#not to beat a dead horse but my GOD that was bad
macadam · 2 years
Hey, Eugenesis anon here. Sorry I talked to you that way, and the comments are right, I don't even know what I'm doing. Sorry for the ask, feel free to erase it if you want.
Oh anon, no, you’re fine. I didn’t read it as rude at all. I think,, eugenisis has been a topic that’s been beaten out of the fandom recently because it’s been revisited a lot—over the past 3 months especially.
People cycle through information, y’know? Eugenisis is, for the moment, out (lol). But I am not one to get annoyed at someone bringing about a repetitive topic. It’d be very hypocritical of me, I think. That’s what newer fans do—and I consider myself a new fan still. We don’t know what’s been talked about a thousand times or not, y’know? I certainly haven’t been here for long enough to grow tired of much.
Important note though; people tend to jump to correct things on my blog because they find it fun, and I respond well to it. But I wouldn’t read it as something done maliciously. We’re just comic nerds, is all.
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rubyisms · 6 months
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germx · 1 year
if my sister looks at me, her transsexual brother, and says shes technically trans because she "doesn't understand gender" one more time im going to commit a crime against her
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overseer-picard · 5 months
I know we beat the "seasons are only 10 episodes now and it sucks" dead horse on the daily but another thing we lost when we stopped making the 24 episode 1 hour drama was the freedom to be narratively risky.
Star Trek, The X Files, and Doctor Who are great examples of this since they had the sandbox of Sci-Fi to play with. There are so many amazing, mind bending, soul stretching episodes that were teetering on the edge of flop or flying and through bold writing they didn't just fly but catapulted into the stratosphere of iconic. These episodes changed expectations and genre boundaries of what Sci-Fi could be for years to come.
We don't get episodes like this anymore because these new shows cannot afford the risk of a flop. The weekly episodic story structure that was once the foundation of television has been abandoned by Hollywood. The beautiful thing about this "simplistic" structure is that it provides a narrative safety net. You can take a risk and afford the miss because you can have a clean slate next week. You can't do that with continual narrative structures where only one story is being told over ten episodes (note to add: both structures are valuable, but total abandonment of one in favor of the other is detrimental).
These production companies gleefully hold the metaphorical gun of cancellation to the writer's heads and this actively ensures that stories are as safe as possible. This is creatively devastating, and ironically, guarantees catastrophic failure of shows. Safety is a bland cage.
Of course, the production think-tanks can't possibly take responsibility for their suffocating creative control so they blame the audiences for *checks notes* being on their phones too much, not subscribing enough, paying too little for ads, being too vocal online, not being vocal enough, being too demanding, being too liberal, being too conservative, whatever it takes to say "these failures are not our fault, you're just bad audiences".
Now, there are the episodes that did flop, but they flopped so spectacularly that we have entire days celebrating them decades later. These episodes took massive risks and instead of trying to back away from that creative intensity, these writers-of-old stepped up to bat, acknowledged they probably didn't have the screen-time to truly flesh out these concepts but by God they were going to try, and then hit so hard they shattered the bat. Sure they lost the game, but wow, what a thing to witness.
When I invariably get asked what my least favorite episodes of Star Trek are, I can't even remember because a "bad" episode to me is one that's simply forgettable.
There is no greater crime in the realm of artistic creation than being aesthetically beige and mind numbingly forgettable and yet for the past 15 years 8 out of 10 productions seem to be repeat offenders of exactly this.
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stardew-shitposterino · 11 months
Stardew Valley Bachelors and how they deal with their secret crush on the farmer
BEHOOOOLD! I’m kind of back but I’m not because I have a job and feel tired most of the time. I still need to get used to adult life. Anyway, here are the bachelors and how they deal with having a fat crush on you, you cutesy farmer person covered in filth!
Contents might be a bit NSFW so MINORS…you know what not to do *fights them off with a stick*
Enjoy my brainrot 🍓🥰
-Sammy is a cute little guy, almost like a dog wagging it’s tail when they see their owner.
-he is SO BAD at hiding it
-he will dream about you two jamming on a big stage together. In his ideal world, you two are a successful duo who make noise rock (kind of like the white stripes minus the weird siblings or married controversy)
-Sam will write songs about you. It’s not intentional per say, and he thinks he really sucks at writing love songs, but it just happens whenever he has to think about you. The words just start flowing.
-he might or might not have had some steamy shower fantasies about you…while in the shower. Jodie keeps complaining about the water bill being unusually high 👀
-yet, Sam is usually not too horny when he is in love with you. He is more gushy and daydreamy than anything
-homeboy works with nightcore versions of love songs to cope with his longing
-he isn’t the type to show his feelings so openly, so no one really notices his crush on you. Maybe Sam, but well, he is Seb’s best bud. Of course he can tell
-He notices how his sleep has improved since having a crush on you. He willingly goes to bed earlier to have some time to imagine scenarios of you two
-just you and him together on his cool ass motorcycle, driving into the night and ending it with a passionate kiss (sounds familiar?)
-well,,, let’s just say Seb is increasingly horny since having a crush on you. Before, he was almost certain he is some sort of asexual, but nope 😃 he’s healthy and extremely down bad for the filthy farmer who eats raw fish out of the pond 🥰
-what I mean by horny? Uhhh… he didn’t really need to rely on certain websites to satisfy his needs, that’s for sure 👀
-Harvey is a good man. A very good man
-god bless his soul 😫
-Harv isn’t the type to have crushes easily…I can’t believe it either, considering his crush on Maru who is way younger than him 💀
-but in my head, he isn’t the type to be all lovey dovey over someone. That’s why he’s so bad at hiding it. But you don’t really notice. You just suspect it but it could also be his usual anxiety lol
-it happened anyway😎 and he doesn’t know how to cope. At all.
-he has to think about you at all times, especially when he looks at the empty jars of delicious pickles you’ve made him
-This man is usually collected, but now?! He forgets everything, can’t even form a comprehensible sentence at times when his mind is busy thinking about a romantic picknick date with a lovely farmer
-Harvey’s libido is pretty much a dead beat horse 💀 but now he even feels the desire to do some nasty nasty at times. It’s still pretty tame, he’s a gentleman through and through, but wild for him to have those feelings and longings after what feels like decades. He’s not mad at it. He has felt low-key dead inside for so long so this is very exciting and he’s eager to explore this side of him…despite being anxious 😭
-bet your ass he’s the prince of crushes
-he is very dedicated and welcomes those refreshing feelings with a kiss
-feeling better than usual AND having inspiration to write ?! SIGN HIM UP
-he will use every chance he can get to talk to you, maybe even get you drunk (in a non creepy way) because he likes when you’re unapologetically authentic and let loose. It makes him feel more in touch with your soul (or some shit idk I’m not a poet)
-Elliott is NOT SUBTLE
-you practically know from the start that he has the hots for you, but it’s kinda funny seeing him try to pretend it’s not that way…if you can even call that pretending not to be 😭
- his passion doesn’t end at his artistry. This guy will spend a lot of time in his shower thinking about what could be, or sitting at the docks at night just staring at the sea (he’s NOT doing anything nasty in public, peeps. Don’t get it twisted)
-I can also see him recreate a romantic bedroom date he’d love to have with you…but it’s just him 🤷🏼‍♀️ self care king 👑
-like Harvey: HE CANNOT COPE!
-he hasn’t felt like this since high school. Every other encounter with potential partners was surface level and only based on sexual satisfaction
-so caring about you, thinking about what makes you happy and how he could be the reason you smile every day, that’s a lot for him
-as stupid as it sounds, he spirals and becomes low-key miserable over it. Give this man a 101 lesson on how to process emotions 😭
-despite the constant anxiety he feels, he low-key enjoys it. It’s kind of hopeless as well as pointless in his honest opinion, but there is this believe, that 0.00001% chance (in his mind) that he could turn his life around and be happy with you, married and maybe have a child of his own one day
-but that’s wishful thinking, riiiiiiight? So what does a self loathing piece of alcoholic man do instead of making a move? Yeah, self pleasure even more than usual, to get at least a bit of serotonin and the willpower to get his shit together, at least for you if it isn’t for him. He’s pretty rough with it too (ouch, unless you’re into that)
-sorry bros but him having a crush is not really all that cute. He’s my cutie pie, but let’s be real: him dealing with those feelings he tried to shut off for so long will be tragic in a way. He’s battling his inner demons here. So yeah… :(
-my man, my maaaaan 🥰
-he has earned a soft spot in my heart, bless his soul
-so Alex has a crush on you from the start, it’s basically canon
-can he show his feelings? Yes! Can he do that in a way that can be read as the feelings he tries to get across to you? NO!
-low-key bullying is his love language 🥰
-at least in the beginning. He’s a bit anxious and fears he isn’t good enough for you, so he doesn’t try to be authentic. Being the jock jerk everyone expects him to be gets a reaction out of you and that’s better than nothing, right?
-he’s neither the poetic nor the intellectual type, so he doesn’t process his emotions by writing them down or putting them into words. Just imagine him going about his work-out routine, just thinking about your beautiful smile and rocking bod while sweating like a hog
-Alex and quiet ? Yes that’s possible. I imagine him to go quieter than usual since having a crush on you. He processes everything internally and that takes a lot of time for him as he usually just shrugs off his emotions and doesn’t try to brood too much on them. But now?! He can’t but blush in silence as he just imagines how soft and small your hands must be next to his (yours are way more impressive than his and calloused to the gods, but let him have this moment)
-when it comes to being nasty…Alex is a serial romantic. We know that he probably was the lady’s man back in school so he probably got some action one way or another. In other words, man has the libido of a teen that just hit puberty 💀
-despite being quite horny, he was able to manage to just do it every other day. Now, he cannot even get out of bed in the morning before doing it as you pester his dreams and make his hormones go crazy first thing in the morning…so many nice boxer shorts were lost along the way 🫡
-he also did his own laundry for the first time during that period lmfao
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the-record · 6 months
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SUMMARY: a ghost from your past finds herself back home
PAIRING: nell jackson x reader
WARNINGS: some show spoilers!!!
