#though i am satisfied/have made my peace with them as mafia bosses for now
daltoneering · 2 years
Fire, Water and Smoke Imagery in ep 14
Over 8000 words of thoughts on the fire and water imagery in this series and now we're finally here... honestly I have spent far too many hours of my life thinking about swimming pools and cigarettes, I'll be glad for a break 😂 (actually no I won't, I'm gonna miss doing these so much!)
Let's get into it.
A callback to Porsche's phoenix, and a visual of the memory he was telling Kinn about in episode 4: to grow up and become the phoenix, and take care of himself and Chay. Porsche has held onto the freedom of being true to himself throughout, and has shown that same freedom to Kinn, allowing him to become his full self. By the end of the episode Porsche is reborn into a new version of himself, one that rules by Kinn's side: freed by their love for each other.
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This shot of Gun/Kun/Kan victory smoking is almost perfectly match cut with Porsche tipping his head back in distress in the previous scene. It's a clear indication and contrast of how they are both feeling—Porsche falling apart because he has no idea what's going on or what the truth is, and Gun sitting happy in his pre-conceived victory.
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Gosh RIP Daddy Chan!!! Going out in style still doing his duty to the end by warning Kinn that the minor family were coming, and lighting up a smoke to see him over to the other side. The ultimate comfort cigarette.
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The pool that Vegas "dies" next to is yet another new swimming pool in the main family complex. I'm actually really glad that they didn't go with the main central one, as too much of its meaning is caught up in Korn and Kinn, and instead gave VP their own pool. They're covered in the reflections from the pool for almost all of their dialogue, and when Vegas falls (depending on which shot you look at) he's almost in the water. I've often posited that water/swimming pools have to do with the main family, and I wonder if this isn't something about the inescapability of Vegas' demise while still in that shadow—or watery reflection—of that main family.
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I don't have masses of thoughts on Kim smoking but as it is my duty to report each time a character does—he's clearly thinking of Chay.
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Ahhh, my beautiful episode 1 callback. The same boat. The same river. The same section of river and buildings in the background. KP on equal footing. The lights on the water throwing back to their first kiss.
And still surrounded by the water. Still surrounded by the huge mafia expanse of it. More in the heart of it, in fact, than ever. And I have to be honest—I wasn't sure it was going to end up like this. There is a part of me that wonders (hopes?) that if we do get a s2, they will be able to get away from that huge expanse of still, reflective water—get away from the leadership of it all and experience some of the quiet, loving life together that they have both dreamed of.
But is true freedom like that fully attainable, for people with so much in their pasts and such deep devotion to their families? Right now, I don't think it matters, because they have each other. They have promised themselves to each other. Mafia bosses or not, that's never going to change, and now matter where they are or how much water is surrounding them, they'll be holding on tight to each other.
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And so we end up here: with the victor, and his two poor fish, kept in separate tanks trying to fight each other till someone ends up dead. Korn is still very much playing the long game. He is still very much scheming. And while he may be sitting pretty for now, I don't think the Porsche we know and love is going to allow him to remain there for long... especially not if Nampheung is the final key to the puzzle.
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To read the other 8000 words of fire/water/smoking meta throughout all the episodes, you can check out my masterpost google doc [some of the earlier stuff and probably intro still needs updating], or the individual episode write-ups I've been posting here on tumblr since ep 9.
Mirrors and reflections in this episode
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parisofpeoplez · 3 years
Hello I'm back again trying to get this out of the way so that I can MOVE ON GOD. I have soo many feelings from Vincenzo finale and I feel emotionally exhausted, so I'm going to try and sort my thoughts out here. This is going to be very long and chaotic....
I had started watching this show sometime in March and caught up with the episodes in the week before episode 13-14 aired. That's when I discovered the fandom on Tumblr. I've never been a part of such a fandom and it elevated the whole experience so much more and let me just put it out there first and foremost - y'all are the most intelligent, funny and creative people I've ever come across.❤ Living in today's reality where we can't even meet our friends, having a collective community experience with you all was honestly such a comfort. I will forever be grateful to this show for giving me this experience ❤❤
I've been trying to look at the positive sides of the finale but it's difficult to do so. Not saying there's aren't any, I just feel the not-so-positive ones outnumber the positive ones imo...
I've become so attached to this show that I've even surprised myself. Props to the writers and creators for creating characters and giving them such good development arcs. I truly came to see the Geumga plaza gang as a family. Blood is not what makes you a family and they proved this till the very end.
Hong Cha Young my queen....I absolutely adore her. I've never come across a female character like her in any show. I love her quirks (like even the way she walks with a bounce in her steps is so extra!) and I love her strength. She was ready to go all out to make her father's murderes pay, which is probably why I have sort of mixed feelings about her character in the last episode. On one hand I do know that her want for revenge against them is what started it all, and she deserved to kill Zumba Snake and Han-seok. But it is one thing to want to kill someone, and another thing to actually do it yourself. In the initial eps, we saw that she made Vincenzo promise not to kill anyone, but went back on it with 'promises can be broken out of necessity'. And yet, she ended up staying at Vincenzo's place out of fear that he would actually kill. She might have went back to making peace with the fact that Vincenzo is bound to kill and yet, when she witnessed one of the cryatal balls dying (idk his name), she had to take the time to remember why she was doing what she was doing, and why she had been supporting Vincenzo all along. As viewers we would have been satisfied had she been the one to kill Myung hee (since she was the one who gave the order to kill Cha Young's dad), it would honestly be completely out of character for her. She's a ruthless, cunning lawyer, but not a killer. Which is why I completely understand why the writers decided not to go that way.
On the other hand, Vincenzo has grown up in the Mafia, this is what he has learnt his entire life and what he's best at. He understood that it would have long lasting emotional impacts on Cha Young if she killed. He didn't want her to suffer like he does, which is why he offered her an out in ep 19, warning her that they will now become monsters, and delivered the final blow to Myung hee and Han-seok.
I am satisfied with Vincenzo being the one to kill them. But what I am not satisfied by at all is how Cha Young was essentially side lined in the finale, and the fact that Han-seo sacrificed himself in the end. They could have written Cha Young being involved in some way. The entire sequence in the beginning of ep 20 could have been so much more impactful, had they taken a slightly different route. I still do not understand why they didn't make Han-seo push/kick Han-seok's hand so that that last bullet ends up somewhere that is not a human body. I am as annoyed as I was when Gu Seung ju died in CLOY. I know that they had been foreshadowing his death all along, right from the moment when Cha-young and Vincenzo have that conversation about how underdogs more often than not end up dead (or something along those lines, I can't recall exactly), and then more recently in the last eps, but still it would have been a great twist for him to actually be alive, and reveal it later in the episode like they did with Mr. Lee. (Please Mr. Lee's potential death sub plot was just....NO. It was unnecessary to give him a fatal wound and make us believe that he was dead ESPECIALLY after they killed Han-seo). At the very least, even if they did want to kill Han-seo, they could have written it better and given some sort of closure to his character. I will forever mourn his loss...
Coming on to the deaths of the antagonists. Choi Myung Hee's death was.....something. To be very honest, I don't really know how I feel about it exactly. Not saying I hated it or that she didn't deserve it. I liked the whole bit about making her dance one last time. I just really don't know how to feel about actually watching her burn. As for Jang Han-seok's death, I think it was a bit too gruesome for me to digest (he deserved it tho) but I really liked two things about it - Vincenzo taking his watch and the crow. Now THOSE were satisfying.
As much as I hated it when Vincenzo had to leave, after thinking about it, I feel it was necessary. The police were after him and they literally did not have the time to fabricate any sort of evidence that would gurantee him to walk a free man. Even if they had tried to do it, it would've been a gamble. Vincenzo had to leave so that he can come back to Cha Young later and not end up behind bars instead. Yeah I know he was going to retire initially but after Luca's visit, he realised that he can't leave his family in Italy alone. The Mafia are his family after all. He's grown up and spent his whole life amongst them, he can't just leave them to defend themselves, esp when their boss is his incompetent brother. He had to take care of them first because that is what they do, they look after their own. Even though he offered the enemies money, it would only keep them away for so long and there would always be more enemies.
I'm not gonna talk about my thoughts on Chayenzo since I already made a long ass post about it (x)
I did not mean to ramble on so much but oh well! I couldn't sleep last night with so many thoughts running around my head and I needed to vent them out, so here we are lol. These are just my ramblings on the last episode, not the whole show. It is still one of the best shows ever created and I don't want to let the ending ruin that for me. It will take some time for me to accept it tho. Not in the mental state to go for a re-watch but I probably will at some point when I'm not feeling so emotional (is it the PMS? It v well could be lol) and when I do, I will be v conveniently only skipping to the kiss scene and ignore the rest of ep 20 lol (It was an amazing kiss scene okay).
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Work in Progress Wednesday
Creators: work on or post something from your WIP. This is your weekly reminder to get something down on paper (real or virtual). It’s also a chance to share your progress with your followers and give them a sneak peek of what’s to come!
Fans: leave a comment on an unfinished fic and let the writer know how much you love it. Reblog an artist’s sketch and let them know you can’t wait to see the final product. Send someone an ask cheering them on!
Feel free to repost this image!
Hello all!  I’ve been feeling...well I’m not too sure honestly.  Writing has been a little weird these last few months weeks so I wanted to use this just as a way to motivate myself a little with what I’ve already come up with and hopefully, it will push me to write/finish some of those WIPs.  Be gentle these are still really rough ... and if I do get around to writing them I might change some stuff around...
There are so many different stories that I’ve started that I might never finish so I wanted them to live somewhere.  
There’s a few ShikaTema, SaiIno and one ChoKarui (also some starts to my Lemonade Series so be aware of titles/notes)
**I’ll update this as new ideas come about.  They will appear first in the post. 
Previews after the cut. 
Knots (Part 3 of “Ties that Bind Series”- ShikaTema, Suna Sibs)
“I’m worried, she’s really sick.”
“Maybe it's like ya know.  That time of the month.”  Kankuro’s voice dropped to a whisper. 
“You idiot.  You absolute moron.”  Temari's voice shot back through the layers of blankets. 
“I think she's okay.”
“Temari, are you okay?”  Gaara asked carefully.  
She nodded her head.  “I’m fine.  Everything is just fine.  Why do you ask?”
“Well you’ve been locked in your room for days now.  You haven’t snapped at anyone or called me stupid.  We’re getting concerned.”
She sighed, taking a deep breath seeing the worry clear in their eyes.
“Shikamaru proposed.”
Their expressions brightened.   “Temari! That’s great, congratulations!”
“We should be celebrating.”  Kankurou stared at his sister curiously.  Gaara was right.  Something was wrong.  “Why isn’t Nara here?”
“I couldn’t say yes.”
Their eyes shot wide open. “Temari?”
“Shikamaru needs to be in Konoha and I couldn’t leave you two and Suna.  Who am I if i’m not Temari of the Desert?”  She knew that she made the right decision.  She couldn’t just leave her brothers and Suna because of something as trivial as love right?  This was the right thing to do.  She assured herself but then why did her heart feel like it was tied up in knots?
Candles (SaiIno-One Shot)
The concept of birthdays had always been foreign to Sai.  He’d never learned the actual date of his birth and never realized that such days were cause for celebration.  So much of his past and the circumstances by which he’d become part of the Root were shrouded in darkness.  The one person that could tell him when his actual birthday was, was dead.
 There were little events that were celebrated in the Foundation.  Completion of missions, not dying on said missions were the two events in which he could remember “celebrating.”  Other than that there was little else that would be cause for celebration.
Once he started becoming more a part of the village he learned early on that birthdays were actually important milestones.  Whether they were small, intimate gatherings of close family and friends or large, elaborate events, birthdays were something to celebrate.  They were time markers and allowed the celebrant to reflect on all their past experiences and look forward to all the wonderful experiences that lie ahead.  Perhaps that was why birthdays were never celebrated.  No one in the Root had a clear memory of their past.  Each mission could be life or death so it was foolish to believe that there was a future to look forward to.  
Still, as he began to settle actual roots, and the path in which he wanted to walk a birthday seemed like an important element to have.  Everyone had a birthday, he deserved one too.  The actual date though was to be determined.  There were few actual dates that held any value so selecting a random one out of the year was difficult.  It also seemed strange to arbitrarily pick a date as well. 
“Ino?  I have a request.”
“Of course Sai, anything.”
“Would you mind sharing your birthday with me?”
“I don’t know when my actual birthday is.  Such things weren’t considered important.  One day I’d like to find out but for now if you don’t mind I’d like to share my birthday with you.  It’s not something that we need to announce or even really recognize but I’d like to have a date, a number that I can put down.  I feel like the day I met you I was reborn in a sense.  That my real life started.  I can  understand if you don’t-”
Stolen (Multi Chap AU ShikaTema ):
Shikamaru watched her closely and saw the shift in her eyes.  Where she’d been terrified initially he noticed a kind of calm and peace.  He released the shadow binds around her wrists but sent more to surround her creating a maze of shadows and lines. 
“Don’t fear the shadows Temari.  Learn to dance amongst them.”
Temari with focused eyes and a determined spirit moved gracefully between the lines.  She landed in pockets of light and moved swiftly before she could become trapped.  He watched on enchanted as she leaped and moved effortlessly avoiding what he threw at her.  It was as though she was floating, gliding in the wind above the darkness.
Runways (Model AU ShikaTema):
Unrestrained raged swirled in Shikamaru’s normally soft brown eyes as he held Temari’s shaking body.  His glare was heavy on the cowering figure trembling on the floor. 
“My family will bury you.  I will make sure that you never work in this industry again.”
Temari was taken aback by the ice in his voice and all she wanted was for this night to be over and for life to return to normal. “Shikamaru...”  Temari’s voice quivered in a frighteningly unfamiliar way and his protective hold tightened.
“I’m sorry-” 
In spite of himself, Shikamaru laughed off the worthless attempt to quell his anger.  “It’s far too late for apologies.  I suggest that you leave now. That you make it so that no one remembers your name or face because by the time that I’m done you will wish that you never crossed a Nara.”
Stalemate (Mafia AU, ShikaTema)
Shikamaru’s midnight eyes surveyed the crash of sweaty bodies moving and pulsating to a heavy beat. He took a long drag of his cigarette overwhelmed by the sheer number of people and heavy bass. It wasn’t often that he made the trek out here often depending on his associates to check on their businesses.  His father told him though that it was important for the king to be seen by his people.  
For a while, his family had to operate in the shadows.  That was no longer the case.  The Naras, Akimichis, and Yamanaka’s ruled this area.  Government officials, police officers anyone who had “power” were all on their payroll.  Very few things happened in this city without them knowing.  Everyone knew who they were and they no longer tried to hide it.  
