#although they could have immediately put him back to sleep by just making him watch the damn superbowl last night
ifimdreaming · 9 months
luke hughes x reader
authors note: this is so cutesy to me and im obsessed with writng for Lukey pookie rn so pls send in for him. this is so fluffy, some sexual themes but like barely. and also swearing. also, jack and trevor make an appearnce.
word count: 2.1k
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gif creds: @heavenlyhischier
You woke up to the sound of the tv playing loudly and the muffled voices of what sounded like jack and possibly trevor, or another voice you coudlnt quite recognize, seemingly coming from the living room.
You froze in place not knowing what to do, and slowly sat up in bed, scanning the room for your clothes from the night before.
Waking up to an empty bed confused you, but you quickly heard the sound of the shower being turned on from Lukes bathroom and it eased your mind immediately.
It wasnt often you woke up in Lukes bed, so you decided to just continue laying down, half naked and happily basking in this feeling while you could. 
Although it had only been a few months of dating Luke, you were starting to feel at home around him. Even with jack around it felt like you just blended right in at their shared condo, and all of you were able to act completely yourselves around each other. 
But there was one thing you hadnt yet done with jack around, and that was spend a night at their place.
Of course you have spent many days here before, but the last time you stayed over for more than just a day, Jack ‘conveniently’ was out of town and Luke 'conveniently’ forgot to tell jack you would be staying over the weekend. 
Although It didnt upset you that Luke pretty much hid this from Jack, it does feel like its about time you both rip off the bandaid and be honest about you staying over.
You cant sneak around forever, and its not like Jack is completely oblivious to the fact that you and Luke have spent nights together before.
There are a lot of thoughts racing in your head as Luke is in the shower, but soon the sounds from the other room quiet down some, and suddenly this feels like a way bigger deal than it actually is. 
Snapping you out of your thoughts, Luke opens his bathroom door with a towel around his waist and wet curls slowly dripping into his face and down his chest. 
“Hi baby” he says seeing you are awake now, which makes you wonder how long he has been up for, and if he knows that we are no longer alone in the condo.
“Hi lukey, how was your shower?” you ask as you begin sitting up in his bed, one hand holding the comforter to cover your chest, the other hand attempting to fix your jostled up hair.
“Good. wouldve asked you to join but i didn't wanna wake you. You looked so pretty and peaceful. you sleep ok?” he says as he is rummaging through his dresser drawers, trying to find his clothes for the day.
“Mhm. i uh- slept good.” you say distractedly, watching him from behind as he drops his towel and begins to get dressed.
He turns around to face you as he finishes putting on his underwear and sweats, knowing you would be watching him from your spot in his bed.
He tilts his head at you and a smirks grows on his face as he catches you staring at him.
Your cheeks begin to blush as he crosses his arms in front of you, licking his lips as his eyes trail down your body and then back up to your face again.
“What?” he says knowingly and you just look at him with a small smile. The feeling of lust taking over your thoughts.
“Nothin..” you say softly and watch as he rolls his eyes and quickly makes his way towards the bed.
He lays his body directly on top of yours and immediately embraces his lips with yours. He grabs the side of your face in his left hand, lifting your neck slightly to connect closer to him and his eagerness makes you want him even more. 
As you continue to make out, Luke's hands slowly trail down your body, and you are no longer covered by the sheets on his bed. 
He sits up suddenly with hazy eyes staring into yours and places his hand around your thigh, gently tugging as he adjusts his position on the bed, signaling for you to get on top of him, and you oblige.
“You're so sexy baby” luke says through gritted teeth as he scans his eyes across your body, running his hands along your bare thighs that are now resting across his lap.
“Wanna wake up to this everyday” he continues, and you take note of the fact that all you have on are his boxers from the night before, and a few pieces of gold jewelry.
His words are as sweet as honey and all you can do is lean into his lips again. You grip the back of his neck in both hands, and press further down into his lap, knowing exactly what you are doing to him.
“Fuck” Luke says loudly in response to your movements and you are reminded of the not-so-empty house you are in.
And before you can even say anything you hear the sound of footsteps coming from the hallway.
“Luke? Are you home?” Jack calls out as he is making his way towards lukes bedroom.
Luke is pulled away from his current state and looks at you confused, unaware that jack was even home.
“Hey Lukey?” Jack repeats and he knocks once before opening the door without any hesitation, you and Luke both scrambling to cover your naked body.
“OUT!” Luke says as the door is swung wide open, Jack standing confused on the other side before he scans the room and his eyes are met with the sight of you half covered up, sitting on Lukes lap. 
The shock on his face is extremely evident as he recognizes what he just walked in on. 
The door slams instantaneously and you hear cursing coming from the hallway as Jack begins to walk away.
The pure embarrassment of the situation sends you into a complete laughing fit.
You look over to your boyfriend and see as he clearly does not find these even slightly as hilarious as you do.
“Luke. cmon, its funny.” you grab his face in your hand and playfully squeeze his cheeks, trying to get him to smile. But he is not having it.
“It isnt funny. Fuck. Im so sorry. i didnt even know he was here. I didnt mean to embarrass you like that…I- do you think he saw anything??” luke says, concerned for only you.
He is suddenly up from the bed and going through his dresser, trying to find you a tshirt of his to put on.
“Luke! It is ok. Im sure he didnt even see anything. And if he did then whatever, we’ll both forget about it just like any other embarrassing moment ever.” you say trying to reassure your clearly stressed boyfriend.
“Doubt he'll forget…” he says half-sarcastically. And now you can tell he is finding this just a little funny.
“STOP!” you say throwing a pillow at him and watch as he tosses you a shirt in return.
“Im gonna go check on him. I dont want him to be spiraling into a panic or soemthing in the other room…” Luke says, shaking his head jokingly and you just chuckle in response. 
“Good luck!” you call out to him as he leaves the room and you quickly get up from the bed, putting on his umich tshirt he tossed you and heading for the bathroom. 
After hearing what sounds like Trevor laughing his ass off, non stop swearing, and basically a 12 year old boy sounding argument from the kitchen, you decide to leave lukes bedroom.
“Just warn me goddamnit! This was actually so preventable you asshole!” Jack yells back at Luke as you walk into the kitchn to see the two brothers arguing across the kitchen island at each other. 
You look around and accidentally make eye contact with Jack and he looks away immediately. You then look over to see Trevor, who is sitting down and eating a bowl of cereal with a massive smirk on his face, clearly enjoying this a little too much.
“YOU DIDNT EVEN GIVE ME A CHANCE TO FUCKIN SAY ANYTHING BEFORE YOU BUSTED THE DOOR OPEN!” Luke yells back, causing trevor to lose his mind yet again. he looks at jack, you, then back at jack and begins dying of laughter.
You make your way over to stand beside Luke and he glances at you and back to his brother, and his demeanor changes a bit.
“How bout we talk about this later.” Luke says after he is made aware of your presence and Jack just shakes his head in disbelief.
“How about we talk about it now?” you say butting in and you grab onto lukes arm, looking up at him expectantly.
“Shouldnt I be apart of this conversation? I was there too after all..” you add and watch as trevor nods his head, and Jack continues to avoid eye contact with you.
“Thats true” trevor says as he points his spoon at you, acknowledging that you are making a good point.
Luke takes a step closer to you, wrapping his arm around your waist and places a kiss on your head.
“Fine.” Luke says and waits for Jacks response.
Jack just looks between the three of you and scoffs as he brings his hands together with a clap.
“Wellp. Im feeling like you are all not on my side right now. But i still strongly believe this was lukes fault and not mine… Just saying.” Jack speaks, and raises both of his hands in defeat.
“How the fuck is this MY fault?” Luke retorts and is about to continue before you butt in.
“Ok! Ok! Guys! You both could go back adn forth about this all day! God!” you state frustratedly.
“Ok! How bout next time, Jack: just wait for a response before opening Lukes bedroom door to save both of your asses. And Luke: make sure you know exactly when Jack is coming home so that your door is locked, you idiot.” you say in the most mediating tone you can muster up.
“Sound good??” you finish and watch as the boys just glance annoyedly at each other.
“Ok.” Luke says first, reluctantly.
“Fine.” Jack adds immediately after.
“Amazing! Now im gonna go shower and forget about this whole ordeal.” you say walking away, not wanting to stick around for the awkward silences that are about to follow this conversation.
About ten minutes into your shower you hear a knock on the bathroom door,
“Its me baby” Luke calls as he opens the door a crack.
“Oh come in lukey” you say as you are finishing up washing your body.
“Sorry about that whole - thing.” he says regretfully, knowing he is better off apologizing rather than rehashing everything.
You turn the water off and step out of the shower, grabbing a towel before making your way towards him.
“Its ok baby” you say softly and place a loving kiss to his lips and then another one on the tip of his nose, something you always did to show innocent affection.
“And honestly? Its kinda my fault..but please don't be mad!” you say warily and Luke just tilts his head in confusion.
“I may have heard voices coming from the living room when you got up to shower. But i completely forget to tell you that before we- the whole…ya know..” you say as sweetly as you can, and Luke immediately begins squinting his eyes at you in frustration.
He lets out a playful scoff and you just smile back at him, trying your best to win him over.
“But hey! Weve all learned our lesson here right?!” you add before Luke can even respond and he just shakes his head at you and walks out of the bathroom.
“I love you Luke!” you voice out to him and hear a quiet ‘i lu le lu’ come from behind you, the sound of him mocking you while he continues walking away.
You stomp over to him and grab his arm, turning him around to face you and he immediately caves after seeing the disapproval plastered on your face. Knowing you are gonna get him for that. 
“IM KIDDING IM KIDDING. I love you i love you i love you” he says, and rapidly begins kissing you all over your face and neck, desperately trying everything he can to earn your forgiveness.
He brings you into a tight hug, your face squishing against his chest and bicep as he continues placing tiny kisses atop the crown of your head, and you just giggle under his touch in response.
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lovisyandereblog · 9 months
Eyes on Me
Yandere Submissive Stalker X GN Reader
Part 3! Probably last part….maybe
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Part 1 and 2 here. Also guys Im so sorry for my mistakes in my last post! I accidentally used she/her pronouns in my writing, I genuinely didn’t even realise it. Im so sorry guys!!
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7 weeks. It had been 7 long fucking weeks and you were still stuck here.
Noah had kept you captive for nearly two months now, but he never let you feel like you were one.
He would gift you things you wanted nearly everyday, Noah would cook your favourite dishes for you, he would shower you with love and affection, always making sure your every want and need was met.
All he asked for in return was your love…thats all he wanted.
And it seemed like you were slowly giving in.
What else could you do?! He was so adorable, so cute, so kind, so sweet…you were slowly becoming more lenient towards him.
For example, you weren’t kicking, hitting or screaming anymore. You were eating your food rather than throwing it away and yelling. And you were a bit more welcoming to his kisses, his soft and loving kisses.
Noah was also letting you roam free in his large house. You had an idea of who he was now. Noah was a very famous doctor, and was very wealthy. He was a psychiatrist who always treated his patients with care and love, never making them feel like they were a burden.
But although he let you roam the house freely, he never let you outside.
The door opened and you stared at it, the same sweet smile you saw everyday greeting you.
“Good morning my love~!! Have you had a nice nights sleep?” Noah came closer to you, stroking your cheek and kissing your forehead. You were so used to it at this point that you didn’t even bat your eye at his affection.
“ `Morning…” You mumbled as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, sitting up slowly.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you look in the mornings~?” Noah said in a sing-song voice, twirling a piece of your y/c hair with his finger.
You tried to hide your blush as you turned your head away, “W-whatever…”
Noah chuckled and kissed your cheek again, “Come! Go get freshened up and lets have breakfast! I’ve asked the cook to make you your favourite french toast!”
He looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to praise him. He practically lived for your praise and attention, but you would rarely give it to him.
“Oh..thank you Noah..Ill go get ready…” You murmured as you rushed to the toilet. Noah watched you go, hearts practically engrained in his eyes. For you. Just for you~
At the breakfast table, Noah was staring at you lovingly as he fed you the toast.
“I can feed myself…” You tried to protest, but he whined.
“P-please! Please let me Y/N…Im begging you~” His eyes were so cute, you just couldn’t help but give into his pleads.
“Fine..just stop looking at me like that…” You replied hastily, and he immediately brightened up and went straight back to feeding you.
After your 5th or 6th bite, you started feeling quite full, putting your hand up to stop the bite in Noah’s hand to come near your mouth. He nodded and ate the bite himself, smiling at you with such a lovesick grin.
You swallow nervously, looking at him. You had to ask him a question really badly, it was really important, “Noah?”
“Yes my angel, my love, my darling~?” Noah answered, hearts in his eyes as he looks at you. You had to keep yourself from smiling at his cheesy terms of endearment.
“Can you please let me go outside? I haven’t seen the outside world in like 2 months…” You complained, making him frown immediately and look away.
“Y-Y/N, you know how sorry I am…I feel so guilty baby…” Tears already filled his eyes as he spoke, making you sigh as you always gave into his tears.
“But…but I can’t let you go…Im scared you’re going to leave me. I can’t live without you my love…I’ll die!” Noah started to cry, holding your hands and bringing it to his heart. On the inside, he knew he was manipulating you but what else could he do?! He genuinely did love you so so much.
He loved you to the point of obsession.
You thought to yourself as you just stared at him, he sniffed and gave you puppy eyes. You knew you had to do something in order to get out of this place, otherwise he’d just keep you locked up forever. You wanted your life back and you knew just how to do it.
It involved giving into Noah’s love in order to regain your freedom. There was no other way. You had tried to escape in the past but he always…always found you.
“Noah…if I become your..partner..will you let me have more freedom?” You asked, and he immediately jumped up, looking at you hopefully.
“Y-Y/N?! Are….are you being serious?!” Noah couldn’t believe it, all his hard work finally paid off. You would finally be all his.
“Yes Noah, I’ve thought about it a lot and I want to start a relationship with you, but you have to promise you’ll let me go-” You had barely finished your sentence when he suddenly fainted, making you let out a loud scream.
You immediately went on your knees, cradling him in your lap as you tried to nudge him awake.
‘What the fuck??’ You thought to yourself as you check his pulse and sighed in relief when it’s normal.
“Now what am I to do with you…” You mumble to yourself before a plan comes to mind.
Paybacks a bitch…
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Noah woke up with a groan, his eyes slowly opening yet his sight was still hazy.
‘What happened…?’ He thought to himself as he tried to sit up, but his eyes widened when he couldn’t move. He looked up and saw his wrists were tied together and attached to the headboard of the bed. To add to this, his ankles were tied to the bottom poles of the bed. He looked down and noticed he was now wearing only his boxers and a t-shirt.
He thrashed around, trying to get out of his restraints to no avail. This couldn’t be happening. Where the hell were you?!
Noah began to sob and panic as millions of thoughts raced through his poor little head. He started to think of how you had left him and he’d never see you again.
“Y/N!! P-PLE-HIC-PLEASEE I’M S-SORRY…DON’T L-LEAVE ME…I’LL DIE W-HIC-WITHOUT YOU!!!” He was genuinely going crazy without you, where did you go?? Why would you leave him? Was he not good enough?! He’d change for you—he will; just give him a chance!!
“Y/N!! C-COME BA—” His words were cut off by you suddenly placing a hand over his mouth, “Shut the fuck up,” You seethed, glaring at him as he looked up at you with teary blue eyes.
Where you came from, he didn’t know but he was just happy that you were here. Although he was genuinely scared from how angry you looked, he couldn’t help but feel relieved at the fact that you hadn’t left. He was so delusional that he thought you had came back for him❤️❤️❤️ (A/N he’s so weird I love him)
But he also had a little problem because of you on top of him; all of his fantasies were coming true. Oh god just ruin him already!!
He whined against your hand and tried to buck his hips up, making you grip onto his mouth even harder, “I said shut up you fucking brat, can’t listen to simple instructions?”
The mix of your strong body on top of him and your cruel words made the poor boy’s eyes roll to the back of his head as his back arched; pathetic moans leaving him.
No way….did he just….?
You look down and saw a wet patch forming on his crotch, you internally smirked at how much of an effect you had on him but you had to keep up your strict persona, “Did you just fucking cum, you slut?”
Noah panicked, his pretty eyes filling with even more tears as he shakes his head “no,” worried that you’d be disgusted with him. (He secretly wanted you to treat him like trash)
But could you blame him for cumming?? You were literally on top of him looking as beautiful as ever, whispering demeaning words at him and you expected him not to cum?
“Mmm…n-not a s-slut…” He tried to mumble against your hand, looking at you with such love in his eyes. You nearly felt bad for him.
