1rainbowmango1 · 2 months
Guys do you think algebraliens fuse for love purposes 🥺🥺😳😳
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The onethree shippers win
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dojae-huh · 1 year
Of course, I would like to know the real reason for the new NCT unit - new bg unit shuffle, why SungTaro couldn't stay just in U (maybe to avoid future MarkHyuk situation, the new bg will be handled by another SM center). There won't be an explanation, so the only thing left is to wait the debuts and see how the two groups will be different, how they will be promoted, through what strategies.
The thing is, the future is unpredictable. Even if the change was done to improve Shotaro's prospects, put him on a better career path, it is the outlook from the present. WayV with the misfortunes is a good example of things going wrong. And fans will be blaming the current decision in retrospect any time something goes wrong.
SM put a lot of investment into SungTaro as neos, NCTUniverse, SungTaro promotion in Japan. Changing everything is not a whimsical decision out of being an evil company. They lose money, they damage the brand, already produced merch sales, they hurt the artists and break formed friendships, they worsen the situation around the new NCT unit. Therefore, there should be a serious reason, that is supposed to save money or lead to success in a long run. Which, I suspect currently, is the way NCT Japan will be promoted, its image.
Shohei is back in Seoul, he was seen entering Kwangya building. What are his talents? How is he going to be a soloist?
I hope, all 3 new groups will do well. I need some good vocalists for the Japanese unit!
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fourbffdi · 10 months
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GRAAHH I wanted to do all the algebraliens+x n z n infinity n those guys yk them but. I have. No motivation. So heres those goobers for now. Might do a part 2.
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feelbokkie · 4 months
Okayy so I thought I'd do the photocard ask game loll
11,12,16 and 21
Ask and you shall receive
11. Is there an idol you wish you have more photocards of?
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To be fair, after Seungmin and Hyunlin (because they have the same amount), he’s number threeon the list in pc amont order. But his cards are pretty and I want more
12. Which idol do you have the most photocards of?
This idiot (affectionate) right here
Out of all of my pcs, he’s the only one who has broken past 40 with a grand total of…61. They were mostly pulls too. Pre me claiming him as my bias. Now he avvoids me like the plague
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16. A photocard with your favorite color.
I have 3 colors that I rotate with so let me cover my bases
Couldn’t find scans so I had to pull out the binders
Green, yellow, & blue
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21. Is there a photocard you’re looking for?
These two bad boys right here. Daisy Maxident Seungmin is easy to get, I’m just lazy but I need that man with my birth flower so bad. I’ve accepted the fact that I’m never getting Subk Seungmin and atp I’m just gonna print him myself bc kissy face Seung pcs are my heroin
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jun-hug · 6 months
how many blankets do you sleep with? I've been thinking about it and realised I sleep with 5 rn, (not counting the sheets) two under and threeon top of me. I usually sleep with three but it's winter
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aaronsrpgs · 1 year
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Keeper of the Swans, Year One
When the queen appoints you keeper of the sacred swans, get all of these or be killed for treason.
You learn the swans’ names.
You feed the swans with the specially dried grasses.
You keep them clean of parasites.
You chase away other birds.
You keep their pond and its shore clean and attractive.
Keeper of the Swans, Year Two
On your second year of caring for the swans, get all of these or be killed for treason.
You learn the swans’ true names.
You leave your family to focus on the swans.
You understand the swans’ profane song.
You overreact when found muttering and crying near the pond.
Keeper of the Swans, Year Three
On your third year devoted to the swans, get all of these or die a failure.
You learn of their penchant for fresh meat.
You squat in their nest to keep their eggs warm.
You doff your human clothes, seeing them for the illusion they are.
Keeper of the Swans, Year Four
On your fourth among the swans, get all of these or return to humanity to die like a fish in the desert.
You lie with a swan.
You hide the victim of a swan murder.
Keeper of the Swans, Year Five
On your fifth swan birthday, you get your feathers. You get your beak. You become vicious.