A/N: if you haven’t watched renegade nell, please go watch it now its literally fantastic and i havent stopped thinking about it since
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word tends to spread fast in tottenham.
“sam trotter’s girl? back from the dead?” the ladies gossip wasn’t exactly quiet, though they tried. “how’s that bloody possible?”
you couldn’t help but listen in, not your fault they couldn’t whisper. “sorry,” you interrupted, “did you say sam trotter’s girl?” 
they nodded. “back from the dead she is.” you tuned them out as their words clicked. 
half a gasp before you ran off, leaving the ladies in shock. you shoved past people, yelling out ‘sorry’s as you went. it had been quite some time since you went to the tavern, not since nelly left you all, but you knew the path like the back of your hand.
the door slammed as you looked around, finding only george amongst the customers. a silent question in your eyes as you stared. 
"she's in the back with pa."
you nodded and ran off, george smiling as you whipped past her. 
time stopped when you saw her, you thought your heart might just burst. 
"nell?" voice just above a whisper but she heard you. you threw yourself at her when she smiled. her breath caught as she caught you, winding her arms around your waist and pulling tight. you pulled back and slapped her arm. "you're s'posed to be dead."
she faked a hurt gasp but pulled you back in. “can’t believe youre still ‘ere. thought you might’ve married some rich fella and ran off.” she teased. your eyes found her lip, split and dry. you followed it down, taking in her clothes.
“and what are these?” you gestured to her pants. “not very ladylike.” 
nell huffed a laugh, “d’you think?” her hands ran up and down your arms. “i’ve missed ya.”
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she hissed as you dabbed at her lip with a damp towel, but you just smiled and hushed her. “you always were a baby.” nell rolled her eyes but sat still again. “so what have you been doin’ all these years, hm?” 
“beating up highwaymen.” she laughed but your face was serious. “busy playing wife and nurse for captain jackson,” she played with the ring on her left hand.
“can’t believe you married before me.” you forced a small smile. “sorry by the way, ‘bout him.” 
nell shook her head. “don’t be.” she took your wrist in her hand, stopping your gentle ministrations. “thought about you everyday.” you shook your head and sighed, looking away, but nell insisted. “i did, truly.”
her eyes searched your face and stopped on your lips. “nell…” when you turned back she was already staring. “we can’t.” you whispered. her sisters were right next door for god’s sake.
“oh c’mon, for old times sake. for me.” she stared deeply. “hm?” 
god, she could be so convincing.
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“just like that, huh?” you yelled as you stomped up to nell. roxy and sam backed up, giving the two of you space. “no goodbye again?” she stared at her boots and shook her head “and what’s this i hear about you roughing up thomas blancheford? you can’t afford to do that.”
you stood in-front of her with your arms crossed across your chest. “i’m just fine.” she continued fixing the saddle on her horse. “and i did say goodbye last time.”
“yes, a goodbye see you tomorrow if i remember right.” you huffed a laugh. “was gonna say i can’t believe this, but i guess i can huh?” you stepped close, toe to toe. “just like you to up and leave. never cared much for anyone else’s feelings, did ya?”
you knew it hurt her, but she hurt you first. when she laughed you wanted to slap her, teach her right then. “are you kidding me nell? you serious?”
“didn’t even give me the chance to ask you to come with.” 
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8r14r-r0s3 · 5 months
Dya ever wonder why Ophelia is a candle? Too fuckin bad, I’m about to tell you: it’s cause I think Kyoko is partially inspired by the little match girl.
Now I hear you dear reader, “what the fuck is the little match girl” and firstly I must say you are privileged to not have had your heart gutted from you watching the short film, however I am happy to summarize.
An impoverished little girl is huddled in an alley in the dead of winter with nothing but a box of matches she has failed to sell. She doesn’t go home, though wether she is orphaned or her father will beat her for failing to sell her matches varies based off the iteration. Never the less, cold and starving, she lights one of her matches and sees a beautiful feast and is warmed by the flame. Though swiftly the wind blows it out. So this continues, as one by one, she lights a match, sees a comforting vision, and the match is snuffed away. She then dies in the alley way.
Does that not sound like the story of Kyoko Sakura? An impoverished girl goes out to help her father, though what she does fails at pleasing him and thus can’t return to him lest she be harmed. So instead she indulges in fantasy after fantasy: living as a hero, living for her and her alone, and saving Sayaka Miki. One by one the flames are snuffed until she is left with nothing but the hope of a pleasant dream as she dies.
Also in terms of her powers, it’s notable that she had the abilities to create illusions, much like what the girl saw in the flames.
Doing a little more examination of Ophelia’s design, it’s noteworthy that she rides on a horse, as horse meat in Japanese is “Sakura.” Her riding on it could imply that she sees either her past life or her family as just a vessel that got her where she is, or perhaps that she thought she was destined to fail; just a lamb to the slaughter.
God for being my least favorite of the holy quintet, Kyoko is so fucking cool. Maybe meguca is just good actually and none of its characters are ba- oh right Kyubey, fuck Kyubey.
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scarletlizzard · 7 months
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So apparently I hit 500 followers? Thank you to everyone who follows and has interacted with my fics!! 🥳
I thought this would be fun to celebrate? I have a list of random dialogue that y'all could pick from to send me. Ranges from everywhere to fluff, angst, NSFW, etc. And I'll write a little short something for it!
Feel free to pick a number or few to send or you could be specific with who you want or a specific trope or plot. Anything!
Thank y'all so much, made my whole day 💕
104 Dialogue Prompts
1. "Admit it... you're in love with me."
2. "We could get arrested for this."
3. "I thought you were dead."
4. "I've missed this."
5. "You could've died."
6. "Who did this to you?"
7. "I know, I know, I'm sorry... it'll be over soon, I promise."
8. "Come back to bed."
9. "How long has it been since you slept?"
10. "Tell me where you are, I'll come get you."
11. "I still love you."
12. "Such a good girl."
13. "Open your mouth for me, baby."
14. "We have to make this quick."
15. "Beg for it."
16. "Mommy?"
17. "You're in love with them. Aren't you?"
18. "It was you? This whole time?"
19. "You know, just cause you're older don't think for one second I'm not in charge."
20. "Smile at me like that again, I'll fall in love with you."
21. "... is that a trick question?"
22. "Don't just stand there, say something."
23. "Say that again, I dare you."
24. "Fuck you." "Right now?"
25. "I'm joking! Unless..."
26. "You take me so well."
27. "What do you mean I'm dead? I'm standing right here."
28. "Please, I'm begging you. Just hear me out."
29. "Oh fuck... I'm in love with (x)." "You're just now realizing that?"
30. "What if you didn't go? What if you stayed?"
31. "You like it rough, don't you, slut?"
32. "Flowers?"
33. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."
34. "Fuck, marry, kill..."
35. "Truth or dare?"
36. "Since when did you ever care about me?"
37. "You think I wanted this to happen? You think I wanted to fall in love with you?"
38. "May I have this dance?"
39. "I know I'm the last person you want to see, but..."
40. "I'm done! I am done waiting for you."
41. "It's okay, you're okay, I'm here. I've got you."
42. "Touch her again and see what happens."
43. "Is that a hickey?"
44. "I'm fine, it's just a bruise..."
45. "I'm going to fucking kill them."
46. "Are you sure about this?"
47. "Why are you all sweaty?"
48. "You left! You left and you didn't even think to look back. What was I supposed to do?"
49. "Well... this is awkward."
50. "You know I've been flirting with you this whole time right?"
51. "They'll never love you the way I did."
52. "If you're trying to make me jealous, it's working."
53. "Wanna bet?"
54. "Just say that you want me and I'm yours."
55. "I'm going to ruin you for anyone else."
56. "Wait you've never kissed a girl?"
57. "Where did all this attitude come from, princess?"
58. "Take my hand."
59. "Can I have your number?"
60. "You're an idiot." "Well yes, you'll have to be more specific."
61. "Quick! Pretend to be my girlfriend?"
62. "Run away with me."
63. "Are you going to be a good girl for mommy?"
64. "That collar looks so good on your pretty neck."
65. "Too bad, you're going to take every last fucking inch of me."
66. "Do you ever think before speaking?"
67. "Count them for me."
68. "You snore."
69. "Let's try that position." (I know, I know)
70. "Bullshit! You're telling me you just don't blush?" "Nope, never."
71. "Just tell her how you feel." "I'd rather get shot again."
72. "Oh my god are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, I've been stabbed before."
73. "Daddy?"
74. "Can't we go back to how things used to be?"
75. "Save a horse ride a cowgirl, amiright?"
76. "I like you. A lot."
77. "Is that the best you can do?"
78. "I'll consider kissing you if you can beat me."
79. "Please, pull the trigger."
80. "I'm not drunk enough for this."
81. "You can't run away from this forever."
82. "I know you're having nightmares again."
83. "Would you like me to whisper it in your ear?"
84. "Stop looking at me like that."