You suddenly slap him on the face, making him whine out in pain and pleasure as he breathed heavily from the release of his mouth from your hand. You took a second to admire the sight below you:
His blonde locks were messy, bangs sticking to his forehead. His cheeks were all rosy and wet with tears as was his mouth which was covered in his drool. Noah’s big blue eyes were looking to the side, embarrassed to face you as he bit his pretty pink lips.
You gripped his hair roughly, making him whine out, “Did I say you could talk back? Did I say you could fucking look away?”
He shook his head frantically, mentally face palming himself for disobeying you, “N-no! No…‘mm sorry!! S-sorry…please…”
“Sorry’s not going to cut it pretty boy…I think I need to teach you a lesson hmm? For all the bad things you did…” You leaned in close to his ear and he could feel his dick harden again from your proximity, “….for kidnapping me, keeping me locked up here…you’ve been a bad boy haven’t you~?”
Noah had started to sob, tears cascading down his adorable pink cheeks; he didn’t want to be a bad boy!! He wanted to be good, so good, for you!
“N-no! Mm so-sorry!! I’m n-not a bad boy! I-I’m a g-good boy…your good boy!!” He desperately begged, looking up at you in hopes you’d believe him. He knew what he had done was wrong but his intentions were never bad, he promises!!
You couldn’t help the heat pooling in your lower stomach from the way he was begging, god his desperation was so hot. So what if he was a deranged, psychotic, obsessive lunatic? He was cute!!
“But you haven’t proven to me you’re a good boy…so a punishment is really needed~” You said with a devilish smirk forming on your face, making both his heartbeats race (if you get what I mean💀💀)
You lean over and open one of the drawers, an assortment of items you had bought while he had been unconscious. His eyes widened in fear and excitement as he saw you bring a ball gag to his mouth, “Mmnnoo!! Y-Y/N!!” He tried to beg but you had already sealed his mouth shut.
Then you proceeded to pick up a remote like device you bought, Noah looked at it in confusion while tilting his head. You smirked at how adorable he looked, he didn’t know what he had gotten himself into.
With the click of a button, Noah’s back arched as he felt pleasure coursing through his body. He hadn’t even realised that a vibrator was lodged inside him! You must have put it in while he was unconscious.
“MMMNNGGH~!” He moaned against the gag, his body twisting and shaking, poor little baby was so sensitive!
You turned the vibrator off and he slumped down, his chest heaving, “Now for your punishment, I’m going to leave you here with that vibrator on and you’re going to cum over and over again until I’m satisfied, do you understand?”
Noah’s eyes widened and he shook his head profusely. This wasn’t what he wanted, he wanted to feel you, to touch you, to have you make him feel good; not this stupid toy!
He also didn’t want to be alone, he felt like he’d die if you weren’t near him so he began to cry, “N-noooo!! Mmm stayy!” His voice came out muffle which only made you smirk even more.
It was evident you were a sadist; seeing him whine and beg like that really turned you on. However you were doing this also to make sure it was engrained in his head who was in charge: you. It was to make sure he’d never pull a stunt like this again and would also prove his obedience to you.
“You said you wanted to be my good boy didn’t you Noah~? So be a good boy and take it.” You said sternly, turning the vibrator on once more before walking out of the room, leaving the door open a little bit so you’d hear him.
His moans and cries followed you as he begged for you to come back, but with the gag in his mouth he could only do so much.
Noah’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he came again with a cry, his boxers were now dirty with his jizz. He sobbed as the vibrations bullied his poor prostrate, he wanted you to make it feel better, please come back!
And then he came for the third time, and the fourth and then the fifth. It felt like hours had gone by (it had only been 30 minutes) since you left him in this state; his whole body was shaking as his hips bucked to try and get away from the vibrations but to no avail.
“Nnnngghh~!! ‘S t-too m-much…too much!” He whined, mainly to himself but it came out as mixed garbles.
You finally graced him with your presence and entered the room, your own arousal building up at the sight of him. But you also felt pity on him, it was clear that he had never felt the touch of anyone his entire life—let alone come numerous amounts of times!
He hadn’t noticed you came in yet, his mind was all foggy and hazy; the only thing he could focus on was the vibrations in his ass.
You say next to him and his head immediately darted towards you, tears pooled his eyes and he begged you to make it stop, “P-pleasshh~” He tried to say but the gag and the tormenting toy stopped him from being able to vocalise himself.
You cooed at him and turned the vibrations to the lowest level, yet not quite turning it off yet, “Have you learnt your lesson~?” You ask, and he nods eagerly and tries to get closer to you: to feel your comfort, your warmth, your affection, your love~
You take mercy on him and take out the gag since it was clearly hurting his jaw, he lets out a moan of relief as incoherent ‘thank yous’ and ‘I love yous’ leave his mouth.
“Shhh…it’s okay, I’ve got you~” You whisper in his ear, you gently take his underwear off and take the vibrator out, making him whine, “Mmmh…s-sensitive..ahhnngh~”
He gave you such adorable eyes, pleading for you to make him feel better so you cupped his face, “Don’t worry, I’ll take all the pain away, I promise…you’re my good boy right~?”
As soon as he heard the words, “Good boy,” he immediately nodded like a mad-man, “Mmm your good boy! P-please…please…y-yours…”
You could tell he was extremely exhausted from the torment you put him through, so you untied his wrists and ankles which made him cling onto you like a spider monkey; you let out a soft chuckle, “Noah…you have to let me go…I need to clean you up…”
“N-no! D-don’t go…please…” Tears pooled his eyes yet again, making you coo at him which he melted to.
“Shhh…alright, we can cuddle for a bit but then I have to clean you okay~?” You wrapped your arms around his waist aswell, being careful not to touch his very sensitive lower body.
Noah could still feel the tingles and electricity coursing through his body, but once you held him in your arms—he felt all that pain go away. He snuggled further into you, his face buried in your neck.
“I love you so much…I love you Y/N..” He mumbled against your skin, kissing it softly.
And you found yourself saying something you’d never imagine saying the first day you met him;
“I love you too Noah~”
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Ahhhh! Finally finished this!!
—>my masterlist <3
Tags❤️ (you can asked to be tagged for any of my posts):
@vinivave @eternalmasquerading
mdni banner used from @cafekitsune !!
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Happy 6k!!!! That’s so exciting and you deserve it :)
Can I request Bucky & touch starved?
.⋆。Small Adjustments。⋆.
Bucky Barnes x plus size reader
To Bucky, touch brought with it pain and suffering but maybe it can be different with you
Warnings:  touch starved!Bucky, fluff, mutual pining, mention of torture, bit of hurt/comfort WC: 1.3k
6k Follower Celebration Bingo
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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It was an unspoken agreement amongst the Avengers that under no circumstances was Bucky to be touched. There were one too many instances of him lashing out at even the smallest of touches and after Peter’s arm was almost broken when he grabbed Bucky’s shoulder to steady himself after tripping, the rule was firmly set in place. 
Touch had always been the harbinger of pain to Bucky. He had experienced and survived thousands of experiments; he knew the difference between acids just based on how much they burned him when they made contact with his skin. He knew what it was like to be ripped apart from the inside out as he was stitched back together while fully conscious. Bucky’s nerves were permanently scarred with each and every moment of pain, ensuring that he would never forget what he had gone through. Needless to say, he appreciated the physical distance the Avengers afforded him, even if it did make his chest ache sometimes.
He saw the friendly touches between them all— a hug after a hard mission, a clap on the back during training, even the occasional platonic cuddling during movie nights and he couldn’t help but be envious, especially when it came to you.
You were, by far, the most affectionate person he had ever met. You didn’t hesitate to wrap yourself around anyone who needed a hug, your hand was quite frequently clamped with someone else’s (Natasha’s or Wanda’s more often than not). You weren’t selfish with your touch and though it could be deadly thanks to your training, Bucky knew that you would never hurt the people you cared about.
“Barnes~ where are you!” Bucky’s lips curled into a gentle smile as your voice floated through the hallway, immediately brightening up the entire building.
“I’m in the kitchen, doll!” He shouted back before your footsteps quickened and you burst into the room. Your eyes, although still bleary with sleep even though it was 2 in the afternoon, positively sparkled as soon as you spotted the ex-assassin. Bucky raised an eyebrow at you, and you flustered slightly, looking down at what you were wearing.
“I thought I lost that shirt.” 
“Yeah well don’t leave your stuff out if you don’t want someone to steal it.” You shrugged as you skipped over to the pot of fresh coffee still sitting in the machine.
“I seem to remember putting that shirt away, in my closet, in my locked bedroom.”  Bucky took a sip of his own coffee.
“I don’t know what to tell you, I think old age is finally getting to you.” You tried to hide your warming cheeks behind your mug but he could see right through you.
“Whatever you say doll.” A comfortable silence settled over the both of you for a moment before you cleared your throat.
“So… we have the place to ourselves today,” Bucky knew what was coming, “wanna binge-watch Supernatural with me?” You looked up at him with such a hopeful expression on your face, it made his heart skip a beat.
“I don’t know, I was planning on going for a long run today.” His voice tilted up but in your post-sleep haze, you couldn’t pick up on the shift in his tone. Immediately, your eyes dropped and your bottom lip poked out. Bucky’s stomach flipped and suddenly all he wanted to do was to scoop you up into his arms and kiss away your pout. Instead, he blurted out quickly, “Hey, hey. I was just teasing. Of course I’ll watch with you. Gotta see what Sean and Dan get up to.”
You sniffed. “It’s Sam and Dean and you know it. Don’t pretend you’re not as obsessed as I am.” The band around his heart loosened.
“Yeah sure. You want Chinese or Thai?” He fished his phone out from his pocket.
“Like you even have to ask.” You retorted.
You felt like you were sitting next to a feral cat as the food coma finally set in. Empty boxes of food were scattered around the coffee table in front of you while yet another episode started up but it wasn’t as if you were paying any sort of attention to the screen in front of you.
Somehow, during your feast of questionable takeout, Bucky had migrated from where he had been perched on the other side of the couch to sitting beside you, the thick muscle of his thigh almost touching your knee where you were curled up. His blue eyes stayed glued to the TV while he sighed heavily and leaned back into the couch cushions.
You held your breath as his shoulders dropped, leaving barely an inch of space between you. This was the closest Bucky had ever gotten to you and you would be damned if you fucked this up. Of course you knew about his aversion to touch, you had even witnessed his violent response to it first hand but Jesus did you want to feel the heat of his skin, the strength of his body as he hugged you.
Bucky was undoubtedly your best friend out of all the Avengers yet he was the only one to have never felt your embrace. 
Your body trembled as you tried to keep yourself still. You didn’t want to accidentally brush against him and send him scrambling off but you also didn’t want to move away and give him the impression that you didn’t want him near you. And selfishly, you did want him beside you if only to fuel your hopeless crush on the man. 
There was a gunshot on the screen, startling you. You jumped and suddenly, you were half on top of Bucky. 
Your palm spread across the expanse of his stomach, letting you feel the hardness of his abs and the warmth that radiated off of him. The tip of your nose brushed against his as your eyes locked. You both stayed there for a second before the reality of the situation hit you squarely in the chest.
“Oh god Bucky I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.” You threw yourself back against the arm of the couch as panic bubbled up in your gut. Bucky remained frozen where he sat, both his hands slightly raised as he looked down at his lap. “Bucky I-“ Your voice was thick with tears. 
You shook your head as you pressed the heels of your palms to your eyes, desperately trying to keep them away. How stupid were you? You knew you should’ve just given him some more space, paid attention to the TV so you would know if something would startle you. Do literally anything else besides jumping on the man with severe trauma. You messed everything up.
“Doll,” Bucky cooed as his hand gently wrapped around your wrists, slowly pulling them down so he could look at you, “I’m not mad.”
“You’re not?” He chuckled softly, now bringing your hands into his lap so he could hold them.
“How could I ever be mad at you? I know it was an accident but more than that, I know you would never want to hurt me. I’m safe with you.” You could feel the slight tremble in his hands like he was struggling to keep touching you but Bucky refused to let go, he even shuffled closer to you. You nodded but stayed quiet. He finally smiled. “Besides, I think it’s time I got one of those famous Y/N hugs. Not now of course, I’m way too fucked up for that, but soon.”
“Don’t be mean to yourself Barnes,” you scolded, “lots of people hurt you. You get to be patient with healing. We just make small adjustments, build up to it y��a know.”
“Yeah, small adjustments.” His right hand slid into your left, your fingers intertwining as you both melted back into the couch, your eyes drifting back to your show that neither of you would be paying any attention to. After a few minutes, Bucky’s thumb began to rub against the skin of your knuckles, a delicate back and forth that both sent a flurry of butterflies into flight in your stomach and ignited your cheeks with a blazing heat.
Small adjustments indeed.
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venusbby · 1 year
post it, or don't ♡
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characters/pairings: itoshi rin x reader
warnings: one cuss word lol, not proofread sorry if there's any typos!!! have a good day people.
✿ summary: your tired boyfriend is not a big fan of your spam account being filled with his overly cute photos.
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"stop that—"
"stop what?"
"you're taking pictures of me."
"im not, rinnie."
you definitely were.
how could you not take pictures of him when he's sprawled out on top of you like a house cat?
although he was trying his best not to put all of his weight on you, it was impossible to control himself. especially when his body was quite sore from his new workout routine.
rin was unusually clingy today, his exhaustion was responsible for that. initially, all he needed was to lie down on the bed and let his muscles rest against the mattress— but then he realised you were already there, scrolling through your social media.
he just couldn't say no when you opened your arms and called out to him with that soft voice of yours, and he had already started to dream of the satisfying feeling of your hands running through his hair by that time.
and that's how he ended up with his face nestled in your neck and his legs tangled with yours, much to your enjoyment and his instant regret when you clicked on the camera icon and watched the mess of the dark green hair that tickled your cheek.
he didn't realise anything at first because his eyes were closed and he was actually considering falling asleep right then and there. however, the clicking sound of your phone was enough to make him groan and hide his face further.
but your laugh was so soft yet contagious, right next to his ear, and he was holding onto that one string of hope that you wouldn't record a video of his immediate complaints.
"babyyy, say hi!" you said while doing the exact thing he didn't want you to do— recording a video. it was so fun to get on his nerves sometimes.
all he could do was give the side of your bare hips a light squeeze as he tried his best to speak quietly so the video wouldn't pick up what he was saying. "you make me fucking miserable."
your cheeks hurt from how hard you smiled. "alright, okay. i've got my pictures, im satisfied. i'll leave you alone now."
rin slowly peeked up when you placed your phone on the bedside table and shot a glare as you looked down at him. "you're not posting that. i'm tired of seeing my face on my own feed."
"yeah! totally not posting that."
"y/n." it's become a daily thing for him to use your name in that warning tone. "not even the paparazzi post as many pictures of me as you do."
you rolled your eyes. "it's because i'm your biggest fan. just one?"
"rinnie, pretty please. you just look so cute. gosh, you look even cuter right now." you tried to soften his edges a bit, feeling your chest implode with love because God, your boyfriend was so effortlessly cute. especially when his tired eyes were covered with his dark strands.
all you got in return was a grunt and rin was back to burying his face in the crook of your neck. he really didn't have the energy to deal with your weird ways of convincing. he just needed sleep, and you— he had both of his favourite things now.
you knew he granted you permission once he stopped, or more like gave up, and thanked him softly.
rin hummed as your hands ran over his neck and shoulders and lightly pressed his stiff muscles. a massage to top it all off, your boyfriend was quite literally seeing stars.
"squeeze harder," he mumbled, exhaling slowly when you did as he told you to.
"so, you've been working out."
he didn't respond, waiting for you to say something more related to that as you pondered while pressing your thumb into his skin to ease out the tension.
"don't i deserve a photo or two?" you proposed, a shameless grin on your face when you heard your lover make another noise in annoyance.
"maybe if you don't post that video," rin said, planting a quick kiss against your warm neck as he continued, knowing he had found a good solution. "i'll send you some."
and a few days later, you realised that it was a pretty good deal.
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fjskfjskfndmcndkv. this is all i have to show. bye fellow rin enjoyers.
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thelostconsultant · 27 days
Let her go
pairing: Lando Norris x MotoGP rider!reader
summary: You have a massive crash on a weekend when you're both racing. And that crash was really massive.
warnings: major character death (surprise, surprise)
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Every time your race weekends took place at the same time, you both promised to watch the other’s sessions live if they weren’t at an ungodly hour that would screw up your sleep schedule, and in every other case you would watch it later when you had the time. It worked well so far, and this weekend wasn’t any different. You were both in Europe, the sessions’ start times were aligned perfectly to make sure fans could watch both F1 and MotoGP.
Lando was sitting on a couch in front of a TV, watching you make it into Q2 from Q1 with the best lap time with a proud smile on his face. Some members of the team joined his little watch party, although he knew perfectly well most of them had their favorite riders, who weren’t necessarily you. But it didn’t bother him. He was one of your biggest fans, and the same way you were one of his.