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oodmusic · 2 years
This City
Ood – This City – Official Music Video OOD ALBUM: HOW COMES THIS CITY LYRICS Two threeTwo threeTwo threeOne two three fourTwo threeTwo threeTwo threeOne two three four This city has got a brainAnd it’ll remember everythingThis city has got a brotherAnd that warm hearted sisterNow is this kind of feelingThe emergency breakSome call this city ma’amSome call this city misterWhenever you say…
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onlyexplorer · 2 years
Atlanta Season 4 Trailer Returns Home For Final Release On FX
Atlanta Season 4 Trailer Returns Home For Final Release On FX
Atlanta coming to an end. FX has unveiled the trailer for the fourth and final season of Donald Glover’s hit series, which will air just two and a half months after Season 3 aired. Yes, there was a two-year delay before the second season, and a Threeone-year hiatus before last season. But why wait any longer? The final episodes are now ready. This full trailer showcases the show’s collection of…
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hiretradies · 2 years
Guide to an effortless 7 days holiday cleanup
Holidays translate to a period that is all about eating, relaxing, and having fun with your guests and loved ones. However, we are all aware that receiving guests and preparing for any holiday celebration can become quite hectic. To relieve yourself of any such trouble, planning and preparing ahead of time is a necessity. A thorough clean-up of your house is the first step
Making your home holiday-ready doesn’t have to be a tiresome task. A proper checklist and a proportionate distribution of work over days will ensure the workload does not ruin your holidays. Here’s our guide to a thoroughly planned and fun cleanup regimen that will help you efficiently utilize your time without having to overwork yourself. So, let’s dive into this day-wise plan with the holiday vibe intact.
1. Day One
The first day is more about analysis than physical work. Begin your holiday clean-up journey with a proper inspection of your home right from the entrance to the last nook and corner. Look at the details and notice the visible imperfections that might become apparent to the guests. The next step is working up a plan for the next six days and dividing the workload evenly among all the family members. Depending on their capabilities of course!
2. Day Two
Start the second day by cleaning the most visible areas of the house. However, if it is something that is likely to get soiled very quickly, leave it for later. Start with a thorough window cleaning and vacuum their screens. Wash the window curtains next and clean up the baseboards using a mop. Also, make sure to wash your bedding and linens including that of the guest room/s.
3. Day Three
On the third day get down to the rooms that your guests will be using the most, i.e. the guest bedrooms. Clean these rooms properly including deep cleaning of the bathrooms. Declutter the rooms and throw away the things that are not needed. Tidy up the rooms to a presentable state.
4. Day Four
With just a few days left for the holiday season, it’s time to zoom in on the entryway. To ensure your home’s entrance is holiday-ready start by making up some space and adding some extra hangers in your coat closet. Also, send your rugs to the washers or give them a wash on your own, whatever suits you the best.
5. Day Five
With one more day down, it’s time to head to the kitchen and prepare it for the big feasts! Here, start with the stove and give it a thorough cleanup including the stovetop, the vents, and other small parts. Declutter and clean up the refrigerator so that there’s enough space for the upcoming holiday feast. Lastly, tidy up the cabinets, countertop, and other electronics too.
6. Day Six
Day six of your house cleaning regimen includes tackling the tasks involving dusting and sweeping. Start by sweeping the entrance and putting in some personal touch to make it season-ready. Dust all the visible surfaces properly. Don’t forget to give your kitchen sink a quick clean-up as well.
7. Day Seven
Reserve the last and the final day for touch-ups. Clean any visibly soiled areas of your bathrooms and vanity mirrors and give a superficial clean-up to everything.  Empty the trash cans and add in the fresh lining. Ready the sofa and cushions for the guests. Get all your decorative items such as flowers, lighting, and candles ready for the occasion.
Holidays are indeed a wonderful time of the year. Not only does their arrival bring smiles to our faces, but they also get us motivated to get some much-needed tasks done, which otherwise remain postponed for one reason or another, one of them being cleaning! So, this holiday season get all the equipment and get your family ready for a pre-holiday house cleaning. We promise that if you follow this step-wise procedure you’ll be done with the task before you even realise it. However, if you feel this is too much to handle, you can always call for a professional cleaning service to help you with the same!
Source Link:- https://www.hiretradies.co.nz/guide-to-an-effortless-7-days-holiday-cleaning/
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peachytyrells · 5 years
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children-of-subcon · 2 years
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The Incident: Part Three
On the Nature of Possession, Volume 1
“Possession is one of the more common forms of Mindbending, used to temporarily take partial or complete control of a being (not to be confused with Possessed Objects). It has been done through strings, ribbons, cursed items, eyes, and many more. There are also many forms of possession, including brainwashing, directly, and influence, which we’ll cover in later chapters. However, there are two traits that are true of all possessions.
The first is obvious; some change in appearance. This is the easiest identifier that someone has been possessed, since it is impossible to completely hide without severing the possession.
The second is largely unknown, even among those with possession abilities it seems, but nonetheless a vital component. In order to prevent the victim from fighting against the possessor’s control, the victim’s conscious self must be imprisoned within their own mind. By default, they will be trapped with their worst fears and insecurities, in, from what I have heard, is a nightmarish realm. It is also possible to use happy memories instead, but the possessor must be aware of ‘mind prisons’ in order to do so. While the most effective method of preventing dissent is to put the victim into a stasis/sleep-like state, it is the most difficult.”
