCU is dead to keep situation calm'? who knows, after all you think of yourselves as those sneaky benevolent puppeteers who can decide what is better for realm and enforce it with lies if it achieves the goal). Therefore we part ways for now.
The only potential way to make it work is if you thoroughly examine each of your editors, especially new ones, investigate the whole situation with 'PCU dead' narrative, maybe start playing actual game? or at least make some bot that monitors in-game activity of guilds (via Who). Then make necessary adjustments and reach out to us. Haha, just kidding, of course you'll do nothing of that. Therefore it will be our last post, feel free to smear us with more lies if you want, those who are smart will see through them and also what kind of blog COAD has became. Have fun fading into obscurity in your little 'PCU is dead' bubble.
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poisonnxkki · 1 year
hey there! i’ve been looking around for resources since i’m sort of dabbling in hellenic paganism. i really really like your blog so far, so i wanted some advice from you.
i think the greek pantheon is something i’m super duper interested in, and there’s some deities that i’m super drawn too, and some not as much. but i understand that each deity does something different - can i venerate/worship all the deities, but work more closely with others? will this offend the other gods/goddesses? i’m just starting out, i apologize if this is stupid, but i’m really curious. i don’t want to offend anybody, but i know they all have different domains and only working with a select few and not the others feels awkward to me.
i also have a second question, if it’s not too much to ask: any good resources for someone just starting out? other blogs, discord servers, youtube channels, maybe even books, and most helpfully, websites! i really appreciate that you took the time to read this and i hope you have great day!! thanks so so much :]
Thank you for your question!! Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you. Remember there are no dumb questions so if you have anything else you want to ask, pls do!!
Firstly, you can definitely venerate multiple deities but work more closely with others (and it will most definitely not offend anyone). This was actually an extremely common practice in Ancient Greece. Some deities were more significant depending on the area you lived (or the identity you possessed), so although you may have acknowledged the main 12, you would have worked closely with only a number of gods. I would like to gently suggest that you should do what feels natural to you and not worry too much about making mistakes or offending anyone. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and is bound to happen eventually. As you gain more information, your opinions and practices will change so just focus on acquiring knowledge.
Some resources:
Understanding Greek Religion by Jennifer Larson- this is a more academic text so it may not be for everyone but it has a lot of important information in understanding how the ancients viewed worship and interacted with the gods
The Homeric Hymns (and other primary sources)- reading primary sources (especially the oldest sources) are super important because they are what many later sources reference. You can find them all online!
Theoi.com- I will link this below but this is good if you are focusing on a particular god/gods. I use it as a jumping off point for finding references.
Let’s Talk About Myths Baby- (podcast available on Spotify and Apple) retellings of the Greek myths from a feminist perspective. The host is witty and entertaining and I’ve found that she breaks down the myths in a way that is easily understandable.
Tumblr- there are a ton of accounts on here which provide resources and give their own personal takes on information. One of my favs is @olympianbutch but there are so many on here!
I don’t want to overwhelm you with sources but these are a few different types which you can explore since you are just starting out. Also if anyone wants to share their favourite sources (or their perspective), then pls do!
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jossujb · 1 year
For the choose violence asks: 1, 3, 6 :D
the character everyone gets wrong
Wonder what fandom I'd go with this... well, the first one that coms to mind is Michael Knight from the Knight Rider. People just generally tend to remember him as an aggressive ladies man and testosterone filled macho, when he's like, actually, extremely chill, not at all pushy and despite having that hairy Hasselhoff chest he's actually got somewhat feminine qualities in taste and style.
Sure he like gets together with ladies in about every episode, but like. If you've actually watched the show seriously you notice that he's socially skilled extroverted person who also backs off if the feelings ain't there. So like, it pains me that that in popular consciousness he's remembered as a fuckboi.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I don't collect screenshots and I generally try to just bleach bad takes out of my brain immediately I see them, but I gotta say that just about every wank over Supernatural is next lever worst, and it always keeps surprising me with how much worse it can get xD
But let say that the fact that people actually factually got offended and personally somehow hurt after Misha Collings put feet his mouth and accidentally came out as bi ad had to take it back was the stupidest thing so far. Like, first of all, there's no such as thing as a real life person. You're actually just allowed to change up your label every hour if you feel like, and second of all, how the does it affect you? "I feel betrayed" jesus christ go outside. Or complain about the actual show being shitfest - it's also a waste of time, but at least isn't total shut-in behavior.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
There's few types of annoying to me personally. Enthusiasm and popularity is something I don't hold against any ship, I fucking love it when people are creative show so much love.
What I hate about in some like Rey/Finn shippers of Star Wars (but other similar apply) is when they complain some other ship being more popular and how it's stupid that people spend their free time being interested in things they deem less worthy - when they actually could just be making that content for their favorite ship and create that positive hype instead of pushing others down.
Old school Destiel fans were super annoying in shitting on Sam on fanfictions, like there would be full chapter full of how many reasons how much he sucks when you might have as easily not feature him at all. But that doesn't happen so much, these days most annoying thing most Supernatural shippers that shit on Wincest - as if you would even be here without the pioneers, like you're such losers for hating people who came before you in THE loser fandom xDDD
Then there is some personal preference thing, where I gnuinely think that canon gives absolutely nothing latch onto, like eg all Wayward Sisters ships and Thirteen/Yasmin on Doctor Who, but that's like, on me really. I find it annoying cos I don't just don't personally get where people find the chemistry, but the people themselves aren't actually at fault and it's just a me-problem.
Thanks for asking. Let see how many hatemails I get xD
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spnshameblog · 2 years
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Ich habe 8.718 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
384 Einträge erstellt (4%)
8.334 Einträge gerebloggt (96%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 2.890 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#castiel – 705 Einträge
#m – 522 Einträge
#ask – 40 Einträge
#spn – 35 Einträge
#anon – 33 Einträge
#supernatural – 30 Einträge
#jary prequel – 26 Einträge
#jary prequel hate – 25 Einträge
#minors dni – 19 Einträge
#dean winchester – 18 Einträge
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#beloved mutual. unfollowed. blocked. has me blocked. beloved mutual. who tf is that. blocked. wow your opinion on that sure has changed.
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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Hes tiny
411 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. Januar 2022
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Literally me looking at castiel
423 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. April 2022
I like imagining dean going "43 huh? I really am an old man now :)" and he means it in a positive way, bc he never expected to live past 30, but cas gets so OFFENDED on his behalf like "dean you are NOT old, the average life expectancy is around 80, you are barely half that age!"
And dean finds it hilariously funny so he decides to egg cas on like "no but cas, cant you see these crows feet? Also i swear i found a grey hair yesterday and my stamina isnt what it used to be..."
"Dean if this is about your sexual prowess, i can assure you-"
708 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. Januar 2022
Personally, im fond of "dean thinks he already confessed and cas doesnt return his feelings" truthing, bc it makes both of them look like dumbasses.
Dean thinks his feelings were obvious since almost saying "i love you" in the crypt, but he thinks cas DEFINITELY knows after his prayer in the trap, so cas not saying anything back must mean hes trying to let him down easy, right? He doesnt need to explicitly state his feelings and intentions, because they must be embarrassingly obvious. Cas has to know he is loved, forgiven and wanted, the fact that he doesnt reciprocate and keeps leaving is a clear enough answer in itself.
Except, cas is kind of a tunnel visioned autism boy and he NEEDS stuff spelled out for him at least once.
So while dean is over there being an emotionally repressed bag of "if i never talk about my humiliatingly soft feelings out loud, i cant ever be rejected out loud. people just have to KNOW", we have cas going "too bad my embarrassingly soft feelings obviously arent returned, i better keep them to myself so i dont ruin the friendship i have by being greedy" and theyre both wrong and most other people can easily see that.
Cas NEEDS it said out loud, thats why his verbal confession made him so happy, the words had been choking him for ages. Meanwhile dean is visibly confused bc why now and why is cas acting like his feelings arent returned when he KNOWS that dean.... and by the time dean has processed all of it, its too late.
Them overcoming their trust issues, low self esteem and bad communication skills together is essential to me in any post-canon fix it. Dean needs to know that its ok to talk about feelings and that cas deserves the security of an actual confession and cas needs to learn that not everything has to be explicitly spelled out for it to be true and he can just trust deans love for him.
818 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 17. Juli 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
I think cas is so cute like teethclenching, stomachache, squeeze, cry cute, like i cant fucking handle it cute and idk why???
1.020 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Januar 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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northwest-cryptid · 3 months
Using internet forums is the equivalent to "touching grass" to me.
Hear me out on this, what do people mean when they say "touch grass" exactly? Well they're basically telling you that your views are too centralized on your internet culture. You said or did something that would be fine within your virtual space, but not in "real life" so to speak. Touching grass is to say, go outside; experience a world away from your computer.
Internet forums typically have their own moderation, and are likely to have their own cultures and sub-cultures. From what I've experienced a lot of forums are hot spots for people who either seek refuge from the centralized internet culture of twitter, reddit, tiktok, and tumblr; or who simply wish to discuss the specific topic the forums are based around.
The key difference between internet forums and reddit is that reddit still operates as a sort of social media. You have all these upvote down vote politics. In other words, if you don't fit in, we'll all down vote your post into oblivion. You'll be ousted from the community, and more popular or "more trusted" users will speak over you.
Most forums do have these sort of cliches all the same, but also lack the voting system, so if someone doesn't like your words; they have to match that with their own words. This leads to a really interesting back and forth.
If you take the bait and lash out, you typically get removed by a moderator, but that's on you and your actions. Congratulations, you failed the test; you didn't touch grass. If you instead walk the walk and talk the talk you can easily turn the tide in your favor; remember they can't be "voted" most right by the community.
This means if you come to a forum post talking about say, board games; and you say "I really like THIS board game" and then some other user comes on and replies to you spewing the r-slur or something. You now have a chance to engage with this, or simply just ignore/block them and move on. They are one voice in a sea of many, and here's the real truth. If everyone on the forum acts like they do, then you can just leave and jump forums to a better site.
On the other hand, however; you can meet them head on with a reply of your own, with the good of the forum in mind of course. See if you match their energy, you will likely be ousted as you're new here. However if you explain that you merely wish to discuss the topic and that their slanderous words and rude remarks are not only unnecessary but unwarranted and off-topic. Now you're merely citing the rules of the forum, you're just trying to keep the discussion civil; there's no need to lash out like that on their part, and you're politely making that known. Moderators can't just look away from that because it's public, so they might issue a warning or something, if this continues the offending user will often be removed even if they're a senior member.
I've seen this happen first hand, the thing you need to understand is that a lot of these forums have their own cultures and MANY have the culture of "freedom of speech" meaning you can say whatever you want on the basis that "you can" and nothing more.