85. "Somebody's cranky." "Somebody needs to shut the fuck up."
86. "Get on your knees."
87. "How stupid do you think I am? Don't answer that."
88. "I can't sleep."
89. "Just relax, let me make you feel good."
90. "Close the door."
91. "Was that supposed to hurt?"
92. "I've wanted this for so long."
93. "You can do better than that. Beg for it."
94. "Controlling? Oh I'll show you controlling."
95. "You drive me fucking crazy!"
96. "Nobody needs to know."
97. "Take another step and you'll be dead before you open your fucking mouth again."
98. "Do they always look like that?" "Just when (x) is around."
99. "I made you a playlist."
100. "I know you said you would die for me but I didn't think you meant that literally!"
101. "Is that... blood?" "Huh? Oh yeah! Oh I'm fine it's not mine."
102. "Why are you always looking at me like that?" "Like what?"
103. "Hero? Please. You heroes have to win every time. But being the villain? I only have to win once."
104. "You've changed." "You haven't."
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nico-drawings · 29 days
You know, you start seeing a lot of reels and posts and shorts about a series and so you start to watch it. And you see how a lot of people like one character and it is really common to see this: men relating a lot to a male character that is badass and kicks ass and them looking up to him and wanting to be like him. And 90% of the time that character is a fucking piece of shit.
Well nothing could have preprared me for the gigantic asshole that is Daemon Targaryen. It is honestly impressive how many good things I have seen said about him AND HOW MUCH OF A HORRIBLE PERSON HE IS. OH MY GOD. I have heard so much stuff about how much Daemon is a great warrior and how much he loves his brother Viserys and how much he DOESN'T want the throne. And. No. For fuck's sake no. How can people look up to this absolute garbage of a man. I can make a LONG list of the awful things Daemon has done to people.
Season 1:
Episode 1:
- Sitting on Viserys' throne (not that bad, but it shows how much he respects his brother's title)
- Called his wife both ugly AND a bitch (sexist piece of shit)
- Made fun of the death of Otto's wife (Otto is a bastard that deserves it, but he's still an asshole to make fun of someone's mourning)
- Making Otto's knight trip after asking for Alicent's blessing just to humiliate the Hightowers even more (doing so by making the horse trip, fighting dirty is a dick move)
- Made a toast celebrating the death of Viserys' death, even calling him "Heir for a day" to mock him
Episode 2:
- Stole the egg of Viserys' dead son, basically spitting on his death again
Episode 3:
- Beat the shit out of a messanger because the little brat couldn't accept the fact that he was sucking so much at a war that his big brother had to send him reinforcements (yeah he won before they arrived, doesn't change the fact that it was quite literally a reaction at the level of a tantrum)
Episode 4:
- Called his wife a bitch AGAIN and joked about her being probably infertile due to being harsh and stuff like that
- Bringing his teen niece to a brothel, grooming her and having sex with her (hey, it does not matter if morality is different in Westeros and Rhaenera is technically an adult, THAT'S HIS NIECE THAT IS HALF HIS AGE. THERE'S A POWER INBALANCE HERE. AND NO, BECAUSE OTHER CHARACTERS DO IT, IT DOESN'T MAKE IT BETTER. VISERYS CAN GO DIE IN A DITCH AS WELL FOR HIS RELANTIONSHIP WITH ALICENT FOR ALL I CARE)
- Boosting about fucking his niece to her FATHER and then proposing a marriage with her, acting like she's a prize for his success in battle
Episode 5:
- Killing his wife (of course she wasn't manipulable so she had to die)
- Mocking the cousin of his wife about having her inheritance
- Almost started to make out with Rhaenyra in front of everyone at the banquet before her marriage
Episode 6:
Wow, actually nothing in this one. They even kept him from making the same choice Viserys made with Aemma.
Episode 7:
- Fucking his niece again, he just doesn't learn I see. Oh yeah and he marries her. I'm sure they won't be toxic.
Episode 8:
Wow nothing again. Unbelievable, I am surprised. Did his two wives help him become a decent person? It has been like more than 10 years between the start of episode 6 and the end of episode 8 so it could be.
Episode 9:
Nothing again, but he wasn't in it so.
Episode 10:
- HERE HE COMES BACK WITH THE STEELCHAIR! Calling Alicent a whore and telling Rhaenys what she should have done.
- Ignoring his wife screaming for him, what a great husband (god that birthing scene, why jesus christ)
- Basically commanding Rhaenyra's council of war like it's his, just like the conversation with Otto. This doesn't make him an asshole per se, but it is a great showing of not being able to read the room. If the entire conflict hinges upon the fact that her legitimacy is being discussed you shouldn't really talk like YOU are the boss instead of HER.
- Basically saying that Vyseris and Rhaenyra aren't good leaders in front of EVERYONE. This man is not smart. At ALL.
- Chocking Rhaenyra and saying Vyseris' reign was useless. He is pathetic beyond belief.
Season 2:
- Wow less than 5 minutes into season 2 and he's already kicking. Giving Rhaenis orders, undermining Rhaenyra's authority and basically telling Rhaenis that Luke's death is her fault.
- Treating both Mysaria and Erryk like shit.
- Not trying to be there for Rhaenyra for Luke's death not even for a second, not one word, nothing. I understand, Rhaenyra's pain doesn't help in a war, but the war in question hasn't been going on for not even a MONTH. And with the naval blockade and the loyalty of some of the clans they already struck back. You CAN hug your wife for 5 seconds due to the death of her son, you won't lose the war if you do.
- I know some people try to defend him by saying stuff like "Oh he just ordered to kill Aemond". Why would they kill the kid then. I'm not joking, why the kid ESPECIALLY? Do people really think a random rat killer would be smart enough to kill the prince because he, one day, would get on the throne? Why would he even care? Even the guard loyal to Daemon wouldn't care about that. Hell, Haelena would be more straightforward and reasonable for a random person, since she's an adult and she saw them. But no, the MALE child specifically to destroy the bloodline. Come on, Daemon ordered it, "a son for a son", he doesn't care if it's a child. And even if he didn't, and it's a huge if, it just shows how little in control he is. He is not able to do anything right.
Episode 2:
- Throws a tantrum, lashing out to Rhaenyra, insults Vyseris in front of her and basically tells her "You're only on the throne so that I wouldn't, you don't deserve it".
Episode 3:
- Taking an offense in being called "Prince" instead of "King". You are not the king boy, pipe down. The crown isn't yours. Ego piercing the clouds, seriously.
Episode 4:
- I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because he was tripping balls, but seriously? Killing young Rhaenyra? Yeah that's not a good look.
- He told a teen to kill his grandfather, and then said to his face that his family is shit.
- So you DO know that that Psycho of Aemond is basically you but 30 years younger.
Episode 5:
- "Daemon never wanted the crown!" His literal subconscious in the form of his mother (that he was fucking) told him he deserved it more than his brother. What else do you need?
- He scoofs anytime he is remembered that the crown isn't his.
- "The true heir of Viserys" he calls himself, he seems SO loyal to Rhaenyra (that's sarcasm)
Episode 6:
- The allucination with the Viserys conversation due to the "heir for a day" comment made me realize that he never apologized for it. Not once.
Episode 7:
Surprisingly nothing, I mean yeah he killed the Lord of the rivers with Alyn's help, but the man was to going to die anyway so. I don't know if it counts.
Episode 8:
Nothing again, not denying the treason proposal was fishy but at the end he bent the knee so all good.
Now that season 2 has ended and season 3 won't come out for a year or more, the list by episodes is over. I will use this to elaborate my thoughts.
Watching Daemon Targaryen in the series and seeing his reception by the fandom made me realize how the "media literacy is dead" is yes wrong but is also very justifiable as an opinion. Because the Daemon situation is really the last installment of this behaviour, especially from men: Walter White, the guy from American Psycho, hell even Ken from the Barbie movie. How much can these characters been latched onto, been seen as incredible and as a goal, while their entire purpose in the story is to have a giant glowing sign that reads "this is a bad person and this how they fit into our messed up society" or maybe they are part of a story and they are not there to be an omen, but they are very openly written to be bad people. Daemon falls into the second category. He has a very distinct role in the series and that's to be the ambigous guy with a giant ego, always understimating everyone around him, while constantly being punished for such way of thinking and arriving, at the end, at finding purpose in being under someone and serving them. Daemon is constantly dismissive towards other people: he thinks he's beneath everyone and everything. That he can do and say anything he likes. And he gets fucked every single time for it. He thought he could insult Vyseris' child, he got sent away. He thought he could steal his egg, he had soldiers and a dragon at his doorstep to take it back. He thought he could start a war at sea and win easily and he had to use Laenor's tactic to win or use Vyseris' troops, otherwise he would have lost horribly. He thought he could have his way with Rhaenyra, he was banished for it. He thought he could command his second wife, ignore her desires and choose for her, she made her own dragon burn her alive in order to make a choice for herself. He thought he could take revenge for Rhaenyra and hurt the greens, he not only gave an order so shallow that it could have been misinterpreted but Rhaenyra was disgusted by it and it ruined her reputation throught the seven kingdoms. He thought he could make the Blackwoods kill their rivals without a problem, if the young Tally hadn't grew balls the size of Caraxes the entirety of the River people wouldn't have followed him even if the dragon was about to burn them all alive.
THAT is who Daemon is: an incompetent, egomaniac that is constantly needed to be reminded that he ain't shit.
And yet so many people think he's the most badass character in the show. They think he's a loving brother, a great husband, a genius when it comes to war and a great warrior. All of those things, Daemon Targaryen is not.
