#and when a gerudo has a son their a more even mix
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Fuck it. Post WIP of Zelda Sophonts.
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mamamittens · 2 months
Been having funny thoughts about ToTK and BoTW. Every so often I consider making Nikia in each race just for funzies but I'm really bad at non human characters so I end up trashing the idea.
That and I honestly can't recall a single female goron besides the really old goron lady from Majora's Mask (at least... I think that was a woman??? Deeply titties out with big lips I think?? Hold on... Googling now. Well, if there is, no one knows who they are! So that... Was not a woman?!? It's been a long time so maybe I just don't remember them well enough...)
Anyway! Just for fun, here's some little headcanons about what race random OP characters would be!
Marco, I think, would be a Kokiri! Specifically an unusually tall one! Seemingly ageless with magic abilities, perhaps even a sage for a strange land!
Ace would be a Gerudo who pretends very hard not to be on account of male Gerudo historically being Just Ganon Yet Again. He's not and would never be, but the suspicion he'd revolt and throw the world into darkness would persist anyway. Obvs, his mom was a Gerudo warrior and Roger a Hylian Pirate, or perhaps just a man from another country besides Hyrule.
Izou is clearly a Sheikah with little care for the ninja stuff or gender binary dress code. He can still pull it off just fine, but prefers long range weapons to get it over with.
Luffy? Ngl, I really want him to be a little tree Korok just waddling around like he's swallowed bells. He fits the vibe so well! Maybe he has a 'Hylian' disguise but it usually ends up bursting in a cloud of smoke when he gets jazzed up.
Zoro is a Hylian and probably the only person in history to get so lost in the Lost Woods he perfectly navigated to and from the Great Deku Trees every time. A sort of 'so wrong you looped back to being right again' sort of fella. Hopefully he's not this incarnation of Link or Zelda will have to wait a very long time for him to find the castle, regardless of the size Ganon is circling it.
As tempting as it is for her to be a Gerudo, I think Nami is just a Hylian who lives in a coastal village. She does bullshit Gerudo heritage to scam people though and who knows, she just might have a Gerudo ancestor, but she'll never get that height and cheese shredder abs. Sorry bby.
Robin? Oh, Sheikah. So very Sheikah even though she does more history than ninja work. Undoubtedly the one that knows every legend and scrap of lore by heart and thrives in it all.
Ussop is also from a coastal village but definitely has some mixed heritage from... Somewhere. Unclear where, but he's got too many weird skills for just some fisherman's son. Yossop being Sheikah himself is of course, where all that bullshit magic invention shit comes from, not that Ussop didn't make it his own in due time. Though I wouldn't be against him being Rito! It would be an interesting change and excellent addition to his preference for long range weapons! I don't recall them having magic tho so idk... only downside I suppose.
Brooks? Well... I think he'd make an interesting Twili who found just enough magic spells to live in the daylight but... Looks like a skeleton. Whoops. Can't have everything I suppose! He makes it work, though!
Chopper would make a cute little Goron, honestly! If he wasn't just a reindeer with magic sentience. Wouldn't be out of the question given the shit we see elsewhere! Why not a Korok? Actually... Korok would be super cute! No disguise, just baby! I'll workshop it, there's a few good options!
Sanji would clearly be a Yiga who abandoned the Yiga clan and now pretends to just be a regular Hylian who loves cooking. Certainly wouldn't be the strangest thing out there!
Jinbe's so easy it's almost boring, clearly he'd be a Zora. An unusual whale shark Zora, but a Zora nonetheless! Most Zora seem to be shark based anyhow.
Sabo is a Hylian noble, obviously, and very done with aristocracy, preferring to rough it out in the wild.
Thatch is also a Hylian, one of many who love cooking but is also not dumb enough to poison himself in the name of experimentation... Looking at u, master chef weirdos. Seriously, what the shit?!
Whitebeard is absolutely a Goron though! Massive mountain man who breaks mountains with his fists! Old as shit! It's a great fit!
If I had to choose a race for my OC, Nikia... Imma be a fucking cheat and say Fairy. Great Fairy? Somewhere between the bottle fairies and Great Fairies at least. Their design changes each game honestly and the recent version has them be sisters implying there's a family structure somewhere? Idk, she's still getting the hang of her magic and doesn't want to sit in a pocket dimension via flower portal, so she's not as strong as the Great Fairies yet. Prefers to hang around isolated ponds and tends to attract smaller fairies to her side. I imagine their size/immobility from an area indicates strength, usually, baring Wind Waker where the Great Fairy is literally child sized and implied that the other Fairies you see are puppets... Weird reveal ngl. So she's capable of some interesting stuff in her own right. Almost wanted to say Rito cause I like their designs (even if the idea of an open house like that wigs me out lmao, what a fucking drafty ass house to have!) but no, Fairy works for me. Maybe she gets small when traveling outside of a sacred area to conserve power and safeguard herself.
She would not be naked though, absolutely not lmao, very modest for her race. Another oddity I guess you could say.
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kintatsujo · 3 years
LoZ AU- The Courage of Running Away Part TWENTY-NINE
Previous post is here!!!
This is another mostly-prose-with-illustrations post and most of the wrap posts are going to be the same because there’s a lot to cover. 
#AU August
#LoZ AU: The Courage of Running Away
Dinravi stabs Nightmare Demise and sends lightning through the blade. As Nightmare Demise fades he suddenly grins, teeth all sharp:
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[Image Description: Nightmare Demise is laying on his back, grinning as smoke hisses around him.  “Maybe NEXT TIME, Little Prince,” he says.  Dinravi frowns down at him.  “In DEMISE’S Nightmares, perhaps,” he says.  End ID.]
(Note: I did not expect Dinravi to say that.)
Link manages that second blow, and Fierce Deity stumbles back, still smiling the same as before.
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[Image Description: Fierce Deity puts his hand to his chest and closes his eyes, black blood trickling thick from one side of his smile.  He fades away.  Link, who’s gained a bruised cheek and a cut lip since we’ve last seen, stares at him in some confusion and mixed emotion.  End ID.]
At last, together, all three Triforce bearers turn their power on the God's Nightmare in the center of the room along with Eltani and Ghirahim, and with Hylia's Light Queen Zelda closes the tear in reality.
Zelda rushes to the sacristy to check on her daughter. Astramorus is coming through the door to the tunnels as she makes it there, the pendant with the Moon Pearl over his shoulder, the book of spells under his arm, looking exhausted, and they stop to stare at one another for half a breath.
"... Where is Serenumbra?" Zelda asks him.
Astramorus's face twists and then he holds up a limp creature, some sort of snake with a skull for a face that is definitely not a snake's skull.
"We scuffled," he says, as if that explains everything. "He's alive and I'm GOING to change him back, but your Majesty I'm not a young man, this seemed like an easier way to get him back up here."
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[Image Description: Astramorus, looking very done and with the Moon Pearl over his shoulder and the magic book under his arm, presents with his other hand a snake with a human skull that appears to be attempting to constrict his arm. The snake is labeled “Snakenumbra.”  End ID.] 
Queen Zelda stares at him with the schooled expression of someone who has made a career of not laughing at the wrong moment.
"We'll discuss this when we get to your sentencing for attacking Prince Dinravi," she says, and Astramorus shrugs.
"I think you know I didn't go after him because of that," he answers.
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[Image Description: Link sits on one of the stone beds in the Sanctuary and leans back on his hands. Ghirahim settles down next to him. Link side eyes him.
"You look terrible," he says.
"Thanks for noticing," Ghirahim answers with a tired smile. "You look WORSE."
Dinravi, off panel, sends a "Leave him alone, Ghirahim," in their direction.  End ID.]
"No I've decided that I like this one," Ghirahim shoots back. "We fought a hinox and an eldritch nightmare together and I think he might be a little crazy." He grins at Link, teeth all sharp. "I learned my lesson with the first of you," he says, "The spirit of the hero does something funny to your heads, it's entertaining when it's not frustrating."
Link stares at him and then rubs the mark on his hand. "I thought this was some kind of mistake, actually," he admits.
Ghirahim gives him a flat look as if he can't believe what he's hearing. "I threw your father off a roof and you were ready to kill me, I could see it in your face," he says. "You epitomize your predecessor's foolishness."
Link is absolutely not sure how to take that.
Astramorus thumbs through the book of magic and finds the counter to the spell Serenumbra used to put the princesses to sleep, waking them.
"Well now, Dove," Queen Zelda says, "you're safe now," and Princess Zelda, who'd been holding it together so well, falls into her mother's arms.
Princess Hilda stares at them silently for a moment before saying "I'm so deeply sorry for the trouble Lord Serenumbra has caused."
Princess Zelda pulls away and asserts, "She had no idea, Mother."
Queen Zelda gives Hilda a rueful smile. "You know, I have another arm if you need it."
Hilda is taller than Queen Zelda (she's quite a tall girl) but that doesn't matter; she buries her face in the older woman's neck and begins to sob.
"There now, that's better," Queen Zelda says.
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[Image Description: Hilda is folded over Zelda Sr and sobbing into her hands on Zelda’s shoulder, while Zelda Jr is leaning into Zelda Sr’s other shoulder and crying more quietly, giving Hilda a tired and fond look.  Queen Zelda has her arms wrapped around both girls and is making a serious thoughtful face, thinking: “So how do I explain to my husband that I’m adopting the ruler of a neighboring country this time.” End ID.]
Then, at Hilda's insistence, they restore the proper shapes of the Scarred Woman and the Burly Man.
"On the love of Hylia, your highness," the Scarred Woman promises Hilda, "I'll never take another order not from your kind lips."
Queen Zelda purses hers. "I think being turned into.... That. Was more than enough punishment for the part you two played in this mess," she decides. "As for Serenumbra himself-"
Serenumbra's shape is being restored by Astramorus as she says this and he barely waits for a human tongue to open his mouth. "Princess Hilda," he says, smiling paternally, "I was only acting in what I saw as your best interests-"
"Shut up," Hilda cuts him off. She looks like she's ready to cry again. "Your Majesty, do as you please with him, I never want to see him again."
"I helped raise you-" Serenumbra starts, and it's Astramorus who cuts him off this time:
"Don't make me hit you with this book again, Seren," he says.
"I think his fate is my right, at this point." This is Eltani. "He would have had my son either murdered or seduced by a demon to spread bloodshed across Hyrule."
"Well, he's only a little more than half demon now," Serenumbra starts to say.
"What." Ghirahim says.
"I pulled some human emotion into him to make him more manageable," Serenumbra continues as if he hadn't spoken. "There was plenty around the castle, Hilda's a very nice girl."
Hilda gets up and leaves while Ghirahim leans directly into Serenumbra's face and starts screaming at him.
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[Image Description: Ghirahim saying his fuckin piece.  He has one hand braced on the wall behind Serenumbra, who is flinching back, while Ghirahim holds his other hand- shape shifted into claws- in a position ready to grab and tear.  Ghirahim is absolutely screaming, although some of the dialogue is cut off.  End ID.]
The dialogue isn’t in the image description because I’m going to share the entire thing including cut-off parts here: “You awful disgusting little man daring to toy with the magnificent Ghirahim even THINKING to tamper with MY PERSON I should cut you to pieces and leave you with your heart still beating in the sun for the lizalfos in the desert to find and we’d see whose problem I was THEN I swear on my last master’s ashes if it wasn’t for my prince you’d already be gutted on the floor for this but you’re not worthy of bleeding on the same carpet that’s touched his feet and that you dared to assume that your disgusting machinations would even work on him proves what a pathetic fool you really are-”
Eventually Dinravi pulls him gently away. "I knew there was something wrong," Ghirahim mutters, then says, "Eltani tell your son to let me kill him I'll never backtalk you again."
"Tempting, even if I don't believe that," Eltani admits. "Zelda?"
Queen Zelda shrugs. "He's all yours, dear."
Finally, finally Serenumbra's smug face drops. "Well, at least my dear old friend will be keeping me company on the gallows," he says nastily, looking at Astramorus.
Astramorus seems unmoved; Link on the other hand is immediately worried, looking to Queen Zelda and Eltani, who both look a bit thoughtful.
Eltani says, "Well, no, he's certainly exiled from Gerudo City, but I think I'm willing to go with the idea that he was acting under duress."
"Seren didn't actually tell me to-" Astramorus starts to say, but she holds up a hand.
"Even now you're calling him a fond nickname," she says sadly. Astramorus looks surprised to have this pointed out.
