#threads || gabrielle and chase
mothervonmayhem · 5 months
Battle of the Bands
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Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4
🕷Notable Characters: Hobie, Miguel, Gabriel, Gwen and 1st person pov OC / MC
🎸Premise: AU! The summer before college MC, Gabriel O'Hara, and Miguel O'Hara go on an international road trip with their metal band, Neon Requiem.  Destination?  BandFest, the Battle of the Bands in London guaranteed to secure the winning band a record deal.  They meet other ATSV characters along the way. 
🕷WC: 0:00 ————|——— -3,000 ↻ ◁ II ▷
🎤A/N: New Adult magical realism AU (obvi) brain worm that has grown from a 2-shot screenplay for some fun comics into a monster.  This fic is like Tremors in my brain.
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 ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : << Chapter 1 >> “Vous êtes maître de votre vie et de vos émotions, ne l’oubliez jamais. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire” 
The Rusty Nail's neon whir and raucous rhythms had been muted to a melancholy hum that evening, it was a ghost town, the emptiness of the dimly lit bar echoing with decades of unfulfilled longings. I nursed my drink, letting the smoky burn of liquor etch contours of quiet contemplation onto my throat as I surveyed the handful of kindred souls keeping solemn vigil. Life had been feeling heavy, and I needed to write, to make art, and to get lost in music.
At the far end of the bar hunched a beautiful wraith, his slim, angular frame sheathed in torn denim and studded leather. Something indefinable shimmered around him, unsung poetry, snippets of melodies, a symphony I could see and hear and almost touch. Drawn like a moth to the lambent glow of the music, I slid onto the stool beside the ethereal punk spectre. In my mind's eye, I crowned him the prince of punk, a fairy tale rebel.
Our bodies brushed intimately in the cramped space, raising ghosts of sensation along the exposed skin of my fishnets. "Wozzat, luv?" he murmured, kohl-rimmed eyes flickering over the point of contact with a soldering heat.
Mon dieu, {My God} Had I spoken my admiration aloud? A flush crept up my cheeks as I scrambled for a response.
"Désolé. Je répétais quelque chose pour ne pas l'oublier… Need to write it down before I lose it," {Sorry. I was repeating something so I wouldn't forget it…} I mumbled, a flimsy excuse for my wandering mind.
Fumbling through my bag, I pulled out my tattered notebook, fingers trembling as I scribbled down a scrap of verse inspired by the punk's incandescent presence beside me. I scribbled my observations in hasty strokes. The dying light of day bled into night, a liminal space that begged for a soundtrack. I could almost hear it, a melody just out of reach, shimmering in the smoky air.
"The liminal light of late afternoon, yawning into early evening…" I muttered, pulling on the strings of the melody, trying to draw it back to me. "I don't want to be loved for the things that I don't do. I don't want to be just a pretty face, I want to be a work of art…We are all just works of art."
The jukebox fell silent, making my mutterings around sift and strange, slightly unhinged---but the punk prince remained---his gaze heavy on my skin. I met his stare, unflinching. Unabashed curiosity flickered in eyes, wide brown and doe-like, framed by lashes so lush they seemed to blur the line between masculine and feminine, earthly and ethereal. I found myself dizzied by warring impulses - to flee this unsettling intimacy, or be consumed by it wholly.
He was a changeling, gorgeously androgynous: part punk Mona Lisa with a Cheshire cat grin, part Jean-Michel Baptiste, part force-of-fucking-nature. He made me feel like a background character in his story, could be a punk fairy princess, and I would be the dragon.
My thoughts raced, fragments of poetry and half-formed desires. I scribbled faster, chasing the threads of inspiration, but a nudge from my prince brought me back to earth.
Snatches of poetry, raw and unfinished, that I urgently longed to refine on the page before they dissipated like the last wisps of smoke in a spent ashtray. But the punk's aura dragged me too deeply into devotional reverie. I glanced up apologetically as my concentration scattered, the thread of inspiration slipping through my fingers once more.
The bartender had sprouted up directly in front of me, and she eyed me expectantly. Her hair was a shock of blue curls and silver streaks shorn close to her scalp, it made her eyes seem more gray. Her skin etched with lines that mapped out the years like a roadmap. I felt the familiar pang of a poem lost to the ether.
"Un…Jack Daniel's, s'il vous plaît," {A…Jack Daniel's, please} I said, no longer able to filter its lilt from my words, as I wasn't paying attention to dulling it.
"Blimey, that's a proper choice, innit? You 'ere for the battle of the bands event this week, love?"
"Oui, how did you know?" {Yes, how did you know?}
"Just a…sense," he demurred with a wicked grin. "Call it a punk's intuition, darling. I'm in the mix too, y'know."
The bartender chuckled as she set my drink down. "You mean because everyone is here for Bandfest? Don't listen to this one, lovey, he's incorrigible. The crowds will be in later on, but you're a bit early."
"Shh, Roz. Who's up tonight?" The prince asked, a wicked gleam in his eye.
"Oh, you want insider information? What's in it for me?"
"Givin' away free tattoos, could autograph yer arm, love."
"I'll pass, thanks. The brackets are up in an hour anyway. It's Night Terrors vs. Death Rapture, Blood Prophecy vs. Cherry Bomb, Spider Punks vs. Neon Requiem…"
"Why are the punk bands going up against the metal bands?" I asked, just as the prince inquired about Phantom Pulse.
"There wasn't a lot of quality competition this year, or that's what the sponsors said, so they automatically advance to the semifinals since they won last year."
"Bollocks!" The prince cried, his outrage palpable.
"Oi Punk, you don't want to sign with Vic Luna at Zenith Music Group, anyway."
"Tu…ne le fais pas? Mais pourquoi?" {You…don't? But why?} The words tumbled out, my curiosity getting the better of me. At her blank stare, I repeated the question in English, heat rising to my cheeks.
Roz leaned in, her voice low, "Look kid, it's complicated…"
The prince rolled his eyes, a sneer playing at his lips. "Betrayed a lot of good bands."
"You don't need to remind me, Punk, I lived through it.  Despite the changes at Zenith Music Group, they still organize the annual Bandfest, which showcases both established and emerging talent in the punk and metal scenes. The event is highly respected within the community and provides a platform for bands to gain exposure and connect with fans," the bartender continued, her words stilted, rehearsed.
"Ay, and they are the sponsor bringing in your crowds." The prince's voice was sharp, laced with an emotion I couldn't quite place.
"The only time we're out of the red, punkass. We'd have to shut down if it weren't for the Battle." She said heavily, "Which is the greater evil, we are a place of refuge for several members of the community, not just you."
"You don't need to remind me Roz, I'm living through it.  Right, I'll stop ragging on the corporate sods for now, until you have some plausible deniability." He raised his hands in mock surrender, a bitter laugh escaping his lips.
"There's a good Punk." Roz smiled, sliding him another pint before retreating.
I made a mental note to warn my bandmates about Vic and Zenith's sordid history. We were in this for the music, not the money, no one played metal for the money--but it never hurt to be cautious.
"Roz is like the den mother of the London punk scene, a living testament to grit and resilience, and screaming yourself hoarse at basement shows. Dream t'be like her when I grow up. To listen without judgment, offer advice without preaching, and know when to slide a shot of whiskey across the bar and when to cut you off. She has a way of looking at you, really seeing you, like you matter… like you are more than just another face in the crowd." His voice trails off, heavy with emotion. He blinks and shakes it off. 
"Can I see it?" The prince's voice cut through our lost thoughts, his fingers reaching for my notebook.
I clutched it to my chest, a knee-jerk reaction. "Can you look into my very soul, like Roz?"
His smirk widened, that Cheshire cat grin that set my heart racing. He nodded, a challenge in his eyes.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," he purred, and I felt my stomach flip. I repeated the phrase in my mind, first in French, then in English, just to be sure I'd heard him right. Wasn't this some flirty idiom?
"You have a book of poetry somewhere hidden in those skinny jeans, mon ami?" {my friend?} I ask, hesitant, double-checking his meaning. He flirts like others breathe.
In lieu of an answer, he produced a sharpie from thin air. Before I could protest, he had my arm in his grasp, his touch electric against my skin. I shrugged off my leather jacket, baring my arms to his ink-stained fingers. Roz chuckled as she set another drink before me, clearly amused by the prince's antics.
"You'll need it…I see you took this wanker up on the free tattoo offer. Don't let him draw any on your arms."
"Any? …Any what?"
"Wankers," she clarified with a laugh. It clarifies nothing, I need to study my British slang.
"I would not mar the flesh of such a beautiful and willing participant, Roz. Kindly fuck off," the prince mumbled around the sharpie cap clenched between his teeth.
Between the verses he scrawled, he peppered me with questions, his voice a giddy whisper.
"So, who's your poison, love? Which bands get your motor runnin'?"
"Ah, j'adore Rammstein, Gojira, et bien sûr, Motörhead. And so many others, doesn't even scratch the surface. Et toi?" {Ah, I love Rammstein... And you?}
"Proper choices, those. For me, it's the classics - Sex Pistols, The Clash, Buzzcocks. Real raw, in-your-face stuff, y'know?"
I leaned in, excited, but too close. I nearly jumped as my lips grazed the dusky shell of his ear. "Ah, un homme de bon goût! I've seen the Buzzcocks live, you know. Pure chaos, c'était incroyable!" {Ah, a man of good taste! I've seen the Buzzcocks live, you know. Pure chaos, it was incredible!}
"No bleedin' way! Metal chick like you? I'd give me left bollock to have seen the Sex Pistols live. But I did catch The Clash back in '07. Changed me life, it did."
"Lemmy, sans aucun doute. The man's a legend!" {Lemmy, without a doubt.} I declare into the bar.
"Oi, don't go disrespectin' Johnny, now! The bloke's a punk icon, 'e is!"
"You're a punk icon!" someone shouted from the back, but the prince waved them off with a grin.
"Oh, I didn't catch your name," I said, with a sudden shame, my brow furrowed.
"Everyone just calls me Punk. You can too. Just not dirty punk, we don't want to come to blows, do we, love?"
"I'd kick your ass, mon ami. Pas grand chose à donner, mon petit prince des fées… eh mon prince dégingandé, right? I would not describe you as petite even if you are skinny." {I'd kick your ass, my friend. Not much to give, my little fairy prince… eh my lanky prince, right?}
Miguel was at my side in an instant, all rippling muscle and furrowed consternation. "Carnalita, {little sis} why did you sneak out on practice just to drink in this hellhole?" he rumbled, disapproval lacing every sonorous word. Tenderness faded a bit.
I met his gruff chiding with an insouciant toss of my hair. "Salut, Miguel. Ça fait longtemps." {Hello, Miguel. It's been a while.}
"Is that Jack? No puedo mas… Carnalita…This shit is bad for you." {I can't take it anymore…little sis...}
"Je nais etre rond comme une queue de pelle. Tu es vraiment un trou de balle quand tu dis des choses pareilles!" {I would be round as a shovel handle. (Idiom, essentially she is saying ~ I was born to be drunk) You are really a dumbass when you say things like that!}
Miguel's grumbling stream of Spanish reprimands washed over me as I settled into our familiar dynamic - the tender yet terse cantata of friend and protector that had composed them score of our relationship since childhood. For all his bluster, I knew every arrhythmic cadence encoded Miguel's steadfast affection.