The flip side to this is issuing the challenge of "why?" They are now put on the defensive because they need to find some actual reasoning to defend why they attacked you so abrasively. The truth being that they were hopeful you'd lash out and they could point and laugh at the sensitive leftist or whatever. When you meet them in a manner that shows you carry yourself with a level of self respect they didn't expect you to have; you show them, and the forum at large; that you're not some stereotype they can exploit for popularity points.
More often than not, this won't be the case; but it happens from time to time; especially if you care about being unique online. Which is ironic since a lot of the forums I visit talk openly about how much they favor the individual and how they hate the hivemind nature of sites like tumblr and twitter.
My point here is that yes, Twitter, Tumblr, Tiktok, Reddit, Facebook, the lot of them; they do have a sort of centralized mind set. It's because there's so much crossuse between them. You carry tumblr's values with you to twitter, and then to Reddit; and then to TikTok. Along with that you enforce a sort of standard culture whether you intend to or not.
A lot of us do this because we feel, genuinely; that our culture is ultimately morally good. That's not a bad thing, but it makes you sheltered all the same. Going onto various small sites and internet forums might anger you at first since it's unlikely they follow the same code of ethics even if they align with your political views.
I witnessed a forum in which users were primarily left leaning and yet some users still insisted they had the freedom of speech to use slurs that honestly, shouldn't just be said openly no matter who you are in my opinion. Of course I had to "touch grass" and realize it's not my place to step in an argue with them. At the end of the day this would reinforce their belief in "people like me" and instead I'd opt to simply not engage with these users.
Forums are not social media, you can't really get "notes" or "likes" or whatever that amount to anything. You can't become a celebrity there, and more often than not these days they're populated by a good few hundred people at most. You stand to gain literally nothing from making your posts, other than the interaction of your peers.
Tumblr fails to meet the same criteria as we don't often use responses the same way as a forum.
For example if I make a post on tumblr that states a question like "is anyone playing any fun video games lately?" I might get a half dozen replies (not reblogs) that all say various things; I might get a reblog or two that say "oh I'm playing this or that" sure, but they're not all listed alongside each other.
On a proper forum this would be made into a thread, my post would have substance to it. I would still ask the same question in the title, but the post itself might include information about what I've been playing or whatever.
Then a reply would literally be posted under it similar to how a reblog shows up, this would bump the thread but more importantly, a new user viewing the post could directly quote things said earlier, or simply add their own response.
Then another reply would come in and be able to see all previous responses, they wouldn't be hidden in the reply section or under a specific reblog. I wouldn't need to be following any specific users; I'd simply see everything anyone has posted about this topic.
I'm not really going anywhere specific with this post, my brain is fried from not having enough food or water today unfortunately since I'm sick. However it's interesting to be able to skim a post and it's responses and immediately get a sense for not just what everyone's talking about, what their views are and how they discuss them; but also the general culture of the thread based on the responses.
If I say "anyone playing fun games?" and everyone is saying things like Call of Duty or Halo or Shooter Game 42432 you kinda get a vibe for who these people are or at least what this thread is about, you're less likely to come in with "yea I've been playing fuckin' Nerd Shit #3" which is both good and bad, it's good because you can get a strong sense of what the atmosphere is before you make that post; but it's bad because given the atmosphere you may not make that post; even if in reality everyone would immediately respond "oh man I've heard that one's really good but I haven't played it yet" or something.
Forums are interesting and they lend themselves to a sort of community I've sorely missed since the old web "died"
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madstheghost · 2 years
Is AI Generated Art “Real” Art?
This is a question that has been plaguing the art world online ever since AI generators like Dall.e and Starryai gained popularity on TikTok and DeviantArt.
As someone who earns their living through art, I wanted to throw in my two cents on this issue. A vast majority of my income is from comic cons, art events, and commissions, and I am proficient in both traditional art and digital art. Many of us who create digital art have been a little bit nervous to speak up about this, because even now, a large portion of the traditional artist community take every opportunity they can to claim that digital art is not real art. There are numerous reasons they attempt to cite, but the most frequently heard excuse is, “Well, if you do digital art you can easily just trace someone else’s art and claim it as your own.” The fact of the matter is, you can also easily trace and steal traditional art, and this is more an issue with individual morality than it is an issue with the medium used to create the art.
However, I can see why being written off as thieves or fake artists may make other digital artists hesitant to speak negatively about AI generated art, but I am not someone who generally decides to shy away from controversial topics. The absolute fact of the matter is that traditional, digital, and AI generated art all have their place in the world. Each of them have their uses in art, and, unfortunately, all of them can be exploited.
So why does the art community seem to be more offended by AI generated art than they are by any other art form? To put it simply, it is due to the fact that a vast majority of AI generated artwork seen online is not actually art. At least not in the traditional sense. Most of the people uploading AI generated art to websites like DeviantArt, Tumblr, and Instagram are simply plugging a prompt into a generator, picking the design they enjoy most out of the many that the generator gifts them with, and then uploading the work. While it is good that most of these people do mark the work as “AI Generated Art,” there is still a big problem that is completely unique to AI Generated Art, and that is the fact that if you use an AI generated piece without making it your own in any way whatsoever: it’s theft. It is pure; blatant art theft.
Let me use the human brain as a metaphor for AI art. When you have a dream that involves a person you have never met before, and you can clearly see that person’s face, you did not come up with that face on your own. The human brain is incapable of inventing faces. All faces in your dreams came from your real life. Even if it was simply someone you passed by on the street. Your brain retained that face and stored it away in your subconscious for later. AI generated art works similarly. Computers cannot invent their own art. Rather, they use the prompt you give them to scour the internet for examples of the words in your prompt. I can say from my own experience that sometimes the generator just gives you someone else’s entire piece, with only slight style differences. Other times it gives you a few different art pieces that it has Frankensteined together to create what it thinks you want. Either way, these pieces still belonged to someone else. Someone poured their heart, soul, and most probably several hours of work into those pieces and now they are sitting in front of you, free for the taking.
This is why it is so important to remember that if you want to use AI generated art as a tool in your own work, it is just that: a tool. It should be used as a reference or a guide, not its own entire work. I have recently seen entire comic books that were made of 100% AI generated art, and I immediately recognized some of it. I have also seen a “creator” online who watched a man who was live-streaming himself painting, and they took a screenshot of his painting, ran it through a generator to change the style, and posted it as their own. If you are using AI generated art, please either only use it as a reference for things like backgrounds, or change it as much as you are feasibly able to. 
I honestly believe, from what I have seen online, that most of the people who are posting fully AI generated art do not realize that it comes from stolen art. That is why I wanted to talk about this. I know I would be completely devastated if I went to a convention and saw an AI artist selling something that was obviously originally my work. As I mentioned before, AI art does have its place in the art world, just like digital and traditional art, but you need to proceed with caution before using it. Always consider whether the way you choose to use a reference will hurt another artist.
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astrobydalia · 4 years
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨Relationship observations pt. II💘
Hello guys!! In honor of Valentine’s day here’s a part II of one of the posts you loved the most which is relationship observations. This one is pretty long which is what you guys preferred. Hope you like it!
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
💘 People with pisces ASC/moon/venus, Venus in the 12th and Neptune in the 7th or conjunct the ASC-DSC axis: it’s so SO easy to make them feel guilty. The type of people to easily feel like it’s their fault when others mistreat them and bc of this they could be more prone to attracting abusive people and narcissists
💘 Also, nobody talks about this and I understand why bc Neptune can be very tricky planet but I think it’s worth mentioning that Neptune is a very spiritual planet that represents unconditional love and therefore can mean true love or a real soul connection so the ruler of the 7th house making an aspect to Neptune, Neptune in the 7th, Juno in the 12th, 12th house synastry etc. can mean true love and a real soul connection in marriage. HOWEVER true love and a real soul connection feeling can often be confused with delusions which is why this planet gets such bad press in relatioships and remember 12th house a lot of times is karma so PLEASE be careful
💘 Venus ruling the 7th, venus in the 7th or Venus aspecting the ruler of the 7th indicates a strong desire to marry for love. Very possible that the person won’t marry unless it’s for love. This also indicates good marriage life
💘 If you don’t have this it of course doesn’t mean you won’t marry for love or won’t marry at all so don’t worry. What I’ve seen in people who don’t have this is they are quite independent when it comes to relationships, they don’t mind getting married but they don’t mind not getting married or staying single either. While people who do have this Venus influence could be low-key obsessed with getting married or having a commitment/relationship
💘 Mercury ruling the 7th, mercury in the 7th or Mercury aspecting the ruler of the 7th indicates marring someone that is funny, someone you can always joke around with
💘 Don’t overlook Chiron in synastry. The house where someone else’s Chiron falls in your own chart could be where you feel like this person is a pain in the ass or where this person will help you achieve great potential
💘 Check Chiron in composite too, it represents where you may feel like you can never agree on or where you often agree to disagree
💘 Once you gain the trust of someone with Taurus Venus they are the absolute SWEETEST people ever
💘 Libra Venus love getting ready for someone special
💘 Check the ascendant in your Juno persona chart, it has some significance as to the energy around you meeting your spouse similar to a composite rising but more subtle energy. For ex. one of my friends has gemini rising in her Juno persona chart and she met her husband when we were in high school when she was about to be picked up by car and she was also holding books in her hands and when she saw him he was with his brother.
💘 The rising in the Juno persona chart also indicates appearance or overall vibe of spouse. For ex the husband of this friend I just told you previously (Gemini rising in her Juno pesona chart) has a very youthful and boyish vibe almost like a teenager he’s also very witty
>>>The actual composite rising you end up having with your spouse or the natal rising sign of your spouse doesn’t have to be the same as the rising of your Juno persona chart. I’ve seen this actually happening before but it doesn’t have to be
💘 In 4th house synastry specially with sun/moon/rising/venus, the house person will naturally see the planet person as a parent or a potential parent. Meaning, somehow the house person “judges” the planet person by deliberating how they’d be as a parent. With this overlay the house person naturally takes care of the needs of the planet person (said needs will be determined by the planet and sign in question) and that’s why the planet person will inevitably see the house person as a good potential parent
💘 There are lots of placements and asteroids that indicate your sexual turn ons but I think that the most potent ones are Lilith, Eros, your 8th house and the ruler of the 8th house. I’ve noticed that these represent specially erogenous zones for you and parts of the body you’re specially attracted to (aside from your kinks and stuff). For example Cancer: breast or nipple, Gemini: lips or hands, Taurus: waist and neck, Leo: hair or back, Sagittarius: hips or thighs etc.