"I'm willing to acknowledge the help he's been since the incident," Zelda says. "But we'll discuss it back in Hyrule. Lord Astramorus has only done good here in Lorule, it's unfair to sentence him here, especially on the heels of the battle he helped win."
"I think that's fair," Eltani agrees, and with that I'm wrapping the post because holy wow it got long lol
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cafecourage · 3 years
Hero of Legacy General Plot/History/Link Overview
Me and @flowercape worked pretty hard on this story and I really want to go through everything we’ve made. However that would be physically impossible so this is just a summary! I should also note that there is some Art work from @flowercape ! I love their art! Please give them some love!
(Also should note. Legacy is a LoZ Link OC and not a LU one though I have thought about their interactions its not canon.)
Ok! So let me bring up the timeline we are going to be following. It’s not that custom nor does the Timeline actually show the amount of time that has passed.
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Alright so we got 500 years between BOTW and Legacy so here are the spark notes that I’ve been sending people:
- Zelda and Link rebuild Hyrule. Zelda made the old Castle rebuilt into an Academy. While another smaller castle was built next to it, this created a lot of jobs for the people and they slowly came back to rebuild the kingdom in general. Wild on the other hand founded and created an Adventuring Guild and started rebuilding the Army. (But his focus was more on the guild.)
- Zelda feeling like Link’s silence was her fault developed the Hylian Sign Language and made it the Kingdoms second language.
- The Kingdom had a Science and History boom after a lot of things where brought back up from the calamity. The only good things to come out of it was that these artifacts where brought back to the surface.
- History is important in the kingdom because Ganon kept coming back over and over again. So the stories of the different links were brought back in full force to remind people of the tragedy’s. However like what happen with our history, mythology and history meld so its hard to see what is right and what was just made up. (Ie. King Arthur. He might of been real but the story isnt.)
- 500 years later the Royal family is a figure head and people don’t really believe in the goddess thing anymore. So this Zelda is a lot more free and happy to do what she please. She follows Wild’s Zelda and becomes a Doctor of Science.
- Link and Zelda meet when there were 5. Zelda had a friend named Claus who was 7. In a small museum in the Academy’s Library. Zelda and Link had a share interest in history of Hyrule’s heroes. Well… Zelda had an obsession with the Champions, the Era of the Wild and Sheikah Tech because she really adores the Queen of the Wild. While Link had an overall love because of his Father and Mother being both historians.
- In Botw its was implied that the Gerudo's blood line was being mix with Hylian. For example, They now have pointed ears and not the rounded in OoT. So thats why Link is a male despite his mom being Gerudo. There isnt many males in the world but its slowly becoming normal. (It was the reason we gave on why link was a male, because its the one that made sense to us historical wise)
- The Gerudo Town we know in Botw, is still a female only town but there is a town with the males and husbands.
- The Academy is spilt into different tracks named after the Dragons and Hylia herself. Each class has only homeroom professor for their entire class year. (If that makes sense. They do this in Japan I believe. While the House concept is taken from England but edited to fit this.)
- Farosh: The track Link was apart of and later in life he is a home room and history professor. The course was made for those who want to explore and learn about the world through Adventure. Most if not all their Alumi go into the Adventures Guild.
- Naydra: The track that Zelda when into and sometimes teaches in as a guest! The course was made for those who mostly focus on science and technology. Most of the Alumi go into Hyrule’s Royal Laboratory or they head to the New Kakariko part in Hateno City.
- Dinraal: The track that Claus was apart of. This is the Knight coarse’s! Standard military coarse’s and such. Most of the Alumi go into the Army ether as soldiers or tacticians.
- Hylia: The track for the more spiritual and magic based people. All three coarse’s have to take some of there coarse but its not required. This is the hardest coarse to get into. Zelda got in but turn them down for science.
- All races are welcome at the Academy and because of the Queen of the Wild the tuition is free! The Academy promotes learning and curious minds.
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Here he is! Our Son!
Summary on his Childhood then I’ll put some Bullet Points at the end: :)
Link’s deal is that, no one knows that he is the hero. There was a prophecy that claimed that there will be another tragedy. However someone started a rumor the the hero was Link's and Zelda's childhood friend Claus. So while his friends are full force doing training (light training in Zelda’s case because she was not having it.) Link was pushed to the side almost the trio was still super close! But there was something going on that they didnt know about.
(Now this part is weird, its one of the things I had control over but I still don’t know the exact idea on what happened. I have an oneshot I could post but it has old information on it that I need to remove.)
The Trio was 10 when the prophecy hit. At the same time Link had a Dream, though in his eyes it was a nightmare. As a child he had to find the Sky view temple and go through it. No monster, no traps, no puzzles. I should mention here that this Link while really curious and likes to discover things, is easily scared and has really bad social anxiety even as a child. So during this dream he was terrified, but he was force to go through it. Finally, when he reached the Spring of Courage. There is a man waiting for him. Link fully terrified at this point. Could not hear a word this man was saying. We the reader know its the First hero (The one from the Skyward Manga). After forcing himself awake from fear, Link would slowly start to see things. Spirits of different men in the corner of his eyes or he will go into, unknown to him ,dissociative states. In these states he would interact with these spirits. But he couldn’t hear them and barely see them.
We named it Farore’s Blessing because in Spirit tracks that Link could see the ghost of Zelda, then the idea of this being a thing that all links have because they see the unseeable normally came up. Legacy and Spirit just have a more powerful version of it.
Some Authors Notes about Link:
- Link is a History Professor and does part time archaeology work for the Adventures Guild.
- He has extreme social anxiety which lead selective mutism.
- Only has 2 years of sword fighting experience when he was 12 from his father.
- He loves ancient magic songs and has talked Zelda’s ear off about it.
- Is like 99% sure Nayru hates him.
- For the longest time he has felt inferior to Claus and Zelda.
- Is worried about the Hero of Time and Hero of Legend.
- Has regretted the Hero Spirit for too long.
- The thing about the Hero Spirit is that the Hero has to nurture it so they can grow into their role as a courageous hero. Legacy, because of his anxiety getting worse from seeing the spirits, the dream, dissociative states where he sometimes sees memories that isn’t his, and then lastly… finding his fathers body after confining in him about seeing things. He blamed himself. He blamed they people who he saw. He blamed the man in his dream. What he didn’t know was that someone else was pushing him to become a hero quicker then having him grow into it naturally.
- Link’s journey is based on the saying: “Learn from the past to make a better future.”
- So he needs to travel back in time to support and learn from each hero.
- Has a lot of regrets not telling Claus about being a Hero.
Thats basically everything? If you have any questions let me know!! I’ll be posting about Zelda and Claus soon after I finish drawing their reference sheet.
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bluesdesk · 3 years
how abought some time and/or twi heed canons
Time and Twi are NOT over 100 years apart! Twi is his son and he only pretends to be a distant relative cuz he doesn't want Time and Malon to get worried.
But really his dream is to hug his dad he had never met alive. This contrast between wanting to spill it all out and keep it hidden for their safety makes him anxious and he probably has panic attacks too.
Time and Lullaby have a strong brother-sister like relationship! Time calls her lil' sis and he's big bro! (even though they have the same age). Malon and Lullaby were also really close already, and after the marriage they started calling each other sis too. Also Lullaby is nothing like an elegant princess. Imagine them all on the sofa, with dungarees or sports clothing, eating chips or popcorn, being a crazy trio.
Time still uses catchphrases and quotes used by the Kokiri sometimes, making everyone confused as heck. "You're a Deku Tree" for someone old, or tall, or slow, or wise... (????)
Both Time and Twi have a cowboy accent, thanks to Malon. Farm girl has a heavy cowboy accent.
They both have really long ears. Don't question why, I don't know neither uwu.
Time secretly eats Epona's carrots. He still thinks Malon hasn't noticed it yet.
I have an headcanon I've never really talked about. The heroes all have the same age as their last adventure, except for Time. Even Wind who's 13, he isn't 12 because after WW we have PH. Four isn't a kid anymore in FS, we notice their growth because Dot is clearly older, and so he's a teen in LU. Also Time had both his eyes and no marks in his teens, how did he get them? He must have used the mask another time. Soo...
Time has had another full adventure!
As for the plot... After OoT Ganondorf is accused by the kids and put under surveillance for some time. He does nothing wrong. In the meantime Majora's Mask happens and all the attention goes to the salesman. Ganondorf is free, and starts thinking of a new plan...
Now Time is 30: Ganondorf has aged too, he has the TP appearance. The sword is in the Temple of Time, the stones are in the hands of their rightful owners. One day hordes of enemies attack Hyrule. Time fights them, but everyone knows it's a diversive. He has to get the stones before Ganondorf again, and kill him, now that everyone knows he is indeed a problem. Now the Master Sword won't make timeshift because he's old enough. He has to take that sword away from the Temple of Time and bring it in a more secure place. The sages suggests the forest. The Gerudo who support Ganondorf are defeated, the others create a sort of resistance, hiding in Castle Town or Kakariko or so, a young Telma is with them. After collecting the stones he takes the master sword and fights Ganondorf for the first time but he escapes. He reaches the forest, Ganon has already been there and it's a mess. Memories, fear, desperation. There's no sign of the kokiri. In the entire game, Time goes periodically back home to Malon. Being home restores a quarter of heart per second, also Malon can cook things, and there's cows... WELP. OK SO. Time has to kill Ganondorf, but he's nowhere to be found. The adventure now is all about following Ganon in lots of little boss fights... at the end Time reaches him and is ready to fight, but Gan is so strong! Link decides to use the Fierce Deity mask. Ganondorf has learnt about the twilight world and its powerr in the meantime and even if Time can hurt him badly, he doesn't die! While Time gets his eye injury and his marks. Time falls unconscious for the exhaustion, and the sages send the evil to the dark world. Ruto dies. When Time wakes up, he's at home with Malon, and learns he didn't do what he was asked to and the sages had to take care of everything. Now... the feels. The regrets. His only salvation is Malon. He loves his wife! The game would have a mix of Zelda and HW mechanics owo
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runolllo-fanboygirl · 3 years
Zelda Theory Time: BOTW2′s Sages?
So Link’s right arm got all effed up in BOTW2 and most likely the Master Sword got it real bad as well. We know that in the first BOTW it was the Deku Tree (the whole forest?) that restored the Blade of Evil’s Bane for 100 long years, even removing Ganon’s Malice from it, but in other games it’s the sages who have to do this job in a rush... like they might need to do in BOTW2 given what we’ve seen in the trailers.
Who do you think the new sages would be? Why? Feel free to reply, my best guess is: - Kass, Hestu, Impa/Paya, Sidon, Riju, Teba, Yunobo. A nice mix of the different races of Hyrule and a total of 7 Sages, like in most of the games.
Sidon, Riju, Teba and Yunobo, in special if the Divine Beasts are not operative in BOTW2 (so they wouldn’t be needed as pilots) are most likely doomed to be sages in the new game. For Sidon in particular it seems especially inevitable, being zora royalty like previous sages Ruto, Oren and possibly Laruto.
Kass, Hestu, and Impa/Paya because all 3 of them are somewhat lorekeepers who have helped Link a lot. Impa has been a sage in various games but I feel like her being so so old in BOTW2, the developers could feel it would be more original and surprising to give the role to Impa’s descendant for once. Robbie and Purah have other roles, so...
Hestu is even able to use ‘magic’ which is not something we see a lot of in BOTW. The developers consider Hestu important enough that he’s a compulsory character in Age of Calamity, even. Also... various of the past sages are known to be musicians but it’s extra coincidental that:
- Fado and Makar, previous Sages of the Wind, are both musician Children of the Forest like Hestu;
- Medli, previous Sage of the Earth, is a Rito musician like Kass and both have a similar backstory with their teachers and have a mission to use their teachings to help Hyrule, even before becoming sages.
