#though that might have aroused too much rage in him and accidentally powered him up
makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 149: Villain Island
Previously on BnHA: Twice confronted Nighteye with a clone of Rappa. Nighteye proceeded to beat his ass using rubber seal stamps, incidentally revealing his surprisingly cut washboard abs. Night then blasted away part of Twice’s mask, forcing Twice to retreat in a panic. His personality disorder started to get the better of him, but then Toga showed up and tied a bandana around the missing part of his mask, and it calmed him down and was also the sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Twice briefly flashbacked to the League of Villains meeting when Tomura announced that Togawice would be lent out to the Eight Precepts. Twice was against this because it turns out he feels responsible for introducing Overhaul to the League and getting Magne killed (and Compress maimed, but no one cares about him). Toga wasn’t keen on it either, but Tomura somehow won them both over by smiling and making it seem like he had a plan in the works. Whether he actually does is anyone’s guess, but damned if it wasn’t convincing. Anyway, so now Toga and Twice are fed up with the Precepts’ general incompetence, though, and are ready to turn on them. And I’ve never been so excited for a plot twist in my whole damn life.
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Overhaul meets Togawice for the first time and asks them about their quirks. The Precepts then ask if Tomura plans on betraying them, and Twice and Toga are all, “[shifty eyed glance] nope, nothing to see here. no impending betrayals on our end, no sirree.” This apparently is good enough for Overhaul, who asks them to sit tight and wait for further orders. Back in the present, Irinaka makes one last-ditch effort to crush the remaining heroes in his accursed hallway. However, Toga gets him to reveal his true body, and Deku and Aizawa immediately attack. With Aizawa having finally neutralized his quirk, Irinaka is detained. We then cut to Mirio, with time rewinding back to show what happened immediately after he went forward on his own and caught up with Overhaul.
But the real star of this chapter is the omake at the end. Kurogiri takes it upon himself to improve solidarity among the League by taking them all on a mandatory outing to an uninhabited island to engage in a survival trial. Tomura spends the entire time lounging on a couch, Dabi unleashes his inner Bear Grylls, Toga steals a bikini, and tbh I kind of wish we could get an entire manga series of just this. But we’ll just have to settle for these four pages, I guess.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 178, now. If I’d known yesterday’s Superbowl would end up somehow being more boring than this entire arc, I would have never bothered taking the day off. But, well, hindsight.)  
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no, I don’t mind at all
by the way what exactly is going on here with Twice and these handcuff-looking things that I’m not actually sure are handcuffs. because that cord looks more like an earjack cord. but why is it coming from the bracelet like that. I basically have so many questions about this image, and am now also more closely examining exactly why Twice chose a skintight bodysuit as his villain costume
(ETA: I have no excuse. he’s fought with them before and everything; I just never noticed.)
more villain flashbacks!!
but this time it’s T&T introducing themselves to the Eights
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“I’m never gonna forgive you, so it’s a pleasure to be working with you” ahaha. classic Twice. this is the kind of iconic bullshit that I’m reading this manga for
Overhaul’s apologizing for killing Magne and says he didn’t want to
but if you really felt that way you could have easily put her back together again, you sociopath
oh my god look at this though??!
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holy shit. so she really is another canon trans character, and it’s treated seriously too. I mean, obviously it’s not perfect, and it also sucks that she got killed off, but I’m so used to LGBT manga characters being treated as comedic relief at best, so this frank statement of “hey you misgendered my friend, get it right” and it being totally serious is actually really refreshing
also what is Viz going to do when they get to this chapter. most likely change it up entirely I’ll bet. fucking Viz
anyway, so Twice is all “so now what” and Overhaul says he and Toga just have to follow his orders
he’s also asking for the details of their quirks
but Toga is all “we’ll tell you if and when it’s needed because fuck you”, and have I mentioned I love her???
but holy shit though
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bud. are you like, okay. jesus christ
so Twice has decided he hates this and he’s not going to say anything
so naturally the very next thing he does is explain his quirk in great detail!!