And if you enjoy him as a character, well I only have one thing to say to you: that's fine. Because Daemon is written BEAUTIFULLY. He is coherent to a fault.
You can see that he loves Vyseris, but he's a psycho that has never respected him so he constantly hurts him because he's a piece of shit.
He doesn't respect Rhaenyra because to him she's always gonna be a child because Daemon is a groomer. She is also not fit to be queen because she's like Vyseris, someone that Daemon never thought to be a good king, and he wasn't entirely wrong. Because, mind you, if Vyseris had a backbone, Daemon would have lost his head. He got too many chances.
Daemon will always envy Rhaenyra because in a way he was always seeking Vyseris' attention, he always wanted to be praised by him, but he always wanted to be praised for being HIMSELF, hence why he never tried to act as Vyseris would have liked. He wanted Vyseris to like Daemon, not the Daemon that acted like Vyseris would have wanted.
Daemon could never be in a good relantionship because he can't respect anyone else outside of himself. His first wife was his equal. In no way that woman would have bent to his will. His second wife was more accomodating, but she had pride in herself and at the end choose for herself. And Rhaenyra? She's supposed to be BENEATH him, he could never accept that.
Daemon can never shut his mouth because to him, being himself is more important than reason. My brother is mad at me for maybe having fucked his daughter? Well I'll double down, I have every right to get her- oh he banished me. The entirery of the conflict revolves around my wife's claim being questioned? Well I want to fight this war in this way, so I'll give orders, go to Harrenal to build an army and win by myself- oh one of her council members has come here to ask me to betray her and lead the war because he doesn't believe she's good enough to lead.
You can almost always predict Daemon before he speaks or acts, that's how well he was written. And it is also very EASY to see how he was written. Seriously, his actions are up there, they have been documented episode by episode, if you still don't see it I don't know what to tell you. Anyone that has seen him throw a fit for not being called King is seriously still trying to say that he didn't want the crown? HIS FIRST SCENE IN THE ENTIRE SERIES WAS HIM ON THE IRON THRONE.
ONLY. And I repeat, ONLY in the last episode Daemon has let go. Only then. Because he finally realized, due to the visions: "Okay I need to get my shit together, this is bigger than me" and it took a vision of quite literally zombies killing a dragon and marching towards the world of the living to make Daemon Targaryen lower his head.
I repeat: this is not a post about Daemon being a shitty character and me saying that his fans are dumb. It is, however, a post about how men have, once again, latched onto a toxic and objectively bad male character in a show and ignored 90% of how he was written in order to have a cool character to kin. It is also about people not being able to. Understand writing because saying "Daemon never wanted the crown" is like saying "Aegon always wanted the crown" and I think we all know he never wanted it.
Also also, this post, about making a list of all the bad things a character has done, can be done about a lot of other characters, I am aware. But no other character in this show has been read as wrongly and has been lifted so high as Daemon has.
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sophieabigail2021 · 3 months
I am in a good mood so let's salt on this interview because why not
"Sébastien explains that they always plan the scenarios well in advance. For example, what happens in season 6 was already planned when season 3 was written. They've already written two pages of ideas for the Season 7 finale."
Considering these are the same people that admitted that the whole "Adrien doesn't confront his dad or know anything about his villain persona" was planned since the beginning of the goddamn show..........yeah expect the worst from them
"Thomas says they have ideas to go to a season 12 but it will all depend on the success of the series."
And then decades later when season 68 is in the work they will be like "Oh well we really need 40 more seasons to expand our ideas because they're just so many"
"Miraculous will never evolve into an adult series, it will remain a children's series. But they will always try to satisfy the fans who have been following the series for years."
Oh yes the same fans that Thomas complained for years about how they don't get his "amazing" and "masterpiece" of a show and kids understand it better (Sure Jan) to the point of having an episode about that, which wow really meta of you Asstruck /s
"Sébastian teased us that there will be a song in season 6"
If Cristina Vee isn't the one singing it y'all will hear from my lawyers
"Thomas sincerely believes that season 6 is better than season 5, which was off to a bad start because he wondered how they were going to do better than season 5."
"Buckle up because Season 3 is going to be better than Season 2" and then Season 3 turns out to be underwhelming
"Be excited for Season 4 because it will be more amazing than Season 3" and then Season 4 turns out to be a giant waste of time and potentials
"Y'all taught Season 4 was amazing, well prepare yourself for Season 5 because it's going to be a rollercoaster of emotions" and then Season 5 turns out to be the most painfully unwatchable season of a show known to man
Stuff like this doesn't make me hyped for the upcoming season, it's instead making me scared for what bullshit these writers are going to do next
Also it will be really funny and embarrassing for the writers if Season 6 turns to be worst than Season 5
"As season 6 begins a new arc, they consider it a season 1."
So more pointless and boring filler episodes got it 👍
"Sebastien says we'll appreciate season 6 even more when season 7 comes out."
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Stop just........STOP!!!!
"Thomas hints that he didn't write the Shadybug and Claw noir universe to exploit it in a single special. But he remains very vague."
Bet you 10$ they will only show up in the Season 6 finally just like Lady dragon and the American heroes
"Thomas explains that there are many details in previous seasons that fans didn't understand, but which will make sense in later seasons."
Making sense has never been this show's strongest suit so why even bother
"There's a reason why Lila is a mythomaniac, and they'll tell it one day in the series. Thomas even says they've already told it in the series, but we haven't figured it out yet."
You mean her being born evil yeah we already knew that
"Thomas says that Chloe will remain an important character in the coming seasons, as she has always been in the series."
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BITCH WHERE???!!!, Chloe is the biggest waste of time so what even is the point in bringing her back?????, Thomas we all know you have a deep hatred for this girl but for the love of god stop, you're just beating a dead horse that has already been dead for years just let this shit go
"They will soon be meeting to decide whether Miraculous will be made into a live-action series or not. It will be different from the series. Thomas mentions kwamis in particular, which are complicated to integrate into live action. Thomas has already written the concept. For the series to see the light of day, it will mainly be a question of budget."
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OH GOD NO, I will be nice to you Hawkdaddy just please don't make a Miraculous live action series
Also raise your hand if you think Thomas made that decision to rival Zag's Miraculous Awakening movie ✋✋✋
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neopuppy · 1 month
i think this is a fun question i like to think about in regards to a lot of the members, like obviously all of them play into the parasocial kpop boyfriend bit to varying degrees but i feel like with some of them you actually see a lot of their real personalities, like imo mark, taeyong and ten. they’re obviously guarded about their personal lives but i feel like i’ve got a good grasp of their personalities still.
imo jeno is the other sort i can’t really place, just like jaehyun, taeil and winwin. they seem a lot more intentional with what they put out there about themselves and i feel like they have a good grasp of their separation between their personal and idol lives. any of them could be up to anything in their personal time and i probably wouldn’t guess it lol. i’ll say as far as jeno goes i think he’s probably a lot more normal and boring than we’d think. probably on his computer a whole lot and games lmfao
one person that keeps surprising me is renjun! imo he’s always felt mysterious, guarded and introverted but so many times i’ve watched nct dream content and been surprised by how (seemingly) real he can get.
I’m actually really pleased by the normal messages I am getting abt this so I’m glad I asked bc sometimes I feel so out of place within the kpop realm like god damn these fans are fucking weird…..(says the fanfic writer).
I definitely think people are missing the parasocial aspect here which is what kpop tries to sell and feed off of to make their pockets fat. I was saying bc even parasocially I do not feel like…..crazy about *who* Jeno is at all. he really is just some guy to me.
BUT THAT IS WHERE WHAT YOU MENTIONED COMES INTO PLAY HERE AS WELL!!!! bc I have always judged my friends for trying to tell me what their bias is ‘like’…..and they bias Taeyong/Mark😅😭 half of me rolls my eyes but half of me is like *shrug* well he did say that…
there’s this one crazy Mark stan I seen quoting bible verses on her posts abt him and this is like a prime example of thinking you *know* this man just bc you stalk him and half had 18482@929292 fan calls/signings/concerts etc. to me that was beyond weird but that’s also how I feel often abt most idols fans I’m like ????? K even if Mark shares information abt his religious beliefs we don’t *know* him. and to be quoting bible verses on ur pics of ur fucking kpop dolls is crazyyyyy. anyway that was judgemental /intentionally/.
sometimes I feel bad for those idols who do give us a glimpse of who they really are like Chenle with basketball/Stephen Curry thing, or Jisung and his love for NASA/space etc, bc fans turn that into *their* obsession and beat it like a dead horse as if thats the way to their biases heart. DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN????😅
I’m actually really happy Jeno is not like that. like yes I’m curious about who he is as a person but also I don’t know him so why does it matter…. I fell in love with watching on perform on stage and that is still why I love and enjoy his existence.
I think Renjun is one of my fav idols ever bc it’s too rare to see any of them stand up for themselves(and they should bc clearly their useless companies will not). I want what’s best for him always, but I hope he knows many of us truly love and appreciate him for his talent and could give a fuck abt anything else.
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cosmicarchivist692 · 4 months
Radiorose Week Day 5: Care and Healing
Rosie was on the edge of her seat.
She had the TV on for visual, but had her radio on so she could hear everything that was happening quicker.
Al was battling Adam, the first human.
And he was winning.
Rosie heard Al mock Adam who responded with, "Radio's fucking dead!" and at the same time, on the slightly behind tv, watched as Al threw Adam into a sign, who then flew into the air and-
The radio had cut. She couldn't hear anything from it anymore. She quickly unmuted the tv and watched as Adam broke Al's microphone and-
"Oh my god..." Rosie saw Al get hit by the angelic axe.