--- END OF THEORY, now for some comments related to this ---
It would be cool to get a new rooster of sages, I just really hope Nintendo don’t do the same bullshit again and get these characters stuck in the Sacred Realm after they awaken as sages, like it almost always happens. It’s so sad to not be able to interact with these characters anymore for the rest of the game... and even if for once they allow us to visit them in the Sacred Realm whenever we want... it’s just not the same as going to Zora’s Domain to talk with Sidon whenever you want... it’s not the same as when you fly around with Irene on her broom and she’s making all her sassy comments directly at Link. And, my god, it feels REALLY BAD going to Gulley’s parents who have been searching for him for days (weeks?) to tell them “yeah so your toddler awakened as a sage and stuff he has to stay in the sacred realm so my sword can shine brighter” 
Anyway just for funsies, I’ll mention that in my wildest fantasies, I would like for other less obvious BOTW NPCs to be the new sages, in special because I really want Sidon, Teba, Yunobo and Riju to still be piloting the Divine Beasts instead. Molly (Harth’s daughter, the pink Rito child) somehow foresaw stuff that Link would do in the future and it’s also thanks to her that Link finds one of the shrines... she wouldn’t be the first child to be a sage, either. Bazz, ever overprotective Captain of the Zora guards who was childhood friends with Link and sparred with him, and who features in one of Mipha’s Champion Ballad Trials even, would be one of my favourite choices of Zora representative for the new sages! Mina or Hino from the Hylians, Granté (Robbie’s son) from the Sheikah, Tali from the Gerudo...
Lastly, friendly reminder to not get over hyped with fan theories and not expect them to actually be confirmed by canon, no matter how much sense you think they make, ok? They wanted to break the mold of the Zelda formula with BOTW and I expect they’ll want to do the same in the sequel, instead of returning to the same sages quest thing.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 152: Zora’s Domain
 It somehow felt natural waking up to his smile. It seems like he didn’t notice I woke up at first. He apologized, asking if stroking my hair work me up. He just meant to move some hair away from my face, but he accidentally just kept going. I honestly don’t know, but the was sun rising anyway so maybe the change of lighting was what did it. In the temples the lighting hardly changes, it just barely gets darker at night, I have to really look for it to tell.
Sidon apologized for falling asleep, he meant to keep me company though the night, though he was so glad to awaken with me asleep beside him. He hadn’t been awake for too much longer than me. A prince has many duties so he must rise with the sun he says.
Sidon was glad I finally let myself sleep a little. He asked me how I felt about it. If it was scary or not. It was somewhat, but I felt safe to try. Sidon was glad, though he did wish I would sleep where the doctors could monitor me.
I’m healed, though some infections are still inside me. The doctors thought that sleeping naturally healed me, but that can’t be. I know for a fact I have slept out under the stars when injured and I did not awaken healed. The new theory is that I heal when asleep only when in a bed, or I’m comfortable. I also told them about how the hot springs can heal me too. They’ve started discussing finding some Sheikah scientists and seeing if together they could figure out how my body works.
Purah said she was going to go to the Revitalizing Chamber to study it. I wonder if she’s still there.
The doctors kept me for a while, and my infections have actually spread. This was why they didn’t want me to fully heal just yet. Thankfully the damage was able to be fixed for my side before so it’s just in my arm again. They want me to stay a bit longer to adjust my medicine and make sure it has no adverse effects on me. They told me to not use my arm still, or if I must, be gentle with it, they don’t want it to possibly reach my bones or other organs. It’s eating away at me in a way, so if I’m not careful, I could tear something, and the infection gets inside and not stay outside and it will become much more difficult to manage.
Sidon had mixed feelings about this. At least I could finally take the splint off.
I never knew food could taste so good! After all the tests and pocking at my arm Sidon and I cooked again! I missed eating much more than I thought I ever could! We cooked so much, it was practically a feast and we fed the whole town. Even the King was impressed by my cooking and loved trying Gerudo cuisine! The feast lasted through the whole afternoon. Sidon and I only got to eat after everyone else was full and done, but I don’t mind. They popped into the kitchen once in a while to help or to just chat for a bit. It was nostalgic to make honeyed apples again. I should visit Kakariko Village soon. Any food that was left over I finished. I’d like to try combining different cuisine, I think some of the different pieces placed together would compliment each other well! Sidon was excited by the idea.
The kitchen can get really hot, so a nice cool bath was perfect after the meal.
Sidon filled the bath with bubbles again and massaged the goopy stuff in my hair and on my scalp again.
Taking baths just feels so great. Sidon agreed with me that renovating my house to add a bath was a nice idea. I think I’ll keep the bathing plants outside so they can keep growing even when I’m gone traveling. I’ll just pick what I want or need and leave them by the bath when I go in. Maybe I could keep a fire rod at the bottom to heat the water. And maybe I could get a waterbed as well. It would be nice to expand the house a little and add a bigger kitchen. I could also possibly work the land around my house for a while so I can just grow more rarer ingredients, though the plants from the desert might not be able to grow in dirt.
Sidon told me he loved hearing me speak like this.
Speaking of houses actually reminded him of something. After reading my memories a while back, Sidon wanted to help with the construction of Bolson’s town in Akkala and found a zora who’s name ending with son who was willing to go there and help. He had experienced much of life, being alive when the Calamity struck as a warrior. He just wants a peaceful life. His goal is actually to wed a couple, and surely people would want to get married in the new town. One of the Gerudo women who came traveling with Sidon, her name also ended in son so Sidon convinced her to go. So all that is left is to send a Rito their way.
I should go back and check up on the place some time soon. I’m going to Rito Village soon anyway so perhaps after I help them, though I will be going past the Akkala region on my way there so maybe I should pop by for a quick visit.
Sidon wondered if my healing only worked when I am comfy and happy. Perhaps though the water was not hot, if I were injured right then if I’d be healing. He noticed that I heal when I’m comfortable. I don’t heal when traveling because I’m likely on edge or only half asleep prepared for an attack. It would explain why baths, sleeping in a bed in a town, and eating could all heal me, because they all relax me and make me comfortable. I could see that, but then I wouldn’t have been injured so long here getting to be with him so much.
Sidon asked me if I ever get scars even though I heal. I’m not entirely sure. I know I had scars on my body when I woke up from my hundred-year sleep. I also try to eat as soon as I get hurt so they’re gone so quickly I never exactly get the chance to even remember where they were.
Sidon asked if he could have a closer look at my scars. He gently traced them, like when he was reading the engravings about Zora history. It was like he was trying to memorize them. He said it was almost surprising how such a little body could fit so many marks. Some of them are slightly discolored from the rest of my skin, some of them sink deeply into me. Sidon said he’d never seen scars so big.
Sidon let me trace his scars. He has one the left fin thing on his head. He got it from a great battle with a giant octorok that swallowed him whole.
He became oddly quiet though, then he asked me if he could ask something related to my darker thoughts. He asked if I ever wish I never woke up, that I was never placed in the revitalizing Chamber. I feel like I should have died with them, but do I want that as well.
I think if I truly grasped this situation I’m in sooner, then maybe yes. If I remembered my past when I woke up instead of not recalling a thing, I think I might have.
If I wasn’t alive there would be no one else to finish what we had started. We’d all be restless, and the others will keep being like that till I defeat the Calamity. My want to protect everybody, make sure they are happy is worth much more than eternal rest to me. If I stayed dead, then so many more people would have gotten hurt than even now with the Yiga clan chasing me. Besides, as much as I hurt, there is so much here that was not a hundred years ago. I never would have met Yunobo, or Riju or Kass a hundred years ago. And I never would have gotten to see how amazing Sidon would have become if I somehow continued to live on in that time. I have something that outweighs the pain, even if at times it is all consuming and I almost forget everyone, but that’s why I write here in the first place. I re-read this every night, so I don’t forget.
Sidon told me it truly is a miracle that we were able to meet now. He is so glad we were able to meet, but he was wondering if all the pain was too much. He doesn’t want to be blind to my feelings, he wants to understand me.
At times it feels like he knows me better than I do. I’m not sure how he could understand me better, but I’m glad he wants too. He told me that he’s glad I feel the same.
Sidon asked if I’d stay with him in his room tonight. He found himself unable to let me go yet. He wanted to stay by me longer. He told me it was selfish of him to want for all my time, but he couldn’t lie to himself, so he had to at least ask, however he made sure I didn’t feel pressured to go. He never wanted to force me into anything. He only wanted me to be with him if I wanted too, being with me would feel fake otherwise, and he wants to keep our bond genuine.
Sidon only travels sometimes since he’s busy taking care of his people. Still though, he dreams of traveling more, like when coming to save me, his logical reasoning being making closer ties between his people and others, but he also just wants to travel. He wants to see the towns, experience life in other places and experience their cultures. After Mipha’s passing he was somewhat ignored and coddled. For so long, even now everyone is focusing on Mipha and grieving her, it’s still a fresh wound for many of them. Because of that he was just kind of there, still cared for, but just there. Though as the last next of kin in the royal family he couldn’t leave the Domain too often for his safety with all the guardians around. He has been taught to fight but has only gotten to use those skills on occasion, that was known at least. Secretly he’d sneak off to fight monsters who came near the Domain or the water ways that branched throughout Hyrule. The only person who didn’t do this is his father, he grieved for his daughter but he didn’t compare her and Sidon, he made sure to love and praise Sidon for his accomplishments, he actually liked it when Sidon snuck out with me to find Me or when he came to rescue me recalling his own reckless adventures as a prince, but he’s the king, he has so much to do. Sidon loves his people, and they love him too, but at a distance, because he’s not Mipha. The younger generations are more inclined to see him though. It was not a bad childhood, but it was straining at times.
Sidon told me that he actually sent out some guards to go out to search for a Hylian warrior because he’s not allowed to go out farther than Inogo Bridge. He only left because Bossa Nova got swept away by the current and he just had to go save his friend. Bossa Nova was to be kept in town, but he wandered off as usual and someone spotted him fall in the ferocious river. If Sidon had not been told, he likely would have stayed by that bridge, he only would have left if the situation had become absolutely dire.
Sidon feels he could do more for his people if he were allowed more freedom, and they all expanded their horizons and looked at the world beyond their canyon and waters. Others always came to them, rarely the other way around.
In Sidon’s room are trinkets from other places. He excitedly told me stories about each of the items. About the rock a Goron had given him, saying it was their favorite and a little guy like Sidon needed to eat great food to grow up big and strong. Some golden jewelry the Gerudo women gave Sidon after returning here from saving me, loving how excited he was happily traveling with them, and as thanks for fighting so well with them. Some sheet music Kass no longer needed since he memorized the songs long ago, they were songs Sidon was especially fond of because Sidon met Kass when he was practicing those songs. A stone frog from Kakariko Village as thanks for helping them when the town began to get flooded for a time. I would write everything, but I only have so many pages.
Sidon’s room is large and has a balcony. He has a large desk for paperwork where many of his items are placed. There’s this large pool in the middle. Zoras don’t sleep in beds often, they usually sleep in the water or pools like this. Sidon had many pillows, carpets and blankets from Gerudo Town. Sidon set them beside the pool as makeshift cushions.
It’s so strange to see Sidon without his silver pieces and the blue sash. They just seemed like a part of him I suppose, I’ve never seen him without them before.
As he was placing away his pieces, Sidon tripped over Bossa Nova who had wandered in as Sidon was showing me his items I suppose. He’s so quiet it seems neither of us noticed him. In Sidon’s room is also a work bench for chiseling and working with crystal. In the commotion Sidon had bumped into it knocking the items off it and I had to catch them before they fell into the water. Sidon panicked, screamed as he ripped the items from my hands and checked them. He shakily sighed and held my hands closely, thankful I didn’t catch the dagger by the blade.
The blade is white and serrated while the hilt is crystal. Sidon reminded me of when I told him of my time with Calisa, and all she had taught me about travel and survival. I only have large weapons so many things are difficult to work with without smaller tools. Smaller tools would be extremely useful for making fires, digging, cutting down branches, collecting bark, and many other things. Sidon decided to make a dagger for me out of his teeth. Bone is extremely strong so is should not break easily. Not only would it make for a good tool, but a weapon as well. Sidon worries that there may come a day where I’m in danger and he is unable to get to me in time, so I could at least have this, a part of him with me. He told me his affections for me runs deeper than I may even be able to even fathom. His heart belongs to his people, but to me as well.
The other item is like his sliver pieces, but bigger and longer. Sidon was also making a piece to protect my arm. It had the Zora’s crest, the three crescent shapes, but in the crescent shapes are sapphires and in the space between where the crescents touch is one of Sidon’s scales. He showed me how the gems could be taken out and have other gems placed in. At the bazaar I had taught him about what I had learned about gems and the powers they have. Sidon wanted me to be able to utilize their powers. This way I could use multiple gems powers at once or have multiple of one so the power could stack up, and with rubies, hopefully keep me warm in the Hebra Mountains where the Rito Village is till I could get some warm clothing from there. Sidon wanted to make something to protect my arm, though he was a little nervous that I’d be more reckless with my arm because it was protected and not try to shield it more.