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holy shit this is an unexpected info dump
once again Horikoshi is all “I see your questions and I will answer them in due time.” so it was a tape measure!! has he had these this whole time?
just went back and checked. yes he has. unbelievable
still waiting on an explanation for that skintight bodysuit though
some of this goes against what we previously knew about his quirk, though. this is the first time a two-thing limit has been brought up, and that seems to go against the whole Calvin and Hobbes “I made a bunch of clones of myself” thing that we know he did way back when (and which he’s also referencing here, as I assume it’s the reason he no longer makes copies of himself). maybe the limit only applies to things/people that aren’t him?
this reminds me a lot of Momo’s quirk in that he needs to know a lot about the object before duplicating it. which means he’s definitely a lot more intelligent than he sometimes comes off as
I mentioned a couple chapters ago that Toga is extremely intelligent as well, and now I’m wondering if Tomura realizes just how lucky he is to have all these smart crazy people on his side. we’ve seen the quality of Overhaul’s own followers, by contrast, and the League most definitely has them beat
anyway! so Toga’s staring at Twice in annoyance for going off like that right after she made a big deal of not telling Overhaul anything
she says he made her look stupid
OMG YESSSS so now she’s going into the details of her own quirk after all omggggg
look at the damn hoops Horikoshi’s making himself jump through all because he made the decision not to do any villain bios. well it’s your own damn fault
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I’m starting to understand why Deku keeps all these notebooks
the bit about the transformation time being proportionate to the amount of blood she consumes is extremely interesting and relevant, and now it makes sense why she had that weird gizmo to suck as much blood as possible
I would estimate she got maybe a cup of Ochako’s blood, so we can assume she can transform into her for up to 1 day if needed. but as for Deku, we saw in chapter 114 that she only managed to get like a couple drops worth
one drop is about .05 ml, which is about .0002 cups. so she can transform into Deku for .04% of one day unless I fucked that math up (which is highly possible)
what is that, like a couple seconds?? because if so, holy shit but I’ve been vastly overestimating her ability to wreak mindbendy havoc on our heroes
also does she have to drink the blood right before the transformation for best results? if she drinks someone’s blood but then doesn’t transform into that person right away, does she eventually lose the ability even if she doesn’t transform into them? or can she store that “energy” and use it whenever she likes?
basically this is awesome to be getting so much information here, but now if anything I’ve just got more questions
(ETA: for real. either I really did calculate that wrong, or she got more of Deku’s blood than I thought, or Horikoshi is the one that fucked up the math lol. oh well, it’s easy enough to just shrug and go along with it)
anyway! I almost forgot there was still a chapter going on
so now Overhaul’s henchman is casually asking if Tomura is planning to betray them. well duh
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very convincing. well done
anyway, Overhaul seems satisfied for the time being, but he’s telling them they’ll have to stay in the underground HQ until they receive their orders from him. so basically house arrest
and now he’s leaving and Mimic is having a total power trip
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seriously dude, simmer down
he’s babbling on about the yakuza getting revenge and “taking back society’s reins from the shadows” and fulfilling the dream of their bedridden boss
and now I think we’re back in the present
and this lil fellow is, as you’ll recall, the guy who’s currently controlling all the shifty walls of the underground HQ while all hopped up on quirk-enhancers
Toga and Twice are having a conversation mid-somersault about how they’re gonna let the heroes take out the Precepts for them. I think
meanwhile Aizawa is asking Deku if he also heard the crazy voice coming from the walls which is, as Deku surmises, Irinaka’s voice
ohhhh I see, if they can pinpoint where the voice is coming from then they can find Irinaka’s real body and like punch him until he quits being an asshole and dragging out the arc with his stupid quirk
do you know, I just realized that basically this entire thing is his fault, and just like that he’s my least favorite character. that’s right. you beat out Stain and even Mineta, because Mineta only ever hijacks like a page or two at a time at most. certainly not a dozen chapters in one go
but anyway, the voice is echoing too much for them to pinpoint it
meanwhile the cops are freaking out because they’re about to get crushed
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I can’t figure out why Mimic didn’t just actually crush them all to begin with and be done with it. unless it’s just that he didn’t want the full force of the law bearing down on their organization and seeking justice for dozens of cop murders
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the amount of relief I’m feeling right now can accurately be described as “overwhelming” and it’s amazing
because he’s SUCH A GOOD FUCKING PERSON, Deku is catching Irinaka as he falls, because this is BnHA where a fall from a great height onto a bunch of rocks actually will kill you
and please tell me the rooms are back to normal now omg
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holy shit. holy fucking shit, finally. finally
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so is this the part where we find out Mirio is fucking dead omg. holy shit. but you know what, I don’t even care, because we’re finally up to the good stuff and no more bullshit. I feel another binge coming on
 oho, what’s this? “special jump outing”?