When he was younger he’d complained constantly that this was a drag. He never wanted to become the head of the Nara crime family.  It wasn’t his choice, it was his destiny.  Still, he grew into the role and had accomplished more than they’d ever dreamed. 
He didn’t delight in the benefits of being an infamous crime boss. The club was far too loud. The women who threw themselves at him were too troublesome. 
His eyes continued to scan the room before they fell upon one person his heart began to beat wildly. From where he stood he could tell she was a striking blonde but there was something different.  Something was drawing him towards her.  He studied her for a while.  Becoming increasingly frustrated as she flirted and smiled at the club patrons.  His hands clutched painfully around the balcony railing as he tried to keep his anger in check. 
He called his security detail over.
“The blonde bartender, bring her to my office.”
“Yes sir.” 
Protective Instincts (Mafia AU, SaiIno, Mafia Princess Ino, Bodyguard Sai *same universe as “Stalemate” ^)
The tension in the back of the SUV was suffocating.  The air heavy, anger rolling off of the man sitting next to her. 
“Sai...I-”  Ino began before being cut off.  
“Don’t, I’m barely holding it together right now.  I just need a minute.”
A beat of silence passed. “Are you mad at me?”  She pouted and despite how angry and upset he was Sai shook his head.  
“No, I could never be mad at you.  I’m mad at your actions and the stupid risks you take but no, never at you.”  
Satisfied with his response and sensing that he was calmer Ino crawled into his lap settling her head against his chest.
He knew that he should push her away.  It wasn’t necessarily appropriate for her to be this familiar with him but she melted so perfectly against him. He felt whole when she was in his arms. 
“I’m sorry Sai, I should have told you.  I just wanted a regular fun, night out.”
“But you’re not a regular person.  You put yourself at risk.”
“Sai, it’s one of our clubs, nothing was going to happen.”
“I can’t take that chance, Princess.  I knew that I shouldn't have taken the night off.  The person on your guard tonight is fucking dead.”
Her eyes widened feeling guilt crash over her.  She still had to learn that her decisions had very real consequences.  “Sai, no.  Please, it’s not his fault.  I snuck out.  I manipulated and orchestrated the whole thing.  Please don’t take it out on him.”
She forced his gaze to meet hers.  “I’ll deal with my dad if it gets to him. Please.”
“Fuck, fine.  He and I are going to have a talk for sure but that will be all.  I promise.”
Ino sighed in relief knowing that he’d keep his promise.  “Thank you.”
“Why did you take tonight off?  It’s not like you.”
He took a deep breath his fingers pushing back stray hairs away from her eyes.  “I just needed a break, Beautiful.  Clearly, it didn’t last long.  I can’t take my eyes off of you for a second.”
She relaxed into his chest.  “I like your eyes on me.”
Obscura (NSFW SaiIno- Lemonade Series) -Idea courtesy of @ promptmaker 
Sai grinned as Ino moved into the next pose. She was a natural in front of the camera and seeing that smile always made him happy. 
He’d purchased the camera recently as an attempt to explore a new artistic medium. Especially now that he had memories worth capturing. Ino happily volunteered to be his subject. He was thankful that after this he’d have a whole set of photos of his Light. 
“Great job Beautiful these look incredible.” He complimented her drawing her into a kiss. 
“Thank you, Sai.”  She paused for a minute before her eyes lifted back to his a playful look in those baby blues. 
“I have an idea for a for pictures if you don’t mind.” 
He nodded excitedly about the prospect. He enjoyed any time that they shared together.  “Of course not Beautiful, whatever you’d like.  Let me just adjust these lights.” 
When he turned back around he was surprised to see that she’d removed her top and was now leaning forward her breasts heavy and exposed.  A mischievous smile across her lips.  
“Fuck.”  He breathed.  So she wanted those kinds of pictures.
Main Course (NSFW ChoKarui- Lemonade Series -Idea courtesy of @ promptmaker
“I made you all your favorite food and this is what you want to do instead.”  Karui teased Chouji her honey eyes glowing with anticipation.  
Chouji grinned as his mouth descended over her delicate neck.  “I think that you’re mistaken Sweetheart.  You are by far my favorite thing to eat.”  She could feel his grin against her skin.  
“Besides, if you didn’t want this to happen you would know better than to make yourself look so appetizing.”  He countered his hands grazing over the skin that the apron left exposed.
Goosebumps erupted over her skin her breathing coming out in short pants.  “Well, perhaps we should have dessert first.”
So that’s what we’ve got folks.  Actually even just making this post is inspiring me to finish/write!  Are there any that you’re interested in reading?  thank you for getting this far and for supporting me. 
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thenamesseven · 5 years
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Word count: 2597
Leaning on your desk, you tiredly watched how your last costumer walked away happily and gladly satisfied after finding what you two have been looking for, for almost one hour straight. Honestly, you didn't know how you managed to survive another day of your new routine.
Yeah, things have slightly changed. Your father got sick and unable to work, you knew he wouldn't trust any stranger to take care of his precious library so in order to not let him down, you volunteered to deal with it. Oh, how genuine you were. It was not that you disliked working there, in fact, you loved the book shop your father has had for 7 years now. It was the most popular in town and even when there weren't too many customers everyday, your family had made it possible for the shop to survive through the years.
However, no matter how much you enjoyed working there, you also loved to have time for yourself which happens to not be possible since you're on your third year of University. Basically, you were drowning in assignments, tests and projects. Balancing work and a career was the most stressful thing you've ever done in your life but somehow, you've grown accustomed to that stress, you now didn’t feel like crying whenever somebody asked for your help to find a book at the shop or frustrated when the kids looking for their picture stories didn't let you read your notes in peace. You would almost say your life was slightly perfect, balanced enough for you to be happy everyday, if it wasn't for  the one thing that was missing. 
Your nights at the bar. You were only able to returned once after the night Kihyun and you talked for the first time but he wasn't there. Assuming he was probably working, you drank your shot and headed back home. Although now that you physically didn't have time to go there and look for him again, you couldn't help but worry about Kihyun getting the wrong idea. What if he thought you grew tired of his games and moved on? What if he interpreted you absence as you having zero interest on him? Let's just hope that wasn't the case because you would regret losing somebody like him during your whole existence.
Even if he was dangerous.
Shaking your head, you let a soft sigh escape your lips, maybe what happened was the right thing for you? Surely, you didn't need all of those problems that probably came with dating a soon to be Mafia boss. You started picking up the books the people had left scattered on the tables where they could read, you truly hated when somebody just took something they knew they wouldn't buy but don't return it to the object's original place.
“Ah, is it seriously too much work to put things back on their place?” You asked to yourself, carrying the little pile of books around as you looked through the shelves.
Humming to decrease the silence that was filling up the place, you started putting each book where they belonged, making sure everything was on its place. You weren't a cleaning freak but you insisted on keeping the books organised in a certain way since it was way easier to find them like that. You were about to put the last book on the shelf when one fell down, since life hated you, you didn't have time to move away and the book slammed your head making you hiss in pain.
“Ugh” Your hands flew to the top of your head, your legs starting to move around to release some tension “Motherfucker” You whispered, groaning in even more pain.
You would have kept swearing if it wasn't for the chuckle you heard behind you. Turning around quickly you held up one of the books that were on the floor as if it was the best weapon you could come up with. When your eyes landed on a really surprised Kihyun, with his hands raised over his head and trying to keep himself from laughing you didn't know wether to hit him, to kick him out of the shop or to simply ignore him.
“Please don't attack me with…” Kihyun squinted his eyes trying to read the title of the book “The amazing story of Pyramids vol.II” He scoffed “Why bother making a second book when nobody is going to read the first one?”
You rolled your eyes, biting your lower lip to avoid smiling as you bent down to pick up some of the books that have fallen down. “You shouldn't be here, the shop is closed” You said placing the books on the table, sighing tiredly. It wasn't that you were avoiding him but you knew your dad wouldn't be happy of he knew Kihyun was around you.
“I’m not looking for a book” Kihyun said, sitting down on the desk next to your pile of books, watching you put the books on the shelves “Honestly? I was looking for a girl who really likes staring, she usually comes to my club but I haven't seen her around too much lately”
“Wait” You turned around to look at him, Kihyun smiled proud of stealing your attention from the books on your hands “The club is yours?” He nodded chuckling “Actually that would explain why you were always there”
“Mhm, so you always went there to look for me?” He asked teasingly
“That’s not what I said”
“I always went there looking for you though”
His confession got you almost choking on air. Even in your first conversation Kihyun seemed to be a little daring knowing you were too shy to be like him. You turned around to look at him, one of your eyebrows raised as you rest your hands on your hips.
“Got it, you are busy” He said still with that boyish smile that you liked so much. “Brought coffee, since you're not coming to me I decided to come to you” Kihyun pulled out two really warm and steamy coffees from the plastic bag he had been carrying with him. “And I also brought us a chocolate cupcake knowing that you probably haven't eaten since this morning”
“Stalker much?” You asked jokingly, taking the coffee from his hands. Your fingers brushed against his making Kihyun smile even more “Thanks though, I really appreciate it”
“You accused me of kidnapping before, why wouldn't I stalk you too? Isn't necessary to stalk your victim before kidnapping them?” Seeing your poker face, Kihyun laughed shaking his head “I'm joking, I just happened to know you are studying and working at the same time...It’s obvious you would be pretty busy”
“And how exactly do you know that?” You crossed your arms staring at him, Kihyun looked guilty as he scratched the back of his neck.
“Just asked around”
You weren't buying that, Kihyun was too powerful to waste his time asking around like a normal person for just a girl. However, it would make more sense if he had investigated your private life a little, it wouldn't surprise you to be honest.
“You knew my name before I even told you” Scoffing you sip your coffee, he smirked
“You knew mine too, didn't you?” He replied amused
“It...That...It’s not the same” Kihyun smirked at your response, picking a book from the pile as he gaze at its pages.
“Why is it not? You knew my name, I knew yours” He shrugged keeping his attention on the book.
“You have a reputation” You replied, making yourself busy again with the books as the both of you talked.
“Do I?” Kihyun asked, you kept your eyes on the shelves not wanting to look at him. He wasn't scary, it was just slightly intimidating. “What is it said about me?”
You shrugged, reaching up to get a book that wasn't in the right place “That you are really powerful, one of the most powerful men in the city” You heard him smile proudly, cockily at your words. “Scary and cold are also words that people use to describe you”
“Do they?” He said curiously “What else?”
“Dangerous” You replied without hesitating “People say you are really dangerous”
When you turned around to get another book you were met with Kihyun's hard body cornering you between the shelf and his chest. There wasn't any exit, you wouldn't move from there unless he wanted you to. He was looking down at you with a bright smile, his face a few inches away from yours. Kihyun's hand reached up to brush some hair behind your ear, his fingerings lingering on your cheek.
“Am I?” He asked softly, staring into your eyes. “Do you think I am dangerous?”
“No?” You weren't sure about your own answer. It was true people considered Kihyun as a dangerous man and you knew some of them had reasons to believe it but so far, he hadn't done anything to harm you. Actually, he had been really sweet, bold and kind of funny to be honest.
“You should” His voice got lower, a shiver running down your spine. Kihyun's face was close to yours, the hand he had on your cheek slipping down to the back of your neck “Because I'm not a good man (Y/N)”
“I'm not good either” You instantly said without thinking, he was too close and your mind was literally panicking “I swear sometimes” Kihyun chuckled, taking the opportunity to rest his forehead against yours.
“I witnessed that, I definitely going to have nightmares tonight” He made fun of your words, making you laugh.
Your laughing was interrupted by him leaning down enough to press his pink yet extremely soft lips against yours. At first, you were too shocked to do anything so Kihyun just moved his lips against yours, letting you taste the sweetness of his mouth, the sin in his tongue when he licked your lower lip. Kihyun tasted like the coffee he brought for you, it was bitter but so sweet at the same time.
So addicting.
Your arms moved on their own, wrapping around his neck to pull yourself closer to him. He was quick to respond to your gestures, snaking his arms around your waist as your back was gently pressed against the shelf. When you slightly turned your head and opened your lips granting him permission to deepened the kiss, Kihyun groaned against your mouth as his grip around you got tighter.
“I wanted to do this since the first time I saw you” He whispered against your slightly swollen lips, his hands moving up your sides “I really don't know what the fuck you're doing to me”
He gently moved you away from the shelf, the hand he had on your neck moving up to get tangled in your hair while he leaned back in to melt into another deep kiss. Kihyun guided you, never moving away from your lips as his hands stayed in safe places not wanting to make you uncomfortable. He was turning you into a puddle, your legs were starting to feel weak, the thrill of having him...The Yoo Kihyun not getting enough of your lips was about to make you beg him to touch you, to never stop kissing you. Your lower back met the edge of the table, Kihyun's gentle hands lifting you up to sit you onto it, spreading your legs with his own body to keep a short distance between you two.
“Kihyun” His name came out of your lips, half as a moan and as a whisper. A quiet growl got out his lips as he moved back to look down at you.
“Don't say my name like that (Y/N)” He said seriously, both of his hands cupping your cheeks as he caressed your skin with his thumb. “Say it again and I'll wreck you, I'll break you…” His lips moved down your jaw to your neck, leaving wet, sloppy kisses after every single word he said “I'll make you mine”
A quiet gasp escaped you, hands running down his chest gently when his lips hovered over yours. Close enough to let you feel his warm breath but far enough to not kiss you. He was teasing you, Kihyun liked to be in control or at least that's what you guessed seeing how he acted.
“Look at you” He whispered teasingly, his dilated pupils staring into yours “Such a good girl wanting to play with me” He chuckled kissing your lips shortly, making you whined at the quick contact “Don't play with fire (Y/N)”
He leaned down and pressed another kiss to your lips. You knew this was wrong, that he belonged to a world in which there wasn't enough space for people like you but you still wanted him close to you, you still wanted Kihyun's body against yours. Same about him, you had caught Kihyun's attention since the moment your bold eyes met his and didn't look away scared or panicking. And tonight, when you threatened him with a book...God he wanted you, he needed somebody so innocent, so sweet in his life.
“You're going to get burnt” His voice was muffled by your opened mouth kisses, your hands gripping the back of his shirt.
“You'll be there to take care of my wounds” You replied, not even knowing what you two were talking about but not wanting Kihyun to walk away.
He gasped at your words, gently gripping your hair. You trusted him without knowing each other just like he trusted you.
“(Y/N)” His voice was weak, vulnerable when he spoke against your lips. He wasn't kissing you anymore, the both of you were just pressed against each other trying to catch your breath.
Right when you opened your mouth to say something, his phone started ringing in his pocket. Sighing slightly frustrated Kihyun glanced at the name that was shown on the screen when another sigh left his lips.