💘 Mars can represent this too but what I’ve seen is that your mars represents more so HOW you like to have sex. It mostly represents how you like to physically approach the sexual act
  💘 8th house represents your sex style, the overall vibe or attitude you want in the sexual act. For ex you may like being dominant during sex with mars in Capricorn but want the sexual act to feel emotional and vulnerable with Cancer in the 8th or raw and fiery with Aries in the 8th
💘 Also, your 8th house is EVERYTHING when it comes to feeling satisfied sexually regardless of your kinks and turn ons. If you have sex that checks all the boxes for all your kinks/turn ons but doesn’t match up with your 8th house energy you will likely end up feeling low-key unsatisfied
💘 Couples with their moons in sister signs (or opposing moons) are either the perfect couple or a fucking disaster
💘 In my opinion, Sun-Moon, Sun-Sun or Moon-moon contacts in synastry are essential for a relationship to work out or last
💘 People with Juno retrograde are the MOST cautious when it comes to marriage, they could be a bit picky and often give the impression they’re not interested in commitment at all specially if it’s placed in Aquarius it gives huge Mr./Mrs Independent vibes
💘 Juno in a water sign gives player vibes, they are the type jump from person to person and likely have a long history of flings and flirting. These people have dated around A LOT and will only commit to that one person that truly manages to capture their heart deeply
💘 Juno in a fire sign are the type of people that wanna marry their crush two weeks or even days into meeting them. They often mistake “attraction at first sight” for “love at first sight”. The second they feel they have real good chemistry with someone they think it’s the love of their life
💘 Juno in an Air sign people need to feel like they really click with someone and they will want to commit only after really getting to know the person. They fall in love with the person’s mind first. They can easily un-crush someone in a second if they don’t like the person’s mind
💘 Juno in an Earth sign people are the most coutios when it comes to commitment. They migh deliberately delay marriage just to be SURE they are getting a reliable future and wanna be certain that it’s the absolute right time
💘 Before starting with the composite observations, you should know that synastry is the dynamic between two people but composite represents what the relationship really is, so that’s why on this post I’m focusing on composite
💘 I’ve noticed that the 2nd house in a composite chart indicates the “glue” or foundation of the relationship, its stability. Mars in this house could create a relationship based on sex for example, Venus a relationship based on love and affection, Saturn a relationship based on stability and compromise etc.
💘 4th house and moon in the composite represents the depths of the relationship. How you guys feel deep down about each other, how you make each other feel. This part of your relationship shows specially when you get true and honest with what are your real feelings
💘 Aquarius or Uranus in the 4th house, Aquarius moon or Moon conjunct Uranus in the composite creates a whole deal of emotional detachment for each other. Could be very emotionally cold to each other and one or both could see the other as insensitive specially if one of them has natal water or fire moon
💘 Aquarius Sun or risings in the composite however is huge best friend vibes regardless of the nature of the relationship. Moon conjunction Uranus can also get away with giving this vibe
💘 Virgos and Scorpios naturally find each other because they tend to have composite Sun in Libra :) So that togetherness and companionship energy is natural for them
💘 Aries moon in the composite chart is that type of relationship where any insult actually means “I love you”. Is that type of dynamic where one’s like “I love you, stupid bitch” and the other goes “🥰🥰” and then they both laugh
💘 Pisces moon in the composite is cute but also a bit tricky if afflicted, the couple could constantly feel they have to watch themselves in order to not hurt or offend the other, like constantly walking on eggshells. Needless to say also these relationships are very intuitive, if one or both are lying or hidding something (which often happens with this placement I’ve seen), the other just KNOWS
💘 Saturn in the 7th in the composite is very good aspect for staying together long-term but it can also mean that the couple is for some reason “forced” to be together or to see each other. They come together due to circumstances and not necessarily by choice (Saturn represents responsibilities, burdens or obligations). You have to look for indicators of love and romance otherwise it’s gonna be a relationship that stays together but more out of duty than real love
💘 Juno in the 4th house in the composite (specially conjunct some planet) is more indicative of marriage (or loyalty/compromise) than Juno in the 1st
💘 Vesta exactly conjunct South Node in the composite creates a STRONG soul-mate feeling and great devotion. These relationships are so long lasting the type where you just know you’re gonna be together your entire life
💘 Chiron in the 1st in the composite chart = feeling uncomfortable with each other, like you’re incompatible or like you don’t click together at all. Can also create a “can’t be together” vibe but not in a platonic Pisces way it’s more like there’s some incompatibility that can’t be salvaged and “stops” the couple from meeting/coming together or the relationship from taking place at least at first. Basically the relationship feels broken before even starting. The sign Chiron is in gives insight as to what’s the nature of this incompatibility.
💘 Saturn in the 8th in the composite = reluctance to have sex, one might have been sexually rejected by the other
💘 Chiron in the 10th in the composite = you don’t like working with this person. I have this with one of my best friends, we tried to run an IG page together and it was a disaster lmao
💘 Sun and maybe Venus in the 10th house in the composite indicates your relationship is source of gossip or at the very least everybody knows about your relationship
💘 If a composite planet or point falls in your natal 10th house then the relationship might affect your reputation
💘 The most harmonious and the most healthy relationships I’ve seen had empty 7th house empty 12th and empty 8th house in the composite. Literally 0 drama, 0 tensions, 0 codependency and surprisingly unbreakable (supported by other aspects of course)
💘 With that said the number 1 best house for synastry or composite in my opinion and based on what I have seen is the 9th house both friendship and relationship, also the 5th, 4th, 2nd, 11th, 3rd
💘 People who have your DSC sign as their moon sign will strike you quite strongly. Not necessarily their moon falling in your 7th or conjunct the DSC (tho this is stronger) I’ve seen that the fact that someone has your DSC sign as their moon sign is enough to create a little “crush” feeling or you feel like you can’t hate that person bc may see them as cute.
💘 The people I’ve seen that have gone through a harsh divorce mostly had in their natal chart: North Node in the 7th, Chiron in the 7th house, Saturn rx in the 7th house, Jupiter Square Uranus and planets or angles in Aquarius degrees (11°, 23°) specially if Venus or Moon are in these degrees or conjunct a planet that is in these degrees. These indicators can apply to breaking up a long-term relationship, breaking an engagement, etc. except probably Jupiter square Uranus. This one is particularly a divorce aspect specially in women’s charts. Also, side note, if Pluto or Uranus are involved, these people may have a devastating divorce or breakup 
💘 Composite planets in the composite 12th house can create a feeling like the relationship has an expiration date. One or both people are for some reason constantly anxious that the relationship might end. If they stay feeding these energy they’ll likely have a self-fulfilling prophecy
💘 Pisces rising in the composite makes for a very psychic bond. Could be the type of relationship where you’re thinking and wondering about them and boom they suddenly text you. These people are usually there for each other bc they intuitively know when to be
💘 This is probably a no-brainer but many life-long friendships I’ve seen had stelliums or planets in the 5th house-11th house axis or the 3rd house-9th house axis of the composite
💘 With Leo rising in the composite I’ve noticed these people always have very funny stories to tell about stuff they’ve been through and lived together. There’s a lot of “remember when...” followed by loud laughter. 
💘 North north node in the composite 5th house is a great placement
💘 6th house placements in the composite and synastry creates a dynamic where the two people and the relationship itself ends up feeling extremely predictable. The couple may find one specific routine or activity they like doing together or they always find themselves doing the same 3 activities every time they are together. This can be good or bad depending on what you want in a relationship, some people find it extremely boring or understamulating and others prefer it because it gives them a sense of stability or reliability
💘 Moon conjunct Chiron in composite is indicative of a healing relationship
Credit: Tumblr Blog @astrobydalia
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because-of-a-friend · 3 years
Seventeen Reaction: You Suddenly Being Shy
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Thanks for the request anon! Hope you like it!!!!
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He thinks is the cutest thing in the world and he also cannot believe he has that kind of sway over you. He's like????? They're shy around me?????? He'll do a lot of cute little things to try and get you to relax around him and be more comfortable being yourself around him. When you're not super close, he'll do random things to make himself look ridiculous so if he's intimidating to you at all, he seems less so. Then as you grow more comfortable with each other, anytime he notices you becoming quiet he'll do something like plucking your chin or some other cute gesture that he knows you'll have some sort of witty comeback for. He appreciates and adores both sides of you, but always wants to make sure you feel comfortable around him.
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Jeonghan will likely match your energy depending on how you're feeling. But he does have a habit of challenging your more sarcastic side because he tends to talk quite bluntly, so he thinks those conversations are more fun. He honestly has a lot of fun figuring out how to push your buttons until you two are ceaselessly teasing each other. He'll leave you be if it really seems like you're not up to it and respects when you're more quiet. He can always easily go with the flow depending on your mood.
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Josh tends to also get shy around new people or one on one with people he doesn't know that well or in other moments he's not prepared for. So if you suddenly get shy, it'll probably trigger his shyness as well. He'll suddenly be unsure of what to say or where to look or how to act. Moments between you and Joshua tend to be very sweet and lighthearted since both of you are very careful towards each other. Any sort of friendship/relationship with each other with each other will progress slowly because it takes you two awhile to fully open up to each other. But it means that you two also eventually feel very comfortable around each other since you spent so much time building up trust.
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He probably hates this lol. Not because of you but because he just can't stand awkward silence and puts all the pressure on himself to fix it. He also doesn't really get it????? Like you were fine around him when you were hanging out with other members or friends????? He watched you roast Wonwoo with no hesitation earlier???? But now that it's just you and him you're so shy?????? Get ready for chaotic Jun because he's going to be pulling all of the punches to get you to laugh again. Honestly when there's an awkward silence he can't really help but keep talking to fill it in, so you might learn a lot more about Jun in five minutes than you thought you would in years lol.
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(Sorry for using such a big gif but he really is the prettiest man on earth omfg)
Might also be a little awkward when you suddenly get shy. He worries that he said something to offend you or that maybe you don't like him. So he tends to approach you carefully when he notices that you're shy around him to make sure that you two are on good terms. He'll actually make an effort to talk more quietly around you and try to sit really still and not make any sudden big movements so he doesn't catch you off guard or upset you. He tries to be as polite as possible and will make a real effort to start enjoyable conversations. Probably asks other people stuff like what movies you like or what songs you listen to so he has something to talk to you about when he sees you.
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Pls this is his worst nightmare. He's not confident in handling social situations so when you suddenly get quiet around him, he has no idea what to do. He'll awkwardly blurt out some random questions and cringe inwardly every time it doesn't lead to an actual conversation. He'll wonder what's up since you seemed so confident around other people. Like Soonyoung, he'll worry over you not liking him for some reason. He'll probably actually end up pulling back and letting you approach him in the future so any contact between you two can be on your terms so he knows you're comfortable.
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May not fully notice. Jihoon tends to be off in his own world anyways so your mood change around him may fly right over his head. He's not always conscious of people's behaviors and changes in them because of his tendency to zone out. Honestly it's sort of a relief. If you're feeling a little more nervous as you spend one on one time with him, it's almost nice that he seems to continue on with business as usual. It's nice that he won't really point it out or make a big deal of it. He's usually pretty gentle during conversation anyways so it's not like there's anything he's doing to be intimidating. If he notices you being shy, he might get a little shy as well, but he'll do anything he can to make you comfortable and get on your good side.