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I don’t know where to fucking start omg
first of all, I’ve actually been impressed with their solidarity thus far so this is news to me
second, I can’t with how their idea of team bonding is “let’s build a house from scratch together on an uninhabited island”
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I swear to god if they keep up these antics I’m downgrading their name from “League of Villains” to “Villain Squad Jr.”
Tomura is trying to remind us all that he’s For Reals Evil but idk
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on the one hand, we actually have seen this guy kill a man with his bare hands. but on the other hand, it was revenge for Magne, and he hasn’t killed anyone else that I can think of, aside from probably his parents by accident
and also my favorite of all the villains is the only one who is for sure a psychotic serial killer, so it could just be that I don’t actually care
so Kuro is telling Tomura to be less strange, and announcing that the first order of business is to secure a water source
are you telling me you came to this random island to build a house and you don’t even know where you’re building it yet
and now there appears to have been some kind of cut, and Tomura is drinking ginger ale. fucking ginger ale. you’re not evil at all, are you
I can’t believe I was actually worried about what these guys might do to Bakugou if they kept him. their idea of torture is probably less fingernail-pulling and more “let’s make him watch a bunch of Kay Jewelers commercials until he cracks.” which to be fair would break me pretty quickly
(ETA: although Tomura did get pretty hardcore there with Overhaul at the end! but I mean, Overhaul was a total prick you guys. that doesn’t count)
and now he’s tied Kurogiri to a tree and is just making him warp over whatever they need
everyone please look at this panel of Dabi wearing overalls
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“unexpectedly into it”
this is the most damning evidence yet that he’s definitely related to Shouto
you go Dabi. I feel like he’s learned all about how to survive on a tropical island by like watching Moana a bunch of times or something
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consider the coconut, consider its tree, we use each part of the coconut, that’s all we neeeeed
meanwhile Tomura is reading a magazine on a couch on the beach
Toga is wading in the ocean and her overalls got wet so she’s changing into a bikini
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did we ever confirm she was really responsible for those serial murders. it could have been someone else. you never know
anyway she stole the bikini and Kurogiri is acting all shocked like “omg this girl really stole a bikini” but like. what else is she gonna do. pay for it like a normal person
don’t tell me you guys were actually legitimately leasing that bar this whole time. Kurogiri probably actually had his liquor license
so Toga is legit frolicking, and Tomura is playing a PSP or something. with the hand still on his face. how can you even see the screen
and now Dabi has caught them all lazing about and he’s throwing a fit
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he’s even doing teamwork
now he’s lecturing Dabi on what’s really important
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I think they probably would have turned off the Kay Jewelers commercials after like five of them or so and been all “okay I hope you learned your lesson.” and then if he still didn’t want to join them they would have been all “fine then but it’s your loss” and given him a ginger ale and sent him back home
so now Kurogiri is rescinding all rules and letting them all do their thing
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Villain Squad Jr. it’s fucking official
and that’s the end of the strip. but the bonus material is still continuing because FA has been doing these translations of the character book! and the next page is amazing oh my god
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right away I feel like a good 75% of fanfics are slightly off because U.A. has compulsory Saturday classes. say goodbye to your weekend getaway antics
they don’t actually have much homeroom time with Aizawa in the morning. what subject does he actually teach? I need someone to tell me, I refuse to believe Horikoshi hasn’t established this in canon by now. it’s probably somewhere in this very book
anyway, that’s it for today, but that was awesome. on I go to chapter 150
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exosmutfactory · 4 years
Royal Pains
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stunning gif by tipannies
❥ This might be the most daring one shot of mine to date, so! Here we go
— Pairing: You & Baekhyun
— Genre/AU: smut, 
— Word Count: 2.8k
— Rating: 18(more like 21 >.<)+ (M)
— [ Contains: Plot ofc (can’t be helped). Some restraints ;) deepthroating, airplay/choking, slight degradation, voyeurism (eep), etc! ]
❥ This was a lot for me to even proof read okay, let me post this here and run
ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥
Byun Baekhyun was never an easy man to please.
He’s belligerent, impatient and way too stiff for a man in his late-twenties. Though you suppose that is what comes with the responsibility of leading a kingdom. Nothing short of aggression and authority is expected of him with his title of power. And women across the land enjoy eating bare minimum affection out the palm of his stern hand - except for you.