Four minutes into the qualifying you were in P6, a decent result that would give you a second row start, but there was time for several flying in the remaining time, so he knew you had to improve in run two to keep that position. The Ducatis were fast, and you were riding a GP23 that wasn’t as fast as the newest model, but still gave you a chance to fight for a first row position. Well, Marc was there to snatch it again, but maybe you would stand a chance against the eight-time world champion if you put together one amazing lap.
It was your first flying lap in run two when the cameras began to follow you. You were pushing yourself hard, it was clear, but you had a great first sector and at the moment you were estimated to finish in P2. But then he saw you being catapulted off your bike, landing on the track while the vehicle crashed into the barrier on the side of the track behind the gravel trap. Lando’s breath caught in his throat as he waited for you to jump up and walk away, but you didn’t move.
At all.
The race was immediately red flagged and luckily the other riders noticed you in time and didn’t hit you to make things worse. But the cameras quickly turned to find other parts of the track and the pit lane, the only thing shown related to the accident being the reactions of the team in the box and on the pit wall. Lando could feel his colleagues’ gazes on him, everyone sitting in heavy silence as they waited to find out what was happening. He sent a message to your assistant to make sure she called after getting any news about you, but according to her no one knew anything.
After fifteen long minutes his phone rang, and as if the others could sense he wanted to be alone now, they left without a word. “Hey, you have news?” he asked, voice trembling badly.
The young woman on the other end of the line took a deep breath, then said, “She was airlifted to the hospital. It’s bad, Lando. We’ll only know the exact details after they examined her there, but she’ll be in surgery for a long time apparently. The doc said there might be a spinal injury among the other things. I’m about to book a flight for her parents so they can be there with her.”
He gulped in hopes this could hold back his tears. Your job was dangerous, he had always said those guys in MotoGP were crazy, but having to witness the love of his life crash like that was a little too much. He always assumed the worst that could happen to you was a broken bone in your hand or a cracked collarbone, but a little metal could fix that, just as it had fixed dozens of riders on the grid over the years.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can. Can you keep me updated?” he asked her.
“Sure. FP3 is coming up for you, right? Be careful, the last thing we need is you getting hurt too.”
They said goodbye and Lando leaned back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. She was right, his next session was just about to begin, but how could he focus on driving when you were in such a bad condition? Maybe he would get in, then get out if his head wasn’t in it. There was no reason to force this.
He felt the couch shift on his side, and when he looked over there, he noticed Oscar sitting next to him with a worried look in his eyes. “I heard what happened,” was all he said.
Lando let out a deep sigh as he ran a hand through his curly hair. “I don’t wanna be here, I wanna be there with her,” he said, his voice breaking as he struggled to keep the tears back. “I’m so stupid, I always thought she was invincible, but in reality she is so fragile, I don’t even know how I could assume she would never get hurt.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” his teammate began as he put a hand on his shoulder. “This was a terrible accident, nothing more. She’s in good hands, there are great doctors there.” When he nodded, Oscar forced a barely visible smile on his face. “I have an idea. Spain isn’t that far away, maybe you could fly there after qualifying, and come back tomorrow before the race. Maybe seeing her could help you focus on driving again.”
It wasn’t such a bad idea, it could actually work, so he nodded and jumped up, moving towards the exit without saying anything. He could hear Oscar following him without missing a beat, and the Aussie soon caught up with him as they headed to find Zak in hospitality where he was last seen. Lando could feel everyone’s gaze on himself, so he assumed the news of your accident had spread like wildfire in the paddock. A journalist tried to approach him, but his teammate was kind enough to get him to leave with an annoyed come on, mate.
Zak was chatting with a VIP guest, but the moment he noticed them arrive, he excused himself and walked over to them. “I heard what happened. How is she? Do you know anything?” he asked worriedly.
Lando shrugged as he tried to find the right words to say. “All I heard is that it’s bad, there might even be a spinal injury.”
“You think you can focus on driving?”
With a nod, he looked down at his hand. “I’ll get in, do a few laps, and we’ll see. I don’t want to miss the weekend unless…”
“Don’t even think about that,” Oscar was quick to say, understanding what the rest of the sentence was supposed to be. “Zak, I’ve been thinking. What if he gets on a plane after qualifying, goes to Spain to see her, then returns tomorrow before the race? Maybe it would be good for him.”
Looking over at his teammate, Lando couldn’t help but feel grateful for his calm personality. He could think straight in even the most stressful situations, and now he could sense that he wasn’t in the right state to come up with these ideas. And Zak seemed to be understanding, because he nodded and agreed to let him do it.
From Lando’s point of view, the practice session just… happened. His head wasn’t in it, he only focused on testing a few settings just to see how the car felt and reacted, but he only did one or two fast laps. Between runs on the track, he kept checking his phone to see if there was any news, but all he saw was a message that you were still in surgery with no new information about you.
Shortly before qualifying, he gave your assistant a call to tell her he would fly there soon, but he wasn’t expecting to be greeted like this. Because she was crying, her voice muffled as she talked, and he had trouble understanding her. Then there were words exchanged in the background, and the phone was obviously taken by someone who wasn’t a crying mess. It was your crew chief, he recognized his voice when he greeted him, but it was also full of sadness.
He knew something was terribly wrong, and he felt nauseous at the thought. “What’s going on?” he managed to ask after some silence.
The man on the other end of the line took a deep breath. “She’s out of surgery, but… she’s hooked on machines and the doctors say she’ll stay that way. The staff in the medical center assumed she only had a severe concussion, but tests showed that the brain injury was much more serious than expected.”
“Her parents aren’t here yet, but we talked to them the moment we got new info. They understand what’s happening, and they wanted us to tell you they will wait for you to get here tomorrow so you can say goodbye before they turn off the machines,” he said, his voice cracking by the end.
Lando felt like fainting. His head was spinning, he wanted to throw up, he wanted to scream, but at the same time his body froze entirely. He just stood there in the back of the garage, staring straight ahead as he thought about what he should do. It was only after a minute or two that he took a deep breath and said, “I’m going there right now.”
But Paolo was quick to speak up again. “Lando, listen, she would want you to get in that car and go on with the weekend as if nothing happened. You will come here tomorrow after the race, and you will have time to let her go,” he said, forcing himself to keep his calm.
“What do you mean let her go? Apparently everyone, including her own parents, gave up on her. There has to be at least one person there who fights for her, because the doctors need to do something to fix her!” he yelled into the phone, earning a few worried looks.
“Listen, there’s no fixing her. She’s brain-dead. If it weren’t for the machines, she wouldn’t be alive now.” Silence fell between them, and it was your crew chief who broke it. “Lando?”
“Fuck this,” was all the Brit said before ending the call.
His vision was blurred by the tears, but he wiped them away and headed to where Zak was talking to one of the engineers. At this point he wasn’t about to take no for an answer, so he approached him with the intention to state his intention to leave immediately before actually doing so. When his boss’ eyes fell on him, it was clear that he knew something was wrong, because the moment he got there, Zak grabbed his arm and gently led him to a more private part of their garage.
He didn’t say anything, only waited for his driver to talk to him. But Lando hesitated, having absolutely no idea where to begin and how to tell him the truth about you. Paolo had been right, you would want him to continue, but how could he do that when they were ready to pull the plug without trying to make things right? There had to be something they could do.
Zak seemingly had enough of the silence. “What’s wrong? Bad news about her?” he asked, his voice unusually soft.
Lando nodded. “They say she’s brain-dead and can’t be saved,” he said, once again fighting his tears. “I–I don’t think I can do this. The qualifying, the race, the whole fucking media circus… I just can’t do it, I’m sorry.”
“Okay, try to calm down. Get in the car, do a few laps, and see if you can focus on that. Maybe it will even help you clear your mind,” he tried, but all he got in response was a murderous look. “She would understand if you arrived a few hours later. Just like we agreed; you go there after qualifying, then return tomorrow before the race. We need points to beat Red Bull this year. We need you on the track, Lando, even if it sounds terrible now. Dedicate this weekend to her.”
He agreed, but only because of you. Only because the people around the two of you were right, and as a professional athlete you would focus on your race too. So, he did everything he could to focus, he pushed himself to the limit, and eventually managed to finish the qualifying in P2. First row behind Charles. You would be proud. Their press officer warned the reporters that they should not ask questions about you, so he could focus on the session alone, although mentally he was already on his way to the airport.
A few hours later he met your assistant in the hospital’s lobby after fighting his way through the army of photographers and reporters outside. She guided him to the room you were in without saying a single word, and when you reached the door, she stayed outside, even though everyone was inside. He gave her a questioning look when he turned back, but she only shook her head and wiped away her tears.
Your mother jumped up and hugged him tightly when she noticed him, and your father also stood up to do the same. Lando didn’t know what to say, but neither did your parents. Paolo was watching him with a worried look in his eyes, the memory of their previous conversation probably vivid in his mind. But he wasn’t about to make a scene. He had time to think, he had time to do some research, so now he understood the chances of you coming back to them was close to none.
With hesitant steps, he walked to the side of the bed and took your hand, his thumb massaging your skin the same way he had done so many times in the past. But now you wouldn’t react, you wouldn't wrap your delicate fingers around his hand with that adorable smile on your face. He started crying, for the first time letting himself go and not holding it back, and he began to tell you between sobs how sorry he was for not coming sooner, for all the times you fought over stupid, meaningless things, for not proposing before it became too late.
He told you how much he loved you, how he couldn’t imagine ever loving anyone else the same way he loved you. Then he leaned down to kiss your lips, probably for the very last time, and he kept repeating I love you like it was a mantra that kept him sane.
After God knows how long, your mother put a hand on his shoulder to make him look at her. By now he had stopped crying, but after seeing her watering eyes, he had a feeling he would be crying again soon. Because he could tell what was coming, he could feel it in his bones. That grave sadness in her eyes could only mean one thing, and even though he wasn’t ready to hear it, he paid close attention to every word.
“I think it’s time to let her go,” she said hoarsely.
To his own surprise, Lando nodded and let her take his place, then he stood in a corner and watched as your parents said goodbye to you. He didn’t want this, he couldn’t accept that he lost you, but a rational part in his mind told him it was over, and it was time to let you go. Your mother was right, it was better to turn off the machines now, because seeing you hooked on them for a few more days would only drive them crazy.
He said goodbye to your parents in the hospital after the doctor announced the time of your death and went to his hotel to spend the night crying and suffering on his own. He saw the messages on his phone, and he noticed the way their number increased after your team announced your death on official channels. But he didn’t want to talk to anyone, and even at the race the next day, he avoided everyone as long as he could. If he talked, he only talked about the car and the upcoming race, everything else was a taboo at the moment.
On the track he was powered by his rage, which resulted in a couple of aggressive moves, but in the end, he managed to win the race. When he stood in front of the reporter after getting out of the car, he was terrified of a question regarding you arising, because he was damn sure he would break down at that very moment, but apparently his press officer had previously told them not to bring it up. So, all he said was a simple I did it for her at the end and nothing more.
It would be a long process to move on, he knew that.
His parents told him to come over until the funeral so he wouldn’t be alone, which would surely help him calm down a bit, then he would lock himself up in his home and his focus would shift back to racing again. But deep down he knew he had to let his friends close again too, because they kept assuring him that they were there, and he could always count on them. Maybe that was the key. Maybe letting others support him would speed up the grieving process.
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eucalyptus-lvs · 2 months
Your Girl? - Carmen Berzatto x Reader
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When I first started writing this it was going to be a stand-alone, but I could also see it as a pt. 2 to Good Luck Charm. Either way, I hope you enjoy it. If you have any thoughts or constructive criticism it's always appreciated. May not be the most canon portrayal of Carmy, but after S3 I need some happy moments. - Elli <3
TW: None. Maybe a suggestive comment or two.
Walking into The Beef you’re immediately hit with the smell of fresh bread and cooked meat. Before you can even make it to the counter Richie's face breaks into a bright smile as he spots you. "You're not supposed to be in today. Couldn't stay away from me, sweetheart?"
Most people found him to be rough around the edges, maybe even misogynistic, but you preferred to think of him as old-fashioned. 
The two of you grew close in the time you spent working together.
Although you started as a dishwasher, Mikey had switched you to the front after two weeks of working there when Richie almost made a kid cry for trying to order a hotdog with ketchup. You quickly learned that your new job was about keeping the peace and making things run as smoothly as the people around you would allow. 
Regardless, it was hard to see the man in front of you as a bad guy after watching him get on his knees to put a Hello Kitty bandaid on Eva's hand at a time when she was adamant about being “champion of the monkey bars”.
"Oh, I never wanna be away from you, honey." You share a laugh. "I just came by to drop something off for the boss. Then I'll be on my way."
"He's in the back if you wanna go on through."
"So I can get sucked into the vortex of chaos on my day off? I don't think so." The fighting has slowed down a bit at the restaurant, but it was still pretty busy. Guaranteeing that the energy level was always high. 
"Good point. I’ll tell him you're here." 
“Thanks, Rich.” You move to stand off to the side in a less crowded part of the restaurant. Taking out your phone, you check the time as you watch him retreat into the back. 
If you make this quick you can still get to the coffee place a couple blocks over before it closes for the day.
After a moment you see them both enter from the kitchen. Richie goes back to the register to attend to the customers, while Carmy heads your way.
"Hey. Richie said you had somethin' for me?" Wiping his hands on a towel and tossing it over his shoulder as he approached you. “Everything okay?”
"Yeah. I was getting ready this morning and saw this on the bathroom counter." You reach into your pocket to pull out a gold chain.
His gold chain.
Dangling between you both from your fingers.
"Shit, I don't even remember takin' it off." Grasping it from your hand to undo the clasp and put it on.
"That's because I did right before we got in the shower. I'm surprised it's still together with all the wear and tear you put it through."
"Yeah, yeah. Thanks for droppin’ it off. I coulda stopped by tonight though. After I close up?" The phrasing of his statement sounding more like a question.
"I was close by. I wanted to try that coffee shop down the street I was telling you about." You took a step toward him and whispered, "As for tonight, you know I want you over, but we're gonna have to make an effort to get some actual rest before we both develop a sleeping disorder."
"You seem to be doin’ just fine.” A grin broke out on his face.
"Did you forget the part where I told you I have to go get coffee?" You reminded disapprovingly.
"Okay, I get it. Sleep sounds really fuckin' good right now actually." He ran a hand through his hair as he paused. "You eat somethin' already?"
You break eye contact to look around the room aimlessly and avoid the question until your eyes land back on him. “....Huh?”
“We talked about this. You can’t starve yourself all day and then do your fuckin’ girl dinner shit when you get home.”
“First of all, you will never know the joys of girl dinner because you refuse to participate. It's the most well-balanced meal I'm capable of. Second, I've been running around all day and I forgot.”
“First of all, the fact that you call a plate with butter noodles, kimchi, a hard-boiled egg, and some red cherries ‘the most well-balanced meal you're capable of’ is scary. It's really fuckin’ scary. Second, I know you're busy. I'm a chef! What kinda asshole do I look like lettin’ my girl eat like that because you refuse to let me cook you somethin’?” He shot back, growing exasperated with the topic at hand.
“It literally covers all the major food groups! Wait-” You paused, tilting your head. Only just processing his full statement. “your girl?”
You can see the exact moment he processes it too. His eyes widened in panic. “Uh I-I meant, I mean we’ve kinda been-”
“Oh my god, you poor baby boy. You're blushing.” A smirk grows on your face.
“Fuck off” His eyes focusing on the floor, shaking his head. The heavy blush spread up his neck as well as his face.
“I'm afraid I can't do that at this particular moment, but maybe we both will later after you ask me to be your girlfriend.” You replied in a sing-songy voice. “Yknow for future reference you typically ask someone when you want to be exclusive with them.”
He leaned closer to you, eyebrows furrowing as he lowered his tone so he wouldn't be overheard. “I-I thought we've been exclusive. I haven't seen anyone else since you.” 
“I haven't either, but I guess if you want it to stay that way you're gonna have to ask me and make this official. Unless,” You lean away, kissing your teeth as you cross your arms. “you're too scared?”
“You know what? I'm not gonna ask.”
“Wow, you've already backed out. You sure there's not some other girl I should know about?” You mocked, knowing he barely had the time and energy to keep up with you. 
Even if he did, you knew there was no one else. Spending most of your nights at each other's place testing new recipes or wrapped up together in the early hours of the morning before the restaurant needed attending. 
That's why it never occurred to you to define what this is. He was making an active effort to have a life outside of the restaurant and he was doing it with you. 
That doesn't mean you couldn't enjoy making him sweat a little though.