Rosie stood up, grabbed her hat, and ran out the door. She ran as fast as she could towards the hotel.
As she got closer she saw a massive beam of holy light fire from the sky and she gasped as the entire hotel crumbled to the ground. She ran faster.
As she finally got close to the hotel, Alastor was nowhere to be seen. She glanced around for a moment before trying to see if he went to his radio tower.
And as she got close, she saw Alastor starting to walk towards his radio tower. He was singing.
She hid in the dark and followed him until he stopped. She would process everything she just heard later, but she ran towards Al as she saw him collapse onto the ground of his tower.
Rosie started to lean his back up when she realized he had passed out from the wound. With the help of his shadow, she carried him all the way back to the emporium and dropped him onto the couch. She ran upstairs to her bathroom and grabbed her medical supplies.
She ran back to Al and took off his jacket and shirt, the wound was bad. She sterilized a needle from her kit with some rubbing alcohol and treaded the green string that she kept from months ago. She slowly and methodically started to stitch up his gash.
By the time she had finished she was practically out of his magical string. She wrapped him up with some gauze and let him rest on the couch. She sat down beside him on the floor and put her back up to the couch.
All the running and carrying finally set and as the adrenaline passed, she passed out too.
She slept for 2 hours before waking up and checking on Al. He was alive and breathing, but it would be a while before he would be in tip top shape again.
Confident Al wouldn't die over night, she went back to sleep in the chair beside him.
The next morning Rosie was in the kitchen eating a quick breakfast when she heard Al start to stir. She ran into the living room and saw Al slowly leaning up on the couch.
"Where... where am I?" Al said with a horse voice. He was too tired to put on his filter.
"You're in the emporium deer. You took quite a beating and you're lucky I-" Rosie started.
Al interrupted, "I didn't need you to come help me. I would've been fine"
Rosie laughed and leaned down to check and change his dressing.
Alastor stopped her and said, "Rosie stop, I'm fine."
Rosie looked him dead in the eyes, "Wait, you're serious? Al, you almost died! You would be dead if I didn't come carry you all the way here!"
"I would've been fine. I didn't need this Rosie." "You were passed out on the floor and bleeding, you would've died." "I would've been fine! I'm the Radio Demon." "That doesn't change the fact that you were bleeding to death."
"If I was going to die then I should've. It should've been Adam who was on death's door." Alastor said completely seriously.
Rosie looked him in the eyes, "Alastor, I care about you. I wasn't just going to let you die."
"Rosie, if I wasn't strong enough to survive that, then I won't be strong-" Alastor started,
"No, Al, I'm not letting you die. Period." "You shouldn't have come." "What, did you expect me not to care? Would you of not done the same for me? Do you not care about me the same way-"
Al interrupted, "No, I don't care Rosie, I-"
"You what?" Rosie cut him off.
"You didn't let me finish. I don't-" Al tried to finish what he was saying.
"No no no, tell me you care about me, or tell me I'm your closest friend. Tell me how you care." Alastor stayed silent. He was conflicted. "Huh, I guess I took it wrong when you cried on my shoulder all those years ago. I guess I took it wrong when you didn't change the song almost 8 years ago. I guess I took it wrong when you sent your shadow to protect me every day. I guess, I took it wrong, when you came to me, weak and fragile, after your 7 year absence. I guess I got it wrong... assuming you cared about me."
Rosie closes her eyes, clenched her fist and said, "I don't think so, I just think you don't want to admit it."
Al looked away from Rosie and tried to stand up and walk away. He got 5 steps before falling back to the floor. Rosie instantly rushed to his side and tried to help him.
"No Rosie, stop. I don't need your help." Alastor pushed Rosie away. Even through his stitched smile, Rosie could tell he was in a lot of pain.
"Why won't you let me help? Don't you understand I'm just trying to help? I have no ulterior motives. I just want to help my friend." Rosie kept her hand out but didn't get closer.
"I am the Radio Demon!" Static shot through the air. "I don't need anyone's help! I have to be strong enough to walk this off by myself!" Alastor kept trying to pull himself to his feet, using the side of the couch as a brace.
Rosie grabbed his hand and pulled him up, not letting go after he was on his feet. "Alastor, you are strong, the strongest demon in Hell even. But you don't have to keep everyone at arms length to be that. The Radio Demon can have friends. Just let me help and care about you. Ok?"
"Rosie, I can't, I-" "No Alastor. You can. You think you need to be all alone to achieve your master plan, but you don't. You can have support, you can have a friend in your corner." Rosie stared intensely into his eyes.
Al didn't say a word, but he didn't argue as Rosie lied him back down on the couch.
"Just rest, okay?" Rosie held his hand for a moment before letting go. She smiled and walked towards another seat.
Alastor fell back asleep within 5 minutes and slept another 4 hours.
Rosie turned the sign on the emporium, she didn't want anyone coming in and seeing Al in this state, she knew how mad he'd be. Rosie finished her breakfast and washed the dishes. While she was washing she thought, 'Does Al really not care about me? I hope he's lying. That would really hurt otherwise. I mean, it still does sting a bit...'
When Al woke back up he looked down at the gauze and saw he had bled through. "Rosie! Can you- um. Can you come change by bandaging please?" He did not want to ask for help, yet he reluctantly still did.
Rosie came over and started to change his dressings, making sure to be methodical and careful throughout the whole thing. "Rosie, I would like to apologize." Rosie glanced up at Al, who winced as she started wrapping a new bandage. "You cut me off earlier and it seemed like I didn't care about you. That's not true." Rosie listened to the so far mediocre apology.
"I do care about you Rosie... I care about you a lot. ." Al glanced away as he spoke, "I just have an act I have to keep up, but, I will be a better friend." He paused, almost as if there was more he considered saying but didn't. He looked back at Rosie and his smile turned genuine, she could tell.
"Thank you for apologizing, I forgive you." Rosie gave a half smile and finished with Al's bandage. She stood up, dusted off her hands and smiled. "Hopefully you won't bleed through this one, and you can go back to being, "The Radio Demon," soon." She laughed.
Alastor stayed with Rosie another couple weeks to let his wound heal before returning for the re-opening of the hotel. His wound wasn't fully healed, but it was much better than when Adam had axe-ed him. He still had to fix his microphone though...
Author's Note:
God I loved writing this one! It was so much fun and this sets up tomorrow's! It took me a solid minute to review and adjust dialogue, but I think it was worth it! Almost done with this week you guys!
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zushigirl · 4 months
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In honor of Come What May…a three part story of how I wish things would turn out… Enjoy! I’ll be posting the full story on AO3 as we go :)
I Take My Coffee Black: Part I
Now…Metro General
“What the hell is this crap?”
Frank practically spits the hot liquid back into the flimsy white paper cup.
“Get off your high horse. It’s Folger’s Instant. Same stuff we used to drink in the desert.”
Curtis takes a sip of his own coffee, studying Frank under the brim of his USMC baseball cap. Curt’s blood shot eyes are a dead giveaway that he – like most of New York – have been up all night. Watching with bated breath as Daredevil and a host of superheroes take on Fisk’s minions.
With a sigh, Frank takes another sip of his coffee. “Goddamn - ”
He hisses slightly, the cut on his lip stinging. Curt had done his best to patch up both Frank and Red after the firefight with Bullseye. Makeup covered most of Frank’s bruises, but it couldn’t conceal the worry in his eyes. He can tell by the way his former medic keeps glancing at him… then at the door across the way.
“This is the best Metro General can afford?” he growls, trying to distract himself.
“At 0500? Yes, it is.”
Frank frowns, looking down the stark pale green hallway. Men and women in blue scrubs walk by at a leisurely pace. Unaffected. Unaware that the bravest, ballsiest woman on the planet is in critical care. Recovering from a gunshot wound.
Mourning the loss of her best friend.
He can still hear her scream the Counselor’s name. He can feel her panic, panic he never wanted her to feel. David’s feed made it sound like they were two feet away… instead, it took twenty minutes to get to the bloodbath. Even with Lieberman driving like a maniac.
Goddamnit, we should have gotten there sooner.
His eyes trace the entrance of the recovery room. One of those flimsy blue hospital curtains blocks a small window above the door handle. An added layer of privacy. Damn thing feels more suffocating than any red line.
“She’s gonna be fine,” Curt assures him. “They patched up the exit wound and the broken rib. That maniac may be an expert marksman, but she beat him at his own game.” He pauses before adding, “Karen Page must be a pretty special woman…to make you choose here instead of another war.”
You could choose…you could just choose…
Ocean eyes flicker in his memory. Why hadn’t he told her the truth that day, when he was the one in the hospital bed? He thought leaving her was the right thing. He thought…
Frank stares blankly into the distance as he takes another sip of bland coffee and tries not to think about what could have happened.
Thank god Karen clipped Bullseye’s right hand. The fucker was in custody now. Good thing too. If that psychopath ever made it out of prison…none of Red’s preaching would keep Frank from unleashing hell on Benjamin Poindexter.
The warble of Channel Five news can be heard from the TV at one of the nursing stations. A flicker of worry rises in Frank’s belly. He wants to be pissed at Red but at the same time…
“You were right Frank. I was just one bad day away. Please don’t let her’s get any worse.”
He can’t shake the hollow sound in Matt Murdock’s voice off of him. Can’t shake the image of the other man standing there in blood. His best friend’s blood. Karen’s blood.