If he’s a cold-blooded king, you are his ice queen to match.
You were that inwardly hotheaded, steel fratetrain of a princess that didn’t take shit from anyone, let alone the soon-to-be king whose name you never could remember yet face you never forget. He was always trying to boss you around your own house and intimidating all other men that tried to pursue you. And yet the annoying crown prince left quite the impression on you during those awkward royal-arranged dates and accidental yet totally coincidental meetings at night under the shining stars. 
You still ask yourself how you went from a love-hate courting arrangement to being the one to receive his late-night undivided attention and witnessing his eyes taking on the softest of expressions. Maybe you were a saint in your previous life.
But of course, there’s only a certain amount of time before you push each other’s buttons again. Keeping the peace balanced on a very sensitive scale will tilt out of order and end up sailing across the room eventually. Only so many small bickerings before your stubbornness straight-up rivals his assertiveness. Some occurrences of these types of arguments are better than others…
Much better than the one right now.
Someone calls your name. A deep voice that can be soft and melodic or choppy like an all-consuming storm deep at sea depending on the situation. In this instance, you can clearly hear the thunder in their tone that matches the hard look in their brown eyes when you raise your head from the blanket in your hands. “Baekhyun?” You murmur, head tilting in mild curiosity. Trying your best to ignore how good he looks in a white dress shirt, black slacks and a matching blazer that is complemented by his slightly pushed back hair.
He says your name again through gritted teeth, gesturing to the patio doors that lead out to the garden with a ring covered hand, “Did you dismiss the gardener?”
“His wife went into labor,” You justify, continuing to work on the red wool with soft clinks of the knitting needles.  
“The head chef?”
“A family emergency.”
You hear his teeth click together before he utters, “And the maid?”
Your needles are set down on your lap at that, “Nope. I fired her.” You chirp, irritation swelling in your chest at the mention of the wrench as you pick them back up. Counting back from 20 to will away your bubbling anger. 19, 18, 17-
Baekhyun inches closer in all his angry glory, black dress-shoes tapping on the marble floor. “And what reason do you have for that?”
“She was going around spewing bullshit about her being your fucking mistress.” You spat, clutching the needles so hard they bite into your skin.
He takes a deep deep breath, chuckling humorlessly. “So,” His hands are clasped behind his back, leaning forward to meet you eye-to-eye from your spot on a custom made leather couch with the tiniest of revengeful smiles. “Because of jealousy you decided to fire our 5th maid of the month.”
You know you should back off; try to contain your anger and let him have his little moment with soft words of compromise - but oh, the memory of catching that woman spraying the collar of his shirts with her nauseating perfume this morning… You’re murmuring under your breath before you can fully comprehend the reaction you’ll get. “Not my fault she was a pest and definitely not my fault for all the others you fired.” The others being gentlemen that respected your space and accompanied you on the loneliest of days by complementing your improving knitting skills and bonding over tear-jerking novels.
It’s silent for a few moments, and then Baekhyun chuckles, running a hand through his hair, “Always going out your way to give me a fucking headache.”
“If I’m a headache, you’re an eyesore,” You mutter under your breath, looking away. You can’t even bear to face him after that.
“An eyesore?” Baekhyun muses. You choose not to respond, dead-set on glaring a hole into the farthest wall as you will away the urge to cry.
Baekhyun grabs your chin and before you can snap at him, he’s kissing you with fever. The rough way his teeth tug at your bottom lip making you gasp into his mouth, the perfect opportunity for him to explore your wet caven. Blanket forgotten at your feet as he pulls you up and backs you up to the nearest wall; pelvis flush to yours. “Let’s see how much of an eyesore I am after this.”
He hoists you up into the air before you can say anything; carrying you bridal-style to your bedroom as butterflies nervously flutter around in your stomach. You know where this is heading. Not even blinding rage can keep the fire from growing between your legs.
Baekhyun lowers you to the bed gently as if you are having your first night together all over again. Slender hands pulling at your blue ballroom dress and the blossoms of daisies out of the carefully woven braid in your hair. Scattering them on the sheets of your California King sized bed as he presses his lips back to yours.
You gladly recuperate his endless kisses, relaxing further under the familiar weight of his body and the soft caress of his wandering hands…
Until the tell-tale sound of a lock clicking into place reaches your ears.
