#thread: eleanor
reagflor · 8 months
who: @eleanorcalhounn where: bay breeze
Karaoke night held a special place in Reagan's heart, becoming one of her favorite weekly outings. While she didn't attend every week, she frequently found herself in the lineup. The stage offered her a sense of vitality and freedom, allowing her to let loose and just be herself. Moreover, it was an opportunity to showcase her talents a bit. After concluding her performances for the night alongside Ellie, she felt a unique sense of satisfaction. Reagan had belted out a song by FLETCHER and then participated in a duet that they had playfully made as gay as possible. Especially with their blatant sexual tension. With a soft laugh, Reagan handed Ellie a drink, her eyes actively appreciating the woman beside her. Riding the high of her performances, Reagan couldn't resist checking Ellie out. Leaning in, she whispered in Ellie's ear, "When is your next performance?" She asked, before placing a cheeky kiss against her neck.
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pixeldolly · 2 months
Walden BACC
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Julius: "When did she say that, exactly?"
His voice was eerily calm, but there was an undercurrent of barely-suppressed anger in it. Imogen, who suddenly realized what she had come close to divulging, tried to brush it off.
Imogen: "A long time ago; I don't remember."
Julius: "I think you do. Imogen, when did you last see her?"
Imogen: "When I went to ask her to help us find Fiona - but you already knew that!"
Julius nodded quietly to himself, as though mulling something over.
Julius: "And your relationship just happened to come up in that conversation?"
Imogen was panicking now; she didn't even notice Mary and Vernoraxia standing awkwardly in the doorway, alerted by the unfolding argument.
Shit shit shit! Think, Imogen, think!
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Imogen: "Look, I -"
She glanced at her husband. His deeply hurt expression made the flimsy explanation she'd been preparing feel like an additional betrayal. The words died on her lips.
Julius: "Were you having an affair?"
Imogen: "No! I mean...yes, we did sleep together once...but only that one time, I swear!"
Julius: "When?"
Imogen: "I don't know, 17, 18 years ago? Before Rowan was born!"
Vernoraxia remembered. She had pushed the memory to the back of her mind, almost forgetting it ever happened, but hearing Imogen confess brought it all back. She didn't want to be there for what came next, and suspected the Merridews didn't either.
Vernoraxia: "C'mon, Mary - let's go."
Mary didn't need to be told twice.
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thcophagy · 4 months
open to: anyone.
featuring: burnie maclaughin, thirty-eight, bisexual, film journalist & eleanore girard, thirty-seven, bisexual, actress.
plot: hired under the ploy of being a babysitter for burnie & eleanore's young daughter when they were busy with work, your muse has been unaware of how they've been secretly plotting a way to introduce them into their relationship to spice things up. eleanore has discovered your muse's blog in which they've been writing about their fantasies involving the couple, burnie in particular.
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"you don't need to cry, sweetheart." outside of the arousal that was coursing through her, making her a little light-headed and warm to the touch, eleanore couldn't help but feel a little bad for the sobbing mess in front of her. of course they were embarrassed, all their filthy little fantasies had been laid out before them, stories about the things they wanted the nice, rich couple they babysat for to do to them and now they'd found and read them all. sitting down beside them, eleanore reached out and brushed a strand of hair out from their face before cupping their jaw within her palm. "you're not in trouble." she couldn't be outright with how excited reading those posts had made her, not without letting them know how this had been a fantasy of her own ever since they'd met. after being married for almost a decade, things had gotten slower between herself and burnie, they'd always had an unconditional relationship and when sleeping with other people had grown boring, it had been her who suggested they bring someone in for them to play with together. in hiring them to babysit, they got the best of both worlds, someone they trusted to look after their daughter and someone who could satisfy their needs on the side. "you're embarrassed, i know. i would be too." she cooed in fake sympathy and turned her gaze up to where her husband stood across from the couch. "but we aren't angry, are we?"