Only Gabriel's soft interjection could salve the rising discord. "You worry too much, Miggy. We've been practicing all week."
He cast me a plaintive glance, silently pleading for conciliation, and I grudgingly obliged with an internal eyeroll. "Qu'il aille se faire! C'est vraiment chiant tu te rends compte." {Let him go fuck himself! It's really annoying, you know.}
Heedless of my saucy french asides, Miguel merely drew a fortifying breath before continuing in that maddening timbre of unrelenting reason. "Gabri and I could have come out with you. You shouldn't go out alone in an unknown city - it's not safe for you, mi carnalita."
The prince leaned towards us with a lazy smirk, "S'not that serious. The Rusty Nail is safe enough." He paused as the bartender snorted in agreement before continuing, "We're keeping the lady safe, mate…you can trust me, I'm one of the Spider-Punks."
Miguel simply sneered at the prince's proffered handshake, dismissing it out of hand. "You have arms like sticks. How would you keep her safe?"
The punk's smirk widened as he shrugged. "Ah, one of those. Never skip leg day, eh bruv?"
I strangled a guffaw as Gabriel hastened to run interference, engulfing the punk's hand eagerly. "We've heard of you guys, the local punk band, yeah? Your drummer is…gahh…Ah-Mazing! You think we could meet?"
"You call that punk noise "rock"?" Miguel scoffed. "Metal is where the real skill lies…Real talent is in the complexity, the technical skill. Metal pushes boundaries, takes you to new places. Punk's just three chords and an attitude."
I rolled my eyes. At this rate, I'd have to drag Miguel out before he started a brawl.
"Ah, mais non, Miggy. There's art in simplicity too. Punk, metal, it's all about the energy, the message, non?" {Ah, but no, Miggy. There's art in simplicity too. Punk, metal, it's all about the energy, the message, right?}
Miguel grunted, but squeezed my hand.
I stood, motioning for him to lean in close. "Allez, let's save the competition for the stage, d'accord? I learned some things about the record company. We should talk in private." {Come on, let's save the competition for the stage, okay?}
The prince unfolded himself, towering over me. "Tell you what, mate. Let's settle this on stage. We'll let the crowd decide who's got the real chops," he challenged.
Gabriel chimed in, "Pero, mana's right, Miguel." {But, sister is right, Miguel.}
Miguel looked ready to explode, but Gabriel's eyes held him in check.
"Music's music. Let's just focus on putting on a good show, and maybe we can learn something from their band, eh?" Gabriel said.
The prince leaned in, lips grazing my cheek. "Aye, love. Can't wait to teach your wall of meat here a thing or two. How about we give 'em a show they won't forget…later?"
I grinned, "Oui! A collaboration? Here… Ça ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard…mais, pour vous. I want it back later." {Yes! A collaboration? Here…It doesn't break three duck legs (Idiom ~ It's nothing special) …but, for you. I want it back later.}
The lanky punk sauntered off, his studded boots leaving faint trails of glitter on the barroom floor. Miguel's scowl deepened as he watched him depart, fists clenched tightly.
"Is that your poetry notebook?" he growled, voice rumbling low.
"Yes, I traded it to the punk faerie for these tattoos, I smirked, revealing the vine-like scrawl of ink now adorning my flesh like raised scars from whipping brambles.
Miguel's face darkened further, storm clouds gathering at my words. "The one you never let anyone touch or read…"
His voice strangled to a whisper, and I could not parse the complex calculus of emotions flitting behind his eyes
Gabriel placed a calming hand on his brother's arm.
"Easy, hermano {brother}. He's not worth it," Gabriel said in a soothing tone.
"Be nice, Punk is a good guy. I like him," I countered softly, a warm glow blossomed within me as I realized my entire arm was now a crawling garden of sentences entirely in French.
Miguel opened his mouth, undoubtedly to unleash a heated retort, but Gabriel cut in, "Should we go look at the brackets to see who we're facing?"
"It looks like my entire arm is covered with quotes from The Little Prince, which happens to be my favorite book. It's actually quite a sweet gesture," I said softly, fingertips grazing the raised words like treasured runes.
With renewed curiosity, I examined the ink quote now etched on my skin: "Vous êtes maître de votre vie et de vos émotions, ne l'oubliez jamais. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire." {You are the master of your life and your emotions, never forget that. For better or worse.}
I didn't mention the lone scrawl that could have been a phone number hidden amidst the literary foliage now vining my limb. Miguel was in full-on Dad mode, and I didn't need to add fuel to that particular fire.
"I already know the competition for the quarterfinals, we don't need to waste our time. Come on, manos {used as slang for brother}, we're going to kick some ass!" I giggled brightly, elated at my new 'tattoos' scrawling up my arms. I didn't put my leather jacket back on, I didn't want to cover any of it up.
Miguel's glare never wavered, his eyes fixed on the far side of the bar where the prince had disappeared into the crowd. "Don't tempt me. Let's go, carnalita {little sister}, time for practice."
With a resigned sigh, I surrendered to my brothers' insistent tugs, allowing them to lead me from the Rusty Nail. But the punk prince's parting words still reverberated through my mind like the lingering notes of a siren song. Later, he had purred, that single hushed syllable seeming to contain all the intoxicating lure of a siren's call - equal parts velvet promise and brazen challenge, twined inextricably into an enchantment I could not resist. The whole damn bar was a sailor's nightmare.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4
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aevallare · 28 days
interview with the vampire author!
i was tagged by @pursuitseternal! thank you!!! <3
When did you start writing?
i don't remember a time that i wasn't. i used to carry around a little pink notebook that i was absolutely precious about. i didn't go anywhere without it.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
i don't write much mystery; i love it, but i just don't think i'm clever enough haha.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
someone who hates my pussy once compared me to sarah j maas lmao
i'd love to be compared to barbara kingsolver - she's probably my all-time favorite author. others whose style i chase after while constantly falling flat on my face include gabriel garcía márquez, ursula k. leguin and. well. neil gaiman. but. yeah.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
it is my desk! and it is boring! i have a few knick knacks and trinkets around, but it's also my gaming space. i have a drinky drink. i have a nail file. i have a tube of concealer in case i forgot about a zoom meeting lmao.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
my toxic trait is that trying to muster up a muse is the devil talking. if you want to write and the inspiration isn't there, it's about discipline.
that's not to say i never get inspired. music gets me going in a way that's tough to duplicate. other than that, it's really effective to go back and read what i've already written.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
the transformative (positive and negative) power of love. anger as a coping mechanism. the non-linear nature of healing.
none of these surprise me lmao.
What is your reason for writing?
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Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
i love them all.
i've had several that are really touching but i can't really think of a common thread that draws them all together.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
i want people to think that i work hard and that i really, really, really love to create.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
i think nobody slips into a character's skin like i do.
How do you feel about your own writing?
i think it's good.
i think it's got a long way to go.
i think it's always there for me even when nothing else is.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
i don't write for the masses and i don't write if i think there's no story worth telling, but i do sometimes think "oh. i have a friend who would love this." and then an idea i was lukewarm on can suddenly become very interesting.
sorry this took so long!!! i have no idea who all has been tagged. sorry! @again-please @dwarfsized @deltatime @ghouliar0berts @cosmolis @amoremagnificentbastard @molgars
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aidanchaser · 5 months
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Read Confessions on Ao3 Rating: G for General Audiences Word Count: 1.4K
An Adrinette Post-Reveal fic, where someone brings up Catwalker
Her fingers slide through his hair like she’s untangling silk threads. She thinks she should have made the Adrien-is-Chat-Noir connection sooner, given how many times she’s slid her hands through his hair both in and out of costume. She’s never quite gotten over how smooth it is. She’d told herself that with Chat it was just the magic, and with Adrien, she’d imagined copious bottles of product—only come to find out, it was both.
His head rests in her lap, and his eyes hidden behind his forearm. His fingers fidget absentmindedly with one of her hair ties, and his lanky legs are propped up against her wall, jeans sliding off to show just a bit of bare ankle. She’s pressed back into her own mountain of pillows, and she thinks how nice it is to have afternoons like this together. No more chasing down villains, no more battles, no more secrets.
“Kim as the monkey was an inspired choice,” Adrien says. “He’s about as chaotic as Plagg.”
Marinette laughs softly. “I think that was Master Fu’s choice, not mine.”
“How do you decide who the right choice is?” Adrien pulls his arm from his face and looks up at her. Pensive curiosity flits through his determined green gaze. “Like, Nino’s really protective, so Carapace makes sense, but Alya’s all about truth and justice, right? Lies and illusion don’t make a lot of sense for her.”
Marinette tips her head back and stares at the trapdoor above her bed. “I didn’t think Ladybug made sense for me. She’s so brave and cunning and determined… I’ve always been a coward and pretty hapless and helpless.”
“I think you’re brave and determined.”
“You’ve only known me since becoming Ladybug. I’ve grown a lot.”
“Chat Noir made perfect sense for me.”
Marinette laughs, jostling Adrien, and when she looks back down at him he’s glaring up at her.
“You don’t think so?” he says flatly.
“It’s not that,” she laughs again. “I mean, it does make sense—now anyway. But not how you used to be, you know, around other people.”
“What are you trying to say?”
“Just that you’ve changed, too.”
“I was always like this,” he protests. “I just pretended to be someone else for a long time.”
“So you weren’t a handsome, charming, polite and kind friend all those years?”
“Chat Noir is all of those things.”
“Charming is stretching it.”
Adrien wrinkles his nose, and it only makes Marinette laugh more.
“Who was Scarabella, anyway?” Adrien asks, unsubtly changing the subject.
Marinette has to take a moment to compose her giggles. “That was Alya.”
“Ah, of course. She did a good job, but she certainly was no replacement for you.”
Marinette bites her cheek, hoping he can’t see her blush. The hardest thing about dating Adrien after the reveal has been listening to him praise her as Ladybug. She had never quite felt comfortable hearing him praise Ladybug before, and now that he knows the truth, it’s worse, as if knowing both of her identities has somehow doubled the intensity of the compliments.
She unsubtly reaches for a subject change of her own. “And what about Catwalker? You picked him, didn’t you? Or was that Plagg?”
Adrien glances away, tipping his head back for a better gaze of her pinboard that is no longer just Gabriel ads, but has grown to include photos with friends and pictures from several of their date nights, and a few even of Ladybug and Chat Noir.
“Catwalker was—well…” His brow furrows as he searches for the answer. She can’t fathom why it’s so hard for him to explain if he knows, but finally he says, “I was Catwalker.”
Marinette laughs again. “What do you mean you were Catwalker?”
“Well—you didn’t need Chat Noir around, and Plagg didn’t want another holder, so we… we figured something else out.”
Her hands go still in his hair. “You know I always need you, right, minou?”
His eyes are still on her corkboard. “You didn’t need Catwalker.”