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Seokmin is such a people pleaser so you suddenly going quiet is going to be a problem for him. He needs you to like him so much. He's going to figure out what makes you feel the most comfortable around him. Do you want him to take the lead in conversations? Would you prefer he back off a little? Do you like it when he's joking? More serious? He'll test the waters and feel out what brings back your more confident side so he can tell what makes you more comfortable around him. He'll navigate every conversation with care so you'll enjoy talking with him.
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Also the type to kind of slip up when this happens. He doesn't know how to continue when you suddenly get shy around him. It highkey gives him butterflies, he thinks it's so cute. So then he's shy around you, leading to him doing awkward things, all while he's trying to help you feel less shy around him. He's a giggling/blushing mess around you 24/7, which definitely helps him seem less intimidating. But he very much genuinely wants you to feel comfortable around him so he'll always be as kind and friendly as possible.
[A/N: So Tumblr has suddenly decided I can only add ten imagines to each post even tho up until now, I was able to add gifs for all thirteen members. Soooo I was wondering if you guys preferred for me to either separate maknae line and hyung line for reactions, or if you want me to leave gifs out and have all members in one post for reactions, or if y'all want to do it by request??? Until I get a good read on what y'all want I'm just gonna cut the gifs are where I have to lol. Please let me know what y'all want me to do!!!!]
Myungho takes this in a silent stride. When he notices you suddenly get shy around him, he'll just sort of quietly take note of it. He'll try to encourage your usual sarcastic side to make sure you know he's comfortable with it. If it doesn't seem like it's working, he'll back off and try to take things slow and gentle with you until you feel more comfortable around him one on one. He'd never admit it but he is ecstatic when your sarcastic side starts to show. Any biting remark you have for him is met with a smirk and an equally biting remark. He's fine when you're more shy but he'll feel uneasy himself until you're comfortable around him.
Seungkwan will have an "oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no" moment when he realizes you're suddenly shy around him. He also wants everyone to like him and be happy around him. He will also wonder if he did something to offend you and be incredibly nervous and unhappy until you're comfortable around him again. He's constantly hesitant when approaching you and then as conversation progresses, he'll pull out the big guns with his humor to get you laughing and hopefully back to your normal self.
This may also go over his head. Vernon isn't always super in tune with the people around him just depending on what's going in his head. He also usually lets the people around him lead conversations anyways, so he'll just follow your vibes conversation to conversation. When you're shy he'll just speak to you casually and keep it light. When your more sarcastic side shows, he'll vamp it up and match your energy (although with him, he'll use sarcasm as a way to casually flirt for sure lol). But overall it's hardly even noticeable to him.
Dino probably also gets shy when you get shy. He may not notice your change at first but as soon as he does he just goes "oooooooooh" and then backs way off. He's the type to awkwardly laugh every other sentence when speaking to you, desperate to make sure the conversation feels light and happy. He's not really the best at navigating meeting new people and learning how to connect with them specifically. He's happy to try anything and everything to help you feel more at ease around him, though.
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Ship game!! What about Nico and Will?? It’s pretty popular, but I don’t think I’ve seen you write much of it…
That's an interesting one in that I have vocalized my reasons for disliking it way back when it first became popular but instead of just linking that, it has been years so I think it's time for an updated version.
Firstly: This post is gonna be properly tagged and not crosstagged so if any shipper comes across it and feels the need to bitch about it, just don't; your lack of curating your own tumblr experience is not my problem! ;D
Now, there are three key factors that play into my dislike of this ship: How it was written, what it represents, how the fandom around it acts.
1. It’s rushed and uncomfortable
In BoO, it was incredibly rushed. They had literally five sentences of interactions before they walked into the literal sunset together. Five. It was just entirely born from Riordan's Noah's Ark Complex, where he just can't let people be single. The series was ending and he needed Nico to have an endgame so he rushed into some random romance with zero build-up.
The way their interactions went down was also severely uncomfortable for me. Will was acting so offended by Nico not wanting to go to camp and be friends in an entitled way that he had no right to be, he downright guilt-tripped Nico about how he had wanted to be friends. Nico has been just so severely traumatized at such a young age and his coping mechanism, as unhealthy as it was, was to run away and hide. Will acted like Nico not wanting to form attachments to people who could potentially leave him again was somehow just an Edgy Emo Decision and not a direct reaction to his trauma. His entire approach to Nico was basically all these hippie posts of "Don't have depression!! Just go out into the sun and stop being depressed!", which is already a bad take with non-medical people but he's supposed to be a doctor (and let's not get into the shadiness of him technically being Nico's doctor).
There is also an inherent "I can fix him" angle to this ship and to me, only few ship dynamics are more uncomfortable than that. If you want to fundamentally change a person's behavior and personality, you... don't actually want to be with this person.
Now, here's where my points overlap, because the following parts of their writing that bothers me also stand for what this ship fundamentally represents.
2. Solangelo is a queer ship written by and for straights
I'm a queer woman and as a queer woman, I want queer wish-fulfillment, not what straights want out of queerness. I'm kind of tired of that, I've been sitting through it for enough decades now. That's, of course, not to say that no straight writer can give proper queer representation, but far too often do straight writers - even the most well-meaning ones - project straight desires of queerness into their queer representation.
Let me explain that closer through this ship.
Nico's been in love with Percy for years and I'm going to do my best to not hijack this post with some Percico agenda; that's not what this his about, this isn't some "my ship is better than your ship" ship-war nonsense. It's simply a canonical fact that Nico has had romantic feelings for another character for years.
A character who, in this medium, is heterosexual. And if you're queer, you've been there. In love with your straight best friend. It's a cliche, but it's a cliche for a reason.
We have also all been well-meaningly rejected by said straight friend.
And here's the straight desires for you: The queer person who was in love with a straight person just immediately stops having those feelings and will then as quickly as possible fall in love with the next queer person they meet to be happy and no longer uncomfortably in love with a straight person, because that thought makes the straights uncomfortable.
Queer wish-fulfillment would be for Percy to return those feelings, for the queer character to get his first love, to not be rejected. That thing queer teens always dreamed about for themselves.
Aside from the wish-fulfillment angle, the pacing is another problem. Let me repeat, Nico was in love for years. But a five sentence conversation with Will once causes a crush on Will and we see him physically turn away from Percy and toward Will just immediately to rebound and actually fall out of love with Percy and in love with Will. Anyone who's ever been unlucky in love will attest to just how unrealistic and ridiculous the pacing here is.
It's also straight queerness in another respect; Nico has been the first ever queer character we meet in that world. He loves a straight guy - and to get over that, we introduce the second queer character. Because heaven forbid there are multiple queers to pick from. No, in straight-written queer romances, there is always that one main queer and then they introduce a second one and the two just immediately hit it off and develop a romance like all a queer person needs to form attraction to someone is the confirmation that the other person shares your sexuality.
Also the notable gay guy on gay guy ship here, whereas the more queer-wish-fulfillment option would have also included more nuance to the queer experience, because Percy doesn't have to be heterosexual just because he has only been with girls so far. It's a very old-fashioned - think 90s and early 2000s - kind of straight-written queerness that there are only exactly two homosexuals and that those two homosexuals then pair up.
And, listen, I'm not immune to these outdated straight-written queers entirely, I have many such ships that I grew up with that I am still fond of because they were groundbreaking at that time and they weren't outdated yet back when they happened in said 90s and early 2000s. I am however a grown woman now and just like I have grown, so has queer rep so I am not as easily baited into falling onto my knees in gratitude for canon rep. You have to go with the times. And this ship, by all that is given to us, is just entirely outdated straight-written rep.
Which, I mention earlier that even straight-written rep can be good. If the author tries. Riordan doesn't really try though; he does the bare minimum when he writes any of his rep - and there have been many, many more qualified voices being very vocal about his depiction of people of color and, as a woman, I've been vocal about his depiction of women. I don't want to derail this post with all of that, but I do think that it bears mentioning that Riordan doing rep but only doing a bare minimum and not putting in the necessary work to deepen the representation he wants to give is a repeating pattern that has been pointed out many times by now.
(I’d also like to point out that no, it is not just the ship and not just the listed instances that make it straight-written rep for straights. It’s Nico’s entire queer arc, starting with his forced coming out. A severely traumatizing event that is completely brushed over because the straight author doesn’t understand the impact this has on queer people. Not to mention the framework; Nico’s coming out isn’t Nico’s story, it happens in Jason’s POV, it is given to us through the POV of the straight bystander who gets to be Best Ally by assuring Nico that being gay is okay. This kind of coming out is not a queer wish-fulfillment, it’s a straight wish-fulfillment of getting to be the straight savior, the ally to show the gay the light of acceptance. And, additional to the ridiculous pacing of how fast Nico gets over his love for Percy, Nico also gets over years of internalized homophobia just because of, I don’t know, Jason’s few encouraging words and the fact that Will paid attention to him? For a gay kid who was in the closet all his life, the nonchalant way in which he publicly confessed his crush to Percy at the end made absolutely no sense and was written as basically a joke, finished off with Nico literally high-fiving Percy’s girlfriend despite those two never having seen eye to eye before but this is straight wish-fulfillment so all straights are Super Allies, because that’s the way straights want to see themselves, even though Annabeth has shown before just how jealous she can be and she most definitely wouldn’t go around high-fiving people who confess to her boyfriend. Nothing about Nico’s queer arc in HoO felt natural or queer or satisfying.)
Sure, Solangelo on a surface level is big because it's a canon queer couple in a YA book-series and kudos for that and yay for the kids who get to grow up seeing queers in YA books, but I actually do think that kids growing up with books written in the 2010s shouldn't grow up with 1990s levels of representation, because the 2010s overall are actually at a far more nuanced and better level of representation when it comes to queerness. And I do reserve the right to quit on too straight-written and too outdated queer rep in a landscape where I can get more satisfying representation elsewhere; we don’t live in times anymore where you necessarily have to love every bit of rep because it’s the only one you get.
Now that we've gone through my first two gripes, let's wrap this up with the final point, because it also directly ties into this.
3. The new wave of antis hiding behind this ship
A huge part of the fandom is so busy kissing Riordan's ass solely for giving them queer rep at all they think that both the author and the ship are beyond flawless and that kind of attitude is not good. Just because an author includes rep doesn't make either perfect. Absolutely no one is beyond critique - especially not when said critique comes from the very people the author is representing. And even beyond any "valid" critique on the ship, quite frankly, someone should also be allowed to just not like it, without any reasons given at all.
But there is a certain... protective obsessiveness about this ship that doesn't allow a not liking. Very similar to how PJO bore this mindset around Perc/abeth already. It's okay to have OTPs, even OTPs that you have a blindspot for and just don't want to see any flaws in. It is however not okay to then go around attacking people who don't like the thing and mind their own business.