“Shit...I…” He looked up at you unsure of what to do. You knew he probably needed to answer the call and you being around wasn't the ideal situation for that. Kihyun needed to go but it's obvious he didn't want to move from between your legs.
“It's okay” You cleared your throat awkwardly, letting his shirt go as you looked at him “I-It's getting late anyways”
Kihyun frowned with a smile on his lips “You didn't care about that five seconds ago” Laughing you slapped his chest, making him move back so you could get off the table.
His phone rang again “Go, you're going to get in trouble” You said fixing your hair, throwing the cold coffees on the trash.
Kihyun rolled his eyes smirking “Baby I’m the boss, I'm the trouble” You shook your head, laughing at his silliness “Careful on your way back home okay?”
You lifted your eyebrow looking at him “Yes daddy” His smirk got bigger, getting your words in a dirty way “Get out!” You shouted blushing furiously.
Kihyun laughed walking closer to the door, when he was almost out, he turned around “You know what else I am?”
Kihyun winked at you but ran out of the shop before you could hit him with a book.
Even though he was only joking around, you knew those words weren't a joke.
Kihyun was so dangerous.
But so god damn addicting
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
Sins of the Father
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Genre: Mafia Au
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader
Summary: Soon after your second birthday, your parents were killed and you were adopted by your father’s best friend, taken away to their home country where you lived your life in peaceful ignorance. As far a as you knew, your parents simply left you large fortune to be released to you once you reached your twenty-third birthday. At least, that’s all you thought you were inheriting. When a famously ruthless mafia boss discovers your existence, you are left at his mercy. While under his roof, you learn more about your father than you ever wished you had, including the part of your inheritance that made you the most valuable person in the underworld. Hidden in a bank in New York City were files that held the darkest secrets of the mafia families and everyone in their pocket. With another terrifying leader’s eyes trained on you, you’ll learn to watch your back… and guard your heart, before your father’s past becomes your doom.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I Final
It was hard, but you tried not to dwell on Junmyeon’s promise. Instead, you focused on appreciating the fact that he was around more and you actually had a chance to get to know the man behind the empire. Junmyeon was claiming that, in order to heal before facing “clients”, he needed to stay in the penthouse for the next week.
You’d gone back to sleeping in your own room, although each time you said good night for the evening, Junmyeon would open his mouth and then close it before saying good night as well. Your gut was telling you that he kept wanting to ask if you would stay with him, but you were glad that he didn’t. You couldn’t be sure if you could turn him down and, for now at least, it was best you didn’t repeat that night you patched him up.
However, spending the day with him was a luxury you were getting too used to. The boys didn’t really come over for those days, only Chen to drop off some new information or Sehun to get approval for a “merchandise purchase”. While you’d never been particularly close to the maknae, Chen still kept a noticeable distance, even though he did smile when he found the two of you sitting on the same couch without trying to strangle each other.
Junmyeon wasn’t much of a cook and you still hadn’t worked up the courage to ask him if you could go to the grocery store, so your meals tended to be anything that could be delivered. It was always delicious, but you liked a homemade meal just a little bit more.
The daily activities consisted of watching TV, telling embarrassing childhood stories, and Junmyeon beating you horribly at every single game they had packed in the rec room. He didn’t believe in just letting you win even once, but you found that you couldn’t complain. You were content in those days and you liked the person you were getting to know.
Inside, however, there was a constant battle. You were falling for him, piece by piece. Every little laugh or small gesture thrown your way broke down the barrier you’d built up to keep him out.
But those damn files wouldn’t leave you alone. It made you doubt the short seconds of skin on skin contact he initiated when your hands brushed up against each other or when he pushed your hair out of your face. You wanted to believe in him, but after finding out you’d been lied to your whole life, you knew you had to walk on the thin ice with light feet, not getting too settled or comfortable or else the freezing water underneath could consume you.
Though you weren’t looking exactly forward to it, you didn’t expect to be so disappointed when you woke up the Monday after that week to find Junmyeon dressed once again in a well-tailored suit. It was only a quick glimpse of him as he walked from his bedroom to his office, but you knew well enough he was not going to be around today. Not wanting to be caught pouting in the kitchen, you just made a cup of tea and retreated back to your room. You sat down at the desk and opened a random book, not really taking in any of the words, but trying to busy yourself anyway.
A soft knock interrupted your sulking and Junmyeon pushed the door open after you gave verbal permission.
“Good morning,” he greeted. The welts on his face were almost completely healed, just now a faded yellow that he covered up with a small amount of makeup. His movements were fluid again, no longer hindered by bruised muscles.
“Good morning.” You tried to appear upbeat, but you doubted that it actually worked.
Out of his pocket, Junmyeon pulled out a small black rectangle and tossed it on the desk, landing with a soft clank. You picked up it, unsure of how to react.
“What’s this?” you asked as you flipped the card over.
“A credit card that you’re an authorized user on,” he explained, making your eyes go wide. “There’s not really a limit on it, so you won’t have to worry about that.”
“I appreciate the gesture,” you said, trying to hand the card back to him, “but, I will spend my days developing a home shopping channel addiction if I keep this.”
He took a step back, not taking the card. “Actually, I thought you could go get some real food to cook for tonight.”
You blinked, not wanting to accidentally take his words the wrong way and get your hopes up. “Wait. ‘Go get some food.’ As in leave the penthouse? Do you have time to go grocery shopping with me?”
“No, I don’t,” he answered glumly. “But I thought you could take Kyungsoo and Chanyeol with you. And if you wanted to go shop at other places that would fine, too.”
“Y-you’re letting me out of the penthouse?” You must still be asleep. Your optimism about your situation was invading your dreams now.
“Yes, I am letting you have free reign of your day, save that you have at least one of the guys with you at all times. Oh, and here,” he fished another, slightly larger rectangle out of his breast pocket. A white cell phone. “You are to have that on you at all times. All our numbers are programmed in it, mine is speed dial number one. Those are the conditions for you to leave the apartment. Got it?”
You nodded enthusiastically as you jumped up from the chair, throwing your arms around his neck. “Thank you.”
He hugged you back, even rocking you a little with his arms around your waist. “You’re welcome. Having you locked up here was cruel of me. I know you won’t disappear.”
“I won’t. I promise.” Your smile was making your face ache as water pooled in your eyes. He was trusting you. What did you do to deserve this miracle?
He sighed, his breath tickling your neck. “I have to go now. The boys are waiting for you in the living room, whenever you’re ready.”
Junmyeon let you go, placing a small kiss on the top of your head before walking out.
Barely able to wait, you quickly got dressed and practically ran to the living room. Chanyeol was sitting lazily on the couch, slumped down as he scrolled through something on his phone. Kyungsoo was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and the corners of his lips tense, like he was fighting back a smile.
“You guys ready?” The excitement was hard to keep out of your voice. It was just the grocery store, the most mundane place you could go and yet it was almost like getting Lotte World to yourself.
Chanyeol beamed with his puppy dog eyes, happy at your cheery attitude that hadn’t been fully present since you arrived here. Kyungsoo pushed off the wall, waving the keys in his hands.
“Do you need to make a list?” Chanyeol suggested.
You almost slapped your forehead. In your eagerness to leave, you hadn’t thought about actually having a game plan as to what to get. Hyunmin had done all the shopping and the few times you’d gone with her, you hadn’t really paid attention to what she was getting and how to put them together.
“Yeah, good idea.” You turned to the quiet member. “Kyungsoo, do you mind helping me out?”
That did it. No longer able to fight back the emotion, Kyungsoo’s mouth split into a big, heart-shaped grin as he nodded and followed you into the kitchen.
Finding a notepad and pen, you quickly wrote down the items you knew you wanted to buy before turning to the professional for advice. The list was long by the time you were both satisfied, making you thankful that the two helpers-slash-babysitters would be coming along.
You took one of the SUV’s, with the boys sitting up front. You buckled up in the middle seat just behind them and leaned forward, your chin resting on the shoulder of Chanyeol’s seat while he drove. Uncontrollably, your legs bounced up and down as you rounded your way out of the parking garage and out into the morning sun. It was still hard to believe that you were actually leaving the building. And not for some dumb, gambling event, but for a normal outing to the store. Or, as normal as it could be with two bodyguards.
What you would have expected to be a quick five or ten minute drive turned into a half hour journey. The store they picked was on the other side of Seoul in a small, nondescript neighborhood. When you gave Chanyeol a curious glance, he shrugged.
“It keeps anyone from knowing which neighborhood you’re located in and to keep others from following us.”
Once in the store, you were thankful that the boys acted somewhat normal. They didn’t stalk you like a bodyguard normally would, quiet and stoic, constantly eyeballing anyone who came within ten feet of you.
Instead, they were helpful, pointing out the ingredients you were searching for and recommending one brand over the other. Chanyeol would grab the items that were too far out of reach and Kyungsoo would inspect the fruits and vegetables for any discoloration or rotting edges. On occasion, a small noise or fellow patron would put them on high alert, but they quickly fell back into rhythm after deciding on the all clear.
At the end, the poor bagger was careful to stack the groceries into the plastic bags in order to not destroy any of the groceries as you checked out. Kyungsoo’s watchful glare probably wasn’t helping the kid’s nerves.
With your wares piled neatly into the back of the SUV, you headed back to the penthouse. At first it was a quiet ride, the radio at a reasonable volume while Chanyeol hummed along. Out of nowhere, he turned the sound off and met your eyes in the rearview mirror.
“Uh, (y/n)?” he cleared his throat. “Did something happen between you and Junmyeon?”
You frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Like you know, did you two – ow!” Kyungsoo had punched Chanyeol in the shoulder, making the vehicle swerve just a bit. The look Kyungsoo was giving was frightening to say the least. “Hey, I was just wondering! At first, we weren’t supposed to let you leave the penthouse, then he takes a week off and now you’re able to go grocery shopping. He doesn’t usually flip on his decisions that easily.”
“He stayed behind last week to heal,” Kyungsoo reminded him.
Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “Have you ever seen Junmyeon just take a week off because of a few bruises?”
Kyungsoo didn’t answer.
“We’ve agreed to try and get along,” you explained. Your cheeks gave off a strong heat as you remembered Junmyeon’s face when he said that he thought about being more than just a piece of paper.
“Good,” Kyungsoo nodded.
Your eyes widened at his response. That was not a reaction you would have expected out of Kyungsoo. He always seemed to be more of an observer, never really taking part or commenting on what was going on around him.
“That also explains why he went off on Yixing last Friday night,” Chanyeol whispered.
You probably weren’t meant to hear that, but you slumped back in your seat, crossing your arms.
Why did Junmyeon get upset with Yixing that night?
The two you had simply been dancing, nothing more. Junmyeon had snapped so suddenly when you offered to call Yixing to check on him. Had Junmyeon gotten jealous?
Maybe. Just maybe.
At the thought of a possibly jealous Junmyeon, your face warmed up even more.
Back home, the boys refused to let you carry any of the bags. Chanyeol was showing off as he had four bags in each arm while Kyungsoo just took the remaining three. The latter helped you put away the groceries while Chanyeol dropped down on the couch and turned on the TV. Junmyeon, along with Xiumin and Chen, arrived a few minutes after you did. He grinned at the large number of bags resting on the counter and made eye contact with you before slipping into his office.
Once done with the groceries, you threw a quick snack together and excused yourself to your room. While eating, you pulled out your new phone, contemplating. Junmyeon never explicitly said that you couldn’t call anyone else besides the members, just that their numbers were already programmed in the contacts. And you needed to hear from your family. You needed to know that they were still safe.
The line rang several times, making you wonder if Hyunmin would even answer. Taegun never took calls from a number he didn’t know and he was always scolding Hyunmin for not doing the same. It’s how she once made a large donation to a humane society without knowing if they were even legitimate. Taegun had to change all their bank information to make sure the company didn’t try to pull even more money.
“Mom!” You rocketed up to a sitting position, almost in tears. “It’s me! It’s (y/n)!”
“(y/n)? (y/n), is it really you!”
“Yes! Hold on, let me switch it to the video.” You clicked on the camera button and laughed when you still saw Hyunmin’s ear rather than her face. “Mom, look at your phone.”
With a little bit of shuffling, she finally faced the camera, her eyes lighting up like stars. “(y/n)! Oh, sweetheart, are you okay? Did you run away? How are you calling us right now?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” you promised. “No, I’m still with Junmyeon. He gave me a new phone and I just got back from grocery shopping.”
“New phone? Grocery shopping?” she repeated. Her face scrunched up, confused as if you were telling her you were getting a pet monkey. “You mean he lets you out of your room?”
You laughed again. “Yes, Mom. I’m not a hostage. I can leave as long as I have one of the guys to protect me. Everyone here’s been really sweet to me.” You didn’t feel the need to inform her that your extended freedom and the phone were recent developments. “They’re really not that bad of people.”
“Not that bad!” There was a scuffle and then Hyunmin’s face was replaced with Taegun.
He was barely recognizable. His left eye was swollen shut and there was a large gash on his forehead held together by too many stitches to count. His lip looked like it’d been stung by a bee and a large bruise covered his right cheek.
“Dad!” You wished that you could jump through the screen of the phone so you could inspect all the injuries yourself. Each one was like a punch to your stomach. “How did this happen to you?”
“I was walking down an alley after realizing I was being followed,” He coughed and Hyunmin appeared behind him, rubbing his back. “Two tall men ambushed me, kicking and beating me. When they were done, they said it was a warning to you and that you would understand when you found out.”
Junko. It had to be. “This wasn’t Junmyeon,” you insisted. “He’s supposed to be watching over you so things like this don’t happen.”
“How am I supposed to believe that)?” Taegun spat. He was right. He didn’t know the boys like you did or the run in with Junko that led to this.
You snuck a few screenshots of Taegun’s face, knowing he wouldn’t realize what you were doing. “I have to go, but I’ll call back soon. I love you both.”
Before either of them could protest, you ended the call. Marching out of your room, you made your way to Junmyeon’s office, not even bothering to knock as you shoved the door open. All nine of the inner circle were in there, the eight underlings surrounding Junmyeon’s desk as if in the middle of an intense meeting. Their eyes grew wide at your sudden intrusion. Knocking was one of the top rules and you’d never broken any of them before.
Junmyeon stood up, shocked as your seething expression. “(y/n), I’ve asked you before–”
“Save it!” you yelled. With the picture of Taegun still pulled up on the screen, you tossed the cell phone down on the desk. “You said you would protect them. Now, I know it had to be Junko’s men who did this and not yours, but it still happened. They told Taegun it was a message to me. You promised me he wouldn’t be able to touch them!”
Junmyeon clutched the phone in his hand with enough force to turn his knuckles white. His eyes, filled with fire, flashed to Chanyeol, who visibly shrunk back.