“It was more like I couldn’t function with Catwalker. I… I liked you too much. You were so careful, so polite, so put together and charming… I couldn’t even think straight, just like all those times I couldn’t talk to you at school. You just made my brain stop working! I couldn’t be Ladybug if I was too busy thinking about kissing you.”
She hopes he’ll sit up for a kiss, but he still doesn’t move. His gaze remains distant.
“Catwalker was based on the person I would always pretend to be. The person my father wanted me to be.”
Marinette understands rather suddenly where she misstepped. She bites down on her tongue, holding back a stuttered apology. She can’t say she didn’t mean it, or it wasn’t true, because it all was and still is. She loves Adrien, and a lot of “Adrien” has been made to please his father. She understands now why he had pouted when she’d said he was so different from Chat Noir.
She runs her fingers through his hair again with a bit more intention to the contact between them than her lazy strokes earlier. “Shortly before we started dating, I got obsessed with dating Chat Noir.”
“Oh, I remember,” he says, and a small smirk flashes across his face. Despite how insulting it ought to feel, it relaxes her. She knows he’s still here, listening, and not lost in his own head.
“I love all of you, Adrien. You are still kind and polite, and not just to make others happy. You do it because you care. And you’re silly and sometimes charming, but maybe not as often as you’d like to be. You’re Adrien and Chat Noir, you know, and I love all of it. Because I love all of you.”
His eyes finally slide back up to meet hers. “You’re Marinette and Ladybug, you know.”
Heat creeps up her neck and into her cheeks. “O-of course.”
He swings his legs down and pushes himself up to her level. “You are brave and determined and cunning and creative and honest and thoughtful and a hero.” He leans in until his face is inches from hers.
Her cheeks must be fully red now.
“Adrien, I’m not—”
“If I can be Adrien and Chat Noir, why can’t you be Ladybug and Marinette?”
“I-I am, I just—”
“Am I allowed to love all of you?”
Her tongue tingles as her anxiety mounts. Her brain sparks with all the same misfires it used to around Adrien and Catwalker alike, which is unfair since he’s being particularly impolite and invasive in this moment.
“Adrien, I—”
“You’re my lady and my purrincess,” he says, voice low like Chat Noir’s as he brushes her hair away from her face.
Marinette isn’t sure if her heart or her lungs are going to give out first, but one of them is surely about to clock out for the day and leave her high and dry.
And then he kisses her, and all of her parts call it quits—except her mouth, which seems to find its way around his just fine.
His hand slides through her hair, and his other hand finds its way to her waist. Marinette wants to stop, but she also doesn’t want to stop—ever. It occurs to her, distantly, that Adrien has once again changed the subject away from himself, but that thought is too far from this moment, from the heat of this kiss to do any good.
When he finally does pull away, there’s such a Chat-like mischief in his eyes that only makes Marinette’s blush worse.
“I love you,” he says.
She forces herself—with a fair amount of effort—to remember where they had left off their conversation. “I love all of you,” she says.
He hesitates for only a moment, long enough for her to know the weight of her promise reaches where it ought to. He answers, “Only if you’ll let me love all of you, too.”
It’s a fair trade, at least. Maybe someday Ladybug will stop feeling like a costume, like an act she puts on. Maybe someday she’ll feel worth of all of those grand adjectives. But at least today, at least for now, she’ll feel worthy of Adrien, and she hopes that someday he’ll feel worthy of himself, too.
She twists her hands into the collar of his black T-shirt and pulls him in for another kiss.
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ideceivedthem · 2 years
type: smut
includes: afab reader, periods, period sex, blood kink, oral sex, religious symbolism, body worship, breeding kink
requested by: no one
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It's nearly too hot in the room. Between your personal circle of hell making you feel like you're constantly overheating and the scalding sensation of his lips, it's almost too much.
But in its own right, it's heaven on earth too. It's worth it. It's divine. 
Gabriel kisses slowly between your thighs. His flat white teeth pause to nibble at your soft flesh and you make a hushed sound that goes straight to the fleshy organ that sits between his own. Your fingers thread into his locks of soft spun golden silk and give an urging tug.
"Patience." He whispers the word sweet and low. From anyone else it would be a command or a warning, but from him it's a promise with reverence buried in his tone. 
Cold breath ghosts over your burning core and your clit gives throbs of need that resonate with your heartbeat. Gabriel is merciful however, even as he mouths at the junction where your inner thigh connects to your pelvis. 
His tongue feels like anointed velvet when it slides across your folds. He licks a broad stripe over your pussy that ends in a teasing flick at that special bundle up top. 
'Teasing' perhaps isn't the right word. Teasing would imply that he's trying to irritate you, to poke at already sensitive nerves with the intent to inflame them further. No, he isn't teasing you with such actions, he's worshipping you.
Whatever he's doing, you're reveling in it. You keen, digits tightening in his hair, mouth agape with words lost on you. Your wordless praise spurs him on though, and he circles your delicate button with the tip of his warm muscle. 
He's then eating into you, lips and tongue and edges of teeth devouring you like the lion to the lamb. Your eyes clench shut so hard that you see stars in the blackness. 
The name of your archangel echoes from your throat as a mantra; the pitch increases with two long, thin fingers pushing easily into your heat. His lips close around your clit and he sups on it it, ravenous, while his fingers pump in and out of you. 
Your hot walls squeeze around him in response. Your nerves light up like a funeral pyre, blazing and intense with your sensitivity. He crooks his digits just-so and he hits where you need the attention the most. 
Your voice is damn-near angelic as you pant and mewl your eulogies with all the veneration of prayer. Your hips rock into the rhythm he creates as you chase the oncoming high like it'll bring true salvation.
Gabriel must sense that your climax is dawning on you so quickly (too quickly for his liking) because he slides from your body and he leaves a parting kiss on your bloody, hot lower lips. 
You crack your eyes open as you gaze down on him. Your chest rises and falls in shaking breaths. The sight of him betwixt your parted legs with a smear of deep crimson staining his beautiful mouth makes your concupiscence rear up its head like some great, dark, insatiably starved beast. 
Gabriel's features pull into a gentle smirk that makes your cunt ache and he wears it gorgeously as he licks your wine off of his fingers. 
"Tell me little lamb, how much do you desire?" He purrs the question. In the dim light, his normally crystalline blue eyes are like wells that you'd give the world to drown in. His arousal has his pupils blown so wide that they nearly consume his irises. 
You swallow thickly as you collect your thoughts. Your mind reels with the whiplash of having been so close to your breaking point and then suddenly back to total lack of stimulation. 
"I'd rather die, I'd rather spend an eternity in hell, than go another second without your cock in me." The words tumble from you as you watch him push up to sit on his knees.
He towers over you with zero effort, all slender and sinewy and spectral, already devoid of his satiny robe. The wings attached to his back add to his imposing figure as they sit at half mast, the color of clouds with underlining glints of gold that turn bronzy silver in the sliver of grey moonlight that carves through the bedroom. 
Evidence of his carnality lays heavy and hard against his leg, as shockingly and breathtakingly human as the rest of him appears, the slit leaking slightly on his pallid flesh. 
You nearly drool at the view presented before you, realize you haven't spoken in some time, and continue on. "I want you to fuck me like Adam did Eve. I want you to ravage me gently. I want you to lay with me like this is our wedding bed."
You see his cock throb at your words and he leans in closer, pushing your knees farther apart. 
"Was that your covert method of proposing to me, my dove?" Now he's teasing, and he takes enjoyment in the way your already blushing face turns a shade of scarlet. 
(Oh how lovely that would be, spending eternity on his arm at his side as his bride. How choice. How rare.)
"Gabriel, please." But your need has other ideas. You can fantasize about marriage later, for now your mind skips straight to the honeymoon. "Please, honey, I need you."
Hearing you beseech so softly sends a pang of want through his corporeal visage. Gabriel presses an incendiary kiss to your lips to put an end to your begging. After all, if you were to be his, wholly and completely and entirely his, you would never have to want without something to show for it.
You gasp brokenly against his mouth as the head pushes into you. Its girth splits you cleanly (well as cleanly as could possibly be extrapolated) and the overload of sensation has you clutching onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your hands into his hair.
"Shh-shh my pet, shh-shh..." He hushes you, his whispers coming out with a tremor as he hilts fully inside you. Being this close, you can smell the metallic sweetness of your own fluids on his chilled breath. His hips roll gently to bottom out. 
The both of you sit panting there for a moment before he begins to push back and forth in rhythm. His pace is slow and easy, and he drinks in the sounds you make under him. 
Your fingers creep to the base of a wing and follow the downy trail of feathers up to where it crests slightly. The sensation of it has him cooing and murmuring in your ear and the sensitive limb gives a pleasured twitch. 
"My lamb, ah, my lamb, your touch..." Gabriel croons, and his tone gives away just how much he aches for you the way you ache for him.
The swing of his hips brings breathless sounds and trembly sighs from you and you can tell he's feasting on the chorus you're giving up so generously. 
His thoughts start wandering as he steadily increases his pace. He wonders, despite the way your blood flows around him, of the likelihood of you baring his child. His mind fills with the image of you with your belly swollen with his babe, a divine picture of fertility, his perfect Mary.
He's so thrilled with these ideas that his wings give a few uncontrolled flaps, the stimulation from your fingers adding to the current of euphoria.
"You will be mine forever." He murmurs, lips against your neck, feeling the thrum of your pulse under the soft skin. "You know that, yes? Who you belong to and whose you are?"
"I'm yours-" Your reply is a rushed tumble and you cant your hips upwards to catch his thrusts at a better angle. Heavenly light bursts behind your eyes and you sing delightfully with it. "I'm yours!"
Gabriel's wings flutter as he drives his sin into your soft willing body. His mouth is almost like hellfire against your flesh, branding you so that only he can have you. No doubt he's leaving sticky red oxidizing marks along your throat as well. The whole time he's whispering and chanting in your mind that you belong to him and him alone. 
Heat flashes hot and white through your whole being as you're suddenly wracked with your orgasm. It's like dying, like flying, like being tossed end over end as he slams into you through your climax.
He's gripping you close like he's scared you'll vanish suddenly, rutting into you like an animal as he chases the delicious pulsing warmth of your walls. He can feel you clutching him as well, blunt nails digging into his back and hand tangled in his hair, and it has his wings beating against the air nearly in time to your heart. 
Your name is like poetry on his tongue, twisted into art by ecstasy and prayer, as he finally spills his seed deep in your core, so searing that you could believe instead that it's actually freezing. His hips rock to a stop.
He stays above you, panting with you in the heady aftershocks that leave sparks in the corners of your visions. His wings twitch, a few pure feathers fall onto the soiled bedspread. 
He shifts to kiss you, in which you can taste yourself on him in a way that leaves you whining into his mouth, and leans up all the way. Gabriel is so wickedly, obscenely beautiful in the moonlight, disheveled and misted and wings hanging limp from his back.
"I love you dearly, my little lamb." He breathes the words, voice gravelly and low.
You manage a tired smile as he slides from you. "I love you too, my dearest angel."