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"if nothing else, i think you have a possible career in writing." it was a pitiful sight but a necessary one, the relief they'd feel once they realised that the couple weren't mad at them would be downright euphoric and would make them so much more susceptible to whatever they suggested next. burnie smiled sympathetically and crossed his arms, his shirt unbuttoned low enough to reveal a tuft of dark chest hair. "the way you described the things you wanted... it was good, you have talent." it was hot, he couldn't admit that yet but hearing all the nasty things they'd been fantasising about behind their backs had brought a new flame to his marriage that hadn't been there in years. "it was flattering. you're very... complimentary."
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coquettied · 5 months
✧           🎀       𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍   𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑   introducing 𝗘𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗢𝗥 ⋆ . ˚ ࿔
" remember when our parents tried to set us up, and i said 'ew' to your face? i take it back. do you still want to get married and have me as your pretty housewife? "
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tclkrefined · 7 months
CLOSED for @espionisms
the day drags on painfully slow. eleanor does not like to be away from home, and to be in an empire where the walls have ears and so many sets of eyes are on her doesn't help her general affliction. she is pulled from bed into an interview that she spends the next several hours overthinking. her eyes, which betrayed the secret bawling session her pillows had endured through the night, have a chance to lose their redness as time passes. she takes the spineless route and avoids alistair all day, despite the confession from the night before tugging mercilessly at the string connecting them -- word of him still reaches her in the outrageous rumors of his various stages of undress with the new queen.
perhaps she would take rumors to heart, were she any younger, and were she any less sure of whatever alistair's eyes hold for her, and only her. it's certainty she does not have a name for, and she doesn't bother to try and name it. but it's still in her nature to scatter momentarily, to shrivel in the face of such grand unknown feelings. a coward at heart. instead, she lets late night approach, the hours ticking by as she shifts in bed, before she chooses to give up on rest. her feet carry her to the sleeping quarters of the only person she longs to see now. she presses her ear to his door, quiet as a mouse, and listens; she'd crawl back to her own bed in defeat if she thought he was truly asleep. she knows he'd likely wake and comply to her wishes at any hour, but she has enough decency to not interrupt his few hours of rest.
but she hears the sound of shuffling, so she knocks, her knuckles against the wood a familiar rhythm. "i am well," she declares, as soon as the door creaks open the slightest, in hopes not to worry him. she wears a robe over sleeping gowns and her hair down, she doesn't look the part of a woman in danger, either way. "i could not sleep. i am going for a walk to the kitchens, and i'd... love to have you join me."
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flcralhaze · 8 months
closed starter ›› @tclkrefined
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        ❝  not  you  too,  ❞  he  practically  whined  as he approached his sister. stefan had expected elias to be a stick in the mud tonight, as if their father wouldn't have thrown a celebration equally as lavish if so many royals were visiting, but he couldn't have eleanor joining the pity party. if he glanced around the room, stefan knew he'd already spot far too many drinking their sorrows rather than the excellent wine. they should've done that on the journey here.  ❝ we don't want our hosts to think we're cross with them, do we? ❞   if that even mattered.  ❝ at least take a walk with me so i can avoid my betrothed. ❞
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gloriousncss · 8 months
@tclkrefined ( gisela & eleanor )
The last time she saw Princess Eleanor was before the wedding, before the crown came on her head, just after the king had passed away. It betrayed her upbringing to throw away Eleanor's prospect at becoming queen at the drop of a hat, accepting a proposal with a prince she'd so fondly admired from afar, to put the final nail in her coffin. It was never supposed to be this way, based on their conversations as young girls. I could never betray you by being interested in Elias. Yet there they stood, at a wake that felt more like a birthday festivity, Gisela with a ring on her finger and a crown on her head, both of whom belonged to Elias Hatzfeld. "Ella..." an old name shared between friends who had, possibly, gotten too close, "I'm so sorry..." there was a sympathetic look in her eye, one that begged far much more than the loss of a father that seemingly her youngest brothers didn't care about, and so she straightened her back, "about the old king... he was so sweet and wonderful to me in his final days... this whole party feels so out of place for it."