“What?! No. I'm not asking because you're gonna ask me.”
“I’m gonna ask you to be my girlfriend?”
“No, smart-ass.” He let out a breathy chuckle, gesturing vaguely. “Your yknow- boyfriend.”
“Well, that's never gonna happen.” You stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Why not?”
“Because you're right. I should get a boyfriend that’ll take care of me and all my food-related needs.” Shrugging your shoulders you wave a hand in the direction of the register. Shouting, “RICH-”
“Stop.” He cut you off, raising his hand. “That's not even funny.”
“Oh, come on. It's a little funny.” You giggle, nudging his arm with your hand.
Shaking his head, he leads you to a table to sit down. “I've gotta get back in there.” Leaning close to your ear he whispers, “Sit tight while I make somethin’ for my girl.” Cupping the underside of your jaw with his calloused hand, he places a quick kiss on your cheek before walking off. 
You smile as you watch him disappear past the doors and back into the kitchen. 
You weren't gonna make it to the coffee shop today, but that was okay. Maybe you could go together on your way to work tomorrow.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Richie came up and put a hand on your shoulder, squeezing. “You call for me?”
You put your hand over his and squeezed back. Looking up at him you replied, “Just fuckin’ with Carm.”
“Good girl.”
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𝐉𝐉𝐊 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐒𝐎 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞.
Characters: Gojo, Toji, Sukuna, Geto, Nanami
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1505
Warnings: Reader is extremely sub coded with Sukuna, but otherwise no warnings really.
NOTE: Although there isn't any smut in this my blog is still very much an adult blog. Anyone under 18 please refrain from interacting with my posts.
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𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮
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Gojo sleeps like a comfortable cat. He sprawls out over the bed taking up as much space as he can, while also being as close to you as possible. Of course, he can tell when you make even the slightest movement. 
He doesn't like waking up though. He'll crack open an eye to look at you and survey what the problem is. 
Sometimes it's just you going to pee, in which case he cuddles you when you're back. Sometimes you get up and have a bit of water from your bedside table for this he doesn't bother moving at all. 
This time however he realises something is wrong. You're sitting up in bed breathing heavily. He immediately gets up. “What's wrong pookie bear?” he asks. When you don't roll your eyes at the cringey nickname he uses he understands it's probably bad. 
He holds you in his arms and you whisper, as if afraid that any loud noise will shatter the safe space around you. “I dreamed of you… You were dancing around the edge of a volcano and you fell in.” You shudder. Gojo cracks a smile.  
“Is that all then? I’d be fine!” He reassures you, patting your back. “It's just a little volcano!” 
Tears start falling from your face, “TORU! We didn't even have a body to bury!!” 
Gojo takes your face in his hands and makes you look into his brilliant blue eyes. “Baby, I will NEVER fall into a volcano…” You nuzzle into his shoulder and his hand rubs your back, a gesture that calms you down. “And even if I did – I wouldn't die. I'm the strongest, remember?” He grins all cocky. 
You roll your eyes but concede. He's right… He is the strongest. It would take more than falling into a volcano to kill him.
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Fushiguro Toji isn't always the kindest, but he really can't bear seeing you suffer. Usually after putting you to sleep, he likes to stay up and have another drink or make himself a snack while he watches some races on the TV or an action movie of some kind. 
Later at night, he might crawl into bed with you, picking you up and laying you on top of him like a human blanket. And some nights he falls asleep on the couch, TV still on, the plate and glass on the floor. 
One night he puts you to bed and is watching an action movie. Beer in one hand tilting dangerously as he gets drowsy. 
“What a boring fucking film.” He scolds the screen, deciding to turn it off and head to the welcoming softness of your bed. 
He enters the room to find you sitting up, knees to your chest softly sobbing. He tiptoes to you quietly, careful to not startle you. 
“Ummm… are you okay?” 
You move your head some way but it's indecipherable to Toji. He pats your back awkwardly. He asks again, hesitantly, “Did I do something honey?” trying to wrack his brain for anything he might have done to upset you. He had broken a mug a few days ago but didn't think it would be a big deal. He'd already shown you and told you he would get you a new one and you had assured him it wasn't a problem. So what was it? 
Suddenly he felt your arms wrap around his waist. “Toji…” 
He holds you closer. “What's up, buttercup?” 
“Would you leave me without telling me?” 
He furrows his brows. “What are you talking about doll?”
“I had a nightmare that you left. Just packed up and went away and I had no idea where you were, or what happened!” Your tears start falling with renewed vigour. 
Toji lifts you like a cat and sits down on the bed, placing you in his lap. Your tear-streaked face looking at him expects an answer but he isn't sure he can give you one. He knew his work could be uncertain; which was also why he had hesitated getting into a relationship with you in the first place. It was why he’d always been more of a ‘wham bam thank you, ma’am’ kinda guy so now, faced with a question like this he can’t think of anything to do but just hold you squishing your head under his chin. “I’m here aren’t I?” 
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𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧
Sukuna Ryomen is a nightmare.
However, on rare occasions, he can be… comforting – in his signature Sukuna way of course. 
He doesn't bother with human functions like sleeping, but you need to so he likes to make you sleep on him. If he’s sitting up and reading then he likes having your head on his lap. If he’s eating, you’re resting on his shoulder. If he’s not feeling too touchy but still wants you to be near him somehow, he will make you sleep by his feet. You're his little human after all. 
But Sukuna likes to take special care of his toys; so when one day you jolt awake at his feet, he lifts you onto his lap. Sitting you down so he can see your face clearly, he asks you what happened, not forgetting to call you a brat of course. 
“It was a nightmare,” you say quietly not wanting to reveal much. 
Of course, this wouldn’t be a satisfactory answer to the King of Curses. “Explain yourself woman!” he squeezes your cheeks between his fingers and thumb. 
“You! You were torturing me.” you cry out feeling his nails against your skin. 
He takes the opportunity to kiss your lips with your face still dwarfed in his massive hand. “There there, my little princess.” And licks a tear rolling down your cheek. “You know I’m not going to mistreat my playthings.” 
He continues saying, “Besides, if I wanted you dead, you would be. I wouldn’t waste my time torturing you.” And that would be the end of that conversation, but you would notice that in his own way, he would be a tiny bit gentler with you from then on… 
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𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮
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Geto Suguru is a man not unfamiliar with nightmares. So when you have one he knows what to do. What he wishes he had when he experiences the same…
He'll clasp you in a tight embrace, squeezing you close to his chest. 
He knows how terrifying it can be and how realistic nightmares feel even if in retrospect they are absolutely ridiculous. 
Geto wakes up hearing a thud and you crying out, “No!”
“What's wrong babe?” he asks, still half asleep voice drawling. He pushes himself up on his arms to take a look at you. 
You're clutching your head with a pained expression, tears filling your eyes. “I had a bad dream.” 
He takes your hand and pulls you towards him, letting you push your nose into his chest. “Did you hit your head on the bedside table too?” He asks slightly amused but still gentle. 
“I was trying to save you, you ungrateful man!” you admonish. 
“Save me?” Geto chuckles, “What from?” You murmur something that he can't make out. 
“Mmm, what was that?” He asks again teasingly. 
“Gojiraaa!” you say, clearer this time the embarrassment evident in your burning cheeks. 
Geto laughs. “Baby… You know I can fight him, right? Easily.” He pauses and then, “Or I could just throw you at him and run. You don't have to worry he won’t get me.” 
You stare at him annoyed, “You know what? He can eat you, I don't care.” 
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𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨
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Nanami Kento is a cuddler. So he knows immediately when you've had a bad dream. He's up before you, hearing you whimper and feeling your body tremble against him. He'll wake you up, hold you close. Bring you some water to drink and stroke your hair. 
He likes to speak to you gently to wake you up, slowly drawing you out of whatever nightmare was eating at you. His deep voice is soothing to hear even in your subconscious. 
You blink your eyes open. There's this dull feeling of terror that's fading away as your surroundings come into focus. 
“My love? I'm here. Wake up for me.” That's your partner's voice. Your Nanaminmin. You feel the warmth of his embrace and snuggle into his broad chest. It's safe. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Shibuya again…” 
Nanami rubs circles into your back wishing desperately that the trauma of the past would stay there. But even if that wasn't to be, at least he could hold you. Love you. He lowers his head to place a chaste kiss on the top of your hair. “It's over my love. I'm here. I'm alive. They couldn't take me from you…” 
He keeps murmuring to you as you hold onto him clutching at his arms. The feeling of terror; not so alien but thankfully fading. He was home. With you. You still had him. Right beside you. He was there. He slowly rocked you back to sleep closer than ever and this time when you slept there were no more nightmares…
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A/N: Thank you for reading! I'm open to feedback and do let me know if you find any grammatical errors that i might have over looked.
Also i reject canon. Nanami is alive. Shibuya happened but he was saved. i know i was there. i dragged his half dead body to safety ok bye.
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grandline-fics · 27 days
Hi lovely, hope you’re doing well. If you feel like it, would you write Smoker not realizing he’s got a crush on you until Tashigi has to point it out? It seems so Them ™ thank you 🫰
DESCRIPTION: He has no idea he has a crush on you
WARNINGS: mutual pining/ crushes
WORDS: 1,225
A/N: I was only intending on making this a short and sweet drabble but it went a little longer than that. Not that I'm complaining. I hope you like what I came up with for this and thank you for requesting.
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Smoker is normally straightforward and very aware of his surroundings and those that are in his immediate vicinity. He likes his space immensely and rarely allows anyone to encroach in that personal bubble. Outside of attacking pirates, or training very few tend to be given the privilege of staying next to Smoker for more than a few seconds. Tashigi would be the one to stay next to Smoker the most given she was his second in command although an interesting development caught her eye that Smoker somehow failed to notice for himself. You. Ever since you were transferred to the G5 base she noticed more and more how you and Smoker had gotten closer, to the point that now as she watched the two of you talk in the hallway her keen eyes took in how Smoker’s arm was all but a hair’s breadth away from fully touching yours. 
By her observation that was practically the equivalent of anyone else straddling their lover's lap by Smoker’s standards. Her gaze took you both in and she fought back the giddy smile, her boss had a crush and endearingly, he had no idea of his feelings. For a while she was happy to just take the revelation in and enjoy it for herself, unable to give up the chance of a lifetime to see Smoker like this. It was like winning the lottery to see the gruff, almost socially distant, stoic leader show his softer side. Now that she was aware of the change that overcame Smoker when you were near, she couldn’t help but see it take effect instantly. 
When you talked with him about mission reports, changes in shifts, or engaging in general conversation, Smoker would keep intense eye contact with you, taking in everything you had to say but his eyes would soften just enough to unconsciously seem less intimidating. Tashigi found that you’d never shied away from Smoker’s presence that others would normally feel nervous around. If you didn’t have time to stop and talk, you and Smoker still made sure to smile-albeit a small one on Smoker’s end- and offer a courtesy nod before continuing on your separate ways. Tashigi spotted out of the corner of her eye that as you passed by one day that Smoker’s head followed you for just a second. That day Tashigi decided to put Smoker’s feelings for you clearly into perspective. As she inspected the debrief of the upcoming mission that afternoon, she began the conversation by stating your name. As expected, Smoker’s head turned towards her curiously. “You going to say goodbye to them before we leave?”
“I’d be here all day if I said goodbye to everyone that wasn’t coming on the same mission as me, Tashigi.” Smoker stated with a confused frown, eyeing his second in command warily. “Did you get enough sleep last night?”
“Of course I did.”
“Then why the strange question?”
“Dunno just thought, you might want to say goodbye.” Tashigi shrugged with a playful smile. “We will be gone for at least a month. Won’t you miss them?”
“Tashigi…” Smoker abandoned the papers on his desk and turned in his seat to look at her, unwilling to indulge her antics. Especially if she was bringing you into the conversation. “Just say whatever it is you want to say so I can actually get on with my work.”
“Fine. You like them and before you say ‘they’re an asset to the base’ I mean you like them. Romantically.” Smoker blinked at Tashigi and she could see the gears turning in his head as her statement was being processed. The expression alone made her wish she had pointed it out to him sooner. Still, Smoker was a stubborn man and even with her nudging him towards the revelation, she needed to continue to really drive the point home before he could dismiss it. “I can see the way you look at them, and seek them out to talk to. They like you too y’know?”
Smoker couldn’t help but tense at that. An almost hopeful jolt ran through him involuntarily but even then he was reluctant to believe that you held a romantic interest in him the same way that he had for you. Now that Tashigi had pointed it out to him, he felt somewhat foolish that he hadn’t realised his own feelings on his own. He wasn’t a child and he wasn’t some lovesick teenager either but out of fear of sounding like one he refused to ask Tashigi how she knew you would reciprocate his feelings. Instead he gave a noncommittal grunt and quickly looked to the papers on his desk again. Tashigi grinned broadly and used all of her will to keep her voice even and calm when she was all but squealing on the inside. “The next time you go to talk to them, watch how their eyes light up. Perhaps if you went to say goodbye before our mission you’d see?”
The was a moment of silence as Smoker continued to stare at the papers but not reading them. Then with a curse he stood abruptly and headed towards the door. “Only because you won’t shut up about it.” 
“Whatever you say, sir.” Tashigi nodded, watching Smoker leave with the most satisfied smile on her face. As much as she would have loved to have follow close behind and see the next part for herself, she decided to give Smoker his space out of fear of pushing her luck with interfering into his personal life even though sometimes he sorely needed the obvious being pointed out for him.
Smoker strode down the corridors, seemingly doing his routine patrols before having to set off on the mission when really he was hoping to coincidentally run into you. He turned the corridor sharply just as you came from the opposite direction. Your body collided with his and instinctively Smoker’s hands firmly caught your shoulders, keeping you from falling. You let out a nervous laugh and looked up at him, an embarrassed warmth spreading over your face as you stared at your boss. “Sorry! I should really look where I’m going right?”
“No harm done on my end.” Smoker mused, taking Tashigi’s advice to observe your face as you spoke to him, to really watch your eyes. 
“Just as well.” You joked, smiling brightly as you met his gaze with only warmth as opposed to the use caution the others on the base would. “Last thing you need is an injury before going on a mission.” At that you seemed almost disappointed. Smoker tried to keep his expression neutral at the prospect that you’d miss him. “Jero said it was going to be a long one?”
“A month is the estimate.”
“A month…” Your smile lessened slightly before you mentally lectured yourself. This was how it went. Missions could range from a couple days to nearly a year, even longer. “I wish you a successful mission, Vice Admiral. I’ll see you when you get back.”
“Promise?” The word was out of his mouth before he really considered the implication the weight behind it would be. Smoker momentarily got lost in the way surprise lit your eyes and how your lips slowly spread into a smile far brighter than he’d yet to see grace your face before. 
“I promise.”
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf , @ane5e , @stuckinthewrongworld
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starboye · 2 months
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pairing: perv!rafe cameron x male reader
summary: rafe cameron had an obsession with you since day one and what better way to pursue it than you under him at his sisters sleep over
warnings: smut, cursing, masturbation
word counter: 1.19k
rafe would be lying if he said he didn't have a crush on you, it was just something about the way you presented yourself, your looks, your fashion, or even the way you acted made him want you more and more.
and what made it even harder is now you're having a sleep over with his sister "hey rafe" you cheerily say with a wave and lollipop in mouth as you walk into the kitchen, you were always oblivious to the way rafe looked at you longingly or the way he'd become all soft when he talks to you although you've seen him be very aggressive to others.