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gatheringbones · 5 months
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clifford chase and gabrielle glancy, from invisible threads, from Sister & Brother: Lesbians and Gay Men Write About Their Lives Together, 1994
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liviavanrouge · 7 months
'Davino POV'
"Needle and the thread"
Davino(4): *Stares at the poisoned water*
Davina: *Pouts, taking a sip of the milk he swapped with the water*
Davino: *Takes a sip of the water then coughs, dropping it*
Satan: *Looks over from Sitri* Hm?
Davino: *Stares at his bloodied hands silently then looks up his eyes widening* Ah...
Satan: *Stares, slowly lowering his hand* Davino...
Davino: *Falls backwards, his eyes closing*
???: DAVINO!!
"Gotta get you outta my head"
Davino(8): *Silently reads his book, flipping to the next page*
Davina(8): Big brother! Get ready to go see Daddy!
Davino: Huh, it's already time?
Davina: *Giggles* You're invested in that book, big brother!
Davino: *Stands up then stops smelling smoke*
Davina: Davino?
Davino: GET DOWN!! *Shoots forward grabbing her as an explosion went off*
"Needle and the thread"
Lesley: Thanks for inviting me!
Davino(10): No problem, you're welcomed back anytime
Lesley: *Beams and hugs the two*
Davina: *Pats her back then waves as Lesley left*
Davino: Let's head back before Papa throws a fit...
Davina: *Giggles then freezes, her eyes wide*
Davino: Sis?
Davina: *Throws up blood, her eyes glowing*
Davino: *Reached forward then coughs blood up*
Paimon: *Hurries forward* KIDS!!!!
"Gonna wind up dead"
'Satan POV'
"Needle and the thread!"
Satan: *Shoots up, reaching forward* DAVINO!!
Davina: Big brother!
Satan: *Holds Davino close, his eyes wide* WHAT WAS IN THAT CUP!
Sitri: *Picks the cup up then looks over* Poison...
Zagan: *Hurries over startled*
Satan: *Shoots up and bolts away* Find the culprit! Zagan bring Davina! I'll stabilize Davino!
"Gotta get you outta my head!"
Belial: *Moves back as the flames raged*
Mammon: *Stares in shock* What happened here...
Sitri: Gabriel.
Satan: *Runs past, vanishing into the flames*
Mammon: Satan!?
Sitri: *Steps forward* He's fine...
Satan: *Bursts out, shielding the twins*
Satan: *Looks up* GET THEM HELP!!
"Needle and the thread!"
Satan: *Perks up as Leraye rushed past with Astaroth* What's going on...
Leraye: *Looks back* THE TWINS!!
Satan: *Chases after them, his eyes wide*
Sitri: Everyone stay back or you'll get snagged!
Satan: *Stares in disbelief at the shadowy aura*
Belial: *Dodges a spike, quickly moving back*
Satan: *Hurries forward*
Sitri: Satan don't-!
Satan: *Snatches his arm away* GET OFF ME!!
Satan: *Hurries into the shadow aura, causing an explosion to go off*
"Gonna wind up dead!"
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bangpop91 · 11 hours
Lone Star 5×01 thoughts
This opening sequence is great. I originally thought it might have been a Carlos flashback, but I'm glad I was wrong. But also the horror movie vibes! The jump scare. *chefs kiss*
I called him and Kendra breaking up. No one needs to get off the hampster wheel than Owen. I do wish he took grief support more seriously though
I do love his conversation with Tommy. They have a great friendship.
This hose competition is great! It feels like a fire house extension of Catan game nights. I do wish Nanteo got more onscreen development
I do enjoy the dynamic between the two armored truck drivers. It makes for a great juxtaposition and balance.
This is a great opening disaster. It's the perfect amount of high stakes to lead into the 'big' multi episode emergency. It shows off all of the 126 strengths giving them all time to shine
I love that we are getting to see more of Nancy and Tks competence as paramedics
This fucking music. It feels like it was pulled out of a old western film. I love it
Wyatt, Leanne, and Liam are such a cute family
Charlie is so big!!!! 😭😭😭
I miss Grace already
One thing I like about Judd and Wyatt is that Wyatt is an adult so they can have a more adult father son relationship. But we still get Daddy Judd with Judd and Charlie
The dynamic between Carlos and Sam Cambell with Cheif Bridges is so interesting. I think it will be good for Carlos to have Sam around who isn't treating him like a young Gabriel
Mateo accidentally egging on the Strickwani competition while Tommy observes is a great character building scene
Lexi Mitchell!!!
What is with all very country western music this episode? Don't get me wrong I love it but it'd an interesting choice.
Such a great montage of Owen opening his eyes to the Strickwani competition
Again. I love the very adult father/son relationship between Judd and Wyatt.
I hate thar Grace is gone, but I do love the way they handled Sierra's exit from the show. It does honor Grace in a beautiful way.
Judd is applying for Trucking so that he can be home for Charlie and because he doesn't want to start all over.
I really like Wyatt's monologue here. It is really beautiful.
"Well you know you're my Dad." 😭😭😭😭
Tk trying to plan a couples hang is so good. I also love the domesticity of this scene while also moving the investigation forward
Tk being both intentionally and unintentionally helpful is perfection as is his confusion
Oh! I love competent Wyatt!
I really like this ranger trio. This is definitely a nice set up for a whole new series of stories that are darker.
I love Judd and Owen's friendship. With Grace following her vocation and Owen single(again🙄) I hope they put more focus on the Judd & Owen friendship vs shoestring another relationship in the final season
The armored truck chase is so good!
The fucking country western music 3 tines in one episode! But also Campbell Reyes have potential to be an absolutely iconic procedural partnership
I really like this conversation between them. It is soooo damn good on a deep character level.
Oh. Campbell calling Gabriel a pain in the ass. A perfect parallel to Washington calling Carlos one
Lou Two!
This is such a good scene. Tk being disappointed but understanding and Carlos still being a loving husband. This is just so good.
I was not expecting the autopsy photo!
A great cliffhanger! I love it! They have done a great job setting up the three acts, just like with the 4 act arc of the ice storm.
Final thoughts: this was such a great first episode! I don't know that it was worth a sixteen month wait(yet) considering this is the final season, and there are only 12 episodes with a lot of different different plot threads that need a conclusion. Bit I love Lone Star so I'm willing to ride this out.
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bubblegumbeech · 9 months
Bee’s 2023 Fic Review
2021 2022
My AO3
Works: 8
Word Count:  154,635
Events: Invisobang | Phic Phight | EctoberHaunt (Mod Tucker)
Here’s my  fics! I didn't write nearly as much as I hoped but I did start a Masters Program so I am learning to write better hopefully! (I actually wrote a lot I didn't post that I am saving for when I am more caught up on my WIPs tbh >>)
Danny Phantom:
Pieces of Time (26,520 words) Subscriptions: 154 Hits: 3,390 Kudos: 267 Comment Threads: 45 Bookmarks: 118
Some questions don't have answers, some answers aren't worth having and some make you wonder where the truth is being hidden. Danny asks Clockwork a question, now, what about the answer?
We Interrupt Your Scheduled Programming (10,062 words) Subscriptions: 5 Hits: 486 Kudos: 70 Comment Threads: 7 Bookmarks: 20
Nocturne generally hates doing favors. He’d honestly rather be sleeping, or messing with someone’s head or … well anything really. But Clockwork got himself into a mess that even he wasn’t going to have an easy time digging himself out of. But hey, what are brothers for? Clockwork was going to owe him for this one though.
Pruning the Branches (30,289 words) Subscriptions: 3 Hits: 215 Kudos: 14 Comment Threads: 12 Bookmarks: 2
Flynn is finally headed back to his home in the Ghost Zone! But something happened in the short time he was away, something that put his family at risk. Struggling to once more find his footing now that everything seems to be falling apart around him, Flynn needs to get answers-even if that means running from his Mother and overprotective siblings and dodging a murderous ghost that's a little bit too murderous. Nothing is going to be the same after this.
Hyde Inside (7,847 words) Subscriptions: 11 Hits: 257 Kudos: 27 Comment Threads: 5 Bookmarks: 7
The only place for a murderer is a hangman's noose… but there is another place for a madman if Gabriel can make the argument. He could save his friend's life. Even if he'd never be forgiven for it. It might have even worked if it wasn't for the mysterious sharp-toothed woman outside Hyde's room, and the answers the good doctor seems reluctant to share.
Treasures and Tricks (1,518 words) Hits: 314 Kudos: 55 Comment Threads: 4 Bookmarks: 8
Hastur was an all powerful inhuman King. He did not spend his days thinking about Arthur Lester.
Not a Home but a Haunt (2,319 words) Hits: 77 Kudos: 13 Comment Threads: 3 Bookmarks: 2
Arthur Lester is adjusting just fine to his new 'situation' thank you. Being blind doesn't make him helpless, it's just a new fact of his life. He can still be a detective, if Parker would just let him prove it. Ignoring of course, the strange new voice that seems to come from no where, and Parker swearing that it's just the two of them alone in the apartment…
Grand Line Carnival (24,140 words) Subscriptions: 51 Hits: 3,909 Kudos: 268 Comment Threads: 45 Bookmarks: 81
Law doesn't want to go to a carnival ever again, but his crew doesn't know that and they insist that he has been spending far too much time in the hospital. So he's stuck, but at least he's with friends, now if only he could get that weird stranger off his mind. Or better yet, Stop running into him everywhere. Literally.
Beneath Different Stars (51,940 words) Subscriptions: 175 Hits: 7,784 Kudos: 520 Comment Threads: 125 Bookmarks: 116
A role-reversal that has Dynn Jaren, a stormtrooper with an attitude problem running away with a stolen asset. And Corin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter that’s supposed to be hunting him down for the good of his clan. Except, what happens when the “asset” isn’t what he thought it was? And the “stormtrooper” he was chasing packs a bit of a punch?
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fourfears · 1 year
anyone want to jump into plotting in a shared discord 1x1 server? after we chat a little and see if we vibe ofc. 21+ only pls as i am over 25. my main blog is haziest but i'm shadowbanned so i am posting here. check out my guidelines/some fcs i want under the read more and feel free to message me on discord at iranoveroprah, just tell me your url first please!
i'm called nine
i generally like playing face claims of color, and i prefer if you do too
i play any gender including nonbinary & trans muses & fcs, and i prefer if you do too
ask for my discord where (if we vibe) we can plot and make a server and headcanon and thread and stuff (i can make it if you want me to no pressure lol)
will not rp: pregnancy, anything involving babies or parenting including parents with grown children, military, historical, royal, cops, generally “taboo” topics (inc*st, r*pe, etc. but just ask if you’re unsure), fcs or muses under 20, or celebrities as themselves
i now have a list of banned fcs (sorry it keeps growing):
anyone under age 20. no exceptions. benedict cumberbatch, bts members, choi jongho, choi seungcheol (s.coups), chonnasorn sajakul (sorn), chris evans, chris pratt, colton haynes, david harbour, ezra miller, henry cavill, holland roden, jackson wang, jacob elordi, jennifer lawrence, jeon soyeon, kardashians/jenners, kim woojin, kim youngjo (ravn), kj apa, lim jaebeom (jay b), matthew gray gubler, miley cyrus, oliver sykes, park jaehyung (jae/eaJ), ryan gosling, taylor swift, tom holland, won kunhang (hendery), wong yukhei (lucas). this may be subject to change over time.
i generally like fast-moving threads, and i find <300 word threads are easiest to reply to, but i don’t mind long threads too! usually i’ll recommend doing a rapid fire thread alongside a longer thread to keep the inspo going
anything else just ask!
wanted plot dynamics/tropes:
addiction ᝰ affairs ᝰ angels & demons ᝰ codependent & toxic relationships ᝰ dumb stoners in love ᝰ grief & comfort ᝰ hauntings ᝰ impulsive confessions ᝰ long-distance & online relationships ᝰ musicians ᝰ opposites attract ᝰ poly ships ᝰ post-apocalyptic rebuilding of society ᝰ religious differences ᝰ spooky things !!! ᝰ unrequited pining ᝰ urban fantasy elements/settings.