The scale placed in armor to protect someone; this is rather culturally significant. Sidon had told his father and Muzu what he had been making for me, he started this one when he returned after saving me.
I asked Sidon if he could out right, out loud, say it.
Sidon told me that like writing down things, saying things out loud makes them more real, and I had so much on my mind already, he was worried about adding something else, about if this could stress me. I told him I would be okay. I just want to indulge myself and hear him say it first. Directly, not roundabout like we have been this whole time.
  Sidon thinks he’s in love me.
I think I’m in love with him too.
  The King and Muzu had questioned Sidon, but he told them he didn’t care if I didn’t return his feelings, he wanted to protect me from anywhere like Mipha with her armor and trident, Sidon would always come to my rescue should I need it, but in case he couldn’t get to me in time he still wanted to help even if he isn’t physically there.
It fits perfectly, I asked Sidon when he took my measurements. He got sheepish, telling me he just tried remembering how it feels to hold my arm.
I’m trying to keep writing, but all these feelings keep welling up and I almost feel like crying? But it doesn’t hurt? Like my chest is trembling, and my throat is getting choked up? I’m only directly writing this now, so I guess it’s only settling in now how real this is? Nothing has changed. We both knew we liked each other for a while now, only thing that’s changed is directly saying it. And now I can feel my heart pounding. Am I panicking? Am I just excited? I don’t know!
Sidon asked me if he could court me. Sidon was getting a bit flustered now, and he tried explaining what me meant, but just kept tripping over his words. He leaned in before abruptly stopping. He asked if he could kiss me.
Sidon’s teeth are still very sharp. When he parted he realized he cut my lip on accident and started panicking. I had to keep reassuring I was okay and reminded him just eating or sleeping would fix it.
And my heart is racing like when he tells me I’m adorable. Why must Sidon do this to me.
It was so late, Sidon told me I could leave if I wanted. I asked him if that’s what he wanted. He wanted me to stay. I wanted to stay as well.
Sidon tried staying up again. He apologized when he couldn’t keep his eyes open. I promised him I’d go to sleep with him when I was done writing, and now I’ll do just that.
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loz-and-lu-fan-blog · 4 years
Death would be better ch.1
Who loves angst!! linked universe mixed with the fallen timeline. Warning for philologically abuse and mental manipulation (also some light reference to attempted suicide) 
Link struggled very weakly as he spat up a bit of blood, the demon king likely destroyed one of his organs with the throw he was just given.
‘The demon planned for this’ Link thought as he struggled to move trying to raise his head to glare at the bastard. He had been waiting in the temple, and Link hadn’t even noticed until it was too late. By the time the stones were put into place, Link found himself being thrown across the room, hitting one of the pillars.
The Gerudo king went into a room, likely what held the Triforce from what he heard from Zelda. However when Link felt the burning in the back of his hand in the shape of a triangle he knew his fate was sealed. Link would die at the hands of Ganon, the little glow on his hand says it.
“Navi, find Zelda. Tell her what happened. Please.” Link begged his little fairy friend to abandoning him; he knew he wouldn’t be able to get up in time and make his escape.
Link had to smack Navi to get her the courage to run away. Ganon finally came back into the room, glaring at the little hero who just glared back. This was the hero's death but he wouldn’t give Ganon the satisfaction of knowing he's scared.
Just then the Demon King glare becomes a smile, making Links glare falter; Navi had taken this moment to try to fly out towards the window.
Ganon snatched the fairy as she tried to fly secretly by the king…...Then he crushed the fairy.
“NAVI!” Link screamed jumping up out of bed, breathing heavily trying to catch his breath.
‘It’s just a dream, it’s just a dream’ Link tried to say to himself, trying to calm himself down….’but it wasn’t a dream’.
Link could feel the heavy chain around his ankle that’s other end was hooked to the bed, a measure that was taken after Link had tried to jump out of the window.
Link didn’t know why Ganon hadn't killed him, honestly he wished he had been killed, it was better than the hell he was in now.
Ganon had been playing the role of Link’s ‘adopted father’, caring for him, trying to keep him to eat. He knew that Ganon was planning something big by keeping up his act. If it wasn’t for Link's fading memory maybe the traumatized child would have believed him.
The thoughts of his memories made Link curl back onto the bed trying not to cry. There are things he should remember, places and people that seemed so recognizable but yet their names escaped him, and soon after the faces would become a blur as well.
His latest frustration came in the form of a goron, a big chief with a big belly laugh that could shake death mountain but yet when he tried to remember his name it came up a blank; the details of his face slowly blurring in his mind. There was no doubt that if Ganon brought end for another ‘healing session’ the gorons and death mountain would be nothing more than wisps of memory, begging for attention from the back of his mind.
Link curled up into a tighter ball, the movement irritating the wounds on his arms showing the many attempts to end his personal hell.
‘Why couldn’t Ganon just kill me?”
“Why do you bother keeping the kid around?” “Yeah you should have just killed him” Koume and Kotake muttered to the Gerudo king from their brooms, as the gerudo king did everything in his power to ignore his mothers. He deals with their whining everyday so the ignore was par for the course.
“Answer before we poison the boy” Koume said, flying closer to her son, who glare intensified with threat. 
“You know damn why, if we kill the brat his soul will just be reborn. It will be impossible to get rid of him, like a cockroach” Ganon said with a sneer.
“Then why are you playing house? Why waste all these resources?” Kotake joined in obviously plotting to kill the child.
“Because imagine what will happen if that little brat is on our side?” Ganondorf said with a twisted smile “A young scared child toss by the side by the goddess. Eventually he will question what’s real, he will eventually give in and accept what fate has in store. Can’t you just imagine it?” Ganon said stretching his arms wide across the map of Hyrule. “Power and Courage both under my control, and my would-be-killer taking my word as law”
“So how long are you planning on playing house?” One of his mothers asked but Ganondorf had no idea which one.
“Until his mind finally breaks and he accepts his reality” Ganon said turning around to glare at his mother “It would be easier if two certain witches didn’t keep overloading his brain, nearly killing him” The two witches just rolled their eyes.
“Leave me be” Ganon said, turning back to the map as he gestures for his mothers to leave him be. Being left alone with his thoughts he started to review his plan. It would take a little more to break the little one’s spirit, but he knew he was on the right path. Grabbing the Triforce of power gave him a glance into the timelines, he could see what that child would become. That child's fate if he doesn’t die was to become a great warrior, something that could defeat a god. Why not mould that would be hero into his army's most powerful general? 
Speaking of which it was time to visit his son.
“Wake up my prince” Nifari said, throwing open the curtains of the room. It had been pleasant being moved into the wonderful castle, however her job had been assigned looking after the young adopted hero.
The young hero curled up under the covers trying to hide away from the world. The Gerudo smiled as she put down the breakfast porridge on the side table as she pulled the covers off the child.
The young warrior smiled as she physically helped the child move into a sitting position, it slightly broke her heart. Their king told us the story of them taking their rightful place in the castle. However she couldn’t help her heart breaking when Ganon told us the story of this little child. The child was cursed by the hylians to only see the evil in the world, filled with paranoia and fear. Maybe her smile and kindness could help break the stupid curse.
“Come on, it’s time to eat” Nifari said as she grabbed the bowl offering a spoon full of porridge to the child. Sadly the child moved away his face away, making the gerudo face drop; she had noticed how much weight the little boy lost. “Come on our little sun, eat”
The young gerudo words were cut off by the sound of a door opening, she looked up to see the king entering. She sat down the food and bowed towards her king.
The King all but ignored her and went to his adopted son. 
“Hey Link, how are you feeling?” The male gerudo asked as he went to go put his hand on the boys head. Link quickly moved away as best as he could, avoiding eye contact. The king just seemed to sigh before taking a glance over the boy.
“Has he been eating?” Ganon asked the gerudo in change of the prince.
“No sir, I’ve been trying to get him to eat but he won't,” Nifari said with her head down wondering what punishment might await her. However the king didn’t give her a punishment, instead turning back to the child.
“You need to eat, Link. Why aren’t you eating?” Ganon said in the softest voice he could, however that didn’t stop the kids from flinching away.
"I don't like it" Link whimpered out in a gravely voice that just sounded like it hurt his throat. Ganon expression read of shock, he had been convince the hero was mute, after his scream for his fairy the boy hadn't said a word, not a peep. However to Ganon this was progress.
"Well we can make something you like. What do you want to eat?" Ganon said in a voice used for kids, not knowing how insulting the little hero found it.
"I want meat. Steak, chicken, meat" The hero stated as he stares at the king. The king noticed how the boy scratched at the wraps on his arm, his past attempts with anything sharp.
"No" Ganon states clear as day "Your past behavior shows you can't be trusted with sharp objects. You will stay on soup and portage until I know you won't hurt yourself" Ganon lost the harshness in his voice trying to take on a softer tone "I'm sorry I can't do that. Is their anything else I can do to make you happy?"
Link's face just held a glare in a way Ganon couldn't read.
"I want Navi" Link states with as much confidence as he could. He knew what he was doing, he was trying to poke holes in Ganon's story, trying to make him mad. Maybe in the end Ganon will finally just snap and end his torment.
"Alright, I'll asked her mother if she can spend the night at the castle, I know you miss-" Ganon went off happily, as if it was the easiest request he had heard.
"No!" Link screamed "I want my fairy!"
Both Ganon and Nifari were taken aback.
"Link...there was never any fairies. Fairies don't exists" Ganon said softly.
"No!" Link screamed out jumping up from the bed "She was my fairy! My Guide and you stole her from me! You killed her!" Link made a jump at the Gerudo king however Nifari had grabbed him trying to hold him back.
The boy screamed many different things, mostly horrible names towards Ganon as tears ran down his face.
"Your majesty what's wrong?!" Nifari screamed out in a panic as she held the screaming boy to her body.
"This might be from the curse the Hyilans cast. We need to get my mothers in here" Ganon suggested.
At the suggestion of Ganon's mothers Link screaming turned up by 50%, full out flailing crying and screams for help. It had gotten so bad that Nifari  had to take some steps back or risk Link breaking out of her hold.
Right next to the bathroom's glass door
Link saw his opportunity so he reached his head to one side before swing it into the door.
Link felt warmed and light headed, he could hear screaming around him but he didn't care as the darkness took hold.
Somewhere in the land a portal open up and 9 adventures with the same name stepped through.
The Link's walked through the portal, confused on which world they were in now.
"Does this look familiar to anyone?" Legend asked as they took at the dark sky. Many nodded no.
Time couldn't help a gut feeling he had as this hyrule looked so similar to his after his 7 year nap. But something in his mind was telling him it was much worse.
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singingvio · 5 years
AU where the Links fail in their individual quests!! I KNOW IT’S SAD BUT HEAR ME OUT.
Green stays in Gerudo town, he doesn’t even TRY to leave, he just stays there, meets a nice Gerudo girl, gets married, has kids, a family... he forgets. He’s the best off, but his life isn’t as good as it seems. His wife is wonderful, beautiful, talented, smart, kind, he has two daughters and a son, a Gerudo daughter and the other daughter Hylian and the boy mixed between both. The oldest daughter is named Sky, he doesn’t know why, maybe it’s her sky blue eyes most Gerudo don’t have, but he remembers someone... the younger daughter is named Flame, she’s confident but sweet, and her voice is so much like one he can barely remember... and the boy is named Link. He doesn’t know why, but it feels right.
Blue is frozen in the ice cave for so long he forgets who he is, where he is, his quest... but he’s still angry. At what, he doesn’t know, and somehow, he’s still alive despite being frozen. The Poe torments him a lot, taunting him, talking about his past without getting specific, and just making fun of him. Blue keeps trying to break out of the ice, and he keeps failing every time, and eventually, he gives up. He doesn’t have anything else to fight for, Zelda’s probably dead, he doesn’t know, he never will... Why bother trying? He tires of trying, his spirit fades out of him, and he’s still alive, but no longer there, all the way.
Red gets captured by the townspeople and is thrown in jail for the rest of his life. The thing is, he doesn’t age... maybe because he’s only a part of Link, but the others age (though he doesn’t know that) and, when he gets a roommate (which is not allowed), he realizes he hasn’t eaten anything in months and no one sees him anymore. He slowly fades away, into the background, and then one day his ‘roommate’ sees him-- Red calls him No-Name, because he doesn’t give him his name, and No-Name calls him Kid. He’s okay with this, but he doesn’t remember anything else... except for colors. He loves colors-- green, blue, purple, pink, teal... and red.