"oh hey y/n" rafe lazily waves trying to not make it obvious "hey can i ask a favor" you say walking over to the living room where he sat "yeah anything" he said "can i get a ride back to my place tomorrow, my mom cant come get me" you sweetly ask licking the lollipop, tongue running up and down it eagerly savoring the flavor of it.
rafe didn't hear a thing you said as he was to busy imagining your tongue running up and down his dick like that "rafe" you chuckle nudging his shoulder a little which quickly break him out of his trance like state "huh, oh yeah yeah i can totally do that" he nods pretending he heard you "thanks rafey" you say with out even realizing what you said.
rafe would have killed anyone else who called him that but for some reason he liked that you called him the embarrassing name, he watched as your ass swayed back and forth as you walked back to sarahs room "fuck" he mutters under his breath noticing the obvious boner in his pants.
he had always imagined you in every way possible, you and him dating, him confessing his love for you or vice versa, and even you under him taking every inch of his dick and moaning his name like a prayer but sadly he could never gain the courage to tell you only imagine it.
after a few more minutes rafe hears the ruckus you and sarah were making start to calm down, he peeks down the hall to see you going to the guest room with blankets in hand before seeing the light shut off "he's asleep" rafe thought to himself as his mind started to race with ideas, some good and others that should never be spoken.
he battles with himself thinking it wouldn't be to bad to just go in the rrom and make sure youre okay right, but every now and then the idea of him ruining you as you sleep pops into his mind "no no no i shouldn't" he thinks to himself "but i could" he says, he looks down at the beer on the table in front of him and after downing the whole thing he gains the courage to walk down the hall to the room you were sleeping in.
he slowly opens the door and peeks in seeing you beautifully sleeping, chest rising and falling with light breaths, he slips into the room and closes the door behind him and inches closer to you heavy hushed breaths from rafe fill the room as you lay there.
rafe stands over you now frozen in shock as he wonders how he put himself in this situation, but the way your mouth slightly opens and the way your body shifts towards him quickly reminds him, his hands reaches out to your mouth before he slips his thumb into you open mouth, you instinctively close your mouth around his thumb and begin sucking it lightly.
rafe could feel the immediate boner begin to fight against his pants and he looks at you desperately wanting to wake you up just to fuck you into being his, he slides his free hand into his pants and palms his growing hard on, tightly closing his mouth to silence and sounds that dare come out and wake you up to his perverted actions.
he takes his thumb out of your mouth and slips it into his, sucking it eagerly wanting to taste you in any way possible before he finally lets his aching dick out of the confines of his pants, letting it flop out as he looks between you and his dick wishing he could just slide it into your mouth and watch you suck it just like how you suck those lollipops.
but settles with jerking off, he spits into his hands and lathers it around his thick cock before stroking it slowly, the sounds of his slick wet dick fill the room as he wonders what would be your reaction if you saw his vulgar actions right now, would you push him away and deny his feelings towards you or would you help him out and let him cum all over your pretty face and as he's so lost in his imagination he doesn't notice his hand picking up pace.
he throws his head back as his hands speeds up on its own, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood as he moans lightly not wanting to ruin the image in front of him, you sweetly layed in bed with red stained lips from the lollipops you sucked earlier as you sleep so peacefully not knowing the action going on tight next to you.
rafe may have been staying quiet as to not wake you but deep down he wanted you to wake up and catch him doing this, he wanted you to know how much he wanted you to be his, "y/n" he whispered out desperately wanting a response but nothing came from you except fro a couple light snores.
he came with one groan escaping his lips as his cum filled up his hand and his vision became hazy but he still managed to look down at you through foggy eyes, he leans down and vaguely kisses your lips as your breath dances across his lips, "i love you" rafe whispers before sneaking out the room but not without grabbing a pair of you're underwear for a souvenir.
rafe went to sleep that night thinking about what if you knew what he did and how would you react, would you hate him, would you totally stop talking to him, he thought the whole night before eventually falling asleep and waking up in the morning to you knocking at his door, he freaked out and fell out of bed before answering the door casually saying "yeah as if he didnt trip out of bed.
"you said you were gonna drive me home" you say with your bags in hand "i did" he mutter "i did" he said pretending he remembered, you both got in the truck and pulled out the drive way and began driving home "hey rafe" you say "yeah" he replies "if you ever wanna jerk off over me at least wake me up to enjoy the view" you say before kissing his cheek "o-okay" he nervously says on the outside but was freaking out on the inside.
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
If the asks are still open may I make a request. I read your cuddling headcanons for task force 141 and it got me thinking. How would they react to being cradled to their fem s/o's chest. With their fingers running through their hair, listening to their heartbeat? These boys deserve to go to sleep in comfort. Let them go into such a deep sleep they almost go into the light. If you don't feel like doing the whole squad can I just have Ghost?
task force 141 + being cradled
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: help i've been watching neymar jr/jude bellingham edits for so long my fyp thinks im a real soccer fan
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simon "ghost" riley:
alright so simon's definitely more used to being the cradler rather than the cradled
he likes holding your head to his chest and feeling you bury your face deeper into his shirt
but honestly he's never been held by someone else
i mean just on size alone the schematics are kinda awkward
which is why he's sort of caught of guard the first time you pull him to your chest
the two of you were sitting in bed and he was telling you about his day
and you could tell that even though his voice was neutral he was absolutely exhausted (plus all the stuff he had to say just sounded so tiring)
so without saying anything (and a bit of struggle ngl this man is huge and therefore heavy) you manage to pull his head into your chest
he kinda stiffens and tries to get away but you hold him firm against your chest because you know that if he really wanted to leave he easily could
but when he sees how determined you are to keep him there it sorta flicks a switch in his mind that maybe this isn't the worse thing in the world
like obviously you wanted this and he's spent enough time with you to trust you
and besides you're so warm and even though you're not as big as him he can't help but feel secure in your arms so he starts to relax
and you tell him to pick up his head so you can take off his balaclava and he happily obliges
and he takes this opportunity to readjust into a more popular position so that he's more shifted on his side with one of his arms wrapped around your torso
and now he can feel the tiredness start to creep around his eyelids but he doesn't want to fall asleep because he wants to be able to savor this moment
but when you bring your fingers to his hair?
oh. my. lord.
simon melts IMMEDIATELY
he's kinda embarrassed about it but his eyes literally rolled into the back of his head
and after that point it is literally so hard for him to not fall asleep
like he is fighting demons just so he can stay awake and listen to your heartbeat longer
but with the way you're fingers are working magic on his scalp it's not long until his eyes are closing
he honestly doesn't even realize he fell asleep until he wakes up the next morning
and is he stiff as hell?
but was it worth it?
john "soap" mactavish:
alright so soap's definitely more chill about it than ghost
like he was the one to put his head on your chest not the other way around
he just likes how soft and warm you are and it makes him feel cozy
but he can't do it all the time because sometimes it gets to hot or he gets worried his head is too heavy
it's like being the little spoon
it's nice but sometimes you just wanna sprawl your entire body over someone else's
so he honestly doesn't let you cradle him very often
plus it's just like an awkward position for him
he doesn't wanna have to crane his neck up to see you and he has to do that when you have his head in your chest
that being said he will sacrifice seeing your face for a bit if it means having you scratch his head for him
although his favorite is when you're sitting on the couch because then he can lay his head on your lap
and then he has a good visual of your face and he gets to have you scratch his head
so it's a win win in his opinion
that being said having his head on his chest is one of his favorite positions to fall asleep in
especially when he's too tired to worry about if it's comfortable for you or not
something about your heartbeat is just soothing what can i say
kyle "gaz" garrick:
hmmm so tbh i don't think gaz is really into the head scratches
like it doesn't really work with his hair texture anyways and they feel funny to him
sorta like how some people love asmr but others can't stand it
and honestly i hate to say it but i don't really see gaz as being super into having you cradle his head and stuff
idk why i just can't see him doing that but maybe im just blind idk
like he might lean his head on your shoulder or even your head or something like that but idk he's just not a cradle kind of guy imo
he definitely loves cradling your head though
like he loves it when you're sitting in the car or on a couch and you lean your head on his shoulder and he can wrap his arm around you
definitely gives a top of the head kiss then too
maybe when he's sleeping he'll put his head on your chest
but again he'd much rather have your head on his chest
plus gaz has found that he has a very sensitive spine
(probably from falling out of like twenty helicopters let's be fr)
and so often when he falls asleep with his head on your chest he wakes up with a super stiff neck
off topic but one time he did fall asleep with his head on your chest and you moved it to his pillow once he fell asleep
and ik it sounds counterintuitive but that day gaz knew he was falling in love because the fact that you knew to do that made his heart soar
john price:
okay so price is obviously older and therefore more mature
and like the wise man he is he's never afraid to rest his head on the chest of a beautiful woman
that's honestly one of his favorite ways to spend his off days
the two of you laying on a couch watching a movie
he let you pick bc you both knew he would pass out by the thirty minute mark
i mean how could he not?
especially when he's laying on your chest and you're fiddling with his hair
twisting it and braiding it and combing through it
also you know he let's out the most guttural groan as soon as your fingers touch his head
and at that point he's more than happy to close his eyes, lay back, and relax as he listens to your heartbeat over the sound of the movie
sometimes you'll say something and he'll grunt in reply
but you both know that he has no idea what you said because he's in that perfect limbo of barely being awake and barely falling asleep
i mean he literally fantasizes about spending his days like that
alejandro vargas:
hm alright so alejandro would definitely rather have you on his chest than lay his head on yours
but also in the end his root motivation for everything is just making you happy so if you ask him to lay his head on your chest he will obey any day
i mean guys...
he is whipped for you let's be real
you say jump he says how high
he'll also never admit it or explicitly ask for it but he does love it when you play with his hair
especially when you curl it around your finger and tug on it a little
sometimes though if he's had a long day he'll come home and just lay his head down on your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat
usually he'll get up after a while so he can talk to you without his words being muffled by your chest
sometimes though he's too tired and he'll just straight pass out
still in his gear and everything
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
hehehehe rudy my favorite
all right guys im sure you already saw it coming but rudy definitely LOVES resting his head on your chest
like it is his preferred position for everything
he will outright ask you to lay down so he could go rest his head on your chest
and yes he will ask you to play with his hair too
and he will sing your praises when you do
this definitely started way early in the relationship so you've had lots of time to get used to it
and it's not like you can complain because even if it does get uncomfortable at times rudy is always sure to let you know how much he appreciates it
i mean it just lets him actually sleep well for once
like as soon as his head is on your chest he is passed out
snoring quietly and drooling ever so slightly
and you know when he wakes up he's gonna have those red indent marks on his skin lol
but all jokes aside it really is his favorite thing like if he could he would record the sound of your heartbeat and play it back during missions
and also when he's on duty and has to sleep alone he definitely props up some pillows and tries to pretend it's you
it's not as good as you though
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lillsisamarshmallow · 4 months
Getting back to Normal (18)
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Summary: Y/n and her boys enjoy the first day in their new house and get up to their usual shenanigan's
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: None? Let me know if I missed any!
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I yawned loudly as I slowly cracked my eyes open with the sun spilling into the room, I could feel the skin around my mouth tightly stretching as I closed my mouth. My head was slightly spinning as I forced myself to set up from wherever I was, my back ached slightly, and I had to pause for a second before continuing to sit up straight. I looked at my surroundings. I was on the floor, surrounded by various cardboard boxes and paper, a pair of scissors and some tape.
I raised my hand to rub my head as I tried to remember what had happened. It was late, and I couldn't sleep. Looking around, pieces of last night kept coming into my brain until I finally remembered what happened. I must have fallen asleep when I was making those flowers. I thought to myself as I reached to pick up an intricate paper flower, followed by another and another. Right.
I looked up at the small clock I had on the wall, 8:27am, I wasn't asleep for long. I groaned as I lifted myself up off the floor, stumbling slightly, before I made my way out of the room and downstairs. I wasn't fully awake, so it wasn't surprising that I bumped into someone.
I gasp quickly as I feel myself collide with someone else, tumbling over and falling. I braced myself to hit the ground but felt my body spin before being held against someone else's.
“Are you alright? You need to watch where you’re going.” He joked at the end. I looked up at him and he looked back down at me, his black, rounded ears looking similar to a silhouette, His fluffy brown hair fell over his forehead and ended near his unmatching eyes. His lips pulled into a square smile, the cute moles that adorned them on full display.
I smiled before promptly apologising and laughing it off, he let me go and I stumbled slightly before regaining my balance. Me and Taehyung made our way into the kitchen, I wasn't so tired that I didn't notice his arm that never wavered from its position around my waist until we sat down.
I smiled up at Jin and Jungkook who were cooking in the kitchen in front of me, although Jungkook seemed to just be messing around despite Jin’s glare. I looked down as a cup was placed in front of me, I wrapped my hands around it, the warmth immediately transferring into my cold fingers. I looked up at the person who placed it in front of me, Hoseok gave me a knowing smile before he walked over to sit at the dining table with Taehyung and Jimin with his own cup and plate of food.
I wasn't overly hungry, but Jin made sure that I ate something before I left, which I was grateful for because I knew that not eating now would only result in me getting hangry later. I walked around for a little bit, the boy must have done some unpacking this morning as I could see more empty boxes folded up at the door and a few more things had been put out. I walked upstairs, still holding my mug, and then I went up to the top level.
As I reached the top of the stairs, I noticed someone else was already here, he was laying on the outside couch, his black tail resting over him, the sun rays casting over him like a golden blanket. He looked so peaceful.
I watched as his tail moved and he opened his eyes, seeming to already be looking at me. I felt a twang of guilt for disrupting his peace, but it quickly faded away as he beckoned me over to him. I gladly walked over to him and sat down at the end on the outside couch.
I looked over the railings and the view was breathtaking. I could see our backyard and the forest it led into, it seemed to go on forever, tall pine trees littered the ground. Far away, where the stress ended, I could see a mountain with snowy peaks, it was beautiful. The serenity of this place was like no other, the air felt fresh, and it held a chill to it making me huddle my mug closer to my chest and squeeze my fingers around it harder. 
I could hear the painting noise of the forest, birds flying about, chirping, and singing their little hearts away, I couldn't help the smile that spread on my lips as I took it all in. But soon I realised that I was most definitely not dressed to be on top of the roof, I shivered from the cold and took a sip from my mug, the hot liquid only doing so much to warm me.
Suddenly I felt a hand grab hold of the mug, my first instinct was to hold on tighter before I remembered that it was just Yoongi and I let him move it from my grasp, he placed it on the table in front of him. 
“Come here.” He mumbled quietly, but still politely. I obliged and stood up and walked closer to him, I was surprised when he pulled me down into him on the couch. He wrapped one arm around me, pulling me closer to him and further onto the couch. My breath hitched in my throat as I felt him move before draping a blanket over both of us, one that I hadn't even noticed before this.
It took a second before I fully relaxed into his hold, resting my head on the small cushion, and burying my face into his neck as I felt my body warm up. I heard him chuckle lightly and his chest rumbled, and he squeezed me slightly. I smiled as I closed my eyes. Sleep came to me quickly since I had only gotten around 2 or 3 hours last night.
I was comfortable in the cat hybrids hold, despite the cold air I was very warm and cosy, I could hear the rustle of trees and the chirping of birds, my soft breath mixed with Yoongi’s and his body didn't stop the faint quiet hum that helped lull me to sleep.
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I felt the sun burning into my eyes through my eyelids. I whined out in annoyance as I tried my best to avoid the death ray by turning my head down and pushing it against Yoongi, who was still laid in front of me. I heard his chuckle and his chest moved from the sound.
I wasn't ready to get up, I could lay down with yoongi and bask in the sun for hours, I didn't want to get up. But yoongi obviously had other plans.
“C’mon, let’s get you up now.” He spoke as he shuffled and sat himself up before pulling me along with him. I tried to flop back down and make it harder for him to carry me, but he wouldn't budge. He laughed at my stubbornness as I glared at him, I could feel that my hair was messy, and my eyes had not fully adjusted to the light so I was squinting a lot.
I pulled myself to stand up fully and i leaned on him, resting my head on the front of his shoulder, I grumbled about how I didn't want to get up, but he insisted, in one hand he held the mug I had brought up here, and the other one he held onto my hand with, lacing his fingers with mine before guiding me down the stairs in my tired state.
It must have been around lunch time by now as when we got to the ground level of the house, I could smell Seokjin’s cooking, and I could hear Taehyung and Jimin arguing over something. We both walked into the kitchen, and I was feeling more awake now. Yoongi led me over to sit down on the couch, he tapped my shoulder affirmingly, and I gave him a reassuring smile before he walked into the kitchen, putting my now old mug in the sink.
I pulled my legs up onto the couch and curled them to my side as I looked at the boys. They were both having a ‘discussion’ about something, I glanced over to the tv where the credits for ‘Mulan’ were playing, indicating that they had just finished the movie.
“Snow white is the best Disney princess. She is the prettiest.” Taehyung argued to Jungkook, an over exaggerated expression on his face.
“No, she’s not! Sleeping beauty is literally ' ‘The fairest of them ALL’. ” Jungkook defended whilst throwing his arms around in the air as he stood right in front of Taehyung. 
“She pricked her fingers on a spinning wheel!” Taehyung yelled. I stared wide eyes at the both of them as I was utterly confused. Why are they arguing about Disney princesses? And wasn't ‘Mulan’ the movie that was just on? I stayed quiet as I turned back to the TV. It was Mulan’s movie that had finished playing, but as I watched their ‘recently watched’ I saw a plethora of Disney princess movies.
“I’m too tired for this.” I mumbled,barely above a whisper.
They continued to throw insults at both each other and the princess they had deemed their favourite until Jin yelled at them from across the house, and at that they finally calmed down just as Jimin made his way down the stairs, his eyes widening as he saw me. His tail wagged quickly, and his ears perked up as he walked faster over to me, I smiled back at him as he stood behind where I was seated on the couch.
