#thrawn schemes and i love that for him
hosharambles · 1 year
My reaction to Ahsoka Episode 6, 'Far, Far Away', is premiering on YouTube! I love-love-loved it! Thrawn my beloved~ He's so cool! (and not just because of his colour scheme lol)
Go share the excitement!
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creepygoth666 · 2 years
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The rebels pack is finally available!!
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thrawns-backrest · 1 year
I've never heard anyone talk about this theory on tumblr, but I was curious to ask you. What do you think about Ronan becoming a Grysks spy? I saw such an idea in one fanfic, but there they made Ronan just an ambitious and stupid villain. But I thought about and decided that given its canonical nature, such a development of events also seems to be probable to some extent. It seemed to me so, because look: Ronan in Ascendancy is even more vulnerable than Eli, who managed to build good relations with at least Vah'nya and Ar'alani, he obviously needs a lot of time to somehow get along with at least a brother-in-misfortune, and already especially with someone else. In essence, he is alone, and his character also repels the Chiss from him, which leads to their distrust and unwillingness to explain anything to him. A person who communicates little with anyone and understands little is easy to take advantage of, besides, attachment to some things or people is something that the Grysk are only too good at pressuring, with intimidation or cunning. And Ronan is attachmented to Krennic, to the Empire, to the Death Star, so in theory they have something to hit. In addition, if he is faithful to someone, then he is faithful, as we see, almost to the end. And if someone else could become for him a figure like Krennic to whom he "swears" - this person could push him into many things.
If anything, I'm not saying that this is a full-fledged theory and it will be so in the canon. These are just my thoughts on one of hundreds of possible scenarios. I was wondering how likely you think this is?
Oooh... honestly, as much as I love Ronan, I think that's very likely. I think it's even likelier when you consider Thrawn's suggestion to Ar'alani about feeding Ronan the right kind of information because they know he's a potential traitor.
Looking at the book, it's hard to tell if they mean that in the sense of feeding the Empire information through him or using him to misled the Grysks but both scenarios are kind of sad because neither assumes an eventual assimilation into the Ascendancy (which I'm trying to fix in my fic lol).
But yes, as you said Ronan is a very likely target for the Grysks. Ar'alani herself points it out and if something isn't done to prevent it, Ronan could easily be converted into a Grysk agent. The moment he realizes Thrawn didn't send him on some secret mission to find Chiss jedi, he'll grow even more distrustful of him. And if his experience in the Ascendancy is as negative as we assume it'll be, there's plenty of dislike there for the Grysks to feed and exploit.
In a way, characters with a lot of zeal and extreme views always have that problem. They're just... unstable. Kind of like Anakin in the prequels, because they feel so strongly about something they're open to manipulation and their loyalties can be exploited with the right kind of nudging.
That said, making Ronan's motivation ambition and depriving him of his intellect is just... dumb. Ronan genuinely believes he's on the side of the greater good, that the Empire is doing good, etc. I can see the Grysks convincing him that the Chiss are the bad guys in the grand scheme of things, maybe that they're planning to betray or attack the Empire and use his loyalty and inflated self-righteousness to pit him against them.
The thing about Ronan, I think, is that he has an eye for detail and is good at noticing things and reading people (e.g. realizing that Vah'nya is force sensitive) but he's not as good at using that information to come to the right conclusions. Sometimes he does and that's when his skills shine but sometimes his takes are just so far off it's funny.
Whether it's because he tends to overthink or because his biases skew his thinking, it's still a flaw and one that could be exploited.
My only hope for Ronan resisting the Grysks' manipulation is that he's already seen what they're capable of. There's this moment in the book where he gets a very strong reaction to seeing the bodies they've left behind ("Ronan nodded silently from his seat at the conference room table, trying very hard not to be sick. [...] He tried to remind himself that these men had been thieves who’d stolen from Stardust and the Empire, and that they deserved punishment. The rationalization didn’t help.")
At the end of the day, Ronan isn't cruel and doesn't have the stomach for cruelty. And that could be the only thing stopping him from trusting the Grysks who don't have a problem openly showing their ruthlessness. But, of course, if he's already in a bad place and vulnerable to manipulation, that might not be enough to save him.
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Quarterfinals): Match 2
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Cinta Kaz | Identity: wlw | Media: Andor
We all know Cinta Kaz. While she is not the first queer person in Star Wars by a very long shot, her and her girlfriend are the first queer people to appear in live action and have their queerness confirmed in said format, rather than retconned in later. 
Chelli Lona Aphra | Identity: lesbian | Media: Star Wars Comics
Oh Aphra, where to begin. Honestly the best way I can describe her is that she’s Star Wars’ Vriska. She’s a “rogue archeologist” and in marketing material sometimes compared to Indiana Jones, but the only similarity is that she can feature in the same wacky stories about retrieving artifacts except with none of the mismatch between modern ideas about archeology and repatriation and Indy being the hero, because she specifically isn’t. She was originally created for the 2015 Darth Vader comic series, recruited to help Vader raise a force that would let him coup the Emperor. She was so popular she then got her own comic series, making her the breakout star of the Disney/Marvel Star Wars comics. The Fandom Menace can’t touch her.
Her comics have been a series of frankly strange adventures involving Force artifacts, Vader either working with her or wanting her dead, and double crosses that leave your head spinning. She has Thrawn level tactical abilities, but only for schemes. She is haunted by how her trauma born behaviors make it hard for her to maintain relationships and be a good person. She has so many exes it's an entire section of this tournament. Her most significant relationships have been with Sana Starros and Magna Tolvan. As of the end of the Spark Eternal arc, the comic seems to be leaning towards a poly ending with the three of them, but first Aphra needs to stop self sabotaging.
One of Aphra’s greatest achievements was at the end of her 2016 comic run, where she trapped Vader in a PTSD flashback Force artifact on Tython and hacked his suit to allow her to erase Hoth from the Empire’s records. She did this for the sake of her loved ones who had joined the Alliance. Doing this gave Echo Base enough time to build up before they were found again that they were able to evacuate much more efficiently. That’s right, disaster lesbian love saved the Rebellion.
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debonaire-princess · 1 year
𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙨 🥂
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Pairing: Thrawn x Fem!OC
Word count : 2k
Warnings : none- jk, creampie, light choking, piv sex, hair pulling, scenting, thrawn speaking in Cheunh, murder scheming. 🔞
A/n : my first attempt at smut 🤷‍♀️
The after-party wooz is always the worst part of the occasion.
Veraloe thinks as she walks to the bed and plops herself face first onto the shared bed. Her groans and muffled words can be heard through the door as Thrawn walks into their lavish hotel suite, situated smack dab in the middle of Coruscant's finest commercial district.
“I thought you decided against the Emerald wine for tonight’s occasion,” he asked dryly, glancing at his wife’s luscious figure. The blue skinned husband knows well of his limits and decided to forego alcoholic beverages completely. Thus his feet do not sway, his posture impeccable, and his firm voice still carries its usual icy strength despite the late time of night.