Solangelo's bred a new generation of antis in this fandom. And, particularly with the fact that this post too receives an "anti" tag, I feel like there needs to be a clarification (because tumblr likes to forget what actually makes an anti). Not liking something doesn't make you an anti, venting in properly tagged posts doesn't either; it's the people who harass others, who seek out the content they dislike to then complain that it even exists and who actively try to make others stop creating for it - those are antis.
And with Solangelo's popularity, there was a high rise in Percico antis, who sought it out, were unnecessarily nasty about it, harrassed creators and tried to enforce some kind of "Solangelo supremacy" that won't allow other ships for the characters.
I've been in fandom long enough to be perfectly aware that not all Solangelo shippers count into this category and that there are completely normal and nice Solangelo shippers, but this is a Venn diagram where the overlap between Solangelo shippers and antis is too large to not widely associate the nasty people with the ship itself. (I've been there myself, shipping the very ship behind which a fandom's antis all hid. The second-hand embarrassment of having these people give the ship a bad name is horrendous and I do feel bad for all the normal Solangelo shippers.)
The more often I encountered these people, who made Percico bad (sometimes in wildly ridiculous manners that bent and deliberately misinterpreted canon) and who in the same breath praised Solangelo high, the more tired I grew of that ship. It's a simple game of association, really. You see that linked to the gross and nasty behavior and you start associating the ship itself with that gross and nasty behavior - and with all the things I said before that already weighed into my dislike of the ship, this just was the final tipping point, really.
And that's it. That sums up why I dislike Solangelo. It was hastily rushed, uncomfortable in its execution, it is outdated rep that very much feels as straight-written as it factually is and it does not feel aimed at me as a queer person but rather at the straight audience and it has gathered a cult following of quite uncomfortable people who on their own would be reason enough to avoid it so you can avoid them.
Send me a ship and I will explain why I do or don't ship it
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SFW Alphabet | Ryohei Arisu
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character: Ryohei Alice
Genre: fluff
Author’s Note: I’m trying to write a lot of AiB x reader content because there’s not a lot of it on tumblr and I’m sure you guys want more. The only thing is I want it to be well-written and not rushed so it’s actually enjoyable to read, so I’m so sorry if some take longer than expected! 😓 Please request something if you want to! 
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*This based in the real world, not in the Borderland
A - Affection
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alice would be rather shy with physical affection I feel
If he’s new into a relationship, he would probably ask before making any sort of physical contact with you
He respects boundaries like a true gentleman
As the relationship progresses, he would become more confident in his actions, showing his love for you more often
He wouldn’t be overly affectionate or unaffectionate, just somewhere in the middle
I think he would enjoy just quality time with you more than constantly feeling the need to touch you
B - Best Friend
(What would they be like as a best friend?)
Alice as a best friend would be so much fun
He seems like such a laid back and chill person, being open-minded and nonjudgmental
You and him would probably play video-games together all the time, being incredibly competitive and bantering the whole time
You and him would go out late at night just to go get food together and play games at a local arcade
There wouldn’t be a day when you’re not together, sticking by each others sides through thick and thin
You would probably have friendly arguments every time you are together, teasing and mocking each other in a harmless matter
As a group of four, Alice, Chota, Karube and you would be like peas in a pod
C - Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Alice would adore cuddles, but would be so shy to ask for them
You would have to be the one to initiate a cuddling session, probably by sitting on his lap, taking him by surprise
He would probably rest his head on your shoulder while you were on a long train or bus ride together, eventually falling asleep next to you
If you and him were cuddling on the couch, Alice wouldn’t let you leave
“Alice. I need to pee, let me go.” “But I just got comfy!”
He’d act offended when you eventually escape the cage that is his limbs
His favourite cuddling position would be him lying on his back while you’re spread out on top of him, head resting on his chest
He likes this position because he can kiss the top of your hair and stay warm underneath your body
D - Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
It would take a few years of dating for Alice and you to move in together
He loves the fantasy of a teen love situation where you two would sneak out together and go on late night dates
He would be afraid that when you move in together eventually, you would lose that thrill between you too
But after giving in and buying an apartment with you, he wouldn’t regret it at all
In a living situation, Alice would try to help you around the house as much as possible
You would have different chores assigned to each of you, making it fair
I feel like he wouldn’t be able to cook, like at all
Better he sticks to cleaning and laundry whilst you handle cooking meals for both of you
E - Ending
(If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If you were to break it off with him, it would honestly break him
But of course, he would hate to show that it gets to him, his sadness would come out in anger
He would overthink for weeks, wondering where he went wrong
Would probably get drunk at some bars a few nights and drunk text you, saying how much he misses you
If he was to break it off with you, he would feel incredibly guilty
Even if he had wanted to do it for a while, he would feel so bad after seeing tears running down your face
He would probably cry too and would have to fight the urge to scoop you into his arms and hold you as you cry
F - Fiancé(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Wouldn’t want to rush into things, preferring to take things slow
He likes to live in the moment without worrying about the past or future
I think having someone who would want to get married quickly would scare him off
Don’t get me wrong, he would be completely committed to you, it would just take time for him to get to that point
Never has the biggest urge to get married, honestly doesn’t see it as incredibly important
He would want to get married later in his life, as long as it’s with the right person
G - Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is such a gentlemen, no one can convince me otherwise
He would be so gentle with you, treating you like a piece of art
Wouldn’t even grab your arm or try to cheekily jump-scare you, in fear that he would accidentally hurt you
If you guys were having a heated moment, he would hesitate before placing his hands on you
You would have to tell him that it’s okay and place his hands on you yourself
Emotionally, he would try his absolute best to understand you
Although he would be a bit awkward when it comes to deep emotions, he would be so cautious in his words and actions when you’re in a emotionally vulnerable situation
So considerate and gentle, never wanting to make you uncomfortable in any way
H - Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He would honestly give the best hugs
I think he would prefer hugs over kisses, because he loves the close feeling of having you snuggled up against him
He would always do the running hug every time he met up with you, always having the same level of excitement from seeing your face
He would also love walking down the street with your arms around each other
The small simple gesture makes him so comforted and warm inside
I - I Love You
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
Would be so shy to say it
He would probably say it when he thinks your asleep, whispering it into your ear while brushing your hair out of your face
When you open your eyes and respond, he looks like he’s seen a ghost
“What did you say Alice?” “Uh... nothing. It doesn’t matter.”
He would roll his body to face the other way, trying to fall asleep
You would lean over his shoulder and say you love him too while he’s just about to fall unconscious
He would snap awake, looking up at you in surprise with his wide eyes
You’d spend the night tucked so close to each other then, giving each other sweet kisses and shy compliments
J - Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I actually can see him getting jealous very easily
Like even if you hung out with one of your male best friends, Alice would ask everything about the guy
It would come from a good place though, he would be scared of you finding someone better than him
When he gets jealous, he would become really quiet and passive aggressive
Would never admit that he’s jealous, no matter how hard you try to get him to confess
But it would be pretty easy to tell, even your friends would notice
If you were out together with Karube and Chota, Alice would feel a bit upset if you spent most of the time talking to one of them instead of him
When this happens, he’ll wrap an arm around your waist and press you to his side, just to remind you he’s there as well
K- Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He would have random clingy moments where he would beg you for endless kisses
He would purse his lips and close his eyes playfully waiting for you kiss him
It would always make him blush, no matter how long you’ve been together
His favourite place to kiss you would be your nose
He loves the way your face scrunches up when he does it, always making him fall just a little bit more in love
His favourite place to be kissed would simply be his lips
He loves the intimacy of it and would love it when you surprise him with a sudden kiss to his lips
L - Little Ones
(How are they around children?)
Would actually really like kids
I feel like he would like babies more than toddlers though
He would find them so adorable, but the thought of babysitting or having a kid of his own makes him nervous
He would like them, but wouldn’t be able to look after them well
If you two had to babysit for a family member, I think he’d really enjoy watching you interacting with the kid
If in the future you two had children of your own, he would want to wait quite a while, probably until after marriage if you planned to get married
M - Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
You both would always wake up late, no matter the day
Would probably be from playing video-games together all night or just staying awake for hours and talking / cuddling
If he woke up before you, he would tuck you under the covers again if they fell during the night and leave the room, wanting to leave you sleeping peacefully
But some mornings if he wants you to wake up with him, he would lay his entire body across you and whine for you to wake up
“Y/N... babyyy-” “What?” “Wake up, I’m bored.” “No.” “pLeAsE!”
He would be impossible to wake up though
You could throw stuff at him, yell in his ears, jump on top of him, but he would not open his eyes
It’s like as if someone knocked him out
You would have to resort to dragging him off the bed by his legs
N - Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
You would always go to sleep late, there was never a night where you would go to sleep before 12:00am
Even if you fell asleep, Alice would wake you up again because he would want to spend more time with you
You would talk and play video-games together until you either passed out on the bed on top of each other
If you fell asleep on the couch, Alice and you would be complaining the whole day tomorrow about your back pains
Sometimes, but very rarely, you would have deep conversations, then afterwards fall asleep with your limbs wrapped around each other tightly
O - Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
It would take time for him to open up
I feel like with Alice you’d have to earn his trust, he doesn’t just give it out for free
He would rarely talk about his feelings on a deep level
Even after years of being together, he’d still be a bit reserved
It wouldn’t be personal, I just think Alice would prefer to keep his strong emotions inside
Although, if something really got to him, he would probably break his walls a bit
He would hold things inside until they got too hard to handle
He’d have a big cry with you comforting him, then be fine again
It would mean the world to him if you sat and listened to him for hours and valued his emotions
P - Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
Honestly, quite easily
Depends really what it’s about
Fights between you too wouldn’t happen often, but he would get in bad moods a few times a week
He gets quite frustrated with minor things though, like if his phone or computer wasn’t working properly
He’d get over it really quick though
If he was to become mad at you, he would tell you straight up why he’s upset
He would despise it if you walked away and didn’t face the issue
When he’s really upset, he may say things that he doesn’t really mean in the heat of the moment
But he would always apologize after he’s calmed down, giving hugs and kisses for the rest of the day endlessly
Q - Quizzes
(How much would they remember about their partner?)
I feel like he’d actually be kind of bad at this
He would keep a few common things memorized, like your favourite movie or place
But sometimes he would forget minor things
He would feel awful about it though
It’s not that he doesn’t care enough, he just has a bad memory
After a while, he would begin to keep notes in his phone about things you like so he has ideas for birthday presents and anniversary gifts
Always has the best intentions, he’s just a little slow
R - Remember
(What is their favourite moment in their relationship?)
His most favourite moment would be a date you guys went on together during the first few months of dating
He had come over to your house and invited you to go for a walk with him around town
After buying late night takeaway snacks at a restaurant, he brought you to a quiet building and climbed the stairs all the way to the top
You two sat there for hours, eating your food and laughing until you couldn’t breath while looking out over the city’s fluorescent lights
He loved this night with you especially, because he thinks you looked gorgeous with the city lights dancing across your skin
I think this was the night he realized that he was in love with you, watching you smile and laugh with hearts in his eyes
S - Security
(How protective are they of their partner? How would they protect their partner? How would they like to be protected?)