He leaned on the back of the couch and draped his arms over my shoulder before linking them loosely in front of my chest. I reached up one hand and softly held on to his arm as we both looked over at the youngest hybrids.
“Who’s your favourite, Y/n? Sleeping beauty, or snow white?” Taehyung asked me while placing his hands under his chin and smiling as he said his preferred princess.
“Uhm, I like Tiana.” I said to them, not thinking much about my answer. Both the boys seemed annoyed at my answers but before they could answer Jimin cut them off.
“My favourite princess is Y/n.” He said through a muffled voice as his face was buried in my hair, my face heated up slightly at what he said. 
Jungkook spluttered over his words before accusing Jimin of ‘cheating’ which made the both of us laugh out loud. The bunny hybrid tried to change his answer by saying that I was now his favourite, but Jimin said that he wasn't sharing. Me and Taehyung laughed at the other two as they began bickering, Jimin held on to me tighter as Jungkook tried to pull me away.
I gasped out loud as I felt Jimin move his hand down to my waist before he lifted me up into his arms, he moved one hand under my legs and the other behind my back as he pulled me close to his chest and took a few steps back while he regained his balance. 
I laughed as I instinctively wrapped my hands around his neck, turning away from him back to the others. Taehyung was sitting on the floor with his back against the couch, still laughing, Jungkook seemed shocked as he stared at me.
“You cannot have her. She is mine.” Jimin declared proudly, not waiting a second for Jungkook to catch up, he bolted out of the room whilst still holding me tightly. I pulled my face into his chest before peeking over his shoulder, where I saw Jungkook running after us. Jimin slowed down as he opened the back door, running out and going around the house on the porch.
I could hear Jimin’s giggling as he continued to evade Jungkook, who was most definitely catching up to us. We went past the window to the kitchen, and I briefly saw the others looking at us confused. I jolted around as Jimin got down the stairs only getting a few feet into the backyard before Jungkook came barrelling into us knocking us both onto the cold grass.
The yard erupted into laughter as the three of us collapsed on the grass. It took a second but eventually I hauled myself upwards and glanced over at the other two, Jimin, yelled at the youngest, stopping in his sentence to keep laughing. Jungkook just laughed at the elder as he rolled over on the grass. I glanced over to the door and saw Jin and Yoongi rush out, followed by a barely able to stand Taehyung. I gave them a quick thumbs up letting them know that we were all okay and I watched as their concerned expressions turned into smiles.
The 3 of us picked ourselves up and made our way into the kitchen. I plopped down onto a chair next to Namjoon as I caught my breath. Jin has just finished cooking as I spotted a few plates full of food. Before I could ask for my own, a plate was already placed inside of me, I smiled up at Hoseok and thanked him and Jin for the food before I started eating.
The food was nice and warm, perfect for the cold weather we were having, soon enough everyone sat down and started eating and talking. It was a relaxing lunch, we talked about the house, and Jungkook brought up the Disney princesses again, and we decided that we would have to go shopping soon for a few more things and we needed more winter clothes.
“Can we have cake?” Taehyung asked with his mouth still full, he glanced between me and Jin as he asked, Jin sighed but before he could say anything I spoke up.
“Sure, you can help me make one after lunch.” I said, it had been a while since I last cooked something at home since Jin did most of it now, so I was more than happy to bake something for everyone. “A cake to celebrate.”
After that I decided to take a quick shower and do my hair while the others finished lunch. My bathroom always looked like a cyclone had gone through it after I got clean and did my hair, so I took a few minutes to tidy it up. I dressed myself in a pair of long leggings and a random shirt I had tucked away in my drawer. I slid on some slippers before making my way downstairs.
I walked into the kitchen and spotted Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook standing around. I smiled at them as I began getting the ingredients and supplies out and turning on the oven. Namjoon suggested that he help decorate the cake rather than cook it since he didn't want to mess it up. I grinned at him, completely understanding what he meant, and how could you possibly mess up decorating a cake anyways?
I watched and Jungkook was cracking the eggs while Taehyung reread the instructions I had scribbled down. The first egg went in without a problem, Jungkook turned to face me, looking away from the bowl as he went to crack the second egg. We both turned to look at Taehyung as we heard his shriek of disgust, I peered over and looked into the bowl, I covered my mouth as I saw what had happened.
“You cracked the egg on my hand!” He exclaimed while still holding his hand over the bowl and giving Jungkook a bewildered look, his hand was dripping with the gooey, clear raw egg.
“Why was your hand in the bowl?” Kook asked nonchalantly.
“I was getting the shell out since you got some in the cake.”
“Well, that was silly.” Jungkook sassed back to Taehyung, me and Namjoon were both quietly laughing at the harmless squabble between the 2. “Do you even know how to bake?”
Taehyung let out an exaggerated gasp as he pulled his hand up to his chest and acted offended. “You…” He started slowly sneering. “You disrespect me, you disrespect my family, you disrespect my cow… how could you?”
“Why I outta-” Jungkook began winding his arm up in circles like a cartoon.
“Alright, that's enough Disney movies for you too.” I announced as I pushed my way between them, I looked down at the bowl and softly picked out the piece of shell, popped it in the bin, and started mixing the cake batter. I saw from the corner of the eyes the men give each other a faux glare before moving and washing up, I looked up and Namjoon who sat across me, he sighed before shaking his head and placing it into his palm, but I could see the corner of his mouth curve into a smile.
Thankfully, the rest of the baking process went well, the cake was in the oven, and it had just a few minutes left before it would be done, and we had gone to the lounge room and joined Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin on the couch. I walked over and found my place between Yoongi and Jimin. I rested my head on Yoongi's lap and my legs over Jimin’s. I looked over to Hobi, who seemed engrossed in the nature documentary they were playing, giving the T.V his complete attention. I don't know if he even noticed us joining him.
I relaxed into the soft atmosphere as I felt Yoongi rest his hand and my hair and slowly pulled his fingers through it while Jimin rested his hand over my thigh, rubbing small meaningless patterns with his thumb, Taehyung sat down on the beanbag in the middle of the room facing the tv.
I watch as a tiny baby frog crawled its way out of a small pond filled with various plants and lilies on the tv, it hoped around a few times as the camera shots changed angels, the iconic sound of David Attenborough’s voice filled my ears, I used to love watching his documentaries when I was younger, late at night with a tub of ice cream curled up on my couch, by myself or with Ms. Chiyo.
I blinked a few times before looking around in confusion as the screen had just completely turned black and shut down, Hobi sat up slowly before quickly looking around and patting the couch around him trying to find the remote. I watched curiously as something caught my eye, 2 brown bunny ears perked up from behind the couch and were slowly moving away from where Hoseok sat.
“Jungkook?” I was confused. Everyone turned to where I had loosely pointed, and the situation became pretty clear. Hobi relaxed before sticking his hand over the other side of the couch and waiting patiently.
“Give. Me. The. Remote.” He demanded calmly, within seconds the remote had popped up along with a hand that placed it into Hobi’s. I watched as the ears shrank down until I could no longer see them. I turned back towards the TV as Hobi started up the TV again and the documentary came back on, but now it was focused on a mother fox and her young cubs in a snowy forest.
It felt like no time had passed and it was time to decorate the cake that we had been cooking, I did a base coat before we made coloured icing and put it in piping bags, Namjoon had a light blue, Jungkook had purple, and Taehyung had a leafy green colour. The plan was to pipe some flowers and leaves over the cake. I was equipped with a knife and white frosting to help with damage control.
I taught Namjoon and Jungkook how to pipe some basic flowers on the cake, and most of them came out okay with a very lopsided one, but that's okay. I showed Taehyung how to make leaves and small decorations and he was doing alright at it, I did happen to notice the significantly less amount of frost he had now than when I gave the bag to him, but I didn't have time to focus on it as Namjoon starting panic over a flower that had ‘jumped of the side’ of the cake.
The cake was looking good, and I was able to cover up a few small mistakes, and although it wasn't perfect I didn't mind because it was worth every second to see the proud looks that they each had as the looked at their handy work, and Namjoon’s face when he was concentrating warmed my heart. That was until something fell onto the cake, right in the centre of it, I didn't have time to cover my face and I felt icing splatter onto it.
I blinked a few times as I tried to not get icing in my eyes, I looked down at the cake, the entire top of the cake and being covered in green icing, I reached out towards the cake and another splat of green frosting landed on my hand. Slowly, I looked up towards the roof, stuck onto the roof was a glob of green frosting, a few more small pieces of frosting fell down and I stepped back.
I turned to face Taehyung, the clear culprit, as he was the one with the green frosting bag. He hesitantly looked down and towards me, giving me a boxy smile as he slightly shrugged his shoulders.
“How did you even get frosting on the ceiling?” I asked, only half expecting an answer from the guilty hybrid. He just looked back at the cake then glanced up at the others, Namjoon seemed to be in shock as he looked down at his once beautiful flower. Jungkook glared right at Taehyung, within seconds he dropped his piping bag and ran around the counter to catch him.
Those two started chasing each other around and eventually outside, I couldn't hold in my laughter as I giggled at what had happened before reaching out to Namjoon, wrapping my smaller hands around his big ones, and reassuring him that we could still fix it, he was eager to fix the cake and so while the younger 2 were chasing each other, me and Namjoon started fixing the cake.
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It was later that night after dinner when we all sat down to eat the cake for dessert, me and Namjoon were able to fix it by taking some of the excess icing off and piping more flowers onto. The cake was great, and everyone was enjoying it, except for Taehyung, who was cleaning up the roof in the kitchen, along with Jungkook’s help, but eventually they did come and join us and got their own slice.
I will admit that watching a giant panther chase after a small bunny and then the bunny jumping on its back, was one of my favourite things that had happened today. I made my way to my bedroom and opted to take another shower to make sure I had washed off all of the icing. I felt my body relax as the warm water ran through my hair and onto my scalp, my showers had become hotter recently since I wanted to stay warmer for longer after leaving the steamy bathroom.
I hummed a small tune to myself as I brushed my teeth and applied my face cream, making sure I had done everything and looked like a glazed donut. My room was lowly illuminated by fairy lights and small lamps. It was a little chilly but having my window closed definitely helped. I finished doing my hair as I sat down on my bed and put my phone on my table.
I snuggled deeper into my bed, various pillows and blankets surrounding me, becoming messy and disorganised as I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable. I finally found the perfect position, I pulled the blankets up higher to my face and closed my eyes as I let sleep find me.
Turns out sleep has no sense of direction and got lost.
I groaned as I threw the covers over me and started senselessly kicking to get them off me. My annoyance made my skin feel weird and I couldn't stand the feeling of the blankets at that moment. I rubbed my eyes and crawled off my bed, dragged my feet to my door before deciding to head to the kitchen. I did my best to tiptoe around and not make any noise to hopefully not disturb the others.
I flicked on a small lamp in the kitchen which slightly illuminated the area, I opened the fridge and just stared at the contents of it. I wasn't even really hungry, I was just bored and frustrated. I sighed before closing the fridge again and turning around to place my elbows on the counter and leaning on it.
I froze in my spot as from the corner of my eyes I saw 2 piercing spots, I turned and realised that they were in fact eyes. I turned on another light that would allow me to see who it was, as the room exploded into a warm light, I saw who the eyes belonged to. I watched as the giant wolf yawned, his jaw opening wide and his tongue flicking out, I smiled at him as I made my way over to the couch.
I instinctively pushed my hand out to pet him and his head as I stood in front of him. “Couldn't sleep either, hey?” I asked with my voice sounding slightly croaky. Namjoon let out an agreeable whine as he chased around my hand that danced in front of him. I decided to sit down with him and immediately the hybrid wolf plopped down on top of me, his paws pushed in front of him as he rested his upper half on my thighs.
My hands quickly disappeared into the long fur on his back as I drew little patterns with my fingers while we both sat in a comfortable silence. “I’m still not used to this new house.” I chuckled. “That’s probably why I can't sleep. I lived in my apartment for a few years so it’s different having such a large house. It must be hard for you guys too.”
Namjoon let out a confused wolfy grunt before he lifted his head up and looked at me, his big eyes felt like they were piercing through me, I smiled at him with my eyes closed as I ruffled my hand over his head before lightly scratching behind his wolf ears.
He stood on all fours next to me and I looked at him confused. He started nudging me with his nose, I laughed at first until I realised he was trying to tell me something. Eventually I got the hint and I laid down on the couch, Namjoon easing coiled up beside me and rested his head in the dip of my waist. I giggled lightly and put my hand back on his head, slowly tracing patterns as we laid down.
I couldn't explain how or why Namjoon’s familiar scent of Lavender and Pine was still so strong in his wolf form, or why it made me feel calm and relaxed, but I honestly didn't care because I was beginning to get tired, and the sleep began swirling around in my mind like dark grey clouds in a storm. I managed to mumble a quiet ‘goodnight’ before I was devoured by the storm in my head.
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A/n: Chapter 18!! It's crazy to think that I've already written 18 chapter of the fic (omg) but that means that we are getting closer to the end!! 12 chapters left after this one, I might be open to doing one-shots/scenarios set within this fic after i finish it, but only if you guys ask for them. This chapter is slightly more focus on the maknae's, but the next one will focus more on the hyung's. Anyways, I'm not sure what else to write... remember to check out my WIP post if your interested in anything that I've been working on! and apart from that... I hope everyone has a great day or night, or wherever you are reading from, Thank you all so much for reading! 💜💜💜
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader ⚠️SMUT⚠️
Synopsis: Chris and Y/N never have alone time, so they decided to go for night drive, and take a pit stop🤫
Warnings⚠️: this is smut based on my request I just got! It’s obvious there’s sex, but it’s nothing intense. It’s pretty short imagine too🫶🏽
Song for the imagine: Wus good/Curious-PARTYNEXTDOOR
⚠️This is a 18+ imagine so minors DO NOT INTERACT⚠️
Chris and I had been dating for about a year now, and we loved spending time together going on dates, shopping, watching movies together, laughing and overall just enjoying each other's company. However he did live with his brothers, so they would usually join us on certain things like movies and games.
Although Chris had the downstairs room it still made it insanely impossible for us to have true alone time. Matt and Nick always wanted to sleep in his room, or stay with us watching movies till 3am. We loved them dearly, but sometimes Chris and I really needed alone time, and by that I mean we really needed to have sex
The last time we actually had decent sex was a good two months ago, and it was decent because as soon as we finished Matt came barging in the room looking for something of his he left the night prior. So it 100% ruined any lasting mood we might’ve had.
The most we have been able to do in the past two months was over the clothes stuff, and 10 minute quickies in the shower, but we were yearning for some dirty intense love making.
Chris had asked me if I wanted to take a drive with him. Honestly I wanted to stay home, but I know what he wanted, and I knew Nick and Matt would be home soon, so I agreed.
It was 9pm when he decided to take us for a “drive”
“Where are we headed baby?” I asked him as I shuffled his music library
“I’m thinking that little secluded area up on that hill” he said looking over at me
“Ahhh yesss where everyone goes to fuck” I said laughing
He sucks his teeth and looks at me “babe”
“Sorry! I’m serious though. Are you taking me there to fuck?” I said wiggling my brows
“I mean…..we can’t get more than 10 minutes alone, and I really need to fuck the shit out of you” he said glancing over at me
“True. I’ve been needing this too” I said kissing his hand that I was holding
We had gotten up to the hillside, and surprisingly there were no cars, and it was pitch black. All we could see were the city lights overhead
Chris had put the car in park, and turned the outside lights off, so it was extra dark, but he turned the lights on, on the inside.
“You looks so good right now” I told him as the warm light reflected off his facial structure and his blue eyes
“Oh yeah?” He said in a smug way
“Let’s go to the back,” I said. We got out of the car and opened up the back doors, putting down the seats in the van.
We both hopped back into the car, and immediately Chris pulled me down into him to kiss him. As we were kissing Wus good by PARTYNEXTDOOR started playing
“Look at that! It’s a sign” he said with a goofy smile
“You’re so corny” I said before going back to kissing him, he started to kiss down to my jawline and neck peppering light kisses. We slowly started to remove our clothes
I started palming Chris’ dick, but he grabbed my hand and stopped me
“Although this feels so fucking good. I’m trying to cum from fucking you, so please no more with the hands” he said laughing
“Sorry baby I can’t help myself” I said kissing him again
“Want me to fuck you, or you wanna ride” he asked? Massaging my boob
“Can I ride” I asked moaning as he’s groping my breasts
“Fuck yeah” he said. I didn’t need much foreplay because I was so dick deprived just looking at Chris had me wet
I hovered over his cock, and he helped me align himself to my entrance, and slowly I started to sink down onto him. My mouth falling slack at the stretch
“Fuck Chris I forgot how big you are” I said as I bottomed out
“Don’t boost my ego baby” he said, grabbing my chin and pulling me in for a kiss. I began to bounce on his dick immediately moaning at how good this felt
“Chris you don’t know how badly I needed this” I said as I continued to bounce on his dick
“Fuck Y/N use me. Milk me of all my cum please baby” he said running his hands up my sides and gripping my breasts
“Oh fuck” I said throwing my head back
I started to clench down On Chris, and he let out a whine that sent shivers down my spine
“Whine like that again, and I swear I’ll fucking cum so hard” I said looking down at him. He had both his hands behind his head propping his head up a little bit.