“I guess Moff Gideon’s inquiry regarding your,” he hesitated but unknowingly emphasized it instead, “”pregnancy” has gotten under your skin, wife?”
The silence hangs in the air as he unclasps his tunic, patiently waiting for Veraloe’s answer. Of course, his question made her seethe all over again.
That damn kriff-headed Gideon has out of nowhere asked the gender of the grand admiral and her upcoming baby. In front of the whole party attendees, in the middle of an unconnected conversation regarding a local moff’s newborn.
She grits her teeth and claws her fingers into the sheets as she recollect the farkled rat’s pompous and satisfied smile as he fake worries over the condition of her body and current mind. Being a pregnant lady and all.
Which she was clearly not.
Even Thrawn, despite donning his usual glacial calm expression, was caught off guard. And thus was of no importance at all, aside from his impassive reaction and soft denial of her pregnancy, which obviously did not work as well as he thought. And the proofing of that false rumour was heaped upon her delicate shoulders.
By the stars, in all honesty, Veraloe loves parties, thrives in it. She adores the secrets shared behind bubbling champagne flutes, the glimmering lights, the soft elegant dances, it all makes the fact that she is surrounded by the very people who participate in the murders of everyone she ever loved easier to bury. It also helps that she is usually the prettiest being in attendance and was often the center of attention and gossip.
But tonight, it was an uncommonly agitating occasion. Seeing how even after drinking several flutes of Emerald wine as a show of her clearly unpregnant condition, some party attendees still came up to her and Thrawn to excitedly offer their congratulations.
During the rest of the party and the airspeeder ride home, she mulls it over in silence. She stole Tarkin’s support on Gideon’s mining land to move it over to another part of a land she owns in order to secure profit for her own gain and it, of course, angers the former Moff.
Quite petty (and smart) that he slighted her by that pregnancy lie knowing damn well he has other mining lands that are equally profitable rather than the ones she took.
Now, People will behold her body and see the extra weight on her hips, the plumpness on her cheeks, dimples in her feet, all mirages that simply aren't there.
Not that getting fatter will reduce her beauty mind you. It just meant that a pregnant wife of the Grand Admiral is considered a much easier target than a Veraloe Monik, billion dollar seductress, that is in the prime of her life.
She grumbles a string of Arduurian curses as she snaps her head back up and crosses her elbows as leverage on the bouncy mattress. Flinging her sparkling brown locks off her face. As she cups her chin on her palm, index finger grazing her lower lip, her mind starts to reflect and ponder.
Of ways to doom the insipid little moff of course. She could just outright kill him in secret if she could. Force choked him in his sleep.
She could do it all if she wants to. Certain benefit that comes with being one of the- No, the most sought out Mistress in the galaxy is that she could literally make someone disappear without a trace, be it by hired hands, or by hers.
Whichever that will quench her blood-thirst, and make her skin look even more supple. A well executed revenge does that to a person, that's a proven fact.
She absentmindedly bit her nail as her lip coil in a sinister smirk.
As the plan starts to take shape and envisioned in the compartments of her brilliant scheming brain, she felt the mattress under her dip.
She peered over her shoulder to the view of Thrawn, on top of her, long feet straddling her lower body. She felt his cool calloused palms lay flat on the skin of her shin, moving to her thighs, pushing her white naboo-silk dress up, up, up, as he goes. Exposing her scantily panty-clad bottom to the cool air of the hotel room, his eyes unmoving.
He stops his ministrations and squeezes her plump ass just enough to make it change to a color of his liking.
A small gasp came before she could stop it. Biting her lower lip in anticipation, she decided to be a tad bit cheeky.
“Now what- do you think- you are doing, Admiral?” She fakes a naiveté tone to her obvious rhetorical question.
When she moved to turn her body Thrawn’s hand moved to the small of her back and held her there.
“Stay like this please,” he murmured as he unzipped his pants. “You seem tense tonight, as you should be. Moff Gideon’s baseless assertion has caused a troubling amount of miscommunication for you to smoothen out. No doubt it puts quite a dampen on your mood, even Governor Pryce can tell from across the room.”
“However,” his low voice softened, “you were so composed, so calm despite such aggression.” He leaned down and kissed the back of her head, giving it a slow and deliberate whiff. “Again, you charted the political waters for m- for the good of us both.” A small smile touched his lips and he placed a single gentle kiss on the side of her forehead.
A clinking sound of belts can be heard, signaling he finally slipped off his pants. Possibly taking out his half hard cock in doing so.
“Oh please.” Veraloe turns her body slightly, touching the side of his face in her hand, his glowing red eyes stare deeply into her equally darkened soul. “Your polite yet stern denial of the congratulatory offers gave me assistance as well. Aaand maybe your usual joyless expression helps matters too, no one can look so icy with a baby on the way.” She gently caressed his pronounced cheek. She leans close and puts her lips to his ear. And softly bit it.
“Now,” she licks her lips in anticipation, “you gonna fuck me silly or what?”
A cacophony of moans and noises of slapping skin bounced off the walls as Thrawn pounded into Veraloe from the back. His hand grips the fat of her legs like a vice till the tips of his cool fingers whiten.
He pressed her hard into the mattress, giving her no choice but to take it. Take him.
“Vu- Vurawn, please,” his nickname slips out her moaning lips. Veraloe doesn’t even know what she’s begging for since her husband’s impressive length started to mess her head silly. She can feel it in her throat as he gives a particularly hard thrust.
Thrawn buries his fingers into her scalp, and pulls her up by a fistful of hair. “What do you, hah, want?” He whispers breathlessly into her ear.
Through her haze she manage to form words despite the unyielding pace he keeps on blessing her pussy with, “Fuck me silly, Vurawn,” she grins knowing damn well he’s gonna give her what she wants.
He slams her face into the plush mattress and proceeds to pick up speed. The lewd sound of relentless slapping of skin mixing with screams and grunts are only muted from the rest of the city due to the window’s bulletproof thickness. The smell of sex wafting in the empty air of the suite, The Chiss’s sensitive nose wrinkles as he gulps the smell down his throat, savoring it, making him hazy.
His eyebrows creased as he tunnel focused to the feel of thrusting into her gripping walls, slick and oh-so begging to keep his cock inside. He can feel his saliva start to gather on his tongue, spilling to the side of his mouth.
The warrior falters ever so slightly when he feels her insides clench tighter. The view underneath him he considered a form of art in itself.
Her sheer-covered back glistens with sweat as her spine arches. The city lights sifting through large windows hit her figure just so, intensifying the glittering diamonds freckled all over her skin. In each squirm of Veraloe’s body, diamonds on her skin reflect the light onto their surrounding walls, creating their own brand of majestic aurora.
“P- put your hand here,” Veraloe panted and pats the back of her exposed neck. And he does exactly as she instructed, and more. He grasped her neck to cut off her air flow, maybe even enough to bruise. Just the way he knows she likes it.
Breathless and rough.
“Aaanggghh~ Vurawn!”