Would try to hide it, but he would secretly be so cautious about your safety
He’s knows that he’s not the strongest or fittest person, but he still tries his best to make you feel safe
When you’re out in public at night, he always has his arm around your shoulder or your waist, just to make sure you stay close to him
If someone you didn’t know approached you and was acting a little too friendly, Alice would glare at them over your shoulder and distract you
If someone was to say something rude or offensive towards you, oh no
Alice would go OFF
He would swear and yell at them before you even get the chance to defend yourself
There would be times where you would have to physically drag him away because you were afraid he would throw a punch
T - Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Would try his best for special events
He’d be very bad at keeping secrets or surprises, you would most of the time find out what he has planned
But you wouldn’t tell him that you know so you don’t upset him when he gets really excited about surprising you
He would do the usual on your anniversary, flowers and chocolates with a cute date planned
He would love buying you cute little gadgets and books that he’s read that he think you would like
He would prefer simple, movie dates most of the time, but maybe once every two months you would go out for a cliché romantic dinner
U - Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Definitely his gaming
Sometimes he would play it for hours on end, not giving you much attention
I mean most the time you would join him or watch him play, but after a while it would get a little old
The only way to distract him enough to get him off the game is to sit on his lap facing him and kiss his neck
He would freeze up and drop the game immediately
“Okay fine! I’ll give you attention!”
V - Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
Wouldn’t be his priority
Obviously because of his overgrown hair, he doesn’t care hugely for his looks
I mean if you guys were going out together, he would put in his best effort to look decent for you
But if it’s just a day at home, he wouldn’t give less of a toss what he looks like
He doesn’t get insecure about himself often, he knows you love him no matter what he looks like
W - Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without their partner?)
He would value his partner over most things in his life
I mean, I do see him as a independent personality, so if he dated someone who was super clingy, I think he would find them irritating
He loves you so much, but he does need his time alone
He doesn’t think you constantly need to be all over someone and always be beside them to love them with your whole heart
So, he would love you more than anything, but he wouldn’t feel the need to depend on you for everything
X - Xtra
(A random headcanon for them)
He would love if you were best friends with Karube and Chota
Seeing his most favourite people in the world all get along would make him so happy
I think it would bring him a sense of security if you’re close to them as well, because he can trust them to take care of you if you need it when he’s not there
They would tease you and Alice all the time just to mess with you
Chota would love to have intelligent conversations with you like the lil’ nerd he is
And Karube would love to drink and banter with you
They would honestly be such a fun group of friends to hang out with
You would never be bored with them
Y - Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I mentioned before briefly, but he would hate a really clingy and possessive partner
He is independent and an introvert, so he would like his time alone with no one else every now and then
Having a partner that constantly has to be touching him or talking to him would be so annoying
He finds it really obnoxious, so he would prefer someone with a personality that is logical, reasonable and holds good morals
Z - Zzz
(What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He definitely snores
Not incredibly loud, but little snorts would leave him every now and then during the night
Sometimes if he does it for a while, you would nudge him with your leg to wake him up
Of course, he denies it, not believing that he snores
It’s not until you record his snores on your phone would he realize it
“There’s no way. That’s so embarrassing oh my god.”
SFW Alphabet Template
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nothorses · 3 years
i don't remember if i've sent a similar ask before but i just wanna talk about how i feel that my political stances (while ideologically consistent and aligned with my personal values) are out of place where i live.
i live in a country where violence of all kinds against women is insanely common, which results in two things i'm conflicted about: the very eager internalization of radfem rhetoric in the few social circles where feminism is even accepted, and pretty extreme social media callout culture (similar to the metoo kind) which spirals into cancel culture.
i know for a fact that saying shit like "kill all men" and "all men are evil" is unproductive at best and harmful at worst. but this is just one example of the sort of rhetoric that is very very common in the most progressive of feminist circles here - it's literally the tip of the iceberg. i feel like i can't speak out against it (as a trans man myself) because i would be offending every woman who's had a horrible experience with a man. it would undoubtedly be seen as "incel behaviour" or misogyny (i actually got called an incel the one time i did it lmao). and anyway that just makes me wonder how we can ever manage to embrace a better form of feminism without first seeing progress already, so that refuting the aforementioned statements (and the feminism they represent) isn't seen as a personal or misogynistic attack. and if things do get better on their own, who's to say that people won't just take it as a sign of radical feminism working? idk it's really confusing
in a similar vein, i despise cancel/callout culture, but i don't know how to reconcile that with my support for victims who speak out. every time someone does that, it triggers a movement of others following suit, but this eventually spirals into attempts to cancel people for very minor incidents that can easily be learned from and moved past. i don't see any point in encouraging people to speak out as long as they're doing it for "good reason" because obviously that's kinda hypocritical, so that leaves me with two options: either nobody speaks out about anything or everybody does about everything. both of these lead to harmful outcomes, whether it's a toxic culture of silence and suppression (which is already a problem here) or a toxic culture of demonization and not allowing growth at all.
i know this doesn't sound great lmao, but i formed most of my feminist opinions based on the things i saw on tumblr and other online spaces (plus some readings by historical feminists) that i felt were logical and effective. the problem with that is that all these spaces are predominantly white - which i am not - so the things i read are mostly by white people. and it leads me to wonder whether, even by critically thinking about the content i consume and forming independent opinions, i'm trying to apply a mostly white solution to a non-white situation. that implies that the brand of feminism i practice and advocate for is only useful in white spaces. it acknowledges the intersectionality of race, class, and gender but it doesn't feel like something that is readily acceptable to my own community - and i don't really blame my community for that either. so i wonder: is it my feminism that's the problem or the situation we're all in?
anyway. idk this is just some stuff i've been thinking about, especially since all the current tumblr drama started again. thank you for reading. stay safe <3
Hey you sent this to me ages ago- I'm sorry it's taken so long to get around to answering!
I can't address everything here, but I can offer some thoughts to maybe chew on:
It seems like you're muddled up in a lot of very black-and-white questions: "either nobody speaks out about anything, or everybody does about everything" is a pretty all-or-nothing way of looking at callout culture.
I've been talking to a large audience for a while now, and I've noticed a few things:
Pretty much everything I say and do will be interpreted and responded to in ways I could never have predicted, especially if it reaches enough people.
However far my reach seems, and however serious my impact, it is always, always going to be a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things.
The circles I run in & the shift of culture within them are lightyears away from even the circles some of my friends run in. Whatever the culture here, the culture in a neighboring circle could be vastly different.
I very often don't have the knowledge, influence, or power to try to speak to every person, every culture, every issue, or every circle- or to predict what my words and actions might do. That's not a bad thing. It also neither absolves me of responsibility for my actions, nor means I'm insignificant.
I say that because I think it's important to have some perspective, and because at least personally, it's taught me that it's pretty pointless trying to act based on what kind of impact I think I'll have.
My advice is to evaluate this stuff based on what you actually believe. Incorporate some nuance. Choose what you say and what you do based on what seems right for that situation, and allow that decision & the ideas behind it to evolve over time. Be guided by your values, not other people's potential reactions.
So to take your callout culture question, for example: ask yourself, what makes a callout bad? When might they be useful? Why do people make callouts? Who is hurt when a callout is made? Is it worth it? Is there an alternative? What is that alternative? What does the ideal situation look like? What is reasonable to advocate for?
Those kinds of questions are what critical thinking is, and you'll probably start to uncover a lot of nuance once you start asking and answering them. Embrace it. It means you're giving the issue the care, complexity, and space it deserves.
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 8/?
Word Count: 1.6k
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your Name, A/N - Any Name (Your Best Friend’s Name)
This one is shorter because of the last one’s length.
Hi everyone! By the time you see this, I will probably be out and therefore cannot update the other parts with this one’s link, so don’t worry about that if you notice it.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Jason’s Trauma and his Death, Lightning, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9)  (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Going on day 5 of knowing each other, Jason and Y/N would spend the day apart. Why? Because they gave each other the chance to have family time, Jason got it by playing around with his baby siblings, playing Assassin.
Fluff Head canon came from frownyalfred on Tumblr, who wrote about Jason playing Assassin with his brothers 
He would go running through the halls playing the game that he and Dick knew all too well, it had been the only ‘no contact’ game they were allowed to play at a summer camp Bruce had sent them to all those years ago when they weren’t adults with a bunch of other siblings, and girlfriends. But here they were, explaining the game to their younger siblings while Alfred and Bruce hung out with Barbara, who wished she could play, but was paralyzed.
Everyone missed playing games with her like they used to, but with the video game consoles in the house they did transfer a lot of their gaming to online so they could relive memories with Barbs. It was bittersweet, and everyone remembered when she became paralyzed like it was yesterday, but she always wanted them to play games like they used to, with or without her. 
Jason admired his, hopefully, one day older sister for how she treated her disability, like it was a gift, not something that impacted her everyday life and made her have to hang up the cloak of Batgirl.
But running around chasing after Dick, because of course, he got Dick, the universe wanted them to play again, was something he missed so much. They hadn’t had so much of this time, family time, ever since they all became vigilantes, and they never realized how much they missed the thrill of running around with each other.
Jason ended up getting Dick and throwing him out of the game, calling it a ‘selfless act of brotherhood so you can hang out with your girl’ and they both laughed at it. Titus, Damien’s dog, ended up barking up a storm at Jason when he killed Dick, like the big dog was rooting for Dick to win the tournament.
“Down boy! It’s a game!” Jason would whisper-yell at his dog.
“Yeah! Good boy, Titus! Get him!”
“No!” Jason would yell while running throughout the house, Titus on his heels. Passing by Alfred, Bruce and Barbara, where Titus would stop and go lay at Bruce’s feet, but Jason didn’t know that.
Jason would end up coming in just 10 minutes later, with a green slash on his neck. Tim, who had pulled Cass but killed her, Cass, who had pulled Jason. Tim now had two kills in the game and both were to people who could have easily overpowered him. 
“Jase! Welcome to the land of the dead,” Dick greeted him.
“God dammnit I’ve already been here,” Jason whined in a joke.
“You and your ‘I died pity me’  jokes,” Barbara said.
“It’s called a coping mechanism, Barbs. And hi dad, Alfred,” Jason said as he waved slightly at both of them, Alfred waved back and Bruce nodded at him.
“You could just to go therapy, Jase,” Barbara said, seeming concerned for someone who she considered her baby brother. She remember when he came into the Manor, she was older than him, sure . But he had nightmares and she and Dick would switch between who would sleep at his door at night, they both had terrible backs until the nightmares calmed down. Jason never knew they did this.