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unbeleveable · 3 months
@auntiezelda gets a starter from eleanor
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"What is someone so pretty doing hiding away in a morgue?"
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powerfvlly · 2 months
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this had to be coordinated VERY carefully, so when eleanor arranged for a little meet-up with enzo's attempt of a secret lover, she had it set at a starbucks— one of many places he wouldn't be caught DEAD in. and there she sat at a two seater, sipping at her mocha frappe and waiting anxiously to meet this person enzo was so keen on keeping under wraps. though an issue arose— she has NO IDEA what he looks like. this, in turn, caused her to nearly leap out of her seat for every other male who walked in alone. she soon realized he probably don't know what SHE looks like either. not to mention it was busier than she'd anticipated. a double jeopardy. ellie whipped out her phone and began texting stefan.
[ Eleanor ]: I'm in a blue sweater by the window, if that helps!
she sent the message through and locked her phone, hoping he would receive it in time to find her properly.
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@viciousgold gets an Eleanor starter
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"Sorry about the anesthesia," Eleanor said wryly as the other woman was coming to in recovery. "I couldn't have you straining to get a look while I was trying to save your life."
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ramuneda5149 · 1 year
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bagadew · 3 months
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julianthompson · 4 months
CLOSED STARTER FOR @eleanorrb, julian's front yard, morning.
an unlit cigarette hanging loosely between his lips, julian brings out the last box of old records on the lifetime table he'd set up in his front yard. the setup is surrounded by boxes of old clothes and old furniture and old paintings (a lot of which appear to be unfinished) and other little trinkets and novelty items that he has neither the time nor patience to sift through. he scribbles something on a notebook, tears off the page, then tapes the piece of paper to the front of the table. the sign says GARAGE SALE in his poor handwriting. he then pops out one of those small, foldable beach chairs and camps right next to the table as he lights his cigarette, then notices his neighbor stepping outside.
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"ynnel!" he calls out from his side of the fence. "wanna come over? i'm havin' a little sale!"
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thcophagy · 5 months
closed starter for @caeruleums
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"you look like you've got something to say." it was meant lightheartedly, a throwaway comment meant to poke fun at the sombre expression that had settled on her companion's face somewhere amid their meal, but the truth of her curiosity lingered just below the surface. "it's not like you to hold your tongue."
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tclkrefined · 8 months
CLOSED for @espionisms
mingling has always been both her forté and her most detested pursuit. her father is gone, none of them trust stefan or reuben to be the ones keeping the family name afloat, and she particularly doesn't trust elias anymore (with many things), so she takes it upon herself. however, pushing grief aside is no easy task even for a somber celebration of the dead; trying to match the energy of these people's insensitive festivity? it's nearly impossible. it drains the life from her, even if she's distracted for a good few moments here and there. eventually, selfishly, she gravitates back towards alistair.
he is her guard, of course she feels more comfortable with him close. of course her bones melt and her shoulders drop for the first time in just about four hours, now that she finds herself by his side. she'd been the one who insisted they part ways for most of the gathering, so he could also rub shoulders with other kingdoms without having to be attached to her shadow. besides, she'd be hard-pressed to admit that when he's near, she doesn't want to talk to anyone else.
"it's been positively grim," she answers, before he asks how her evening is going. "i am weary, and it seems we still have a few hours to go. but the food is delicious. how are you faring?"
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demongemz · 5 months
Now we’re at the starting line. ( eleanor ) @daydrcamings
Will had to admit things had been far too quiet, he’d murdered Eleanor the moment she’d attempted to put him back in the ground, and he’d held no hesitation when it came to protecting those he loved. But with everything happening with the Pederson takeover over he shouldn’t have been surprised to hear the voice of the woman who seemed far too obsessed with him. “All we are missing is the starting gun” he mused before turning to face the woman “Hello Eleanor, what do I owe the pleasure?”
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