“Mr. Castiglione?”
He turns. A new nurse has come on shift, name tag reads Temple. Her dark brown eyes hover on his cut lip. He gets the impression she takes no bullshit.
“Yes ma’am?”
The nurse sighs, pursuing her lips.
“Karen’s going to be okay.”
She says the name with a warm familiarity. Frank immediately wonders how much this woman knows.
“Blood pressure and heat rate are stable. No signs of any complications from surgery.” Temple hesitates… “Your wife’s a fighter for sure.”
Frank doesn’t meet Curt’s gaze, just prays the other man’s eyes aren’t bursting out of their sockets. There hadn’t had time to brief him on the plan. He was just thankful David was quick to pull some strings. A fake marriage license and a passport may be their only ticket to safety.
The woman pauses, eyes narrowing in the silence.
“I know I haven’t been back in town that long, but I’m kinda miffed no one invited me to the wedding. Thought I would have heard about from Matt or Fog…”
She catches herself, sadness flashing across her face.
“Fuck…I’m sorry.”
“No – uh – he’d…he would have wanted all of Karen’s friends to know.” Frank feels his throat tightening. “He loved her too. Probably better than me or… Re…or Matt … if I’m being honest.”
He remembers the look of stricken panic on the Counselor’s face all those years ago. When he’d asked Karen to stay. What would the man’s reaction be to what he asks now?
An older nurse approaches, waving his clipboard at Temple. “She’s up,” he gestures towards Karen’s room. “Threatened to pull out her IV if I don’t get her a real cup of coffee. Told her it’s water only for the next twelve hours. She wasn’t happy.”
Frank chuckles despite himself. “Atta’ girl,” he murmurs.
“Are you coming, Mr. Castiglione?”
The way Temple sizes him up conveys that she trusts him even if she doesn’t believe his story.
He feels his pulse jump. They’d seen each other in the midst of the fight but they hadn’t spoken. Hadn’t spoken since that horrible day when she walked out of his hospital room barefoot. What could he say to her? How could he possibly ask her to –
“She’s waiting, Frank.” Curt’s voice is one of gentle reassurance.
He takes a deep breath, turns on his heels, the stops. “Curt… go home. You’ve done enough. I’ll stand the watch.”
His friend frowns. “You sure man?” I don’t mind staying.”
Frank pauses before answering, a memory flickering in his mind’s eye. Karen and Nelson, sitting at the hipster coffee shop across from their law firm. Sipping coffee and going over case notes. He’d watched from the roof two streets over, not proud to admit the number of times he’d checked on Karen from afar.
“Proof Coffee opens at 0800. Can you come back tomorrow morning with a real damn cup? Make that two. She takes hers black with a sprinkle of cinnamon.”
The nurse seems impressed that he knows Karen’s drink of choice. Curt has enough ware with all to keep a neutral face.
“I’m on it. I’ll let Lieberman know your staying here. See you in 27 hours.”
He spins on his heels and walks down the hall.
Frank watches him go, then follows nurse Temple across the waiting area. She opens the door to the recovery room, pushing back that damn blue curtain quietly. Then she gestures for Frank to step in front of her.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
The sound of the vitals monitor is a steady hum. It’s oddly comforting.
And terrifying.
It means Karen is awake. It means he’s about to speak to her for the first time in… far too long.
He finds the courage to look forward and he sees her. Sitting upright in the bed. Face turned to the window. The sunrise casting her in a celestial glow. Her expression is a haunted one Frank knows all too well…but not the shock of someone who’s new to trauma.
He realizes in that moment that his gut instinct was right. Karen’s felt this kind of pain before.
“Karen, your husband is here.” Temple’s voice is gentle.
A quiet feels the air. Time stops. In the void, Frank wonders if his heartbeat is loud enough for Red to hear all the way across Manhattan.
He watches Karen turn her head. Watches her eyes widen in confusion at the word husband. Then recognition. Then something he’s too scared to name.
They’re both silent for a moment, not noticing as the nurse slips out. Then tears are welling in Karen’s eyes and Frank is falling to his knees by her hospital bed.
“Hey, hey,” he chokes out. “I lied. I lied. Okay? That day…Karen…”
Soft fingers grab his trembling ones. He places his free palm over hers, holding with two hands now.
“I know you lied, you asshole,” Karen says between sobs. “You’re such an asshole…but I…” Her ocean eyes are bright with the words they won’t say yet.
“Yeah,” he laughs. “Yeah, I am.”
“Please tell me you brought real coffee.”
The sound of footsteps silences Frank’s answer.
27 hours later…
“I’ll take three drip coffees,” Curtis Hoyle smiles at the barista, waiting for a response.
The bleary-eyed girl with wild auburn tinted hair and a cut-off t-shirt reading MJ just blinks at him.
“Cool. You want room for milk or cream?”
“No…uh…actually, can you sprinkle some cinnamon in one of them.”
The girl gives a half nod as Curtis swipes his card. He sighs, stepping to the side of the cheerful yellow counter. He knows he’s getting old, but whoever Proof Coffee’s manager is could have done a better job with hiring. MJ has the bedside manner of cardboard; not great for 0800 on a Thursday ��
The girl passes three paper cups to Curt, hurriedly grabbing her phone from its charging station. He takes a few sips of his cup, watching her agitated movements.
“Peter! Jesus Christ! Is everyone okay…”
Her hazel eyes widen in relief and Curtis feels guilty for judging her. MJ’s been worried.
“News. Alright. I’ll take a look. Be careful.”
The call’s barely over before the teen is swiping on her phone. Curtis takes a final swig of his own coffee while grabbing to-go lids, trying to look casual.
“Everything good? You seem a little stressed.”
MJ bobs her head, flipping her phone in Curtis’s face. Apple News.
“Shit,” Curtis mutters as he reads the screen.
He turns to leave, then thinks twice. Grabs the two coffees. He may need them as an excuse to sneak back into the hospital.
“Thank you, Miss!”
He leaves MJ staring at her phone. At the headline…
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many-but-one · 4 months
Recently saw a post about folks feeling upset about CDD systems saying they are endo-neutral yet also not wanting to see endo stuff on their dashboards. I’m not reblogging and adding to it because I feel like it would kind of be beating a dead horse because a mutual of mine said basically the same thing I’m about to say and I wanted to make my own post about it. I rarely make posts about syscourse for a variety of reasons but I do think this is something that is important.
I’ve been endo-neutral for a long time, a couple years at least. I’ve openly stated that I find endogenic plurality plausible and interesting. I’ve made a video on tiktok about this subject that got me a plethora of vague posts and made people despise me for having the take that I did. I’ve gotten both hate anons and positive anons on tumblr thanking me or hating me for taking the stance that I did. I’ve met endos who were lovely people and I’ve met endos who were really shitty people. And the same for anti-endos. I’ve been watching the syscourse battle rage on for years and the fact that the same stuff keeps coming up over and over with no “winner” (because it’s a discussion that doesn’t need to have a winner imo—endos can believe what they want and so can anti-endos) makes it feel like the two sides are constantly battling over a fictional no-man’s-land that has only ended in people being hurt, people being hurtful, and just so much fucking negativity.
However, as a CDD system, I don’t think it’s completely implausible to not want to see endo related stuff on my dashboard. I personally believe that the two groups *should* be separate. Because clearly the two groups trying to blend together is what *causes* this discourse to get so bad in the first place. Even if you believe you have a traumagenic system but identify as endo because you don’t think you’re disordered, then the resources and experiences talked about in the CDD tag won’t apply to you. Folks who have a CDD have childhood trauma and therefore their experiences are going to center around being traumatized. I shouldn’t have to want to see stuff from a non-disordered/endo system on my dash if our experiences don’t align at all. I shouldn’t have to preach my neutrality or support for endos day and night for me to be able to say that I am endo neutral or endo supportive.
The main reason I identify as endo neutral despite having a general support of endo systems existing is for a variety of reasons. The main ones being 1) I cannot police other people’s personal experiences 2) whether endogenic plurality is proven by science or not doesn’t matter to me because I’m not endogenic 3) I hate participating in syscourse and taking sides or disclosing sides openly is by nature partaking in it but Gods Forbid I don’t declare what side I’m on or I’m somehow betraying one side or the other 4) both sides can and have been incredibly toxic to each other and I don’t like that kind of negativity in my life, I’ve had enough of having to take sides who are both shit in my life 5) I think the fact that we are STILL fighting over this shit and have been for years with no leeway one way or another makes the fight pointless and should just Stop and 6) I do believe in a separation of the groups because I genuinely believe many if not most systems on either side will refuse to exist in harmony, not to mention the experiences of each side are completely different and non-comparable in exception to both sides having alters present—whether formed by trauma or other means.
I support the views of some endos. I support the views of some anti-endos. I understand why there is animosity on both sides. It is not possible for me to even take a side. However, because I’m a CDD system who has A Lot of trauma, my experiences are not comparable to that of endos and I don’t want to see their content on my dash. I don’t follow the plural tag, I don’t follow the syscourse tag, so I don’t often see endo stuff on my dash because those tend to be spaces in which both are present. And that’s fine because I can curate my own tumblr experiences. But when I see endo stuff in the DID tag or the dissociative disorder tags, that’s when I do get annoyed because endogenic plurality is not comparable to a CDD. And if you’re a traumagenic system who identifies as endo, I feel like that means you should make your own tags and stay out of the ones meant for one side or the other. Or stick to endo only tags. Mixed origins tags exist, don’t co-opt the traumagenic tags when you have distanced yourself from being traumagenic by identifying as endo. You know? Traumagenic tags, DID tags, dissociative disorder tags—all those are for disordered systems, systems who have a complex dissociative disorder. We HAVE made our own tags and our own spaces, they just semi-regularly get co-opted by endo users.