A choked moan kept on spilling out even as he grips onto her neck for leverage. Thrawn keeps fastening his pace, however that works. Pistoning into her sopping pussy as if he himself wants to make that lie Gideon spouted come true. He almost unravels just from that thought alone.
The sound of her pussy and his wet cock can make even the other famous whores of coruscant blush in embarrassment.
The blue alien leaned down and sniffed her neck, searing the smell of her sweat and sex into his brain for later use, when the navy requires him to be away from the warmth of her arms, from the firm grip of her delicious cunt.
“Cseo bun, Cseo bun, Cseo bun, Cseo-“ he muttered the cheunh phrase in repetition like a prayer. A prayer for how lucky he is to be able to savor such a taste.
Her whimpers grew ragged as he kept on pounding into her hole, her legs spread so wide with her pussy soaked, his cock glided in and out with ease. Her manicured nails dug hard into the mattress as she gripped the sheets to steady her body. Air pumped in and out of her lungs as she was harshly shooked back and forth at a relentless pace.
When Thrawn slipped his hand to roll her bundle of nerves with his expert slender fingers, it was over. Veraloe reached her peak with a mix of a wailing cry and a long choked gasp. Throat sore from the lack of air and the abundance of uncontrollable screams she let out.
“I- I’m-“ for a nanosecond, the rarest phenomenon in the whole galaxy happens, the grand admiral stutters his words.
Thrawn follows suit 3-4 thrusts in when he finally ejaculates his hot ample seed inside her. A slew of cheunh curses spill out his lips as he shuts his eyes, reveling in the way his whole body slightly shakes in ecstasy.
They lay still for a few seconds, the out of breath Chiss on top of the heaving Arduurian.
Spent and sweaty, still in half of their respective formal wear.
When Thrawn moved to pull out. Veraloe halted him. “Ngh, no no.”
“What? What do you need, Wife?” He asked, reaching out and wiping away beads of sweat off her temple.
“Just… be still,” she gave a staggering breath, as if desperate for something, “don’t pull out just yet..” She stops before a please slips out her lips.
“I see.”
Nodding in confirmation, the chiss grasped her by the hips and turned to lay both of them on their side. The taller man spooning the other. Limp cock still warm and snug inside her, spent slowly spilling from the sides. Neither really cared much for it anyway.
“Stop sniffing my hair, creep.”
He chuckles, “Can’t help it. You smell divine, Ch'acah.” Thrawn said as he deeply inhaled the Arduurian rose fragrance he was secretly obsessed with.
She huffed, “You better pay me for the laundry tomorrow, this silk dress cost more than your monthly admiral wage.”
Her husband sleepily hums his assent. He rubs her arm up and down in a soothing motion and nudges his nose into her nape. His cool lips land soft pecks here and there.
Veraloe can only huff in annoyance, tenderness and loving caresses wasn’t part of their marriage agreement and she’d like it to stay that way.
But even she isn’t immune to the tug of sleep that so often pulls her down post-coitus.
So she grew silent. And so does He.
Tonight, they felt safe enough to sleep wrapped around each other’s embrace.
Cseo bun : so good
Ch'acah : love
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unhelpfulfemme · 7 months
okay i have thrawghts (thrawn thoughts): it's funny how every character, antagonists included, gets an opportunity to turn to the camera and say "drugs are bad, kids" before returning to their various schemes
You got to the scene where he razes that spice (or whatever) field to the ground?
Was that before or after he went "BUT WE SHOULD IGNORE THE SLAVERY!" I don't really remember lol
Anyway I love Thrawn because reading about him is like reading about a really cool friend that you have who every once in a while makes a really shitty life decision that disappoints you and makes you lose faith in humanity. And if you look at the rest of the media that I like you'll realize that this is my ideal media consumption experience lol
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rebelsofshield · 1 year
Star Wars Ahsoka: "Dreams and Madness" - Review
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Ahsoka's penultimate chapter is a fun and action packed outing that delights even as it does relatively little with plot or character.
As the New Republic debates Hera Syndulla's future, Ahsoka and Huyang arrive at the ancient world of Peridia in the hopes of rescuing their friends and preventing Thrawn's return to the galaxy at large.
I remarked last week that Eman Esfandi's portrayal of Ezra Bridger felt like a pitch perfect adaptation of the character's beloved appearance in Star Wars Rebels. In many ways, "Dreams and Madnesss" feels like an extended episode of Rebels. We get lots and lots of big flashy set pieces, cute alien sidekicks, heroic banter, Admiral Thrawn scheming in the backdrop, and even a somewhat optimistic ending.
In a way, it feels like writer and showrunner Dave Filoni is throwing a bone to fans of these characters and providing the fun, light on its feet outing that many have been missing in the long five years since Rebels' conclusion. And for much of its runtime, "Dreams and Madness" (which may be the most strangely titled outing that this series has had so far) serves up a healthy serving of flashy sci-fi spectacle. There's daring chases through alien minefields, a great chase sequence of bandits riding on Howler's trying to attack the adorable Noti in their shell-mobile-homes, and, of course, a marathon of Stormtrooper smashing, blasting, and slicing. Our heroes think of creative ways to outwit their enemies and even when things seem dire, they come out on top with a smile. Director Geeta Vasant Patel keeps the action moving and the pacing light and things never once feel like they are dragging their feet.
There's likely a reason this week's episode is so relatively lean and playful. It seems very likely that Filoni and the rest of Ahsoka's creative team are allowing us one glimpse of joy before letting all of this week's optimism shatter in what seems to be a very dramatic and eventful finale. I mean, floating beneath Ezra and Sabine's interactions is the true nature of how she found her way to Peridea and the revelation that Ezra's many years long sacrifice is about to be undone. This is all speculation of course. It feels like the right storytelling move to justify why an episode so late in the season should feel so relatively shallow and lacking in consequence, but we can't know for sure until we actually have seen what is to follow. As it stands, "Dreams and Madness" just has to be accepted at face-value: fun but in the end uninterested in really pushing its characters or narrative.
The one area where this doesn't seem to be the case is with our two Dark Side mercenaries, Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati. Here, Baylan abandons Shin, announcing that his true mission must take him elsewhere. There's no room for his apprentice's ambition and lofty goals of ruling as part of Thrawn's resurgent Empire in Baylan's vision. It's a relatively unceremonious parting which in a way makes Shin's confusion and uneasy behavior throughout the rest of "Dreams and Madness" feel so powerful. Shin has never seemed like a particularly stable person and without the grounding force of her master, she quickly seems unsure and out of her depth. Ivanna Sakhno wonderfully portrays Shin's discomfort and fear wonderfully here and her fleeing from her former enemies when offered a hand of grace is a powerful moment and some of the strongest acting this series has shown so far.
Baylan is another story. I love Ray Stevenson in this role, but I'm growing a bit tired of the teasing. Yes, we know something big bad and scary is coming down the line. Yes, I'm excited to see it. But at this point, Baylan's secret quest is joining the "what the hell was Ahsoka up to in the ten years prior to this series" category of annoyingly vague storytelling. If we don't get some kind of answer or resolution in the finale I'm going to break into Dave Filoni's home and make me watch as I eat his cowboy hat.