Your eyes snap open but you’re a second too late; both of your hands, cuffed, to a bar in the headboard. And it’s not with the usually fluffy baby pink ones. No. You’re chained to the bed like that of a prisoner under the unforgiving guard of your husband; gazing down at you with the darkest of eyes. “B-Baek-” A firm hand wraps around your throat, silencing you.
“I think..” He hums, eyes lazily running over your helpless form; a smirk playing on his lips, “That you’ve done enough talking for today.”
Another look from him keeps you from protesting through your parted lips; his thumb rubbing unhurriedly along your neck leaving you to gulp as he steps off the bed. You lift your head to see what he’s doing, only catching a glimpse of him pulling off his tie before the handcuffs rattle against the headboard.
Baekhyun looks at you from over his shoulder with a tsk, completely loosening the silk material from around his neck before approaching the bed again.
You bear your neck, expecting him to tie it there only for the soft material to be pressed against your eyes.
“Since I’m such an eyesore,” He mocks, tying the blue material firmly around your head, “Guess you won’t be needing to see, will you?”
Your noise of protest only earns you a sharp smack to your sensitive core, making your thighs snap shut with a yelp.
“Keep those legs open,” He warns in a low tone, rummaging around the room while you quickly obey; spreading wide and straining your ears to hear him. Your cheeks darkening at the tell-tale signs of arousal covering the inside of your thighs.
“Look at you,” Baekhyun muses by your side; the lightest brush of his fingers across your folds making you gasp, bucking your hips. The slender digits tease over your thigh before rubbing the wetness into your skin. “Already dripping onto the sheets.”
“Baek.” You bite back a whine, holding your breath at the light rustle of clothes and obscene slick sounds that meet your ears. Baekhyun’s weight is fully dipping next to you in the bed; lewd wet sounds coming from lazy strokes of his cock. You whimper, wishing you could see how he looks right now, all flushed cheeks with those brown eyes so blown with lust that they appear black. His soft pants and quiet groans put you in a state of arousal that you’re rudely awoken from by a sharp pain on your thigh. Your whole body jolting up with a shout. “Baekhyun, what the fuck-” You pause, breath catching at the leathery texture gliding across your sensitive skin. 
“It’s been a while, hmm?” Baekhyun muses with a chuckle. A faint whoosh the only warning you get before it’s coming down on you again. You gasp, biting your lip as the brief pain ebbs away; the implications of him using the riding crop sinking in. This definitely isn’t going to be one of those nights he goes easy on you. No, you’re fucked and can only get more fucked from here.
The sinful sounds of skin against skin and your quiet whimpers fill the air as he continues to spank your thighs with the pleasantly painful material. One hit being so close to your wet cunt you arch your back with a broken whimper of his name, nearly cumming at the lingering burn it leaves alone.
“Tsk always so greedy,” Baekhyun murmurs; pace increasing on his cock while dropping the leather crop next to you. The volume of his groans indicating his orgasm making you tug at your restraints; helplessly squirming in the sheets. “B-Baek, please.”
“What do you want, sweetheart.” He sighs, hand resting so high on your thigh you tremble in anticipation.
“Y-Your-” You bite hard on your lip, throwing your head back when he brushes his thumb over your throbbing clit. “Your cock!” You gasp, trying your best not to melt under his touch; thighs trembling in want. “I-I want to suck your cock, p-please..”
“Hmm.” Baekhyun bites your earlobe, drawing a gasp from your throat before you sense his clothed thighs straddling your chest. The wet tip of his pressing against your bottom lip.
You lick your suddenly dry lips, tasting his precum as he slowly slides into your awaiting mouth. The weight of him on your tongue making you keen under him, choking a little when he hits the back of your throat. His quiet moan shooting heat right down to your core.
“Such a good girl.” He sighs, firmly gripping your hair; your eyes welling up with tears every time he sinks into your throat. “So tight and warm for me.”
You moan, curling your tongue around his tip when he pulls out to let you catch your breath. The way his hold tightens in your hair has you gulping down his precum, preparing for what comes next.
Baekhyun quickly slides his cock down your throat with ease, groaning as your nose hits his pelvis. The way he takes your breath away with every quickened thrust has you moaning along with him, swallowing around his thick girth as his grunts meet your ears, loving the sound of his cock stuffing you full.
