#adam gnade
spiralhouseshop · 2 years
We now have 25 varieties of incense in the shop including one of my new favorites, Oodh! Check out our incense here.
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I stood on my table to take a pick of all the restocks we got from:
Adam Gnade (DIY Guide to Fighting the Big Motherfucking Sad, Simple Steps to a Life Less Shitty, After Tonight Everything Will Be Different, etc.)
Eternia Press (Hex Your Ex, Skeletor's Guide to The Holidays, Rock n Roll Astrology, etc)
Contagion Press ( Acephale, What Is Gender Nihilism?, Be Gay Do Crime, Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture, etc)
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As I pack up my office and prepare to embark into the frightening world of job searching and a new employment situation for the firs time in ten years, I find that an Adam Gnade quote keeps rolling around in my head:
This is the end of something, but it is not the end of you.
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rustbeltjessie · 5 months
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You should go read my pal Adam’s newest book, I Wish to Say Lovely Things. Adam’s writing is so real and beautiful and heartbreaking, and this book is no exception. I started crying (in the best possible way) by page three.
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adamgnade · 1 year
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Nice review here of Locust House from Andrw Fx.
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What inspires your work? Who are your biggest inspirations?
People, community, justice. Relationships. I always want things to feel human and organic. In a world where capitalism wants everything to be homogenous and systemized, I always want to create the thing made by hand, the unique or weird thing. I love plants and am really inspired by nature and life cycles. I garden. The esoteric. Tarot and astrology. Texture. Experimentation. Materials. Clay, glass, brass, charcoal. Music, loud and soft textures, contrast.
Kae Tempest — I sat next to Kae in a poetry slam at the Nuyorican in NYC in, like, 2010. I didn’t know they were performing. We chatted a bit throughout the show and then they went last, destroying the stage and winning the slam. The have gone on to rap and write and put out records and write plays and exist in this elevated yet gritty, honest space. Their shows are some of the most magical community experiences I’ve ever witnessed. They care deeply about people and community and bring that to everything they do.
Adam Gnade — Writer and musician that I’ve followed since Myspace days. I messaged him once for the lyrics to a spoken word song I heard of his called “Honey Slides” and I was so happy he responded (but I never saved it and wish I did??). We’re now kind of internet acquaintances. He is prolific and speaks in this gritty, no fucks voice that I can always feel emotionally. He puts out books and cassettes and zines and just whatever he feels like forever. Years ago when I was asking myself what the definition of a successful artist meant to me, he was on my list because I just want to make stuff people care about, consistently, forever. He’s got a long-term, loyal fanbase. I just want to find my people and create for them/us for as long as I’m breathing. Girl Knew York — There is a way Mira is rooted in her voice and craft that allows her to branch out into so many different mediums and communities that I aspire to and have really resonated with in the last few years. Tracey Emin — Sexually empowered badass artist, uses her body to tell story. Just opened a school, holding space for other artists and building community.
David Lynch — Dark and weird. Prolific. Wholesome yet obscene. Moby — Plays, like, every instrument. Is always playing, even after so many years in the industry. Karen O — Such a unique voice in a male dominated industry and world. Seth Rogen — I love the way he’s built a brand around craft and his own unique interests and personality and pleasure.
Vex Ashley — Creating gorgeous erotic films with A Four Chambered Heart. Director, photographer, artist of all things erotic and dark.
Emma Ruth Rundle — Musician and visual artist. Creating dark, emotional art across different genres of music (metal, folk, etc.) and visual media (photography, sculpture, installation). 
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thejaymo · 11 months
Wrist Pain Undone in 20 Seconds | Weeknotes
I’ve written about the pain in my wrist a few times before. Looking though the archives (googling site:thejaymo.net wrist) It seems I first mentioned it in August 2020 during the pandemic lockdown. Then again after that years nanowrimo, and then several times again in 2021. Just because I haven’t mentioned it since, doesn’t mean that it went away. On and off...
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karmaalwayswins · 2 years
Now Reading:
Adam Gnade “After Tonight, Everything Will Be Different” (2022)
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myimaginarywonderland · 8 months
Ich denke wir vergessen, dass ein Fluch etwas lebenslanges ist. Flüche können nur durch Segen gebrochen werden in einem biblischen Sinne.
Ein Segen, aus dem lateinischem für Zeichen, ist ein Ritus, durch den einer Person Gnade gebracht wird . Ein Segen kann auch ein geäußerten Wunsch sein, dass einem Mensch Gnade erbracht wird.
Geld ist ein Tauschmittel, dessen Namen auch für Opfer/Wert steht.
Das Geld wird gegen etwas ähnlich Wertvolles für die Person getauscht. Der Fluch wird gebrochen, weil jemand den Wunsch äußert, dass dieser Person Gnade erbracht wird. Ein Opfer wird erbracht.