Separate from all the action on Peridea, "Dreams and Madness" also begins with a cold open depicting Hera Syndulla's court-martial. It's still not covering much of the way of anything new. Kazuda Xiono's dad is still a blowhard, the events of Mandalorian season three are acknowledged in passing, and the threat of Thrawn or an Imperial Remnant are ignored. (It'll honestly end up being hilarious if the New Republic disastrously underestimated the threat of a resurgent Empire two different times in its existence.) The decision to have Leia come to the rescue via C-3PO is a smart and logical move here. I don't quite buy the logic that every major event in the galaxy post-Return of the Jedi demands some sort presence from the Original Trilogy's trio, but it does feel a bit strange that Leia's opinions regarding her former friend and ally's court martial wouldn't matter. Having C-3PO (complete with Anthony Daniels's voice!) waddle onto camera and deliver a last minute message of exoneration is a great work around and helps avoid much of the ghoulish digital trickery that Lucasfilm has been too happy to play with in recent years. It's not a trick that will work that often.
And so with a surprisingly happy note, we arrive at the big finale. Ahsoka has a lot on its plate to resolve and answer and don't count as me optimistic that Filoni will be able to stick the landing, but I've been proven wrong before. Let's see how this goes.
Score: B
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rosheendubh · 11 months
you can’t tell me someone wasn’t drawing inspiration from Feral-Thrawn (or other Chiss) in this Samhain inspired Cover Art if NoxArcana’s ‘Grimm Tales’…
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Happy Samhain…I like Dark Thrawn themes—Since Castlevania-Nocturne (awesome, once more, kudos to the writing team/production team for making an adaptation off a video game more engaging the tripe of ‘Disney’—‘Ahsoka’ being the latest fail—), I keep seeing him so much like the long-haired FirstNations vampire-character in terms of personality and appearance. Ambiguous scheming, a larger picture (the tale set during the French Revolution—which just makes it all the more awesome…), plans kept close w/o revealing, alliances of necessity, etc…
anyway, enjoy some spooky NoxArcana—love their Dark Winter Solstice themes too. Then, Thrawn/Chiss take on the primal Eldritch frost giant/leader of the WildHunt theme…with his storm-rider Valkyrie by his side…
Chiss-basically LotR elves w/o pointy ears, combined with Targaryens and Valerions (hell, even the white-haired ones thought to be superior in breeding bc of rarity of hair-shade)…I see Thrawn when I look at the actor who plays AemonTargaryon (one who lost his eye…)—tell me I’m wrong…
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Hello! Not sure if you are still doing the blind date thing but if you are:
I go by Rin and I’m pretty tall for my age (so above average) and I have dark brown hair to match my dark brown eyes. I wear gold rimmed glasses that love to slip down my nose. I’m quite a bookworm and I like to write my own stories but I’m quite self conscious about them so I don’t write around many people.
I’m a false-extrovert (introvert who acts like an extrovert to fit in) and I will match anybody’s energy in order to make them happy and stuff. I’ve been told I’m a ppl pleaser so 🤷‍♀️ but my social energy drains really quickly so I’ll be tired and quiet and even sometimes cranky/snappish and get angry at people. I also have social anxiety so I’ll blubber away to try and impress people or speak faster than my mind can handle and I say some inconsiderate things sometimes (I roast people without having any ill intent but it still sounds rude)
I’m fiercely loyal but I’ve had some toxic people in my life which has made me very careful about who I trust and interact with. I’m pretty sure I’m an empath because I feel guilty if I upset people even if they deserved what was coming to them and I tend to overthink A LOT.
I’ve never been on a date before because I’m quite nervous about attachments to people so I usually avoid any types of advancements. If I had to choose a place to go though, it would probably be a typical Pinterest date with a library or a cafe or a hike in the forest or something.
Okay that was a lot of blubbering- I prefer a male matchup but a female matchup is also fine with me. Whoever you think would be the best :D
Thanks Lena!
I've been waiting to set up this one character for a while, for the right person to come into my inbox, and I think it's you!
Your date is...
✨Eli Vanto!✨
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Eli is a pretty chill guy. He does get anxious sometimes, especially when he's being pulled around by Thrawn on some new scheme, but for the most part he can keep his cool and just take a moment for what it is, so that's the energy you'll find yourself matching on this date. He'll casually introduce himself, throw out a few suggestions for things you can do on your date, and let you decide what sounds good to you. Library, cafe, hike... whatever you want, he's down for it.
He'll be surprised at how easy it is to get to know you as well, making him realize he's probably spending way too much time with Thrawn these days. With you, he doesn't have to guess what's going on in your head, or worry about how to make himself understood in return. He can relax and have a good laugh, go on a little adventure around town, make references to normal things without having to explain what it means... he loves it. And he loves how warm and sincere you are. It makes him feel all fuzzy inside (not that he'll ever admit it).
Whenever your social battery has drained, Eli will take you home. This is where he may act a little more awkward or anxious than he was earlier in the date. He wants to give you a hug or kiss, or give you his number, but he's suddenly not sure how to do that without coming across pushy. He'll need some reassurance from you on what you want, what next steps could be possible for you two.
Previous blind dates with a Star Wars character
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keravnos-kori · 3 years
Haley you said imp!Tech x reader x Thrawn and I have not know peace since 💕 I was wondering if you had any thoughts about them?
(I can’t stop thinking about it, so I wrote a little fake fic synopsis for you)
As the newest Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy, Thrawn has his work cut out for him. Flanked by his newly-appointed Political Advisor, (Reader) and his Chief Engineer, Tech, the TIE Defender project is sure to be a major success - granting even more prestige to his already shining reputation.
But when the late night meetings turn into something more - the lines blurring as he finds himself getting sucked in, getting completely lost in both of them - will Thrawn be able to navigate through this uncharted space?
Or is his project (and personal life) about to go down in flames?
Jess PLEASE you know my heart can't take this (even if I was the one to put the thought into your head)!!!!!!! Sorry this took a sec to write, I'm just bad at being a #contentcreator and don't know how to focus for more than five seconds at a time. Anyway, here are some notes I was able to make on something like this - it isn't particularly spicy just bc I've never written anything like that before, but I left plenty of opportunity for story progression, so do with that what you will.
cw: Polygamy/Polyamory aspects, Pro-Empire Speech, brief mention of surgery/body horror, brainwashing via inhibitor chip, food meant., kissing idk????, Unprofessional Conduct
First of all, I love that this concept is centered around Thrawn’s point of view. I feel like a lot of the fics with him involved come from the reader’s perspective and them learning about Chiss culture/behavior/anatomy but I’m kinda obsessed with Thrawn being the eyes through which we see this scenario play out.