(very niche) wanted fcs:
avan jogia ᝰ bae sumin ᝰ barry keoghan ᝰ bella poarch ᝰ brandon perea ᝰ chase sui wonders ᝰ choi beomgyu ᝰ choi in ᝰ choi yena ᝰ choi yoonah (doa) ᝰ conan gray ᝰ davika hoorne ᝰ dev patel ᝰ do hanse ᝰ dong sicheng (winwin) ᝰ evan mock ᝰ fukutomi tsuki ᝰ greta onieogou ᝰ han hyun min ᝰ hong siyoung (giriboy) ᝰ huh yunjin ᝰ hunter schafer ᝰ ivan rzhevsky ᝰ jang eunseong (dosie) ᝰ jeon somi ᝰ jeong jisu (albin) ᝰ jeremy allen white ᝰ jo gyehyeon ᝰ jonathan daviss ᝰ kai kamal huening (hueningkai) ᝰ kim gyunhak (leedo) ᝰ kim sunwoo ᝰ kim yongseung ᝰ kwak jiseok (gaon) ᝰ lee jooyeon ᝰ lee seoho ᝰ lee suyeon (sheon) ᝰ lee taeyeob (yoojung) ᝰ lights bokan ᝰ lily rose depp ᝰ lizeth selene ᝰ mae col ᝰ maggie lindemann ᝰ mat musto (blackbear) ᝰ na goeun ᝰ nicha yontararak (minnie) ᝰ oh seungmin (o.de) ᝰ osaki shotaro ᝰ park jihyo ᝰ rahul kohli ᝰ riz ahmed ᝰ tahliah barnett (fka twigs) ᝰ tati gabrielle ᝰ sen mitsuji ᝰ simone ashley ᝰ son dongju (xion) ᝰ song yuqi ᝰ thomas weatherall ᝰ xu minghao (the8) ᝰ yoo yongha ᝰ zhou xianxianye.
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gloop898 · 1 year
2023 Media Thread - Master Post
Anime / TV
X - Witch From Mercury Season One
X - Akiba Maid War
X - Bocchi the Rock!
X - Chainsaw Man
X - The Legend of Vox Machina Season One & Two
X - Symphogear
X - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
X - Yuru Camp
X - Symphogear G
X - Kill la Kill
X - Onimai: I’m Now Your Sister!
X - The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady
X - The Muppets Mayhem
X - the muppets. (2015 tv series)
X - Yuri is My Job!
X - Witch From Mercury Season Two
X - Loki
X - Adventure Time
X - Adventure Time: Distant Lands
X - Fionna and Cake Season One
X - Lonely Mountains Downhill
X - Splatoon 3
X - Hi-Fi Rush
X - Tunic
X - Prey (2017)
X - The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
X - Cruelty Squad
X - Kirby’s Dream Land
X - VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
X - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
X - Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope
X - Carrion
X - Metroid Prime Remastered
X - Star Wars: Episode 1 - Racer
X - Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk...
X - Pikmin 4
X - Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
X - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
X - Lethal Company
X - Puss In Boots The Last Wish
X - The Shape of Water
X - Nope
X - The Super Mario Bros. Movie
X - Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
X - Get Out
X - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
X - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
X - Sunshine (2007)
X - The Grand Budapest Hotel
X - American Psycho
X - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 + Vol 3
X - Godzilla Minus One
X - Jingle All the Way
Yuri Manga
X - Onimai: I’m Now Your Sister! Ch1-Ch70
X - Eyeshield 21
X - New Game!
X - Futari Escape
X - Slow Start
X - Don’t Become An Otaku, Shinozaki!
X - 2DK, G-pen, Alarm Clock
X - Ohana Holoholo
X - Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon
X - Kami Eshi JK to OL Fujoshi
X - I want to be a cute anime girl Ch1-Ch314
X - Ouji-sama Nante Iranai
X - Sougou Tovarisch
X - Mimi Mix
X - Poor Poor Lips
X - Tonari no Robot
X - Opapagoto
X - A Timid Woman Longing For Her Delivery Girl
X - Let’s Love Girlfriends and Secrets
X - Hana and Hina After School
X - Adachi to Shimamura (2016 Manga)
X - Blue Friend
X - Skip and Loafer Ch1-Ch53
X - YuruYuri Ch1-Ch198
X - Yoru to Umi
X - An Easy Introduction to Love Triangles (To Pass the Exam!)
X - The Witch’s Marriage
X - Hino-san no Baka
X - There’s Weird Voices Coming from the Room Next Door!
X - What Does the Fox Say?
X - Shoujo Manga Protagonist X Rival-San
X - The Sheep Princess in Wolf’s Clothing
X - I Won 300 Million Yen, so I Started Raising a Freeloader Pretty Girl
X - About a College Girl Who Gets Picked Up at a Mixer by an Older Girl
X - Gabriel DropOut Ch1-Ch97
X - Vampeerz
X - Oshi V ga Oshiego de Watashi ga Mama de!?
X - Uta-kata, and Minus Literacy
X - Yume Miru Prima Girl!
X - Yuunagi Marbled, and Ami-chan’s Diary
X - I Wanna Quit Being a Hitman!
X - Love/Death, and Nicochuu
X - Goblin Is Very Strong
X - Soulmate
X - Sakura Trick
X - Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru
X - I Love Amy
X - Senpai, Does It Taste Good?
X - Ms. Vampire Who Lives In my Neighborhood
X - Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki!
X - Ayaka-chan wa Hiroko-senpai ni Koishiteru
X - The Model & The Plain Manager
X - Haru Tsuzuru, Sakura Saku Kono Heya de
X - Catulus Syndrome
X - The Nuisance Daily Life of Robot-dependent Girl
X - KiLa KiLa, Steps, and Game;
X - Omoino-Kakera, Itoshi Koishi, and An Absurd Relationship
X - Kashimashi ~Girl Meets Girl~
X - Netsuzou Trap - NTR
X - All of Humanity Is Yuri Except for Me
X - Our Teachers are Dating!
X - An Aside Told to You
X - Mononoke Sharing
X - Chasing After Aoi Koshiba
X - Yurigurashi
X - Inside Mari
X - Sexual Education 120%
X - Hana to Hoshi
X - Todo no Tsumari no Uchouten & Ame Demo Hare Demo
X - Holy Girl Paradigm
X - Sorairo Girlfriend
X - Iono the Fanatics
X - The Girls' Arcadia
X - Stella☆Record
X - Bad Thinking Diary
X - Ibara no Namida
X - Fragtime
X - Ghosts of Greywoods
X - Sadistic Beauty: Side Story A
X - Oddman 11
X - Atashi no Senpai
X - Blooming Sequence
X - Girl in the Birdcage
X - The Ends of a Dream
X - Rock it, GiRL!!
X - Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii
X - Shino to Ren
X - Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels
X - Yuri is My Job
Other Manga
X - Chainsaw Man Ch1-Ch97
X - Musuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya
X - Kimi to Pico-Pico
X - Welcome Back, Alice
X - Dungeon Meshi
X - Himegoto - Juukyuusai no Seifuku
X - So I'm a Spider, So What? Ch1 - Ch66.1
X - Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! Ch1 - Ch85
X - My childhood friend MUST become a girl!
X - Infect Your Friends And Loved Ones
X - I'm Glad My Mom Died
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theweredrifter · 17 days
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#𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔯𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯     ⸻     an  independent  and  fandomless OC blog hosting a story-driven, layered character. Medium activity. Penned by an old crow, Rudy Grimm
From a normal man to a beast on the full moon, Gabriel became a monster. Wanted for the arrest of murdering his lover, he fled the country again, and now wanders the world. It's not just the law he's running from, but the Australian Centre for Disease Control. Having already been poked and prodded by scientists before the crime, Gabriel fears becoming a live experiment for the government. Chased by the law, private investigators, and a grieving family seeking answers. It changes you. Turning to a life of crime to line his pockets with more money, Gabriel has become a drifter, going from town to town, city to city, forever running. Will he ever find closure? Be apart of his story, and discover what becomes of the were drifter!
Fantasy OC | Single muse, multi verses | Triggering themes present and tagged | Mun is 31 | Literate writer with 13 years of experience | visually impaired and mobile friendly versions of information offered below, don’t forget to utilize reader mode!
THE  BLOG :  Medium activity with high spurts, verses are modern day supernatural which is the main, split into 3 separate timelines for development purposes, princess bride, mafia, Zombie apocalypse and a villain. Muse is gay. Only straight for @malka-lisitsa . M x M for romantic and smut. Open to platonic, friend and family plots. Please read my rules below the cut before interacting.
Please refrain from liking the post!
Tag directory | Verses | Prompts | Romance character sheet | About
Please have tumblr etiquette in regards to asks or I will unfollow. If you answer an ask and it continues beyond that initial post, please make a separate post, if you reblog the ask itself, it cannot be cut and clogs my feed. I will still engage you. I am NOT mutuals exclusive. If you have a tag for that, I can simply block the tag, and remain following.
I don't roleplay on discord.
I will not engage with anime, video game, cartoon fcs, or muses with no fcs. In hand with this. I will NOT write doubles of Drew Van Acker or Nina Dobrev. These faces are lovingly taken by @oceanicxeyes & @malka-lisitsa.
I will not engage with smut blogs. The only exception to that is @wickcdmindz. and @writtensins. Story > smut However, if you give me development or slow burn, your chances will sky-rocket.
No forcing a narrative. Natural chemistry is required. Muse is in his 30s, the youngest he'll be romantic with is 28.
Don't bring your drama here. If I see you engaging in negative OOC callouts/witch hunts etc, I will block you.
Gif usage is not mandatory. Icons and gifs are 150 x 150. Additionally, icons for verse 2 are done by the wonderful @mermakes! Gifs are pulled from public gif packs and pinterest.
God modding | Meta gaming: You are the only person in control of your character. This means that you cannot control another character, assume the outcome of an engagement before I've had a chance to react, or have your character know something that is only known out of character. The only instance this is allowed is if it was agreed between us. If you are concerned that you might be, just ask.
