#though these hybrids can only reproduce with Gerudo or members of their non-gerudo parent’s species
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Fuck it. Post WIP of Zelda Sophonts.
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Headcanon (Multiple Requests): Okay, so...I have a couple headcanon questions about a Zoran and a Hylian mating that I would like your opinion on. When they mate, what about the sperm? (thinking in a female Hylian perspective) 1) With such big differences between them, would the Zora DNA be simply incompatible with Hylian DNA? Therefore Sidon and his Hylian female mate are unable to reproduce. OR 2)the natural harsh environment of the female reproductive system goes into overdrive and kills the sperm like it's harmful
Is there any chance that Prince Sidon and his s/o might have a baby? Maybe with the Zora Mask? I'm really curious about how would it be 🐟 💕
Just a small reminder/question i think i read somewhere that queen Rutela (from twilight princess) was half human/hylian, the question is, do you think Sidon would have children with a hylian? if so, would they be more on the zora side or the hylian side (speaking of biology)
There are records of hybrids across a multitude of the races of Hyrule and beyond. While few in number, it doesn't inherently mean that these hybrids or mixed race offspring are impossible. If anything, the little amount of records could simply be due from mere assumption alone that hybrids are even hybrids at all, as they could easily take on most or all of the outward appearance of one parent or another. Nevertheless, the overall possibility of two (or more) parents trying for a child while being of different races largely depends on the mix of race.
Humanoid species, including Humans (Round-eared, Non-Hylians) Hylians, Gerudo and Sheikah, have the easiest time having children together, as their differences are largely geographically-based. Non-human races, such as Goron, Zora, Rito and otherwise, are very difficult if near impossible to produce offspring together. Due to this, as well as that humanoid species are largely able to have offspring with non-humanoids, a theory proposes that non-humanoids such as Zora, Goron, Rito and otherwise perhaps branched off from humans long ago, allowing them to interbreed with humans, but not one another.
Zora sexual anatomy and breeding is some of the most diverse across the spectrum of known races within (and even outside) of Hyrule. There are a number of proposals for as to why, many of them from within the Zora race itself. The most popular theories simply go on to explain that while the Zora people originated of one water-faring population of people, their increased outreach across the world welcomed further specialization and evolution for each pocket of culture (some iscolated, some not). 
Because of this, each group of Zora across several continents and seas are different from one another in some subtle (and not to subtle) ways. While they are still called Zora, many also prefer to be recognized for their specific geographical origin and subspecies.
This difference also includes a difference in reproduction, though there are only two large types of Zora reproduction: internal fertilization (which could either lead to live-birthing or the laying of fertilized eggs), and external fertilization. While seemingly very different, many non-Zora species are often surprised to learn that Zora from most to all cultures are still able to interbreed with one another. 
All Zora, despite subspecies, do not have a menstrual cycle akin to other species (such as humans). Instead, they go through seasonal ruts or heats. Their DNA is extremely similar however, despite many seeming differences; similar enough that healthy offspring are possible. Though the detailing of a perfect conception between a human and Zora could be complicated (depending on whether it's a human male with a Zora female or human female with a Zora male, etc), it is not impossible by any means. Fertility is neither a shunned topic in Zora society, and it isn't uncommon in some Zora cultures to seek the aid of fertility magic or similar assistance for even Zora/Zora mates. 
It is certainly wise to seek out help, both for conception and pregnancy, for humans who carry the offspring. Human eggs are far more delicate (and smaller) than Zora eggs, and can sometimes run the risk of being destroyed in the process of fertilization. On the flip side, human sperm without some form of magical aid (typically) is not potent enough to fertilize female Zora eggs. There are obviously exceptions to this, but it is the most common outcome for noted mating pairs of humans and Zora.
Pregnancy is largely determined by the subspecies of Zora within the mating group, As it can change depending on if it is a live birth or egg-laying.
Prince Sidon, as part of the Zora's Domain in Hyrule, is a member of the shark family. They hail from a powerful culture of hunters who are thought to have arrived in Hyrule many, many generations before him. Though several subspecies also dwell within the Domain, Sidon's family are the ones who rule it, and rule it far in the majority. The shark family of the Zora species are some of the most similar to humanoids, with their reproductive cycle including internal fertilization and live births.
Pregnancy would come with its own issues, as while a hybrid offspring is possible, it requires many vigilant check-ups with an experienced healer who understands the peculiarities that come with the merging of Zora and non-Zora biology. It also runs the risk of simply not knowing the child's own mix, as it can largely depend if they will take a large Zora or Hylian biology (and they almost never have a straight 50/50 split of the two species' features). 
Zora pregnancy is also shorter-lived than humans, often between a month (for egg-layers) and five months (for live births). Considering the mix of human DNA, the pregnancy would most likely run anywhere between 6-7 months, leaving only the most experienced and composed without a mind frazzled with stress.
Beyond that, much of the process would be very similar to human reproduction and birthing, though breast-feeding may be a mild issue, as long as the offspring doesn't take mostly after their human parent save for their very sharp set of Zora teeth, curtsy of their father, Prince Sidon.
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