Vio never gets found out... since Green and Blue and Red never showed up. The Fire Temple begins to feel like home, and Shadow, a true friend, and even the other monsters. His thoughts, plans, ideas of saving the others eventually fade to the very back of his mind and he forgets it. He isn’t being held captive, he isn’t in danger, he’s fine, and Shadow’s getting less enthusiastic about destroying the world every day, probably because he’s bored of it, and so Vio stays, perfectly happy, but not evil at all-- he’s still the kind, if snarky, bookworm we knew in canon. One day, he dies in an accident (it isn’t specified) and Shadow brings him back, through the mirror-- and Vio’s now a dark being like him.
If you want to hear more about this AU, then ask me about it and I’ll be happy to give answers! :D
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saveandwin · 5 years
NOTE: some liberties taken with the lore / story, since it’s a crossover AU after all. there will be bits of BNHA lore mixed with LOZ: OOT (and some MM) lore, mainly when it comes to the hyrulean civil war. All for One takes the place of Demise / Ganondorf, and the triforce was split into four pieces not three -- with the wisdom piece split in half, one going to AfO and the other to Princess Momo. big thanks to the loml tessa / @katsubi for helping me figure out who should have the role of princess zelda and how to work afo into the triforce! ♥ lov u sm
The Triforce:
courage: Deku. 
power: Bakugo. 
wisdom (further split into two): AfO and Momo.
The Seven Sages:
Forest Sage: Tsuyu
Sage of Light: Nana
Sage of Shadows: Aizawa
Spirit Sage: Ochako
Fire Sage: Kirishima
Water Sage: Todoroki
Leader of Sages: Momo
Hyrulean Civil War:
The Hyrulean Civil War was bloody, but it did not leave the Kingdom in factions. They united under the leadership of All Might to overthrow the bloody Hylian King whose real identity was All For One -- the malicious being from legend that the Goddesses and Hylia had fought to destroy. And with All Might being the incarnation of the legendary hero himself, he knew it was his duty and responsibility to fight and defeat him. It was a long and bloody war, and at the height of its chaos and bloodshed, All Might urged his wife Inko to find a safe place to hide so she and their unborn son could live. So she ran, moving often to keep her and her son safe, but as those after her and Izuku grew in number and in power and they mortally wounded her one day, she was forced to leave him in the Kokiri Forest with the Deku Tree.
With the help of All Might, the Kingdoms were able to defeat All For One. Or so they thought. All Might knew better, and knew that All For One had gotten away. He had been wounded and weakened, but not destroyed. And unfortunately All Might had been grievously wounded himself, permanently weakened and unable to fight for long. He ended up passing away not long after the war’s end, and never knowing what happened to his son or wife.
Following the war, there was peace and prosperity and an increase in trade as the new King rose in All For One’s stead, alongside his Queen and his young daughter, Princess Momo. The Queen had been part of the Royal Bloodline that had ruled over Hyrule for centuries before All for One had taken over. However, under the guise of peace, All for One found a new vessel to use, and began to plot and plan again, this time to take the Triforce and controlling the Sacred Realm. 
Izuku’s story:
Izuku grew up part of the Kokiri Tribe, but he always knew he didn’t belong. He was four when he arrived at the Forest -- young enough that he doesn’t remember much of his life before then, but old enough to remember the look on his mother’s face when she’d begged the Kokiri and the Deku Tree to let him stay. He remembers the tears she had shed when she was forced to leave him, unable to follow him into the Forest. 
It was the last time he ever saw her.
Whenever he asks the Deku Tree about her, he never gets any definitive answer on her fate. He can’t ask the Deku Tree about his life before the Forest either, since the Deku Tree doesn’t know. Izuku doesn’t remember much else of his childhood, or anyone else from before his time in the Forest. Nothing except striking red eyes and the loud clash of steel swords ringing in his ears whenever he sleeps. He dreams of those things a lot, and wakes up confused and frustrated of what he can’t remember, something just out of his reach.
The other Kokiri tend to keep his distance from him. They’re not mean to him, and they talk to him from time to time, but they know he’s not one of them. There are a few Kokiri who actively bully him because of his lack of fairy though, and Izuku tries his best to ignore them. He really only has one friend - Tsuyu - and she acts as his anchor. She’s also the one who acts as his caution and voice of reason whenever he runs out of his own, whenever he cooks up half baked plans to explore the outside world. He’s not allowed to leave, after all -- something the Deku Tree had stressed greatly to him, but never explained. He wasn’t truly a Kokiri, after all. He wouldn’t die if he left the Forest --- so why couldn’t he?
When he’s twelve, he wanders into the Lost Woods by himself, and is cursed into Deku Scrub by a mischievous Skull Kid with a terrifyingly sinister mask for a year. It’s by far the most difficult year of his life, and no one but Tsuyu and the Deku Tree know of his curse. It’s how he’s able to leave the Forest for the first time since he’s arrived: not out of choice or acceptance, but necessity. The Deku Tree tells him he must find a way to break the curse, and so Izuku sets off on his journey to try and figure out how to do just that. 
If the outside world was dangerous for him as a young boy, it was even more dangerous now that he was a young deku scrub. But there was no other choice, and so Izuku had to learn how to survive and, in his own odd deku scrub way, how to fight. Deku nuts proved to be, surprisingly enough, very effective against enemies. There weren’t many places willing to accept in a Deku Scrub, and so Izuku had a lot of time to learn how to protect himself against Stalchildren and Stalfos’s in the nighttime. He continues to dream of red eyes, but his dreams evolve and sometimes even turn into a nightmare, where he meets a Princess in a courtyard, but flames begin to eat away at the grass and the stone and wood around them, until all Izuku sees is smoke and fire and then he’s standing outside Hyrule Castle, watching the Princess gallop away on a horse and a frightening man stare down at him with malice in his eyes. When he wakes up, Izuku is always shivering and trembling, and fearful.
Somewhere along the way, he meets Bakugo - the Gerudo King - and his friend Kirishima who is part Goron. Immediately, Izuku knows the red eyes in his dreams belong to the other boy, but why, he isn’t sure --- only that he wants and needs to find out. Despite the protests of the young King, he follows Bakugo and Kirishima around, unable to communicate with them verbally but trying his best to follow and help out and place a piece of the puzzle together. He’s still cursed in his deku scrub form, hence the nickname that sticks with him afterwards, Deku. 
Eventually, they run into the Happy Mask Salesman, who tells him he can teach him how to break the curse, but that he needs the right item first. A musical instrument to play, a precious one, with magical powers. At a loss and feeling helpless, Izuku leaves Kirishima and Bakugo to go back to Kokiri Forest to seek help from the Deku Tree and Tsuyu. He knew that Tsuyu played the ocarina, and had even taught him a song or two on it, and maybe she would lend it to him to use. He finds out from the Deku Tree that the ocarina is indeed the instrument he’s looking for, but it isn’t Tsuyu’s ocarina he needs to find, but that what he’s looking for is in Hyrule Castle, with the Princess. The Princess of Hyrule. Not only that, but that the nightmares he’s been having serve a greater purpose, and that it is time for his fate and destiny to be realized. He urges Izuku to go, and go quickly, and return as soon as he’s able with his courage in tow to break the curse that All for One had placed on him. He imparts a fairy unto him too, to help guide him and illuminate his way. With the Deku Tree’s blessing and urging, and his new fairy companion by his side, Izuku sets off quickly.
With all that on his mind and weighing on his shoulders, somehow he’s able to sneak in the marketplace, avoid the dogs that try to attack him, and past the guards protecting the Princess. Despite her initial surprise, she doesn’t seem too shocked to see him, and there his journey truly begins as she tells him of the strange dreams she too has been having, of the man in the window who lies of his identity and his motives, and how Izuku must find the three spiritual stones and open the Sacred Realm so that they can seal All for One away once and for all before more tragedy strikes. She’s able to break the curse on him, and he ends up with a Deku Mask afterwards to use, and keeps it just in case he ever has to use it again. She then sends him off with the help of her guardian Aizawa of the Sheikah, he learns of where he needs to go to find the Spiritual stones.
From there, he sets off on his journey to find the other two spiritual stones, armed with his kokiri sword and the hylian shield on his back. He finds the first within the Deku Tree, after breaking the Curse, but the relief is short-lived when he realizes that, despite breaking the curse, he hadn’t saved the Deku Tree. He can only watch as the Deku Tree dies, leaving Kokiri Forest unprotected, and knowing now more than ever that he has to find the other two spiritual stones as soon as possible. His journey takes him to Zora’s domain, where he meets the Zora Prince Todoroki, and helps him escape from Lord Jabu Jabu’s belly (although Todoroki had done most of the fighting, to be honest...). Despite their initially rocky beginning, they end up becoming good friends, and Todoroki hands him the Zora Sapphire. Izuku heads on to Death Mountain next, and he re-meets Kirishima. Kirishima doesn’t remember him at first, since Izuku isn’t a Deku Scrub anymore, but eventually Kirishima finds out and is excited, though a little wary and unsure, of Izuku’s promise to help defeat King Dodongo in exchange for the Goron Ruby. 
He makes his way back to Hyrule Castle, only to find out the worst has happened: he’s too late. The scene from his nightmares isn’t only in his dreams anymore, it’s happening. He watches as Princess Momo flees on her horse along with her guardian Aizawa, as she tosses the royal ocarina at him and it lands in the moat behind him, and as the looming figure of All for One stares down at him. The attempt to fight him does not go over well, and Izuku is quickly swatted away, unable to do anything but watch through his fading vision as All for One tries to follow the Princess. 
When he wakes up next, Hyrule Castle is no longer on fire, but the damage can be seen -- and smelt. It churns Izuku’s stomach, and he doesn’t want to go inside, doesn’t want to see all that has happened, but he knows he has to. He has to find the Ocarina, and open up the Temple of Time, enter the Sacred Realm and stop All for One. So he dives into the moat, retrieves the ocarina, and sets off inside Hyrule Castle. It’s quiet inside, but still full of life, with people recovering from last night’s fire and, thankfully, mostly unharmed. It kills him to know he wasn’t able to do more last night, wasn’t able to help like he’d wanted to ... too weak to fight against All for One, too small to make a difference. He arrives at the Temple of Time with the Ocarina in hand and the Spiritual Stones in his bag, and sets all three down in their respective places before playing the song that Momo had taught him. It opens up the hidden hallway leading to the Master Sword, and Izuku doesn’t know why or how, but he can hear it calling to him. It sounds familiar, and warm, and powerful, and the moment he pulls it out from the stone everything goes to Hell. He only remembers a flash of bright light, dark laughter echoing through the chamber hall, and All for One’s voice.
When he wakes up next, two years have passed. No longer is he fourteen, but sixteen, and when he looks up, he sees All Might. The legendary Hero ---- and apparently, his late father. He tells him of his journey, his destiny, the power he will come into, the sword he must wield to defeat All for One. It’s so much to take in at once, it’s so much responsibility and weight ... but Izuku will bear it. He knows he must have the courage to bear it, and so he will, and he does. All Might’s spirit helps guide him along the way, taking on various spirit forms only visible to him as he does, teaching him while he sleeps on how to fight and hone his skills and the power of the Master Sword. With his help, and the help of his fairy companion, Izuku sets off to wake the other Sages and seal away All for One, once and for all.
The Temples that Izuku goes to, in order from first to last:
 Forest Temple
Water Temple
Fire Temple
Spirit Temple
Shadow Temple
Izuku goes to the Forest Temple first because it’s familiar, and he figures it would be the easiest. It is, but there’s an unexpected difficulty as well since it’s his first temple and he’s still figuring out how to navigate them, and because he isn’t expecting the first sage to be his first and dearest friend Tsuyu. He goes to the Water Temple next because it’s the nearest (that he knows of), with a hidden path to Zora’s Domain in the Lost Woods. He meets Todoroki there again, and the Zora boy helps him through the Water Temple (although they’re separated from time to time by obstacles, traps, and/or chambers). Izuku goes to the Fire Temple next, and re-meets Kirishima. Kirishima doesn’t remember him at first, since Izuku isn’t a Deku Scrub anymore and it has been two years since they last saw one another. Eventually though, Kirishima finds out, and tells him where to go to find the Spirit Temple. Izuku has to head to Gerudo Valley, and there he meets the Gerudo named Ochako, the sage of Spirit. After he beats the Spirit Temple, Izuku goes back to Kakariko Village, where he follows after Aizawa into the depths of the well where the bloody secrets and sins of Hyrule lay. Izuku has nightmares for weeks following the Shadow Temple, but it only further reinforces the need to stop AfO and defeat him.