Leo ist das wertvollste für Adam. Adam opfert sich für Leo's Sicherheit, opfert sich damit Leo dem Fluch entkommt.
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leslieannfierro · 2 years
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I recently crashed at my old college friend’s place during a brief San Diego visit. This book was hanging around a table or shelf, and I picked it up for the look of it, but immediately felt something familiar in the author’s name. “Adam Gnade? Wasn’t that the radio station guy…that guy who gave us access to the TV studio?” [edit: No, it was not. That was a different dirty-blondish Adam with musical enthusiasms and hungover eyes.] Flashbacks of two freshman nerds broadcasting Pulp and Blues Explosion videos, interviews with random friends, and Titanic, after midnight to maybe a handful of dorm-dwellers. My friend suggested that my correct pronunciation of the name most likely affirmed the sameness of author and college radio guy [edit: It did not]. The author photo was confirmation proved memory’s false and elastic nature.  None of this is important. I managed to read the first chapter before hunger and nostalgia attacked and we went wandering down El Cajon boulevard, which in my 20+ year absence had grown slick and neon and unfamiliar, hotels and high rise apartments and restaurants pustulating the landscape, but none of this is important because we had really delicious spicy tofu larb or something like larb, and pineapple sour beers at a Thai street food place, and the next day I walked from North Park to Hillcrest to eat at Bread and Cie, where I betrayed my own nostalgia and impulse to just order a slice of fig and anise and a slice of olive bread with butter and a pot of Earl Grey, instead ordering a bougie smoked salmon sandwich and a stupid puffy cappuccino. It was fine and none of this matters, but I felt so fat with disappointment I had to walk past the old Che kid apartment above The Loft (which seemingly never tired of playing Cher’s “Life After Love,” and perhaps never has), where somebody’s friend would leave a black garbage bag full of Bread and Cie bread on the concrete patio after all his night shifts. Even though the patio now has a fancy wrought iron fence around it, I could see weird posters and candles shoved into wine bottles on the window sills, superficial signs of interesting inhabitants, and I smiled up into the tiny windows of the $150 a month closet I’d lived in, where the cats would ninja-kick through the weak wooden slats of my sliding door and once or twice relieved themselves on my bed which was not a bed, which was two stacked egg crate foam pads. Why didn’t I buy a mattress? I spent way too much of my early twenties without an actual mattress, and I can’t remember why I was that cheap. None of this is important. Especially in regards to this book, which I bought and quickly devoured, finishing it on Christmas Day in the worst place to finish a good book with this much food-nostalgia—the Hertz rental car office at Newark Airport, where I was stuck for 2 hours with only a day-old peanut butter and honey sandwich in my purse (#momlife) to sustain me. You pretty much need to be reading this book in your favorite taqueria/diner/dive with your mouth full if you don’t want to hate yourself and your situation. 
I guess what I’m really getting at, what "After Tonight, Everything Will Be Different,” is really getting at, is that all of this is important and all of this matters. These moments you live and forget about until someone like Adam Gnade revives them through familiar or relatable experiences...childhood bliss and trauma...friends of the charming dirtbag variety...rumination on films, books, albums, family, dirtbag friends, meals (especially meals) and so on. The novel (I had to check the back cover several times to confirm it was a novel, so much of it feels like memoir, like personal essay, but maybe that’s me projecting “radio guy” assumptions onto the narrator) will fuel your appetite and your nostalgia such that you’ll go meandering down your own food holes, your own sordid and beautiful youthful experiences, and that’s a hell of a thing. There’s an amazing line about nostalgia that I sadly cannot quote because I gave the book to my sister-in-law, but you should go dig it up yourself. 
“Thoroughly enjoying this.” Quote and book photo by aforementioned sister-in-law. College photo Halloween 1997 by somebody’s roommate, Argo Hall, UCSD, cellblock K-8. 
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joostjongepier · 1 month
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Wat?   Drievleugelig altaarstuk door Lucas Cranach de Jongere (1552-1555), Weimarer Lutherbibel (1534), Portretten van Maarten Luther en Katharina van Bora (1528), Gesetz und Gnade (1535-1540) uit het atelier van de Lucas Cranach de Oudere en Caritas (ca. 1540) door Lucas Cranach de Jongere [met ter vergelijking het gelijknamige werk uit Antwerpen, 1537-1540]
Waar?   Herder Kirche, Weimar en tentoonstelling Cranachs Bilderfluten in de Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Weimar
Wanneer?   29 en 30 juli 2024
De Stadtkirche St. Peter und Paul in Weimar staat beter bekend als de Herderkirche, genaamd naar de theoloog en filosoof  Johann Gottfried von Herder. Herder werkte van 1776 tot zijn overlijden in 1803 als superintendant bij deze kerk. Op het altaar in deze kerk staat een drievleugelig altaarstuk van Lucas Cranach de Jongere. Lang werd aangenomen dat het stuk was aangevangen door diens vader, maar recente onderzoeken wijzen erop dat het werk tussen 1552 en 1555 door Lucas de Jongere is geschilderd.