You could keep going like this for hours. Letting him fuck your throat raw and leave your jaw aching for days. His high pitched moans and merciless thrusts leaving the biggest inferno between your trembling legs.
“Ah.” He suddenly grunts, slipping out of your mouth and pulling away before you feel the hot spurts of cum dripping on your chest and down to the messy sheets below.
“Fuck.” Baekhyun sighs, not paying your whine of disappointment any mind as he shuffles farther down your body. The soft material of his pants brushing over the back of your thighs barely a warning before he’s slipping into your weeping core. You gasp, tugging hard at your restraints. The delicious burn of his thick length making you clench hard on his cock.
“Mmm.” He moans, pushing in to the hilt. “Always so wet for me.”
You bite your lip in vain to keep quiet as he wraps his hand around your throat; his loud groans and your quiet whimpers fill the room along with the slamming of the headboard and the wet smacks of his cock ramming into your walls.
“So so greedy.” Baekhyun chuckles darkly, picking up the pace with a tight grip on your hips. You moan, but a certain, small noise reaches your ears. A distant whimper. Misplaced for the privacy of your bedroom.
“I can feel you clenching down on me.” Baekhyun pants, pulling you out of your thoughts as he angles his hips; the brute force of his thrusts slamming into your cervix in that painfully pleasant way he knows makes your back arch and toes curl. Your cunt gripping him like a vice. “Greedy girl. Fuck, your pussy was made for my cock.”
You can do nothing but arch your back, breathlessly moaning his name until you feel the tie being pulled from your face. Your blurry eyes opening as it slips down to rest around your sweaty neck, the shocking view in front of you enough to make your building orgasm stop dead in its tracks. Because there. Just beyond Baekhyun’s gloriously clothed form, is three familiar figures kneeling near the foot of the bed.
“Finally caught on, sweetheart?” Baekhyun chuckles, slowing down to grind against your clit as you choke on your words; jaw dropping at his audacity. At the display of the maids you’ve fired watching on with wide, envious eyes, or the way he is milking your g-spot, you do not know. But damn if it doesn’t make you tighten more around him..
Your eyes can’t seem to look away from the people kneeling with their hands tied behind their backs. Three sets of hungry eyes focused on the pair of you as the palace guards keep their gazes away out of respect. Your attention isn’t brought back to Baekhyun until he hisses, releasing your neck to push your thighs to your chest and tangle his hand in your hair. “Keep your eyes.” He growls, yanking your head back to stare directly into your eyes. “On me.”
You gasp loudly, clamping down on him with a nod. Doing your very best to keep up the new position despite the burn in your hamstring, the throbbing at the roots of your hair under his unforgiving grip and his punishing thrusts. The tip of his cock nailing your g-spot without fail as your thighs shake; pressing your feet to his chest for stability. The slight shift in position making you cry out in bliss.
“Hmmm is my greedy whore going to cum?” Baekhyun asks in that slight condescending tone that drives you wild. You can’t look away from his fiery filled eyes, so many emotions of love and lust swirling in the orbs that you find yourself drowning deeper in the tighter the coil builds up in your core. Gushing around him as the others in the room are brought back to your attention by the restless shuffling coming from the floor.
Baekhyun chuckles at the red coloring your cheeks. “Dirty girl.” He murmurs, brushing his lips over your ankle before holding your hips down to the bed. “You enjoy being watched. Your pussy is weeping for it.” He gives your clit a swift smack that has you arching your back with a cry of his name; shaking at the seams. A burning stare catches your eye just as he’s sliding his hand down your stomach and between your quivering thighs.
Baekhyun’s fingers rub mercilessly on your throbbing clit while you’re locked eyes with one of the men who was your previous maid; feeling a sense of courageous sexual power surge through your veins as you are finally brought over the edge. Until Baekhyun slips out the moment you clench down on him.
You're left gasping under him as your walls spasm in defeat; a broken sob ripped from your throat as he strokes himself to completion. His cum landing on top of your mound and dripping down your quivering entrance at the tail end of your ruined orgasm.
Baekhyun hums, lazily rubbing his tip over your sensitive core as he takes in the tears streaming down your cheeks; softly cupping your cheek as he waves the others away without a glance. He waits until they are gone before moving to release you, planting a kiss to both your red wrists before meeting your eyes with his now soft brown ones that you’ve come to love so much. “Next time talk to me first before dismissing anyone from work, okay?”