“(y/n), this wasn’t supposed to happen,” he said calmly, stepping around his desk. You took a step back to keep the distance between you.
“I trusted you,” you said barely above a murmur. “Junko’s men already got him once. I don’t even know how badly he’s hurt. They’re my family, Junmyeon. And they got hurt because of me. And he’ll go after them again. While I just sit here.” Unable to think of anything else to say, you stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind you. You shut yourself in your room, crying into your knees.
The light slowly faded in your room as the sun crossed over the sky and to other side of the where the rays couldn’t reach the window. Your head was pounding from the crying that had faded out about an hour ago. All you could do was stare at the wall, absentmindedly making patterns out of the paint strokes.
You had let yourself fall into a sense of safety. It hadn’t crossed your mind that Junko might get past the few watchers and to your family since Junmyeon promised that he would protect them. You knew he himself wasn’t invincible, but you’d put too much faith into his organization. The small bits you had witnessed were such a well-oiled machine, you forgot that they weren’t perfect robots or super powered bodyguards. Taegun had managed to lose whoever Chanyeol had ordered to follow him. If only you’d been able to call them sooner. If you’d just had the courage to ask to talk to them, give them an update on the situation, instead of walking on eggshells or arguing with Junmyeon about the stupidest things, this might not have happened. Once again, it was all your fault.
Your head snapped towards the door. You hadn’t locked it in your rush to not be seen crying and now it was too late as Junmyeon creaked the door open. From what you would see, he was holding a manila folder was in his left hand.
“Can I come in?” he asked stupidly.
You shrugged. “Technically, you’re already in here. Besides, you own the place.” There it was again, your sarcastic and mean defense. It hardly phased him anymore.
“I spoke with Chanyeol and we’re putting different men on your family.” He held the folder out to you. “This is a summary of your father’s injuries from when he went to the hospital.”
Like a maniac, you snatched the file out his hands and skimmed through the papers, trying to find anything that seemed life-threatening or irreversible.
You sighed in relief. “It’s all mostly superficial abrasions.”
That eased your anxiety just a bit. You still hated the thought of anyone touching him, but at least nothing was permanently damaged. The pictures in the file, however, were worse than how you’d seen Taegun just a few hours ago. With his face swollen and bloody, you wouldn’t have known it was him if his name wasn’t all over the reports.
“I’m so sorry that this happened,” Junmyeon said softly, crouching down in front of you on the floor. “Taegun managed to lose the men we had tailing him and they didn’t ever inform me or Chanyeol about it. They will be severely punished for it and reassigned. This will never happen again, (y/n). I swear.”
Shaking your head, you caressed the horrible evidence of what Junko could do and only saw one real option. “You should just hand me over to Junko. Just let him have me. Maybe I – I can find a way to get the information from the files to you that way you don’t lose out. But I can’t… I can’t keep risking everyone around me like this. First you and now–”
“No!” Junmyeon jumped to his feet, pulling you up with him and into his arms. “I refuse to hand you over to that… monster. I’m no angel or saint, but I know you are safer here than you ever would be with Junko. Just the thought of him anywhere near you again….” His vice on you tightened, threatening to never let go. With his cheek against your hair, he calmed down, rubbing circles on your back. “No. Just handing you over to him is not the way to deal with this. I know a better way.”
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dorkyungsoowrites · 5 years
I've basically fallen from. The face of the earth, I ended up doing construction full time??? It's awful 10/10 do not recommend. Have ghosted everyone and everything. I come back and peep but am a giant scaredy cat to interact. If you're still down I'd love to hear director's commentary about Fatal Ties?? 😭
It’s very flattering that you’re this interested in my writing. I already sent you a private message about the other parts of this ask so this is all commentary. I had way more to say than I thought but it was fascinating to re-visit these passages and realize some things I missed before, and just expose myself I guess haha.
Before I start this is one of two warnings. I hardly ever get to talk about my writing in depth so I’m going to be indulgent. In other words, this will be lengthy. I’m putting it all under a read more.
Fatal Ties Director’s Commentary
Chapter 1:
Firstly, I’ve edited this chapter on my own and it reads completely different now. No, I will not be posting the edited chapters here. I’ve change the pov and given each character a different name in order to make it a full, original mafia story. I have not gone back and read this story in months at this point though so the thoughts that spring to mind should be interesting/informative if not entertaining.Also of note real quick, there will be dark and less than savory topics mentioned; namely violence, child abuse, human trafficking, nonbinary erasure, drugs, and sexual violence. None ad nauseam, but they are themes strung throughout this story and I feel it’s important you’re warned before continuing. If you are sensitive to these or think you may be triggered please do not force yourself to read this. Most of it is in chapter 5, but still. That being said, it won’t be all doom and gloom so let’s just jump into it.
Typically I enjoy starting off a story with dialogue or an action. Here, it was dialogue. Baekhyun entering the Boss’ manor to meet them. I think the best starting point for a story is the inciting incident for the main plot-line. Many mainstream scripts are structured so you see what the main characters lives are like on the regular before the balance is upset, but in writing I feel that bogs down the first few chapters so I skip it. This is fanfiction for fun so who cares about setup. It’s Baekhyun. There’s an arranged marriage. You know the drill.
For “Fatal Ties” the Boss has been working on this truce for years, but the main plot of the telling is them actually meeting Baekhyun, and how that changes them as their relationship grows. The Boss doesn’t like the idea of marrying a stranger. Let alone someone from the rival syndicate. Who would? Baekhyun, as they find out rather quickly. He’s too amorous about it all. They don’t trust Baekhyun. They believe he’s a honeypot the other boss sent to spy on them. I mean, of course they think that. Baekhyun is clumsily flirting and overly flattering. Spitting compliments out excitedly at every turn even though it’s clear he knows nothing about them. Calling them princess and doll. They’ve worked too hard for too long, and sacrificed too much to suffer being mis-gendered in their own home by some immature idiot. They don’t suffer being looked down on or erased anymore. They will be recognized for who they are, and as an equal to every other mafia boss. 
Their rage boils inside them with every slip. The moment the Boss grabs Baekhyun’s collar is when I tried to set up how precarious this all is. That threat isn’t empty. The Boss will kill him and the rest of his family if this contract doesn’t work out. They’d rather just sign a contract though. Less work and no sloppy transition times as mentioned in the next chapter.
Speaking of which, this contract isn’t legally binding. It’s more an honor contract than anything. That’s why Baekhyun is there to marry the Boss. It’s really just another business deal to the Boss. That’s how real mafias joined their houses in the past. I made this more clear by adding this line to the Boss’ dialogue in the edit: “Also contracts in our…realm of business aren’t legally binding so it’s insurance. Symbolic more than anything, really, but that’s that.”
As a side note, I ended up doing far more research than I anticipated for this. Most of the knowledge I acquired hasn’t been utilized yet, but I refuse to think I wasted hours of my life reading business, money laundering and fraud law for nothing. Limited liability, shell corporations, deficits, ugh it’s giving me a headache just thinking about all the jargon I had to sift through.
Okay back to the thing. I made a conscious decision to describe the Boss’ manor as such. Their dad built up the drug business. They’re just tweaking it to be more profitable. It hasn’t been revealed yet, but their dad wanted to surround himself with expensive things to feel more important and successful since he started from near nothing. The Boss, on the other hand, doesn’t enjoy living in this big house. It’s too cold and empty. They want to live in a normal home further from the city and have their only worry be about if their garden is getting enough sunlight. A peaceful life. That won’t happen unless a truce is called between them and Baekhyun’s family. It truly means everything to them that this marriage go well.
Had someone tell me it was so satisfying when the Boss smashed that mug over Baekhyun’s head. That felt good. I figured that’s the first major tell of their character. They get annoyed at being mis-gendered and harassed, but instead of leaving or yelling or anything a regular person might do, they lash out with violence. They were raised in the mafia where mistakes were atoned with blood. You ever seen “John Wick 3”? Fucking love Keanu Reeves. Some of my favorite action movies. Anyway, sort of like that. The Boss has very little mercy in them. Or patience. Bad combination. But for good reason. Any small slip-up could result in life in prison, so yeah.
The other major tell of character was in what the Boss did right after. Cleaning up the broken mug. They take responsibility for what they knew was a mistake. They clean up their own mess. They immediately know to call for Yixing the doctor and calmly explain things to Baekhyun when he wakes up. I intentionally never had them say “sorry.” They admit they were wrong to hit him, but they don’t apologize. Even so, the moment Baekhyun sees a glimmer of a chance for approval from the Boss he jumps in to help cover it up. Knowing that if his parents found out they hit him any peace that might’ve been forming would be tenuous at best. More likely, his dad would take it as a personal attack and retaliate.
Then right at the end Baekhyun shows some kind of guilt and/or concern for causing their hand injury and it throws off the Boss’ instincts. Suddenly he’s willing to shoulder the blame and offering to help. Being respectful. A total flip from before. It makes the Boss harden their guard more. Proving he shouldn’t be trusted. Or, at least, they can’t entertain the possibility that he’s trustworthy. Not yet. Still, he’s saving them significant stress by lying to his parents about his head, so the Boss is much more gentle in turning him down before going to bed.
Chapter 2:
Despite what it looks like, this sex scene was not put in gratuitously. It’s very, very important setup for just about everything else, and it’s filled with foreshadowing. I knew it would be important to get a glimpse at the Boss’ secret affair in it’s normality before it got twisted a few chapters later. It shows a peek into the Boss’ hidden personal desires. They crave real affection. Their issues prevent them from actually believing that Kyungsoo loves them, but deep down they hope it’s true. They’re wary of entertaining those hopes however, because that means they could have a weakness for others to exploit. See literally any secret agent plot-line ever. The loved ones are threatened first and used as leverage for the villains. So the Boss denies that it’s anything more than physical.
I tried to convey the timeline a bit better later, but just so it’s clear Baekhyun meets the Boss three years after they’ve taken over from their dad. So Kyungsoo and them met back then and very painfully slowly the tension grew. I will admit to having fun imagining this bit in my own head just cause I love sexual tensions that build until they break and it’s this massive burst of passion. The Boss doing their best to keep everything professional, turning Kyungsoo down when he tried to talk to them, until finally they caved. Realizing after having a few conversations with him that, “fuck…I’ve liked him this whole time.” They’re around each other literally all the time. A bond had formed without them even noticing. Once it was noticed it took yet another year of Kyungsoo flirting and finding excuses to touch them, like, on the base of their spine, their hair, their hand, etc, before their will broke and they gave in. They’re both horrible at communicating it, but they do care for one another. Maybe at varying degrees, but they care. I hope that was made clear in this chapter.
Of note, Kyungsoo’s immediate hatred of Baekhyun, the fact he brought it up after the Boss had already switched off their brain to be submissive, the pet names he uses, the fact that the call for silence at the end is explained from the Boss’ perspective, and when he brings up the idea of wiping out Baekhyun’s family without a contract there’s this sentence: “He was back on this nonsense again.”
The theme here is control, if you didn’t notice. The Boss enjoying a space where they’re safe out of control, Kyungsoo trying to convince them not to give up sole control of their business by partnering, etc. That’s not all the foreshadowing, but I don’t want to make the plot too easy to predict by giving them away.
The last few paragraphs are the deep dive into the Boss’ motivations and reasoning. I think it’s also the second time Baekhyun’s family’s business is alluded to, but I’ll reveal that in a later chapter commentary when it’s possible for the reader to have deduced it on their own. It also shows in the last few lines where the Boss’ priorities are. The contract is number one. They will sacrifice everything for it. Even what may be their only chance at something close to love.
Chapter 3:
This is the second time I’ve written the main character eating eggs on toast. It’s delicious, and I lack the creativity to describe different foods. It’s just to pace the scene with actions because they’re eating instead of just sitting around. If one day my works are looked at by English professors they’ll probably say it symbolizes the Boss’ practical, fast-paced lifestyle. It doesn’t. I just like eggs on toast.
The fact Baekhyun doesn’t lie about snooping is the first big revealing thing showing that he doesn’t really want to. He doesn’t care about being caught because he just doesn’t care that much. He makes the remark about firing the guards posted outside his door as a joke. Ha-ha I walked around your house doing nothing with no supervision. He doesn’t realize how grave a mistake that was. He doesn’t realize that remark was the cause of two lives being ruined by the Boss. He will understand later because, as you learn later, he listens in on the Boss’ meeting with those guards via bug he put in their blazer. I have not written the effect of that yet, but it did affect Baekhyun. There’s a very clear butterfly effect from this one small choice.
Next he tries to get Kyungsoo to talk. He plays it off as trying to get to know the head of security. Needling the Boss to try and prove his hunch that it was Kyungsoo he heard them fucking the night before. I didn’t bother insinuating he had suspicions about anyone else because Baekhyun is smart and he knows that 1) Yixing is the only other person he’s met so far and that wasn’t his voice. 2) Kyungsoo is at the Boss’ side all day, and he hasn’t spoken around Baekhyun yet.
When he sees the Boss is about to leave he uses the name “kitten.” Baiting them by antagonizing them. Switching his tactics. The day before he had played up the whole “I’m here to do what you want” thing and now he’s realized he should be more domineering. He doesn’t always succeed because that’s not entirely in his nature, but here it sort of works to, as John Mulaney and JJ Bittenbinder would say, “throw them off their rhythm.”
I amuse myself by adding in little quirks to the Boss. Each time I describe a room it’s meant to be pictured immaculate and modern with everything in perpendicular lines. Showing that they’re a little peculiar about style and cleanliness. Anal retentive one might even say. All their clothes are tailored, most of them are suits, the mass of cabinets in the kitchen so the counters are clear, etc. Another side note, this is set in the 2000’s mostly for law reasons. Some didn’t exist until later which made what the Boss does near impossible to get away with, but I wanted cell phones and I’m picky about realism like that. So 2000’s decor. Black and white with pops of color in the decorations, chrome, clean finishes. I work in interior design so I was a little particular about some stuff for no reason other than my own amusement like the big kitchen with white countertops, and the blue and grey paisley wing-back chairs. When I edit this chapter I’m going to go into more detail on the rug though to give a clearer picture when the blood ruins it. Which really did cause the Boss dismay just like the bloody hand wrappings. For cleanliness but also they don’t like conducting business at home outside of paperwork and research. I thought it showed more about their character that they were upset over the bloody wrappings rather than the dead body and such.