He’s learning about Humans still, which we all know is not an easy feat to accomplish. In adjusting to his newfound position, Thrawn understands how important it is to gain and preserve loyalty - fear alone is not enough to keep his subordinates in line. He managed this with Eli Vanto in the past, and he’s determined to make the same strides with the team assigned to the TIE Defender Initiative
The Advisor was the easier of the two to decrypt. You cared about outside appearance - optics, public perception, approval ratings, and other superficial machinations that kept the project afloat. But you were shrewd, cunning in your position, and knew how to manipulate negotiations to the Grand Admiral’s advantage.
Graduating top of your class in the field of Political Science and Interplanetary Affairs from the Imperial Academy, you were a force to be reckoned with, even at such a relatively young age, compared to those the Imperial High Command consisted of.
Constantly by Thrawn’s side when you had the opportunity, ensigns onboard the Chimera enjoyed joking about the fact that you followed their commanding officer around like a lovesick lothcat - failing to understand that no such power imbalance existed between the pair.
Though one assisted the other in the world of political intrigue, those close enough to either individual knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that a mutual respect was present.
You trusted Thrawn to follow your educated and informed influence and the Grand Admiral relied on your subtle gestures or extensive written reports to get the results he desired - and more.
You were the face of the Initiative, at least in Thrawn’s eyes, as you were the one to travel most frequently to present her progress to the Imperial Court.
And what a pretty face you had.
Human women had never done anything for Thrawn - not that he had the time to focus on that sector of his personal life in the first place. He was a professional through and through - never off duty, never keen to relax or let down his guard ever after one of his many successes.
But this one in particular, you had the mind to match the exterior, which Thrawn valued above all else. You were not vicious in a conniving, scheming, near-sighted way.
Oh no, his Advisor had goals, aspirations, and a plan to check each and every one of them off your list. You thought critically of your surroundings, always finding the best solution to gaining the upper hand. You knew what worked best for her strengths and was able to inform Thrawn just which tactics he ought to avoid while pursuing his endeavors.
Most importantly, you devoted her life towards assisting Thrawn in an arena he had little to no experience in - strategy, intimidation, tactical advantage, those were all things he was used to. They were theoretical in nature but produced very tangible results. Politics and External Relations were a different matter, and he yearned for the knowledge to conduct himself in a manner becoming of a Grand Admiral - that is, one who knew how to play the field - which is where you came in to assist.
Of course, that was just the second third of his team, including Thrawn himself. The third piece of the puzzle was more an enigma.
A relic of the Clone Wars, as far as Thrawn was aware, but an interesting specimen nevertheless: The Architect. Tall, tanned, and stronger than his lithe frame would suggest with a shock of grey coursing through his hair from his right temple.
The advisor’s outspoken first impression of the man to Thrawn was that he looked like a prototypical mad scientist from the holos.
Responsible for the majority of the brainstorming and mechanical know-how behind the TIE Defender Initiative, and a ranking Marshal in Starfighter Command, this individual had a storied past that Thrawn was only able to piece together bit by bit over time - how else was he supposed to gain a rapport with his colleague if he knew nothing about them?
One of the most substantial details he could obtain before the Architect joined the Chimera’s crew was the fact that he was in fact a clone, albeit a heavily altered one both before and after his commission.
Gifted with an extraordinary mind, mechanical intuition, and eidetic memory, Clone Commando CT-9902 alias “Tech” (much to Thrawn’s amusement in the irony) had further been enhanced once returned to the Empire’s watch after a brief stint in rebellion.
Tech underwent extensive surgeries, some self-performed, others not, to perfect his body to the same standard as his brain; though his physical condition was always above the average human standard due to his DNA altering and conditioning, he wanted more, always more.
The cybernetic enhancements were the most noticeable changes - implanted near and communicable to his inhibitor chip, some tendrils of durasteel plated wiring traveling down the side of his face and tracing along his jawline. Other less noticeable self-proclaimed improvements were embedded in his forearms or along his spine or across portions of his legs.
Funnily enough, one of the easiest things to correct that was left unattended to was apparently Tech’s eyesight, since he wore the standard-issue, circular corrective lenses provided by the Imperial quartermaster - with what seemed to be very minor adjustments in the tinting and sides of the frames. Why Tech didn’t just opt for the voluntary surgery, Thrawn couldn’t fathom.
Thrawn himself was unsure of what most of the additions accomplished when he was first reviewing the Architect’s file - the details were vague but seemingly gruesome in a way Thrawn didn’t entirely oppose.
In a way, the Grand Admiral understood the need for such improvements to oneself - he doubted he himself would opt for the same approach as the engineer, but the admiration was there.
Thrawn also knew what it was like to escape the monolith of one’s stereotype. He was not a filthy, lowly alien mucking around the Expansion Region as most Humans thought of him as, and he supposed that Tech also wished to escape the perception of being antiquated, of severely outdated - part of a Republic that now lies in ruins from a war he was created to win.
The Architect joined their mishmash of a team a fair while after his you had been serving alongside Thrawn, not that that was more than a few standard months or so.
Thrawn expected a clashing of personalities to destroy them on day one - you were charming and poised while Tech was blunt and unreserved with his opinions. Fortunately, their common goal was the push they all needed to cooperate.
To be fair, all three individuals were more alike than they were different - it just so happened that their differences tended to be very severe in degree the majority of the time. Thrawn was very uniform in his approach to all aspects of his life, while you and Tech were a bit more experimental and flexible. You valued humor as a means of diffusing tension, while the two men whose heights towered over you didn’t so much as crack a smile at your attempts to make them laugh. Tech didn’t understand his team’s obsession with art, though he was no stranger to culture studies back in the day - he had since abandoned his passions to focus wholly on his career.
At the end of the day, they were all intellectuals first and foremost, which created a bond Thrawn had never truly encountered with two humans, let alone simultaneously.
Each evening, the trio would convene within Thrawn’s personal conference room, all three sat at equal lengths away from each other at the table rather than in any of their offices where one would be constantly facing the others. These meetings provided updates regarding the initiative, relays from the Emporer’s council, and the opportunity to advise each other if need be.
In the beginning, these routine meetings lasted only an hour, allowing all members to adjourn and return to their executive barracks at a reasonable hour. Then, half hours were incrementally attached to the allotted time, with Thrawn, his Advisor, and the Architect to expand on previously tabled material, discuss their future endeavors, or flat out engage in heated (in more than one way) debates with one another.
Thrawn wasn’t sure exactly which emotions he was experiencing with that last measure - more often than not when tempers flared, compromises were usually reached and fulfilled their professional duties, but it left strictly unprofessional thoughts about them both flowing through his mind once he found himself alone.
From there, in Thrawn’s opinion, things spiraled with every line imaginable blurring into a monochromatic gradient - he was never good without boundaries.
One night, you brought refreshments along, stating that you hadn’t had the chance to eat throughout the day and figured you would bring them something as well, though you admitted this was in part to bribe their forgiveness in case you ended up tardy.
On another, Tech removed his gloves and unpinned his lapel clasp after groaning in frustration at one of their many arguments. For this, he claimed the room was stifling and wasn’t helping his mood given the circumstances. Thrawn thought the room was balmy cool.