You look at him for a moment with a sniffle before nodding, letting him pull you into his warm arms. Your eyes narrow behind his back as he whispers sweet words in your ear..
Yeah, Baekhyun doesn’t expect to be put on probation from sex for the next two weeks..
Or the confirmed pregnancy test two weeks after that.
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lynyrdwrites · 7 years
It was @accidental-rambler‘s birthday this week.   Which means I had the perfect excuse to write Nessian smut!  Happy birthday, Kate!
He felt weary to his very bones.
              Cassian knew he should probably eat, but his appetite had been dulled by his visits to the camps, his fight to get the girls trained. All he really wanted now was his bed and her.
              The name was like a  prayer in his mind, and he found himself almost desperate for her, as he opened the door to the room they shared.  He wanted the familiar sight of her – so often, he’d come back to this room, to see her cross legged on their bed, wrapped in a heavy dressing gown, her hair tugged up into a messy mass on top of her head. Cassian knew he was the only one that ever got to see her like that; to the rest of the world, she was always carefully dressed, her hair wound into an impeccable braid around her head.
              He opened the door to the room, his weariness almost entirely replaced by eagerness, and came up short.
              There she was, but she wasn’t in that oversized dressing gown. Instead, she wore grey-blue that left her legs bare and clung to her body. The way it hugged her ass immediately drew Cassian’s gaze, and he felt a thrill of lust rise in his body.
              “You’re late,” Nesta commented. Her hair was loose – a  rare sight, even for Cassian – and she tossed it  back as she looked at him over her  shoulder, her expression  cool. She eyed him for a moment, and then turned away once more.
              She was reading, Cassian realized with amusement. And that was the one thing entirely normal in the situation.
              Quirking his head for a moment and feeling a smile curve his lips, Cassian simply watched her for several moments.  He chuckled to himself at his own foolishness, and quickly stripped off his upper fighting leathers, tossing them to the floor. He  heard Nesta huff in irritation, but she continued to read.  
              Naked to the waist, Cassian climbed  onto the bed and crawled slowly until he was  braced over her. He didn’t allow his full weight to fall on  her of course – he was far too heavy – but he did press himself flush against her.
              “You missed your opportunity for this,” Nesta told him, and he had to give her props; had he known her less, he might have thought her bored tone genuine. But Cassian had made a study of Nesta Archeron, so he heard the slight catch in her voice, the way she hesitated, just slightly, when turning the page of her book.
              “Perhaps I can convince you to  take pity on a poor man?” Cassian replied.  He brushed her hair away from her shoulder and neck, and found himself distracted by it for a moment.  There was a curl to it that fascinated Cassian for a reason he couldn’t quite understand, and on those rare occasions Nesta left it down, he loved to run it through his fingers. This occasion was no different. Nesta’s shoulders relaxed slightly at the motion, making Cassian feel smug with  the reminder that she enjoyed his petting, even if she wouldn’t admit it. Finally dropping  her hair, he turned  his attention to the skin of her neck and shoulder, left bare except for a thin strap.
              Cassian pressed a kiss to her throat, trailing his lips down to her shoulder, and back up again. One of Nesta’s hands tightened on her book, but still she continued to read – or at least pretended to.  Narrowing his eyes, Cassian let his tongue slip out to trail along her skin as well, and was rewarded with Nesta giving the slightest of jolts.
              “Hmmm,” she mused, not looking at him. “I’m still not really in the mood.”
              Cassian grinned at the back of her head, inexplicably pleased with this woman that owned so much of him.
              “Let me try a bit harder,” Cassian responded, and he pressed a kiss to the back of her neck.  He kissed his way down, and ran his hand along her side.  He froze for a moment, when his fingers felt an odd texture, and pulled back to inspect the cause.
              The side of her nightgown  had lace insets, he realized with glee.  Between the patterns, he could see her pale skin, and he stroked her again, delighted with the feel of her skin between the fine lace.
              Nesta sighed heavily again, and rolled over. Cassian pulled back just enough to let her do so, before positioning himself over her again.
              “You’re getting distracted,” she informed him, one of her hands stroking along his abs. Her eyes followed the  move avidly, a sure sign she was a little distracted herself.
              “It’s not my fault,” Cassian replied, his muscles flexing beneath  her touch. “There’s so much to be distracted by.”