It also happened when he was resurrected, but the nightmares were worse and he’d wake all sweaty and upset. There were too many nights where batkids would be in Jason’s bed with him from 12am to when Alfred would greet them in the morning. The nightmares had slowed down a lot in the past few years with the introduction of his Goddaughter into his life, but they still came by to remind him of what happened.
He didn’t talk about it much. They would always try to edge him on about about really happened, but he was stubborn. It made sense, sure, trauma is trauma. But they all wanted to help him get better. It hurt them all that he was hurting and they didn’t know how to help him get through it.
Y/N would sit on her bed that morning and finally finished organizing her criminal psychology and regular psychology notes when she came across her printed copy of Dr. Barry Allen’s dissertation she had studied so hard. She found it so weird that she was so close to someone who she looked up to in the field while also being so far in the same breath.
She didn't dote on it for long, she stocked it away with her forensics notes in their place. This, the relationship she had with Jason that intertwined her with so many people, was something she was getting used to by the minute, but it was never something she’d get fully used to as time goes on.
She would put on a JCS - Criminal Psychology video in the background as she worked and tried to make her journal look nicer when Jason texted her,
Good morning. He said.
Good morning :)  She said back.
I just lost a game against a 16 year old.
My brothers and 2 of my sisters were playing Assassins with me right? Well my 16 year old brother, Tim, he ended up getting the better of me and beat me. 
Oh! So you suck!
What!? No, I’m literally so cool what do you mean? He said, it clearly had sarcasm undertones to it, so Y/N wasn’t worried if she offended him with saying he sucked.
Oh yeah? Then why’d you lose?
Well, I killed Dick.
Okay so you didn’t lose, Dick lost.
It started raining a little bit, the sounds of it hitting lightly against her window, and she felt at peace. It was never hard for her to feel peace when she was by herself. She only had one roommate because she liked the silence, to be alone to collect her own thoughts in her head.
Her parents said it was because she probably had underlying mental illness that they never had the money to diagnose. She agreed. But she still didn’t have the chance to do it.
Jason and her deserved so much more than what the world have given them up to this point, so when they found each other it was, in a way, the universe saying ‘I’m sorry, you deserve this’ and with each passing day it made the pain they had both felt in their lives just a little bit more tolerable.
No, I guess Dick sucks at the game more than me.
Where’d you even get the concept for that game?
Dick and I used to play it at a Summer Camp before we got kicked out.
For playing the game?
No, for being unruly children.
You seem like you were a handful back in the day.
I was, I was the worst kid to raise, my dad has a shirt that says ‘Proud parent of a kid who is sometimes an asshole but that’s OK’ and he wears it all the time.
What a dad moment. Don’t tell my father that shirt exists, he’ll get one for my mum and himself to represent my sister and I.
Were you an unruly child as well?
I was a troublemaker. Getting into arguments with my authoritative figures about dress codes, rules, why girls couldn’t carry chairs, literally anything that was unequal, I was at their throats about it.
I mean, as you should. My older sister, Barbara, and my younger sisters, Stephanie and Cassie, they would like that about you.
I feel like in someway I’ve won over every part of your family.
The rain would get more violent as time went on. Strikes and hits of lightning would strike all around the city, hitting those gargoyles on every building, she always figured they were decorative, but A/N explained that their horns were made out of copper so people wouldn’t get struck by lightning. Bruce Wayne actually made that a thing, A/N said.
Y/N got a message from the dance competition that she signed up to, turns out, California was hit with a hurricane and most people evacuated. No one was allowed in or out. She guessed weather was being funky everywhere. It sucked, but she already was wishing she could spend time at home instead of out in the world.
A feeling she hated.
She would spend the rest of the day on and off the phone with Jason while it stormed. She would go to bed early that night.
Jason slipped on his vigilante uniform, the Red Hood was going to be on patrol over this night, stormy or not, it was his duty and he knew that. Did he want to go? Yes. He was killing for some action and he was going with Dick. They would probably have some ‘Bro Time’ which Jason wanted. 
Even if it was silence, having Dick nearby him meant enough and gave him peace of mind.
He grabbed his guns and loaded them while packing a few extra magazines in his belt, when Dick placed a hand on his shoulder, “You have to be careful tonight, Jase,” Dick said as he gulped down tears, “Just come back to me alive if you break off from me, okay?”
“Alive but bruised,” Jason joked.
“I’m serious. I can’t lose you again and tonight is going to be massively dangerous.”
“You won’t.”
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
My prompt is just more trans au. Various people reacting to baobei. Just i love trans au so much thank u for this gift.
Baobai Pt 1 - on tumblr, on ao3
“Oh, hey, you have a kid,” Wei Wuxian said, out of lack of any other conversational topics that weren’t ‘so are you here to kill us all?’. Kids were usually a good, neural topic, especially when they were that small. “Look at her, she’s so tiny! Her parents know you brought her out here?”
“She’s da-ge’s,” Lan Xichen said with a smile and a nod towards Nie Mingjue, who as tall and terrifying as always. He was glowering at the half-grown radish fields as if he was personally offended by them.
“Congratulations, Chifeng-zun,” Wei Wuxian said to him, hoping to stave off any impending violence. The baby was young enough that the mom was probably still in isolation recovering, and maybe hadn’t consented to said baby being brought to the Burial Mounds of all places - certainly Wei Wuxian wouldn’t have agreed to cart a small infant all the way from Qinghe, and he’d thought mothers preferred to remain near their children in the few months after birth - but Wei Wuxian was not really in a position to object.
Certainly not after the quick work Nie Mingjue’s saber made of all of his defensive arrays. That man was scary.
“Thank you,” Nie Mingjue said, and it was awkward for a moment until he added, “Pain in the ass to acquire.”
That made everything better: Wei Wuxian knew how to deal with snark. “Oh yeah? Carried her yourself, did you?”
“Ten fucking months,” Nie Mingjue said, and Wei Wuxian laughed and shot Lan Xichen a wink, figuring that his stupid joke about having given birth to A-Yuan had made the rounds. Funny, he wouldn’t have pegged Lan Wangji to be the sort of person to pass on jokes…
At that point, Nie MIngjue twisted his head around to look at Wen Ning and Wen Qing, who were hovering nearby, trying to hide A-Yuan behind their legs, and said, “She’s your cousin three times removed, if I have my family tree down right, so stop being queasy and let the kid come see her.”
“Fuck,” Wen Qing said, and abruptly sat down. “I’m sorry.”
Wei Wuxian had the distinct feeling he was missing something, especially when Wen Ning’s expression shifted from equally puzzled to outright horrified.
“It’s not exactly your fault, you’re not soldiers,” Nie Mingjue said, and glared at the radish field again. “But in all seriousness: let the kid see her.”
Wen Qing waved a vague hand at A-Yuan, who correctly interpreted it as permission and zoomed over to the baby as fast as his little legs could carry him. He was in that another-kid-how-cool phase that all kids had, and babies were a particular fascination.
“You’re cousins?” Wei Wuxian asked Nie Mingjue, feeling a bit weird about. Three times removed wasn’t close, but still…of all people...“With the Wen sect? You?”
Nie Huaisang made a strangled noise that from anyone else Wei Wuxian would have said sounded a bit like he was going to imminently stab someone.
Nie Mingjue just gave Wei Wuxian a look like he was an idiot. 
“No,” he said very slowly. “I’m not.”
Wei Wuxian continued not to get it, right up until he glanced at Wen Ning who mouthed a name at him and – wait, but no, that’s impossible – but he’d have to be – wait, he was from Qinghe –
Wei Wuxian suddenly noticed that he had sat down on the ground as well at some point.
“Pain in the ass,” he said blankly. “Right.”
Nie Huaisang was glaring at him like he really was going to pull out his never-used saber to start chopping Wei Wuxian into bits, and honestly that might be a preferable option to the sheer awkwardness of having just put two and two together like that in front of so many people. Maybe he could use demonic cultivation to open the ground up beneath him? It’d never been done before, but then again, that was most things he did…
“Why are people so weird about babies?” Nie Mingjue complained, picking up the baby in one arm and a giggling and blissfully ignorant A-Yuan in the other, swinging them both around a bit. “They’re like – lumps of little people. We were all babies once. It’s not that weird.”
“You heard him,” Jin Guangyao said to Wei Wuxian with a smile that looked like it had daggers in it. “It’s not weird at all. Right?”
“Right!” Wei Wuxian said hastily.
Apparently scary people flocked together. Though, did that mean there something he was missing about Lan Xichen..?
Lan Xichen smiled at Jin Guangyao, who smiled back. That was really the only good thing about these discussion conferences, he thought – they were long and draining and he had to meet a lot of people he didn’t want to see (Sect Leader Yao ranked highly), but he got to spend a great deal of time with his sworn brothers, which he didn’t often manage. And, really, that made everything worth it.
“How are things going?” he asked in an undertone, scanning Jin Guangyao with his eyes. Madame Jin did not have the reputation for being a kind woman, especially not about her husband’s affairs, and he couldn’t help but worry.
“Manageable,” Jin Guangyao assured him, though it wasn’t really that comforting. “It helps that this conference isn’t at Jinlin Tower – less to arrange, less work to fall on my shoulders. It’s positively easy by comparison. When did you arrive? We’ve been here for a shichen already, setting up.”
“Just now. They’re still moving our things into our rooms –”
“Er-ge! San-ge!” Nie Huaisang’s voice rang out, sharp and clear and murderous; they both turned to look at him at once to try to determine if it was the sort of murderous that meant someone had bought out a painting he’d liked before he got there or if it someone had actually offended him. He had a fixed smile on his face, which boded no one any good. “I was just looking for you. I want to chat.”
“What happened?” Lan Xichen asked, looking around – they were more or less alone, and a quick hand-seal made it so that they wouldn’t be easily overheard. “Did someone do something to Baobei…?”
He couldn’t believe they still hadn’t named her, the poor thing.
(Jin Guangyao had briefly been lobbying for them to name her A-Shi, but then Nie Mingjue told him that if he wanted to have a girl named Nie Shi he ought to man up and sire her himself, and ever since then Jin Guangyao had been proposing different names entirely. Possibly he was concerned Nie Mingjue would take back the offer if he used up the name.)
“Surely not,” Jin Guangyao said. “In the middle of the Lotus Pier…?”
“Not Baobei,” Nie Huaisang said. “But your father just figured out who carried her, and he just – he put his hands – he said he had the right to check on account of da-ge having misled them –”
Lan Xichen observed, a little distantly, that he’d previously thought that the phrase ‘seeing red’ was an exaggeration, rather than a perfectly accurate description.
“Did da-ge rip him to pieces?” Jin Guangyao asked, sounding as if he was very much in favor of that result.
“He did not,” Nie Huaisang said. “You know how he is during these conferences; he’s far too reserved. Slapped his hands away but didn’t do anything else about it.”
“Surely that would put an end to it…?” Lan Xichen suggested, mildly hopeful, but the expression on Jin Guangyao and Nie Huaisang’s face did not fill him with much expectation.