My favorite part about writing the Boss’ character is how they’re constantly in a shade of darker grey. Everyone operates in shades of grey, but I love it when I see characters that are closer to the black and yet you’re still cheering for them. They’re morally corrupt and objectively not a good person, but you still like them. They’re still the hero, so to speak, of the story. That’s what I’m trying to achieve with the Boss. Back to “John Wick.” He’s a good example. So is Loki. They’re mass murderers, but we as an audience still love them because they feel like real people. Their motivations garner sympathy, and it’s their methods that are skewed. I love the challenge of threading that line between the Boss being the protagonist and villain simultaneously. Referring back to a line Kyungsoo had; they may need to be protected from themselves. Disney villain style I guess. Their actions cause their own doom. Not necessarily because the hero did anything. Gaston, Clayton, The Evil Queen, Frollo, Scar, etc, etc. You get it. I love that. That’s not giving away the ending, by the way. I don’t like following formulas too much. I honestly haven’t even decided on an ending yet. There’s lots of options. I’ll decide when I get there.
Anyway, this chapter was my attempt at showing more of that dark grey for the boss. They could have just as easily let the guards off with a warning, or broken a finger or something, but instead they went for the extreme. “Their offense was too great” as the chapter says. All they did was let Baekhyun out of his room, you might say. The Boss doesn’t see it that way. They don’t know what Baekhyun did unsupervised all night. But somehow he already found out about one of the few secrets that could topple everything out of balance. Their affair. Not that his family is sensitive over infidelity or anything, but it was what the Boss was afraid of; Kyungsoo being used against them. A weakness. Baekhyun found their weakness just like that, and they thought the reason was the guards letting him out. If Baekhyun hadn’t gotten restless legs, or just not teased the Boss about walking around that morning, they probably wouldn’t have checked the security footage, and those guards would’ve survived.
Instead, the Boss outright kills one and mutilates the other. Framing him so he’d go to prison. They enjoy taking out their frustration on the guard. In their mind he deserves it for being careless.
Had someone comment a reference to Yixing with the whole “act of kindness, act of cruelty. Balance” thing, but that was actually inspired by a scene in season 2 of Fargo. Although both people end up dying in that show. Love that show. Inspired this whole thing actually. I know I’ve mentioned that somewhere else before, but it’s true. It’s one of my favorites it’s so brilliant. I don’t think this will ever be up to par with that, but I’m okay with that.
Point being, consequences. Baekhyun’s choices had a ripple effect, and they continue past this chapter.
Chapter 4:
Obviously you find this out later, but Baekhyun was listening to the Boss and Kyungsoo on those headphones. Not music.
The Boss gives in to talking with Baekhyun in the car because they find it cute he’s acting like a puppy. Also because he might let something else slip. Oh, also, the line about them lying about nothing being wrong was them being worried about Baekhyun blabbering about their affair with Kyungsoo.
Baekhyun attempts to have a normal conversation, but it doesn’t stay that way for long. All the Boss can talk about is work. If you’ve ever watched “Hot Fuzz” I imagine this interaction playing something like the first day Nicholas and Danny are together. It’s not as sharp as in that movie, but the feeling of a less experienced person questioning this serious person with the least serious questions. Baekhyun sees this as a game or a movie more than something real and dangerous. He only heard the meeting in the last chapter, after all. He doesn’t realize yet that the gunshot killed that guard. He’s watched his mom get married to a mafia leader and live rich like an actress. He’s naive of the price it takes to stay comfortable like that. It’s still a movie where people are killed off screen and there are no major repercussions. Even in his answer about the knife he says he would kiss them as if it were some James Bond film.
I tried to make it clear, but just to spell it out, Baekhyun is the rival leader’s step-son. He has two step-brothers from the rival leaders’ two previous marriages–Minseok and Jongin. So he didn’t grow up in this dark, depraved world like these other characters. He was folded in at an older age. He’s more the black sheep of the family because he’s not blood related. That’s why he says he was happy to marry the Boss. But it’s still seeing through this movie lens. He doesn’t know what it really means to learn how to run a syndicate, and the Boss sees that. They scoff at him and can’t take him seriously.
At the meeting the reason the Boss wants to crack the mask of Minseok is to feel out his real personality. In their mind, every lawyer is an actor who writes a script before trial and reads it for an audience–the jury. They wanted to see Minseok when not acting. When they see he has a spine, oh buddy, they would’ve dropped Baekhyun for Minseok right then and there if it was their choice.
Oh, yeah, and they’re totally straight up manipulating Baekhyun. Using that nickname as faux affection. Letting his family think Baekhyun’s honeypot skills were working, and Baekhyun that his regular charm was getting them to like him.Baekhyun’s mom mentioning they operate hotels, yes, interesting. She’s also in fantasyland if you can tell. Planning their wedding as if they were in love and not out of business arrangement. She’s not naive to the real purpose of the meeting, but her focus and excitement is in the wedding which is why everyone’s just kind of letting her do all the planning.
The last thing I’ll say on this chapter is from part of my response to someone asking about the Boss’ goals. They want to gain customers, profit and influence. Expand their drug empire. It’s a smart business move. Simple as that. If you want more detail, then they want symbiosis. It’s a hassle having to work an underground drug ring when there’s cops, let alone another gang out for their blood. Getting Baekhyun’s family to stop the violence against their group and help is the only smart move in their eyes.
Chapter 5:
Oofda strap in this one gets real dark. This is the chapter most of those warnings at the beginning were for so feel free to skip to the next chapters commentary if you want.
Yes the lapel grab was an intentional mirror of the one Baekhyun did at breakfast in chapter two. Just felt like it. No special reason.
An extreme disconnect from human lives? Hotels? Even the Boss thinks it’s wrong? What the fuck does Baekhyun’s family do? Congrats if you’ve figured it out already. The major giveaway is in a bit though.
The whole, “I like things that are beautiful and strong” thing is a reference to a video game character named Zevran who’s a pansexual assassin and one of the loves of my life. Life-changing, that dialogue. Perfectly worded how my pansexuality felt. It meant a lot at the time so it’s stuck with me. When I edit this though I’m gonna change it around a bit. It’s too close to the actual game dialogue right now.
When the Boss retreats it’s because they felt breathless. They’re in denial about being afraid, but it’s cause they’ve never felt attraction like that before. Sincere fondness, and it went both ways. They actually felt something for Baekhyun. So they counteract it to the extreme and pretend to be emotionless and dismissive. To the point of being cruel when speaking about him to Kyungsoo as if he were a dog that needed to be locked in its kennel.
The throwing things is just Baekhyun being petty. He is angry, but not super mad. Enough to want to make the Boss hear his anger. Not enough to keep it up for long though.
More foreshadowing once Kyungsoo comes in. There’s been other stuff in between too. I like reading it and cackling in villainy because I know all the secrets.
Now let’s take a moment while reading the first part of this sex scene and just reflect on how Baekhyun is listening to everything happening.
Alright let’s continue. We stan a man who’s good at oral.
Okay sorry let’s actually continue. I’m delaying the inevitable here.
This section was hard to write, and I know it’s hard to read too, but it’s important to the story to have it described. Not only for awareness, as I have experienced something very similar and didn’t know what was wrong, or why I felt the way I did afterward, until much much later. But also because this is a major event that drastically changes how the Boss interacts with just about everyone, and their relationships. I know there are stories out there that use sexual violence as a plot device, and I’ve tried my best not to do that. I hope I’ve handled it with sensitivity and care. Being mindful of how certain things are worded and such. If you don’t take anything else away from this I do want you to know this: this is consensual. It is not rape. The Boss is just as confused about what happened as I’m sure some of you are. They’re deeply conflicted about it, but they push it down and ignore it at first. That’s the point. Shades of grey. Conflict. Revelation of characters. Okay, on with the rest of it.
The consent. The unreadable twinkle in his eye. If it wasn’t obvious, Kyungsoo gets off on having control over the Boss. This possessiveness is turning into a poison. Hearing that they want him unequivocally ends up being the toes hanging off the edge of the cliff before the plummet.
“He took what he wanted from you and you gave willingly.” That’s the line that explains why the Boss doesn’t do anything when Kyungsoo starts going too far with the pain levels. Gripping their thighs too hard. He already gave them the tension release and satisfaction. They were reciprocating, they thought. They felt safe with Kyungsoo. That’s why their trysts worked. They trusted Kyungsoo to keep them safe at all times. They could let go and not think, but for some reason that night turns out to be different.
When Kyungsoo screws his eyes shut, it’s the point of no return. No matter what they did from then on it would end the same way. He’s blocking out the expression on their face. He’s trying his damnest to focus on finishing. He’s lost control. As stated, some conflict is making him frustrated, and he’s taking it too far. He should have stopped, but something makes him keep going.
When they hold Kyungsoo closer, they’re in denial. And they’ll stay in denial that anything wrong had happened for a while. Kyungsoo slows at this point and there’s hope that he’ll come back to himself. He moves them into a more comfortable position and removes his hands from their bruising grip. Kissing their neck and chest even. The pain when he thrusts inside is more layover from the previous actions than rough treatment in that moment. They could still call the night rough play. Let’s call this the good timeline.
I still have so many emotions when his hand clamps tighter on their mouth and he mutters, “almost there.” The desperation and pain and guilt laced through his tone in my head breaks my heart a bit.
The Boss is not a fragile person. They’ve always been able to exert some amount of control in their life. But when they can’t stop Kyungsoo suddenly they feel helpless. The person they trusted is hurting them, and it’s not even malicious. They can’t even think through all the pain.
After Kyungsoo finishes neither of them have time to process what happened before Baekhyun screams. By the emotions flickering on Kyungsoo’s face though, it’s implied he knows he fucked up very, very badly and is experiencing clarity.
I really just added in the Baekhyun struggling with guards in his underwear thing for some levity in the transition between heavy things. He could’ve been dressed and just yelling from his doorway, sure, but that’s no fun.
Baekhyun ends up confessing to planting multiple listening devices after convincing the Boss to get Kyungsoo to leave. But instead of their first thought being one of anger or worry over leaked secrets, the Boss thinks about his confession. It’s the second time this chapter they’ve thought about Baekhyun in a positive light when there were more pressing matters.
“I know the difference between playing rough and abuse. I know what real pain sounds like. Trust me.“ And, "Kyungsoo is much more suited for working for my family. You know that right?” are the two biggest clues about what Baekhyun’s family does. Have you guessed yet? Locked in your answer? It’s prostitution and sex trafficking.
When Baekhyun says he was terrified hearing their screams it’s because he’s scarred from his step-dad’s "hotel business.” Saying that Kyungsoo is more suited for his family’s work implies things about his character that the Boss refuses to question. However Baekhyun crying is also out of relief that he didn’t find them more severely injured. With his family he was powerless to help the people they extorted and manipulated and took advantage of. He was able to do something here, though. He was able to scream and kick and call attention to it, even if he was a little late. He was able to help. Which is why he so readily agrees to get rid of the bugs to get the Boss to call Yixing.
Right before he leaves he contemplates trying to kiss them. His relief doesn’t overpower his smarts though, and he thinks better of it. I think the Boss would’ve called Yixing anyway, but they couldn’t pass up the opportunity to also get something from Baekhyun.
Chapter 6:
I am so…emotionally exhausted from that last chapter, but there’s not much left at this point so let’s finish.
Jongdae calling himself Greased Lightning. Just felt like referencing Grease that day I guess. Wanted a dumb code name no one actually uses.
Agh that should say white collar crime oops.
“I’d call you a genius, but I’m in the room.” Lazy reference to Sherlock. Should take it out.
“Opening him up balls to brain.” Honestly that’s just straight up out of Game of Thrones. I loved the line too much haha. Took inspiration from Petyr Baelish on the bit about killing an innocent man with the guilty one to throw off suspicion too.
I actually did math the figure out the dimensions of the tie grid cause I’m like that I guess.
Originally the Boss was gonna reward him by just spending more time with him, but after the…incident, they decided to teach him a bit too. They realized he was smart and amicable to change.
“They know, and they know when to bail” is actually a reference to Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood with something Olivier said up on the North wall.
The “there are plenty worse than you” realization hits a lot harder knowing his family does what they do. It still gets me reading that line. He’s been through so much.
Pretty self explanatory on why the Boss doesn’t give in to their desires about Baekhyun. He’s too submissive still. They want someone to challenge them. Baekhyun gives them a glimpse at the possibility he’s capable, but it disappears just as fast.
As I was describing the city they’re driving home from I was thinking of Chicago, but as someone who’s visited many major cities it could be any of them really. In my head it’s Northern California though, mostly because 1) there’s plenty of stories out there now about mafia in New York or Chicago or Las Vegas. 2) they have history with mafia in real life that moved up there from the L.A. areas. 3) lots of coastal cities up that way where Baekhyun’s family could be doing business. Let’s not even get into all the organized crime in San Francisco and San Jose. Of course for this fanfiction version it could be in South Korea who knows. I only know American law so that’s how I think in terms of writing the Boss avoiding cops and what-not.
The fact the chapter didn’t end with the ties being purchased should’ve been the warning that something bad was gonna happen. This chapter was going too well, and there’s still no major conflict. Enter gunmen.
Also side note, I always end up doing way more research than necessary on almost every story. Spent a few hours reading about and looking at videos of bulletproof cars being shot with different calibers and doing 180’s and stuff to more accurately write this chase. I just like doing research I suppose. Definitely love learning new things. I’ll go down several google deep dives on any given subject during a month. It’s fun learning new things. The last one I did was a deep dive into fashion in the 1700’s which I think I’ve decided to use in the next requested story. They didn’t ask for it to be historical, but now I want to write about elaborate dresses so there.
“It was lucky.” It wasn’t. I can’t explain why yet though.
Chapter 7:
Y'all ever experienced stitches before? The scars are hard to get rid of. Okay that’s my commentary on that.
Actually no. If Baekhyun had gone to a legitimate doctor they probably would’ve used glue so the scar would be faint, but mafia doctor. Okay moving on.
There are handguns that hold more than seven rounds, but I couldn’t pass up referencing “John Wick 2.”
“I don’t know. Were you thinking, ‘holy shit holy shit, I just almost got shot’?” is a reference to the movie “Get Smart.” Y'all seeing a pattern yet? haha. Mostly just wanted a joke there. It sprung to mind. Although I do have a few lists with lines or words that I’ve seen and written down to use later, then I try to work them in somehow. It’s a dangerous method. It’s breed whole chapters and stories before. But I have a horribly inconsistent memory. Gossamer is a good example. Saw that word used somewhere, went, “ooh I like that word”, wrote it in the list, then used it in this chapter. While we’re on writing technique, I also really love using alliteration to emphasize certain sentences or pretty-up descriptions. It started because I was writing a character that talks in prose and poetry, and he does that all the time, but I liked how it sounded so I just kinda kept doing it. That character is Cole from Dragon Age by the way.
The rest of this is just setting up the mystery. Who in the car was the target? Who was shooting? Who’s the mole? Is there even a mole, or is someone simply following them? Will Baekhyun keep pushing for answers? Will the Boss cause the trouble they’re trying to avoid by retreating inward? Will any of them get killed? How could Baekhyun’s decision near the beginning possibly butterfly more?