I strongly prefer one thread per partner because I overwhelm easy. I make exceptions, you just need to ask me.
Threads will be auto dropped at the 2 month mark if I’ve heard no word.
My character is multi-ship unless stated otherwise.
Inclusive: I will write with any nationality, or race. If our stories can mesh, have at thee!
Mun is a ND (neurodivergent) which in simple terms means I have ADHD. I am disability friendly, and autistic spectrum friendly! Let's be silly together!
I can handle and communicate uncomfortable conversations, and would like those who engage with me to be capable of the same. I’m an adult, and cannot do hints or assumptions. If you need to drop the thread, or you are seeking clarification, please ask me. I swear I'm sweet!
Dashboard reply speed: I am in the social worker field, so I’m very drained and I’d prefer quality over quantity but I’m always available via IM.
I do occasionally reblog non-reply posts. I will also reblog homosexual gif sets from time to time. This can be blocked, as can all tags on my blog by visiting the tag directory above so you aren't forced to see anything you don't want too. Audiences have the right to curate their dash. ALL NSFW content should be with 21+ muns; a strong preference to those closer to 30 and over.
Most importantly, I will no longer be making an attempt to reach out if people follow this blog. The amount of energy I have spent reaching out to every single one of my followers in the past has reaped very little reward. I reward those who have idea we can start with, no matter how bare bones it is. Don't prefer to plot? Jump in my prompts tag and send a prompt! I appreciate people making any effort, Gabriel is a deep character and I want to share my passion with other passionate writers.
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Sister from another mister (literally tho)
I'm looking for someone to take on my Gym Leader character's younger sister (19 y/o)!
Lola Chase suffers from a neglectful childhood and a lack of identity. She makes self-deprecating jokes to watch others squirm and she's desperate to figure out who she is.
She is open to a starter Pokémon. The relationship between Lola and her sister Gabrielle is complicated as they navigate shared trauma and what their relationship was, is, and could be.
Read this thread for more info!
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moviewarfare · 1 year
A Review of “Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One (2023)”
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Mission Impossible is one of those franchises that started rough but got better as more entries were made. The previous entry, Mission Impossible Fallout, might be one of the best action movies ever made. Of course, I was massively hyped for the next entry but I had a slight worry when I heard it was going to split into parts. Does the Mission Impossible franchise continue to cruise upwards or this time a mission failure?
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Let's start with the reason that many watch this franchise, the action and stunts. Tom Cruise continues to be one of the few proper action stars as he does dangerous stunts for our entertainment. This entry is no exception as he rides a motorbike off a cliff, speed gliding and does a fight sequence on a train reminiscent of the first film. Tom doing it for real, makes the sequence feel more real and it certainly shows in the way these scenes are shot. In terms of action set pieces, the airport scene is incredibly tense with how many groups trying to mess or hunt the IMF. The Rome car chase is a thrilling 20 minutes of pure adrenaline and comedic joy. The 3rd act with the train is an awesome, stellar and gripping delight to watch.  Lorne Balfe returns from Mission Impossible Fallout to do the score for the film and he delivers yet again. His score makes every action scene more impactful and the emotional stuff hit harder.
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All the returning actors continue to give great performances but the new character Grace played by Hayley Atwell is a highlight. I appreciate that she isn't an agent like Ilsa Faust (Rebecca Ferguson).  She is an amazing thief that adds a bit of chaos to everything while not being truly loyal to the hero or villain's cause. Grace is not accustomed to the shenanigans of the IMF so she adds an interesting POV to what is going on in the plot. There is also great chemistry between Tom Cruise and Hayley Atwell which makes their scenes together really enjoyable. Henry Czerny returns as Kittridge from the first Mission Impossible and he is still great as he was 27 years ago. The weird rivalry and antagonism between his character and Ethan are fun to watch. There is a big MacGuffin in the plot called "The Entity" which is A.I. and this is so different for Mission Impossible which has it be a bomb or virus. The Entity is quite scary because it is very fitting for the time we currently live in and feels quite possible in real life. The Entity feels like the real villain.
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The human villains, Gabriel (Esai Morales) and Paris (Pom Klementieff) are sadly quite disappointing. It was great to have villains that aren't agents going evil or arms dealers like in past films. Gabriel even has a connection to Ethan's past which makes him a more personal villain. Unfortunately, they aren't explored much whatsoever and Gabriel himself doesn't become truly involved until over halfway through the film. Paris feels like a James Bond henchman and Gabriel ends up feeling like a person for Ethan to punch rather than a compelling antagonist.  The stunts and action are great but they are a little underwhelming when compared to how amazing the stunts were in Mission Impossible Fallout. It seems Fallout set the bar so high that it was too tough to top it.
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The script is also a bit weak. There are so many times when the dialogue is just characters mentioning "The Key" all the time. I wish they cut back on this repetition or rephrased some of the dialogue. I also think the intro scene is dumb for reasons I won't state but it really shouldn't have been in the movie. On that note, this being a part 1 does result in a non-complete story. The ending is not as painful as Dune or Spiderverse where it felt like it ended midway through a story. Here, the end feels conclusive for the most part and leaves you at least partially satisfied. It is just clear that many lingering plot threads weren't settled. I am not a big fan of splitting movies into parts so I hope this is not a trend we bring back.
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Overall, it is genuinely crazy how the Mission Impossible franchise is still this great 7 movies in. Compared to other long-running franchises, this one still managed to keep me excited for more. I am incredibly hyped for part 2 and can't wait to see Tom Cruise's iconic run again!
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Winter Trip || Chase and Gabrielle
SETTING: the boys lobby. 
Gabrielle: Gabrielle was on her way up to seeing Chase. Though, she spotted him in the boys lobby. "Hey baby." She said with a smile as. she camme up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I was looking for you." 
Chase: Chase put down the reddit thread he was posting on and looked up to see Gabrielle and smiled. "Looking for me? To what do I owe the pleasure?" he said in a funny pretentious voice.
Gabrielle: Gabrielle smiled. "Nothing really in mind. I just missed you and I really hate being trapped in a room with a bunch of other girls." Gabrielle pointed out. "What are you up too."
Chase: "Don't you have like ... all your friends in your room?" asked Chase, he knew that Juliette was in another room. But she had other people. "I thought you were getting along well with Stevie and Olivia?" he questioned. "I'm just reading up on some reddit stuff, you know how it is" he replied. He pat next to him on the couch for her to sit.
Gabrielle: "No." She said simply. "Getting along with and being besties is not the same thing, especially for girls. All girls are critical and cruel. You have to keep you guard up till you know for sure they can be trusted." Gabrielle said in response. Gabrielle sat next to him. "Reading anything good?"
Chase: "... do you ... hate women? I really don't think Olivia and Stevie are that judgmental" said Chase, surprised by this. But then again, Gabrielle didn't really keep female friends. "Just some prequel memes, been sending them back and forth with Jonah all day" Chase replied. He knew that she wouldn't be too interested, but it was worth a shot.
Gabrielle: "No I don't hate women, but I'm cautious." She said with a shrug. Making friends was hard for her. "I'm getting to know them,  I mean. I know Stevies okay, Juliette likes her so thats. fine, but its hard." She said with a shrug. "Well I'm glad you are enjoying it."
Chase: "I mean, be cautious but try to get to know them? Marina too, she's great and she's close with them I think. Marina's mentioned it at practice that she likes you guys little group text" Chase replied as he put his arm around her. "I'm having a great time, and an ever better time now that you're here" Chase said with a smile.
Gabrielle: Gabrielle nodded before she went to speak, she pulled back and thought. for a moment before looking at him. "Is it hard... is it hard having such close friends and not being able to tell them?" She always kept people at arms length because of the fear of getting too close. Somehow she let Juliette in. "Oh yes. the text. It's cool." She said with a small smile. "why are you this cute?"
Chase: Chase looked at the ground for a minute, "It kills me not to tell Jonah. I can handle the rest of them, it's just ... I need to tell him, and I know I can't" said Chase shrugging a little. He pulled her in closer so she could lay her head on him and he stroked her hair. "I think its nice that you guys have your own little chat" he added. He worried that she didn't really have friends, but it gave him some peace of mind. "I'm this cute because I have someone to be cute for" he replied.
Gabrielle: "Do you trust him?" She questioned. This whole situation was a lot on them. She personally wouldn't care if she had told Jonah, but Chase had a lot riding on this secret. "I'm sorry I told Juliette. I really didn't mean to." She said as she rested her head on his shoulder and swung her legs over into his lap. "Genevieve?" She said playfully
Chase: "I mean, you might not have signed an NDA, but I did" said Chase, "and your college isn't riding on the line either. I trust him 100% but like ... is it worth the risk?" he questioned. He thought it was, but at the same time ... getting sued was not in his best interests. "I don't mind that you told Juliette. Who she gonna tell? Jonah or Stevie? It's not like it would go any further than that" Chase replied. He put his hand on her upper thigh as she rested on him. "Haha very funny that you would bring up your sister at a time like this" he joked.
Gabrielle: "I know, you have a lot riding on this." She said with a frown. If her parents. ever pulled out on the deal she would use every dime she had to pay for his tuition. Plus her trust. fund was rather large. "Well I'm not going to college so there is that factor aswell." She added in, she wanted him to be able o open up to Jonah. "I think its brought us closer, which is noce. To have someone close besides you... because. I don't have Griff anymore either." Most days Gabrielle was really lonely. Thats why. she was a bit clingy to Chase. "Ah yes. My sister." She said monotoned.
Chase: "What do you mean you're not going to college. I just ... I don't know. I thought we could go to college in the same city. You could do what you love, I could do what I love" said Chase, his vision for their future breaking down a little. "Yeah, I know. I'm really happy you have Juliette" said the boy, running his hand up and down her arm. "I miss your sister a lot, I like babysitting" Chase added, "I'm sure she misses us too".
Gabrielle: "You go to school, and I follow you. We can go wherever you want to go." She said looking up at him. "We can get a cute little apartment and I'll work from home and take care of Genevieve." Gabrielle didn't think Chase would be interested in going to the same area where she wanted to go to school, the only college she would consider going to. "Me too, plus it gives you a bit of a break." She said with a small laugh. "I talked to my dad before coming up here. I'm still shocked we agreed to leave her alone with him and Gavin. But he said it was going well. I miss her too."
Chase: "I just want to go to New York City" said Chase, it had been his dream since he was young to go to school in the city. "NYU, maybe Columbia. Sarah Lawrence?" he added. There were a lot of schools in New York, "Cooper Union if I want to drop our after a semester because engineering sucks". Chase didn't mind the amount of time he spent with Gabrielle, he really enjoyed it. But his breaks were nice, the moments where he didn't have to be watching her. His life was overwhelmed by his need to make sure she was okay. "I've been texting with him, I think he's looking into a new nanny after I voiced my complaints" Chase replied.
Gabrielle: "New York City as in the city?" Of course thats what he meant but she was taken by surprise. "I want to go to FIT" She said looking up at him. She was picturing it now, it could work, it would work. "We both want to go to the same place." She said with a laugh. Gabrielle knew Chase worried about her a lot and she tried to be okay for him, she was still working on it. "Thats good, I didn't like her at all. She was a perve. I Think he is .... bonding... with her, which is a rare concept if I've ever seen anything."