These behaviors weren’t one-off, though. It seemed every evening they met, these actions either carried over or new ones were invented to push the envelope. Simply put, they were getting comfortable with each other, something Thrawn previously had little to no encounters with.
Tech would become more and more lenient on his compliments regarding your and Thrawn’s work, you expressed more physical affection towards the men when you thought you could get away with it, whether it be a touch on the arm or a wink from afar accompanied by your dazzling smile, and Thrawn - being as open as he could be all things considered - granted you both independent access to his executive suite, the most vulnerable he would allow himself.
The Grand Admiral pondered just how far everything would go. Would anyone attempt to make a move on another? Did anyone else even want to make a move? It left him grasping at the potential of it all, visualizing that if anything indeed were to happen between the trio, the result would be quite powerful.
Were your attempts at flirtation sincere or a by-product of your expressive personality? Was Tech truly growing fonder of his team members, or was he feeling obligated to lighten up? Did Thrawn feel particularly passionate either way regarding the situation? Would he be discouraged if it turned out it was all a hoax constructed by his mind?
These thoughts and more were invading his consciousness as he made his way towards the private boardroom, entering his identification code to enter.
As the door wooshed open, Thrawn was met with a sight that left him believing he never truly woke up from the last night’s rest.
There, pictured squarely in his line of sight, was you, sat quite comfortably upon the conference table with the tall form of the Architect standing at full height between your thighs, bare hands entangled in your hair and eyes squeezed shut behind his lenses as his lips parted yours in a rather vicious manner. Your nails raked down the back of Tech’s black dress uniform, your kepi and barretts knocked to the side as you fought as valiantly for control of the kiss.
After what felt like an eternity, with your partner still distracted, your eyes fluttered open, allowing you to make direct eye contact with the male standing perplexed in the entryway. Yet you didn’t falter, only pulling away with a wet sound and a smear of saliva glistening off your smirking lips.
“It’s about time, Grand Admiral. So glad you could finally make it.”
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adhd-mode-activate · 2 years
*randomly sidles into the Star Wars fandom*
I genuinely do not understand why people ship Thrawn and Eli Vanto. Like ship who you want and all, but Thrawn's tactics and thought process have always reminded me of my sister (who, incidentally, absolutely LOVES Thrawn and will randomly give me excellent monologues about him that I understand approximately 15% of), while Eli reminds me of myself (just trying to Do Life but he keeps getting interrupted by a genius who would like their emotional support human to join them in whatever they're scheming, etc).
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hosharambles · 1 year
Full reaction to Episode 7 of Ahsoka, 'Dreams and Madness'! So many threads finally converging, so many mysteries yet unsolved~
I'll be honest here and say that I liked ep. 6 more than No 7, but this one felt like a prelude to the finale, more than anything, so it didn't surprise me in that sense.
Still, so far, this show did not disappoint, which is a feat in and of itself, re: Disney...
In other words, enjoy the reaction! 🙃
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queer-starwars-bracket · 11 months
Queer Star Wars Characters: FINAL
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Juhani | Identity: lesbian | Media: Knights of the Old Republic
Juhani from 2003’s Knights of the Old Republic was the first ever queer character in Star Wars. The Mandalorian Wars rendered Juhani’s family refugees on Taris after the destruction of their homeplanet of Cathar. Juhani was enslaved due to her mother’s debts, but was liberated by the Revanchists when they freed Taris from Mandalorian rule. This inspired her to travel to Dantooine to train as a Jedi, where she fell in love with her fellow padawan Belaya. For her final trial, she was tricked into believing she killed her master when consumed by the Dark Side. She fled into the wilds of Dantooine, her turmoil agitating the wildlife. Dealing with Juhani is the player’s final trial as a Jedi, and they can either kill Juhani or handle the situation diplomatically and return her to the light. She then joins the player as a companion.
Traveling together, Juhani grows close to Revan and can be romanced by female Revans (the game shipped with the gender flag for romance bugged, but she is intended to be a lesbian). She takes the player turning out to be Revan very well, as she never truly accepted that Revan turned to the Dark Side due to how the Revanchists saved her. If the Dark Side ending is chosen, the player must kill Juhani.
Juhani strives to be a good Jedi, strongly believing in their principles. However, she struggles with the in-born aggression and heightened anger of her species, which with her perfectionism creates a vicious cycle that drives her towards the Dark Side. Other than Revan, she kept herself separate from the rest of the crew of the Ebon Hawk, especially Canderous Ordo due to the Mandalorian’s genocide of her people. She was also full of bitterness regarding the racism she faced on Taris, and struggled not to lash out against all humans because of it. 
Chelli Lona Aphra | Identity: lesbian | Media: Star Wars Comics
Oh Aphra, where to begin. Honestly the best way I can describe her is that she’s Star Wars’ Vriska. She’s a “rogue archeologist” and in marketing material sometimes compared to Indiana Jones, but the only similarity is that she can feature in the same wacky stories about retrieving artifacts except with none of the mismatch between modern ideas about archeology and repatriation and Indy being the hero, because she specifically isn’t. She was originally created for the 2015 Darth Vader comic series, recruited to help Vader raise a force that would let him coup the Emperor. She was so popular she then got her own comic series, making her the breakout star of the Disney/Marvel Star Wars comics. The Fandom Menace can’t touch her.
Her comics have been a series of frankly strange adventures involving Force artifacts, Vader either working with her or wanting her dead, and double crosses that leave your head spinning. She has Thrawn level tactical abilities, but only for schemes. She is haunted by how her trauma born behaviors make it hard for her to maintain relationships and be a good person. She has so many exes it's an entire section of this tournament. Her most significant relationships have been with Sana Starros and Magna Tolvan. As of the end of the Spark Eternal arc, the comic seems to be leaning towards a poly ending with the three of them, but first Aphra needs to stop self sabotaging.
One of Aphra’s greatest achievements was at the end of her 2016 comic run, where she trapped Vader in a PTSD flashback Force artifact on Tython and hacked his suit to allow her to erase Hoth from the Empire’s records. She did this for the sake of her loved ones who had joined the Alliance. Doing this gave Echo Base enough time to build up before they were found again that they were able to evacuate much more efficiently. That’s right, disaster lesbian love saved the Rebellion.
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Star Wars Rebels season 3
"The Inside Job"
Okay so the Fade to Red chapter of this absolutely wrecked me. Which was a surprise, because I was not very emotionally bound up in the episode itself. It skates over/alludes to some really heavy stuff, sure, but my recap notes (under the cut) are mostly concerned with Chopper being unappreciated as usual. Whereas I was fully crying at the end of the fic.
I mean it's about death and bereavement, right? Some large degree of the whole show is unavoidably about that, although the individual episodes mostly manage to distract you with pew-pew and comedic B plots. But one of the whole points to fic is to delve into the stuff that canon skates over.
So, here's what happens in our kids' cartoon show:
Returning to Lothal in response to Ryder's request for aid, Kanan and Ezra find the populace locked down under Imperial tyranny. But they also see signs of resistance and sabotage.