Interesting, yes, hm. Time for more sinister cackling.
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datura-foxglove · 6 years
a gift for both
Thank you @bsd-secret-santa for organizing this event and answering a lot of my questions! Merry Christmast @neonfigs, I hope for a happy holiday to you, from you secret santa hahaha XD I hope you are satisfied with this DaAku fanfics!
(Akutagawa and Dazai meeting each other in christmas party)
Everything in that huge ballroom repulsed him.
The bright and colorful lights that hurts his eyes, the cheerful conversations that not quite overwhelmed the soft background music, the mouth-watering scents of various kinds of dishes arranged like art on the tables, the carefree smiles from both the mafia and the agency people…
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke stayed on the corner of the room, the only one who radiated aura that repulsed others just like how they repulsed him. The only taint in the painting of myriad colors and happiness.
He covered his mouth with his hand, familiar tinge of copper coated his tongue as his lungs racked from another cough fit. He stubbornly washed the taste down with water from the glass he had acquired earlier when a waiter foolishly approached him with a tray. The only reason why the weak waiter dared to approach him at all was the oath that both Mori and Fukuzawa agreed to in order to have this party. An oath to have both sides refrained from hurting and killing anyone for tonight, the night of celebration party for surviving their latest catastrophe. Any old grudges and strife must be forgotten for this night only, a night of peace after days of gruesome war against the Hunting Dogs. Every member of mafia couldn’t disobey that oath, for they didn’t wish to humiliate their Boss. That was why Akutagawa had to bear the muzzle that restrained his fangs, replacing his usual black coat with ridiculous party get up that Chuuya had coordinated himself. Gin had said that he looked good, but Higuchi was clearly unable to look at him without stuttering like a fool.
But Mori’s order wasn’t the only thing that forced Akutagawa to leave behind his coat, his only absolute safety and most treasured possession, to attend this party that he wished nothing to do with. No, Akutagawa’s reason to attend the party despite his misgivings, was the possibility that man would also attend this party. Akutagawa had done more terrible and more dangerous thing for that person that this sacrifice of comfort was laughable, yet he still stayed in that party. His sharp eyes looked for each corner of the room, hoping to see even the shadow of that person…
His patience was nearing his limit of having to hear the joyful laughter of the weretiger, so near to him but unable to silence with his black beast when his phone suddenly rang. His annoyed growl made everyone around him flinched and backed away, avoiding his ire as Akutagawa yanked out his phone from his pocket. However, all of that barely contained anger went down the drain the moment he saw the name of the caller. Without wasting any more precious second, Akutagawa accepted the call and hurriedly brought the phone to his ear with shaking hands. It felt like he waited forever until he heard that voice. The only voice that would erase everything from his mind so that he could focus on the owner of that voice alone.
“Hi, Akutagawa-kun.”
The messy and tangled thread of his mind slowly unraveled the moment he heard him calling his name. “Dazai-san…” he stood up straight and his eyes sharpened until people around him felt like he could cut them with just his gaze alone. “Do you need anything from me?”
Dazai calling him meant that he got an order for him. An absolute order that Akutagawa would risk even his life to fulfill, no matter what kind of order that was. He waited attentively, like a soldier ready to strike. However to his confusion, Akutagawa heard laughter from the phone. He had never heard Dazai laugh before, at least not from genuine amusement.
“No need to be so tense, I don’t have any order for you.” Akutagawa felt his heart sank to his stomach. Dazai must be able to see his face, because he heard that laughter again. “Don’t look so forlorn, Akutagawa-kun. I do have a request for you though.”
“What is it, Dazai-san?” Akutagawa immediately responded, the only response he would give to anything Dazai wished of him.
“Look up.”
Akutagawa raised his head, his eyes scanning the second floor balcony. Among the fewer people partying their life away on the second floor, he saw his former mentor casually observing him with both arms leaned on the railings. Just like Akutagawa, Dazai had discarded his usual beige trench coat with a formal suit. The left side of his hair was brushed behind his ear, which made Akutagawa’s heart stopped beating for a second. He knew Dazai looked good usually, his female fans back when he was in the mafia proved that, but it was unexpected that just a change or hair style could completely shut down Akutagawa’s brain for a moment.
He knew he was staring, but he couldn’t help it. Dazai noticed it too, but other than a smirk he didn’t say anything. He heard the call on his phone suddenly got cut off and Akutagawa felt the same disappointment and anger as that day when Dazai and the weretiger tricked him to chase after the wireless communication device when in the end Dazai hung up on him.
Dazai stood up straight, just like Akutagawa thought. He was going to leave him again, gaining amusement from how Akutagawa chased after every scrap of attention Dazai deigned to give to him. To his surprise, instead of just leaving cruelly like always, Dazai’s hand raise in front of him. He made a motion as if grabbing something from the thin air and pulled it gently towards him. Unconsciously, Akutagawa’s foot moved on it’s own and he stepped forward.
He saw a glint of satisfaction in Dazai’s eyes and that pushed him to move his foot again. Step by step, he walked closer. When he reached the stairs, Akutagawa had already forgotten everything. The party. Boss’ order. His own disappointment. Everything was unnecessary, so he discard everything away to chase after his former mentor. He even didn’t realize that he had started running, only his body’s hard trained instinct that enabled him to evade the other guests in his chase. He saw Dazai walked away, but his hand was still making that tugging motion.
As Akutagawa chased after that man’s shadow, he realized that Dazai was tugging the invisible chain that bound both of them together. Chain that Akutagawa wore himself years ago, in gratitude for giving a meaning to his life. That deep respect that wouldn’t be erased, no matter how the harsh Dazai trained him to life in the mafia. No matter how many times he was betrayed.
He ran and ran, his barely able to think mind in awe of how Dazai could keep the distance despite how relaxed he walked in comparison to Akutagawa’s frantic sprint. Dazai led him towards a secluded part of the hotel, outside of the noisy ballroom. Akutagawa remembered the blueprint of the hotel for emergency situation and his mind helpfully informed him that they were in the lobby. The mafia rented the whole hotel for tonight’s party and the whole staffs were busy servicing the party, so no one was in the lobby since there wouldn’t be anymore guest coming. But there should be guards patrolling the area…
“I had distracted the guards. We have around fifteen minutes before any of them back.” Dazai turned around and faced him, finally stopping. Akutagawa’s feet also halted, his whole body frozen when he had the full attention of his former mentor. “Let’s talk for a bit.”
Akutagawa didn’t know what to do. What was it that Dazai wished to say to him that he went out of his way to ensure privacy for them? His mind thought of many possibilities and only one seemed the most plausible in his mind.
“Do you want me to kill someone for you?” Akutagawa could only think that. Dazai was working for the Agency now and he may be unable to eradicate anyone without consequences like when he was in the mafia. He knew that Dazai could kill someone and leave no trace behind, but using him was the easiest. Akutagawa was infamous for his reputation as the mafia’s rabid dog, people wouldn’t bat an eye if he killed. Although… he had promised the weretiger to not kill for a while, in order to challenge him again. Of course, he could discard that promise if that became an obstacle in fulfilling Dazai’s order. Although, that would leave a bad taste after his hard work for months in restraining himself from killing his targets.
Dazai smiled, as if expecting his words. “No. Beside, didn’t you make a promise with Atsushi-kun to not kill? I had heard about it, how you managed to keep that promise until now. Even when your opponents were the Hunting Dogs.” Dazai closed his eyes, his expression became a bit more genuine. “I am proud of you.”
Akutagawa’s whole body froze, his widened eyes stared at Dazai in disbelief. “What…?”
“Before, no matter how many times I ordered you to restrain yourself, you keep showing no mercy and killed your opponents.” Akutagawa barely able to hide the wince as he remembered Dazai’s harsh punishment, and from the way the smile disappeared from Dazai’s face he knew that he couldn’t hide it from Dazai. “But you have grown now. You are able to keep to your words, no matter how hard you have to retrain your natural killing instinct and how much more difficult it was to fight tough opponents.”
He remembered the fight with the Hunting Dogs, of how much he had to restrain Rashoumon from targeting vital spots in his enemies’ body. Despite how his hesitance dulled his blade and made it easy for his enemies to corner him.
“You are still in the process, but you will someday outgrow the shadow that I left behind.” Dazai’s words were like hammer that completely destroyed him. “My role as your mentor is over.”
Rashoumon responded to the turmoil in his heart and raged, tendrils of black beast ripped from his clothing, familiar and strange at the same time. Akutagawa was used to pain. His life was full of painful experiences, but everytime he managed to grit his teeth and bear it. But this pain, like there was an invisible blade stabbing through his chest, was unlike any other. He couldn’t deal with the burn behind his eyes nor the way his heart felt like it would break into pieces. So Akutagawa sought for comfort from other feelings that he knew better.
“Why!?” Akutagawa screamed, his eyes wild like a mad beast finally unleashed. “Why do you keep leaving me behind? Why—“
He felt a touch on his cheek, and the tranquil that washed over him was familiar. No Longer Human forced Rashoumon back, leaving him defenseless without his most powerful weapon and shield. Akutagawa hissed as he pulled back his fist, trying to prove to Dazai and himself that he wasn’t weak just because his Ability was nullified, but Dazai caught his fist as well.
“Calm down. I said that I am no longer your mentor, but that doesn’t mean that our relationship is over.” Dazai kept his fist and Ability sealed, but it was his words that completely bound him. “This just means that we are equal now.”
Akutagawa slowly pulled his hand back, staring at Dazai in disbelief. “Equal…?”
“I have done a lot of horrible things to you in the past out of necessity and I know you won’t blame me for it because you thought it made you stronger. I can’t make things right if you don’t even wish for it in the first place.” Dazai caressed his cheek, making Akutagawa shivered. He didn’t know if it was from the skin contact or Dazai’s words. Maybe both. “So let’s start over from the beginning. I am not your mentor and you are not my subordinate.”
In despair, Akutagawa reached forward and grabbed Dazai’s suits. “But… if I am not your subordinate anymore, then what am I to you now?” His meaning to life, his only ambition and desire, was to someday meet Dazai’s expectation of him. If Dazai wasn’t his mentor anymore, the meaning of his life would be forever unattainable.
Dazai gently touched his trembling hands, the gentleness unfamiliar to Akutagawa that he couldn’t help to flinch. The shine in Dazai’s eyes darkened a bit at that, but his touch stayed gentle. “Now that you are no longer my subordinate, you are someone precious to me. Akutagawa-kun, you always stay loyal to me, even after I have left you behind in the mafia. I don’t deserve that loyalty, but you give it to me anyway. I had expected you to discard me as you seek power, but you keep me in your heart still.”
Dazai leaned forward, until his lips were right beside Akutagawa’s ear. “I want to see more of your growth, with me by your side.”
Akutagawa could feel warmth radiated in his chest from Dazai’s words. It made butterflies flew around in his stomach and the corner of his lips twitched outside of his control. Dazai leaned back, his widened eyes stared at Akutagawa in somewhat stunned look. It took Dazai a few moments before he smiled. An awe filled him, similar yet different with the awe he felt when he looked at calligraphy.
“What a beautiful smile.” Dazai chuckled as he said that. “Is that my Christmas gift?”
Akutagawa was shocked. He didn’t realize that he had smiled at all. He shook his head to protest, because he was sure that Dazai’s smile was much more beautiful than his.
“Now that I have received such a nice gift, I have to give you one too.” Dazai whispered, a sharp glint appeared in his eyes that made Akutagawa instantly wary. “Close your eyes.”
Akutagawa closed his eyes, still used to instantly obeying whatever Dazai ordered him to do. Dazai made a rueful sigh sound, but he didn’t comment on it. Akutagawa waited for what Dazai had planned, but nothing prepared him when he felt something soft and warm touched the corner of his lips, light like butterfly’s wings.
Akutagawa immediately opened his eyes, his gaze immediately fell on Dazai’s face right in front of him. There was a naughty smirk on his face, although that smirk disappeared quickly when both of them heard the footsteps of the guards returning.
“It seems time is up. We should return.” Dazai walked ahead of him. Akutagawa thought he would be left alone with his brain still is mush with what happened earlier, but Dazai turned around and offered his hand to him. “Will you go back with me?”
There was no longer invisible chain binding Akutagawa to this man, yet he still feel the pull to follow him. His hand gingerly accepted Dazai’s, both of their cold hands warmed by each other. Dazai pulled him along gently with him and Akutagawa stepped beside him, walking side by side as they returned back to the still ongoing party. All the way and even after they returned, their hands still intertwined with each other.
(A bit of bonus, since I can’t decide between this fic and the other I had made. You can take this as a sequel from the first one, although it’s not really related.)
Akutagawa woke to the sound of Gin cooking in the kitchen. He looked at the clock by the side of his bed and frowned. It was rare that he slept for more than three hours. The morning chill made his chest uncomfortable, but he ignored the discomfort as he started his morning routine.
Gin had already prepared his breakfast, light and just the bare minimum, with a plate of figs as dessert. Just the way he liked it. They ate in silence, with sometimes Gin talking about her upcoming missions as he nodded along.
Suddenly, his phone rang. Akutagawa pulled it out from his pocket, expecting sudden missions. To his surprise, a short message from Dazai was the one that appeared on the screen. Gin hid her knowing smile behind her mug, making Akutagawa wondered if he was that easy to read.
Still, the butterfly on his stomach fluttered as he read the message.
“Today is Christmas. How about a date?”
Dazai didn’t have to ask. Akutagawa would drop any unimportant things if that meant he could spend time with him.
“Yes, Dazai-san.”
“Great, I will wait for you at the station at ten then.”
Akutagawa put away his phone and stood up, already about to leave for the station when Gin stopped him by pulling his coat.
“It’s cold outside, it’s better if you wear more layers. It will be bad if you get sick while you are with Dazai-san.” Gin reasoned, her smile kind. “It won’t take much time at all. I will help you.”
Akutagawa relented as his sister wrapped him up with scarf and thicker coat, the material warm and light. Gin picked a pair of black gloves to keep his hands warm. In the end, he looked almost ridiculous with all the extra layers despite Gin’s insistence that he looked really great.
Despite still having a lot of time to spare, Akutagawa almost sprinted outside if not for Gin walking halfway with him as she was going to her work.
When Dazai finally appeared just in time, Akutagawa had been waiting. He frowned when he noticed how pale Akutagawa looked. Dazai stripped off one of his gloves and touched Akutagawa’s skin, his frown deepening when he felt how cold Akutagawa’s cheek was. He took Akutagawa’s hand and brought him inside of a café nearby. Akutagawa didn’t resist as Dazai made him sat in one of the tables, wrapped him in a blanket the café provided, and ordered a hot green tea and hot coffee for both of them.