And the same goes for anti-endos. Stop freaking tagging your endo hate with endogenic tags. If you don’t want them in your spaces so badly, don’t invade their spaces either. Fucksakes.
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I Need To Let You Go
Sad Miguel Hours
CW: infant loss, grief, death, everything is very sad because cherry is sad
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"Oh, mija, if only you had seen me and your uncle back in the day," Miguel chuckles, hugging Gabriella close to his chest as he lays back in the stiff chair. She's only half a year hold and he pushes whatever hair she has back, watching as it falls flat against her head. He kisses her forehead, nuzzling his cheek into her head. "Yeah, we weren't the best behaved as teens. Stealing cigarettes or managing to get someone to buy us some beer."
Miguel rolls his eyes at the memory, slightly cringing. He rubs circles into Gabriella's back, sighing softly. "Can you believe I'm a hero now, mija? Saving the innocent and fighting bad guys. If fifteen year old me can see me now, he'll laugh."
"Did I ever tell you about the time I got chased by a horse? Haha, back then it was terrifying, but we can laugh about it now, mamas."
"I'm thinking of getting a little dog. What do you think, mija?"
"I work with so many idiots, mija, but they're all good people. I just wish things went the way I wanted, you know?"
"Lego Peter is one of my best. He's strong, agile, smart, and catches anomalies as if it were a hobby of his. So glad I recruited him."
Miguel continues talking to Gabriella about many things. He laughs at fond memories and cringes whenever he speaks about when he was younger. He wishes he can go back in time and smack himself in the back of his head.
He hugs his baby close, tears trickling down his heated cheeks. A heavy weight presses itself against his soul, making it hard to breathe. He nuzzles his cheek against her head slowly, his eyes squeezed shut. He chokes as he speaks.
"Mjia...can you hear me?"
Gabriella's heart is beating due to the life support, but there's no activity in her brain. She was pronounced brain dead several hours ago. Miguel nodded his head painfully slow, his eyes glazed over in denial. He scooped his little girl up into his strong arms, sat back in a chair and laid her against his chest, then began talking about everything and anything.
"Please, mija," Miguel pleads with his baby. He wraps her little fingers around his large finger and winces when her tiny hand slips and falls against his chest. He grinds his teeth together and slides his finger beneath her baby hand, waiting for it to squeeze it with her baby strength. "Please, mija, show me that you can hear me. L-Let's prove these doctors wrong, okay? Let's show them you're okay."
Gabriella's body is connected to multiple cords. The heart monitor beeps, showing signs of her being alive, but let's be honest.
She's dead.
Miguel places multiple kisses into her head, choking on a sob. "Mija, don't scare daddy. This isn't funny. Please."
He rubs her back, waiting for her to move or make one of her baby noises. Waits for her to life her head and blink up at him with twinkling brown eyes, flashing him a gummy smile, chubby cheeks pinched. He waits for his baby to wake up, because there's no way she's dead. No. He refuses to acknowledge it.
Miguel carried her for nine months. He went through agonizing hours of labor. He spent many sleepless nights tending to her.
Like come on, she just started crawling.
She hasn't even said her first words yet.
Miguel trembles, hugging her close, slowly rocking back and forth, the realization that his little girl might actually be dead hitting him like a truck.
"Oh...Oh god," he chokes, tears streaming down his cheeks. "No, no! Please, Gabi, please wake up. Please, for daddy. Please, don't go. Don't go. Dontgodontgodontgodontgo-" his words end up in a high pitched squeal and he sobs, stomping his feet.
Miguel kisses her all over her face. He stands up and paces around the room, bouncing her lightly like he did whenever she cried or when he was trying to get her to sleep.
This isn't fair.
It's not fucking fair.
Miguel always dreamed of being a father, and Gabriella was the little angel given to him. He adored her. Bought her cute dresses and bows. Tickled her chubby belly, laughing in pure joy at her squeals. He allowed her to sleep in bed with him, but had no pillows and blankets in fear of her suffocating.
He took her for walks through the park. Attended reading sessions at a nearby library. Spending sleepless nights to feed her, change her, and try to get her back to sleep, but once she had that big smile on her face and sparkling eyes, he knew that she wasn't going to bed anytime soon and he wasn't either. During those moments, he was frustrated and angry. He was so tired. The apartment was a mess and he hardly had time for himself.
He wants that back.
He wants those moments of him not sleeping and attending to his baby. Wants to walk back through the door of his apartment with Gabriella in her car seat and see the messy apartment. He wants to spend one more day with her.
If he had known that this was going to happen, he would've taken those sleepless nights, the messy apartment, the never ending laundry, her puking on him, her kicking his face when he placed socks on her little feet, and cherished them.
Miguel sits back down, staring at the ground. "I need to let you go, do I?" He waits a bit to see if she'll make a noise or move, just because he doesn't want this to be true. But it is, and he can't keep her on the line forever. Miguel kisses her head, body trembling violently. "Daddy loves you so, so much, mija. In these short few months, you made me the world's happiest man. I loved being your dad, Gabi."
He finally looks into her face, crying. "I hope you're not in pain. I hope wherever you are, you're happy. I'll see you one day, mija. I love you."
Thirty minutes later, the plug was pulled, and Miguel lost a part of himself that night.
Never again, will he be the same.
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morethansky · 5 months
As promised, my thoughts on Tech's fate.
If you think they changed their minds about revealing Tech to be alive, you might not want to read this. I'm not trying to debate or dissuade anyone; this is just my personal take.
Also, please be forewarned that this is quite Hunter critical. I love to write the man, but god, he’s so bad for my blood pressure.
This is still such a hard thing for me to talk about. To be honest, I ducked out of the TBB fandom between the time when i finished “i keep what i can of you” and S3 started because it felt like I couldn’t say what I thought without either hurting the people who thought Tech was dead and were traumatized or inciting the wrath of those believed he was alive, some of whom got so haughty and/or oddly hostile whenever any other possibilities were stated in their vicinity. It seems that after I left, the opposite started happening too? The hellish fandom ouroboros.
Anyway, so here are my unfiltered thoughts, because I might explode if I don't write them down. After I watched “Plan 99,” I thought Tech was dead, and I was extremely traumatized and hysterical about it. I remember that night I couldn’t sleep, and I stayed up till morning trying to process the sense of betrayal I felt and figure out what to do with the sweet little WIP I had been working on, which was about Tech and Wrecker facing the concept of death for the first time. (I have now rewritten it to be much darker but for Tech to live, and as CX-2, so I hope that proves I mean well with this post.)
Because it’s me and it’s media, I was not only traumatized but also furious. To be frank, I’m not usually this deeply affected by character deaths. I have written a lot of major character death fics and grief/mourning is a component of like 60 percent of my writing. In fact, when character deaths are done well, I think they’re fantastic. The worthy, well-done ones can make the characters shine even more brightly.
That is not the case here. Tech dies for literally nothing. The protagonists don’t achieve anything at all from it besides returning to square one, less a member. They don’t find the coordinates to Tantiss. They don’t find anything about who Hemlock is or what the Advanced Science Division does. They don’t overhear any vital intel from the meeting with all the Imperial bigwigs. They don’t gain any insight from Saw. They don’t even find out whether Crosshair was actually in captivity and whether his saying Plan 88 was him laying a trap for them or not.
And that is some of the worst messaging I’ve ever seen in a Y-7 American action cartoon. And believe me, I’ve watched a lot of them.
Allow me to beat the dead horse one last time. Finally, after two entire seasons of the show, a member of the main cast is like, “Hey, remember how Crosshair used to be one of us? Even if he kind of sucks, shouldn’t we help him? He did just try to warn us.” And I was ECSTATIC. Didn’t expect the autistic character to be the one to be like, no, fuck you, we should do the right thing no matter the risk (autistic characters are so often morally gray and it’s so frustrating), but I loved it so much! That’s me!!
…And then he literally dies because he wanted to do the right thing. Hunter, the character who does not want to help people, who rejects the idea of going to Eriadu and has to be convinced otherwise, IS PROVEN CORRECT. What the ever-loving fuck is that messaging? That’s right, kids—if you selflessly try to help other people, you’ll be killed. So maybe don’t bother, actually. And this show just underlines that message over and over again! The only people who matter are those you consider family. Everyone else can rot. In fact, people who are willing to risk their lives to help people are foolish and idealistic. The things Hunter says to Echo are repeatedly so fucked up ("When will it be enough?" Dude wtf???), and it's nuts that the show doesn't offer Hunter's narrow-minded perspective as a contrast to Echo's determination to do the right thing—it offers Echo as a contrast to Hunter's motivations to retire (which we understand because when the two of them split up, we follow Hunter instead of Echo—and not even in addition to Echo! He only shows up again because he's visiting Hunter's story!).
That’s straight-up American conservative ideology. I will never not be pissed at them for making the fucking deuteragonist—and a clone character at that—like that. And in Star Wars! The franchise that is overwhelmingly and consistently about fighting fascists! Made by the company founded and based in the Bay Area, the most progressive region of the country!!!
To be frank, I almost turned the TV off right then. But I thought, okay…a horrible way to get to it, but…maybe now is the moment? Maybe now they’ll finally join Echo and Rex, and be super determined to find Tantiss and Crosshair and the many other clones whose designations were on the roster—to complete the mission that Tech so passionately insisted on before he sacrificed himself.