Chase: "Yeah, New York City. That's what I said" Chase replied with a laugh. He gave her a kiss on the forehead, "See? We are just meant to be and now you can go to college and I can go to college and we can start our lives together" said Chase with a smile. Chase was so relieved to hear that the only school she wanted to go to was in the city he had been thinking about for ages. It just made everything better. "She hits on me a lot. It's weird" Chase responded, "I'm going to be very happy to see her go, no need for that"
Gabrielle: For the first time in a while, Gabrielle had something real to look forward too. "We really are meant to be." Though now she was starting to think how they could raise a kid and both be in school. "I can't wait to start my life with you, even though we kinda already started it." She said with a laugh. "She's... she's just not a good fit. It makes me uncomfortable the way she is around you, and then leaving her alone in the house sometimes with Gavin or Greyson, I get worried of she's busy flirting or watching Genevieve."
Chase: Chase smiled at the thought, he liked hearing her plan for the future. It made him less worried. Having plans was huge for them, and huge for her. "That is ... fair enough" said the boy with a goofy smile. "Yeah she's just the worst. I think she's just lonely and desperate for love and will try to get it anywhere she can" said Chase, "lucky for you I have resisted the charms of the desperate and lonely nanny" he joked, "but then again I don't even really notice other girls. I'm just thinking about you"
Gabrielle: Gabrielle tried to think about the future a lot, having plans made her feel more concerte in the world, though recently she had been panicking about the and she finally felt at ease. "Chase Stephens, what is your dream job?" She questioned with a smile. "Desperate aint a good look on anyone, especially her. Because she aint even all that pretty." Gabrielle pointed out. "That was a very good save. Very good save indeed." She said playfully. "You live on my mind rent free, always a little Chase thought going on in this noggin."
Chase: "I must've mentioned this before, I want to work in media and tv" said Chase, that's why he absorbed so much media all the time. He was always watching something. It was something that he was passionate about. "Yeah, she's not exactly a looker" he admitted, he didn't really like talking about people like that. Especially because he was not everyone's cup of tea, but he thought he was pretty damn adorable. "Glad to know I have a nice rental unit up in your brain for free" Chase said with a smile. He leaned over to kiss her softly.
Gabrielle: "Oh yes right." She said with a nod. "Sorry, it's been a long week." She said as she put her head back down on his shoulder. "hopefully she will find her person soon, she really needs to stop with the desperate act, it just pushes people away." Gabrielle added in. "Hope living in my brain is better then up Chanels ass"
Chase: "Yeah, how have you been being away from your sister? Anxiety levels okay?" he asked. He knew it had been hard, but getting her out of the house and spending time with people her age was really important. She shouldn't regret not having the high school experience just because she got pregnant so young. It was a privilege she got to have, and she should make the most of it. "It's a split custody agreement" said Chase laughing to himself. He really needed this feud to end. It was tiresome to have her hate Chanel so much, Chanel had a lot more to offer than Gabrielle gave her the chance to.
Gabrielle: “Yeah they are fine” she said simply. It was a little fib. She called home almost every hour. Nights away were one thing but this was a whole week. Now that she was seeing a psychologist she was getting the proper anti depressants and anxiety meds she needed. “Happy to be going home soon. I much rather have stayed there.” She said being a bit more honest. She knew she was lucky to been able to led to what seemed to be a normal life, though she much rather not have to lie about it all the time. “Ah I see.” She said simply. Her and Chanel definitely got off on the wrong foot and Gabrielle made no effort to change that, she didn’t want to be liked by Chanel it to try and like her
Chase: "That's good to hear" said Chase giving her a pat on the shoulder. He was very parent-like in that way at this point. Just checking on her and checking on her and checking on her. "Home sounds nice right about now, I miss Saphira too" Chase said as he nodded, he wished she had been a little more excited about the trip. But what was done was done, "and we had a fun time ice skating and skiing" he added, at least he thought she had enjoyed those activities too. "But I am very happy having a space in your head all the time" said the boy looking down at her and flashing a kind smile.
Gabrielle: “The Xanax really help with that.” She said with a nod. Though she did not like being on all these meds, they did help. “I need to ease myself into these being away from home type situations.” She said giving his hand a squeeze. “I miss my bed. And privacy, definitely privacy.” One of the girls in her bunk called her out for always going to the bathroom to change. But Gabrielle had burns and stretch marks to hide. “Yes! And we got so many cute photos at the rink. I can’t wait to post them.” She said with a smile. “Good because I think of you a lot.”
Chase: "I am glad you stay Xan'd out" joked Chase, he tried to make everything fun. Sadly, not everything was fun. Which was a pretty big bummer. "Yeah, a week was a little ... well it might have been a little much" Chase said nodding in agreement. "I cannot wait for the post notification" said the boy, he had alerts on for when Gabrielle posted. It was just nice to try to be the first like. A fun hobby for him. "I think about you all the time, so I'm glad it's mutual" Chase said as he gave her a squeeze. He just loved spending time with her even though she stressed him out so badly. 
Gabrielle: It’s definitely a good time. I feel really mellow when I take it and that’s like a whole new feeling for me.” She said with a smile. She really wanted to get better. She felt like such a burden on people and that they would get tired of dealing with her issues. “It was, but it’s okay. We are making it through.” She said with a nod. “Definitely need to work in my social skills before I try something like this again.” She added in. “You always give my gram so much hype.” It was both exciting and intimidating. She was constantly checking all her posts for imperfections, though her and her therapist were working on this. “Well I’m thinking right now that I need a kiss.”
Chase: "We are making it through, just the party and then gone tomorrow" Chase encouraged her. They would be back home before they knew it. "You deserve they hype babe" said Chase running his hand up and down her arm again as she laid back on him. "Well why don't you come sit on my lap and do something about it" Chase added, happy to know that the SSRIs and Xanax weren't affecting her sex drive too much. 
Gabrielle: "Yes the party, I already got my outfit picked out for that." She said with a smile. Gabrielle scooted over more to be in his lap before giving him a kiss on the lips. "Ah, I feel so much better now." She said with a smile. "When we get home we need to have a seripus cuddle and movie night. I miss sleeping with you in the bed."
Chase: "I can't wait to see it" said Chase moving his hand up and down the side of her thigh as they sat there. They kissed, and it just reaffirmed for Chase that he wanted to go home too. He liked being here with his friends, but he wanted to be cozy and in bed again. "I miss it too" he replied leaning in for another small kiss. "We can definitely have a movie night" said Chase.
Gabrielle: "I think you will like it." She said with a smile. "So did you have fun with the boys? Do anything fun?" She questioned with a smile. Gabrielle was excitied for this years christmas. Last yer she had just had Genevieve and they had moved and she was trapped at homme all day everyday with her mother and it ruined the holiday season. "Movie night and maybe even sit by the fire place and drink some hot chocolate."
Chase: "Yeah, I went skiing with Wren and Jesse. Hungout with Jon a little ... sadly. I spent time with the girls" Chase listed off. He had been pretty much everywhere. "That sounds like a great plan" Chase replied. This Christmas would be better, they were together again and not like 15. She'd gotten pregnant last time they spent a Christmas together ... he was not planning on repeating said issue.
Gabrielle: Gabrielle smiled softly, "Thats really good, Yeah I saw Jesse up on the mountians one of the days I went snowboarding." She said with a smile. "But I used the time away to catch up on some of my homework assignments which was really nice." The past few years of holidays had been bad overall, she was hopful with her mother away things would go a lot better. "So what does a cute boy like you want for christmas?"
Chase: "I don't think that's a fair question because I have so many interets, where as ... what do I get the girl who has everything she wants whenever she wants" joked Chase. Shopping for Gabrielle was hard, because if she wanted something ... she could just get it. He usually went with more homemade type items because it was something she couldn't buy.
Gabrielle: "I have interests." She said, she really wasn't sure what she wanted for Christmas. Well she wanted to be happy.. but that was a work in progress. "I have no idea to be honest. Maybe new fabric." She suggested. Though, she didn't know what to get Chase, she always struggled with presents.
Chase: "I'll work on something a little better than fabric" said Chase kindly, he wanted to get her something great, "and I know you have interests, fashion, child care, hating women" he teased.
Gabrielle: "Don't work too hard, there isn't anything I really want. I have you and Genevieve. What else could a girl ask for." Mainly the one thing she wanted most in her life was not possible. She just wanted Griffin back. "Hey, I don't hate women, I just don't have a lot of good experiences with women actually liking me." That was true, Gabrielle never hot along with most girls, but she spent her life surrounded by boys.
Chase: "There will be a present from me to you on Christmas day that is not my presence" said the boy, he still didn't know if he was even going to be in White Lake for Christmas. He really needed to get on that. "I'm just messing with you" he teased. He knew she didn't hate Juliette. So there was always that comforting thought.
Gabrielle: "And there will be one from me you you as well." She said giving him a kiss on the cheek. The question now was what to give him. She didn't want to buy him a meaningless gift, but she was at a loss sometimes on what she could give him that he would cherish forever. "Yeah I know." She said with a quick laugh. She was really thankful she got to bond with Juliette, it was different then any of her other friends. She only became friends with sadie because she was with Griffin but she never let her get that close. "I also have to think of something to get Jules."
Chase: "I can't wait" he said, his head foggy with ideas of what to get her. What could make her happy. He just needed to make her happy even for five minutes. That was always the plan, to just make her happy for five more minutes. Then another five, and another, and another until the end of time. It was exhausting, but she was worth it. "Well, do you know what she likes? Well, besides Stevie obviously" Chase asked, he only knew so much about Juliette. 
Gabrielle: Gabrielle knew she would be making some calls to either Jonah or his mom. She found it hard to show her appreciation for Chase in such a simple gift. He was her rock through it all. "Well. she likes music, writing, plaid skirts with sweaters. Cats, I think animals in geeneral, but also stevie, she likes stevie a lot."
Chase: "You could probably ask Stevie just in case so you don't get her the same things" said Chase as a suggestion. He knew he was going to talk to Juliette about what she was getting Gabrielle to coordinate. "She'll love whatever you get her, I can't wait to see what she gets you" Chase added with a smile. Still thinking about what he was going to get her, and whether or not he would be here for her for Christmas.
Gabrielle: "Yeah, thats a good idea, she might even have some Ideas for me. I though about making her a new outfit but I already made her one."  She. pointed out. "Oh I doubt. she. is getting me anything." Gabrielle never had to many friends,  never close enough to get her a gift. When she was younger she was closer with people but that was at a age where you didn't give gifts to all your friends. 
Chase: "I mean, I think she'll get you something" said Chase, he just assumed. He was getting presents for his boys, it was just how things went. He had the money, the hush money, and maybe they'd even do a secret santa or something. "You should definitely get her something" Chase added, it would be so weird if Juliette got her something and Gabrielle didn't. Or vice versa.