Dazai sighed as they wait for their order. Akutagawa thought that Dazai would reprimand him, but Dazai kept silent. Wordlessly, Dazai pulled Akutagawa’s gloves off and then hold his hands. The warmth of Dazai’s hand felt really nice on his cold skin.
“I got tickets for calligraphy art exhibition.” Dazai’s thumb caressed the knuckles of his hands. “You still like those, right?”
Akutagawa nodded. Even if he didn’t like it, as long as it was with Dazai he would follow wherever he would go. But he was honest when he said that he still liked calligraphy. The strokes of the blank ink on a white paper was the closest thing Akutagawa could feel to awe at any beauty.
Dazai’s frown melted into a small smile. “Good. I already reserved a place for dinner, but do you have somewhere you want to go for lunch?”
“Anywhere is fine.” Akutagawa nodded. As long as he was with Dazai, anyplace was fine.
“That is actually the hardest to choose, you know?” Dazai chuckled a bit. “There is a restaurant nearby the museum, do you want to try that place?”
Akutagawa nodded again, probably to Dazai’s expectation. Their conversation was interrupted when a waiter brought their orders; a coffee for Dazai and a hot green tea for Akutagawa. Dazai let go of his hands so Akutagawa could hold the better source of warmth, but Akutagawa preferred the warmth of Dazai’s hands than the hot cup of green tea.
They talked a bit more, their conversation light as they relearn everything about each other. Some things had changed, while others remained the same. Akutagawa etched everything Dazai told him in his heart, memorizing every words. It wasn’t long at all, but they finally left the café after finishing up their drinks and Akutagawa’s body had warmed up.
The cold bit into his skin when they braved the cold weather outside of the café, but this time Dazai stayed close and held his hand. Akutagawa felt like he turned into a sponge that absorbed any warmth given by Dazai. The walk from the café towards the museum was quite long, but spending it with Dazai by his side made it barely noticeable. The warm air inside the museum made the two of them breathe a sigh of relief, although Akutagawa’s attention was quickly distracted by the myriad of calligraphy proudly displayed on the walls.
They took their time to visit and appreciated each one of the calligraphy. Each calligraphy, even with the same kanji, had different brush strokes that attracted his interests. When Dazai excused himself to search for a toilet, Akutagawa revisit each one of his favorites and made sure to remember the calligrapher in his mind.
They left the museum hours later, not noticing how time had gone. It was too late for lunch, so they bought a nikuman at the nearest convenience store that they shared. Both of them ate very little, so they didn’t want to ruin their appetite for dinner by eating too much.
Dazai broke the hot white bun in two and offered one to Akutagawa as they walked. “There is still time until dinner, do you want to go somewhere? I won’t accept answers like ‘anywhere is fine’.”
Akutagawa froze a bit, completely troubled. Dazai’s teasing smirk didn’t help at all. Akutagawa tried to postpone his answer by taking a bite of his steaming bun, but Dazai only waited patiently, not letting Akutagawa escape at all. When he had eaten the last bit of his nikuman, Akutagawa finally remembered something. “How about the traditional garden?”
Dazai knew which one Akutagawa talked about. “The one Kouyou-nee likes? Since it’s winter, there will be less people there.”
Akutagawa nodded. He preferred places with less people than the crowded ones. “Can we go there?”
“Sure.” Dazai smiled and took Akutagawa’s hand once again. “Anywhere you want.”
The act of kindness, no matter how many times Dazai had showed this side of him, had never failed to send his heart aflutter. His cheeks reddened and he followed beside Dazai as Dazai took him to the station.
They went to the park. Then they had dinner in a nice restaurant with a secluded room for privacy. The food was delightful and not heavy enough that his stomach protested at the end of the meal. The whole time, they had small talks about everything and nothing at once. It was a really nice date for Akutagawa, he even got a dessert takeout for Gin. Time passed by so quickly, surprising Akutagawa when the sky was dark the time they left the restaurant.
The end of their date was slowly coming. They had to return soon because tomorrow their presence would be demanded by their work place. The Port Mafia for him, and The Detective Agency for Dazai. The peaceful day they enjoyed would soon be chased by days of fighting once again. Today was like an oasis in the harsh desert of their life.
When they reached the station where they met up in the morning, Dazai let go of his hand. His hand felt achingly empty and cold without Dazai’s to hold. But Akutagawa gritted his teeth and endured his dissatisfaction. Both of them looked at each other, hesitating to say goodbye.
At last, Dazai smiled wistfully. “Merry Christmas, Akutagawa-kun.” Dazai took out a small box of present that he hid on the pocket of his coat.
Akutagawa’s eyes widened. He didn’t expect that both of them would exchange any gift. “I—My apologies, I didn’t—“
“It’s alright. I already received it.” Dazai leaned over and brushed his lips on Akutagawa’s cheek. “Today is the nicest gift you can give to me.”
Akutagawa’s cheek burned on the spot where Dazai kissed him. His trembling hands accepted the small box, his breath hitched when the paper that enveloped his gift had a print of calligraphy on it. “Is this--?”
“A set of calligraphy brushes and charcoal ink.” Dazai grinned. “Make sure you show me your calligraphy soon, okay?”
He had never tried calligraphy himself, despite his interest in it. But now that Dazai was expecting him to do it, the fire of determination burned him. He would make sure he could create a calligraphy art that would make Dazai proud of him. “I understand.”
Dazai sighed, although his eyes watched Akutagawa with fondness. “See you again, Akutagawa-kun. Say ‘hi’ to Gin for me.”
Akutagawa hesitated, which made Dazai frowned a bit. He saw Dazai opened his mouth to ask what’s wrong, but Akutagawa quickly stepped forward. He grabbed Dazai’s coat and pulled him closer to plant a kiss on Dazai’s lips. Dazai’s eyes widened for a moment, before mischief bloomed in those dark eyes and Akutagawa was surprised when Dazai deepened the kiss. It was just an innocent kiss, but it took his breath away unlike the way his illness usually did. It felt way more pleasant… and it warmed Akutagawa’s heart and body. Akutagawa whispered ‘Merry Christmas’ to Dazai’s lips as Dazai kissed him again.
They would have to part ways soon, but this moment, this single moment… was all that they need.
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lovely-bangtan7 · 7 years
Find Peace In Me | 1
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Pairings: BTS x reader
Genre: Mafia!Au, Smut, Angst
Words: 3,4k
Warnings: Blood, Smut(?), Swearings, Violence
Summary: What happens, when You, top member of Kim Namjoon’s Mafia gang fall in love with a normal young boy? Who will die, who will live?
A/N:It’s so good to be back! I am so sorry that I am inactive, but lately being on Tumblr and writing is kinda ??? idk (eventhough I have no hobbies) I have no idea whats wrong, but I am trying to be more active <3 Anways! Have fun with the first chapter of my Mafia!Au! The prologue was “New Home”, but the story will be called “Find Peace In me”. I really hope that you will enjoy this chapter! 
Ps: The Prologue is included in this chapter! So pls don’t be confused. The Prologue will be in a curved writing!
Broken furniture, broken glass, blood and dead bodies were lying everywhere in this hall. It was the wedding of your aunt, it was supposed to be a beautiful day and a cheerful evening, with laughter, music and dancing but all you g was screaming, shooting, blood splattered everywhere and death. Where there once was happiness, is now sorrow. Everyone was dead, shoot or torn in pieces, but you.
You cowered behind a pillar, trying to hold your breath, too scared that it was too loud and that someone would find you and kill you. You were crying, your cries muffled because of your hand covering your mouth. Your vision was blurry from the crying, you only could see the outlines of a woman’s arm, covered in blood. It was your mother’s arm. Her delicate arm, her nails painted a deep red, covered in blood, lying in front of you. The picture in front of you burned into your head, never in your life would you forget that sight and as more time you saw the red nails, you started to hate the color red. You would never look at this color without feeling the disgust and sadness inside you.
10 years old and your life took a big turn. From this day on, you were an adult, left alone in this bitter cold world.
Your eyes started to grow tired and slowly closed, but then you heard a loud click sound.
Your head shoot up to where the sound came from and saw a tall man with black hair, wearing a suit and gloves pointing a gun at you. His face looked bored, there was barely any emotion. He didn’t felt sorry for you and showed no mercy for you, he just wanted to kill you, his cold heart wanted to kill as much as it could. The man lied his finger on the trigger, ready to pull it in any second.
“No.” a voice said. A very young voice in fact. The man turned around and there was a young boy, maybe 12 years old, also wearing a black suit, his hands in his pockets. Cold brown eyes burned into your head, plump lips turned down. The young boy took a step forward, causing you to backup, your head hitting the cold stone of the pillar, a sharp pain shot through your head and you held your head, face buried in your knees. You just wished that they would kill you, giving you an opportunity to escape this bad dream.
Unfortunately, they didn’t kill you.
You looked up again and found the boy crouching before you and offering you his hand. You weren’t sure how to react, but as you looked into the boy’s eyes again, you saw a glint of kindness in his eyes.
“Sir, what are you doing?” The man behind the boy asked. Sir? Who was Sir? The boy?
“Come, take my hand and let’s go home.”
And with these words, you laid your hand in his warm, his hand clenching carefully around yours, as if you were made of porcelain.
And then you went home.
“45 years old, banker, married… 2 children in the age of 8 - 12.” You said to yourself, staring at the pictures, tucked in the document in your hands.
11 years later, you were 20 years old now, soon turning 21. Number one killer of all women and number three of them all. You were good, very good, the competition among the members was no big deal for you, even if you didn’t care for that bullshit.
You weren’t sure, if the people here hated you or loved you, but one certain person loved you, that was sure enough for you.
It’s that certain person who brought you home 11 years ago.
Kim Namjoon.
He loved you, he protected you, he lead you to your new home, he showed you how to live, he lead you to this life. The exact life that killed your whole family. Back then, when he took you home, he offered you this life, he offered you a complete new and different life and you figured out, after losing your family and old life, that you should accept his offer. You were alone anyway, you wouldn’t have survived alone, that was your only chance to live.
Everyone saw you as Namjoon’s little sister, he oh-so cared for and didn’t let you get hurt in anyway. In the past few years you grew to a strong, beautiful, but cold and deadly young woman. The men were after you and the women hated you, you loved your new life.
You stared at the picture a few more seconds, before you shoved it, along all his informations written in the documents, in your drawer next to your bed. The man was a banker, he could have had a good life with his payment. $6.795 per month. Working in america’s biggest bank must be a blessing, many people wished for his job but this man was eager. A gold digger. A man in debt. He wanted more money and that’s how he found his way to Namjoon, the richest mafia boss on earth, the most deadly mafia boss and the coldest mafia boss alive.
This stupid man, asked for money, 900k dollars, in fact. No one knows what for and where the money went, all you know is that it’s not back in Namjoon’s hands and now you have to simply kill this man.
What an idiot. He knew the rules. You either pay back the money, or your life.
“You have one year.”
Namjoon said and the man agreed, with blabla in his eyes. God, he was pathetic to believe that he could get away with the money, you had to laugh out loud.
The next day you will take a plane, fly over to Los Angeles, where the man is hiding, kill him and comeback. That was your plan for this week, simple. You were lying on your king sized bed, in your white painted bedroom, the moon shining brightly inside, filling the room with a beautiful bright light.
11:45 pm. You will get 8 hours of sleep before you have to wake up again, 9 hours before you head out to the airport and 10 hours before you board the plane. But it was hard for you to fall asleep, too excited of the following week.  Your heart filled with joy at the thought of killing this pathetic man, you couldn’t wait for it. The feeling you have in your stomach, when your victim’s eyes are filled with fear and sorrow as their life slowly get taken away by our hands, is better than the a sinful orgasm after riding someone’s hard and long cock, the heat in your core and the sounds created by two humans grinding at each other.
You turned on your stomach, only seconds before your alarm went off. Time to get ready for your job. After your daily routine, you made your way to your car, your trolley dragging behind you. You were about to drive from the parking lot, when someone had entered your car.
This cheeky smile, which lifted his cheeks up to his eyes and decorated them perfectly, which you hated so much, but loved at the same time, was beaming in your direction. You knew what this smile meant.
Jeon Jungkook will join you on this trip.
Outside you were groaning, but inside you were filled with lust and adoration.
You adored this boy, he was cute, charming and good looking, actually he was a walking god, in your eyes. Not only was he good looking, but well skilled. He was number 2. A good fighter, well with handling weapons and a god damn flirt. He knows how to wrap man and woman wrap around his finger and-
“That’s going to be fun!” He said in a cheerful tone, making it himself comfortable in his seat next to you.
“Why are you here?” You asked him in a short sentence.
“Last minute decision.”
“Oh god.”
You found yourself in front of a 40 year old man, looking you up and down. You felt disgusted under his eyes practically undressing you and watching you as if you were his dinner for tonight. This man borrowed money from Namjoon to come to LA, to have a good time. He had no shame in telling you that, while his wife and 2 children were waiting in Seoul for him to arrive back and continue their life as a happy family as 4, but little did they know that soon they will be a family of only 3.
You wanted to shoot this man right here, in front of the hotel bar that was on the other side of LA, but you had to go on with the plan, that you and Jungkook made.
Step1: Approach him and talk to him - you did
Step2: Lure him to the VIP area
Step3: Endgame
Jungkook was watching the scene from afar, sat in a booth and drinking a whiskey by himself. He was ready to step in, in case something might get wrong but he is sure that you are capable of handling things on your own.
He watched the way you wrapped the target around your finger, he could see the dirty smile on the man, staring down on your body covered in a tight dress.
Not even 5 minutes later you were leading the man to VIP area, a signal for Jungkook that he will step into the game very soon. Before he made his way to the room, he gulped his whiskey down and moved himself to the said room.
From outside the room you couldn’t hear any noise, the music in the club was drowning the screams and pleas  from the man. It only lasted a few minutes to finish your mission and you had to admit that even though it wasn’t a big and important mission you were satisfied. You were glad that this man, who left his family alone to go on parties, get drunk and hook up with many women. It’s what he deserves.
Back in your hotel room you jumped, still in your clothes you had on in the bar, on your bed your high heels still on your feet. You really wished to get some rest for the night, you were tired from the drinks your target had bought you. The mission itself wasn’t tiring, but the preparations, the still ongoing jet lag and the alcohol made you tired. But as you were lying on your stomach taking in the calm that layers in the room, you notice that Jungkook was still standing in the doorframe.
“What is it Jeon?” You called out, your face pressed on the mattress. Instead of answering you Jungkook closed the door and moved himself next to you on your bed.
His handsome but boyish featured appeared stronger in the dim light, the lanterns from outside the hotel window lightening only part of his face up.