              Such as the way her nightgown dipped low, leaving the curves of her breasts bare to his gaze, including a small pattern of freckles that Cassian had loved since he had first discovered them.  He found he needed to show his appreciation of  those freckles, and he pressed kisses to the skin, and lightly dragged his teeth over them.
              Nesta arched into his mouth, her hand slinging to the back of his neck.  She tugged at his hair after a moment, and Cassian allowed her to pull him up, mostly because it made him impossibly hard when she decided to take control, and he found himself more than happy to kiss her as she desired.  Never breaking their lips apart, Cassian rolled to his back, Nesta sprawled over his chest.
              “You don’t want to be on top?”  Nesta asked, pulling away, her brow furrowing.
              “I thought I’d let you do the work,” Cassian replied, his fingers digging lightly into her hips.
              Nesta frowned down at him, resting her hands on his chest.  After a moment, she reached up to brush his hair from his forehead, then cupped his face with her hand.
              “Do you want me to kill the bastards?” she asked, and Cassian let out a bark of laughter, not because he thought she  wouldn’t, but rather because he knew the  Illyrian generals were terrified of this delicate woman with the power of death in her hand, and damn if it wasn’t tempting to let her loose on them.
              “Kiss me,” he said instead, and Nesta did, pressing her lips to his in a kiss so soft that Cassian found himself utterly helpless beneath her.
              “I love you,” she murmured against his lips, and Cassian knew no one else – not even her sisters – would get to see this side of her, so very vulnerable to the emotions that raged between them.
              “Nesta,” Cassian murmured, and he pulled her into another kiss, her name a prayer each time they took a breath. “Nesta. Nesta. Nesta.”
              She dragged her nails softly down his sides, and fumbled with his pants, fighting to undo them without breaking contact between them.  She somehow managed to achieve her goal and set his cock free.  She stroked him, as she positioned herself over him. And then she sank down.
              Cassian cursed and released her hips to clutch the blankets instead. Nesta rested her hands on his chest and lifted herself, dropping again.  Cassian arched himself with her movements, and they rapidly aligned on their momentum. Cassian sat up, and Nesta clutched at his shoulders while he pressed hungry kisses along her collar bone and up her neck.  There was nothing soft in their kiss this time, when Nesta bit down on his lip – hard enough to sting, but not break skin – Cassian growled in response and thrust up a bit harder.
              “Cass…” Nesta moaned, letting her head fall back. Cassian twined his hand in her hair and rested his head on her chest, gritting his teeth to try and keep from coming before Nesta did. “Cass, come with me.”
              Nesta titled his head up, and rested her forehead against his. Their eyes met, and Cassian couldn’t look away, caught up in everything that was Nesta. He saw the moment she came, her eyes not breaking from his, but instead going hazy, and she clenched around him, making Cassian come right after her.
              They collapsed to the side, both of them breathing heavily, Cassian spooning her back and clutching her close, even as he fought for breath.
              “Today was difficult,”Nesta said, cuddling her backside against him.  Despite his exhaustion, Cassian still felt the stirrings of interest at the motion, but Cassian was used to being half-aroused around Nesta; found it almost comforting by this point. “What happened?”
              “They still refuse to give the girls the opportunity to fight,” Cassian replied. “One of them…she’s the best of all the trainees, far more talented than any of the males. And they’re punishing her for it.”
              He felt Nesta tense in anger at the girl’s plight, and he pressed a kiss to her shoulder and buried his nose in her hair.
              “I think I should visit the camps. It’s been a while.”
              It was on the tip of Cassian’s tongue to refuse her, but then he reconsidered.  The Generals truly feared Nesta, and though Cassian’s instinct was to protect, he knew she was more than capable of taking care of  herself. He was fighting for the right for women  to fight… how could he deny that same right to Nesta?
              “If you convince them you’ve cursed them, I’ll buy you all the books you want.”
              “You buy me all the books I want anyway,” Nesta replied, and he could hear amusement in her voice. “Besides, I don’t need to be bribed for this. I like terrifying the Illyrian Generals.”
              She did, taking a sort of childish glee in it that never ceased to amuse  Cassian. Just thinking of it had him grinning and nuzzling her neck fondly.
              “I love you, Nesta Archeron,” he said, echoing her earlier confession.
              In response, she tugged him in for another kiss.
              And suddenly, he was far more than just half aroused.      
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