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odogaronfang · 6 years
Your shitposting is great my guy, that’s fun. Tell us some random non plot related bs about the BoTW au?
sorry for not getting to this sooner!! when i get asks like this i like to take a couple of days to gather my thoughts so i can give you a better answer!!
- out of the six of them, i think zelda is the most overall mature. i mean, sure, she’s still a kid like the rest of them, and she has her fun, but when it really comes down to it she’s the most responsible and the best at getting done what needs to get done. it comes as a bit of a surprise to people that don’t know them so well, because most of the time they look at serious boring old vio and think that he’s probably the tired and jaded supervisor but. not so.
- adding onto that last thing- people tend to assume that vio is the very dignified one. emotionally detached, won’t let silly little things like feelings and morality get in the way of a job that needs to be done, reserved and calm and all that superficial stereotype stuff. they half expect the trope of the sort of english-gentry type personality. and they could not be further from the truth. that’s how he is superficially, but, like, get close to him and spend some more time with him and you’ll see. he kind of swings between following his stereotype and being just as irritable and generally frustrated as blue and shadow get, and honestly it’s a roll of the dice as to what he is. also? he does curse a lot. he doesn’t always go around shouting fuck at everyone he sees, but if something’s really getting on his nerves for whatever reason, he can out-curse shadow. and usually it’s more under his breath, but that doesn’t mean he really makes much of an effort to hide it.
- vio and blue have a sort of legolas/gimli fighting dynamic going on when they get into the thick of it. “bet i can kill more of these bokoblins than you” “bet i can take down a moblin in less hits than you” “bet i’ll be the one to kill this talus” type stuff. honestly, if they had an encampment to clear and no one was feeling particularly up to the job, they’d just off-handedly mention the results of the last competition and that would almost guarantee another face-off between the two, and everyone else could just sit back and watch the two of them go at it. in these kinds of situations they both know they’re basically being used but neither of them care much. one of vio’s favorite things to do when this happens is to let blue think she’s racking up the points, and then the moment she’s about to strike the killing blow on something, he’ll take it out with an arrow. and he does it repeatedly.
- shadow is extremely lazy and will use his magic for the most mundane of things, once he gets comfortable using it around them. he won’t feel like getting off the couch to get the plate red’s offering him so he just magics it over. he doesn’t want to pack his things so he just uses magic to shove things in his bag. he doesn’t feel like climbing an eight foot hill so he floats himself up. and all the while everyone, and especially blue, is indignant. “if this magic is so important to your survival why are you wasting it lacing up your boots” “because what if i trip??? i could get HURT and i can’t risk it coming undone” (and then he probably gets swatted on the head with something)
- green is intimately familiar with gerudo religion and customs. in theory he’s a follower of hylia according to the hylians’ belief system, because it was mostly his dad who raised him and that was what his dad practiced, but he’s far more interested and in tune with the gerudo religion, despite spending a lot less time with his mom throughout his life. the breakdown of all that is here, but his favorite heroines are nailuk and imura, and even though technically he hasn’t been formally confirmed into their religion, he still follows it all as though he has. and it isn’t a closed religion, so technically he could go and request passage through the rites like any other devotee, but he’s an anxious child and always shies away from completing the devotional trials. of course, every time the subject comes up with his mother, she affectionately makes fun of him for it, and especially so once she learns of their quest- “oh, so you’re fine running around the continent trying to save the world, but one little molduga and you’re tucking tail?” (he does, eventually, gather up his courage and finally go through with it. he chooses nailuk as his patron heroine and gets a very nice devotional tattoo of a pink lotus on his arm. his mother is very proud of him, and they do make a special one-day exception to the No Men rule to celebrate his official integration into their religion.)
- unless my brain decides to take an unplanned detour through some weird plot point, you will never get to meet vio’s mother, even though she’s alive. this is because, to put it lightly, they are not fond of one another. it was already kind of rough on vio in his early years, because his dad, as a sheikah, lived in kakariko, and she, as a hylian, was forbidden from living there and so lived in tabantha. it led to a very odd and uncoordinated shared-custody situation, where he’d be living with his mother for a year and then out of the blue his dad would drop by and be like come on son we’re going on an adventure. and then he’d go live in kakariko for months with his dad. and it resulted in a confusing flip-flopping of cultures, and it also resulted in a lot of resentment on her part, towards his father. but because his father didn’t live with her (for a complicated number of reasons, one of which involving a pretty serious falling-out concerning the matter of vio’s mixed heritage) she was unable to express it towards who she actually really hated, and so ended up taking it out on vio most of the time, and it came to be that vio really just couldn’t wait for his dad to come back so he could go be in kakariko, which he liked infinitely better than tabantha. at some point she got REALLY nasty and bordered on actually dangerous, so vio finally put his tiny eight-year-old foot down and decided that he would take matters into his own hands, and hopped on his faithful and much beloved horse and just left. and one day he arrived in kakariko and went to his dad’s house and he just kinda walked in like hey old man how’s it been. after some mild concern and fear for his safety, they sat down and vio explained the situation and ended up living in kakariko from then on. after his dad died, he stayed for about another year and a half, because quite frankly he needed people to keep an eye on him, and after that he took to traveling, took up the trade of a merchant as a kind of excuse, and when he was about sixteen or so, used the money he’d saved to get himself a place in hateno, far far away from his mother but still close to the village he considered family. this one got kinda ramble-y but that’s the rundown on the situation, and anyone with any kind of sense won’t bring up the subject with him, because he’ll either get very withdrawn and avoidant or he will get very angry. you don’t want either of those things.
- it takes some time to get past the initial awkwardness of things, for a few reasons, and there will always be some bumps in the road, but out of everyone, shadow trusts vio the most with personal matters. some of it is because they share at least some heritage, and shadow knows that vio will understand his sheikah-bred tendencies a lot more than any of the others. but he also knows that vio will in no way be taking his shit- but he will constructively not take any of his shit. he thinks that red and green will be generally too lenient with whatever is going on with him, and blue will be far too harsh, and zelda lacks a few certain points of experience with his background that would otherwise make her fine to deal with. so if he actually decides to confide in someone or go to someone looking for advice or help, he will usually go to vio, because vio is certainly not going to excuse anything that he’s done wrong, and he will be very up-front about what he’s screwed up, but he’s also better at providing solutions or advice rather than just flat criticism and nothing else. and as much as shadow would like to be coddled and told that he is Perfect The Way He Is, he knows in his heart that that couldn’t be further from the truth, and he knows all too well that vio has no reservations when it comes to calling him out.
-this is a secret that shadow will take to the grave, but there were a few little parts of the yiga that shadow enjoyed and, at times, kind of misses a little bit. even though there were quite a few people in there that he held no love for, there were still others that were welcoming to him, and kind of took him under their wing, especially when he was just coming in as a young kid. he sometimes wishes he could see them again, just to see how things are, but he knows that if he ever does meet them again, it’ll probably be on opposite sides of the battle. and, even more secretly, he did kind of revel in the power that being in the yiga gave him. even as one of the lower-ranked members, he still had more power at his disposal than some of the highest of the high among the non-yiga. he liked knowing that the upper hand was always his and the situations were always his to control, and while some of that stemmed from being so thoroughly trapped under the thumb of his overseers, it was also, in some little dark part of his brain, just part of him as a person.
-blue’s favorite people in all of hyrule (aside from her village, of course) are the gorons. she just loves the atmosphere there. she describes it as an entire town full of bros, and even the most distant of them still share this sort of familial bond that she has yet to see matched among anyone else. the rough-and-tumble attitudes and general relaxed air and casually determined personalities just kinda resonate with her, and by the end of it she kind of ends up as an honorary goron. she also really likes their spice. so does zelda. their food becomes a little dangerous after trips to goron city.
-green’s dad actually used to be in the princess’s personal detail of guards. it was only for about two years, while they were in the process of searching for suitable champions, but it happened, and even through the calamity, he managed to preserve the uniform and the sword he was given. when green was little, he used to steal the clothes all the time and dress up in them and walk around acting like a guard. he’d stand in front of the door to the kitchen with his little wooden sparring sword in his hands and demand to know his dad’s name and business before he’d allow him to enter. and even though the hat was far too big for him, even when they went out to practice with their swords or tend their garden or go hunting, green would insist upon wearing it, and even though it fell in front of his eyes every ten seconds he refused to ever leave it at home. even still it’s an inside joke between them to ask name and business before letting the other go anywhere.
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phasediamond · 4 years
More about my botw au pt 1 of 2 (I hope)
WARNING: try to stay with me on this. I’ve been told before that my stories/aus get really complex for some people and I have a hard time explaining my aus to people because of this( I have a hard time explaining things in general but you get the point). So I’m going to try my best here 
OK so I’ve stated before that my botw au is kinda, keyword kinda, mixed with Skyrim right. 
Well basically Skyrim is a distant land that can only be traveled through a portal, BUT you have to be deemed worthy enough to go through the portal. 
So basically Isha’s mother Emri who is a Gerudo (obviously) traveled through the portal and met Isha’s father Andor the Hunter a Werewolf Nord
Andor a is descendant of basically of a dragon similar to Alduin in the sense that Alduin is kinda like a god and that’s the only similarity between Alduin and this other dragon (that I’m still working on a name for)
Anyways this dragon actually is a god and is basically a shapeshifter and shape-shifted into a Nord and helped banish Alduin.
This basically explains the origins of the Dovahkiin in this au.
Anyways Emri and Andor fall in love and get married and Emri decided to stay in Skyrim with Andor even though he would go back to Hyrule with her in an instant if she wanted; even going so far as to have her show him where the portal was
Eventually, Emri falls pregnant with Isha and you’d think Andor would be ecstatic that he was going to have a child right?
Wrong you’d be so wrong. Why? Well because Andor was a werewolf and Emri wasn’t that meant that there was a chance that Isha would be a werewolf too.
So why is that such a big problem? You see it is extremely dangerous for a non-female-werewolf to carry a werewolf pup as it could potentially kill the mother and because lycanthropy is a dominant trait the chances are extremely high that the baby would indeed be a werewolf
Emri made Andor promise that if she did not make it not to hate their child.
Also in this au Gerudo men aren’t rare.
The ‘king’ of the Gerudo has to be born with a very specific birthmark (still haven’t decided on that either, also not the mark of the triforce) and that’s also how they can tell if the baby voe is Ganondorf or not
Ganondorf is not always the ‘king’ of the Gerudo
Anyway back to the story: Emri does sadly die while giving birth to Isha and Andor swore to protect and cherish his daughter no matter what.
Isha grew up in Skyrim and can speak and understand every language in the land. She is also very talented in magic, lock picking, and hunting. 
When she was 18 her father took her to her mother’s homeland of Hyrule.
The two of them met Impa and explained how Isha had never been to Hyrule and didn’t know where anything was
Word got around about her, her father, and the portal and it eventually made it’s way to Zelda( Isha comes to Hyrule a month after Ganon is defeated) who wants to meet her and her father but can’t as she already got a lot of stuff to do.
Urbosa goes in Zelda’s place to meet with the strange foreigners ( The old champions are alive b/c Zelda figured out a way to bring them back)
When Isha meets Urbosa she’s kinda weirded out b/c she’s not used to seeing someone who’s as tall as she is because for Skyrim standards she way above average and not in just height
Urbosa agrees to teach her about Hyrule and most importantly the Gerudo, her mother’s people
Andor thanks Urbosa for doing this as he’s done his best with what Emri had told him about her people. 
Urbosa quickly realizes that Isha is just like her son Link. Isha just has a habit of doing things in the most chaotic way possible.just.like.Link.
It takes about five months for Isha to learn everything about Hyrule and in that time she’s visited each region.
She quickly discovered that she does not like the desert. She didn’t even make it to the bazaar before she turned around and went right back to the stable. Given the fact that she was used to the frigid cold of Skyrim, not the sweltering heat of the desert Urbosa wasn’t really all that surprised 
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pocketseizure · 8 years
The Marriage of Lanayru, Chapter Eight
Time Scatters Like Sand
Ganondorf broods in the library of Hyrule Castle until he is interrupted by Zelda, who offers a surprising invitation.