BUT NO! Hunter immediately pressures Omega into going to Pabu. And why wouldn’t he? The narrative proved him right! By trying to do the right thing, Tech died. So we’ll just go back to ignoring the suffering of countless beings across the galaxy, including our own kind. Millions of straight-up metaphorical versions of us. Cool.
And then Omega gets captured. So because Tech wants to do the right thing, he dies, and because Omega agrees with him, she gets taken away. And then suddenly Hunter puts away Pabu entirely and becomes super gung-ho about finding her. Which is just…why did they write him like this. Why did they even have the conversation about Pabu?? Leaving it out would have made Hunter's motivations flow so much better. Because by introducing that, they invite the crucial question: Why was that what it took for him to stop running but losing Crosshair and Tech didn’t??? Because he only cares about this one child's well-being and it's his single motivation as a character???
A contingent of Crosshair fans have seemed to vocally dislike Hunter from the start because he left Crosshair, and I’m like no, you don’t understand. It’s not about the character, it’s about the writing. In some cases, it does end up being the character rather than the writing, and you can usually tell because the writing condemns that in the character. Not here though! Hunter's decisions throughout the show are celebrated by it. And Hunter gets his way, as we see now with them retiring on Pabu and ignoring the fight even as "the Rebellion needs pilots now more than ever." Thank god the finale at least posited that Echo was also right, which is kind of like the bare minimum they could've done in that regard.
So Tech’s death hit me particularly hard because it felt like just a waste of two entire episodes, a waste of an enjoyable character they had just given some really poignant depth, and a waste of the chance to give Hunter the character development I was desperate for—and also like a betrayal, a slap in the face, because it was like the show was saying that heroes are stupid, that Tech was foolish for wanting to do the right thing. Which is nuts given the rest of the SW animated oeuvre. And is fucking hurtful. And bad for kids.
So when the theories about Tech’s survival started floating around that night, I thought, okay, yeah, maybe this was such a stupid death and waste of screen time because it’s to set up something really cool. I could get behind that, even if the entire setup would still be faulty and honestly kind of repulsive to me.
I engulfed everyone’s theories in those weeks I spent mourning, desperate to be convinced—but as much as I wanted to believe there was a plan at work, I just couldn’t buy it 100 percent because…would the people who wrote this awful arc, and who made all the oddest choices possible at any given time throughout both seasons thus far, really intend to set up and execute something so well thought out and complex?
Of course not. People kept being like, “We have to trust the writers. They have a grand plan. They wouldn’t just throw away Tech. It would be ableist, and that’s why he’s not dead.” Like??? The show was already ableist! One of the main characters is disabled and his being disabled is specifically relevant to why he’s even in this squad and in this show—and it’s never remotely discussed! The closest is the most oblique reference ever to how Echo doesn't like to be alone. That's it. Just because they actually managed to write this wonderful moment about Tech being autistic doesn’t mean their track record was suddenly irrelevant! Killing off their neurodivergent character is exactly the kind of ableist shit they would do! And see now: Crosshair's hand. Also Echo suddenly having a hand after not having one for so long and it being completely untouched upon. It's par for the course!
So the Tech Lives theories all hinged on the writing being really clever, but I just. Already hated so much of the writing, and it felt way more likely that they were just continuing to be bad writers and continuing to go with the poorer plot choice option every single time they had the opportunity to go a direction that would be thought provoking and emotionally affecting.
I felt very much and very sadly proven right when the season started, and we got no mention of Tech being dead until the FIFTH episode. The Batch never talked about Crosshair and why he tried to kill them, so I guess why would they talk about Tech dying, sigh. And it was so bizarre how people were arguing that Omega and Crosshair's little exchange about Tech was super touching and gave us everything we needed. It absolutely did not! The fact that we couldn't agree on whether Crosshair even knew tells you everything you need to know about the wacky writing choices! Why was it so vague?? They literally could have added one word:
Crosshair: Did they teach you plan 72? Omega: Mm-hmm. Tech had me memorize all the plans, before... Crosshair: Of course he did.
On that note, I began to feel uneasy about the fandom again, because it started feeling like an echo chamber, and I was worried everyone was getting too hyped about something that might not happen, and even if it did, might end up being some kind of poorly done fanservice. I started seeing a lot of defensive posts being like, “Well, the reason they’re not mentioning Tech is because he’s not dead, and you’re an idiot, unlike me, if you’re falling for their sneaky tricks.”
Like??? The prevalence of ride-or-die sentiments like that started making me feel like I was losing my grip on reality and watching a completely different show from everyone else. Wouldn’t the dramatic effect of Tech being alive be strengthened by the characters all mourning him, thus making us mourn him, thus making the plot twist that he’s alive even more effective?? Wouldn't the characters being shown to be affected by his death instead of just ignoring it be the most promising sign of his impending return?
To me, the characters not mourning Tech meant that the writers had put him aside and moved on (which is, again, terrible writing because it doesn’t give the viewers the space to grieve and then move on, and it makes the characters feel terribly heartless, which, well. At least they were consistent). And that blasé moving on made the possibility of him being dead WAY more likely to me. Of course they would kill their neurodivergent character and then just all but pretend it didn't happen. Of course they would act as if he had just been a convenient plot device! Of course they would only bring him up and act like they missed him when he wasn't there to miraculously do the characters' work for them and the writers' work for them! Fuck that so hard.
So then “Infiltration” and “Extraction” were a big surprise! I was like, oh, huh, guess I was totally wrong and they’re really doing it, wow. Okay, let’s see if they can actually pull it off. I liked the writing a lot better this season, so it felt more plausible that they were finally getting down to business. The fact that the clues felt so heavy handed was kind of weird to me, and I complained a lot about there not being red herrings, but I love a good Came Back Wrong story, so I was willing to believe I had been too pessimistic and cynical, as I often am.
After “Bad Territory” and “The Harbinger,” however, I started doubting it again. Fitting both this M-count mystery that had already taken up so much screen time plus a Tech Lives mystery just felt like a lot of ground to cover, and this was the show that couldn’t even seem to fit more than five seconds of the main characters being sad about the death of their squad mate. Did they really have what it would take to pace it?
Of course not!!!
After “Point of No Return,” I started to feel like if they did bring Tech back, it would be at the cost of it being done poorly. And to me, for his purported death AND his resurrection to be badly written would be way worse than just the former. And the draw of the whole Winter Soldier deal is the fallout; the guilt and doubt the characters harbor; the way they have to reckon with the fact that even if their loved one is back, they will never be the same again, because they did die in a way—and the less time allotted after a reveal like that, the fewer of those key things there would be, which would just make it feel so tacked on for cheap shock value and social media chatter. Especially because there had been so little buildup to such a thing at the beginning of the season. These writers' abilities are just not remotely close to Ed Brubaker's, y'all.
Then Rampart being introduced afterward felt like the death knell (oop) because it was a new plot thread they would need to wrap up by the end. But the Clone X thread was still dangling, so I felt like it wasn’t out of the question. But I guess after my complaints about the Tech connections being too obvious and there needing to be more red herrings, it turned out that the Tech connections themselves were the red herrings.
Although I feel like that's probably even giving the writers too much credit. I don't know if I really believe they were trying to mislead us. I feel like they just clumsily ended up doing things that coincided with the Tech Lives theories. Like I honestly wouldn't be surprised if when they used "domicile" it was completely without realizing they had previously had Tech say it and that this would lead to the viewers drawing an erroneous conclusion. They probably just wanted CX-2 to say something fancy and mysterious tbh, and the same words tend to float in writers' minds. Rip us.
I guess now I understand what I could never work out—if CX-2 was Tech, then why did he so specifically use rifles like Crosshair does and so proficiently, i.e. specifically better than Crosshair did? Why wouldn't he dual wield hand blasters?
Also, although I was in some ways relieved that at least they didn't write a bad resurrection for Tech, and there's absolutely no way it wouldn't have been shit if it'd just been shoved anywhere in the last three episodes, all this is not to say the Clone X concept didn't end up being super hamfisted as well. Just the fact that there are other Clone X types with different weapons and uniforms makes the concept even more confusing. Clearly these guys were meant to mirror the Batch, but then why did all the ones we encountered before CX-2 wear the same uniform as him?? Did they sort the clones into categories of which Clone X they would be? It would actually be cool if the point was to sow fear in the galaxy because it would seem like the person in the CX-2 suit was undefeatable, especially because they were completely covered and their build would be the same every time. But that would be too cool and coherent for this show, sigh.
Also, was Hemlock project managing them, or was Scorch? Neither really makes sense, but who was sending them after Rex's rebel cell? Was there a military higher-up giving the Advanced Science Division that directive? Why did CX-2 and the one that Rex's cell captured hate Crosshair so much? Why the fuck did CX-2 cut off his hand???
Anyway. I could go on forever, but I think at the end of the day, we all read too much into it because we are just collectively better writers than the writers are tbh. Sadly, a classic fandom experience. I guess what ultimately saved me the most from heartbreak and allowed me to earnestly enjoy the finale was that I had already spent a year believing Tech had died and suffered through my grief (by, you guessed it, writing a grief/mourning fic), and I just couldn’t shake the feeling that there was no way these writers could pull off something so emotional and complex. I swear I didn’t actually want to be right!
I think if nothing else, one thing we can all agree on is that Tech surviving could’ve been one kickass story, and it was a hell of a missed opportunity.
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