<<< Part One  << Part Two
Just to clarify, Mimic (staticy mindscape creature) is a representation of Captor’s own doubts and regrets. They do NOT express Bow’s feelings towards Captor or anything of the sort, Bow doesn’t even realize that Captor is trapped in the mindscape right now.
Some of Mimic’s text has repeating letters in an attempt to visually portray their words are glitching in a broken record-esque way? Idk if that makes sense but it’s hard to explain ;w;
Also, the person being mimicked in the “Throwing Parties” panel is Goofy Trader! He’s been redesigned since I made the “storybook” owo;;;
Feel free to ask for clarification if I missed anything “:D
Despite my best efforts, I think this one may be hard to follow, so transcript under the cut!
Real World
Tak: I still don’t know about this...
Cori: Aw c’mon Tak, it’ll be fine!
Captor?: Hey there, fellas!
   You don’t mind helping me out, right? I’m STARVING.
Captor: …where am I?
   H-hello? Anyone...?
Mimic: Oh. It’s YOU.
Captor: Wha?!
   who are you?!
Mimic: CCCan’t even recognize yourself anymore?
   Maybe you're even mmore corrupted than I thoughtt.
Captor: What the heck are you talking about?!
   I’M me. You’re just some kind of– IMPOSTER!
Mimic: Think what you want.
   BBBut I know you. I know the truth. You killed everyone.
Captor: K-killed-? MU was the one who—
Mimic: Who what? Had to run the kkingdom on her own? Did everything for Calcite? Was stressed out and needed HELP?
   All while her sister wwwas off… what.
Trade: Throwing parties?
Captor: I-it…
   I was j-just… trying to... help...
Mimic: OH YES, because one stupid little party would've fffixed YEARS of pressure!
   Face it. This is all. Your. Fault.
Queen: “Go away”?
   I thought we were supposed to be sisters.
Thread: You promised we’d always stick together.
Trick: That you’d protect me.
Queen, Thread, and Trick: Why did you lie to us,
Mimic: L i l l y ?
   Please please please I don’t- I-
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dojae-huh · 11 months
Stranger seven
I really like it, especially the soundwork. Dream got preplanned animation, same as aespa. Ah, high quality work from SM...
I think these idol promo mini-movies/stories is a great platform for students to experiment with ideas. I mean, it can be an opportunity for them if agencies are willing. The format is not for the big screen (no fear of failing), they are closer in age to the fans (know what's hip and popular), out of the box creativity is welcomed.
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the-goofball · 2 years
Jeri Ryan And Michelle Hurd Talk Twists And Turns With TNG Cast In ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 3
In addition to star Sir Patrick Stewart, the only two members of the main Star Trek: Picard cast carrying over into season three are Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd. And the pair are now talking about what’s next for Seven and Raffi and what it is like working with the Star Trek: The Next Generation cast who are joining the series for season three.
Raffi and Seven in season three
On Monday Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd participated in a Twitter Spaces chat to discuss season two of Picard, but they also ventured into a bit on season three. The season two finale saw a resulting and coming together of Raffi and Seven. And when asked where this relationship is headed in season three, the pair made it clear they will be as close as ever:
Michelle Hurd: Well, I think that no matter what, there’s always going to be like the deepest respect between these women… There’s a connection. There’s a shorthand. There’s acceptance and trust. I believe that that’s where Rafi will always place Seven. She believes in this person. She trusts this person, implicitly. She’s so connected and respectful of this person. And so those two women will always walk in the path camaraderie and companionship and support.
Jeri Ryan: Yeah, absolutely… I think the way Michelle put it is exactly right. I think at the very basic level, they’ll always kind of be home for each other. Regardless of what paths life takes them on, they will always sort of just be home. A safe space and a comfortable, trusted space. There’s so much respect there. There’s so much love there. And so much trust.
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adamgnade · 3 years
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Newest column for the ThreeOne G site is dark as hell. Don't read it. 
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hotshotslafam · 5 years
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Congratulations La Familia 3-1 na tayo, sa last game natin praying makuha natin ang panalo. His will be done. Thank you sa effort guys. #IbaTalagaPagLaFamilia #LaFamilia #ThreeOne https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxq41-_Dvl2/?igshid=bwpjn53v330w
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awkward-finger-guns · 4 years
For the ask meme: Tattoos/Piercings you have/want?
Because I care too much about strangers: Are you okay? The situation you seem to be in reminds me of a friend with massively controlling parents, to the point of abuse when they lose control, and I worry.
(Also Arson is the coolest name I've heard in a while, I love it!)
I want to get two more ear piercings which would make threeon each ear, and I want a nose piercing
I am okay right now!! thank you for checking in
thank you for complimenting my name choice
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