2,200 words ☆ (Also on AO3) (Story Tag on Tumblr)
* * * * *
Ganondorf sat back in his chair and stared at the soft flame of the lantern he'd lit shortly after sundown. It was dangerous to bring fire into a library, but there seemed to be no other means of illuminating the room. There were gaslights in a few of the castle's larger halls, but electrical technology had apparently been lost, and there were no glowstone lamps to be found. He was here to ascertain how far into the future he had come, but it felt as if he had traveled backwards through time.
After an entire day of research, he had gotten no closer to figuring out how many years had passed since he had been banished to the Twilight Realm. At some point the standard dating system had apparently fallen out of fashion, and spans of time were now measured by the reigns of various monarchs. These kings replaced each other with disturbing frequency, and Ganondorf was not certain that there were no periods during which the throne had been empty. As far as he could tell, there were no women whose rule had been recorded, and he found no mention of a Zelda in this era or any other.
If there had been almanacs or star charts, he would have been able to do the calculations himself, but he had been unable to locate anything of that nature. How could a country be run with no knowledge of the seasons? Were the farmers – and the merchants dependent on their labor – simply left to their own devices? How was taxation managed? Each of Ganondorf's questions gave rise to numerous others, but there was no discernible system of organization or cataloging in the library, and his search for answers yielded no satisfying results. Even more troubling were the gaps in the collection. There were biographies, certainly, and multiple bound reports and collections of letters, but there were few actual histories, and those he found seemed to have been written for the edification of children. No one other than himself had entered the room during the day, and dust lay thickly on the shelves. It was as if the library existed only as a display of wealth, with any actual knowledge carefully culled. He wouldn't put it past the Hylians to have burned books they found unpleasant.
Ganondorf exhaled as he stretched. His back was sore, and the wound on his chest ached. His eyes had begun to hurt hours ago. Whatever benefits the Triforce of Power may have conferred on him, he wasn't getting any younger, and he worried that he might need glasses before too long. The Gerudo were known for their clear vision, but he had never been like the women of his tribe.
He closed his eyes and cast his mind back to the exhausting training required of all young Gerudo. How he envied the stamina and flexibility of the girls who surrounded him. Because he was a prince, no one quite knew how to deal with him, and as he grew older his teachers began to express greater tolerance regarding his absences from the evening exercises, perhaps thinking that he lacked the feminine strength necessary to become a warrior. He found this assumption infuriating, knowing in his heart that he would not remain a weak boy forever.
In the meantime he would retreat into one of the many libraries of the palace to practice magic without interference and read of the exotic foreign lands that lay beyond the sea of sand stretching out from the walls of his city. He was especially fascinated by Hyrule, where gods walked the earth in the form of heroes and demons. Even though his kingdom shared a border with Hyrule, it seemed like something from a fantasy. It was a land of prosperity and wonder, and none of the princes or princesses in the books he read had to deal with tariff percentages or property disputes or irrigation rights or any of the other asinine details of the business discussed in the council meetings he was obligated to attend.
It seemed that every eight hundred years or so Hyrule would be visited by a great calamity, which had come to be known as "Ganon." His own name, Ganondorf, simply meant "boar son" in an archaic variant of the Gerudo language, but he still liked to imagine that there was some connection between himself and the old Hylian legends. In these quiet moments, free from the incessant chatter of his cousins and the petty debates of his elders, Ganondorf would picture himself as a great warrior who used his swords and magic to battle an unimaginably terrible enemy.
As the years passed he understood how foolish it had been for him to think of Hyrule as nothing more than an innocent fantasy; the kingdom was a dark place where the blessing of water was wasted on the blood-drenched soil. On the other side of the desert the races mixed freely, but in Hyrule they had learned to keep to themselves in their own isolated territories. His people, although closer to the Hylians than others, were treated no differently and shunned in the towns and cities across the border. Regardless, Ganondorf could feel Hyrule calling to him, and when he was finally allowed to travel there to present himself to the king he fell in love with the green fields and gentle winds of a land where the seasons turned in an endless cycle.
Hyrule did not love him in return. Unskilled in politics as he was as a young man, he still understood that the Hylian king intended to create a suzerainty in the desert, apparently misunderstanding the peace maintained by the Gerudo as a weakness. These tensions were exacerbated by his coronation, and he witnessed the corruption of Hyrule’s royal family firsthand when he was apprehended for treason on a diplomatic visit and cast into the prison underneath the castle, a hellish dungeon where not even the dead were allowed to rest. No stone walls could hold him, and he escaped without difficulty, but it was then that he understood that it was the royal line itself that was "Ganon."
At least, that was his view of Hyrule before the war, and before he had been captured and flung into another world. What he learned as he wandered through the Twilight was that demons were real, mercilessly so. The desert was haunted by ghosts, but what he had seen in the wastes had not prepared him for the horrors that stalked the Twilight, which turned men into monsters.
Ganondorf rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms. How surprised he had been to find Zelda still in this castle, encased though it was in deep Twilight. Her body seemed so delicate, and yet she had been able to resist corruption. When he first saw her lying on a simple bed in the highest room of a lonely tower, as still and pale as a cut lily, he had assumed the Triforce of Wisdom was sustaining her. He quickly realized that she must have passed it to the imp queen to keep it from him, and that it was her own spirit that resisted the pull of the hateful miasma. He had long held a prejudice against the weakness of Hylians, but the strength of Zelda’s will moved him to compassion – and perhaps something more. He was not a man prone to rash decisions, but he knew that he could not bear to lose her. If she remained in this castle, a hero would surely come for her, but she was fading fast, and he saw no other way to keep her alive than by sustaining her with his own power.
"You really shouldn't have an open flame in a library, you know."
Startled, Ganondorf jerked his head up as Zelda's voice rang out into the dusty silence.
"How did you get here?" he snarled at her, embarrassed that she had been able to enter the room without attracting his attention.
"I used the door," she answered as she walked toward him. "I don't need magic to move quietly."
"And speaking of magic," she continued, "I'm surprised that someone like you needs to rely on an oil lantern." She placed her hands together, and when she opened them a globe of light rose into the air. She made a show of surveying the piles of books he had left lying on the floor and table. "This is some mess you've made."
Ganondorf frowned. She was being facetious, and it put him on edge. This woman had many faces, and he could not yet tell which one she was presenting to him.
"What are you doing here?" he asked as he watched her approach.
"I want to talk about what happened in Kakariko, and I came to find you. Don't tell me you've been in the library all day. What have you been looking for?"
"Nothing I can find in this mess." He swept his hand out toward the shelves. "You'd think the people in your kingdom read nothing but romances."
Zelda shrugged. "So what if we do? There are truths in such stories that are hidden from official accounts of battles and treaties and the great deeds of kings. Are you searching for something specific, or are you just upset because you haven't been able to find any mention of your own name?"  
Ganondorf sat back in his chair and crossed his arms as he regarded Zelda, who stood on the other side of the table, a slight grin on her face. She was baiting him to give up information, challenging him to a game. Fine, then. He would make his move.
"I wasn't looking for my name," he told her. "I was looking for yours."
To his surprise, she laughed, but the bitterness in her voice was clear. "You won't find it," she said. "No matter how many years I sit on the throne, I will never be a king of Hyrule. I am simply a placeholder for a proper monarch, one who has all the suitable..." She made an obscene gesture and smirked. "Attributes."  
"How old are you?" he couldn't help asking.
"Approximately two hundred years younger than you," she answered flatly.
Ganondorf scowled in distaste at her rudeness before remembering that Hylian women did not like to be pressed on such things. He had been told that their men found the ripeness of experience unattractive, and that it was insulting for a woman to be reminded of her age. "My apologies," he said. "The youthfulness of your face belies the depth of your wisdom."
Zelda snorted. "Those are pretty words," she said, "but I'm not that young. I must remain a 'princess,' so many people assume I'm still a child. Being underestimated has its advantages, but I would prefer if you didn't condescend to me."
"I assure you I had no intention of being condescending."
"Good. Now why don't you tell me what you've been doing here all day." It was not a question.
Ganondorf could easily fend her off with half-truths, but he saw no reason to lie. "You've just given me the information I wanted, which is that it's been two hundred years since I was last in Hyrule." He paused and waited for her affirmation.
Zelda shrugged. "Give or take. I'm sure you noticed that there are a number of books in the room where I was imprisoned during the occupation of the castle. I did a bit of research on my own, and no two authors can agree on the dates. Two hundred years is my best estimate, but I could be wrong."
"How far Hyrule has fallen," Ganondorf said without malice. He looked out into the darkness beyond the library windows. The castle had once been hailed as a shining monument of light, and it was still strange to see nothing but murky shadows in its gardens and hallways after the sun set.
"You don't need to rub it in," Zelda sighed. "Listen..." She trailed off, ran her palm across the surface of the table, and then clapped the dust from her hands as she continued. "I know you're trying to learn more about Ganon. That's what you think happened in Kakariko, right?"
Ganondorf wondered what she knew. What was she hiding, and how much would she reveal? "Ganon is just a legend," he said sharply.
"That's not precisely true, but I don't want to talk about it here," Zelda responded as she walked around to his side of the table.
"What do you suggest we do, then?" He watched as she adjusted the dial on the lantern that lowered its wick and extinguished its flame. Her own ball of illumination remained in the air behind her, but its light had grown dim.
"Come to the tower with me. No one will overhear us there."
"Do you trust me enough to allow me into your private room in the dead of night? Have you not considered the possibility that I am Ganon?" Ganondorf asked as he met her eyes.
"I've given the matter quite a bit of thought, but..." Zelda smiled and looked away. "You are my fiancé, after all."
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loz-and-lu-fan-blog · 4 years
Death would be better ch.2
Yep next chapter, again past tags applies. Again ANGST! Also past warnings apply. 
When another portal opened for the Links they had no choice but to enter it. They had been in one of Hyrule’s dungeons for days, the musty smell of death and seemingly endless stream of monsters brought the links to their wits end. They all just decided to step through the portal without knowing what would happen next.
The Link's walked through the portal, confused on which world they were in now. It seemed like they were still in Hyrule’s world, the mustly smell of death and dark clouds agree with him.
"Does this look familiar to anyone?" Legend asked as they took at the dark sky. Even Hyrule nodded no, commenting that if it was his he’s never seen this part of his hyrule.
Time couldn't help a gut feeling he had as this hyrule looked so similar to his after his 7 year nap. But something in his mind was telling him it was much worse. It felt like the air was thick was death in a familiar way and the whole world seemingly warning him of the doom to come, the same feeling it gave him after his long nap.
“I….I think this is my hyrule” Time muttered out which causing the other links to quickly look at him.
“What the hell old man? This isn’t time for jokes, we’ve all seen your hyrule” Legend said pissed that the older hero thought now was the perfect time for games. “No, I'm being serious,” Time said, trying to swallow back some bile. “My hyrule became like this when I slept for seven years. Ganon gain control while I slept and the world suffered” “So you’re saying we appeared somewhere during the middle of your adventure?” Legend asked and Time gave him a nod in reply.
“Ok so what do we do now?” Sky asked.
“The best thing is to head to castle town, it will give me an idea of where exactly in my adventure this took place” Time offered to the group who nodded in acceptment.
The group of adventures began to head to what look like buildings in the distance, hoping that the answer they would get will help them get an idea of what’s going on.
‘Oh how wrong they were’
Apparently hitting his temple to the glass wasn’t enough to kill the hero. The young hero remembered coming to on the bed, hearing a voice above him. His head didn’t hurt and he couldn’t feel the rush of blood running down his face. He had survived of course. “Are you awake little one?” A voice said, making Link eyes shoot open with fear. Above him was the witch known as Twinrova, the mother of his ‘adopted father’, the stealer of his memories. “Come on little one, let me see you smile?” Twinrova said as she brought her hands up to his the side of Link’s head before his world went black again. ‘If anyone heard his screams they chose to ignore them’
When Link finally awoke again he could feel himself very drained, it didn’t help when he had tried to remember some faces only for them to come back blank. He couldn’t handle the sadness of knowing more of his memories were taken from him by those witches. The boy openly cried, cried for his lost memories, cried for the fact his suffering had yet to end.
“You’re awake” He heard a voice say and looked up to see Ganon setting down a bowl of soup. Link didn’t know why but he just started to scream at Ganon, he started to lay into every injustice the gerudo had done to him. However his rant was cut shut by Ganon grabbing his face, Link was sure Ganon was going to snap his neck however that sadly didn’t happen.