Gabrielle: "I wouldn't be upset if she didn't." Gabrielle said softly. She didn't mind. "I am getting her something, something special, a way to say thanks for being my friend. I've never really gifted for a friend before, its exciting." She said with a smile. "Maybe we should do a little Christmas party, you can invite your boys over."
Chase: "I mean if I invite the boys, they're going to want to bring their girlfriends ... are you okay with that?" he asked, the holidays were a special time for everybody. It was just part of it. A party did sound fun, "I would really like to have a holiday party" he added. Anything to distract from the fact that Griffin wasn't going to be there.
Gabrielle: "Yeah, I like all their girlfriends... well except for Chanel, But i can deal. It's not the first time shes been in the house." Gabrielle pointed out. A party would be a good distraction, a happy one. It would score points in her dads book that she was getting better. "I can cook for everyone too." She added in there.
Chase: "She'll be busy with Wren" said Chase, "you'll hardly notice" he assured her. He was happy to hear that she was planning more and wanted to make more friends, and to get to know his friends more. It meant a lot to him, "That sounds amazing" Chase replied, "I can't wait".
Gabrielle: "Yeah, thank god." She said with a nod. "Everything will go well and it will be fun." She smiled. "Alrighty, I have to head down stairs for some things but I'll see you in a few for the party tonight." She said with a smile as she got up from the couch. She gave him a kiss goodbye before heading down stairs to the game room
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kookiecrumb · 3 years
jjk || New Mary
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Prologue: The Angel Gabriel
warnings: religious trauma, psychotic behavior, stalkerish behavior, general mature themes (18+)
series masterlist
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It is so easy to lose hope in this world. People turn to religion and throw themselves at meaningless things in order to try to hang on to some kind of sanity.
It is common to see people devote their entire lives to a vague purpose that does not have any definite goals, to want something so badly that the means by which their goal is achieved does not matter to them. This is when it becomes dangerous.
Professors of sociology have studied the phenomena of cults in western society for decades. Studies trailing back to the psychological study boom of the sixties.
Then, war rampaged the world, and it was the first time that we began to realize that we had limited say in changing the state of the world.
That made people afraid.
Every time that there is fear, people will turn to religion.
"Please, God! Stop this war!"
"Please, God! Stop this death!"
"Please, God! Stop this plague!"
"Stop this hate, stop this pain, stop this suffering!"
We would rather listen to the sweet lie than accept and work with the truth. It is the only way some of us stay alive. You hung by a thread of hope that someday you would stumble upon something life-changing. You were sure that you were destined for something greater, but you did not know what. That is, until you met Mr.Jeon.
Life was a blur before you met Mr.Jeon. Day after day, you lived miserably without any real purpose, talents, nor achievements. Looking back, you cannot recall having a job or a family, having any meaningful relationships or even friends. There's only a void in place of your past life. This is intentional.
He remembers thinking that you'd make a remarkable trophy. You're striking to him, a perfect candidate and an obedient servant. Naturally, he chased after you-- subtly, at first.
Here is the cat and mouse game. He had no issue disguising himself as unassuming denizens that appear and disappear from your life, casually-- which he only did for you, by the way. You were that special. He knew you were special. He never doubted you, Y/N.
You were his chosen from the beginning. You must know that. You simply must.
His eyes chased you like a lion chased a gazelle and his mind fixated itself in your every action. He spent days formulating, planning, and preparing to approach you.
It was constant, it was restless, it was pure infatuation with the idea of your purity.
Chasing, thinking, planning, feeling, tracking, tracing, trailing, hiding, racing, leering, breathing, hunting, latching, bracing, lacing, breaching, breaking, touching, falling for you.
It took him such a long time to find the perfect moment to capture you. Mind you, Mr.Jeon was a genius man. He would sink his teeth into you soon enough, with his gnawing tusks piercing the skin of your neck. Metaphorically, of course.
The easy part was cracking every source of data you regularly used. Getting inside your phone, reading all of your messages, et cetera. There was no chink in the software that he couldn't slip by. That being said, most media platforms are nearly impossible to crack without triggering some kind of internal alarm. He guessed your passwords. That was just easier, and safer.
One by one, he isolated you from your distractions. Whenever one of your little degenerate heathen friends popped up on your phone, Mr.Jeon reached it before you did and shut it down. It took some persistence. After all, Satan is persistent in his effort to consume the souls of God's chosen people.
There was no challenge that Mr.Jeon's love could not overcome, Y/N.
They stopped calling. They stopped messaging. They stopped reaching out to you entirely.
He sanctifies you. You're made perfect, cleansed by his presence. You're made pure. Perfect, like him.
Yes, he was sure of it now. You would be his New Mary. It would only be a matter of time.
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The Angel Gabriel.
It's often that in order to draw in customers to a psychic shop, clairvoyants litter their business cards all over parking lots and football stadiums in order to create a false sense of coincidence or divine intervention. A potential customer becomes curious, picks up the business card believing that it's a sign from a higher power, calls the number and schedules an appointment.
Jungkook considered this method for a little while. He was uncomfortable with the chance aspect of it, though. He did not want to waste his time waiting for you to pick up one of his business cards.
Another idea was to kidnap and drug you the traditional way.
At first, it felt like a solid method to get you where he needed you to be. It was quick, efficient, and he could do it relatively unsuspectingly. The tranquilizers were easy to access in non-lethal doses, the benzodiazepines were semi-accessible with an anxiety diagnosis, and the rest of the equipment could be purchased discreetly over a period of time from multiple addresses and accounts that he made sure were untraceable.
He could not do it alone, however. You'd squirm and put up a fight, and there would be a possibility that you'd slip from his reach.
He would send an Angel Gabriel to direct you towards his light.
This was interesting! You were going home for the holidays this year.
You had purchased a roundtrip plane ticket to your hometown a week ago. It showed up on your bank statement. The ticket was for November 27th at 6:00 PM. It was on a Saturday.
Jungkook tapped his fingers lightly against the surface of his desk, thinking. He would come to you.
It is a common misconception that people like Mr.Jeon conjure up their plan on a big board in some hidden room in his beaten-down apartment in nowheresville, but this is rarely the case. He had everything he needed with him at all times to devise and strategize how he would encounter your little brother on the train ride to your hometown.
You see, your brother had just gotten his driver's license in September. He'd gotten himself a new car to celebrate.
It was a used car, an older model that he could afford all by himself with the job he had, working weekends at some fast food joint. It was a decent ten miles from the house, so it was natural for him to drive his car both to and from work.
The GPS system that he uses to get there and back momentarily uses a highway that is notorious for its terrible cell service. Bingo.
Yet another misconception is that people like Mr.Jeon cannot or don't know how to function, or understand social norms, within a society. This isn't true. Mr.Jeon was not sociopathic; he participated in society on a daily basis and could mirror someone's emotions in order to manipulate them for his personal gain.
Your brother doesn't know shit about car mechanics. It only takes a measured amount of oil to cause the engine to smoke and have him pull over on his way from work.
If it were to work, then that would open up the possibility of the manager raising suspicions and sending somebody over to investigate. That's the last thing he needed. Instead, he would catch him on his way back.
The employee parking lot camera is broken, which is technically a violation, but it was evident that the manager had other priorities. A little digging revealed that she was fucking the regional manager for the company and was able to treat the place like her personal food kitchen.
Now, it isn't easy to get a car rental the day of, so he had to call from the hotel room, stay the night, wake up early in the morning on a Saturday to pick it up and time the encounter down to the last second.
He's meticulous, but it's all in good fun. It would only be a few days before you'd be in his hands, safe and sound. There was no need to rush or worry. Your Angel Gabriel was here.
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taglist (open): @mwitsmejk
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Hey I'm back let's talk Season 5
So... first episode of season 5. I'm... holy shit man I'm not in a good enough headspace for another season.
As per usual, I'd like to start on a positive note before explaining why everything goes to shit, so let me list out some nice things in the first episode of season 5:
1. Ladybug is half-way decent to Chat Noir!
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Like honestly girl, kudos that after an entire season of continuously abusing and treating Chat like shit and lying, you had the decency to let him use the bunny miraculous, can't wait for this moment to be forgotten and to go back to the status quo of still lying to Chat about the identity rule DESPITE THE FACT IT LITERALLY DOESN'T MATTER!
(Like literally Bunnyx apparenty revealed herself to her dad a while back and gave him selfoes of herself across rime what the fuck)
2. Hawkmoth chose the smart first move for having all the miraculouses, and used time travel! Like sis good job thinking ahead here a bit! Can't wait for you to proceed to be a dumbass about it (shit right this is the positive list)
3. Nathalie calling out Gabriel
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This is just what it sounds like bestie, Nathalie deserves better then to be a simp, go off queen.
Like holy shit I never thought these guys could get any dumber, let's start with Ladybug.
Ok side note, even if I made it in the season 4 finale post, I despise how they let Ladybug off an entire season of abuse like this. LIKE GIRL DEADASS MAKES THE SECOND WORST POSSIBLE MISTAKE ABOUT THE MIRACULOUSES (The first would be to just hand Hawkmoth the Ladybug and Cat miraculouses) AND EVERYONE FORGIVES HER JUST LIKE THAT!!! CHAT LITERALLY JUST FORGIVES ALL THIS SHIT DESPITE HOW AWFUL SHE WAS TO HIM!
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and again, I don't care how much Marinette cries about how she messed up (Here's why) BECAUSE SHE NEVER LEARNS! she never actually develops after making mistakes so her crying is like salt on open wounds.
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Now don't get me wrong, I get freaking out or being out of it when you see that your greatest enemy deadass just collapsed on the floor, but after she made the mistake of hesitating and taking the bunny miraculous knowing it's affected by catch, INSTEAD OF TAKING ALL THE MIRACULOUSES OFF OF MONARCH (God that name) AND THEREFORE SECURING THE DOG MIRACULOUS AND BUNNY MIRACULOUS BOTH AT ONCE!!!
which brings me... To Monarch. God he was a dumbass.
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LITERALLY. BITCH HAS THE CURE FOR NATHALIE/EMILIE WITHIN HIS FINGERTIPS. THE POSSIBILITY TO LITERALLY REVERSE EVERYTHING. AND THIS BITCH CHOOSES TO GO CHASE LADYBUG (and I'm just saying Ladybug, because deadass, at this point it feels like the show forgets that Chat Noir is supposed to be Monarch's enemy too, like he's so ignored even in battles) BECAUSE OF AND I'll SAY IT AGAIN. A JEWELRY BOX!!!!
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The entire plot of this series could have ended right here, right now if it weren't for the world's most flimsy plot thread. And in an episode about second chances and fixing your mistakes too.
But at least Gabe gets called out for it, while Ladybug is praised saying "See! you'll figure it out you're the best!"
Also Monarch's design is dumb, and I'm disappointed they didn't have a design of just Fluff and Nooroo for Bunny girl Hawkmoth.
And with the trailers for Multiplication and Hawkmoth melting the miraculouses into rings, and the names of the episodes? I am pretty certain this season is turning into "Miraculous: Pokemon edition! collect them all!"
But hey at least Rabbit Noir and Alix were cute!
(Alix you should have kept the Barrett sweetie it suited you)
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