Intelligence recieved from Fulcrum points to "a new type of weapon" being built on Lothal. The Rebels want to take out the Imperial factory but need more details on the threat. Accordingly Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper go undercover as factory workers...
...just in time for a surprise inspection from Grand Admiral Thrawn! He's noticed the sabotage. Kallus and Pryce are on hand as well.
Thrawn institutes a new "the assembly workers will test their own craftsmanship" policy, effective retroactively, and Ezra's old neighbor Morad Sumar gets blown up in front of him.
This is a difficult scene because Ezra--and Kanan--have every reason to know exactly what's about to happen and they do nothing to stop it. I mean, we all know that if it was one of the Spectres on that bike Ezra would have found a way to cause a distraction and stop the execution. But perhaps because he's there with Kanan, he doesn't act; and Kanan holds him back, afterwards.
So I guess the Force is whispering in their ears. "This guy's not really important in the big scheme of things, keep your cool." That's ice cold, midichlorians. Anyway Ezra and Kanan don't blow their cover, but the whole factory's in lockdown while Thrawn completes his inspections, and they almost get busted for shitty fake IDs.
You know who does a great job of causing a distraction that saves the others? Chopper. Does he get so much as an attaboy for it? No.
Just digressing on the subject of Chopper for a moment, you can tell Hera deserves to be team leader because she is the only one who truly appreciates Chopper. Well, Sabine and Chopper seem cool with each other too. I'm pretty sure Sabine said something like "Great job, Chop!" ONE TIME shortly after she first came aboard and she's experienced zero problems with him ever after that.
So the next step of the plan involves slipping into the restricted section, and guess who's gonna do that too? Chopper. "Then all he has to do is find the design database and download everything!" Ezra chirps. Oh, is that all?
Nobody even asks Chopper, but of course he's ready to ride. "Make it fast, Chop," Ezra orders, and I sincerely hope that C1-10P's whump. whump-WHUMP response translates from binary to "shut the fuck up kid."
In his Art Cave, Thrawn is creepily pondering Sabine's starbird grafitti and closing in on tracking Ezra and Kanan's movements in the factory. Kallus is forced to intervene, dragging the pair into a turbolift and revealing himself as Fulcrum.
Our Jedi pair find this hard to swallow. "Your friend Zeb trusted me on the ice moon," Kallus pleads. "I saved Sabine Wren at the fighter academy, and now I'm trying to save you. But you have to trust me!" Chopper jumps in with some encouraging noises (sounds a little like waboo! waboo!), which Kallus seizes on: "Your droid trusts me!"
"Yeah, that's not a good thing," Ezra smarms. Shut the fuck up kid. This droid has saved your life countless times including FIVE MINUTES AGO.
So you can imagine how much I love the next scene, where Kallus offers the access codes Chopper will need to download the data they're after, and Chop grunts something that clearly translates to "nah I already got it."
Kallus, not a dummy, is the type to notice things like that. "He doesn't need them? This C1 of yours is quite efficient." And at this Chopper THROWS HIS GRAPPLING ARMS IN THE AIR, twisting from side to side in astonishment at having received some actual appreciation and praise.
"Figures Chop'd get along with an Imperial spy," Ezra grumbles. And Chopper says... well, we'll never know, but I'm pretty sure it involved explaining exactly where Ezra would be right now without all of Chopper's help.
Or maybe it was just: Shut the fuck up, kid.
There is a genuinely funny gag where Kanan and Ezra bicker over who gets to "convincingly" rough Kallus up, before we get to the shooty-shooty, runny-runny, and 'splody-'splody parts of tonight's entertainment. The Jedi steal a couple of walkers and shoot their way out of the factory, before getting a pickup from Ryder's crew.
They do have to tell Sumar's wife (Wookieepedia tells me her name is Marida) to her face that he didn't make it out. So, ouch.
Hera and Sabine go over the data Chopper brought back, and learn the Empire is going to be manufacturing a new kind of TIE interceptor, with shields.
And maybe more importantly, Zeb learns that Kallus has switched sides BECAUSE OF THEIR LUUUHRRRVE FRIENDSHIP awwwh so sweet. But Thrawn is very much onto Kallus, so Zeb's new boyfriend is probably in trouble.
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unhelpfulfemme · 1 year
@goofygooberton tagged me in a thing where I was supposed to list five of my comfort characters and then tag five other people like two months ago, but I was on vacation at the time and the post ended up unfinished and lost in my drafts.
So I am doing it now, here it goes, Tumblr user togrutahhh's five comfort characters (aka a collection of cunning bastards who seem composed on the surface but are secretly Fucked Up but are also kind to children and poor people):
Hina Kudo from Mr. Sunshine aka my pfp: Hina Kudo is actually Korean, but she has a Japanese name because she's the mysterious widow of a rich Japanese man twice her age. She used his inheritance to open up a fancy hotel in Seoul and uses the money and influence gained through that alongside her intelligence and cunning to get what she wants, and what she wants is Mysterious unless you've seen the show to the end. Does she work for the Japanese? For the Koreans? For the Americans? For herself? Nobody knows and everyone hates her for it. She is a Bad Bitch, always cool, poised, and playfully seductive, but she also has a back full of hideous scars and is a proficient swordswoman, hinting at a less genteel past. She seems haughty, but is also wonderfully compassionate towards lower class people and viciously defends her staff from unwanted sexual advances. The men she wants never pick her because they think she's fake and manipulative. (Fun fact: this actress and her mannerisms in this particular role is how I headcanon Alys Vorpatril to look like, with Henry Golding as Ivan)
Grand Admiral Thrawn from Star Wars: I love the Chaotic Strategic Mastermind Who Inspires Loyalty In His Men archetype, but what I love about Thrawn is that, unlike the more overtly theatrical and extroverted specimens like Miles Vorkosigan or Eugenides or Inda Algara-Vayir, he is also very introverted and autistic and seems incapable of connecting to people outside of the structured military environment he's in, which adds an additional twist and makes him deliciously interpersonally vulnerable to me. In the right hands he's also an excellent treatise of when doing evil for the greater good is justified and when it's not, and a cool exploration of someone just abandoning his humanity and his personal needs in order to always do the Rational Thing. Reading Zahn's new canon books about him often feels like watching your kind, hypercompetent, slightly awkward boyfriend who's great with children make the worst possible choices and fail you again and again and again. I also like thinking about him in terms of... information processing? Like no matter how logical you are, your conclusions are only as good as your info and what info you take into consideration will be determined by your own prejudices and assumptions and social position. Honorable mention to his boyfriend aide Eli Vanto and also everyone in the Ascendancy Trilogy - I could make a top ten comfort characters list out of them alone.