“Link we’re trying to help you, your my family” Ganon said calmly speaking like he was talking to a toddler “You’re grandmas are trying to get rid of your curse” “They’re stealing my memories” Link hissed out before realizing what he had done, he never told Ganon that he knew what the demon king was doing to him. “We’re taking the false memories. The one put their by the evil witch” Ganon said calmly “You need to eat, your skin and bones.
“I don’t believe you” Link grunted out through tears “I’ve seen who you really are, what you’ve done to hyrule, i know-”
“That witch really did fill your head” Ganon said finally realising the boy’s face and bringing his hand up to his hair “Link do you really believe that? The kingdom and it’s people are fine. In fact their doing better than ever, people aren’t straving anymore” 
Ganon stopped talking when he noticed that Link’s glare didn’t fade. Then he got an idea.
“How about a deal?” Ganon said making Link expression is interested. “If you drink all of your soup i’ll take you to the town square and let you see the truth.”
“And when i’m right” Link said not even doubting his world view.
“If your right I will stop the sessions you hate so much” Ganon said knowing full well that would never happen. Link seemed to smile at that “However if i win you have to keep eating and take your session, with no question”
Link frowned at this but never the less nodded in agreement. Ganon smiled as he went to talk to his mothers. Link just went with his part of the agreement and drank the bowl of soup.
Now all that was left to do was wait.
The Links slowly moved into castle town with the caution of a mouse being hunted by a hunger cat. The world felt like it was trying to strike them down. When they finally got to castle town it was definitely different from what Time was expecting. If he had to describe it, it was like a mix between when the hyrule royal family was in charge and when Ganon was in charge. The sky still had that horrible color and the air smelling vaguely of death. However there were citizens in the town, happily going about their day to day lives. Time did take note that there was a lot of gerudo warriors eyeing the men but other than that you would have thought everything was normal.
The Links decided to stay close to the edge of town, for a quick get away and so Time would less likely have to explain to the gerudo that he is married.
They were close to one group of gossiping townsfolk so with hushed tones the Links got closer to hear what they were saying.
“Can you believe the young prince and King are visiting today?” A woman said with a cheery voice. 
“It's a shame though?” A man said in a sad voice “What that evil princess did to him, warping his memories. I heard he was startle like a leaf when the king finally found him”
“I heard about that” another man said “They said the reason for the visit is to help shatter the spell that's making him like this”
The Links just stared at each other in shock and confusion having no idea what they were talking about. Time was definitely confused because the fact they just referred to a princess as evil and the fact that neither the king of Hyrule or Ganon ever had a son.
“Old man what should we do?” Legend hissed out as more people started to look towards the castle and more gerudo warriors were appearing.
Time thought for a minute before saying “We need to stay out of sight and observe what’s going on, we need answers”
The Link agreed with this and soon found one of the back alleys somewhere that could still see the road, and opted to hid behind some wood. However from their hiding spot they couldn’t see the castle town square.
Thankfully Wind offered to stay out and observe, hiding anything of value like his sword and necklace making him look like just another confused and interested hylian too scared to get close.
Wind stayed in sight trying to get a good view, acting like a confused and excited citizen. The rest of the Links hidden in a corner blocking any view of the the street.
Finally the loud sound of people cheering and getting closer made Wind look in a direction.
It was Ganon
Link shouldn't have been surprised when Ganon decided to carry him to the town square. His hunger strike had made him very weak so he doubt he really could stay and walk for so long. However something in his mind told him that it was to make sure he didn't escape.
As they started to walk into town they were greeted many happy town folks happy to see the King and young prince. Ganon lets out laughs and telling many stories as more town folks came up. Link found himself bearing his face into Ganon shoulder, knowing clearly he lost the bet.
'But this couldn't be real? Can it? I saw him attack the princess? I saw killed the great deku tree. I saw him kill Navi. That has to be true. He can't be good...………..Can he?' Link thoughts seemingly fought with each other.
Finally he lifted his head to see a young hyilan boy in blue.
The boy looked like your average hyilan, with the slight shocked expression of seeing the king. Link just started at the boy with big tear filled eyes.
He could see the boy talking however he was to far away to hear. However soon a man stepped out of the wood piled next to the boy.
He was tall, likely about as tall as Ganon with golden hair and silver armor. However it wasn't the armor or even the markings on his face that got his attention. It was the beautiful blue instrument that was hung on the strangers hip. An instrument given to him by Zelda, princess of Hyrule.
The Ocarina of Time.
That man staring back at him was him
Link began to struggle in Ganon not knowing it the many in armor was a omen of his ill fate future or hope of a brighter one, however ether way he wanted to get closer. He wanted to asked, to beg the man to tell him how to survive.
However his squirming was taken notice by Ganon who began to shift and the taller man moved to disappear from sight. As Ganon finally turned around to look, even Link twisting himself to look the only thing left in the stop was the boy in blue.
Link didn't know wether to be happy or not that the older man had vanished but he knew he felt bile come back up as Ganon walked close to the young boy.
As they got closer Link finally notice details of the boy, how despite his brightly color clothes, which normal mean someone's well off, they were torn and dusty slightly. How scars and other little imperfection graced the boys legs. How he held a slight glare that Link knew all to well.
"Well hello little one" Ganon said getting on one knee so that he and Link were looking the boy in the eye "What's your name?"
"Lineback? well that's certainly an odd name" Ganon chuckled at the boys response, Link noticing how the young boy didn't even react. "Well young Lineback are you alone in this world?"
"No Sir" Lineback said and Link could see him swallow "I live with my grandmother and baby sister"
Ganon just seemed to smile at the boys answer "Are they here today?"
"No" the boy said sharply, making Link flinch at the harshness of his tone, he has seen people get whipped for less.
"Well then would you like to keep my son company while we bring your grandma and sister to the castle. Link could really use a playmate his age and he seems to like you" Ganon said with a smile, and Link casted his eyes down. He could easily be dragging someone else into his mess.
The word stunned both Ganon and Link into shock. No one had said no to the king beside Link having his 'tantrums'.
"Did you say no?" Ganon asked trying to keep his voice soft but you can feel the anger growing behind it.
"Yes I said no" Lineback said again as Link shock his head 'no' at the young boy. Ganon already had to deal with Link refusals, another one could see this boy to his death. Ganon seemed to close his eyes to take a deep breath to which the boy mouth 'looked away'. Link didn't know why but he trusted the boy.
"How about this, I bring you and your family to live in the castle? That way you can have all you want to eat and not have to worry about your grandmothers health?" Ganon said with the frustration starting to poke though.
"I said.... NO!" The boy whispers turned to screamed as he threw a handful fi sawdust into the king's eyes. The boy quickly ran during the chaos happen after as Ganon started to curse the child's name. Link took this opportunity to squirm kick and shove, finally one well place punch to Ganon's eye cause the gerudo king to drop him.
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loz-and-lu-fan-blog · 5 years
Tiny Time ch. 3- Finding Time
*Tagging people @aceofspadeswiththedragoneggs @wildpuppa @pinkittwice @eleventhspy @jjpony @sillus @4firey1 ....ps don’t worry their will be more Link interactions in the next chapter*
Oni sat in the deep dark void that was this realm. He was healing and very fast as well, his missing eye had been fully healed and the scar was beginning to fade. It was necessary to be here but it was unbearable. He was left alone with his thoughts and even as a god that was his worse enemy. He just keep thinking of one phrase.
Where did it all go wrong?
He remembered when he got sealed into this cursed mask by the weak goddess Hyila. He had been weaken because he had just created a god’s soul leaving him very weak. Hyila stole his son and trapped him in this mask at his weakest.
It was a pathetic move by Hyila.
He spent centuries in this mask, his hatred for Hyila burning over. Even when he felt his sister presence, Majora, take over a host with plans of destroying Termina and starting over; Oni couldn’t bring himself to care. He had been imprisonments so long he would like restart Termina as well, so he never bother to talk Majora out of it.
So that what he, he stayed as a silence mask while Majora ruin Termina, likely much to the dismay of Terminas, their older sister.
That’s when he came.
Majora offer his mask to the little hero who had been trying to stop her. Oni didn’t care at first, his plans originally was to destroy the hero when he put on his mask and destroy Termina with Majora.
Then he felt something when the mask was put on.
Something so familiar.
There he was, his son. His son’s soul was there, kind of. The once bright god soul has been shatter to be weaker; still enough to show its godly origin but not enough to kill a human body.
Oni cried both tears of joy and angry when the hero put on his mask. Tears of joy for finally finding his son after so many years of being along. And tears of anger for what the wretched goddess had done to his son.
Oni worked with Link to defeat his sister, in the end it was the best thing for her, as she finally was free from her wooden prison. She was free to be with their sister and returned to her godly form.
After the fight Oni began talking to Link in his mind. Maybe it was just because of the hell Link went through but the little hero was very trusting.
Despite not having a physical form he spent a lot of time in the mindscape with Link. Teaching him his language, singing old songs, growing to care for the son he never got to know.
Link grew up and slowly stopped allowing Oni full range to his thoughts, which was understandable, but Oni being left alone had some dangerous consequences.
Oni knew the rest of the shards of his sons soul had to be out there. And as the isolation after finally having someone just got to him. So Oni knew what he would do.
He would take over Link’s body and imprisons his son soul in a gem until he could find the other parts. Then they could be reunited and be a family again.
That was a mistake.
When Link was drive to use the mask again Oni made his move. Grabbing the young soul and pulling him further and further from control, leading it to the place he would be safe.
He should have known better then to underestimate Link.
Link fight for control finally got a arm free and did something drastic.
He slice his own face and eye.
The pain radiating throughout both of them. Oni turn his focus away from Link to try and heal, and Link finally have control back ripped the mask off his face.
Link screamed in pain feeling the slice and burning the last bridge of his mind, effectively locking out the Oni.
He was left with marking and a scar.
That had always been Oni biggest regret, making Link scared of him and scarring him.
He had been left for years in the mindscape with only slight hints of what was going on.
Then one day a miracle happen, the gateway was open.
And Link was small again.
This time in Link’s life wasn’t happy, Oni could remember how many times he had to stop the little child from ending it all.
Oni was going to wonder about this blessing to much, he only had one goal in mind.
How do I protect my son?
Finally the couple cart finally stopped in this terry town. The couple was nice enough to give Link some jars of honey before letting him go along.
Link jumped out of the cart and began looking around. The town looked very small but peaceful, their wasn’t a hint of anything dark in the air. It was peaceful for once.
Even without the other mask or the Oni, Link has a feeling it would be save here.
Link could see a Zora, hyilans, gorans; even Gerudo which was weird sense they normally don’t leave the desert.
“Hello there” a voice said making Link jump, realizing he was about to walk into a stand.
The person who said his name wasn’t exactly a person; they looked more like a bird...what?
“Hello im Fyson” the bird person said to Link. Link’s confusion must have been written all over his face, because the person began to laugh.
“Is this your first time seeing a Rito? It’s ok your not the first” the person, Fyson said as Link nodded a yes.
“It’s ok. Here have something on the house” the Rito said jestering to his stand. It had a bunch of fruit on the stand.
Maybe this place is alright.
Warriors and Wind were tired by the time they got to this town. When both realized that Wolfie was going somewhere far they put in the peguas boots, which thankfully cut what would have been an hour walk to about 30 minutes. Whenever the walked by someone they ask if they had seen Pops, the tall blond with a scar, however no one had seen him.
Now they were outside a town, Wolfie refusing to go any further.
“Wind, you take the west part of the town and I’ll take the east” Warrior said. It shouldn’t be to hard to find Time, he was a giant and should be able to find him in a crowd.
Warrior emotions were a mix of tired, anger and worry. While Warrior thinks Time can take care of himself it just worries him because Time disappeared without telling everyone.
‘Was it that statue?’
‘Did he just get tired of us’
Warrior walked through town ended him up in a spot that was really empty. He wouldn’t even had noticed the child that was around if not for one thing.
The sword.
The sword on the child’s back.
It was Time’s gilded sword.
Anger bubble up in Warrior, the thought of a little thief coming and take Time stuffs while he was away. How could this little thief do this?! Especially after Time going missing?!
Without thinking Warrior went up and grabbed the child by the back of his shirt.
“Give that sword back you little Thief!” Warrior growled out in anger. The child cried out with a scream.
The child grab the sword and turn around to swing. That’s when Warrior saw the child face.
It was young Link from his adventures, the little friend he had made all thoughs years ago.
It was Time.
The eyes of thoughs child were definitely Time, they held the weight that Time always had.
How had he not seen it?
Warrior had not notice that the little Link had decided it would be better to not fight.
Time was running away.
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