Days later you were in a small coffee shop in Seoul. You were supposed to watch someone, again some man who was in debt with Namjoon but even after 2 hours you couldn’t find this man. You thought that he would be here, in this coffee shop, almost outside of Seoul. It was very quiet there, only 3 others were drinking their coffee in peace and reading their newspapers.
You let your gaze wander around, catching glimpses of an old man reading his newspaper, the sports article, a young woman around your age was on her phone typing furiously and another woman reading a book, sipping from her tea from time to time. You had also ordered a cappuccino and made it yourself comfortable in a the corner of the room on a small couch, your laptop on your lap with the documents of your new target open.
You were waiting for a 27 year old male, who was living in this area. Quiet young to die soon, but he knew the rules, he has gotten many chances.
$25k … hmm
You continue to scroll the man’s profile. Your research and his information has led you to this small coffee shop, you first thought it would be easy but since you have arrived no male came here that has looked like your target.
Christian Yu, 27 years old, born in Australia …
Your attention to the screen of your laptop was interrupted by the sound of glass shattering on the ground and the screaming of an man and a young boy.
You looked up to the sight the two employers of the coffee shop. The boy must have dropped a cup of the older woman’s tea, he was trying to clean everything up while the older employer scolded him. The young boy was embarrassed and kept apologizing himself by his co-worker and the woman, even though she told him for the third time that i wasn’t a big deal for her.
While the young boy, who had black hair, wide eyes and a perfect sharp nose cleaned the ground with a brush gazed over to you but quickly turned around with a red face after your eyes have met.
You decided to turn your attention back to your laptop and started to your research about Christian Yu again. Maybe you were at the wrong place, could it be that you made a mistake? You a mistake? The number 3? Bullshit! You thought. This must be the right place, that must be the coffee shop were Christian Yu comes by every Saturday to buy himself a small Americano, usually after his workouts, but after 2 hours he still hasn’t showed up in this damn coffee shop. You grew angry at this guy for not showing up and ruining your statistics. You cursed at him and the lust to kill him grew stronger from minute to minute. He will not only pay for the debt but also for letting me wait 2 hours like a damn fool and for ruining my image, you told yourself already imagining the way you will take his life away, your heart jumping in excitement and the smell of blood already forming in your nostrils. His death will be satisfyingly, you couldn’t wait for this moment to come.
You got distracted by the sound of glass once again, as the young boy who had dropped a glass before took your now empty cup. Your eyes wandered to the face of the boy, who was now smiling apologizing down at you, for interrupting him. Dimples were forming on his perfectly shaped face while he was smiling. He was cute, really cute. You send him a small smile, dying as soon as you looked back down on your laptop. What were you thinking about again? You lost your trail of thoughts but your gaze went back to the coffee shop boy who carried your with red lipstick covered cup away. You took in his features, tall, slim but through his white shirt you could see that he was well build, you liked that sight there. Maybe you should go on an adventure, maybe you should order another cup of coffe.
“Listen here, I don’t care how old you are or-”
“Where is Namjoon?” You cut the man off, who was going to explain you something. Namjoon took you to his huge Mansion after he had found you and wants that you get trained as an Assassin. They gave you one day to settle in, get familiar with the new house and the people you will live from now on. After that your training will start.
“He is busy. You have to listen to me now.” The man said with a cold stare.
“I want to see him!” You argued back.
“He can’t-”
“But I want to see him!” A slap in your face followed after you screaming. The man’s face turned from the cold stare to an angry red face. He grew impatient with you.
“Listen here you little brat, I don’t have any time for your bullshit. We will start to study this damn thing-” he shook his Pistol in front of your face that he wanted you to explain how it works and how use “in my hands here and then I will have finally get my peace back and don’t have to deal with you little kid!”
“Looks like you need another job then, Johnson.” Namjoon had entered the room u heard and listened to the conversation between you and Johnson. The man in his 30’s went suddenly all shy as soon as he heard Namjoon’s voice.
Namjoon was only 12 years old and was already feared and respected by his father’s men. He wasn’t their boss yet, but Namjoon already got the permission to command the men in this gang, preparation so he take over his father’s place soon.
You immediately rushed over to Namjoon’s side, tugging on his arm. After your parents death you started to act like a toddler, always wanting to be hold and always wanting to be by Namjoon’s side. You didn’t wanted to leave him, since you felt protected with him. For you, there was no one else than Namjoon, you didn’t accept any other people, not even the women in the gang. You just wanted to be with Namjoon.
“N-no. I mean, I am sorry. I am just tired-” stuttered Johnson, his face went completely pale and small droplets of sweat started to form on his forehead.
You studied Namjoon,s expression, his brows were furrowed and his lips pressed in a thin line. He showed with his face that he was disappointed with Johnson’s behavior and Johnson already knew what that meant.
“Oh, tired? I guess you should take some rest, hm? Father doesn’t want his men to be ‘tired’.” Namjoon started and Johnson immediately fell on his knee’s. The impact a 12 year old boy could have on a grown man was unbelievable. The please of Johnson didn’t affect Namjoon at all as he continued to stare at the man in front of you. “You should go home then.” Namjoon turned around, took your hand and went out, but before he went through the door he added one thing to Johnson.”Before someone makes you go home with force.”
It has been 2 weeks since you started to visit the small coffeehouse, each day at the same time, the same place, the same order. Your first intention was to lure on  Christian Yu, but recently you visited it, because of the boy working there.
It all started with you writing your number on a napkin that you have left on the table with a note saying ‘call me’. On the same day he called you.
You learned that his name was Jung Hoseok, 24 years old and he was a student at the Seoul University.
Every time you visited the coffeehouse Hoseok had already prepared your coffee, serving it with the brightest smile he could offer you. First you two were only chatting via a messenger, during your time in the coffeehouse you only spoke a few sentences and shared a two or three glances at each other, sending smiles and winks. But after 4 days Hoseok actually invited you for dinner and there you were, sitting in a fancy restaurant somewhere in Seoul, with your best dress, your hair in soft curls and neat makeup chatting and laughing with Hoseok- or ‘Hobi’, his nickname. He told you that all his friends call him that name and wished that you would call him like that.
“So Hobi.” You began, tracing your fingers over his soft hand. “What do you search in a woman?” Your question startled Hoseok, he tilted his head a bit to the right and you chuckled softly at the man sitting in front of you. “I mean what is your ideal type.” Hoseok joined in laughing with you, slightly embarrassed that he failed to understand that you were trying to flirt with him.
“Well, it’s actually really basic. I am attracted to a woman who is kind, sweet…” As Hoseok kept talking, you overheard another voice. A man laughing too loud for a second, but hushing immediately. Your attention went from Hoseok to scanning the room and a familiar face came into your sight. On the other site of the restaurant, that was packed with many other guests talking, eating or drinking, was your dear friend Jeon Jungkook sitting with another man. Christian Yu.
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cielofics · 4 years
(Old) ICMSAR Omake I
WARNING(S): OCC's, Parent!bashing, depressing!thoughts, suicidal!tendencies,
NOTES: "Japanese" "Italian" 'Thinking' 'Tsuna's eye speak' [Text Messages]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Amano Akira does.
On a lovely Saturday morning, where everything is peaceful and no fatalities have occurred, a lovely screeching voice to 2 certain demons-in-disguise could be heard throughout Namimori.
"REBORN!! WHAT WAS THAT?!" screeched a certain drenched in cold water boy.
"Wake up, Dame-Nari! It's time for training!" The demon-in-disguise said while holding a taser. "If you don't, a taser would be the least of your problems~"
"I'M UP! I'M UP!! DO NOT ELECTRIFY ME!!" exclaimed the brunet while pouting.
"TOO LATE~" the spartan tutor said in a sang-along school while tasing the poor boy. The screams of agony coming from the victim were music to a certain brunet making food downstairs and the spartan demon tutor.
"Oh, you survived? Some people don't even wake up," claimed the tutor, Reborn.
"That's because they die!" exclaimed the child pointing an accusing at him.
"Come downstairs, lunch is ready," the baby said while firing bullets at him to get him to move. These bullets were specially made by a good trust-worthy engineer in Vongola but the idea of these bullets... should go to a very sly brunet.
"Oh, you noticed. These bullets are special project made to torture other... enemies. I was asked to test them."
"Let me warn you, these not only hurt like hell, they make you go through your worst nightmares (don't ask how), electrifies you, feels like you are burning and at some points you feel like being slashed, restricts your movement, doesn't lets you die, makes you feel pain 10 times more that it should, you hallucinate and some other stuff that people shouldn't even go through. A graze is enough to make this happen."
"There's no antidote either. Live through this with your dying will!" smirked the baby infant evilly.
"WAIT, NO ANTIDOTE?! REBORN COME BACK HERE!" said the scared soon-to-be-mafia boss while running after the toddler.
"Tsuna, is the food ready," he saw his tutor ask his dame-brother who nodded.
"Eat, Dame-Nari. I'll call Shamal to let him know of your predicament. He can probably find a cure... maybe."
"MAYBE?!" shouted enraged.
A bullet resounded through the hall, "Don't shout at me, Dame-Nari or do you want to be shot by these bullets again?" Ienari clamped up and sat down. He was starting to feel hallucinations now since he was sure he could see purple smoke coming out of the breakfast that my Dame brother made.
"R-Reborn? W-Why is there p-purple smoke coming out my food? Did Dame-Tsuna poison my food?!" "Oh, it looks like the effects of the bullet are starting to show. He's hallucinating. Tsuna, there's no need to worry about anything. This is normal behavior," Reborn said in his cutesy voice. "Seconds please."
That made Tsuna to give Reborn a weak smile and Ienari could only watch. Deciding that Reborn got the same food out of the same bowl, he would be fine. Taking a bite, he found the food yummy (not that he'll admit it to his dame-brother), he finished the whole food not realizing the evil smirk on both his brother's and tutor's face.
"Now, that you're done, get to training," Reborn said while firing another shot close to Ienari.
"Who said your training will be stopped?"
"Now start or do you want to be hit with it again? I can't wait for the results," he said happily while his brother was in the kitchen washing the dishes.
"HIE! I'm going! I'm going!"
Reborn tilted his fedora downwards to hide his expression. Yet, the slight shaking of his shoulders and the upward quirks of his lips were enough for Tsuna to know he was humored by this plan of... mine.
"Good job with the poison food, Tsuna," Reborn said. His voice barely hiding the amused tone.
'No problem. It's fun for me too. Make sure to take lots of blackmail photo. Some people would love this...'
"Why don't you come too? I already know you are great at hiding your presence. It'll be more fun to watch in real life."
Tsuna nodded his head in agreement and both the demons couldn't help but smirk evilly. They were going to have lots of fun today.
Reborn decided that today was the best day ever. It's not in his character to say something like this but seriously, it's hard to not admit it.
Really, using snakes with a combination of dogs, bees, missiles, grenades and bullets against Ienari was satisfying. Looking to the person standing beside him (his partner-in-crime), he was pleased to know that even Tsuna was amused and enjoying the show. If him eating popcorn didn't prove it then him adding more snakes and dogs as we pass each km is.
He couldn't wait to develop the blackmail photos. I mean, it's not everyday that you get to see such a show. Now do you?
Hm. Though there is one more problem...
"Tsuna," he said grabbing the brunet's attention. "What should we do as the last tort-I mean tutor session?"
That caused Tsuna to blink and think about it. After a while, he smirked, causing Reborn to automatically smirk. After all, Tsuna does have good torture methods.
Tsuna picked up the baby casually (only a Tsunayoshi can do this) and took him away. Leaving poor Ienari with the dogs, snakes and bees to deal with himself.
"REBORN?! WHERE ARE YOU?! HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO DO THIS?! EEK! OUCH!" he yelled in pain as he got stung and bit by bees and dogs. (Mind you, the snake are non poisonous. Their poison was removed much to the displeasure of Reborn.)
Ienari finally got rid of the ones tailing after another 3 hours of chase. He was pissed off! I mean seriously, he was poisoned, chased by dangerous things for 6 hours straight and even had severe injuries!
He was about to slam the house door open when Reborn opened it for him.
"You're late. Punishment is in order obviously," he said nonchalantly.
"W-Wha? Punishment?! What do you mean?! I'm poisoned by the stupid bulle-"
"That was a lie."
"I was chased for 6 hours and even have seve- WAIT WHAT?! A lie?!" screeched Ienari in horror. "T-Then, there really was p-purple smoke coming out of my food! WHAT DID IT DO TO ME?!"
"Purple smoke? Dame-Nari, it was Tsuna cooking not Bianchi. Why would there be purple smoke coming out of it?"
'It won't really do anything to you except maybe make you feel severe pain after 7 hour of injection and make you unable to fall asleep at all. Well, considering what Tsuna has planned for him next, it's the best poison cooking. Can't escape at all.' Reborn thought with a smirk.
"Let's go Dame-Nari! There's still punishment left for you," he said firing a bullet. Ienari ran inside of the house for his dear life when he got hit on the back.
Ienari's body fell in like a sack of potatoes. From the darkness emerged Tsuna, holding a book. "First stage: Complete" said Reborn smirking.
Tsuna looked at Reborn and both nodded. This will be the final touches of the fun
"Ugh," what happened said Ienari coming to consciousness. He remember going through hell and then the demon spartan tutor said there was still punishment left and then... I blacked out?
Looking around, Ienari found nothing but he did notice he was tied to a chair securely and there was a screen in front of him. Also, he was pretty sure he wasn't in his house since he definitely doesn't remembers this part of the house.
The door and came in the light, hitting Ienari in the eyes directly.
"Looks like you're awake, Dame-Nari," came a cutesy voice.
"Reborn, is that you? What's going on?! Why am I tied up?!"
"Don't worry, this is just your last bit of lesson. Enjoy," he said closing the door.
"W-Wait, Reborn! Where are you going?!"
Just as he said that, the screen in front of him came to life and eerie music started filling the room. Ienari turned his head back towards the screen and widened his eyes. This was-!
"AGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!" came the voice inside a certain room.
"Hm, what's the movie you played, Tsuna?" asked a certain hitman; sitting in the living room sipping his espresso
Tsuna tilted his head to the right, 'Very graphic animation of Mafia killings and tortures.'
"...You know, I don't want to know how graphic it is but I can tell it's worth it," said Reborn. "Either way, if it has him screaming like this just when it started then it means he's really weak-willed."
Tsuna raised his eyebrows, 'You thought he was strong-willed? Heck, he can't even watch a horror movie properly. Besides, this is the best way for him to learn. Hope he learns something... and not go crazy'
Reborn hummed in approval. Oh, he enjoyed being with Tsuna. After all, Tsuna was a trouble magnet but also a good partner-in-crime.
While the two devils were enjoying themselves, a certain soon-to-be mafia boss was freaking out. After all, seeing those horrendous images for a complete hour before being released was killing him.
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