Op het linker paneel zijn de opdrachtgevers afgebeeld: Johann Friedrich I van Saksen en zijn vrouw Sybilla van Jülich-Kleve-Berg en op het rechterpaneel hun drie  kinderen: Johann Friedrich II, Johann Wilhelm I en Johann Friedrich III. Op het hoofdpaneel zien we een afbeelding van de kruisiging. Jezus is op dit paneel driemaal afgebeeld: als Gekruisigde, als opgestane Heer en als Lam Gods. Onder het kruis staan Johannes de Doper, Lucas Cranach de Oudere en Maarten Luther. Deze laatste wijst op een passage in zijn Bijbelvertaling over de verlossing door het bloed van Jezus. Bij de voeten van Jezus zien we de verdrijving van Adam uit het Paradijs. Op de achtergrond twee scènes die wijzen op Gods genade: Mozes die een slang opricht in de woestijn (Numeri 19) en de aanbidding door de herders.
In de renaissancezaal van de Hertogin Anna Amalia Bibliotheek is een kleine tentoonstelling gewijd aan het atelier van Lucas Cranach de Oudere en zijn zoon. Het was één van de meest productieve ateliers uit de kunstgeschiedenis. Ze produceerden beelden in allerlei vorm: schilderijen, grafiek, geïllustreerde boeken en medailles. Wat betreft boeken is het meest indrukwekkende voorbeeld de Weimarer Lutherbijbel, een uitgave van de eerste volledige Bijbelvertaling door Maarten Luther met afbeeldingen van onder meer Lucas Cranach de Oudere.
Tot de bekendste schilderijen op deze tentoonstelling behoort het portret van Maarten Luther, dat evenals dat van zijn echtgenote Katharina van Bora afkomstig is uit het atelier van de Cranachs.
Luthers rechtvaardigingsleer wordt afgebeeld op het werk Gesetz und Gnade. Een boom verdeelt het beeld in twee zones; links de zonde, rechts de genade. Op het linkerdeel zien we Adam en Eva met de slang bij de boom der kennis van goed en kwaad, Adam die door de duivel naar het hellevuur wordt gedreven en Mozes met de tafelen der wet en bovenin God als rechter. Rechts zien we Johannes de Doper met Adam, die geraakt wordt door het genadebloed van Christus, Jezus als overwinnaar van Dood en Duivel, het Lam Gods, Mozes en de bronzen slang, Maria die het Kind verwacht en bovenin zien we nog net de voeten van Jezus, die ten hemel vaart. Onder de schildering staan Bijbelteksten die betrekking hebben op Luthers rechtvaardigingsleer.
Het schilderij Caritas toont Caritas, de personificatie van moeder- en naastenliefde, zittend onder een appelboom. Zij geeft één van haar kinderen borstvoeding, terwijl twee andere naakte kinderen naast haar staan. Eén van hen heeft een appel in de hand. Een variant op dit schilderij hangt in het Museum van Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen. Ook hier geeft ze één kind borstvoeding, terwijl een ander kind naast haar zit en een derde zich achter haar rug bevindt en de armen om haar hals slaat.
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haha-yes-haha-yes · 5 months
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spiralhouseshop · 4 months
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New for May 2024 in the Spiral House Shop at Portland Button Works!
Hallowtide: A Dark Devotional by Val Thomas
Alive with Spirits: Deepen Your Witchcraft Through Animism by Althaea Sebastiani
Brainscan Zine #29
Fixer Eraser #7
Stapled Spine #23
Treasury of Folklore: Stars and Skies - Explore Myths and Mysteries of the Night Sky
Pagan Britain: A History by Ronald Hutton
I Wish to Say Lovely Things by Adam Gnade
Gardener's Folklore: Ancient Secrets for Gardening Magic by Margaret Baker
Hellebore #11: Unveiling the Dark Magic of Animals in Folk Horror
Scott Cunningham-The Path Taken: Honoring the Life and Legacy of a Wiccan Trailblazer by Christine Cunningham-Ashworth
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Adam Gnade - "I Wish To Say Lovely Things"
Adam Gnade will release his new book, “I Wish To Say Lovely Things”, on February 24th via Three One G and Bread & Roses Press. This book is the third part in a series that started with “After Tonight, Everything Will Be Different” and continued with it’s sequel “The Internet Newspaper”. The series is called “The Home and Away Quartet”. A synopsis of the book says: “Like a child born of the bell…
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ragamuffingunnar · 1 year
same type beat
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adamgnade · 1 year
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Tonight. Seattle.
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twistur · 1 year
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San Jose @
July 9th
Adam gnade
Lora Mathis
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