“Fuck if it means I get to see your beautiful face as you cum all over me I’ll keep doing it” He said biting his lip
I moaned at this and started grinding against him. My clit hitting his pelvic bone in a delicious manner. I continued to clench down on him as I grinded against him. His dick pounding against my g spot
“Chris im gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, can I please cum” I asked grinding faster
“Yes baby cum, cum for me please cum all over my cock” he said in such a raspy voice, and with that I was cumming all over his cock. Shaking and falling limp down on him.
Chris grabbed my ass and pounded up into me chasing his release, and this made me moan from the over stimulation, and hearing Chris’ grunting in my ear
“I think I’m going to cum again” I said sobbing into his neck
With that Chris came in me whining and moaning and shaking, and seconds later I came on his dick for a second time a mixture of our cum running down his dick
“That was so well needed” he said kissing me as we came down from our highs
“Oh god yes. I don’t know how I lasted that long” I said slowly starting to sit up, so I could get off of him
“Me neither, I needed that badly” he said as I got off of him searching for something to clean us up with
“Oh Matt left napkins in the glovebox” he said, and I reached over grabbing napkins to clean ourselves off with
After cleaning ourselves off we got back into our clothes and fixed the back seats. Chris threw the napkins on the floor outside
“Chris don’t litter” I said getting back into the car
“Oh yeah let me carry around a cum covered tissue to properly dispose of it” he said sarcastically
“Oh shut the fuck up” I said smacking him on his arm
As we got situated and he turned the car lights back on he got a call from Nick
“Sup bro” he said as he put the car into reverse
“Where the fuck yall went we have a car video to film” Nick said
“Oh shit my bad I didn’t realize the time. Y/N and I went out to eat and then went to see a movie” he said lying straight out his ass
“Yeah well it’s 12pm get home so we can film” Matt said from a distance
“Alright we should be back in 20. Be ready to hop in so we can film” they replied with okay, and he hung up
“Chris they’re going to know we fucked” I said laughing
“No they will not! We cleaned everything up” he said grabbing my hand
“Yeah let’s hope” I said blushing
After 20 minutes we arrived at their house, and he reached out to his brothers saying he was ready to pick them up. They got to the car, and hopped in the back seat.
“Y/N I MISSED YOUU” Nick said all giddy
“I missed you too Nick” I said laughing at him
Matt got in the car, but squinted his eyes before saying anything
“It smells like sex in here” Matt said looking at both Chris and I
“What the fuck you saying kid” Chris said
“It smells like sweaty hot sex” he said laughing, and Chris reached back to smack his brother
“Shut the fuck up” Chris said
“Omg omg wait yall fucked in here” Nick said getting loud, I slightly nodded at him
“Nick shut the fuck up and calm down” Chris said getting annoyed
“CALM DOWN I DONT WANT TO SIT WHERE YALL FUCKED” he said pretending to cry
“Grow up” Matt said laughing at him
After 10 more minutes of that. They decided to finally drive to a location and film their YouTube video. Nick is ever so often being reminded of what just went on an hour prior.
And all Chris can do is give Y/N small smiles and flirty smirks here and there.
The End
For the person who requested this I HOPE it was good😭😭 as of right now my requests are still open. I’m currently working on Matt imagine, and then I have to work on a friendship imagine again🤭🤭
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dirtyvulture · 11 months
Darkest Knight
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Mutant!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Summary: You meet a pretty woman in a bar...
AN: Came up with a new idea, let me know if you all like it. 👀
Natasha shivers when the door opens behind her, wrapping herself tighter in the thin jacket jacket that is not meant to be worn during the winter. Although she’s sitting in the corner, trying to make herself as invisible as possible, the icy wind stabs at her back and it practically takes her breath away. Her whole body aches from a lack of sleep and food, although so far the bartender had only been generous enough to give her a single glass of water.
It’s almost 9:00pm, evident by the pitch-black gloom outside the windows stained with dirt and snow. Natasha doesn’t know what time the restaurant closes, but she has no way of leaving it safely, having used the last of her energy to stumble here through the surrounding woods on foot. The next city over was probably at least 25 miles away. She closes her eyes, overwhelmed and despondent, reaching for her water glass with trembling fingers. 
A lot of luck had gotten her this far, more so than her own skills, but she feared tonight would be when it finally ran out.   
Someone drops noisily onto a barstool three seats away from her. “I’ll have a beer.”
Natasha looks over warily at the person joining her. You’re wearing a leather jacket over a flannel shirt that is only buttoned halfway up, and Natasha feels colder just looking at you. You puff on a cigar as you pull out a few folded bills and toss them on the counter. The smell of smoke causes her to cringe away in distaste and she notices you immediately take the cigar out of your mouth and stamp it out on the counter.
The bartender comes over, frowning at the new ashy ring on his wood countertop. 
“Add it to my bill,” you grunt, pushing the money towards him and swapping them for a bottle. After you take a sip, you glance over at Natasha for a second, turning to face ahead and watch the television behind the bar. 
Natasha drinks her water, wondering if she has the dexterity to steal from the tip jar when she can’t even feel her fingers. She had seen how much cash you had in your pocket–at least another $50–maybe if she played you up a little you’d buy her dinner. You were the only one in the restaurant who hadn’t eyed her like a meal, and Natasha knows you only put your cigar out for her. She has to put her plans on hold, however, when she hears heavy footsteps pad up from behind her. Someone taps on her shoulder.
“Hey, honey,” a gruff voice mumbles. 
She doesn’t turn to look at him, but from the corner of her eye sees that it’s the big bald man who had been watching her from a booth since the moment she entered the restaurant. 
“You came here alone, didn’t you?” the man asks. “You walked here.”
Natasha doesn’t respond. She notices your attention has moved from the television to the man standing behind her. 
“Let me give you a ride home,” the man says, his voice heavy with unsaid intentions. 
“No, thank you,” she says. 
The man leans in closer to her until his alcohol-laced breath is hot against her ear. “It wasn’t an offer, honey.”
“She said no,” you growl. Both Natasha and the man looked surprised at your intervention. 
“Fuck off,” the man spits. “You’re always taking girls home, let me have this one.”
You roll your eyes at his comment. Natasha looks at you with trepidation now as you get up, your footsteps somehow heavier than the man’s despite being shorter than him.
“Go home, Stu,” you tell him. “Alone.”
“Not tonight,” he spits, grabbing onto Natasha’s arm. Normally, she would never allow herself to be handled like this and would have broken Stu’s nose on the counter by now, but that’s a fight she didn’t know she could win in her current state. She tries squirming out of his iron grip but is dragged off the barstool instead. No one sees you lunge forward, cranking your arm back and punching Stu in the face. Natasha cringes when she hears what sounds like clanging metal and pushes away from Stu as he falls to his knees, crying and screaming while clutching his face.
“Are you okay?” 
Natasha looks up and sees you offering her a hand. She grabs it, your palm rough but warm, and hops over Stu to stand next to you. She’s shocked to see that the lower half of his face is completely drenched in blood from his broken nose. 
“You motherfucker!” Stu gasps, struggling to his feet.
“Stay down,” you suggest. “We should probably leave,” you tell Natasha, and against her better judgment, she eagerly follows you outside even after witnessing you take down a full-grown man with a single punch. 
The wind is prickly against her skin and the cold weighs down her bones. Snow falls in hard pellets and Natasha lifts her arms over her face to protect it.  
“My truck is over here!” you shout over the wind and Natasha numbly chases after you. It’s a beat-up red pickup truck that has certainly seen better days, but Natasha gives no comment as she climbs in and you turn on the heater, blasting her with warmth. “Sorry about Stu. I’ve never known him not to be an asshole,” you say, adjusting the vents in Natasha’s direction.
“Thank you,” she blurts out.
“Oh. Uh, you’re welcome.” You sound like you’re not used to being thanked. You turn the windshield wipers on to clear off the snow collected there. “I know Stu was right about one thing, though. You’re not from around here.”
“No,” Natasha admits. “Do you know if there’s a motel nearby I can stay in?”
“The closest one is thirty miles out,” you say. “But we’d be lucky to move even five with the snow picking up.” The windshield is almost fully caked in a layer of white again. “My place is only two miles from here. You can crash for the night and I’ll take you up to the city first thing tomorrow when the weather clears.”
Natasha wants to tear up at your generosity. She hasn’t known you for more than five minutes, and you’ve already rescued her from a creep and offered her a place to stay. Maybe her good luck is hanging on longer than she’d thought. 
“I’d like that,” she says, and you nod, revving up the engine and driving out of the parking lot. The drive is completely silent but in a comforting way. Although you’re focused on the road, you only have one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the gear shift in a very relaxed, almost casual way. Natasha stares at your hands, curious as to why she can’t see any bruising on your knuckles from when you practically turned Stu’s face inside-out. You seem to notice her staring because you suddenly clear your throat and adjust your position, moving both your hands to the 5 and 7 o’clock positions of the steering wheel.
True to your word, your cabin is relatively close to the restaurant, although the drive feels longer to Natasha because you can’t go faster than 15mph. You park on the driveway, hurrying out before Natasha can even unbuckle her seatbelt to have her door open for her.
“Thank you,” she says, although reluctant to step back out into the cold. 
“Go through the front door,” you tell her, handing her your house key. “I need to get some firewood from the garage first.”
Natasha darts to your porch, fumbling with the key frustratingly before she can get the door open. She stumbles into your home, stamping snow off her shoes. She finds the light switch, flipping it on and surprised to see how barren your house is. There’s a couch, a television, and a potbelly stove in the first room, and an opening to the kitchen on the left and your bedroom ahead. There’s not even a shelf of books or knick knacks as far as she can see.  
“Sorry about the mess,” you grumble as you come in behind her, carrying an armload of splintered wood. “I wasn’t anticipating any visitors tonight.”
“It’s cozy,” Natasha comments as you throw a few pieces of wood into the stove and light some tinder underneath. 
“The bathroom is through the bedroom if you need it,” you say. “I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.”
“Oh, wait, you don’t have to do that,” Natasha starts. “I’m your guest–”
“Don’t worry about it.” You wave her off. Natasha doesn’t know how to respond to your unending kindness. Sometimes, she forgets that good still exists in the world after all the evil she’s been running from. “I’ll heat up some soup. I hope you’re okay with ham and potato.”
“Thank you,” is all she can manage.
“Go ahead and wash up. I’ll need some time to warm up the soup. Use whatever you need. There’s a clean towel and some clothes on the left side of my closet that might fit you. They belonged to…an old friend.” Natasha hears the wistfulness in your voice, her curiosity piqued. But she doesn’t pry and goes into your bedroom, closing the door. She finds the clothes and a folded up towel that you mentioned, so she carries them all into the bathroom.  
The hot water has never felt so wonderful as Natasha washes off the grimes from several days’ of traveling. But she enjoys it for too long and soon, the water runs cold. Motivated to step out, she dresses in the clothes you provided, glad for the wool that keeps her insulated and toasty. She joins you in the kitchen, where you’re ladling soup into two chipped bowls on the table.
“Feel better?” you ask her. You’ve taken off your leather jacket now, your checkered flannel fully hanging open over a white tank top. Natasha has no idea how you’re able to withstand the cold in the cabin, although the fire from the potbelly stove has made the temperature much more tolerable. In one less layer of clothing, she can see the muscles in your chest and shoulders, which certainly explained where your powerful punch came from. You have a beaded chain around your neck holding a pair of dog tags. While Natasha is still not sure what to think of you, she has a better idea now. 
“I feel amazing,” she says, “Although I think I used up all the hot water–”
“It’s fine. Do you want a beer?”
“No, thank you. Water is fine.”
“Sure.” You pour her a glass from a pitcher in the fridge and grab a beer for yourself. She waits for you to sit with her before dipping her spoon into her bowl. The soup warms her up from the inside and before she realizes it, her bowl is empty before you’ve even had a few spoonfuls. Her cheeks heat up as you fill her bowl without being prompted. 
“Thanks,” she murmurs and once again you only grunt in response. After you finish your soup, you don’t refill it, instead sitting back and sipping your beer. Neither of you talk, but the silence isn’t uncomfortable. Natasha finishes her third bowl, scraping every drop onto her spoon, before her curiosity finally wins. 
“Can I ask why you’re being so nice to me?” she asks. 
You stare at her as if she’s just asked for your answer to a complex math equation. There’s a few seconds of pause before you respond. “Because you’re someone who doesn’t ask for help, even if you really need it.”
Your answer has Natasha even more confused.
“You remind me of myself,” you add, as if this is enough clarification. When you talk, your voice is low and gruff, almost like you’re not used to having someone listen to you. From the furnishings in your home, or lack of them, it’s clear you live alone and probably have for a while. With the closest settlement 30 miles away, Natasha is surprised you haven’t set up further out. Whatever life you had lived, it seemed like you just wanted to retire in peace, despite that you didn’t look older than 30 years. 
“I can’t thank you enough,” she says. “After tonight, you can drop me off in town and I’ll be out of your way.”
“You’re not a burden,” you reply. 
“And I’m not trying to be.” Natasha takes her bowl to the sink to wash it, but you stop her.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll clean up in the morning. You should get some rest.”
“Come on, let me do at least one nice thing for you,” Natasha begs.
“Hmm,” you mumble, your face twisting as you appear to think hard about her request. “How about you let me use the cold water in the bathroom to wash up, and then the bedroom is all yours?”
But while you’re in the bathroom, Natasha sneaks back into the kitchen and washes the dishes. She can’t help herself; it just feels wrong to take advantage of your hospitality without giving you anything in return. She leaves the dishes to dry on the counter, then guiltily hunts around the remaining rooms for any further insight into your life before you get out of the shower.
In one of the kitchen drawers, she finds a small pocket knife that when folded, can be concealed perfectly in the palm of her hand. She had lost her own knife running through the forest earlier that day, and even though she can’t imagine having to use it against you, it makes her feel better to have a blade on her. She pockets it, hoping you won’t miss it, and keeps looking. But there is nothing to find: no receipts, no tags, not even a handwritten sticky note to yourself.
Natasha jolts when she realizes she hasn’t even asked your name yet. 
You emerge from your bedroom, your hair flattened by the water, a towel slung around your neck. “Bedroom is all yours,” you say, dragging a moth-eaten blanket to the couch and dropping down on it. “I’ll be out here if you need anything.”
“One more question,” Natasha says. “I’m Nat. What’s yours?”
Natasha smiles. “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Nat.”
You feel like you’ve only just fallen asleep, but you sit up at the sudden noise, momentarily forgetting where you are.
“Police! Open up!”
“What the…?” You blink in confusion, tripping over the blanket as you stumble to the door. Peeking through the blinds, you see four men in SWAT gear standing on your porch. All of them are armed with multiple guns and one of them holds a battering ram. But you don’t see any police insignia on any of their uniforms. A tank of a truck is parked on your driveway, blocking the path to your own, and any chance of unnoticed escape. 
“Police! Open the damn door!”
“Y/N? What’s going on?” Natasha suddenly pops up in your bedroom doorway, her hair tousled and face drowsy. 
“We’ve got company,” you respond, as there’s pounding at the door again. “They said they’re police, but I don’t think that’s true–”
“Oh, shit,” Natasha gasps. “They found me.”
“Found you? Who?” The hair on the back of your neck stands up. 
“I’m so sorry. Oh my God. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to drag you into this.” Natasha begins pacing your living room as bright lights stream through the windows. You probably won’t have much more time before they force entry.
“Nat, what’s going on? Who are these people?” you ask, running over to her. You’ve hardly known this woman for 12 hours, but you have a fierce desire to protect her from whatever’s hunting her. When you had first seen her in the bar, looking roughed up and sad, you had the urge to help her. But scaring Stu off wasn’t enough and even taking her to your home couldn’t keep her safe.
“I should have never come here,” Natasha cries. “You don’t deserve this, after everything you’ve done for me–”
“I can help you,” you insist. “Please, Nat. Just tell me who they are–”
She looks up at you, and even in the darkness the fear in her eyes is unmissable.
“The Red Room.”
AN: Any guesses on R's mutant inspiration? :)
Click here for Part 2!