“He’ll try something,” Jin Guangyao said flatly. His voice tremored briefly, full of rage even he couldn’t hide, and he gripped his hands together tightly. “He will try something.”
“Sect Leader Jiang will help us keep them separate for the conference,” Nie Huaisang said. “He still hasn’t figured out the details of Baobei’s parentage, I think he’s convinced himself that men just bear children – in some way that man is as dumb as a rock, same as when we were teenagers, I don’t know how anyone is that gullible – but he’s offended on da-ge’s behalf anyway. But when the conference is over for the evening…”
“It would be unfilial of me to plan my own father’s assassination,” Jin Guangyao said, and his eyes slide towards Lan Xichen, questioning. “But if you wanted to have a theoretical discussion regarding the security system at Jinlin Tower, and the weaknesses thereof…”
“Yes,” Lan Xichen said, putting aside all concerns regarding the morality of assassinations, and found that he didn’t regret the decision one bit. He’d barely tolerated that lecher when he had no choice, when he was Jin Guangyao’s father and a powerful sect leader. But putting his hands on da-ge – thinking of doing more – “Let’s have that...theoretical discussion.”
“I knew I could count on you two,” Nie Huaisang said with satisfaction. “So here’s what I was thinking –”
One of the worst days of Nie Huaisang’s life started quite normally – waking up when his brother lifted him bodily out of bed and slung him over his shoulder.
“Da-ge!” he yelped. “Da-ge, no – it’s too early –”
“If you stayed up late, that’s your own problem,” his brother said with the sort of purposeful cheerful sadism that only a person who actually enjoyed waking up with the sun to go train could employ. “I told you yesterday that we were going to be training this morning.”
“But da-ge –”
“You missed the last three days. You’re not missing today.”
But it’s so fucking early, Nie Huaisang thought despairingly, drooping into dead weight over his brother’s shoulder – not that that helped, of course. His brother was too damn strong.
“Are you sure you’re not taking out your feelings about getting fat on me?” he asked, poking at his brother’s somewhat-rounder-than-usual waist. “That peacetime bulge of yours hasn’t gotten any smaller, you know…”
In all honestly, Nie Huaisang was delighted by the small swell of his brother’s usually flat stomach. His brother wasn’t vain – his body was a tool shaped for purpose – and the idea that his brother had finally let go enough, whether by eating more or resting more, to actually gain some weight…
“Whatever you say, pork bun,” his brother said, and Nie Huaisang yelped and hit him because he was not a pork bun! No matter how pale or chubby he might become!
It was a hot day, which of course made going through the steps of training even more miserable than usual. His brother was patient as always, showing him the steps and then making him repeat them a few times before starting up his own morning training routine; after a while, they both got into a nice rhythm, swings and chops.
Training wasn’t that bad, especially when it meant he could spend more time with his always-busy brother. He still didn’t like it, and obviously he had a reputation to uphold, and yes, it was obnoxious to get up early...but it could be worst.
And then, just as Nie Huaisang was turning to tell his brother a joke he’d heard the day before, he saw his brother abruptly turn pale and fall over.
He even dropped Baxia.
“Da-ge!” Nie Huaisang screamed, a thousand ancient fears rearing their heads at once, and he rushed over at top speed. “Someone get a doctor! Quick!”
Not a qi deviation, not a qi deviation, don’t be a qi deviation, he prayed, dropping to his knees next to his brother, who was already waking up – eyes clear, not red, and looking more confused than anything else. He’s too young, I’m not ready, I can’t lose him, not him, not yet, please –
On Nie Huaisang’s instructions, some of the nearby retainers helped Nie Mingjue back inside, even though he was insisting that he was fine.
“You collapsed,” Nie Huaisang snapped at him. “In morning training. You are going to see a doctor, and that’s final.”
Nie Mingjue held up his hands in surrender, looking amused at Nie Huaisang’s uncharacteristic fierceness. His amusement faded into sympathy when he realized why Nie Huaisang was so tense – their father’s death had hit them both hard – and he pulled Nie Huaisang into his arms for a hug.
“It’s not that,” he said confidently. “Not yet. The doctor will tell you.”
The doctor’s face did something funny, though, when he listened to Nie Mingjue’s pulse. Not the oh-no-it-really-is-a-minor-qi-deviation sort of funny or even a nah-total-fluke-you’re-overreacting sort of funny, more of a what-the-fuck sort of funny.
“What is it?” Nie Huaisang demanded. He knew enough medicine – the entire Nie sect knew enough medicine – to understand most basic diagnoses, as well as what they might mean for future health. “What type of pulse?”
The doctor hesitated.
“Well?” Nie Mingjue said. “Spit it out.”
“…a joy pulse,” the doctor said. “About five months, I’d guess.”
For a moment Nie Huaisang didn’t understand. It wasn’t that he didn’t know what a joy pulse was – he did have female friends, some of whom were now mothers – nor that he didn’t know that his brother was capable of carrying, he’d known that forever.
It was just that his brother was an antisocial misanthrope. He didn’t have any lovers, as far as Nie Huaisang knew, which meant he shouldn’t have a joy pulse. 
Besides, five months ago they were still at war! His brother took his duties far too seriously to waste time on a battlefield dallying with someone, anyone, and especially not if there was a major battle around that time. Five months ago there must have been one – which one was it?
Five months…the main force of the army had gone up from Xingtai to Shijiazhuang six months ago, and then there would have been – Yangquan.
When his brother had been duped by false information into leading an attack on what should have been a mostly abandoned outpost, but which turned out to be in the middle of being reinforced by Wen Ruohan personally – when his brother had been captured – tortured – and even -
“Shit,” his brother said, presumably realizing at that exact moment that Nie Huaisang was capable of math and also dates and possibly even logic. “Doctor, you can go, thank you.”
Nie Huaisang didn’t even hear the doctor leave.
“Huaisang…didi…” His brother was trying to pull him into a hug, but Nie Huaisang didn’t want one, struggling unsuccessfully to get away. He didn’t want to be any closer to – to that – to the creature sitting his brother’s stomach, weighing him down; to what he’d thought was a sign of peace and good times and what was actually nothing more than yet another scar left by the war.
He’d actually been happy about it, and the thought twisted his stomach.
“Can you get rid of it?” he asked, voice strangled. “You can, right? It’s still early…”
“Five months is pretty close to quickening,” his brother said, wincing. “After quickening, the medicines don’t work as well. It might not be that easy.”
“Do you know how dangerous childbirth is?!” Nie Huaisang demanded. His mouth was moving on automatic; he wasn’t even thinking about what he was saying. He wasn’t thinking of anything, anything at all, because if he was thinking he’d have to think – he’d have to – his brother – “What if it kills you? You can’t let them kill you! Not after everything we did to avenge A-die!”
“I’m not going to die,” Nie Mingjue said, holding him tightly, his chin on Nie Huaisang’s head the way they always where when they hugged. “I’m a very good cultivator, Huaisang. My golden core will keep me healthy, even if I start bleeding…it won’t be like your mother. I promise.”
Nie Huaisang started shaking. “Da-ge,” he whimpered, pressing his face into his brother’s shoulder. “Da-ge, tell me…”
“Anything,” his brother promised, and he’d regret that promise in another moment, Nie Huaisang knew, the question would only cause him pain, but he needed to know. The second they were out of this situation his brother would clam up, pretend that nothing had happened and that it was all fine, so if he had questions – and he did – then he needed to answer them now.
“Was it – who was it? Was it him?”
His brother stilled.
“You said you’d tell me,” Nie Huaisang reminded him.
“…I don’t know,” his brother said. “I don’t – it could be. But it might be – someone else.”
There had been more than one, then. Nie Huaisang swallowed back bile, wanting to be sick. His father’s murderer had forced himself on his brother, and he’d let others do the same, and now they had to deal with the fallout.
“I want to kill them,” he whispered. “I want – I want them dead – all of them –”
“If it’s anything, I’ve made a pretty good head start on that already?” his brother offered, and of course his brother was trying to find some levity in a terrible situation. “We broke them, Huaisang. Even if some individuals remain, there’s no Wen sect left. If I do end up keeping it, the child won’t have a paternal family to lay a claim – they’ll be surnamed Nie. Another Nie, like you and me. You’ll be their uncle; you have to forgive them, it wasn’t their fault...you have to spoil them rotten.”
His brother’s thumb wiped away some of Nie Huaisang’s tears.
“You’ll be a good uncle, didi,” he murmured, pressing his lips to Nie Huaisang’s brow. “If the child is surnamed Nie, that’s all that matters.”
“People will know,” Nie Huaisang pointed out. “About you, about…I’m not the only one who can do math. We won’t…it can’t be kept quiet, can it? People will know. About you, about - what happened.”
“Let people know,” his brother, brave as ever, said with an indifferent shrug. “What do I care? In the end, it’s just another way to show that even when they threw everything they had against me, I still won.”
“What a charming child you have,” the young man from the mountain – Xiao Xingchen, he said his name was, and he was already famous despite having only been around for a few months – said, smiling down at her. “She’s beautiful.”
Nie Mingjue was not currently feeling especially kindly disposed towards human reproduction at the moment, being currently heavy with his second – the world needed more Nies, he wanted more Nies, children to keep Nie Huaisang company if that qi deviation he was promised ever actually turned up, and he had a very good list of cultivators with various pros and cons willing to help him introduce some more diversity into the Nie bloodline to try to minimize the chance of future qi deviations for his descendants, but at the same time he hated waddling around like a stuffed hippo with a bunch of people insisting that he not even think of physical exertion – but he nodded his thanks regardless.
At least for once someone wasn’t going to comment about the child’s parentage, he reflected wryly. There was only so much purposeful playing dumb a man could do, and the first year or so of his little baobei’s life – by the time they’d finally gotten around to trying to name her, the nickname had stick so firmly that they’d succumbed to reality and made her given name A-Bao, though of course, it being Qinghe, no one actually called her that – had really strained his tolerance in that specific regard. 
It was the quickest way to avoid awkwardness, to pass along the information while avoiding conversations he didn’t want to have, but still…
Nobody brought up on a celestial mountain would know about Wen Ruohan, though. He was pretty sure of that.
“And I see you’re expecting another? Sometime soon..?”
“I am,” Nie Mingjue said. “Soon enough.”
Not soon enough. He wanted to go back to training – why did he keep getting high blood pressure no matter how much medicine he took?
“I see,” Xiao Xingchen said. “You’ll have to let me give you a gift of some sort. Do you have a favorite form of cloth?”
Nie MIngjue blinked at him. “Cloth?”
That was a strange gift. Did Xiao Xingchen think that his sect was so poor that he couldn’t cloth a child?
Xiao Xingchen – who was really quite young – blushed red, the color going all the way to his ears.
“I’m sorry for my presumption,” he said, then hesitated, before saying, very delicately, “Have you finished preparing the nest for the egg, then?”
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