Laurent of Vere from Captive Prince: NEW BLORBO!! <3 Another Strategic Mastermind Who Inspires Loyalty in His Men + Interpersonal Vulnerability combo, but this time extra bitchy and needlessly vicious and also in a piece of media that explores his interpersonal baggage with great nuance and respect. He is severely traumatized but the narrative never takes away his agency and always portrays his boundaries as really important and I wrote a whole ass essay about how lovely that is that you can look up on my blog if you want. He comes off as stone cold but seems to have an innate desire to be sweet and submissive that he's too scared to let out. He also has a delightfully intricate mind that manifests in a myriad of plot twists and schemes - those books are literally more filled with unexpected plot twists than the Queen's Thief books, and that's an accomplishment to say the least. Every time you think you've got him pegged down he reveals new layers to his thinking and personality and it's such a delight, but you also see how that same intricate mind stymies him and makes him awkward when he tries to open up to someone (and what's extra charming is that you can see that he's trying so damned hard in places).
Lisbeth Salander from The Millennium Trilogy: The ultimate Bad Bitch. She's punk. She's a genius with a photographic memory but is so distrustful and anti-social and scarred by her severely traumatic upbringing that she pretends to be mentally handicapped so that people would leave her alone. She kills her rapist. She sets her abusive father on fire as a preteen. He comes for her as an adult to get revenge and buries her alive and she digs herself out Kill Bill-style, and whenever I feel in an impossible situation I think of the description of how she feels her fingers being scraped to a pulp as she digs but refuses to give up and that inspires me. She falls in love with an upper middle class leftist journalist twice her age who is poly, which she isn't stable enough psychologically to deal with, so she ghosts him and then spends a lot of time dwelling on how isolated from Normal Society she feels and how it always feels like she's a shitty stray out in the cold and rain watching happy people sit together in warm houses through the window.
Joe Macmillan from Halt and Catch Fire: He's a Don Draper-esque slick salesman kind of charismatic guy, except you can immediately tell that it's a facade and his charismatic shtick often comes off as fake, plastic, over the top or even kinda pathetic. He does the Joker thing where he makes up a different story about how he got his scars based on what will best get him what he wants. He's the best bisexual rep I've ever seen and while his queerness is not a central plot point in the show, he gets an entire subplot about being a queer man during the 1980s AIDS crisis and how this impacts his career as an antivirus software "developer", and we also get hints about how having to perform manhood as a teen is what set the stage for his fake-ass melodramatic bargain bin Patrick Bateman personality. He eventually matures and learns that manipulating people can lead to some really nasty consequences and becomes a more genuine and grounded person. He still loses everything. He comes off as a heartbreaker but actually he just keeps getting dumped by everyone because nobody trusts him as far as they can throw him even when he genuinely cares and continues to suffer over the breakup for years afterwards. He's the ultimate boy who cried wolf. Truly the most pathetic meow meow of all time. He's played by Lee Pace, so he's really hot. Actually everyone on this list is really hot and can cut glass with their cheekbones.
Honorable mention to Eugenides from Queen's Thief, who sadly got replaced by Laurent at the last minute. Also honorable mention to a dozen Star Wars characters who got kicked out by Thrawn, including but not limited to my boy Luthen Rael, the entire Skywalker family, Darth Maul, Aleksandr Kallus, and Hera Syndulla.
Five people I'm tagging: @highladyluck @kokoshnjak @thesunlikehoney @capablecapybara @kissingdeadgirls at random from my notifs and anyone else who wants to participate :)) also you don't really have to write a paragraph for each one I'm just annoying and like overthinking things <3
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fallenrepublick · 4 years
I was thinking about this whole triangle ordeal... and how there may be days when Thrass wants nothing more than to tell you how he feels, to forget everything else in the world and know only your love. I was thinking about how on those days, when he comes so close to throwing caution to the wind, to ignoring the bitter gaze of his brother, to pour his heart out in every way for simply the smallest chance of you accepting him, he would write letters. He would sit at his desk, an almost agonizing pain taking hold as he moves his pen (yes, pen, because no one types love letters), writing every bit of love he feels into the letter, only to sit back for a moment after it’s finished, crumple it up, and toss it away.
But at some point, there’s one letter he can’t bring himself to get rid of. He places the last mark, and hesitates before he can destroy it. It was the letter that felt right, the one that, if ever he would tell you the truth, he would leave for you to read. He can’t destroy it. So he folds it neatly, places it in an envelope addressed only with your first name, and slides it into an empty drawer, one he has no intention of opening again.
Maybe you’ll find it someday, helping him on a day he’s cleaning out the office and has all but forgotten this small crime. You’ll read it when he’s left the room to organize a different desk.
Or maybe you’ll find it after the accident, when you and Thrawn enter his empty house, a light layer of dust falling over every piece of furniture that you had so often enjoyed laying about on and discussing happy memories and the ones you wished to come. And the two of you go about sorting through belongings that either of you or his parents might want, the rest of which will be stored or sold. You offer to take the office while Thrawn begins in the common room. And you pull open drawers, take down the little notes pinned onto the wall in front of the desk, determining which files need to be kept for the Ascendancy’s sake and which don’t.
There’s an empty drawer at the bottom. You open it just to make sure. It is empty, save for a single envelope that had slid to the back, simply your name written on the front and nothing else.
This is that letter.
I realize how juvenile this all seems.
It’s unfortunate that I find myself writing this than simply saying it aloud, and know that if circumstances were different, I would have.
Even with these obstacles, even with everything in my world preventing me from standing before you and speaking what I’ve known from the moment I met you, I write this in hopes that you will understand me, more so than you do now, and will see why I would never have been able to part with you.
I did try to deny it, to save face and convince myself that it was all a lie, that my emotions have simply escaped me out of a ridiculous jealousy that my brother has what I do not. And yet even now I know the truth.
I love you.
In a way, the fact remains, my brother does have what I cannot; he has you. Beyond mere infatuation, or vague interest that plagues the emotions of others throughout their lives, I have never stopped thinking of you, of loving you just as you are, of imagining even the slightest glimmer of adoration that might live in your heart for me.
But my love, my darling who reminded me of my purpose, who I breathe for every day I’m able, I realise that I will never have the opportunity to love you as I wish to, as your hand belongs to the one you have always loved instead. I will love you despite that, do all you might ask of me, become who you need me to be, because that much, at least, I owe you. I will be there when he cannot, I will be there when he can. I will offer you all I have and all I will gain.
This is not an offer, or a request that you might choose me instead. Though, I won’t lie to you, it is something I have envisioned more times than I would care to admit. This is simply information, all truly pointless in the grand scheme of things, so that you may know of the love I hold, that I will always hold.
Even on the days I am not by your side, when you feel alone, you will know of my love, of the clear and true fact that you mean everything to me. Stars are dim by comparison, suns that shine on every planet surrounding them are lifeless beside my love for you, and even when I am gone, I will still be with you through the love I leave behind.
Do with this what you will, destroy it, ignore it, forget you’ve ever read these words and continue your life as it had been. I will act the same for you, whichever you may choose. If you ask me of it, I will answer. If you don’t, you will never hear a word of it spoken from me again.
But you deserve to know. I only wish I had told you sooner.
Yours, and only yours,
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