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amsznn · 7 months
heyy i love your writing! idk if this is where you take requests or not or if you do requests but i have a kinda specific one? could you do one with matt where y/n has her own small, cozy home, and she and matt kinda unspokenly like each other and hang out alone all the time? like they're super close and flirt low key all the time in small, sweet ways, and they're "just friends" but could definitely be found watching a scary movie alone together in her super cozy room *sorta* cuddling? going on late night drives together and talking for hours?? that kinda relationship! like id just LOVEE for you to write about a breezy fall night, her bedroom windows open, fall scented candles in her room, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and a scary movie kinda cuddled up with matt under thick blankets? but they obviously like each other a lot and he's the first one to tell her and share really cute kisses??? you know?? like matt can't fully focus on the movie because his heart is beating out of his chest with super cute feelings for y/n. just lots of fluff, cozy fall vibes, nothing super cringey! i hope i got the very specific vibe across haha!
CAN WE BE MORE? - m. sturniolo ⋆⭒˚.
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A/N: TYSM for this request, its soo good and hopefully you enjoy reading my take on it!
no one was more excited for fall like you and your best friend matt were. in your eyes, fall was when you thrived the most. with the nice breeze, to the crunch of the leaves under your converse as you make yourself up your driveway, nothing could compare.
opening up the door to your small apartment, you immediately felt at ease. quickly kicking off your shoes, you made your way to your living room that was sorta a mess from yesterday’s activities. the triplets came over to bake cookies with you, but chris ended up crashing on the couch. it was no big deal though, you loved the triplets. maybe sometimes you had a little more love for one.
snapping out of your thoughts, you checked your phone to see the time. 5:30. the triplets would be coming over once again so you could have your anual scary movie session.
the day went on with you cleaning every crevasse of your house, of course knowing it would go back to it’s horrid state after the boys got there. then you made your way to your room, looking around to see if anything was out of place. you noticed that matt’s blanket was hanging off your bed so you made way to grab it. matt sometimes liked sleeping over to get away from all the chaos. it was normal for your friendship with him. nothing ever really happened though.
although you loved all three of them, you couldn’t help but wish for some more alone time with matt. maybe it was selfish but you couldn’t ignore the way your heart pounded ten times faster whenever he was around, or when he would sneak glances at you thinking you weren’t looking. maybe it was all in your head, you thought to yourself.
the time was now 6:20, and the sun had already fully set, which made for a cozy environment in your house with the lights dimmed, and pumpkin scented candles flickering. you also made a mental note to check on the cookies you put under the oven.
a few minutes later you heard your front door start to open. it didn’t alarm you since the triplets had an extra key. well, matt had an extra key. “y/n?” you heard a familiar voice call out from the hallway. you couldn’t hide your excited expression as you made your way towards the voice.
you expected to be bombarded by nick, and chris as well but nope, it was only matt. “hey, where are your brothers?” you asked, taking the bag of snacks out of his hands.
shuffling to take his shoes off matt says, “well, i thought it’d be better if it was just us.” you blinked for a couple of moments before smiling. “sure why not, maybe we can actually finish the movie this time.” you chuckled, before making your way to the kitchen, with matt following closely behind you.
he sighed when he smelled the aroma of the cookies surrounding the area. he always secretly loved coming over alone. he liked spending time with just you. of course you guys hang out occasionally like going to random food places together, or heading to the thrift store, but something was different when just hanging out at your house. over the years it’s become like a safe place for matt where he can escape from the world for a little bit. you were his escape. except how does he tell you that?
he watched as you opened the oven to take the cookies out, forgetting about oven mitts, and heat. “hot! hot! hot!” you shouted but refusing to drop your cookies on the floor. matt quickly made his way to you with and oven mitt and placed the cookies on the counter before turning to you. “are you okay??” he asked while gently taking your hands to inspect your burns.
it was nothing fatal, nothing cold water and vaseline couldn’t fix. he led you to the sink and held your hand under the cold water. “stay right here, okay? i’ll go get some vaseline.” matt knew his way around your house like the back of his hand, so he came back with the vaseline in no time. taking your hand out of the water, he gently dried it with a towel, before applying the vaseline to it.
you scrunched your face up at the uncomfortable contact which matt seemed to notice. “i know, i know, but this is what happens when you forget the fucking oven mitt”
you couldnt help but laugh. “hey, i just wanted my cookies.” matt softly smiled before letting your hand go. you both stood there for what seemed like an eternity just staring at each other. until you realized the oven was still on. (id burn the house down yall)
after that whole fiasco, you and matt ended up settling down on the couch to watch your favorite scary movie. there wasn’t a lot of space between you two since you liked being close to matt whenever watching these movies. no matter who was there you subconsciously were always closer to him.
the movie started and you were bundled up in your blanket while matt’s arm rested on the couch behind you. although the movie was creepy, the smile on your face almost never left since you felt so secure with matt. eventually though, that smile faded away as a jumpscare popped up on your screen. causing you to jump closer into matt’s side.
on the other hand, matt was freaking out. and not because of the movie. sure you guys have cuddled before, but that doesn’t mean he never longed for more. or for it to more than just two friends being close. his eyes darted between you and the screen. he was sure you could hear the pounding of his chest. he gently removed his arm from the couch and wrapped it around your shoulder, making sure to watch your reaction, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
you sighed at the contact and rested your head on his chest further. if anyone walked in right now, they’d definitely think you were a couple. but unfortunately you were just two friends as of right now.
eventually the movie ended, but you and matt’s position on the couch didn’t. his arm was still around you, afraid that if he’d move just a little, you’d move away. you looked up at matt and found him staring right back at you. this made you shift up, to properly sit. “what?” you asked him.
matt’s mouth only opened and closed. desperately trying to find the right words. eventually he just sighed, letting everything out. “y/n, i know we’ve been friends for a while but i really cant keep ignoring my feelings like this.” matt shifted on the couch as you listened, worried that you did something wrong.
“i like you, or maybe love im not sure, but i do know that you mean so much to me, and just being friends is killing me.” matt paused for a moment to catch his breath from rambling so much. “i just want to be more.”
“you have no idea how much ive been wanting to hear that from you.” you softly laughed as you watched matt’s face soften. “i love you too, matt.”
matt only smiled as he brought you into a hug, resting his head on your shoulder. “can i kiss you?” he asks, close to a whisper. you nodded before wrapping your arms around his neck. matt smiled at this and leaned in, before his lips landed on yours. matt’s arms made their way down your body and landed on the sides of your waste, trying to pull you in closer.
it felt like your heart was going to explode at any moment with the way matt’s lips were moving against yours. he was gentle, but passionate. matt pecked your lips a couple of times before pulling back and holding you there.
“so, can i be your boyfriend?” he asks, bringing his hand up to caress your face.
“of course you can.”
A/N: i really hope this is what you meant / wanted. this was an amazing first request, i was literally smiling while reading it. If anything, message me if you want anything added or changed and leave some more requests!
also ty guys so so much for the love on my recenr works, its so crazy, love you all <3
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causenessus · 2 months
love notes
part 0.20. EPILOGUE
"you deserve a good life i hope we stay together i want this to last forever"
from a good life by eyedress, left in okayama, japan
CONTENT WARNING: a little suggestive :)
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her breathing slows the moment she sees him.
he’s pushing his way past a group of men, lines forming at the corners of his hooded eyes as he gives them a smile and nod before he's making his way towards her again. 
he looks a little funny in his formal wear. she knows he hates it, and has probably been tugging at his stuffy collar all day. but it’s the same collar she grabs when he’s close enough, pulling him down to her level and crashing her lips against his.
his hands immediately find their way onto her body, roaming maybe a little more than they should in a room full of important people and coworkers, but that’s never mattered much to them. they’re acting like they haven’t seen each other in months, when in reality they woke up in the same bed this morning, legs entangled and hands intertwined even in their sleep.
“took you long enough,” she teases. she’s holding him close, her hand still fisted around his collar and she’s looking up into his eyes as he stares back down at her, a stupid grin on his face.
“i made it and i found you, didn’t i? that’s all that matters,” he shrugs before he looks behind her, standing back up straight as his face drops.
she turns her head to see what he’s looking at and smiles sheepishly when she makes eye contact with her best friend, his face covered by a mask as he looks at them in disgust. “in the middle of an entire crowd? really?” he says in disbelief, shaking his head as he walks closer and she removes her hand from rintaro.
neither of them have an excuse, so they only apologize to him in unison before he sighs. 
“should we go find osamu?” rintaro asks now that the three of them are together.
she nods, walking forward and taking lead of the group as they start to push through the crowds again, “he should be ready by now. or we’ll just bother him if he’s not.”
she waves to the people she knows and smiles at the ones she’s only seen in passing, trying to be polite. her status in the place has come in equal parts from her job and relationship with rintaro. in her last year of college, she'd decided to look into jobs within the sports industry. pulling in favors from old contacts, she had landed a job in publicity and taking photos of sporting events, along with akaashi. under kuroo’s management, they both followed multiple volleyball games. she tried her best to stay with rintaro’s team and akaashi often stayed with bokuto’s team.
when she had the time, she’d pick up a few portrait requests to keep things from getting mundane, although that was impossible anyway with rintaro in her life. they were nearly inseparable; you could always find them at each other's side. even as they tried to navigate through the party they were at now, he eventually caught up to her, wrapping an arm around her waist to keep them from getting separated while omi followed behind them.
they’d get stopped by old faces she hadn’t seen in years and new faces she’d never seen, but that rintaro apparently knew. he’d introduce her as her wife, and sometimes the name still got to her. she’d feel her ears burn as he reached down to hold her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze and rub his thumb across the wedding ring adorning her finger–a habit he had picked up and would likely never get rid of.
really, he’d been by her side for longer than just in these past few years. she’d been at his side since they were high schoolers, through the small lunch boxes she made for the four boys she had known closest then, and he was by her side through all of college. he was by her side watching her develop photos, listening to the stories behind them, and her stressors. then, they had been by each other sides officially the moment they had put that heart lock on that fence; a mark that would last longer than the both of them, even into their next life, where they’d find each other once more and fall in love with each other all over again.
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prev. | m.list
extras <3
that's a wrap ? ! ?
most likely a few bonuses! which i will continue to tag people for but just dm me if you don't want to be tagged for them <3
i think this is obvious, i tried to explain it a little bit in the written part but y/n did end up going into sports photography again!! she kind of missed it and thought it'd be fun to work closely with rintaro <3
idk what else to say! love notes is my child i will love her forever :) i hope you all enjoyed reading!
mbb and inked references always!!
taglist: @0moonii @iluvmang @bluebeanbee @wyrcan @oyasumeii @zumicho @gyuijns @nbcvs @milkteade @eggyrocks @guitarstringed-scars @makkir0ll @mylahrins @cherrypieyourface @vivian-555 @sharkerino @r0seandth0rns @staileykout @lunavixia @thvvluvr @elliott0o0 @wolffmaiden @rockleeisbaeeee @toges-cough-syrup @cnnmairoll @ryeyeyer @hibernatinghamster @localgaytrainwreck @lemonocity @bows4life @sereniteav @madiexuberant @eclecticeggknightpsychic @phoenix-eclipses @sonicsolos @httpakkeiji @brkfclub @snail-squasher @starry-magicshop @cr4yolaas @kitnootkat @zzzlevislothzzz @iluv-ace @iluvaquaphor @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @applepi25 @twiishaa @girlkissersco @sleepystrwbrryy @encrypta
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
yandere mw2 characters with a reader who tries running away? (price, ghost, and alejandro)
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Warning: punishments and angry boys.
A/N: hope you enjoy :]!
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Captain “Price” John:
Less pleased about the incident. Cursing out, throwing out his cigar before checking your location.
He's immediately right behind you, yelling your name while catching up to you; immediately grasping your shirt, pulling you onto his shoulder, and taking you back home from the long journey that you started.
Once at home, Price is staying calm, a type of unnerving calm that's extremely uncomfortable. He's sent you to your room, like a child, and doesn't come in till he calms down to talk to you.
— "Why can't you see that I need to protect you?" He asked sternly, arms crossed against his chest as he looks at you sitting on the bed.
You stayed silent — like you always did. You heard him sigh before feeling the weight next to you deepen, signaling he was right next to you. "I just want to protect you. This is for your greater good. I don't want to do the extra mile with you, but if I have to. I will."
His reaction is very... dad like. While he does forgive you, he will not let you get away with it without consequences.
The 'extra mile' is stripping your privacy and removing your social life, completely.
That means that you won't be able to contact any of your friends, family, or simply anyone you enjoy time with. As well as for privacy, you won't be allowed to be alone for more than 2 minutes; having him constantly following you like some type of guard dog.
Need to make yourself breakfast? Let him do it. He's better at cooking; plus, you might hurt youself. Want to watch TV? Sure, just let him sit beside you. Want to head out and do a run? Maybe, depends on the weather. Even then, he's coming along.
While Price is easy to forgive, it doesn't mean he forgets. If the two of you get into a fight, he will bring it back up and threaten you with it. Possibly, add that he should've done more.
Although, the worse he will do is chain you to the bed. Possibly take away any electronics and things that bring you joy (ex: reading books, sleeping with stuffed animals, eating sweets, etc.)
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Simon “Ghost” Riley:
Expected it. Already thought it through, he's already ahead of you, chasing you down with his swift moves. He's efficient to know exactly where you are. The minute you think he's away, he's right behind you, a strong hand against your lower back as he carries you back to the shared home.
At first, he's angry — upset that you would thrash and run off when he has to protect you. But, after realizing that yelling was not doing so well; he was forced to put himself in your shoes.
I mean... waking up in a random bed, in the middle of nowhere, and somebody you thought you could trust; it's a big deal to process.
That being said, he will leave you alone, then come back with dinner an hour later. Sitting down in the bedroom with you and looking at you with a intense look.
— "Look, you don't have to speak. That's fine. Just let me talk." He stated, grabbing a chair and scooting it closer to the bed, sitting on it with a sigh and a few pops coming from his knees:
"I understand you're upset. But I need you to understand I'm doing this to protect you. For this reason, because of what happened today, I'll need to some change things."
His reaction is more... stricter after this incident.
The 'change' around the house consists of him being too over your shoulder; stripping your privacy by 90%.
Being in the bathroom for more than 5 minutes? He's knocking on the door, asking if things are fine. Want to go outside? Sure, but he has to be with you. Showering alone? Yeah, no. He's either joining you (with consent) or staying the in bedroom to watch you.
All the windows and doors are placed under severe locks, and some of them are insanely protected to the point its almost bolted shut.
At night, his grip around you is much tighter. He's always staying up later, watching you as you read books in bed or TV, whichever one you prefer. He'll try to strike up a conversation, watching your body language and skills.
While he is mad, he won't hold it up against you. Ghost would rather forget about it and move on. That doesn't mean he forgets. If this does happen again, the consequences are not lighter, rather semi-harsher.
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Alejandro “Colonel” Vargas:
Stunned and displeased. At first, he was shocked; he thought you didn't have the guts. But, what did he know?
Much like the others, he's completely onto you. A trained soldier who's much faster than you. He's catching up with you, like a game of cat and mouse that's about to end.
In a second, you're caught in his hold, and quickly pulls you into a forced hug. him insisting that you need to calm down.
Sure, he's angry — you could've gotten hurt. Or worse. But, he hides it; doesn't show it to scare you or make the situation worse than it is.
Immediately, he's giving you space. He's going outside, leaving you alone in the house to think it through before approaching you with your favorite food and drink.
— "I understand you're scared, I know you're confused, mi amor. I do." He stated, crouching in front of you with his hands surrendering in a 'peace offering'.
He looked at you, watching your lip tremble with uncertainty. He reached over and grasped your hand, watching your body language before continuing to talk.
"But you don't have to be. I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? What you did today, isn't your fault."
While he does blame the two of you, he mostly blames himself. Much like Ghost, he forced himself into your shoes; witnessing your confusion and uncertainty about the situation.
His reaction is guilty, and anger. They're both portrayed as him, he's upset at himself for not showing you he's not capable of protecting and loving you. While his reaction is more different from the others, he's more concerned about your opinion of him.
Though, he will do extra things to make this doesn't happen again. He'll have Rudy come over more, and have cameras set outside. Specifically in the entry and exit areas.
Certain windows and doors are bolted shut. The doors he and Rudy come in have certain locks and passcodes.
Just like the others, he will be more observant and coddled around you. If you decide to cook, he has to be in the same room or participate in it. Wanna head outside and shop? Sure, just don't shove his hands around your lower waist or back. Let it stay where he wants to put it.
During the night, he makes sure to hold your hand and cover you more. Kissing you and showing you he's not a threat. Buying you things and spoiling you more than he should. But, you deserve it.
Although, he will give hints that the next time you do this, he will make sure everything will be a bit more difficult.
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